#Percy kicked off Wednesday
yallrstupid · 5 months
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You guys are absolutely disgusting for defending him when you guys didnt even know him in real life. Were you at his house in Toronto in the beaches? Did you personally know him? You guys don’t know the shit that goes on in Toronto. This is just one of them.
It’s so frustrating seeing these people from other parts of the world defending this man.
You guys are really quick to victim blame and just ignore the actual harm. We don’t need people like him in the industry hurting anymore people.
You have to remember that not everyone knows him and y’all are sticking up for him. Tumblr is actually pathetic now.
Y’all have a problem? Supporting someone who sexually assaulted someone?
His career is over for the stuff that HES DONE. This logic was passed around the groups and between different schools about the stuff with Percy, y’all just don’t live in Toronto or know the people or have actually met and chilled with Percy.
Please make this a lesson to not always believe the person who’s in fault. Please don’t be quick to judge people and say that they’re lying or doing this for attention when they never asked for that to happen to them and when speaking out, they were clowned by you guys victim blaming them.
Doesn’t matter anymore since he’s not in Wednesday anymore and his career is rightfully over.
Make better people famous. It proves people with privilege and money can get anywhere.
(or if you’re Percy, stop making shit people
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
The Dead Sea Siblings and The Nevermore Girls all have something they can connect over
Percy and Bianca-Sea spawns and guarded and snarky as a defense mechanisms but not cruel
Nico and Wednesday-Goth with no idea how to make friends their age
Hazel and Enid-Soft fluffballs who you want to be protect but they can do it even better themselves
Percy and Wednesday-Got kicked out of multiple schools and never managed to fit in at any of them
Hazel and Bianca-Take no shit but classy and fancy darkskin black girls
Nico and Enid-Sunshine gays(yes,Nico is a sunshine boy,y'all are just weird about alt younger queers)
Hazel and Wednesday-Naturally macabe but don't mean to be and are just vibing
Nico and Bianca-Overperfectionist bad parent
Percy and Enid-Popular pastel femmes with a big sharp bite(Luke/Gods stans back off,Percy's 'fruity' because she's trans)
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up and gone - xavier thorpe
masterlist wednesday masterlist
requested: yes! requests: open! Hi! 👩‍🎨 anon here, if it’s alright with you I would like to send in a little angsty request for Xavier-The reader and Xavier are best friends, and upon Wednesday’s arrival at school the readers feelings for Xavier deepen, however she can sense how Xavier feels for Wednesday and one night, in the early hours of the morning, the reader takes off. She ups and leaves Nevermore because she can’t handle the ache in her chest. Xavier, being the psychic that he is, has a vision and tries to stop her. He bursts into her room only to find her side of the room completely empty…He was too late :(You can add fluff if you’d like, maybe once Xavier realizes that Wednesday is all for Enid?
AN: hi! i hope i did this request justice :') also, i absolutely love it when people put emoji's to sign their asks, so cute! i hope you enjoy reading this and thank you for the request :D part 2 is coming!
word count: 4.839 warnings: she/her reader, gif is not xavier (i did not keep up with the percy hynes white thing lately :/), angst, fluff at the end, reader does not immediately forgive xavier (SORRY!!), reader has the ability to grow/control plants, doesn't quite follow the right timeline of the show
You and Xavier were together. As best friends. Never did you expect him to crush you like this. And he did not even realize it.
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"Here you go, Sleeping Beauty," you push the tray of food toward your friend who now sits opposite you, out of breath and his tie barely tied. "I can't believe you overslept. Again."
Xavier gives you a look before gripping the fork, pricking at the eggs before pushing them into his mouth.
"If it wasn't for a certain someone that wanted to watch every single Twilight movie in one night-"
"Hey!" You let out a laugh, taking a sip of your lukewarm chocolate milk. "I didn't hear any complaints!"
The boy shrugs, grinning at you before quickly eating the rest of his breakfast. There were only about ten minutes left, and he also still needed to brush his hair and fix his tie. The movies were not necessarily what kept him up - he had a lot of things occupying his mind. He had another nightmare about some monster, and he was simply just too scared to go to sleep again.
You fish a small hairbrush out of your bag, getting up before seating yourself next to Xavier. Ever since you found out that he likes to sleep in, you have been taking a 'Xavier care package' with you in your school bag. It has a hairbrush, hair tie, muesli bar, and even a tiny bottle of his favorite cologne. You slowly brush his hair, making sure not to tug too hard.
The bell rings just as you throw the brush back in your bag as Xavier now also stands up, taking your tray in one hand and his own in the other, quickly disposing of them before jogging back to you.
"Thank you for breakfast," he grins, bumping his shoulder into yours before slinging his bag over his shoulder.
When you go to reach for your bag, you see that it has already disappeared as Xavier holds it in his hands.
"Time for Botany!"
Botany is a subject that is almost like second nature to you. You have grown up with the ability to control plants and flowers, being able to make them move and grow in the exact pattern you wish them to. In some magical way, you and Xavier were the first ones to sit down in the classroom, taking your usual seat in the front of the class.
"Hey," Ajax greets the two of you before sitting down at the table behind you.
"Morning, Ajax!"
"Man," he rubs his face. "Did you hear about the new girl?"
You shake your head, turning around fully to face the Gorgon.
"Yeah, Enid told me that it is her new roommate or something. Apparently, she got kicked out of her old school because she murdered and ate a kid."
A laugh escapes from both Xavier and you. Nevermore would not let a murderer into their grounds.
"Dude," Xavier chuckles. "Whatever you just smoked, share some with us tonight."
"Good morning, everyone!"
The red-headed teacher stands in front of the class, clapping her hands as she points to a plant that seems to be hidden underneath a glass case and a thin, red fabric.
"Today marks the very start of a new... Genre! But first," she looks over at the table next to yours. "Wednesday. Welcome! We are thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants!"
She pulls the fabric off of the glass case, smiling brightly at the white flower underneath it.
"So, who can tell us the name of this beauty?"
Bianca holds up her hand, ready to answer it. She knows almost as much about Botany as you do.
"Dendrophylax lindenii."
You raise an eyebrow as Bianca looks to the side, confused. Instead of waiting for her turn, Wednesday had just taken it upon herself to answer the question.
