#Please please tumblr do not mess up the quality
wormspoor · 4 months
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Scene from “Slow In The Tide” which lives rent free in my head!
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juyuu · 5 months
A tired Arthur and a tiny (very tiny) John
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mmmakaria · 1 year
getting the creative juices flowing again before school
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matoitech · 3 months
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tumblr annihilated the quality of this so i added a text free image of him so ppl could actually see him! the quality will probably hold up better on my FA lol. i wanted to use a text tool in paint or sai to write all that out but they were either crunchy or just straight up not working for me today
anyway i have had levels boyfriend-adjacent guy in my head for months (almost a year honestly i think) but i only had a fuzzy idea for his design itself in my head and the many attempts i made to just find smth by doodling weren't promising. so while i still think this is a little complex for him (probably kinda overdesigned especially cuz im still so pleased with levels design and her color blocking and she has a great 'looks more complicated than she actually is to draw' design to me) and ill likely mess w it a bit in the future, im happy with where i ended up this time! i have a lot less experience drawing robots than i do just normal furries so figuring out pleasing shapes, lines, and plating for more inorganic stuff isnt rly second nature to me, but i'll get there, and im happy with him for now :-)
one thing i was trying to translate w his design that i couldnt fit on the ref was that since he's level's mechanic and he also does as much of his own servicing as he can, i wanted some of their plating and (minimal) greebling to be similar. zag has some plating styles he likes i think.. i did want their colors to contrast but still look good together :) i had to fight everything in me to not make him just teal. i love you teal. level had enough teal in her design lol. zag got a greener teal for highlights than level's 'beachier' color scheme bcuz i cant resist at least a LITTLE bit
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jmdbjk · 1 month
Camping: one bed.
WARNING: CONTINUED POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT! I may or may not mention "Are You Sure?" scenes in detail and their outcomes during these long rambling messy posts beginning with the next sentence.
I am 100% certain
happened. I need tumblr to make it possible to use different fonts on one line.
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But first. Dinner was cooked.
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Reminded me of this... sorry to digress.
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That darn glare on the camera:
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Jungkook immediately washed his hands after touching Jimin's tongue... don't blame him, I really wouldn't want those kinds of cooties from Jimin either. I love you Jimin but I don't want your stomach bug. Sorry.
Whatever the hell this was...
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Jimin had a soaking the meat in the sauce scolding from Jungkook years ago. Okay.
Dinner is served.
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There was a moment when perhaps an oops was edited out. Did Jimin mention a brand name accidentally?
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They got a kick out of whatever he said because then they recalled that time Tae kept saying brand names during their live back in LA.
JK's face was incredulous like "wtf dude shut up"
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Some members were called.
There was a comment about making Tae and Namjoon speak to each other... ??? What in the name of spillage of tea and inside jokes was this about?
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Jungkook Facetimes Tae.
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So is this where Tae finds out Jimin and JK are doing a travel show? And was JK worried Tae would start saying something about not getting to ride motorbikes? HAHAHAHHAAA welp... we don't know what that was all about.
JK hanging up on Tae was priceless.
Tae cusses him out via text and JK tries to de-escalate with "i love you". JK thought it was hilarious. I wonder if it is not often he gets the upper hand in this dynamic? The push and pull has not abated.
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Yoongi's deadpan "what?" when Jimin called: tell me you get a lot of frivolous phone calls from Park Jimin without telling me you get a lot of frivolous and pointless calls from Park Jimin.
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Some reflecting happens...
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Jimin says regardless of how its going so far, he thinks its good he came so Jungkook could travel around and relax as he embarks on his first solo promotions. Jungkook says he is grateful and Jimin says he has regrets and Jungkook brushes it off. Just enjoy it now he says. I think this is the moment they both relax and they are back in their groove. Jungkook really needs quality time with his Jimin. Just enjoy... finally... that's where JK is at this point.
Finally, lights out. There's a camera in there but its too dark... we only hear this:
Jimin: "You seem cold, Jungkook. Come here." (I suspect Jimin may be running a temp at this time)
Jungkook: "I'll sleep without the blanket." (In an attempt to make Jimin comfortable.)
Jimin: "Come here, Jungkook." (insisting)
They were sleeping in very close proximity. It's a miracle if JK did not catch the stomach bug too.
The snoring that is loud enough you can actually hear it even with the music track and sound effects playing:
MMA elbows flew in the night and Jimin got smacked in the nose. It even swoll up a bit. Also, more diarrhea. My man didn't get much sleep. He was miserable.
Crew delivers pepto, JK pours a dose but does Jimin down it? We aren't sure because we don't see it. My man... please help yourself out of this (literal) mess. Though we only see the pepto being delivered I will assume other precautions were taken in that they made him drink plenty of fluids, took his temp, contemplated whether to abort the mission, etc. Knowing Jimin, he declined that last option.
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Jungkook: "you came all the way here for nothing but pain."
Jimin: "I came so far ... smacked by your elbow... stomach bug... I can't even eat... and I had a fever, why am I even here? it gets sadder by the moment..."
They were laughing about it. What else could they do? It was a genuine moment.
So Jimin slept while Jungkook made himself some coffee.
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Me either, Jungkook. Need coffee.
And spent some time building a rock cairn tower so he could send up some wishes to the universe. That was something else.
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It was such a precious thing to watch.
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Please no falling in the water, no explosive diarrhea, no broken bones or loss of blood... well... that last one though... little did they know.
In my opinion, even though Jimin was struggling with his illness, the activities were healing and bonding. We'll have to wait for the behinds to see what else happened. I wonder if they will release that this week or wait and drop them after the final episode in September.
Regardless, I am thankful for this window we get to see them together, after two years of knowing Jimin was working so hard and seeing Jungkook light up time after time, wanting to see him, especially the first half of 2023.
They are together right this minute, though they are the most isolated members of the group from whatever is happening. Not knowing how much information they are able to receive about what's going on, I know they will at least have each other to talk to until things get resolved.
On to Episode 2...
