#Planetary Defense Force
badzaba · 1 year
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Nereu's Troglodytes by Benjamin Nijama
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mayyosgallery · 11 months
Welcome to Calligh!
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The Uniform of the Calliger P.D.F. Hoping to build out a small little world for a roleplaying tabletop whatchmacallit.
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frogblast-the-ventcore · 11 months
but what do you imagine such a story would be like if we ever got to making it.
Depends on where you set it. If you're going for a feel close to that of Project Wingman / Frontline 59, the PDF would already be fairly competent, if maybe not equipped to the same standards as the regular Imperial Guard (the Cascadians in PW having essentially been a PDF equivalent before they rebelled, and they had everything from aircraft carriers to armored brigades to airships).
Of course, a hyper-competent PDF would probably be more along the lines of the Ultramar Auxilia, being better than a lot of Guard regiments.
If you want a real underdog story, though, a more typical PDF unit would be in order.
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sharivers92 · 5 months
I'm playing planetary defense force on atari vcs 800 i want to share this new video i made today
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qsycomplainsalot · 3 months
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'Old Blood' of Juno's Planetary Defense Force, the Grand Fusiliers One of these IG regiment that gets one spot illustration (of a noble, not even of them) and one paragraph in a warhammer ttrpg rulebook and nothing else. Had fun designing a uniform for a glorified French cop.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
AU where Xanatos is "redeemed by the power of cute," but it's actually a psychological whammy caused by Obi-Wan being supernaturally adorable as a species-specific juvenile defense mechanism, and is functionally immediate brainwashing by the 13yo who doesn't know that's what he's doing.
Tbh this is mostly just Defense Mechanism that makes Xanatos harmless, but in a way everyone finds very concerning and uncomfortable because it's kind of mind control.
Someone (@dracothulhu) asked if it was related to Mimic Spider AU, and it is not! Mimic spider AU is just "ohhhh you wanna fuck me so b--PSYCH! EATING YOU."
This is more "I'm a little baby, I'm SUCH a little baby, you don't want to hurt me, you could never hurt me, I'm so adorable I'm so cute doesn't it just kill you to think about hurting me?"
Mimic spider AU is just Hot and Confident. This is straight up Mind Whammie.
@threebea also thought brood parasitism, and offered:
I'm trying to figure out a reason for the Stewjoni to have like brood parasitism where they will stick their young with other families for awhile before picking them up Used to do it to Mandoalorians all the time, and it's part of the reason the Mandalorian adopt anything stereotype got so strong. Stewjoni looking at Jedi: those seem parent shaped here you go
Which is great, except I actually started with the idea of it being kind of the inverse!
(That said, I won't actually say no to the brood parasitism option.)
Xanatos: had been about to kidnap and put him on a deep sea mine now is feeding him pudding Is it he's acting normal but doing weird things or is he suddenly talking to Obi-Wan like he's an adorable puppy
He's kind of zoned out.
Xanatos: look at him so cute Omg Obi-Wan: standing there Xanatos: kriff I don't have a camera - also from threebea
Also cuddles! Which Obi-Wan actually Does Not Want. But if he's Very Very Still then maybe Qui-Gon will find him and fix this.
Like if a tiger held and groomed you and you just were waiting Very Still for the zookeeper to distract it and/or load up the tranq.
After the days he's had he'd perhaps like a cuddle but not from this guy Lol Xanatos: so soft The effect only works on humans and near humans so it didn't work on the hutt and (can't remember the other species) on the ship
We can say it works through the Force and that's why the Hutt is immune.
"Stewjoni are targets of slavers" but specifically for illegal adoptions. It's lucrative, because most bounty hunters last about twenty seconds before they give the crying baby back where it wants to go.
And most of the immune ones get caught by planetary defense forces.
So if you CAN steal a baby, the profit margin is insane, since it's so damn hard to do, but the baby up for illegal adoption is sooooo cute.
(…this concept would be hilarious with one of those "Tor adopts baby Ben Kenobi to turn into a weapon" AUs. Still a shitty childhood bc Death Watch can justify a lot under the umbrella of Teaching Self-Defense. But interesting.)
IF YOU HAVE READ TWILIGHT: do you remember the bit about vampire babies being so cute that people would let them slaughter entire villages without a qualm?
It's like that, except Obi-Wan doesn't have dreams of mass slaughter and it only really activates as a Threat Response.
I guess the evolutionary trigger is it's kind of a paralytic You can't move far from where you stole the kid
Which is exactly right!
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niqhtlord01 · 2 months
Humans are weird: Stay out of the woods
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
The greatest regret General Kemrak had was setting foot on the human world of Tenvus III.
At first things had gone well for his forces. Organized resistance was scarce as the planet was on the outer reaches of human controlled space which meant it had a fraction of a defense force a normal human world would have.  They were easily swept away in the opening phase of the invasion.
Clustered around the largest city on the planet, the humans held out for little under a day before Kemrak’s forces overran them and secured the capital. The official government of the planet surrendered and a token garrison force was left behind under the new military rule of Kemrak while the rest of the invasion fleet continued onward into human territory.
Though a temporary position until a civilian Geminite official could be brought in, Kemrak took the position seriously and began laying the foundation for Tenvus III’s introduction as the latest conquest to empire territory.
New habitation zones were cleared out, the space port was expanded to handle larger craft, and the capital was further reinforced into a true stronghold that would take months if not years to dislodge Geminite forces from. All made possible via the use of human labor for mere rations as compensation.
Things began taking a downhill turn when Kemrak began to spread his control to other communities. Given the planets lack of infrastructure, many smaller human communities existed deep within the dense forests and were only accessible either by air or by rugged and unreliable beat path roads.
None of these communities had strategic value so were ignored during initial stages, but now with preparing the world for annexation they too needed to be subdued. To that end Kemrak dispatched multiple squads via captured maps the general had planned to hear back from them by week’s end that they had achieved their goals.
A week came and went and to the general’s surprise no word came.
