18 posts
Gonna spit out the termites in my brain here, idk how this works Ao3 - chronicallyill_nephilim
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 10 days ago
And if I choose to believe Chris and Eddie arrived in LAX at the same time Buck was dropping Abby there?
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 17 days ago
Excuse me while I go absolutely feral over this
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Journal Tree Part 2
As Mabel and Dipper settle back into life in Piedmont, Dip continues to record his observations in the journal one sleepless night. Mabel even pops by for a bit.
This was a fun installment. Making his schedule was definitely self-indulgentā€”I love playing with textures on the inserts. Also threw in my favorite codependant!twins trope for good measure. Sue me.
Fun (?) fact! This loosely aligns with my fic see a better day. They can kind of go hand-in-hand for these earlier sections.
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
Deadpool reads Spideypool fic
This might be sappier than originally intended because the song "Would you fall in love with me again" from Epic has been playing on blast in my brain but-
I always really love when Wade breaks the fourth wall of a fic to let us know he knows he's in a fanfiction, or when he mentions reading fanfiction.
Cause fanfics are a lot like the song stuck in my head, two people falling in love with each other, over and over again, and Wade loves Peter and the possibilities of their love story so much that he reads fics about all the different ways they could fall in love cause he can.
Ridiculously sappy I know and way to emotional to really feel like a Deadpool thing to do (and I am not even mentioning the amount of smut where he does the exact same shit because of course he would read the explicit fics too) I just can't help it.
I like being able to believe Wade gets to have good things every now and again and if one of those good things is that he gets to read fics about finding something resembling piece than good for fucking him and I'ma sit in the corner cheering.
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
Peter: Where is yourā€¦ stuff?
Wade: Whatever do you mean,
Peter: Yā€™know like the pouches, the holsters, your swords.
Wade: Katanas.
Peter: Right. Where are they? You lookā€¦ naked. Itā€™s weird.
Wade: Well, now you know how all of New York feels when you swing past them with spandex riding up your ass.
Every time I see Wade drawn without his accessories, or when Iā€™m in the process of drawing him I canā€™t help but feel like heā€™s so nude, put some damn clothes on slut (affectionately)
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
Peter Parker lost everyone, he's gotten hurt and more importantly those he loves have gotten hurt because of him over and over again and he's not about to let it happen again. So he isolates himself, walls himself into his routine. Work, patrol, eat, sleep, repeat, sub sleeping or eating for more of either of the latter and that's how Peter spends his days. Over the years it works for him and over the years his walls get higher.
In comes Deadpool. Wade can see the walls Spider-Man has so obviously built up to ward off company he just doesn't care.
He didn't try to break them down or pull Spidey out. He scaled them like the builds he climbed for their roof top meet ups. Toppling over the edge and face planted at Peter's feet inside the lock box he'd meticulously created for himself. He doesn't ask about them or mention they're there, instead he offered up the best smelling food Peter's had in years from an unlabeled brown paper bag and hung out with whatever version of himself Spider-Man decided to give him.
Some how, just like that Peter finds himself with a best friend. He doesn't even notice it at first, he simply get's used to this new presence in his space. The figure on his tail and than conversation at his side. Company, he suddenly had company. It doesn't hit him till Wade takes a long job and is out of the country for a while, and Peter goes back to patrolling alone.
It's to quiet. There's no one sitting on the ledge next to him, no one to banter with while webbing up petty robbers. He's been alone before and he's been lonely before. It's a familiar feeling and a familiar ache, he had no idea it'd gone till it suddenly came clawing back into his chest.
He watched the head and shoulders of Deadpool's black and red suit and felt that clawing sensation ebb away as Wade awkwardly climbed the scaffolding with one hand occupied by one of those magical paper bags.
Wade sat next to him and Peter's normal shifted back into focus. He may have told himself before he's not aloud to have this, but he likes this. He's done all the years of loneliness and he's protected himself but he can't live like that forever. Wade did all the hard work, made this something he doesn't just have to want but already has, right in front of him. Maybe he could have more.
