#Placenta Preservation
preservastem · 25 days
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Placental stem cells are a powerful resource for future medical treatments, offering unique regenerative properties that could be life-saving. By choosing Placental Banking, you're investing in a secure, potentially life-changing option for your family's health. Discover the benefits of preserving these valuable cells today!
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yukisdomain · 8 months
I am so so sorry in advance
Kenjaku: Yuuji, it's time for a nice family dinner, just you and me~
Yuuji: No, absolutely not! I'm not getting anywhere near you! I'm afraid to even ask what you have planned for dinner...
Kenjaku: Cute, but I'm telling you anyway.
Kenjaku: I've saved the placenta from the time when I was pregnant with you. Us eating it together would be a nice experience and bonding time, no?
Yuuji: *gags* Look buddy, I know I ate those fingers but I draw the line at this!
Kenjaku: But it's not even cursed this time :(
Yuuji: HoW tHe HeLl DoEs ThAt MaKe It BeTtEr
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meanbossart · 2 months
Seeing baby Drow made me wonder, how did he get to the Underdark?? Did Bhaal "birthed" him there? Did he chose to manifest him there where other drow could find him? Or did Sceleritas took him?
PS: I'm loving your art and lore
The nature of The Dark Urge's birth is pretty vague, and that's the kind of unsettling mystery that I like preserving. He's found just as he is in the art I posted in a puddle of blood and placenta with not much to indicate he didn't just spawn right there, like he either fell from the sky or sprouted out of the ground.
So, logistically, I'm not interested in coming up with much of an explanation. But- as far as intent goes I would say Bhaal meant for his child to appear and grow under some the least beneficial circumstances possible. Had DU drow not been found by the gnome slaves, he would have certainly starved to death with no godly intervention to speak of, and his childhood was one where he had to learn to fend for himself almost as soon as he could walk.
All of the evil gods of the realms seem burdened with a constant cruel streak that renders some of their actions almost totally illogical - why not make sure your prodigy is brought up in complete comfort and safety instead of putting it in a situation where death was nearly inevitable? Why risk wasting your precious flesh and blood like that? Because it would be too easy, that's why. You want to see your son conquer, but he must suffer first, lest he become attached to this plane he's destined to burn down.
So I don't think Bhaal ever did anything with the intention to facilitate DU drow's upbringing. Being his child wasn't enough, he had to prove himself worthy of the title by surviving every odd and hopefully become thoroughly cynical of humanity in the process. Sceleritas only appeared to him at around age 10, and even then he couldn't tell him what he was or what he was capable of, only offer vague guidance towards a final, grandiose goal.
Not in the question, but I guess adjacent to it - he only looks like a drow because of where he spawned, too. Like how certain trees only grow in certain biomes. And the variations (physique and slightly odd skin and hair coloration, specially for a male) are due to the fact that he most definitely isn't one, really.
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hey-i-am-trying · 8 months
Saying that Em, Sunny and Pepito are older than Richas is not a canon afirmation.
First of all, considering that Richas was found with a "placenta", that was later discovered to be some kinda of preserver, as well as all the implications that Richas was not supposed to be introduced so early and that he was not ready.
I think we have a lot of indications that Richarlyson was basically a premature child, for whatever reason they were keeping him with preservers, it is safe to say he propably was supposed to develop more than he did before their introduction to the brazillians. In canon, even his shirt was a gift from his parents.
Also, the remarks that Richas has 'stayed' the same height when Pomme is growing, I think is a shown that his early introduction had an affect on his development.
Em, Sunny and Pepito had shown to be mentally younger than the others eggs, a thing that most parents notice. While they being from group 3 might indicate they were created earlier than Richas, there is a very likely possibility they were also preserved with the same substance than Richas, and had time to physically develop slower than Richas.
Also, the group number might have much more to do with the department they were asign than their in fact birth order. Why I say that? Because I think there is a possibility that the Federation had created more eggs before the arrival of the islanders, and that the department had already been created and task with different types of projects.
That is even considering that the group 3 eggs have affirmed that unlike all the other eggs they are not biologically related to them or each other.
Overall, I don't think we have definite proof of any of the eggs ages or age order.
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hadesoftheladies · 3 months
"you are killing a baby"
i am killing a fetus, not an infant. an egg is not a chicken. potential is not actuality.
"you are murdering an innocent."
it doesn't matter who is innocent. a hungry lion may be innocent in wanting to eat me only because it is hungry and may not have the cognitive capacities to exercise something like restraint or conscience. that does not mean i should not defend myself from harm. it is still self-defense. all animals are expected to protect themselves first and foremost. you are just so used to the idea that women (especially mothers) are supposed to sacrifice their lives for their children in order to be good people--like they aren't human beings with self-preservation instincts.
harm equals anything that threatens the life or health of a person and pregnancy does both.
