#Perinatal Counseling
quarterlifecenter · 1 year
How to Support a Depressed Mom on Mother’s Day
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Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate motherhood. Simple, right? Not exactly. For many people, this day can get a bit complicated, depending on many factors, like your relationship with your mother, and your feelings about being a mom yourself.  This is true especially for moms who have recently given birth and are experiencing post-partum depression and/or anxiety on Mother’s Day.  As the friend or relative of a new mom who is struggling in the post-partum stages, you may be unsure how to support and celebrate this special mom on Mother’s Day. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
DON’T buy anything for the home or for the kids and family.
DO buy her a gift that she can use ONLY for herself, like a spa treatment, massage, comfy PJs or other clothing she’d enjoy.
DON’T plan an event or activity that will require energy and motivation on her part. For someone who is depressed and sleep deprived with a newborn, exerting energy on extra things can be challenging.
DO encourage self-care.  Order a meal in, rent a movie, hire someone to do the laundry, or set up childcare for her.
DON’T assume she wants to spend the day with her family and children.  These assumptions can lead mothers to feel judged.
DO offer her a break from her mom-duties. Offer to watch the kids while she naps or takes a bubble bath.  Give her the gift of time to relax and rejuvenate.
DON’T expect her to have “fun,” as that might put pressure on her and make her feel bad for not rising to the occasion.
DO think of Mother’s Day as an opportunity to remind her just how special and loved she truly is!
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, contact us.
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pro-birth · 2 years
We found that most genetic counselors (95%) focused on the physical aspects of disability while fewer (27%) discussed the social aspects. In addition, few genetic counselors (38%) asked patients about personal experiences with disability.
When discussing options available if a pregnancy were diagnosed with a disability, most genetic counselors mentioned termination (86%) while fewer mentioned the continuation of the pregnancy (37%) or adoption (13%). Only half of the genetic counselors asked the SP if she had thought about how she might use the results of prenatal screening.
To better facilitate informed decision-making that is consistent with patient values, we recommend genetic counselors engage prenatal patients in a deeper discussion about their ability and willingness to parent a child with a disability.
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gaiacounseling · 1 year
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At Gaia Counselling, we are committed to helping individuals achieve optimal mental health and well-being during this critical time in their lives. We provide group therapy where a small group of people meet regularly with our trained therapist to discuss their mental health concerns and work towards achieving specific goals. Our therapist provides an opportunity for individuals to share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings in a safe and supportive environment, and to receive feedback and support from both the therapist and other group members. Additionally, group therapy can be more cost-effective than individual therapy and can offer a different perspective on issues from a variety of people. Call us now to book your session.
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Summit of Peace Counseling
Summit of Peace Counseling is an Abilene TX counselor and therapist specializing in a variety of therapy types including anxiety, depression, addiction, relationship issues, PTSD & trauma relief. We offer individual, family and couples counseling with tailored treatment plans that combine the latest psychological theories with proven techniques from traditional therapies to new and advanced techniques. Staying mentally and emotionally healthy can be a challenge for anyone. Summit of Peace Counseling offers several resources to help you in your mental health journey and we always work towards providing an experience that is comfortable and supportive for our clients.
Visit Our Website
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lgbtq-community · 1 year
4 Ways a Therapist Can Support You Through Your Mental Disorder Recovery
Therapists play an important role in treating, managing, and recovering mental disorders. While other mental healthcare providers are responsible for prescription medications and other helpful treatment options, therapists provide much-needed support. It doesn't matter whether you're recovering from depression, anger management, or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Therapists can make a significant difference in your recovery journey.
Here are some ways that a mental disorder recovery therapist can help.
Understanding Your Emotions
One of the best things about working with a therapist is that you can better understand how you feel and what emotions you're going through. Therapists have a deep understanding of mental disorders and psychology.
They can help you discover what you feel and why. Therapists provide clarity and shed new light on what are usually confusing emotions.
