#Placental abruption
jackharloww · 1 year
Everything will be alright part 1 (birth story)
Summary: The birth story for baby boy is finally here!!
 Part two
Warnings: mentions of blood, placental abruption, a rollercoaster of emotions
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“Mama, can I have some?” Grace pointed to the bowl of candy on the table. 
“Yes baby, of course you can.” You smiled at her and handed her the bowl as she dug into it. You took the last sip from your cup of tea and gently rubbed your 7-month bump over your dress.
“You want more tea?” You asked Emily that was sitting next to you on the sofa. She had been sleeping over this weekend because Jack had to leave town for work. You had been having a lot of back pain because of your pregnancy so Jack didn’t want you to be all alone with Grace. “I would feel more comfortable with Emily being here with you” he had said before he left.
“I can go get us more,” she said as you shook your head. Jack had also spoken to her to not let you move around a lot, and they were both starting to get on your nerves.
“It’s fine, I’m allowed to move.” You rolled your eyes and quickly stood up from the sofa. Just then you felt a cramp in your lower back and lost your balance. Emily quickly grabbed you and helped you regain your balance.
“Fine, my ass,” she said sternly. “Please sit.”
“I just got up too fast” You straightened yourself. “I’m fine, relax” you assured her and walked slowly to the kitchen. The pain in your lower back didn’t stop but it was bearable. 
When you arrived at the kitchen you put on the water kettle and put away a few things while you waited for the water to boil. Just then you felt another sharp pain, this time in your abdomen, and had to grab the counter to stabilize yourself. You looked down and saw blood coming down your leg, and just then it got difficult for you to breathe. You watched how blood ran down your leg and felt dizzy, you couldn't help but to panic.
“Em” you mustered up the energy to yell out for her and she immediately came into the kitchen and saw you bent over the counter and then she saw the blood coming down “What’s wrong?” she said in panic and came to your side, you started to hyperventilate and she grabbed your hand and walked you to the chair “hey hey, deep breaths come on” she took deep breaths with you which made you follow her lead.
“Hospital,” you said and Em nodded and tried to keep herself from panicking. Just then Grace heard the noise in the kitchen and wondered what you were up to. She walked in and looked at you both with big eyes. When she saw tears streaming down your face she got worried and started to cry herself.
You calmed down for her sake and wiped away the tears from her face when she wanted to know what was wrong, "What's wrong mama?" she wondered, leaning to your side, looking up at you with big and teary eyes. “Don’t worry baby, Mommy’s tummy is just hurting it’s fine” You smiled at her and turned to Emily, looking at her pleadingly for assistance.
“I’ll call Clay to come” Emily called Clay and explained the situation to him. The pain in your abdomen slowed down, but the bleeding didn't stop, and you couldn’t stop worrying. Thankfully Clay wasn’t far away and he arrived after just 15 minutes and immediately ran to your side. Emily had taken Grace to her room trying to get her to think about something else, as you didn’t want her to see what was happening.
“What happened? Are you okay” He kneeled down in front of you and you only shook your head. His eyes widened when he noticed the blood but he didn’t acknowledge it, trying to get you to calm down instead.
Just as you said, “Call Jack” you broke down in sobs as Clay held you. You just wanted Jack by your side and knowing he was far away made everything worse. You couldn't do this without him. “Please call him” you cried into Clay's arms as he helped you up and walked you to Emily’s car. Once you sat down in the car, Clay ran back inside to stay with Grace, and Emily returned and quickly started driving to the hospital. You only wanted Jack, but your phone was left at home and you couldn't call him. The tears did not stop and the pain came and went, just like the blood. 
“I want Jack” you cried out as Emily held your hand. “Clay is going to call him, You have me here, I'm not going to leave you,” She said and squeezed your hand. 
Meanwhile, Clay had just called Jack and tried to explain what had happened in the calmest way possible. But it of course did not work. Jack was in New York and freaked out as soon as he heard. Immediately, he called Neelam and told her he needed them to bring the private jet to the nearest airport. He thanked God that it was only two and a half hours from New York to Louisville. Panicked and overwhelmed, Jack quickly packed his belongings and ran down to the driver waiting to take him to the airport. During that time he texted Emily to inform him of everything that was happening. 
When you arrived at the hospital they immediately took you into a room and helped you change into a hospital gown. After you got on the bed, they hooked you up to monitors to check the baby's heart rate and your vital signs. Nurses ran around the room and took multiple tests before a doctor finally came to speak to you. Emily was sitting on a chair next to you, holding your hand through it all. 
“Mrs. Harlow, it seems like you’re experiencing placental abruption. What has happened is that your placenta has separated from your uterine wall and that explains the bleeding and abdominal pains” The doctor explained in a very calm manner. As you barely understood what she was saying and could not find the energy to answer, you looked at Emily instead, who was focused on what the doctor was explaining.
“This is life-threatening for both the mother and the baby, so we have to do an emergency C-section” The doctor had a sorry look on her face as you sobbed into Emily who was now holding you. “I want Jack” you cried out “I can't do this” You shook your head while she pushed your hair out of your face. 
“I know you do, but don't worry about that now. He is on his way. I'm here" Emily reassured you “You can do this, just focus on your baby, Everything will be alright”. 
The doctors got you ready for the operation and Emily scrubbed in to be by your side. Despite the fact that you were terrified and worried, you kept praying and praying for your baby boy to be fine. You felt really guilty about the whole thing but tried to put your focus on making sure your baby survived. Emily had just informed Jack about the C-section when he had to turn off his phone and get on the plane. The entire way he thought about how he wouldn't be by your side, and that broke his heart.
In order to numb your lower body, the doctors gave you anesthesia and began the surgery as soon as possible. As they delivered the baby, a nurse took him and walked over to you so you could take a quick glance at him, your heart swelled with emotions as you saw your beautiful baby boy. The feeling didn't last for too long as the nurse quickly took him to the NICU for monitoring and care. The medical staff started working on stopping your bleeding, You couldn't feel anything but looked up and saw Emily panicking. The nurses were running around and you could hear the beeping sounds the monitor was making, but the only thing on your mind was your newborn baby, Grace, and Jack, before everything turned black.
taglist: @hoodharlow , @pianoisland , @harlowcomehome , @itsyagirljaz , @neon-lights-and-glitter , @heavyhitterheaux , @nattinatalia , @harlowsbby
And thanks to my sissy @middlechild404 for the idea of this fic!!!!
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 2 months
Look, if you've followed me a while, you know I only write fan fiction of Benedict's characters (and farther in the past, of various AU Benedicts). However, I'm watching the Mummy marathon right now, and my mind is creating head canons for this guy -
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Ardeth Bay
Tall, dark, divinely handsome (especially with that glorious hair),oh so mysterious (owing to a tragic loss in his past), a fearless & skilled warrior, a natural, confident leader...and putting all those things together, too damn sexy for words. Beneath the black robes of an ascetic, there beats a heart capable of great passion, though he hides it from to world, to focus solely on his duties.
The Medjai began as Pharaoh's sacred bodyguards and later became the guardians against the evil lying beneath the sands of Hamunaptra. They are referred to as the descendants of those bodyguards, so I'm thinking they come from specific bloodlines or clans. Which would mean they aren't necessarily pledged to a celibate life.😁
His father and grandfather had high standing because of their deeds and bravery. Ardeth showed the same potential, not only throughout his training but also as a youth of true honor and intuitive brilliance. Thus, although his people usually followed the tradition of arranged marriages, he was fortunate to be able to wed for love and not dowery or status. He was 17, and his lovely Sakina was 16, when they took their vows.
Though his responsibilities kept them apart for days or even weeks at a time, the time they had together was true bliss. It was acknowledged in their tribe that they were a blessed match, for Ardeth's love and devotion to Sakina was ever writ clear upon his face - even at the mere mention of her name.
Now here comes the ANGST ('cuz if I were to write him, there would have to be angst!)...
