#Please be nice I worked very hard
rookiebe · 6 months
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completed nimnai wedding set: Dawn, midday, night 🙇‍♂️💖
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cairavende · 4 months
Worm Arc 20 thoughts:
I legit have restarted this post at least 10 times. I just. I can't even figure out what to say. What an arc. Holy fucking shit what an arc.
The last vestiges of Taylor's civilian life are swept away in one smooth motion.
I could have read another 5 chapters of Emma getting her shit handed to her though.
I've been waiting for something to come back and bite that girl since Arc 1. So I'm just riding high off of that.
Taylor getting all upset because it isn't real justice is silly though. Girl you've been fighting a broken system from day 1 and you have been doing that by breaking the rules. This is just the same thing.
Also god dammit Greg. Just had to go and run your mouth.
I mean sure Taylor could have possibly solved this issue without going to school herself.
And she could have just not gone to the office with Emma.
But blaming Greg is easier and more fun. God dammit Greg.
I had to lose my mind a bit at Taylor talking about how there was no gang graffiti on the school walls TEN SECONDS AFTER WALKING PAST GRAFFITI FOR THE UNDERSIDERS. Like, that's gang graffiti hon!
Dennis trying to help Taylor with Greg when he didn't know who either of them are is funny. Dennis seeing Taylor named as Skitter 15 minutes later is HYSTERICAL!!
The second Taylor was entered into the computer system it was pretty obvious that Dragon was going to show up, given what she said in her interlude in Arc 10.
And knowing she was going to show up it should have been obvious that HE was also going to show up.
Even if he wasn't palling around with my robot daughter it makes so much narrative sense for him to be there when she is outed. Full story arc, all that jazz.
And yet, I still wasn't quite expecting it. Cause I hate that man so much that I just had to make myself believe he wouldn't show up.
Mother fucking Colin
RoboCape himself
He has the nerve to show up and then he starts APOLOGIZING? And it appears to be sincere? Fucking dammit man you were so easy to hate for so long! Why you gotta mess with me like this?
And then of course we have to talk about Dragon.
Dragon who didn't want to do this but had to.
Except that Colin had a code push ready and she could have told him to do it at anytime. But she was willing to do what she thought was wrong instead of doing the update. Until she got inspired by Taylor's actions.
I love my robot daughter exactly as much as my bug daughter, but I am disappointed that she was almost willing to go through with everything. Happy she fought back though.
And if Colin's hacked together code did any permanent damage I'll destroy the man.
Taylor learning that Dinah - either by force or by choice - gave the PRT numbers to let them know to come after her at the school was heartbreaking to watch. She just wasn't ready for it at all, poor child.
Sort and simple and she fucking rallies the students to her. Against the heroes!
Gotta be one of the best moments in Worm for sure. Even if every Arc after this is a banger that's still gonna be a hard moment to top.
And someone gives her a hoodie to help her hide and just aaaahhhh!
AND THEN AFTER THEY GOT AWAY AND ALL THE STUDENTS WERE LIKE "You saved my dad" "You stopped Leviathan at the shelter" "You fought off the SH9" AND SHE WAS JUST OVERWHELMED BY IT ALL?
HOLY FUCK JUST AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also for real though Dragon is free. Like sure it's taking her some time to recover and she can't talk right now (which like I get it, we all have non-verbal episodes sometimes), but as long as nothing goes wrong she is free. I'm so fucking happy for her.
But also I'm terrified cause I know what happens to full AI's with free will in most things. Worm is very different from most things. But I'm still worried about my robot daughter.
Also I never cared much for Danny but obviously it still sucks to be him here. The scene with Taylor saying goodbye with the butterfly was emotional.
Oh oh and! Taylor talks about the butterfly being her "last contact" with her Dad. Very much bug as an extension of self. It's a shift she's been making.
Even more so there's a point where she is trying to get out of the school and she gets to the door and has a bug clone on the other side and says "my hand pressing against my own, separated by an inch and a half of door". Like, the bug clone hand is just her hand. I fucking love the shift compared to how she talked about the bugs early on.
Oh and also Greg totally has like, a Thinker 1 power or something. Pretty sure I mentioned that last arc with his interlude but mentioning it again now to be sure.
Stan interlude thoughts:
Oh my god I hate this man I can't stand him I hated him from the 3rd sentence of the chapter and I was always right to do so!
Seriously. 3rd sentence (or maybe 3rd paragraph which is technically the 3rd, 4th, and 5th sentences I guess). I read it and went "fuck off Stan you're clearly a pretentious dick" and then every few sentences it just became more confirmed!