Unbiased Support
A mental disorder recovery therapist is there to provide support without judgment or bias. It can be difficult talking about your conditions with people in your life. Even friends and family you love will have internal biases that can impact your road to recovery.
Therapists lend an ear and support you every step of the way. They also provide an outside perspective, helping you see your situation differently. Many people find it easier to open up with a trained professional. Not only are conversations private, but therapists have no personal connection with you. As a result, you can speak with raw honesty.
Finding Ways to Cope
Therapists can be a fantastic source of guidance and education. Many professionals spend years learning how to help others navigate their emotions. A big part of mental disorder treatment is learning new ways to cope.
Some conditions will follow you throughout your life. But with help from a therapist, you understand how to manage those issues while protecting your mental health and well-being.
Forging a Path Forward
Finally, therapists can work with you to move forward. Recovery isn't easy, but there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. For many individuals, having a therapist by their side is crucial to seeing that light and taking steps to reach it.
These professionals will help you set goals, encourage you to achieve personal growth, and come out of your experience stronger than ever.
Read a similar article about low motivation treatment here at this page.
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Understanding the Different Forms of Self-Harm
Self-harm is a serious issue that plagues teens and young adults more than people realize. An estimated 30 per cent of teen girls and 10 per cent of teen boys say they've harmed themselves intentionally.
But why do they do it?
Self-Harm Explored
Contrary to popular belief, this issue is not a form of mental illness. When patients see a self harm counsellor, they often talk about it as a coping mechanism. For many individuals, it's a way to reclaim control of one's life after dealing with mental issues like depression and anxiety.
It's a way to feel something after the numbness of those battles. It's associated with mental illness, but many view it as more of a compulsive coping mechanism than anything else.
Self-harm is usually a personal behaviour, but it can also become a way of bonding with others. Unfortunately, it can also result in more extreme actions and suicide attempts.
Types of Self Harm
The most common form of self-harm is cutting. When this occurs, individuals will use box blades, knives, and other sharp objects to cut their bodies. Cuts typically occur on the wrist or arm. Despite how it looks, it's not always a suicide attempt. These wounds are often deep enough to draw blood but superficial enough not to cut veins.
Beyond cutting, self-harm can include a myriad of behaviours.
Other forms include:
Hitting or punching walls
Picking scabs
Piercing the skin repeatedly
Snapping bands or cords
Unsafe sex
Picking fights
Excessive drinking
Experimenting with drugs
Pulling hair
Identifying Signs of Self-Harm
When do you know that a child or loved one needs to seek help from a self harm counsellor? This behaviour is often well-hidden, so you must pay attention to spot the symptoms.
Self-inflicted injuries typically leave behind scars and marks. You might notice blood stains on clothes, unexplained markings, and other odd spots. Individuals will also go to great lengths to hide the results of their behaviours. That may involve wearing long-sleeve clothing when it's hot out, using objects to cover parts of their body, etc.
Read a similar article about LGBTQ counsellor here at this page.
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Jessica Valenti at Abortion, Every Day:
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita says that abortion reports aren’t medical records, and that they should be available to the public in the same way that death certificates are. While Rokita pushes for public reports, New Hampshire lawmakers are fighting over a Republican bill to collect and publish abortion data, and U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville has introduced a bill that would require the Department of Veterans Affairs to collect and provide data on the abortions performed at its facilities. Just last week, Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly vetoed legislation that would have required abortion providers to ask patients invasive and detailed questions about why they were getting abortions, and provide those answers in a report to the state.   All of these moves are part of a broader strategy that weaponizes abortion data to stigmatize patients and to prosecute providers. And while most states have some kind of abortion reporting law, legislators are increasingly trying to expand the scope of the data, and use it to dismantle women’s privacy.