"your body was meant/designed to do this"
miscarriages are as natural as pregnancies. why do you think the placenta exists? pregnancy sickness? the female body can grow a person, yet also has resistance mechanisms for a pregnancy.
also, just because i have genes that make me a good runner doesn't mean i have to become a marathoner. like think for a second.
"what will the father think?"
women don't owe men or society themselves. i know that's very hard for you to grasp but there's no time like the present to start. there is no ethical way to make a woman a commodity or government assigned asset for reproduction or sex.
"the baby is conscious"
so is the lion in the hypothetical. also, that's debatable. also, what are your thoughts on veganism? since you care so much about the suffering of conscious beings (that is beings with selves)
"but animals aren't humans. they don't deserve the same rights as humans because of their lower cognitive capacities"
great. now apply this ethic to babies and mentally disabled people and then try to explain to me why that has to be different without mentioning how you feel or your religion. :)
"a baby has more potential than an animal."
okay, and why does that potential automatically mean better or more valuable? higher cognitive capacities haven't stopped wars and mass murders have they? (and i would argue that bringing a child into a violent world increases their chance of becoming unhealthy or complicit persons, so you can almost know what the character of your child will be like for certain based on where you're raising them).
"a baby has a soul"
there are two kinds of dualisms within christianity: thomistic and cartesian. cartesian dualism has gone out of fashion even amongst christian theologians and philosophers.
Substance dualism, or Cartesian dualism, most famously defended by René Descartes, argues that there are two kinds of foundation: mental and physical. Descartes states that the mental can exist outside of the body, and the body cannot think.
'Thomistic substance dualism' (TSD) centers around two beliefs: 1) the rational soul is an immaterial substance, and 2) this immaterial substance is the human person.
aside from the fact that both of these philosophies are rife with problems, I think thomistic dualism is the stronger of the two. the rational soul is, in a way, a word for the self.
regardless, both of these describe a self as a soul. so i'm just going to define a self.
The psychology of self is the study of either the cognitive and affective representation of one's identity or the subject of experience. The earliest formulation of the self in modern psychology forms the distinction between two elements I and me. The self as I, is the subjective knower. While, the self as Me, is the subject that is known.
a self is a centralized consciousness with their own memories, introspection and reflections. we know through neuroscience, psychology, behavioural science and sociology that a person or self is formed via experiences (where memories and impressions are gathered, how people learn), language and socialization (economy, history, family, culture) and possibly some genetic expressions (although i think this is more about capacity than actualization).
this is why things like dementia or alzheimer's are so scary and difficult. when a person loses memories, they lose aspects of themselves. when a person changes their environment, they also become different people (even while maintaining some similarities with their past selves).
this is mirrored in popular media, characters that lose their memories lose versions of themselves. this is also why, when you look at stories that feature a multiverse, the same character becomes a different person in different lives. in short, you are not born a person. you become one, and although your self remains singular and centralized (even with age), that self still changes. both the self and the people around the self create the self.
this is also why socially isolated individuals devolve and become mindless or sick (and even have reduced lifespan). certain higher human capacities like "conscience" or "empathy" can be socialized out of a human being, as well. i'd even go so far as to say that children begin conceptualizing themselves as individuals only when they begin to sense the presence of other human beings. they cannot conceptualize their own identity without the presence of other people. they probably don't know they are a self until they recognize other people and then realize they themselves are also people, and people are individuals.
legally a person is:
. . . an entity that the law recognises as having its own distinct personality. This usually means one that is able to act in its own right, and capable of possessing legal rights and liabilities, including individuals (or "natural persons") and corporate organisations.
my point is, how can a fetus with virtually no experiences (which born animals have), no language or skill (learned) to introspect or reflect (or abstract), possibly have a self? when they are not exposed to the outside world? certainly they have the capacity to develop a self, but as established earlier on, potential is not actuality. so legally and psychologically, a fetus is very likely not a person.
but we do not need this to be true to justify abortion regardless, because an innocent person is still causing harm, whether directly or indirectly. so the woman/girl has every right to resist.
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kadextra · 1 year
The Eggs
A lore overview & theory longpost :]
Let's start with a recap. The eggs were given by the Federation to the island residents to care for. A backstory was also given by Pato, saying the eggs were left behind by a dragon mother who flew off after the wall explosion. An egg has 2 lives, if it dies you get punished, if it's alive and happy you get a prize. But nobody really cares about a prize anymore, all the parents love their eggs sooo much that just being together with them is a prize. The eggs have developed unique, endearing personalities and have become a central part of the narrative in such a massive way that it'd take hours to describe. Some sadly passed on, and more eggs have joined the cast as new players arrived.
