CLICK THE "actions" TAG IN MY ACCOUNT !!! early 20s / she her they. I do not respect your opinion. eng is not my first language (+18)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
zestingbloodorange · 7 months ago
You'll never know how strong you are until strength is your only option."
From the heart of Gaza, these words become more true than ever. I am Bilal Abed Rabou, and I stand before you as a survivor of five wars, an academic student at Al-Azhar University and a software developer from the besieged Gaza Strip. I witnessed the devastating effects of these conditions firsthand
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We were a family, living in peace, love and warmth. But everything changed when conflict and despair swept through our lives. Living in Gaza means confronting ongoing conflict, struggling against poverty and the lack of basic necessities to live. Life is very difficult, and even the simplest tasks seem impossible. Yet, despite all the chaos and pain, we remained grounded by the warmth of our love and the strength of our spirits.
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Even six months ago, everything changed. Our once home turned into a mess and everything we cherished. Since then, we have been lost, clinging to a world of uncertainty and despair. We left our badly damaged home with only a few things. Since then, our lives have been threatened
with every passing minute.
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But now, there is no longer a reason to stay in this place full of suffering, where we are deprived of even the most basic and important rights, education, security and peace.
Our hearts hurt because of all this injustice. We were willing to endure anything to keep our family together and provide comfort and care for our father in his time of need.
With each passing day, our despair grows and our burdens grow heavier. We need your help to break the cycle of suffering, rebuild our shattered dreams, pave the way to a better future, and reunite with our family. Your support is not just a lifeline; Rather, it is a beacon of hope in our darkest moments.
Here you will find our whole story
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And here is the direct donation's link
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zestingbloodorange · 7 months ago
Its always needs to be shocking and awful for people to give a shit on here, as if the situation isnt constantly shocking and awful. Even if we have momentum now i cant relax because i know it will die in a matter of hours and i will have to come around begging again for people to give a fuck.
I cant even imagine the pain and humiliation of being the palestinian person who actually needs help and has to beg people to give a shit, and so many people will straight up report them as spam and try to get their account deleted.
And tumblr will LET it get deleted because they are just looking for excuses to delete and silence ANYONE who isnt white or happens to be a trans woman.
Do you realise how dehumanizing that is? That people will automatically assume that you are not a real person because you dont speak the right language? Because you havent been immersed in the ambiently american culture of this website enough to navigate it "naturally"? Because reporting as spam is easier than doing the extra effort of even listening? All this while theres a genocide going on by people who have assumed that you are not worthy of the dignity of being considered human.
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zestingbloodorange · 7 months ago
🚨 🚨 🚨
🍉 🍉 🍉 Hello amazing Tumblr community, 🌹🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
I'm so excited to be here with you on Tumblr and I'm hoping you can help me repost the post I've been working on. This post is not just words, it is part of a fundraising campaign aimed at saving my family from death and supporting them in these difficult times. I hope, as I heard about you, that you will extend a helping hand and help spread this message to everyone and reach the largest possible number of people.
Help me by republishing my campaign and donating so that together we can reunite my family and take them out of Gaza so that my children can complete their education and so that we can live in freedom and peace away from killing, destruction, disease and hunger, and so that we can live together in safety and stability, and so that the hearts of my wife and children can be reassured after she lost her family. Her mother, father, brothers, and their children during the occupation bombing of the Tammos family home at dawn on October 29, 2023. She felt sad or overwhelmed. These pictures show some of her family members who were martyred in the bombing.
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Other photos document the heinous crime against the family of my wife, Soha Tammos. Yes, it's time to console her and help her escape with her children to safety.
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I, Amjad, and the family are still in dire need of your help, even more so than before. Our campaign is continuing, and I hope that you will be able to support us by sharing it and donating even a little, and I know that your small donation saves a person’s life.
We have been displaced repeatedly, and our displacement journey is still continuing amid an ongoing war of extermination in Gaza. I sustained serious injuries to my foot and I am still suffering from my injury. I cannot walk and need medical care and treatment expenses. My young children also fell ill due to the current living conditions in the tents and the lack of potable water and basic, health and educational necessities.
I deeply hope that you can contribute by sharing our campaign and donating, so that we can achieve our goal together and provide some relief to my family.
