#People's most repulsive men alive
allycat75 · 3 months
Can we revoke a few People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alives?
You may not agree with some, but that is ok.
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Posthumous- sexist asshole who had no problem hitting women.
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Scientologist. 'Nough said.
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Anitsemetic, sexist pig. Actually, that is an insult to pigs. Sorry, to the pigs.
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Sure, married a narcissist. But takes one to know one.
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Masshole. Doesn't take responsibility for his problematic behavior. Support of sick little brother.
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Masshole. Sticks his foot in his mouth regarding Me Too and the other "F" word. Peacocks in a toxically masculine, privileged Super Bowl commercial for Crypto, saying "Fortune Favors the Bold". But fortune favors the rich and many lost their life savings. Also supports Ben Affleck's rapist brother.
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Masshole. Near Pathological Liar. Hypocrite. Untrustworthy. Inauthentic. Soulless. Empty. Manipulator. "Married" an antisemetic, racist, fatshaming, lazy, arrogant, childish, clout chasing narcissist. You are the company you keep, alienating his most loyal fans and taking advantage of friends and family, ruining his career and loosing control of his life. Seems to have forgotten the basics of acting, what a good script looks like and how to be discerning with whom to trust for advice and decision making. Could redeem himself- probably knows what he should do but looks too beaten down by now to do it. Dumb Fuck!
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Faked Black Adam box office results to disguise failure. Intimidated DC Comic execs to try to get his shitty way. Is the same character in every movie, so much so that when describing Red One, he named a bunch of his other movies to compare it to. Set up a charity with Oprah for the Maui fire disaster and asked regular people to donate, despite both of them being the richest citizens in America. Apparently late to everything and doesn't give a fuck, in the worst way.
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Yes, my most controversial pick. Say what you will about Angelina and if she broke up him and Jen, it takes two to tango, and how it ended for Brangelina was truly terrifying.
But my problem with Bradley lies in his complete tone deafness. He knew Harvey the Hutt was a predator. He went after the monster when he was dating Gwenyth Paltrow for "coming on to her". Angelina expressed to him she was afraid of the producer and hadn't worked with him since "Playing by Heart". So what did he do when he was desperate to produce films with Quentin Tarentino, who would only work with Harvey? He said a big "Fuck You" to his wife and all the women he knew were hurt and ran straight for them. Then had the nerve to produce the film "She Said", the story about the women who had the courage to take Harvey down. Well Bradley, respectfully and with all my heart, you can eat a bag of dicks!
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onesidedradiostatic · 7 months
aromantic alastor headcanons for aro-week (with some ace in there as well, because I think for alastor those things are so entwined, it's hard to separate them):
tried going out with girls a couple of times when he was alive, to make his mother happy, but always found a way to extricate himself from the attachment. this ties into his learning how to have complete control over any situation he's in
I wonder as well about whether or not he "passed" as white, or whether his community knew that he was creole, and how that affected his dating opportunities, and his paranoia, his need to be in control, basically his constant hyper-vigilance
got a lot of fanmail for his radio host work, women (and men, but more furtively) loooved his voice. this was acceptable, because (apart from some of the weirder ones) he could use this as a metric for how accepted he was in society, as well as how well he was passing -- both in terms of race and orientation, but also youknow, as someone who is definitely not clockable as a serial killer
although of course we know he also enjoyed company. he'd go out drinking and dancing a lot. was mimzy a bit in love with him? I just like the idea that people kept being incredibly taken with his charm and his politeness and his poise, because he does have all those traits. whether he notices...? (no). I mention this point not so much as headcanon, I just like that alastor as aroace and repulsed on both of those points, was never a shut-in about it. he's always been very lively (ha) and outgoing, and clearly likes being in the company of others... but maybe that last point has gotten to be a little difficult during his time in hell, due to having to be so careful about showing any kind of emotional "weakness." speaking of...
post-death became a more extreme version of himself -- that is, a man on a mission to be in control and create emotional distance between himself and others through the power of voice, rather than having to faff about pretending emotional connections where there were none. very suited for hell because of his precarious political lived reality whilst alive, and because hell is built on who has power and who doesn't. these are rituals he understands better than the strange romantic ones during life
the smile as mask and unhealthy coping mechanism -- wonder if when he was alive people swooned over his having a lovely smile (as well as its being useful to placate and to disorient people who had more violent intentions, and in both cases potentially to lure in victims). so the smile likewise became the most extreme version of itself. the smile in essence as the signifier of someone who doesn't fit into any boxes and needs to hide that fact, both by being mixed race and aroace, but then the smile itself becomes something that effectively owns him, because he literally cannot let it drop, ever (honestly if alastor ever stops smiling, it'll be the biggest gasp moment on this show)
all that being said, surprising connections do occur: rosie, I think, sees through him from the beginning, and she's so disarming (ha, disarming... cannibal joke) that she never feels like a threat + they're both cannibals, so there's a relaxed kinship there and maybe she reminds him of the parts of home he (secretly) misses a bit
I wonder how rosie figured out that alastor wasn't into dating. I think at first she might have thought he was gay, but then quite quickly seen that that's not it, he doesn't even like men much, and she feels like she's been around the block enough to piece together peoples' natures from one of a million other people she's known, so way before she knows the terminology, she knows, and crucially, she never judges or tries to force the point
I wonder how vox and alastor met -- whether vox was able to gain power on his own and this attracted alastor's attention, or if alastor saw something of himself (that turned out to be surface level) in vox, that is, they both wear smiles as masks, they're both presenters, their mediums may be different, but their aims feel similar. perhaps alastor was comfortable enough in hell at this point -- probably in a way he never was whilst alive -- that he was feeling magnanimous towards what must have felt a bit like an upstart. and most importantly, the constraints of alloromantic ideas are a comfortable 20 years in the past by now, alastor can barely remember that this was ever anything that was expected of him, or that others' could possibly feel about him
cue vox falling head over heels, the way people so often did while he was alive, and he... does not notice at all (barely a headcanon). I kind of feel like I don't have much to say on these two, because this blog is already a treasure trove of vox and alastor hcs!
I think rosie is the only one who knows alastor is aroace, although... maybe husk? not in so many words, but he knows alastor isn't interested in those things. nifty Does Not Notice Nor Care (in a good way). charlie i will forever think will at some point do a deep-dive on modern queer lingo and get everyone flags (this is practically word of god canon considering that older piece of art you shared). vox definitely doesn't know. val....... sort of kinda knows but in an evil way. vaggie does not care, but she'd be chill about it. mimzy... I don't think knows, mainly because she never cared to think about his behaviours, as someone who's quite self-centered on what alastor is to her. jeez, who am i missing... angel, does not know, head empty
speaking of angel, I think if he ever found out, especially with where he's at in his journey rn, would be very unhappy in some way about having stepped over his boundaries so often so casually at the beginning. dunno how he'd act about it, but i like the idea of vigilantly (and crudely, and bluntly) supportive angel if they ever manage to get alastor out on the town. more on the ace side of things but i can see him going: "do not try to fuck this guy! this guy is unfuckable!"
(i like hypersexual and deeply romantic angel + sex and romance repulsed alastor as unlikely friendship in my head. opposites finding common ground type stuff is always good)
at the end of the day, alastor living and dying in an amatonormative world and having to orient himself within that by building walls that persist/worsen after his death because of the culture of hell being predicated on who controls whom, veeeeery slowly discovering that he can be vulnerable on his own terms without people demanding things from him that he cannot give (smthinsmthin the hotel gang as the opposite of vox in that sense -- not only that sense, but also that)
also something about imagining his mother hoping he'd find a nice girl and settle down (in the way parents often do, because that's the metric of happiness right.....) and how he never could give her what she wanted, and maybe feels some very locked away guilt about that, which he thinks he'll never be able to deal with because his mother is in heaven, but perhaps in this story she'll get to see what he's built with the people at the hotel and that's really all she wanted for him in the end
OH MY GOD ANON THIS IS ALL SO GOOD?? THANK YOU SO MUCH HAHAHA. happy aro week everyone!! (x2)
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weebsinstash · 7 months
Yandere romantic Alastor Vs Yandere platonic Lucifer and Charlie??? 🥺
I just wanna say the first thing that popped into my head was, Charlie and Lucifer are having an emergency "oh my fucking gosh we can't let them date alastor" meeting
Charlie: ok... ok... I love all of my friends and, and I trust them, and they're good people!! But... I don't want ALASTOR OF ALL PEOPLE, D A T I N G MY-
Lucifer: I don't even want to THINK about what kind of, PERVERTED DEPRAVED SEXUAL ACTS that creepy black toothed hack will want to do!!
Alastor, poking his head through the doorway, ascending slide whistle noise: oh I don't believe you'd have to worry about anything like that *exits room, slide whistle descending*
*resounding 'oh yeah, that's right' from both Morningstars before they call after him that he's STILL not allowed to date you*
No but actually, I started thinking about platonic yandere Alastor vs romantic yandere Lucifer because... just picture it
I am absolutely convinced Lucifer could get a Sinner pregnant if he TRULY wanted to and just, I'm picturing Lucifer looking all around the Hotel for you, not being able to find you, and he calls Charlie who says that you're with her and Alastor in the Cannibal District and, Lucifer is walking up to join you guys and you're talking to a cannibal woman, holding her baby, "aww, yeah, I was kinda starting to think about kids and stuff when i was alive, but uh, guess it's too late for that now, huh?" and you're looking kind of sad and, looking down cooing at the chubby little hellborn baby you're holding and Alastor just *record scratch noise* as he realizes Lucifer is looking at you holding that baby with the most sappy, sentimental, LONGING look in his eyes, Alastor catches this man YEARNING, he is slipping up on main, and Alastor CAN'T STAND THIS SHIT
Like picture from Alastor's perspective, whether you're picturing him as ace or sex repulsed or otherwise, he's platonic for you and someone he considers an enemy not only wants you for themselves, not only wants to stick their gross dick in you, but he wants to IMPREGNATE YOU? Alastor will hide your ass away before he lets that kind of shit happen. Bull SHIT will he let Lucifer put some sort of blonde rosy cheeked hellspawn in your belly!