The Code Entity
A strange entity made of binary code began to hunt down the eggs, viciously attacking and bringing them all down to one life. The reason why is still unknown, but it seems to want the residents to leave the island. I'll make a separate lore post about this guy eventually, there's a lot to say theory-wise and a lot we still don't know about it.
The Strange Cracks
At one point, all the eggs were kidnapped from their homes in the night. The announcement of their return said they would be given back "unharmed" but they returned with odd cracks in them, as if they were injured. The eggs all acted unusually scared and extra fragile after the incident, and couldn't wear armor without pain. They slowly regained their confidence after a few days and went back to normal, along with a eggstatistics change saying they've "matured."
The Heaven Meetings
When an egg dies, the Federation gives the parents 5-10 minutes to say farewells in a white room. It's always really wholesome and emotional to watch. But lots of questions can be raised about how the Federation seem to have the power to revive an egg from the dead in the first place. If they can do it for 10 minutes, why can't they just... revive them permanently? q!Max asked his egg son Trump why he couldn't just leave during his meeting, and got answers alluding that the egg was trapped there. That "they" are too powerful, so he can't leave. What's really going on here? Are the dead eggs even dead?
Case of Richarlyson
The Brazilians noticed that their egg, Richarlyson had one smaller leg compared to the rest, as if he was underdeveloped. And strangely, he also had a weird substance left on him (visually shown as a slimeball) which they thought could be part of the mother dragon's placenta. q!Cellbit gave the sample to supercomputer SOFIA to analyze, the results being given a few days later. Turns out, the substance's composition had zero traces of DNA, it wasn't even biological. Instead, it was found to be some type of chemical preservation fluid... meaning Richarlyson was in some kind of stasis/storage before being given to the Brazilians, and rushed out at such short notice he couldn't even be cleaned off in time.
The Pomme DNA Test
A sample of the newest & youngest egg's DNA, Pomme, was given to SOFIA to analyze. The genetic results were:
65% Oxygen, 18% Carbon, 10% Hydrogen, 3% Nitrogen, 1.5% Calcium, 1% Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, Sodium, Chlorine, Magnesium. These results are normal for a biological composition of a living creature. However, there were also traces of "unusual elements" in the DNA....
Silicon, Gold, Cobalt, Copper, Palladium, Cadmium, Bismuth, Uranium.
Silicon is used for making alloys.
Gold is a valuable metal.
Copper is a metal used as an electric conductor.
Palladium is a rare metal, also used for electronics.
Cadmium is a heavy metal used to make batteries and it's also toxic.
Bismuth is a crystalline metal again used for electronic appliances.
Uranium is literally radioactive and used for nuclear power.
HUH? These elements and metals are totally unnatural to find traces of in a living creature. edit: this is wrong, these elements and metals are common to find traces of in a living creature. However, SOFIA said they are unusual in the eggs. What does this mean..?
What if I told you there is a certain type of egg where it's normal to find metals all over?
Fabergé eggs.
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Fabergé eggs are valuable decorative eggs made with crystals and rare metals like gold. And it just so happens that as a lead-up to the QSMP, Quackity Studios released a teaser image, with morse code inside leading to a document where many suspicious letters, including this one was found:
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This potential connection can't be ignored. Real Fabergé eggs obviously aren't alive like our little eggs, but it's entirely possible that thanks to the traces of metals in their composition, the name is being used as a codeword to refer to them.
All of these things considered, don't forget that the eggs are still living creatures. The "unusual" parts in the genetic makeup are very few compared to oxygen, carbon, calcium, etc. Most of the weird ones do happen to relate to electronics and machines, but if anything, it's likely that the eggs could be cyborgs - a biological organism that's just enhanced with technological parts.
It's becoming more and more evident that the "dragon mother" story is a load of hogwash. The eggs might've been developed in a lab, and transported to the island by the Federation. Whatever intentions or experiment they have running, we don't know... but these poor eggs have no idea about any of this. They are innocent and being used.
They just existed one day, got adopted and began to know love. And no matter what happens, no matter what they really are, dragons or not, we and the parents will continue to love them <3
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Ok so. About the eggs and now about the placenta being a preservative
We all already suspect the eggs aren't from an actual theory, and this is another proof to that theory
It's also proof the Brazilians were a mistake in the island
How? Richarlyson proves it
He had to be made QUICK, pumped out so give the Brazilians something to make happy
They didn't have time to clean him from the substances. He was the one that took most time to adapt (aka literally changing admins), and the only egg ive seen so far with disability, maybe due to the rush to get him out of the tube and gave him no time to fully develop his limbs
While pomme had a niche for herself, was clean and even was starving for days. The Federation knew about the French
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snopiah · 1 year
what if the freezers in the timer room were the storage units where the original 8 eggs were kept before day 1 of the Egg Event?