Sakina became pregnant shortly before the one year anniversary of their marriage - but did not live to see what should've been their second. The midwife had predicted she would bear a strong, healthy son from the way Sakina was carrying, but she went into labor two months too soon (modern medicine would use the term placental abruption). The baby was indeed a boy, but Sakina bled out shortly after they placed him in her arms. He followed a scant 36 hours later.
Devastated, feeling he had lost all purpose with the death of his little family, Ardeth threw himself hard into his mission, eventually becoming the fiercest Medjai his people had seen in generations. No one knew the tears he shed in the dark of night for many, many months, and he vowed to himself to never love anyone or anything as much as he had loved Sakina, for the pain of losing her and their child had been nearly unendurable.
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So, of course, if I were to write him, I'd create an OFC quite the opposite of his Sakina. A hot-tempered, snarky but astonishingly brave-for-a-woman (the typical social mores of the 1930's at play here) adventuress. Not quite enemies-to-lovers, they'd continually clash, but through shared danger, they'd eventually begin to see past the stereotypes each holds about the other.
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beckleboo · 2 years
TRIGGER WARNING. (Talk about medical issues, blood, surgery)
It’s Wednesday night and you’re exhausted. You haven’t been sleeping great because at 35 weeks pregnant it’s hard to get comfortable. It’s 9pm, you decide to take a pregnancy approved sleep medication. You crawl into bed and get all cozy, but at 9:45 just as you’re about to fall asleep you decide it is probably best to get up and pee. You ARE pregnant after all. You don’t want to turn the bedroom light on, so you turn the flashlight on your phone on and leave it on the bed, illuminating the room around you. You quickly go to the bathroom, but after you wipe you notice blood. A LOT of blood on the toilet paper. Thinking this can’t be real, you must be seeing things, you check again. More blood. More clots. Now you can feel it and hear it just dripping out of you. You “whisper yell” for your husband because your toddler is sleeping in the next room. After calling his name 3 times he hears you and comes from the kitchen. He says “what’s wrong?”, an uneasiness in his voice. You calmly ask him to get your phone for you. [looking back, I'm not sure why this is the first thing I said or asked for]. He asks again “what’s wrong?” You again say “Please hand me my phone”. At this point he looks at you, holding the toilet paper you had used, and said “are you bleeding?” He goes to grab your phone. When he comes back 5 seconds later he hears it, questions “are you peeing right now?” To which you calmly reply a simple “No.”
He immediately springs into action. While you call the emergency on call number to speak to your OBGYN he starts packing a bag for you and calls your mom.
The OBGYN calls you back in less than a minute. He says “Tell me what’s going on.” You let him know you’re bleeding, really bleeding. Wanting more details he asks “Bright red blood? Clear/pink tinged? Can you describe it? Was it a large amount? Has it stopped? Are there clots?” You answer his questions 1 by 1, “it’s bright red blood, just coming out as I sit here, and gets worse when I stand. It hasn’t stopped since it started and there are quite a few clots from what I can see”.
He calmly tells you to go to the birthing center at the hospital for evaluation. You knew this would be his response. In October you were bleeding a much smaller amount and had a 2 night stay in the hospital because of it. At that time they said you had some bleeding because of placenta previa. Which 2-3 weeks later they said had “resolved”.
So you are sitting there, thinking what exactly you need to do because the blood is still just coming. The bleeding gets worse when you stand, so you sit back down feeling a little light headed. Eventually you decide to just grab the hand towel from the bathroom and stick that in your pants.
Your husband lets you know a neighbor is here to stay with your sleeping toddler until your mom arrives.
He drives you to the hospital.
When you get there, they take you to a triage room, tell you to put a hospital gown on & provide a urine sample. As you try to give them a urine sample you realize you caught a large clot in the cup instead. Being the person you are, you come out and apologize and ask for a different sample cup. Once the nurse sees the clot she says not to worry about the urine sample, to come get on the stretcher so they can check out baby. Your nurse puts the monitor on you to check on baby. She says “ok, baby is on the monitor. We will call your OBGYN that’s on call, but in the meantime the hospitalist OBGYN who is here will come see you. So let me just go update her and I’ll be right back”.
Being a nurse yourself you expect a little bit of a wait. Sometimes it can take a bit to get a doctor to come see a patient. So you close your eyes and concentrate on listening to your baby’s heart beat on the monitor. You’re surprised that just about 2 minutes later the door was opening. It was 3 different nurses and they said they needed to go over paper work & consents, start an IV, and draw some blood. Not even a minute later your original nurse walks in with another nurse and the OBGYN that was already in the hospital. The original nurse starts doing admission questions in the computer, the doctor stated she needs to do a pelvic exam, and the other nurse starts going over an anesthesia questionnaire with you. All of this at the same time they are starting and IV and going over routine consents & papers with you. The doctor does the pelvic exam for what felt like mere seconds and you overhear her tell a nurse “we gotta take her back.” Next a CRNA from the anesthesiology team comes in. She starts asking questions and telling the nurses to please call the lab to rush the blood work they just sent saying “I need to know her platelet level before I do a spinal. If I don’t have her labs back then we have to do general”. This wasn’t said to me, but I knew what she was saying. My husband on the other hand did not. He had been keeping it together pretty well, you’re used to this kind of thing at work, but he is not. You can tell on his face he is worried and his anxiety is staring to set in, but he’s on the other side of the room and there are still nurses and doctors talking at you and to you, so you can’t talk to him right now. You’re trying to pay attention to the nurse having you sign consents, while listening to the others in the room. You overhear “she’s still bleeding now”, “we need to get her back there now”, “you sent a tube to type & cross right?” . . .
This is when your OB walks in. He gets a brief update from the other doctor, talks to you, and answers questions from your husband. He’s the first person to actually say to you that they need to take baby out now. They start telling your husband, “we will lead you to your room and you can put your things there. Once she’s ready in the OR you can come back.” You can tell he’s really starting to freak out a bit now. Says “so she’s delivering the baby? Like tonight? Right now?” The doctor calmly explains that yes, we are gonna have a baby. Tonight, right now. He’s going to perform a c-section because that’s what is safest for both of you, because they need to stop the bleeding. They start leading him to the room to put the bags there and start rolling you to the OR. You say his name to get his attention, tell him to come back and give you a quick kiss. He does and you say “I love you. We will both be ok”.
You get back to the OR & the CRNA informs you your labs did come back already, you don’t need to go under general anesthesia. Yay!
They have you transfer from the stretcher to the OR table. Explain the process to you. While the anesthesiologist is doing your spinal he asks what you normally do while you’re not here. You tell him “well I’ve been out of work since October on bedrest, but I am a nurse”. At this point you just had to laugh bc there was an audible “ohh that makes sense” from a few nurses and the CRNA. You ask “what makes sense?” They tell you you just seem so calm for everything that’s going on.
From there everything goes so quickly. Your little man was “delivered” at 11:42pm. He’s 5 lb 6 oz which isn’t bad for someone who is 5 weeks early. He doesn’t have go to the NICU and you’re so grateful.
And that’s how my second little man came into this world.
This was all so crazy. A timeline for reference
9:45pm notice bleeding
10:30pm arrive to hospital
11:42pm baby is out of me
It was so quick, I barely had time to process it.
The doctor said I was hemorrhaging due to a placental abruption.
They sent my placenta to pathology to figure out how this happened.
Overall it was a pretty scary situation but I feel like my husband and I handled it fairly well.
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shubhragoyal · 5 months
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Explore the meaning of high-risk pregnancy. Understand the factors and care needed for a healthy pregnancy journey. Learn about High Risk Pregnancy.
Do Read: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/introduction-to-high-risk-pregnancy--what-does-it-mean
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drneelima · 10 months
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sparkthespork · 11 months
Me (to my brother): And Plato’s beliefs were actually insane, his idea of a perfect society was fricked-
Dad: You were reading Plato???
Brother: Wait like the-
Dad: Can we just take a moment to appreciate that (sparkthespork) was reading Plato? Like that’s fancy!!!
