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lovetransaction · 1 year ago
samjohn + altar ❤
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"Dad," Sam says. His wrists are tied together and he can't see very well, with the blood in his eyes, but he thinks it's with one of Dean's belts, one of the canvas web ones he five-finger-discounted from an army surplus store. He'd been good at it, that time, managing to cram a whole MRE down the back of Sam's baggy jeans just so he could surprise dad with the peaches and poundcake thing that was apparently some private...joke? Treat? Secret? between them.
So many secrets. Most of them gone with Dean, now. The rest burning in John's voice, slow and sullen and sunken, when he pushes Sam to his knees and puts a hand to the back of his head where it's also slow and sunken, from the blow he'd taken earlier. It feels like there's something dripping at the back of his neck, under the skin, down from his skull. It might not matter much longer. This isn't the first time Sam's been on his knees for Dad but it might be--
--Sam chokes on a sob when he feels his forehead, slick and tacky, touch marble. There's a divot there, like it had been smoothed that way by so many progeny before him. "Dad," he says again. He's not sure it's ever made much difference to John, that means of address in his second-born's voice, but Sam can't do much more. The metal buckle of the belt clinks, sounds for just a moment like the way Dean snickers to himself when he wants Sam to ask what's so funny. "Daddy," Sam says, and John pauses.
"Did you know," John says, sullen, sunken, slow. "I never wanted to name you Samuel. That was your mother's idea."
A moment, a swallow, past blood and ashes, the sound of Dad's knife being unsheathed. "Then what--"
"I wanted to call you Isaac."
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lovetransaction · 1 year ago
drop your favorite spn side character! :p (anyone whos not samdeancas)(exclude john too !)
(this came to my bossymarmalade mail and though this isn't a secret sideblog i like to keep it all corralled heh so i redirected it here, ty sweet anon <3! also very wise of you to make me NOT choose john lollll so i'll not choose mary either)
...and therefore the answer is Kevin Tran! And his mom because to me they sort of come as a set and I love Lauren Tom.
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On an OOC level I was delighted with Kevin because he's Asian and this show was filmed in Vancouver and lbr the show could've used some more characters of colour. On an IC level I loved the inclusion of somebody who'd been reluctantly pulled into the supernatural world, who was pivotal in their mission, who was doing the best he could under such extreme, harsh, demanding circumstances.
A lot of the angels/side friends were frustrating to me (like Metatron or Garth) but Kevin's perpetual fluff and fuss while still working his hardest was so endearing. Not to mention Mrs. Tran's investment in her child (once we got past the played out racist Dragon Mommy thing) was super appealing and I think, for two guys who lost their mom so young, it was an interesting element for Sam & Dean to interact with (plus I like thinking about Mrs. Tran and Dean because. yeah).
Also I used to go to a restaurant here in my hometown called Uncle's Snack Shop that was REALLY good and when it closed I found out through a local newspaper that Osric Chau co-owned it. 😢
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lovetransaction · 2 years ago
happy dff friend <3 has sam ever fantasized about J/D? does he picture himself in that fantasy? is it masturbation fodder for him? gimme all the dirty headcanons
Sam's fantasized about it and that's about as close to it as he wants to be. He absolutely does NOT want to sleep with John and so much of it is fueled by both envy and resentment; not because he thinks either of them is taking the other away from him, but a morass of various aspects of their messy claustrophobic family dynamic. Like -- Dean will always be soldered to Sam, he's got no worries about that, but it gets more and more aggravating as they get older that Dean does his best Switzerland.
Sam can see that it cranks up Dean's anxiety to be constantly running interference so he's that much MORE pissy and picking fights with Dad because that gets his dick hard, hearing Dean urgently trying to talk John down from threatening to beat Sam's ass if he thinks he's so grown (John never actually beats Sam's ass ftr but he threatens to a lot). Sam replays those half-heard conversations while he jerks off and he feels kind of scornful about the conciliatory tone that Dean uses but it's hot, it's appallingly hot to think about the other ways that Dean uses himself to pacify their father, particularly on Sam's behalf.
Sometimes Sam imagines that's the main reason Dean lets Dad fuck him, is alllll for Sammy's care and protection. Sometimes he thinks about Dean secretly wincing and crying and biting the pillow because it's such a big sacrifice but he'll manfully take being fucked into the mattress so long as it keeps John from sniping at Sam for one more day. Sometimes Sam can't pretend that hard and he thinks about Dean getting screwed face-to-face and how he'd look dazed and wet and sexy, like when he gets knocked to the ground on a hunt with blood all over his face. Sam never thinks about John, in those scenarios; Dad is just a looming tall figure with messy hair and hazel eyes and ballpoint ink on his fingers, and -- nevermind.
