#Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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lastnightisatum-blur · 13 days ago
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Seeing gen z type slang in an official translation gave me slight whiplash, ngl
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saline-coelacanth · 21 days ago
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Funny shipping related shenanigans because it's February and that gives me an excuse to draw more shipping art lol
Meant to get this done sooner but I got a little sidetracked
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friendlyghostintheattic · 3 months ago
By End of Wind and Truth our favorite characters are:
Kaladin Stormblessed: Reforged the Oathpact, now the tenth Herald, replacing Jezrin, presumed dead, physically on Braize, mentally in the Spiritual Realm with the other Heralds
Shallan Davar: Trapped in Shadesmar with Pattern and Testament, with no way out, and possibly pregnant
Adolin Kholin: Founder of the Unoathed, In Azimir, one of the only kingdoms that isn’t under control by Retribution, and isn’t experiencing a constant Everstorm
Renarin and Jasnah Kholin: Starting a representative government in Urithiru
Navani Kholin: put into a protective coma along the Sibling to preserve the tower against Retribution
Dalinar: killed by Retribution, in the beyond, but he left part of himself in the Spiritual Realm that Retribution is in control of
Venli - the Listeners control the Shattered Plain as an independent nation and the war with the Alethi is finally over
Wit - currently on Scadrial, regrown from a cell culture after Retribution vaporized him
Sigzil - no longer a Windrunner due to breaking his oaths, given a Dawnshard by Wit to prevent Retribution getting it, leaving Roshar through Shadesmar, as part of an Irialai caravan, joined by 12124, Szeth’s old Spren, who will later become Auxiliary
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catliker49 · 3 months ago
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BWAAH! I bring forth.. yumeshipping! (still hoping that's the correct term!) And a Puppetsona... that I may or may not touch up sooner or later!
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year ago
Eddie loves calling Steve all kinds of Hebrew pet names. In the beginning, Steve doesn't understand what any of them mean, but the love in the way Eddie pronounces the words is so clear that it makes him melt every single time. As he starts learning more Hebrew, he starts using Hebrew pet names for Eddie too.
While Eddie loves using a wide variety of pet names, his favorite will always be neshama sheli (נשמה שלי), which literally translates to "my soul." He loves it because of how poetic it is, and it's a safe way to tell Steve how much he loves him when it's still too scary to say those things in English. Because it rolls off his tongue so beautifully, it soon evolves into something natural to call Steve.
Steve, on the other hand, starts out sticking to a simple ahuvi (אהובי - my love). Learning the language doesn't come easy to him, but as he grows more confident incorporating some Hebrew words and phrases in his vocabulary, he starts to love calling Eddie ugiya sheli (עוגייה שלי - my cookie). He learned that one from Wayne as a joke; Eddie pretends to hate it, but Steve and Wayne both know better.
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midoristeashop · 2 years ago
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been going down a rabbit hole of golden age fics and this is my take on the nightlight design tee hee (I love him with all my heart and soul)
also it’s my personal head canon that nightlight was a past life of Jack’s and can access his star boy powers in life/death situations?? Idk but wouldn’t that make a cool future scene where jack can access past PAST lives’ memories and just see his cool space protector self like
anyway I love him bye
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pianokantzart · 1 year ago
One little change in the Japanese dub compared to the English version is right after Kamek tells the prisoners that they're going to be sacrificed...
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Luigi doesn't say "Mario." He says "Kowai yo, Niisan" which I believe translates to "I'm scared, Big Brother."
Which means he speaks out loud as if he's talking to his brother as a method of calming himself down.
I am very normal about this.
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darkwood-sleddog · 27 days ago
Do you have any information on the Seppala sled dogs? I've seen some breeders claiming to have them but idk. The most "legit" kennel I saw apparently stopped their program a long time ago and let their dogs age out according ti their website. Their dogs looked lankier and leaner compared to Siberian huskies and had taller, close-set ears, they looked pretty neat. How much did they differ from their Sibe cousins & Chukchi laika ancestors? Are any of them still around today? Did they get absorbed into the Alaskan husky population, like the native Alaskan village dogs?
It's not my breed of choice so I probably don't have the most nuanced information, but they're basically just another breed of working sled dog.
After the Serum Run, Leonard Seppala toured with his dogs in the lower 48. It is during this time that we start seeing the beginnings of the modern Alaskan Malamute, the Siberian Husky, and the Seppala Siberian Sled Dog as all three programs owe some or much of their foundation from dogs Seppala brought with him.