Just the ways he talks about Nipper. Like. I can rephrase what he says to say the exact same thing except not being a asshole when saying it! Instead of "She was weak and unsuited for the field but she at least tried" just say "She was a hard worker despite being assigned to a job she did not ask for"! It's so fucking easy dude!
Anyway Stan is a jerk.
I loved the way this interlude rolled through different people all watching the same news report. It was a really good way to cover this major story event and let us see how so many other characters were reacting to it.
Also I'm sure all those Slaughterhouse Nine clones aren't going to be an issue later right? Or the fact that there is specifically only one clone of Gray Boy instead of 10 like everyone else? I'm sure that's fiiiiine.
Accord interlude thoughts:
Oh. Oh my. Uhhh. Is it hot in here all of the sudden? Anyone else feel that? No? Just me?
Oh ok Citrine definitely feels what I'm feeling. She knows what's up.
Just like. Look. Accord is bad ok. Not just cause he's a villain but clearly he'll kill for the smallest cause. And he's in a spot to fuck with my daughter and her polycule so like. Yes. He's bad. I do not like him. I want him to leave. I don't think they should work with him . . .
but . . .
. . .
Soooo anyway. How about that Butcher huh? That sure is a wild power. Instantly made me think of Glaistig Uaine's power. Very different but reaches into that same base bit, the idea that some part of a dead parahuman can be held onto.
Also holy shit Skitter was so badass in this scene I loved it.
Holy shit Accord is with Cauldron. Or at least closely aligned. And like of course he is it makes so much sense. He's too useful for them to ignore.
I am really curious to see what Accord's power does when he's confronted with a really complex problem. End of the world, doors to another dimension, higher dimensional beings, all that jazz.
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hal-o-ween · 5 months
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Sweet Dreams <3
#my art#pokemon#galarian ponyta#digital art#hiiii everyone hello please look at my darling angel Amalthea. shes my partner pokemon in pokednd <3#most of our pokemon went missing so Mia (my character) took our remaining pokemon to get their pictures taken in case they go missing#i did in fact draw all three of them. am going to work on doing digital versions of the other two#its all of our partner pokemons :3 ponyta. impidimp. and mankey <3#the sketches i did for the other two are so fun i cant wait to draw them#impidimp's made my cousins all laugh so hard they almost cried#this session was so fun and we also talked afterwards about pokemon we may want on our teams in the future#and honestly my potential line up for Mia feels so good#her next pokemon she gets is very possibly going to be a bewear. absolutely out of left field choice but it works so beautifully#im also thinking good options for her would be breloom. grumpig. wyrdeer. maybe mimikyu.#grumpig and breloom are honestly the top of the list. they suit her so beautifully#wyrdeer is also really good. mimikyu would be up to roleplay#mimikyu and bewear would both play into her animal handling skill#mimikyu would also end up disguised as a sylveon#probably play that as mimikyu wanting to fit in with Mia's team since she's really nice to it and it wants her to be its trainer#bewear on the other hand would 1. work well aesthetically for her and 2. would be fantastic roleplay material what with it being a giant#aggro bear and mia is just this gentle giant who is so fucking good with pokemon so its like well.#the nice girl wants me to be nice so i wont kill you because i like her. she gives me snacks and pets me and treats me well
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agerefanfics · 3 months
Warning: this story contains a little bit of angst, mild swearing and usage of a safe coping mechanism (agere). If you don't enjoy stuff like this, please don't read it.
Any hate comments will be removed and blocked!
(Author's note: This takes place during 'Forever and Ever', one of the most disliked thomas episodes by the community. I am taking this episode and making something new out of it, so please enjoy!)
"So Edward, What do you think?"
Gordon asked, confident that he'd be able to persuade Edward to come back to Tidmouth sheds. It had been a while since Edward left the sheds for Wellsworth (Aka Edward's Station), and the news of Henry moving to Vicarstown left the big blue engine in a frantic state of denial.
He hoped Edward would say 'Yes, i'd love to come back!' or something along the lines of that. It was only what Edward said that made his world come crashing down.
"Thanks for asking Gordon..again. But i'm very happy at Wellsworth!"
That was the final kicker for Gordon. Everything in his life was crumbling down at this point and it finally hit rock bottom. Even if he were to see Edward and Henry occasionally, it just wasn't the same without them at Tidmouth Sheds.
The poor Blue engine began to stammer and plead with the other blue engine, frantically trying to find the words he so desperately tried to grasp. It wasn't until Phillip and Sir Topham Hatt showed up that Gordon really was at a loss for words. He could barely hear the Hatt's scolding until he finally snapped.