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toplines · 2 years
“bu…bubu- but they’re just wittle pixels and digital images rwight 🥺” no. we spend hours on gifs or even one singular gif to make edits for FREE on tumblr dot com. name a person who asked us to do this. no one!! exactly!! we make gifs bc its enjoyable and fun but people like reposters suck the fun out of it!!! and do NOT go and tell us that “gifs aren’t that hard to make” baby girl what do u think we do? go online and search for a video downloader and download it at like a crappy 720p and go to like literal ezgif dot com and all the gifs just MAGICALLY have their effects, typography, colouring, blending, animation, quality all up and ready? why dont u try and make a gif. hm.
and also, @ all of you “gif collectors” or some fanfic writers. lemme tell u a secret. an itty bitty secret. did u know… theres this really cool thing called PROPERLY CREDITING? im not talking about a stupid “credits to the owners” no. it isn’t that hard to properly source the creators or accounts.
that wasn’t so hard, hm?
also oh my god, do NOT go around saying you made these gifs when it is so obvious you didn’t. no bff, it isn’t a coincidence we have the same sharpening AND colouring settings.
and hey, i’ll stop my angry typing for a minute and just say that if you wanna learn how to make gifs there are plenty of amazing accounts and tutorials that are incredibly detailed. here are a few i recommend:
how to: make high quality gifs by sith-maul
giffing 101 by cillianmurphy
giffing and colouring tutorial by sashafierce
how to fix and avoid orangewashing characters by maxchapman
how to fix and avoid white/pink/yellowwashing by jeonwonwoo
how to: colouring east & southeast asians by blueshelp
pastel gifs: a tutorial by completeresources
how to fix and avoid whitewashing in pastel gifs by fadenet
and for those who don’t want to pay/ t*rr*nt photoshop:
free giffing tutorial by ashleysolsen
photopea gif tutorial by lacebird
and @usergif has a bunch of directories and navigation for tutorials and inspiration!
again, there are so many useful tutorials if you’d just look.
i know this probably won’t stop all reposters (unfortunately) but i hope those reposters that are reading this realise how messed up stealing gifs are. it isn’t funny or cool to see gifs that you’ve spent so much time on only to be reposted here or on other sites without credit or being claimed as someone elses.
we’re just asking for a proper credit on your post or maybe even stop reposting in whole. im sure you had good intentions in making those posts, but you have to understand how much it hurts. at this point, we have to put our watermarks in the middle of our gifs to avoid people cropping them out.
and please, PLEASE reblog edits. you have no idea how diminishing it is to see such a crappy like to reblog ratio. remember this hellsite has such a crappy algorithm so reblogging is essentially one of the only ways to give posts more traction
AGAIN. dont repost gifs. dont steal gifs without credit. dont belittle gifmakers. just stop being so disrespectful and rude and have a brain for once. thank you for reading.
edit: ive noticed ppl asking why i kinda like insulted those who use 720p and ezgif, im really sorry if i made it sound like a bad thing !! i was just very angry writing this aaaadjskdks gifmaking, HQ or not is valid and nobody deserves to get their creations stolen !
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Greetings Tumblr!
I present you another do-you-know-this-thing blog, but this one is dedicated to characters who stutter. I’ve noticed an extreme lack of stuttering representation both in media and here on Tumblr, and my goal is to change it with this blog.
First, a little about me.
I’m a stutterer myself. I’ve been stuttering since childhood, and now when I’m an adult, my stutter starts to severely affecting the quality of my life. It made me actively fight it since last year, I was in therapy and took medication, but there were no visible improvements. Currently, I’m learning how to accept my stutter and live a full life in spite of it.
I don’t know whether this blog will become a thing, so I’d prefer not to reveal either my main blog or my nickname for now, but you can refer to me by using she/her pronouns. I also want to point out that English is not my first language, so if I mess up or use the wrong terminology, forgive me, I’m genuinely sorry. Feel free to correct me, though.
And now, about the blog.
For now, my plan is to post one poll weekly. I’ll wait until the middle of June, and if there are no submissions, I’ll start posting the characters that I find myself in hope more people will learn about the blog and get interested in it.
I haven’t created a google form yet, since I want to start gathering submissions through my askbox. However, if more people prefer google forms, I can always create it. I can work with whatever.
Submission requirements.
Your submission needs to include the character’s name, the character’s picture, and the name of media they’re from. If you can also provide a video fragment where it’s clearly heard that your character is indeed a stutterer, that would be great (but it’s optional, so please, don’t feel pressured).
I will not accept real people unless they’re from a movie/book about a historical figure. My priority is fictional characters. However, your character can be from any kind of media, whether it’s a movie, a book, a video game, or anything else.
I will not accept characters who just pretend to be a stutterer. Their stutter must be real otherwise it’s just pointless.
A few things to add.
I haven’t met a single person on Tumblr who stutters, so I also want to create sort of a stuttering community here. If you’re comfortable with sharing your experience about your stutter with me and everyone else here, feel free to send a message! Really, I’ll gladly listen to all of your stories and I’m sure that other stutterers will be happy to know that they’re not alone.
For now, my profile picture is Bill Denbrough from It. I know nothing about this guy except for the fact that he stutters, so if he’s not good representation, let me know and feel free to suggest any other character that you want to see as this blog profile picture. My header is the sea, and it has nothing to do with stuttering, I just love the sea.
I was inspired to create this blog by:
If you can spread the word, I will highly appreciate it!
That’s it! Thank you everyone for your attention, I’m really excited to start working on this blog and meet all of you.
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henryyarden · 1 year
Okay, I wanted to redo the makeup test I did here. I wasn't that satisfied with the contours and with the scar, so I was like: Let's do it again. And I fucked up with the scar. Just see yourself. But the contours! I'm really proud of them!
At this point, I just gave up. In the meantime, I tried to do my BF's makeup as Vernon Roche because he is sewing his chaperone in the background for the whole time.
By the way, this is him (without makeup), all proud of himself that he did his little weird towel.
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Then I said that this is too cute for Vernon.
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This is him after I told him to solve 847 ÷ 12. It worked. I'm satisfied. Every time we will do a photoshoot now he just has to divide.
So I did his makeup and came back to the scar and stuff. I used just a little bit of the clay that stayed on my face and let it be. I had no time left because of the light.
Since Tumblr does not allow two videos in one post, here you can watch the rest of it if you are interested:
By the way, this is how it looked when I worked with latex. I think I'll just do it like this till I figure out how to work with the clay.
