#Peter Parker mermaid au
waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
Part Of Your World ~ p.p
pairing: Peter Parker x mermaid!reader
chapter three: out of the sea
series masterlist
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“I need some legs.”
“Excuse me?” Dr. Strange asked as he put down his newspaper to see Peter standing in his doorway.
“Not for me. For my girlfriend. Perhaps you haven’t heard, but I’m dating a mermaid.” Peter shrugged like it was no big deal.
“No, I haven’t heard. I’ve been in Kamer-Taj for the last month. I’m just here to get some things.” Strange said dismissively as he gathered some things and slipped them into his satchel. He brushed past Peter to leave the room, then stopped.
“And by the way, even if I had been living here, I don’t take any particular interest in your personal life. I would like to make that clear.” He reminded Peter before walking away.
“Did you do something new with your hair? It looks amazing. Your hairline didn’t get further down, did it?” Peter laid the flattery on thick as he followed Strange down the hall.
“What do you want?” Strange sighed and stopped.
“I need you to cast a spell and give my mer-girlfriend legs so we can be together.” Peter said and clasped his hands under his chin.
“No.” Strange said immediately and walked away again.
“Please? She’s dreamt of being on land her whole life. There is nothing she has ever wanted more. I promised her I would get her some legs.”
“Well, you should not have have that promise since you have 0 way of fulfilling it.”
“But you do. You can do anything. I’ve seen it. Can’t you give my girl some legs?” Peter pleaded and continued to follow him.
“No. I don’t do favors. And I don’t mess with nature.”
“Please, Strange. She’s in trouble.” Peter begged, making Strange stop.
“What kind of trouble?” He asked and tried not to sound too interested.
“Her dad is super possessive and controlling of her. He’s gonna marry her off to someone she doesn’t love and keep her under the water the rest of her life.”
“She’s a mermaid, kid. She belongs under the water.” Strange reminded him.
“Not this mermaid. She’s always felt out of place down there. She belongs up here. She knows it and I know it. It’s all she’s ever wanted. Haven’t you ever wanted something so desperately that you’d give anything to get it?”
Strange was silent as he pondered Peters question. He thought of Christine and the watch she’d given him. Then he thought of how she looked on her wedding day.
“Bad things happen with you mess with nature. Things you would never see coming.” He said finally.
“I’ve seen you part a puddle so your cape wouldn’t get wet.” Peter pointed out.
“Is her dad really that bad?” Strange asked, knowing he was caught.
“Yes. He won’t let her do anything that makes her happy. He controls every aspect of her life. She has no freedom.” Peter told him. Strange was quiet for a minute and felt a twinge of sympathy for this girl he had never met.
“Fathers shouldn’t reprimand their daughters.” He said quietly. Peter smiled in relief, knowing he’d gotten through to him.
“Will you help her?” Peter asked hopefully, making Strange look at him.
“She really wants this?”
“More than anything.” Peter nodded. “And so do I.”
“Will you ever stop asking if I say no?” Strange asked, already knowing the answer.
“Never.” Peter confirmed. “I’ll be so annoying, you’ll wish you stayed a pile of dust.”
“Fine.” Strange said finally. “I’ll do it.”
“Thank you so much, Strange. You won’t regret this. I swear.” Peter grinned and tightly hugged him.
“It’s fine. Just don’t hug me anymore.” Strange said and wriggled out of the hug.
“I won’t.” Peter promised and quickly let go.
“I guess I can manipulate nature just this once. If your girlfriend wants legs that badly, I can give her some legs.” Strange decided.
“Now, these legs.” Peter began. “Will they come with…”
“Come with what?” Strange asked when Peter trailed off.
“You know, everything?” Peter asked and gestured with his hands.
“Yes. She’ll have toes, thighs, ankles, all of it.” Strange shrugged. “I’m not trying to trick you. I’ll give her legs and everything that comes with them.”
“Everything, though? Like, everything everything?” Peter raised his eyebrows.
“What?” Strange asked, starting to get annoyed.
“He’s trying to ask if she’ll have a coochie or not.” Sam said as he passed them in the hallway. Strange hung his head in disappointment as Peter blushed a deep red.
“Yes, she’ll have the proper anatomy of a biological female.” Strange said as he rubbed his eyes.
“Meaning?” Peter asked for clarification.
“She’ll have a coochie.” Strange said, unamused.
“Awesome.” Peter clapped. “For her. Not me. I really hyped up Charmin Ulta Soft toilet paper.”
“I have to warn you, though. Messing with reality like this can have consequences. I’ve never done this before. I can’t promise you what the outcome will be.” Strange warned.
“As long as I get to be with her, it’ll be okay.”
“All right. I need to perfect the spell first. Give me three days time.”
“Three days time?” Peter whined. “Is there no instant spell we could do?”
“Damn. He really wants that pacific coochie.” Sam said from down the hall. Peter groaned when he realized he was still listening and stamped his feet like a little kid.
“Stop listening! You’d do the same thing if you had a mermaid girlfriend. Which you don’t!” Peter shouted down the hallway.
“Says who?” Sam shouted back, making Peter go silent. Dr. Strange sighed again and shook his head in disbelief that he actually agreed to help Peter.
“So, I’ll see you in three days?” Peter said with a cheeky smile.
“Three days. And then we are taking a long, long break from each other.”
“Deal.” Peter grinned.
Meanwhile, you were in your cavern where you kept all the things you had collected. You were showing one of your sisters, Indira, the things Peter had brought you from the land.
“What’s that?” Indira asked when she noticed the bead bracelet on your wrist.
“Isn’t it neat? Peter calls it a bracelet. He made it himself. He even spelled my name with beads, see?” You smiled proudly and held your wrist out.
“Wow. Just like the humans wear.” She gasped and touched the plastic beads in awe.
“I know. I’ve never seen my name spelled out before. And look what else Peter brought me.” You clapped your hands in excitement before handing her a butter knife that Peter had brought on one of your dates.
“A sharp dinglehopper?” She asked as she took it in her hand.
“Peter said it’s called a “knife”. And apparently, the humans call dinglehoppers “forks”. Isn’t that amazing?” You gushed.
“I’m happy for you, Y/n. This Peter might be the one.” Indira smiled fondly at you.
“I hope so. I think I’m falling in love with him.” You confessed to her.
“But he’s a human. How could it ever work?” She asked as she took your hands.
“I’m not sure yet.” You admitted. “But Peter and I will figure it out. Together.”
“Who’s Peter?” Your fathers voice came booming through your cavern, making you and Indira jump and cling together.
“Daddy! Hi. I didn’t hear you come in.” You faked a smile and held your sister close.
“Who’s Peter?” He repeated as he looked disapprovingly upon your collection.
“No one. Just a merman I met.” You lied.
“I know all the mermaids in our reef. I’ve never heard of a Peter.”
“He’s new. His family just got here from the Atlantic.” You continued to lie as your father examined some of your newest additions. Your collection had grown significantly since meeting Peter and you father could tell.
“Where did you get all this stuff?” He asked, making you gulp.
“I collect things that fall into the water, daddy. You know this.” You played dumb. He grabbed your wrist suddenly and looked at your bracelet.
“Someone dropped a bracelet with your name on it into the water?” He asked skeptically.
“It must be a popular name with the humans.” Indira came to your defense. Your father turned your wrist over and saw that Peters name was also spelled out in beads.
“Peter.” He read off the bracelet.
“Oh, right. I forgot. Peter made this for me.” You laughed nervously.
“Peter had string and beads that spelled out both your names?” Your father asked and tightened his grip on your wrist.
“I had it in my collection. I let him borrow it.” You said quietly and tried to pull your wrist away. Your father threw your arm back at you and swam deeper into your cavern to look at the rest of your collection.
“What is this?” He asked as he held up a little Spiderman keychain Peter had gifted you.
“A keychain, daddy.” You said innocently. Your father tossed it back without a care and moved on. He picked up a laminated piece of paper and scanned the contents of it.
“A love letter?” Your father said in a low voice as he slowly looked up at you.
“Yes, daddy.” You gulped and squeezed Indira’s hand for comfort.
“It’s hard.” He said as he flicked it with his finger. He’s never seen paper before since it wouldn’t last under water, but he knew what it was. Beyond that, he knew there was no way you had just found this at the bottom of the sea.
“It was laminated.” You said quietly. He narrowed his eyes at you, not knowing what that word meant but not wanting to seem weak.
“Don’t use big words like that. You don’t know what they mean.” He sneered at you.
“I do know what it means. It’s when you put a piece of paper in a machine and it covers both sides with a layer is plastic to protect it.”
“And Peter did this?” He asked when he saw Peters name at the bottom.
“Yes, daddy.” You said with less confidence this time.
“Under the sea?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes?” You squeaked out, knowing he didn’t believe you.
“You’re lying to me. This is from a human, isn’t it? All of this is from a human.” Your father bellowed as he used his trident to smash parts of your collection.
“Daddy, no! My collection.” You cried out and tried to stop him from breaking anything else. You’d spent your whole life building your collection. It was all you had in the world. Watching him destroy it in a seconds felt like your heart was being ripped from your chest.
“I am so sick of your obsession with the humans. This is all human garbage. I won’t tolerate it anymore.” He shouted as he continued to break your prized possessions.
“No!” You cried and caught whatever was floating around you.
“Humans killed your mother. They will kill you too.” Your father screamed at you.
“Good! I’d rather be dead than live down here in this prison.” You screamed back at him.
“When I find this Peter, he will feel the wrath of Titans mighty trident.” He threatened and swung his trident at you. You quickly swam away from it as Indira swam away scared.
“But daddy, I love him!” You professed.
“You can’t love a human. I’ll be arranging your marriage to one of the mermen in the reef straight away. And believe this. You will never go to the surface again. You will never go so much as out of my sight. And you will never, ever see Peter again.”
“You can’t keep me from him. I love him. That’s my choice.” You stated firmly.
“Who do you think you are? You don’t get to make your own decisions. You’re not smart enough to. I make the choices around here. And I choose to forbid you from ever speaking of the humans again.” He shouted as he smashed the rest of your collection. You cried as you watched your life’s work get destroyed to pieces that floated around you. Once he was done, he grabbed the knife Peter had given you and swam towards you.
“Daddy, what are you doing?” You asked as you swam upwards.
“If you can’t keep quiet, I will keep you quiet.” He said and reached out it grab you. You dodged him and started to swim upwards as quickly as you could. He grabbed onto your tail but you quickly spun around and got loose. You smacked him with a flick of your tail and swam off in a blur. Since you explored often, you were able to lose him by swimming through every nook and cranny you’d discovered on your adventures. You could hear him swimming after you but never looked back. You darted and zig zagged until you were sure you lost him. You swam all the way to yours and Peters rock and hopped up on it just as Peter was swinging over. When he saw you already sitting there, he got worried that something was wrong. He landed and kissed you hello, making you burst into tears. He held you close and rubbed your back until you calmed down enough to speak.
“Hey, hey, hey. What happened? It’s okay, darling. It’s okay.” He said as he wiped your face.
“My dad knows about us. He’s already destroyed my collection. If he finds me, he’s gonna clip my tail and cut out my tongue. I’ll never see you again.” You cried against his shoulder.
“Don’t worry. I won’t let that happen. No one’s gonna hurt you, baby. I won’t let them.” Peter assured you.
“If we want to be together, we have to run away. Now. Were you able to talk to your people about getting me legs?” You asked and gripped his shirt.
“I was. But my sorcerer friend said he needs three days time.”
“Three days time?” You sighed.
“That was my exact reaction.”
“I don’t have three days. I need to get out of here now.” You gulped and looked around for your father or any of his men that may have followed you.
“I’m gonna swim back to shore. Wait for me there, okay?” Peter said as a half baked idea came to him.
“What’s the plan, Peter?” You asked him. Peter cupped your face and pulled you into a long kiss.
“The plan is I return the favor and rescue you.” He said once he pulled away.
“I like that plan.” You smiled softly. Peter kissed you one last time and then dove into the water. He swam until he reached rocks that he could swing off of off to get himself back to shore. By the time he got there, you were waiting in a bed of seaweed that concealed your tail. You’d never been this close to the shore before and it almost made you forget the situation you were in. Once Peter landed, he scooped you up and carried you to the beach.
“Why are you so heavy?” He groaned and struggled to run on the sand.
“I’m a human sized fish.” You reminded him.
“Oh. Right.” Peter realized and continued to carry you up the beach. Luckily, the sun had set and no one was around for miles so you didn’t have to worry about being seen. Peter was focused on getting you to his apartment without being seen, but you were focused on the world around you.
“My first time on land.” You whispered to yourself as you took in absolutely everything around you. The sand, the lights from the cityscape in front of you, the salty breeze, and the sound of seagulls in the distance filled you with the greatest joy you’d ever known. Peter noticed you looking around in amazement and stopped to give you a chance to see it all.