The secret to a long lasting relationship is finding someone who hates leaving their comfort zone and then wiggle your way in there. You wiggle your way right inside their comfort zone and then you're there. By the time they notice you're there, they'll just sigh like "oh great, now there's a creature in here", but they don't want to move out of their comfort zone, and tossing you out of there would now alter the air pressure and constitution of the comfort zone too abruptly and it would pop like a bubble.
That's how you keep a relationship. You weasel your way inside someone's comfort zone and make yourself an essential component of it, so now they, too, will have to make sure that your dumb ass stays in there. Their comfort zone now has a fucking creature in it, and it's not going to be the same comfort zone if the creature isn't there.
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
The Christmas Special
Spider-Man and Deadpool celebrate Christmas in different ways.
Peter's used to cozy, at home Christmas's. Curled up on the couch in a living room lit by the soft warm lights of his Aunt's Christmas tree with hot chocolate in a childhood mug in hand and A Christmas Carol playing on the TV.
He knows outside his childhood home his rouge gallery wait in their Christmas themed costumes with some holiday related plan to steal Christmas or something.
May can only stay up for a movie and a half now, he's got till the Presents hair turns grey with her and then he'd have to go to work.
Wade's had every kind of Christmas under the sun but he prefers being out for the night. In a bar stool with Christmas themed line of shots laid out in front of him like a Christmas tree, and the fun kind of people out on the street. Weird shit happens on Christmas Eve and it's always fucking fantastic.
His favorite part about the last few years has to be the red and blue spandex wrapped dream. Now that he'd like someone to put a bow on for him.
Of course if no one's gonna put a bow on Spidey he could always bring his favorite hero a gift of his own.
At the end of a wacky Christmas filled night they end up on a rooftop, somewhere hid and quiet and cold with hot food in brown paper bags, looking down at the snow covered city and all it's twinkling little lights.
Deadpool, after inhaling his dinner, pulls a crumpled poorly wrapped gift from his belt.
After a moment of laughter Spider-Man stands and walks over to a dark corner of the building and pulls a present in cute cartoon Santa wrapping out of the webs he's put it in at the start of the night.
They spend the rest of the night/morning watching over the city, making sure everyone else has the chance to have a good Christmas morning like theirs.
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
Definitely not taking anything Bill says at face value however this all came from an idea I had because of those pages.
I fully back the fact that Bill would definitely lie about this being the only dimension in which the twins live but I also buy that heā€™s not fully lying either. Like you said rule one of the multiverse is anything can and will happen. So those versions of the twins who donā€™t get to go home at the end of the summer do exist. On top of that using the same rule itā€™s very plausible for there to be a version in which this all happens.
We donā€™t get enough on what the clones look for feel like to other people, so it could really go either way. Personally I donā€™t think theyā€™d feel a lot like paper, and itā€™s more fun for the narrative if they donā€™t. But even if they do; if Tyrone does physically look or feel different it would only speed up the isolation as the Pines ostracize him.
I originally thought all this up as a buddy comedy thing with Bill and the Twins as heā€™s forced to go to those dimensions and help fix those time lines (with his powers controlled or contained by the Therapism somehow heā€™d have to go along with it) cause the Book of Bill is what brought all of them to start coming after our version of the twins. Itā€™s only a beacon for the dimension where they didnā€™t get happy endings (the ones on the page is where I started looking at each version of the twins and writing out how I thought things would go wrong)
Parallel Dimensions #2
Clone Dipper, cause we all love the clones, long live the clones.
Really, I mean it, because this is the dimension where a clone survives, not Dipper.
So for set up to this timeline, we and our dimension Dipper know that things got out of hand very quickly. Dipper made to many copies of himself and the clones ended up revolting against the original Dipper all wanting their turn to be the real Dipper with Wendy. They tried locking the original in the closest (cause it's a kid show and murder can't always be the first option).