"Otherwise known as the ghost orchid," Bianca only smiles, looking Wednesday up and down.
"First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854," Wednesday then continues as Thornhill is visibly surprised by her knowledge.
"Well, Wednesday," the teacher taps her chin. "Perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities."
"Resilience and adaptability."
There is no second of thinking, of doubt. The answer flies out of her mouth in a millisecond, and the answer is not even wrong. Though, the girl speaks with enough confidence to make any answer seem right.
"It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments."
"But," Bianca grins at her. "Its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it."
The two bicker back and forth as you hide your laugh behind your face, leaning toward Xavier.
"Is this still about plants?" He whispers, a grin also stuck on his face as he looks at the two girls in amusement.
"Thank you, ladies," Thornhill just quickly nods, trying to break off whatever fight the two girls have. "Very... Illuminating insights. Now-"
You do not pay a lot of attention during the rest of the class. You knew all that needed to be known. Xavier scribbled in his notebook, his attention also far to be seen.
Wednesday seems to be the center of attention at Nevermore. Not only did she already get into two fights with Bianca, but she also is a huge mystery. What is her power, outside of being dark and sinister?
"Can you hand me the black paint?"
You look up from the flower that you were slowly starting to grow, taking the tub of paint before handing it to Xavier. He is busy painting the small boat for the Poe Cup. He had tried to get you to join the Ophelia Hall team, but you decided against it. You enjoyed watching the Poe Cup, but to actually participate? No.
Xavier thanks you before you both get to your own activities again. The sun is shining as you slowly move your fingers, still staring at the patch of grass as the small flower grows and grows.
You hum, the flower slowly stretching out to touch Xavier his shoes.
"Wanna do my make-up for the Cup?"
"Xavier! Sit still," you laugh, pulling the brush back. "I only have five more minutes to finish this!"
The boy was getting restless as you stood in front of him, trying to finish up on the clown paint on his face. He was now getting bored, distracting you from your work.
It had only taken you two more minutes to finish the red color as you step back, a proud grin on your face.
"See! Wasn't that hard!"
Xavier hops over to the mirror, observing your job before smiling and nodding.
"If I didn't know any better, then I would have thought that you had the power of Animation."
Ajax pokes his head around the corner, waving at you with a smile before turning back to his friend.
"We have to get to the boats, man."
"You will be cheering me on, right?"
"Pssh," you smirk. "Always."
Xavier had been a bit distant after the Poe Cup. You had heard through Kent and Divina that Wednesday had suddenly shown up in the Nightshade library and that your friend had tried to get her to join, only to be rejected.
You get pulled out of your thoughts when you get an envelope from Coach Vlad. You quietly thank him as you look up at the principal.
"... I trust that you will all put your best face forward!"
You open the envelope as neat letters spell out 'Weathervane, Jericho'. It could have been worse. If you were stuck in Pilgrim World for an entire day, then you probably would have just run away to the woods, hiding in a bush before it was time to come back out.
Ajax pops up from right behind you, holding his envelope in front of you.
"Uriah's Heap?" You raise your eyebrow with a grin.
"Uh-uh," he nods, "Apparently Xavier really wanted it. But, I heard from Wednesday that Enid is also going to be there."
He still had a crush on Enid? You look behind him, seeing Wednesday and Enid standing close, though Wednesday is still deadpanned.
"Um," you awkwardly shift your weight to your other foot. "Well... What did Xavier get?"
"Why did he want to switch?"
You knew why. He hated Tyler with his entire might.
"Long story. Basically, Wednesday had Uriah's Heap, but then switched with Enid to go to Pilgrim World instead. Now me and Enid are going to be at the Heap! What did you get?"
"Oh! At least you aren't going to be alone. You will have Xavier!"
You look to your right, seeing Xavier standing there with a slightly disappointed look.
Xavier did not even look at you while you were in the bus to Jericho. Instead, he got out of the vehicle as one of the first ones, Wednesday soon catching up to him. Staring at a blank wall, how interesting could that be? You just make your way past them and toward your workplace for today, not noticing the burning eyes of Xavier on the back of your head.
"Hey! Nevermore kid, right?"
The bell rang above your head as you see a brunette boy standing in front of you, a big, goofy smile on his face. He is wearing a brown shirt and a dark red apron.
"Yeah, that's me," you nod with a small smile. "I am Y/N."
"Perfect! Uh, was there going to be someone else?"
He blinks for a second, shaking his head quickly before awkwardly laughing.
"Not- Not that you aren't enough! I just mean-"
"No problem," you chuckle. "I heard that there should be someone else."
"Okay," the boy nods. "I am Tyler, by the way. I will be guiding you through the craft of coffee making today!"
You are already dressed with the t-shirt and the dark red apron when Xavier finally comes in. Tyler immediately tenses up a bit as he walks up to the counter, the piece of paper with 'Weathervane' in his hand.
"I'm supposed to be here."
Tyler nervously looks at you before straightening his back, nodding at the boy in front of him.
"Yeha, I uh, I will get you an apron," Tyler turns to you. "You can make yourself a drink if you would like. Consider it as practice."
You thank him with a smile on your face. This is the first time in a while that you are with just Xavier again, but he almost seems less than happy.
"So," you grab a cup from the counter. "Any drinks? I can make you a cappuccino?"
He shakes his head, dropping his bag behind the counter before taking the apron out of Tyler his hands. Your friend doesn't say a word while you only return to finishing up your hot chocolate. There is no one in the Weathervane yet, so you might as well enjoy it for as long as you can.
The small bell dings above the entrance as Principal Weems comes in. Tyler greets her with a smile as he places the cappuccino that you were practicing on to the side.
"You want to try?"
You shrug.
"Sure," you respond with a smile, before turning to Principal Weems. "Hi! How can I help you, Principal Weems?"
She smiles at you sweetly before scanning the menu.
"Ah, I will settle for a latte macchiato and a slice of the apple cake, please.
You shoot Tyler a confused look. You had never used the register before, or even heard of a latte. He only smiles, reassuring you before stepping a bit closer, showing you how the register works.
"So, the pastries are here," he clicks on the apple cake. "And then a latte."
