#Peony Ono
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lostcauses-noregrets · 5 months ago
Do u think Erwin would have become "evil" if he got the serum? And would Levi lose hope and trust in him maybe? It's so interesting to think about because at the same time he still has Levi who is his stronghold and I wonder if maybe Erwin would start having a new dream with Levi like maybe exploring the world with him and then retiring together by the sea or something.
I know a lot of fic writers have taken Ono Daisuke's quote about Levi being the last stronghold of Erwin’s humanity and used it as the jumping off point to explore what might have become of Erwin if he had lived while Levi died, and the result is usually heartbreaking. There are some amazing Erwin lives / Levi dies fics out there and most of them are absolutely gut wrenching. @huxandthehound’s Like a God, Raged is one of the best.  I’ve also written a couple; Broken and Beautiful. 
If Erwin had received the serum and Levi had also lived, I don’t see any reason why he would suddenly have become evil.  I think he would have been riven by guilt that he had survived after sacrificing the lives of so many of his soldiers, but I am sure that Levi would have prevented him from succumbing to despair. @huxandthehound has also written a fabulous Erwin lives / Levi lives fic that focuses on Erwin’s guilt and absolution Relinquish, Reclaim. @drbuttonsss brilliant The Flap of the Butterfly’s Wings also deserves a mention here.
I love the idea of Erwin and Levi exploring the world together before settling down in a little house by the sea and there are loads of brilliant fics that explore this scenario. Coup de Grace by @cherryamber and peony-dense flesh by @ackermon are two of my favourites. I’ve also written a short one called Every Second.
Realistically though I don’t think Erwin would have been able to settle while Marley and the Yeager brothers remained a threat.  I like to believe that Erwin would have turned all his formidable will, intelligence and wiles to preventing the Rumbling and forging a diplomatic path to peace.  (I answered an ask about this a while back.) Then he’d have settled down with Levi in a little cottage by the sea. 
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kaontic · 3 months ago
*Takin’ a stab at this cuz about time I did—*
🦁 Emperor of Destruction, King of Beasts and Guardian Spirit of Paradise 🦁
Or, um, in other words, here’s Megs’ holoform as a shishi:
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See? I’m not biased for Megatron over Optimus. I didn’t even color him in all the way. 😅
(Which is totally not because I’m scared of messing up the outlining. That’s potentially demoralizing fr…Maybe I’ll try anyway later idk)
Cliffjumper: >:(
Me: Um...you guys are probably wondering about some stuff— 👀💧 *Clears throat*
*In the tone of Barbs from Geography Now*
What is a “shishi”? 👋
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What are the flowers he is holding? 👋
Well, as the poem one Kabuki dance abides to puts it:
As the peony is the king of a hundred flowers, so is the lion the chief of a hundred beasts.
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Hence the association.
Reflector: You better put a source for that.
Me: I KNOW— 😭
Renjishi (Two Lions) is the name of that Kabuki dance. There’s another dance (and other versions of that dance), but we’ll get to that if you’re interested of course. ;)
Btw, the dancer above, Yukimasa Futamura of Miyabiya? He’s awesome.
He wasn’t even the one that convinced me (that was Onoe Kikugorō VI), he just reaffirmed it because WOW DO THEY LOOK SIMILAR— O_O
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Someone (I really wish I remembered their post 😭) noted how Megatron has one of the most human-like face plates out of everyone (and ironically so)—
Idc what anyone says, they were on-target (yes that pun was intentional).
Oh wait, he’s not “human” after all, is he? Riiiiight… 🦁
(You know he would try to make that excuse lol)
Ok ok ok, last question—
Is a shishi good or evil?
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I mean, their purpose, whether in China (as these specific Kabuki dances are based off of Chinese legend. Renjishi even takes place on a holy mountain in China, with the shishi guarding the bridge to Buddhist paradise), Japan or other countries, are to protect important (usually religious) locations and ward off evil spirits.