However, where the dimensions differ, "classic" Dipper doesn't realize he can use soda or water against the clones fast enough, and with all of them teamed up against him, they over power him and kill the original.
This leads to them turning on each other because they're all smart enough to know there can only be one Dipper. Dipper 2 (Tyrone) ends up figuring out the soda thing the fastest and he becomes the last Dipper standing.
Dipper 2 (Tyrone)
Reminder, no one else in the shack knew about what Dipper was doing, not even Mabel knew he was cloning himself because unlike other episodes he doesn't need to recruit her for help because he had his clones there to help him and by the time they turned on him and each other it was to late to alert her or anyone else.
Tyrone has to rejoin the family without anyone else knowing anything happened, but he has two very heavy things on his shoulders.
He's not the real Dipper, that Dipper, the one Mabel and everyone else in the shack knew and loved was dead. He was Dipper enough to know they'd never see him as Dipper if he told them, all Mabel would see when she looked at him was the clone that killed her brother. She would never see he still was a part of her brother, or that he still loved her like a sister. He can never tell them.
Secondly, he would have a deathly fear of water and any liquid. Something his family would see as a random and irrational new thing and something he'd be ruthlessly teased for. None-the-less he'd still be afraid because he knows it could kill him.
He also doesn't age, he's just a paper copy of Dipper when he was twelve, so he can't grow up. For the summer it's fine cause neither of them look very different by the end of it, he could even get away with it for another year- late bloomer and all -but two years? three? There's no good explanations to that.
The Beacon
By the time Bill creates the Book of Bill Tyrone has been living in extreme isolation for almost a decade. After Weirdmaggon started and he couldn't hid the truth any longer he had no other choose than to go into hiding, terrified of everything because the world was upside down and literal bubbles of water just floated through the air like giant pockets of death.
His dimension is one of the first the Theraprism sends Bill and Dipper to to fix, because I don't think there's a lot for Bill to learn here but more healing for Dipper to do. Getting to have another conversation with Tyrone like the one he and his Tyrone had on the roof at the end of the night. Bill mainly being around for comic relief this ep.
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
Sure the copy of his arm could still be around, the point isnā€™t sticking to what we see in the show, cause according to the Book of Bill thatā€™s the only dimension where everything works out in favor of the twins.
Tyrone is visible on the parallel dimension page so we know something different happens.
Maybe when they find the copier the arm slinks off into the vents with the wax head.
I think they are physically equal to Dipper, they donā€™t look or feel like paper so I donā€™t know if they could easily be tore apart. And there are plenty of ways to take someone by surprise and kill him.
That wasnā€™t really the point, the idea was that somehow some way Tyrone is the last survivor and takes Dipperā€™s place. Heā€™d have to live with that knowledge and that fear and thatā€™s why heā€™d be jealous of our Dipper who got to live. Or maybe he wouldnā€™t even be jealous maybe heā€™d hate our Dipper for (he would assume) killing another version of him. So many years of living in fear like that would really fuck him up.
Parallel Dimensions #2
Clone Dipper, cause we all love the clones, long live the clones.
Really, I mean it, because this is the dimension where a clone survives, not Dipper.
So for set up to this timeline, we and our dimension Dipper know that things got out of hand very quickly. Dipper made to many copies of himself and the clones ended up revolting against the original Dipper all wanting their turn to be the real Dipper with Wendy. They tried locking the original in the closest (cause it's a kid show and murder can't always be the first option).
However, where the dimensions differ, "classic" Dipper doesn't realize he can use soda or water against the clones fast enough, and with all of them teamed up against him, they over power him and kill the original.
This leads to them turning on each other because they're all smart enough to know there can only be one Dipper. Dipper 2 (Tyrone) ends up figuring out the soda thing the fastest and he becomes the last Dipper standing.