He is leaning over you as he presses different buttons. He is so close to you, that you can smell the fresh scent of his perfume. Tyler finishes up the order as Principal Weems sits down in a booth, flipping through pages of her notebook.
Tyler doesn't leave you behind though, as he shows you how to make the drink to perfection. You have never even made anything like this, but it actually is quite fun.
"So, everything on a tray," the cup and the small plate get placed onto one. "And then it's ready! Xavier, you want to bring it?"
He doesn't say anything, instead just lifting up the tray before walking over to the principal.
"Weren't the two of you, like, friends?" He whispers quickly.
You were always in the Weathervane with Xavier. Sure, the tall boy has quite a history with the artist, but the way he acts now seems out of place, even to him.
"Yeah," you nod. "He's been ignoring me, though."
The day flies by. You have made more coffee than you had expected to make, but luckily you are able to drink as much as you want. It is nearing two pm, and you have already downed four hot chocolates.
"Aren't you supposed to be at Pilgrim World?"
You almost think that Xavier is talking to you, but when you look up, you see him standing next to Wednesday. The pig-tailed girl turns around, facing him while shaking her head.
"I left to preserve some of my sanity."
"Could I make you a drink? One of the many perks of this wonderful job," he sarcastically says, leaning against the counter.
For the entire day, he had not spoken a word to you. But now, now that Wednesday is here, he immediately finds back his voice. The girl raises one eyebrow before shaking her head.
"I need to talk to Tyler."
The grin that sat on Xavier his face quickly drops as you just breathe in deeply.
"Hey, Wednesday," you quickly smile. "I uh, I will get Tyler. He is having his break right now."
She nods as you walk away from behind the counter, passing Xavier before making it to the small room in the back. Tyler decided to take his break now as there weren't too many guests yet. He is looking down at his phone, only looking up when he hears your footsteps.
"Oh, hey!"
"Hey," you point to the door. "Wednesday is here. Said she needed to talk to you?"
"Uh, yeah! Yeah, I'm coming."
You nod before taking a deep breath, looking at the clock on the wall. You then follow Tyler out of the small room and go back to your place behind the counter. Wednesday and Tyler soon engage in a hushed conversation as Xavier looks away, walking around to pick up things from the tables again. He seems upset, and though you want to help him, you aren't sure if you can. It is almost like he is... jealous.
"Y/N? Do you know how to make a Quad?"
"For sure!"
"In a to-go cup," Wednesday tells you before turning back to the papers on the table.
It takes only a few minutes before the small cup is placed on the counter. Wednesday takes it before walking off, not sparing anyone else a look. Xavier, however, follows her with his eyes, not even looking away from the window after she long has disappeared.
Maybe he didn't feel the same way about you as you did about him. You always thought so - normal best friends didn't cuddle or even share secret kisses.
It was after school, and you decided to make a trip down to the art shed to go see Xavier. He had not really been responding to your texts, and you were slowly starting to get worried. What if he had nightmares again? You knew that he barely took care of himself in times like that, so you had bought some of his favorite foods and drinks to bring to him. You had checked with Ajax to see if he knew where your friend was, but he knew of nothing.
You and Xavier are- were inseparable, always together, wherever you were. But now, you had not really spoken to him in weeks. The bag is quite heavy, but nothing you couldn't handle. You hum when you enter the woods, your fingers tingling as small flowers sprout up when you walk. Your mood is surprisingly happy, hoping to see Xavier and spend some time with him.
It is not like you have never been to the art shed - if anything, you are one of the only people at Nevermore that knows about its existence, let alone of its whereabouts. You get closer and closer to the small building, your other hand now holding the bag as a small patch of daisies stays behind.
You walk a bit slower when you already hear voices coming from the shed.
"... over Ms. Thornhill's homework assignment."
Homework from Ms. Thornhill? She didn't assign any - she specifically stated it.
"She... She didn't give us homework."
It's Xavier.
You peak out from behind the tree, seeing Xavier standing there, Wednesday Addams opposite of him.
"Remember?" He chuckles. "Why are you really out here?"
The pig-tailed girl stays quiet, her eyes never leaving Xavier as he grins, an eyebrow raised before leaning down just a tiny bit.
"Wait," he lets out a soft laugh. "Is this about a certain dance that makes you want to poke needles into your eyes, perhaps?"
The Rave'n? He had promised months ago that he would go with you, so why is he bringing it up now? Not to mention that Wednesday is probably less than excited for it. She almost looks distraught as she swallows, a grimace almost on her face.
"I'm all ears."
There he stands, with that stupid grin that you so wished was pointed towards you. But instead, he is standing there with someone that would not even care if he died. Wednesday seems deep in thought, trying to go over the choices she actually has.
"Are you really going to make me ask?"
"Oh," he exclaims, that smile never leaving his face. "Absolutely."
Wednesday sighs, her hands clasped together as she tries to find any words to get it out.
"Would you," she pauses. "Would... Would you possibly consider going to the Rave'n dance with a certain..."
Xavier nods, his hands resting in his pockets as he looks at the pig-tailed girl, an amused look in his eyes.
"Would- Would you go to the dance with me?"
She is not even stuttering because she is shy, or scared he is going to reject her. No. She has just never uttered those words in her life, and she does not wish for it to happen again. You swallow thickly, your eyes falling to the bag in your hands as you hear more chuckles coming from your best friend. The plants around you slowly start wilting.
"Yes, Wednesday, I would love to go to the dance with you." He shrugs. "I thought you would never ask."
You immediately turn on your heels, rushing back to your dorm room. You do not care who follows you, all you care about is getting as far away from Xavier as possible. Not only did he ignore you, but now he is going to the Rave'n with Wednesday, though you were certain that you agreed on going together.
"God, I can't wait for Rave'n next year," you sighed, scrolling through your phone.
You were supposed to attend the dance, but Nevermore had to cancel it because of a fire that had broken out in the lower part of the school.
"Still going with George next year?"
"No! He told me that he only wanted to take me because someone bet on it."
Xavier grimaces, shaking his head before plopping down on his bed.
"Good, he is an ass anyway."
"What about you? Any date for next year?"
"Hm," he thinks. "Not really. We can always go together. You and me."
