#Peta MAR
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shootsfavorite · 2 years ago
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Feeling whimsical today and drew myself w a huge comfort character that like nobody knows about
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tvdversepoc · 3 months ago
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Francesca Correa & Mohawk Vampire (The Originals 1x121) || Peta Sergeant & uncredited
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multidimensionalguidance · 6 months ago
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The Martian Women: A Warrior's Heart
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Now more than ever we see questioned the humanity and dignity of women who do not fit the stereotype of what they are supposed to be, look, sound, or act like. Such cases like Imane Khelif are heartbreaking to witness, specially considering the way these false allegations overshadow the efforts and hard work behind her skills, even more so now as an Olympian.
Imane has her Moon and Mars in Sidereal Scorpio, and the themes of others trying to take control of the narrative of her life and existence is ridiculous and overwhelming. On top of it, her Mercury and Jupiter are both in Aries. She is a huge embodiment of how the Martian experience tends to play out.
They are the individuals who deal with the consequences of being "too much" simply by not being afraid of voicing their opinions, of their appearance, or any other aspect regardless of how conflictive it might be. They have and endless source of power to pursuit their passions, and they often achieve as long as they their ego on check.
Childhood years consisted of a push and pull between not being enough of any of the polarities. Often, attracting unwanted attention and different degrees of aggressive/hostile behaviors (spoken, actions, etc). They learn to project outwardly the results of withstanding all of those experiences, and paradoxically are blamed for having a natural hostile response to a hostile environment or actions.
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After being forced to repress their hurt, anger, and valid emotions they learn to channel it towards a goal because their nature (Aries and Scorpio) is to plan, analyze, execute, and repeat all over again. They are the Valkyries, Amazonians, etc who learn collectively how to fend for themselves in all aspects outside of patriarchal laws or standards.
From a historic and folklore perspective, Valkyries were associated and often accompanied by ravens or horses which matches perfectly the nature of Ashwini (horses) and Bharani (crows are similar to ravens) which are both in Aries. These mythical warriors guided souls to their depiction of heaven, and Krittika is ruled by the Sun + has a priestly caste. On different levels of humanity we've always had women who take their necessary place with violent, aggressive, and chaotic driven actions as much as men, yet its forced to suppression the most.
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In terms of contemporary entertainment, many other concepts of female warrior or heroic/strong/independent female characters from all eras have Martian placements. This is not to say that Mars is the only representation for these arechetypes, but in terms of characters who have a really grim and/or dark past, it fits very well. Other planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter) also have their own depiction of cunning female led roles but their background, characteristic, etc are all different. I will expand with other planets on a different post.
Brigitte Nielsen who was the main character in Red Sonja has her Moon in Aries (Ashwini).
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Uma Thurman has her Sun in Aries (Bharani).
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Summer Glau from the Firefly series and its continuation movie Serenity has her Moon in Aries (Ashwini).
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Saoirse Ronan has her Moon and Venus in Aries (Bharani).
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Gal Gadot as Wonder Women has her Sun in Aries (Bharani)
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Lucy Liu (Sun in Scorpio (Anuradha/Jyestha) and Moon in Aries (Bharani), Cameron Diaz (Moon in Aries, within Krittika) from Charlie's Angels.
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Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow has her Sun in Scorpio (Anuradha)
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Peta Wilson in La Femme Nikita with Sun in Scorpio (Vishakha)
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They function perfectly well alone and also within a group as as long as there is mutual respect. Society doesn't seem to know yet how to properly behave and treat individuals like them. Martian handle themselves in such a raw and powerful form that those who have weak morals, will power, inner strength, courage, or self expression regardless of gender might feel as if they are being personally attacked.
Now, it is good to keep in mind the distinction between deliberate attack or self defense. Due to previous trauma related with heavy power struggles they can easily feel wounded, and will could show an exaggerated or uncontrolled form of aggression.
It could also simply be intentional because both signs (Aries & Scorpio) tend to become more resentful or comfortable using violence if they understand is fair or justified. They LOVE "female rage". Every film, piece of literature, song, or form of art related to anger, disconformity, sadness, rage, wickedness, and other chaotic expressions connect with their suppressed darkness.
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It allows them to fantasize of a world where women are able to demonstrate their anger freely without judgement, specially when justified and valid. They understand other women beyond the nature of their caged self under patriarchal standards, but the downside is that others do not connect easily with them.
This is why despite being the real underdogs of many empowering movements they are often lonely, alienated, punished, and treated poorly. It’s the most noticeable with Scorpio rashi, specifically Jyestha where they naturally attract envy, jealousy, and ill wishes the most. They are the ruthless Scorpios who don't really care about turning off their moral compass if it means achieving their goals. They are often only loyal to their vision and those who fit in it.
It is essential for Martian women to maintain a healthy management of their anger and learn how to release it in meaningful ways. Any type of exercise (gym, cardio, pilates, yoga, etc) or sports can become one of the most common channels to fuel their bodies and release heavy emotional overloads. Staying in touch with their root and sacral points by doing activities that promote you to feel safe, nurtured, grounded, creative, sensual, etc will also be optimal.