Dipper 2 (Tyrone)
Reminder, no one else in the shack knew about what Dipper was doing, not even Mabel knew he was cloning himself because unlike other episodes he doesn't need to recruit her for help because he had his clones there to help him and by the time they turned on him and each other it was to late to alert her or anyone else.
Tyrone has to rejoin the family without anyone else knowing anything happened, but he has two very heavy things on his shoulders.
He's not the real Dipper, that Dipper, the one Mabel and everyone else in the shack knew and loved was dead. He was Dipper enough to know they'd never see him as Dipper if he told them, all Mabel would see when she looked at him was the clone that killed her brother. She would never see he still was a part of her brother, or that he still loved her like a sister. He can never tell them.
Secondly, he would have a deathly fear of water and any liquid. Something his family would see as a random and irrational new thing and something he'd be ruthlessly teased for. None-the-less he'd still be afraid because he knows it could kill him.
He also doesn't age, he's just a paper copy of Dipper when he was twelve, so he can't grow up. For the summer it's fine cause neither of them look very different by the end of it, he could even get away with it for another year- late bloomer and all -but two years? three? There's no good explanations to that.
The Beacon
By the time Bill creates the Book of Bill Tyrone has been living in extreme isolation for almost a decade. After Weirdmaggon started and he couldn't hid the truth any longer he had no other choose than to go into hiding, terrified of everything because the world was upside down and literal bubbles of water just floated through the air like giant pockets of death.
His dimension is one of the first the Theraprism sends Bill and Dipper to to fix, because I don't think there's a lot for Bill to learn here but more healing for Dipper to do. Getting to have another conversation with Tyrone like the one he and his Tyrone had on the roof at the end of the night. Bill mainly being around for comic relief this ep.
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
I havenā€™t seen many fics tagged with him specifically but I definitely see him! If Spidey has organic webs then itā€™s usually Tobey, or Tobey was at least the inspiration the authors pulling from. I also see people kind of mix and match Spider-Man cannon to fit the story, so even if heā€™s not tagged heā€™s still apart of it. I see a lot of Tobeyā€™s Harry Osborn in fics.
i wonder if there are any spideypool fics with tobey's spider-man? i've read fics with tom and andrew (and comic spidey, obviously) but i don't think i've ever seen one with tobey šŸ¤”
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
Parallel Dimensions #2
Clone Dipper, cause we all love the clones, long live the clones.
Really, I mean it, because this is the dimension where a clone survives, not Dipper.
So for set up to this timeline, we and our dimension Dipper know that things got out of hand very quickly. Dipper made to many copies of himself and the clones ended up revolting against the original Dipper all wanting their turn to be the real Dipper with Wendy. They tried locking the original in the closest (cause it's a kid show and murder can't always be the first option).
However, where the dimensions differ, "classic" Dipper doesn't realize he can use soda or water against the clones fast enough, and with all of them teamed up against him, they over power him and kill the original.
This leads to them turning on each other because they're all smart enough to know there can only be one Dipper. Dipper 2 (Tyrone) ends up figuring out the soda thing the fastest and he becomes the last Dipper standing.
Dipper 2 (Tyrone)
Reminder, no one else in the shack knew about what Dipper was doing, not even Mabel knew he was cloning himself because unlike other episodes he doesn't need to recruit her for help because he had his clones there to help him and by the time they turned on him and each other it was to late to alert her or anyone else.
Tyrone has to rejoin the family without anyone else knowing anything happened, but he has two very heavy things on his shoulders.
He's not the real Dipper, that Dipper, the one Mabel and everyone else in the shack knew and loved was dead. He was Dipper enough to know they'd never see him as Dipper if he told them, all Mabel would see when she looked at him was the clone that killed her brother. She would never see he still was a part of her brother, or that he still loved her like a sister. He can never tell them.
Secondly, he would have a deathly fear of water and any liquid. Something his family would see as a random and irrational new thing and something he'd be ruthlessly teased for. None-the-less he'd still be afraid because he knows it could kill him.