Charlie just wants everyone to get along but both of these men are ready to have angry straight up fucking musical numbers fighting over you, 🎵"wouldn't you rather have your deer-est friend?" "wouldn't you rather have the king of the end?"🎵 like for real everyone is so fucking overdramatic here, you're being twirled around and pulled between everyone and goddamn if this is how it's gonna be, maybe you'll run off to the Vees or even HEAVEN to get away from this. I'm sure ADAM would appreciate the chance to steal LUCIFER'S woman for once
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princessanonymous · 9 months
When Night Comes
Platonic Yandere Vampire
Previous Part | Next Part
First Chapter
10. 𝓐 𝓯𝓮𝔀 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓐𝓰𝓸
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She looked down. "Where are we going?" She repeated, desperate to change the subject.
He let go of her hand and reached into his coat to pull out two tickets that he handed her. After studying the writing on the tickets, (Y/n) looked up with a curious expression. "An art exhibition?"
He acquiesced with evident delight. "Indeed," he confirmed. "If fate is on our side, we might even be able to acquire some of the masterpieces on display."
She hummed in response, her interest not overly piqued, yet not repulsed by the prospect of the outing either. As they got off the carriage, the duke opened a sleek black umbrella as they walked the streets of London, a stark contrast against the backdrop of the setting sun casting an orange hue across the horizon.
"Aren't you protected by your ring?" she asked under her breath as she observed the scenery.
Passersby, less fortunate people, were looking at them with interest. There was something so striking about that. Here she was, dressed in lavish garments fit for royalty when all her life, she had simply been a peasant girl. Months ago, (Y/n) would have walked the same streets without anyone batting an eye.
"I am," he replied, revealing his adorned ring with a subtle flourish. "But the feeling of its rays against my skin is still unpleasant."
As they entered a grand beige building in the city, the duke gracefully presented their tickets to the attendant at the door. A quick survey of the room revealed a vast exhibition hall, bustling with people. They were all aristocrats, but as she observed everyone's mannerisms, (Y/n) became fairly certain that these men and women in elegant clothes were human.
A hopeful smile graced her face as her heart quickened its pace. This could be her chance to escape. Perhaps, she could scream for help. Yes, (Y/n) would scream for help at the top of her lungs and surely someone would come save her.
"He—" Before she could utter a sound, a hand was placed firmly over her mouth, stifling any attempt to scream. Panic surged within her, eyes widening with fear as the reality of her situation.
As she excitedly explored her first art exhibition, some onlookers shot her peculiar glances, but they refrained from commenting. In a gentle voice, the vampire remarked, "I understand this is your first art exhibition, but there is no need to express your excitement so loudly, dear." Speaking audibly for those nearby, he then leaned in, his lips nearly brushing her ear, and whispered, "There are about thirty humans here, most inexperienced in combat. I'd venture to say the odds are in my favor. Care to take the risk, my daughter? It could be an amusing game, though I'd hate to stain the exquisite art on display."
He paused before adding, "This is your second warning today, doll."
The air seemed to constrict as the weight of the vampire's words settled in, an unspoken tension lingering in the space between them. (Y/n) felt the chill that accompanied the subtle shift in atmosphere, a reminder of the power the vampire possessed. She tensed up at the second threat he had given her today and the vampire's hand retreated. (Y/n) bit back a snide remark, knowing retorting wasn't a good idea now.
Realizing she had no way of winning this time, the human continued on with the vampire who navigated the place, marveling at the paintings, drawings, and sculptures. The vampire occasionally lingered, absorbing the descriptions offered with an air of discerning appreciation.
Much to his dismay, most of them weren't for sales, still, the nobleman often tried to bargain and offer astronomical amounts of money for simple art pieces. (Y/n) huffed. With such wealth, her family could lead a life of comfort for generations. If they were still alive, she reminded herself bitterly.
"So much money," she commented in a hushed tone, her eyes flickering over the priceless pieces. "Is there some secret rule stating that vampires must be super wealthy?"
He laughed at that and shook his head. "No, but I would argue that any of us who isn't, simply is dimwitted," he admitted with a confident smile. "After all..."
He trailed off, seemingly having noticed something important. (Y/n) followed his gaze until it landed on a tableau—an inconspicuous painting, beautiful yet seemingly no different from the others. It depicted an old man, almost god-like with wings, holding a child's wings and attempting to remove them with a scythe. A grim sight, indeed, but it still didn't explain the vampire's peculiar interest.
"Saturn Clipping the Wings of Cupid," he whispered wistfully what appeared to be the name of the tableau.
"You got it right, good sir," announced the man next to the painting proudly. "From the late Ivan Akimov himself. The original."
The vampire hummed as he arched a sly brow. "Oh, is it really? " he asked with a look of interest.
The enthusiastic salesman nodded eagerly. "Oh, yes," he assured. "Only for 30 pounds*."
(Y/n), bug-eyed, stared at the price tag. It was expensive—too expensive for her comprehension. Her incredulity deepened when she witnessed the duke pull out his checkbook, seemingly unfazed by the ridiculous large sum.
"30 pounds for the original one does sound reasonable," the duke commented and the salesman smiled at that. However, the vampire's demeanor shifted as he paused and sneered, his tone cutting through the air. "But, a fake is worth nothing."
The salesman's face flushed a deep shade of red. "Are you insinuating that this is a fake?"
"Oh no, I am not insinuating anything," the vampire chuckled, shaking his head. But the humor dissipated rapidly, and his expression turned sour. "I am saying that people like you shouldn't dare enter these places to try to swindle money with mediocre copies."
Whispers and snide comments rippled through the bystanders as they watched the confrontation unfold. The salesman, now sweating bullets, struggled to maintain composure amid the growing anger. The salesman, now faced with the exposure of his deception, stammered incoherently, attempting to salvage what remained of his credibility. The onlookers, once drawn to the allure of the artwork, now regarded it with a newfound skepticism.
The vampire stepped forward, approaching the portrait to scrutinize it closely. (Y/n) just watched like all the others. "The scythe is too small," he critiqued, crossing his arms with an air of authority. "The beard isn't quite the right shade of grey, and any connoisseur of the arts of the era would notice the muscles aren't defined enough. This is a pathetic imitation."
The salesman practically leaped in rage towards the duke, his face contorted with fury. Yet, the vampire, possessing a supernatural grace and speed, effortlessly sidestepped the attack. The mansion's guards were summoned to intervene, ensuring that the confrontation didn't spiral into chaos.
The charlatan, now surrounded by vigilant guards in imposing uniforms, found himself escorted out of the grand estate. The vampire sent him one last disgusted glance. As the guards guided the disgraced salesman away, the vampire turned to face the onlookers, his demeanor shifting effortlessly. With a practiced charm, he sent a captivating smile to those who had witnessed the unraveling drama. It was as if he had performed a well-rehearsed act.
As the noblemen and women continued to admire the vampire aristocrat with fascination, (Y/n) couldn't suppress the twist of disgust within her. If only they knew what he truly was, their admiration would turn to fear and horror. All vampires were nothing more than monsters cloaked in a convincing human disguise, a disguise that concealed the horrifying nature that lurked beneath. His charismatic smile, the graceful movements, and the impeccable manners were a well crafted mask.
They left the grand estate shortly after the vampire had acquired something to his liking - an authentic tableau this time - for 40 pounds. The carriage passed through the evening landscape as they left the city and a chance for her to flee.
As they left in the carriage, (Y/n) couldn't help but voice a question she had. "You really remembered so many details about a specific painting?" she inquired.
He smiled, a reminiscing glint in his eyes. "Of course, I was there with Akimov at the time he was making it. It was around fifty years ago, I believe," he replied.
*30 pounds at that time = 3651,90 pounds today = 4652,52 US Dollars
£1 in mid victorian era would cost £121.73 today according to what I've read. Don't quote me on that though. XD
Also, here is the painting mentioned.
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by Noah Pollack
I am going to describe the images coming out of Israel over the last 12 hours. I don’t want to believe any of them are real, because they are horrifying, among the most gruesome scenes of mutilation, murder, and abduction imaginable. But there is now going to be a war between Israel and Hamas—and possibly a broader regional war. Israel will invade Gaza. As we speak, Israelis my age are being called up to war. Some of them are my friends.
Within two or three days, the media narrative will change, as it does every time, and the grisly invasion that started the war quickly will be minimized into a half sentence of euphemistic dishonesty in press accounts (“an incursion by Gaza-based militants”) so that the focus can turn to prosecuting Israel. 