We already know that The Federation has the ability to preserve living things aka The Felps Incident. Felps was kept in a cryogenic chamber to keep his body supposedly preserved during whatever tests they were doing to his body.
[They were most likely extracting something from his blood maybe to analyze his blood cells and DNA (bruises in arms typically appear when blood/plasma is taken out.)]
So it makes sense that they’ve done that before, given the history and development of Federation (as shown by the 9 level dungeon), right?
Also when Sofia examined Richas’ “placenta,” we found out that it wasn’t really a placenta, but a preservative.
Now that Flippa, Tilin, Trump and Bobby are “dead,” it’s possible that their bodies or vessels are returned to their original storage. If the next
QSMP Studios update is a goddamn propeller hat for Trump? I’m gonna go into pieces.
Literally a continuation of this post
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astoldbyaja · 1 month
The Orisha and the Hashira Part 2 - Ch. 3
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Normal PO- 2 weeks later – 4 weeks left
The crows cawed loudly.
“DANGER! EMERGENCY THE MANSION’S UNDER ATTACK!” the crows informed as all the Hashira rushed through the trees at great speed. The fear was drenched in all their eyes. The overwhelming panic coursed through their bodies.
Kyojuro was running swiftly, eyes filled with anger.
‘I won’t lose the master too!’
‘Gotta hurry!’ Sanemi thought.
Bambaataa was staring up at the night’s sky from his spot in the earth feeling the new source of energy that was here.
“She’s here.” he said standing up and moving to walk in the direction of the mansion.
Amane stared collectively at the woman who stood before the engawa. Her eyes were used to showing strength and coolness. However, her brow lightly twitched as she fought to preserve herself before the slim woman who who stood like a statue, wearing a purpose dress with gold bands around her hip, the shoulders sharp showing the long flowing cape around her body. Her hair was down in long flowing black locs with a single white strip going down the side of her hair.
The sounds of her metal bracelets bounced gently as she bounced young Kiriya in her hold with a gentle smile. The boy’s eyes were pale as he smiled up at the woman with praise and admiration.
“You have a lovely family, Amane.” Her voice was cool, her accent angelic. She was smiling at the boy whose eyes matched hers. White eyes looked up to meet her while Kiriya hummed softly holding onto her neck and nuzzling her as if she was her mother.
“It has been a long time, Ayomide. You have not aged a day.” she said with an inviting smile.
“No. It would appear I haven’t.” she said smiling at the child before slowly looking up to the woman, that motherly smile fading.
“LADY UBUYSHAKI!” Sanemi yelled and now all the Hashira were standing atop of the mansion roof tops, however, their eyes widened as Amane raised her hand to pause any attacks. All their eyes widened as they looked down at the strange woman holding their lord’s son.
“This energy, this presence is unlike anything I have ever sensed before.” Gyomei thought, his body tight, ready to draw his weapon and attack. Slowly Ayomide’s head moved to look up to her left at the flame Hashira. Kyojuro’s widened as he looked upon the woman who looked just like his fiancé.
Ayomide looked at Kyojuro for a moment before moving her eyes to look at Amane.
“Where is your husband?” she asked. Amane remained calm, still like a statue.
“His illness has is taking him, he draws weaker and weaker by the day, but he had a strong feeling you would come.” she said. Ayomide raised Kiriya up some and eyed his happy loving face before giving a sigh of disappointment.
“Pity. A man I once highly respected, raised almost from a young boy, is the reason for all the pain I feel.” she said gently smiling at the boy.
“My husband regrets that he cannot stand before you today.” she said. Ayomide could hear it in her voice, the slight struggle to remain calm.
“The Japanese always kept their feeling and emotions buried deep down. It was not your way to show feelings of pain or despair, or fear for a loved one.” She said softly, yet coldly.
“Hey lady! I don’t know who you are, but you had better release that boy right now or you’ll have to deal with all of us!” Sanemi threatened. Ayomide continued to bounce the boy as if he were a baby and slowly, she held him out and up a bit smiling at his giggling face, although the trance he was in made him feel as if he were with his family right now.
