#Passion Fruit’s the best I got and I want to use it
quibbs126 · 1 year
You know, Passion Fruit would be the perfect name for a hollytaya kid, considering it’s a tropical fruit like Pitaya, and it’s literally got passion in the name, which is Hollyberry’s whole thing with her Light of Passion
The only snag is the colors don’t really match up
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everythingseasoning · 2 years
How the AOT men love you (SFW & slight NSFW).. PT 1
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MINORS: Please DNI. Further reading means you consent to reading everything here, though it's pretty vanilla tbh.
EREN - A bit rough around the edges regarding emotional intimacy. Don't get me wrong, he definitely will straight up tell you "I love you so much, y/n," -- he's not afraid of saying what he feels. However, because he isn't as reflective and insightful and calm as Armin is (Eren's a little more simple-minded), he isn't a guy who does fluffy stuff all the time. He's more about action and adventure -- always pulling you into the next great thing.
*NEEDS* you to be safe, and happy. He will only feel satisfied if you're doing okay. Man cares about you, more than anything else.
Oh .. oh, Eren is definitely very blunt, and stubborn. He sees things in his own way, and it's hard to convince him to back down on anything he's got his mind set to. However, the flip side of this, is that he is fiercely caring, and righteous. Will protect you at all costs, even for little things: Some as*hole at the grocery store cut you off in line and you almost fell to the ground? Eren has a hand on your back and waist, steadying you, before he storms up to the man with the DARKEST look of determined hatred. This man has ZERO chill. (and we love him for it).
You are the most important thing in the world to him. He loves you so intensely and passionately that you won't have a chance to ever doubt it.
Fluff 1) You and Eren like to go on walks/runs together. Sometimes you two have races. Eren always wins (the little b*tch--) or ends up slinging you across his shoulder while running, the biggest smile on both of your faces as you two enjoy the rush of being with each other, and life. Life with Eren is just so right, exciting, and full of good times.
Fluff 2) Just how many beautiful waterfalls have you seen with Eren? You've even hiked a purple-flower covered mountain with him! And you've both tried many wild fruits, from the strange oblong shaped ones to pretty yellow star shaped ones-- Usually you were the one to notice the fruit while Eren glanced giddily all around the forest canopy and ground. It was tradition that whenever you two discovered another fruit plant/tree, Eren opens up the Wild Fruits and Plants You Can Eat book, gifted to you by Armin ("So that Eren doesn't accidentally eat something poisonous.") Sometimes Eren is not as bouncy with energy when you two explore the world, and instead he will hold your hand as you two stroll casually, cuddling up on each other's warmth.
NSFW 1) Eren isn't afraid to just.. straight up ask you.. when he wants it. He will look you up and down, eyes full of hunger. "I want you. How 'bout you?" Whewwww. 😮‍💨
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LEVI - ohh boy i have so much to say about this little dude...
Would go absolutely crazy and turn into a battle demon, if he saw the love of his life in danger. ...
If Levi somehow found the right somebody, and actually spent enough time with them to be in a relationship, he would NEED his partner to be safe. He will not risk losing you-- he won't. Not after Isabel and Farlan..not again. So if you're ever in danger, you will see an overpowered beast emerge from that man's body and soul.
Levi isn't the best at emotional intimacy, is very stiff when it comes to words of affirmation. He hadn't ever really thought about love. He never even thought he'd have the option to be safe physically, let alone be safe emotionally. --But when he does meet that person, they light up his life in ways that just stun him. They feel like a summer's glow. He will look 10 years younger with you by his side, will feel unprecedented relief whenever he goes back to you. Will scare all the cadets because he will have this stupid smile on his face whenever he sees you.
--But Levi is not used to being loved deeply. He wouldn't know what to DO with your love, and he'd definitely have trouble opening up and being vulnerable. Nonetheless, I do think he'd try; he has initiative to do well to you, and to give you everything he can give to you (starts off with him being your literal guardian demon, progresses into him becoming soft to you). It'd take time and effort for him to learn how to love you properly.