This is part of why everyone needs to know about the images—the ones you won’t see if you turn on MSNBC or the BBC today. Because so much of the media and Western foreign policy officialdom do not want to embarrass the Palestinians by showing the sadistic brutality of Hamas. They do not want to undermine the coming effort to pressure Israel to stop fighting. They do not want people to notice the Iranian role in the war and how it is fueled by an appallingly dangerous Biden administration policy toward the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.
So that is why you need to know.
When Hamas invaded Israel this morning, terrorists streamed across the border in pickup trucks, by motorcycle, on foot, and even on paragliders. Once inside Israel, they abducted and murdered Israelis. They shot people in cars and at bus stops, they rounded up women and children into rooms like Einsatzgruppen—yes, the comparison is appropriate—and machine-gunned them. They went house to house to find and murder civilians hiding in their closets, and they dragged the bloody, dead bodies of Israelis back into Gaza where they are now being paraded, beaten, and mutilated in front of exultant crowds. 
One young woman was murdered and stripped to her underwear, and her corpse was thrown in the back of a pickup truck so it could be paraded around Gaza while young Hamas men beat and mutilated her body. 
Hamas terrorists attacked a music festival in the desert. Dozens were killed and injured, and many more are missing. Footage shows young Israelis running for their lives. An Israeli woman captured by members of Hamas is driven to the Gaza Strip. (Photo by Hatem Ali via AP)
ll Israeli towns and kibbutzim near the Gaza border were turned into scenes reminiscent of ISIS in Syria, with gangs of terrorists riding through the streets in pickup trucks shooting anything that moved. And then there are the Israelis who have been abducted and taken to Gaza as hostages. How many of them, dead and alive, are there? We don’t know, but if the number of appalling videos and heartbreaking social media posts from people looking for missing family members are anything to go by, the figure is without precedent in Israeli history.
These images and videos are repulsive. But they must be seen and understood to comprehend what is coming next.
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elysia-nsimp · 11 months
OC introduction: Comet Yuusonya (Twisted Wonderland)
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Comet Yuusonya (she/her) (sometimes Comet Morningstar depending on the AU and storyline we’re going with) is the protagonist of my main TWST AU. She gets isekai’d to Twisted Wonderland at the age of 16, and becomes Ramshackle’s Prefect. She’s in the same class as Ace.
Comet is asexual (& sex repulsed), as well as polyamorous. She can’t figure out what label works best for her sexuality, so she just uses heteroromantic since that’s as close as she can get.
Comet is around 5’1” (does not appreciate her height), a little underweight at around 95-100 lbs. Her best subject is astrology, but she generally excels at artistic and physical science classes. Any class that includes math in some way is not her forte.
She’s dedicated herself to both the Mountain Lovers Club and Gargoyle Studies Club, as well as eventually starting up her own club, being Dance. How did she get into several clubs? Threatened Crowley.
Hobbies, Talents, Preferences
Comet enjoys the arts. She’s a digital artist, typically sketching traditionally first—she also enjoys singing, dancing, theatre, making and listening to playlists, and writing, as well as cooking and baking. She’s also big into astrology AND astronomy, loving anything space-related. She’s also pretty good at interior design.
Her main talent, and the one she’s most renowned for, is her ability to psychoanalyze people. This talent of hers is what got her through the first few overblots with no magic. She’s also well known for spewing out the most insanely specific threats when she feels unsafe. She usually won’t go through with them, but… there’s been a few she has.
She enjoys helping people, like as a general concept. She also enjoys her art and baking. Her favourite foods are bean and cheese burritos and chicken tacos :). She does NOT enjoy large bodies of water (especially the ocean) and others being overbearing. She also absolutely hates it when others ignore what she’s saying, whether with good intention or not. Her least favourite food is anything pig meat, especially bacon.
Comet comes from a rural town in Oregon, United States. She lives with her mom and her dad, and has an older sibling (they/them) who has moved out. She used to have two cats, one was her best friend, before they both passed from old age complications. Her family dog is still alive and well, though.
Comet had a rough childhood, but she doesn’t think of most of it was very traumatic, though. She is very autistic (and ADHD), so she went through quite a bit of bullying and alienation for being different than the other kids. Still, her parents loved and supported her as best they could.
On several DIFFERENT occasions, Comet has had… bad experiences with the ocean. At least twice, she’s almost gotten swept up at sea, and she once watched her dad nearly drown. Because of this, she has very intense thalassophobia.
She also had an incident regarding an ice cream truck that ended up with her about a state away, in a police station, waiting for her parents to come pick her up after biting the shit out of a guy. Because of this, Comet has a pretty big fear of men too.
The incident that sent Comet to Twisted Wonderland was… yet another experience with the ocean. She doesn’t remember exactly what happened, but she does remember walking with a friend before falling into a river.
Being sent to an all-boys school was… not helping Comet’s fear, so she disguised herself as a boy, going by the name Kuiper, and remained distant until the secret got out. She ended up feeling safe enough with a couple students that she opened up again and went back to being herself. This happened shortly after the events of book 3.
Unique Magic
She learned magic entirely from scratch after spending a damn while in Twisted Wonderland.
Her signature spell is… ironically enough, Gleam and Glow. This spell has two functions—either heal or hurt. If Comet sings her incantation in a major key, the spell heals, while if she sings it in a minor key, ir causes damage. It’s all based on intent, since a key can be either major or minor. The incantation is LITERALLY just the healing incantation from Tangled. Comet did not intend this.
Flower, Gleam and Glow,
Let your power shine.
Make the clock reverse,
Bring back what once was mine.
Heal what has been hurt,
Change the fates’ design,
Save what has been lost,
Bring back what once was mine.
Here’s… just a list of the canon characters.
Riddle Rosehearts
Comet is terrified of him. Yelling is an emotional trigger to her, so his anger issues is a BIG problem for her. She avoids him whenever possible.
Trey Clover
They’re baking buddies! She considers him a Safe Guy.
Cater Diamond
She adopted him as her brother. He didn’t get a choice. She heard one (1) thing about his sisters and decided she was replacing them.
Ace Trappola
She’s stuck with him… and hasn’t been able to shake him since. She thought he was annoying at first, but he grew on her. He is Safe.
Deuce Spade
She’s liked Deuce since they met. She considers him Very Safe.
Leona Kingscholar
Comet is very unsure about him. She’s not a big fan of him, but she doesn’t think he’s unsafe or anything.
Ruggie Bucci
She’s neutral about Ruggie.
Jack Howl
He is Friend Shaped
Azul Ashengrotto
She did NOT like him when they first met, given he TOOK HER HOME FROM HER. But after his overblot, she realized they have a lot in common. She works at Mostro Lounge for an extra few madol occasionally. She may or may not be crushing.
Jade Leech
Much like Azul, she didn’t like him AT ALL when they met. She didn’t trust him in the slightest. However, as time went on, she ended up liking him quite a bit, even joining his club just to spend more time with him. By this point, they’re dating. He is Very Safe to her.
Floyd Leech
She didn’t like him at ALL… hated him and his stupid grin, even. She avoided this fucker like the plague… until after book 3. After her secret was out, she had a BAD day of not being very accepted by her peers. Floyd found her crying outside and they ended up talking. All of Comet’s opinions of Floyd did a whole 180 when he basically told her that the gender she presents as doesn’t matter to him—she’s just shrimpy. It meant a lot, given the day she had. They started dating a while after that. He is also Very Safe.
Kalim Al-Asim
He was one of the first people who found out her big secret. She’s always considered him a friend. Very Safe.
Jamil Viper
You have no idea how DISTRUSTFUL Comet was of Jamil. She was narrowing her eyes at him the entirety of book 4. When Kalim didn’t punch him, she DID. Anyway now she thinks he’s pretty
Vil Schoenheit
He has made her cry with his strictness on several occasions. She’s not sure if she likes or hates him.
Rook Hunt
BAD. AWFUL. UNSAFE. He needs to stay at least 50 feet from her at all times.
Epel Felmier
She thinks he’s annoying lowkey
Idia Shroud
They talk online sometimes.
Ortho Shroud
She loves him very much she thinks he is adorable and they have similar energies
Malleus Draconia
Safe!!! She doesn’t care that he’s a prince tbh she just thinks “this bitch autistic. good for him.” She calls him Lunie and they are very obviously romantically interested in each other. Mutual pining ftw
Lilia Vanrouge
He keeps startling her. And keeps trying to adopt her. She’s fine with this tbh
Sebek Zigvolt
SEVENS HES ANNOYING. And loud. Again with the yelling thing. He has made her cry many times.
Completely neutral. No opinions either way.
Comet wishes to remove his esophagus.
She’s… fine with him. He’s one of the teachers ever.
Crewel is her fav teacher :) she helps him grade sometimes.
He scares the shit out of her. He is LOUD and he is … loud and she doesn’t like that >:((
She likes Sam a lot actually. He knew her secret from day one because she went to buy a wig (she didn’t know she was gonna be STUCK THERE) and he was super cool about it.