Rokita’s ‘advisory opinion’, for example, argues that abortion data collected by the state isn’t private medical information and that in order to prosecute abortion providers, he needs detailed reports to be public. In the past, the state has issued reports on each individual abortion. But as a result of Indiana’s ban, there are only a handful of abortions being performed in the state. As such, the Department of Health decided to release aggregate reports to protect patient confidentiality, noting that individual reports could be “reverse engineered to identify patients—especially in smaller communities.” Rokita—best known for his harassment campaign against Dr. Caitlin Bernard, the abortion provider who treated a 10-year-old rape victim—is furious over the change. He says the only way he can arrest and prosecute people is if he gets tips from third parties, presumably anti-abortion groups that scour the abortion reports for alleged wrongdoing. He wants the state to either restore public individual reports, or to allow his office to go after abortion providers without a complaint by a third party. (Meaning, he could pursue investigations against doctors and hospitals without cause.)
Most troubling, though, is his insistence that women’s private abortion information isn’t private at all. Even though individual reports could be used to identify patients, Rokita claims that the terminated pregnancy reports [TPRs] aren’t medical records, and that they “do not belong to the patient.” [...] As I flagged last month, abortion reporting is becoming more and more important to anti-choice lawmakers and groups. Project 2025 includes an entire section on abortion reporting, for example, and major anti-abortion organizations like the Charlotte Lozier Institute and Americans United for Life want to mandate more detailed reports.
[...]  As is the case with funding for crisis pregnancy centers and legislation about ‘prenatal counseling’ or ‘perinatal hospice care’, Republicans are advancing abortion reporting mandates under the guise of protecting women. And in a moment when voters are furious over abortion bans, anti-choice lawmakers and organizations very much need Americans to believe that lie. We have to make clear that state GOPs aren’t just banning abortion, but enacting any and every punitive policy that they can—especially those that strip us of our medical privacy. After all, it was less than a year ago that 19 Republican Attorneys General wanted the ability to investigate the out-of-state medical records of abortion patients. Did we really think they were going to stop there?
@jessicavalenti writes a solid column in her Abortion, Every Day blog that the GOP's agenda to erode patient privacy of those seeking abortions is a dangerous one.
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Arkansas will keep protecting unborn babies with disabilities after state House lawmakers rejected a bill Tuesday that would have created an exception in the state abortion ban for unborn babies who may have fatal conditions.
KUAR Public Radio reports the state House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee voted against the discriminatory legislation, House Bill 1301 sponsored by state Rep. Nicole Clowney, D-Fayetteville.
Arkansas protects unborn babies by banning all elective abortions. Clowney’s bill would have amended state laws to make an exception for unborn babies who may have a “fetal abnormality incompatible with life.”
Among those testifying against the legislation were Cherisse Dean of the pro-life Family Council. Dean told lawmakers that babies in the womb deserve to be protected even if they have or may have a fatal condition.
“It does not say what it is and what it is not, and so that leaves it very unclear for a federal judge to interpret this language,” she said. “Unborn children should not be aborted because a doctor thinks that they may have a fetal abnormality.”
Killing unborn babies with disabilities or fatal conditions is discriminatory, and families faced with tragic news deserve better, too. Perinatal hospice programs, for example, provide life-affirming support to families of unborn babies and newborns with fatal conditions, often offering grief counseling, funeral planning assistance, ideas for making memories as a family, palliative care information and more to help families preparing for their child’s death.
As part of its ongoing efforts to protect life, the Arkansas House recently passed a bill to require companies to provide paid maternity leave to new mothers if they also offer to pay for employees’ abortions or abortion travel expenses. A second bill would allow parents to claim their unborn babies as dependents on their taxes.
Lawmakers also recently proposed a pro-life memorial at the Arkansas Capitol to commemorate the unborn babies whose lives were lost in abortion.
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finding-hope · 1 year
Psychologist and GP: We’re concerned about how much you’re struggling with low mood and anxiety and think you need more support.
Be referred to perinatal counselling service: we don’t think we are the best service for you and don’t think we can meet your support needs, we’re going to refer you back to the community mental health team.