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Supporting my family to survive the war
I am Majd Al-Shaltawi. I live in Gaza. I sent a distress call to evacuate me and my family from Gaza to escape the war. I am a Palestinian from besieged Gaza. I work as a skilled cook in Al-Shaltawi Kitchen and Restaurant, and currently my children are working to feed the displaced with donations from individuals and groups. This is my account on the Meta platform to follow updates
This is my accountx. To get new updates.
We lived through painful events during the October 7 War, and my children suffered panic attacks from the sounds of bombing and the killing of many family, friends, neighbors, and lineages.
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On the morning of Friday 10/13/2023, we woke up to a call from the Israeli occupation army to evacuate the residents of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City, which we live in, in preparation for its bombing, and to head to the south of the Gaza Strip, which is considered a safe area. A safe haven, as the occupation claims
As a father, my duty is to protect my children. I had to leave my home, my job, and everything I own to save my children’s lives from this fierce war.
Then my wonderful restaurant was destroyed, as you can see in the pictures.
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I lost my home, my job, and my source of livelihood, and I am the head of a family of 11 members
I lost a lot of weight due to war, hunger, and food shortages, and thinking about the future of my children and protecting them from genocidal war. I developed chronic high blood pressure, for which there is often no cure.
I am writing to you because I do not want to see death approaching my family
The cost of coordinating the exit from Gaza with travel costs per person is 7,000 euros. We also need housing. We need to evacuate my family of 11 people for approximately €97,000 to rebuild our lives and start again in peace and security.
My daughter Fidaa is studying a master’s degree in educational technology at Al-Aqsa University. The Israeli occupation destroyed the university buildings and ended her educational life. My daughter’s dream was to complete her higher education to obtain a master’s degree.
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My eldest son, Ahmed, is studying a Bachelor of Business Administration at Al-Quds Open University and aspires to complete his university education. Al-Quds University was completely destroyed, and his dreams, ambitions and dreams were killed.
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My daughter Farah is studying communications engineering at Al-Azhar University, and the occupation prevented her from graduating to become an engineer. The enemy stole her dreams and joy, as her wedding was scheduled to take place last November, and the occupation burned her entire house. Her dream now is to leave Gaza, go to her groom, Abd
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My son, Hamdi, did not complete his “tawjihi” secondary education, and the occupation destroyed his school and his dreams of success.
And my two young daughters, Malak and Tala, the occupation demolished their school and their hopes for a happy and stable life. Like the children of the world, they were not unhappy with their childhood. They are now terrified and suffering from psychological problems due to repeated bombings by warplanes and seeing corpses and body parts in the streets during the process of displacement from one place to another.
My sons, Muhammad and Abdul Rahman, are all children who have not yet completed their basic education. The Israeli occupation has completely destroyed their schools affiliated with the international relief agency UNRWA and educational life in Gaza. Now the condition of the two children is pathetic. They spend most of the day trying to get water so that the family can survive, and this is a video. It documents the suffering that my children are experiencing today, and my heart cries out in pain because I cannot get them out and save them from this dirty war in every sense of the word.
The Israeli occupation has destroyed educational life in Gaza
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Thank you for learning about my story, thank you for your support and help, and thank you for your prayers for the people of Gaza to survive this war. I hope you will share the donation link with those around you and donate even a little to the evacuation of my family, Amjad, from Gaza.
‏ @ibtisams @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @7amaspayrollmanager @fairuzfan @fallahifag @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly @sar-soor @dimonds456 @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-lindigo @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @ghost-and-a-half @7amaspayrollmanager @kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @marnota @toughknit @flower-tea-fairies @the-stray-liger @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @communistchameleon @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl @sar-soor @appsa @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @marnota @el-shab-hussein @sayruq @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @ibtisams @animentality @kordeliiius @communistchilchuck @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @90-ghost @skatehan @awetistic-things @gentl3manly @baby-girl-aaron-dessner
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zestingbloodorange · 7 months ago
God, Palestinians can't have anything
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I've often seen this person's posts pop up, he's known for the number of cats he feeds, even before this, hence the username. The other day, I remember seeing that pic of him and that tiny little puppy on the beach and being cheered up by it. It's just so sad... they literally can't have anything.
If anyone wants to help this man, he has links for both an evacuation gofundme and PayPal to help feed the cats:
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zestingbloodorange · 7 months ago
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Israel murdered a FIFA football referee, assistant referee, and 3 players from the Palestinian national team, as well as 263 professional footballers in Gaza.