Radio transmissions were silent and not a single warrior returned from the dispatched squads to give an update. So the general dispatched more squads this time with the objective of finding the lost squads and subduing the human settlements.
Another week came and went and still silence.
The garrison forces were now becoming anxious at the disappearance of so many of their comrades. Unease crept into their hearts and the human captives were all too keen to see the sudden loss of heart of their conquerors.
Labor riots broke out, small scale sabotage acts increased by 17%, isolated groups of Geminite warriors were attacked and left crippled by human mobs. While control of the major planetary arteries was still within the general’s grasp, he was no fool to see that if left unchecked he would be facing a full-fledged uprising.
Seeking to quell the human’s newfound sense of defiance and calm the hearts of his men, the general took the majority of his forces to secure the nearest listed settlement while leaving behind a token force that was still capable of managing the humans.
Row upon row of armor vehicles and troop carries filed out of the capital city and made west towards what was known as “Hangman’s Gulch”; a remote town stead situated deep in the forests along a deep ravine that seemingly had no bottom.
With each passing hour General Kemrak noted how the roads began losing their maintenance and began degrading into nothing more than dirt path amongst the trees. By the four hour mark the trees had become so dense that the armored vehicles had been forced into the front to slowly continue plowing through the trees.
As the daylight began to dwindle the general lamented that he would not reach the settlement before nightfall and so ordered a halt to the advance. A small area was cleared out and a camp was established for the night. His last orders for the night before heading to his own tent were ensuring the sentries and patrols provided maximum coverage.
The next morning when the general awoke he was greeted by the sight of a human knife wedged into the pillow next to his head. He fell backwards as he pushed himself out of bed and called for his guards who came rushing into his tent.
He demanded to know how such a would-be assassin had bypassed the sentries and patrols. To his horror his guards informed him that during the night every patrol and sentry had gone missing. Their all clear signals had been set to repeat.
Kemrak ordered the entire camp awoken and place on high alert and for every inch to be search for any lurking intruders. His guards complied and exited the tent just as the beads of sweat began to run down the general’s face. He was under no illusion of the message his would be killers had given him. That despite everything he had, every ounce of power he wielded, they could kill him at any time.
Within the hour the entire camp was torn apart by the search parties as well as the surrounding area, but nothing could be found of the attackers. Of the missing sentries and patrols however, the search parties found the grizzly remains of pools of blood and blood trails going off deeper into the woods. The troops were once more becoming enthralled with fear and the general quickly got them moving to the settlement.
Another four hours of marching and Kemrak had finally reached the settlement. It was just as the map described, perched alongside a deep ravine with no visible bottom and comprising of two dozen small homes and stores.
Surrounding the town, Kemrak issued the command for his warriors to charge in and take any human they found captive for questioning. He sat in his command vehicle as the town was soon engulfed with Geminite warriors, yet not a single shot was fired. The general pondered this when his radio transmitter chimed and a report from the warriors came in.
The entire town was empty.
Not a single human, adult or child, was present.
Frustration mounted within the general as he realized he had been led on a wild goose chase. In a fit of rage he told his warriors to burn down the settlement and take whatever they wanted, and that tomorrow they would head back to the capital. His warriors cheered his name as they sacked and looted the settlement long into the night and danced around the fires of burning buildings in celebration.
Quietly, the general had also redoubled the sentries and pulled the patrols closer as the flames continued into the night. He would not be caught unaware again and sat inside his command vehicle with his command staff as the revelries slowly faded into the night.
When the general fell asleep he did not know; but as he roused himself he felt that he was still inside the command vehicle. As he rubbed his eyes to shrug off the morning drowsiness he felt something cold and pasty touch his eyelids.
Wiping away whatever the liquid was with his sleeve he looked down at his hand to see it was blood.
His hands were drenched in blood, but as he opened his mouth to cry out he took in the rest of his command vehicle and the cry shriveled in his throat.
All around him were the mutilated bodies of his command team. Some spread across the decking like rag dolls, while others still sat at their posts as if waiting for his next command as if the gashes in their throats were a minor inconvenience.
He scrambled with the release hatch and fell out of the vehicle with a loud thud drawing the attention of nearby guards. They rushed over to their general but froze in horror as they saw the contents of the command vehicle.
Orders for status reports from the sentries had to be beaten into the guards by Kemral as hey locked up in shock. The orders were relayed and answered in short fashion but not with a desired outcome.
Once again, all sentries and patrols had gone missing sometime in the night.
By now the rest of the force was waking up. Despite the best efforts of Kemrak’s officers the news of yet another enemy attack spread like wild fire dousing the confidence the previously nights sackings had ignited. Worse yet was the loud commotion coming from the front of their encampment that was drawing more and more warriors.
Kemrak stormed to the front of his camp to find a lone warrior shambling from the tree line back to them. They dragged a broken leg behind them as they stumbled closer but known of the watching warriors would go to help them. For the lone warrior was as terrifying as the nightmare they had seen in the command vehicle.
The warrior’s hands were gone; all that was left were two bloody stumps that had been singed closed. Clumps of their tattered uniform clung to their body and fluttered in the breeze to reveal the mauled and bloodied chest of the warrior. Chunks of skin had been peeled away to reveal raw muscle twitching with every movement.
Kemrak stood at the front of his warriors as the lone survivor finally came before them.
“They say…..” the warrior stuttered through bloody lips, “we’ll all die…..tonight….unless we give them…” The lone survivor pointed at Kemrak.  The warriors behind Kemrak murmured amongst themselves but a quick glare from the general silenced them.
“We do that…” the warrior continued as they spat out a thick glob of blood and took several deep gasps, “…and they let us go….and give us back….everyone…missing..”
With their message delivered, the warrior collapsed to the ground like a puppet’s whose strings had finally been cut.
As the medics finally went forward Kemrak’s eyes passed over his men. Where once was unshaken loyalty, now lay the tendrils of betrayal. He could not look a moment more at them and turned back to look at the surrounding woods and try to figure some way out of this nightmare.
It was at that moment he felt his hearts stop.