Community mental health team: We’re not sure why they think you need a specialist mental health device. If you’re not wanting to take medication, there’s not much else we can offer you.
Way to make me feel even more hopeless that nothing and no one can help and I’m just stuck in this overwhelming struggle to cope 🙃
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vykko · 1 year
I saw a post and I thought I might make a more in-depth list of mental health resources incase anyone in Australia needs one when reading this or in general
Hot lines the are completely free and if you need one right away and you need to skip everything else
Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14 
Crisis Support Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800.
Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636.
ones I know for sure are free (also I’m getting the list from beyond blue so stuff might repeat)
MensLine Australia – counselling, support and referral service for men
Kids Helpline - counselling for kids, teens and young adults aged between 5 and 25
Open Arms - counselling for anyone who has served at least one day in the ADF, their partners and families. 
1800RESPECT – counselling and information for people affected by family and sexual violence.
Counselling Online – online chat counselling for people affected by alcohol or other drug use. 
National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline – telephone referral to local services.
Gambler's Help - support for people with gambling problems, family and friends close to them, and those just wanting to cut back or regain control
Have different open hours but still important in my opinion
MindSpot Clinic – online and telephone assessment and treatment for people experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and chronic pain.
SANE – support and information for people affected by mental health issues and trauma.
PANDA’s National Perinatal Mental Health Helpline - support for people throughout pregnancy up until their baby is 12 months old.
Blue Knot Helpline - information and support for anyone affected by complex trauma. This includes violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Butterfly National Helpline – counselling for people affected by eating disorders.
for kids and teens
Kids Helpline – 24/7 counselling for kids, teens and young adults aged between 5 and 25.
headspace - mental health support for young people. Offering phone, chat and online commusupport.ReachOut - mental health service for young pand their parents. Offering self-help, peer-support program and referral tools.
well being in general 
QLife - anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral. Talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
FriendLine – for seniors who need to reconnect or just want a chat.
Carer Gateway – individual and group counselling about the concerns carers have and how they feel about their carer role.
Websites and support groups for mental health
Black Dog Institute – resources and mental health support groups for people affected by anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Head to Health – brings together more than 500 digital resources to support your wellbeing and mental health.
Support after Suicide – information and online community for those bereaved by suicide.
Like stay safe out there, you’re cared and loved 🤍
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maargamindcare1 · 17 days
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Professional Perinatal Mental Health Therapist Birmingham
Anna Paterson is a Professional Perinatal Mental Health Therapist In Birmingham, dedicated to supporting mothers and families through the critical stages of pregnancy and the postpartum period.
With a compassionate and empathetic approach, she helps her clients navigate the emotional complexities that often accompany this transformative time.
For details, visit the website.
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gaiacounseling · 1 year
Perinatal Mental Health Therapist
Gaia Counselling is a reputable therapy center that provides expert mental health support and therapy for individuals. We have a team of professional perinatal mental health therapists who specialize in helping individuals overcome anxiety, depression, and postpartum psychosis during the perinatal period. This is a time when individuals experience significant physical, emotional, and hormonal changes, which can take a toll on their mental health and well-being. Our therapists provide a safe and supportive space where clients can discuss their concerns, develop effective coping strategies, and work towards improving their overall mental health. We understand the importance of early intervention and offer timely support and treatment to prevent mental health issues from escalating.
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Marriage & Family Counseling How It Can Help You and Your Loved Ones
At some point in our lives, we all experience challenges in our relationships. These challenges can be caused by a variety of factors such as communication issues, infidelity, financial struggles, or simply growing apart. When these challenges become too overwhelming, it may be time to seek help from a professional marriage and family counselor.
Marriage and family counseling is a type of therapy that focuses on resolving conflicts and improving relationships within families and couples. It is a safe and confidential space where you can openly discuss your issues and concerns without fear of judgment.
In this article, we will discuss the benefits of marriage and family counseling, what to expect during a session, and how to find the right counselor for you.