What a lie that was. The Rave'n is only in three days, and the end of the school year will be in just two weeks after that.
It has barely been twenty-four hours since you had seen Xavier and Wednesday at the art shed. You were sitting at breakfast, quietly pushing your food around with your fork.
"God," Divina sits down next to you, "Did you not get any sleep?"
"I wish," you let out a sigh. "Just dreading to go to the Rave'n."
"Why? I thought you had a dress and everything already."
You glance at the Siren who is sipping her drink, a curious look in her eyes as she leans on the table.
"I was supposed to go with Xavier. We agreed on that, like, half a year ago. But yesterday, Wednesday asked him out and he said yes!"
"What a guy," she shakes her head. "He has been acting strange for like, weeks now. Not that he wasn't strange before. No offense."
"Tell me about it," you let out a giggle, sipping your apple juice before pushing the tray back.
"If you don't want a date, you can always tag along with me!"
It is ten thirty when you hear a knock on your dorm door. Your roommate was going to be out for a bit, sneaking around with her partner, and besides, she had the key. Who else would show up? Especially during the time you should be sleeping. You let out a sigh when you hear another knock, slowly standing up to open the door.
Behind it stands Xavier, a glum look on his face as he lets out a shaky sigh. He fiddles with the hem of his shirt, something he only did when he was nervous.
"Yeah," a small smile. "Can I please come in? Thornhill will kill me if she sees me here."
You stick your head out of the door before pulling him in, quietly closing the door behind him as you turn around to face him.
"Haven't seen you in a while."
It almost felt weird to stand this close to him, the smell of his perfume and paint sticking to his clothes. His hair is loosely tied in a small bun, a style that always resulted in him stealing your hair ties.
"I just... I need you."
You frown, sitting down on your bed before tapping next to you. Are you mad and disappointed that he ignored you? Yes. But he must have seen that he was acting weird.
"Wednesday thinks I am some sort of monster. Asked me out to the Rave'n as some type of disguise."
He slowly sits down as well, staring at his hands as you reach over into the bag that you had brought for him today. You take the small bag of Skittles out of it, placing it on his lap. His lips push together in a smile, looking over at you.
"I'm sorry for ignoring you. There is just-" Another sigh. "The nightmares came back. Even worse than before."
You grimace, pulling your knees up to your chest.
"God," you shake your head. "You okay?"
"Outside the fact that my art is starting to attack me and that I haven't slept in a few days, kind of."
He opens the pack of Skittles, holding it out to you before taking a Skittle himself.
"I'm sorry Wednesday did that to you," you then finally mumble.
Sure, you wished you were with him instead, but he did not deserve that to happen to him.
"I deserved it," he shrugs. "After ignoring my best friend, I deserve some karma. I'm so, so sorry."
You look up at him, his eyes pulling you in as you let out a trembly sigh. What are you supposed to say?
"As long as you never do it again," you smile softly.
"What about the Rave'n? You and me."
You are quiet for a second. It is exactly what he said before, and you should not forget that he ignored you for weeks. But, going all by yourself will also suck.
"Only if you promise to match with me," you grin.
"Oh, always!"
It is the night of the Rave'n and you were putting on your last few items. Xavier was going to have some black ribbons with his outfit, so you knew that you wanted some as well. He had cut some off for you, which you happily tied into your hair and around your wrists. After spritzing some perfume on your neck and wrists, you hear a knock on your door.
You quickly walk toward it, opening it to reveal Xavier, neatly dressed in his suit and his hair pushed out of his face.
"Wow," he mumbles, clearing his throat before smiling, holding out his arm. "Ready?"
The music gets louder the closer you get to the party, Ms. Thornhill standing in front of the door to greet everyone. You look up at Xavier with a big smile on your face. You are finally here, with him, at the Rave'n. It could not have been any better. There are curtains with warm fairy lights that reflect in his eyes. He looks beautiful.
After greeting Ajax and his date, you both sit down at a table, drinking some Yeti-tinis while talking about everything you possibly could. You missed him, and he had missed you. Ajax and his date had also decided to sit down at your table, and even Divina had found her way over to the two of you.
Xavier his hand had ghosted over your knees and thighs multiple times, the touch of his fingers so soft as it almost felt like you imagined it.
"Woah, check that out!" Ajax points to the door, a surprised look on his face. "Wednesday totally busted out of her cocoon."
Wednesday walks into the party, almost looking disgusted as she hears the music and sees the people. The thing that confused you more was Tyler Galpin standing next to her. Did she really pick Tyler? Your eyes slide over to Xavier, his eyes trained on the girl as his eyebrows are furrowed. His jaw is clenched and his fists are resting on his lap.
"Xav? You okay?"
You knew all about the things Tyler did to him, including the last Outreach Day. He shrugs you off, shaking his head before letting out a sigh.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Never better."
It took Wednesday not even one second to erase all the effort that you had put into cheering Xavier up. It had only taken some more seconds before the boy stood up, making his way through the crowd of people while leaving you behind. You should have expected this. You chew on your cheek as you shake your head, blinking a few times before crossing your arms.
"Hey! No, nothing of that," Divina shakes her head, standing up before grabbing your hands. "I am your date now!"
The dancing cheered you up. No matter if it was a slow dance, or if you were jumping up and down, it helped a lot. You had not seen Xavier again until the next song was playing. He was sitting in the same seat, his eyes looking into the crowd, and for a second, you thought that he was looking for you.
But no.
In the middle of the room stood Wednesday. Dancing. Something you never expected to see. And it didn't only catch your attention, but also his.
You took this as a chance to get another Yeti-tini, waiting for the song to end while still looking at Xavier.
"Y/N, come on! It's the last dance!"
Fuck it. You are going to have fun.
Divina pulls you onto the dance floor, jumping up and down while twirling you around. Laughs escape your lips as you are surrounded by your friends, it is everything you could wish for.
The fun doesn't last too long, though, as some sort of liquid comes falling down from the ceiling. You pause for a second, looking down at your clothes before realizing that the liquid is red.
"Come on, let's go!"
You are confused, still standing in the same position while trying to get out, but the floor is slippery and your shoes make it even harder to try and find your way out. You bump into Xavier as you both try to get out, but the only thing he does is keep walking.
