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tanuki-kimono · 10 months ago
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Soft shine for this romantic obi depicting yatsuhashi (zigzag bridge) and blooming kakitsubata (rabbit ear iris).
Bridge and iris reference a famous poem in the Tales of Ise hinting at longing and melancholic love.
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chaoticreivingu · 2 months ago
Tl;dr Drayton is rigid and dishonest about himself and it fucks up his relationships with people
With how accusatory and intrusive the way Drayton talks with the player is I always felt like he harbored a little resentment towards us for changing Kieran. Not even by turning him into an edgelord but changing him in general.
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He definitively has a problem with stagnation, so whenever change occurs he wants whatever change happened to be gone at all costs.
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And it's probably because he was lowkey infatuated by a person that he'll never see again.
This is so sentimental, he's seriously pining for the old Kieran here.
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In the japanese version he even tries to recompose himself only to fawn over Old Kieran again.
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So ever since the start of the DLC he's been using us for his goals since we kinda "caused" this change to happen and also because we're literally the only ones who can fix this issue. But the way Drayton goes about it is frankly pretty naive?
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Like he's so sure of his plan that he thought the "Ex-Champion" line would bring Kieran "back to his senses again". That he genuinely would respond to that burn with "You're right Duwurayton I'm not a champion let's be bfs besties again".
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It's only when Kieran starts crying that he sees that not only did it not work but this whole scheme might've worsened their relationship in the long run.
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No wonder he feels a bit bummed out at the end, in his mind all of this(using the player, getting the others to mistrust him, mocking Kieran) was for nothing. Kieran is no longer an edgelord but he still changed. No matter how hard he tries the exact version of the person that he so desperately wanted won't come back and he has to accept that.
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And yet he still has to maintain the status quo aka his pretend "idgaf" attitude.
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It's probably why in between the Ex-Champions he genuinely asks Kieran if he's been eating or if anything's wrong. Even if he's changed Drayton can't bring himself to hate him no matter how he's like.
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So when Kieran asks why he keeps doing this he can't bring himself to talk about his true thoughts. So he masks with a cool one liner to maintain the Drayton Image.
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Credit to Calem MrNazreenni for the playthrough screencaps.
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petorahs · 1 year ago
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dragon-user siblings
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pnaplss · 1 year ago
The worst
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kyotodreamtrips · 28 days ago
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Naka-no-bō, a sub-temple of Taima dera, in Katsuragi - Nara Prefecture - Japan.
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trustedealcosplayandcostume · 9 months ago
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⋆🌿. ⋆Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Drayton Kakitsubata Coat Shirt Cosplay Costume Wig Shoes available at Trustedeal.com
⋆🌿. ⋆Link to costume->https://www.trustedeal.com/Pokemon-Scarlet-and-Violet-Drayton-Kakitsubata-Coat-Shirt-Cosplay-Costume-p4091603.html
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mafuaato · 4 months ago
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saw this shirt and thought of him
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shockersalvage · 4 months ago
Salvage Showcase - Korisu Kakitsubata
It's the horror season, and what better way to celebrate than by doing a Showcase on the main 'villain' of Danganronpa Kirigiri Volume 3, and Culprit of the Takeda Haunted Mansion Duel Noir: Korisu Kakitsubata!!!
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(Korisu is the left silhouette behind Licorne)
Korisu was a detective registered in the Detective Library under the DSC of 488, specializing in animal welfare. Like all Victims, Korisu has a traumatic past that influenced her to take up the Duel Noir. Eight year prior to the Duel Noir, Korisu was with her family up on a mountain railway. However, a fire broke out and during Korisu's attempt to escape, she got seperated from her family. Her family, unfortunately, ended up being trapped behind closed emergency exit doors - doors that were shut by Suntetsu Shirasu. Shirasu closed the doors to prevent the smoke from killing more people, but as a result, 28 people (including Korisu's family) who were trapped behind the door, died in the blaze. Suntetsu was never identified or arrested for the incident, and Korisu was left traumatized to the point she heard voices of the victims in her head.