Benefits of Marriage and Family Counseling
Improved Communication: Communication is a vital component of any relationship. However, when communication breaks down, it can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and even resentment. A marriage and family counselor can help improve communication between couples and families by teaching effective communication techniques and providing a safe space to practice them.
Resolving Conflicts: Conflicts are a natural part of any relationship. However, if conflicts are not resolved, they can lead to serious issues such as separation or divorce. A marriage and family counselor can help couples and families resolve conflicts by teaching them how to work through disagreements in a healthy and constructive manner.
Strengthening Relationships: Marriage and family counseling can help strengthen relationships by promoting understanding, empathy, and trust. It can also help couples and families identify and address underlying issues that may be causing tension or distance.
Coping with Life Changes: Life changes such as the birth of a child, a job loss, or a move can put stress on any relationship. A marriage and family counselor can help couples and families navigate these changes by providing support and teaching coping skills.
What to Expect During a Session During a marriage and family counseling session, the counselor will typically meet with both partners or family members together. The counselor will ask questions to gain an understanding of the issues and concerns, and may also assign homework or exercises to practice at home.
It is important to note that progress in marriage and family counseling is not always linear. There may be setbacks or disagreements along the way, but with commitment and effort, positive changes can be made.
How to Find the Right Counselor for You Finding the right marriage and family counselor is essential for a successful outcome. Here are some tips for finding the right counselor for you:
Look for a licensed counselor: A licensed counselor has the education and training necessary to provide effective counseling services.
Consider their specialization: Some counselors specialize in certain areas such as infidelity or addiction. It is important to find a counselor who has experience and expertise in the area you are seeking help for.
Check their availability: Make sure the counselor's schedule aligns with yours, and that they are available for ongoing sessions if necessary.
Trust your gut: It is important to feel comfortable and safe with your counselor. If something doesn't feel right, it may be best to continue your search.
In conclusion, marriage and family counseling can be a highly effective way to improve relationships and resolve conflicts. It provides a safe and confidential space for couples and families to discuss their issues and concerns, and can help strengthen relationships by promoting understanding and empathy. If you are experiencing challenges in your relationship, don't hesitate to seek help from a licensed marriage and family counselor.
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Counseling for Pregnant Women
Our counseling services for new and expectant mothers offer compassionate support and tools to assist in managing the many changes associated with expecting a baby. We aim to assist mothers better navigate emotional and physical challenges during this important stage in their journeys.
Pregnancy therapy can be an invaluable asset to couples looking for a smooth transition into parenthood. Our sessions focus on helping couples stay connected as friends while keeping intimacy high, communicating effectively, co-parenting effectively, aligning roles and expectations, as well as building healthy family dynamics through child/parent attachments that create healthy family dynamics.
Healing through Counseling: Infant Loss, Miscarriage, and Infertility
Parenthood can be an unforgettable and difficult journey for individuals and couples. Fertility struggles, unexpected losses and infertility diagnoses may create emotional and hormonal turmoil which leaves individuals and their families feeling isolated and powerless to navigate this difficult path to parenthood.
Miscarriage can be an extremely painful loss that has an overwhelming array of emotions to cope with – shock, grief, sadness, betrayal and anger among them. Acceptance may prove challenging; loved ones may struggle to fully grasp the depth of pain felt and the difficulty associated with recovering.
Counseling for mothers and infant loss counseling offers individuals and couples a safe space in which to navigate the emotional challenges associated with reproductive and pregnancy issues. With help from an understanding therapist, clients may find peace, acceptance, and meaning from their experiences – whether in-person or online counseling can help individuals and families navigate successfully through infertility, miscarriage and infant loss.
Counseling for Perinatal and Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Pregnancy-related mood and anxiety disorders are far too often taken for granted, yet remain undiscussed. Pregnancy brings significant changes to women’s feelings, thoughts, hormones, relationships, as well as their bodies – which can result in symptoms like anxiety, fears, phobias sadness depression mood instability.