There was something moving amongst the trees.
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envysparkler · 4 months
au where the justice league is known and well established as Earth's official planetary defense system.  Batman was offered an invitation to join but he hissed at the idea of revealing his identity and said nope, you guys stay out of Gotham.  in return, the JL was like 'okay you can't leave Gotham then'.  for around a decade, Batman sticks to that rule, no real issues, but the JL gets bigger and bigger and it reaches a point that he knows, even with all his contingencies, he'll never be able to take them in a fight
Robin and Batman get into an argument because Robin wants to stretch his wings and Batman refuses to let him.  Robin leaves despite all of Batman's warnings and goes to NYC and cuts all contact.  a couple months later, there's a new hero who calls himself Nightwing who's on the JL.
Bruce freaks out and tries to call Dick, but Dick ignores all his calls.  Bruce ends up keeping tabs on him from afar, always worried.
fast forward to the new Robin.  this time, Bruce impresses from the beginning the importance of never leaving Gotham.  Jason agrees.  three years later, Jason leaves to Ethiopia, Batman follows, the Joker shows up.
it ends with JL intervention and a beaten Jason being taken away by Wonder Woman and the Joker taken away by the JL.  Bruce tries to infiltrate Themyscira, is caught, Diana snaps at him.  Bruce begs asks her to be able to speak to Jason.  Jason is visibly upset and doesn't want to talk to Bruce and tells him that Batman didn't save him and orders him to get out.  Bruce leaves, heartbroken.
a young boy observes a devastated Batman on the streets of Gotham and is determined to help him.  this time, Bruce impresses upon Tim the severity of the situation.  if he leaves Gotham the Justice League will get him.  Tim agrees to be very careful.  Damian shows up and for the first time in a long time, Bruce lets himself relax.
Bruce gets lost in time.  Tim has to leave Gotham to find the clues to help him, he stumbles upon the Titans who offer their help and a spot on their team.  once they find Bruce, Tim forces himself to leave with the Titans, knowing that at least Bruce and Damian will be safe.
Bruce is exhausted and hurt and upset.  he keeps losing children.
meanwhile, the JL is getting increasingly fed up about this brooding vigilante that treats his sidekicks as disposable and never once checks up on them after they leave his fold.  it's a giant miscommunication.
things come to a head when Bruce is forced to go to Metropolis to stop some alien threat or whatever.  Damian sneaks after him, despite express orders to stay, and when Bruce wakes up in a medical tent, Superman tells him that Damian is okay and he's staying with Superman's family.  Clark was not expecting Batman to go back to Gotham, stone-faced, without asking about or picking up his kid.
Bruce is heartbroken, he's lost four children and he just stays in the Cave and cries.  meanwhile Damian, with the Kents, is distressed by the abundance of people his father's warned him about.  he just wants to go home.
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novy2sirius · 8 months
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Planetary Hora’s
Hora’s can be used to plan out your days and decide which hours you want to begin certain activities but you also have a natal planetary hour in which you born under. This can tell a lot about your life and the things that were going on around the time of your birth. It can even tell about your appearance
Go to astro-seek.com, find the sidereal chart chart section then click sidereal birth chart, and type your information in then scroll down you will see a section that shows what “hora” (which translates to hour) you were born in. I use fagan bradley sidereal
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Sun Hora
People born during this Hora are more likely to attain fame in this lifetime than others. Even if they don’t attain fame in this lifetime though they will still attract lots of attention with little to no effort. They are likely to be known for or have lots of talents, having lots of generosity, being creative, being very confident, doing well in their workplace, and having a vibrant persona. Wearing Ruby gemstones can bring marriage/success into your life more quickly
Alexa Demie
Charli Damelio
Moon Hora
People born during this Hora tend to be more strongly connected to the spiritual realm than others. They are very intuitive and have strong emotional intelligence. They are likely to have/be known for their caring nature, adaptability, cleanliness, love for the ocean, and for keeping their life very private. Wearing jewelry with Pearls on it can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Megan Fox
Cindy Kimberly
Ariana Grande
Elvis Presley
Mercury Hora
People born in this Hora are more likely to gain social media fame than others. They are very curious people and love learning/hearing other peoples perceptions. They are most commonly known for/have lots of intellect, communicative talents/talents involving their voice, a youthful spirit/appearance, a slimmer build, have strong opinions, and are talented writers. Wearing Emerald jewelry can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Addison Rae
Kim Kardashian
The Weeknd
Venus Hora
People born in this Hora tend to be considered very beautiful to a lot of people. Money comes to them when they need it most and they can gain money very quickly. They make great actors, singers, and models. They may be more materialistic than the other Hora’s. They are likely to be known for or have musical talents, good fashion sense, wealth/financial stability in life, and an abundant love life as well. Wearing Diamond or Opal jewelry often can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Olivia Rodrigo
Florence Pugh
Zayn Malik
Dua Lipa
Mars Hora
People born during this Hora tend to be more masculine or dominant than others. They are very defensive of the people they love and will do anything to protect them. They often have or are known for their leadership abilities, sex appeal/sexual nature, strong physic/toned body, confidence, competitive nature, and being a passionate person in general. Wearing Coral or Cats Eye jewelry can bring marriage and success more quickly into your life
Nicki Minaj
Bella Hadid
Vinnie Hacker
Jupiter Hora
People born during this Hora are usually very successful in life. The women that are born during this Hora tend to be praised by men for their attractiveness/beauty. Things come at ease to them more so than others. The downside is that they may at worst lack self discipline or may not have a very strong work ethic. They are likely to be known for or have an optimistic persona, being naturally popular wherever they go, having strong beliefs, and being intelligent as well as wise. Wearing Yellow Sapphire jewelry can make marriage come quicker/success in general come quicker for these people
Madison Beer
Adriana Lima
Scarlett Johansson
Saturn Hora
People born during this Hora are usually forced to mature from a young age. They are likely to be successful, but usually later in life. They must work for anything they want in life unlike people born under the Jupiter Hora, but the pro to this is when they do work for something they will get what they want whereas other Hora’s may work hard and still proceed to fail. Their public image is usually unique. They tend to receive a lot of hate. They are likely to have/be known for their good work ethic, self discipline, mature decision making, and owning businesses. Wearing Blue Sapphire, Amethyst, or Hessonite can bring marriage/success into your life more quickly
Theo Von
Lady Gaga
Pete Davidson
Doja Cat
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Where does your spouse come from? Part 2
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This is the continuation of Part 1 where I've mentioned where the 7th house lord can move and how this can give us insights of the country where they might come from (if they are foreigners), and a lot of other details in regards to our romantic partnerships. I've already covered from Aries/1H to Virgo/6H, and will continue with the rest.