“I’ve birthed many babies, those that did not survive I reabsorbed into my body. I was pregnant all the time, birthing dead babies just to bring them back into me in hopes one would come out alive. My eldest was born and he was born strong in the dirt. When Ayo was born,” she continued which caught all the Hashira’s attention. “The currents of the water grabbed her so hard from my body, it tore the placenta right out of me, as if wanting to wash her away so that she would be one with the water forever, but I wouldn’t allow it. I ripped her from the water, her crying the only thing I cared about to tell me she was breathing. She was strong, how she suckled from my breast. She was mine, my baby daughter. More babies died after she was born, then Femi came, the one with the power to give new life. He was born on the battlefield amongst the fallen people. He soaked in their blood and absorbed their spirit, their blood spirit.”
Amane remained staring calmly. Mitsuri covered her mouth in pain as Shinobu eyed her comrades wondering if any of them would strike, but as Lady Ubuyshaiki’s hand was up no one moved. But she was worried, this Orisha’s power was heavy and thick. She was on a different level than the three Orisha she knew.
“And now I entrusted my children into the care of the Ubuyashiki family so a gift could be given, and in return my baby daughter and baby son are held captive by demons.” she said before placing Kiriya to her chest, his head resting on the spot beneath her neck. Amana’s eyes squinted knowing what the woman was doing.
“You’ve given birth to five children; I have given birth to only three who have lived. Do I have to absorb all of your children, so you know the pain I feel of losing MY children?” she asked, voice broken.
“Ayomide please,” Amane said, “your children, still alive, sacrificed themselves to save many.”
Ayomide smiled viciously as she looked at her.
“Sacrifice… that is all my people have ever known on this planet. I thought you were different. But you’re not. You’re all just humans who cannot find let alone defeat one demon!” she snarled holding Kiriya closer. Kyojuro could hear the pain in her voice, see the despair in her eyes. He could see the way she was holding the child that if she was truly meaning to absorb him into her body, she was going to do it right now. Amane’s hand was trembling as if she was preparing to let it drop, to let the Hashira attack. Kyojuro shook his head.
“No!” he called out and now everyone looked at him except for the two women who kept their eyes on each other. He jumped from the roof top.
“Kyojuro!” Tengen called, and the Hashira landed effortlessly on the ground, his crouch was perfect as he slowly stood up. Slowly Ayomide’s eyes turned to look at him.
“Ayomide… I am Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira, and your daughter, Ayo’s… mate.” he introduced.  Ayomide’s eyes flexed as she watched him. Her aggressive body language began to lighten just a bit.
“You… you are the man the universe sent to my daughter.” She said. Kyojuro nodded remaining in his position.
“I cannot begin to imagine the pain you feel in this moment! You are hurting. We are all hurting! We not only care about Ayo, but we care for Femi as well! But please, do not take your despair out on the ones you once called your allies! Your anger should rightfully be aimed at Muzan Kibutsuji, the demon who owned you and terrorized many of you!” he said. Ayomide’s eyes widened at his words. “I know it’s easy to go for the humans and call us weak. Your power is on another level I could never begin to fathom. We can’t beat you, none of us could even if you decide to absorb young Kiriya!”
Ayomide looked down at the boy whose eyes were closed as if he were asleep holding on to the woman. Kyojuro’s look of understanding slowly faded to one of anger.
“But if you hurt him, you hurt Ayo by becoming all of our enemies!” he said. Ayomide’s eyes widened even more as she looked at Kyojuro, his eyes showing a strength she had seen before, a very familiar feeling. Every step she took long ago was a step at gaining freedom for her husband and babies. She knew if she harmed any of the Ubuyashiki family members, then they would come after her, forcing her darling husband to retaliate quickly and swiftly wiping them all out. Giving Muzan exactly what he wants, his enemies annihilated.
“Tell me Kyojuro Rengoku… would you let the world fall into darkness if it meant my daughter would be safe?” she asked lowly. His body tensed his eyes showing raw emotions. He remembered when he was on his knees before Akaza, hole in his chest, eye crushed, preparing to meet his death when Ayo appeared like an angel to defend him. He remembers her strict tone as she claimed Akaza was her opponent and hers alone.
“I cannot speak for the future of the world, but I would give my life a thousand times over for her no questions asked!” he said. Amane looked at the flame Hashira a gentle smile showing on her lips. Ayomide stared at him for a moment looking down some.
“Do you agree with this human’s sentiment, my son?” she asked as Bambaataa walked through the gates calmly, hammer down to his side. He would never raise a weapon to his mother no matter the situation.
“I do Mother… do you really hold us in such low regard that you and Father would believe we would go through this plan without thinking?” he asked. Ayomide winced and looked at him as he approached.
“You three are my greatest contributions to this planet, my son. But no plan in this world have ever involved an Orisha being held by a demon, especially Muzan Kibutsuji!” she hissed. Bambaataa nodded.
