#Plasma Chasms
moochilatv · 4 months
Plasma Chasms presents: Solaris
The interstellar concierge guides you to level 2 in the Cosmic Elevator and you step out into Solaris.
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A postmodern psychedelic disco-funk planet with all the glittering disco ball fervor. Groovy electric basslines and the funkiest synth hooks this side of outer space, punctuated by sun soaked guitars and an infectious dance beat.
Plasma Chasms formed in 2020 self releasing two singles “Echoes” and “Empty Spaces” prior to catching the eye of independent Australian label The A&R Department. They released their debut Self Titled EP in 2022 . Plasma Chasms have been described as an Indie-Australian meets strong So-Cal vibe. A psychedelic journey that veers from classic indie-pop with a retro, gritty and rhythmic garage tone twist swimming with psychedelic vibes.
Comprised of Australian Jane Drewett and American Adrian Guerrero, Plasma Chasms formed in Los Angeles when Adrian met Jane working in the film and television space and the pair started the project based on mutual appreciation for retro psychedelia and classic rock. . After deciding a few years earlier to step away from writing, Adrian was again feeling the writing bug and shared an early demo of Echoes with Jane. The writing chemistry clicked immediately and they went to work crafting their sound and brand of psychedelia on their first singles. Australian native, Jane, grew up on the East Coast of Australia with an early musical background, transplanting to Los Angeles 
Their debut album Chrysalis takes listeners on a journey aboard a cosmic elevator through levels of different psychedelic vibes with each track exploring themes on the expanse of the human condition. This journey expands where the EP left off and creates an existential look into reality. With spacey, neo-vintage psychedelic pop that covers various elements of psychedelia. It’s interwoven with complex music arrangements consisting of melodic guitars, vocal hooks, bass grooves and spacey dreamy synths. 
While opting to go nonlinear, the album feels unified taking you on a journey through a distinctive universe, laden with cosmic colour and vocal duets and harmonies that blend into what sometimes feels like a third vocalist. Each song stands out as its own unique identity.
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goldensunset · 10 hours
i learned my lesson last time i’m not even going to bother catching this wild metang
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plasma-studios · 1 year
i am not a good poet. there so many things i want to say and so little words and too many words will mean nothing will be said. 
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alolaveralabs · 1 month
what'd team plasma do?
... ykw, I'm gonna rephrase that bc what didn't they do
what'd they do to you in particular?
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How'd you..
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I'm cold all of a sudden. Why am I cold. I don't like the cold. I hate going out in winter when I visit Lacunosa..my hometown. Its cold, and its icy and that stupid SHIP AND THOSE POKEMON THIEVES AND-
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gethoce · 4 months
"Greetings, Valfrey, right, pon? Fal wish you well, pon. Fal wanted to know two things, pon
first, would you like this offering, pon?
*Fal offered a box full of bite-sized sweets
Second... If Fal isn't wrong, you guard the souls... You can across dimensions to guide them to rest in "Yomi" as the lengends dictate, pon...
Fal seemed troubled about continue with his monologue
People can visit those who perish, right...? Is it possible for you to let those who want to see those who passed away say any last words, right?
To the point... there's someone... a Young Knight called Snow White. You or perhaps any other Fluttering knight guide her soul here...?"
(sorry if this cross the line......)
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(I hope I did a decent job drawing these two) Valfrey showing off their chasm which leads down to Yomi. It can also function as a tunnel between different locations within Yomi. With enough force used they can swallow up entire cities, but that's kind of a cheap tactic only very rarely used. Oh, and this is how she summons her armour, it just manifests onto her in a burst of plasma.
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novamariestark · 11 months
Hi there you ❤️
I went through your prompt list and I was wondering if you'd take a request? 🫣 33. Are you jealous? + 34. She/He's not you, with our sweet Alden Parker? I'm a s*cker for some angst and comfort 🥹
If you don't feel like it, or are not taking request, you can't just ignore this 🥰
Love your work!!!
I'm scared about this 😂 you're a better writer than me.
You and Alden walked side by side towards the building. The crisp morning air held a touch of chill, but you didn’t feel it. All you felt was Alden’s fingers that were lightly entwined with yours. Nick was the first to greet you, a teasing grin on his face. "Well, well, look who's here," he remarked, his voice playful, "The dynamic duo."
“Shut up, Nicky,” you said rolling your eyes as you let go of Alden’s hand to sit at your desk.
Director Vance stepped into the bullpen, drawing the attention of you all. "We've received a request from the FBI for our assistance on a case they're working on. The details are classified, but they believe our expertise can be invaluable in solving it."
As Vance wrapped up the briefing, he paused for a moment and looked toward the elevator. You noticed a familiar figure walking in from the elevator.
The newcomer approached their group, and your smirk grew as you locked eyes with the FBI agent. "Hello, trouble," he said with a sly grin.
"Hello yourself," You shot back, a playful glint in your eyes.
The team watched the exchange, a mix of curiosity and amusement. Alden, however, couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealously as you smiled at him.
Vance raised an eyebrow at the playful banter. "I see you two are acquainted."
You nodded, and decided to introduce him, "This is Ethan Blackwood, my childhood partner in crime."
Ethan extended his hand to Vance and the other team members. "Pleasure to meet all of you. [Y/N] and I go way back."
The team exchanged greetings with Ethan, but Alden kept his short and not sweet. You looked at Alden as if to ask what was wrong, but he walked away to sit at his desk.
Ethan stood beside the plasma screen and began to lay out the case. As he spoke, the team members paid rapt attention, scribbling notes. Except Alden.
After Ethan had provided an overview of the case, he walked over to your desk. With a hint of nostalgia in his voice, he said, "You remember the times we used to camp outside?"
You chuckled, "And our backyard movie nights."
Ethan pulled over a chair and took a seat next to you. "We were an absolute nightmare for our parents,”
“And the neighbours,” you added with a grin.
“Yeah, fascinating,” Alden spoke up, snapping you both out of your nostalgia, “Can we get on with the case?”
“What is your problem, Alden?” you asked with a furrowed brow, a hint of frustration in laced in your voice.
“I just want to do my job, so can we stop messing around now?” he replied.
