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witekspicsbanknotes · 1 year ago
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USA - fancy notes showing symbols of other powers or religions, that rule the world.
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ubersteva · 10 months ago
If you build it then they will come 🫴
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∆If It Don't Make💲It Don't Make Sense.. ¢ ©™✓®💯
"Horticulture" 🥦enthusiasts🦜😉 often (💯%) make the smallest of ⁉️mistakes😓 that result🥺 in BIG📏 impacts♨️ to crop yield❗📐😥😢💩👺 dropping potential profits💲♻️💱 in the end result..⚠️🙄🤔🤬🔊🙊🙉🙈
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>12 Week Micro/Grow/Bloom cycle results into a net profit of trimesters annual while (almost) always on summer vacations!🤫Time lapse is serious money💰 folks as it keeps on slipping into the future.. BEWARE of clipping costs via contrast to surface area over time equations⏳
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sylvieatisse25 · 1 year ago
Welcome to the most thrilling, new platform launch for 2024, which will make a change to you, in your family's day-to-day lifestyle. Yes that's what we said! So take advantage of this free sign up and pre-launch and become part of our free winners Circle offer, which is the Elite part, of Rewards Ripple Solutions. So what is Rewards Ripple Solutions, you may say?
Well this new platform, is unlike anything else available in today's marketplace. It's where your new journey is as exciting as the rewards. In fact, it's something everyone wants and needs, and guess what? It will always be free to use, and you'll always have the opportunity to win cash and prizes, without ever spending a penny.
So, sign up today while it's still available you have nothing to lose but everything to gain because the Winner's Circle is something very special where only people in pre-launch will be able to participate.
Join Here: https://rewardripplesolutions.com/register/?ref_code=CIFCDEBIFB2024RRS
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toasedevelopment · 2 years ago
As a charity organization in Tucker, Georgia, our commitment to making a difference in the community is unwavering. We understand that different challenges require diverse approaches, which is why we offer a range of short-term, medium-term, and long-term charity programs. By tailoring our initiatives, we can effectively address the needs of the community.
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jdubqca · 2 years ago
within this living world
` WITHIN THIS LIVING ROOM #poem #poetry #philanthropy - - ->
to improve upon the living world I must first find something meaningful to give to others who may have nothing for themselves to improve upon myself I must find a way to lose myself within this living world transferring what little power I may possess to those who may have none https://jdubqca.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/within-this-living-world.mp3 june two thousand twenty-three copyright j…
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my-own-magic-world · 1 year ago
TAYLOR ZAKHAR PEREZ Philantrophy (2020) dir. Alison Turner
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thesirlancelotgroup · 2 years ago
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seakclauswinkler · 2 years ago
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Ich lebe in einer surrealen Welt. Keine Kohle, kein Geld. Hoher status wegen dem was Ich male, und gemacht habe. Natürlich nicht finanziell sichtbar. Die Welt aufs krasseste mit meiner Kunst versaut und aus den Fugen gebracht, politisch, kulturell, ethnisch, kriminell. Alles nicht so übertragbar sichtbar das es sich bis her finanziell gezeigt hat, bzw hier was angekommen ist. Habe Hunger, kein Geld für essen, dafür aber auch zu fett. Je mehr mich male desto mehr fühlen sich die falschen inspiriert und motiviert von meiner Kunst. Dazu die Erkenntnis das die Frauen so krass heftig was bodycount, lügen, und rumkommen angeht durchgepeitscht sind. Ja wusste man schon als Kind. Hat genug gesehen, und verstanden. Allerdings gibt’s Steigerungen. Dann das man sich die heile Welt der neunziger Jahre zurück wünscht. Das mit der Gewalt finde ich irgendwie auch geil. Dann kann Mann sich als Mann beweisen. Ich hab das ‘ ea ‘ für Tod, auf dem Rücken, und ‘ Tod ‘ schon auf dem Arm tattoowiert. Und mit 15 Jahren bestimmt eine ganze Kofferraum Ladung voll lang Waffen, SturmGewehren, und Kurz Waffen durch probiert. Gleichzeitig muss ich ja die ganze Zeit weiter meine Bilder detaillierter machen. Die Erkenntnis das Jahrzehnte weitere Arbeit sind. Sowie große Gemälde in grob malen. Ohne Assistenten aka Ghostwriter. Dazu kommt Nachwuchs. Stoische Disziplin ist der Schlüssel. Lust am lernen. Allein sein geniessen und peak performing und sein Ding machen heißt jetzt ‘ sigma’. ‘ Innenarchitektur Symbiose ‘ ist das was meine Kunst macht. Schatten Integration. Keine Ahnung ob Beta Nice Gut Gutmenschen von der Anspannung wenn die Selbstzensur bei denen wirkt aus rasten von den Spannungen, oder ins Ego gehen, oder x? Die Fusion durch meine Kunst geistig, zwingt zum winken/ Kampf/ Tun/ machen. #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #familienbüro #interpreneurialspirit #whatarethefamilysgoals #sharedassets #familyoffices #impactfirst #philantrophy #privateequity #globalinvestors #sustainablefinance #wealthmanagement #familyoffice #thenextinvestment #impactthesystem #philantropic #purposeourwealth #impact #whatdoesitmeantobewealthy #globalchallenges #generationalwealth (hier: Ober Trübsee Alp, Obwalden, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqfoiodI8ON/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raum-e · 11 months ago
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GPPP-Serie: Open (Arses) Philantrophy
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georgegraphys · 1 year ago
Racing career wise, red is a great choice. Brand/Philantrophy career wise? No.