He also doesn't age, he's just a paper copy of Dipper when he was twelve, so he can't grow up. For the summer it's fine cause neither of them look very different by the end of it, he could even get away with it for another year- late bloomer and all -but two years? three? There's no good explanations to that.
The Beacon
By the time Bill creates the Book of Bill Tyrone has been living in extreme isolation for almost a decade. After Weirdmaggon started and he couldn't hid the truth any longer he had no other choose than to go into hiding, terrified of everything because the world was upside down and literal bubbles of water just floated through the air like giant pockets of death.
His dimension is one of the first the Theraprism sends Bill and Dipper to to fix, because I don't think there's a lot for Bill to learn here but more healing for Dipper to do. Getting to have another conversation with Tyrone like the one he and his Tyrone had on the roof at the end of the night. Bill mainly being around for comic relief this ep.
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
Parallel Dimensions #1
In the very front of the horrid, at the bottom edge of the their page in the Book of Bill we can see the the head and back of a seemingly normal Dipper, only problem, he's got massive glowing blue scissors sticking out of his back. Not scissors shears.
Ok, I'm not going to lie, when I first found this page and was naming all the episodes where things went wrong I couldn't place this for the life of me. It took rewatching the show and scrolling reddit after picking up the book for me to realize what dimension he would be from. Turns out, in that dimension it's not Bill who kills him, it's Gideon.
In the first episode we meet Gideon he almost stabs Dipper with those exact shears, using telepathy that makes them glow blue. Once I figured this out it clicked.
Gideon kills Dipper
Everything happens the way we saw it play out the first time, except for one major difference. Mabel thought Dipper could handle talking too Gideon, she's either late or doesn't go after him at all.
Without her there Dipper has no way to escape Gideons telepathy and there's no distractions. Gideon stabs Dipper, right though the back in a moment of white hot rage, and well, Dipper dies.
I honestly can decide how Gideon reacts, but it's not the most important reaction. Mabel is, because her brother doesn't come home. If she doesn't go after him than she would have waited for him and waited and waited. If she had gone after him but was to late than she would have found him dead.
It would have destroyed her.
The Beacon, Book of Bill
When I was more seriously trying to turn this idea into a fic I focused on this alternate of Dipper as the kick off point. The one who actually made it through into the dimension we know and that has since grown up.
Dipper, leaving class or work or something on campus only to be attacked by a twelve year old version of himself with massive scissors. (Talk about a blast from the past) At first he thinks this could possibly be an escaped some how survived clone from that one incident with the copy machine (don't worry I've got thoughts about that too) But realizes quickly once they get somewhere private to talk (cause they're both still Dipper, years of pent up jealousy and homicidal rage doesn't change that) that this is not one of his clones but is definitely his younger self.
They very unfortunately have to turn to the Book of Bill for answers.
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
I definitely did think about turning this into a fic (and still might) but at the moment it's mostly just a jumble of thoughts, head cannons, and obsessive dreams all tangled together and while I have an idea of how I'd want it all to lay out in a plot I have no way of actually going about that yet so for now I'll probably just post about it when the thoughts get particularly noisy.
might be late to the party but this idea has been nesting in my head for a while so-
read, decoded, and inhaled the Book of Bill when it was released and this is what came out of that (and
It all started with the Parallel Dimensions pages (yeah I know weā€™re all exhausted with the multiverse but I canā€™t stop thinking about it so here we are).
ā€œBut I guarantee you that their less lucky dimensional duplicates think about THEM all the timeā€¦ Maybe one day all these parallel Pines will get the chance to meet up face-to-faceā€¦ā€
Yeah fuck that shit goes hard, different timeline versions all coming after Dipper and Mabel out of hate and envy and greed for a life they should have had.