Messing around? Why is he talking to you like that? His sour mood was really starting to piss you off.
As the day continues, Alden’s mood worsens. He’s now completely ignoring you, not even looking you or smiling at you like he usually does. As the hours passed his continued silence and avoidance, you couldn't help but feel a deep sense of hurt. You found yourself replaying your moments together, the smiles, the shared laughter. The stark contrast of his current behavior left you wounded and questioning what had gone wrong. The emotional distance between them felt like a growing chasm, and the pain of his cold shoulder gnawed at you, leaving you longing for the return of the connection that had defined your relationship.
Soon, insecurity sets in. You began to question whether you had done something wrong or if you were somehow responsible for his behaviour. Self-doubt crept through your mind, eroding your confidence. Were you not enough for him anymore?
After you all solve the case, the team says goodbye to Ethan and head home, except Alden. He’s still sitting at his desk, ignoring everything and everyone around him. You were getting really annoyed with him now. Apart from this morning, he’d barely spoken to you. He spoke to Tim, Jess and Nick but not you.
“So, what you up to now, trouble?” Ethan asked you. You shot a glance at Alden but since he was acting the way he was, you assumed your plans were cancelled.
“Nothing,” you replied, Alden, even though were didn’t seem like it, listened in, “What have you got in mind?”
“What about a drink? At our old hang out spot?”
“Is that place still there?” you laughed, snorting a little, you covered your mouth, embarrassed a little of the sound that just came out.
“Yeah, it’s still there,” Ethan replied.
“Do they still have our pictures up?” you asked as you picked up your coat and bag.
“Yours probably, mine no, I think they knew I was influenced by you,”
“That is so not true, I was an angel. You dragged me into it,”
“I didn’t start that bar fight now did I?”
Your banter continued all the way to the elevator. Your laughter and the hum of the computers the only sounds in the big orange room until the ding of the elevator echoed of the walls.
When you got to the bar, Ethan immediately started bombarding you with questions. Questions about Alden.
“Come on, how long?”
“How did you know?”
“The man has been glaring daggers at me all day,”
“Yeah, and he’s been ignoring me all day,” you scoffed, shaking your head, “A grown fucking man acting like a child. Can you believe it?”
You didn’t get an answer, instead, Ethan doubled over in hysterics.
“The fuck you laughing at?”
“You don’t see what’s happening here?” Ethan managed to say between laughs.
“No!” you yelled, but that just made him laugh even more, you rolled your eyes, your anger rising by the second, “Oh my god! What?!”
“Go talk to him. We’ll catch up another time,” he said taking your drink away from you. You went to protest but he pulled the drink further from your reach, “Go. You’ll thank me for it later,”
You rolled your eyes but left anyway, heading out the bar and to your “boyfriend’s” apartment. If you can still call him that.
When you arrived at the door, you paced, backwards and forwards until you gathered the strength to knock. You were nervous. But when he opened the door and you saw his face, your anger immediately returned. You crossed your arms and raised your eyebrows. He moved to let you in and closed the door behind you.
“What the hell was your attitude today?” you asked immediately after the door settled in it’s frame, “Why did you ignore me? What did I do to upset you?”
“[Y/N], I’m tired, can we talk about this tomorrow?” he deflected, which only spurred you on.
“No. You either tell me why you suddenly can’t look at me or I walk out that door and we’re done,” you told him, trying to keep your voice firm but it wavered slightly. You were suddenly afraid. Afraid of losing the man you loved.
He shrugged his shoulders, his tired eyes finding yours, “Probably for the best right?” you scoffed and went to the door, your hand resting on the handle. You turned back to look at him.
“8 months, Alden. 8 months,” you started, “They meant a lot to me, but obviously not to you,” you finished, opening the door and intending to end things with him, there and then.
“I can’t compete with that,”
You closed the door and turned back to him, “With what?”
“Ethan. Other men your age,” he answered, running a hand down his face.
Wait a minute was he…? No. He can’t be. Surely, he knows how gorgeous he is.
A small smile rested itself on your lips, “Wait, are you… are you jealous?”
Alden sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping a bit on the couch. He looked at you and finally admitted, "Yes, I'm jealous. I can't help it, [Y/N]. It's just that when I saw you and Ethan today, it got to me. Those 8 months meant the world to me too. But sometimes, I can't help but wonder if I'm enough for you."
You walked over to him, kneeling in front of him and taking his face in your hands, "Ethan has never been anything more than a best friend, except maybe a brother," you whispered softly, your gaze locked with Alden's. You placed a tender kiss on his lips, your thumbs stroking his cheeks. "But Alden, even if he was an ex, he's not you. No one will ever come close to you, baby."
“But I’m…” you cut him off with your lips. Your legs straddling his hips.
“You’re sexy,” you kissed him again, this time under his ear, “Handsome,” you said, your lips moving further down. “Gorgeous,” another kiss, “And the only man allowed to touch me,” you finished, sitting back to look at him. You placed another kiss on his lips, “Now is my man going to take me to bed?”
His beautiful eyes darkened and he stood, taking you with him and he carried you to bed. You didn’t care how long it takes, you were going to show this man that he was the only one allowed to touch like he did, the only one allowed to taste your skin on his tongue and the only one allowed to hear your moans.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
cw: fluff, christmas holiday thing, n x reader
You watched the green-haired man curiously as he stared at the glowing tree in the Gear Station. He was unsure about how he felt riding the trains around Unova instead of getting around above ground, but you managed to convince, as the winter weather made you uncomfortable in trying to walk from Nimbasa to Lacunosa.
“Have you never seen a Christmas tree before, N?” you asked him, curious as to whether he had even celebrated the holiday. Ghetsis… certainly was not the type to enjoy such a holiday, you felt. He was quite lacking in more cultural knowledge, too. His pure excitement over you explaining the fireworks show on summer had been a pleasant one.
“No…” he nervously admitted, blue eyes glimmering with reflection of the lights, “What is it for?”
“You put one up and supposedly a special Delibird brings you a gift if you have been a good kid,” you told with a soft grin, “Of course, that's just what parents tell their kids to get them to behave.” His eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. You knew there was some time to kill before the next train arrived for Lacunosa, so you decided to let him enjoy the tree for a moment.