Fluff 1) In the beginning stages of your relationship, Levi would enjoy cleaning with you. He would find himself giving you commands to do more chores (with him).. because he -- wants to -- be with you -- so often??? (won't ever never admit this).
NSFW 1) Levi is a v*rgin. Yes. Yes he (most likely) is. He never met the right person before you, so he never had a chance/time to indulge in s*x. The first time you and Levi have s*x, Levi will have his mouth CLAMPED shut-- trying not to make a noise, trying to control his expressions of pleasure. You'll have to teach him/encourage him to just let go lol.
NSFW 2) Levi wanted to have s*x with you for so damn long cause he's soooo attracted to you, but he will not initiate it LOLLLL. He just doesn't know HOW to ask for that. You had to feel up on him and really let him know you wanted it (breathy whispers and requests), before he FINALLY took the reigns and pinned you against the wall, kissing you hard before taking you to the bedroom~~!!
Also, he's a fast learner. (Imagine with that what you will 🥵).
Fluff 3) & After you two finish, he will clean you up immediately. But after that he won't let you go. Will hold you in a hug for an eternity. Is addicted to your warmth and the love/care you two give to each other.
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ARMIN - OH MY GOD NO BECAUSE - i'm so in love with this man - oKAYYY: Armin is a very thoughtful, perceptive, and practical lover. You would feel *so safe* around him, at ease, and like you can be your full self. He's very accepting.
Armin is also going to *look out for you.* He is insanely analytically accurate. He has a clear, reassuring, and gentle energy about him. You know that with Armin, you'll be protected from any new obstacle or harm's way.
You and Armin would see the world for fun. Armin is somebody who feels fascinated with exploring the world, and with learning. He'd probably want a partner who is brave. He'd probably want somebody whose actions or way of doing life, amaze him. He would be so f*cking blushy around you, stuttering and all, whenever you smile so brightly at him -- you're like the sun to him.
Armin *would die for you.* He practically died already, for Eren & the mission. Armin wouldn't hesitate to give himself up, because that's how deep and true his love is for you. (And you genuinely get mad at him for this... but neither of you will budge-- you'd both die for each other).
Fluff 1) You and Armin like to read together :'). Armin will have red blush dusted across his cheeks, and his eyes will be shining as he talks excitedly, imagining all the things the book talks about. You adore it.
Fluff 2) You tell Armin you had a rough day, and he will set up a bath for you. While you bathe in the dark with candles, Armin will be in the kitchen with stew or soup simmering on the stove, before he quietly leaves the house: He will personally scour the bookstore in order to find a book that he thinks will make you smile-- or a book you two will both enjoy reading together/discussing together. Literally this man is like light okay. When you come out from the shower he will be there with a fresh, steaming bowl of stew and a dessert he picked up from the store. You two will eat together and then read a book, cozily cuddling on the couch.. before things get s*xy.
NSFW 1) This man is a *PLEASURER* -- Everything will be gentle, but imbued with such strong love for YOU. Will worship your body. Armin will feel like the luckiest man alive. He sees all your goodness, admires you, and is huge on praising you. Also he moans a lot, even if it's just a soft one that escapes him. Not sorry.
NSFW 2) For my switches/d0ms: You care deeply for Armin, and you also want to see his face when he's a writhing mess-- Sometimes you'll tie him up, and he will... oh he will be so helpless and flustered. You will be giving him all the sensation and he will *love it so much.*
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REINER - Somebody come get yo man TT!! Reiner is a f*cking sweet, really good guy. Would protect you and your children (if you have them)-- with EVERYTHING he has -- from difficult, unfair situations (like what he was put through). But, Reiner also probably would want somebody who is strong, because strength means you can protect yourself, and change the world -- Strength is a necessary trait for survival, and he is attracted towards people who are able to stay efficient and alive.