Other Works
Comet’s Twisted Adventure (CH 1)
Comet’s Overblot
POV my links ARENT WORKING so I have to add links later… for now go into my twst masterlist on my pinned post, they’re there
Comet has her own Tumblr account. Talk to her here! @starcrossedmoonlet
Her playlist ⬇️
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This last one was made by my buddy Howl
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I just wanted to drop in with some links to some now-deleted but still very good articles on Transmasc Comphet (which is a term I think needs to be spread around more when discussing Transmlm social pressures)
"Transmasc Comphet (and the road to faggotry)" the original article - web (dot) archive (dot) org/web/20210109231028/https:// medium (dot ) com/@neilklein/transmasc-comphet-and-the-road-to-faggotry-62ed750f391f
"Transmasc Comphet — the Followup" - web (dot) archive (dot) org/web/20210124071417/https://medium (dot) com/@neilklein/transmasc-comphet-the-followup-46fddbda7c4
I think a lot of it is stuff you and others who discuss anti-transmasculinity already touch on but I think it's another piece of language we really should be using (even though I know someone is going to find some reason to hate us more over it). Thanks so much for everything you do on the blog my guy
Every gay trans man on the planet needs to read this.
In all my many years of being alive, there has not ever been one other article that I have read that has resonated with me even close to the way that these two have. I used to think I was either a lesbian or a bi woman and would pretend to myself that I'm attracted to women when I am now, and also was at the time, repulsed by the idea of being romantically involved with women. I remember for a while I called myself a butch lesbian because it felt like the closest thing to what I thought I was (a masculine woman).
But something still wasn't right, because I'm not a masculine woman, and it didn't feel correct even at the time. I brushed it off and kept going on with my life as one does. For a long time after that, I thought I just had a fetish of myself as a man. But I think that accepting myself as a gay trans man was inevitable after I got really invested in the FOB fandom. Now, I am a gay trans man, and I feel so much better than when I identified as bi or a lesbian because this is who I really am.
Talking to a lot of other transmasc MLM has made me realize that my story is not unique. So many baby trans men identify as bi or straight for this reason before realizing that they are actually gay. And that's not to invalidate straight trans men—they exist—but I am saying that so many of us are convinced that we're straight because as men, that's what society pushes onto us. And even before we know that we're men, we subconsciously know that we are in some sort of societal role where we should love women, which is why, I think, so many gay transmascs identify as lesbian or bi before even realizing that we're trans.
One other thing that I resonate with that Klein brought up is the fact that it's impossible to separate my homosexuality from my transness because sexuality and gender don't exist in a void separate from each other. This is the main reason that I identify as nonbinary and am uncomfortable describing my gender as a man unless I'm making it clear that I'm oversimplifying my actual experience. By saying that my gender is male without elaborating, what I'm saying is that I'm like other men in some way, and that my experience of gender is similar to other men.
But that just isn't the case for me. I tend to think of myself internally as a third gender, separate from male and female, largely due to my experiences with being gay. In the framework of maleness, I'm GNC, femme, or whatever else you want to call me that basically means the same thing. The simplest way to describe my gender identity, and in my opinion the most accurate, is that I'm gay. I am like others who are gay, and I fit into that community. My expression, then, is built around a framework of being gay.
Often when cis people talk about people like me, they tend to put our transness first, and think of our homosexuality as being something that exists because of our transness while in my experience transness and homosexuality are equally important parts of my identity that can't be separated. I am not me if I am not trans and gay. To put it in simpler terms, there might be an alternate universe where I am female due to my transness being something innate to my being that I feel would still exist even if I was amab, but there is no universe in which I am not exclusively attracted to men.
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nrilliree · 4 months
I think I found most of your answers about Tom/Ewan because I don't like it when people make accusations without proof. And… yes, there is so much "slutshaming", "you hating on two young talented actors", "wrong to talk about them like that". I wish "hate" looked like this.
"Yes, it's such a… very primitive way of marketing. Sexual jokes for "typical men" and sexualization for "fan-wives in love". I don't watch interviews, I only know what I see on Tumblr and what people write to me, and I only feel embarrassed or weird about it."
"Oh yes, I definitely like that comparison you used. I'm not insulting the actors, but the marketing campaign that someone decided to run in this strange way. I don't remember it being this way in the case of GoT, but the marketing there seemed to be… I don't know, a bit more balanced? It didn't rely on two things: queerbaiting and weird comments from two actors, forgetting about the rest of the cast."
"Well, it doesn't surprise me at all. I don't have anything against Tom as a person, but there is something about his behavior that repels me. Overall, I find it a bit funny that TGs blame TB for such behavior, as if… I don't know, it didn't always happen like that? Don't you remember how Jack Gleeson was insulted? Or Iwan Rheon? People have always had trouble distinguishing between a character and an actor."
"That's why I don't like Tom's statements, because they are often… strange. I'd really rather support a boring woman than an "interesting" man with whom I would be afraid to be alone with as a woman because he might hurt me. Yes, it's very "not boring"."
"Yes, and now let's imagine that, for example, Matt says something similar. The Internet, or rather TG stans, would eat him alive for such jokes and not call him a star."
"Yes, of course. Thirst traps work so well for a reason. That's why there was such a stir because the actor wore a transparent shirt :P"
"That's why I'm so amused by this holy indignation at Steve's words. (Although personally I think he was right, because Steve alone looks better to me than Tom and Ewan put together, but that's just my opinion ;P) Because imagine that's the worst thing the TB actor has said."
"Yeah, well, most of these comments about how we can't hate Tom for playing Aegon were written by me before I knew he was saying such nonsense :P I'm still not going to blame him for getting the role of Aegon, because the role it's a role and he should play it in such a way that it will be a repulsive character, but I still blame him for trying to defend him. Maybe he can't come to terms with not playing the hero everyone loves, lol."
Well, thank you, sunshine. Again :P And I say again that you don't have to defend me against anons from the Internet. Let such people first focus on those who write that they "want to punch Matt in the face" and "this Neanderthal should shut up", eh?
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prongsmydeer · 1 year
Ayesha Liveblogs Shrek 3 and 4
The wild gendered expectations they have on Pinocchio to hate dinner theatre LMAO
"I am the rightful King of Far Far Away." On what grounds, Prince Charming?
Why does Shrek have to do all the knighting and christening of boats when Fiona is the royal heir? Even in Shrek we cannot escape the misogyny of inheritance laws
"Imagine an Ogre baby. They extra cry, and they extra poop." This is unfortunate foreshadowing for how many babies they're gonna have
"I am proud to call you my Frog-King Dad-in-Law." Ghkjhgkjhg Shrek is as preoccupied with Harold being a frog as Harold was with him being an Ogre
"You and Fiona are next in line for the throne." Again, I feel like Fiona has this whole like, princess her whole life thing going for her. Why does Shrek need to be ruling in any way
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Why has Doris been thrown out of the bar!! Who is Mabel!!
"And you, Frumpypigskin." "Rumplestiltskin." "Where's that firstborn you were promised?" I think this is supposed to be foreshadowing for the next Shrek movie
"How does it happen?" said Donkey, as if he did not have at least five children (six if we count the missing baby, whose name is apparently Éclair)
"My stomach aches and my palm just got sweaty. Must be a high school." Relatable. Also the implication that Shrek went to high school. Was it an Ogre high school or a general high school for fairytale creatures
"My friend Tiffany thinkest thou vex her so soothly. And she thought perchance you would ask her to the homecoming dance." Tiffany confirming that the Shrekfucker community is alive and well
Not Arthur Pendragon being bullied by the nerds omg
Fgjkhkghkgjh Guin being repulsed by Arthur. Rough
I guess we know where Doris is!! At Fiona's baby shower
"I got you the biggest one, because I love you the most." HAHAHAHA not Snow White giving Fiona a PERSON as a present
HAHAHAHAHA I love Pinnochio double negativing Charming into confusion
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"He'll never fall for your tricks!" [Nose grows] Pinocchio knows Shrek is very gullible
Most of Shrek's problems are related to just being too strong to handle his own body
How long does Shrek think he can hide the fact there are other heirs to the throne. Does he think if he waits til they're in Far Far Away, Artie won't turn back?
"Somebody help! I've been kidnapped by a monster trying to relate to me." This movie strongly feels like it was written by the parent of a teenager LMAO
"Please leave any bad vibes outside the healing vortex." Me trying to talk to my parents
"My dad wasn't really the fatherly type either." 1) The plot of this movie is simply Daddy Issues: Shrek Edition and 2) Are we finally going to find out where some of the other Ogres are?
I guess we have taken until the third movie to confirm that some, if not most, Ogres, are pro-eating each other, at least. Shrek's father said, I put you in this world, I can take you out
"People used to think I was a monster. And for a long time, I believed them. But after a while, you learn to ignore the names that people call you, and you just trust who you are." SOMETHING SOMETHING METAPHORS FOR OPPRESSION SOMETHING SOMETHING MY HEART
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"That Charming makes me hotter than July." Why did Rapunzel say 'ew,' isn't she the one that Charming calls Kitten Whiskers lmao
Update from 30 seconds later: I got an immediate answer to this question in the form of Rapunzel betraying them
Also: Is the topiary supposed to be Lillian or is the implication Charming's first act in this coup was to replace the garden sculptures jkhgkjhg. I've been thinking it for a while but Lillian and Charming really do have the same hair and general face shape:
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"Shrek will be back soon, and you'll be sorry." Fiona why do you need Shrek, you can take out a band of ten Merry Men by yourself!! Are you hesitant to fight because you're pregnant? This movie should really be about Fiona and not Shrek
"Get yourself back to Worcestershire, kid." Bold of them to choose this name for Artie's hometown hahahah
HAHAHAHA Artie defeats Merlin's magical insecurities by having a tantrum
Efhjkfhkfjh the implication that Donkey has been suppressing his inner heehaw for two whole movies. Poor Puss in Boots
"He's a star, people! Hello? I'm so sorry about this, Mr. Shrek." Artie's best quality as a leader is his ability to think on his feet
"I wasn't right for the job. I just needed some fool to replace me." IT'S A GOOD THING YOU'RE NOT THE ROYAL HEIR OF FAR FAR AWAY SHREK, FIONA IS! IT'S HER THRONE AND HER DECISION, U DINK
Shout-out to Cinderella's slowly dwindling mental health, she's got some of the most labour-intense and psychologically difficult backstory kghkhjg
Oh hell yeah Julie Andrews as Mama Lillian showing where Fiona got her fighting skills
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"Okay girls, from here on out, we're gonna take care of business ourselves." AS THEY SHOULD!
