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rntcrafts · 1 year
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ritaltime · 1 year
Squishmallow Pet Bed: A Perfect Place to Relax and Rest
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The Arcana HCs: When MC turns into a small, wounded animal
~ this was inspired by a short conversation in the server lol ~
You're not sure how exactly it happened, but one moment you were strolling quietly along the tree line, and the next moment in a flash of magic you were a fraction of your size and completely overwhelmed by the shift in sensory input. What had been knee-length grass towered over your head like densely-packed trees. You took off in an awkward, four-footed run when you sensed massive footsteps nearby, but your unfamiliarity with your new form quickly had you landing wrong on a small, fuzzy paw with a nasty twist. You flop on your side in shock and discomfort as the shadow of a fully-grown human looms over you, hoping that whoever they are, they'll be kind.
Saw you running away as he approached you and (in typical fashion) blamed himself for what was clearly a sprained paw
Good thing he's a doctor! He'll take you home and get you all set up and treated for your injury, no payment required
His hands are surprisingly cold when he scoops you up, but his grip is steady and gentle. He bundles you in his large woolen coat (which smells like leather and salty air) and carries you back in the crook of his elbow like you're a human baby and not a small animal
Oh, and he talks
He talks to you the whole way across the field, into town, through the streets, and into his clinic. (pausing to say hello here and there)
He wants you to know that you're going to be just fine, that he's going to make things "right as rain", and that he has an excellent pillow in the corner of his office that you'll love snoozing on
As he gets into town, he wants you to know all sorts of other things. That person mixes the best (strongest) drinks. That person is the best at darts. That person can get you anything for a price
The clinic smells like stress and pain, but he's very quick to give you some soothing scritches behind your ears as he takes you back to his office, sets you down on his table, and starts bandaging you up, distracting you with soothing comments
He has given you name already and going by how often he checks in to give you pets, he is going to take you in, he just doesn't know it yet. His raven appears shortly after to stand guard over you
Accuses you of "petnapping" when you poof back to human form
Approaches you to help, not because they feel guilty for what they can tell is partially their fault, but because they're picking up on a pretty intense enchantment that's piquing their curiosity
Takes a moment to hold out his hand and let you approach him before picking you up, and does so very carefully and gently. Has really warm, soft hands and smells like freshly burned incense
Talks to you a little bit just in case you can understand them, mostly just to let you know why they're picking you up and that they noticed magic on you and they have good intentions
Talks at you a lot more. He's mumbling and muttering on and off the whole way back to his place, idly petting your head and nose as soon as he notices you like it, spouting off ideas of what's going on
Faust opts to wait until you're back inside a safe room on a cushion before she makes her appearance. She's well aware that she looks like a predator to you right now and doesn't want to scare you
That, and she needed to convince Asra to make a proper introduction and reassure you that you aren't about to get eaten
If you're able to settle in she'll stick right next to you, coiled around your pillow to make sure you're not lonely or scared
Asra, on the other hand, is following several trains of thought at once, all out loud both to themself and to you and Faust
He's juggling the source of the spell, the solution to the spell, the fact that you'd make a good pet, and - oh yes- your injured paw
Slightly disappointed they didn't have time to solve it when you poof back to your human form
She fully intends to just keep walking, assuming that you (the small animal) will be able to figure it out on your own, but her deep-seated sense of responsibility forces her to check on you
Oh dear. You're limping, and clearly scared and alone
This won't do. She'll have to take you to the nearest vet, or animal shelter, or maybe to what's left of Lucio's old menagerie ...