Me who was only reading Plato because Misty keeps mentioning him and I wanted to see if I could piece together her belief system from his own:
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Yea okay-
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agathabridgerton · 1 year
wait so if it’s true that complications w the placenta can be from the father’s genes then that means all the shit they did to mulder could’ve caused scully’s pregnancy complications 💀
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Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan Welcome Third Child, After An Emergency C-Section Caused By A Rare Condition: ‘Mom and Baby Are Healthy and Resting at Home in Australia.’
“Margot and Sebastian are delighted to announce the arrival of their third baby,” Margot’s publicist confirmed on Wednesday.
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Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan are parents again!
The I, Tonya co-stars welcomed a baby girl on April 26th in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, Margot’s publicist confirmed on Wednesday.
The arrival of their third child, their second daughter, wasn’t without a scare. It was confirmed the thirty-two year old actress suffered complications of a rare condition called placental abruption, when doctor’s performed an emergency c-section.
Placental abruption affects fewer than 200,000 cases per year in which the placenta detaches from the womb (uterus).
In a statement issued to The Hollywood Fame Show, the actress’s publicist assured the mother and child are doing well and expressed appreciation for the nurses, doctors and medical staff at Gold Coast Private Hospital: “Margot and Sebastian cannot begin to express their gratitude to their medical team at Gold Coast Private Hospital for the care they provided Margot and their baby girl. Because of their expertise and timeliness, both Margot and their daughter are doing well and resting comfortably at home.”
The actress’s publicist then went on to explain, “While the couple asks for privacy at this time, they felt it was important to shed some light on this rare condition and raise some awareness in hopes to help other parents.”
Stan, 40, announced their third pregnancy on Instagram with a picture of his wife’s growing baby bump after paparazzi photographed them buying pregnancy tests in the Maldives.
Margot and Sebastian are parents to Axel Lachlan Cameron Stan, 3, and Piper Georgeta Sarie Stan, 1.
Details about their second daughter are being kept under-wraps.
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frenchifries · 1 year
so stupid how peak fertility is like 18-27 when those are the years you're supposed to be chilling and doing whatever you want and then by the time you're in your mid-to-late 30s and finally more settled in life and ready to be a parent you're a "geriatric" pregnancy with sharply elevated risk of complications and also you probably won't be able to get pregnant without medical intervention anyway
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qcsupermom · 1 year
Friday Four: Calling All Black Dads To Be: Here's How You Can Save Mom And Your Newborn's Life!
Dear Daddy To Be: It’s time to declare a public health crisis! I know you’re excited about your baby’s arrival. And you believe all you have to do is hold your birthing mama’s hand, but the hard truth is that it’s gonna require a little more in this day and age. Black Parents are at the most Risk When Giving Birth- I think it’s fair to say. Considering statistics about the dangers that Black…
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spartanmemesmedical · 2 years
Placental abruption
A serious pregnancy complication in which the placenta detaches from the womb (uterus). Placental abruption occurs when the placenta detaches from the inner wall of the womb before delivery. The condition can deprive the baby of oxygen and nutrients. Overview Placental abruption (abruptio placentae) is an uncommon yet serious complication of pregnancy. The placenta develops in the uterus…
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megalony · 10 days
The Threat Of You
As promised, this is my new Eddie Diaz imagine, I hope you will all like it. Let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @itshamleth @callsignwidow
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: Eddie, (Y/n) and their kids haven't long moved into their new home, and the neighbour takes a worrying liking to (Y/n). Which causes a few problems and puts their family at risk.
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"Here, everyone take one please." (Y/n) opened the boot and leaned her hip against the side of the car. Her hand moved to her temple, trying to will away the headache that was throbbing behind her eyes.
It was one of those headaches that made her feel sick; exactly what she didn't need right now. Her hand moved down from her temple to run across her stomach where the baby was starting to liven up and do twists. That, combined with her headache alone was enough to make (Y/n) sure she was going to be sick soon.
She forced herself to smile when the kids hurried over to the boot and one by one, they leaned in to take a bag of shopping each. Trixie got to (Y/n) first and she held her hands out, waited to be handed a bag as usual and once she had one, the six year old headed over to the front door.
A soft smile fluttered across (Y/n)'s lips when she looked at Lilah. Her youngest was holding out her left hand, while her right hand was bound to her chest like it had been for the last two weeks. Lilah had fallen in the playground at nursery and subsequently broke her right arm just below her wrist. She now had a foam cast on her arm which she constantly cradled to her chest, not daring to move it at all.
"Thank you baby," (Y/n) murmured and held out the lightest thing Lilah would be able to carry, the bag of crisps.
Chris looped a bag over his elbow, letting it swing back into his crutch while Liv leaned over him to take two of the heavier bags so her mum wouldn't have to carry them.
The eldest looked up at her mum with a raised brow and a half smirk that made her look so much like her dad. She looked down at Chris stood at her side before both of them looked back at their mum when she took a bag in each hand.
"Dad said you can't."
"He'll have a fit if he sees you." Liv quipped with a grin, glancing between the house and her mum.
All four kids knew their mum hadn't been very well lately, and they knew what Eddie was like when any of them were unwell. They had heard Eddie give (Y/n) the riot act when she tried to climb on the bed to hang the curtain rail that came down or when she was carrying boxes around the house.
(Y/n) had had a placental abruption last month- Liv was the only kid who understood what that meant, being fourteen- and that meant (Y/n) was now on light duties at home. She couldn't do any heavy lifting or straining and Eddie made sure all the kids knew that so they could help around the house.
First (Y/n) had the abruption, and then two weeks ago Lilah broke her arm which sent Eddie into another spiral. He didn't need anymore stress or anyone else getting hurt or injured.
"Good job he's in bed then." (Y/n) rose a brow and smiled as the followed the two of them inside where Trixie and Lilah had already made a beeline into the kitchen.
Eddie had been on a double shift and came home about half eight in the morning. He had seen the kids get up and then proceeded to go straight to bed himself, he hadn't had a chance to catch even one hour of sleep in the bunker room and he had been dead on his feet. (Y/n) thought it would be better to take all the kids out shopping with her this morning.
It let Eddie have a while to himself to sleep and kept (Y/n) and the kids busy doing the shopping.
She followed the pair of them inside, noting that Trixie had dumped the bags in front of the cabinet and was eagerly searching for her new colouring book. And Lilah was stood near the fridge, broken arm cradled to her chest while she smiled sweetly.
"Can I go sit with daddy?"
"He's asleep sweetheart, leave him be please."
She watched the way Lilah's shoulders slumped before she nodded and shuffled glumly into the living room. She wanted Eddie, she hadn't technically seen him in two days since he had been at work and all she got this morning was a bear hug and a kiss before he had to get in bed, lest he wanted to fall asleep standing up.
(Y/n) put the bags down, murmuring a soft "Unpack please," to the three of them before she trudged back down the hall to go get the last bag and her handbag from the car.
She hooked her bag on her shoulder and grabbed the few toys the girls had left in the back of the car. But when she leaned up and shut the door, a gasp tumbled past her lips and she pushed back into the side of the car.
"Want some help?"
An uneasy, worried smile fluttered across (Y/n)'s lips when she looked Adam up and down. The guy from next door. The one who was always a little too friendly, a little too eager to be around and help and get in the way by all accounts.
They hadn't long moved to this house, less than two months ago they had moved here because they needed more space. And this house was closer to both schools for the kids and to the station, and somehow, they were even closer to Buck's apartment which he thought was brilliant.
The only downside with this house was the new neighbours on the right. The elderly couple on the left were lovely, (Y/n) and Eddie got along with them great. But Adam, he was a whole other conversation entirely. He seemed to take a liking to (Y/n) and he came out of the woodworks when Eddie was either out at work or in bed after a long shift. He always seemed to know when Eddie wasn't around so he could get close to (Y/n).
She noticed the way he was already leaning in the car to try and take the last bag of shopping and it made her feel paranoid. She didn't want Adam's help and she didn't appreciate him trying to reach into the car without waiting for an answer.
(Y/n) squeezed past him, noting the way he leaned closer to her when she had to shuffle closer to the car to get past him.
She wormed past him and grabbed the bag, closing the boot swiftly and almost catching his hand when she slammed it shut. She didn't want his help. (Y/n) would rather not have him hanging around or getting too close like he seemed to try and do a lot lately.