Every sports facility, and all 41 football pitches have been damaged or destroyed by Israel, with the Yarmouk stadium turned into a concentration camp.
What did @FIFAcom do? It cancelled today's meeting regarding a potential ban on Israeli players, enabling Israel to continue its behavior, and rewarding it through participation in the Olympic games.
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
This is how my family has come to live a life resembling hell in the displacement camps. They live a life filled with misery and suffering after the war destroyed their simple home, which was filled with beautiful memories. Yes, now they live in a tent that you can barely see as a small enclosed spot, a torn life that bears nothing of its name, with continuous sorrow and pain hitting them constantly. The pieces of fabric surrounding the tent speak to narrate a new chapter from a book titled "Tragedy in the Land of Pain and Sorrows..."
Just by looking into my mother's eyes, you can see that all the world's calamities have been placed upon her head. It's as if life's circumstances conspired against my family to take away my father, the beacon of strength and support for them, and cruelly snatched my brother's daughter and my sister's daughter for no reason. Despite all that, these circumstances did not stop there and showed no mercy to what remained of my family but went on to demolish their home, which used to bring us together and held our simple memories.
Until they became homeless in the displacement camps that offer no mercy and do not provide the basic necessities of life, lacking in privacy, their world turned black when they found themselves displaced from their homes, sometimes wrapping themselves in hardship and at other times sipping on misery. They endure the harshness of life, living under the sun's heat, with nothing to protect them but a pile of junk. This has become their daily routine: waking up in the morning to stand in water lines to get the bare minimum of water, then striving to find a morsel of food until night falls, which was supposed to be a time of rest, but it seems life has written suffering upon them. As soon as they close their eyes, they wish they could keep one eye open, fearing the treachery of rodents that might attack them... This is part of the suffering my family endures in the displacement camps under oppressive conditions and an unparalleled tragic situation.
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I, Mahmoud Saleh, appeal to you to look upon my torn and displaced family with mercy and grant them the opportunity to continue their lives in peace. I stand now before these compassionate hearts, full of hope to help what remains of my family and provide a better living condition for them, so they can enjoy safety and peace.
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
In short, Mahmoud, who has lost an eye and fingers, and has his other eye damged, his wife who is pregnant and his three children are in need of donations to cross the border into Egypt. He will also be able to get treatment for his eye injury and and rebuild his project that he had worked on before the genocide.
PT: This is a verified fundraiser. Please donate, share/reblog if you are unable to donate. End Pt.
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🍉🇵🇸
PT: from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🍉🇵🇸. End PT
remember to do your daily clicks as well.
PT: remember to do your daily clicks as well.
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
I didn't have time to include this with the last update but along with the distribution of food parcels, Mona was able to provide clean water to countless people!! Thank you to everyone who donated, you have helped provide so many families with clean water. Your impact is more than you can imagine. Every dollar counts! If that's all you can spare then don't hesitate to send it their way! P*ypal.
G*f*ndme to distribute basic necessities in Ghazzah.
G*f*ndme for Mona & her family to evacuate.
Instagram to keep track of progress.
(If you live in India or Pakistan and want to donate, contact her through the means listed on her account).
None of this is possible without Mona and her family's diligence and work. If you would like to send her a thank you note or well wishes, please include it in the replies to this post, in your tags, or in the comments! She always appreciates them ♡
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
Here's another fundraiser I trust!
This is Abed Rahman El-Shaer. If you recognize the last name, it's because he's the older brother of my friend Mohammed El-Shaer who I also campaign for on my blog. Please do not hesitate to donate! This family has gone through so much.
Even while Rafah is closed, your funds help them afford basic needs for survival on a daily basis while they also get ready to leave when the time comes! Every dollar counts! Remember not to tip gfm when it asks you to, it will not replace the processing fees that they have to pay once they need to get the money transferred to their bank accounts!
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
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The Milfs/Dilfs of Dragon Age (Veilguard edition)
I'm currently selling these as stickers and donating all earnings to Eman Abuhayya's gfm to help the remaining members of her family evacuate Gaza - or donate to her directly here!