Reiner wants a morally beautiful/morally pure hearted partner. Definitely wants a good person (I mean... Him and Historia in Season, what was is, 2? --speaks for itself). AND I MEANNN Reiner has such a soft heart-- he literally cracked psychologically because he couldn't handle the trauma of being a double agent in a cruel world-- so his pure heart seeks out another pure heart <3
Reiner would ADORE relaxation time with you! He wants the soft fluff, and the soulful moments, like laying together under the stars-- being safe, peaceful, *free.* Reiner has had the burden of war and the Armored Titan like a boulder on his shoulders for ... as long as he can remember. When you're both cozied up together, hands interlaced under the big night sky, Reiner's heart will have bursted and melted all throughout his body. He hasn't ever felt freedom before-- until you. (don't mind me f*cking sobbing right now. he deserves the world!!)
Fluff 1) You and Reiner sometimes do typical, fluffy couple stuff, like go to parks and have picnics, or going to the aquarium, or baking together. Reiner loves the domestic life with you, and you will always catch him gazing dreamily at you, as if he's not sure you're really his. Are you actually right there in front of him? How did he get this lucky? ..Man short circuits a lot around you.
Will definitely be so caught up in his smittenness for you that when you drop the bread dough on the ground and start getting upset/sad, he will just be staring at you like o// //o, not even realizing what happened.
NSFW: I honestly haven't thought about this but I will update this post when I do have some accurate guess on what Reiner in the bedroom is like-- (you can comment if you wanna be tagged for when I do finish this post/ make part two)
𐡘 \
Don't forget to leave a like, or to comment/follow if you want!! Comment to be tagged in part 2! (Jean, Eld, Marco, Bertholt, Connie, Porco, Zeke, etc etc) Feel free to comment! I'd LOVE to hear y'all's thoughts on this post <3! Hope ur all okay.
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snailmail444 · 10 months
Bachelor Head Cannons
18+ 🌱 NSFW 🌱 MDNI
Head cannons for all the bachelors masturbation habits under the cut! Send me asks if you want to see more head cannons from me 💞
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💚 Harvey spends so much time antsy and anxious, poor guy.
💚 So when he’s getting himself off he needs a gentle touch. Literally and figuratively.
💚 He has a few favorite videos he likes of porn, which he goes back to when he’s getting off.
💚 Professional porn takes him out of it. He’s so worried about if everything is consensual and comfortable and compensated he’s not horny anymore. Even when he can get past that, he just isn’t into the fake porn premises.
💚 Do you really expect him to believe she’s stuck in that washing machine? Get real.
💚 Harvey can really get into it when it’s amateur, and the couple seems like they’re genuinely enjoying each other. Giggling, bumping the camera, whispered “I love you’s.”
💚 Uses a lot of quality lube. As a doctor, he’s going to take proper care of his body. Especially his dick. The last thing he wants is a friction burn on his junk.
💚 Goes nice and slow. He doesn’t want to rush himself when he’s working to relax, so it’s not a race for him.
💚 Eyes fluttering, cheeks flushed, hitching breath when he’s close.
💚 Can only get off when the people in the video have. Cums with a sigh, leaning back in complete satisfaction.
💚 Takes a long shower after and gets excellent rest. It really helps alleviate his stress, so he sleeps like a baby.
❤️ When I tell You this man makes it an EVENT!
❤️ He’s breaking out the candles. He’s got a bubble bath run. He’s got a glass of red wine.
❤️ Elliott is first and foremost a man of luxury. So when it comes to taking care of himself? He is taking CARE of himself.
❤️ We’re talking a long edging session that starts in the tub and ends in his bed. He’s so coy that he even teases himself. Gets him worked UP!
❤️ This is an erotic novel kinda guy if there ever was one. I mean come on. You KNOW he’s reading those flowing sex scenes with flowery language to get off to.
❤️ One hand holding his dick the other holding his book.