You see, while the Siberian Husky and Seppala people like to think that Leonard Seppala had some sort of strict vision or plan of what he wanted to breed because he was amongst the first to import dogs from Siberia (and is certainly responsible for their fame as racers), many of his dogs were of mixed heritage. Togo himself was a quarter malamute (lower case here to indicate 'malamute' as it was prior to Kennel Club registration, a catch all name for indigenous coastal sled dogs at the time) and so were many of Seppala's dogs:
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Seppala even gifted Yukon Jad, the father of the first registered litter of Alaskan Malamutes, to Eva Seeley at the time. The Seeley's owned Chinook Kennels in New Hampshire and here is where things start getting complex. Chinook Kennels bred both Alaskan Malamutes (Seeley's pet project, breeding dogs for Antarctic expeditions), as well as Siberian Huskies from additional stock she had acquired from Seppala. There is a rumor, with some truth behind it, that she would classify a dog as a 'malamute' if it had brown eyes, and a Siberian Husky if it had blue eyes.
Meanwhile Seppala went on to partner with Elizabeth Ricker in Poland Springs, Maine (who was Togo's final owner before his death) to form a different kennel. This one focused strictly on racing dogs. Again, descended from the dogs Seppala had brought to the lower 48. When this kennel disbanded, several of the dogs in Maine went to Harry Wheeler in Quebec who kept them in an extremely closed gene pool until the 1950s (descended from 9 dogs total yikes...). It is around this time that things start dispersing. There begins to be some crossover with the Seppala and Working Siberian Husky gene pools at this time (if you want to get really thick in the weeds read this). Many Working Siberians have Seppala heritage and vice versa because of this. Non-working bloodlines also have crossover to the Poland Springs dogs as well, but less often. There are a TON of Siberian Husky, Working Siberian Husky, and Seppala Siberian Sled Dog bloodlines, some of different percentage of mixture. But does it matter that much when all three breeds have origins in the exact same small group of dogs?
Ultimately the answer of why it matters to some comes down to breed politics and the way kennels clubs are structured, often failing to prioritize working aptitude over physical appearance. There were disagreements over how dogs descendent from the Seppala dogs should continue or how to best uphold, what Seppala wanted out of his dogs (which was to win races, but i digress...), and a lot of MASSIVE hatred for Eva Seeley (like they hate the idea that malamute might be in dogs from her kennel but Seppala himself was crossing Siberians and Malamutes before this time period...). Ultimately, Seppala Siberian Sled Dog people conclude that a Seppala is ONLY a Seppala if it descends only from dogs of Leonard Seppala OR dogs imported from Russia (there are major differences between Indigenous Russian sled dogs and Seppala Siberian Sled Dogs imo, but I won't get into that here in too much detail bc I'm glad they're outcrossing as the SSSD is very in need of genetic diversity). They usually have a big focus on working their dogs and eschew traditional kennel clubs (The Seppala Siberian Sled Dog is registered as a breed only with the Continental Kennel Club, the same 'Kennel Club' that will register anything with four legs as a breed so...).
Now I think a LOT of SSSD people place a huge amount of energy into what "looks" like an SSSD compared to a working Siberian Husky and vice-versa, which is funny considering their attitudes on conformation showing as well as their willingness to outcross to unrelated dogs. They love making the 'cookie cutter show dog' argument against conformation bred Siberians while also having a breed of dog ultimately descended from the same stock, that has been intensely inbred in its history (even though they will bemoan the registered Siberian's lack of genetic diversity...i would be interested in seeing COI comparisons honestly) and has a very distinct look. Again, so much of this comes down to early breeder's historical beef with Siberian Husky folks which I think would be much better for both sides to let go of because really what this is is breed split at the most granular. I can guarantee Russian sled dogs folks that don't use registered breeds specifically do not care to get this fucking specific. Does it work well? Cool, it's sled dog.
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(Half Yakutian Laika/Seppala dog on the left, full Seppala dog on the right for comparison, but god forbid a registered Siberian Husky is bred into the bloodlines despite...everything).
Anyways here are some actual indigenous russian sled dogs:
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And Leonard Seppala's Dogs:
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(SSSD folk will often wax poetical about their dogs resemblance to Scotty, but notice how unusual Scotty looks compared to the other siberian imports Seppala owned (he did have an import Dam, but father? who knows).)
Some Alaskan Husky lines do have Seppala in their heritage (I believe the Hedlund Husky project uses them infrequently as outcrosses), but the Seppala Siberian Sled Dog is pretty insular within itself and the people still breeding it. There are not a lot of breeders, but there are def some of them doing really interesting stuff with their dogs (despite my beef for the attitude and breed split i still have a deep respect when people are doing cool stuff and open to outcrossing etc.). Poland Springs Seppalas is in Alaska right now doing a recreation of the original serum run to celebrate the serum run's 100th year. I think that's pretty darn cool.