Postpartum anxiety and depression are also quite prevalent among new mothers, from minor hormonal fluctuations to more serious postpartum conditions like depression, anxiety, OCD or psychosis.
Engaging a therapist during pregnancy and postpartum can provide invaluable assistance for women and their partners as they adapt to the physical, psychological, emotional, and relational changes associated with these conditions.
Our compassionate counseling services for mothers offer relief from perinatal and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders for both mothers and their partners.
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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mysourcesrighthere · 1 year
Title: Destigmatizing Mental Health: The Urgent Need for Government and Corporate Action
1] "Destigmatizing mental health is essential "Stigma is certainly still there, but there's greater and greater awareness and far more understanding," said Dr. Dennis. "Because of the efforts of our collaborative care team including providers, behavioral health specialists, and more, these conversations never exist in a silo.""
URL: https://www.landmarkhealth.org/resource/its-true-treating-mental-health-issues-improves-the-success-of-chronic-disease-treatments/
[2] "Mental health is described as a state of well-being where a person is able to cope with the normal stresses of life. This state permits productive work output and allows for meaningful contributions to society. 1. However, different circumstances exist that may affect the ability to handle life's curveballs."
URL: https://www.verywellmind.com/the-importance-of-mental-health-for-wellbeing-5207938
[3] "A new specialty adjudicative branch of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency Consolidated Adjudications Service focusing in behavioral science is expediting security clearance adjudications, as the agency continues its campaign to destigmatize mental health counseling and treatment in relation to the adjudication of national security clearances."
URL: https://www.health.mil/News/Articles/2022/10/13/Destigmatizing-Mental-Health-Counseling
[4] "More than six million men suffer from depression each year. 1 They experience loss of interest in work, irritability, fatigue, and feelings of worthlessness. Dads specifically have even more unique mental health experiences, with up to 10% of fathers experiencing perinatal depression and up to 15% experiencing perinatal anxiety. 2. However, men ..."
URL: https://www.verywellmind.com/dads-mental-health-matters-5409299
[5] "By nearly every metric, student mental health is worsening. During the 2020-2021 school year, more than 60% of college students met the criteria for at least one mental health problem, according to the Healthy Minds Study, which collects data from 373 campuses nationwide (Lipson, S. K., et al., Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol. 306, 2022).In another national survey, almost three quarters ..."
URL: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2022/10/mental-health-campus-care
[6] "The first requirement is 40 hours of training for police officers as part of police-based specialized police response. This includes responding to dispatch emergency calls and coordinating with local mental health resources as necessary. The second component of the Memphis CIT training model requires training for first responders to recognize ..."
URL: https://fherehab.com/learning/first-responder-mental-health-intervention
[7] "Give yourself the space to breathe and think about your reactions. Try box breathing or a one-minute meditation to stay in the moment. "Learn strategies that help you be more present," says ..."
URL: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/mental-strength/
[8] "In 2020, 51.2% of U.S. females received mental health services, while only 37.4% of males received mental health services [7] Young adults ages 18 to 25 in the U.S have the highest rate of ..."
URL: https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/mental-health-statistics/
[9] "Published May 1, 2023. Invisible illnesses, meaning those that aren't obvious to other people, affect an estimated 10% of the 61 million Americans who have a physical or mental condition that limits their movement or senses. Some people fear disclosing their invisible illness will make them seem incapable or entitled, but keeping illness secret ..."
URL: https://www.health.harvard.edu/topics/mental-health/all
[10] "Mental health is the state of an individual who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment. It affects how we think, act and feel. Also, it helps to determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Over the course of your life, if you are experiencing mental health problems, your thinking ..."
URL: https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/the-importance-of-mental-health/
[11] "Mental health days are one way to ensure nurses take time off to avoid burnout and manage unprecedented stress levels. Also, having mental health nursing benefits and resources provided by employers validates their stress, gives nurses permission to rest, and shows nurses that their mental well-being is a priority."