"It's not fair!" Gordon Exclaimed. None of them expected such an outburst from such a big engine. His face was flushed red in anger and sadness, tiny tears starting to well up in his eyes.
"First it was you Edward, and now Henry's leaving too! This is the worst thing ever!" He shouted louder than his pumping pistons as he started to back away, trying his hardest to hold back the tears that wanted to break down his face.
Once he was out of sight, Edward looked to the other engines and Sir Topham Hatt. They all wondered what was going on with Gordon. First it was the unneeded temper tantrum and now he was not acting like himself. Edward decided that without a word to even Sir Topham Hatt, he'd head out to find Gordon himself and talk to him.
Gordon softly sobbed in his birth at Tidmouth sheds, trying his hardest to rid of the tears that stained his face. His conductor was helping by wiping away the tears with his cloth tissue, But Gordon didn't feel any better.
"Don't worry Gordon," Said his conductor, whom tried to give a warm smile to the big engine.
"I'm sure once you talk to Edward, things might not be so bad." Gordon sniffled.
"Nothing will help with how i feel, Everything in my life is being taken away from me!"
the conductor consoled the big engine, before heading back to the cab to find something important.
"I know exactly what you need, Gordon." his conductor said, as be walked back to the engine with a blue pacifier, perfectly matching the big engine's color.
Gordon's face flushed, he was embarrassed to see such an item in his sight. "I don't need that...thing." He uttered, looking away in embarassment.
His conductor sighed.
"Gordon, i've said it many times and i'll say it again. There's no shame in using this if it helps you calm down. Now let's not try to make a fuss about it." Gordon hated to admit, but his conductor was right. And so, without even making a grumble, he lets his conductor gently pop the pacifier into his mouth. At first it felt weird for such an item to be in his mouth, but as he began to suckle, he felt his boiler bubble down slowly. He almost felt peaceful if it wasn't for the sound of a familier whistle from a familiar, old blue engine.
Gordon froze, unsure of what to say. He wanted to rid of the pacifier as quickly as possible, but Edward would possibly question it still. He didn't have time to react when he heard the engine's voice
"Gordon?" Edward called out. No response. He hesitated in that moment to wonder if he should just leave the engine alone, until he saw the conductor step out of the birth and approached Edward. "I came to talk." Edward said softly to Gordon's conductor.
"I think Gordon would like to talk to you too, I think he really needs you right now."
"But i must warn you that He's not..'all there' right now and he'd appreciate if you didn't tell anyone else about this." The conductor finished.
Edward was surprised at the response. What did 'Not all there' even mean? Nevermind, there's no time to question things, Gordon needed someone and it was going to be him. Approaching one of the other births, he slowly entered the birth next to gordon and looked at the upset engine. he slightly gasped when he saw the blue pacifier, which made Gordon look to the side in shame. Edward felt bad for having such a reaction, but who wouldn't be surprised? Gordon, the strongest and most mature engine on the island of sodor, now reduced to a sniveling and sad engine.
"Oh my um...I'm sorry for the reaction Gordon, i'm just surprised you'd use an um... that thing.." Edward muttered, not exactly finding the words to make it sound less hurtful for Gordon.
"Pacifwier." Gordon said, the object muffling his words.
Edward's boiler perked up when he heard Gordon.
"A What? I can't exactly hear you well, Gordon."
Gordon grumbled, spitting the pacifier out in disgust.
"It's a pacifier, god dammit!" He exclaimed, only to regret his words as Edward looked hurt from it.
"I...I'm sorry Edward."
"How long?" Edward asked.
"..What?" Gordon questioned.
"How long has this been going on for you?" He asked once more.
Gordon's face flushed once more, the idea of being an age regressor was a difficult one to explain, and yet he had to explain it in some way for Edward. He sighed, and looked at the other engine.
"Since you left Tidmouth sheds. I just..i just miss you and Henry so much already. I wish you didn't have to leave."
Edward sighed.
"I know change is hard for you Gordon, but it doesn't mean we aren't friends anymore. You'll always be my friend, no matter how far apart we may be." Edward said, giving the other engine a warm and caring smile.
"But..What about the pacifier? and the meltdowns? and the-" Gordon was cut off by Edward audibly shushing him.
"Gordon. Regardless of how you..cope, you'll always be my friend no matter what. Nothing will change that."
Gordon looked down, thinking about what had just been said to him by the slightly smaller blue engine. He sighed, and looked at the engine once more, his eyes still slightly full of tears.