“Do you like it?” He asked, catching your attention.
“I’ve spent my whole life in the ocean. I’ve never been on the beach.” You sighed dreamily and looked around again.
“I’ll take you back one day. But first, you need your legs.”
You grinned and nodded your head as Peter continued walking. He carried you to the street and started running in the direction of his apartment. Since he needed two arms to carry you, he couldn’t use his webs.
“Are you sure you’ll be able to carry me all the way to your house?” You feared as he ran through the back streets of the city with you.
“I’m super human, remember? I got you, girl.” He said suavely.
“Okay.” You sighed happily and rested your head on his shoulder. Luckily, Peter didn’t live too far from the beach and was able to get you back to his apartment within 20 minutes.
“Okay. We’re here.” Peter said you arrived.
“This is where you live? It’s huge.” You gasped and looked at a building for the first time.
“You’re impressed by this? Wow. You really don’t know much about the above world.” Peter said out of the corner of his mouth.
“How will we get in?” You asked him.
“Great question. How am I gonna get a mermaid into my apartment without May seeing?” Peter chewed his lips and tried to think.
“Oh right. I can climb walls.” He remembered. He carefully maneuvered you around his body so that you could wrap your arms around his neck while he climbed the side of his building. It wasn’t safe to swing with you like that, but a quick climb felt okay. Once he got to his window, he opened it and threw you inside. You bounced off his bed and rolled onto the floor with a heavy thud. Peter quickly shut his window and was about to apologize when you sat up with the biggest smile.
“Your floor has hair!” You gasped and rubbed your hand on his carpet.
“That’s called the carpet, darling. And I wouldn’t touch it too much. There’s about a thousand Dorito crumbs in there.”
“What’s this?” You asked and patted his bed. Peter scooped you up and laid you down on his bed before explaining.
“This is called a bed. It’s where I sleep at night. Do mermaids sleep or are you guys like sharks?”
“We sleep. Usually on a pile of seaweed. Nothing like this thing.” You said as you rubbed your hands up and down his bed. You winced suddenly and rubbed your waist where your tail met your skin.
“Are you okay?” Peter worried.
“Sorry. My tail gets itchy and tight when I’m dry for too long.” You winced again and shifted uncomfortably.
“Oh, shoot. Let me run you a bath.” Peter said and quickly went into his attached bathroom. He waited for the water to get warm and then went to go get you. When he came back into his room, he found you chewing something.
“Um, sweetness, what’s in your mouth?” Peter asked calmly. You shrugged and held up a stick of deodorant with a bite taken out of it.
“Candy. Like the Sour Path Kids.” You said through a mouth full of deodorant.
“Oh God. Oh no. Okay. Let’s put that down.” Peter smiled sweetly and took the deodorant from your hands.
“Just one more bite.” You whined and tried to hold on to it.
“I’ll get you some real food once you’re in the bath.” Peter promised as he scooped you up off his bed. He carried you into the bathroom and gently put you in his bathtub.
“Okay. Stay here. I’ll go get you some food.”
“I can’t really go anywhere else.” You reminded him as you flicked your tail up and down.
“Right. Sorry.” He smiled tightly. He felt guilty when he looked at you in his tiny bathroom knowing you were used to swimming in the open ocean. He left the bathroom and soon returned with some of your favorites foods. He sat on the bathroom floor with you and ate while Peter explained all the things in his bathroom.
“I’m just so happy you’re here.” Peter said as he slipped his hand into yours.
“Me too. I’m finally on land!” You gushed and looked around Peters bathroom. It wasn’t exactly what you imagined for you first time on land, but it was still something you never thought you’d get to experience.
“And I’m with you. That’s the best part.” You turned back to Peter and squeezed his hand. Peter squeezed yours back before kissing your knuckles.
“You’re safe now.” He promised you. “And all we have to do is keep you hidden from my aunt for the next three days. Then you’ll get your legs and we can live like a normal couple.”
“Easy.” You smiled. “How hard could that be?”
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Iridiscent (Pt. 4)
Pirate AU! Miguel O'Hara x Mermaid! Reader
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WARNING: Angst, mentions of violence, graphic depictions of violence, mild gore, political implications, character origins, character backgrounds, introduction of character, Greek mythology mentions.
Summary: The aftermath of a mermaid encounter brings an unexpected ally.
A/N: Pirate Miggy is back ❤️
Mermaids, sea witches, sirens, sea monsters. The latter was the most accurate name for what your mere existence rendered. And now, men eater.
Existing since way before humans understood the concept of civilizations, silent watchers of eons of evolution, yet unfortunate by the simple fact of being.
The permanence of the kin itself was a result of a fateful domino effect the God of the dead had unleashed by being invaded and bewitched by a mortal feeling. Love.
His whim had turned into obsession and this somehow morphed into love. A feeling so strong that made him kidnap the Spring goddess for himself, tired of the miserable companion solitude was in the underworld. And that was the moment everything changed.
The nymphs in charge of their queen's safety were turned into winged beings, as a punishment from none other than Demeter. Her wrath over them, ruthless and merciless as they were forced to look everywhere for their vanishing queen to no avail.
Some of the nymphs had escaped the aftermath to a recluse island, abandoning all purpose of finding Persephone, to follow the whims of their hearts in lieu. Singing and music.
But even so, Demeter's fury had no match, vengeful and blinded by anger she looked for the rebel ones to kill them, but these hid in the sea. Eventually, the feathers hardened, turning into scales. These etched and covered their legs. Securing them in a colorful long tail.
Bird's talons turned into beautiful and deadly hands, that once a prey was caught there was nothing it could do but to accept it's fate. Death.
Damned be Hades and his stupid obsession. Damned be Demeter and her blinding rage, and damned be the men that polluted the earth above with their existing and constant evolving.
Men. The real wretched creatures. The executioners of everything they decided unworthy of living. Stupid beings that played God in a self imposed role in  life's hierarchy.
Creatures that had hunted and killed your kin for ages, forcing to separate and face new dangers at every turn in the endless ocean. Humans, a little too praising title considering their acts and actions were everything but, had forced you to hide in the deepest waters and forbidden lands not many were brave enough to venture in.
A couple of centuries were more than enough for you to have a glimpse of their nature. Destructive, dangerous and merciless. They sullied and tarnished everything unfortunate enough to go under their hands.
They killed everything unknown or deemed too frightening for their existence and had no mercy while at it. The bloodier the better. A disgusting yet necessary example of behavior you had to follow in order to survive.
Humans had shaped your temper. Heart rejoicing at every sunken ship the sea swallowed. Even their flesh had lost the sizzle to be enjoyable enough, making your feeding habits more inclined towards other creatures within the sea.
You didn't eat men because you hated them. You ate them because their hatred had poisoned enough the seas, leaving you without resources, pushing you to consume them. And your refusal had made your body weak, it had been years since your body felt properly satisfied.
You collapsed.
How many days had passed, certainly was unknown. Time under the sea was measured by how long it took for a reef to go completely white, how often the ships let their nets in a single spot. Sometimes you remained on land, sea too dangerous to venture alone.
But none of that mattered anymore. Inanition wasn't exclusive of humans, the last thing in your mind was to curse Hades and the men.
But death escaped and picked you and others alike within a net. Pushing some survival instinct back in you as the net wriggled and broke. Injecting the right amount of life to hand you a buffet in a wooden platter. Gathering your bearings after the little commotion in your head, was quickly overlooked when the attention focused on the scene unfolding.
A ship full of men, that stared in wonder and fear. One of them stood out from the rest. It reminded you of Hercules. His physique unique, just as his eyes. A fine specimen and surely a delicious one. Their language was unknown, but it became clear the moment you kissed the fool before your apparent naive form. Absorbing his knowledge and a little more in that simple gesture. Which was little.
But enough to understand what the men said and whispered around you.
Foul and salty smelling, with a faint tinge of wine. He tasted sour and ashy, but edible enough to sate your rampant huger. You wanted to go for the herculean man in shackles, his scent rich in leather, voice like a soft and firm caress in the back of one's head. His cinnamon toned skin made your mouth water.
You were about to move for him, but Elliot, the idiot infront and your hunger kept you in place. You knew your initial prey would fight and would waste the little reserve of strength you had left. He was no fool.
As moronic as the man on your way  was, he'd save his purpose. The prey was subdued, flesh and bones devoured; bland and tasteless, but well welcomed within your body. Revitalizing energies and restocking the strength you had been lacking for a time.
Expected as it was, they attacked, all by the command of the shackled man, that had dared to injure you with a bullet. But you were too frenzied and hungry to care. Your meal hung in your maws, as you fought to get it off the ship.
Your Hercules watched in horror from afar, and never in your life had you felt more realized and satisfied to provoke such disturbing reaction in a man.
You could almost taste the fear behind his raged and shaky breathing, his shock in every powerful beat his heart did, the denial in his eyes as they widened the more your teeth sank into the corpse. It fueled you. And also ignited with new strength the already flickering purpose of your existence.
Destroy as many of them as possible.
You went under the ship, away from their archaical defense to eat and consume your food. Humans weren't definitely on the top, for a moment the hunter became the prey and didn't survive to brag about his new kill.
Skin and flesh was torn, consumed with such hunger it had you full and completely sated like never before, within matter of minutes. Elliot Jackdaw no longer existed, but served as a reminder that your kin prevailed and endured.
But also, had unleashed a new domino effect you weren't aware of.
The man in shackles, your forsaken greek god, was thrown at the sea. Your territory. You saw him move, fight against the current; trying to free himself from the heavy cuffs that weighed him down and reach back to the ship. And then nothing.
He became still and it made you frown. Where that bravado had gone? The smirk that was about to emerge in your lips faded as soon as a red cloud oozed and swallowed his head.
His scent was too rich and alluring, stagnant almost. Sickly sweet for your senses and he wasn't moving.
If you recalled, he was called a captain. What was a captain doing out of his ship drowning in the sea? Your lip twitched in scowl.
The lack of loyalty among his kindred was another reason to hate them. He wasn't the first nor the last you had saved in these conditions. Mostly women or little children that were expelled without much reasons other than being a burden.
As much as you cursed your heart for not turning its back to these sort of injustices, and your need to have a tiny taste of him, you hauled him up shore. Light as a feather in water, but heavy as lead on land. The heavy iron around his wrist didn't help, so you destroyed it, inflicting little cuts around his flesh in the process.
Ancient eyes scrutinized his form. Sharp cheekbones that could only match a sword. Strong features that screamed fighter in every direction you looked. A jagged and nasty cut on a side of his head, some strands obscuring his face, you removed them and some bloodied debris from his wound, inspecting it.
Not a too deep cut, the contusion of his head against the moving ship had been rough. A single cut in the upper right cheekbone, clothes clung to him like a second skin. His pockets however were too tempting to be left alone.
Sand and water on them, along a shiny pearl that had you staring and sniffing at the trinket for a close inspection, that didn't pay attention to the locket nesting deeper inside. The pearl was true, so you took it as it quickly etched to your skin, under the ribcage as a decor motif of the raggy top you used to cover your chest.
He'd surely serve as one of Aphrodite's lovers. His forearms laced in tiny and fading scars, that also loitered his solid and somewhat hairy chest. A man through and through. A natural enemy of yours, yet you had saved him.
Probably, he would hunt you too, like the scarce quantity of men you had pulled out of danger. The pearl was a token for saving his life.
You could kill him, filling your tabs with another number, but it wouldn't be honorable. Even if you were a different species, you refused to let some of their habits to rub on you. You opposed greatly to be like them, and so with a look that would suppose to be a final one back at him, you dipped back into the sea.
He was on land. Alive, heart beating along every single erratic breath. The sea waves washed over his hips, not cold neither lukewarm. Just the ideal temperature for the humid weather
I'm alive.
His mind couldn't comprehend what had happened. One moment he was in the sea, to then hurl himself back up and puke all the salty water his body had unwillingly ingested.
Miguel was dizzy, but alive. Beaten up, but still breathing. Pissed and ever ready to get his treasure back. But he had to recover some energies first.
Sighing and rising slowly, he turned around to kneel in the moist sand. Tiny grains of it etched to his moist skin, they were rough, altering his sensorial touch for a second. Feet finally got the strength to stand up, careful to not let the nauseas get to his head entirely. Skin burned, but he could bear the discomfort, what Miguel truly needed was a big gulp of water.
He remembered the sun being high on the sky, blazing with all it's glory and witnessing his crew marooning him for good. And now it was night. Somehow thankful that he didn't have to deal with the weather's inclemencies. Step by wobbly step he approached to the thickets and palms rooted in the soil, dressing up modestly the land he walked on.