❤️ It doesn’t matter if he’s alone, he is talking. Elliott is a wellspring of words, so they’re flowing. Praise and curses and sweet names, all of it. He gets so wrapped up in the fantasy that it feels real to him, and that’s his way to engage with it.
❤️ He’s a romantic, but the stuff that really gets him off is hot and desperate and needy. The love interests of his novel devouring each other after a slow burn or a long break. The passion is where it’s at for him.
❤️ Secretly kinda loves it filthy. Chaste and loving is good and satisfying, but it doesn’t do a ton for him sexually. He wants his sex sloppy, spitty, and utterly human.
❤️ Probably gets off the least out of all the bachelors simply because it’s a whole process for him. He wants to enjoy it with unabashed hedonism.
❤️ Sometimes he’ll eat fruit while he’s doing it just to engage all his senses.
🤎 Alex would absolutely be a morning jerker if Evelyn and George weren’t up at the crack of dawn.
🤎 Man wakes up rock hard and would love to do something about it, but since Evelyn knocks on his door for breakfast at a routine seven am, he has to will it away.
🤎 The tradeoff, though, makes it worth the wait. Both of his lovely grandparents are hard of hearing, go to bed early, and George has a loud CPAP machine.
🤎 So when I tell you Alex can be as loud as he wants at night. He can be as loud as he wants. Unless you’re physically shaking his grandparents, they’re sleeping through it.
🤎 Which is a good thing, because Alex is a mouthy guy. Moans, groans, curses, whines, whimpers, you name it. If he has a hand on his dick, he’s making noise.
🤎 It’s a little old fashioned, but Alex has sexy magazines stashed between his mattress and box spring. Video porn is overwhelming to him—he doesn’t know what to search, he just wants some eye candy—so this is the best option he can think of.
🤎 He’s not very fussy, honestly. Low maintenance kinda jerker. As long as he’s looking at somebody he finds attractive, he’s gonna get off.
🤎 And Alex is such a secret romantic, he’s thinking about sweet, tender sex with somebody he would love a whole lot. His hand takes the same rhythm he imagines he’d use fucking slow and deep.
🤎 This is the way that Alex ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper. Man is whining as he strokes himself through his orgasm.
🤎 Has a few tissues he uses to clean up and then passes directly out. Rinse and repeat three times/week.
💙 Okay it depends.
💙 If he’s still drinking he doesn’t jerk off that much because he’s got chronic whiskey dick.
💙 BUT. After that? Oh boy.
💙 Shane’s surprised by his own libido when he’s sober. It’s, like, all the time. He thinks maybe it’s because he didn’t get off for so long that he’s making up for lost time.
💙 He gets a surprising amount of privacy in the old ranch house, which he has never been more thankful for. It doesn’t hurt that Marnie snore pretty loud and Jas sleeps like the dead, so most of the night is free to him.
💙 However. Some nights it’s just not feasible. Cough, cough, thanks Lewis.
💙 Luckily, Shane’s got his secret spot. The dock never gets any foot traffic, literally ever. He absolutely will go out there to take care of himself if he needs to.
💙 Big lotion guy. He needs it especially because his hands are rough from all the work he does with them. The callouses feel good if he’s got enough lubricant, though.
💙 Can go either way on porn. Sometimes he likes to watch a good video of what he’s in the mood for, but he doesn’t need it.
💙 He gets off more on memories than anything else. Some of his best fucks are vivid enough in his mind he almost feels like he’s back there when he gets off on it.
💙 And if he has a crush on somebody? Man doesn’t need much. Getting off thinking about how they looked on their knees the other day, about how his cum would look on their face. In the moment he has no shame in thinking about the object of his affections. That’ll come later.
💙 Bites his wrist to keep himself quiet. Not because anybody can hear him, but because he gets embarrassed about the noises he makes and how into it he gets.
💙 Gets desperate for release towards the end. Bucking his hips up and fucking his fist until he cums over his tense stomach. His face is complete bliss, and typically he forgets to muffle that last moan anymore because he’s too caught up in his pleasure.