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lovetransaction · 1 year ago
you must understand first before i respond: anything at all to do with John Winchester is worth reading according to ME. 😂
That said, I really liked The Journal. I think it allowed for some exploration of the things John did to cope and to protect his kids once his world went haywire. To some people with less charitable and/or fanatical readings, it's all just more nails in the coffin of him being 'abusive' (i use quotations bc that's not my reading in any sense, but to each their own!) to his kids. To me it offered a perspective of a frantic parent, dealing not only with the grief and pressure of losing a wife to unfathomable circumstances and having to raise his kids alone, but also discovering that he'll be spending the rest of these kids' lives -- Sam's, in particular -- staving off the powerful, evil things trying to murder his child. Or worse.
Evil things he never knew existed, mind you. Was completely unprepared to face. But threw himself into finding out all he could about them, even when that slowly eroded his ability to be Dad because he had to be Guardian. And Protector, and Scholar, and Killer. Over the course of the Journal the only thing that remains constant is the refrain of mourning over Mary. Everything else becomes subsumed to the hunt, the mission, the revenge. He stops talking about his boys' likes and dislikes, their personalities, their growing pains. He stops talking much about who Mary was, even, aside from the thumping refrain of how much he misses her and that he's doing this all for her. Everything gets washed over by occult symbolism, and cross-weaving of scraps of kabbalistic lore and obscure mythology and numerology and ciphers and cryptographs and legends. He stops functioning on a human level because all of that got scrubbed away, a little bit every time he failed to keep a demon or a monster from tracking down his kids and coming after them. That and self-loathing are the only things left, in the end.
Except for when he finally, finally picks up Azazel's trail. But you know what happens from there.
that is indeed John's journal where he describes just yanking his fingernail out with Missouri 😵
Holy freaking crap!!! HE JUST YANKED HIS FINGERNAIL. The way we see that, like at least 2 times happened with Sam and this with John. true definition of poorly veiled kinks 🤲🏼
Also now while you're here tell me is John's journal worth reading? Like i so shake when i see the stuff about sam & dean's chilhood 😭😭 (like apparently the first human Dean kills was someone who went after Sam?? Something like that)
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lovetransaction · 2 years ago
use a photo on your phone camera roll and write a quick scene/hc for it
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"I wish they had actual Orange Crush," Sam says, rubbing his fingers along the orange of the disconnected cooler. Some paint flakes off and Dean says, "quit fiddling with it! You're gonna wreck it and then we'll get in trouble."
Sam looks skeptical. Sam doesn't get in trouble for things like this; it's Dean who Dad looks at with that long sorrowful look and doesn't say anything but it's obvious Dean should've corralled Sammy. Dean looks over at the big barn where the farm's selling its produce, where Dad's picking up whatever herbs and honey he said he'd need for this next job.
"Look," Dean says, and sticks three of his fingers into three of the bottlenecks. For a minute when he lifts them he thinks he might have made a horrible mistake and they're too heavy for him to manage, but he crooks his knuckles and that locks them and Dean waves them at Sam, who giggles. "Like Mughand," Sam declares, which is Dean's other party trick: trying to hold four mugs with one hand, a finger wrapped into each handle.
"They're probably antiques. Like in cartoons," Sam says, but he's eyeing the rest of the bottles like he wants to try. Dad comes back then, though, and he has a fresh bottle, cold and beaded, bright pink cream soda for them to share. "Put those back," Dad says, reaching to help remove the bottles from Dean's fingers and returning them the crate. "I got other empties they had in the store. You boys feel like some target shooting?"
Sam pulls a face but Dad had sounded hopeful, so Dean hurriedly says, "Heckyeah!" and is duly rewarded with Dad giving a lopsided smile, reaching to squeeze the back of Dean's neck. His fingers smell of whatever herbs he'd bought and he rubs his thumb chummily against the knobs of Dean's spine, then tells Sam, "--leave half of that for your brother, Sammy. It's to share."
"Enjoy my backwash," Sam says peevishly when he hands over the cream soda. "Sam," Dad rumbles, and Dean goes, "mmmMMMMmmmm," as he sucks down the rest of it.