Very firm and polite about how she approaches you. You get two seconds to sniff her hand (which smells like the world's most heavenly and expensive flower garden) before she picks you up
It's clear she's not very used to carrying small living things, because as intentionally as she's marching you back to the Palace, her hold on you is very stiff and awkward. It's hard to balance
She doesn't speak much beyond giving instructions to her carriage driver and the guards as she enters the Palace. Once the two of you are alone, though, she sets you down carefully for a talk
You seem like a very sweet creature. She must admit that she's grown rather fond of you as she's carried you around. She apologizes for scaring you and for any discomfort as she held you
Now that she's considering it, she may wish to keep you. She can promise that all of your basic needs will be met, and that she will find at least five minutes to half an hour to spend with you daily
Her talk is cut short when the vet arrives, and as soon as you're bandaged up she's sweeping out of the room to get back to her duties, leaving Chandra to keep an eye on you if you need anything
Asks you where the lovely creature is when she returns that night
Oh he's not hesitating for a second, he's carefully approaching to help as soon as he sees that you're hurt and quietly reassuring you
It's clear this man knows what he's doing. He gives you as long as you need to approach his outstretched hand, and sits unmoving for minutes on end so you can be completely familiar with him
The biggest, warmest hands you could imagine when you're finally ready to be picked up. Your whole body easily fits in just one of them, but he's snuggling you to his chest to keep you safe anyways
Will cover you with his cloak for extra comfort
Gives the best pets and reassurance. Sure he could crush you in one fist but he is scarily good at giving you scritches around your ears and chin and speaking just enough to calm you down
Sets up a very comfy spot for you at just the right distance from the fire with exactly the types of food you need to eat
Takes care of your paw so gently and expertly that you barely feel a thing, and then praises you for staying calm and calls you brave for letting him help you. Does not stop petting you at any point
Does have to leave a few times for the rest of his day's tasks, but not before he takes his time introducing you to Inanna and making sure you feel comfortable and safe around her
And goodness gracious, you're the safest little creature in the world once she's decided to look after you. She'll sit guard over you with a paw on either side of you while she watches the door
Yes, Muriel is in the hut when you poof back, and yes, he's immediately bright red at all the words you heard him say that day
Rushing over to look at you, not because she can tell you're injured, but because you're a small, cute, fluffy animal and what else is she supposed to do when she sees those? Walk on by??? Never!
A little surprised when you don't run away, and very pleased when you willingly approach her outstretched hand to get to know her. Which is when she sees the way you're limping and figures it out
You're hurt! That's awful! Don't worry, she'll take care of you!
Drapes a soft shawl around you that smells like detergent and fresh bread and snuggles you up. She carries you like a baby and it's the warmest, softest, safest experience you've ever had
Has the perfect nails for scritching and is giving you the royal treatment the whole way back to her cottage (she'd take you to see her brother, she tells you, but he's probably overworked as is)
Keeps accidentally flicking her hair into your face - there's so much of it, and as nice as it smells, the curls tickle you dreadfully
Doesn't like the idea of making you feel imprisoned inside, so she pulls out a basket and fills it with rags and old blankets and puts it on the porch for you to snooze in while she finds some food for you
Ends up pulling a bunch of produce from her garden and slicing it up into little pieces on a plate for you to pick and choose what you like. The whole time you eat she's petting you and listing off different names to see if there's any in particular you respond to
Has to run off after an hour because she was on her break, but she calls Pepi over to meet you before she goes to keep you company
Almost cries when she comes home to an empty basket
Fully intended to keep walking past you. He wasn't even looking in your direction when you went sprinting off because he was too busy navigating a root and pebble filled path in heels
Mercedes and Melchior, however, noticed the tall grass rustling right away and came sprinting over to investigate. You were not prepared for how scary those teeth would look up close
The two of them can tell fairly quickly that you're not a normal small animal, and they're both so intrigued and excited that they start bouncing back and forth around you with whirlwind tails
Lucio, noticing the commotion, finally walks over to see what they found and notices you. Hey, you're kinda cute. He'll keep you.
Scoops you up without a second thought, tucks you into one arm, and keeps walking with the dogs trying to jump up and sniff at you on either side. It smells like dog and cologne and you are stressed
He does talk while he walks, but not to anybody specifically. He rambles from his ongoing train of thought to tuneless whistling to barking at the dogs to stop getting pawprints on his trousers
You'd hope for pets, but he's holding you in his human arm and the other spiky metal one with the sharp claws on the end don't look ideal for gentle comfort. Thankfully, he's pretty warm
He doesn't realize that you're injured until he gets to where he's staying and puts you down. As soon as he sees that you're limping, he's panicking and trying to figure out how to take care of it
Ties it up with a handkerchief and calls it a day. You'll be fine
Asks you if you can turn back at will when the spell wears off
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There's someone in Amelie's flat. Well, technically two someones, but distinctions stopped being important to them a while ago.
Tal is quietly attempting to steal Willard's plushies, four arms making this much easier. They heard about what happened between Amelie and Sinclair. This seems safer than petnapping again. They spot Willard out of the corner of their eyes.