“Ah, love,” he suddenly asked you, “What is that supposed to mean?” He pointed to a giant nutcracker standing beside the tree. You stared at it. Whose choice was it to put this up? It would haunt your nightmares at how it stood just taller than you.
“I'm not sure, and I don't think I want to know,” you admitted and grasped his hand.
Perhaps it would be better to wait at your platform after all.
You stared around the shops with a worried thought plaguing your mind. Christmas was fast approaching, and you needed to get gifts for your friends and family… and N. He was completely absorbed in the holiday spirit, you would say. You did not think he was much a holiday type, but it seemed the idea of celebrating Delibird and giving gifts was enchanting to him.
Decorating your home with him was fun, but it struck you hard that he needed a gift.
What did he like?
Pokemon. Sweets. Unovan history. Not things you could really box for around a week or two.
Well, you did already plan to make a Christmas cake for the holiday, but that was not necessarily a gift for him. A shudder ran down your spine as you recalled his “room” in the castle Team Plasma had built. His struggles with maturing were perfectly understandable, but it felt mocking and cruel to get him a children's toy for Christmas.
Maybe… you pondered a certain toy store with something sitting in its window.
Maybe he would appreciate something like that.
You waved off the last of your friends and family as you shut the door to your home. Snow piled up outside thickly, as it did every year in your part of Unova. Many blamed the Giant Chasm, but Kyurem had since been captured. It could not be their fault. Unova's climate just enjoyed being torturous.
You re-entered the living room to find N sitting in his sweater warmly while a Darumaka tried desperately to crawl inside of it. Apparently, the little guy had got a bit cold. You grinned at him when he gave you a gentle smile. Walking over to the tree, you ignored the random television show put on as background noise. The gift was wrapped in Delibird themed paper. He tilted his head when you approached him holding out the box.
“What is this?” he asked, eventually daring to take it from your hands. It laid neatly in his lap as N considered it curiously.
“A gift from Delibird,” you joked and sat down beside him, “I got you something since you seemed in love with the holiday. You've been pretty good this year.” N… N was never a bad person per se. Just a deeply confused and misunderstanding one. He devoted himself to learning about the world and who he was, which led to vast improvements with himself. However, many, many scars remained on his identity from the upbringing Ghetsis forced upon him. You hated how confused he had been from the isolation and lies of his youth.
Now, you felt excitement as he tore into the wrapping paper to reveal the box proper. He opened the box and his eyes went wide. Pulling out the plush Zorua, he gazed at it brightly. “Oh… How cute,” his voice was soft as he observed the little details, “Thank you…”
“Not a problem! Haha, you look adorable,” you pecked a kiss on his cheek. His arms came around you tightly as he buried his face into your neck. Poor Darumaka whined from between you both, but you happily returned the affection to him.
“Merry Christmas,” you told him, and rested your forehead to his.
“Merry Christmas, too?” he attempted to respond.
You gave another laugh.
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aur0raaura · 1 year
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Twin Princes AU
Part one | Part two
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AAAAND SCENE! Wow wow! I didn't expect for what was supposed to be another doodle comic...end up with me putting a lot of effort-!
Life got in the way plenty of times- making me take quite a bit to finish this...even contemplating on just putting this on hiatus and just do something else-
...but I did it! I didn't let any discouragement, nerves and bad feelings get to me.
Now I'm sure many are wondering- HOW did this come to fruition? Simple: my friend pointed out that my next comic should focus on Kyurem's involvement in this! Many were wondering what sort of role the old dragon played after the previous comic (Family) and the art piece that accompanied it (The Giant Chasm)! So I went for a more artistic approach to this, making the artwork look like a tale at first, but then shifting to a more crude and cold atmosphere- I was going to polish these last nine pages, yet my friend would tell me that the sketchiness helps with the narrative- and honestly, she was right! Thus I tried to add some subtle sketchiness on pages 7-11 on part one! I wonder if people noticed that detail...? Anyways, time for some fun behind the scenes stuff...!
Here's the very first concept of my Original Dragon design, including his human form!
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You can tell I did some adjustments in the final product, but I really wanted to make sure this dragon had characteristics of the tao trio in some way, plus-- I wished for him to have a unique sort of feel- kinda ethereal? I also gave a teeny bit of eastern dragon influence because...well...tao trio. The tail is actually inspired by a plasma engine!
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It's why I gave it a bit of a swirl to it- ...kinda reminds me of ice cream- His human design...well, I wished to make sure he looked like the princes yeah-? He is their dad after all! So I made sure to reflect that- Same with his clothing as well! Ah right...I should show the design of our princes yes...?
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WHOA WHOA WHOA-- those faces... Hmm... I wonder if people can start piecing together why this au is called the "Twin Princes AU" with this and what was told in this comic...? The design in itself was conceptualized by a rough idea my friend sent me a whiiiiiile back, but asked me to refine it further! Make it fancy, royal, elegant--!! You get the point. XD Though this is the finalized design i came up with as I brainstormed this comic! I hope I could convey how magical yet refined they are! As for Kyurem....oh my! What a reveal as well huh?
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What a throwback....! I drew these a while back!
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Well, there's certainly some familiar design choices...! And another clue to this whole puzzle- unless some of you have figured it out! Let me know through my ask box! ;D
I really didn't expect such a warm reception towards this au me and my pal cooked up last year. To think mixing concepts from our ocverse (GUARDiANverse) with pokemon could work so well...! I suppose fantastical elements mixing with another fantastical setting aint such a bad idea...! This AU has kinda expanded since it's conception... to a point of having other stories of other characters that take place in this version of the pokemon world!
Though for now, I may need a bit of a breather. 20 pages was QUITE the endeavor! Yet...that doesn't mean I wouldn't be opposed to tell more of my tale in other ways! Shoot me an ask, tell me! Who knows, I may answer with a doodle comic! For now, I'll just slowly cook my next idea! Maybe I should give the witness to these tales some spotlight...? I dunno...but honestly, feel free to shoot asks. Well, I hope you all can be patient with me in the meantime!