HAHAHAHAH Snow White's singing scene is all I remember from this movie. Get 'em girls!!!
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Cinderella throwing her glass shoe, Sleeping Beauty tripping them with her narcolepsy, Doris tripping the men up with her leg that didn't fit into the shoe. I love that the mechanisms of their fighting are the same as their confines in the story
"Shrek only said those things to protect you." And because they were true! He was also dishonest with Arthur lmao
Awwww the Shrek fan club in the audience. He really is a beloved by the people, in his way
"If you don't mind, could you kill me, and then sing?" Charming really should've put a muzzle on Shrek if he wanted him to be a silent participant in this play
Shrek's strongest asset by far is the community of people he and Fiona have built (the fairy tale creatures, the princesses, Doris, the dragon, the citizens of Far Far Away)
"Don't you ever wish you could be something else [other than a villain]?" Arthur yet again comes through with his gift of gab
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"What Steve's trying to say is it's hard to come by honest work when the whole world's against you." Steve and Ed the Evil Trees raise very point
"I grow daffodils, and they're beautiful." Love this for Captain Hook
"It's yours if you want, you know. But this time it's your choice." WHY IS IT NOT FIONA'S CHOICE!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE NOT THE PRINCE, SHREK!!!!
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You know, if the only remaining complication of switching bodies is losing your tail for a bit, that's not the worst
"I think the kid's going to be a great king." "Well, for what it's worth, you would have too." SO WOULD YOU, FIONA, AS HEIR TO THIS KINGDOM!!!! Raised as a princess!! The plot of this movie is so bizarre
I love how much Lillian loves her weird little family. No Judgement Mum
Tag yourself, I'm the "Where's the Baby" Dwarf kjghjghjh
Well, even if it's not something Fiona specifically identified as wanting for herself instead of ruling, I'm happy they get to have their happy little family in the swamp and a nap
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Onto: Shrek 4
I will not lie to you, I am mostly watching the fourth Shrek because I went to Shrek trivia and we missed a bunch of questions related to the fourth movie LOL
Why does the animation look so funky in this one? It's giving a bit of Monster by Mistake/direct-to-video sequel
How are Shrek's babies old enough to speak but Donkey's still look the same even though they're at least 9 months older?
Is the plot of this, much like the second Incredibles movie, 'I can't believe that I, a father, have to parent'
I know people have been committing Ogre Microaggressions all day and that he wasn't the first to destroy the cake (Donkey licked and the Pigs ate the first one) but what kind of a father destroys his own children's birthday cake. Get some therapy, Shrek
"I wouldn't expect you to understand, it's not like you're a real Ogre. You spent half your life in a palace." "And the other half locked away in a tower." 1) What a thing to say to someone who became an ogre permanently FOR YOU, and 2) She got a point there, Shrek
"You have three beautiful children, a wife who loves you, friends who adore you. You have everything." Shrek said: God Fiona, have you ever heard of an introvert
Lmao @ this movie retconning the fact that Shrek and Rumplestiltskin have already encountered each other when Arthur took the throne
Shrek representing the very real experience of not reading the terms and conditions every time you sign off:
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"It's me, Shrek, your best friend." After four movies Shrek finally admits that Donkey is his best friend hahaha
Gingey being in a cookie fighting league jkhfkfh on brand for him
Why is there such a large proportion of witches in Rumpelstiltskin's palace hahaha, I get that there were more than a few, but Rumpelstiltskin seems to hang with witches exclusively?
"I ended Fiona's curse." Technically yes, but did u really Shrek? You just ended the switcheroo to her original human form, not the resultant transformation
I gotta say, the soundtrack moments in this film are so far a lot weaker, BUT I do love Shrek rescuing Donkey, His Best Friend Who Doesn't Know Him, and covering his eyes as they go through the roof:
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As if to challenge me on that last point, they had Shrek sing an off-key rendition of "You've Got a Friend," which was delightful
Donkey looks particularly off in this movie and I've just realized it's because of the texture of his fur. It was smooth and growing in a similar direction for three movies, and now it's super coarse and messy
"You should never sign a contract with Rumpelstiltskin." Not Donkey having more common sense than Shrek HAHA
"You gonna have to take me to dinner first." I will take this as Donkey coming out as bisexual
"Fate has delivered us a comrade-in arms and for that we are thankful." The implication that Ogres do have a society and Shrek just chooses to never interact with them bc HIS FAMILY is the only one who loves terrorizing is VERY FUNNY
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I love how Shrek also seems to be one of the smallest Ogres. Little man
I thought the idea of Fiona staying an Ogre was for her to subvert the beauty standard (which like, another conversation, 'cause she looks fine as an ogre) but they had to make a point of her being a sexy warrior ogre HAHA:
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(I can see why this film didn't do that well with audiences)
Why is Fiona the ONLY female ogre? Where are the women!!
"Well, I see who wears the chainmail in your family," said Donkey, both correct about Fiona's fighting prowess and unaware that his wife is a Dragon ten times his size
Took me a sec to realize why the water would be threatening to the witches kjhgjghjgh (not poison, just dealing with Dorthy Dousing Disease)
OHHH Cookie is an Ogre who loves cooking, I had wondered about that in the Shrek trivia
"Shrek, do my babies have hooves or talons?" Donkey is SO excited to be a father!! I love that for him
Lmao @ them suggesting Shrek stresses Puss into being physically fit with the fights he causes
"[Candy]'d work on me." I guess there is another woman Ogre, but not with a scanty outfit! Only Fiona gets Ogregectification
I do love the falling in love while sparring. Couples MMA league:
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I love that Puss in Boots is immediately Team Shrek/Fiona
"You are a catastrophe." "And you, are re-donkulous." [Shared laughter] Hahaha I like that the only obstacle in Puss and Donkey's friendship was they needed to meet sooner to avoid the competition for Shrek's attention
"I can't believe I let this happen, and it's all because of you." In fairness to Shrek, no one could see inside the carriage
They spent the entire animation budget on this frame of Puss in Boots:
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I do like them subverting the expectation that just a kiss would solve their problems when love is what they need
"Then where were you, when I needed you?" Thinking of ways to become an absentee father
"Please stay tuned for a message from our tyrannical dictator." I wish all political announcements were this honest
There is something fun about the circling back to Shrek 1 Mob
"If your life was so perfect, why'd you sign it all away to Rumpelstiltskin in the first place?" "Because I didn't know what I had until it was gone, alright?!" Fiona even reminded you! Get some therapy Shrek
"What are you talking 'bout, cracker?" I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY GOT AWAY WITH PUTTING THIS IN A CHILDREN'S MOVIE (point of clarification: It was said to the Gingerbread Man)
"I'm just a frightened old man." "Don't listen to him, these Ogres are crafty." "That is your father painted green." Pinocchio finally gets his revenge on his dad for selling him to the Duloc Guards hahahaha
Shrek giving up his freedom to save the other Ogres 😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Nobody's smart but me," said Rumpelstiltskin, while leaving the only two people who could break his spell together to fall in love:
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HAHAHAHAA how could they have Trojan Horse'd Rumpelstiltskin SO QUICKLY after being freed?? It is the SAME NIGHT, 2 MOVIE MINUTES LATER:
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"I'll call you! We're in love." If there's one thing Donkey is willing to do, it's commit to the bit
I love that the way they keep Dragon at bay is both a callback to the first movie and a callback to the phrase Fiona has tied knots with throughout the movie. A rare moment of good writing it in this funny little movie
I guess in lieu of Shrek's other friends knowing him, it's an Ogre-only revolution
"Looks like we're having curly-toed weirdo for breakfast." So ogres eat ogres AND people. Four movies for someone to confirm it explicitly!!
"You know what the best part of today was? I got the chance to fall in love with all over again." A very sweet reflection about a problem Shrek caused himself
Lillian is genuinely so accepting of her bizarre family 💞 She doesn't care if she married a frog or if her grandkids are ogres
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I can't believe they saved two of the best soundtrack songs and this fun character montage of moments throughout the series for the end credits!
