#Philipp Uhl
lukaszrygalo · 29 days
To nie ja!
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lesterplatt · 2 years
Salzburg AG - Das ist Green Tech from René Rodlauer on Vimeo.
— — — Client: Salzburg AG
Directed by René Rodlauer 
Agency: Bacon & Bold
Production Company: Mad Bucket Producer: Sebastian Kübl PA: Fabian Linzbauer, Isabella Matschl
Director of Photography: Julian Matzat AC: Philipp Uhl Gaffer: Alex Sprenger Electrician: Michael Preston
Production Designer: Clemens Ritschka Styling: Laura Magritzer H&M: Babsi Neundlinger
Editor: Sebastian Kübl Colorist: Franz Brandl @TFCITD Sounddesign: Gerald Hartwagner, Thomas Maislinger / Soundschmiede
Shot On: RED Komodo, VAZEN x1.8 Anamorphics — — —
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bspolink1348 · 6 years
Nouveautés en BSPO (14/05/18)
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À la une : #info : commenter et partager l'actualité sur Twitter et Facebook / Édité par Arnaud Mercier, Nathalie Pignard-Cheynel
Cote de rangement : HM 742 I 255399 / Domaine : Communication
« De plus en plus souvent l'information journalistique arrive directement sur les « murs » de nos réseaux sociaux, en priorité Facebook ou Twitter, mais aussi LinkedIn ou Snapchat et bien sûr via des vidéos mises en ligne sur YouTube ou DailyMotion. La médiation de ces plateformes pour accéder à l'information d’actualité n’est pas neutre.
L'objet de ce livre est d’essayer de comprendre ce qui change dans notre rapport aux médias, notre relation à l'information dès lors que se met petit à petit en place un nouvel écosystème de l'information à l'ère des réseaux socionumériques. Que partage-t-on? Comment le faisons-nous? Comment commentons-nous l'actualité sur Twitter ou Facebook? Quels nouveaux usages, quels arts de faire les internautes mettent-ils en œuvre pour utiliser les dispositifs offerts par ces plateformes: hashtags, like, retweet, emojis et émoticônes… À l’heure des fake news, des risques d’enfermement dans des « bulles de filtre » via les recommandations de nos « amis » et des algorithmes, il est indispensable, pour le bon fonctionnement de nos démocraties, de prendre pleinement conscience du bouleversement qui se joue sous nos yeux, dans nos pratiques quotidiennes d’information. » - Quatrième de couverture
The foundations of institutional economics / K. William Kapp
Cote de rangement : HB 99 .5 K 255379
Le "care", face morale du capitalisme : assistance et police des familles en Amérique latine / Blandine Destremau et Isabel Georges, dir.
Cote de rangement : HC 130 C 255380
Understanding strategic management / Anthony E. Henry
Cote de rangement : HD 30 .28 H 255393
Organization as communication : perspectives in dialogue / edited by Steffen Blaschke and Dennis Schoeneborn
Cote de rangement : HD 30 .3 O 255392
Comportement humain et organisation / John R. Schermerhorn, Richard N. Osborn, Mary Uhl-Bien, James G. Hunt, Claire de Billy
Cote de rangement : HD 58 .7 S 255395
Process theory : the principles of operations management / Matthias Holweg, Jane Davies, Arnoud de Meyer, Benn Lawson, Roger W. Schmenner
Cote de rangement : TS 155 H 255381
Cinémas libertaires : au service des forces de transgression et de révolte / Nicole Brenez, Isabelle Marinone (dir.)
Cote de rangement : PN 1995 .9 C 255378
Constellation et utopie : Theodor W. Adorno, le singulier et l'espérance / Daniel Payot
Cote de rangement : B 3199 P 255382
Sociologie des turbulences : penser les désordres des inégalités / Manuel Boucher
Cote de rangement : HM 1121 B 255383
Pour Bourdieu / Marc Joly
Cote de rangement : HM 479 .B68 J 255388
68 : une histoire collective (1962-1981) / sous la direction de Philippe Artières et Michelle Zancarini-Fournel
Cote de rangement : DC 412 S 255384
Mai 68 : raconté par des anonymes / Nicolas Daum
Cote de rangement : DC 420 M 255385
Odeurs et parfums en Occident : qui fait l'ange fait la bête / Brigitte Munie
Cote de rangement : GT 2847 M 255386
Sciences politiques
De impact van de Europese Unie : beleidsterreinen, strijdpunten en uitdagingen / Hendrik Vos
Cote de rangement : JN 30 V 255387
Totalitarisme fasciste / Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci
Cote de rangement : DG 571 M 255389
Demography of refugee and forced migration / Graeme Hugo, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Ellen Percy Kraly, editors
Cote de rangement : HB 871 D 255390
Gestion des ressources humaines
Introduction to human resource management / Paul Banfield, Rebecca Kay, Dean Royles
Cote de rangement : HF 5549 B 255394
Strategic human resource management / Catherine Bailey, David Mankin, Clare Kelliher
Cote de rangement : HF 5549 .15 B 255391
Marketing international : marchés, cultures et organisations / Nathalie Prime, Jean-Claude Usunier
Cote de rangement : HF 1416 P 255396
Marketing digital : nouveaux comportements de consommation, parcours d'achat et leviers d'actions, interviews d'experts / Sandrine Medioni, Sarah Benmoyal Bouzaglo
Cote de rangement : HF 5415 .1265 B 255397
Consumer behaviour / Isabelle Szmigin & Maria Piacentini
Cote de rangement : HF 5415 .32 S 255398
Tous ces ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 28 mai 2018.