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
Iraq and Egypt aren't your aesthetic to use everytime you want "fantasy" flavor for your project and entertainment but refuse people from those countries to work on it because of your biases or because you genuinely hate us or whatever. This situation with people fancasting for iwtv and I also don't have any hope in the show runners to do the SWANA region justice in writing and in casting because when it comes to us it's ok to use us with no respect and never gives us opportunities or completely ignoring the origins of the character because people refuse to learn about the place and culture they're from. that's just the normal for the world and especially the west so it's not just about iwtv.
It is very disgusting to see the amount of characters anne rice wrote to be from the SWANA region and went on to white wash them and how she wrote them to be as characters. and now people are picking anybody from the west but people from said countries because well at least they're not exactly like how she described their looks... like I could bet that the entire production doesn't have more than like three people from any country in the SWANA region on it and this is me being generous and you don't even want people to play characters from their own countries ?? as if we get those opportunities in first the amount of people I've seen demanding for them to not be played by people from those countries mentioned in a very disrespectful manner because they want certain actors in mind. I'm not even in fandom spaces and I keep clicking not interested when it shows up I shouldn't have liked some edits because this happens in every fandom people are weirdddd and louddd about it.
and this insane amount of new people who have come into the conversation and people gaining so much followers from this show talking so loud without taking a moment to learn about any of the cultures and places mentioned.
also how are book readers not know Akasha is from Uruk Iraq like ? It's also available info on google. of course Akasha is for everybody but iraqis is like we don't even exist and no iraqi ever have acted before.
It's worrying if the show did us right so much of the fandom from what I've seen so far will not like that.
at the end of the day it's their entertainment and the money that matters to the west not the cultures and heritages that are being taken for aesthetics and fetishiziton to profit from for every single genre. everybody cashing checks from us every two seconds there's a project with our cultures and heritages while never respecting us and never giving us our flowers not even the bare minimum of calling us by country name no it's just "middle east" the fav colonial term even if it's one or two countries you just cannot let it go ❤️ this is of course if not the cultures are mixed in a blender used as a mush for as a "fantasy world".
If you're going to use us but you are not willing to do the work and don't want us on the project then leave our cultures and heritages alone !!!
( of course I hope I'm proven wrong by the show runners and I'm getting the wrong fans on my tiktok fyp but it's not looking good )
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
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Please SHARE
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
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The beautiful people you see in the photos (faces blurred for their privacy) are our aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandfather. They've all been displaced from their homes in Khartoum over a year ago. They're now all living in a makeshift home in the desert, waiting for the day to return home.
My cousins haven't been to class in a year. My uncles have lost their jobs. All their belongings were stolen. They live in a home with no windows or air conditioning in a climate that can reach 50 ℃ (122F).
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(where they store all their belongings)
Your funds will go to:
- Getting them passports
- Getting them visas to Egypt/KSA
- Travel funds
- Supporting them with food, water, transport, medicine, and any other needs while we get their travel plans sorted
If you can spare even £1 that would be massive help. If not, sharing is just as helpful <3
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
Before i relay the message, i need you to understand something first. This is long but IDC i need you to pay attention.
For so many days, palestinians on here have been collecting funds to escape the violence, starvation and illness in Gaza, but as you may already know, fundraising is only the first step.
There are so many other hoops they need to jump through to get out of Gaza, even after collecting the heinously exorbitant amount the travel coordinators demand, but the main one being that rafah crossing has not been open since early May, when the IOF had siezed control of it.
There are people there RIGHT now, who collected all the funds that were unjustly demanded of them, and STILL cant evacuate because the iof occupying that part of the border wont fucking let them.
The people who are reaching out to us and telling us to share their fundraisers after walking entire kilometers to get somewhere with a good enough connection, are doing so based on the feeble HOPE that some day in the future something will change and they can make a move when that window of opportunity arrives.
We have now recieved news from unofficial sources that Rafah crossing might open up soon, maybe even within the next week.
This is a window of opportunity that people like Shahed CANNOT afford to miss.
Shahed is a 20 year old student who used to study at Al-Azhar university, and the sole provider for her family at the moment- including her ailing father (a heart patient) and her 5 younger siblings (youngest of whom is just an toddler).
Her sisters have contracted hepatitis from the polluted water and are severely ill. They missed being caught up in a massacre only a couple of days ago, and Shahed was too sick and weak afterwards to talk to me for long.