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lovetransaction · 2 years ago
it’s wincest Wednesday pls tell me ur Deanpreg headcanons
I'm going IMMEDIATELY under a readmore lol
Dean gets hugely, massively pregnant. He still wants to do all his Omega duties and some of them are easy: John likes to fuck him every morning but he likes when Dean's still mostly asleep, so it's nothing to screw him from behind in bed especially since Dean's pussy is always wet and swollen when he's this far in. Sam spends ages eating him out and that doesn't take much effort either.
When Dean insists on getting on his knees in the front hallway when John comes in late from work tired and needing relief, he's pleased with his usual excellent head-giving skills to take care of his Alpha father-mate and if he leaks so much slick that it soaks the carpet, well, Sam will take care of that. But then when Dean tries to get up after, it's harder than he expects, and he tries a couple of times before giving up and John's looking down at him with a slight puzzled frown and Dean's like, Dad, you have to help me stand because I, uh, can't and John laughs at first, instinctively, but then the realization that his virility is such that he's bred his Omega son so full that he can't even get up off the fucking floor kicks in and he scoops Dean up, puts him on the sofa on his knees again, and Dean clings to the back of it while his Dad rails and knots him so intensely that they end up sprawled on the floor passed out
Sam is acutely aware that John's the head Alpha in their household and Sam sometimes brings home Omegas to screw but he always does it in such a way that Dean's at home for it, with his pregnancy scent filling up the whole house and Sam's interchangeable Omegas are like could you concentrate on me for this? and Sam's like don't talk unless you're begging. Most of the time Dean doesn't even know Sam's fucking in the house (Sam is quiet; he grits his teeth and keeps all his growls and groans in his throat) until Sam cums and then Dean scents his brother's release and inevitably comes to find him. Stroking his belly and smirking at Sam's Omega who's under him understandably like what the shit and then Sam kicks them out and tosses Dean down in the wet spot and fingers his pregnant brother, sucking on Dean's clit and squeezing his Omega cock, until he's hard again and then hammers Dean's ass until he's a drooling mess <3
Dean has litters. He's never had a single pup and he's been pregnant three times and John's torn between (again) congratulating himself for his Alpha virility and wondering what the hell they're having all these children for. Sam fucking loves it and is pretty sure some of them are his. Winchester lore says that the longer you can keep the Omega from actually giving birth, the less prone to being cursed the children are, so whenever Dean goes into labour, Sam is on curse prevention duty meaning when one of the babies crowns, Sam gently but firmly pushes it back in. First with his hand, then with both his hands, then with his body shoved up between Dean's legs until Dean's incoherent with the need to birth his children. Then John sits behind him in the delivery bed and holds Dean tight to keep him conscious as Sam catches each one, licks it clean, checks fingers and toes. The Alphas don't eat the placenta, that would be crazy! They carefully preserve it and slice it into ribbons and make wrist ties for the babies to guard them from the evil eye. Dean gets to eat some of the placenta directly post-birth, though, since he's done so well.
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lovetransaction · 1 year ago
trick or treat! my pair is……megstiel!
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"It's an ... interesting comparison," Castiel says. Beneath him, Meg's face looks incredulous through the slackness of her open, swollen mouth and the pucker of her dark eyebrows; he feels her clench around his fist. Well, both his fists. He has each one in a different soft place inside her.
"Interesting!" Meg rasps. "Just what a girl wants to hear when she's being fucked open from the inside out!" She groans at the effort of talking when Castiel ticks the fingers of one of those hands upwards, within the tube of her body's esophagus. "I didn't think interesting was an insult," he remarks, leaning down to press his nose against her chest; human bodies produce near-indistinguishable scents depending on which organ is placed in distress. Cas knows how long to prolong it and he plugs Meg until her chest, rising and falling in desperation, gives off a faint whiff of a tropical fruit called caimito.
Castiel eases his fingers back and out, letting them trail a lobe of her lung. He flexes his fist in the other place and Meg makes a crackling sound in her newly-free throat, hips thrusting to take more. "Dean smells more like black grapes when I do that," Castiel says, and Meg kicks him.