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catsxratsxbats · 1 year
Lin Manuel Miranda rapping about sex: when I spasm my plasma will shatta your chasm till we orgasm fantasm and bitches I has em
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thunderblessedhero · 10 months
[Attached: A live video feed. Or… snippets of one? The footage will fizzle out at random intervals, but during the stream’s rolling you manage to catch a few key moments.
In the first scene, you see August, carefully navigating their way down a dark corridor. Sheets of frost crawl up the sides of the cave walls around them, and you can see the young trainer shivering rather violently the further they press on, rubbing the sides of their arms to keep warm…
“Have… to keep moving…” They mutter to themself, voice wavering, right before the screen goes black.
A few minutes pass before the feed returns. Gizmo is pointing the camera over August’s shoulder, who now appears to be standing in the middle of a giant, frozen cavern. Spikes and pillars of ice are scattered throughout the room around them, and you notice their breaths coming out in white puffs. But the most eye-catching thing are the pair of imposing figures standing before them…
There’s an elderly man, with lank, pale green hair that sticks up in an unusual way, and a red lens over his right eye. He wears a long black cloak with a large collar concealing the bottom half of his face, the flowing fabric decorated with strange eye-like patterns. In his right hand, he wields a cane, with the logo of Team Plasma displayed on it.
Behind him stands… a Pokémon? A dragon type, you immediately assume. Its size and anatomy bring to mind the two legendary dragons of Unova, but whatever this creature is, it certainly isn’t either of them. Jagged armor of ice coat its scaly gray hide, and its two pale yellow eyes shine ominously like torchlight through the darkness. You can hear the beast’s rumbling inhales and exhales, flakes of snow dispersing from its nostrils whenever it breathes out.
The man, who you immediately jump to assume is its trainer, smirks towards August. He takes a relaxed step forward, cane clicking against the ground as his eyes to be analyzing the person before him.
“So, you decided to follow me after all?” he muses, raising a brow. “Well, allow me to formally welcome you to the Giant Chasm, young trainer- or should I say ex-trainer?”
August visibly tenses at that, but doesn’t say a thing as the man continues to monologue. “This sacred place is where Kyurem once fell to after the separation of the Original Dragon- and where its power resonates strongest. Here, it will easily be able to turn your precious Unova into a frozen wasteland!”
With a tap of his cane to the stone ground, the dragon- Kyurem, he called it- bellows in response, its shrill roar causing the cave floor to tremble violently below August’s feet. They gasp as they stumble a little, but hold their ground and balance themselves before shooting the cloaked man a steely glare.
“Why are you doing this, Ghetsis?” They cry out furiously. “You want Unova all to yourself, you want everyone to bend to your will- but why? Why go to such drastic lengths? This won’t give you the power to fix anything!”
Ghetsis simply scoffs at the child’s attempt at a retort, waving his hand dismissively. “Young one, you don’t seem to understand- the power part is all I care about. You think I still hold the ideals of the old Team Plasma; separating humans and Pokémon for the sake of a better world? I thought you would’ve understood by now that it was all just a ruse to sway the people over to my side,” His expression hardens, as he firmly slams the bottom of his cane back down. “Pokémon mean nothing to me, people mean nothing to me- if corrupting their hearts and using their sense of morality against them won’t work, then I will simply make them bow to me using brute force!”
August just growls under their breath, feeling their composure slipping as they reach for a Pokéball from their belt. Seeing this, the corners of Ghetsis’ mouth curl into a twisted grin.
“I have a memory that continues to haunt me,” he goes on calmly, ignoring August’s threatening stance. “Just one.”
He strolls over to the other side of Kyurem, tapping his finger pensively against the top of his cane as he casts a melancholy gaze towards the cave wall, brows furrowing as he appears to reminisce upon something. “That unpleasant look in your eyes reminds me of it,” he acknowledges August with an irritated side glare. “Burning with as much fiery conviction as that little nuisance from two years ago.”
“But,” his voice switches to a mockingly pleasant tone, as he turns and spreads his arms out to the sides. “All that aside, allow me to bestow upon a gift, to show my respect for making it this far. You’ve proved to be quite the thorn in Team Plasma’s side- even besting the Shadow Triad and Colress.”
His expression then morphs into a cold, unforgiving scowl. “I shall freeze you solid right here and now, so you may watch my glorious ascent! And then, you will suffer a fate far worse than the one I orchestrated for that pathetic excuse of a hero!”
With a snap of his fingers, he barks the command. “Kyurem! Glaciate!”
Before August can have a chance to react, the dragon obeys, inhaling in a sharp breath and standing to its full height. A pale white glow emits from its armor of frost, as what can only be described as a blizzard begins to swirl around the room in a ring of frigid winds. Slowly, levitating spears of ice begin to take shape, whirring around rapidly and circling in on August from all sides, preventing them from running. Once they reach full size, the blades begin to withdraw back, thrumming with Kyurem’s raw power as they prepare to land the finishing blow…
In a heartbeat, the icy spears spring forwards and hone in on August- and all they can do is crouch to the ground, throw their arms up over their head, and pray for a miracle.
You barely register the familiar voice that cries out from somewhere offscreen, before Kyurem’s attack is abruptly intercepted by a crackling, electric blue light. Gizmo gets knocked back by the blast, and yet again, the footage cuts to static.
The feed returns after a bit of a longer period of silence this time. The camera wobbles as Gizmo weakly lifts itself back up, but as it rises from the ground and steadies you can see something past the grains of dust covering the camera.
August was knocked onto their back, but seems relatively unharmed. In front of them… there’s a familiar figure. Green hair swaying behind him, you watch as N stands before his friend’s attacker. At his side… is none other than his old companion, the legendary dragon of ideals- Zekrom.
The awe-inspiring sight of the divine creature in the flesh is almost enough to distract you from the sound of N’s voice ringing out through the cavern. “I understand now why Zekrom had been acting strange, vanishing for a whole month,” he states. “She knew Kyurem was suffering- at your hands, no less.”
“Suffering?” Ghetsis chuckles condescendingly, completely unfazed. “For the freak who’s supposed to understand the hearts of Pokémon, you’ve clearly had a misread on Kyurem’s.” He gestures dramatically to the frozen beast at his side. “I have given Kyurem purpose! Forgotten for centuries, left to rot beneath the ice by its other halves- if anything, you should be thanking me! Now it shall have the honor of assisting me in paving a way to a glorious new world!”