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Unfortunately, it took me so long that we were not able to make any proper photos. The light was already too low at this point. But at least we had some fun and tried the makeup. Enjoy the high-quality bathroom selfies in our dirty mirror.
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Vernon in a deep sleep here.
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Now you may ask: What is this mess? What it's doing here? Well, this was meant to be a cool post where we show you our summer versions of Rorveth (we are working on full costumes, but it takes so much time especially when we try to use as many historically accurate methods as we can - I can post some of the progress here if anyone is interested ), but since it took more time than intended and we are running out of time even with our summer costumes, I guess we have to wait till the convention (which is next weekend) to show you properly.
So I guess this is just a little teaser to show the Rorveth fandom here that we are actually working on something and it's going to be worth it!
With a photographer we agreed on doing some photos outside the convention area and I specially requested some "photos with feels and story behind them", so I really hope you'll like it! I count on this fandom! I've already asked you about Roche's tattoos and about other stuff and I love how the fandom lives here. (So, if you have any ideas or special requests on Rorveth summer/casual/no fight photos, I'm listening!!!)
And if you don't know me: Hi, I'm Klíště and I write terribly long posts and please someone stop me because on Tumblr I have no self-control.
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icedbatik · 3 months
get to know me game (I was tagged by @rimouskis and @sportsthoughts ... thank you both!)
do you make your bed?
Yep! In part because I like having a nicely made bed, in part because I use my bed as my design board/work space when I'm quilting. And, in part, because it's an easy way to have some small bit of tidy space in a house that has too much stuff. (My core being is "neat freak" but my reality is "please pull a truck up so I can toss stuff out the window".)
what's your job?
I am a newspaper copy editor/writer.
if you could go back to school, would you?
It depends. Would I need to keep working? Would it put me in debt? I like learning, but I already don't have enough time in my day to do everything I want to do. If I had to write term papers and study for tests while working a full-time job and still taking care of my household (groceries, laundry, meals, yardwork, running errands, all the other odds and ends involved), I think I might crack.
can you parallel park?
Yes, though I rarely have the need. (If you follow the instructions carefully, it's amazing how well it works.)
do you think aliens are real?
IDK. I accept the reasoning that it's unlikely we're alone in the vastness of the universe, and that it's a bit arrogant to think we're the only ones. But I also think it's unrealistic to assume others take a form we'd immediately recognize. And, if there is intelligent life out there, why, exactly, would it mess with us?! Have you seen us lately?!
can you drive a manual car?
Yes. My brother loaned me his pickup truck to drive after I graduated from college. (He didn't need it at the time because of his job.) The idea of not having to make a car payment was great incentive to learn.
guilty pleasure?
I'm not sure I feel guilty about any of my pleasures. But they include Tumblr/fandom, writing fic, Pens hockey, quilting and a daily mug of good-quality hot chocolate.
I have a permanent spot on my skin from when I accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil as a kid. I'm pretty sure that's as close as I'm going to get. (Mine is big enough and dark enough that doctors routinely panic when they see it, thinking it's skin cancer, until I remind them we've had that conversation before.)
favorite color?
black with all the bright colors, particularly the off colors (fuchsia, turquoise, teal); and all the blues that make up the ocean (There's a reason why batik is my favorite type of fabric. Solid colors aren't nearly as interesting as lots of colors playing together.)
favorite type of music?
The most straight-forward answer is rock, particularly classic rock, though I like a lot of different types of music on a song-by-song (or artist) basis. Most country music doesn't do much for me. My last two musical purchases were Disturbed's cover of "The Sound of Silence" and Sufjan Stevens' "Illinois" album, which is the basis of "Illinoise" the Broadway musical.
do you like puzzles?
I guess you could say that, since I quilt and "Tetris" is my favorite video game.
any phobias?
I'm not into snakes. I'm trying to do better about not panicking over them, but I still have absolutely no desire to see them, whether in my yard or in a photograph.
favorite childhood sport?
Riding my bike.
do you talk to yourself?
Of course. (At least, that way, I know someone is listening to me!)
tea or coffee?
Nope. I prefer drinking clean water to dirty water. (The idea of having a cup of tea is appealing, but the reality has never done anything for me.)
first thing you wanted to be be when growing up?
A photographer.
what movies do you adore?
"Dave" and "The American President" are both older movies but they have lead characters (Kevin Kline and Martin Sheen Michael Douglas, respectively) who are kind of my fantasy president. Can't find funding for this program that helps children? No worries. We'll just stop paying $500 for a screwdriver we can get at the hardware store for $5 and use the leftover $495 (per screwdriver) on food programs and after-school programs and utility-assistance programs. It's not that hard.
I'll tag @pr-scatterbrain and @maljic and @ehghtyseven and anyone else who wants to play. (Maybe I want to know you and just don't realize it yet! )))
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dreamerlucifer · 7 months
First, My Main Ask account is DreamerLucifer on Tumblr. http://dreamerlucifer.tumblr.com -This is open for Hazbin Hotel and Helluva crossover Art requests as well as RPs!! Please note, I'm basing comics off of my interactions with askers and rpers!! YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE NOW, BITCHES!!--
AU so far- My Lucifer, once stopped by Charlie from killing Adam, Takes on a much more compassionate role. Realizing that he almost took Adam's life, he is instead inspired to become better, even moreso than he ever was! Charlie and her accomplishments Have really and truly inspired Him to look at Adam in a new light!! Now Instead of passing judgement, as he almost did, He decides to help pick the fallen angel up, out of the rubble, and help him rebuild. In other words, his newest pet project!! With each passing Day, he will help Adam be a little more righteous and a little less gross! Have an Adam? RP some scenarios with me, I am, as is my Lucifer, Bi sexual, so all characters are welcome to take a pass at the King of hellish ducks himself ;D Who wouldn't want a piece of that, eh? lol So Lucifer's Pet Adam has been crashing on Lucifer's couch, and just making a mess as of right now, scenario as discussed with @fatass-adam , haha, but any Adam is welcome to take part and help me build different storylines and scenarios!