That was it.
"An early leave?"
You slowly nod.
"It is a family get-away. Something that only happens every ten years. We uh, we go and restore plants and forests that need it."
Principal Weems looks at you, an eyebrow raised before looking down at her laptop.
"I see," she nods. "Well, it seems that you did have perfect attendance and grades during this year. Any more tests or essays that need to be made?"
"No," you respond. "Everything has been handed in already."
"Good," the woman looks up at you, a sweet smile on her face. "Only this once. I assume you will be leaving next Wednesday?"
The word makes your throat tighten as you shake your head.
"Actually... Would tomorrow be okay?"
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yonemurishiroku · 10 months
Vampire!nico x Werewolf!Jason would be pretty awesome. I hope I find some fics about it 🫠🫠🫠
I know a few fanfics who toe the line. As in. There are a few about Werewolf!Jason. And maybe a few about Vampire!Nico (tho most of them aren't Jasico). Most of the fics are pwp as well, so for the sake of my blog, I'll leave them out. If you're interested you can always follow the tags, or ask me in DMs!
The few recommendations I can give is:
-> A short one about Nico and Jason sharing a fullmoon night.
-> A two-chaptered series by Helen, Wednesday AU (the show based on Addams Family). Jason is a lycanthrope, Nico isn't a Vampire tho.
On another note, I... do have a Werewolf x Vampire Jasico AUs. Two, actually, one of which is a oneshot and the other is supposed to be a multi-chaptered one, but knowing me I'd probably be unable to pull that off. So maybe, just maybe, snippets here and then, or in the fortunate event that I can somehow squish it into oneshots, then we'll go for that.
I plan to write the oneshot a near time in the future (which is code for when I'm done with finals and school stops kicking my ass). I've posted some headcanon about it, I think. It's a short prompt about Jason and Nico's life in a cottage deep in the forest so maybe there's not much - which is to say I have ONE vision and I'm zeroing on it. I also have to figure out how to work with Leo's POV (bc I intend to have him be my storyteller) so there's that.
I hope you find the fics you enjoy!!
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mixedkid-matchup · 2 years
tournament where you vote for your fav multiracial (or multispecies!) character(s)!
inspired by polls like: @blackandpinkbracket @blorbo-archers-tournament @blueandyellowbracket @ultimatepinkgirl @homoeroticbetrayal @adhdswagcompetition @autismswagsummit @beefy-babe-showdown (HIII) tagging @competition-list
twas not planning on taking submissions, BUT IF YOU HAVE SOMEONE I DONT ALREADY then send me an ask bc im too lazy to make a google form. (characters i have are below cut + rules)
Submissions will stop being taken on Thursday, March 9th @ 7PM MST Tonight at 7PM MST SUBMISSIONS CLOSED
Rules: 1. fictional characters only. i’d love to put myself on the poll for kicks but fr I don’t know how your fave youtuber would feel about being put on a tumblr poll lmao.   2. pjo characters do not count. their greek ancestry is not incorporated in dna (this is stated in the books, but there is evidence against it, like percy’s greek eyes, but this is a fantasy/mythology book so like whatever. also this is stated so the characters can date outside their cabin.) 3. you can submit more than one character but dont submit one more than once 4. my matches so far are color-coded based on anime character, cartoon character, comic/graphic novel character, live action character, and book character. so in the beginning i will match the anime ones together and so forth to keep it fair for at least the beginning. 5. dont submit the entire family in the poll. keep it to like a pair of siblings that are the focus or something. or the main character. 6. polls will last 24 hours because im impatient 7. you can campaign!!!!! TAG ME!!!!!! I’LL SHOW IT OFF!!!! 8. you do not have to be nice in the comments and tags idc!!! trash talk!!! have fun!! just dont like actually legit send death threats or slurs to people. in seriousness. and to people you dont know. Characters so far: - Tamaki Suoh (white-french/japanese) - Luz Noceda (afrolatine/black dominican) - Kipo (black/korean + mute/human) - Inuyasha (human/demon) - Miles Morales (afrolatine/puerto rican + black) - Hiro Hamada (white/japanese) - Glimmer (asian/??? whtever tf her mom is ig) - Damien Wayne (white/arabic) - Alex Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place) (white-italian/mexican) - Alina Starkov (white/asian) - Sabrina Spellman (mortal/witch) - Aquaman (atlantean/surface dweller LMAO WHY DID THE CREATOR SAY IT LIKE THAT) - Keith Kogane (galra/human) - Raven (human/demon) - Mark Grayson (human/vultrimite + white/asian) - Marceline (half human) - Scott Mccall (white/hispanic) - Steven (Steven Universe) (gem/human) - Marinette Dupain-Cheng (white/asian) - Cassandra Cain (white/chinese) - Alex (Totally Spies) (afrolatine + white) - Aster (The Witch Boy) (black/white) - Ginny (Ginny and Georgia) (black/white) - Wednesday (white/hispanic) - Mako and Bolin (LOK) (fire/earth bender) - Elisa Maza (black/indigenous) - Carter and Sadie Kane (black/white)
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hislittleraincloud · 5 months
I have so many things to say about this...but
1. They're ruining one of my surprises for AtB in this article (ha ha, like...explicitly). I better get AtB written and out before this shitshow goes into post-production.
2. WHERE THE FUCK ARE NAOMI OGAWA AND THE WATSONS? Canning Percy was expected and shitty, but canning Yoko and the twins? Shittier. They will all live in AtB and whatever new characters they used to fill their voids can go fuck themselves.
3. I didn't see Jamie in the picture so I nearly had a fucking cow but he's listed (I mean how can he not be in there if that gross ass monster is gonna be in there again 💩). But I have a feeling that M and G will decide to demonize him/make him part of a hate group or something because he's all broken up about his ass of a son.
I really have a feeling that W2 will be its last. It's taking too long to make a second season that presumably happens right after the first season, and now Ordonez and Mustafa both tower over the 🦐 and will both probably sound like they're 25. (Plus, Ortega...and her ambitions.) I would be very surprised if we get a 3rd season, and if it did happen, it would likely have to be set post-Nevermore because they're all growing up way too fast for this. The older "kids" will be pushing 35 by the time a 3rd season comes out. Maybe they would use a spinoff (the Fester one) or maybe make a movie or something, but yeah...the strike screwed this up, as did the casting mess and the time it's taking to crap it out.