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Protect your energy in all forms, and stay away from individuals who constantly trigger your fight or flight. The ones who make you feel constantly drained and tired. It can be easy for others to syphon your energy because you always have an abundant amount, so be mindful of the people you entertain, engage, and interact with frequently.
Ensure to maintain a good balance between mind and heart as well. Allow yourself to be vulnerable with others. Prioritize feeling safe and comfortable around others. Learning to control your impulses if you're an Aries, or letting go of control if you're a Scorpio. Protect yourself, but don't shut down completely.
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thatsexcpisces · 10 months ago
Astrology placement pairings and famous TV/Movie couples they remind me of💕🎞️🫂
Leo moon + Pisces moon:
Will & Louisa from Me Before You
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Pisces + Scorpio:
Sandy and Danny from Grease
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Aries Mars + Sagittarius mars:
Jane & John from Mr. & Mrs. Smith
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Virgo moon/mars + Libra sun/rising:
Meredith and Derek from Grey’s Anatomy
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Pisces mercury + Aquarius mercury:
Elio & Oliver from Call Me By Your Name
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Aries sun/moon + Scorpio moon:
Noah & Allie from The Notebook
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Scorpio rising + gemini sun:
Elena & Damon from The Vampire Diaries
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Leo/Aries sun/rising + Sagittarius sun/mercury:
Chuck & Blair from Gossip Girl
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Taurus moon/mercury + Aquarius sun/moon:
Jim & Pam from The Office
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Capricorn sun/mars + cancer sun/mars:
Katniss & Peta from The Hunger Games
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elbiotipo · 6 months ago
Tengo una pregunta ¿como funcionaria el sexo entre una sirena y un humano o entre un sireno/triton y un humano? ¿Donde estaria el area genital?
Hay muchísimos chistes al respecto (como las sirenas invertidas) pero si nos guiamos por la biología...
La gran mayoría de los peces óseos tienen fecundación externa, o sea, no existe la penetración. La hembra deposita los huevos, o más bien los expulsa, y el macho los fertiliza con esperma de la misma manera bajo el agua.
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No significa, igual, que no exista cortejo. Esto es muy diverso porque los peces óseos son muy diversos, pero, por ejemplo, el macho suele estimular a que la hembra expulse los huevos, puede haber construcción de nidos, rituales de apareamiento, etc. Pero lo que no suele haber en los peces óseos (hay excepciones) son órganos externos visibles. Existe básicamente un orificio urogenital casi indistinguible cerca del ano. Casi siempre se encuentran en el área ventral.
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En general, las sirenas como se las suelen mostrar en la cultura popular solamente tienen la aleta caudal (la cola) sin la aleta anal que, bueno, correspondería que exista en esa parte, modificada o no.
(Las aletas varían según la especie. Nuestras piernas vienen de las aletas pélvicas, que son diferentes en los peces óseos sarcopterigios, es como si tuvieran 4 aletas en donde estarían las petas, podés verlo en un celacanto)
En los pocos casos con fecundación interna existen aletas (la aleta anal, que sí, se llama así) modificadas en lo que se llaman "gonopodios" o "andropodios" en forma de tubo que guían el esperma, esto se ve en los poecílidos por ejemplo, y a veces esas aletas pueden ser prominentes:
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En cuanto a los peces cartilaginosos (tiburones & amigos), todos, al menos que me olvide una excepción, tienen fertilización interna. Los machos suelen tener también aletas modificadas llamadas claspers, que están bastante especializados, que ingresan en la cloaca de la hembra durante el aparamiento como un pene. Otra diferencia en general es que los condrictios (peces cartilaginosos) tienen menos crías, depositan pocos huevos a la vez o los crían internamente (es más, a veces los pichones de tiburón se comen entre ellos dentro de la madre), al contrario de los peces óseos que pueden depositar cientos, miles e incluso cientos de miles de huevos (el pez luna deposita más de 300 millones de huevos, alguno va a sobrevivir). Los huevos de los tiburones, rayas, quimeras, son bastante interesantes, en inglés le dicen "mermaid's purse", cartera de sirena, porque parecen una especie de estuche.
Bueno esto es en general reproducción en los peces. Después tenés el caso del caballito de mar donde los huevos fertilizados quedan en el vientre del macho, entonces queda embarazado. Están los peces pescadores, peces diablo, peces sapo (Lophiiformes) donde el macho es básicamente un pequeño parásito de la hembra que queda aferrado a ella durante toda su vida. Los peces payaso (de Buscando a Nemo) pueden cambiar de sexo según las condiciones ambientales, y no son para nada los únicos, es algo muy común entre los peces. Y mucho más.
Dejo esta información a tu criterio.
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religion-is-a-mental-illness · 11 months ago
By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Mar 8, 2024
Today is the fifth anniversary of the publication of Titania McGrath’s acclaimed book Woke: A Guide to Social Justice. I created this intersectional activist and slam poet in order to satirise this new intolerant and authoritarian identity-obsessed religion and its stranglehold on society. Having seen so many posh and entitled activists berating working-class straight white people for their privilege, I could think of no more appropriate reaction than mockery. Even Harry Windsor was at it. And he’s an actual prince. 