WIP and what you can expect a lot of my art to look like:
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♥ Meanwhile, My Luci is going to be pushing ever so much harder to be a part of Charlie's life again, so all Charlies are more than welcome to rp with me as a father figure!! But Charlies be warned, My Lucifer loves his little duckling unconditionally, and does not see her as anything but his wonderful little girl. (So no, incest isn't happening with my Lucifer) / My dear Radio Demons, My Lucifer is dominant, and giving, But he can't stand that smug Alastor!! Trying to take his precious Charlie >:U ahem… I digress, Relationship to Radio Demon Players has been set as love / hate. And There is nothing my Lucifer hates more than a Radio Demon Alastor trying to dominate him sexually or otherwise. So of course, its an invite to try and catch my Lucifer if you can, Alastor, but it won't be easy!
Ohh, all OCs are welcome to interact and /or make artistic requests as well!! -WIP of @wicked-omens getting a special Adam shaped Ducky ♥
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And Disclaimer, I may be the king of hell, lol j/k but I'm really only human, so don't expect every interaction to end in an artistic scene, and when it does, there will be vast differences in quality depending on my current free time and how much the scenario inspires me. I'll do my best to get back to RP situations as fast as hellishly possible, but give me time, I like to think about my posts ^^ Well, all that being said, All other characters interacting with Lucifer are welcome to become the new cannon for the DreamerLucifer AU!! Any questions? Shoot 'em here or on my Tumblr, Bitches!! Most all of this information will be written out and posted much better via my Tumblr, again http://dreamerlucifer.tumblr.com
This is a temp post until I have my main promo Page ready XD
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randomsoldier9 · 3 months
If Akaza was real- Head cannons
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Author's note: this is my first time posting on tumblr and I'm still getting the hang of it. So bear with me if this post isn't very organized. If you can, I'd like constructive criticism and suggestions.
ps: i don't own the art above (or any pictures on this post). i tried looking for the artist but couldn't find them. if you know them, please comment it below. thanks
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Akaza strikes me as a self-assured and unconventional kind of person. He's someone who doesn't give a shit what people think about him and likes to do things at his own convenience.
He often throws a skeptical yet almost concerned look at the things people do that society tags normal. Like gossiping, drinking your life away, or even telling lies about their status just to look and feel better about themselves.
His most prominent behavior being how he respects the opposite gender and feels the urge to knock some sense into any guy who disrespects them.
His eyes:
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I think Akaza would find wearing contacts a hassle so his amber eyes would definitely be real and of course, mesmerizing. It's his eyes that draws people's attention towards him. his eyes make him look ethereal and almost unreal, especially when he's under the sun, they start to glow like orbs.
Rides a bike:
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Akaza likes his lifestyle interesting and easy. and a bike definitely has the qualities. the overwhelming sense of freedom when he speeds on the lane never gets old for him.
Dyes his hair
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Surely someone can't be born with pink hair in real life. He would definitely have to dye it, probably every week to keep it glowing and from fading off. It gotto a point where he doesn't even need to go to a salon. He just does it himself. although he leaves the place a mess when his done..
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i don't know why but I can just picture him wearing something like this...to work even.
A cat person
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Akaza would be a cat person, since he looks like a cat himself. and i think he'd prefer black cats; they just give this eerie and mysterious vibe. He'd be the kind of person that likes to take pictures of his cat perched on his broad shoulder.
Casual outfits:
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Akaza is the type of person who likes to wear anything casual and comfortable. doesn't like ties coz they make him feel like he's being strangled somehow. he finds it frustrating whenever he has an occasion coming up and he has to pick something professional to wear. 5 times out of ten, he just gives up and doesn't go since it's such an inconvenience.
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Akaza loves the gym and the thought of getting stronger everyday. but going all the way to the gym seems like a hassle for him, so he just sets up a small gym at home. he does this mostly because he doesn't like the amount of attention he gets at the gym, his pink hair and slightly-glowing amber eyes make him stick out like a sore thumb. And as if that isn't enough, there were times when he'd be trying to work out and a random girl would ask him to spot them on the bench press. Even though there were obviously other guys around who weren't that busy.
So yeah... a public gym wasn't his thing
Ps: he'd probably use pink mascara on his lashes or something, i dunno.
Thanks for reading
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k-s-morgan · 2 months
I can’t describe how much I love A rule for a rule. I discovered it by going through your works on ao3 and completely devoured it! I was so so excited when you posted the new chapter (I’ve been checking everyday for weeks) and you just don’t disappoint. Their dynamic is so fun and toxic but oh so addictive. I was glued to my screen reading and death gripping my phone when it got to each new plot twist. I was so shocked when Jay didn’t reciprocate Bruce’s kiss and romantic feelings??? Is Jay’s perception of love and relationships so messed up that he just didn’t know what his feelings for Bruce were? Because it did seem obvious, as Bruce said, that their relationship was naturally progressing towards romantic. I have two theories, either:
Jay has a bad perception of romantic relationships, possibly because of abuse, and didn’t want to contain their relationship to such mundane societal labels. Maybe out of fear that they would both become boring??
He genuinely doesn’t love Bruce romantically, but his thoughts and feelings most closely resemble a romantic relationship. He may just feel a strongly aroused from the thought of dominating and possessing Bruce, as pointed out in the fic.