Yeah, in the other major dance Kagami Jishi (Mirror Lion), a servant girl named Yayoi, working in the shogun’s palace is influenced and gets possessed by a shishi via a lion mask, and dragged off-stage due to the shishi chasing 2 butterfly spirits, but ya know…
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Cats will be cats. :)
The same actor that plays Yayoi will even return as the (male) shishi to dance with the butterfly spirits.
What happens to Yayoi in the end though? Um—
She’s fine. Probably. Maybe (just me speculating, this has nothing to do with the actual performances) she gets to spend the rest of eternity as the lion’s hostess. 👀
Are there more to the dances? Oh yeah, always. It's Kabuki, an intricate and detailed art form requiring huge skill that everyone should check out.
(I didn't even mention the son character in Renjishi and his significance, for example)
Furthermore, are there other Kabuki characters (especially villainous) that would fit Megs? Yep.
There was literally this one noble, Togashi Saemon from the dance-drama Kanjinchō, who was so impressed by how far his enemy’s follower was willing to go for his master (through deceptive means), that he just straight up let them go.
Even at the cost of his own life because that’s how much trouble he was gonna get in for that. 😬
Megs notoriously enabling his traitorous subordinates’ behavior even if it’s self-sabotaging?
Same energy.
There was also the provocative (and quite frankly pathetic) governor K�� no Moronō from the drama Kanadehon Chūshingura, who the 46 rōnin came for on their quest to avenge their master, and proceeded to [REDACTED] his head.
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Yeah, given our options, so far, he better be thankful that his holoform is a shishi. 😑
It’s not the only holoform he has (any Cybertronian can have several in my AU), but I think it’s a good start.
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thesoulbonder · 4 years ago
♣️Clubs Royal Family♣️ (Part 1)
Next is the Méihuā Family!
Reminder: These beautiful babies belong to @arty-e and her amazing series, Cards! Please go and check out her profile and go through the other Cards posts!
But without further ado, here’s the green guys!
Naoki Méihuā, Meilin Méihuā,
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River Méihuā, Nuo Méihuā,
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Hyeon Méihuā, Peony Ono-Méihuā,
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Eben Méihuā, Ruomei Vadas-Méihuā,
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Yukio Méihuā,
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arty-e · 4 years ago
Which members of Peony's family survived besides her father?
A majority of them did actually. They kept their distance from Hyeon after he started y’know, murdering his people (especially after Yukio died). So when they heard Hyeon had murdered Peony they were quick to get away and hide away from him for a while. They had been the main family to rally support for Eben and Ruomei during the civil war and had been building up a resistance while the two were in Diamonds.
However two of Peony’s uncles were killed during the civil war and her younger brother.
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tanuki-kimono · 4 years ago
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Super cool hanafuda (”flower cards”) + ryuusui (stream) yukata (seen on), paired with a Rumirock obi. 
I believe I’ve never touched Hanafuda cards here, so buckle up for a long post ;)
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Hanafuda is a card game with 12 different suits of 4 cards. Each suit is linked to a lunar month through symbols, all inspired by classical culture (months where later matched to Western calendar hence why some symbols seem off).
Please note that in the list below, I’ll use ‘meaning’ in the broad sense as following symbols often have many overlaping significations:
睦月 Mutsuki  (1st lunar month) / January => Symbols: matsu (pine), tsuru (crane), hi (sun), ‘akayoroshi’ tanzaku (paper strip, with auspicious あ(か)よろし meaning lit. ‘red is good’ = ‘really wonderful’) => Meaning: eternity, happy/new beginnings as January is the New year month
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如月 Kisaragi (2nd lunar month) / February => Symbols: ume (plum blossoms), uguisu (bush warbler), ‘akayoroshi’ tanzaku (paper strip, with auspicious あ(か)よろし lit. ‘red is good’ = ‘really wonderful’) => Meaning: beginning of spring, well read people (especially refers to Michizane/Tenjin), a match made in heaven As a side note, plum branches rising to the sky is an auspicious motif known as yariume/“spear plums” or tachibai/“rising plums 
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弥生 Yayoi (3rd lunar month) / March => Symbols: sakura (cherry blossoms), hanamimaku (curtain, here cherry blossoms viewing parties), ‘Miyoshino” tanzaku (paper strip, Yoshino is a place famous for its sakura) => Meaning: beautiful yet fleeting life (like the delicate sakura blossoms)
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卯月 Uzuki (4th lunar month) / April => Symbols: fuji (wisteria), hototogisu (cuckoo), red tanzaku (paper strip) => Meaning: coming of summer, beautiful yet fleeting life (cuckoo sometimes symbolize mourning souls). Fuji could also refers to famous episodes of the Tale of Genji. As a side note, cuckoo also stands for patience in Japan, probably because of the zen charade known as “If the bird doesn’t sing..”