"Shhh. You see nothing."
- @eyes-that-decieve
Willard meows like a sad little baby at the sight of her plushies getting stolen. She runs over to Tal, trying to pull out a purple teddy bear out of their arms.
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mrlidocaine · 2 years
I really like the pantolone x hybrid au! Reader :] I kinda want more of it, so prettyyyy pleaseeeee write some more :]
Thank you! I did my best, please enjoy 🫡 . I’m sorry it’s so short I can pull more together later if you lovelies want, I’m just swamped with schoolwork rn
Yan! Pantalone x Snow leopard hybrid! Reader
TW: kidnapping (petnapping?), drugging, forced domestication, oh also Dottores in here and that’s it’s own trigger warning. Lemme know if there r more
It was cold. But you didn't care, happily chasing your meal through the snow. The small white mouse was hard to see, but you could hear it, and you weren't going to lose it. Your fluffy white ears keened towards the little scurrying noises as you simply failed to miss the sound of a campfire crackling, the steps of large men moving around; too excited about the mouse, your mouth watering as you chased the first living thing you'd seen in ages. Only as the mouse was crushed under a well aimed boot did you screech and tumble to a halt, slamming into sturdy and well made fabric. You sat there dazed, long spotted tail over your shoulder as your claws dug into the ground.
"What on earth?" A clicking was heard behind you and you turned your cat like eyes to the new noise, looking into a masked face. It had a long shiny thing pointed at you, frozen metal pressing against your head. You bared your sharp teeth and sprang up, only to be whacked across the head now. Your vision danced, colourful spots flooding your eyesight. you heard muffled conversation, but were unable to actually know what any of it meant
"That's a snow leopard hybrid yeah? Those rare or anything?"
"You're asking if its rare? You dumb fuck that's worth-!"
"Who's even gonna buy it? Sure its expensive as hell but it's wild, nobody really wants a wild one."
“Doesn’t matter, some sicko will take it. If there’s no luck on the market, the Doctor would gladly snatch her up.”
You could only listen, trying to comprehend any of it when the snow beside you crunched. A tall, imposing man with dark hair and glasses stood there looking down at you with a smile. You bared your teeth, crouching to lunge at any of the humans that dared to take another step near you.
“I’ll take her, it would be a waste to give her to the Doctor. Isn’t she a pretty thing? She’d be prettier put on display though, prettier if she was taken care of.” That was it, your world going dark after a blunt force hit the back of your head.
When you woke up, you were being dragged into a very white room. It wasn’t much different than the white of the snow, but the smell of chemicals hurt your nose, causing you to whine as you looked around in your disoriented state. Some muffled words were heard as a masked figure with blue hair appeared in your vision, pointing at you and then laughing at words spoken by another. You swiped with your claw at the person, but they simply smiled with their own sharp teeth and waved their finger at you. You faded back out after a small prick in your neck.
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oh-no-my-hand-slipped · 5 months
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Oh dear, it looks like Detective Wright is sick again!
Detective Wright lives in a small, quiet town, where he uses his detective skills to solve petty crimes that occasionally plague the residents. Though Wright can be a bit bumbling at times, and has very little self-preservation instinct, he has solved his fair share of robberies, acts of vandalism, petnapping, and lost citizen cases. Granted, they are almost never very serious, but he treats each case as if it’s a life or death situation. All with a worn trenchcoat and a fake British accent.
Unfortunately, Detective Wright, with his obsessive nature with solving cases, often has one case of the sniffles or another. Whether it’s a cold that he can’t shake off or the beginnings of a new one, Wright is always sneezing and sniffling up a storm. He always brushes it off as allergies until he can hardly get out of bed. Without a doctor nearby, there’s no one to ask after his health.
Perhaps he needs an assistant~
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itzpris15634 · 4 months
Not Just Yet (ft. Blythe and Sue)
While all of my previous fics were based in Human and Aged Up AUs, this one is based in the original LPS. Like, teenage Blythe, animal pets.
"You wanna adopt a pet?" Blythe sat on the side of her bed, watching as Sue paced around her room.
"Yes! And I need your help," Sue responded, sounding very determined, "Because, you know, you helped Youngmee find Nutmeg and all. Can you do the same for me?"