Remember to take a look at where your 7th house lord is moving. Where is the planet that rules that sign sitting, and what are other planetary aspects is it receiving as well. Is it in a friendly sign or not? Is the house beneficial or not?
Note: I use sidereal calculations, so for the most accurate results on this it would be preferred for calculations to be adjusted.
First of all, it is always good to start with intuitively choosing the countries you’ve always been curious or lured towards. Cultures you’d like to get to understand and explore! Click this link to look at the dates of independence or incorporation dates of those countries to see if it matches the lord of your 7th house.
Second, please pay EXTRA attention to this descriptions the most if your 7th house lord is in the 9th house or 12th house. Look for the planet or sign that resides there in order to get an even more accurate prediction.
Lastly, even if your 7th house lord falls in any other house, these descriptions will still aid you towards understanding your protentional romantic, business, or any other type of close relationships.
Libra/7H: Turkey, Poland, Amsterdam, Berlin, Panama, Antigua and Barbuda, and Austria all have Sun in Libra. These are some of the countries your spouse might be from or related to through family. They will be very social or at the very least aware of how social dynamics function. They care about their appearance and will feel uncomfortable not presenting themselves within their preferred aesthetics. They will enjoy art or be quite creative themselves, so do expect dates that revolve this sort of activities. Communicating with others in a non-conflictive way is a very big thing, and perhaps it is the way their environment encouraged them to be as well. They will be smooth talkers, and express themselves in a politically correct manner. You might meet them in a place that feels harmonious, in the sense of following a certain aesthetic. Other people might introduce them to you or they might be a small push required from others (or even you) to make them feel comfortable enough with approaching you full force. They could come from places that are pleasing visually, and where people enjoy fine arts. There's a sort of "poshness" to their surroundings that promotes elegance in general, so that will influence them as well. They will enjoy windy weathers and food that looks and taste good (emphasis on the first than the latter). They will have a very good appearance or at the very least maintain a "clean" look. Most of their features will be somewhat softer, and it will be noticeable in their gaze. They use their eyes to attract others, knowingly or not. They'll probably identify the wifey qualities within you quite fast, and will make it known the way they feel. If this house or planet is not heavily afflicted, then finding a business or marriage partner should not be too difficult to achieve at all.
Scorpio/8H: Lebanon, Thailand, Finland, Iceland, Albania, United Arab Emirates, Monaco, Kenya, and Barbados, could be one of the countries that your spouse might be from or enjoy a lot. They will have a secretive/reserved nature which makes them quite alluring. They will come from an environment that encouraged a lot of chaotic changes, and forced them to develop defensive mechanisms that relay on control tactics. Their weather could be as well quite changing in nature or experience many chaotic natural events. You will meet them in private places or within a small gathering. As simple as a small group of friends visiting a beach or river. It could also be after one or both of you just experienced really difficult situations. After some sort of transformation occurred where one or both had to mentally set themselves to heal/grow. You might engage in secret or very close conversations that will allow feelings to develop quickly and intensely. They might enjoy risky situations that drive adrenaline through the roof. Spicy food or heavily relied on meat/protein could be a big part of their diet. You and your partner are prone to being obsessive and desire to control each others feelings to a certain degree, just for the sake of creating a false sense of comfort. This connections will be karmic by nature and sometimes necessary for our growth, so be aware of the difficulties and learn when to let go for your own sake. They might have sharp features, a very intense gaze, and an aura that is felt by others. They are also more prone to having dark hair or eyes. There will also be material growth or a focus towards each others resources, but be mindful to not allow others to use you entirely for financial gains nor attempt to do the same yourself. All of your connections will naturally have darker and taboo themes sitting on the surface to be explored. You will enjoy or have some fixation for each others body, specifically the sexual zones. Chemistry is not the same as connection, so be mindful of that since not everyone is a fit for serious relationships simply because the sexual aspects are very positive.
Sagittarius/9H: UK, Haiti, Brunei, Bulgaria, Qatar, Cuba, Sudan, Slovenia, and Kazakhstan are some of the countries where they might be from or strongly feel connected to for some way. They are adventurous, restless, optimistic, funny, well cultured, and spiritual in some way. They might come from environments that are very traditionally tied to religion or spiritual institutions, temples, etc. They might be used to being perceived or surrounded by foreigners as well, which allows them to adapt easily to others and be familiar with different languages. You'll meet in an airport, temples, university or education areas, ceremonies (like a wedding), legal departments, at a bank, etc. They'll enjoy going to different places, be it doing sports, trying new cuisines, and overall just staying busy. You both will most likely travel together, or there might be some distance between the two of you at some point. This is a connection that will broaden your horizons and allow you both to evolve spiritually. Their appearance will be different from your native country, so they will definitely be a foreigner with looks that make them stand out. Expect them to be tall, possibly have green eyes and/or to be fit. They might love horses or learned how to ride horses when they were young. You might become more spiritual or devoted to a religion after meeting them or after marriage. Your partner/spouse will definitely be traditional, even if they have an open mind and avoid placing judgement on situations they are unfamiliar with. They will pay extra attention to your thighs and butt, so don't be surprise if they stare too hard or mention it directly. You are both going to push each other to achieve a higher awareness or consciousness. The laughs and jokes will also be plenty as well, and that will help a lot when dealing with any difficulties in the relationship, but just make sure to not sweep things under the rug.