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皐月Satsuki (5th lunar month) / May => Symbols: kakitsubata (iris), yatsuhashi (zigzag bridge​), red tanzaku (paper strip) => Meaning: deep and nostalgic love, inspired by famous poetical scenery from the Tales of Ise (motif is present in many paintings like this screen by Korin). Iris are also a symbol of strenght as seen in Tango no sekku festival
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水無月 Minazuki (6th lunar month) / June => Symbols: botan (peony), cho (butterfly), purple tanzaku (paper strip) => Meaning: road to heaven (symbols came be found in noh piece ‘Shakkyo’ and Kabuki one ‘Kagamijishi’), butterflies often stand as a symbol for spirits or souls
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文月 Fumizuki (7th lunar month) / July => Symbols: hagi (clover), shishi/inoshishi (boar), red tanzaku (paper strip) => Meaning: coming of autumn, the strong needing the meek (a variation of tiger in the bamboo grove motif)
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葉月 Hazuki (8th lunar month) / August => Symbols: susuki (pampa grass), kari (wild geese), full moon (meigestu) => Meaning: moon/harvest festival (tsukimi), deep nostalgia as year goes by (nature will soon be asleep as winter will follow autumn)
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長月 Nagatsuki (9th lunar month) / September => Symbols: kiku (chrysanthemum), sakazuki (sake cup, with kotobuki/‘long life’ kanji), purple tanzaku (paper strip) => Meaning: long life, immortality. In ancient japan, it was customary to drink chrysanthmum wine during Chouyou no en festival as a wish for long life (people also used to drink/use as medicine dew collected on mums leaves and flowers). As a side note, objets flowing in a stream (like sake cups) were once used as timer during poetry competitions.
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神無月 Kannazuki (10th lunar month) / October => Symbols: momiji (maple), shika (deer) => Meaning: momijigari (hanami autumn twin) parties and as March card = beautiful yet fleeting life. Shika deers also have deep auspicious connotation as they are messengers of the gods in Shinto
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霜月 Shimotsuki (11th lunar month) / November => Symbols: yanagi (willow), Ono no Michikaze and a frog, tsubame (swallow), Inazuma (thunder, wildcard sometimes bare and nicknamed “onifuda”/demon card) => Meaning: this card is always the most puzzling one for me, as in kimono fashion yanagi+tsubame are not truly a November motifs ^^; But here, the most important symbol (most often only present as an umbrella!) is a driving rain under which willows dance. Poet Ono no Michikaze, walking by a riverside in that awful weather, spots a struggling frog. After many efforts, the frog finally succeeds jumping in a willow - inspiring Michikaze. This suits hence symbolizes diligence and determination. As a side note, nure tsubame (lit. “wet sparrows”) symbolize lovers - especially star-crossed ones
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師走 Shiwasu (12th lunar month) / December => Symbols: kiri (paulownia), houou (phoenix) => Meaning: longevity, life circle (“beginning to the end”), power.  Legends say phoenix can only nest in paulownia trees
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I won’t go into details as to how to play with hanafuda as 1) I am terrible with cards games, and 2) I learned koi-koi rules only thanks to the Ryu ga gotoku/Yakuza video games xD (amazing game serie, if you don’t know about them, go play!!! They have been re-released not long ago)
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cocotome · 3 years ago
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Ok! I know, I’m super late (this was supposed to be posted a few days ago) but here it is! The full list of seiyuu that will be present for Otomate Party 2022!