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daily-smol-silm · 18 days ago
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Day #209 - Finarfin
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ineadhyn · 1 month ago
Thinking about how good it would have been if default Durge was female.
So there's the Chosen, the most important villains in the game and they originally were all men. You got charismatic tyrant, melancholic general and sophisticated Bhaalist with a tragic connection to said tyrant.
Orin clawed her way in there. Nobody wanted her, she's disconnected from the others. And she's about as compelling as your next mad muderhobo. (I like fanon Orin, but in game?)
Now if there was the (also extremely hot) female dragonborn to balance out the other two men she would have been a compelling character. Durges backstory would make her so interesting, she keeps gnolls, she's intelligent and well spoken, she's devoted to murder and has this thing going with Gortash which gives her an emotional and vulnerable side.
Even Orin would profit from it. The sisterly rivalry? Delicious and I think better than with a guy. Durge would be everything Orin is lacking and it would give Orin more narrative purpose to be how she is (contrast). The comparison is just not so imminent with a character she has absolutely nothing in common with.
It would make exactly the same story but give us another compelling female villain character (redeemable on top) with a huge plot relevancy.
Can you think of any other female bg3 villain who is compelling and crucial for the plot besides Orin? Most villains in bg3 are men and the hag for example can be skipped entirely. Also she's questionable attractive, not redeemable or has any emotional/vulnerable trait (because she's a hag).
Minthara qualifies but if not recruited she's just "another victim in your crusade against the absolute".
The only one fitting the criteria fully might be Kagha. I love Kagha, but she has a crucial but minor role.
So I'll not write out my whole essay on female bg3 villains here and why they are lacking, I just think default Durge as a female would have made a lot of things better.
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justclowninar0und · 7 days ago
i'm sorry but when did proshipping include "trans(insert anything to do with race/age/disability/etc)". i've been here for a very long time and yet i was under the impression that proship was anything to do with shipping in fandom/anything "puritans" see as disgusting, not being "transadhd, transautism, trans25, transblack"?
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project-sekai-facts · 7 months ago
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According to the second fanbook, Rakunosuke Otori had an older brother. He is presumably dead, given that he was older than the would-be 100 years old Rakunosuke. However, this means Emu and her siblings had a great uncle, and is the only confirmation of any character having an uncle.
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Shepherd: Why are your tongues purple?
Victoria: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Kana: I had a red one.
Shepherd: oh.
Shepherd: OH.
Clayton: You drank eachothers slushies?
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helpbutton95 · 4 months ago
You know one thing that I love about Agatha All Along, is that not once has Agatha said Rio's name.
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littleoddwriter · 2 months ago
can't believe Instagram waited until today to show this video to me... this is just too cute! their brotherly bond during the Gladiator II press tour was palpable, and I love it so much. <3
[video description: a short ten second clip of actor Paul Mescal at the Gladiator 2 premiere in London. he says, "I would trust Fred Hechinger not just to defend me, but with my entire life, all of my secrets, and everything that I possess," while a clip of them laughing together during the Gladiator 2 press tour is shown to underline this bond they share, all while swelling music is playing. it ends with a photo of both actors together at the premiere with some red heart emojis edited over it. end video description]
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Is it normal for Halsin to retain the she-bear scars out of wild shape?
(I went back to look at that scene, because his bear form doesn't have the scars. I thought maybe that meant he wasn't in wild shape when he got them. But he wouldn't tell a straight up lie like that.)
Anyway, keeping scars from his wild shape, werebear Halsin?
Oh I am 100% a werebear Halsin Truther
Evidence: Druids are fully in control and themselves when they are in their wildshape. Halsin isn't. He even warns that as the bear he will not be able to hold back and suggest you not bring him if you want subtlety.
Druids are able to control their transformations. Halsin isn't (romance, etc)
Druids understand languages they know in normal form while in wildshape, because you specifically "Assume the hape of" the animal, it is NOT polymorph. With Halsin in the goblin cage, you have to use speak with animals in order to talk to him.
He's got his own special Wildshape ability that allows him to transform into a cave bear. Circle of the Moon druids normally can only wildshape into a polar bear.
His cave bear form even has a different attack option than regular bear.
Tge cave bear wildshape for Halsin is placed in the “common” tab instead of “druid” tab. Why? Because it's not his druid ability is because
Halsin is a Werebear 🐻✨️
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