(At the time that this wormed it's way into my head talks of a third season / spin off were super high so this is a kind of spin off / third season I would have liked to see)
6 Years down the line
Dipper and Mabel in the timeline we know graduate high school, move to different states and start college. Dipper goes north, Seattle Washington to the University of Washington to study Cultural Geography and Linguistics (minoring in English Lit because he canā€™t help himself). Mabel stays a bit closer to home and ends up at California Institute of the Arts, studying Art History.
They keep in touch with each other, of course, and their parents and their Grunkles. For the most part their lives went back to normal after the first summer they spent in Gravity Falls. (Not totally, Mabel was still the only girl in their high school who tried to bring a grappling hook in with her on the first day and sheā€™s definitely the only girl to keep one by the door of her college dorm room.)
Meanwhile in the Theraprism
Bill sucks at therapy. He doesnā€™t have feelings to talk about so suck on that- no he doesnā€™t care about his destroyed dimension or his historically poor love life thank you very much.
To kill time and boredom he creates the Book of Bill as a last ditch effort to free himself. If he can make a deal with someone through the book he could use them to break himself out of that damn place.
In a library where it really shouldnā€™t be
Dipper, unsurprisingly spends a lot of his study time in the many libraries littered over the universities campus. Most the time heā€™s not even there looking for a book, simply a desk in a quiet corner to lose himself in his work. He looks up, without even thinking to give his eyes a break from the bright screen of his lap top, and that's when he sees it.
A think black leather bound spine completely unmarked unlike the color coded spines besides it. It had down right weird vibes coming off it in ways Dipper has only experienced in the boarders of Gravity Falls weirdness.
Obviously he picks it up, cause he might be older but he defiantly is still the cat almost killed by his curiosity. However with age comes wisdom and the first thing he does is not open the book, instead he pockets it in his book bag with plans to call Grunkle Ford and Mabel when he got him.
Except he doesn't make it that far.
The Book of Bill and the other twins
The Book of Bill works as a sort of beacon. Bill didn't intend for that to happen- sending the book through the dimensions trying to get it to anyone who'd be stupid enough to make a deal with him put a damn spot light on the thing (not only that but it ends up in the hands of someone who's already proved their stupidity by having made a deal with Bill in the past).
There are hundreds of timelines, of different dimensions, where the twins lose- they lose everything, their loved ones, each other, their lives. Bill destroys their world, and suddenly this light.
They could all see him, this version of themselves that got to live the life they should be living. Why did he get to grow up, go to college, spend his life with his sister and their family when they couldn't.
Drawn to the book these hurt and broken versions of Dipper (and later Mabel when their together) come flocking to this dimension, if they can get their hands on that book they could have his happy ending instead.
Theraprism's newest tactic
Rolling with the punches (and with Bill their newest patient there are a lot of those) they quickly decide on a new route of therapy.
Traditional methods haven't made any progress so far, so with this new beacon trouble on earth they decided on a more immersive route.
They send his ass to earth to work with the twins on fixing all the different dimensions he killed.
Parallel Dimensions that went wrong
The particular one from the page in the Book of Bill that sparked this idea was the twins in the SBE (Society of the Blind Eye) robes. Just thinking about the twins (and most likely Soos and Wendy) getting inducted that night, and their memories erased. But Dipper's got the journal and he and Mabel are some sort of weird magnet cause they keep running into things. SBE keeps erasing their memories and with such large gaps they start becoming irrationally paranoid about little things. Dipper in particular becomes extremely closed of, "Trust No One" is etched into his mind and even causes him to become afraid of his sister. Things only get worse when Bill starts showing up, trying to get the journal. SBE reveal themself to Dipper and Mabel- and they end up in the robes but the SBE was flawed from the beginning and Dipper couldn't trust the people he needed to when it came down to it. So Bill won.