Five years on, and I cannot decide whether I find it funny or depressing that so many of Titania’s ideas in that book ended up becoming reality. Nothing that Titania was ever able to suggest has not eventually been outdone by real-life activists. It is as though they were reading her book for inspiration. 
For instance, in a chapter from Woke entitled “Towards an Intersectional Socialist Utopia”, Titania makes the following observation:
“Capitalism, after all, is a singularly male phenomenon. The ultimate symbol of capitalism, the skyscraper, is nothing more than a giant cock on the horizon, fucking the heavens.”
Sixteen months after the book was published, this article appeared in the Guardian:
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Or what about this passage from a chapter in Woke called “White Death”? Here, Titania calls out Hellen Keller for her white privilege:
“Consider, if you will, the example of white American author Helen Keller (1880–1968). Even though she was left deaf and blind following an illness as a baby, she still managed to study for a degree, write twelve books and travel the world to give lectures. This kind of privilege is staggering.”
Compare this with an article that appeared in Time magazine over a year later, in which the author writes:
“However, to some Black disability rights activists, like Anita Cameron, Helen Keller is not radical at all, ‘just another, despite disabilities, privileged white person,’ and yet another example of history telling the story of privileged white Americans.”
And how about this tweet from October 2019, in which Titania had some advice for dog owners:
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The subsequent outrage ensured that the tweet went viral. And just a couple of months ago, a leading pet talent agency in the UK called Urban Paws was asking owners whether their cats or dogs identified as “gender neutral” or “non-binary”. 
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After the backlash, the company claimed that it was a mistake. But the specific addition of a “gender identity” category on an application is hardly the equivalent of a typo. 
And what about this article on the website of Vet Help Direct?
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And then of course we have PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), the world’s leading animal rights organisation, which posted the following call to arms on Twitter to “end speciesism”:
“Evolve your language. Unlearn how we’ve been taught to think of other animals. They’re NOT an ‘it’ and should never be talked about like objects.”
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It’s about time that somebody took a stand for non-binary pigeons.
This is by no means the only example of Titania’s ideas being enacted by woke activists. Here are my top ten examples of when her absurd demands became reality…
On 22 December 2018, Titania called for biological sex to be removed from birth certificates.  
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On 17 December 2020, the New England Journal of Medicine concurred.
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On 1 October 2019, Titania suggested that young women should be encouraged to travel alone in rural Pakistan.
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On 12 October 2019, Forbes Magazine concurred.
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On 15 October 2018, Titania argued that Winston Churchill was worse than the Nazis.
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On 11 February 2021, Churchill College at Cambridge University concurred.
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On 19 September 2018, Titania criticised Julie Andrews (aka Mary Poppins) for chimney soot blackface.
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On 28 January 2019, the New York Times concurred.
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On 29 April 2019, Titania pointed out that scientists have yet to discover the difference between men and women.
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On 24 March 2022, USA Today concurred.
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On 22 January 2019, Titania called for the Oscars to prioritise diversity.
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On 12 June 2020, the Academy concurred.
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On 30 January 2019, Titania accused Laurence Olivier of a hate crime for his performance as Othello.
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On 9 October 2021, the University of Michigan concurred.
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On 2 May 2020, Titania criticised the NHS for appropriating the LGBTQ rainbow flag.
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On 6 May 2020, Forbes Magazine concurred.
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On 6 June 2019, Titania demanded an option on social media to mute white males.
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On 14 July 2020, Instagram concurred.
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On 12 September 2019, Titania argued that scientists cannot possibly know whether ancient skeletons are male or female.
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On 18 July 2022, gender activists concurred.
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Titania McGrath’s Woke: A Guide to Social Justice is available to buy here. It’s also available on audio book and Kindle.
This ideology has become so deranged that it's not possible not parody it anymore. Anything you propose in jest today, they'll take up in sincerity tomorrow. Which shows how performative, directionless and unserious they are.
The Civil Rights and Gay Rights movements had specific aims: eliminate segregation, ensure all laws are race-neutral, that opportunities and resources are available regardless of race, decriminalization of homosexuality, recognition of same-sex partnerships the same as opposite-sex partnerships, including marriage. They were specific, measurable and could be ticked off as they fell.
Woke idiots have no damn clue what they're after. And all they can show us is the stupidest, most petty, most insane non-issues that telegraph to the world they have no real problems to complain about. Elimination of all skyscrapers? A lawsuit over who owns the rainbow? (Fundamentalist Xians would like to get in on that.)
They're just making this crap up as they go along, fighting for who can be the most offended and screaming about their imaginary hurt feelings to garner attention and control.
Why did we ever pay attention to this lunatics?
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smashorpassgilf · 1 month ago
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Roles under cut
Accel World - Additional Voices.
Attack on Titan - Mitabi Jarnach.
Baki the Grappler - Hanayama, Vladimir.
Bleach - Sōsuke Aizen, Ganju Shiba, Metastacia.
Blood Lad - Dek.
Blue Dragon - Gilliam, Legolas.
Blue Exorcist - Ryuji "Bon" Suguro.
Blue Gender - Sgt. Robert Bradley, Seno Miyagi.