"No thanks, I can manage." She looped the bag on her elbow and tried to walk past him, but Adam leaned closer with a smile, darting in her path.
He made her uneasy. He was too close, always too close. He was always making sure he hung around when Eddie wasn't nearby. Last week he was hanging around the front while (Y/n) tried to do some gardening. He made her so uncomfortable to the point she just stopped and went inside.
When she was out with the kids while they were playing in the back garden, somehow, Adam was also out in his garden, leering over the fence with a cheesy smile and a worrying look in his eyes. When she walked the kids to school, he was always outside when she was alone on her way back.
(Y/n) had an awful feeling that one day, he was going to be stood at the window when she opened the curtains one morning.
"I don't mind, I'll take that for you. You should be taking things easy." He reached for the bag again but (Y/n) sidestepped until her hip bumped into the car.
"Hm, I'm fine."
She tried to speed up and aim for the front door, ready to close it in Adam's face once she was back inside. (Y/n) was tired of being polite when he just wouldn't stop coming by and pestering them. Pestering her.
"Maybe I could come inside-"
"I don't think so, I've got my kids to look after." She gave the door a nudge and quickly placed the shopping bag down beside her. But her eyes widened and she straightened up so fast her head started to spin and her hand reached out for the door to steady herself.
She felt Adam's hand wander down to her bum.
She spun round on her heels, one hand on the door and the other differing between reaching out to slap him and holding her hip. A fire blazed in her eyes as she quickly glanced behind her, trying to make sure none of the kids had seen that. But when her eyes caught sight of Liv's hair whipping across her shoulders as she bolted down the hall, (Y/n) sighed.
Liv was going to get Eddie. She had seen what Adam just did and she was going to wake Eddie and tell him.
(Y/n) tightened her hand around the door, pushing it until there was only a small gap so she could look out at the creep on the doorstep.
He was leant forward, shoulders hunched over, hands on either side of the doorframe with one leg cocked forward. The sleezy smirk on his face was off-putting and he quirked one brow as if he thought (Y/n) was actually going to let him inside.
What kind of person did he take her for? Did he really believe that (Y/n), who had four kids and another one on the way, would willingly have some sort of affair or get close with the neighbour?
She hadn't led him on in any way for him to get those sorts of ideas and he wasn't giving up. But he would soon, he wouldn't have a choice if Eddie was about to find out what he'd been up to. (Y/n) had mentioned once or twice to Eddie that the new neighbour seemed a little too close for comfort and Eddie said he would keep an eye on him. But of course, Adam was doing things when Eddie wasn't around.
"Unless you want my husband to come out there and throttle you for that inappropriate touch, you'd better get off our drive."
(Y/n) didn't give him chance to answer, she simply slammed the door shut just as his lips curved into a frown of disappointment.
Skidding down the hallway, Liv twisted to the left and burst through the bedroom door. It felt wrong barging into her parent's room when she knew Eddie was sleeping. He had been a firefighter for years now and the mix of days and nights had always been routine. All the kids knew if Eddie did a night shift or a double shift and he went to bed, they should let him sleep.
Sometimes they would sneak in trying to be quiet and stealth and they would have a power nap with him. Eddie loved waking up with a kid tucked under each arm or one laid out on his chest.
The blackout blind made the room pitch black like it was the middle of the night because Eddie hated sleeping in a light room. The natural light from the hallway seeped into the battleship grey bedroom and Liv bounded over to the bed, her sights set on her dad.
Eddie was laid out in the middle of the bed. The cover was tangled around his ankles, his arms were both sprawled out on the pillows and his head was submerged between both pillows like he was trying to blend in or suffocate himself. He resembled a starfish with the way he sprawled out. He was taking advantage of having no kids in bed to kick and push and lay on top of him.
"Dad! Dad!" She hissed, kneeling on the edge of the bed as she reached over and gripped his bicep, giving a rough shake to wake him up.
"Hmm." A guttural grunt passed Eddie's lips and muffled into the pillow pressed over his face.
He barely managed to crack his eyes open and he tried to lift his head, squinting until he realised it was Liv prodding him. He knew she wouldn't wake him unless she really needed something or something was wrong, and she was fourteen now. She was too old to try and take a power nap with Eddie during the day like this.
"What's up Carino?" He feathered his hand along her arm before he reached up to run his palm up and down his face, waking himself up a bit more. He dragged his fingers through his hair which stuck up in all directions as if he had been electrocuted.
"That guy from next door, he- he just touched mum up."
Eddie livened up immediately, pushing up on his hands until he was knelt up in the middle of the bed. He let Liv grab his wrist and yank him off the bed, pulling until Eddie fumbled over his feet and gathered his balance and his senses.
He gripped the doorframe, swinging himself around the corner as Liv finally let go and hurried down the hall.
Eddie took a peek in the kitchen on his way past, seeing Chris and Trixie sat at the kitchen table. Colouring books in front of them and empty shopping bags on the floor where they had clearly unpacked all the shopping for (Y/n). And when he sped past the lounge, he briefly caught sight of Lilah sat watching tv.
He watched Liv move to stand in the living room doorway, her eyes flitting between both parents, not wanting to be in the way if an argument was going to happen. But she wanted to stay close just in case Eddie decided to head out in his boxers and start a fight with the neighbour. It wouldn't be the first time Liv had seen Eddie start a fight, and he always won.
(Y/n) peeked through the net curtain beside the front door, watching Adam drift back to his own home next door. When she turned around, her breath caught in her throat and she reached her hands out for Eddie.
He had his brows arched, his hands curled into fists and every muscle on show was tense and riled up. Not to mention he was stood there in nothing but his boxers with his hair askew, giving away the fact that he had just been asleep a minute ago.
"Where is he and what's he done?" His voice came out low and brittal and it sent a shiver rolling down (Y/n)'s spine.
Her hands found his arms and she tried to nudge him backwards and aim for the living room, but Eddie planted his feet down on the hardwood floor and wouldn't budge.
He uncurled his hands and clamped them down on her hips, his fingers squeezing tight into her skin as he leaned around her as if he could see through the net and out onto the front lawn. He knew Liv had been talking about Adam from next door. Liv often said he seemed creepy and was always hovering around and now (Y/n) had mentioned he was always a bit too close or eager. But Eddie had yet to catch him doing anything and it was infuriating.
He hated the thought of the neighbour doing something specifically when he knew or thought Eddie was out and couldn't reprimand him for it.
"He's gone, the threat of you frightened him off. Baby go back to bed," She dragged her fingertips up to his shoulders until she was cupping the back of his neck. Feeling the way he shivered beneath her nails that scratched into his skin.
She tried again to nudge Eddie backwards, he hadn't been asleep for that long and he needed rest. But he wasn't budging. His lips curled down and he huffed, looking past her again before their eyes locked and his head ticked to one side.
"What did he do?" She had answered one of his questions, but not the other. Liv hadn't said exactly what the neighbour did and Eddie needed to find out so he knew whether he had to go and make some threats.
"Baby, he's gone, it's fine-"
A shiver tore down (Y/n)'s spine and sent the baby doing summersaults when Eddie reached up to grab her wrists. He pulled her hands away from his neck and held her wrists against his chest before his head snapped to the left to look at Liv. The fourteen year old was skulking in the doorway, unsure whether to go watch tv or hang around and see what was going to happen.
"Liv, what'd he do?" The grumble in Eddie's voice won over Liv rather than the stern look (Y/n) shot her way.
Liv was always a daddy's girl, she was more inclined to agree or listen to Eddie than she was to (Y/n) and if he asked her something, she always answered him. Since the moment she was born, Liv had been Eddie's little shadow, much like Lilah was turning out to be. Whereas Chris, seemingly because he was the only boy, always clung and stuck to (Y/n) a little more.
"Grabbed mum's arse." Liv looked down at her shoes when Eddie's cheeks sucked in and his jaw started to click from side to side. She saw the rage building up in his eyes that darted back down to (Y/n) while his brows rose and he suddenly let go of her, aiming for the door. Despite the fact that he wasn't even dressed.