This is just one of the dimensions... (I have thought through several others but those will probably have to be separate post)
However I think to start the story, the first Dipper to get through and go after the BoB would be the Dipper Gideon kills with the sheers. (We all remember that right... really dark to put him right up front on the page cause I wouldn't have even thought of that as a possibility) This Dipper, a ghost now, is furious he couldn't grow up with his sister. He hates that this other Dipper did get to grow up with Mabel, and got to have the life he wanted.
Basically the whole idea is a buddy comedy between the twins and a much weaker forced to do better Bill. Where all three of them are extremely unhappy about having to work together (Dipper and Mabel would much rather deal with the problem together than with Bill).
We'd get to see Dipper and Mabel grown up as 20 something year old's and learn through new inside jokes and banter what their high school years were like. We get to see how they've changed and in what ways their relationship has grown.
On top of all that we get a pissy Bill having to deal with morals and shit from the twins. - I'm also a sucker for villain turn morally grey turned 'good guy?' and with how the Book of Bill and the website treated his past he could def have a traumatic breakdown over his past and spill his guts to the twins. (whether he feels bad about it could still be up in the air, it could be real or it could be a trick, who knows.)
It'd made a good episodic thing for the first bit because it would focus on one dimension/past at a time. Putting the twins through the emotional ringer of seeing where one little slip up would have changed their lives for the worst- and how it did get worse for the version of them that had to live it.
(I have lots more ideas about this but I will save those for another post, this one is already much longer than I thought it would be.)
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 2 months ago
How they met head cannon
There's a ton of ways the dynamic duo run into each other for the first time, I've got a few of my own tucked away in my brain but I think this one's my favorite.
Spider-Man patrols alone, which means he fights alone, no matter how out numbered he is. He can handle it.
So he's a little out numbered today, (pick you're favorite rogue, add a few goons and you've got yourself a recipe for a slightly frustrating afternoon).
He's handling it. Till someone decides to step on his toes.
Deadpool sees Spider-Man and fangirlā€™s out. He has to meet the man of his dreams (doesnā€™t matter that Spideyā€™s in the middle of a fight)
Peter, who assumes everyone who approaches him is trying to kill/unmask him, recognizes the Merc and suddenly heā€™s fighting 360.
Deadpoolā€™s standing off to the side, at the start fully ignoring the goon squad trying to dog pile a now distracted Spider-Man
Annoyed heā€™s not getting the full meet and greet experience, thinks to himself that guns are much faster than webs.
Peterā€™s senses go batshit, cause Deadpool + guns is never a good fucking thing and for some reason heā€™s point at the goons not Peter.
Queue slow mo stopping bullets with webs and all that good stuff.
Wade is fangirling so hard heā€™s pretty sure heā€™s seeing stars
The fight ends quickly, each goon disarmed and webbed up for the super helpful NYPD to find.
Peter can turn his full attention to the bigger problem that is the Merc standing in his personal space. Again he doesnā€™t meet people often (ever) that donā€™t want to fight him so thatā€™s what he thinks.
With his full attention now on Deadpool they fight.
Spider-Man wants to know if thereā€™s a hit out on him and from who.
Deadpool is super insistent thereā€™s not and if there was this is super not the way heā€™d go about it
So ok, not here to on a hit. Peter can roll with that, but DPā€™s obviously still trying to kill him so it must be a personal thing
They go back and forth like that for a while before either knuckle head decides to stop hitting the other and actually talk instead of quip.
Even then once Wade backs off waving a white flag Peter takes off swinging in the opposite direction.
Time passes, they brawl some more before Wade happens to be eating a ridiculous amount of shawarma a a rooftop all on his lone some when Spidey rocks up.
Sharing is caring ladies and gentlemen and that night Wade cares a lot. As a bonus he learns the way to Spideyā€™s heart is through his stomach and bad 90ā€™s sci-fi references.
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 3 months ago
Golden, thank you for your service.