Buso Renkin - Sekima Hiwatari, Kinjou.
Case Closed - Vodka.
D.Gray-man - Georg.
Darker than Black - Reiji Kikuchi.
Digimon Data Squad - Belphemon.
Digimon Fusion - Dorulumon, Ballistamon, Greymon, Piddomon.
Dragon Ball series - Son Gohan (Adult/Future/Gt. Saiyaman), Pikkon, Narrator, Announcer, Various.
Durarara!! - Horada, Taro Tanaka (screen name of Mikado Ryugamine), Setton (screen name of Celty Sturluson), and Kanra (screen name of Izaya Orihara).
Ergo Proxy - MCQ.
Eureka Seven - Ken-Goh (Ep. 29).
Fate/zero - Berserker.
Freedom Project - Gosche.
Fruits Basket - Makoto Takei.
Fullmetal Alchemist series - Vato Falman.
Ghost Slayers Ayashi- Hozaburo Ogasawara.
Gunslinger Girl - Mario Bossi.
Gurren Langann - Kamina.
Hell Girl - Yoshiyuki Kusuno.
Honey and Clover - Ippei Matsumoto.
Initial D: First Stage - Keiichi Tsuchiya.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders - Noriaki Kakyoin.
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple - Tsukuba.
MAR - Peta.
Marvel Anime: Iron Man - Ho Yinsen.
Mega Man Star Force - Omega-Xis.
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - Yonem Kirks, Watts Stepney.
Monster - Fritz Vardemann.
Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit - Jiguro Musa.
Naruto series - Kiba Inuzuka, Mozuku, Inoichi Yamanaka, Ebizo, Akatsuchi, Okisuke, Kiji (Shippuden Ep. 224), Mozuku (Shippuden Ep. 231).
One Piece - Nefertari Cobra.
Ouran High School Host Club - Kazukiyo Soga.
Persona 4: The Animation - Mitsuo Kubo.
Pokémon Origins - Professor Oak.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Tomohisa Kaname.
Rumbling Hearts - Hiro.
Sailor Moon - Priest/Boxy (Ep. 26, Viz Dub)
Samurai 7 - Mosuke.
Shigurui: Death Frenzy - Naotsugu Andou.
Soul Eater - Masamune Nakatsukasa.
Space Dandy - Ferdinand (Ep. 21).
Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry - Mechanic.
Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind - Ryu.
Sword Art Online - Kains (Eps. 5-6, 25), Godfrey (Ep. 10), Patrick (Ep. 16).
Tenkai Knights - Beag, Eurus.
Tiger & Bunny - Mr. Legend, Eric Lyle.
Higurashi: When They Cry - Jirō Tomitake.
YuYu Hakusho - Karasu.
Zatch Bell! - John Owen.
Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher - Cain.
Bleach: Memories of Nobody - Bau.
Blue Exorcist: The Movie - Ryuji "Bon" Suguro.
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods - Gohan, Ox-King, Narrator.
Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess - Cannon.
Lupin III: The Columbus Files - Burton.
Lupin III: Dead or Alive - General Headhunter.
Lupin III: The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure - Goering.
Lupin III: The Spirit of Twilight Gemini - Butrakari.
(IMDb)Magnum Farce - Blivit, the sniper - Gov. Arnold Schwartzenhertzen-Geldengrubber.
Manborg - #1 Man (voice).
Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow -Mizore Fuyukuma.
Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel - Kahiko.
Naruto Shippuden 3: Inheritors of the Will of Fire - Kiba Inuzuka.
One Piece the Movie: The Desert Princess and the Pirates' Adventures in Alabasta - Nefertari Cobra.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Movie - Tomohisa Kaname.
Tekken: Blood Vengeance - Kazuya Mishima.
Wreck-It Ralph - Ryu.
Video Games
Street Fighter 4, Marvel Vs Capcom 3, Street Fighter X Tekken - Ryu.
League of Legends - Ezreal, Jarvan, Graves.
Resident Evil 6 - submarine computer, BSAA soldier, BSAA agent, Umbrella Juavo, refugee.
Guild Wars 2 - Hamar, Great Ginz, Ogron.
Xmen Arcade - all male voices for PS3/XBOX/mobile versions.
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - Algalon the Observer.
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade - Blood Elf
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World - Richter Abend, Dirk the Dwarf.
Sonic: Colors (DS) - Big the Cat
Dynasty Warriors 6, 7, Strike Force, Next - Sima Yi.
Soul Calibur V - Cold Assassin (custom voice).
Devil May Cry 4 - Bael/Dagon.
Persona 4 (PS2) - Mitsuo.
Lollipop Chainsaw - Basketballer, Geek Zombie.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - Arumat, Crow.
Star Ocean: Second Evolution - Dias Flac, Jophiel.
Fire Emblem Awakening - Frederick, Validar.
Dragonball Z - Narrator, Teen/Adult Gohan, Ox King, Pikkon, General White.
Naruto - Kiba, Inoichi, Akatsuchi, Manda, Ebizo, Shinga.
Bleach - Sosuke Aizen, Ganju Shiba, Kaein Shiba.
Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny - Gerard, Goblin Captain, Belzagor.