September 3, 2022
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Morikubou Shoutarou (Okita Souji) Toriumi Kousuke (Saitou Hajime) Yusa Kouji (Harada Sanosuke)
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Kakihara Tetsuya (Shin) Taniyama Kishou (Ikki) Miyata Kouki (Ukyou) Takahashi Hidenori (Waku)
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Charade Maniacs
Suzumura Kenichi (Banjou Tomose) Namikawa Daisuke (Chigasaki Mamoru) Furukawa Makoto (Dazai Mei)
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Cendrillon Palika
Uchida Yuuma (Ulen Muller) Namikawa Daisuke (Klone Spinel) Okitsu Kazuyuki (Rindo Westeria) Toriumi Kousuke (Natra Peony) Yashiro Taku (Shion Lalique)
September 4, 2022 - Day
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Nil Admirari no Tenbin
Okamoto Nobuhiko (Kougami Akira) Kimura Ryouhei (Ukai Shougo) Suzumura Kenichi (Migawa Shizuru)
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Piofiore no Banshou
Ishikawa Kaitou (Dante Falzone) Morikubou Shoutarou (Gilbert Redford) Okamoto Nobuhiko (Yang) Kimura Ryouhei (Nicola Francesca)
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Olympia Soiree
Uemura Yuuto (Amakusa Shirou Tokisada) Horie Shun (Himuka) Okitsu Kazuyuki (Tsukuyomi)
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Birushana Senki
Furukawa Makoto (Minamoto no Yoritomo) Fukuyama Jun (Taira no Tomomori) Kawanishi Kengo (Taira no Noritsune) Kondou Takashi (Satou Tsugunobu)
September 4, 2022 - Night
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Clock Zero
Maeno Tomoaki (Kano Riishiro) Toriumi Kousuke (Hanabusa Madoka) Sugiyama Noriaki (Saionji Toranosuke) Sudou Shou (Hanabusa Nakaba)
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Collar x Malice
Morita Masakazu (Yanagi Aiji) Kimura Ryouhei (Shiraishi Kageyuki) Ono Yuuki (Saeki Yuzuru)
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Cupid Parasite
Kimura Ryouhei (Gil Lovecraft) KENN (Shelby Snail) Yashiro Taku (Raul Aconite) Furukawa Makoto (Allan Melville) Okamoto Nobuhiko (Peter Flange)
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Shuuen no Virche
Hirakawa Daisuke (Lucas Proust) Amasaki Kouhei (Mathis Claude) Yashiro Taku (Adolphe) Okitsu Kazuyuki (Ankou)
This event is going to be amazing! So many awesome titles and seiyuu! Plus, it’s exciting to see how many of these otome have been localized for the West! I think it’s so odd that NamiDai won’t be there for the second day considering he’s in 2 of the titles for the night performance (Clock Zero and Collar x Malice).
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shefanispeculator · 3 years ago
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Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are officially married! The couple tied the knot in an intimate at-home ceremony over the weekend at Shelton's ranch in Tishomingo, Oklahoma.
On Monday, Stefani shared some moments from their wedding day on Instagram, including what she wore while getting ready. In a Boomerang post with the caption "July 3, 2021" — the date she and Shelton said their "I dos" — she flips back her veil to reveal a toothy smile along with her wedding hair and makeup. In the video, she's wearing a silky white robe decorated with large pink peonies from San Francisco-based brand Kim + Ono.
Handcrafted from a soft polyester charmeuse material, the floor-length robe has a luxurious flowing drape that's perfect for lounging on special occasions or layering for everyday wear. The breezy mid-weight style features intricate detailing, like french seam finishes, side slits at the hem, and a removable tie-waist closure, which it appears Stefani put to use while prepping for her big day.
Like all Kim + Ono robes, hers features an original pattern that began as a hand-drawn sketch and was then saturated in rich watercolors using a traditional paintbrush.