💙 Post nut clarity hits him a little too hard sometimes. He feels a lot of guilt and shame he’s still working through. Therapy’s helping, though.
🩷 Poor Sammy never gets any proper alone time. It’s not the easiest for him to just get off whenever the urge comes on him.
🩷 Which is incredibly unfortunate, because the urge comes on him…often, to say the least.
🩷 Let’s be real. It’s probably once a day, sometimes twice. Man’s sex drive is insane. Truly just insatiable.
🩷 But the walls of his house are paper thin, he has no lock on his door, and his mom and Vincent are always busting in. He only gets a shred of privacy in his shower, and even that’s difficult because he shares with Vincent. Hard to get off when his tiny fists are constantly pounding on the door.
🩷 So Sam can’t just jack it at a moments notice. He has to wait until everybody is asleep, because blessedly Jodi and Vince go to bed early, and Kent is usually in bed by ten pm sharp. Thank God for that military sense of routine.
🩷 As soon as it’s lights out, Sam’s got an earbud in and a hand in his boxers. He’s so desperate and needy by the end of the day that he has to bite his shirt to keep from moaning with relief.
🩷 Man adores porn. LOVES. Porn. He needs a visual aid for his fantasies, and some good audio doesn’t hurt his feelings.
🩷 Sweet Sam has a possessive streak. He tries to find videos where one of the people looks like whoever he’s into at the time, and he imagines it’s him fucking them.
🩷 And if the video has a good cumshot? He’s gone. Fucking wasted. His hand will slide feverishly up and down his cock until he’s cumming right along with them, the whole time imagining it’s him marking up his crush and making them his.
🩷 By the grace of Yoba he hasn’t been caught yet, but he’s always rushing because he’s paranoid somebody will find him with a hand around his dick or cum all over his abdomen.
🖤 Unlike Sam, he has almost complete privacy the majority of the time.
🖤 Robin spared no expense on soundproofing their house, so nobody can hear anything unless they’re pressed up against his door.
🖤 And since nobody bothers him, and he’s got a sturdy lock, it’s never a problem. He can get off really whenever he wants to.
🖤 When he was in high school, it was all the time. If he had a second alone, he was probably jerking off.
🖤 Now though, it’s tapered off. He only has to get off once a week, maybe a few times if he’s really worked up about something.
🖤 And with his computer setup? He has a full Cinematic experience. Full screen, over-ear headphones, reclined back in his gamer chair. His dick pulled out of his boxers and his shirt rucked up to his chest. Sebastian is taking complete advantage of every luxury he has available to him.
🖤 Let’s be real. He’s an Only Fans kinda guy. Sebastian has specific tastes, and he likes the convenience of having content he likes ready and available. Plus, he’s not about to risk any viruses on his computer.
🖤 It doesn’t hurt that it’s more ethical that way. Sex work is real work, and deserves proper compensation, which he’s more than happy to give.
🖤 As for the content? We circle back to his specific tastes. He likes soft BDSM. No intense stuff, but the dirty talk aspect especially does it for him. Spanking or light choking are about as hardcore as he likes.
🖤 But the thing that’s guaranteed to get him off? Oral. Every single time. He loves to go down on people—he’s borderline obsessed with it, actually. It’s something he can’t personally put his finger on (it’s called an oral fixation buddy), but he cums so hard thinking about leaving purpling hickies along thighs and using his tongue to get his partner off.
🖤 And since he prioritizes heavily on having a clean space, he has everything ready to clean himself up. Especially important since he cums a lot.
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xqueen-of-disasterx · 4 months
Whiskey Neat
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Natasha x Reader x step!daughter!Wanda
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, soft!dom!reader, strict!dom!Nat, sub!Wanda, step-cest, legal age gap, mommy kink, daddy kink, one slap, brat taming, manhandling, unprotected sex, face painting, oral sex, implied after care
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲: Nat decides to teach you bratty step daughter Wanda some well needed manners while her mom is away for work.
