#Pier Paolo Capponi
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erstwhile-punk-guerito · 2 years ago
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mariocki · 2 years ago
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2 once di piombo (My Name is Pecos, 1966)
"Spit out your name, Mexican."
"There's no point. Dead men can't hear, and you're a dead man."
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Valeria dentro e fuori (1972)
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reginadeinisseni · 1 year ago
Uomini Contro.....
Uomini contro è un film del 1970 diretto da Francesco Rosi, liberamente ispirato al romanzo di Emilio Lussu Un anno sull'Altipiano. Ambientato nella prima guerra mondiale,
oggetto dei comizi del generale De Lorenzo, abbondantemente riprodotti attraverso la televisione italiana Ambientato nell'Altopiano di Asiago durante la prima guerra mondiale, intorno al 1916, il film è incentrato in particolare sul Monte Fior che, inizialmente in mano italiana, viene abbandonato e lasciato in mano all'esercito austriaco, che lo rende un'inespugnabile fortezza.
Tonino Guerra, Raffaele La Capria, Francesco Rosi Produttore Francesco Rosi, Luciano Perugia Casa di produzione Prima Cinematografica, Dubrava Film Fotografia Pasqualino De Santis Montaggio Ruggero Mastroianni Effetti speciali Zdravko Smojver Musiche Piero Piccioni Scenografia Andrea Crisanti Costumi Franco Carretti, Gabriella Pescucci Trucco Massimo De Rossi Interpreti e personaggi Gian Maria Volonté: tenente Ottolenghi Pier Paolo Capponi: tenente Santini Alain Cuny: generale Leone Franco Graziosi: maggiore Ruggero Malchiodi Mark Frechette: tenente Sassu Nino Vingelli: soldato presunto autoferito Mario Feliciani: colonnello medico Daria Nicolodi: crocerossina Giampiero Albertini: capitano Abbati Bruno Pischiutta: soldato Baionetta Alberto Mastino: soldato Marrasi Tonino Pavan: tenente Pavan Brunetto Del Vita: colonnello
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perfettamentechic · 2 years ago
15 febbraio … ricordiamo …
15 febbraio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Sandro Dori, pseudonimo di Alberto Schiappadori, attore e doppiatore italiano. (n. 1938) 2018: Pier Paolo Capponi, attore italiano. (n. 1938) 2016: George Gaynes, nato George Jongejans, è stato un attore e produttore cinematografico finlandese naturalizzato statunitense.  (n. 1917) 2011: Dorian Gray, pseudonimo di Maria Luisa Mangini, attrice italiana.  (n. 1928) 2007: Enzo Consoli,…
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giallofever2 · 2 years ago
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moviesandmania · 3 years ago
MY NAME IS PECOS (1966) Reviews and overview
MY NAME IS PECOS (1966) Reviews and overview
My Name is Pecos is a 1966 Euro-Western film about a Mexican gunslinger who seeks revenge on the gang leader who killed his entire family. Directed by Maurizio Lucidi [as Maurice A. Bright] (Street People; Stateline Motel; The Designated Victim; Halleluja for Django; Pecos Cleans Up) from a story and screenplay written by Adriano Bolzoni (The Humanoid; Emergency Squad; Shoot the Living and Pray…
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tvln · 6 years ago
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valeria dentro e fuori / valerie inside outside (it, rondi 72)
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genevieveetguy · 6 years ago
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Would you like something to drink? I have some milk.
The Cat o' Nine Tails (Il gatto a nove code), Dario Argento (1971)
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cinemasentries · 6 years ago
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Cat O’ Nine Tails
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ponapisach · 5 years ago
Podchodząc do jakiegokolwiek filmu Dario Argento można mieć nadzieję na dosadną przemoc i makabrę. "Kot o dziewięciu ogonach" jest jednak trochę inny i stanowi "klasyczne" podejście do gatunku na wzór kina amerykańskiego w duchu Alfreda Hitchcocka. Chociaż intryga prowadzi przez wzorowy suspens, kryminał płynie dostojnie żółtą rzeką, w tle słychać bardzo przyjemny motyw muzyczny Ennio Morricone, a aktorstwo dopisuje, to jednak "Kota..." oceniam gorzej od innych dzieł Argento. Nie byłbym jednocześnie tak ostry jak sam reżyser dla swojego filmu, który uważa go za jeden ze swoich mniej udanych obrazów.