Helping Sue find a pet? Sure. The whole scheme that involved needing to rescue a dead man's dog from men that were going to use her as a means to obtaining his wealth? Definitely not. Though Blythe only thought about that to herself, of course.
Instead, what came out of her mouth was, "Oh yeah, absolutely! Is there any kind of pet in specific you're looking for? Knowing you, I'd like to guess that you want a pet that's… active and athletic?"
"Uhhh… maybe?"
"Or not! Maybe a more chill one that you can relax with after a long day of running and so."
"That doesn't sound too bad… but, I dunno. You just… you're supposed to know when you know, you know?"
"Hey, that's what Youngmee kept saying at the auditions! Maybe I could set one up for you too-" Blythe stopped before she said too much.
Sue raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Auditions? And what are you going on about?"
Right. She doesn't know yet. And I'm not telling her. Yet.
"…N-nevermind. Inside joke between me and Youngmee."
"Woah, you guys have inside jokes?" Sue took a seat next to Blythe on the side of the bed, playfully jabbing an elbow into Blythe's side, "Should I be jealous?"
Blythe laughed and gently pushed Sue's arm away, "It's not much, really. Anyway, you were saying about pets?"
"Oh, right! It's just… yeah. I know I want a pet to love and care for. But I don't know what I want from it…"
An idea popped into Blythe's mind.
"How about we… go visit an animal shelter?"
"Animal shelter?"
"Yeah! You could go around, meet all the animals inside, and see which one is most fit for you!"
"Ohh yeah, that could work! Are you busy? Maybe we can go today."
"I mean… other than my designs, but those can wait. And sure, we can go!"
Day 22: animal shelter
Did petnapped ever stay a secret between Blythe and Youngmee? I think. Maybe.
Lowkey wanna write people's reactions to Blythe's talking to pets ability. We only got it out of Youngmee and Roger. HHhh
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nightshiftpodcast · 2 years
hi Seb! have you ever caught Angelo doing anything cute with his dogs? Does he give them kisses on their noses or rub their bellies?
Okay. So.
I've been going out of my mind wondering the same thing for the last few months. Like, does he give these dogs any real attention or is it all strict diets and militant training? Are they truly just guard dogs or are they his children as we all know pets should be?
I was starting to be convinced they weren't. I'd never seen him do more than pat them on the head and we all know they aren't allowed treats. If I'm honest, I was considering petnapping them from him in protest.
But after Hope's Reach (the morning after the motel) we drove to his place first before I headed back to Quin's, and I took a shower (his bathroom is epic too by the way) - when I came downstairs, I caught him full-on fussing Apollo like a baby. He didn't see me and he straightened up the second he heard my footsteps.
So yes, he does give them kisses. But don't tell him I said that!
- Sebastian
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redrabbitspod · 2 years
Aaron have you considered the possibility that you peaked at petnapping?
Yeah, graduating medical school pales in comparison. -Aaron
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hunty627 · 2 years
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Coming up on Little Einsteins: New Missions, Leo was celebrating the anniversary when Melody the music pet came to his home. But then, Big Jet came around and petnapped Melody! Can the Little Einsteins rescue Melody before Big Jet takes her to the poachers? Find out in this upcoming episode of Little Einsteins: New Missions, music petnapped! Featuring the music “Humoresque number 7″ by Antonin Dvorak.
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makerofmadness · 2 years
Whos pets does evil milk petnap
Ur mom's
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My favorite LPS characters (part 1)
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elladcat · 2 years
【 Life as a Cat 】
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Cat!Shigaraki Tomura and Cat!Reader imagines.
Warning: fluffy, maximum cuteness, petnapping, kinda dark.
This is just a scenarios of you or him being a cat, also shiggy is kinda creepy here. No zoophilia i hate them just platonic.
【 Shigaraki Tomura as a Cat 】
You fucking adored him.
Got him from the pet store cuz you want a companion and you love cats.
Can't pick which one but saw the little blue devil eyeing up at you with those big ol' red eyes, and you choose him cuz he's cute.
You showered him with love and effection.
He likes it.
You name him Tenko and got him a collar so someone will return him to you if he got lost (he won't), and often called him Tenko-chan.
The blue devil hates everyone except you.
You're upset that you can't greet people or animals if he's there with you cuz he'll immediately hiss at them and attack them.