As another wave of nauseas hit while his head pounded, Miguel stopped to rest in a nearby palm. Calloused hand cupping and covering his mouth to prevent the bile and vomit to spill out once more. Dehydrated as he was, Miguel also understood the dangers of drinking too much salty water.
If dehydration didn't kill him, puking too much without having any other resources on reach would. But none of his survival could be done with the unbridled headache that hammered in his head. A side of it was caked in dry blood, like some strands of his already matted and full of sand hair.
With careful steps he ventured in deeper into the jungle, looking for a spot to spent the night away from land's troubles. The island wasn't familiar for him, he didn't even know if it was big enough to harbor sustainable life, or if ships would pass nearby. With a gasp and a frantic move, he palmed his pockets.
Mierda, no! No
Panic rose upon not feeling the pearl, the sudden motion made his steps stutter as he puked, unable to hold it in anymore. But once he was done and wiped his mouth with the back of his arm, he searched into them.
Por favor
The pearl was gone, that was for sure, but relief washed over him upon feeling the fine golden chain of the locket. Hand clasped on it while he brought it to his chest and sighed.
He nearly gave up.
Heart pounding in his ears along his head, and only when he opened the locket, the tears flowed. Calloused fingers full of sandy grains probed the valuable mineral, feeling the dents of the shell shape he knew by heart at this point. Eyes drowning and his voice muffled into a silent and wrathful sob as he inhaled the trinket.
Perdóname, Gabi. (Forgive me)
A faint tickle of fresh home bread, coconut oil that he used to fry the fish, and the eucalyptus ointment that was always next to him brought back the bittersweet memories that flooded his mind about the last years he had with Gabriella. She adored when he cooked, and always smelled his fingers after using the oil.
It reminds me of you, Papa.
She loved freshly baked bread. But hated the smell of the eucalyptus ointment the doctor left her.
The only memento he now had of his beloved and long gone daughter. The only thing that mattered the most for him.
How dared them betraying him when he had been everything but fair and good?
How dared them into taking his ship and some important things he had hid inside? But most importantly, how dared life to show him that mermaids were real when the reason he believed in them in the first place was no longer with him?
Who was he supposed to tell that he saw a mermaid?
A karma for turning into a pirate, maybe. All his mind was able to remember was the way the creature looked at him, a clear assessment of her power. Fear invaded every fiber of his being, making him too stunned to actually think or act until he saw the creature devouring Elliot.
Another reason for him to respect the sea. Now that he had a glimpse of what laid underneath, Miguel wondered what other things crawled in it's depths. But he would think about it all tomorrow.
His eyes drooped in exhaustion. Thinking consumed the last bit of his energy reserves. Despite the thirst clawing at his throat with a vice grip, the headache and weariness were greater. Even though a thicket wasn't the right choice to spend the night, he hadn't the time nor the energies to be picky. He just collapsed once more and hoped whoever above to live another day.
The sunlight was slippery enough to leak through the dense foliage and reach patches of the humid and moss textured land, as well parts of his weathered face. With a wince he rolled to his side, avoiding the aurifeous and warm touch from the ever blazing sun.  Head clear from it's pain, and thoughts in order, like it should be.
With a sigh he rose and stretched, popping joints back in their place. Discomfort remaining in his head and wrists, that upon further examination he deducted the cuts in them were fresh, and undoubtedly someone had saved him from a certain death. Who, he didn't know but was grateful for the mysterious savior to let his revenge start.
With a rested yet hungry body, and a fresh head to think, he rolled his shoulders back and took a look around. Surveying his environment to decide which way to go. No weapons, no resources but packed with skills that were honed precisely for these sort of situations.
He still remembered the first time Mundaca had left him in an island with a single knife to fend for himself, since Miguel refused to accompany him in a slave hunting trip. At first he thought that Mundaca had left him for good or out of spite, but Fermín had only taught him a valuable surviving lesson. This time however, he didn't have that knife and would rely only on his hands, brain and brawns.
Naturally, Miguel headed for the north, palm trees left behind, instead acai palms, rubber trees and soursops begun gathering in the place. The scent of wet soil and rotting wood was pungent in the air, oddly, he liked it. Macaws and other birds cackled and cawed as he pushed deeper along some distant rustling.
The overgrown roots twisted and tangled here and there, weaving a walkable path free of them to his right, His eyes darted to the tail of a cobra slithering away from him, minding it's business.
The copious squaking of the birds was a good white noise along the crunching of his wet boots. His throat was beyond arid, that even spit couldn't form in it if he wished; stomach rumbled violently, begging him for some food. Breathings paused but deep.
Hours stretched for what seemed forever, he didn't know if he was walking in circles, the island was definitely not small. He had found some fruit trees along the way, but the things were so our of reach, that attempting to climb for them was a risk. He'd knew the wait would worth it.
Ears however perked at the gunshot given in the distance. Eyes widened, both in surprise and excitement at the thought that civilization was within. Cause that meant, food and water. And also weapons. And what a better way to confirm it than a booming gunshot that spooked away the nearby fawn.
With careful steps, he followed the echo, making the least of noise possible. As much as it thrilled to have a bite, he also understood the implications of such things. Armored men, guarded bodegas, overpowered foremen and probably slaves.
Time flew by, but his spirits lifted upon spotting the first red uniforms in a distance. Two of them. He approached closer to take a better look.
The soldiers had a rifle each, a belt full of ammo and firing at what were now dead slaves as shooting dummies. To his right, Miguel saw a few tents and supplies. Food and water tossed in a nearby bench, a fire was alight, serving as a cooking source for the pot placed above. His eyes however fell upon a machete. Probably belonging to one of the dead men tied up in the wooden posts.
After all, working tools had to be in perfect conditions, leaving no room for slacking off.
Miguel forayed slowly, moving within the foliage until he reached for the machete, with paced breathings he awaited for another shot to rumble to pull the weapon within his reach. The metallic drag was drowned. He couldn't eat until the men were disposed off.
Now that he was armored, a distraction was needed. The branches used for the iron's pot makeshift support were weak, the stew inside boiled. Miguel pushed the tip of the machete on the pot's edge, a little clink connected as the pot was pushed forward, but it barely tumbled it. He awaited for another gunshot to echo to push the pot entirely on the ground.
The lard immediately sent sparks on the floor as smoke surrounded the area. The noisy thud of the pot alarmed one of the guards that didn't waste time into blaming his companion for the shitty structure and how they'd have to go fishing again to get food done.
A little too late the guard noticed the fiery red eyes that glowered at him. Before he could even say something the sharp blade of the machete sliced through this throat in a firm thrust, all the guard could do was a gurgle, perturbed, before plummeting on the floor, staining the blade with a warm crimson as Miguel pulled it out of the body. Flesh sizzling at the contact of the hot coals and wood.
He took a rock that filled in his palm and aimed it for the head of the remaining guard, the other soldier yelped as he fell on the ground, the rock hitting his head with a lurid crack. Miguel lurched for him to end his misery by impaling the weapon in his back. Right in the middle. It was quick, deathly and effective.
Miguel panted but waited in case  another guard was around, but none approached, just the wing flapping of a macaw somewhere. With the machete in  hand he approached to the tent and wasted no time in gobbling down the water in a container, quenching his thirst, not really caring for the droplets that rolled down his neck.
His hands then wiped his face as he scrubbed the caked blood and sand away, then scarfed down the leftovers left in a plate and devoured anything within reach that was cooked or preserved, Adia probably would scold him for eating like an animal, despite being starving.
Once he was satisfied and his strength back, he looked for other weapons he could use. As much as the machete proved a worthy aid, it was long and it made noise. The opposite of what he needed.
The Red Eyed Demon searched into the soldier's pockets, a couple of coins, bullets and gold teeth that seemed freshly pulled out of the bodies in the back. He took the bullets and left the rest, he also found a short ranged pistol, a combat knife and a rope.
Also, to his luck, some fresh clothes. As much as he was set into his vengeance he wouldn't waste the chance into being comfortable while at it. His boots were soiled full of sand and saline water, he changed them, like his pants. The shirt was the only thing he kept since none of the men actually wore his size.
Ridiculous as it was, one of the soldiers had abnormally larger feet. But were perfect for him. Pants still a bit too short but he'd had them any other day instead of walking around feeling uncomfortable and itchy by the salt etched to his skin and clothes.
He ventured deeper only to find a familiar scene before him. A state. Hacienda Valverde read in the overly embellished metal structure that held the sign.
So far, Miguel had done a good job in keeping himself hid, the least of attention he attracted, the more successful his escape plan would be. So far he had counted around fifteen soldiers in the property. Five of them scattered through the plantations, making sure the workforce didn't dally in their duties.
He ventured over the trees, avoiding unnecessary trouble, to then land nearly quietly in a mountain of hay. His breathings stopped at every time an unsuspected guard passed by him. Heart pounded in his ears when his steps brought him closer and closer to danger
The rest of the guards were scattered through the property, watching over the stables, the main storage room, inside the hacienda and of course, watching over the supply.
He had snuck in the warehouse, to his surprise the cells were empty, he went through each of them to see if anything worthy had been left behind, but the sound of the lock being picked made him hide behind a couple of haystacks.
"Stop, Stop!" A groan came from a wriggling man, "I told you the truth! Let me go!"
Miguel couldn't see who was the prisoner, peeking out would be too risky, but the lack of accent, gave him a hint. An American.
The man grunted as he kicked, managed to land a punch or two to the guards that only twisted his shackled hands backwards. This made the man whine and curse, blind hot pain shot in his ribcage as another soldier hit him with the base of his rifle.
"Shut your fucking gob!" With a rough shove, the fighting man was thrown into the cell, the enclosure's door stilled with a loud creak as the main door was slammed shut.
The only noises the pirate could hear was the pained grunts that only increased when the prisoner tried to pick himself up from the floor, and the shaky huffing that turned into whiny whimpers when he managed to recover some air.
The day was set to surprise him, cause in his life he had seen a white man being thrown in a slave cell. Until now.
The man was tall, lean muscle in his body, a five o'clock stubble in his narrow cheeks and blue eyes. Hair hapzardly peeking ontop of his head.
"Fuck..." He groaned but recoiled in his cell even further upon seeing the shade of red glinting at him behind the haystacks. Pain screamed in every breathing he did, but that didn't stop him from trying to get himself free.
The man's eyes widened as soon as Miguel came into full view. He had to crane his head upwards to meet his eyes and gulped as soon as he realized the color in the behemoth of a man. Breaths shallow but less erratic than before now that he knew he had company.
"Please. Help me out of here, pal"
He was definitely American.
"And why would I do that?"
Miguel’s bushy brow quirked while taking another look through the warehouse, searching for alternative escape routes.
"Cause my wife just gave birth and I wanna meet my little girl."
A red stare seized the blue one. His unwavering, but the man's rivalled against it. Miguel broke contact as his hands fisted briefly. The prisoner's chest heaved whole he rubbed the area he was hit on.
Lucky bastard
"I was supposed to arrive last week but I was taken from the ship."
Miguel looked through the haystacks and other corners he didn't have the chance to search thoroughly.
"That's what I'd like to know!" The man sat against the lateral bars and winced defeated, watching at the moving man.
"I was a merchant, on a trip to improve a little familiar business I have, but Nueva York isn't precisely friendly with the working class." He paused to take some air the hit had taken away, "So I came back. And that's where the english trapped me." His forehead rested ontop of his scrapped and bloodied knuckles. The spark that gave him a beating and his imprisonment.
"The English are press ganging civilians at sea."
Miguel's lip twitched in a scowl upon hearing the news. Of course they would, Americans and English were too deep in political wars that could barely stand eachother. But in the sea, the English were the masters and none was there to stop them. More like he wasn't there to sink as many of them as possible.
"How old is your daughter?"
The pirate asked above his shoulder and this made the gaoler to look up.
"Three weeks old. According to my wife's last letter."
Miguel's shoulder slumped, and he turned to look at the man. A little hesitation passed over his eyes, but it vanished as soon as he saw an old acquaintance of him. Hope. Red eyes rolled annoyed, as if regretting the sudden decision he was about to make.
"Do you know how to use a weapon?"
The question surely threw the man off, but still managed to reply
"Y-Yeah. Not fond of them, but yeah."
"Not a complete useless if that's what you're hinting at."
Miguel chuckled and approached closer to the cell, examining the lock while the detainee put on his pair of boots.
"Gimme a wire and I'll get myself out of here."
Miguel instead took a nearby shovel to destroy the lock in a couple of hits. The metal piece clanking on the floor as it fell.
"O-Or you could do that. Yeah."
The man stood on his feet and stretched before offering his hand to him, Miguel just stared at him for a moment before taking his hand in a firm shake. Peter hid a wince at the sheer display of strength and that he had grabbed his injured hand.
"Peter B. Parker. Merchant and lock master."
"Miguel O'Hara. Pirate."