Saints Row the Third - Tough Guy White Male, White Bum.
Marvel Pinball “Vengeance and Virtue table - Odin, Juggernaut.
Marvel Pinball “Avengers Chronicles” table - Iron Man, Silver Surfer, Odin.
James Cameron’s Avatar - Rai’Uk.
Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2: Clan of Champions -Narrator, various.
Resident Evil 5 - Majini.
Resident Evil 6 - Submarine computer, BSAA soldier, Umbrella Juavo, Refugee, BSAA agent.
Mugen Souls - Soul.
Ar Tonelico Qoga - Hikari Gojo.
Gods Eater Burst - Lindow.
Desperate Housewives - Carlos Solis.
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland - Guid.
Devil Survivor: Overclocked - Naoya.
Time Crisis: Razing Storm - O’Neal.
Zettai Hero Project PSP - Pirohiko.
Comic Jumper - Benny, security guards, villagers.
Wolfenstein - Hans Grosse, PA Voice (Xbox/PS3).
Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight - Xaviax.
Mad World - Big Bull Crocker, Scissors Man, Ninja.
Wild Arms 5 - Volsung.
Baroque - Archangel.
Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles - Narrator, Nose Demon.
Riviera: The Promised Land - Ledah.
Armored Core: The Answer: Otsdara/Thermidor
Tenchu - Kurogawa, Ninja.
Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2 - Cocoon inhabitants, various.
Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor - various.
Skylanders: Giants - various stadium attendees.
Soldier of Fortune: Payback - Thomas Mason.
Red Alert 3 - Imperial Nanocore, Allied Mobile Construction, Allief IFV.
Chocobo’s Dungeon - Marris the Fishmonger.
Guilty Gear 2 - Blade, Roller.
The Last Remnant - Zuido.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament - Karasu, M2.
Everquest II - Voidman, Stone Golem, Skeleton, Ogre, Werewolf.
Growlanser: Heritage of War - Zeikwalt.
Dawn of Mana - Masked Guru.
Infinite Undiscovery - Sigmond, Held.
Watchmen: The End is Nigh - thugs.
Golden Axe: Beastrider - beasts.
Bloodrayne 2 - demons.
Enchanted Arms - various.
Baten Kaitos: Origins - Juwar.
Summon Night: Twin Age - various.
Rondo of Swords - various.
.hack GU Part 2-3 - Krewhaha, Skumumu.
Magna Carta 2 - various.
Wordchums - zombie, cat, pig, alien.
Battle High 2 - Jiro.
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instantkrazy · 1 year ago
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marleysfinest · 11 months ago
HI MAR!!! i see you've answered several of the flavor self ship asks already, but if there are any you haven't answered yet i'd love to hear those!
HI FALLON!!!!! oh I will always talk about reimar dont u WORRY. I had a look through and I will answer:
pineapple: what toppings does your f/o like on their pizza? what about you?
he's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo a walking stereotype in that he likes the Meatiest Meat on his pizza. like anything he can get he'll have - sausage, pepperoni, bacon, he wants it ALL. he's in peta's bad books for absolutely no reason whatsoever so this isn't doing him any favours tbh
selfship asks!
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newspagesonline · 19 days ago
Another PETA Lie: ‘Trump Did Nothing to Stop Animal Experimentation’
The desperate attention seekers at PETA have been down at Mar-a-Lago with a boring (and repetitive) ad truck shamelessly begging for President Donald Trump’s attention.  We’re sharing an important message with President-elect Trump: The NIH doesn’t give a rat’s a** about waste! When it comes to trimming government spending, why not start with the $23 billion @NIH blows on useless animal…
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hollywoodevilgossip · 1 month ago
Today I saw a video on Instagram that these prisoners in USA raped a dog and brutally killed the dog the dog was she and had to put into euthanized due to serve pain and damaged my question why weren't the cop weren't there with them to watch. I am really disappointed in this world that no animals and womans are safe. First news I heard that person raped elephant India raped a dog in India like wtf why people acting like psychopath for sex. Then in Pakistan I heard some teenager raped a kitten that died to injuries and pain. Animals arent toys for men to fuck around with. These mans should get electric shock or their dicks should be castrated for good. Really world is not safe for animals, children's, womans and elderly i swear I need to move to Mars because it's getting scary day by day.
This is why woman are more safer with bear then mens
Peta should take strict actions a prisoners shouldn't be allowed near animals they need to be castrated
There should a be law for man who's rapes woman and animals should be castrated medically for good or punishable by law or beaten by victims hands openly.
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anotheronenokoneofmine · 1 month ago
Good morning to everyone (but that one guy who did not let me play on his phone at age 6, and when did had peta versions of games and LB;MR)!
hi ! this is my blog im clearly bad at blogging i really hope you understandt hat+
the character in my pfp is puzzle lady/dame kon, from konekocs, a small project of mine! just an array of characters for now, but i am quite sure it will sometime become something else, and if i can, it will be soon!
fandoms im probably in by the time you read this post, unless not ("the information that is in the map" earthb type text):
. indicates former fixation/silly little interest/hyperfix, ! indicates fixtn/just a calm fandom chill, !! indicates hyperfix/current hf. a little star means that i feel like this, conforted me in times of uncertainty, be a travel or so. ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
-mother!!. (mother1, earthbound/mother 2, mother 3)
☆steven universe !!. (☆=childhood.)
fundamental paper education.!