Capricorn/10H: Buenos Aires, Singapore, Romania, New Zealand, Grenada, and Nauru might be some of the countries your partner/spouse might be from or have a connection with. They are responsible, career oriented, structured, service oriented, grounded, and the type to show their love by actions rather than words. They might come from environments that were rough or challenging to be around, in the sense that the weather or people could be harsh to deal with. People might think they're older than his actual age, and not necessarily due to appearance but the way they think, speak, move, and behave. They simply have a very mature personality and this is mainly because they had to grow up fast and their parents were probably very demanding or not as present as they should have. Expect them to be around people that have authority or coworkers. You might meet them in governmental institutions or spaces, abandoned places, a city hall, at work, at the chiropractors, and overall in any public space. They probably prefer to eat the same type of food with little variety, but they like high quality places that feel and look luxurious. Your connection will be karmic by nature and initially might feel too serious or difficult. Now, it does promise longevity and growth towards your career, profession, and status. Your partner/spouse will enjoy his work a lot and socializing with people as well, but despite the fame or notoriety they might have they'll enjoy being alone with you the most. They will be the type to externally seem very outgoing, yet actually prefer being introverted or away from the public, an this happens due to the excessive time that they invest in working with others. In terms of appearance, they might be medium in heigh, have a sharp gaze, strong legs, and brown/dark colored eyes. There's a good chance they'll be older than you, if not in age, then definitely in their way of thinking or seeing life. You might end up meeting their parents soon in the relationship as well. The both of you will have to put some necessary efforts to make the relationship work, as there will be challenges in the way. The relationship will be very public or known by others even if you both try to be lowkey about it, so be careful to not allow others to get in the way.
Aquarius/11H: Lithuania, Saint Lucia, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Wales, Estonia and Kuwait are some of the countries they might be from or associated to in some way. They'll be independent, creative, innovative, cunning, friendly yet introverted, and have many niche interest. Their environment might have random and unexpected weather changes, which fits their own nature as well. It's likely their surroundings taught them to be flexible, open minded, and comfortable with being themselves. They will be very experimental with their food, and might even have a bit of an odd yet interesting taste. Their preference in music will be *chef's kiss* so you'll be adding their playlist to your favorites and sharing music often. You might meet them through your friends, the internet, social media, networking circle, NGO's, charities, inside an airplane, at a tech facility, or at any big events. They'll be popular and probably well known by others, be it because of their impressive skills or simply for who they are. They are the type to be very close to their friends and alliances because thanks to them they are able to progress through life. You will learn the value of being part of a community and planning long term towards your future investments. You will both pursue your dreams and long term goals together. They might be the type to give you many gifts in all shapes and form. Surprising you and putting a smile on your face with their quirks will always be a goal for them. In terms of appearance they might look different, but not in a bad way, rather that there is something about them that makes them look like they do not belong to this world. One of the main themes of your relationships will be about independence and freedom. Your partner/spouse does not like to feel restricted or boxed in, so if you're the clingy type then the more negative aspects might show up with them pulling away or putting some distance. Communication is essential in all relationships, but with your partner it will be even more so. They will prefer you to be straight forward and blunt, even if it might seem rude, but do no worry because they are experts at listening, understanding, and finding a solution.
Pisces/12H: Hungary, Ireland, Iran, Greece, Denmark, and Pakistan are some of the countries that they might be related or connected to in some way. They'll be dreamy, artistic, inspirational, bubbly, and very physic. Their environment might have been uprooted in spiritual or religious beliefs, similarly to Sagittarius/9H, but the difference is that they are more likely to follow those traditions to such depths that it might lead them to "lose" themselves or develop escapist intentions behind it. They might have visited temples or churches growing up, so they are usually very accepting of others. In terms of the physical surroundings they might have grown around big sources of water (lakes, beaches, ponds, etc) or visited them often. If they are not allergic to any sea food, then they will eat it a lot. They enjoy their privacy and despite their ability to camouflage in different groups they will only confide the most in themselves or you. You might meet them a church, temple, a club, close to large bodies of water, foreign lands, hospital, asylum, or even places where they legally sell recreational dr*gs. There will be a sense of mystery or unknown in the relationship, where you or your partner feel as if you're unsure where the connection is leading which might be confusing. They might have a history of using substances or doing things that are not seen well by the law. You will feel like despite their past and background it is easy for you to look past it all and be very understanding with them. There's a need for being careful of not allowing the relationship to become a vicious cycle where you encourage each others bad habits, insecurities, etc. In terms of appearance, they will have eyes that almost look half asleep in some way and that makes them seem seductive in a way. They might be tall or medium height, fit or slender, have curly hair, and use glasses. You will both feel like the connection is fated or destined in some way. There might also be a distance between the two of you at some point, be it because you both live in different places, a loss in the relationship, meaning going separate ways to eventually get back together, or to stay separated. Either way, if there is no harsh affliction or malefices then despite everything you will both become very spiritual and psychic together. You will feel like communicating telepathically is very much real, and it will be common for you both to dream often of each other. This is the type of connection that you don't ever forget about and that teaches you a lot about the parts of yourself that you might not see. The connection will show you both the good, bad, and wonderful that exists within each other.
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Europe's highly anticipated Hera mission to catalog the wreckage of the asteroid Dimorphos has arrived at its Florida launch site for final checks ahead of its planned liftoff early next month. The main Hera spacecraft and its two partner cubesats, named Milani and Juventas, are set to launch atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on Oct. 7 at 10:52 a.m. EDT (1452 GMT) from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. They'll arrive at Dimorphos in late 2026, on a mission to study the aftermath of NASA's planetary defense test, which intentionally smashed a spacecraft into the asteroid in September 2022, shortening its orbit by 33 minutes and permanently altering its shape.
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May I humbly request “why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?” from the enemies/rivals to lovers prompts with Christopher Pike please? 💕
Send me a rivals (to lovers?) sentence starter!
Of course my dear! I hope you're having a lovely day!