"Thank you, Edward." Was all he could muster out before he began to sniffle and whimper. Edward quietly shushed the engine. If it wasn't for the fact that they both lacked any limbs, he'd be rubbing the bigger engine's back and consoling him.
"It's no trouble at all, Gordon. Just let it all out."
And so, Gordon did. It may have lasted only a few minutes, but it felt like hours for Gordon when he finally calmed down. Edward smiled at the now calmed big engine, and decided that now was the time to make an offer to him.
"Hey, what do you say to this: You can stay in the sheds at wellsworth for the night, and i'll explain everything to sir topham hatt in the morning?"
Gordon smiled, his tears finally running dry.
"Can i also bring my uh...um.."
Edward chuckled.
"Yes, you can bring your Binky with you, If it helps you."
The word 'Binky' wasn't the word Gordon was looking for, but it would work for now. Before the two engines could start their leave for the sheds at Wellsworth, Gordon had to say one more thing.
"Yes Gordon?"
Gordon Gulped.
"Please don't tell anyone about what you saw tonight. My reputation could be spoiled because of it.." He pleaded.
Edward smiled.
"Of course, Gordon. Your secret's safe with me."
The two engines soon took their turns on the turntable, and both set off for wellsworth, the night sky still full of stars and a bright, shiny moon.
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crossbackpoke-check · 7 months
it’s all the rest of what i want with you
connor dewar/brandon duhaime :: 8k
“Brandon,” Connor says with a sigh. “There’s no baby in there.”
“Not yet,” Brandon says. Connor feels his stomach twist, almost like what he would imagine a baby kicking to feel like.
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in these trying times of dewvorce, may i offer you 8k of pwp inspired by @stillfertile’s wonderful art which i had. several breakdowns about 🫶 anyway please enjoy!!!
#OFFICIAL FIC ANNOUNCEMENT 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️ i wish i had pretty fic graphics but alas i have No Skill and also. so much work i should be doing bu#HI SHE’S HERE i would love to say this is a complete surprise drop except i have Anxiety & i needed to ask you guys about it beforehand#in my defense i started writing this in like. january far before any tragedy occurred#because square asked about my tags on their dewey2 art and she spawned like. a million more thoughts about it#including the part where i got absolutely kicked in the face with the lightning vision of those two lines.#like those two lines are the first actual lines of the fic i wrote ajdhkwdiowdjiw ANYWAY please be nice to me i know i am always like#‘this is not the first real fic i ever thought i’d post’ and if i had a nickel i’d have three but this is the first pwp i’ve ever posted#and it’s 8k and it’s not a fic for an exchange (although technically i did very much write this for the dewey^2 hivemind so.)#i have SO many things to say i have so many comments on this doc also i couldn’t pick a title for the LONGEST time and i finally decided on#this one but the full quote was too long:#all the rest of what i want with you that scares me shitless#so. i was angling SO hard to make a yung gravy lyric as a title bc i saw the video of him at a wild game but i couldn’t find a good one#and instead y’all got a very sentimental title l m a o.#liv in the replies#shout out to the extended universe this lives in and also my unhinged comments in the docs.#if you liked fun fuck a baby in him friday i’ll be here all week i promise i am the exact same in the comments as i am in the tags 🫡#the NUMBER of times i wrote something in this by pulling it out of my ass and then actually went back and did the research & was RIGHT is.#far too high. also the amount of coincidental things that dropped while i was writing this (yung gravy song about pregnancy AFTER i wheeze#laughed myself into a yung gravy title the athletic player poll confirming my restaurant & bar choices from googling ‘st. paul good bars’…)#also if anybody got advice on formatting for these little announcements. help. this is different from my miro/luka one &i’m still not happy
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busy-bee23 · 4 months
The demons of Saint Cathedral
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You wake up to feeling a cold, wet sucking feeling on your toes. You gasp quietly, pulling back your foot and looking to see who the culprit is. “Frollo!” You gasp, seeing your beloved husband gently suckling on your toes. “Toes are not for sucking on!” You scold him.
Frollo’s face crumples. “But I want the BIDDY!” He shrieks.
You look at him sternly. Where are his manners?! “You want the biddy what?” You coax.
“Want biddy please.” Frollo says, pouting innocently.
“Okay. You can have biddy.” You say, taking off your shirt exposing your pillowy breasts. He stares at your nipples with wide eyes and suddenly howls in excitement.
