#Pneumonia is not fun
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a-timely-problem · 3 months ago
Billy: "And that's my dad and that's my dad and that's my mom and that's my mom and that's my ghost mentor, who's also sort of my mom and that's her wife, death, who wants me dead-"
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squidflavoredsoup · 5 months ago
guess who’s sick
n not the cool sick i mean actually sick
i am NOT doing good LETS SEE IF I END UP IN THE HOSPITAL AGAIN YEAHHHH💪💪💪💪 they love me
ANYWAYYYYY jokes uhhh here’s bill n my billsona
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next part of roomie cipher should be coming out maybe tomorrow btw
also like don’t listen to me i’m like running on 0 hours of sleep i’m LOSINGGG ITTTT
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lorephobic · 3 months ago
does he know that i would level mountains for him
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lizardbraining · 5 months ago
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sorry guys I got pneumonia lol
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as-dreamers-do · 4 months ago
happy birthday month to me! starting off strong by buying arcadian wild tickets and hoping a random illness doesn't catch me off guard in a few months' time again
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not-bluejay · 3 months ago
i asked someone to go into the woods with me today (i described in detail the perilous journey it would take) and they actually said yes???? we went into the scary death woods together and it was awesome???
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save me writing emotionally devastating fic about ed and stede. writing emotionally devastating fic about ed and stede save me
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cute-angi · 5 months ago
Having pneumonia sucks.
My doctor yesterday was like - I barely walk in the door - "Girl, I don’t even need to listen to your lungs, it’s that obvious."
Well, being the professional he is, of course he ran all the tests, and bam.
My lungs have been seriously sick so many times this year. (I dont smoke, i dont drink any Alkohol)
Part of it is probably because, as a mom, I just can’t recover properly.
Right now, the toddler’s in daycare, but I still can’t relax.
Stupid guilty conscience, stupid antibiotics, stupid cough, and stupid Xbox that now needs to update because I’ve been gaming on our PC for too long.
(But I'm so grateful for our healthcare here in Germany). I got my meds without any costs.
(Of course, not everything is perfect; what I'm currently experiencing at work in the Hospital is insane and makes me want to cry, but at least there's that.)
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strechanadi · 3 months ago
Teaching about all the artists dying of pneumonia while having pneumonia yourself, what a way to go!
Live while it lasts.
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sassyandclassy94 · 3 months ago
The whumpers never mention how hard Don’s cough would’ve been, and then how he would’ve been coughing up chunks of mucus once his lungs began heal and break up👀
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ibetittering · 4 months ago
Fuck all of y'all in Florida how dare you misrepresent my liberal king that man loves women (not in that way) and he would not STAND for this smh
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accultant · 2 months ago
Iago, of course, receives the Suspicious Liquor from Eden. "I tried a little something new -- a little 'mystery spice' mix let us say." [@yaksha-garden]
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It will surprise no one that Iago considers themselves a solitary person and usually independent if ever celebratory or indulgent. But they do quite like to ring in the new year ( its the smugness. "made it another year. ha. ha." ) and accepted Eden’s offering after only a few minutes of eyeing it suspiciously and interrogating them on what was in it and finally trusting that it probably isn't deadly.
Besides, with whatever goes on in their veins, they've always had a surprisingly high tolerance - it'll take more than just a glass to cheers for Eden's work to do much for them. Surely. So, another l couldn't hurt. Maybe three. Maybe four. They were feeling very celebratory and Eden's concoction was a bit stronger than wine, they realized a bit too late.
Their quiet, personal celebration was quickly thrown out the window in favor of spending time with the other since everything was suddenly much funnier and much more delightful, and, hells, why shouldn't they celebrate? A whole year! It baffles them every time!