Kim + Ono started as a small boutique in Chinatown under the name Old Shanghai — and 30 years later, it remains in the family. Sisters Tiffany and Renee Tam continue to fuse a modern aesthetic with timeless techniques to craft the brand's T-shaped kimono-style robes.
"Our kimono robes evolve as your life evolves — from your wedding day to honeymoon and beyond," co-founders Tiffany and Renee Tam tell PEOPLE. "We are so thrilled for Gwen and so grateful to be a small part of her big day!"
Stefani's exact bridal robe is available on the brand's website for $110 and comes in three other colors, which would make for cute matching bridesmaid robes. Below, we've included a few of our other favorites from the brand that resemble Stefani's that can also be purchased on Amazon.
I forgot about this robe. I kept thinking the red robe was from the bridal shower! Oh My!
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greenvelvetempress · 6 years ago
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Distance makes no difference to hearts that dwell in the same enchanted forest, glowing green with love.
Peony and Butterfly kimono by KIM+ONO
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[su_label type=”info”]Utagawa Kunisada(1786-1865)[/su_label]
Utagawa Kunisada(歌川国貞) was the one of the most popular ukiyo-e artists at the end of the Tokugawa period as well as Utagawa Kuniyoshi(歌川国芳), among the disciples of the first Toyokuni(豊国). In contrast to his younger disciple, he was a serious person and always neatly dressed.
  [su_label type=”black”]Maximum number of works in all of the ukiyo-e artists[/su_label]
  He was born as a son of a timber wholesaler who run a ferry. But he already began to study painting under Toyokuni in the mid-teens. And he published the first Nishiki-e at the age of 19.
  His talent bloomed at his young age. He sent Yakusha-e(kabuki actors portrait) and bijin-e(beautiful women portrait) one after another to the world. 
  In 1812 he started drawing the picture yakusha-e’s Ookubi-e(the picture of the upper half of the body) series, “Kabuki Actor Puzzle”(役者はんじもの, Yakusha hanjimono)  and “BigHit Kyogen”(大当狂言之内, Ooatari kyougen no uchi). He used mica powder for coloring the background.
  Among the bijin-e he created, “Modern Vanity Mirror”(今風化粧鏡, Imafu keshokagami)  and “Nowadays Twenty-Three Women”(当世三十弐相, Tosei sanjunisou)  are representative. He portrayed the women of Edo with great expression.
  He also worked on drawing illustrations for Gokan(picture books in Edo Period) including “Imposter Murasaki and Bumpkin Genji”(偐紫田舎源氏, Nise Murasaki inaka Genji). 
  Kunisada declared himself the second Toyokuni in 1844, but in fact Toyoshige had already inherited the name. But he even so didn’t admit it and continued to insist that he was the second. Unfortunately for him, the researchers recognize him as the third Toyokuni.
  As a Ukiyoe painter who painted more pictures than anyone, he gradually loses the quality of his work in his later years, but he led the world of ukiyo-e with Hiroshige(広重) and Kuniyoshi as one of Utagawa School.