𝐌.𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞
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Wanda was starting to get on your nerves, you tried your best to get your step daughter on the right path with motivational words and gentle touches. Whenever her mother would treat her with harsh words and made the poor girl feel like a burden to the word you were there for her, stroking over her soft skin and mumbling sweet nothings in her ear to distract her from the lingering pain her mothers words had left. It wasn’t her fault after all, that college and being an adult was so god damn scary, she’d only need a pit of starting assistance to get on her feet.  
You gave her an internship at the firm you had founded when you were roughly her age, you’d given her chance after chance after chance only to be met by the same disappointment.  Wanda preferred to choose skimpy clothes even when she had to attend office. Her skirts left little to nothing for the imagination. Same thing with her low cut blouses, it almost left like she intended for you to one day bent her over the mahogany desk and color her ass in the shade you wore on your lips. 
It had happened before after a nasty fight you had had with her mother. She came into your office wearing nothing but her skimpy pajamas. You didn’t intend to share a night with her but it was destined to happen, while her mother was away you shared passionate hours between her milky thighs. Her mewled sounds were like forbidden melodies in your ears, begging you for more begging you to keep going. 
She tasted like a forbidden fruit, you longed for the fresh taste that made your life complete. Even after the first time you got to taste her, it enchanted you like an ancient spell which binds you to keep going back for more. 
The raindrops fell against the glass windows of your  home office, it had been rainy all day enchanting the air with a fresh smell. Your wife, Wanda's mother, was out of town for some business but in reality she just tried to avoid you. It was late already. You shared a chat with your friend and colleague Natasha. 
 A quiet knock interrupted you and Natasha's comfortable silence. “Wanda, my step daughter” You mumbled, turning slightly to see who was at the door. Incoming was Wanda who upon seeing the two older women blushed, hoping that they wouldn’t notice. 
“Why are you here?” Wanda looked down hiding her hands behind her back “I was hoping that you would have some time for me” You chuckle, upon seeing Nat all her bratty behavior suddenly just seemed to disappear. “I was hoping you could offer me a ride home” 
“I could offer you much more, sweetheart” You husk, knowing fully well how your words would be interpreted by the younger woman. “Come over here, Wands. Why don’t you entertain me and Nat for a bit” Wanda took a seat on your lap, being forced to look into the hungry eyes of Natasha.  
“She’s a pretty one, too bad that she’s a brat” Natasha leaned back in her office chair with the desire for the younger woman written across her face. “Maybe she’s in need of some discipline, Y/N.” Natasha was right you had tried to give her some punishments in the past but you couldn’t deny that whenever her doe eyes would swell with tears you couldn’t deny her anything. 
“Stand up” Natasha demanded, her voice dripping with authority making Wanda follow suit. “I want you to undress and get on your knees” Wanda breath hitched, this was like a dream come true for her, being used by two older women at once. Hastily she unbuttoned her blouse only to be stopped by Natasha once more. “Slowly, make a show for us like the slut you are”
You could feel yourself wetting your own panites when the silk fabric disappeared from Wanda's perky breasts. They were protected by her lacy red bra leaving little to the imagination. “Did you wear that for me baby” You husk making Wanda blush even more if that would even be possible. She gave you a shy nod before moving on to her pencil skirt and stepping out her heels “A matching set, that’s how I like it baby” 
She got on her knees not sure who to look at, Nat got up from her seat positioning herself in front of your step daughter. “Do you know why you’re a brat?” Natasha’s voice was sharp like it could cut through the air. “No, I-” Before she could finish the sentence there was a slap ringing through the air followed by a sob, it shocked even you. 
“First you deny being a brat, then you don’t address me right” She grabbed her chin forcing her to look at Natasha. “Are you even grateful for Y/N giving you chances for you to be a lazy slut” There was a silence following not even you dared to break “I’m sorry, daddy” She sobbed her tears running down her cheeks, the slap wasn’t even that hard she just hopped that crying would make you have pity with her. “How about you make it up for us huh?”