I know Jay said he was just nervous that Bruce was being implosive and thoughtless but their relationship kinda functions off spontaneity? Plus he was described as genuinely uncomfortable. Technically Jay could have been doing that on purpose to see how far Bruce would go to fulfil his desires for Jay, like forcing the kiss and chasing after him. Ugh, this is why I love how you write them so much! I have so many theories because you make Jay such ambiguous character who purposely makes Bruce (and the reader) question his logic and reasoning. You have no idea how hard I screamed at how that chapter ended!!!!!!!!! Bruce faking his death was literally both the smartest and dumbest thing he could have done😂 like I get what you’re trying to do Brucie but you legit left a nuclear green bomb behind in Gotham and said see ya later guys😘✌️🌅. Poor Alfred. I really hope we get a POV for Jay when he hears the news cause I neeeeed the angst, the anguish, the drama! I know it’s gonna be messy and he’s gonna break but I’m sooo curious to know in what way. Is he going to go into a deep depression or a high mania? Both? At the same time? I can’t imagine how antagonising it would be to mourn your soulmate, lover, long time best friend, other half and it being someone quite famous. Like the funeral is probably going to be filled with people Bruce didn’t even know or like. Is Jay going to blow the funeral place up😭? Ugh I love how to tie everything with the story like the way Joker is going to be obsessed over Batman because of the connection to Bruce’s halloween costume and his purple suit is to remember Bruce🥹. Another thing I can’t wait to find out is whether the Joker tells people about Bruce or is it super top secret? I feel like he’s gonna make an effort to keep Bruce his own personal secret and everyone knows not to ask about the B on his finger 😅 I love these two so much❤️
I seriously can’t wait for the next chapter! I know you probably won’t update it for a while but I will be waiting for forever if necessary. I’m sorry for leaving such a long message but I’m just so passionate about my obsession with this amazing story. Everything you write turns to gold. I’m always so taken by how you write SO much and the quality is some of the best stuff I’ve ever read. I’m so sorry that your country and people are going through such horrific times. War solves nothing and only brings tragedy to the citizens of the country. I’ve been on your tumblr page for a while and you are such a strong person - everyone in Ukraine is❤️ Sending so much love and appreciation. Please take care and stay safe❤️❤️❤️
Hi! Thank you so, so much for this ask - A Rule for a Rule is a pretty small story, so I'm so excited that you've liked it to this extent! Bruce and Joker are like an ultimate toxic ship, so I get such a delight from writing about them :D
As for why Jay initially rejected Bruce - it's definitely up to each reader's interpretation. My take on it is a mix of your first theory and the reasons Jay names in the story itself. I think he doesn't fully understand what romantic love is and how it's supposed to differ from what he's been always feeling toward Bruce. What he does know is that he's 100% satisfied with the relationship they had over these years. Yes, he and Bruce never had sex, but Jay knows he can get both physical and emotional contact with him any time he wants, and this is enough to keep him sated and happy. Having Bruce suddenly change this wonderful safe balance freaked Jay out. Entering a new territory, introducing any changes, no matter how desirable they seem right now, means risking losing what they have. Jay wanted Bruce to kiss him, but he was more scared that if this was indeed a whim, they might damage their relationship in a way he's not prepared to accept.
In Jay's eyes, if Bruce really wanted them to take this step, then he had to prove it. Jay wanted to be chased and persuaded, comforted and reassured that the foundation of their relationship would stay the same, it would just gain a few more benefits. And yes, he probably wanted to he pinned down and forced. To him, it would be evidence that Bruce really wants him. When Bruce gave up so quickly, he was angry, disappointed, and relieved at the same time.
Until Bruce returned with Selina, of course!
Haha, yes about Bruce leaving a green nuclear bomb back in Gotham! He'll be away from it, but it's the citizens and Alfred who will have to deal with the consequences.
I don't plan on writing from Jay's POV, but rest assured, there will be plenty of info on what went on after Bruce faked his death! Both from Alfred and from Jay, and maybe from video cameras. The funeral should be a part of it, too)) Because, like you said, Jay is going to hate absolutely everyone there. So he'll have to do something drastic.
And yes, Joker will be obsessed with Batman because of all the little things that will make him think of Bruce! The costume, the eye color, some personal ticks.
You're also right in that Joker won't tell anyone about Bruce, at least nothing specific. Some of his goons might know that someone named Bruce existed once and was very dear to him, but that's the extent of it.
Thank you again so much for what you said and wrote! I squealed when I saw the length of your ask - like most writers, I adore lengthy comments :D I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter! I have more time to write now, so I don't think the wait will be as long as before.
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Tetsurou Kuroo VS Kenma Kozume - △ University Student
DISCLAIMER: I am not fluent in Japanese and the translations are not 100% accurate, so there may be lots of inaccuracies. Please let me know if there’s any mistakes I made in the translation!
Please do not repost my translations anywhere else!
A Tetsurou Kuroo and a Kenma Kozume story from the HQ FBS △ University Student series
Read below!
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The last panel is the artist's information!
Thank you for reading!
hello again! several months passed by and my quality is still deteriorating almost had to redo the first page entirely because of a minor screw up, but with what was left of my paint fogged brain, i managed to salvage it! hell no am i cleaning up text bubbles again. now for the translator notes! page 1: last box is just idle chatter, didn't have the energy to fill it in and also i'd block the drawings... page 5: not sure if kenma is saying "i should get" or "we should get" page 6: i don't know if kuroo is whining how he wants to share a drink with us or with the "same guy" (in the first page), so i stuck to what made sense...in my mind last page: the prompt (grey bubble) is something among the lines of "how he waits for (valentine's) chocolate" and above their heads is their different reactions. kuroo's: "rather than waiting, he messes around" (kinda saying that he teases you for it) kenma: "he stays quiet about it, but when he hears [you say] 'here you go', he answers" (which means he waits patiently but jumps at the opportunity (?)) whew! whole lotta hoopla over a simple triangle chapter. dont know why i was procrastinating so much on this also it feels like whenever i post it's a landmark on my life. right now im at my final year of school lol. got off on a bad start, but i'm hanging in there...! also uhh...got a bunch of new novels from a while back and ordering a new one! an inarizaki themed! who knows if it'll come to me in one piece, though... is the one piece real? also CAN TUMBLR PLEASE FIX THE EDITING FEATURE??? whole app keeps crashing whenever i try to copy paste my formatting ;; also uh if the order of the pages is confusing or the qualitys a bit iffy, feel free to let me know!