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Chociaż tytuł wpisuje się w "trylogię zwierzęcą" Argento jako numer dwa (pomiędzy "Ptakiem o kryształowym upierzeniu" a "Czterema muchami w szarym aksamicie"), to jednak samego kota próżno tu szukać. Tytuł odnosi się do pejcza z końcówką rozwidloną na dziewięć zakończeń używanego (między innymi) w XIX wieku przez armię brytyjską do wymierzania kar cielesnych. I przyznaję, że umknęło mi gdzieś odniesienie, choćby metaforyczne do tego wykwintnego narzędzia tortur. Mniejsza o to, bo "Kot o dziewięciu ogonach" to wciąż pierwszorzędny włoski thriller, który od pierwszych scen wtrąca widza w labirynty pełne niewiadomych. Na nocnym spacerze niewidomy Franco Arnò (Karl Malden) wraz z Lori, małą dziewczynką, mijają samochód, w którym dwójka mężczyzn najwyraźniej coś knuje. Franco był kiedyś dziennikarzem, teraz, po wypadku, jest amatorem wszelkich rebusów. Sam układa szarady. Podsłuchana rozmowa stanowi wytrych to zagadki związanej z wydarzeniami, które jeszcze nie miały miejsca.
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W firmie medycznej, która pracuje nad cudownym lekiem, zostaje napadnięty strażnik i chociaż widać ślady włamania, z laboratorium nic nie ginie. Policjanci najwyraźniej są w kropce, a skierowany do sprawy przez lokalną gazetę dziennikarz śledczy Carlo Giordani nie wie jak ugryźć temat. W sukurs przychodzi Franco z Lori. To już nie duet, ale trio, które rozpoczyna badanie tego nietypowego przypadku. Dziennikarz, niewidomy były dziennikarz i mała dziewczynka znajdują się niestety zawsze krok za nieuchwytnym złoczyńcą. Pod pociąg wpada osoba, która może coś wiedzieć, chwilę po tym ginie fotoreporter, który na kliszy uchwycił tragiczny moment i chce wywołać zdjęcie z wizerunkiem mordercy.
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Dario Argento bardzo szybko zawiązał akcję i bez większych przestojów w zgrabny sposób doprowadził nas do rozwiązania. Gonitwa w kotka i myszkę trwa jednak aż do finału. Atutów jest całkiem sporo, ale to, na co zwraca się uwagę najszybciej, to bohaterowie, których od początku darzymy sympatią. W rolę dziennikarzy, byłego i aktualnie pracującego w zawodzie wcielili się kolejno Karl Malden i James Franciscus. Dwójka amerykańskich aktorów dobrze odnalazła się na filmowym planie, dodali luzu, a scenariusz zagwarantował szczyptę humoru w interakcjach między ich postaciami. Zaletą jest więc aktorstwo, ale i reżyseria oraz ciągłe wodzenie widza za nos. Zagadkowa atmosfera związana z gatunkiem żółtego kryminału to już nieodzowne atuty produkcji Aregnto, dla którego "Kot..." był dopiero drugim filmem w karierze. Już tutaj widać jak ważna dla Argento jest warstwa wizualna i muzyczna.
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Ja jednak wolę Argento bardziej wyuzdanego. Wydaje mi się, że mimo wszystko był tutaj nieco powściągliwy, hamował się z tym, czemu dał wyraz w późniejszych tytułach. "Kot o dziewięciu ogonach" to wciąż pozycja obowiązkowa dla fanów giallo, a i tytuł, który obejrzeć trzeba, choćby po to, by móc rozmawiać o karierze Argento.
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wolf-lundgren · 7 years ago
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mariocki · 2 years ago
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Diamanti sporchi di sangue (Blood and Diamonds, 1978)
"That guy had plenty of guts. I felt bad killing him, because I realised what it feels like killing a man worth his salt. It makes your heart ache."