“I know. But if you want him to dead, you have to let Ayo do this! We are warriors trained for this.” he said firmly. The elder Orisha looked up at her son, his firm glare resembling that of his father’s. She slowly looked at Kyojuro who was standing there with a cool gaze, waiting for her reaction. She then looked at the eyes of every Hashira.
Gyomei’s blind eyes still held the story.
“Everyone has seen me except for you.” Ayo said gently.
“I can hear you. Your voice is soft and trustworthy. I can smell you; your skin is fresh and reminds me of the warmth of the sun from the energy you give off. I could pick your voice out in a sea of roaring people. That is enough.” he replies.
“Gyomei, would it be alright for me to take your hand?”
“Oh of course.”
“May you be able to remember the feelings of my skin if we are ever in battle and you don’t know who to trust”
Sanemi’s eye’s held rage, but vulnerability as well.
“What’s the matter?” Ayo asked with worry.
“You ran into Kibutsuji because I wasn’t with you. I told you to wait for me in that damn town, not even thinking of what threats could be there. I’m happy you got away, but I feel so fucking weak I wasn’t there to have your back.” he said, voice trembling.
“Sanemi, you had my back the entire time. You fought those demons off when they came, due to my bleeding. You gave me time to escape.”  Ayo said. He shook his head.
“I could have done more. I shouldn’t have gone ahead to kill the target demon.” he said through clenched teeth. Ayo smiled and grabbed his shoulders pulling him into a gentle embrace. His body tensed.
“But had you gone back for me, more people would have died, but because you hadn’t, no one died. I am alive and you are alive, and those villagers are alive. It’s alright.” she replied gently sharing a hug with the man.
 Ayomide looked to Giyu seeing his daughter sparring with the boy, then she looked at Shinobu as they healed patients together and danced in the ways of her people, to Mitsuri as the two ate large portions of food together laughing happily, then to Obanai as he sat with Ayo and the two spoke about their childhoods, then to Muichiro to see his daughter learning to fly a paper plane with the boy, to even Tengen whose eyes showed the man proposing to his daughter and her brother immediately coming to her defense. Lastly, her eyes fell to Kyojuro who’s soul filled eyes shared the most memories, from the two fighting a demon together in snow, to him finally seeing Ayo without her mask. She’s even fighting a demon to defend the flame Hashira. She even saw a moment where his naked form laid her naked body down…
They all truly did care for her children.
Ayomide closed her eyes and gently looked down feeling the tears fall from her cheeks as she gently began to cry before looking at her son.
“I want my babies. I want you all to come home” she said, the pain evident in her tone. Bambaataa nodded, his eyes softening on her. After a few moments, the tears absorbed into her skin before she leaned back up and pushed her emotions down. She then looked at Amane who stared at her, this time, her arms down, but gently connected together in her kimono. Ayomide looked down at the sleeping Kiriya and before holding his body out to him. Amane wasted no time in approaching the woman and moving to take hold of her son. The other Hashira were all tense as they watched their lord’s wife approach. This woman still felt like a threat, her aura still heavy and dark.
Once Amane returned to the engawa, the doors slid open, and she disappeared inside. Ayomide looked at Bambaataa before looking at the group around her.
“I stand behind my husband’s decision. You have four weeks to present my daughter and my son or else we will solve your demon problem for you.” she said coldly, her eyes looking at Kyojuro and then her son. Bambaataa bowed his head in response before Ayomide’s left arm raised high into the sky creating a pink rift in the sky. Her body moved up into the air floating silently before disappearing inside the rift.
Bambaataa stared at the pink light as it vanished.
‘Ayo if you’re going to do something, please do it fast.’ he thought.
Ayo’s POV
The pool I was allowed to bathe in was still dead almost. My body hurts, but I took all the force and beatings my body would endure if it meant Femi would not have to feel pain. I couldn’t heal like I wanted, so my body was black and purple. Two weeks have passed and Muzan has been delighted with his ability to walk in the sun, if only for a few minutes with my blood. With my body in so much pain and distress my period has not come yet due to the conditions I was in. This environment was not a healthy one, so my body will not respond as if healthy.
“Why do you continue to resist?” I hear his low voice. I just remained sitting on the inner steps not saying anything. “This pain you are facing was avoidable.” I turn to see Muzan standing over me with a tilt of his head, emotionless eyes watching me. I didn’t respond and he tutted with his tongue.
“Your insides are hurting, aren’t they? Your vaginal walls are bruised, your anus is beyond damaged. But I can heal you right up. You’ve given me your blood, so why don’t I give you my blood I return. It’s the least I could do for helping me produce some good results with your blood.” he purred, and I just winced knowing what tasting his blood could do to me.