Peter could only blink stupidly at him.
"Let's go."
But followed him without much thought.
@nerdykat @munixumai @raiirai @sarapaprikas-blog @deputy-videogamer @rizahawkeye1380 @littlenyx @marit332 @iz-iplier @mad-hatter-rici @viriexo @obi-mom-kenobi @allysunny @lishdfish @not-ur-average-fangirl @freehentai @darksidecorner @winteringfalls @ellasarich @eustashh @nyxismoon @murnsondock @pluviophilis @oooof-ifellforyou @plusultrayokai @teacoffeeflavored @ctizu1 @dickfartcheesy @s0lm1n @vonev @iwumrndbm @azuredragonstrike @Iyykeyyy @arrozyfrijoles23 @frompeach @ghostlyworld @liamdasimp @straw-berry-ghoul
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siblingskissing · 4 months
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Dock Worker! Bucky X Mermaid! Peter
I just thought they'd be cute (kinda tempted to make this an au)
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Merfolk!Au where The spider crew benignly kidnap Peter B., thinking that he needs help and Miguel comes back for him (he's apocalyptically pissed). Miguel is an octopid and Peter is a goldfish. Miguel's claws are retractable on both his hands and tentacles. Miguel can regrow limbs and can change color of his tentacles at will. Also yes, he inks. Inky boi!
... so my first thought for miguel was vampire squid...
and then i was leik OH YES please please please please PLEASE~<3!!!!
lmao, yes. yes to everything plus INKY BOI~<3!! when i do mer au's, i do tend to combine certain canon elements to make mer forms allusions to the original but i LOVE the idea of goldi peter and octo miguel~<3<3<3
tho i must admit, i'd be moar likely to do some kinda blend/maybe combine for that allusion/fantasy fish element (like the vampy squid for miguel~<3<3<3<3 but also *maybe* spiderfish for petey pie~<3) because i like deep sea horrors... but also ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
deep sea glowy vampy octopid with spiny lil spider carp/koi(goldi's and koi are carps!)~<3 maybe?
i LOVE that tho, *apocalyptically* pissed~<3!! YES~<3!!
i do imagine peter just being an idiot who gets caught in the fishing nets, not even that they intentionally kidnap him lol
mer aus can be pretty basic but there's def a lot to explore worldbuilding wise there. i like to include mers, sirens, and beast kin for various subcategories and differing abilities.
singing for sirens and sometimes mers for example, but voraciously carnivorous appetites for sirens and verious beast kin types.
there are also a ton a themes to explopre there but they do dive a little outward from them both being mers.
marine biologist, classic crabby hermit, lil mermaid rescue a dumb human vibes are always great choices for some variation. LOVE the idea of a scientist discovering this supposedly *mythical* beast is actually extremely intelligent. love it even moar when they get caught on purpose *possibly* to study the human, or even that the 'human' person secretly has mer blood in them without knowing~<3
OOH~<3! here's an idea<3<3<3
inky boi miguel is a marine biologist (who is aware of his own mer's blood BUTT avoids the water maybe because of some certain... hungry tendencies~<3), peter is the idiot fish boi who's trying to get his attention and keeps getting captured, on purpose (after the first time at least~<3) just to get his attention~<3<3<3
BUTT~! do also love the idea of miguel being a very clingy and protective octopid for his goldi petey pie~<3<3<3
CAN'T forget to mention but... PIRATES~<3<3<3
which might not so 'benignly' kidnap a pretty golden petey pie~<3<3<3
they do say the *flesh* of a mermaid can give *immortality*. maybe miguel already knows the truth of that rumor~<3 maybe he knows the cost that follows in a thirst for human blood/flesh, cursed to be an aquatic/replace the one killed~<3 maybe he's the captain and toying with his precious petey~<3<3<3
ahhhh, so many ideas, so little time~<3
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khalixascorner · 2 years
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In The Depths
Summary: Meroctopus Tony just wants to have his own fry one day, but wants to ensure he has the proper mate to have them with. One day, merguppy Peter catches his attention and Tony decides that the merguppy is going to be his mate. Whether he wants to or not.
Tags: MerOctopusTony, Merguppy Peter, underwater au, Stalking Octopus Tony, Non-con/dub-conned into love, monster fucking,Tentacle Rape, Tentacle Sex, naive peter, Oviposition, The author spent way too much time researching sea creature reproduction and it shows, the author has also never written said stuff before and it shows, hermaphrodite Peter, Mpreg, Pregnant Peter,Squid Beck in Ch. 2, The Author Regrets Nothing, happy ending guaranteed, Dark Tony, sorry if i forget a tag
Read on AO3 Here or read below
Art by the absolutely fantastic @sausageg
Tony first spotted the little merguppy with the pretty blue tail on one of his hunting forays. A school had been swimming above him and a guppy had lagged behind, bright blue fins standing out without the cover the school provided. One of the other guppies called out and the curly haired merguppy was quick to rejoin its school but had peaked Tony’s interest.  
He finished hunting before finding the school again, on the watch for the merguppy with curly hair and the bright blue tail. It didn’t take long for the guppy to fall behind once again, his attention clearly caught by something on the ocean floor. Tony moved closer as he matched his color to rocks and coral surrounding him, intent on staying hidden from the guppy for now. The octopus had to bite back a chuckle as he saw the guppy pick up an interesting shaped shell and slip it in his bag before darting off to rejoin the school again.  
This happened again and again, with the curious guppy filling his bag to the brim before following the school back to their home.  
Tony continued to watch the guppy for days between his hunts, enthralled with the curious eyes and pretty tail. This, he decided, was a mate worth having. Someone with an actual intellect, that could give him offspring without dying and abandoning them like female octopi did. He remembered being a freshly hatched fry and watching his mother fade away to nothing in front of him, unable or unwilling to do anything to stop it. She had used the last of her strength to fend off a predator, leaving both her body and her foe’s for her children to consume. His father had never been around at all, having fulfilled his mating duties then abandoned his offspring.  
Tony didn’t want that for his offspring. He wanted to stay around and he wanted their mother to be there too. Guppies, Tony noted to himself, gave birth to live young, and helped care for them as they taught them to school. Even more interesting was how his blue guppy’s school seemed to be completely hermaphroditic. The more he learned about his little blue guppy, the more perfect he seemed.  
So Tony watched, and waited, and planned until finally the perfect opportunity came. His mate’s school had traveled further from their home than normal, which just happened to take them closer to his den. Tony was already carrying a supply of shells to lure his guppy with, so he swam close and dropped the first one. Then he swam a bit further and dropped the next.  
He continued until he was sure it would be far enough away from the school that he could grab his guppy without attracting attention. Then he waited, trusting his guppy’s keen eye and curiosity to lead him to Tony.  
Tony didn’t have to wait long either. The guppy was swimming from shell to shell, carefully putting them in his bag.  
“Looking for these?” Tony asked, holding out the rarest shell he had found.
The guppy started, staring worriedly at the octopus but still swam closer, carefully taking the shell from the larger mer.
“Thank you, sir,” the guppy said. “I love finding the special shells, you know? Like, what lived in these and why are they shaped this way? It’s so fascinating.”
“It is,” Tony agreed, the guppy’s rambling only reinforcing Tony’s infatuation. “Just like you.”
The guppy jumped, looking at Tony with wide eyes and a pretty flush painting his cheeks.  “I- ah, what?” the guppy asked, clearly confused and unsure. His warm earthy eyes dropped to the shell in his hands, though his eyes kept darting to Tony.  
“You’re a very interesting guppy,” Tony said, pulling out a glowing lichen covered shell that he had meant to save for later. “Not many think to ask why things are or even what, but you, my precious guppy, look so closely at everything around you.”
Tony pulled the guppy’s hands into his and gently deposited the shell. Then he leaned in and stole a quick kiss to the cheek while the guppy was distracted.  
“My name is Tony,” he said, letting a few of his tentacles trail gently over the guppy, spreading oh so tiny amounts of his poison so that the guppy would be more easily convinced to return home with him. “What’s yours?”
“I’m P-Peter, sir,” the guppy replied shyly.  
“Well, Peter, I have many more interesting things back in my den, if you’d like to see them,” Tony offered, rubbing his tentacles on the guppy more, though still keeping his touch gentle and light. “It’s not far from here so you’d be back to your school in no time.”
Tony had no intention of letting Peter slip away if they proved as compatible as he thought they would, but the little guppy didn’t need to know that.  
“I-I don’t know if I can,” Peter murmured, glancing around nervously. “What if I can’t find the school again?”
“Don’t worry, little guppy,” Tony repliedsoothingly. “I know my way around here really well and I’m sure I can get you home again if we need to.”  
Peter knew he probably shouldn’t go with the stranger, but he was so curious and there was something just mesmerizing about the mer-octopus. He was handsome and didn’t trigger any of Peter’s flight or fight responses, so surely it would be ok to just take a peek.  
With a shy nod, he followed Tony back to his den. The octopus kept brushing him gently with his tentacles but Peter thought nothing of it. His school would touch fins to confirm location and just stay aware of each other, and he assumed it was no different for the other.  
By the time they reached the well hidden den, Peter was starting to feel a little off, but he brushed it aside, excited to see what the octopus wanted to show him.  
“Here we go, Peter Pie,” Tony said with a flourish. Peter gasped as he looked around, seeing all sorts of shells and shiny bits decorating the den.  
“This is amazing,” Peter said, darting from display to display before he caught sight of the fanciest nest he had ever seen. “You have a mate?”
“Yes, if he’ll have me,” Tony said, his voice husky. “I’ve been trying to court him though I don’t think he realizes it yet.”
“You should be more upfront then, at least that’s what my aunt always says,” Peter said, still looking around. “Sometimes they just don’t realize it.”
“You’re right, I should,” Tony said, swimming closer to Peter. “But I don’t want to scare him away either.”
“I’m sure as long as you’re gentle and honest, it’ll go just fine,” Peter said, finally turning to face Tony. He froze when he saw the dark look on the octopus’ face. “Tony?”
Nervousness finally bubbled in him as Peter floated backward, only to hit the nest.  
“I’ve been watching you for a while now, Peter,” Tony said softly as he floated closer. “You’re so curious and intelligent, especially for a guppy, and still so kind too.”
Tony’s tentacles were touching him again, and Peter wanted to run but his body felt frozen. Tears leaked from his eyes only to be gently brushed away by Tony’s hand.
“Don’t cry, little guppy,” Tony said, tentacles grabbing more firmly even as he cupped Peter’s face in his hands. “I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to claim you as my mate.”
Tony placed a gentle kiss on Peter’s lips, then deepened it, causing Peter to gasp as Tony’s tongue pushed into his mouth. His body was still frozen and his heart was pounding in his chest, but the shudder that came next wasn’t from fear. Tony’s tentacles were rubbing along him gently, teasing his sensitive skin with every pass while suckers would occasionally latch on. Then they slid down his tail, teasing at his fins. A warmth he had never felt bubbled in his lower half and he couldn’t help the trill that slipped free.
“That’s it, little guppy,” Tony soothed. “Just relax and let me help you feel good.”
Peter let out a startled yelp when a tentacle started rubbing over his dorsal slit. He felt something warm and slick touch him, but he couldn’t do anything but whimper and trill as his body was still frozen.    
“Shhhh, it’s ok, baby,” Tony murmured as he moved Peter into the seaweed nest.  
He used a tentacle to spread more and more slick on the guppy’s slit before pushing just the tip into him. The merguppy was tight around his tentacle, but he simply lengthened it to slide in easier then let it thicken slowly as he stretched Peter. As the natural relaxants did their job, Tony allowed the tentacle to thicken more before starting to thrust it in and out, each time sliding a bit further into the trilling mer.
“That’s right, such a good guppy,” Tony cooed. “You’re taking me so well. Can’t wait to see you stuffed full of my eggs. You’ll make such a good carrier for them. Won’t abandon them or let yourself die after a single one like an octopus would.”
Peter whimpered beneath him, muscles twitching as he tried to fight the mild paralytic Tony had used on him.  
“Please, Tony, please, it’s too much,” Peter cried as Tony pushed more of his tentacle into the boy’s slit.  
“You can do it,” Tony soothed. “Just a bit more, little guppy. You can take it.”
Tony thrust in and out more firmly even as his other tentacles continued to touch everywhere he could reach. He leaned down and captured a budding nipple between his teeth, playing with the other with his hand as yet another limb teased at Peter’s lips before slipping in. His guppy groaned around the intrusion and twitched weakly beneath him.
Tony smirked, sucking harder and nipping at the nipple in his mouth before switching over to the over side. He kept the thrusting in the guppy’s mouth shallow, but in time with the thrusting in his slit.  