[TAGLIST]: @nachotrash @xiao-tofus @kirakirasaku @jovialsweetshottub @shsluwu @blossomingwaifu16 @xedspirits @the3rdstalltoilet @sassyglassesbunny @bionic-bumblebee
-[Please let me know if I got the urls right!]-
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tio-trile · 1 year
witcher 🤝 good omens
book solidarity
though i haven’t read GO yet, i have been looking through posts about what they changed and why it matters, and it’s all very interesting. i’m loving your posts about why these changes don’t work and how they messed the themes up from a books perspective!
what’s more awkward about it is that gaiman was involved in the production of the good omens TV show, in pratchett’s memory, and is relatively active with his fanbase. meanwhile sapkowski’s gone fishing both figuratively and probably also literally with regards to the witcher, and if he had a tumblr i think it really would be armageddon.
do you have any thoughts on that? author involvement, and if it matters after all? i��ve always somewhat envied GO fandom for having such an author-fan relationship but now i realize it didn’t affect much? though it seems the witcher “adaptation” has been nearly-actively hostile to the source material throughout all 3 seasons, season 2 of the good omens adaptation seems inaccurate in a subtler way throough characterization and consistency of themes, which is just as important. (and when changes are subtler or done to please fans, there is less outcry—which makes it all the more frustrating)
OMG hiii 🤝 okay literally, when I saw that you liked my ask ranting about the show I messaged my friend and said that you're probably like:
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🤣🤣 Anyways, I think Sapkowski having a Tumblr would be personal hell......for him. I can't imagine him having social media...his vibe feels very "I'm the author and I'm dead" to me 😂 Also confession...for every little thing that I was unhappy about in Good Omens season 1...I talked myself out of by saying "at least it isn't like Netflix Witcher!" (😂sorry. But look at us now! :D )
Ultimately, I don't think author involvement has a direct effect on the quality of the adaptation. Just like anything, in some cases it may be good, in some cases it may be harmful (think about the varying quality of classic adaptations for which the authors for the source materials have been dead for hundreds of years, and JKR with the Fantastic Beasts series...). And, books and visual media are completely different media. In the end, it just comes down to the understanding and portrayal of whoever is adapting the source material. I know you're also not a huge fan of Witcher 3, but as an example, the Witcher 3 with basically negative author involvement got a bit more vibes right than the Netflix Witcher series which has Sapkowski as a "consultant".
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blkkizzat · 5 months
hi im shy so i haven't interacted b4 but i luv your fics! i like that you write stories & just don't post smau or twt porn links.
Hey nonny! TY for liking my work, its appreciated!! I do encourage you to interact though, even if its just a comment or continued anon msgs cause they do encourage me to write. I also really like receiving them <33 so I hope you or anyone else feels comfy to interact with me. *i dont bite i promiseeeee*
However, I honestly don't think theres anything wrong with smaus or twt porn links.
I incorporated smaus into my fics before. I adore writing or reading a good crack fic/post so I definitely think they have their place too and they are funny! I just personally struggle when it comes to writing shorter content so not something in my wheelhouse to do. (lol anything i write under 1k words i automatically think is dogshit. lol someone teach me to write short stuff i beg.)
Also I be EATING UP those twt porn links!! I don't post any of my own as my twitter is a stan account and I don't follow/like/retwt porn on there cause I don't want to mess up my algorithm. But I do be bookmarking them HEAVY! They are good reference material for my smut fics tbh.
Also I try to stay out of the mess/discourse cause I feel like people should be able to enjoy what they like without writing lame dissertations in defense/debating about it. But since we are on the topic already I'll add I haven't really understood the hate for them in particular, especially those saying people who like/post them have porn addictions because what!? Like we are not all on here to write/read smut?? pot---meet--->kettle. Anyway I guess I can understand the frustration some have when they assume they are stealing attention away from fics, but idk tumblr is huge and there is a place/audience for everyone is my belief. I've seen many long 6k+ fics breaking 20k+ so I think theres interest in long fics as well (one of my 7k+ fic has 18k+ notes). But I work in marketing, am getting my MBA right now and have worked in the middle of business and creative my entire career (at one point i worked for Twitch directly with streamers/influencers) so I can say when it comes to anything content/creative driven its honestly it's less about the quality of the individual work and more about regularly finding, interacting and catering to your audience if you really care about notes that much . I think its far more important though to do it for fun. Especially since we are not getting paid and doing this for free-99! So much creativity gets stifled when its too much about the business/results/notes side and you are working to please others/for clout. Thats a whole ass job in itself lmfao! I used to write on ff.net back in the day (years ago omfg) and stressed myself out so much from all the reviews/requests that I ended up abandoning it and was scared to write fanfics for years because of the anxiety of 'letting ppl down' until I got back into it last fall and decided to stop giving a fuck LOL.
Ahhh but I could ramble on about that for hours so let me stop I'm doing what I said I didn't want to do cause this is def now a mini dissertation from me going down the rabbit hole on this LMFAO! (im long-winded af lol)
But ty for the ask nonny I hope you come back soon <3
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capogalassia · 5 months
I am yours, but you are mine
Fic I am writing. Don't read if you are a minor. English is not my first language and it shows. I'm sorry for mistakes and for not providing a good quality prose. I don't really know where to go with this fic. I love Volo. That's it. If you wish, you can contact me here on Tumblr. Every feedback is appreciated. Thank you very much!
You clinged with your fingers to your bag, swinging on your feet. As soon as you realized what you were doing, you stopped: that was childish, and you were not a child anymore.
In fact, you were an adult.
You gazed around, looking for the man you had to meet: he wasn't there.
Did he consider you too young?
How stupid, you told yourself. He certainly would come. You unlocked your phone screen: he had sent you a message saying "on my way", and his last online time was just a minute later. He had to be on his way.
You looked more carefully: there were families - a lot of families - with screaming children, some couples, old and young, holding hands or sitting on the benches under the lighthouse. The sky was so blue it was almost painful, and the sun was gently warming your skin.
Maybe Sunyshore City wasn't a good place to meet: it was packed.
You screamed and jumped, turning around. At least he was there. How did you not hear him?
You looked at him: he was way taller than you, but he wasn't big: he was pretty thin, even though his bare arms revealed some muscles. He kept his hair tied in a chignon on his neck, but his fringe covered one eye. The other one was grey, fixed on you as attentively as you were fix on him. He chuckled.
«Did I scare you?»
«Not at all.» you answered, giving him your hand.
«Y/n. Nice to meet you.»
«Volo. My pleasure.» he answered, firmly shaking your hand.
«Where shall we go? I know some places.»
You shrugged.
«I don't really know Sunyshore City. Wherever is fine.»
He smiled.
«Follow me, then.»
You went down the stairs and enter the main street. There were a lot of people, mainly tourists and outsiders, that were taking photos of everything and were looking everywhere amazed. Volo slowed his pace when he realized you could barely follow him.
«My apologies.» he said, when you were able to catch up.