"Liv why- Eddie don't!" (Y/n) waved her hand out towards the living room as a sign for Liv to go and sit down. Why did she have to tell him? Why couldn't she keep it to herself so (Y/n) could handle the situation?
Once Liv scuttled towards the sofa, (Y/n) spun on her heels and deadlocked her arms around Eddie's chest. She glued herself to his back, shutting the door just as Eddie tried to open it.
"Eddie, please. Please, don't start a fight, I told him you'd go after him and it frightened him off. He won't do it again."
They had only just moved to this area. (Y/n) wanted to give a good impression and be friendly with the rest of the neighbourhood. The last thing they wanted was Eddie roaming round in his boxers, trying to beat up the guy next door. And some of the people in the street were already friendly now they knew Eddie was a firefighter. It wouldn't do him any good to get a reputation or if the news got back to the station.
She could feel his resolve slowly ebbing away, but his hand stayed deadlocked around the door, internally debating what to do.
He didn't want to stand here, he wanted to go round and argue and throw a punch. He didn't stand for anyone disrespecting any of his family, but knowing the guy next door had tried to cop a feel sent Eddie's blood on fire. But he also didn't want to start a fight if the whole neighbourhood was going to find out and he didn't want to scare the kids.
"He can't just touch you up and get away with it. And he won't fucking do it again cos I'll deck him." His head twisted to the right and he looked down at (Y/n) when she gingerly pressed her forehead into his arm and pushed up into his back.
He could feel her shallow breaths against his flushed skin and the way her chest shuddered with each breath.
"Baby…" She feathered her lips up Eddie's arm and across his shoulder until she was leaning up on her tiptoes, pressing a few wet, tender kisses against his neck. She could feel his resolve starting to ebb away as he twisted to the left so he was facing her.
He let her move his left arm and guide his hand to her stomach where the baby was kicking up a storm, making (Y/n) feel queasy again. And he reached his free hand around to cup the back of her neck, sighing as he kissed her temple.
"No stress, remember?" She murmured softly into his neck, letting herself push into his chest as he took her weight for her.
"Then promise me if he does or says anything, you'll tell me straight away."
"I promise."
"Alright, mi amor. Come on, let's sit with the kids, I'm shattered." He muttered against her temple while his hand snaked around from her neck to cup her chin and tilt her head up in his direction. He attached his lips to hers, stealing the air from her lungs and delving his tongue past her lips while his other hand ran along her stomach.
He could feel the kicks against his palm and the way it had (Y/n) arching her back out and shifting from foot to foot. They had another ten weeks until their due date and Eddie doubted if they would reach it at this rate with all the stress surrounding them lately.
He wormed his hand around to cradle her lower back when they parted and the pair of them slowly padded into the living room where all the kids had suddenly accumilated.
Liv was curled up in the armchair, knees to her chest, arms folded and her head switching from the tv to check on her parents. Chris and Trixie were knelt in front of the coffee table colouring in, and Lilah was laid on the sofa with a teddy curled to her chest and her broken arm cradled to the teddy.
When they reached the sofa, Eddie gently leaned over and lifted Lilah up so he could sit down in her place.
He slouched into the sofa, propping his feet up on the coffee table while he cradled Lilah on his lap. The four year old instantly snuggled into Eddie's chest with her head tucked beneath his chin and both arms still curled around her teddy. She felt Eddie's hand gliding up and down her side and he peppered sloppy kisses against her temple while his free hand reached out for (Y/n).
He held her lower back, helping her ease down next to him before his arm curved over her shoulders, tugging his wife under his arm to keep her snuggled close.
His eyes drifted from (Y/n) back down to Lilah when she shifted round on his lap. She wriggled as if trying to get comfy before she leaned back into his shoulder, lifting her head so she could look up at him. When she gingerly held her bad arm out towards him, Eddie's expression softened. Eddie knew what she was after.
Since she had broken her arm, she was forever holding it out to Eddie so he would kiss it better.
His touch was careful when he cradled the black foam cast on her arm and leaned over to kiss her cast and then the tips of her fingers. "All better," He spoke softly as Lilah cuddled down into his bare chest, seemingly satisfied, and cradled her teddy closer to her chest.
Eddie closed his eyes, pressing his lips to (Y/n)'s forehead while both girls leaned into him. And he slouched down a little more, keeping them both tucked up against him with the rest of their family close by.
"No stress." Eddie muttered under his breath. Somehow he didn't believe that was going to be possible.
"Girls don't mess around-" (Y/n) cut herself off, a shiver tearing down her spine when she leaned into the bathroom and looked at the pair of them.
Her lips pressed together in a thin line and her hand fell on her hip while Chris tugged on her other hand.
Lilah's sharp cry pierced through the air, causing (Y/n) to cringe and Chris to frown. He let go of (Y/n)'s hand and turned away from the bathroom, trudging down the hall towards the living room. He wasn't going to hang around if his youngest sister was going to have a tantrum, he would rather start watching a movie in the living room with Liv.
He was always sensitive when the girls were crying or having a meltdown. Chris hated the sound of their screams and when they cried it made him uncomfortable, he never knew what to do so he found it best to leave the room.
"Mummy!" Lilah sniffed but she couldn't stop the tears from pouring down her face.
The four year old splashed her left hand in the bath while her right arm, her broken one, meshed up against her chest. She shimmied back in the water as much as she could to distance herself from Trixie who now had tears in her own eyes in fear of getting told off.
She didn't mean to. They were only playing, she didn't mean to catch Lilah's bad arm or hurt her.
Running a hand through her hair, (Y/n) tried to find some strength from somewhere and padded across the bathroom towards the girls. She used the side of the bath as leverage to kneel down beside them and she reached down to pull the plug.
"Both of you out now, please." All the kids loved bath time, but if the girls were going to mess around then they weren't staying in here any longer. (Y/n) didn't have the energy to stop a fight when she was home alone with all the kids and she didn't feel at her best.
A bubbling cry left Lilah's lips and she lashed her legs out to try and kick Trixie who squealed and sent a tidal wave across at her in retaliation.
"Stop it. Trixie out, and you stop kicking that's naughty." (Y/n) leaned over and helped Lilah stand up, keeping hold of her waist as the youngest clambered out with one arm, the other still pinned to her chest. "You're alright, sweetheart," Her tone softened when Lilah continued to whimper, clearly in some discomfort.
This was why they had asked for a foam cast rather than a pot when they took her to the hospital and found out she'd broken her arm. A pot and a four year old didn't mix well and Lilah would end up hurting herself even more or getting it wet and mucky. At least with a black cast they could take it off for a little while to let her arm rest and take it off when she needed a bath, like tonight.
(Y/n) handed Trixie a towel while her focus shifted back to Lilah who was stomping her feet, taking bubbling breaths as she howled.
"Hurts! Mummy, it hurts," Big sobs tumbled past Lilah's lips as her eyes turned red and she rubbed her good hand along her eyes until they were puffy and aching.
She held her right arm out to the side so (Y/n) wouldn't touch it while she got her dried off. When it came to drying her arm, (Y/n) carefully dabbed the towel at her arm like she was blotting a painting, wincing when Lilah sniffed and whimpered.
"I know sweetheart, you're alright, come on." She pecked Lilah's temple and helped her into her pyjamas before she picked up the small foam cast.
She eased it around Lilah's arm and did up the velcro straps before Lilah pushed forward and burrowed into her chest with a huff. Lilah was the youngest, at least until the new baby arrived, and she wasn't keen on (Y/n)'s tummy being in the way whenever she wanted a hug. She also didn't like Eddie giving any attention to the bump either.
When he tried to kiss or talk to (Y/n)'s stomach, Lilah would nuzzle in and whine until Eddie paid her some attention too. He had started doing it more often when Lilah was around because he found it rather sweet how desperate and jealous she would get.
(Y/n) dreaded to think what Lilah would be like when Eddie tended to the new baby. She was used to being the littlest, the one that was carried around and cuddled and needed a bit more attention. A baby was going to change all of that.