☆professor layton !! (all of them. im even invested in lbmr. thanks guy on the post title !) (acc no thanks that memory stays... not nicely<3)
el cuarteto de nos!!. (you should rlly check them out. not speaking spanish is not an excuse. thanks <3)
and so lot more to list!
Silly kon ism essentially an ecuadorian her /she (l) with very big inspirations of my favorite games, series and so, with very lot of love to my country, people close to and interests, of course! i have adhd, too, and im somewhat proud of it. I usually.. uhh.. i usually cant find the words to express myself, and i struggle with that a lot. BUT,,,,, i have them drawings to do that of the job for me! (not really. most of the times them music and drawings and so asljfhksf.) I do love uhhhh my friends! special ones! hei, juni, and mar! dari too, but i sometimes struggle my communication with the latter 2.
Im fairly good at english and spanish, too! i mean, i like to type in silly ways sometimes, and sometimes commit the obvious obvious in/on, but, i like having mistakes. It makes me seem un perfect! Because, of course,
nobody is!
-w love kon <3
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beritalkorea22 · 3 months ago
'Love Next Door' mengikuti kisah cinta penuh gejolak antara Bae Seok Ryoo (Jung So Min) dan Choi Seung Hyo (Jung Hae In). Drama ini dijadwalkan tayang mulai 17 Agustus mendatang.
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"Love Next Door" tinggal hitungan hari akan mulai ditayangkan. Jelang tayang, tim produksi drama tvN ini semakin gencar berpromosi. Pada Sabtu (27/7), mereka merilis video konten menarik antara Jung Hae In dan Jung So Min yang sayang dilewatkan.
Video itu memperlihatkan Hae In dan So Min yang awalnya dalam mode enemy (musuh). Hae In tampak meletakkan tangannya di kepala So Min, seolah ingin menggoda tinggi badan wanita itu. Sedangkan, So Min menarik kerah jaket Hae In.
Namun, video dengan cepat berubah memperlihatkan Hae In yang merangkul mesra So Min agar bersandar padanya. Pasangan utama "Love Next Door" itu lantas tersenyum ceria sembari membuat sepasang simbol hati.
Konten video promosi "Love Next Door" ini langsung disambut heboh oleh warganet. Banyak yang memuji interaksi Hae In dan So Min begitu lucu. Yang lainnya mengakui sudah tidak sabar lagi menyaksikan drama itu.
"Lucuu bangett,siapa yang mau ikutt kapal inii?[sic!]," tulis seorang warganet. "tolong peta rute perjalanan ke mars u keluarin cepat, gw udh gak sanggup tinggal di bumi Ini Ini[sic!]," tambah yang lain. "LUCU BANGET[sic!]," sahut warganet lainnya.
"Buset bang pelan pelan ngapa. Emang boleh sepagi ini udh pelukan[sic!]," imbuh lainnya. "Masih pagi loh ini dah gemes banget[sic!]," lanjut warganet lain. "WEHH YAELAHHH CEPET TAYANG! gemes banget[sic!]," pungkas warganet lainnya.
Di sisi lain, "Love Next Door" mengikuti kisah cinta yang penuh gejolak antara Bae Seok Ryoo (So Min) dan Choi Seung Hyo (Hae In) yang dulunya teman semasa kecil. Hubungan keduanya mengalami perubahan yang akan membuat hati pemirsa berdebar-debar.
Sementara itu, "Love Next Door" dipersiapkan sebagai pengganti "The Auditors" di slot Sabtu-Minggu malam. Drama ini dijadwalkan tayang mulai 17 Agustus mendatang. Jangan sampai ketinggalan menyaksikan ya.
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all-aboutgame · 4 months ago
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Realpolitiks 3: Earth and Beyond - Simulasi Politik Global dengan Strategi Mendalam
1. Pengantar Realpolitiks 3: Earth and Beyond Realpolitiks 3: Earth and Beyond adalah game strategi simulasi politik yang menempatkan pemain dalam peran sebagai pemimpin sebuah negara. Dikembangkan oleh Jujubee, game ini adalah entri ketiga dalam seri Realpolitiks dan menghadirkan pengalaman yang lebih mendalam dengan memperluas cakupan permainan ke skala global dan bahkan luar angkasa. Pemain harus menghadapi tantangan-tantangan geopolitik di era modern, mengelola hubungan internasional, ekonomi, dan kebijakan domestik, sembari mempersiapkan ekspansi ke luar angkasa untuk menghadapi ancaman baru dan peluang di alam semesta.
2. Cerita dan Setting Dalam Realpolitiks 3: Earth and Beyond, dunia berada di tengah ketidakstabilan politik dan sosial, di mana perubahan iklim, konflik antarnegara, dan masalah ekonomi mendominasi agenda global. Namun, berbeda dari entri sebelumnya, game ini juga membawa tema ekspansi manusia ke luar angkasa. Pemain tidak hanya harus mempertahankan kekuasaan di Bumi, tetapi juga mengatur koloni-koloni di planet-planet baru, memperebutkan sumber daya di asteroid, dan bersaing dengan kekuatan asing di tata surya.