Zekrom snarls at that, to which Kyurem retorts with an indignant snuff. From the way the dragons glare at each other, you can see a long festering bitterness behind each of their eyes, telling an unspoken tale of history between them. You can only imagine what it is…
N looks between the two dragons, biting his lip as he turns to face the man before him once more. “So you’ve twisted its heart and its pain to make it do your own bidding…” he growls. “…Just as you did with me. And countless others. Here I had hoped you had changed, but unfortunately I can’t say I’m very surprised.”
He sucks in a deep breath, before stepping forward. “I will not allow selfish humans to make Pokémon suffer,” he declares. “Unova- it isn’t perfect, but I like it here. It’s the place that taught me to live as a human…” His hand slides up to grip the black and white stone hanging from his necklace, as he casts a momentary glance back at August. “…and made me notice the harmony of people and Pokémon living alongside one another. And I will do everything in my power to protect that harmony- especially from the likes of you.”
Ghetsis falls silent, watching N with this unreadable frown plastered upon his face. But then, it cracks into a grin, before a dark chuckle escapes Ghetsis as he claps his hands together.
“Good, good,” he says. “That was a moving expression of your determination! It seems the education I provided you in order to make you king wasn’t a complete waste!”
“But I still haven’t forgotten that even after everything I had done for you, all the kindness I extended you-” Ghetsis glowers, slamming his staff again. “Took you in, raised you, cared for you, taught you everything you know- you still had the gall to selfishly turn on Team Plasma and thwart my plans! I was supposed to use your abilities to rule Unova!”
Then, he closes his eyes, relaxes himself, and straightens up. “But, I will forgive you for all of that as well- for you have bestowed upon me the final piece needed in order to carry out my mission-”
“Zekrom, which you were kind enough to bring me,” he gestures to the giant black dragon at N’s side. “Is the key to unlocking Kyurem’s true potential! You’ve saved me quite the trouble. I was originally counting on the arrival of her counterpart, but the goddess of Ideals will work just as well.”
He then raises a hand from his cloak, tapping his chin. “Well, actually, that’s not entirely true- you were a bit of a plan B. I had a feeling you’d come after us after we fired those ice missiles into Opelucid City- and of course, displayed to everyone the demise of that little hero of Truth you hold oh so dearly…”
N grits his teeth, and Ghetsis smiles, knowing he’s struck a nerve. “You will not get away for what you did to them,” the young man seethes. “Your plan- it will never work. It’s an ugly formula.”
Brushing off his threat, Ghetsis simply continues. “Oh, but I assure you, it will!” He switches his cane to his other hand so he can reach for something inside the pocket of his cloak. From it, he pulls out a triangular device- it resembles a syringe, of sorts, with a color pallet resembling Kyurem’s. “With the help of these- the DNA Splicers! Watch and learn!”
He turns to Kyurem, and promptly stabs the device into the beast’s shoulder. Kyurem hisses and recoils in pain- its eyes and the yellow horn jutting out between its ice helmet beginning to thrum with energy.
Cracks dance across the ice trapping its wing-like appendages, before they completely shatter- allowing pink, sharp-ended tendrils to burst forth from the dragons’ body. They loom menacingly in the air above Kyurem for a beat longer, before suddenly lunging themselves at Zekrom like whips.
Realizing they were coming for his partner, N whirls and cries out to the Legendary. “ZEKROM!”
With a shriek of terror, Zekrom launches into the skies, twirling around wildly to narrowly avoid the tendrils as they grab for her. She moves with incredible speed, managing to outlast them for a good while, but the pursuit is cut short sooner than you had hoped- Kyurem is faster, and the tendrils expand out to entangle Zekrom within their grasp. As they tighten their hold on her, she roars helplessly as they begin to pull against her and drag her back to the ground.
The tendrils almost seem to drain her energy like a leech, leaving her no choice but to let herself plummet from the air. In her descent, her body is encased in a blue light- and in seconds, she’s retreated into the form of a round, black stone that soon clatters pitifully to the floor.
N stiffens in shock at the sight of his mighty companion being brought to defeat, just like that. “Z-Zekrom…”
“Kyurem!” Ghetsis shouts another order, pointing his staff in the direction of Zekrom’s slumbering form. “Absorb the Dark Stone, now!”
Stomping forwards, Kyurem extends out its clawed wings and seems to draw the stone towards it with a stream of swirling pink light, like some sort of magnetic pulse. The orb hovers over Kyurem’s head, and the creature almost appears to take in an inhale of relief, like it had been awaiting this moment.
The Dark Stone begins to shrink in size, its power getting vacuumed through the swirls of energy attaching it to Kyurem. The icy beast closes its eyes, as a white crackles of electricity begin to shoot up from the ground around it…
The feed flickers out again, but not for as long this time.
When it cuts back in, you can see Kyurem- or… Zekrom…? It looks like Kyurem, but it’s gained many of the electric deity’s traits. The strange and somewhat terrifying amalgamation of the two dragons stands tall and menacingly beside Ghetsis, breathing in and out heavily, puffs of steam swirling out from its nostrils. Veins of blue energy stretch out from its ice-plated shoulders, connecting to several slots along its bulky, unnaturally twisted tail.
N is stunned speechless. He stands there, hand trembling as he beholds the monstrosity his legendary companion had been absorbed into. August hesitantly rises to their feet behind him, eyes bulged with shock.
Amused by their reactions, Ghetsis snickers darkly. “Do you understand now, N?” he says patronizingly. “If you had simply become king, none of this would have had to happen. No one would’ve had to die. Unova would’ve remained beautiful…”
It’s clear that the man’s words have their intended effect- N’s eyes trail to the ground, as he clenches his fist and grits his teeth. You can practically see the gears turning behind his eyes, trying to think of anything he can do, anything he can say back- but nothing comes out.
“And now, I shall rule over with an iron fist,” Ghetsis continues, that ever present twisted grin still on his face as he rises his cane up triumphantly. “-all because you were too weak hearted to rise up into the role I wasted decades preparing you for.”
The shout that echoes throughout the chasm causes N to look up, his mouth falling open when he raises his head to see none other than August- standing firmly between him and the merged Kyurem, a Pokéball clutched in hand.