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goldira01 · 5 years
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The past week has seen a range of crypto- and blockchain-related developments in the German-speaking world. The German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection is planning to sponsor a research project of the University of Marburg on legal issues surrounding blockchain technology, the Swiss online bank Swissquote began offering its customers the trading of a real estate portfolio-covering security token, and an Austrian research project provided proof of profitability for blockchain technology-based decentralized marketplaces.
Below is the past week of crypto and blockchain news in review, as originally reported by Cointelegraph auf Deutsch.
The German Ministry of Justice donates 900,000 euros ($991,916) for blockchain research
The research project “Blockchain and Law” from the Institute for the Law of Digitization (IRDi) at the Philipps-University in Marburg aims to eliminate “the enormous legal uncertainties in technology” that are currently hindering entrepreneurial initiatives.
By implementing the project, the country intends to compete with the United States and Asia from within the European Union, as they have “already become active in many issues while the EU is still in the exploratory phase”. Markus Uhl, the responsible reporter of the Committee on Budgets, said:
“The blockchain and law project will focus on unexplained legal issues, such as cryptocurrency and assets or public registers, such as the suitability of blockchain for maintaining the land register and commercial register. […] Of course, the IRDi will also define the legal nature of the blockchain and the applicable law. “
ING study: European consumers do not see crypto as an alternative to traditional money
Consumers in Europe, Australia and the U.S. do not consider digital currencies an alternative to traditional money, according to a recent study by ING Bank. Less than a third of European consumers surveyed believe that digital currencies are “the future of online payment”, while in Germany, the proportion is even lower, at just under a quarter.
Interest in traditional payment accounts with cryptocurrency option is also reportedly relatively low. In Germany, around 85% of consumers do not suggest that their bank is about to offer such an account.
Mining operator Northern Bitcoin merges with U.S. competitor Whinstone
The crypto-mining operator listed on the Frankfurt XETRA exchange agreed to merge with its U.S. competitor Whinstone. With the acquisition of Whinstone planned for the beginning of 2020, Northern Bitcoin claims to have establish itself as a world leader in Bitcoin (BTC) mining. Northern Bitcoin CEO Mathis Schultz said:
“With this merger, we catapult ourselves faster than originally planned to the world leader in the field of Bitcoin mining. Whinstone’s team has done a great job over the past few years, and is leading the way in the blockchain industry, not least with the construction of the largest mining facility in the world.”
Deutsche Boerse, Swisscom Settle Securities with Corda and Hyperledger
German securities marketplace Deutsche Boerse and Swiss state-run telecom Swisscom settled securities transactions using different blockchain protocols. In a joint proof-of-concept (PoC) involving a number of banks, the participants exchanged money in the form of cash tokens against tokenized shares.
Based on blockchain technology, the joint PoC intends to show the potential of new technologies in the financial services sector and maintain Germany and Switzerland’s expertise in the digital asset ecosystem.
Crowdlitoken: Swiss online bank Swissquote enables trading in real estate tokens
The Swiss online bank Swissquote now offers its customers the ability to trade real estate portfolio-covering security token Crowdlitoken (CRT), as well as custody of the CRT tokens.
The Liechtenstein startup Crowdlitoken received a license to issue bonds for blockchain real estate investments in April. Through the company’s security token, investors can allocate their capital to individual properties via a bond and, at one-month intervals, convert their capital between the available real estate objects.
Bavaria plans digital training certificates based on blockchain
Starting in 2020, the Bavarian state government plans to test verifiable training certificates through blockchain technology. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Munich and Upper Bavaria intends to issue the first digital training certificates with the Digital Ministry next spring.
Employers will use an electronic key to verify the authenticity of the certificates via blockchain in the future, while applicants will send it along with a PDF file to appropriate companies.