Pemain dapat memilih untuk memimpin berbagai negara atau faksi, dari kekuatan besar seperti Amerika Serikat dan Cina hingga negara-negara kecil yang berusaha meraih pengaruh di panggung global. Setiap negara memiliki tantangan dan potensi uniknya sendiri, membuat setiap permainan berbeda satu sama lain.
3. Gameplay Realpolitiks 3: Earth and Beyond menawarkan gameplay berbasis strategi waktu nyata yang menuntut pemikiran taktis dan perencanaan jangka panjang. Pemain perlu memperhatikan berbagai aspek pemerintahan, mulai dari politik dalam negeri hingga kebijakan luar negeri dan pengelolaan militer. Game ini juga menambahkan elemen ruang angkasa yang mengubah dinamika permainan, di mana pemain dapat mendirikan koloni, menambang sumber daya baru, dan mengatur perjanjian luar angkasa.
Beberapa fitur gameplay utama adalah:
Manajemen Negara yang Kompleks: Pemain harus menangani urusan dalam negeri seperti kesehatan, pendidikan, dan keamanan, sembari mengelola ekonomi negara. Kebijakan yang dipilih dapat meningkatkan stabilitas negara atau menyebabkan kerusuhan sosial jika tidak diurus dengan baik.
Diplomasi dan Hubungan Internasional: Pemain dapat membentuk aliansi, mengatur perdagangan, menegosiasikan perjanjian damai, atau melakukan operasi rahasia terhadap negara lain. Setiap keputusan diplomatik akan memengaruhi hubungan internasional, reputasi negara, dan jalannya permainan.
Ekspansi ke Luar Angkasa: Bagian unik dari Realpolitiks 3 adalah kemampuannya untuk mendirikan koloni di planet-planet tetangga dan menambang asteroid. Pemain dapat membangun infrastruktur luar angkasa, meneliti teknologi baru, dan menghadapi tantangan seperti ancaman alien atau persaingan dengan negara-negara lain di luar Bumi.
4. Fitur-Fitur Unggulan
Skala Global dan Antarplanet: Game ini mencakup peta dunia yang luas, lengkap dengan berbagai negara dan wilayah untuk dikelola, serta peta tata surya yang memungkinkan eksplorasi dan kolonisasi planet-planet seperti Mars dan bulan-bulan Jupiter.
Sistem Ekonomi yang Mendalam: Ekonomi di Realpolitiks 3 mencakup berbagai sektor industri dan sumber daya, baik di Bumi maupun luar angkasa. Pemain perlu mengatur perdagangan, mengontrol inflasi, dan berinvestasi dalam teknologi untuk mempertahankan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Cerita Dinamis dan Acara Dunia: Seperti dalam game simulasi politik lainnya, Realpolitiks 3 dipenuhi dengan acara-acara dunia yang dinamis, seperti bencana alam, krisis migrasi, konflik bersenjata, hingga peristiwa astronomis. Pemain harus menyesuaikan strategi mereka untuk menghadapi setiap tantangan baru ini.
5. Tips dan Trik untuk Pemain Baru
Fokus pada Stabilitas Internal: Meskipun tergoda untuk langsung terlibat dalam geopolitik, memastikan stabilitas dalam negeri sangat penting. Negara yang stabil akan lebih mudah mengembangkan ekonomi dan menghadapi ancaman eksternal.
Bangun Aliansi Strategis: Aliansi dengan negara-negara lain dapat memberikan dukungan ekonomi dan militer saat dibutuhkan. Pilih mitra yang memiliki kepentingan serupa untuk memperkuat posisi Anda di panggung global.
Jangan Lupakan Penelitian Teknologi: Penelitian teknologi baru dapat memberikan keunggulan besar, baik dalam eksplorasi ruang angkasa maupun peningkatan kemampuan militer dan ekonomi. Pastikan untuk selalu mengalokasikan sumber daya untuk penelitian.
6. Kesimpulan Realpolitiks 3: Earth and Beyond membawa konsep strategi geopolitik ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dengan memasukkan elemen eksplorasi luar angkasa. Game ini menggabungkan tantangan-tantangan dunia nyata dengan peluang baru di luar Bumi, memberikan pengalaman yang menyeluruh bagi para pemain yang ingin menguji kemampuan mereka dalam mengelola negara dan bertahan di tengah persaingan global. Dengan gameplay yang kaya, cerita yang dinamis, dan opsi strategis yang beragam, Realpolitiks 3 cocok bagi penggemar game strategi yang menginginkan kontrol penuh atas nasib dunia dan lebih dari itu—alam semesta.
Apakah Anda siap untuk menjadi pemimpin yang akan mengubah sejarah dan menapaki perbatasan baru di luar angkasa? Ambil alih kendali di Realpolitiks 3: Earth and Beyond dan tentukan masa depan dunia!