Korisu would be confronted by the Victims Catharsis Committee, and would take up their offer of competing in a Duel Noir. In her case, Korisu planned out the Takeda Haunted Mansion murder. The idea behind it was to lure in Shirasu with three other detectives: Sachi Mizuiyama (her scapegoat), Salvador Fukuro Yadorigi and Hajiki Yaki. Under the guise of the deceased Saiun Takeda, she lured them in with various tip-offs of crime at the manor. Once all five met, Korisu would eventually drug Shirasu to enact her scheme. Hoisting him between two armored warriors, she would set up her locked room case to have a bunch of rubber bands use a katana as a makeshift slingshot to kill her Target. The deed was done as Yui and Kyoko had arrived, with them being only moments away from saving Suntetsu before the blade plunged itself into his back.
During this exchange, Korisu tried to pose as just a vapid, party-gal, woman who didn't have a care in the world. Initially, she seen to have gotten away with her murder as Sachi was initially fingered as the culprit. But, to her downfall, this was a trap set up by Kyoko - catching Korisu back at the crime scene with the intent to destroy any remaining evidence of her misdeeds. Despite Korisu's attempts at trying to refute Kyoko's claims, not only did Kyoko figure out how Korisu's trick worked - she even had proof it was only Korisu that could have done it. The main piece being the fact that, during the murder, Korisu had used the armor sandals to walk outside since Salvador was too busy admiring art out in the hallway for her to safely get her stilleto's back. Unfortunately, given the size of the shoes was too big for the boys and too small for someone as short as Sachi, it was only her that could have used them, and when its clear they were used in the crime, Korisu was stuck as the sole candidate.
Korisu gives up, and admits to doing the Duel Noir to put the voices at rest. However, while initially coolheaded at her defeat, she panics once they saw she's in danger of being executed due to inability to pay the VCC back their earnings. Ultimately, she takes Kyoko's advice to go with the cops to be arrested, though the last shot of her from Yui's POV shows her to clearly still be struggling with the 'voices' returning. In the next volume, while she doesn't appear, she is mentioned by Salvador to be safe since Gekka has paid off her debt, but she'll still be tried for her crimes.
While Korisu acts like an airheaded, flashy, yet bubbly party girl - this is merely a facade. In truth, Korisu is pretty intelligent, lucid, and crafty to the point that she needed to be lured into a trap to expose her since her current set-up lacked real hard hitting evidence to expose her without it. Due to her trauma, Korisu hear the voices of those who perished in the fire's blaze, and was desperate enough to appease them by taking up a VCC. While not being a sore loser, she is terrified of being murdered herself and begs for the girls to save her as she realizes she's doomed to be executed.
Being both a Detective and a Victim, Korisu has a few things going for her in regard to the DRK's theme - which I have already pinned as being about Justice & Corruption.
In this case, Korisu is on the side of Corruption, in this case Appeasement of her trauma and another aspect of criticizing the 'greater good' theme in Volume 3 on a whole. On the Greater Good theme first, while like the other Victims, she's motivated by vengeance - it's less hatred based and more so just trying to find some form of peace in her life. As stated before, Korisu had been severely traumatized from her family being roasted to death despite her protests because someone sacrificed them for their perceived 'greater good'. In turn, for the sake of finding closure for the voices, she's willing to not only slay Suntetsu, but also sacrificing someone else's peace for her own safety. In doing so, this puts her about as bad as Suntetsu himself. It also smacks into the Greater Good message that Gekka and Lico usually use to justify their own violent acts, since it shows such a line of thinking is both detrimental towards bystanders and those involved alike, but also winds up leaving new collateral to suffer down a path like Korisu's as well. Ergo sustaining the cycle further.
In terms of the Corruption theme (and her own Drive as a detective), namely Appeasement, Korisu's case is used to show why giving in to vengeance and bloody murder as means of clearing up mental issues, just doesn't work like how Gekka or the VCC think it works. She got her paybck on Suntetsu, yes, but in turn it didn't solve her problem with the voices in her head yelling at her and it certainly wasn't helped by her actual arrest. Even if she won, she was only confused, not satisfied with doing the deed - meaning that in spite of promising relief to the Victims they lure in, at best they only piled on new worries to give them. At worse, if they don't kill them outright, the Victims are left with new trauma and anguish on top of their old wounds. There's is no truly satisfaction to be gained by playing in a Duel Noir and looking for justice. Just tragedy.