Overall, I would say I prefer the first three Shrek movies (and especially the first two) but if they put out another one, I would probably watch it LOL
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candelwicks · 7 months
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Alove alostor*spinnnnssss*
All y'all bitch asses are now gonna here my info dump of my headcannon on when alastor was alive
Alastor I like to believe through childhood and even adult hood was always been considered "different"(minus his murderus tendasense when older)) from society, he's always feel more comfortable around females and because of that in childhood he's always let the girls in his school make him do girly things Wich made most adults repermand him and his mother for being "homosexual" however due to alastor being completely chill with women alot of jealousy fell through wich caused alot of bullying through first grade and I would say till the end of highschool but even when alastor graduated men still feels threatened by him, what makes it funny is that alastor never felt any sort of attraction tords the girls he just seen most of them as friends or sisters so when he gotten older he started seeing them as different parts and aspects of his deceased mother causing him to grow more of a personal bond with the girls he befriends.During the time as an adult when he has his own radio show there was a lot of woman that has interest with him however alot of the flirting or sexual remarks either fly over his head or make him EXTREMELY uncomfortable he tends to wounder now and then why he's so repulsed and or uncomfortable with the mention of sex and not interested in romance there's times besides being a killer he already felt like he's out of the box when it comes to other people,he finds the concept of romance nice but he never felt interested to be in one himself he just personally like watching people's romances from afar like watching romantic movies it's like a "oh cute! Good for them!" But still never felt interested himself.Rich people and racists are the 2 main people that bothers alastor the most,rich people basically babying him and treating him like some clueless child that knows nothing and the fact that most if not all of the rich pretentious folks are extremely racists calling him a "mutt" for being a mix of two races,the rich forced themselves to include alastor to partys because alastor climbed up the ranks to be on the same if not higher pedistole as them due to his natural charm and charisma he has with folks to the point it doesn't go unnoticed, when alastor was alive not even he was awere about that part of himself but it was indeed clear the woman take quite a found with him Wich during said party caused some of the men to be jealous and Because of that the rich found an excuse to find ways to ridicule, embarrass and bully him during the party full of people, reason why alastor even bothers going is that during that section he's a killer so he just secretly grab the ones who did anything cruel to him especially embarrassing him in public, alastor doesn't come alone in the party's he normally brings in his female friends like his childhood best friends mimzy and Rosie (or there human names for em Madeline and Rosetta that too is also my headcannon))as emotional support (all his female friends know that alastor is a killer and is complete surprisenly chill by it especially the cannibal part))
Repressed memories
Due to a traumatic event at 14 years old he lost his hearing in one ear and his mother due to said traumatic event,it's repressed in his memories (for now)) so he doesn't exactly remember what happened to his mother or his hearing in one ear all he can remember was his mother telling him to hide,and he did but then seeing a dog watching him unknowingly.
After his mother died he was trapped with his father for 4 years until another traumatic event happened and he couldn't remember what happened to him ither however he could care less what happened to his father due to his father being an awful man sense day 0 but luckily his mother's family friend found him and taken really nice care of them however after another traumatic event he ran away he doesn't remember why but he felt like he's some danger to this nice lady
During his human life after the death of his mother his memories kept faultering and faultering and more kept being repressed he doesn't remember anything during 14 through 24 besides some bits and pieces of it like how abusive his father was or the nice lady and his female friends but that's about it
The "soar thumb" at parties
I like to think alastor sticks out during partys being the only one with his curly hair out and a bright red suit, never really hard to spot out during big events,he never does anything huge with his curly hair as a way to keep the last thing that reminded him of his mother so he never felt right changing it,I also feel like poor alastor doesn't understand some of the things people say during said partys especially how they casually insult him in regular conversation,he trys finding ways to make conversation but never works right so he normally just tag with the female friends he brings or talk to other females in the party dispite being a killer at this time I feel like he always felt uncomfortable going to the parties due to how insensitive people can be like casually asking him what happened to his ear when it's personal or asking why his hair is a "recked mess" at the partys even making alot of racist remarks tords him during casually talks as well and just blatantly always managing to say in six syllabus or less on why he doesn't belong here and it's to the point that Rosie and mimzy had to drag poor alastor out for his own sake thinking these rich assholes ain't worth the kill however alastor still kills the rich assholes anyways because ya gotta eat the rich and alastor takes it literally.
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calciumdeficientt · 16 days
Ouuuuuugh ellieeeeeeeee save me Ellie. Please save me. Lotta love for jock ocs. Even more love for ocs that are just,,, awful, compllicated people
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Winner of the 2006 most hompohobic lesbian competition. Shes bitter, and angry and so far inside the closet that if she’s not careful someone is gonna pick her up and donate her to the Goodwill. She thinks all men are a scourge on the earth, even more so gay men. This comes on account of the fact her dad divorced her mum to run off with another, younger man and start a new life. Leaving his current family destitute and her mother reliant on booze to stay alive. She became a proto-mother very young and therefore wants absolutely nothing to do with motherhood, children, or any of that sort of stuff. She had to raise kids when she was just a kid herself, she’s had quite enough of them. He dad’s betrayal created a deep seated hatred for queerness as well as for men.
Ellis is a young trans girlie, when her father left, her mother drank herself to the point of memory loss. Sort of like a lobotomy. The disintegration of their nuclear family allowed her to change her identity without much pushback from her mother. She was able to start puberty blockers pretty young on account of saving a lot of her money from birthdays, Christmas ses ect. Her parents sort of forgot about her because she was the oldest. She never got presents, just money and she saved all of it for a rainy day. Her dad was also into some pretty shady shit, so he had a stash of money in their house that she stumbled across and used to begin her transition.
Traditionally feminine girl, she likes bows and pink and glitter and honestly, the reason she’s not cheer captain is because she’d run that squad like it was the navy. She views anything and everything masculine as a threat and has very rigid ideas on what should and shouldn’t be accepted as valid expressions of femininity. Despite being a member of the jocks clique, she hates their guts, The only one she’s even remotely close to is Juri, and its because he’s secretly a very effeminate dude. Her repulsion of boys runs so deep that if she can help it, she will hide out in her dorm room all day until she is literally forced to go to class by a prefect.
HATES. Blood and guts and dirt. Shes the kind of girl to faint during biology class. The only reason she’s passing is because she makes Beatrice do all of her assignments for her. They’re kind of friends, both of them are manipulative bitches. They get on pretty well. It’s also. Another key reason she hates the jocks, they’re all essentially, sweaty, bloody, dirty animals and she’s not down with that like at ALL. Ellie can barely manage A Nightmare on Elm Street without getting squeamish and whining for it to be turned off.
Owner of a very extensive, very precious collection of scrunches. Her collection is her prise and joy, and as she ages she finds there’s lots of other, equally childish and girly stuff that she can collect. This eventually ends up in her becoming a particularly intense disney adult. You can’t really blame her, she didn’t have much of a childhood, but it infects EVERYTHING in her life. Her whole house is disney, her car is Disney. Her SOUL belongs to the mouse.
Shares a dorm with Lenora, and these two fuckers HATE each other. Ellie hatred of Lenora manifests because she’s a masculine woman who also happens to be comfortable in her identity as a lesbian; and Lenora hates Ellie because her phoney ‘girl’s girl’ act doesn’t extend to her, in fact she’s personally victimised by Ellie a LOT. They’re a real enemies to lovers type deal, and not just a snide comment in the hallway or a dirty look before they go to bed. It’s full blown fights and pranks dialled up 10000 notches. They pounce on each other like feral wildcats and have to be pulled off of each other almost daily. Ellie once put rat poison in Lenora’s water and she was VERY sick for a good few weeks, and in retaliation, Lenora slammed a locker shut on Eliie’s hand and completely shattered her wrist.
It’s the literal definition of toxic yuri, but they keep gravitating back towards each other like they’re magnets. Secretly, Lenora lets her win fights because her childhood dream was to get beaten up by a pretty girl at least once. They’re so terrible for each other but its hard to deny that they’re a really cute couple, aesthetically anyway. If you get to know them you’ll realise that you should never hang out with them again. They’re poisonous, and that toxicity radiates off of them like they’re a drop and run canister of weapons grade uranium.
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I first watched this movie somewhere in the early 2000’s and the scene above hit me like a freight train. Now I keep coming back to it in thinking about Billy’s circumstances and how utterly repulsive it is that many see an abused child’s death at the clutches of a monster as his “redemption” for being such a “terrible person.”
Will Hunting (Matt Damon) was a short fused young man with a considerable history of getting into trouble, one incident leading to the attack of a police officer. It makes me wonder if the story was set in recent years would the cop have ended him. Would this have been his redemption arc? Obviously not.
Will also had a propensity to push away anyone who tried to become close to him, which makes sense considering those who should have been his closest allies either abandoned or abused him.
Sound familiar?
Unlike Billy, Will had two men that somehow landed in his path who saw not only his potential but also the road that led him into his current situation. One, a professor at MIT who discovered the young man’s genius, and a therapist, Sean Maguire (Robin Williams) who saw the troubled young man for what he was; an abused child desperate for someone to see beyond the surface of his behavior to the root cause of it all.
As a side note, I find it interesting that often the ones suffering the most can sometimes see the suffering in others. Robin Williams was an outstanding person who even amidst fighting his own demons was known for his generosity and care of the less fortunate. Very few people alive haven’t been moved by his work on screen whether in laughter or tears.
Geting back to the clip, it’s a scene that’s difficult to watch. The one phrase was said over and over, causing Will what looks like physical discomfort until it finally broke through the walls he’d erected to protect himself. It’s not something that’s easy to truly hear let alone believe when you’ve spent your entire life feeling like a failure.
For those in the position of Sean Maguire, having come full circle in recovering from abuse from his own father, it might have been easier to say those words, and truly mean it. Again, the suffering see suffering for what it is.
And for those who’ve never been told, I’ll say it. And mean it.
It’s not your fault.
It’s not your fault.
It’s NOT.. your fault.