Blockchain-based data trading: a research project provides proof of profitability
The Austrian Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft (RSA FG) provided proof of profitability for blockchain technology-based decentralized marketplaces, demonstrating that secure and smart data trading can generate profits.
The beta version of a corresponding trading platform was released with Data Market Austria. Companies or institutions can offer records via the portal and conclude individual purchase agreements via license templates such as location data, climate information or data on migration movements.
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todayclassical · 7 years
June 05 in Music History
1625 Death of English Elizabethan composer Orlando Gibbons. 1686 Birth of composer Cristoph Raupach.
1722 Death of German composer Johann Kuhnau in Leipzig. 
1759 Birth of composer Theodor Zwetler.
1798 Birth of composer and military officer Alexei Lvov in Reval. 
1813 Birth of composer Prosper Philippe Catherine Sainton.
1816 Death of Italian opera composer Giovanni Paisiello at age 76, in Naples. 
1826 Death of composer Carl Maria Von Weber. 1826 Birth of Swedish pianist and composer Ivar Hallstrom.
1836 Death of Italian tenor Savino Monelli. 
1843 FP of Donizetti's "Maria di Rohan" Vienna.
1857 Birth of Hungarian pianist and composer Árpád Doppler in Pest. 
1863 Birth of English composer Sir Arthur Somervell. 
1865 Birth of composer Felicjan Szopski.
1895 Birth of Flemish composer August Baeyens.
1879 Birth of Swedish conductor, composer, and pianist Adolf Wiklund. 1885 Birth of composer Ralph Benatsky.
1891 Birth of Dutch tenor Hendrik Drost in Amsterdam. 
1897 Birth of English music patron Sir Robert Mayer.  1908 Death of composer Josef Franz Wagner.
1909 Birth of English composer John Raynor in Westminster, England. 
1909 Birth of composer Alfred Uhl.
1913 Birth of composer Friedrich Wildgans.
1918 Birth of composer Branimir Sakac.
1919 Birth of Japanese conductor Akeo Watanabe in Tokyo.  1923 Birth of American composer and conductor Daniel Rodgers Pinkham. 1930 Birth of composer Nikolay Sidelnikov
1937 Birth of English soprano Anne Pashley in Skegness. 
1937 Birth of American composer Stanley G. Lunetta in Sacramento, CA.
1941 Birth of Argentinian pianist Martha Argerich in Buenos Aires.  1942 Birth of American composer Charles Malcome Dodge in Ames, Iowa.
1943 Birth of English composer G.W. 'Bill' Hopkins.
1944 Death of Italian opera conductor and composer Riccardo Zandonai.
1971 MET Opera debut of conductor James Levine. Puccini's Tosca. 
1975 Birth of Belgian composer Annelies Van Parys in Brugge.
2002 Death of English composer Janet Owen Thomas in England. 
2002 Death of Spanish composer Carmelo Alonso Bernaola in Madrid, Spain. 
2003 Death of French conductor and composer Manuel Rosenthal. 
2003 FP of Oliver Knussen's Symphony No. 4. New York Philharmonic, Lorin Maazel conducting.
2004 Death of British conductor and violinist Iona Brown.
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artwalktv · 7 years
‘LA TORCHE’ Un film de Hugo Manhes Avec Gaspard Larsonneur & Ian Fontaine Produit par William Sineux Alexandre Mélot & Gabriel De Azevedo Images : Sacha Vucinic Images aériennes : Antoine David Images sous marines : Alizée Chiappani Lumière : Bertrand Trividic Benjamin Gabbrielli Maxime Baulleret Montage & étalonnage : Vincent Busnel Hugo Manhes Musique : 'Mountains Crave' de Anna Von Hausswolff © City Slang Design sonore : Edouard Polycarpe Arnaud Gavini Remerciements : Thomas Joncour Cédric Henry Sébastien Keriel Agnès & Philippe Mélot Thierry Mélot Dan Sickles Adam Uhl Mairie De Plomeur Thibault Lustman Nicolas Occhiminuti Charlotte Thomas Celso & Edmea de Azevedo Olivia Schorestene, Giromela Arnaud Montagard Thibault Salmon Caroline Mons Rogerio Osorio Bap Bap Les équipes du 79 rue Saint-Maur
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shittyrigs · 8 years
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“Pulling Focus on a night shoot without seeing any marks can be difficult…
Solution: I strapped my headlamp onto the matte box and built a custom-made “gaffa-tunnel” to focus the light on a small spot. All this is pointed at the focus marks of the lens, and there we go!”