In terms of character comparison and contrasts, the immediate one you would think of is Sachi, another Victim and Detective of the 12 Duel Noir Challenge. Both were willing to kill, and even harm innocents, not for their own sakes, but for the sakes of those who, really, couldn't have enjoyed such endeavors or approved of them, even if they really wanted to. Both Korisu's family and Gekka were dead by the time their Duel Noirs started. As such, their actions proved only to harm themselves in the long run with no real benefits. In terms of demeanor, they're kind of the polar opposite of each other in, even if their end goals are roughly the same. Korisu acts immature to hide the fact she's smarter than she appears, while Sachi portrays herself as a composed detective, to hide how much of a zealot she was for Gekka. In terms of scale, Korisu was hard focus on her own personal trauma, whilst Sachi's love for Gekka had her disregard even her own Catharsis for the sake of seeing him thrive in the VCC.
Of course, I'd also be remiss to not add in how much Korisu reflects on Junko Enoshima. Both being fashionista types that people would never suspect of masterminding intricate murders. Although the biggest difference between the two is that Korisu is ultimately doing her misdeeds as a form of closure, while Junko is working towards a goal of constant open despair.
Personal Thoughts
Korisu makes for a fine, 'final boss' of volume 3. Give the chaotic nature of the book in setting up the 12 Duel Noir Challenge, the battle at Meyura Station, Lico, one would think the actual Duel Noir Victim just wouldn't hit as well as Tadashi or Sae, but she's proved me wrong.
She's extremely entertaining play up the bratty fashion dive and love that the antagonist for this time around tried for the Junko Enoshima manner of villainess. It also helps her motivation is extremely compelling and makes her quite sympathetic as to why she'd work with the VCC. This is a high praise, especially when you consider how Vol. 4 and 5 treated the remainder of the Zodiac Victims.
Of course, beyond that, it also makes me sad volume 3 would be her only real appearance, but I was at least glad that she fulfilled her role properly. Beyond that, I loved the Takeda Haunted Mansion she set up and how it filled well with the ideas of her being haunted by her own past, and using it to take vengeance on Suntetsu (even if trying to wrap my head around the murder method was a real killer X_X)
Ultimately, for what it's worth, Korisu was a nice stopping point to end Vol 3 out on (besides Yui visiting Kyoko's home of course) and remains a favored of mine among the DRK cast!
With this out of the way, up next is DR Togami!! Be a while until then so if you have anyone you'd like to see talked about before it gets posted, feel free to recommend!
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skorpulai · 10 months ago
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Need some lovin'?
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sho-minamimoto · 2 years ago
guys help im in desperate need of an opinion
Iris Sanguinea (left) + Iris Ensata (right) side by side comparisons:
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iris cantus for comparison:
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extra tidbits of info to consider:
iris sanguinea's japanese name is ayame, which sounds closer to ayano than iris ensata's japanese name (hanashobu)
iris ensata is the symbolic flower of shibuya
both flowers grow near water and prefer damp environments, which fit ayano's rain themeing in her battle
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tanuki-kimono · 2 years ago
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Fantastic openwork embroidery for this summer kimono depicting Hagi (bushclover) and kakitsubata (rabbit ear iris) by a yatsuhashi (zig-zag bridge).
Bridge and iris reference a famous poem in the Tales of Ise hinting at longing and melancholic love.
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chaoticreivingu · 1 year ago
Reminder that Kieran gives us Drayton's phone case
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So Kieran has Drayton's phone case with him at all times even though he doesn't even have a phone
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As @perelka-l pointed out Drayton's tracksuit coming from Kitakami is actually true, so Drayton and Kieran carry smth that they (maybe) gave to each other 24/7.
Credit to Calem MrNazreenni for the playthrough screencaps.
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bearbench-img · 2 months ago
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かきつばたは、アヤメ科アヤメ属に分類される多年草の植物で、日本の愛知県を象徴する花として知られています。 かきつばたは、湿地帯や水辺に生育する植物で、5月から6にかけて紫色の美しい花を咲かせます。 かきつばたは、日本の古典文学や絵画などでも古くから親しまれてきた花であり、特に愛知県名古屋市の「古鳴海八ツ橋かきつばた園」や日進市の「かきつ姫公園」などの名所では、毎年多くの観光客が花を鑑賞するために訪れます。
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nitrochiraldegenerate · 2 months ago
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I-Chu (Aichuu) Tenjyou Tenge concept art!