«It's ok.» you shrugged again.
Volo stopped in front of a cafe. The glass door was open, and a smiling waitress was standing there. As soon as she realized you wanted to come in, she approached you.
«Welcome! What can I do for you today?»
«We'd like to have a seat. Inside, if possible.»
You silently agreed: outside there were too much people.
«Please come.»
You followed the waitress and entered the cafe. Upstairs there was a quiet room with small tables. The noises coming from outside were muffled. This is better, you thought.
«Thank you.» Volo said to the waitress, and then he shifted your chair so you could seat.
A true gentleman.
You smiled and took your seat, then he placed himself in front of you.
«How was the journey?» he asked, taking a menu from the table. You did the same.
«Luckily, all good. I took an earlier train, I was afraid to miss our appointment.»
He gazed at you again.
«So I made you wait. You could have text me.»
You blushed.
«It's ok, really. It was a nice day. And the walk from the train station is pretty long. I didn't wait that much.»
He smiled again.
The waitress came to your table, a block notes in her hands.
«What can I get you?»
Volo nodded at you.
«A piña colada, please.»
«And for me white wine from Verdanturf Town. Sparkling. A chalice.»
The waitress took the orders and went downstairs again.
«Interesting choice of beverage.» Volo said, his eyes following the waitress.
«Thanks?» you answered, a bit of perplexity in your tone. Was it a compliment? Did you mess up?
«Perfect for a big child.»
You weren’t new to his teasing. He always pointed out your young age online.
«Come on! There’s alcohol in it!»
«And yet it tastes pretty sweet, doesn’t it? When you grow up, you’ll appreciate more bitter drinks.»
«I am a grown up.» you pouted, crossing your arms.
«At least you don’t have to drive.»
You sighed.
«I wanted to borrow my mom’s car, but…»
«Does she know you are here?»
That was a weird question. If it had come from someone else, you wouldn't have hesitated to say that yes, everybody knew where you were and that you had some tracking device on your phone, so please don't kidnap me if you don't want trouble.
But Volo didn't seem to have bad intentions. And anyway, the city was packed... What could he do? He couldn't just force yourself to go wherever.
«She doesn’t. She wouldn't be happy to know I'm meeting with you.»
A different waiter came with your beverages.
«Is this a personal thing?» Volo asked.
You blushed and almost choked on your piña colada.
«What... No! I mean... You are...»
You had said something stupid. You lowered your head, looking at your knees. The appointment was practically over.
«Hey, I'm kidding. I know. It's because of my age, isn't it?»
«I don't mind that.» you answered, rapidly.
«I mean, I feel fine with you. I just wanted to meet you and spend a good day.»
You gulped. The man's expression was unintelligible.
«I see. Well, I agree with you. Age is just a number, they say. I think you are pretty mature to think like that.»
You felt sincerely flattered: that compliment was coming from the same man that teased you about your age. You took another sip of your drink.
«Piña colada here is good.»
You didn't taste many piña coladas - basically just the ones they made in the only bar in Twinleaf Town. They weren't bad, but they weren't as good as the one you were drinking.
«I sometimes come here. They change their wine selection pretty often, it's a good way to taste something new.»
«You are like a wine connoisseur?»
«I like it. I'm far from being a sommelier, but I can appreciate the differences between one wine and another.»
You chose the wrong topic: you already had nothing more to say.
«Homework's already done?»
Another weird question coming from him.
«Yes.» you answered reluctantly. He chuckled.
«I'm sorry, y/n. I don't mean to be like your parents or to baby you. I'm just making sure you have some more time.»
«I can go home whenever. Well, my parents scold me at whatever time, so I guess it's the same.»
You looked out of the window. You didn't really like talking about your family: it was problematic, and you were aware of that.
The man seemed to notice that.
«My apologies. I don't want to put you in a bad mood. What shall we talk about?»
You thought about it. When you texted Volo, it was easy to find topics to talk about, but now that you were meeting in person, you were nervous.
«Which car do you have? I'm looking forward to suggestions to buy one, one day.»
This time, Volo laughed heartily. You stared at him, wondering what was so funny. You were too young, for sure.
«I'll show you. But that's no car for a new driver. It's a Honda NSX.»
Another topic you didn't know much about. You started to think that that Volo guy could be out of your league.
«I've never seen one.»
«I have it parked around here. Well, in the west parking lot, the one near the highway. Shall we go there?»
«Of course.»
You felt better. Apparently, Volo was interested in staying with you. That thought filled you with a warm sensation.
You finished the drink and Volo insisted for paying for the both of you.
You then followed him through the still packed city: the nearer you were getting to the parking lot, less people there were.
Volo entered the big parking lot and guided you between the parked cars. You were still wondering how a Honda NSX looked like.
«Here she is.»
«THIS is your car?»
He was right: it was no car for a beginner. Heck, it was no car for you specifically. You weren't even sure how someone could control a monster like that. You looked at the car body, of a deep and lucid black: your reflection returned the gaze.
«It's amazing.»
«It is.»
Volo nudged a rear mirror, smiling: he was evidently proud of his car.
«Want to have a ride?»
You decided you could trust him.
«Why not. Where do we go?»
«Hearthome City? I live near there. I can show you my house, and then I'll drive you home.»
Things were getting interesting. You didn't expected to be invited at home so soon.
Volo inserted the key and opened the car. You sat on the edge of the passenger seat and looked for the safety belt.
«You can rest on the back, you know.»
«It's just... It's so clean. I fear I could somehow dirty it.»
«Don't be silly.»
You rested on the back and fastened the belt.
The car was indeed powerful, but Volo respected all the traffic laws. Getting outside Sunyshore City was a bit slow, but, when you were on the highway, Volo showed you how fast that car could accelerate. It was amazing.
You arrived to Hearthome City in less than half an hour. Nothing compared to the infinite journey by train.
As Volo said, his house was just outside the city: it was in a newly built residential complex. Your first thought was that living there had to cost a lot of money.
But apparently Volo could afford it: you knew he was a businessman. Well, he had explained what he did, but you couldn't remember the details. He parked in his garage, then guided you to his apartment. It was at the second floor.
The house was clean and smelled good. It was almost perfect: not a thing out of place, everything was colour coordinated, the decorations were essential.