Submitted by Philipp Uhl 
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preciousmetals0 · 5 years
Crypto News From the German-Speaking World: Nov. 17-23
Crypto News From the German-Speaking World: Nov. 17-23:
The past week has seen a range of crypto- and blockchain-related developments in the German-speaking world. The German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection is planning to sponsor a research project of the University of Marburg on legal issues surrounding blockchain technology, the Swiss online bank Swissquote began offering its customers the trading of a real estate portfolio-covering security token, and an Austrian research project provided proof of profitability for blockchain technology-based decentralized marketplaces.
Below is the past week of crypto and blockchain news in review, as originally reported by Cointelegraph auf Deutsch.
The German Ministry of Justice donates 900,000 euros ($991,916) for blockchain research
The research project “Blockchain and Law” from the Institute for the Law of Digitization (IRDi) at the Philipps-University in Marburg aims to eliminate “the enormous legal uncertainties in technology” that are currently hindering entrepreneurial initiatives.
By implementing the project, the country intends to compete with the United States and Asia from within the European Union, as they have “already become active in many issues while the EU is still in the exploratory phase”. Markus Uhl, the responsible reporter of the Committee on Budgets, said:
“The blockchain and law project will focus on unexplained legal issues, such as cryptocurrency and assets or public registers, such as the suitability of blockchain for maintaining the land register and commercial register. […] Of course, the IRDi will also define the legal nature of the blockchain and the applicable law. “
ING study: European consumers do not see crypto as an alternative to traditional money
Consumers in Europe, Australia and the U.S. do not consider digital currencies an alternative to traditional money, according to a recent study by ING Bank. Less than a third of European consumers surveyed believe that digital currencies are “the future of online payment”, while in Germany, the proportion is even lower, at just under a quarter.
Interest in traditional payment accounts with cryptocurrency option is also reportedly relatively low. In Germany, around 85% of consumers do not suggest that their bank is about to offer such an account.
Mining operator Northern Bitcoin merges with U.S. competitor Whinstone
The crypto-mining operator listed on the Frankfurt XETRA exchange agreed to merge with its U.S. competitor Whinstone. With the acquisition of Whinstone planned for the beginning of 2020, Northern Bitcoin claims to have establish itself as a world leader in Bitcoin (BTC) mining. Northern Bitcoin CEO Mathis Schultz said:
“With this merger, we catapult ourselves faster than originally planned to the world leader in the field of Bitcoin mining. Whinstone’s team has done a great job over the past few years, and is leading the way in the blockchain industry, not least with the construction of the largest mining facility in the world.”
Deutsche Boerse, Swisscom Settle Securities with Corda and Hyperledger
German securities marketplace Deutsche Boerse and Swiss state-run telecom Swisscom settled securities transactions using different blockchain protocols. In a joint proof-of-concept (PoC) involving a number of banks, the participants exchanged money in the form of cash tokens against tokenized shares.
Based on blockchain technology, the joint PoC intends to show the potential of new technologies in the financial services sector and maintain Germany and Switzerland’s expertise in the digital asset ecosystem.
Crowdlitoken: Swiss online bank Swissquote enables trading in real estate tokens
The Swiss online bank Swissquote now offers its customers the ability to trade real estate portfolio-covering security token Crowdlitoken (CRT), as well as custody of the CRT tokens.
The Liechtenstein startup Crowdlitoken received a license to issue bonds for blockchain real estate investments in April. Through the company’s security token, investors can allocate their capital to individual properties via a bond and, at one-month intervals, convert their capital between the available real estate objects.
Bavaria plans digital training certificates based on blockchain
Starting in 2020, the Bavarian state government plans to test verifiable training certificates through blockchain technology. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Munich and Upper Bavaria intends to issue the first digital training certificates with the Digital Ministry next spring.
Employers will use an electronic key to verify the authenticity of the certificates via blockchain in the future, while applicants will send it along with a PDF file to appropriate companies.
Blockchain-based data trading: a research project provides proof of profitability
The Austrian Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft (RSA FG) provided proof of profitability for blockchain technology-based decentralized marketplaces, demonstrating that secure and smart data trading can generate profits.
The beta version of a corresponding trading platform was released with Data Market Austria. Companies or institutions can offer records via the portal and conclude individual purchase agreements via license templates such as location data, climate information or data on migration movements.
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tonin-terets · 7 years
LA TORCHE from Hugo Manhes on Vimeo.