You're his owner and you should always love him, why can't you understand that? Unfortunately you can't speak cat language.
You gave him a bath cuz he's covered in dirt and red stains, probably he killed a small animal despite you gave him food.
He didn't mind the bath as long as it's you.
You went to bed and fell asleep, the blue devil snuggle up on top of you and he too drift to sleep.
He'll protect you because you're his owner and his forever.
【 You as a Cat 】
Everyone could tell that you're a energetic, friendly, happy-go-lucky cat and they weren't wrong.
You love to greet other humans and animals and wanted to be their friends, though sometimes you leave them alone to give them their personal space.
You love going outside, your family let you out so you could get some fresh air. The strangers knows you and often greets you or pet you, even the weird blue haired human seem to like you as well.
You don't know why the hooded man picks you up and carried you away, but you assumed that he wants to be your friend so you became his first friend.
He's name Tomura and he kept hugging you and kissing you, calling you angel despite it's not your name (he throw the collar away) but you don't mind it nor would you mind his effection to you cuz you love it!
He also gave you food and you love food! You would quickly gobble up all of it in your bowl and Tomura is surprise by it but was happy that you're enjoying the meal.
You would see him play with his computer in his room, sometimes he's happy for whatever reason and other times he'll be angry to the point that he'll throw things in his room and you're scared of him.
Tomura saw you and called you but you're afraid to go near him, he comes to you and says sorry while hugging and kissing you, and you understood and goes back to loving him cuz he deserve it.
The man didn't let you out and you're sad about it but he told you that it's dangerous to go outside and he's sad to be alone in his house, but you didn't want to see him sad so you stay with him to make him feel better.
You would often look out in the window and miss being with your family, and you wish to go outside again until you saw a poster of you and above it reads 'missing' and Tomura just shred it, you wondered why.
Tomura decided to let you out and you're happy about it but first he needs to put you on a leash and tied you outside the backyard, it kinda upset you that you can't explore the neighborhood but it's enough to leave you happy to finally feel the fresh air and the warmth of the sun again.
You met another cat and you tried to befriend them but Tomura shooed them away and take you back inside the house.
He said that that cat will hurt you and didn't want anything bad happen to you, he's very protective of you because he loves you but you just want to make friends despite it's dangerous like he said.
Why can't he just let you go?
Tomura is asleep and all the windows and doors are lock, you fell asleep with him and he hugs you in his sleep.
You like Tomura, the human is nice and he gives you love and food, you like to be his friend but you wish that he'll let you be with your family again. You don't know how long you been staying here in this house and you miss them so much.
But Tomura will be sad being alone again if you leave so you decided to stay with him to make him feel happy, forever.
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froggylovespotatos · 2 years
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fromcenotaphy · 4 years
montage elements that we SHOULD have gotten in the finale:
dean disentangling himself from cas’s arms and groping for the alarm clock
eileen and sam making breakfast in the bunker kitchen
beers around the library table
random monster getting beheaded
dean fishing with jack
cas crankily drinking coffee
sam and rowena playing chess
dive bar karaoke
claire showing cas how to shoot a crossbow
eileen jody and donna drinking wine on a porch
sam and cas reading in the library
dean in an apron
kaia taking a nap with her head in claire’s lap
sam rinsing suds out of eileen’s hair
animated arguments in cramped diner booths
sam and dean singing in the impala
dean kicking down a door
cas signing with eileen
charlie and stevie descending the bunker stairs with their arms full of craft beer
slow dancing
kevin teleporting into the back row of a princeton lecture hall
dean and claire playing mini golf
sam sorting spell ingredients in the archives
cas resting his head against dean’s shoulder
jack in heaven frowning down at a stack of blueprints
movie nights
eileen and dean sparring
row of labeled landlines in the bunker war room
cas in dean’s clothes
eileen feeding sam french fries
bobby at jody’s giving the girls a boxing lesson
bunker holiday decorations
fond looks
cas laughing
sam throwing a handful of popcorn at dean
patience and alex with fake fbi badges
dean losing at monopoly
cas and jack people-watching on a park bench
salt and burns
sam on the phone surrounded by lore notes
garth writing a stack of christmas cards
eileen skyping max and alicia
sam and jack frowning at a stone tablet
uproarious birthday celebrations
the impala driving along a forested interstate
dean kissing cas at sunset on a beach
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