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You have your orders, and are told within earshot of their cell: if the prisoners try to escape again, shoot them on sight.
You don't now if it's pure luck or a coincidence that you're on patrol that night, or that you round the corner just in time to see their leader five steps out of the cell that they're being kept in.
"Get back!" You hiss, raising your phaser and advancing toward him swiftly, "Go!"
The man backs up, hands raised in a show of surrender. You grasp the gate that they've managed to open, closing it hurriedly and covering the code on the pad as you relock it. You shoot a murderous gaze at the five inside, jaw tight. Your heart leaps into your throat as you hear your commander call your name, and you turn around just as they approach you. Your back goes ram-rod straight, chin up as he comes closer.
"Lieutenant! What's going on here?"
"Nothing, sir," You insist. "Just checking that everything is secure."
"Is it?"
"Yes, sir."
He casts a gaze over your shoulder, brows drawing down as he looks them over. You fight to keep from fidgeting, your stomach churning with nerves. Does he know that you're lying? Were they seen on the security feeds?
But he finally nods slowly, drawing away with a murmur to keep up the good work. You nod, mumble, "Sir," And hold your position until he's out of sight. You let your breath drain from you slowly, your body releasing just a little bit of the tension before you look over your shoulder, locking eyes with the man that had been trying to escape.
"Do not do that again. It won't always be me coming around that corner," It feels like a stupid thing to say even as you say it, but the man gives a small nod, and goes so far as to take another step back from the door. You glance around to the others, finding them watching you warily. You just give a small shake of your head before you leave, lingering around the corner and listening for any click of a lock for the rest of your shift.
They're not like the other off-worlders. From what you can tell, they didn't sneak onto the facility to try and steal your tech—but you still don't know how they got past the planetary defense systems in the first place, or why. They fought well, but they'd been no match for your squadron once you'd been deployed to their location.
The five of them—two women, two men, and one Vulcan—can't be kept together. It's your commander's decision to split them up. You're not sure how effective it'll be, though you suppose its worth a chance until you can get answers out of them. You think that you may escape any more association with the situation, but your commander insists that you move their leader to his new high-security cell—and puts you in charge of his watch.
You grit your teeth and agree, certain that you have no choice but to obey. Your commander is not a kind man; he rewards loyalty with punishing work, and insubordination with death.
You force your expression to passive indifference as you approach their cell, fingers twitching over the handcuffs strapped to your belt.
"You," You nod to him, drawing the attention of all. "Get up."
It takes him a moment, but he rises slowly.
"Come here," You add, punching in the code for the door and listening to the snick as it unlocks.
"What is this?" He asks.
"You're coming with me."
"Where are you taking him?" A woman is up in seconds, just a step behind. You still your hand on the door, letting your gaze flit to her.
"Another cell."
"They don't trust you together." You probably shouldn't tell them that, but it's obvious enough.
"Why only take him?" The Vulcan pipes up.
"He's the first. He won't be the last." You look between all of them. "I'm going to open the door. If any of you rush me, I'll have to raise the alarm. If you try to escape, I can't be held responsible for what they do to you. I can promise that whatever they choose will be brutal." You meet the man's eye again. "I'm going to open this. I want you to step out and hold your hands forward."
"...I understand," The man says.
"Chris," The woman warns lowly.
"Captain, I would advise against this," Another woman begins to rise, then freezes when she sees your hand twitch toward your phaser.
"Stand down, La'an. That's an order." His gaze stays steady on yours, hands raising, palms open and fingers spread as you open the door just enough for him to inch out. You shut it quickly, punching the code with one hand and draw your cuffs off of your belt. He holds still, and despite your movements, you feel his eyes steady on your face. You turn to the others, eyes skating across their faces again before you reach up, gently nudging the man's shoulder and guiding him to leave ahead of you. You learned a long time ago not to let a prisoner follow you, or have the opportunity to easily grab your phaser.
He goes, slowing only for a second to shoot a wink at his compatriots over his shoulder—it's a reassurance that isn't meant for you, but makes your chest flutter nonetheless.
"Left here," You order, and he does as you say.
"What's your name?" He asks, and before he can twist all the way to look at you for an answer, you snap, "Face forward."
He does so, keeping an even pace down the corridor.
"I'm Christopher," He adds.
"You're not going to tell me your name?"
"You don't need it."
"I might."
"Trust me, you don't. Make a right."
He does. You can see him turning his head a bit this way and that, no doubt trying to memorize markers, security cameras, things that may help him find his way back to that first cell.
"You're a lieutenant?" He asks. You bite the inside of your cheek, fighting back an irritated groan. Is he going to talk the whole time?
"That's what your commander said," He adds. "How long have you been working here?"
You still refuse to respond.
"Must be a while. You seem pretty familiar with the layout."
This man must be plenty comfortable making conversation with himself—
You pull up short as he stops, taking a wary step back as he turns to face you. The two of you stand in testy silence for a few tense moments. You wait for him to spring toward you, past you, away from you. You try to think of every possibility, but he hits you with something that you could never have anticipated:
"I'm not going to hurt you."
Your eyes narrow slightly.
"...Are you going to hurt me?" He adds.
"Please turn back around."
He tips his head to the side a touch, and when he takes a step forward, you take a step back.
"I'm not going to ask you again," You raise your voice a little, trying to instill fear in him, and a sense of authority in yourself. His lips twitch with a small, almost taunting smile as he takes one more step. He freezes, watching your hand raise to rest on your phaser. He nods a little, finally turning to face away from you.
"...Left or right?" He asks. You nearly can't hear it over the roaring of blood in your ears. You actually have to think about it before you say: "Right."
He lets you nudge him into the cell, lock him up, and then steps forward when you open the latch.
"Give me your hands," You wave him closer. "I'll take the cuffs off."
He takes his time coming closer, and you have to fight a shiver off as his blue eyes seem to spear into you.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Do you do anything else?" You grumble, raising your hands to unlock the mechanism. He chuckles softly as the cuffs fall away, and grasps your wrists once the cuffs are off. You suck in gasp in, eyes widening slightly. He isn't pulling or doing anything threatening—just holding.