“No thank you.” I replied. I hear him chuckle before I feel his arms on my shoulders. The world around me seems to move, and I can feel my body standing and now I’m on the ground naked before the demon. He looked so amused.
“You are quite the stubborn one, but I fear you are in over your head here. It will not be long before you are pregnant with my child.” he said.
“Then I will be of no use to you.” I replied.
“On the contrary, your purpose as a woman will finally start as you will help raise our child.” he said stepping forward and placing a hand on my swollen bruised stomach. I hissed softly at the bruise he touched and the fact he stated my purpose being clearly to have children. “Together we will bring a new demon into this world and once your older brother joins, I will be unstoppable.”
He raised his hand to my cheek now and I winced at the pain, however, I felt the painful throbbing and bruises start to heal. My entire body felt so much better.
“It was never my intention to harm you in this way. Your mother would be furious with me.” he said gently. Okay that’s odd. It seems my mother has left her mark on many in Japan especially the demons. Now Muzan smiled almost genuinely.
“I must go back to the surface for a while. But don’t worry some of my upper moons jumped at the opportunity to keep you company. When I return, you and I can further have some alone time.” he said gently massaging the spot under my white streak of hair.
The walls moved all around me and before I knew it, a blue and white kimono was wrapping itself around my body fully dressing me. Muzan was gone and now I was on my feet in an open area. But a blue and white vase was the only thing in the middle of this room.
Author's Notes
Ayomide was ready to just kill everybody at that mansion! She didn't care what the consequences were. XDntr
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preservastem · 2 months
Why Placental Stem Cell Banking Matters
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Placental stem cell banking is a powerful safeguard for your family's future health. These cells are rich in unique regenerative properties, offering potential treatments for various diseases. By banking placental stem cells, you're investing in a safety net that could be life-saving for your loved ones.
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
actually wasn't richas' placenta found to be just a chemical preservative that was coating his shell? i don't think that proves the eggs are artificial. sure, we've gotten enough hints to think they are but that's not one of them. also when pomme's saliva sample was analyzed, it came back saying it was 100% organic with traces of inorganic elements (which is actually not true, the whole list of genetic material that sofia gave baghera can be found in any human life form). if you're curious, this was pomme's analysis results: 65% oxygen, 18% carbon, 10% hydrogen, 3% nitrogen, 1.5% calcium, 1% phosphorus. minuscules proportions of: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. traces of "unusual" elements (which aren't at all but sofia said they were): silicon, gold, cobalt, copper, palladium, cadmium, bismuth, and uranium. in this test she also said she couldn't find any link to known species, despite the composition being almost exactly the same as a human being.
But also the eggs are artificial because they have essentially been proven to have been created by the Federation for use in their experiments. Between Egg A1 and the “Hope” Egg and the story of the Maze Eggs, we can pretty safely assume that Eggs aren’t like. Born. They’re created. We’ve got Richas telling Bagi the other week that he basically doesn’t remember anything before blinking awake when the Brazilians first arrived- he didn’t even know Portuguese.
We have Egg Island, but that’s a Federation base. A farm, it seems, like how we have designated locations in our countries to raise cattle, or how scientists have secret kennels to raise dogs specifically for experimentation.
Artificial doesn’t mean inorganic. It just means ‘created’.
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noomycatz · 1 day
a message to cowboy anon: there is a perfectly preserved baboon placenta waiting for you
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Ooo your fic writing asks list had a lot of fun options! Imma go with #19: What's the most interesting topic you've researched for a fic?
This is really really hard 😂😂😂
So the thing about interesting topics is that they often sorta come about as collateral to whatever I was trying to research. Usually I have an idea for the plot. I only need to do enough research to confirm if the idea is scientifically sound or if I need to include some supernatural hijinks to make it plausible. And then I wind up down a rabbit hole of a bunch of other things I did not intend to research, but here we are anyway.
Needed to know how long a body would take to decompose / what evironments would preserve it best and oh wow. Did you know how toxic modern embalming can be for the environment. (Also if you ever need to engineer a mummy for a story. Try freezing, sealing in a dry environment, or soaking in a bog for best results).
Needed to know if my characters could dig a well in a high desert. Oops accidentally read half of a 50 page report on an Arizona geological survey. And by the way did you know that the deepest Depth-to-Water in Arizona is over 2,000 feet down. (I had to scrap a plotpoint after that discovery).
Honestly by far the most interesting discovery was that salamanders can breathe through their skin, and regrow their limbs (weirdos) these being tangential discoveries from the initial point of the research. Which was that Janeway and Paris probably did not do the horizontal tango to make their three salamander children. More likely he dropped a sperm packet on the ground. And she "internalized" it. 🦎🦎🦎
This next one is a spoiler for an upcoming chapter so under the cut...