#diamanti sporchi di sangue#blood and diamonds#italian cinema#fernando di leo#claudio cassinelli#martin balsam#barbara bouchet#pier paolo capponi#olga karlatos#carmelo reale#vittorio caprioli#alberto squillante#fernando cerulli#raul lovecchio#sandro la barbera#fulvio mingozzi#camillo chiara#luis bacalov#crime film#1978#glum and moody kind of spiritual successor to di leo's earlier masterpiece Milano calibro 9 (thematically similar but with the morality#inverted). this hasn't quite as much style‚ punch or wit as that earlier film‚ but it's still a solid spaghetti crime thriller in the#fatalistic mode. starts slow and steady‚ and fits a familiar mode for most of its run‚ but in the final 30 minutes this gears up and gets#closer to being something really special; finally di leo is taking chances‚ finally the plot is moving in surprising and unexpected ways#even pier paolo capponi's hotheaded henchman (a performance I'll admit grated on me a little at first: he goes so loud and so obnoxious#with) even he finally starts to seem real and complicated and heartfelt as the film wraps up. and then it ends‚ kind of perfectly. very#very good in its later stages but a little formulaic in the journey getting there. Bacalov's minimalist discordant score is also#noteworthy; it blends into the background a lot but then suddenly a jangling chord will strike at just the right moment to snap you alert#this was near the beginning of Cassinelli's most productive era as a genre star and leading man (cut short by his tragic death in 85)#and he's as moody and magnificent as he always was; Bouchet holds her own against him in an intriguing and mercurial role
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tommasoevangelista · 4 years ago
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Camusac Cassino Museo Arte Contemporanea Comunicato Stampa Rilevamenti 2 La ripresa delle attività espositive presso il Cassino Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, dopo la lunga pausa causata dalla fase più acuta della pandemia da Covid 19, tuttora non estinta, avverrà venerdì 2 ottobre 2020 alle ore 18:00 all'insegna dell'evento Rilevamenti 2, un nuovo appuntamento dopo quello del 2016 rivolto a segnalare il lavoro di nuove generazioni artistiche. Quest'anno l'iniziativa, su progetto e cura di Bruno Corà, vede il contributo critico di curatori come Valentino Catricalà, Tommaso Evangelista, Aldo Iori, Angela Tecce e Marco Tonelli, tutti impegnati a individuare e invitare alla rassegna, giunta alla sua seconda edizione, alcuni artisti di cui seguono da tempo l'azione. La formula espositiva si basa sulla proposta di invito da parte di ciascun curatore critico di tre artisti a cui sono state richieste individualmente due opere. I quindici artisti selezionati rispondono ai nomi di Pier Alfeo, Clarissa Baldassarri, Paolo Bini, Anja Capocci, Francesco Capponi, Diego Cibelli, Auro/Celso Ceccobelli,  Giovanni De Cataldo, Pamela Diamante, Antonio Fiorentino, Federica Francesconi, Silvia Inselvini, Lulù Nuti, Nazzarena Poli Maramotti, Paolo Puddu. Criteri di carattere linguistico, professionale, anagrafico, logistico e di altro tipo hanno guidato la scelta dei curatori per un evento che si annuncia ricco di aspettativa, consentendo l'osservazione di trenta opere, in gran parte inedite,che saranno esposte al pubblico nelle grandi navate della sede museale cassinate. In essa, parimenti, distinto in quanto episodio recante un omaggio alla memoria, troverà altresì luogo la mostra retrospettiva di opere fotografiche di Pompilio Fiore, a cura di Bruno Corà. Il giovane fotografo, scomparso nel 1982 a soli trent'anni, si impone all'attenzione pubblica con una serie  di opere distintive del suo già maturo linguaggio che lo individuava come sicura promessa nel panorama nazionale e oltre, La mostra delle immagini delle sue opere si è resa possibile grazie alla collaborazione attiva della sua famiglia e della Fondazione Mastroianni di Arpino. Di questi due eventi sarà dato riscontro insieme alle immagini delle opere degli artisti, dei saggi critici dei curatori e degli apparati relativi, in un catalogo edito dall'Editore Gangemi di Roma, che sarà possibile ottenere il giorno dell'inaugurazione. Per ogni eventuale ulteriore informazione si invita a rivolgersi alla Segreteria del Museo.