To get evacuate her family out of Gaza, she needs $50,000 USD for travel fees. Even though her gfm has been up since february, she has only manager to collect 11k.
Here are some messages I recieved from her:
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With only 11k in her hands, the best she can hope for is to evacuate only her siblings, and stay behind with her family. But even to do that much, she needs to reach $30,000 USD
This means she has a week to raise nearly $19,000 USD so that she can evacuate them
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We have already failed her by letting her gfm stagnate for so long. But there is still time. Please help her save her siblings.
There are two raffles happening to raise funds for Shahed. Take part in them. Donate. Share if you cant. Follow shahed's blog at @shahednhall
No matter when the news officially breaks, this cannot wait. i am begging you to please show them the bare minimum of care right now. Please do not ignore them when they need your help
Tagging for reach:
Sorry but this is important
@timetravellingkitty @meaganfoster @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe @rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife
@transmutationisms @sawasawako @feluka @terroristiraqi @tiredguyswag
@irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @deepspaceboytoy
@post-brahminism @junglejim4322 @aristotels @fairycosmos @criptochecca
@kibumkim @neechees @mangocheesecakes @kyra45 @marnota @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @womenintheirwebs
@7bitter @tortiefrancis @toiletpotato @fromjannah @turian @buttercuparry @three-croissants @brutaliakhoa
@communistchilchuck @dykesbat @watermotif @stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap @socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
Hello wonderful donors🩵🩵, thanks to your generosity, we have raised $16,215 out of $40,000.
We are close to collecting half the amount♥️♥️.
But donations are very slow‼️‼️.
I hope to close half the goal this week ⏳🥹
Vetted by @el-shab-hussein - @nabulsi -@sar-soor - @90-ghost
& operation olive branch line 238 🙏
Also, a link to the PayPal campaign to help me complete the study $652 raised of $20,000
Only 11 days until end paypal campaign ⏳⏳
Please share & donation if you can 🥹⏳
@90-ghost @nabulsi @northgazaupdates @lady-raziel @pcktknife @tamamita @queerstudiesnatural @sayruq @animentality @arabian-batboy @punkitt-is-here @punkeropercyjackson @sar-soor @90-ghost @vakarians-babe @northgazaupdates @helppeople @ibtisams-deactivated20240709 @appsa @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @marnota @el-shab-hussein @sayruq @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @ibtisams-deactivated20240709 @animentality @kordeliiius @communistchilchuck @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates @90-ghost @awetistic-things @gentl3manly-deactivated20240712 @baby-girl-aaron-dessner
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
Hello friends 🙏 urgent Help 🚨🚨
I'm Mohammed Hijazi from Gaza 29 years old and live with my parents in a tent in avery hard life conditions 😞. We got fored to move from gaza to the south which is not our home and we have no shelter.
Before the war I was working as an administrator in a company in Gaza city as I have a bachelor degree in business administration.
But now I lost my source of income and I have nothing 😔😭
My father is so sick and needs an urgent🚨 help and medication.
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I ask all of peopl of humanity to stand with me and my family to rebuild our life and Donate🙏 to us to save our life 🍉🙏🙏
@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @ibtisams @acepumpkinpatrick @just-browsing1222 @gaza @palestine @13ag21k @the-bastard-king @boyvandal-blog @apsswan @youdontknowwhotfiamm @mangocheesecakes @fallahifag @sealuai @palipunk @malcriaada @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @acepumpkinpatrick @nabulsi @fairuzfan @rebootgrimm @northgazaupdates
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zestingbloodorange · 8 months ago
To make matters worse, they were displaced in the winter, living in a plastic tent that offers little protection from the cold, rain, extreme heat and onset of summer. They lack bathroom facilities and can only shower very rarely with a bucket due to the lack of water. Food, when available, is cooked over firewood, resulting in unhealthy and unpleasant-tasting meals. They never imagined a life like this. The war took away their comfortable home, leaving them to suffer on hard floors in the cold. My father’s back problems were exacerbated by sleeping on the floor, with no access to painkillers. Your donation and sharing their story will greatly help them meet their basic needs for food, medicine and necessities, as well as help cover their transportation costs. Thank you for your support and for listening to our story during this difficult time.
This tent is now sheltering us in difficult conditions after the bombing and burning of the house🇵🇸🍉🥺😢
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Here our donation link 🔗 :
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