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 7 months ago
Hoy he estado en AQUAPOLIS [la ciudad del Agua] en VILLA_NUEVA de la CAÑADA [MADRID] como a 50 KM de mi casa.. la verdad es que no recordaba haber estado en uno..quizás desde que estuve en AQUALANDIA de BENIDORM hará como 30 años..no esta mal para ir una cada vez cada tanto..porque esperar las colas es un coñazo aunque estés rodeado de chicas con el TANGA [lo peor que puedes llevar para resbalar]..hay como 8 atracciones ..una piscina circular llamada RIO LENTO [me ha dado la idea para mi piscina porque te empuja la corriente aunque la mía tendrá también una CRUZ que la Cruce ]..hay atracciones que no puedes pesar más de 90 kilos..yo he dado 80 en la báscula.. como unos 5 kilos de mi peso IDEAL..luego tienes autoservicio de comida por unos 18€ [yo por 3€ más pedí COSTILLAS BARBACOA que introdujo en ESPAÑA el explosionado restaurante EL DESCANSO que le traspaso un YANKEE de la BASE AEREA DE TORREJON al padre del dueño del GYM EMBAJADA del que me echaron por un lío de falda con 2 azafatas de AIR EUROPA que me invitaron a su piso que compartían con otra y un piloto que contó fajo de Dólares delante mío.. y que fundó la cadena RIBS donde en el de ARTURO SORIA me encontré a "MARIA"=VIRGEN "BARRANCO"=PRECIPICIO..que debuto en TU NOVIA ESTA LOCA cuya BSO homónima la puso SEMEN UP o grupo de Alberto COMESAÑA que luego fundó AMISTADES PELIGROSAS=cd LA ULTIMA TENTACION cd LA PROFECIA y cd NUEVA ERA..a los que vi en VILLARREAL 2 días después que a VIRGINIA MAESTRO como telonera de ANA CURRA de PARALISIS PERMANENTE que solo publicó cd EL ACTO por el COITO y el single QUIERO SER SANTA..y como 2da película EL ELEGIDO divorciandose de IMANOL URIBE nacido en EL SALVADOR y director de DIAS CONTADOS donde un TERRORISTA se pasa por FOTOGRAFO que enamora a una Casada interpretada por Ruth GABRIEL=ARCANGEL de la ANUNCIACION como apellido artístico que la puso URIBE..que se deja fotografiar DESNUDA DE FORMA EXPLICITA o con SU COÑO PELUDO en una bañera fumando un porro]..y de primero PAELLA.
Luego participe en una promoción de teléfonos SAMSUNG y gane un HELADO y una bola con LAPIZ LABIAL..por adivinar el ANFITEATRO ROMANO DE MERIDA donde estuve hace 45 días aunque no adivine una playa de las RIAS BAIXAS de GALICIA porque me parecía paradisíaca y también adivine el parque nacional de TIMAN_FAYA en LANZAROTE..y me grabaron un SLOW MOTION con gafas de buceo y bailando..como otra prueba..y la 3era prueba era de traducción con el movil Z FLIP 6..que se dobla en plan ESPEJO
Por cierto.. la toalla que llevo es de la marca VERA_CRUZ y que compre en CALPE al olvidarseme en las DUCHAS MIXTAS DESNUDA/OS AL SOL [la deje la toalla de MIAMI BEACH en la VALLA y enseguida me seque con el SOL viendo un FESTIVAL DE CULOS, COÑOS Y TETAS pero ningun acto SEXUAL en el festival de 3era división musical "IBOGA" en TAVERNES [VALENCIA] donde la playa era NUDISTA [recuerdo a un tipo con camiseta de CARMELO ANTHONY de los KNICKS que dijo fumandose un PETA que llevaba 6 MESES SIN FOLLAR Y QUE COMO COGIERA A UNA LA IBA A REVENTAR jaja]..estuve entre ver a la CASA AZUL [=CD LA REVOLUCION SEXUAL] en el Botanico de VALENCIA y volverlos a ver en la CIUDAD DEPORTIVA GUILERMO AMOR [futbolista que casi se mata al quedarse dormido y que debuto con FC BARCELONA con 14 años sustituyendo a MARADONA en la inauguración del MINI_ESTADI 23_6_82=33 Cumple del JEFE Springsteen y de malogrado BRUJO QUINI al que secuestraron unos TRABAJADORES EN PARO y cuyo hermano JESUS portero del SPORTING DE GIJON se ahogo salvando niños ingleses en el mar Cantabrico..así como 39 cumple de JULIO IGLESIAS DE LA CUEVA] en BENIDORM=FESTIVAL LOW (COST) 2019
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petnews2day · 11 months ago
Protesters storm Crufts: PETA activists calling for 'breeder boycott' tussle with security guards and are dragged out of dog show
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/R2pmK
Protesters storm Crufts: PETA activists calling for 'breeder boycott' tussle with security guards and are dragged out of dog show
By Emily Jane Davies and Iwan Stone 20:45 10 Mar 2024, updated 21:24 10 Mar 2024 Share or comment on this article: Protesters have entered a tussle with security guards after they stormed the Crufts dog show tonight and were dragged out of the event. A video shows the violent struggle as a small group of […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/R2pmK #DogNews
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