Spideypool thoughts
While Iā€™m a huge supporter of ā€œWade deserves all the good things the universe can and should give himā€
I am also a very big believer of ā€œPeter is a scientist by nature and has never been able to test his strength at its fullest so all his data is thrown off and it frustrates him to his coreā€
Which is why I think Spider-Man would absolutely be able to deck Deadpool in the face at full force. (With Wadeā€™s ā€œa-okā€ and Peterā€™s ā€œI can not believe Iā€™m actually letting you talk me into thisā€)
Also the goldmine that would be all the aftercare (safe for work form) would be top of the line
Peter immediately regretting all his life chooses that led him here
Wade blacking out/straight up dying as his face inverts, bounces back absolutely ecstatic
Getting over the ā€œI killed my best friendā€ moment very quickly Peter jumps right into excitingly info dumping the differences between how that felt and when he has to hold back vs the results
Possibly helping clean blood off Wadeā€™s face while yapping happily
Waiting for his shattered nose to reform, falling only deeper in love with Spidey
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 3 months ago
And I wanna see it when itā€™s done
Spideypool thoughts
While Iā€™m a huge supporter of ā€œWade deserves all the good things the universe can and should give himā€
I am also a very big believer of ā€œPeter is a scientist by nature and has never been able to test his strength at its fullest so all his data is thrown off and it frustrates him to his coreā€
Which is why I think Spider-Man would absolutely be able to deck Deadpool in the face at full force. (With Wadeā€™s ā€œa-okā€ and Peterā€™s ā€œI can not believe Iā€™m actually letting you talk me into thisā€)
Also the goldmine that would be all the aftercare (safe for work form) would be top of the line
Peter immediately regretting all his life chooses that led him here
Wade blacking out/straight up dying as his face inverts, bounces back absolutely ecstatic
Getting over the ā€œI killed my best friendā€ moment very quickly Peter jumps right into excitingly info dumping the differences between how that felt and when he has to hold back vs the results
Possibly helping clean blood off Wadeā€™s face while yapping happily
Waiting for his shattered nose to reform, falling only deeper in love with Spidey
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 3 months ago
Moment of softness in Spideypool
Peters exhausted. Finals weeks and holiday hours at work, on top of a health scare with May and being Spider-Man- heā€™s worked himself to the bone.
He lands, tells himself for only a minute to sit down, on the ledge.
Next thing he knows, in a blink (slow as those have gotten) Deadpool appears on the roof with him and he thinks ā€˜great just another thing to add to the pile of reasons heā€™s not going to make it to Fridayā€™
In another energy killing blink, Deadpoolā€™s sitting next to him, but heā€™s not- heā€™s not ranting, or singing, or trying to tell jokes/references an awake Peter only half understood. His voice rumbles low and slow as he greets the half asleep spider.
So close and so much warmer than the frigid early winter air.
His view of the city collapsed on itself as his eyes droop closed again, this time- as his masked cheek meet feather soft leather and he didnā€™t bother fighting to open his eyes again.
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chronicallyill-nephilim Ā· 3 months ago
Spideypool thoughts
While Iā€™m a huge supporter of ā€œWade deserves all the good things the universe can and should give himā€
I am also a very big believer of ā€œPeter is a scientist by nature and has never been able to test his strength at its fullest so all his data is thrown off and it frustrates him to his coreā€
Which is why I think Spider-Man would absolutely be able to deck Deadpool in the face at full force. (With Wadeā€™s ā€œa-okā€ and Peterā€™s ā€œI can not believe Iā€™m actually letting you talk me into thisā€)
Also the goldmine that would be all the aftercare (safe for work form) would be top of the line
Peter immediately regretting all his life chooses that led him here
Wade blacking out/straight up dying as his face inverts, bounces back absolutely ecstatic
Getting over the ā€œI killed my best friendā€ moment very quickly Peter jumps right into excitingly info dumping the differences between how that felt and when he has to hold back vs the results
Possibly helping clean blood off Wadeā€™s face while yapping happily
Waiting for his shattered nose to reform, falling only deeper in love with Spidey
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