But who knows? Maybe they'll somehow convince Ortega to chain herself to this until she's 30. 💀
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themadlu · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Days of the week are a social construct, ok? Don't judge me and my bad prioritisation skills please.
Tagged by the amazing @vixstarria, thanks!
Sooo, I have been busy with a new job and travelling for said job recently, plus exams for a possible career change, so I haven't had as much time to write for fun. I'm also struggling with inspiration, but to make up for the longer waiting time between stories, here are two excerpts.
One is from my Astarion and Zélie longfic Dutiful As Death, and the other is for a new series with another BG3 OC that I'm still unsure whether to post on Tumblr or keep on AO3. Let's see if anyone guesses who the poor lass is doomed to fall for (he isn't happy about it either).
Dutiful As Death (Ch. 2)
She is on a beach. A beach that is not the one from her childhood, or from anywhere she has been before. She was high in the mountains and she is now somewhere else entirely.  Right. Breathe. In. Out.  The world spins as she sits up, but her trained breathing eventually helps her settle down. Still crouched, Zélie studies her surroundings, taking in every detail that can clue her to where she is.  She is on a cliff.  She is facing not the ocean as she thought but a river—an impressively wide one at that. Discontent weaves through her when she realises the area is unfamiliar to her.  Not Biarritz then. Nowhere else close to home either.  She instinctively searches her pockets for her phone before remembering she left it in the car in her rush to follow Percy. Worry for her brother’s safety mounts in her chest, but she forces it to subside. Nothing good ever comes from allowing fear to be in control. She survived so that she could search for her brother. She will not waste precious time with counterproductive worry.  Master your circumstances not to be mastered by them, Grandmama’s voice rings in her ears, authoritative even when distributing advice
Foul No More (some chapter somewhere)
"Listen, mate, I dunno who it is you think you are, but lemme spell it out: I. Am. Not. Sending. Any. Of. My. Crew. Back. There. I won't say that again. Now, I'm drinkin', you're leaving." He was close enough that he would have spotted the hard base of her horns peeking through her forehead like an oversized scab. Thankfully, he was too enraged (or too ignorant of anything non-human) to notice. Chiyo felt chastisement radiate from the blooming bruise on his right cheek already turning a dark purple. She was aware she should have at least tried to solve things diplomatically at the Grove's entrance. She was usually better at cooling things off (such a bore even fistfights lose their pathos), but that blasted man and the obscenities he spewed, he was begging to be hit. Maybe Bahamut put him on her path as a test of her wisdom and patience. She would say a little prayer to her god later on. Just to check. "I am not saying you should send your crew," Chiyo allowed, staring at the human's flaring nostrils. "I am saying you should come yourself. You know the way, you can show us around. We'd be much quicker." If looks could kill, she would be a pile of ashes now. The man's eyes bulged and he took a half-step closer, towering over her. His crew mates eyed her with anger. "And why would I walk to my death when I just escaped it, under-half-breed? We're done. Feck. Off." He all but spat through his teeth before turning his back to her to stomp to a nearby chair. Perfect angle for a kick in the backside. He was definitely Bahamut's doing. "Because you haven't seen your companions' bodies, have you?" Chiyo chided. Then, with more grace than she thought she could muster, "They may still be alive. Will you let them rot in a goblin's prison because you gave up on them so easily?" The tawny man stopped in his tracks.
Tagging (no pressure) @amywritesthings and anyone whoo feels like sharing!
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snailsarecute · 5 months
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june-julie · 1 year
you know for awhile personally for me when i told others that i chose to give atticus the benefit of the doubt once the allegations came out a year ago since i chose to believe that he did nothing wrong since the 'proof' was just of the young girl and him video chatting texting and dancing at a club it started making me feel ashamed/sad for choosing to like atticus still as a fan cause other people on tumblr and other social sites have just been nothing but awful rude hurtful mean and nasty to me and telling me to go to hell for continuing to be a fan of an actor/musician who they think is a toxic vile manipulator and a disgusting predator groomer/abuser but i know now to not let the haters bring me down especially since the times when he talked to me on social media he was nothing but nice kind and sweet to me
Man I’m not getting over the fact that he messaged you
Okay all jokes aside I’ve seen many other actor and actresses get brought down and all the people who so called loved and adored them immediately was posting the most god awful things about them it’s sickening really to see ‘fans’ switch up that fast. And I must admit all that toxicity got to me for a moment I actually started to believe them and feel ashamed much like yourself for being in denial but now I see they were wrong.
I’m not saying I know him but I know they definitely don’t to say something so out of pocket and image cracking so fast without a second thought.
Allegedly Percy hynes white was meant to do some very inappropriate stuff to girls at his school and everyone got so bad they had him kicked off the show, now apparently said person is confessing they faked the messages and is Findling the whole situation funny.
So now Percy is innocent. I’m not a Wednesday fan but I had to laugh at all that drama going on people are so quick to Turn and maybe this isn’t the best comparison but people don’t give a fu€k when they’re getting enough attention for their lies.
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psychic-refugee · 1 year
Curious as to what you think of the resurgence of click bait articles claiming Percy has been taken out of Wednesday season 2? Went to do a quick check on him on Google and it was the top results again after a blissful period of silence. Also I love your mood boards <3
I think everything should always be reviewed with a critical eye, within context, and as a whole.
I think it’s worth noting that there was a “blissful period of silence.” Slow periods of gossip like to be filled with more gossip. I feel like these days “X male actor caught in accusation scandal” is low hanging fruit.
It’s very easy to get the gullible riled up and angry, as we’ve witnessed with PHW antis.
We also see that in short succession, we also saw Trump lose a second defamation case against E. Jean Carrol AND Danny Masterson just got 30 years for his rape trial.
I don’t specifically think it was a concerted effort by this particular gossip rag to write about all them together, but I think they can see what will get a lot of clicks given the current social climate.
I will say that the Daily Mail article had the most decisive language to date in terms of outright saying he was kicked off. But they still did CYA later on by specifying that a) Netflix hasn’t confirmed this and b) it was a “close family friend” who “told” them. The latter also gave me pause because it’s different that the normal go to “insider.”