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[su_label type=”black”]Garalley[/su_label]
[su_label type=”success”]strip picture[/su_label]
  Fashionable Man Entertained in a House of Pleasure by Wikimedia(click to see in full size)
  Picture of a Crowded Theater Hosting Performance of Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami by Wikimedia(click to see in full size)
  Courtesans in a Peony Garden by Wikimedia(click to see in full size)
    Courtesans with Children by Wikimedia(click to see in full size)
    The Ascendence of a Modern Day Genji(click to see in full size)
  [su_divider text=”To the top of the page”] [/su_divider]
[su_label type=”success”]Ookubi-e[/su_label]
Hatsuhana at Hakone by Wikimedia
Ono no Tofu
Kanbei’s wife Okaru and Ichimonziya Saibei from the Play Chūshingura
Hanaya Tokubei Before Kiura Shingo and Ofusa before lady’s maid Fusano
The Restaurant Kiyomizuro, Sakurada Daichi, Kiyomizu; The Role Kiyomizu Seigen in the Play Isshin Futakawa Shiramichi
Ariharano Tokihira and Matsuo Maru
Hayano Kanpei and the Farmer Yoichi
The Actor Bandō Hikosaburō III as Kitsugi Magoemon and the Station Inamura between Yoshida and Goyū
The Actor Bandō Hikosaburō V as the Wrestler Onigatake
Umeo Maru and Sakura Maru
Two Actors portraying wrestlers: (upper) actor Ichikawa Ebizo (Danjūrō VII) as Tetsugatake (lower) Iwakawa
Ichikawa Danzō V in the Role of Kakibenosuke: Yūi by Wikimedia
  [su_divider text=”To the top of the page”] [/su_divider]
  [su_label type=”success”]”Thirty-Six Fun Proud Things in Edo”(江戸自慢三十六興) series[/su_label]
Autum leaves of Kaianji Temple by National Diet Library
The pottery of Imaido by National Diet Library
Snowing Hashiba by National Diet Library
Shell gathering at Susaki by National Diet Library
Horikiri Iris Garden by National Diet Library
Zojoji’s big bell by National Diet Library
The year‐end fair at Asakusa by National Diet Library
by National Diet Library
The bamboo rake, the special product of Hinoto Tori by National Diet Library
Throwing earthenware at Asukayama by National Diet Library
The peak of blooming at Toeizan by National Diet Library
by National Diet Library
by National Diet Library
Meguro Gyoninzaka Slope and Mt,Fuji by National Diet Library
Akabane Hinomi by National Diet Library
The cherry blossom at new Yoshiwara Nakanomachi by National Diet Library
Hearing the voice of insects at Dokanyama by National Diet Library
The debue at Saruwakagai by National Diet Library
Megurofudo Shrine, New Year’s decoration of willow by National Diet Library
Agatoyama the minister of Bishamon by National Diet Library
Shiba shinmei Shrine’s marcket by National Diet Library
Mukojima’s cherry blossom and Sakuramochi rice cake by National Diet Library
Children at the Sannou Festival, Hiyoshi by National Diet Library
First Horse Day festival at Oji Inari Shrine by National Diet Library
Ryogoku fireflower festival by National Diet Library
Umeyashiki and liquar-pickled plum by National Diet Library
Teppousu Inari Shrine, vewing Mt.Fuji by National Diet Library
New Year’s visiting for Kameido Shrine by National Diet Library
The sixteenth night of a lunar month at Takanawa by National Diet Library
The peony garden of Fukagawa Hachiman Shrine by National Diet Library
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Utagawa Kunisada(the thrird Toyokuni), the prolific artist Utagawa Kunisada(1786-1865) Utagawa Kunisada(歌川国貞) was the one of the most popular ukiyo-e artists at the end of the Tokugawa period as well as Utagawa Kuniyoshi(歌川国芳), among the disciples of the first Toyokuni(豊国). 
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arty-e · 4 years ago
Arty,do you think that you will do some sketches of the nobles of Clubs and Spades during the deck war?
Oops! I designed them a while ago! I must have forgotten to share! Sorry!
These are the nobles during the Deck Wars so for Clubs this is just a couple of years after Hyeon was kicked off the throne and Eben was made the King of Clubs
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10 Olavo Morphew (Coral’s father)
9 Charlotte Vann (Valerie’s grandmother)
8 Lorena Hall
7 Filipe Solorio (Elizabeth’s half-brother)
6 Paloma Vornis
5 Hugo Reid (Isabella’s brother)
4 Edmund Perez
3 Cindia Romero
2 Alice Nieto
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10 Botan Ono (Peony’s father)
9 Enlai Blom
8 Saburo Izumi
7 Robin Huo (Nuo’s Nephew)
6 Heng Wen
5 Kei Vadas (Ruomei’s brother)
4 Ash Forst
3 Hisano Hofer (Forrest’s grandmother)
2 Dusk Lin
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