"...Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?" He asks.
"You had orders to shoot us on sight. You let me live the other day—and you could've killed me in the hall just now."
You shake him off, yanking your hand back. He's still watching you with a warmth that's unfamiliar to you, and disarming.
"Maybe I just want to know how you all snuck onto the planet," You fib. "Can't find that out if you're dead."
He nods a touch, his gentle hum almost condescending. You raise your hand to shove the latch shut, but he catches it with his hand before you can, lowering his voice,
"When we get out of here—and we will get out of here," His lips curl into a mischievous smile, "I'll remember."
"Remember what?"
"Your kindness."
He lets go of the latch, and you slam it shut, locking it hurriedly. Finally out of his sight, you let you sigh out a panicked breath, tugging your armor back from your neck a touch to cool your rapidly heating neck and face.
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Slides in for cursed Ultramarine facts.
Blue is an extremely difficult colour to manufacture for the purposes of colouring ceramite, particularly in the Imperium, where access to naturally occurring pigments is increasingly limited due to the poor state of most planetary ecosystems.
This is, as you might imagine, a problem when your entire chapter and a basically all of your successor chapters wear blue armour, and require that blue armour to be maintained and rebuilt and recoloured due to frequent battle damage. Even with Guilliman pulling political strings to get Ultramar preferential access to shipments and sources of blue dye, there are often long stretches of time where repaired or newly refurbished pieces of armour will be coloured a default metallic grey. This is wholly unavoidable due to the way the Imperium has operated, and continues to operate.
With one exception.
Very rarely, a migratory species of warp entity will embark on a crossing through Ultramar. It is impossible to predict when this will happen, and no one is wholly sure why, but every so often one of Guilliman's worlds will be party to a migration of small, butterfly-like creatures. They are a rich, ethereal blue, winging fairly close to the ground and leaving soft sapphire light trails in their wake. Many thousands of them move through at a time, appearing seemingly from nowhere and fading gently away less than ten minutes later. They are not known to be harmful in any way, and actually evoke powerful feelings of joy and wonder (directed at the creatures). This is suspected to be a defense mechanism to compensate for how fragile and eye-catching they are.
They are so fragile, in fact, that any kind of mildly forceful physical contact will cause them to burst apart in a shower of dust and viscera the same shade as their forms.
Unfortunately, this mixture seeps into metals and fabrics extremely well, colouring them blue at a molecular level permanently.
However, because they are not creatures of the physical world, and present for such a little time, striking them with weapons or attempting to use containment devices on them will fail, and they will simply phase through the contacting item or energy field. A direct blow from a being with a soul, however, will effectively slay them, though the emotional distress caused by destroying something that brings such joy is considerable.
Regardless, blue pigment is low, and time is short, so a migration of blue butterflies on any of Ultramar's planets is always accompanied by frantic droves of fully armoured marines careening through the glittering flight, sobbing, weeping openly as they smear the folorn remains of countless dead insects all over their armour. The feedback of sorrow at so many of their deaths is such that some marines will start screaming brokenly, the sounds mingling horribly as dozens of vox beads convey shared horror at such brutality.
They know what has to be done, however, and so the marines continue to rub pulped up butterflies into their pauldrons even as their helmets fill with tears.
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sharivers92 · 9 months
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I got new visa gift card for christmas i got grounds keepers 2, turnament, milli 7 greg, bloo kid, bloo kid 2, berzerk recharged, basketboom, ultra mission, planetary defense force, cymatically muffed, quantum rechagred these are the games i purchase on my new atari vcs
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paingoes · 3 months
Destroyer - Dune
thank you all for having such positive feedback! youre so sweet. i love writing this im so glad you guys are enjoying it
(Content: smoking, alcohol mention, sensory overload, magical exhaustion, physical violence) 
The sun burned. Paris slid his sunglasses back over his eyes. He was still a little hungover from last night, and the night before that, and the night before that. He kept taking swigs from the electrolyte drink that Martino had given him, then immediately replacing the lost fluid with water, so the bottle lost more and more color over time. The craft was air conditioned, but he kept cracking the window open to smoke out of it.
“Can I have a cigarette?” Delta asked politely. Paris looked him over, surprised to hear him speak.
“No,” He shook his head, “It’s bad for you. Don’t start.”
Delta sunk back into the chair, disappointed. He was dressed casually, in just a t-shirt and basketball shirts. They were Paris’s old clothes, but they fit him fine. His hair was pulled back into a long braid. Paris was in a wifebeater and track pants, not just dressed for the weather, but dressed to look unassuming. The craft had landed in the middle of a warzone and they didn’t have many guards to spare. They couldn’t walk around looking too important. Besides, it was reaching 130 degrees in the desert. Paris checked his watch again, clearly annoyed.
Through the windshield, on the dunes below, Simon started waving his arms. Paris rolled his body forward, snatching the keys out of the ignition. He threw his door open, hopping out onto the sand below. At his beckoning, Delta joined him, moving a lot more carefully on his descent. He struggled to walk in the shifting sand. Paris grabbed his wrist, tugging him along.
Simon guided them to the nearby encampment, where they’d finally decided the time was right. They went into the general’s tent to discuss. Simon pulled Delta aside, explaining to him the mission. Delta nodded patiently; it was pretty straightforward. All he had to do was knock out some of the Striders, the gigantic walking machines that the planetary government had built for its defense. There’d be a massive procession of them moving in for this battle. If Delta could wipe their offensive out all at once, the planet would be theirs. It would be a little strenuous, but nothing he hadn’t done before.
The soldiers tending to the encampment seemed really curious about the prince and his weapon. Delta was used to receiving a wide berth, but the soldiers and officers alike kept coming to peek into the tent. He could tell it was pissing Paris off and he wished he could warn them to knock it off.
In the distance, a heavy thud. The general pointed to the clock. In fifteen minutes, they were to strike.