“You don’t get to talk to him like that,” August hisses, and you can’t help but notice something about them has changed… Their voice almost sounded deeper, carrying an ethereal echo to it, exuding power and determination. There was an unnatural, crystal blue glow illuminating their dark brown eyes, swirling in wisps of light like the flow of water.
“Oh?” Ghetsis cocks a brow at them, not very amused by their attempt at intimidation. “So it would seem there’s more to you than just an impudent, nosy child from some nowhere town. Well then…” He clasps his hands together, a challenging smirk appearing on his features. “I was just planning on freezing you two solid where you stood, but now my interest is piqued. If you’re so bold as to continue standing against a force as unstoppable as my Kyurem, then I’ll give you a fighting chance- face down Kyurem, alone!”
N takes in a sharp breath, tensing up in fear, before turning to August and quickly shaking his head. “August, don’t.” he pleaded. “This isn’t your fight-”
“Yes, it is,” August replied firmly, without even looking back at him. They grip the Pokéball in their hand tighter, their stance unwavering as they address Ghetsis once more. “I accept your challenge, Ghetsis.”
Kyurem’s trainer is silent for a moment, eyes calm and calculating as he stares August down, as if he’s trying to read them for any hidden fear beneath their steely gaze. Then, his sinister grin returns, and he takes a step back- making a sweeping gesture with his arm towards the open space that would act as their battlefield. “Very well,” he snickers. “Be my guest. I for one can’t wait to see all that fighting spirit dwindle from your eyes as Kyurem mercilessly crushes each of your pathetic Pokémon!”
August didn’t bother to give a retort back- they just remained silent as they stepped forwards, unshaken in the shadow of their glowering, godly opponent. Out came their first Pokémon- A Samurott, the jagged point on its armored head glistening in the dim light pouring in through the cavern. August threw out the first command- and just like that, the battle began.
Samurott lunges forward with one of it sword-shaped shells drawn, slashing at Kyurem’s neck. The tip of the blade drags across the dragon’s black and gray scales, but to the Water-type starter’s shock- barely even leave a scratch.
In response, Kyurem simply swatted the otter Pokémon away with its heavy, ice-covered arm, and August grit their teeth as they watched their starter tumble across the ground. Thankfully, Samurott landed on its feet- but not long before Kyurem let loose a blast of raw, draconic energy that it’d have to scramble away to avoid.
This battle with seemingly impossible odds raged on for what felt like well over an hour- with August switching out frequently between Pokémon every two turns or so to try and avoid any knockouts. That strategy wouldn’t be effective forever, though- it only lead to Kyurem getting more annoyed; and more viscous with its retaliations.
One by one, each of August’s team began to succumb to exhaustion. “SHIVER!” They cried out as their Beartic was brought to his knees with a pained grunt, having just endured a brutal Slash attack, before keeling over onto his side in defeat.
Growling under their breath, August recalled him to his Pokéball- clicking it back onto their belt before sending in their trusty Samurott once more. They took a moment to examine Kyurem’s condition- it was growing tired, and even suffering from a burn their Darmanitan had inflicted earlier on in the fight, but it looked capable of holding out a bit longer. Much longer than their Samurott- who looked like he was standing on his last leg, even using one of his swords to support his weight.
The outcome of this match wasn’t likely going to end in August’s favor- that much was certain. Seeing this, N ran forwards, grabbing the teen’s shoulder to try and urge them to back down now while they still could.
“August, it’s not worth it,” he begged. “That thing is too powerful! We have to run- NOW!”
“No!” August almost screamed back, yanking their arm away. To N’s surprise, he was greeted by the sight of tears beginning to pour down from their eyes when they whirled around to face him. “I was useless back in Opelucid City- I’m not letting the same thing happen again now! We might not even get another chance to stop him!”
“Listen to the freak, child,” Ghetsis taunted from across the battlefield. “Victory is already within my grasp! Turn back now, and maybe you’ll live long enough to see me rise to the top!”
Clenching their fist, August turned back to Ghetsis and Kyurem defiantly. Just as they were to about to dish out another order to their Samurott, however, they stopped upon noticing the blue tubes protruding from the legendary dragon’s back start to pulsate with light once more. Rearing its head back, Kyurem let out a bellowing screech as it took a deep inhale of frosty air, slowly building up a giant chunk of glowing ice between its maw. At the same time, sparks began crackling in the back of its throat, imbuing the icicle with electrical energy.
It was- without a doubt- building up to be a devastating strike. One that might just cause the whole room to collapse. Without hesitation, N firmly grabbed August’s arm and yanked them away, ignoring their protests while reaching for the camera and snatching Gizmo out of the air. Everything becomes an unintelligible blur, and all you can hear are footsteps pounding against stone and N’s frantic panting as he makes a run for it.
There’s a rumble, and you catch a flash of red heat whoosh past in all the chaos… Everything begins to shake violently as an explosion goes off in the background, and you hear N and August yelp as they tumble forwards. Gizmo lets out a series of distressed beeps as he rolls across the ground, cracks spreading across his screen. For a moment, your heart drops, thinking they weren’t able to escape the blow…
…But then, Gizmo looks up. N is crumpled on the ground, having thrown himself over August to protect them. With a groan, he manages to sit up, and beholds the figure waiting behind him…
His jaw drops open at the sight of brilliant, flowing white feathers, aglow with wispy, orange flames. The radiant being who’d come to his rescue rises to its full height, craning its long neck back as it lets out an ethereal scream towards the heavens…
You hear N whisper its name under his breath. “Reshiram…”
And on its back, you catch a glimpse of a figure with pink hair.]
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hermesserpent-stuff · 5 months
reader beware spoilers in there
in the future of transmutation of the soul
Hiccup grips tight to Toothless’ saddle as his friend trembles and ignores him. He is scared as they enter a thick fog. Dagur flies right behind on Haelin. He takes a breath and whispers to his drake.
“~Toothless? Safe?~”
“~Bad nest. Bad *****~” The word is unfamiliar in meaning. “~Her voice is in my head. I will keep you safe, but bad nest is dangerous.”
Toothless’ tone is so warbly and scared. Hiccup takes a deep breath and scratches Toothless’ neck.