Un film de Hugo Manhes
Avec Gaspard Larsonneur & Ian Fontaine
Produit par William Sineux Alexandre Mélot & Gabriel De Azevedo
Images : Sacha Vucinic
Images aériennes : Antoine David
Images sous marines : Alizée Chiappani
Lumière : Bertrand Trividic Benjamin Gabbrielli Maxime Baulleret
Montage & étalonnage : Vincent Busnel Hugo Manhes
Musique : 'Mountains Crave' de Anna Von Hausswolff © City Slang
Design sonore : Edouard Polycarpe Arnaud Gavini
Remerciements : Thomas Joncour Cédric Henry Sébastien Keriel Agnès & Philippe Mélot Thierry Mélot Dan Sickles Adam Uhl Mairie De Plomeur
Thibault Lustman Nicolas Occhiminuti Charlotte Thomas Celso & Edmea de Azevedo Olivia Schorestene, Giromela Arnaud Montagard Thibault Salmon Caroline Mons Rogerio Osorio Bap Bap Les équipes du 79 rue Saint-Maur
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lamathryf · 7 years
LA TORCHE from Hugo Manhes on Vimeo.
Un film de Hugo Manhes
Avec Gaspard Larsonneur & Ian Fontaine
Produit par William Sineux Alexandre Mélot & Gabriel De Azevedo
Images : Sacha Vucinic
Images aériennes : Antoine David
Images sous marines : Alizée Chiappani
Lumière : Bertrand Trividic Benjamin Gabbrielli Maxime Baulleret
Montage & étalonnage : Vincent Busnel Hugo Manhes
Musique : 'Mountains Crave' de Anna Von Hausswolff © City Slang
Design sonore : Edouard Polycarpe Arnaud Gavini
Remerciements : Thomas Joncour Cédric Henry Sébastien Keriel Agnès & Philippe Mélot Thierry Mélot Dan Sickles Adam Uhl Mairie De Plomeur
Thibault Lustman Nicolas Occhiminuti Charlotte Thomas Celso & Edmea de Azevedo Olivia Schorestene, Giromela Arnaud Montagard Thibault Salmon Caroline Mons Rogerio Osorio Bap Bap Les équipes du 79 rue Saint-Maur
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ashenki · 7 years
LA TORCHE from Hugo Manhes on Vimeo.
Un film de Hugo Manhes
Avec Gaspard Larsonneur & Ian Fontaine
Produit par William Sineux Alexandre Mélot & Gabriel De Azevedo
Images : Sacha Vucinic
Images aériennes : Antoine David
Images sous marines : Alizée Chiappani
Lumière : Bertrand Trividic Benjamin Gabbrielli Maxime Baulleret
Montage & étalonnage : Vincent Busnel Hugo Manhes
Musique : 'Mountains Crave' de Anna Von Hausswolff © City Slang
Design sonore : Edouard Polycarpe Arnaud Gavini
Remerciements : Thomas Joncour Cédric Henry Sébastien Keriel Agnès & Philippe Mélot Thierry Mélot Dan Sickles Adam Uhl Mairie De Plomeur
Thibault Lustman Nicolas Occhiminuti Charlotte Thomas Celso & Edmea de Azevedo Olivia Schorestene, Giromela Arnaud Montagard Thibault Salmon Caroline Mons Rogerio Osorio Bap Bap Les équipes du 79 rue Saint-Maur
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laeirbag · 7 years
* ‘LA TORCHE’ Un film de Hugo Manhes Avec Gaspard Larsonneur & Ian Fontaine Produit par William Sineux Alexandre Mélot & Gabriel De Azevedo Images : Sacha Vucinic Images aériennes : Antoine David Images sous marines : Alizée Chiappani Lumière : Bertrand Trividic Benjamin Gabbrielli Maxime Baulleret Montage & étalonnage : Vincent Busnel Hugo Manhes Musique : 'Mountains Crave' de Anna Von Hausswolff © City Slang Design sonore : Edouard Polycarpe Arnaud Gavini Remerciements : Thomas Joncour Cédric Henry Sébastien Keriel Agnès & Philippe Mélot Thierry Mélot Dan Sickles Adam Uhl Mairie De Plomeur Thibault Lustman Nicolas Occhiminuti Charlotte Thomas Celso & Edmea de Azevedo Olivia Schorestene, Giromela Arnaud Montagard Thibault Salmon Caroline Mons Rogerio Osorio Bap Bap Les équipes du 79 rue Saint-Maur *This is a Vimeo staff pick video added automatically. So I might be interested.