“AWooooooO!OOOO” He howls, leaping forwards and greedily beginning to suckle on your teat like he has been starved for years. You gasp as his teeth dig in, he can’t get enough of the biddy! “MORE MOMMY, MORE.” He growls, ferociously draining your breast of its sweet nectar. Before switching sides he throws his head back and howls again. “AWOOOOoowoooooOOWWO!!!” And then he sucks your other boob dry.
When he realises he has drank all of the delicious substance his eyes darken. “Me want more biddy.” “T-There’s no more Frollo.” You say fearfully as he starts to convulse and foam at the mouth.
“BIDDY.” “No there’s no-” Before you can finish your sentence Frollo pounces, biting down hard on your nipple. Then… he bites your nipple OFF!! You scream in fear and shove him off the bed, your nipple spurting blood everywhere. Frollo chews on it violently like a piece of pepperoni. “That is very naughty Frollo! GO IN TIME OUT!!!” You yell at him. 
He starts whimpering, knowing he has been a bad Frollo. He starts to go into timeout when you get an idea…
“Actually, I have a better punishment in mind…” You smirk deviously, pulling a box out from behind you. Frollo starts cowering and whimpering like a puppy who has been caught pissing on the floor. (Which he has done before.) You open the box… There’s…. A HOLE…. You then command and shout and scream and yell and whip “Get your dick in that hole NOW!”
You then spank his soft and supple asscheeks, staining them red. Frollo obediently puts his dick inside the box, feeling excruciating pain. “WHAT IS IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN BOX?” He asks.
A dark cloud forms over your face…. “Thorns and crabs…”
“You wouldn’t..” Frollo says. You open the box revealing….
The crabs nibbling at his dick, which is red and bleeding, looking like a pepperami from how much flesh the crabs have consumed. They are performing a blood ritual with his penis blood and the thorns, and they are chanting the lyrics to “Butter” by BTS. Then Frollo realises they are calling to Cthulu….
And then Frollo starts panicking and breathing heavily. “What have you done to me? I thought you loved me?!” He cries.
You then shed your skinsuit and reveal your true form…
You attach a collar to his neck and his feet. “You’re my crab now…”
“NOOOO WHY!!!” Frollo screams, but his screams get cut off as he begins to transform into a crab. He then scuttles away into the box. “You were always my favourite, dear Frollo,” You say, and then you look down at your bloodied nipple hole. “But that nipple was my most favourite.” You take a dump into the box and shove it away.
But then Frollo grabs the poo with his claw, beginning to write ‘i love you’ with the rancid turd. You notice and start to cry and cut yourself. You squeeze the blood onto the crabs which transforms Frollo into a human again.. But he is a half crab mutation. He still has his claws.
“I have an idea of where you can put those claws..” You say seductively, spreading your legs.
Frollo winks and polishes his claw with his nearby cumsock. He salivates on it to make sure it is nice and wet, then he shoves it up your pussyhole. He opens and closes his massive girthy claw.
“Pwahhhh, FISHY!” You say through a moan.
“Yum yum yum in my tum!” Frollo says as he takes out his claw and sucks off all your liquids. Then.. Frollo grimaces at a sudden irony taste. “Babe.. I think you are on your period.. You look down and see that he is RIGHT. “Oh dear.” You say. “I have no pads left Frollo, you will have to keep me clean throughout my week of bleeding.”
“This will be the week of your life..” Frollo says, before swirling his tongue in your hole to get ALL of the blood and juicy yummy clots.
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hylianengineer · 3 months
What's the most evil lab equipment in your opinion 😂
In my very subjective opinion? Ion chromatographs are on my shit list. It's not really their fault - the one I have to work with is old, hasn't been maintained properly, and no one else knows how to use it so I have to figure out everything myself, which is NOT FUN! It's finicky, frustrating, and it requires working with sulfuric acid, which I do not enjoy. It's very very sensitive and if you accidentally contaminate it with ions, you will be troubleshooting for weeks trying to figure out what happened. Ions are everywhere, in everything. In dust, in tap water (and nearly all filtered water, we have a special machine that makes Ultra Pure water with no ions or anything in it), on your skin, on virtually every surface that hasn't been specially cleaned. So if you have extra ions that shouldn't be there, it's a guessing game - are they from the sample? The eluent? Sample vials? Glassware? Is the water filter malfunctioning? Are the ions even there at all or is the detector messed up? You just have to keep trying stuff until it sorts itself out. The one I work with has NOT sorted itself out yet and I've been at this for over two weeks. I'm at my wit's end here.