“~We take it on together.~” He shifts in his saddle and calls to Dagur, not too loud, just loud enough to carry. “~Bad nest. Enemy territory. Keep your eyes open clutch mate!~”
Dagur and Haelin croon in affirmative and keep flying just behind them and a little to the left. Dragons slowly start to surround them, most carrying fish, sheep, or even a yak or two. Hiccup narrows his eyes. Most of the dragons that he had met ate immediately. Normally they did not carry food long distances. He is worried for what is to come.
They dive into a cave system and then into a large cave with a smoking chasm below. Toothless leads them to a crack to watch on as dragons drop the food down into the pit. Hiccup tenses. Why are they doing that? Dragons are not fools. They do not waste food, not on purpose. Sharing food was valued heavily because it meant caring or having more than enough. But these dragons are just dropping food into a pit. All the dragons in the crevices and caves of the walls are tense and full of anxiety. Hiccup bites his lip.
Then a Gronkle flies over the pit, dropping a single pitiful fish. All the dragons tense up further. Suddenly something truly massive surges up from the pit and opens its jaws. It snatches the Gronckle from the air and swallowing it down as the nest chitters anxiously. Hiccup feels something slam up against his mind, some sort of mental force. But it is shoved away by his own rage. This is a nest. That must have been a Queen. A bad queen. 
Rage consumes him and he snarls. He leans forward as the queen vanish down into the smoke and Toothless seems to understand what he is about to do. His tensing and joint growl shows that Toothless agrees. They shriek out a challenge as one, anger at the horror that this queen inflicted. Hiccup is raging at the knowledge that his best friend had live his life in fear of this queen eating him. It explained the dragon raids and their frequency on Berk. 
The queen rises back up, screaming at their challenge. Dagur lets out a wild cackle and Haelan shrieks and the four of them launch up. Toothless shrieks out further challenges as Hiccup insults the queen.
“~Worthless!! Horrid!!! Monster!~”
He shrieks at the queen and she howls at the insults. They shoot one plasma blast down at her and zoom upwards. She follows and the whole next goes into an uproar. It is chaos. He continues insulting her, rage flowing across his tongue as Norse and Dragonese swirls across his tongue. Dagur backs him up with cackles and croons flying behind him. The queen destroys one part of the mountain that held the nest in her haste to try and kill him. They exescape into the open air and duck beneath a wall of flame that chases him and Toothless. They spiral around the queen and he quickly discovers that the hide is too thick to blast as Haelin’s fire cascades harmlessly off her hide. Hiccup darts in close and spots her wings. He needs her to follow him heavenward where the clouds are thick and blackening. 
Hiccup pulls Toothless up and they dart about her face to get her to follow. They fly up into the clouds, shrieking and spilling more insults. She slowly starts to fly after him. Hiccup dives into the clouds, hiding from her eyes. She roars.
She screams, flame swirling through the clouds. 
But now Hiccup and Toothless are silent as shadows, darting between the clouds and landing precise strikes on her wings. She is not built for speed or mobility like they are. They then dive out of the clouds and get her to chase them towards the ground with one final insult. They approach the ground at the speed of lightning. 
They spin around and fire into the maw that threatens to close around them. And he shrieks and they try to fly out of the way as the queen’s ripped wings fail to slow her fall. He can hear his brother’s worried shrieks as they dart around the body of the falling body of the giant. But they are hit by the tail and sent spinning. Hiccup loses consciousness as his body screams in pain.
Hiccup is not sure how long later he wakes up. It feels like coming out of death, bones and muscles stiff from disuse. 
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underground-boss-clay · 9 months
Hey clay little question as someone not native to unova who are all these gingers and why do they tell me to release my pokemon, I’ve never battled this much before
- @eliovstheworld
Ah. Right, ya probably didn't know bout Team Plasma. Hang on, I'm gonna need a drink fer explainin' this...
There's goin' to be... A Lot, so gonna put a line.
Awright, so. Team Plasma's a group a' folks who were brought together by an absolute piece of shit that I hope is roastin' in whatever corner of the Distortion World Giratina sent him a feller named Ghetsis. Some years ago he tried to convince the region of two things:
Anyone who trained or own Pokemon was inherently a terrible person abusin' them
The "Prince" a' Team Plasma, an Arc-Spoken kid named N, was the descendant a' one of Unova's Legendary Princes an' was goin' to introduce this sorta new world order where Pokemon an' human lived 'n harmony.
Don't think I gotta explain how those are big red flags, even for those not from here. Knowin' someone that both is from here AN' connected to the Legendary Princes, apparently the fucker did his research.
Scary part is, aside from there bein' truth to some folks mistreatin' Pokemon--I mean, Team Rocket exists fer starters, an' then whatever the hell that Lusamine woman was up to--that kid N manages to awaken one of Unova's Dragons a' Legend, make it to the Pokemon League, beat the Champion, an' almost set that entire "new world order" Mukshit into action before he got beat. An' then! An' then! Turns out HE was just a puppet fer that Ghetsis fucker, who didn't even BELIEVE the "Pokemon Rights" shit he was spewin' an' instead was gonna use that whole ploy to take over the fuckin' region before it all fell apart there!!
An' even now you'll get some folks rantin' bout how he or his followers are on the loose. But look. After Opelucid got iced lots of us went to go help evacuate the city an' get people hospitalized when needed; we heard from some a' the survivors after everythin' settled that there was activity 'n the Giant Chasm so I had some folks check the routes round there an' went in there myself. I didn't find that legendary husk of a dragon, but I did find that absolute bastard's dragon chewin' away at hi-
Ah shit this one's empty. Hold on, need ta get another whiskey.
A lotta followers a' his an' N did take the "Pokemon rights" thing to heart though, an' they're decent folks. They're bein' watched a' course, due to bein' in a cult, but they're tryin' to do good by helpin' Pokemon that actually are bein' mistreated an' gettin' them better care. Granted they're workin' with less folks now, but-
Clay how much have you been drinking?
... Y'know what good question.
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quixot1sm · 1 year
can you. talk about nate hilbertverse
yes GOD this poor guy.