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rasshu-benaiokny · 1 year
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〚 I Can Take It 〛 Part 3 🔞MDNI🔞
A Demon Slayer Gyutaro X Reader
- Reader Attributes: Adult (obviously)/ Fem/ Darker skin tone/ tsundere
- Gyutaro Attributes: Dominant/ mean spirited/ soft spot for reader/ greedy/ bitch
- Warnings/Content: CNC/ Fighting/ implied battle/ explicit sexual content/ adult × adult/ blood play/ shaming/ toxic relationship
⚠️ NOTICE ⚠️ This is based off of the official plot of my MAIN fanfiction that is an OC/insert × Gyutaro SFW fiction so please refrain from stealing? Idk how to steal writing but people keep referring to that so ima say it too!
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You’re eyes burned with fierce aggression as you pushed your injured body to push back against this repulsive looking monster above you! Gyutaro was clenching your legs so hard that you could feel his hands leaving marks in your chocolatey skin. The man looked irritated with your previous actions but more or less, he still wasnt leaning on killing you out right. Unfortunately, you couldn’t tell what he wanted to do, and if you did, you were ignoring it as denial clouded your vision. Before long, the struggle became more apparent as the demon pushed down on your legs ever so slightly, making you yelp! That little yelp seemed to make the demon testy as he pushed down alittle more to see your reactions!
With your legs up and near your chest, you could barely see the demons face behind your legs, but his sunset eyes were still in view as he took in your pitiful posture! Legs up, arms scrambling to fight and cover, back against the plush bed, and most embarrassingly… your whole body, that rare almond skin shimmering in the red window moonlight… it was all on display for this repulsive demon. Now the only thing blocking his droopy eyes as a thin black fabric, a cute pair of undies hiding your sacred area.
Thrashing back and forth, you strain yourself as you try to get out of this position until something makes you freeze. A prying rough finger, trailing down your leg to the center of your panties! With wide eyes, you react violently, slinging threats and insults as you try to intimidate the curious demon but it’s worthless.
Y/N, angry: Y-You Bastard! Stop this crap! What the hell are you DOING?!
Gyutaro, coldly: Whazzit look like I’m doing… you’re a bitch, im treating you like the bitch you are… got that?
Gyutaro, Covering your mouth: Shut it sweet cheeks… or i’ll make it hurt a lot more than it needs to.. got it?
Y/N: … *cold stare*
Gyutaro: good slut… lets see how long a hashira like you will last against me. And if you make me cum a good bit, I’ll let you live. I think thats fucking fair…
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing! This damn demon is really about to defile you… and for what!? You weren’t some hot shot, far from it actually; cuts and scars, tomboyish hair, an angry attitude… You were a far cry from Japans beauty standards and just because of that, not the only thing you could to attract was some pissy ass demon with everything wrong with him!? He wreaks of sweat and rotting meat, his face was abhorred, his hair was greasy and nappy, and he called you a SLUT?! The nerve… regardless, you felt the open air hit your precious area and the greedy demon pulled up your underwear, finally exposing you…
You felt your rage boil as he licked his thumb and slid it across your pretty meek pussy! Despite your dark complexion, Gyutaro could tell you were blushing from just a simple touch, you’ve never experienced this kind of thing and it showed. And if that was the case, it makes two of you since Gyutaro never let his interests get the best of him in the first place. You lay pinned as you feel Gyutaro inspecting his prize; opening and closing your folds, observing the color gradient, poking around to see how your body reacts. It wasnt new per se since he’s always “had” access to countless of beautiful bodies; men and women, alive and dead, young and old… But this was the first time he had one like yours, ever. It was weird and he wanted to see of there was anything different about you but even if there wasnt, at least you made cute muffled sounds when he pressed your clit.
By the time Gyutaro was done messing around and toying with you, you was exhausted; you’d struggled the whole time, wasting your stamina on resisting and trying to escape that you were drained before he even got to begin his experiment! He had never had the chance to have sex with a human that was alive and well enough, such as you! He would have a fling with other demons, and sometimes hed use a dead body once or twice but he was never needy most of the time. Unfortunately you just so happened to awaken something in him that he hadn’t felt in a while.
So finally, with the last bit of your energy, you try to keep your legs closed but Gyutaro finds it cute as he viciously cracks open your legs! Letting out a small grunt, you start to sit up in defiance but gyutaro pushes you down on the bed as he jerks his boney hips in between your legs! You can’t possibly get out of this as you grasp his huge skinny hand… in all honesty, you started to think about everything unrealized crush you had, every shut down you’ve experienced, and every heartbreak you’ve tanked. Saving yourself for that one specific someone that you’d meet and now, this was the end?… This demon was surely going to kill you after he had his fun, but at least you wouldn’t die a virgin, right?
You’re about to cry to yourself as you think but everything hurts as you feel him part into you! Letting out a guttural groan, you nearly choke up as the demon rams himself into your ungodly tight walls! Gyutaro hunches down as his face is folded with a heavy mix of emotion; your tight warm body, his heart beating, your deafening voice! It was all too much for him as he helplessly released a load in you before he even got started! He had a look of disappointment and shame but he shook it off as he aggressively thrusted himself into you! He had no rhythm or rhyme to his actions as he fiercely pounded into your plush thighs! You were obviously gagging and roaring out at this point since he was so massive despite his skinny fragile appearance, it was hard to handle him as you scrambled to get your barrings!
It went on like this for a couple of minutes; you weren’t enjoying any of this and Gyutaro was slamming himself inconsistently, messing up your insides literally! But after a while the demon slowed as he just looked at you… your pussy was clinging tightly to his girth and he was internally happy to see it but that was just human biology at this point. Once a proud and stern woman, now was a crying mess at this demons mercy… and that seemed to irritate this demon. After waiting for awhile, Gyutaro kept his dick snuggly inside of you as he waited for you to get ahold of yourself, snapping his fingers to get your attention!
Gyutaro, irritated: aye… Aye… Hey, prude. I know you hear me… suck it up, it dont hurt that bad. Now help me, how do you want me to do this?…
Y/N: *cough* help you…? what are you talking about… ugh.. how can I help you anyway
Gyutaro: Well you keep fuckin crying, you aint shutting up, and you’re too tight… im just saying, if you tell me how you want this then maybe you’ll loosen up and STOP cryin… is all… it’s annoying the hell out of me…
Y/N: …
You both sit in silence for a few minutes and eventually Gyutaro gets fed up as he barks at you for being an idiot! Getting ready to ram into you again, you panic as you finally agree to his demand… you’ll guide him. Though you’re not sure how to.
First and foremost, you’re spine feels like its on fire so you request a better position overall and hearing this makes the demon a bit irritated already… he did like to make you uncomfortable but he begrudgingly releases your legs, letting them fall down to the soft bed! Hearing such a sigh of relief, the demon turns his head from you as he feels his blush set in again. But hearing your voice turn a bit softer, he glares at you awaiting you’re guidance. A bit softer of the thrusts and where to thrust was a good thing to tell him because as soon as you gave him that information, he was proudly hitting that g-spot of yours consistently! Now he was getting the hang of it as his hands searched for something to grab… locking onto your hands, he pounded you, almost like he was doing this for both you and him? But you was too busy accommodating his size to notice his attention to detail.
You held onto his hand begrudgingly as he licked your neck and chest. But while he did so, you’re legs started to creep around his as you’re back arched just slightly. You didn’t seem to notice as you were still repulsed by everything Gyutaro did bit the demon surely noticed! His heart spiked as he saw the signs so trying something he knew absolutely sure about, he pressed his thumb in between your slippery folds! Rubbing circles, his eyes narrowed on to your expression as you looked started to react differently; almost horrified!
Finally, that toothy grin showed itself as he vigorously rubbed in circles! He knew exactly what he was doing! Finding that little love button; the clit! You looked appalled as you sat up quickly but the demon shove you down roughly as his thrusts sped up! Rubbing you more, he felt your walls clench him as he moved in and out! It was too much and you didnt want to cum by this… this thing!? So with all of your power you tried to resist but he knew too much! He could tell you were close as he pinched your clit making you yelp out, tugging on it, tears pricked the sides of your eyes are you tried but you couldn’t ldnt stop it! You’re legs twitched as you squirted on his hipbones; almost about to cry from embarrassment! Your face was burning hot from fury and shame as you saw the demon lean in closer towards your face… he was going to eat you huh…
Closing your eyes shut, you anticipate a sharp pain to the neck but all you feel is his dick plop out of you and then you hear the sound of a window closing.
Opening your eyes, you look around as you realize that the strong demon left you alone. You’re clothes was still torn, you were left defiled on your bed, and a stream of his essence leaked from you… you were confused, sore, and a bit shaken.
And after all of that, you felt something you never thought was possible; you felt yourself thinking fondly about that repulsive demon
(•c• ) this is technically just a self insert thing i wrote a year ago but i deleted it cuz it cringe! Now all i do is make it a reader fic for all the naughties! Anywho! Im going back to my regularly scheduled rasshu x gyutaro content! I just wanted to make a reader one for the people who make those. •c• it makes me happy when i see a gyutaro x angry ass reader so i HAD to show my appreciation
(Hopefully ill get butter at this stuff)
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is-she-suffering · 7 months
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This week, get up close and personal with Queen Adreena’s frontwoman Katie Jane Garside.
What is your nickname and why? “No! I’m not prepared to divulge any of them, they’re too incriminating. I can’t do it. Nicknames refer to things about me that I’d rather forget.”