URL: https://nursejournal.org/articles/why-nurses-need-more-mental-health-days/
[12] "The good news is that we are seeing a shift in awareness and acceptance of mental health conditions in the workplace. Nearly 60% of employers are starting to have conversations about mental health and proactively addressing issues like burnout, fatigue and workplace stress. However, there is still a negative stigma around mental health ..."
URL: https://www.hcamag.com/us/specialization/mental-health/destigmatizing-mental-health-is-good-for-business/422423
[13] "It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a basic human right. And it is crucial to personal, community and socio-economic development. Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders."
URL: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/mental-health-strengthening-our-response
[14] "Mental health conditions now cause 1 in 5 years lived with disability. Around 20% of the world's children and adolescents have a mental health condition, with suicide the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds. Approximately one in five people in post-conflict settings have a mental health condition."
URL: https://www.who.int/health-topics/mental-health
[15] "CNN —. An overwhelming majority of people in the United States think the country is experiencing a mental health crisis, according to a new survey from CNN in partnership with the Kaiser Family ..."
URL: https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/05/health/cnn-kff-mental-health-poll-wellness/index.html
[16] "Schools unable to meet students' needs reported not having enough professional mental health staff members, access to licensed mental health professionals, and funding. An estimated 4.1 million U.S. adolescents , 17% of the nation's 12- to 17-year-old population, said they had had at least one episode of major depression in 2020, according ..."
URL: https://ewa.org/news-explainers/student-mental-health-crisis-resources-what-to-know
[17] "The secretary also said DOD must do more to support families who have lost a service member. "We've got to make sure that we're doing everything we can to support those who have lost loved ones ..."
URL: https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3046883/austin-says-dod-must-increase-efforts-to-destigmatize-mental-health-care/
[18] "AICPA & CIMA CFO Conference. Onsite, Live Online, Live Online select 8. Level: Intermediate. May 10, 2023 - May 12, 2023 + 2 more. $925 - $2,025. CPE Credits: 12 - 19. This site is brought to you by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, the global voice of the accounting and finance profession, founded by the ..."
URL: https://secure.cimaglobal.com/professional-insights/article/five-steps-toward-a-more-caring-compassionate-mental-health-culture
[19] "Of course, nobody can deny that there has been an increase in mental and emotional distress. To take two of the most common diagnoses, a study published in 2021 in The Lancet estimated that the ..."
URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/20/opinion/us-mental-health-politics.html
[20] "Nearly half of the respondents reported a diagnosed mental health disorder. "These data provide the first large-scale empirical evidence of what many in the field have only discussed behind closed doors: namely, that psychologists have at least their fair share of diagnosed and undiagnosed mental health difficulties," the researchers wrote."
URL: https://www.psychologicalscience.org/publications/observer/obsonline/sept-2022-clinical-psychologists-psychopathologies.html
[21] "10. Take employee feedback into account and evolve according to their needs. The lack of involvement in workplace decisions contributes to 48 percent of employee stress. Several studies have shown that employees are more likely to remain in their jobs when they feel their voices are heard."
URL: https://www.calendar.com/blog/mental-health-crisis-10-ways-to-support-your-employees/
[22] "30 Mental health topics to write about— Each year, Mental Health Awareness month is in May and Mental Health Awareness Week is the first full week of October. These two essential campaigns seek to raise awareness and educate the public on mental health. And now, you can…. Use our mental health topics to write about with your students and ..."
URL: https://www.journalbuddies.com/special-writing-topics/mental-health-awareness-month/
[23] "(Los Angeles, CA) - Today, United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy joins youth leaders, celebrities, community organizers, and others at the California Endowment's Youth Mental Wellness Now! Summit celebrating new momentum gained in the work towards protecting the mental health of young people across the country since issuing his national call to action to safeguard and enhance youth ..."
URL: https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2022/06/17/fact-sheet-surgeon-general-to-speak-at-youth-mental-wellness-now.html
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