Peter whined and trilled as Tony worked him up more and more. Tony noticed Peter’s fins fluttering and caught sight of what he wanted. His little guppy had a penile fin that would harden and excrete what he needed to fertilize his eggs, but Tony would have to catch it in and stuff it into Peter’s slit after the eggs were deposited. Luckily Tony had already prepared a tightly woven bag to catch it in. 
A particularly hard suck caused Peter’s body to tighten around his tentacle, and Tony hurried to line his bag up with the fin he needed even as his tentacles picked up speed. He wasn’t close to completion yet but he would happily push his guppy past his limits. He could gather extra cum this way too.
Peter came hard around his tentacles, his whole body seizing tightly before the poor guppy passed out, overwhelmed by the pleasure Tony was showing him.  
Peter’s loosened body allowed Tony to slip his tentacle in further until he found what he was looking for. As a hermaphrodite, Peter had the pouch for growing fry, even if it wasn’t necessarily meant for octopus eggs. Distantly Tony wondered if breeding his guppy this way would activate the latent genes. Then they could have a second batch of fry for their shoal that would have Peter’s eggs instead.  
The thought of breeding Peter again as he fucked into the limp guppy finally pushed Tony over the edge. He pushed his tentacle as far in as he dared and let the eggs pump through it. Peter moaned around the thick tentacle that was still stuffed in his mouth. Tony didn’t withdraw it even as Peter’s eyes flew open and his body tightened around him, wanting his guppy to be full of nothing but him.    
Peter tried to trill and cry but the tentacle stuffed in his mouth effectively gagged him. He watched in mixed horror and fascination as his scales bulged. Everything felt so full and just on the border of too much, especially with the thick limb in his mouth still thrusting gently in time with the even larger one in his slit.
Peter couldn’t help drifting mentally as his body was held in Tony’s tentacles, unable to move or speak. He lost track of time entirely, only coming back to himself when the tentacle in his mouth was finally removed. The one in his slit soon followed, and Peter sagged in relief. He still felt too full, but it felt more bearable with the thick tentacle gone.  
“Shhh, you did so well, my precious mate,” Tony murmured to him, one tentacle petting his hair gently. “We’re just about done, and then we can rest properly.���
“No, please,” Peter begged, panic welling up in him at the thought of being filled any more. “I can’t.”
“It’s ok, little guppy,” Tony soothed. “Just this one last thing.”
Peter sobbed as Tony’s tentacles cradled him. It was loving and likely would have calmed him if not for the tentacle prodding at his sore slit. It pushed in, and Peter groaned in pain when it felt like something rough was catching against his rim. Then it slipped in and Peter felt the strangest sensation, like something warm was squirted into him, before the tentacle pulled back again. He almost relaxed only to tense when another tentacle pushed in. It wiggled around and there was a sharp pressure that drew a high pitched trill from him before the pressure faded and the tentacle finally withdrew.  
Tony kept him cradled as Peter sniffed and whined.
“I’m sorry, little guppy,” Tony said as he rocked Peter, nuzzling his neck as he pulled Peter’s back against his chest, curling around Peter in the nest. “Just had to make sure they got fertilized and that they wouldn’t fall out before it’s time. I’ll pull the sponge out once they’re close to hatching and it won’t hurt you in the meantime, I promise.”
“Fer-fertilized?” Peter asked hesitantly, still not fully understanding what had happened.  
“I put our eggs in your pouch,” Tony told him. “Then I collected your sperm to fertilize them with. I’m just making sure they fertilize properly now.”
Peter felt numb as the reality of the situation hit him fully.  
“Our eggs?”
“Well, mine technically. Your carrier genes haven’t been activated so you didn’t have any,” Tony explained cheerfully. “If they do though, I’ll give you fry with your eggs too. Anything for my beloved.”
“What about my school?” Peter asked, already mourning the loss of his family and friends.  
“You can go visit after the fry are born, of course,” Tony assured him. “I won’t keep you from them, although I hope you’ll help me build a shoal of our own fry.”
“You- you mean it?” Peter asked shyly.
“Of course, you have my word Peter,” Tony told him seriously. “As soon as the fry are old enough not to need you. We don’t want to risk them following you and getting hurt or anything though.”
Peter nodded along, his hand resting atop the bulge of his stomach. He wouldn’t want to endanger their young. Even though they were still eggs, he already knew he would love them. His brain tried to imagine what they’d look like and if they’d be more like octopi or guppies.    
As Peter fell into hazy day dreams, Tony was making his own plans for their future. After all, it wouldn’t be hard to put a new batch of eggs in Peter while the fry were still little so that his guppy would never leave him.
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badussyussysstuff · 4 months
Prince wades soulmate is a merman, and they are destined to be separated forever.
Or are they?
Spideypool mermaid(s?) AU.
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bittenbyyou · 1 year
Stolen Moments
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High School!AU | MCU!Peter Parker x Best Friend!Reader
genre: fluff
description: You and Peter’s first kiss didn’t go the way you planned.
word count: 2.6k
warnings: references to Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter not knowing any fairytales/Disney princesses and being a lovable dork
a/n: Another snippet based on real life events of how my bf and i got together lol. Enjoy the fluff and please feel free to let me know if you liked it!
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One thing you loved most about your best friend was his inability to remember classic fairy tales. No matter how many times you summarized them, Peter would find a way to botch it every single time. Even going so far as to invent alternative story lines, which never failed to crack you up. You would tease him endlessly for it, but then he’d grill you for having never watched Star Wars or any of the Harry Potter movies. That’s what we’d call balance in your friendship.
“Fairy tale pop quiz!” Peter groaned dramatically as he plopped down on his couch, phone in hand with your big grinning face on FaceTime. 
“Not fairy tales… anything but those. They’re my weakness,” he whined. You laid on your side in bed, giggling.
“The great Peter Parker who’s in band, robotics, and the decathlon can’t recall a few simple fairy tales?”
“Well, I actually quit those,” he shared, ruffling the back of his hair with a sheepish grin. Your face fell, eyes wide and concerned. 
“Wait, when? Why?”
It’s not like Peter could tell you he was Spider-Man even though he really, really wanted to. The less you knew, the better. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if anything happened to you.
“I’m really busy.”
“Stark Internship?”
His eyes lit up when you gave him a reason. “Right, yes!” 
Thank god for your incredible memory. “Makes sense. It’s been a while since we’ve even FaceTimed each other. You’re usually so busy at night.”
He saw the way your lips pouted as your crestfallen eyes looked away from the camera, making his chest feel tight. “I miss you too.”
Your gaze flickered back up to meet his own. Peter gulped, wondering if he sounded too emotional. Too affectionate. Too… obvious.
“Touché, Parker,” you said, rolling onto your back. “Okay, no more stalling. Tell me… which fairy tale princess ate the poison apple?”
Peter shut his eyes tight, thinking carefully. You both went to LegoLand one time and there was a display case that had the poison apple. You had asked him the same question then, pointing at the apple excitedly.
“Before we’re old would be nice,” you teased. Peter lifted up his index finger and shushed you. 
“Hold on, I got it,” His eyes fluttered open after remembering there was a small sign next to the poison apple display. “Little Mermaid.”
“Why would The Little Mermaid eat a poisonous apple?!” You bursted out into laughter at his confidence. “Dude, you said the same thing back when we went to LegoLand. The sign was in the wrong spot.”
“Darn it,” he muttered with a snap of his fingers. 
“I’ll give you a hint. Weather.”
“... Tornadoes?”
“What princess has “tornado” in her name?!” you exclaimed, trying your best not to wheeze. Peter couldn’t help but join in the laughter, knowing he was making a fool of himself. 
“You snorted,” he said in a taunting voice. “Gross.”
“Shut up, you love it.”
It’s true. He loved your laugh. Mostly because you always laughed with your whole body and sometimes would keel over. Even in public. In fact, you were probably about to fall off your bed right this second because your face suddenly became blurry and shaky. 
“Did you almost fall?” 
You successfully caught yourself and your phone before it fell on your face. “No,” you readjusted your position and cleared your throat, “Try again. It’s cold weather.”
“It can’t be Frozen… I think I’d remember that. You’ve never said anything about an apple in Mulan the many times you’ve told me her story…” You nodded many times, appreciating the fact he remembered your love for Mulan. You saw how his brows furrowed in concentration, loving how serious he was taking this. “Snow White.”
“Good j—”
“Oh!” he shouted all of a sudden, almost giving you a heart attack. “She’s the one with the seven smurfs, right?!”
Oh Peter Parker….  You’re the cutest human alive, you thought. 
Another wave of laughter overcame you, which intensified tenfold once you saw the big dumb smile on Peter’s face. The boy really thought he got it right.
“No… honey, they’re dwarfs,” you said once the laughter subsided.
“... Same thing,” he said, followed by a shrug. “I knew that.”
“Oh, we’re in for a long night. How about Jack and the Beanstalk?” That one should be easy.
“Ooh! Um… wait, I got it, quit laughing, I haven't even started,” he said, chuckling at how you placed a hand on your mouth to refrain from laughing more. “A guy sells a dog or cow or sheep for beans that grow into a big bean stalk and climbs up there and I think there’s a giant in the clouds? I don’t know.”
“I like how you completely disregarded the part where he was persuaded to sell his animal for magical beans, but okay. Pretty good.” You gave him a wink, which he returned. 
“Told you I’m good at this.”
“Uh huh. Last one.”
Peter gave you a nod. “Go for it.”
“Easy. She’s the one with long hair, with the glass shoes that’s supposed to be a perfect fit but somehow falls off and I think the guy uses her hair to find her and climb the castle before midnight when some magic wears off…”
You didn’t have enough energy to laugh and risk your abs becoming a liability, so you opted for parting your lips open slightly, shocked at how someone could be so, so wrong. 
“I think there’s some sisters or step sisters in it too!” he added, giving himself a pat on the back. “Nailed it.”
“Quite the opposite,” you said, shaking your head. “I love your dumbass sometimes.”
He knew you were using the word as a term of endearment, so it made him smile. He loved you too. So much. 
“What’s occupying all that headspace of yours these days that you can never remember the stories?” you teased. 
You are… and Spider-Man, Peter thought to himself. 
"Oh you know, there's an ongoing battle between my inner monologue and my stomach's incessant cravings for Aunt May's chocolate chip cookies. Spoiler alert: the cookies usually win."
“Oh my gosh, her cookies are the best.”
You both laid on your sides, a comforting silence blanketing the two of you for a few seconds. 
“So um…” you started to say, a twinge of nervousness in your voice. “Because your knowledge on Cinderella is so—”
“Awful,” you corrected, smiling at his lame joke. “I was wondering if you wanted to go see the school play this Friday. They’re performing Cinderella.”
Peter sat up from his couch. “You mean, you and me, g-going together?”
“Yeah. MJ didn’t want to go because seeing a damsel in distress who solely relies on a man saving her kills her vibe.” Peter chuckled at that. “Are you and Ned doing anything?”
“Oh good,” You paused. “You can invite him to come too!”
Peter hid his disappointment by placing his phone down on the couch for a split second, gathering his thoughts. Why was he assuming that this was a date? Of course you’d ask Ned to come too. He was so silly.
“Peter?” you said. “Peter~, are you still there?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m here.” He picked up the phone and gave you a thumbs up. “I’ll go. And I’ll ask Ned about it.”
“Cool. See ya then. Goodnight.”
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Peter was so nervous. Which he knew was ridiculous because this was not a date, yet he spent hours picking out an outfit. What does one even wear to a school play anyway? In the end, he slipped on a white button-up with some jeans and headed to the school. 
He saw you standing by the front doors, wearing a pretty blouse and shorts. Simple but cute nonetheless. You always looked pretty to him. 
“Hey! Sorry I’m late,” Peter said while running up the steps to get to you. “Were you waiting long?”
You shook your head. “Not at all. The play starts in five minutes, so you made it on time.”
“Good. Good…” Now that he was up close, Peter noticed how you styled your hair differently from what you usually did. “Did you do something to your hair?”
“Yeah… is it weird?”
Peter shook his head rapidly. “No, you look good.”
“Just good?”
“Great. Spectacular. Fantastic,” he said with exploding hand motions.
You giggled. “Okay Mr. Thesaurus. Where’s Ned?”
“Ned told me he didn’t want to go.” Which Peter was secretly thankful for, but he’d never let you know that.
“Okay. Then it’ll just be us two. Let’s go.”
The two of you walked to the front doors and you didn’t miss how Peter practically ran in front of you just to open it first. You thanked him and then made your way to the school’s auditorium. Peter always suggested sitting in the back, claiming it had the best view but in reality, it’d be the easiest for him to slip away if duty called.
You did notice his backpack, finding it slightly odd he brought it to school after hours. However, you didn’t think too much of it because Peter always carried a backpack. It was handy when the two of you hung out at the mall and snuck in snacks into the movie theater or when you accidentally bought too much stuff at Target after claiming you only needed one thing.