Both the decisive language and different “source” did more to make the story seem credible, but it’s still all sleight of hand mind tricks. In context, additionally, the Daily Mail is also a bigger gossip rag than the rando, smaller gossip sites.
IMO, Daily Mail can be more aggressive in their language because they’re bigger and probably have a more robust legal department. They can flirt closer with libel than other sources simply because they have money. Money is intimidating and a shield, they can say things with more confidence even if they know it’s all bullshit.
I wouldn’t be surprised, nor would I blame anyone, if people were more worried about this article than the others.
I would not worry at this point, because despite the more aggressive language, it still has the pitfalls of the nobody sites such as Poptingz or whatever.
It’s a gossip site, it’s bread and butter are clicks and getting people talking. I think there’s an expectation that it’s not a reliable source, legally most of them are categorized as “Entertainment” vs News. There’s no money in being ethical, factual, or writing the truth.
Why now? The accusations are almost a year old and PHW hasn’t been arrested nor is there a hint of a police report. There is documented evidence of the accusers retracting and clarifying that PHW hasn’t done anything criminal to them personally, only that they heard or speculate that he did something criminal to others. It would be strange IMO to drop him now, rather than earlier when the fervor was at an all-time high AND before the accusers incriminated themselves and tossed away any shred of credibility they might have had.
I think Netflix has enough problems right now, they don’t need to get a reputation of not standing by their talent when there is such poor, unsubstantiated evidence. It would also set a precedent that all a competing actor needs to do is create a sock account and accuse someone of malfeasance.
These idiots on twitter and tumblr were believing accounts with no name or real PFP, screenshots that could easily be faked and also showed no criminal intent, and the accusers bragged about “canceling” someone across MULTIPLE social media sites.
I would be hard pressed to believe that any reasonable company would see loud idiots on twitter and Insta as a bellwether for real life sentiment.
The idiots stick to their safe space of social media rather than real life for a reason. These people don’t actually care about women, victims, or justice. They simply see an easy and trendy way to take the moral high ground to justify being their worst selves.
They basically want a pat on the back for being gullible, telling someone to kill themselves, and falling face first into fascism (which is what arresting someone with no evidence is).
They can only do this on social media. I would bet money that no one in their real life is aware of their beliefs or what they’ve said to people online.
Overall, I think the only time we should be really worried is if any NEW accusations AND actual, substantiated evidence are brought forth, AND an actual police report was made, followed up by charges from the Crown.
Otherwise, it’s just recycling the same bullshit and stirring the pot.
Glad you like the moodboards! Thanks for liking and reblogging.
I do respond to asks, so feel free to put in a request. I just can't guarantee a time frame. lol
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AUDREY: Wednesday
From the flash fic collection Days That End In Y
prompt: interrupting with a kiss
(cw: pregnancy)
MISSING MINISTRY OFFICIAL RECOVERED IN TRANSPORT TANGLE by Hyacinth Dao The newly appointed Assistant Head of the Department of Transportation has been located, having been missing for thirteen hours, appropriately enough, inside the Floo Network… .
The edges of the Daily Prophet were crimped and battered under Percy’s agitated grip as he pored over the article. He was admirably stony in his displeasure, except for the indignant little huffs escaping him in punctuation of every other line.
. The trouble began when Chadley Dodds attempted to Floo home from within his private office, somehow taking a wrong turn somewhere around Puddlemere. He found himself inside a bricked-over fireplace in a house which was still connected to the Floo Network, despite having had no magical residents since the mid-1950’s. The Daily Prophet have made a request for Department of Transportation records in an attempt to discover how this significant oversight might have occurred.
This is not the only Floo snafu to happen this year. Two months ago, Minister for Magic Matthias Montague found himself in an embarrassing state of undress in the Muggle Prime Minister’s office, when he’d been attempting to make a surprise visit to a witch who was not Mrs. Montague but with whom he is nevertheless quite close.
The Department of Transportation, still reeling from this failure of the country’s central transport system, has offered little explanation —  .
“Failure— He was drunk off his face!” Percy fumed, refusing to tear his eyes from the page even as Audrey approached in his periphery.
“How many times have you read that today?” she remarked shrewdly.
The question achieved nothing except to prompt him to read aloud as his eyes continued down the column of print.
“Whilst he maintained that the Floo Network has suffered no latent magical malfunction, Senior Executive Officer Percy Weasley avoided opining whether this means the Ministry’s own officials are simply incapable of navigating it. Though it must be said that Weasley, who was passed over for the Assistant Head position in favour of Dodds, looked unaccountably pleased when questioned about Dodds’s mishap.”
Percy glanced up for any reaction from Audrey, and found nothing there but a placid, understanding look.
He returned his glare to the paper, reading silently once more but with renewed vigour.
His lips moved, voiceless, in spiteful synchrony with his reading, until at last he burst out in protest: “I do not like the sound of my own voice!”
He scowled with such outrage as if he were only just reading the accusation for the first time, rather than the seventeenth.
“I’m sure I don’t know why,” Audrey replied fairly. “I think it’s quite nice, myself.
“Though,” she added, taking hold of the Prophet just as Percy began to open his mouth for another tirade — her kiss on his forehead the only thing that persuaded him to finally relinquish his grip on the paper — “not when it’s repeating total nonsense, hmm?”
She ripped the offending page in half demonstratively before Vanishing the entire publication as Percy sat back in his chair, arms crossed, sulking.
But he perked up a bit in query and concern when, the next moment, Audrey let out a low murmur of surprise and placed her hand on the side of her rounded belly. She shook her head to reassure him.
“Talking of people who like the sound of your voice,” she explained, taking his hand and pressing it on just the right spot for him to feel the movement within.
Whether she’d intended it or not, Percy’s still, quiet focus as he waited patiently had the added advantage of forcing him to breathe normally.
“Yes,” he said then, in response to a kick from his daughter, “you agree with me. Dodds can hardly find his way from the back of a lift to the front, can he, let alone — ”
“Change of topic, my love,” was Audrey’s pointed suggestion, whilst she fondly brushed back little stray bits of hair from the spot she had just kissed.