At school, were you a dunce or a teachers pet? “I was very removed. I daydreamed too much. I had a really mixed education; my parents taught me for four years and I went to a really hardcore comprehensive in Poole in Dorset. I did have an art teacher who was amazing. She made it alright to be me.”
What was your first shag like? “Coral gardens, and crystal blue waters. Glue sniffing and babysitting. I’ll say nothing more. I was high in the most gritty way.”
Who is your best friend? “All of my little friends are down in the basement and in the attic. It’s too trite to explain. I have to be abstract.”
What’s the best pet you’ve ever had? “I had a cat we found when we were living on a boat in the Canary Islands. We named him Los Cristianos, after the place he was found in Tenerife. He fell overboard and drowned in the Pacific.”
Have you ever been arrested? “I’ve been strip-searched but not arrested. Flying back from a holiday in Tenerife. I’d gone back as an adult and I couldn’t bear it. I took an early flight home and that alerted suspicions back in England. I was examined. You know the people who do that kind of thing love it. You can see it in their eyes.”
How would you describe yourself on a blind date? “I’d avoid the form and hand over my record. Actually, no, that might attract people even more psychotic than I am. Perhaps it would throw up someone who was at least prepared to stay the course.”
What’s the most extravagant thing you’ve ever bought? “A lifetime of information and misinformation”
Who’s gagging for a shagging? “The primordial mother in the basement. She can never be filled. She’s very frightening. Very emasculating.
Who’s gagging for a smacking? "Nobody. I’m too busy saving my own life.”
What’s the worst job you’ve had? “I learned a lot when I was cleaning lavatories. I got a terrible eye infection and I got paid six pounds a week.
When did you last call home? "I do it as a daily ritual unto myself. My dear family are always on tap.”
What was your most embarrassing moment? “I dance naked with animals, but that’s not embarrassing. The worse moment was when I was at boarding school. It was a terrible regime, like being in the army. I forgot my hymn book and that was the biggest crime against God. As I snaked in, a teacher - one of the only men in the school - shouted at me from behind and I collapsed on the floor and pissed myself. I was so scared. He was very sadistic.”
Who would you least like to see naked? “My alternative job would be to work in a fetish house, and that teacher would come in for a good beating. I’d hand it out with expertise. Theres that whole repulsion/attraction thing going on there. I’d get a kick out of it.
What’s the best rumour you’ve ever heard about yourself? "After I left Daisy Chainsaw (Katie’s previous outfit) Robert Plant asked Crispin what had happened to me because he’d heard I was into golden showers - pissing on people. I don’t know how that got to Robert Plant.”
What’s in your wallet right now? “I have a bag. Theres a copy of Kerrang! to check our review. I have a small bottle of Johnson’s baby powder - it’s my staple diet. There’s a writing book with loads of new songs in. I don’t remember writing this. I was drunk and every word is genius.”
What’s your favourite joke? “I hear them all laughing at me upstairs but I never know what their joke is.”
If you were marooned on a desert island without food, which member of Queen Adreena would you eat first? “My, that implies so much. Billy would be the obvious choice to keep alive, he’s kind of an Adonis. If I needed someone to talk to for a long time I’d keep Crispin alive. We’d have to eat Orson. He’s the best prime cut. He’s exotic and rich.”
Which Queen Adreena song would you donate to a compilation album entitled ‘Crap Songs of Our Time’? “We’re finding our way with our new album, but I’m not going to dismember it. I couldn’t have given more to that album. I could say that every single one of them is crap, but the bit of me that looks after myself isn’t going to let me say it.”
What’s your drug of choice? “Eroticism and sex.”
What does God look like? “A friend of mine’s little boy said to her, 'Mummy, God must be space because theres no beginning and no end’. She’s cultivating a potent child there.”
When you die, how do you want to go? “I want absolution, to dissolve. I want to become sky and ocean. That’s how I want to go. I know it can really be that simple.”
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heroofpenamstan · 2 years
the phoebus of the past had cherished the philosophy he had been born into. love is the greatest gift, beauty the highest quality. both of which the goddess sune could grant to those who would fall at her feet. he had loved the ponds filled with lotuses, the trees alive with blooms and birds. the applause of the other followers when his fingers would work his strings, voice dying with a song most sweet. he truly loved the temple, and its people, and the goddess who ruled over them.
that was true, and remained to be the case up until he was old enough to comprehend just why only he appeared to receive all of the gifts and blessings from the goddess; the most attention, affection. he had always been the most looked after, the one taught best. the temple’s pride and joy—groomed to perfection, educated in the arts, trained and shaped into a protector of sune’s worship. the first kiss had shocked him, fuelled him with a fire only a goddess could light within him, or any other being. it was not unpleasant—far from it—but unexpected. unwelcome.
TW: mentions of minor s.a. ! at the tender age of five and ten, he finds out his true intended purpose, and phoebus starts to question everything he’s ever known.
his role switches. he becomes no more than her pretty, mortal concubine, and is hailed among her followers. sune’s beloved, he’s called, and he feels more than sickened by it. the goddess’ pleasure turns to be his top ( unwanted ) priority, and the rest of the temple is overjoyed by the blessings the sated sune would bestow upon them; they had succeeded in providing her with the most beautiful sacrifice she had demanded of them. there’s no one fairer than lady firehair, he’s often been told, but that does not change the fact he still has to swallow down the repulsion when the goddess climbs into his lap, day after day, night after night. she grips at his golden curls, at his arms and at his face, all a product of careful breeding, and tells him he’s her perfect present.
months turn into years with little to no sign of sune’s interest flickering out. Quite the opposite—her hands claw into his mortal flesh with a possessive ferocity, her lips and tongue eating away at him, until he’s barely a shell of his former self. he doesn’t believe in her anymore, in love, nor beauty. sune’s awful vision of it has ruined everything he’s ever known, had faith in. her power rushes through his veins, golden and scalding, and he is deemed a demigod amongst men.
he hates it, and himself, and his life.
until fearoine joins the temple. she is the kindest, the most exquisite thing he’s ever laid eyes on, breathing life back into him bit by bit, glance by glance. the followers of sune aren’t a monogamous bunch, ironically, preferring to express their love and lust openly, shallowly switching partners once they bore of one another. thus phoebus allows himself to feel for another, to hope for a future with someone who does not scorch his skin with each and every touch.
and then fearoine is murdered, unsurprisingly, their affair discovered, and phoebus shuns all worship of any and all gods. he flees the temple without a second thought, and loses everything because of it—his family, his power, his abilities—but gains something he’s always wanted in turn. freedom. or so he thought.
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mewtonian-physics · 1 year
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@hylasregilla sounds like a deal to me! the whole character ask with raikov... let's go
1. My first impression of them
'oh god, why? i hate this. why does this have to be a thing'
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
suckered myself into liking him april 1 2022. the real april fool was me
3. A song that reminds me of them
hmm. last time i got this particular question i said bubblegum bitch. this time i'll give you the first song on the raikov playlist
4. How many people I ship them with
just ooooooone
5. My favorite ship of them
raikov/the guy @setphies and i made up just so he could finally have a good relationship 2kforever
6. My least favorite ship of them
[points at volgin]
7. A quote of them that you remember
from mgs3? i think about 'do your job' a lot. from other metal gear content? 'regretful'. and if it's about lines i wrote myself, i'm quite fond of 'eat from the tree of knowledge, and pay better attention next time'.
8. Your favorite outfit of them
well in canon he only has two outfits, so... uniform, duh
9. Your least favorite outfit of them
that'd be the non-outfit [grimaces]
10. Describe the character in one sentence
'a lot more complex than official canon would have you think.'
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
eva theory of course!
12. Sexuality hc!
highkey fucking gay of course. but also ace. he likes men but sex itself isn't something he's really interested in. (he's also sex-repulsed due to trauma but without that it'd just be 'whatever' to him.)
13. Your favorite friendship they have
him and ocelot naturally
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14. Best storyline they had
the one i came up with myself
15. Worst storyline they had
official canon
16. A childhood headcanon
he doesn't actually know his own real name. he picked out 'ivan' himself as a child because he hoped it would bring him luck
17. What do you think their first word was?
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
as said previously, he was very survival-oriented and had very few limitations on what he'd do to stay alive. would as soon steal from you as talk to you. still pretty manipulative and he had fun doing it. who'd have thought someone who looked so innocent would rob you blind in a heartbeat? well. he would
19. The most random ship you've seen people have with them
i try not to pay attention to ships with him <3 but i've seen him and ocelot which just feels weird to me
20. A weird headcanon
i think a lot of people in this fandom would consider all of my headcanons about him weird. especially the one where i think he hates volgin with a burning passion. sucks to be them and not get it.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
not at any point during canon, that's for sure
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
that'd be immediately post-mgsv ('but he wasn't in mgsv' shut up i don't care)
23. Future headcanon
that man is going to settle down and find a very normal and average and kind person who treats him like he deserves. and they will have a cat. and he will be genuinely happy for the first time in longer than he can remember
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
he's a spy lol the amount of secrets he has are insane. but i think he's always going to be very secretive about the exact details of his work. he really doesn't want to talk about them.
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
when kojima writes him
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
when i write him
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
mello deathnote i think he should meet mello deathnote
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
all the self-destructive shit he did because he had serious mental health issues and didn't realize it was okay for him to just not do that
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
spy x family but worse
30. The funniest scene they had?
nothing i didn't write myself
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