“I bet Betty is going to look so beautiful. She’s Cinderella,” you said as you sat down on Peter’s left side. 
You’re beautiful. 
“Really? And Ned’s not the prince? I wonder how he feels about that.”
“Oh, they broke up,” you informed him. “I found out yesterday.”
“What? Dang, we could’ve had a double date,” he joked, testing the waters with you. You playfully smacked his arm. 
“In your dreams.”
The lights soon dimmed, letting you and Peter know the play was about to begin. Honestly, the play was far more entertaining than expected because it turned out to be a parody of Cinderella, much to your horror. Peter was relishing at how upset you were, whispering to him every few minutes on how the story “wasn’t accurate.” Honestly, it was super adorable seeing you so worked up.
You leaned close to Peter’s ear, causing his breath to hitch. “This is so ridiculous. It’s supposed to be a pumpkin carriage, not pumpkin pie.”
“... There’s supposed to be a carriage?” he whispered back. 
“See, this play is tainting your mind.”
“But you can’t tell me you’re not enjoying it.”
“It is pretty funny,” you admitted, noticing his arm on your shared armrest. You were about to place your hand on top of his when Nick Fury’s stern voice echoed loudly in his ear.
“Parker. Are you in position?”
“No,” Peter said loud enough for you to hear. You immediately retracted your hand and Peter realized what you were about to do. 
“No…?” you said softly. The look of hurt in your eyes made Peter panic.
“And why the hell not?” Nick Fury interrogated. Peter slapped his ear/earpiece to shut it up. 
“I-I didn’t mean that. Um… I need to go to the restroom.”
“You okay?”
“I’m…” His mind raced for an excuse. “I’m feeling sick, um, I ate dairy and you know I’m lactose intolerant and all that.” He got out of his seat awkwardly, your eyes never leaving him. It pained him to see you so worried. “Oof, I’m feeling it now. Gonna be a while.”
He held onto his stomach to make for a convincing act. 
“Okay. Feel better.”
He apologized to you and then ran out of the auditorium.
“Parker, you better be on your way,” Fury’s voice warned.
“I’m coming,” Peter huffed, looking at the backside of your head one last time before disappearing. 
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Peter finished his mission by the time the play had already ended. He saw you were sitting at the front of the school on the steps, so he had to go through the back and exit as if he had come from the restrooms. 
“Whoo~! That was painful,” Peter said as he approached you, hand on his stomach and backpack on his back. He let out a sharp exhale and watched your expressions to see if you were buying it. “I really shouldn’t have eaten that ice cream… I’m sorry. I left you all alone.”
“It’s okay. Betty says hi by the way.”
“Oh. Hi.” He held his hand up and waved at you as if you were Betty. That earned a chuckle from you. “I really am sorry. What did I miss?”
He took the seat next to you on the steps. “Well, it’s safe to say you’ll never learn the real story of Cinderella. Or at least the Disney version.”
“Was it that bad?”
“The worst.” 
He nudged his shoulder against yours, flashing you a warm smile. “Are you mad at me?”
“A little. I waited outside the restrooms for you, but you took so long.”
“... It really hurt my bowels. The battle was rough.”
You rolled your eyes. “Uh huh. You know what, I’ll forgive you if you can answer one thing. What’s something pretty much all the Disney princesses have in common?”
Peter pouted his lips in confusion, searching his brain for a possible answer. “They’re… girls?”
“No… they all get kissed by the end of the movie.”
“O-Oh… Oh. Oh~,” he shot you a perplexed look. “Have you… ever been kissed?”
You nodded. “Yeah. By my ex-boyfriend.” Ah, right. Peter was not fond of him at all. “What about you?”
“Me? No…” he looked down at the cement. “Not yet.”
“Didn’t you and Liz date? You guys didn’t kiss?”
He shook his head. “No. And I’d probably messed it up anyway.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Well in the movies and stuff it’s always perfectly well executed.”
You scooted a bit closer to him so that your knees would touch. “That’s only in movies. Most people’s first kiss is awkward.”
“Was yours?”
“Yeah. But I’d like to think I’m way better at it now.”
That made Peter’s eyes widen, but he still kept his gaze glued to the ground. “I-Is that so?”
“I mean… Do you want to find out?”
He finally lifted his head up to look at you. You reached your hand over, caressing the side of his face and he leaned into your touch right away. Was this a dream? Because his heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. Having his first kiss was one thing but having it with you? That’s all he ever wanted. 
“There’s no such thing as a perfectly executed first kiss. But I’d like to try to give you one if you want,” you said softly. 
“Y-Yeah… that’d be nice.” 
You smiled and leaned in closer, but Peter got too eager and pecked you on the lips first. He couldn’t help it. He’s been wanting to kiss you since forever. So yeah, it was sloppy and unplanned with zero technique. He honestly almost missed. You stared at him, too stunned to speak for a moment before your face twisted into frustration. 
“That's not how it was supposed to be! I was going to kiss you soft and sweet and slow and it was supposed to be romantic. You ruined it!”
“I’m pretty happy with it,” he said nervously. The look you gave him screamed murder. 
“Ugh. Well, that’s all you get. Your first kiss. Rushed and terrible.”
“I can live with that.”
You blushed for the first time that night and Peter had to stop himself from doing a backflip out of joy. 
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
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This is my first masterlist. Second masterlist is on the pinned post in my profile
How to request, guidelines etc.
Marvel Women
Kate Bishop
Rizz You Up
Kinktober day two: Ghostface!Kate
Kinktober day eight: overstimulation
Natasha Romanoff
Little skirt
Package delivered
Watching you
Young, and dumb
Need help
GP!Beefy!Nat wakes up to you riding her abs (Drabble)
Captivity (My pretty little mermaid)
Dirty thoughts
Sundresses and breeding kinks
Wanda Maximoff
Best friends sister
Julia Cornwall
In her web
Marvel Men
Bucky Barnes
Honeymoon Suite
Meet Cute
“Want me to suck your cock while driving?”
The one with the slutty maid and the sexually frustrated super soldier
Love me tender series
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Mötley Crüe
Nikki Sixx
I’m only me when I’m with you
Don’t be shy, honey
Streamer!Reader headcannons
Behind closed doors
Good girl
Small town romance
Who do you belong to?
You shouldn’t be doing that…
Sneaking around
Kinktober day eleven: public sex
BDSM head cannons
Somebody’s watching me
Better? Better.
Save a horse, ride a cowboy
Tommy Lee
Midnight Comfort
Teenagers In Love
Runaway bride
Can we keep him!?
Friends help each other
Go team
Little drummer girl
Sparks Fly series
Pretty When You Sleep
Plus One
Kinktober day nine: manhandling/tights ripping
Halloween party shenanigans
Attention you deserve
Delicate flower series
First time
BDSM head cannons
It’s gonna be okay
Vince Neil
Sweet dreams
It’s the little moments
Shades Of Cool
Our honeymoon (part one) part two
Kinktober day one: daddy kink
She’s a riot grrrl
Mick Mars
Mermaid Motel
Streamer!reader headcannons
You know you want it
Kinktober day four: pet play
Two is better than one
Halloween/fall headcannons
Groupie Love (Gang Bang)
Cinderella (only writing for Tom and Eric)
Tom Keifer
Did you do that to her?
Up behind her with a pool stick
BDSM headcannons
“What is it, honey?”
Tom finding out you’re pregnant
Eric Brittingham
A pleasant surprise
Kiss (only writing for Paul, Tommy, and Gene)
Paul Stanley
I can see you
Underneath the surface
I fall to pieces when I’m with you
Prank call gone wrong
Teach you how
Tommy Thayer
You’re enough
One bed?!
Gene Simmons
Kinktober day 6: possessiveness
Guns N Roses
Izzy Stradlin
Kinktober day 5: handcuffs
Kinktober day 7: crying kink
Kinktober day 10: vouyerism
Barbie The Movie
Starting to really like the real world
You can be the boss (STRLTRW part two, series masterlist coming soon)
CEO!Barbie AU masterlist
Marvel Cast/other celebrities
Sebastian Stan
Put me in a movie
W.A.S.P. (Only writing for Blackie)
Kinktober day 3: humiliation
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Daisy Jones and The Six
Daisy Jones
Her good slut
G!P Daisy x Stripper!Reader
LA Guns (Only Kelly atm)
Cindy Crawford
Joan Jett
Our secret moments
328 notes · View notes
meiluu · 1 year
Welcome <3
My Masterlist
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*just a little note I would like to thank you for stopping by and checking out my stories I hope you like them! and as I grow more confident with my writing I'll open up requests for some of the characters I'll be writing for*
{also don't be afraid to comment on my posts, I would love to interact with y'all. but don't feel pressured either, just a simple like really helps me in letting me know that you like my content.}
TWISTERS (Movie, 2024)
Tyler Owens
Dreamin' about cowboys: SMUT 18+, pregnant!reader imagine
Bruce Wayne, Batman
Bats: FLUFF Bruce Wayne thoughts,imagine/drabble
Spider-Man 2099, Miguel O'Hara
Fangs: SMUT
Good girl: NSFW drabble
Soft Tunes: FLUFF drabble, Mermaid AU, Dad! Miguel
Spider-Man, Peter Parker
Merry Little Christmas: FLUFF, drabble
Fight Our Battles: FLUFF, ANGST, HURT/COMFORT, one-shot
Tis' The Season: SMUT 18+, one-shot
Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen's Mate: SMUT 18+, one-shot
Cloud Strife
Just a thought about Cloud Strife: SMUT 18+, drabble
Pillow Princess Cloud: SMUT 18+, drabble
Cloud?: SMUT 18+, ANGST, drabble
Everything and You: SMUT 18+, one-shot.
Leon S. Kennedy
His Sanctuary: SMUT, post-re:4
Good Boy: SMUT re:2 drabble
NSFW alphabet: A-D, E-H, I-M,
Stress reliever: SMUT re:2 drabble
Stray: FLUFF, can be any leon past re:2
Infected: SMUT, post re:4 if Leon didn’t get cured of the plagas
Flour: SMUT, drabble
Sleepy: SMUT, one-shot, re:2
Heat: FLUFF drabble, any Leon past re2
Black veins: SMUT re:4 plagas!Leon
Halloween fun: SMUT, re:4 AU, oneshot
"Touch her, and I'll kill you.": SMUT re:4, plagas!Leon
Morpheus a.k.a Dream
Dreamer Held Captive: one-shot of Morpheus saving you and bringing you to the dreaming.
Morpheus' Return: one-shot of when Morpheus returns to the dreaming.
Lover's Embrace: one-shot, you and Morpheus' journey of your pregnancy.
Simon Riley a.k.a Ghost
Comfort: one-shot, ghost helps you after a rough mission.
Let me protect you: pt.1 , pt.2 , SMUT in pt.2. a surprise confession opens the door to a new relationship.
Ghostface: pt.1 ,
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lotusxpop · 4 months
To the people who actually follow me for my fanfics I got some fics that's unfinished which i might start writing on again. I just wanted to know what y'all would wanna read first:
Mermaid Stiles: he's a mermaid what more do I need to say? Jk, it's Stiles learning to accept himself for being a mermaid as he tries to navigate the events of teenwolf (takes place during s2)
Dystopian world au (teen wolf): the government knows about the supernatural and tries to control them/are very prejudice hunters, the pack is part of a resistance group that helps the spn (all Stiles pov)
Peter Parker adopted by the wakandan royal family: when the Parker's plane crashed it was at the borders of wakanda and they had their few days old son Peter with them, the parents didn't survive but Queen Ramonda promised to care for Peter as her own.
Spidey and Red hood: 2 years after the event of no way home Peter gets sent to Gotham where he meets Red hood and try to get back on his feet.
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
Part Of Your World ~ p.p
chapter eight: in pain, in need
series masterlist
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Peter trudged home after spending the entire day in the ocean. He called your name from every cliff point, rock, and boardwalk until he resorted to jumping into the water. He swam as far as he could and dove under the water to scream your name. Once the sun was starting to set, he gave up for the day. He felt his deadline working against him as he watched the sun sink below the horizon. He had just wasted one of his three days and no longer felt confident that he’d get you back in time. He didn’t want to go home to May soaking wet, so he went to his room in the tower to shower off the day. When he pushed open his bedroom door, he jumped at the sight of you with your back to him.
“You’re here?” He asked in disbelief. You froze at the sound of his voice and remembered your mission.
“I came to get some of my things.” You said without turning to look at him. Peters head jutted back when he heard your voice and quickly looked down to see if you still had your legs.
“You can talk?”
“Someone gave me my voice back. Is that okay with you?” You asked sarcastically as you looked over your shoulder at him.
“Yeah, of course that’s okay. It’s better then okay. I know that’s what you always wanted.” Peter said sincerely as he put a hand on your shoulder. You were quick to push it off.