"How about some hot chocolate?"
Trixie was already out the bathroom, hazardly dressed and ready to go and get herself a drink.
Lilah nodded and looped her good arm around (Y/n)'s neck, gluing herself to her mum's chest and she curved around her stomach. But she started to whine when (Y/n) shook her head.
"Sweetie I can't carry you, daddy will tell me off." When Lilah let out a piercing cry, (Y/n) sighed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, come here." Defeat flooded her voice and she tangled her arms around Lilah, cuddling her youngest as she used the bath to push back up to her feet.
She could feel the snagging pain in her lower back and she had to double forward to ease the tension in her abdomen, but it stopped Lilah crying. She could feel her snuffling into her neck and cuddling close, wanting as much love and affection as she could possibly get. Especially since Eddie was at work tonight.
"Livy's making hot chocolate."
(Y/n) nodded at Trixie and slowly eased down on the sofa, settling Lilah under her right arm as Trixie sat on her other side with Chris wedged on the end of the sofa. She wasn't so sure Liv would stay and watch a movie with them tonight, the eldest usually went to her room to read or watch a movie by herself, but on the odd occasion she would join them for a movie night.
The eldest trotted through a minute later just as Chris selected a movie. She placed a tray down on the coffee table, a cup of hot chocolate for each of them.
Liv knew that Chris always had to have a hot drink in his 'space mug' which was a deep navy blue colour with depictions of the solar system on. She also knew Trixie and Lilah would use the small plastic Disney cups from the bottom drawer in the kitchen. (Y/n) was the only one who wouldn't mind what cup she had. When Eddie was home, he always used his 'World's Best Dad' mug which had a picture of him and all the kids on.
At the station, Eddie had a mug that said 'Dad and Me' from three years ago, it was one Liv made at school and everyone at the station knew not to use or break it, lest they wanted Eddie's wrath.
"Are you joining us?"
"I suppose." A small smile fluttered across Liv's lips as she plonked herself down in the armchair and propped her feet up on the coffee table, cradling her cup between her hands.
She quite liked the movie Chris had picked and she didn't mind joining them for a movie tonight.
"Mum asleep?" Chris muttered quietly, tilting his head away from the tv for a quick second to glance up at his mum.
She had her eyes closed and her head tilted to one side as she slouched on the sofa. She had Trixie tucked under one arm who was barely awake, and Lilah laid over her lap who was just about to fall asleep. She peeked one eye open and looked across at Chris, nudging his shoulder to show him she was awake.
"Not yet." (Y/n) responded, smiling when Chris shuffled closer so he could lean his head on her arm. He snuggled up, coiling his knees to his chest to try and get comfy, wedging himself as close to his mum as possible.
A bright smile lit up Chris's tired face and he flashed his teeth, giggling quietly when he felt the baby start to kick. He leaned his cheek against the top of (Y/n)'s stomach and moved both hands to her abdomen, waiting for another kick like he always watched his dad do.
(Y/n) started to card her fingers through his curls, unknotting them and brushing them from his eyes while he continued to wait for another kick to show that the baby was awake.
They didn't know the gender of the baby yet, it was going to be a surprise. Eddie had his bets on another girl, he quite liked the thought of having four girls and one boy. He and Chris were surrounded by girls, and that was the way they liked it. Liv agreed, she thought her parents were likely to have an army of girls and one boy. But Lilah and Trixie were betting on a boy, mainly because Lilah wanted to be Eddie's littlest girl and have his attention all to herself.
When Trixie snuggled into her side and started to brush her hand across (Y/n)'s stomach, it made her smile. (Y/n) felt surrounded, she had four out of five of her kids with her, all clinging and lying on her and the baby was wriggling as if to show off that they too were awake. And Liv was just beside them, curled up in the armchair, looking tired for once.
(Y/n) could feel all the kids lulling her to sleep and she had a feeling Liv would have to wake them all up when the movie was over. And she knew that when Eddie was on a night shift like this, at least two of the kids would come scurrying into the bed in Eddie's place.
She began to feather her hand up and down Trixie's arm and she let her eyes fall closed again while Lilah became unusually still. Something (Y/n) took as a sign that the youngest had fallen asleep.
Liv seemed to be the only one paying any interest in the movie anymore, but at least the rest of the kids were settled. There was nothing worse than when they were trying to pay attention to a movie and Chris or the girls were wriggling about or chattering and not paying attention.
The movie drowned into background static when an earth-shattering bang coursed through the living room and felt like an earthquake had taken place in the centre of their home.
(Y/n) jolted forward so far she almost knocked Lilah down to the floor and her scream matched in tangent with each of her kids.
Her arms deadlocked around Trixie and Chris while Lilah screamed and clutched at her stomach so tightly (Y/n) couldn't help but gasp. She could feel herself shaking and her chest shuddered when Trixie screamed into her chest while Chris's nails scratched into her back and chest to try and keep hold of her.
"Fuck- w-what was that?!" Terror ransacked Liv's voice as she began to shake.
Her knees jerked up into her stomach and her arms pinned to the sides of her head as if she expected the house to start crumbling apart like a cake. She shuddered, pushing herself back in the armchair while her rabid eyes locked on her mum.
She watched (Y/n) try and sit up, trying to move the kids so she could get up but all three of them were still whimpering and clinging to her, each about to go into fits of tears.
Liv's knees stayed bound to her chest but her arms moved to grip the armrests and she slowly sat up and glanced behind her where the sound came from. Her jaw dropped and terror flooded her eyes when she looked towards the window. They had thick grey nets covering the windows so no one could peer inside from the street and the curtains hadn't been fully closed tonight. Through the gap in the curtains, Liv could see the window was broken.
"Mum…" She shakily pointed to the window while (Y/n) used the sofa as leverage to push herself up.
(Y/n) tried to level out her breathing and control her heart that was thumping away in her chest as she shuffled away from the sofa and moved near the window. But her heart dropped down to her stomach and the baby did an awful twist when she looked behind the sofa.
A brick.
Someone had thrown a brick through the window.
That could have hit them. A few inches to the left and that could have landed on any of them on the sofa. It could have clocked Liv in the back of the head if aimed at a slanted angle. Any one of (Y/n)'s kids could have been seriously hurt by that.
She didn't want to, but she advanced closer to the window. Her frame stuck to the curtain, hiding behind the dark grey cloth just in case someone was still stood outside and could manage to see through the nets.
The middle window pane was shattered. Glass decorated the floor in a large pattern and sprinkled down on the windowsil.
She could see a figure moving outside, but it was too far away for her to discern who it was, how tall they were, what they were wearing. All (Y/n) could fathom was it was a figure around her height, maybe, walking in the direction towards the house at such a slow pace it couldn't be considered normal.
"Mum?" Liv's voice was unusually meek and worried as she tremored, curling into the armchair like she wanted to make herself as small as possible to stay safe.
"Call nana." Her stern voice took Liv by surprise and she looked between her mum and the tv as if she didn't believe what she was hearing.
"Wh-what was it?"
"A brick."
Panic dwelled in Liv's stomach and she jolted back in the chair when Lilah whined. The youngest scrambled off the sofa and without a moment's hesitation, she climbed up onto the armchair with Liv. For once, Liv didn't groan or huff or tell Lilah she was too heavy to be held or too annoying to be cuddling her.
She wrapped her arm around her little sister and let her snuggle into her chest, binding her good arm around Liv's waist while she cradled her cast to her chest and began to cry.
Liv kissed the top of her head and leaned forward to grab her phone from the table before she sank back into the chair, trying not to shake. Her eyes followed her mum as she kissed Chris and Trixie to try and keep them calm, holding Chris's shoulder with one hand while her other hand clenched down on the back of the sofa to steady herself.
(Y/n) did her best to ignore the shaking setting into her system and the dull throbbing pain in her abdomen that she knew was from the abruption she had last month. Stress wasn't good for her condition but right now it was all-consuming.
When she saw Liv was shakily scrolling through her contacts for Athena's number, (Y/n) felt a bit better. She needed her mum over here, now.