Again the couch in your office came in handy otherwise you could’ve never witnessed this sinful scene in front of you. Wanda’s chest pressed against the leather couch, her ass high up in the air pressed against the bulge in Natasha’s boxers. “Go on baby, make mommy happy”
 Wanda listened to you eagerly kissing the top of your cunt, she took a few licks over your cunt humming at her favorite taste. While the younger woman was distracted Natasha slipped off her boxers, her cock already hard from earlier. Upon inspecting Wanda's cunt which was already so wet she dripped down her thighs she slowly inserted her cock. 
The poor girl mewled at the stretch not being used to the large stretch, your straps had all been smaller than Nat’s size. She broke away from your cunt making you goan at the loss of pleasure, which didn't go unnoticed by Nat. “Get back to work slut” She hissed, pushing Wanda’s face back into your cunt. 
“You do so good baby, such a good girl” You praised her only making Wanda all the more confused. She tried her best to stay focused on sucking on your clit while Nat rammed her dick inside her tight cunt again and again, hitting the younger woman’s cervix, which only made Wanda cry out more. Her muffled cries and moans were muffled by your cunt which sent wanted vibrations through your body. 
Her licks became more and more unrhythmic as she lost herself in the pleasure provided by Nat who had slipped her right hand from her hips to play with her clit. Her walls flattered around Nat indicating how close she was. “Does the whore want to cum?” Wanda nodded eagerly “Then make your mommy cum first” 
With two fingers inside of your cunt and her mouth latched on your clit you were sure you couldn’t keep it together. “Fuck, Fuck, baby, I’m cuming” With another cry you released all over her face and fingers. She clawed her on your lower stomach as she came around Nat’s cock.  
Nat was close too, pulling out to manhandle the girl on her back. With a few more bumps of her hands she came all over Wanda’s mixing your cum with her own. “Fuck, you look so pretty like this” You helped Wanda to sit up, trying your best to clean her face with a handkerchief, but you knew what she needed right now was comfort which you gladly gave her.  
“Go run her a bath Nat our good girl needs a reward”
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reminiscingtonight · 1 year
Leah Williamson x Reader
Word Count: 869
[WOSO Masterlist]
For someone who travels so often, it’s quite astonishing how much you actually hate doing so. 
One would think that after flying from city to city at least once every couple of weeks you would be used to it, but even all these years down the line you still hate it with a burning passion. 
Living on a different continent from your family only makes it all the more work, the off season often coming with more than a couple of flights taking you to visit friends and family before returning to the gloomy place you’ve come to call home. 
Despite arriving late last night, jet lag has kept you wide awake. With only your thoughts and the gradually lighting sky keeping you company, you quietly chop at the fruits in front of you. It’s rare to find yourself awake at such an early time, so you make due with the peace that surrounds you.
So focused on preparing your smoothie, you don’t hear the click of your bedroom door opening. Nor do you hear the soft padding of feet making their way across the hardwood floors. 
You barely hold in your squeak when you feel a pair of arms sneak around your waist. 
“What are you doing up so early?”
The words are yawned into your ear, its owner gluing themselves against your back. She’s comfy and warm, making you want to melt right into the body behind you, but you try to hold strong. 
“I’m making you a smoothie,” you respond instead, purposefully not answering the question.
You can feel Leah smile against your neck, lips lazily peppering kisses against your skin. “You should come back to bed,” she husks in response.
“You only have one thing on your mind, I swear.” Snorting, you move to grab the abandoned fruits, but Leah’s arms tighten against you, preventing you from escaping her grasp. “Leah.”
“(Y/N),” Leah teases, mocking the way you said her name. 
Spinning around, you come face to face with a beaming grin. Despite the sleepiness still etched across Leah’s face, it’s easy to see the amusement sparkling in her eyes. 