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docrotten · 3 years ago
THE CAT O’ NINE TAILS (1971) – Episode 149 – Decades of Horror 1970s
“They come here, they have a pretty nurse, then they can do a little something, bing-bang, then they study the liquid and tell you if you have a hereditary disease or if your gun's jammed.” Doesn’t he mean “bada-bing, bada-boom?”  Join your faithful Grue Crew - Doc Rotten, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, and Jeff Mohr - as they experience The Cat o’ Nine Tails (1971), a Giallo thriller from Dario Argento, starring Karl Malden and James Franciscus.
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 149 – The Cat o’ Nine Tails (1971)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
A newspaper reporter and a retired, blind journalist try to solve a series of killings connected to a pharmaceutical company's top-secret experimental research projects; in doing so they become targets of the killer.
- IMDb
  Director: Dario Argento
Writers: Dario Argento, Bryan Edgar Wallace (uncredited); (based on a story by) Dario Argento, Luigi Cozzi (as Luigi Collo), Dardano Sacchetti
Selected Cast:
James Franciscus as Carlo Giordani
Karl Malden as Franco "Cookie" Arnò
Catherine Spaak as Anna Terzi
Pier Paolo Capponi as Police Supt. Spimi
Horst Frank as Dr. Braun
Rada Rassimov as Bianca Merusi
Tino Carraro as Professor Fulvio Terzi
Cinzia De Carolis as Lori
Aldo Regianni as Dr. Casoni
Carlo Alighiero as Dr. Calabresi
Vittorio Congia as Righetto
Ugo Fangareggi as Gigi the Loser
Tom Felleghy as Dr. Esson
Emilio Marchisini as Dr. Mombelli
Werner Pochath as Manuel
Fulvio Mingozzi as Spimi's man
Corrado Olmi as Morsella
Pino Patti as Barber
The Cat o’ Nine Tails is pure Giallo, according to Bill, but still pretty subdued for an Argento film. As a reasonably straightforward detective story, it held his interest and Karl Malden is terrific. Not being a big Giallo fan, Chad enjoyed The Cat o’ Nine Tails more than he thought he would, specifically pointing to a couple of cool murder scenes and Malden’s fantastic performance. Jeff agrees that The Cat o’ Nine Tails is more mystery than horror and, as such, is true to original Giallo themes. He adds his love for Malden’s performance to the chorus and enjoys seeing Argento’s progression from The Bird with the Crystal Plummage (1970) to this film to Deep Red (1975) to Suspiria (1977). The Cat o’ Nine Tails has Doc’s attention with the idea of the two different types of journalists getting together, a couple of fascinating kills, keeping track of the red herrings, and putting a child in harm’s way. And then there’s the strange love scene between Catherine Spaak and James Franciscus. Hmm.
Giallo and Argento fans will want to see this film! As of this writing, The Cat o’ Nine Tails is available to stream from Shudder and The Criterion Channel and on physical media as a brand new 4K restoration on Blu-ray from Arrow Video.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode in their very flexible schedule, episode 150, will be George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead (1978), chosen by a listener poll! Be there! 
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans:  leave us a message or leave a comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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giallofever2 · 2 years ago
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Never Released in DVD or Blu Ray…
Uccidete il vitello grasso e arrostitelo
Also Known As (AKA)
Spain Matad el ternero cebado y asadlo
France Tuez le veau gras et faites-le rotir
Greece (video title) Ypopsies pou fernoun ton thanato
Italy Uccidete il vitello grasso e arrostitelo
Turkey Yağlı Danayı Öldür ve Kızart
UK Kill the Fatted Calf and Roast It
USA Kill the Fatted Calf and Roast It
World-wide (English title) Kill the Fatted Calf and Roast It
Release Dates
Italy 2 February 1970
Italy 3 September 2009 (Venice Film Festival)
Directed by Salvatore Samperi
Music by Ennio Morricone (Direct by Bruno Nicolai)
Written by
Salvatore Samperi
Dacia Maraini
technical specifications
Runtime 1 hr 32 min (92 min)
Filming Locations
Padua, Veneto, Italy
Venice, Veneto, Italy
Marilù Tolo: Verde
Jean Sorel: Cesare Merlo
Gigi Ballista: medico
Maurizio Degli Esposti: Enrico Merlo
Pier Paolo Capponi: investigatore privato
Noris Fiorina: fidanzata di Cesare
Bernadette Kell: mondana
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