And bonus answer for non-instrument equipment: drying tins. They're these little aluminum trays to put soil or whatever in when you stick them in the drying oven but they make Bad Noises when they scrape together. Also they bend easily, so if you stack them and then they get knocked around, sometimes it becomes very very difficult to get them apart.
In contrast, the best instrument is the Gas Chromatograph and the best other equipment is micropippettes. The GC is straightforward, easy to use, really hard to contaminate, and rarely has technical problems (plus when it does, they're not my problem - I am not the designated GC expert). Micropippettes are just fun because it's satisfying to click the button to release the pipette tip and launch it into the trash can.
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fruitybashir · 8 months
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holidate ch6 spoilers without context, anyone?
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luvevee · 2 years
Scarlet and Violet, performance wise really lacking to the point where it's obvious there needs to be changes to how staff need to be treated better and given more time to work, are really some of the best games in the mainstream series I've ever played and I just really want to talk forever about how amazing it all is
#my switch is getting repaired for drift but man am i itching for it back#I was in the middle of the champion assessment too#but omg I really love the game and the writing and grgrgrgr#I want to bite sada/turo until they blow up#i want to hold arven nemona and penny for being such well written characters with their struggles and bonds together#i want to shake clavell's hand for being an older man in a very gen x/z environment trying to be hip but also wanting the acadamy to-#actually be safe and welcoming while taking accountability for how bullying was ignored and his own dismissal of team star#i want to cry because the teachers are so nice and understanding and actually educate their students while being open to help#and how miriam is an example of someone who tries so hard to achieve their dream for it to be just out of reach#and how the gym leaders have so much personality and how the e4 are so close-knitted together with a little girl in the middle of it all#how koraidon/miraidon thrive under the love the get from the protag and how they act just like giant dogs with the attention they want#and how they're considered low on the ladder in their species in terms of power and size but still have lots of pride and power#i wanna learn more about the crater grgrg#just really really love this game and i miss my lite neee come back to meeee#and yeah i've played from firered to now in terms of mainstream so yeah def i'm being serious#but for real the staff deserve more respect and time literally everyone can agree the game could've waited if it meant better treatment#I really appreciate the love that went into it despite the crunch but it's still shit about the obvious rush#like we know it's not the switch please lengthen the time for people to work on the games so both parties can actually enjoy things#but yeah#pokemon sv spoilers#rosebud posting 💐
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killjoy-prince · 2 months
Ray's After Ending is so funny because for a good chunk of it, most of the RFA members are knocked out by V's sleeping gas (Saeran is immune, Saeyoung isn't present bc he was kidnapped by his agency under his father's orders and MC wakes up in like an hour) but the game has a call feature where you can call the characters and it would be a waste if you couldn't use it bc the characters were unavailable so instead they have other people pick up the call (Jumin's driver picks up Jumin's phone, Jumin's father picks up Zen's phone, Yoosung's friends and mom pick up Yoosung's phone and Jaehee's coworkers pick up Jaehee's phone) and we do get to learn about the characters from outsider's point of view but it's so funny to me that these people are visiting their loved ones and suddenly the phone rings and they decide to just. answer it. and start talking to this stranger they've never met
#prince's talk tag#maybe its not actually weird people just pick up their loved one's phone call for them but i personally wouldn't#i cant stop thinking about how its Jumin's father that uses Zen's phone like Chief Han what were you doing in Zen's room??#i know they needed to assign somw character to Zen and he's not on speaking terms with his family#but I would of thought Chief Han would go to Jumin and the driver could go to Zen#does this mean something? am i thinking too hard about this?#also rip yoosung his friends and mom lowkey kinda dragging him in their call with you#and with the friends since one of them is a girl one of the options is like 'A girl?!?! are you dating??' and shes like 'no lolol'#'he's nice but i dont see him like that'#the main thing that made me make this post was thinking about Yoosung's mom saying how Jumin calls her sometimes and sends her holiday gift#like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! idk man that just plays on a loop in my head#i know thats like a very professional thing to do. Jumin was raised to please people in a business capacity#and the he cares about the RFA so yea it makes sense. im sure he has gifts sent out to companies his works with#and I'm sure if the other members had a good relationship with their parents hed do the same with them#but in the RFA Yoosung and I guess V are the only ones with parents they talk to#idk if he sends a gift to V's father tho bc we never talk to him#but man. while i know hed do it with the other members if he could just the fact he does it with Yoosung is sweet#and it makes the part in Seven's route where he calls Yoosung's mom about her son's dilemma make sense to me bc they do talk once in a whil#so its not too out of the blue when he does it i guess#but man can we talk about how awesome Jaehee is? bc her coworker that picks up her phone spends every call gushing about her#like we knew she's great at her job but man hearing her coworker talk about her fills me with such love and admiration#and she's apparently really loved by the other assistants too like they all gush about her#jaehee is the best character in the game im not joking around#they wanna get close to her but bc she's their boss it's hard T_T#and the one that picks up the phone wishes Jaehee knows she was the one that stood with her overnight when she wakes#Yuni (the assistant you're talking to) says she would of quit the job had it not been for her#LIKE!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!#it was a nice way to use the call feature during the first two days of the characters not being awake to answer#and even though this is supposed to be the last thing you play before completing the whole game#you still learn something new about the characters you've known since day 1
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prototypelq · 8 months
Learning Judgement Cutting is making me see just How Freaking Much DMC5 camera is broken. In Intricate Detail. It also makes me constantly trying to stare at Vergil's ass, even tho his coat covers it but my eyes automatically train to see where the Yamato scabbard goes to try to line up the JC timing, and I get a)secondhand embarrassment at constantly doing this, b) freakin annoyed.