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first off: nate is hilbert's little brother- 6 years his junior. he'd always looked up to hilbert as a role model, idolizing him especially after his ascension to hero of ideals. keep in mind that nate was only 10 when bw happened, so his understanding of the situation was surface-level and admittedly naïve. even when hilbert had been hospitalized for his injuries, he'd put on a brave face for nate, so the latter didn't grasp the severity of what happened/was happening.... it wouldn't be until later that the reality of how scary this was would sink in.
freshly 11 yrs old when hilbert left unova, nate was then sent off to aspertia to live with the other half of the family (hilda, rosa, and their mom) so he could enroll in cheren's trainer's school with rosa and earn his permit. the idea was also a way to provide him with a distraction from hilbert's absence since nate was a lonely kid... but anyway, this permit allowed them to participate in the junior division of the pokemon league challenge, meaning if either of them won, they'd be a champion in name only. that didnt happen but i'll get to why in a second.
when he was 12, despite setting out with the intention of collecting gym badges, hugh and nate quickly veered off course when team neo-plasma began showing its face around the region, urging the two of them to give chase in a bid to get some answers out of them. in the process, nate came across and befriended keldeo, and then, upon meeting colress, was dubbed something akin to his protégé.
this of course all came to a head in giant chasm. there... something happened that left nate almost a completely different person. not only had he been told, to his face, that his big brother was gone for good, but his right arm was caught in the line of kyurem's glaciate.
like his brother before him, nate was then hospitalized for a considerable amount of time, and like theyd done for his brother before him, interpol came swooping in make use of nate at his lowest. because, technically, hilbert had been working with them when he disappeared, so they had to take some accountability in his case... and what better way that to employ his little brother, i guess.
before his journey, nate was a sweet, excitable kid, although he struggled with tone. afterwards... it's like he struggles to recognize any emotion at all. he's blunt, does not have time for distractions, he gets unreal tunnel vision and dedicates years working on tying up loose ends regarding hilbert- such as the whereabouts of the dark stone and anything he might have left behind that nate can bring back home... rosa thinks its a pointless obsession and would rather forget about it all, and this resulted in a fight that drove a wedge between the two of them. :(
this was supposed to be a brief summary and its already gotten this long LOL... i had to skip over some details that i'll revisit in other posts later. like n's zorua. theres a lot going on with a lot of the hilbertverse cast and nate is no exception.
some more trivia, though:
reshiram would have accepted him as a hero of truth if he'd agreed to it... but hes very different from n. his pursuit of truth is one devoid of idealism- he has no hope, no optimism, he only wants to get the facts to provide some sense of closure.
his full name is nathaniel tobias black. do not ever call him this
his birthday is may 4
he has two shinies, those being his emboar and his galvantula. lucky bastard
we really dont know what gender his emboar is? most just assume its a male, but it responds to whatever. really it does what it wants. its name is samson and its parents are bianca and hilda's emboars.
his prosthetic arm was designed and built by colress. the guy likes to think of himself as nate's mentor, even though he's one of the main factors behind why nate's even going through what he is in the first place...
and finally, although it's currently only 3 songs long, heres his playlist!
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goldensunset · 7 months
Play Game updatez:
•autumn time yippee!!!! (there’s actually Less to do in this season unfortunately. shame. things only really start to get interesting in winter)
•undella town is so calm and deserted now… makes me very sad but it’s comforting as well
•i found terrakion while only moderately prepared and i can’t believe i caught it before either running out of pokéballs or it running out moves and struggling to death. i really thought it was a lost cause. anyway i dislike terrakion
•i cannot seem to find the last sage of team plasma… i guess i gotta be more clever and thorough with my search. unless he’s locked behind the championship somehow
•genuine question is it possible to get kyurem in the first game outside of an event? like can i do that or not? i know it’s in the giant chasm allegedly but i can’t find a way into that area
•i think it’s very based how this region has multiple npcs here and there who just straight up don’t speak english. like we’ve got people who just go up to you and start going off in french italian german etc… also one of the tv programs is like a japanese language course… super cool and i choose to believe it’s meant to represent the idea of america as a melting pot of cultures. but i do wish i understood what the heck people were saying to me
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lyricalchrysanthemum · 3 months
I think the final act of BW2 is like .
Rosa+Keldeo+Cheren ft Hilda+N vs Ghetsis+Kyurem in the Giant Chasm
Bianca+Nate+Meloetta vs (Ingram) Colress in the team galactic base
And Hugh is helping clear out the base with Victini and rounding up Neo team plasma grunts (after grabbing Zinzolin)
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ask-impatient-samurott · 10 months
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Jean haphazardly skid down the slope leading to the cave opening, Kappa following behind her with far less grace. Nema had already nimbly leapt down to the bottom.
Jean and Kappa both took a moment to wipe the dirt off themselves. Jean pulled ahead of Nema and motioned for the two to follow.
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"Out here."
The trio slowly walked through the opening out to Giant Chasm. Although it seemed bright from inside the pitch black cave, night had already fallen, with the glare of the waning moon being their only light.
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While Nema and Jean peered around at their surroundings, Kappa slowly walked ahead, taking in the chasm in its entirety.
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Gnarled pines dotted the chasm floor in small groups, rooted deeply into the thick, blue-ish green grass. The chasm seemed like it would have been home to many more trees if it weren't for the massive scar engraved into its very middle. The remains of torched trees dotted the wound, save for a resilient cottonwood right in the middle. Many other firs seem to have been permanently bent backward. The long shadows of clouds in front of the moon paired with the deafening silence made the chasm all the eerier.
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"I can't hear or smell any other Pokemon. Is this place abandoned..?"
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"What's with the huge bald spot in the middle?"
Although Jean had been here numerous times, she felt odd leading other Pokemon here. She only ever came by herself.
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"Well, have you two heard of the time when Opelucid City was frozen over? To make a long story short, It's related to that."
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"Oh, yeah. The whole Team Plasma thing."
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"That happened decades ago though, didn't it?"
Jean nodded. It had been a very very long time since the age of Team Plasma, and with the near extinction of humans happening recently, it was functionally dead.
But, Jean didn't feel like going over the time Kyurem was enslaved to her travelling companions, so she nodded towards the far end of the chasm and began to work her way down the rocky wall.
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