At some point, far into the night but before the time had struck, they find themselves holding Eden's hand, tugging at them like an eager child. Their hair has mostly given up on the braid it was tucked into, and, for once, they seem completely unbothered by the loose strands that drape around their face. They unabashedly smile more in that one night than they had the whole week prior, and - they'll be surprised to find in the morning - they've ... ahem. gathered quite a few things ( Puck's hat, for example, swiped and put on their head for a time. Every spoon in camp - to rank them from their least to most favorite, and because it would be funny. Someone's pillow. A teacup from Vayu, which they've filled with acorn tops - they won't recall their reasoning behind this, but they'll return the cup and keep the acorns. Etc. Etc. )
They try to rope Eden into their next course of action, "I'm going to go swimming. There's a stream nearby, and it's not that cold -" ( Lie. ) "And I realized I haven't been swimming all year. All year! In over a year, really, I can't remember. I might've forgotten how so I will drown and fill my lungs with water and die horrifically on my own on New Years Day, how embarrassing, so come. Come swimming with me, Eden~"
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mydoctor · 1 month ago
week 1 of very little internet down- 207 or more to go ✌️
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bisexuallsokka · 1 year ago
bro you actually got pneumonia??? what are you, some sort of little victorian boy?
coughs daintily into a lil hanky. it’s true.
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laelior · 2 months ago
Here's hoping that the rest of 2025 will be better than it starts.
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shion-yu · 1 year ago
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Gave myself almost-pneumonia and my couch looks like a damn stock photo.
Since the whole time I’ve been like, “Am I living one of my shitty fanfictions? Coz this sucks.” Let me tell y’all a story.
Cold weather sucks as a severe asthmatic. I moved to the South so I didn’t have to deal with the frigid winters of upstate NY. I’m basically on and off sick until Spring comes (and then there’s allergy season but I digress). I think it’s helped some, but my lungs are just fucked up ok?
Anyways I went to a concert last Saturday and it was freezing. Then I went to the zoo on Sunday with a friend and it was also cold and swarming with kids who don’t know how to cover their mouths when they cough. It was a great weekend but by Tuesday I was sick - great. I had some warning bc my friend I went to the zoo with said they got sick yesterday. But it just seemed like a minor cold and I’ve been through this a million times, I truly did not think it was gonna get too much worse. My asthma was mostly under control and I rested a lot all week.
Thursday I’m more tired, but I start nebulizer treatments and even skip ice skating class and reschedule it for Saturday bc hey, I’m responsible. But Friday I start to feel worse. Like to the point where everybody at work is like wtf go home and one of them told me she’s gonna get me holy water. But it’s okay, it’s still been SO much worse and I’m really fine.
Saturday morning I wake up and I feel like I’m cured. So I go to ice skating class. And maybe I take a little walk in the rain. Bad fuckin idea. By the end of the day I’m having full blown asthma attacks one after the other and sweating like crazy. My abdomen is aching from coughing so much that it hurts to sit up. But I really don’t want to go to the ER. Not again. So I message my pulmonologist and hope I can just say never mind I’m good now by the time he answers on Monday.
That brings us to today, Sunday. I woke up at 6am after only 4 hours of sleep because I can’t stop choking. I’m sneezing and coughing up fluorescent green stuff, my throat tastes like blood and I have a fever. I really, really didn’t want to go to the doctor but it’s time. I drag my sorry ass to urgent care where the entire hour I sit in waiting, everybody who walks by gives me a ‘goddamn’ look because I’m coughing loud enough to alert the entire damn office. I’m so embarrassed bc what if they think I’m being dramatic and wasting time - again? I awkwardly explain my situation and the doctor sends me for CXR. When it comes back he says “Well, you don’t have pneumonia yet but see alllll this stuff here? That’s inflammation. I’m gonna prescribe antibiotics and (way heavier) steroids and you might have bronchitis already but your asthma is so bad that it’s indistinguishable by now. Also with your lungs you probably won’t be able to tell you have pneumonia until it’s pretty bad.”
So anyways, that’s my week. At least I got a lot of writing done for Whumptober - didn’t have to dig very deep to find enough misery to go around to all my fav OCs lol.
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