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goalhofer · 7 years
Every Chris Neil Teammate
Brett Angel (1997-99)
Ryan Armstrong (1998-99)
Scott Atkins (1996-97)
Alex Auld (1997-99)
Michael Barber (1998-99)
Colin Beardsmore (1996-97)
Scott Behrens (1997-98)
Luc Belliveau (1996-97)
Brendan Brooks (1997-98)
Matt Carmichael (1996-98)
Steve Chabbert (1997-99)
Mike Cirillo (1996-99)
Ryan Cirillo (1996-98)
Lee Cole (1996-97)
Dwight Cormier (1996-97)
Rob Davison (1997-99)
John Dean (1997-99)
Sean Degagne (1998-99)
Tomas Dolak (1997-98)
Chris Eade (1998-99)
Omar Ennaffati (1997-99)
Adriano Fiacconi (1996-98)
Aaron Fox (1996-97)
David Froh (1996-97)
Ryan Gardner (1996-98)
Brett Gibson (1997-99)
Trevor Gillies (1996-98)
Oak Hewer (1998-99)
Allen Hitchen (1997-98)
Warren Holmes (1998-99)
Samu Isosalo (1998-99)
Denis Ivanov (1997-98)
Mark Jerant (1997-99)
Michal Krupa (1997-98)
Greg Labenski (1996-99)
Josh Legge (1998-99)
Mike Loach (1996-97)
Steve Lowe (1996-97)
Ryan MacDonald (1996-97)
Scott MacKenzie (1998-99)
Morris Marshall (1996-97)
Peter McCague (1996-98)
Dean McIntosh (1996-97)
Luc Messier (1998-99)
Jim Midgley (1996-97)
Todd Miller (1997-98)
Lorne Misita (1998-99)
Steve Montador (1996-98)
Jaret Nixon (1996-97)
Matt Osborne (1997-98)
Tony Pappas (1996-98)
Jeremy Pedder (1997-99)
Geoff Peters (1997-98)
Jamie Piercey (1996-99)
Ryan Power (1996-97)
Mark Provenzano (1996-97)
Bobby Reed (1997-99)
Tyler Rennette (1996-98)
Rodney Richard (1997-99)
Scott Roche (1996-97)
Jeff Scharf (1996-97)
Carson Smith (1996-97)
Gabriel Spilar (1998-99)
Rob Stanfield (1997-98)
Valeriy Svoboda (1996-97)
Ryan Taylor (1996-97)
Troy Turyk (1996-97)
Chris Van Dyk (1996-97)
Dustin Virag (1996-97)
Jamie Vossen (1996-97)
Rich Vrataric (1996-97)
Nick Vukovic (1997-99)
Jeff Washbrook (1996-97)
Casey Wolak (1997-98)
Scott Wray (1996-99)
Denis Afinogenov (1998-99)
Cory Banika (1998-99)
David Beauregard (1998-99)
Robin Bouchard (1998-99)
David Bouskill (1998-99)
Kevin Boyd (1998-99)
Bob Brandon (1998-99)
Joe Dimaline (1998-99)
Denis Emilyantsev (1998-99)
Mike Feasby (1998-99)
Scott Feasby (1998-99)
Nick Foley (1998-99)
Joel Gardner (1998-99)
Dale Gignac (1998-99)
Chad Grills (1998-99)
Jan Klimes (1998-99)
Sergei Kharin (1998-99)
Denis Khlopotnov (1998-99)
Lubos Krajcovic (1998-99)
Igor Malykhin (1998-99)
Chris Maillet (1998-99)
Mike Masini (1998-99)
Don McSween (1998-99)
Rob Melanson (1998-99)
Frankie Nault (1998-99)
Jason Pain (1998-99)
Andrei Petrakov (1998-99)
Andrei Petrunin (1998-99)
Vadim Podrezov (1998-99)
Grant Richison (1998-99)
John Vary (1998-99)
Mark Vilneff (1998-99)
Joakim Wassberger (1998-99)
Paul Willett (1998-99)
Chad Alban (1999-2000)
Scott Cherrey (1999-2000)
Jason Clarke (1999-2000)
Benoit Cotnoir (1999-2000)
Dave Craievich (1999-2000)
Steve Debus (1999-2000)
Jason Elders (1999-2000)
Sean Farmer (1999-2000)
Hugues Gervais (1999-2000)
Dereck Gosselin (1999-2000)
Russ Guzior (1999-2000)
Josh Harrold (1999-2000)
B.J. Kilbourne (1999-2000)
Jeff Kozakowski (1999-2000)
John McCabe (1999-2000)
Jason Metcalfe (1999-2000)
Dennis Mullen (1999-2000)
Tom Nolan (1999-2000)
Chad Onufrechuk (1999-2000)
Anders Sorensen (1999-2000)