Who would throw a brick through the window? They were new to this area, they didn't know all the neighbours or the people nearby but the ones they did know, they got along really well with. Except for Adam.
"Nana?" Liv did her best to control her voice and she swiped her hand against her face, brushing away the stray tear. She was the eldest, she had to remain calm along with her mum and calm down the younger ones.
"Hey sweetie… everything okay? I've just got to work." Athena's voice was as calming and soothing as ever and it made Liv relax.
Just as Liv was going to respond, she froze and locked eyes with her mum when the doorbell rang.
(Y/n) held her hand out and pressed her finger to her lips, begging them all to be quiet. She didn't know who was at the door and there was no way she was going to answer that without Eddie or Athena here. The smashed window had been loud, but surely it couldn't have been loud enough to alert anyone. The house was detached with the garden surrounding and separating it from the neighbours. They couldn't have heard that.
Maybe whoever it was had seen something and wanted to check they were okay, but (Y/n) wasn't taking the risk to answer. For all she knew it could be whoever threw the brick waiting at the door to pounce.
"(Y/n)? Hey, are you okay, I uh, I heard a noise. Just wanted to check on you and the little ones."
Dread crawled up the back of (Y/n)'s throat, threatening to spill her hot chocolate when that voice drifted through the hallway.
He was at the door. He couldn't have heard something so faint and thought it best to come over and check on them. He couldn't have heard that and come round here so quickly. Either he was the cause of this or he was being too nosey for his own good and had seen something. Either way (Y/n) was not letting him inside, he wasn't coming anywhere near her or her kids.
"Sweetie, are you alright?" Athena's voice brought Liv crashing back to reality and made her realise she hadn't answered.
"Everyone up and in mine and your dads room please. Come on." (Y/n) leaned over the back of the sofa and moved her hands to Chris and Trixie's backs, giving them a nudge until they started to move.
Her bedroom was at the back of the house facing the garden. No one could throw a brick through the window or get into the back garden if the back gate was closed. And the front and back door were locked, (Y/n) always locked them in the evening, especially when she was home and Eddie was out at work.
Being at the back of the house would be safer and they wouldn't have to hear Adam if he decided to stay and pester them at the door.
When Chris and Trixie got up, (Y/n) let them clutch one of her hands each and burrow up against her legs. She made sure to swipe her phone from the sofa before she guided them down the hall, checking over her shoulder that Liv was following her.
Liv juggled Lilah in her left arm, sitting her sister on her hip while she clutched her phone to her ear and jogged down the hall, barely breathing at all.
"Nana, we need you to come over. Someone put a brick through the front window." Tears finally began to fall down Liv's face and when she got into her parents room, she shut the door closed behind her.
"A brick? Is everyone okay?!"
"Yeah… nana please-"
"Sweetie, don't you worry, I'm on my way down right now okay? And I'll call grandad because he's not at work tonight. Keep the doors locked and don't let anyone in, no one leave the house until I get there, okay?"
"Nanny," Lilah sniffled, reaching out for the phone but Liv shook her head and advanced over to the bed. She eased Lilah down and watched her scuttle to sit with Chris and Trixie in the middle of the bed while (Y/n) shut the curtains.
Moving her hand to her stomach, (Y/n) swallowed down a groan and walked over towards the door. She peered down the hall and shivered when she could faintly see a dark outline at the front door. Adam was still there. Hopefully when he heard Athena's sirens he would scarper and realise they had called the police.
She heard Liv hang up and tell Chris to put the tv on so they could all calm down and watch a movie.
Getting her phone out, (Y/n) scrolled to Eddie's contact and dialled. He needed to pick up. (Y/n) knew her dad wasn't at work tonight so she couldn't call him to get hold of Eddie. She would have to try Buck and if not, try to find the emergency number for the office who could then get through to Eddie.
She wasn't waiting until the morning for Eddie to come off shift and find out what had happened. And (Y/n) had a gut feeling that this was down to their new neighbour. Eddie's truck wasn't in the drive, that was a damn sure sign that he wasn't home and Adam always tried to talk to (Y/n) or hang around when he knew Eddie wasn't home. This couldn't be a coincidence.
"Mummy no!" Trixie held her hands out when (Y/n) stepped into the hall. She didn't want her to leave them in here, not when something bad was happening and they didn't know what to do.
"Sweetie I'm just here, okay? I- I need to call daddy."
She stayed in the doorway, teethering on the threshold. She didn't want to talk so close where the kids could hear her in case she frightened them. (Y/n) wanted to speak to Eddie alone, but she was going to have to stay within sight so the kids didn't panic or get more frightened than they already were.
"Ola mi amor. Who's not going to bed then?" The lighthearted tone in Eddie's voice almost made (Y/n) smile, if it weren't for the tears threatening to cascade from her eyes.
He was used to phone calls when he was on night shifts, the kids always wanted to say goodnight if they could and if one of them couldn't settle, they usually spoke to Eddie on the phone.
"Baby you- you need to come home."
"What? Mi amor what's wrong, are you okay? Is it the baby?" Panic and confusion tore through Eddie's voice and (Y/n) could hear muffled sounds in the background like he was moving to somewhere quieter to talk.
After the abruption Eddie had been on edge about going back to work because he didn't want (Y/n) home alone with the kids if something happened and she felt worse or another complication happened with the baby. And he knew they weren't likely to reach full term now, (Y/n) was likely to have the baby within the next few weeks.
They had gone through enough of a struggle with Trixie and Lilah, both of them had been early births and Lilah had been a very early, preemie baby. Eddie didn't want to go through that again.
"No, oh God, baby someone-" (Y/n) looked back towards the kids when the tv flared to life and Chris put on a Disney movie. All their attention was on the tv, except for Liv who kept looking across at her. "Eddie someone's thrown a brick through the window."
"What?!" His voice dropped two octaves and was so deep (Y/n) barely recognised him.
"We've called mum, she's on her way over… Eddie I don't know what to do-"
"Okay, okay calm down. Oh Dios, you can't be stressing, just breathe for a minute." Eddie tried to steady his own breathing as he made a beeline for the kitchen. He had to tell Hen he was leaving, she was in charge for this shift while Bobby was off rota tonight. "Jesus, a brick? Are you all okay, did anyone get hurt?"
"We're okay."
"Thank fuck for that. I'm leaving, I'm coming home. Did you see anything, when it happened?" At least for now Eddie didn't have to panic about taking any of the kids to hospital, but he wasn't so sure about (Y/n). If she was stressing it wasn't going to help the baby.
"I didn't… I didn't see anything, but- but Adam's at the door."
"That little fucker from next door? What's he want?"
"He said he heard something, that he w-wants to check on us, I didn't let him in but he's still waiting at the door. Eddie I don't like this-"
"Don't go near the door. Mi amor stay with the kids, if he's still there by the time I come home I'll put his fucking head through the window."
His breaths sounded ragged and laboured and (Y/n) shuddered. She hoped- she prayed, Athena was going to arrive before Eddie. If she didn't she might have to arrest her son in law because Eddie wasn't going to accept this. He wasn't going to let Adam touch (Y/n) up and then pester them at the door like this. And if he had been the one to put the brick through the window, God only knows what Eddie would do to him for that.
(Y/n) didn't doubt her husbands words and she had a feeling he would follow through and put Adam through the nearest window he could find for this. It would be a sight, but (Y/n) couldn't have Eddie getting himself arrested. Not when she needed him home and the kids needed him.
She tilted her head back, feeling a sob burn at the back of her throat as her free hand moved to run across her face.
"Do you want me to go into labour?" She hissed through the phone, clicking her jaw into place as a quiet mewl left her lips and her hand moved to cradle her abdomen where the baby was kicking up a storm.
"I want you to be safe! I leave the damn house for a few hours and someone's smashing it up and if it's him I'll kill him. He could of hurt you and the kids-"
"So come home and help me, Eddie. God, I feel sick." She took a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down but it wasn't working. She wouldn't be calm until her mum walked through the door and she had Eddie's arms around her.
"I'm getting in the jeep now, mi amor I swear I won't be long. Put the kids on the phone, please, let me check they're okay."