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lovetransaction · 1 year ago
Happy DFF maggie! Talk to me abt the alpha Sam-beta John-omega Dean dynamic 👀
Bonus! Momfucking question. How does Mary returning factor in to the alpha Sam-omega Dean dynamic? (Whichever designation you may see her as)
I've been bad at answering asks but you caught me in the right brainspace Spike
OKAY SO. My flavour of omegaverse means that womb-having Alphas can choose to be the ones to carry the babies so there's no conflict between Mary being an Alpha and carrying the babies she makes with beta John. In fact Mary was extremely proud to be able to do this because she's the first female Alpha in the Campbell line for AGES so it's kind of proof that she can be better than the rest of her family, which is how the Campbells work. (otoh the Winchesters were just John and his Omega mom and he's a kinda fucked up Alpha-mimicking Beta due to all the Alphas who his gentle, pretty, unmated mom attracted but that's a different story)
Anyhow once Mary dies John is devastated without his Alpha but his Alpha-mimicking youth kicks in so he seems like an Alpha to most people. That's what he figures is necessary to raise his Omega son and Alpha baby and it works for a while because Dean is so Omega. Dean's the Perfect Omega. John has never met anybody *more* Omega except maybe his own mom. Absolute strangers will comment on how compellingly Omega they find Dean to be. This is a point of pride but also stressful and as baby Alpha Sam starts to get older and no longer a baby, John somewhat shamefully finds it a relief when he knows that Sam will be around Dean and can keep him from getting mobbed because of how delicious he smells.
Because Dean smells amazing and looks even better but Sam's got the same Prime Alpha thing going that Samuel Campbell did where he will square up to anyone and anything that tries to encroach on his brother. Chuck is somewhere going tee hee hee at the thought of these two exemplary specimens of Alpha and Omega being brothers in the same family but anyhow. As Sam gets older (and taller, and bigger) John finds him harder and harder to control -- not just because of the Prime Alpha thing, but because where baby Sam was growly and bitey and fierce and quick, grown Sam is ruthless cold and goes for the jugular in a personal sense first, then will knock you on your ass physically while you're still reeling from his words.
Omega Dean is in a bind about this bc ofc he's been fucked blind nonstop by his dad and brother for as long as he can remember, it's all he wants out of life when he's not doing, y'know, Dean stuff, but the fights keep escalating and Sam is EXTRAORDINARILY dismissive of other Omegas so it doesn't seem like he'll ever bother to bond with one of his own, and John is developing a bleeding ulcer while also acting like a bleeding asshole, and Dean is pretty sure none of this is good for the litter he can feel growing inside him...!
(In the Mary comes back version, she fucks the holy hell out of them both bc in my omegaverse female-bodied Alphas have idk a retractable dick? who cares about the details, Mary hangs major dong and the first time she subdues and rails and knots Sam, Dean spends the next three days cleaning up the carnage they made of the bunker)
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lovetransaction · 1 year ago
WIP tag game!!! tagged by @sweetpapercroissant & @samrubygf <3 rules: Make a new post and post the latest line in your WIP & tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like) I am only answering this one time since I only have one WIP at the moment!
John's body is tighter and leaner and Dean slides his bottom teeth against his top ones and, yeah, tries not to look disgusted.
I'll try to tag ppl who weren't tagged by the aforementioned sweethearts: @laurasashtray @justamisthings @wilsonthemoose @blacknidstang @spiritmunie @nameslikeguns @transfangbenny @quietwingsinthesky @weirdbrothers @demongirlmeg
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lovetransaction · 2 years ago
Happy horny WW, Maggie! What do you think Sam & Dean’s favorite kink is? Kink they tried and decided never again is? Least vanilla sex act they’ve tried?
I truly think that their favourite kink is one they don't do that often but when they're both in the mood for it, there's nothing like it: they pretend to be other people. They would've started it when they were younger as a 'natural' offshoot of their lives, where they're always basically pretending to not be themselves; when they first started fooling around it was a way to get out of the immediate oh no we shouldn't do this mindset. Dean's always played pretend and Sam was happy to go along with it for this particular thing.
Then as they got older it was pretending to be other kids at school, pretending to be characters from movies; they lapsed out of it when Sam went to Stanford but then picked it up again after Roadkill being Molly and David. Then Jo and Ellen. Then both being shifters. Then all kinds of whatever because they could play out what these monsters could potentially do to them if they were caught and at the monsters' mercy. Then Mom and Dad, which would never have happened but it was Sam who started it and after that they had to take a little break but they went back to it eventually because it didn't take too much discussion, just one of them falling into an act and nudging the other to pick up his cue.
They'd probably try food and then be like nope this is not for us. Sam didn't like the sex appropriate/available food and Dean had a minor panic attack that he didn't anticipate but is ingrained in him when it comes to wasting food (after that time he threw away the ENTIRE TIN OF SPAGHETTI HOOPS one might imagine he learned the error of his ways 😒).
Least vanilla would be whenever one of them was juiced up/possessed in some way and they took that opportunity to test on a personal level just how effective all of their anti-demon accoutrements are. Not enough to cause permanent damage! Just enough for the other one to feel it. Sam in particular would be pretty inventive about how to use salt and bindings and runes and herbs and knives.