Percy thought for a beat or two before informing Audrey’s tummy: “Apparently the British and Irish League are about to confirm new regulations restricting the Keeper’s movements in the airspace either side of the goalposts.”
Audrey sighed, but Percy cracked a smile when he felt another flutter.
“You’re right,” he replied. “The sport has become totally unrecognisable.”
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thefoxesraven · 1 year
WIP Wednesday 10/11/23
I’ll be playing @kedreeva’s game this week :)
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants. Here’s how it works: In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names. Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play! After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share. That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to! If you’re reading this, you’re invited! If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Here are my offers this week:
1. Fox Percy
2. Vampyre Nicky
3. Hell's Belles AU
4. Dragon Age AU
5. Dealers Choice - I roll a D4 because I can’t make decisions and that’s what you get!
Submissions will end at 10/12/23 12:00am pst
As a treat here is a snip it from my Gordon Lore Doc that I am slowly chipping away at.
Jeremy was more than happy to drive Seth and Matthew to the Wilson’s but when he stepped out to help that’s when Seth finally snapped. That’s when his little brother snapped and told him to fuck off. That he could handle this all. That he had been gone for a while and shouldn’t care this much. Markus and Robert’s name were thrown in. Jeremy just wanted to be there to support his brother, but his brother was hurting too much to see it. So, he stayed back and let Seth deal with things on his own. He didn’t leave, he stayed out leaning against his car. When he had come to the understanding Seth was not going to come out again, he got into his car and started it. But before he could even decide on a place to grab a quick dinner someone was knocking on the window of his car. Seth was the someone. Jeremy got out of his car and immediately hugged his brother. They went out and ate dinner together and talked about everything. This would unfortunately be the last time Jeremy spoke to his little brothers, well the last time before he saw Jackson wearing Seth’s number on the same team, leaving to a bus sticking close to his boyfriend of his in a cheering outfit, losing his spot in the press line to give him his number. No, he wouldn’t see Jackson for another two years. He wouldn’t talk to him for another two years.
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atouchofireland · 2 years
So. I’m not a random apologist; especially of random men.
I’m also a logical person.
If a man shows previous awful behavior- I expect worse from him.
Otherwise, when random celeb men I don’t follow much get accused, I say oh man hope it ain’t true cuz that’s bad for all parties.
But if I even look up a LITTLE, I consider myself to have good intuition. When JD was accused, I didn’t follow him at all but it was odd to me, saw a bit about AH and could see it was probably not legit and she was manipulating everything.
I am not saying this because of Wednesday or the character but, I think the Percy stuff is more fiction than fact. I think he probably did have parties a lot where teen girls smoked & drank & hooked up with him and the guys. But based off of others’ reactions he doesn’t seem one for abuse or assault.
I’ll apologize if I’m wrong. But I just thing he was a fuck-up in his college years and now maybe people are taking him down for it.
Again this is just my intuition. It sucks though cuz no matter if it’s rumors or not, now him & all the actors’ PR teams have to navigate it & he may get kicked off the show even if it wasn’t a real situation.
(A Hint to my intuition: I’ve thought Chris Pratt was bad news since he lost weight and was doing interviews in the ‘10s so… js)
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nashvillenews · 5 months
Tumblr media
3 NEWS #usa ‘Wednesday’ Season 2 Announces Full Cast As Filming Kicks Off, Percy Hynes White Dropped From Series - Variety http://dlvr.it/T6Y3L5
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hislittleraincloud · 1 month
Aww, did Enough is Enough’s loser ass on Twitter make their way over here to harass you? Or how about haveawish? Maybe it’s inzaynitys? Oh wait! It might be PastoD11? Idk but it’s clear they have no lives and all they do is talk about Percy and Percy fans 25/8. It’s been more than a year now. They got what they wanted - him off the show and his life ruined. Idk why they don’t just give the fuck up and move into the next person to cancel since they care so much about victims.
I just woke up and all of this is Hungarian to me. I don't know who any of these people are, and frankly, I don't care. I don't even do TwiX much after I got suspended in 2021 (long story, but it has to do with a certain pathological liar who accused President Biden of assault and her minions; I'm back now and my mouth is even bigger after she tried to sue me for making fun of her 🤣).
But as I said before in the long response, I did do some reading around. The accusatory tweets are gone. There has been nothing, no progress, no charges, nothing. 🤔 I just mentioned the pathological liar who got me suspended from TwiX for almost 4 years, but she is still going on and on and on about her accusations of sexual assault, so where are these girls? And when Masterson was accused, those accusations never disappeared. Masterson, Weinstein, Trump, etc. So I just don't know. I don't know. As an actual sexual assault survivor (I've been raped twice in my lifetime), the minute I publicly accuse anyone is the minute I keep it in the public sphere.
Anyway, I also said I wasn't a White or Wavier stan, and I'm not. I'm not a stan of anyone from the show, even though I post a lot of Ortega posts (she's the one who's super relevant to the show, but I'm highly critical/analytic of what she say/does sometimes).
My mind here for this novelization is to talk about how it relates to actual canon, and having read the book while my Wednesday loop continues, I can say firmly and without a doubt that it cannot be considered canon since it fundamentally changes what we saw onscreen.
We did not see Enid dancing with Wednesday during "The Goo Goo Muck".
We did not see Wednesday "put a finger to Enid's lips" to shush her, nor did we see Enid point out the dumbwaiter to Wednesday during the Gates Mansion fiasco. We did not see this cuntery either:
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(Are you fucking serious. I think Mejia is incapable of translating visual tension (or action) from the screen to paper. The fact that Wednesday is turned into an outwardly crying (out), shuddering mess concerned with Enid is an insult to Ortega's Wednesday.)
And we certainly SAW Enid kick the living shit out of Hyde!Tyler after Donovan distracted him, but Mejia ripped that away and instead had Enid running away after Donovan fired his shot.
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Now this pisses me the fuck off; taking Enid's victory away from her is probably one of the more egregious things done (for no reason! That isn't even anything to DO with Wenclair, it was just lazy fucking writing, more book report writing again).
The Wenclair kids can have their fun, but the book simply cannot be considered canon. It's severely retconned fanon.
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tvsotherworlds · 5 months
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