Bobby Stewart (1999-2000)
Lee Svangstu (1999-2000)
Mark Turner (1999-2000)
David Van Drunen (1999-2000)
Mitch Vig (1999-2000)
Ian Walterson (1999-2000)
David Whitworth (1999-2000)
Dave Baseggio (1999-2000)
Frederick Beaubin (1999-2000)
Vyacheslav Butsayev (1999-2000)
Ivan Ciernik (1999-2000)
Danton Cole (1999-2000)
John Emmons (1999-2000)
Mike Fountain (1999-2000)
Erich Goldmann (1999-2000)
Konstantin Gorovikov (1999-2000)
Kevin Grimes (1999-2000)
John Gruden (1999-2000)
Jani Hurme (1999-2000)
Kory Karlander (1999-2000)
Shane Kenny (1999-2000)
Derek King (1999-2000)
Dieter Kochan (1999-2000)
Mike Maurice (1999-2000)
Jason McBain (1999-2000)
Jason Metcalfe (1999-2000)
Kevin Miller (1999-2000)
Todd Nelson (1999-2000)
Warren Norris (1999-2000)
Ed Patterson (1999-2000)
Rostislav Pavlikovsky (1999-2000)
Robert Petrovicky (1999-2000)
Philippe Plante (1999-2000)
Michel Picard (1999-2000)
Dennis Pinfold (1999-2000)
Karel Rachunek (1999-2000)
Travis Richards (1999-2000)
Darren Rumble (1999-2000)
Yves Sarault (1999-2000)
Petr Schastlivy (1999-2000)
Konstantin Shafranov (1999-2000)
Jeff Shevalier (1999-2000)
Andrei Sryubko (1999-2000)
Chris Szysky (1999-2000)
David Van Drunen (1999-2000)
Buddy Wallace (1999-2000)
Brandon Bochenski (2004-05)
Danny Bois (2004-05)
Derek Campbell (2004-05)
Regan Darby (2004-05)
Ray Emery (2004-05)
Jesse Fibiger (2004-05)
Denis Hamel (2004-05)
Andy Hedlund (2004-05)
David Hymovitz (2004-05)
Gregg Johnson (2004-05)
Pat Kavanagh (2004-05)
Chris Kelly (2004-05)
Neil Komadoski (2004-05)
Josh Langfeld (2004-05)
Brian McGrattan (2004-05)
Arpad Mihaly (2004-05)
Jan Platil (2004-05)
Brian Pothier (2004-05)
Grant Potulny (2004-05)
Christoph Schubert (2004-05)
Jason Spezza (2004-05)
Charlie Stephens (2004-05)
Billy Thompson (2004-05)
Antoine Vermette (2004-05)
Anton Volchenkov (2004-05)
Greg Watson (2004-05)
Daniel Alfredsson (2001-04, 2005-15)
Craig Anderson (2010-17)
Tyler Arneson (2005-06)
Magnus Arvedson (2001-03)
Alex Auld (2008-12)
Chris Bala (2001-02)
Cody Bass (2007-09, 2010-11)
Brendan Bell (2008-09)
Andre Benoit (2010-12)
Ben Bishop (2012-13)
Mike Blunden (2016-17)
Brandon Bochenski (2005-06)
Danny Bois (2006-07)
Peter Bondra (2003-04)
Radek Bonk (2001-04)
Dennis Bonvie (2002-03)
Mark Borowiecki (2011-13)
Derick Brassard (2016-17)
Benoit Brunet (2001-02)
Alexandre Burrows (2016-17)
Bobby Butler (2009-12)
Chris Campoli (2008-10)
Matt Carkner (2009-12)
Cody Ceci (2013-17)
Zdeno Chara (2001-04, 2005-06)
Jonathan Cheechoo (2009-10)
Alex Chiasson (2014-16)
Ivan Ciernik (2001-02)
Fredrik Claesson (2015-17)
Mike Commodore (2007-08)
Mike Comrie (2006-09)
Cory Conacher (2012-13)
Mike Condon (2016-17)
Erik Condra (2011-15)
Joe Corvo (2006-08)
Jared Cowen (2009-15)
Matt Cullen (2009-10)
Stephane Da Costa (2010-13)
Toni Dahlman (2001-03)
Kaspars Daugavins (2011-13)
Greg De Vries (2003-04)
Chris DiDomenico (2016-17)
Shean Donovan (2007-10)
Chris Driedger (2016-17)
David Dziurzynski (2011-13)
Ryan Dzingel (2015-17)
Patrick Eaves (2005-08)
Ray Emery (2002-04, 2005-08)
Andreas Englund (2016-17)
Mike Fisher (2001-04, 2005-11)
Nick Foligno (2007-12)
Martin Gerber (2006-08)
Matt Gilroy (2011-12)