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lovetransaction · 1 year ago
wincest wednesday question of the week: mary's ring or dad's leather jacket?
h.w.w. <3
Hello hello!
For me personally it's the jacket. I do love the ring a crazy amount but also, wearing your parents' jewelry is a more normalized thing to do and doesn't stand out as much, whereas wearing specifically John's jacket is more visibly, unavoidably talismanic. It's like wearing his father's mantle in terms of his responsibility to the mission; it's like wearing his father's armour and colours, it's like wrapping himself in his father's arms when John's not there to hold him.
It's got so much meaning to not just Dean ensconsed within it, as close to getting inside his father's skin as he can manage, but also to Sam, who has to see Dean every day wearing John Winchester like a costume/performance/illusion he puts on to face the world. I think Sam is more talismanic about jewelry (like the samulet) but I'm sure he derived some kind of meaning from watching Dean shoulder that jacket on day after day.
I do wish they'd come up with something in-show to account for when the jacket got stolen in real life. It could've been a really intriguing and crucial character moment, sigh sigh. But yes! I'm Team Jacket lol and ty for asking this question it was a lot of fun to think about 🙏🏾
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lovetransaction · 1 year ago
What's the most Winchester-coded thing about your own life?
Once when we'd just moved to a new school my little sister ill-advisedly took the Knight Rider picture book she'd gotten for her birthday to school to show her friends. Some older girls saw it and asked that she lend it to them, which ofc meant she would never see it again. I barged in and spun some fanciful story about how we had an older sister at the high school across the street and the book was actually HERS and she'd be coming by to collect it so I could send big sis to them to get it back if that was okay? and the older girls backed off immediately.
or there's the fact that we found out as teenagers that our dad had another kid and we had a half-brother lol
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lovetransaction · 1 year ago
happy dadfucker friday <3 do you think dean looks back on his years with john fondly, or does he have some regrets? does he wish john had treated him more like a normal son, or is he thankful for what he got to share with his dad?
angel i have not answered one of these for donkey years but i am in the middle of a free banh mi that the office got us for lunch so here goes ty ty <3
(i did a relative to this answer here, so this time i'm taking a different angle)
I think Dean would spend a while being so angry that he can't think about it without feeling himself slipping off the edge, so he purposely refuses to think about it. Particularly after he got to unload his feelings about his mother and see how it actually made some sort of difference, the idea that even if he unloaded is feelings about his father it would do absolutely nothing would drive him insane.
(Lebanon would, actually, set him back even further because when confronted with John, actual alive John who smelled and sounded the same but looked older and thinner and soaked in sorrow, Dean wouldn't have the heart to be anything but grateful. BUT back to reality--)
Once Dean got to a point where everything else in his life had arrived at the same destination regarding how much it hurt him, I think he'd look at his relationship with John again. And older, he'd realize with some numb shock that being with his dad was the longest intimate relationship he'd been able to maintain in his life, with somebody who wasn't Sam. The good part would be -- by that point, who cares about taboos? He could think about being curled up in John's bed only barely on the pillow, and the way John would drag his knuckles slow back and forth along Dean's hip, and them in the Impala too early in the morning sharing two coffees and one greasy microwaved convenience store cheeseburger, and how his dad would hold his head real tight when Dean swallowed, and not have that biting sense of shame about it.
So he's thankful. Dean was never going to be a normal son. John couldn't have treated him like one. It would've been an act of contempt if he had. He's thankful.
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lovetransaction · 2 years ago
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this is hand-to-god what john should’ve looked like in the mid-nineties when the boys were teenagers. the fuckin WALLET CHAIN and the many heavy metal rock shop rings and the leather & paracord bracelets and all that shit. dark wash straight leg jeans god give me strength he’s probably wearing army surplus store boots too
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lovetransaction · 2 years ago
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ijs if I was John I too would remain fucked in the head for the rest of my life after losing Mary
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lovetransaction · 1 year ago
Happy WW Maggie! My question is: picking only from when Sam gets his soul back onward, at what point do you see Sam and Dean getting together?
The bunker. I think before that they had to be in each others' space (aside from Stanford and various deaths lol) so even if something were to happen, they'd have to be right up against each other breathing each other's air afterwards and that claustrophobia would be one step too far.
But in the bunker they got to have their own rooms. They could go sleep separately, alone, without hearing somebody else moving and grunting and snorting. It gave them space to realize they wanted to be in each other's breathing air, close enough to touch, now that it was a choice -- unlike so many other choices they never got to make.
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