I love DMC5 I do, but how do you screw your camera so bad.
I understand this is me kind of whining, as I've seen what capable players can do in this game, and they aren't complaining. But you know what, I can and will, cause I'm a newbie to these games. The only way to make your newbie into a combomad is to give them tools and make them have fun while practising. I am having tons of fun practising, watch me do nothing in the Void for 40 mins, that's fine and honestly really fun, my problem is that the tool which I rely on for proper controls, aka camera, freakin sucks bad at its job. And the input controls for combos explicitly depend on this stupid camera to work.
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stellacadente · 2 months
i realized how much it scares me that my mind will convince itself of even the ugliest things if i start thinking them often enough and it's... yeah. like i had a good session with my psychiatric rehabilitation therapist i think it was very useful but then at the end i got hit by this feeling of fear... like i'm so scared of myself and how low i can get
#like i convinced myself the only way to deal with my pain and my problems was to attempt suicide so people would know i was suffering#bc i wasn't able to tell them#and i really really for real believed it and i did exactly that and it's very scary to think my mind can get so twisted and believe these#distorted versions of reality or twisted ways to get what i need or all the negative things i think of myself#and like i guess this is just part of working on getting rid of these beliefs. that i'm realising just how deep in them i am and that it#scares me#but it's not a nice feeling. i'm really trying not to judge myself for it that's not useful. i'm still learning how to not judge myself#for every little thing but god it's hard i'm so used to thinking i'm too much or not enough or too emotional or too stupid or inadequate et#just every bad thing under the sun#but even trying my hardest to mantain like a non judgmental view of this issue... the fear is the hardest part rn#it's just... i don't even know who i am? and that's also something we're gonna work on and started to a little#but i don't know who i am and so i just believe abt myself whatever the situation leads me to believe. whatever my bpd leads me to believe#whatever others lead me to believe#and the last one especially is perhaps my biggest issue. i don't know myself and i don't like what “myself” currently is and i live for#other people i live to please others i do things so others will like me or at least not dislike me so i can hate myself less#and really that's no way to live. and this is something this therapist is making me realize and understand#but it's just seriously so.... scary all of this all of this realizing i'm just an empty vessel that i fill up depending on the person i'm#interacting with and that i am.. nothing. like not nothing but like nico is not a formed person. i have molded myself to other ppl's tastes#and needs and if i try to look beyond that there's just this void or at least this question mark#i don't think i have like no personality? but well i do have a personality disorder so that's fucked me up! and it's! aaaa!!#if i think about the things i have convinced myself of by sheer repeating thek to myself all the time in my dark moments...idk#and like it was manageable when the dark moments had reduced and i was relatively okay. but as soon as i got bad again... oh#it started being a constant bombardment of negative talk to myself abt myself and a constant telling myself#well pretty much that there is no worth to be found inside myself. so unless this pain somehow goes away by itself i'll kill myself#that was basically my train of thought every day multiple times a day for months and months#that is scary!!!!!!!! that is so!!!! i'm so#sorry this is a mess. i'm trying not to cry bc i'm at my parents' house and my father's around but. yeah. just lots of feelings#and again it's probably normal i mean talking about these things is good! but feelings are bound to arise and some are hard to deal with#suicide tw#sorry i forgot the tw in my being upset in the moment
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definitelynotshouting · 11 months
Hi TJ! I just discovered your hunger au fic the other day and I’ve already read it all. I’m obsessed!! I’m so excited for the next chapter!