Scott Gomez (2015-16)
Sergei Gonchar (2010-13)
Derek Grant (2012-13)
Colin Greening (2010-14)
Eric Gryba (2011-14)
Jyrki Jokipakka (2016-17)
David Hale (2010-11)
Denis Hamel (2003-04, 2005-07)
Andrew Hammond (2014-17)
Ben Harpur (2015-17)
Dominik Hasek (2005-06)
Martin Havlat (2001-04, 2005-06)
Dany Heatley (2005-09)
Ales Hemsky (2013-14)
Josh Hennessy (2006-08, 2009-10)
Chris Herperger (2001-02)
Shane Hnidy (2001-04)
Mike Hoffman (2011-17)
Marian Hossa (2001-04)
Jody Hull (2001-04)
Jani Hurme (2001-02)
Alexei Kaigorodov (2006-07)
Erik Karlsson (2009-17)
Matt Kassian (2012-14)
Chris Kelly (2003-04, 2005-10, 2016-17)
Rob Klinkhammer (2011-12)
Zenon Konopka (2011-12)
Mike Kostka (2015-16)
Alex Kovalev (2009-10)
Filip Kuba (2008-12)
Joel Kwiatkowski (2001-03)
Brooks Laich (2003-04)
Patrick Lalime (2001-04)
Simon Lajeunesse (2001-02)
Josh Langfeld (2001-04)
Martin Lapointe (2007-08)
Guillaume Latendresse (2012-13)
Curtis Lazar (2014-16)
Pascal Leclaire (2008-11)
Brian Lee (2007-11)
David Legwand (2014-15)
Robin Lehner (2011-15)
Curtis Leschyshyn (2001-04)
Francis Lessard (2010-11)
Mike Lundin (2012-13)
Clarke MacArthur (2013-17)
Shawn MacEachern (2001-02)
Tomas Malec (2005-07)
Dean McAmmond (2006-08)
Max McCormick (2016-17)
Brian McGrattan (2005-08)
Curtis McElhinney (2010-11)
Steve Martins (2001-04, 2005-06)
Andrej Meszaros (2005-08)
Marc Methot (2012-17)
Milan Michalek (2009-15)
Mike Morrison (2005-06)
Bill Muckalt (2001-02)
Alexander Nikulin (2007-08)
Brad Norton (2005-06)
Filip Novak (2005-06)
Lawrence Nycholat (2006-08)
Jim O’Brien (2011-13)
Jean-Gabriel Pageau (2012-17)
Nick Paul (2015-17)
Serge Payer (2003-04, 2006-07)
Ricard Persson (2001-02)
Andre Petersson (2011-12)
Dion Phaneuf (2015-17)
Chris Phillips (2001-04, 2005-16)
Alexandre Picard (2008-09)
Brian Pothier (2002-04, 2005-06)
Tom Preissing (2006-07)
Martin Prusek (2001-04)
Matt Puempel (2014-16)
Tom Pyatt (2016-17)
Karel Rachunek (2001-04)
Rob Ray (2002-04)
Wade Redden (2001-04, 2005-08)
Peter Regin (2009-13)
Luke Richardson (2007-08)
Jamie Rivers (2001-02)
Charles Robinson (2015-16)
Randy Robitaille (2007-08)
Andre Roy (2001-02)
Jarkko Ruutu (2008-10)
Bobby Ryan (2013-17)
Sami Salo (2001-02)
Oleg Saprykin (2006-07)
Peter Schaefer (2002-04, 2005-07)
Petr Schastlivy (2001-04)
Christoph Schubert (2005-09)
Ryan Shannon (2008-11)
Jakob Silfverberg (2011-13)
Todd Simpson (2003-04)
Bryan Smolinski (2002-04, 2005-06)
Derek Smith (2009-11)
Jason Smith (2008-09)
Zack Smith (2009-17)
Brad Smyth (2002-03)
Jason Spezza (2002-04, 2005-14)
Viktor Stalberg (2016-17)
Cory Stillman (2007-08)
Mark Stone (2011-17)
Andy Sutton (2009-10)
Marek Svatos (2010-11)
Joey Tetarenko (2002-03)
Kyle Turris (2011-17)
Shaun Van Allen (2002-04)
Vaclav Varada (2002-04, 2005-06)
Phil Varone (2015-17)
Julien Vauclair (2003-04)
Antoine Vermette (2003-04, 2005-08)
Anton Volchenkov (2002-04, 2005-10)
Chris Wideman (2015-16)
Patrick Wiercioch (2011-15)
Jesse Winchester (2007-12)
Colin White (2016-17)
Todd White (2001-04)
Tommy Wingels (2016-17)
Juha Ylonen (2001-02)
Mika Zibanejad (2011-16)
Ilya Zubov (2007-08)
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