Volo closed the door behind you and took off his shoes.
«Could you take off your shoes, y/n? I washed the floor yesterday.»
You imagined Volo had a sort of housekeeper or someone who would clean the house for him. But probably living alone made chores easier. You thought of the disastrous state your own bedroom was and felt embarrassed.
You took off your shoes and followed Volo in the living room. He sat on the sofa and invited you to join him.
«You have a really nice house.»
«Thank you. It's a pity to be out for work so often.»
«It is.» you answered.
«I have a housekeeper that, well, keeps the house clean while I'm not here. But I prefer to do everything alone. Chores distract me.»
«From what?»
«From being alone. Sometimes it's nice to be, but other times I miss company.»
«I would come every time you ask.»
You didn't even know why you said that. But you knew it was true, somehow.
«Would you? That's nice, y/n.» Volo said, smiling.
«And what would you do if we were together?»
«We are together.» you pointed out.
«Smart girl. Then, what will you do now to help me feel less alone?»
You gulped. In an instant, you forgot all the activities that could be done in two.
«I guess… I would talk to you… and, like…»
You realized Volo was closer to you. He looked so tall, even when he was sitting.
«Talking is nice, y/n, and I really appreciate that. But… I miss something in particular.»
Oh. OH.
That? Your thoughts started racing. Did you want… that? With Volo? Right now?
Volo laughed at your missed answer.
«I’m sorry, y/n. I assume you are too young for this. I didn’t mean to…»
«I’m not too young.» you blurted out. You were sick of that phrase: not that Volo had used it so much, but your parents did. You’re too young for this, you’re too young for that.
«I am legally an adult. I can decide what I want.»
«Then decide. What do you want now?»
You gulped. What did you want?
You looked in Volo’s eyes.
You wanted to prove him you were an independent girl. That what your parents said did not matter. That you were able to make your own choices.
You leant towards him.
Luckily he took the lead: he put his hand behind your neck and pressed his lips on yours. That contact made you shiver, but it felt nice.
Volo played with your hair and licked your lips. You somehow understood and slightly opened your mouth, so that your tongues could meet.
Now it felt good.
Volo interrupted the kiss.
«Good girl.»
He caressed your cheek with his hand.
You realized you didn’t know how to continue. Did you have to touch him? Was he about to touch you? The only thing you knew is that being called “good girl” really turned you on.
«Y/n, have you ever done this before?»
You didn’t want to tell the truth, but lying wasn’t an option. He certainly could tell if you were experienced or not.
«I’ll take the lead. You will do what I say. You will like it.»
You nodded.
Volo kissed you again and placed his hands on your hips. You focused on his smell – eau de cologne and shampoo. He still tasted like wine.
When the kiss ended, you were gasping for air.
«Calm down, y/n. We’re just getting started.»
He stared at you, eyes filled with desire, as if you were a delicious meal and he was deciding where to get started.
«Will you take your shirt off?»
You nodded and started undoing the buttons.
Volo emitted a satisfied sound.
«Very good. Now, let me see.»
He opened your shirt, revealing the white bra you were wearing underneath.
Oh shit. Your underwear didn't match.
He caressed your breasts, making you squirm.
«What a fine woman we have here.»
In another moment, this phrase would have really flattered you, but you were too focused on his hands on your bare skin. It was a totally new sensation for you, and you really liked it.
Without warning, Volo grabbed your hips and pulled you closer. You followed his movements and found yourself on his lap.
He started making out again, touching you, kissing you, giving you small pinches on your belly.
He took off your shirt, and you didn't stop him. But you ended the kiss when you felt his hands on your bra's hook.
He seemed dissatisfied, but he looked in your eyes.
«What is it?»
You weren't sure about what you were feeling. Was it too soon? What if he just wanted sex and then he abandoned you? You really wanted to have sex with a thirty-four years old?
You thought about your friends and how much you were sick about having nothing to say when it came to relationship.
You threw yourself on Volo's mouth again. He chuckled and undid your bra, going with his hands to your breasts. He started immediately playing with one of your nipples, making you squeak.
You remembered you probably had to touch him to.
You timidly started to undo his shirt's buttons, revealing the skin under. It was as pale as his face.
«You're a fast learner.» Volo said. He was certainly happy with what you were doing.
He slipped his hand under your skirt and started massaging your leg. You didn't even realized how heavily you were breathing.
He then pulled you even closer, making your intimate parts touch.
Damn. That felt so good.
You started moving on his erection, finding your own sensitive spots.
«Fuck, y/n.» he muttered while you were moaning. It was awesome.
He grabbed you again and laid you on the couch. He then quickly undid his belt and pants.
Well, you were about to see a real cock for the first time.
Volo, showing some acrobatic skills, took off his pants and his underwear, leaving on his open shirt.
«Touch yourself, miss. Let me see how much you want me.»
You passed a finger under the fabric of your panties and started touch your clit. You weren't new to that.
«I want you...» you murmured.
«I want you, Volo! Inside me!»
You were definitely horny. You really wanted to feel that man, to touch him and kiss him...
«How desperate.» he noticed, looking at your hand playing with your clit.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled the hand away, while with the other hand he pulled down your underwear. He didn’t seem to notice the fact that it didn’t match your bra.
«Are you wet enough?»
That question took you off guard.
«I... I think...»
«We'll see.»
He inserted himself in you.
You moaned: it didn't even hurt.
«Fuck, you're so tight...» he whispered. Then he started thrusting.
«Volo... Nnngh...»
You placed your hands on his back and followed his rhythm. It felt so good.
«Yes, like that.»
He kissed you again.
You remembered you were in an apartment complex, and that maybe screaming wasn’t a good idea. But you couldn’t stop the sounds coming from your mouth, expression of the pleasure you were feeling inside.
«Good girl. It’s so good. Keep it up.»
An orgasm hit you sooner than expected. You almost creamed and arched, your heart pounding, shivers coming down your spine.
Volo didn’t comment on that. He continued his thrusting, grunting and panting.
You felt him slow down.
«Fuck.» he said again. He reached for a packet of tissues that laid on the small table near the couch.
«Clean yourself up. I’m driving you home, whenever you’re ready.»
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