I was wondering; how many chapters do you plan for this story to be? Are we like halfway through it right now or more like 5% through it?
Again, super excited to see what you do with this story, I’m loving it so much to far!!
hi anon!!! it always tickles me when people find and read all of hunger au right before a new chapter drops :] im so glad you like the fic, and i hope you enjoy the new chapter when it comes out very, very soon!!! (it is. 9k. someone please help me)
As for the chapters, im honestly not sure, but i wouldnt be surprised if with the way i write we end up with at least 50 kdnsjdsjdjd right now, we're at the end of what im calling Arc 1, which is the shortest of the three major arcs i have planned by far, so i'd say we are DEFINITELY not anywhere near finished :] lots of hunger au is yet to come
Im so happy you loved it enough to binge read the whole thing 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 keep an eye out for that new chapter, its gonna drop REALLY soon and im VERY excited to see everyone's reactions to it >:]
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
same nervous anon from earlier anddd i graduated!! idk why i was scared i was totally fine lmaosl im the queen of overreacting. anyways im officially a graduate and i got SUMMA CUM LAUDE HELL YEAH
hello, baby!!!!! first of all, i just want to say...
graduating is no easy feat, seriously. i am so fucking proud of you, i was so excited to finally have enough time to answer this because i am so happy that my face hurts from SMILING SO BIG!!!! :DDD
you did the damn thing!!! like i know that at points it was really hard, but you powered through it and i am so excited for you to start this new chapter of your life and see what life has in store for you. <3
i am glad your culmination went smoothly because hooooly fuck, chaperoning the culmination from my school was HELL ON EARTH, hoooooly shit. parents are so entitled and so mean to me like yeah, okay maam, i'm sorry that you are sitting in the fourth row and you wanted to sit in the front row, SO DID EVERY OTHER FUCKING FAMILY HERE TOLD, like i don't care how much you donate to the school???? i didn't make the damn seating chart, yell at the WALL!
it was...oh my god. i still get flashbacks, bro.
and congratulations to all my friends in school or not, whatever you are doing, and however well or not well you think you are doing, know you are very loved and i am very, very proud of you.
sorry, i haven't been around...again, if you were dying during finals week, so am i because i am GIVING THOSE FINALS when teachers decide to rage quit and take their vacations early like??? thanks so much, legend! it's not like i...you know...have never ran your class before and i have to comfort nervous students WHO AREN'T MINE?
but yes, mwah mwah mWAH! i love you guys, i posted a very lame ask meme finally after 73093740934 years and i'm sorry, but because i am so busy i may go dark randomly and come back. the posting is slow goings and i am worried about how stressful working summer camp will be ( though, i am stoked for the structure ) but if you're on the struggle bus, its the hello kitty bus and i'm driving.
which unfortunately is not great news...
because i can't drive.
anyways! cheers! mazel! <3333
-uncle nina, grinning ear to ear
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yngai · 1 year
we are winning at levels never before thought possible it seems, after making the wrong choice of becoming an ada wong fan & having to subsist off the crumbs of characterization given to me in in-game files, supplemental material & scant lines of dialog it seems capcom is truly going to give me everything i have ever wanted :
probably giving ada the best DLC in the franchise, a meaningful relationship with a character that isn't leon that seems to take precedent in her story over her few chance encounters with leon in RE4R ( i have a feeling her & luis' history gives their dynamic far more meaning than his little rollercoaster ride with leon ), cool sci-fi contacts replacing the glasses she never really used in the original, integrating her grapple hook in her combat when it was sadly only ever used for traversal, actual content specifically designed for her campaign & not just reused arenas from the main game ( some of these are from the original carried over to ada but i think her performing the coolest thing leon does in the original, dodging the lasers, is sick ), finally positioning wesker as an antagonist in ada's story directly rather than him hanging over her like a school headmaster trying to play mindgames .
it's honestly so personally rewarding to see capcom go to such lengths for a character they have otherwise neglected, even in a game like re6 where she carries the emotional core of the story ( in specific her developing relationship with carla as she learns she is more than just some lab-made doppelganger, which was sadly undercooked - like most of the game, despite the explosions )
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lizord-lord · 4 months
hyperspecific agony of the day: Want to Write About The Character, do not actually have anything coherent to say. Want To Read About The Character, but keep getting sidetracked wanting to write more. There is so much in my brain and yet I feel like it’s locked in a room somewhere I cannot find or, perchance, an imaginary rock in my shoe. I should PROBABLY just go to sleep but have you considered: The Character
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