The actual battlefield was visible from the other side of the tall dune. They all proceeded to the top of it, hanging back slightly to avoid becoming too visible to the opposition. Simon was helping Delta up the mound, encouraging him to sit and recenter himself before the attack. He did as he was told. Paris was hanging back some distance with the General and a few of his officers. Dr.Martino was with them, just in case. Delta sunk his hands into the hot sand, closing his eyes.
The Striders were coming into the valley. Delta marked them by sight, counting twelve in total. They were slow moving, far enough away that they weren’t hazardous, but not so far as to be out of his range. Paris gave the signal, prompting Simon to return to Delta’s side. Smoke and sand were kicking up around them. The wind practically drowned out the sound of their voices.
“Ready?” Simon asked. Delta stood up, taking a few steps forward so that his aim was clear. He nodded his assent. The collar clicked off.
Pain, immediately. Delta fell to his knees with the force of the migraine, hearing the roar of the wind, the death heat of the sun, the intricate forms of the Strider’s machinery. His head pounded as he tried to recenter himself, but he could neither see nor feel more than a few feet in front of him. He was totally lost in the expanse of sand beneath him, the ocean of minutiae. He thought, from somewhere remote in his skull, what a silly thing to get caught up on. But the pain was so loud it refused to be ignored.
The collar clicked back on. Simon did not move to comfort him. “Delta…” he said, in a low warning, scared for his own sake. Delta did not dare look at him. Simon stepped closer, pulling him out from the position he’d curled into. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
Delta shook his head, unable to communicate it. The Striders, in the distance, were still moving in. Simon pressed at him.
“I can’t see,” Delta admitted weakly, “It’s too much. Too bright. I can’t see well.”
“I’m afraid you don’t have much of a choice,” Simon reminded him, “Try again. Sit up, don’t stand. Just focus on your breathing.”
“Yes, sir,” Delta nodded. The collar clicked off, again.
It was even worse. Delta let out a small, choked sob. His brain felt like it was melting as it took it all in. He didn’t even understand what he was seeing. It was a dot matrix folding in on itself, torn into pieces, looking wrong. Simon quickly switched the collar back on, sensing immediately that Delta was not in control of himself and knowing how dangerous that could be. He signaled something to Paris and to the general, then bent down to help Delta to his feet. Delta’s steps were rough and unsteady. Simon was walking him back to the camp.
Dr.Martino had his own medical tent set up in the event of emergencies. He seemed annoyed that he actually had to use it. Delta was extremely dizzy and exhausted from the view he’d gotten. He could barely focus as Dr.Martino ran the tests. With an exasperated sigh, Dr.Martino slapped him on the wrist when he started to tremble too hard. Delta flinched. He straightened up as Paris appeared at the entrance.
“Well?” The prince asked.
“There’s nothing medically wrong with him,” Dr.Martino confirmed. Delta braced himself, not needing to guess what was coming.
Without speaking, Paris grabbed Delta by the wrist, dragging him out of the tent. He took him further out into the sand, out of the camp’s sightline. It didn’t matter; most of the soldiers had cleared out, now having to fight this battle for themselves.
“I’m sor-“ Delta started, but his own gasp cut him off. Paris threw him into the ground. He kicked him straight in the ribs, knocking the breath out of him. He waited for Delta to try and sit up before kicking him back down again, onto his elbows. Delta leaned his head down, trying to recover his breath. The pain was sharp and demanding.
“Get up,” was all Paris said.
Delta sat up again. A punch to the side of his face sent him back down. This was getting bad. Paris didn’t usually punch him like that. Delta’s head felt heavy and hollow from the impact, the migraine pulsing with a life of its own. He sat up again, not even meaning to, mostly just disoriented. Paris kicked him in the chest, then dropped down to straddle him, forcing him flat onto his back.
He snaked a hand around Delta’s neck, pushing his head back into the burning sand. Delta reflexively clasped at Paris’s wrist, trying to pry it off him. He winced as Paris’s open hand came down hard across his face. Paris was raising his fist up when Simon finally caught up to them.
“Your Highness! Not the head. It’s dangerous. You want him to still work, don’t you?”
Paris glared at him, but he lowered his fist. He felt Delta’s body relax beneath him. He tightened his grip around his neck, causing him to tense back up. Paris did not seem to get any satisfaction out of it. He stood up, wiping his hands on his pants. He offered a hand to Delta who - in a daze - took it.
Paris threw him back down into the sand. He delivered another harsh kick to his side. Simon clicked his disapproval, but the prince was already walking away.
Simon was trying to explain the issue as they flew back to the Thorn.
“You have to understand, the psionic force is entirely concerned with forms. Its native language is topology. And even the most advanced computer simulations we have still struggle with sand. It must be very overwhelming to try and grasp the physics of a sandy battlefield, let alone influence it.” Simon said patiently, jotting down a few notes in his journal.
Martino wasn’t having it, “Doctor, I’ve known him since he was a kid. He knows what he’s supposed to do, he just doesn’t want to be uncomfortable. Besides, he’s operated in the desert before.”
Delta bristled. That wasn’t true; he’d never been to a desert in all his life. But it’s not like he could defend himself. He knew if he said a single word, all three of them would start yelling at him again. His wrists were chained up over his head and around the upper grab handle of his seat. The position put strain on his ribs, which was the only reason Paris had done it. It also kept him from wiping at the blood slowly tricking from his nose and mouth, which none of the others seemed to take notice of. His skin was hot and itchy from the sand. His ribs felt broken, but he couldn’t be sure. He stole a glance at Paris.
The prince wasn’t even listening. He was looking intently at his tablet, tapping his stylus against it. Even through the shades, a sharp line of worry was etched into his face. In spite of himself, Delta felt a little bad. The planetside general had been a fencesitter; Paris had almost certainly lost his support after this. Plus, if word got around about the performance failure, it could quickly snowball out of control. Delta’s guilt was replaced with fear. He knew he wouldn’t be off the hook for this anytime soon.
Tags: @catnykit @indigoviolet311 @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @defire
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