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talk2move-fundraising · 2 years ago
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg war eine US-amerikanische Juristin und eine der bekanntesten Richterinnen des Obersten Gerichtshof der USA. 👩‍⚖️  🇺🇸 Das Zitat bedeutet, dass es wichtig ist, für Dinge einzutreten, die einem wichtig sind, aber man sollte dies auf eine Weise tun, die andere dazu inspiriert, sich anzuschließen und sich ebenfalls für dieselben Dinge zu engagieren. ☀️🌍 🌈
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cupcraft · 7 months ago
I think people once again need to get it through their heads that performative Philantrophy is a thing and is not good. And "Well Mr beast has done good things" isn't enough of a statement to dismantle the unethical and exploitative nature of his content and for profit model. Mr beast actually does bad things and his philanthropy is performative and a capitalistic exploitation and a signal to the larger issue of capitalism and the state of it. We need to stop rewarding this type of showboating and this type of content like its a revolution and not inherently manipulative towards desperate people to use them for entertainment for his for profit brand.
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fucketybye · 7 months ago
amazes me that people actually thought mr beast wasn't a dickhead.
philantrophy is PR by its very nature. It's for show. Not only to shield the rich from criticism, but to emphasize the power structure between rich and poor, display it openly while saying "I actually deserve all this money because i'm so goodhearted and giving fractions of it away".
Mr beast says fuck all the underlying messaging. Let's make it explicit! Let's humiliate the fuck out of these poor people, and put it on the internet. Let's make it our entire business model! A for profit, game show charity. Lets broadcast it for kids!!!
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heartlilith · 10 months ago
Hi if it’s not to much of a hassle can u talk about the themes of the 12th house profection year, specifically the age of 23? I’m an 8th house stellium so I think I’ll been good but I’ve just been reading things that make me nervous
Im in my 12th house profection year right now! Thankfully I'm almost done as my birthday is in August.
It really depends on the ruler of the 12th house, it's house placement in your natal chart, along with the aspects it makes. Also where the natal 12th house lord lands in your solar return chart and aspects to it as well. Say your 12th house lord is Jupiter, meaning you have Sagittarius in the 12th house. This year is likely to be more on the beneficial side because its Jupiter. But if your natal Jupiter is tied up with a lot of tight squares and oppositions, it could expand the negativity and problems, instead of being the positive Jupiter we all know and love.
If your 12th house is ruled by Pluto, we can agree that it's going to be a very transformational year, on top of the 12th house already being transformational. Everyone gets scared of Pluto and for good reason, anything can happen. All that's promised is you won't be the same when you come out of this profection year. Let's say Pluto, in whatever house it may be, is aspected well. It's mostly making trines and sextiles, maybe has one square and one conjunction (conjunctions can go either way as they amplify the energy). So for the most part it's fine. You could transform spiritually and come out of the year with a strong sense of oneness, religious/spiritual beliefs, you could go on a retreat and it could change your life. Change as well as death/rebirth isn't always a bad thing. It may start out "bad" but by the end of the year, you'll understand why it had to happen.
On its own, the 12th house profection year is a year where you will lose a lot. You could lose your job, friends, a relationship, yourself. 12th house year has a way of stripping everything from you that's even the slightest bit shaky, which can be very hard. 12th house also rules the unseen, everything we know is real but doesn't have a physical form so dreams, higher realms, "oneness", addictions. It also rules retreats, drugs/alcohol, hospitals, prison, philantrophy, spirituality, "wokeness", and deception/the hidden. All or some of these themes are going to show up for you, which shouldn't be too too bad since you have a lot of 8th house influence.
The benefits to the 12th house profection year is that it's getting you ready for the beginning of a new cycle, which starts with the 1st house (you, how you perceive the world, how you look) so it's getting you ready for a rebirth. You can't make room for new if you don't release the old. Don't hang on tight to anything, try to go with the flow as much as possible. You're at the end of this cycle now so you could even be getting revelations out of nowhere or gain a sense of clarity that you didn't have before. It's kind of hard to explain it to you, but you'll understand when you experience it.
Things to remember/advice: lean into spirituality, psychic powers, yoga, meditation, donate to charity, volunteer, be detached from outcomes, know that everything is happening for a reason even if you don't know the reason yet, nothing lasts forever (which is good and bad). Pay attention to your thoughts, start therapy, ask for help. Spend time in nature, practice good coping skills, no drugs alcohol or gambling, don't give in to addictive things because this is a year where those habits will form very quickly.
Hope this helps!
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technicontrastron · 11 months ago
Hatsune Miku didn't exist yet during Philantrophy years btw. Otacon was blasting Ayutrance while hacking
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folklavr · 9 months ago
Taybillionaire convo opened discussions of capitalist entities in the music industry and beyond. Without it, I wouldn't even know Fenty is worse than Shein on X.
I love Taylor Swift. But pls no one's an "ethical billionaire" 😭
Being put under scrutiny is only right because this is what we should do to OTHER BILLIONAIRES too.
We tend to forget, when a person has that kind of money, their entire financial environment is now TOTALLY different from us. One example would be getting a tax-writeoff through philantrophy to protect their profits. (e.g. Bill Gates)
Tax-writeoffs may vary from millions to billions of dollars.
Same thing with her carbon emissions, It's only right to talk about that. Especially at the time when the earth is at its tipping point.
Because discussions like these, reveal the truth behind our beloved artists which can go beyond just the music industry—trickling down to other billionaires like Elon Musk too.
Yes, Taylor's a good person. I personally believe that too. But that doesn't mean she's exempted from critics.
This is the time that we need to be watchdogs not just to her, but all the other billionaires as well.
And with that, I love Taylor Swift even more. Stream #ttpd
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