With all members, Tsubaki Rindo, Toya Honoki, Tatsumi Madarao and Aoi Kakitsubata!
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danganfixationronpa · 3 months ago
All canon Danganronpa birthdays (including DR: Kirigiri characters.)
NOTE: There are more birthdays in Kirigiri, but only for characters we never get to know. Yes I've included some obscure characters from the series as well, but only ones that have at least have one or two lines.
♑ ♒
Hajime Hinata - January 1st
Leon Kuwata - January 3rd
Tenko Chabashira - January 9th
Sato - January 14th
Kazuo Tengan - January 17th
Gonta Gokuhara - January 23rd
♒ ♓
Maki Harukawa - February 2nd
Makoto Naegi - February 5th
Sonosuke Izayoi - February 20th
Nekomaru Nidai - February 22nd
Jataro Kemuri - February 29th
♓ ♈
Toko Fukawa - March 3rd
Hiyoko Saionji - March 9th
Chihiro Fujisaki | Chiaki Nanami - March 14th
Kaede Akamatsu - March 26th
Natsumi Kuzuryu - March 27th
♈ ♉
Monaca Towa - April 1st
Daisaku Bandai - April 10th
Kaito Momota - April 12th
Juzo Sakakura - April 14th
Angie Yonaga - April 18th
Aoi Asahina | Mahiru Koizumi - April 24th
Nagito Komaeda - April 28th
♉ ♊
Chisa Yukizome - May 3rd
Byakuya Togami | Tōru Uchida - May 5th
Masaru Daimon - May 7th
Great Gozu - May 8th
Kirumi Tojo - May 10th
Mikan Tsumiki - May 12th
Komaru Naegi - May 31st
♊ ♋
Seiko Kimura - June 8th
Mondo Owada - June 9th
Tōya Tsutsumi - June 12th
Kotoko Utsugi - June 13th
Kokichi Oma - June 21st
Kazuichi Soda - June 29th
Peko Pekoyama | Jin Kirigiri - June 30th
♋ ♌
Ryoma Hoshi - July 1st
Hiroko Hagakure - July 5th
Sayaka Maizono - July 7th
Akane Owari - July 15th
Yasuhiro Hagakure - July 25th
Tsukiyo Nada - July 30th
Korekiyo Shinguji - July 31st
♌ ♍
Haiji Towa - August 9th
Tsumugi Shirogane - August 15th
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - August 16th
Nazuna Tōakitsu - August 21st
Kyosuke Munakata - August 22nd
Ryota Mitarai | Kariyasu Karasuba - August 30th
Kiyotaka Ishimaru | Yui Samidare - August 31st
♍ ♎
Teruteru Hanamura - September 2nd
Yuta Asahina - September 4th
Shuichi Saihara - September 7th
Sakura Ogami - September 13th
Sachi Mizuiyama | Koichi Kizakura | Ryō Ōba - September 29th
♎ ♏
Rantaro Amami - October 3rd
Kyoko Kirigiri - October 6th
Sonia Nevermind - October 13th
Nagisa Shingetsu - October 23rd
Keebo - October 29th
♏ ♐
Gunzō Arai - November 1st
Taichi Fujisaki - November 8th
Miu Iruma - November 16th
Ruruka Ando - November 20th
Celestia Ludenberg - November 23rd
Ibuki Mioda - November 27th
♐ ♑
Himiko Yumeno - December 3rd
Korisu Kakitsubata - December 8th
Gundham Tanaka - December 14th
Mukuro Ikusaba | Junko Enoshima - December 24th
Hifumi Yamada - December 31st
P.S: Do you share any of the characters' birthday? My birthday is in between Gonta and Maki's.
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tamakunn · 1 year ago
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decided to do this. I dont know 100% what a comfort character is so I just drew characters I like (just for the character) Left to Right: Drayton/Kakitsubata(PKMN),Gary/Rotten(Magicians Quest), Arachnus/Tsuchigumo(YKW2) Just recently I got into magicians quest and before I went to play it I looked at all the student lists and Gary stuck out to me the most, hes so me fr and so scrunkly !!
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