Eddie already had his bag on his shoulder and his boots were storming across the polished floor, announcing his departure to the rest of his team. He had whispered a few words to Hen already and she ushered him out with well wishes and worried looks. He would be home soon.
"Talk to daddy, he's on his way home."
Relief plastered across all the kid's faces and they visibly relaxed, sinking back into the pillows and huddling together when Liv held the phone out between them, putting it on speaker.
"Daddy! You coming home?"
"I am baby, I'll be there soon to look after you all. Are you all alright?"
A chorus of muttered agreements and mewls were like music to Eddie's ears as he slammed the jeep door shut and turned the key in the ignition. He was on his way home and when he got there, heads were going to roll.
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shubhragoyal · 5 months
Introduction to High-Risk Pregnancy- What Does It Mean
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Pregnancy can indeed be a joyous time, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful. Expectant mothers need to take care of themselves and their unborn babies. However, for some women, their pregnancy is considered high-risk.What is a high-risk pregnancy? It means the mother has an increased chance of experiencing complications during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and even after birth. Understanding this can help expectant mothers plan accordingly.Factors that contribute to high-risk pregnancy can vary from woman to woman. Some common factors include age, weight, medical history, and lifestyle choices. Awareness of these factors can help women make informed choices during this crucial time.So, let's dive deeper and understand what medical conditions can cause high-risk pregnancies and how to reduce the risks.So, let's get started!High Risk Pregnancy: Quick Overview!Pregnancy is a unique and beautiful journey, but it has challenges. As the name suggests, a high-risk pregnancy involves a higher likelihood of complications than a typical pregnancy. These complications can arise due to various factors, such as pre-existing medical conditions, age, or a history of pregnancy-related issues. Let's explore some common aspects that can categorize a pregnancy as high-risk.Factors that Contribute to High-Risk Pregnancy!Age is one of the factors that contribute to high-risk pregnancy. Women older than 35 are at increased risk. Other factors include Pre-existing medical conditions, Multiple pregnancies, substance abuse, and more.According to the insights, high-risk pregnancies accounted for 11.5% of all pregnancies, whereas moderate pregnancies accounted for 21.6%. 33.1% of pregnancies overall had high or medium risk.Pregnancy brings a lot of physical changes in a woman's body, making it more vulnerable to certain medical conditions. Some medical conditions that can cause high-risk pregnancy include hypertension, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia.1. HypertensionHypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the mother's blood pressure is higher than the ideal range. Hypertension can lead to complications such as preterm labor, low birth weight...2. Gestational DiabetesGestational diabetes is a condition that can really affects pregnant women who didn't have diabetes before pregnancy. It indeed leads to high blood sugar levels, which can indeed cause complications such as preterm labor, macrosomia or a giant baby, and respiratory distress syndrome.3. PreeclampsiaPreeclampsia is a condition that affects pregnant women after 20 weeks of gestation. It leads to high blood pressure and damage to organs like the kidneys and liver. Preeclampsia can cause complications such as preterm delivery, low birth weight, and long-term health problems for both the mother and the baby.
Continue Reading: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/introduction-to-high-risk-pregnancy--what-does-it-mean
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soberscientistlife · 2 months
I'm pro-choice & pro-life.
I'm pro-Barbara who found out at her 20 week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs. I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later. I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child. I'm pro-little Cathy who had her innocence ripped away from her by someone she should have been able to trust and her 11 year old body isn't mature enough to bear the consequence of that betrayal. I'm pro-Melissa who's working two jobs just to make ends meet and has to choose between bringing another child into poverty or feeding the children she already has because her spouse walked out on her. (Maybe one of those is a minimum wage job at Hobby Lobby, and she can't afford birth control because her employer went to the Supreme Court to make sure her insurance plan doesn't cover it.) I'm pro-Brittany who realizes that she is in no way financially, emotionally, or physically able to raise a child. I'm pro-Emily who went through IVF, ending up with SIX viable implanted eggs requiring selective reduction in order to ensure the safety of her and a SAFE amount of fetuses. I'm pro-Jessica who is FINALLY getting the strength to get away from her physically abusive spouse only to find out that she is carrying the monster's child. I'm pro-Vanessa who went into her confirmation appointment after YEARS of trying to conceive only to hear silence where there should be a heartbeat. I'm pro-Lindsay who lost her virginity in her sophomore year with a broken condom and now has to choose whether to be a teenage mom or just a teenager. I'm pro-Courtney who just found out she's already 13 weeks along, but the egg never made it out of her fallopian tube so either she terminates the pregnancy or risks dying from internal bleeding and horrific pain. I’m pro-Renee who developed eclampsia and in her third trimester and had to terminate her pregnancy or else she and her much loved baby would die. Also pro-Lorraine who found out two weeks before her due date that her baby’s heart wasn’t beating anymore, and had to be induced so she wouldn’t develop a life threatening infection. You can argue and say that I'm pro-choice all you want, but the truth is: I'm pro-life. Their lives. Women's lives. You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted. It's not about which stories you don't agree with. It's about fighting for the women in the stories and the CHOICE that was made for them, by them. Women's rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation - or how big their bank account is. Because, let's face it, rich people's daughters and mistresses (yes, even the ones who voted for anti-abortion bills) will always be able to find safe abortions. They did before Roe v Wade. Most poor women will still get abortions too, whether from centuries old, unsafe home methods or from opportunistic untrained, unsafe people. Roe v. Wade didn't create abortion. It ended poor, desperate women and girls dying from them and making decisions about their lives.
Author Unknown
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I’ve seen a lot of pro-aborts blame pro-life laws for women facing complications in their pregnancy and the doctors not doing anything about it. They say doctors are scared to take care of women because of abortion bans. When pro-lifers say it’s the doctors fault and it’s medical malpractice, they still blame us.
This past weekend my sister-in-law informed me that her pregnant sister had some bleeding. Her midwife told her to visit the doctor and ask for an ultrasound. The doctor told her there was no reason to and sent her home. Her midwife was pretty upset about her doctor ignoring her request and demanded they do an ultrasound. The ultrasound found she has Placenta Previa and is on bed rest now.
According to Journal of Pregnancy, “Placenta previa and placental abruption have long been recognized as major obstetric complications that result in maternal and fetal mortality as well as morbidity.” No law prevented him from doing an ultrasound to make sure her baby was okay and figure out why she was bleeding. There’s always been an issue with doctors not taking women’s concerns seriously. This has nothing to do with pro-life laws and has everything to do with the failure of medical care women receive from the doctors we are supposed to trust. Women deserve better.
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thoughtportal · 9 months
In March 2021, sheriffs in Etowah county, Alabama, arrested Ashley Caswell on accusations that she’d tested positive for methamphetamine while pregnant and was “endangering” her fetus.
Caswell, who was two months pregnant at the time, became one of a growing number of women imprisoned in the county in the name of protecting their “unborn children”.
But over the next seven months of incarceration for “chemical endangerment” in the Etowah county detention center (ECDC), Caswell was denied regular access to prenatal visits, even as officials were aware her pregnancy was high-risk due to her hypertension and abnormal pap smears, according to a lawsuit filed on Friday against the county and the sheriff’s department. She was also denied her prescribed psychiatric medication and slept on a thin mat on the concrete floor of the detention center for her entire pregnancy.
In October, when her water broke and she pleaded to be taken to a hospital, her lawyer says, officials told her to “sleep it off” and “wait until Monday” to deliver – two days away.
During nearly 12 hours of labor, staff gave her only Tylenol for her pain, the suit says, allegedly telling her to “stop screaming”, to “deal with the pain” and that she was “not in full labor”. Caswell lost amniotic fluid and blood and was alone and standing up in a jail shower when she ultimately delivered her child, according to the complaint and her medical records. She nearly bled to death, her lawyers say.
After she was taken to a hospital, she was diagnosed with placental abruption, a condition in which the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus and the fetus is deprived of oxygen, meaning there was a risk of stillbirth. The baby survived, but Caswell was immediately separated from her newborn.
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