Only in Star Trek do you need to ask the real questions. Like what if a cold blooded character was gestating a warmblooded hybrid child (no one tell me Cardassians aren't cold blooded. I am 80,000 words in. It's too late now). This took a jigsaw puzzle's worth of google searches to piece together. Differences in Cold vs. Warmblooded species. What organs contribute to warm-bloodedness. Can thyroid hormones cross a placenta. I digress - Did you know that the same evolution that spurred the development of warm-blooded circulatory systems also leaves the body more vulnerable to cardiac damage. (I forget exactly how I found myself at this discovery but good god damn did it come in handy).
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lovetransaction · 1 year
it’s wincest Wednesday pls tell me ur Deanpreg headcanons
I'm going IMMEDIATELY under a readmore lol
Dean gets hugely, massively pregnant. He still wants to do all his Omega duties and some of them are easy: John likes to fuck him every morning but he likes when Dean's still mostly asleep, so it's nothing to screw him from behind in bed especially since Dean's pussy is always wet and swollen when he's this far in. Sam spends ages eating him out and that doesn't take much effort either.
When Dean insists on getting on his knees in the front hallway when John comes in late from work tired and needing relief, he's pleased with his usual excellent head-giving skills to take care of his Alpha father-mate and if he leaks so much slick that it soaks the carpet, well, Sam will take care of that. But then when Dean tries to get up after, it's harder than he expects, and he tries a couple of times before giving up and John's looking down at him with a slight puzzled frown and Dean's like, Dad, you have to help me stand because I, uh, can't and John laughs at first, instinctively, but then the realization that his virility is such that he's bred his Omega son so full that he can't even get up off the fucking floor kicks in and he scoops Dean up, puts him on the sofa on his knees again, and Dean clings to the back of it while his Dad rails and knots him so intensely that they end up sprawled on the floor passed out
Sam is acutely aware that John's the head Alpha in their household and Sam sometimes brings home Omegas to screw but he always does it in such a way that Dean's at home for it, with his pregnancy scent filling up the whole house and Sam's interchangeable Omegas are like could you concentrate on me for this? and Sam's like don't talk unless you're begging. Most of the time Dean doesn't even know Sam's fucking in the house (Sam is quiet; he grits his teeth and keeps all his growls and groans in his throat) until Sam cums and then Dean scents his brother's release and inevitably comes to find him. Stroking his belly and smirking at Sam's Omega who's under him understandably like what the shit and then Sam kicks them out and tosses Dean down in the wet spot and fingers his pregnant brother, sucking on Dean's clit and squeezing his Omega cock, until he's hard again and then hammers Dean's ass until he's a drooling mess <3
Dean has litters. He's never had a single pup and he's been pregnant three times and John's torn between (again) congratulating himself for his Alpha virility and wondering what the hell they're having all these children for. Sam fucking loves it and is pretty sure some of them are his. Winchester lore says that the longer you can keep the Omega from actually giving birth, the less prone to being cursed the children are, so whenever Dean goes into labour, Sam is on curse prevention duty meaning when one of the babies crowns, Sam gently but firmly pushes it back in. First with his hand, then with both his hands, then with his body shoved up between Dean's legs until Dean's incoherent with the need to birth his children. Then John sits behind him in the delivery bed and holds Dean tight to keep him conscious as Sam catches each one, licks it clean, checks fingers and toes. The Alphas don't eat the placenta, that would be crazy! They carefully preserve it and slice it into ribbons and make wrist ties for the babies to guard them from the evil eye. Dean gets to eat some of the placenta directly post-birth, though, since he's done so well.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Hey log anon. that blood pancake thing is called a placenta. It's essentially the thing that ties the baby's umbilical cord to the uterine wall during development. It transports nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the baby and transports waste from the baby to the mother. It is delivered along with the baby at birth and is a normal part of healthy childbirth that is weirdly often not covered in health class.
Some people preserve the birthed placenta for sentimental reasons.
Some completely weird people eat the birthed placenta believing it has health benefits. (It does not).
Some people also opt to donate it (it's got all kinds of medical uses) or bury it in the ground as a kind of thank you to nature for sustaining their baby.
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murky-tannin · 10 months
Watching the recap and. I don't remember anything about them discovering the eggs had no DNA from Sofia? I remember them analyzing what they found ON Richas that they had incorrectly assumed to be a placenta, and I remember them testing Pomme's saliva and learning her chemical makeup. But i don't remember anything about eggs having no dna, just the artificial preservative found on (not in) Richas.
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