“It is what I always wanted. I could’ve had my voice from the beginning but you didn’t seem to like that idea.” You snapped before turning to leave his room.
“Please don’t go.” He said softly and caught your wrist. You heard the desperation in his voice and stopped trying to leave. You turned to look at him and finally noticed that he was soaked.
“Why are you all wet?”
“I was out looking for you.”
“In the ocean? Why? You had no way of finding me.”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t try.” Peter said simply, making your heart ache. You looked away from in because looking into his eyes would lead to forgiving him.
“I have to go.” You said instead and started to walk away again.
“Wait.” He caught your arm. “Can we talk about this? Please? Our story can’t just end like this.”
“Oh, now you want to talk? I thought you just liked me for my listening skills.” You asked and folded your arms.
“Did you really like me, Peter?” You interrupted. “Or did you like the pretty little mermaid you could keep as a pet?”
“What? You were never a pet. Of course I liked you. I…I loved-“
“I just think it’s really interesting that you knew why I couldn’t speak but didn’t do anything to fix it.” You cut him off again. “If I hadn’t gone in the water that day, you would’ve let me go the rest of my life without telling me the truth. It makes me wonder if you like your women to be silent.”
“I don’t. We were together for a month before you ever came to land. I came back to you every single night because I wanted to be with you. It wasn’t about who was talking and who was listening. It was about us.” Peter insisted and you couldn’t help but to believe him. You knew who Peter was in his heart and he wasn’t a bad guy, as much as you wanted him to be. And if he wasn’t a bad guy, you’d have a much harder time killing him. Peter saw that you were deep in thought and grew hopeful that he hadn’t totally lost you.
“Maybe we could go out tomorrow. On a date. And you can talk. And I can listen.” Peter suggested. You instinctively wanted to say no, until you remembered what you had to do. If you were alone with him, you might have an opportunity to do what you had to do.
“Okay.” You agreed, making Peter smile. You felt guilty when you saw his smile, knowing how tomorrow had to end.
“I’ll see you then?” He smiled hopefully. You couldn’t look at him so you just nodded your head and swiftly left.
Knowing how you reacted last time Peter took you to a fancy restaurant, he made a plan to take you on a walk around Central Park. You walked to the spot where you agreed to meet up with Peter with your knife in your back pocket. It was burning against your skin in anticipation of being used. You spotted him by a bench and felt your heart pounding in your chest. This night had to end with him dead or else you’d be doomed back to the ocean forever as sea foam.
Peter, on the other hand, had a different goal in mind. This night needed to end with a kiss or else he’d lose you forever. Peter spotted you and waved you over with a happy smile. You sighed sadly before going to sit beside him.
“Hey. You look really pretty.” He awkwardly complimented you and you felt like strangers on a first date.
You tugged at your clothes in an attempt to look busy because looking in his eyes felt impossible right now. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself, but you didn’t want to kill him. No part of you wanted him dead, no matter how angry you were. Peter could tell that you were deep in thought and cleared his throat to remind you he was there. You looked over at him and his little awkward smile made you gulp. You clenched and unclenched your hand a few times and cringed at how awkward you felt. Peter started to point out the weather, the foliage, and the people walking by just to have something to talk about. He was talking fast, faster than usual for him. It was the kind of rapid speaking one does when the thought of a moment of silent happening was unbearable to think about. A few minutes into Peters spiel about the invention of the street lamp, the irony of the situation dawned on you. You were finally able to talk to Peter and yet you were still the one listening. Peter noticed your blank stare and stopped talking.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked quietly. You turned to look at him and remembered the way his side profile used to look lit up by the setting sun behind him on the rock he would meet you at in the ocean.
“I’m thinking about how a month, you did all the talking and I did all the listening. I could never tell you how I felt or what I was thinking.” You said finally.
“So tell me now. I’m listening.” Peter insisted.
“I feel angry.”
“Okay. That’s a good start. What’s making you angry?”
“I feel like I risked it all for you and you let me down.”
“But you didn’t risk it all for me. You risked it all for you. Being on land was always your dream. I just helped you get there.” Peter reminded you in a gentle tone. You turned away as you thought about what he said. He wasn’t even wrong. You had wanted to be on land long before you ever met Peter. You would’ve risked it all for any means of getting there.
“Do you think if we met on land, we’d still be together?” You asked suddenly.
“I don’t know. I’d like to think so.” Peter told you.
“I don’t know either.” You answered honestly and thought back to the long conversations you used to have on that rock. That seemed like so long ago now, like a different life.
“What are you thinking now?” Peter asked as he searched your eyes.
“I don’t know if risking it all was the right thing to do.” You admitted without looking at him.
“Do you regret coming on land?” Peter asked as he turned his body to give you his full attention.
“No. But I have doubts sometime. I’m afraid I’ll always feel like an outsider. I will never forget the way your classmates stared at me. Or the way the people at the restaurant looked down on me. I was among them but I wasn’t one of them. They all knew it. I wasn’t part of their world and I never will be.”
“That was your first day. What did you tell me about the bad men? You didn’t let one bad man change your idea of all men. Why is it different from humans?” Peter responded. You thought about what he said for a minute and looked down at your hands.
“I think blaming you for not enjoying the land as much as I thought I would makes it easier to admit that this wasn’t as magical as I always dreamed.” You realized.
“I still deserve some blame. I still lied to you.” Peter pointed out. Him acknowledging that what he did was wrong made it ever harder to stay mad at him.
“I guess I was so hurt that you lied that I never thought about why you did it.” You admitted for the first time out loud. What he did was wrong, but he did it in an attempt to protect you.
“Does it still hurt?”
“A little. I don’t know how to trust you anymore.”
“You can trust me. I’ll never lie to you again. I promise.”
“How do I know you’re not lying now?”
“Because I now I know how it feels to lose you and I’m never going to risk it again.” Peter said definitively. You absentmindedly cracked a smile at his sincerity but quickly looked away. The knife was burning against your skin with the end goal of being buried into Peters. Peter took your silence as accepting his apology and took a leap of faith.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked shyly, drawing your attention back to him. You nodded before you knew what you agreed to and started to lean in.
“Flower for the lady?” A man asked as he thrust a flower between you and Peter. You jumped apart and Peter looked at him angrily for ruining his moment.
“No, thank you. I’m full.” You told the man and he left you alone. Peter sighed in frustration and felt his deadline approaching.
“It’s getting late. We should probably get home.” You smiled awkwardly and stood up.
“Oh. Sure.” Peter smiled sadly and got up as well. You walked to the exit of the park together with your hands bumping awkwardly. Once your hands touched Peter, you quickly pulled it away and touched the knife in your back pocket to check that it was still there. Peter noticed you grabbing at something but didn’t ask. When you got out of the park, you realized you had to go in different directions.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” Peter asked hopefully. Tomorrow was the last day he could get the kiss. If he failed again, he may never see you again.
“Yeah. Sure.” You responded, surprising Peter. He didn’t know that the only reason you agreed to see him again was because you had the same deadline to meet.
“I have class until 3. I can meet you after?”
“I’ll be there.” You nodded. Peter smiled and went to hug you, then withdrew. You smiled in embarrassment and gave him an awkward side hug. He hugged you back with one arm and then shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Wait, where is home for you right now?” Peter asked you.
“Oh, I’ve been staying with May.” You admitted. Peters face changed to an expression you didn’t recognize. He looked almost sick and then laughed sadly.
“Sleeping in my bed?” He asked with a sad smile.
“Yeah.” You reluctantly admitted.
“Without me.” His sad smile stayed as he nodded his head. You’d been sleeping on his sheets and he never would’ve known.
“I’m so sorry for the way things turned out.” He said after a beat of silence. You swallowed hard and felt your hand touch the knife in your pocket again. He kept making it so hard.
“Maybe we could sleep together tonight.” You said suddenly as an idea came to you.
“Do you know what sleep together means?” Peter asked skeptically.
“Sleep at the same time in the same place?”
“Okay. That’s what I thought.” Peter chuckled. “Why don’t we walk back to the tower? My bed is bigger there.”
“Okay.” You nodded and followed him in the direction of the tower. You put your hand on your back pocket to check that your weapon was still there. Once Peter fell asleep tonight, you could kill him and slip out before anyone saw you. You figured that killing him while he was asleep was more humane since he’d never see it coming. It would also be easier for you since you wouldn’t have to look him in the eyes as you ended his life. Your anxiety pooled with every step you took and by the time you made it to Peters bedroom, you felt like you were having a heart attack. Peter let you use the bathroom first where you scrubbed your face clean of makeup and stared at your reflection. You had to look away because you couldn’t bear to look at yourself knowing what you were about to do.
When Peter went into the bathroom to brush his teeth, you took the opportunity to hide the knife under his mattress. You slipped it in just enough so you could easily reach it but he couldn’t see it. The sound of Peter opening the bathroom door made you scream as you jumped in the air.
“Woah. Are you all right?” He chuckled as he eyed you with concern.
“I’m fine. Just really tired. Let’s go to bed.” You lied and quickly ushered him to the bed. Peter found your haste strange but didn’t question it as he climbed into the bed. When you saw he had gotten in on the side with the knife, you accidentally let out a huge gasp. Peter looked at you with concern and you quickly faked a smile.
“Sorry. I just prefer that side of the bed if you don’t mind.”
“Oh. Sure. I don’t mind at all.” Peter laughed awkwardly again and scooted over. Your heart pounded in your chest as you climbed into bed beside him. You could feel the knife beneath you burning a hole into your skin so you turned on your side with your back to Peter. He noticed your withdrawn position and frowned in disappointment. He didn’t know why you wanted to sleep in the same bed, but he thought he’d at least get to hold you.
“Good night.” You said robotically and shut the light. Peter stared up at the ceiling with a million questions he wanted to ask you. He didn’t understand why you wanted to sleep with him if you didn’t even want to talk.
You, on the other hand, were cringing at how awkward the situation was because you knew he must be extremely confused. You almost wished he’d just ask you what was going on because then you could tell him. You could tell him that you made a deal with a sea witch and now you had to kill him or else you’d be turned to sea foam. And knowing Peter, he’d have a solution for you. Peter always had a solution. And if he couldn’t find one in this situation, he’d let you kill him. That became the worst part of this for you. Knowing that if Peter knew what your situation was, he’d let you kill him without a moment’s hesitation. But instead, you had to do it in secret once he fell asleep like a coward. You felt yourself getting emotional and wanted to get it over with so you could stop thinking about it.
“Are you asleep yet?” You asked into the darkness.
“Not yet. Why?”
“No reason.” You quickly lied.
“Are you okay?” Peter asked and rolled over to face you. Your heart pounded in your chest and he could hear it.
“I’m fine. Just go to sleep.” You said and rolled away from him. Your back was to him now but Peter could still hear the way your heart was pounding. You were anxious about something, but he didn’t know what.
“I can’t.” He whined a little.
“Why not?” You looked over your shoulder at him with slight annoyance.
“I’m scared this is the last time we’ll ever speak.” He admitted, making your eyes soften. You felt yourself about to tear up and quickly turned away.
“Well don’t think about that.”
“What should I think of?” He asked you.
“I don’t know. Anything else.” You gulped back your grief and slowly moved your hand under the mattress where you had hidden the knife. There was a long pause of silence and you tried to listen to his breathing to see if he’d fallen asleep yet.
“I remember your face when you realized what I did.” Peter said suddenly, making you squeeze your eyes shut in frustration.
“Peter.” You groaned. “Just go to sleep.”
“You weren’t even mad. You were just betrayed.” He continued as if you hadn’t said anything.
“Go to sleep”. Your voice shook and threatened to crack as your fingers wrapped around the knife.
“Did you mean it when you said you didn’t love me anymore?” Peter sat up on his elbow to ask you. Your fingers froze on the knife and Peter saw chills cover every inch of your skin.
“No. I didn’t mean that.” You admitted and tightened your grip on the knife. A silence settled between you again and you held your breath in anticipation of his next words.
“Do you still love me?” Peter asked, making your fingers slip off of the knife. You could feel him staring at you and felt sweat dripping down your face.
“Go to sleep, Peter.” You whispered.
“I love you. I’ve loved you since the day we met.” He continued. “I wish I said that before we broke up. I wish I had told you sooner.”
“I still would’ve been mad at you.” You said as a tear leaked out of your face and onto the pillow.
“I know. But I still wish I said it.” Peter said softly. You covered your hand with your mouth so he wouldn’t hear you crying and tightened your hands on the knife again.
“I miss you.” Peter said in a quiet voice.
“I’m right here.”
“I can’t feel you.” Peter responded, making you let go of the knife again.
“Go to sleep.” Was all you could say.
“Okay.” Peter gave up and laid on his back.
You stayed perfectly still and listened to his breathing until it gradually started getting slower. You were scared to move in case you accidentally woke him up. Without any clock to look at, it felt like hours were going by as you waited for him to fall asleep. Finally, you heard small snores coming from behind you. Your anxiety was making you feel sick as you slipped your hand back under the mattress and grabbed the knife. You got out of bed and stood over Peter while he slept. He looked so peaceful and so unaware of what was about to happen. You wrapped both hands above the knife and held it high above your head to give yourself a perfect aim at his heart. Your hands shook and tears spilled down your face as you stared down at Peter. You didn’t want to do it. He didn’t deserve it. But if he didn’t die tonight, that meant you would. You loved him, but you didn’t know if you loved him enough to give your life for his. Peter stirred a little in his sleep and you knew it was now or never. Without taking another second to think, you brought the knife down.
Tag List 🧜‍♀️
@hallecarey1 @melodicheauxxlovesfood @milktealvrr @cashtons-wife
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z0mbieb0ybyersblog · 10 months
request rules!
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— requests can be sent through my inbox! aka the button on my profile that says request
— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
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male, female, and gender neutral reader
or no reader, I do ships too!!
alternative universe: soulmates, coffee shop, roommates, royal, bookstore, fake relationship, coworkers, neighbors, flower shop, library, bodyguard, modern era, band/rockstar, celebrity, mermaid, pirate, teachers (you can also mix them in your request, like asking for bookstore and coffee shop au! if that makes sense)
Headcanons, one-shots, drabble, imagine, etc.
poly relationships, whether it be character x reader x character or character x character x character 
omega verse
illegal ships (incest or underage)
dark or yandere
someone having cancer
rape/sexual assault
canonically gay characters with fem identifying readers/characters, same thing with canonically lesbian characters with masc identifying readers/characters (platonically is fine, romantically isnt)
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character list
bolded means they’re my favorite characters to write!
Nine, Ten, Eleventh, Thirteen, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble
Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Bea
Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton
Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson
Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Steve Randall, Twobit Matthews, Dallas Winston
Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew, Tom), Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
[more to be added]
911 FOX
Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Maddie Buckley, Howie Han
Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
[more to be added]
— golden trio era
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Draco Malfoy
— marauders era
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, Pandora Lovegood, Regulus Black, Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Roiser, Alice Fortescue, Mary MacDonald, Narcissa Black
[If you want one of these characters, like Remus for example to be older like during the Harry Potter movies let me know!]
— legacy era
Sebastian Sallow, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt
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my0favorite0art · 1 year
CurbItKirby Masterlist B
Masterlist A.1
Masterlist A.2
Original Characters with an Alfred Molina Face-Claim
Note: up to date until May 28, 2024
Adrian Malone
Burglar!Reader spanking dubcon power play p.1 
Burglar!Reader dom/sub bondage temperature play p.2 
Burglar!Reader unprotected sex slight breeding kink
Alfredo Malone (The Mob Boss)
is it cuckholding if your fiance sucks
misunderstanding sex squirting
Alfredo gives Reader a gazebo
blowjob gagging tears
hurt/comfort depression self-harm smoking 
Pregnant!Reader daddy kink
undiscussed somnophilia grinding 
public mutual masturbation 
post pregnancy talk fingering 
tribbing drabble 
borrower AU drabble
Angelo Malone (The Cowboy)
pussy eating knife play power play
not safe horse riding technique
titfucking discussion of murder desertion light angst
sloppy drunk Angel 
Angel and Reader have a picnic grinding soft 
pussy eating drabble 
Angel gets sunburned soft 
consensual nonconsent 
public sex blowjobs cum eating choking 
somnophilia slut shaming light angst 
breeding kink 
Werewolf!Angel breeding kink monster fucking 
Reader wants to take a photo of Angel soft 
Werewolf!Angel chases Reader 
an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away 
Angel wins Tiny!Reader in a poker game p.1 
Virgin!Reader Drabble
Angel "helps" you out with some money
Reader ties up Angel somnophilia 
Angel x Tiny!Reader p.2
Angel x NotSoTiny!Reader p.3
Antonio Malone (The Hermit)
Antonio "rescues" Reader noncon somnophilia hypothermia
breeding kink somnophilia noncon 
gaslighting drabble 
Reader makes Antonio breakfast 
gaslighting kidnaping memory loss
angst pregnancy
Reader escaped
Bardo (The Sailor)
Mermaid!Reader meets Bardo oral sex p.1 
Mermaid!Reader hammock sex sad-ish ending p.2 
Mermaid!Reader angst dubcon p.3
Mermaid!Reader pregnancy childbirth angst p.4
daddy kink bondage overstimulation slut shaming
Sexworker!Reader alcohol fluffy 
Sexworker!Reader alcohol age gap angst
The Giant 
Reader is sacrificed
Hank Malone (The Optometrist):
voyeurism medical kink bondage
exhibitionism pussy eating gagged
Hank wants Reader to slap him
Hank and Reader dress up and 69
power imbalance frottage humiliation 
Hank and Reader watch porn and discuss pegging p.1 
Hank and Reader watch porn and discuss pegging p.2 
thigh fucking premature ejaculation 
light angst
Henrik (The Knight)
Grizzled!Knight p.1 fucks princess age gap angst
Grizzled!Knight p.2 INCREDIBLY dark heavy angst abuse amputation
Leo (The Incubus)
monster fucking somnophilia light degradation 
noncon dry humping crying  
Leo makes the Reader feel good
Leo/Reader/Succubus!May Parker threesome
Marlowe (The Werewolf)
Werewolf!Priest monsterfucking noncon
The Minotaur  
monsterfucking sex as currency 
Monroe (The Vampire)
hypnotism dubcon shower play biting
camwork mirror sex
The Priest
Priest x Succubus!Reader
The Therapist
power imbalance
Alice and Wonderland AU
Molina!King of Hearts x Servant!reader p.1
Molina!King of Hearts x Servant!reader p.2
Molina!King of Hearts x Cheshire Cat!Reader
Molina!Mad Hatter x Dormouse!Reader
Molina!King of Hearts x Reader breeding jealousy leash
Anastasia AU
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Hunger Games AU
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Peter Pan AU
Molina!Hook x Wendy!Reader
Molina!Hook femdom possessive!Wendy!Reader
Molina!Hook Tinkerbell!Reader light angst
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theodoresgirl · 1 year
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Welcome to my Master List Link 2 Pinned/Intro
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What I Write - GirlxGuy sfw/NSFW
What I will try to Write for you - GuyxGuy sfw/NSFW GirlxGirl sfw
What i can't write - GirlxGirl NSFW
I tend to write from a female or gender neutral POV unless its stated otherwise. Below is a list and links to my already written story's, and below that is lists and or ideas of who I write for.
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Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Secret Romance - Sleepy!Eugene x F!Reader Villagers AU / Secret Romance
Moon Light - Eugene x Fem!Reader Part 2 , Villagers AU / Secret Romance
Bucky Barnes
Love Triangle - You and Bucky have a 6 year old daughter, But your love didn’t really work out on both ends.
Killian Jones / Captain Hook
Tavern Waitress - Killian Jones x Fem!Tavern worker!Reader / Killian and his crew come into your fathers tavern.
Lady Edith - Killian Jones x Snows!Daughter!Reader + 3 year old daughter
Odd Cat - Killian Jones x Cheshire Cat!Reader / Killian meets the Cheshire cat and he's completely in love with her strange personality and creepy appearance.
Just Shut Up - Killian Jones x Cheshire Cat!Reader / Killian and Cheshire meet again in story-broke after kitty falls into a body of water.
Theodore Nott
Burn - Theodore Nott x Female!Reader Hamiliton au 🙏🏻 / Reader finds out about Theodores affair he made public.
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Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Rapunzel Mother Gothel
The Little Mermaid
Ariel Eric ( 1989 & Live Action ) Possibly Ariel's Sisters
Anna Elsa Kristoff Hans
Beauty and The Beast
Belle Beast Gaston
Once Upon a Time
Killian Jones
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The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
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Golden Trio era
Draco Malfoy Ron Weasley Fred & George Weasley Hermione Granger
*FAN CASTS* Matheo Riddle Theodore Nott
The Marauders era
Regulus Black
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Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers Natasha Romanoff Peter Parker/Tom Tony Stark Loki Laufeyson Thor Odinson
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Scooby Doo
Shaggy Rogers Fred Jones Velma Dinkley Daphne Blake
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Jacob Black
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore Bonnie Bennett Jeremy Gilbert
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Jethero Gibbs
Law & Order: SVU
Elliot Stabler Dominick Carisi Rafael Barba Nick Amaro Odafin Tutuola
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid Derek Morgan Aaron Hotchner
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My Hero Academia
Dabi Katsuki Bakugou
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Dividers, repost divider By saradika
Word Dividers by CafeKitsune
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artficlly · 9 days
Damn, your wip list is awesome! Would love to hear more about the untitled Peter Pan au ✨
thank you so much!! oh my gosh the peter pan au fic i haven't touched in forever. i'm still trying to figure out some plot points/details that bring me enough joy to start seriously writing it.
basically i rewatched the 2003 live action peter pan movie. i loved it as a kid and my memeory served me right because jason issacs as hook in INSANELY HOT omggg.
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like... HELLO??? his name is literally JAMES, like our boy james buchanan “bucky” barnes and he is missing his hand (close enough to bucky lol) and then has a sick metal bit he replaced the missing part with which (arguably) makes him more deadly??
dilf...anyways. im obsessed with the idea of bucky as hook. i was going to have peter as either peter parker (duh) or even steve... but i was planning to age up peter + the lost boys to be early 20s because i was going to make peter + the lost boys the classic evil, gaslighting, horny late teens-early 20s male specimen. but i was going to keep it that peter is immortal and he kills the lost boys when they get too old. peter was going to be like a very... malicious, trickster deity that is more god than boy.
as for reader, she was going to be a mermaid, though think more siren-like and on the man eating side of things. i did kind of debate having her be very animalistic, she can talk but more echoes speech she's already heard without quite understanding it's meaning. basically intelligent but hasn't been raised as a human would be, she was just taught to hunt and survive.
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the pirates of the caribbean is kinda a good visual + once again the 2003 peter pan movie. i imagine the mermaids being very pretty, etheral creatures that are human-like and hunt in packs etc. basically apex predators of the ocean lol.
my basic plot idea which has changed a lot and will continue to change is that peter/hook have to team up for some reason, and need to do a spell or magic or something that involves a mermaids scales. reader is the unfortunate mermaid that is captured, but something happens and she grows legs / becomes human when her scales are taken.
bucky/hook loves a wounded animal that he can try to save and yeah!! that is about as far as I have got. maybe soon i can try to plot it out a bit more and actually get around to writing!
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moonlight-prose · 1 year
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note: while i am way behind on posting, i am still writing the fics for this fun challenge! so here's where they will be compiled. i'll add the fics to the character masterlists too, but this is more to keep myself organized. i hope y'all enjoy!
the original post for this challenge can be found here!
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DAY ONE: Long & Lost - dark academia + body worship + “you’re like a sickness, a disease, and the only way for me to be cured of you is to let you completely consume me until my body has no fight left.” (steven grant)
DAY TWO: Breath of Life - mythology au + enemies to lovers + possessive + "don’t you know how sick with love i am for you?” (oberyn martell)
DAY THREE: Gods & Monsters - favorite lana song + once is not enough + corruption + “tell me what you want me to do and i’ll do it, no matter the cost.” (jake lockley)
DAY FOUR: Shadows - time travel au + haunted manor + overstimulation/edging + "i can’t stop thinking about how perfect we would be together.” (joel miller)
DAY FIVE: Dance For Me - gothic au + masquerade ball + biting + “worship me. until i tell you to stop.” (din djarin)
DAY SIX: Call of the Sea - pirate/mermaid au + soulmates + breath play + “i would burn the world for you.” (miguel o'hara)
DAY SEVEN: Sweet Talk - summer camp au + sex in the woods + “i’ve killed for you, who else can say that?” (andrew!peter parker)
DAY EIGHT: Beautiful Mayhem - witchcraft au + magical healing + begging + “everything i’ve done.. every horrible atrocity, it’s been for you.” (joel miller)
DAY NINE: Killer - assassins au + toxic exes + hate sex + “do you like it when i bleed for you?” (marc spector)
DAY TEN: Choiceless Hope - zombie apocalypse au + soft!dom + mirror sex + “every moment might be our last, let’s make the most of it.” (miguel o'hara)
DAY ELEVEN: Unbreakable Love - bonnie and clyde au + knife play + “they die for love, you kill for it.” (joel miller)
DAY TWELVE: Blood In the Water - vampires au + ‘i’ll find you in every universe / century’ + hunter/prey + blood play + “forever isn’t long enough for me to forgive you.” (tommy miller)
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