Huffing out a breath, you try to scoot around the blonde, but Leah acts fast to block you. Using your position to her advantage, she backs you up until your back hits the counter, nowhere left to go. 
“You are a menace.” You laugh, arms coming up to wrap around the back of Leah’s neck. The blonde grins, face coming even closer to yours. 
“Can you blame me? You’ve been gone for days. You’re never allowed to leave me for that long again.” If confronted about it Leah would deny it, but it sounds a lot like a whine as she complains about your brief time spent apart.
“Careful there, you sound like you’re falling in love with me, Williamson.”
Leah brushes away your tease. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just a two thousand one hundred and ninety day one night stand.”
You raise an eyebrow at her, not even bothering to question how she came up with the number on the spot. “I must be some one night stand then.”
This entire time Leah’s been inching closer and closer to you. By the time you say those last words, her lips are just millimeters away from your own.
“You’re the best one night stand,” she whispers, and just like that, she finally closes the gap between the two of you. 
You all but melt into the kiss, body burning all over from where she’s touching you. Your eyes are all dazed and dreamy when Leah finally pulls back, and the glint in her eyes tells you she knows exactly what effect she has on you. 
“Cat got your tongue?” She teases, fingers coming up to wipe up some pretend drool on your face.
“We’ve been over this. It’s not cute to nickname your own tongue ‘cat’,” you deadpan, ignoring the way Leah instantly starts stuttering.
“You know that’s not what I meant!” 
It’s your turn to grin as Leah pouts at you. 
The arm previously wiping at your face drops to the counter, effectively retrapping you between Leah and the counter. Your eyes briefly drop to the arms enclosing you before fixing themselves on Leah’s face again. 
“Aren’t you glad we weren’t able to sweat each other out?” You hum, fingers playing with the hairs on the back of Leah’s neck. 
Both of you can remember it like it was yesterday. You joining the team. The instant spark of attraction between the two of you. It was easy to justify sleeping together with nullifying the growing tension building between you guys as each day progressed.
You were both fools to think one time would be enough.
You can feel her shiver against you, eyes dropping to your lips again. “Six years worth of trials and still going. Wanna see if we can sweat it out again?”
It’s one of the worst pick up lines she’s ever used on you but it still works all the same.
“Happy anniversary, babe,” you mumble before reconnecting your lips. 
And this time when Leah tries to pull you back to bed with her, you follow.
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itsabouttimex2 · 8 months
Here's a challenge: platonic x reader who hates monkeys with a passion (you could do it with phobia or irrational hatred). With Wukong, Macaque, and Mk.
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Yandere MK, Sun Wukong, Macaque
(Fun fact 1- prunes are not their own fruit! They’re just dried plums.)
“I’m just saying,” he starts with a scoff, “it’s really silly that you’re expecting me to play along with this. Especially when I don’t get anything out of it.”
MK turns around to face the demon monkey, frowning. He folds his arms and walks backwards to keep eye contact, hoping that his mentor would watch his steps for him.
“Uh, you are getting something out of it, though? Y/N spent all day cooking for us so we could celebrate the new year together! They even made extra in case we wanted to bring someone else! That’s like… super nice of them!”
“Oh, I might get some maybe decent food, is that it? And all I’ve got to do is pretend to be a powerless mortal all the way through a probably mediocre dinner, huh? Just because this weird friend of yours is scared of monkeys?”
Sun Wukong; who had eyeing the sky for early fireworks more than he had been looking out for his student’s safety, finally chimed in. “To be fair, I think that mug of yours would scare anyone away!” A second later, he ducks down to avoid Macaque’s incoming tail, leaving MK to take the brunt of the relatively harmless blow.
MK stumbles backwards and almost into the street, only stopped when his mentor’s tail wraps around his waist and pulls him back onto the sidewalk. “Whoa,” the Great Sage mocks, setting MK safely back down, “someone’s in a bad mood today! Maybe… you’re just mad cause no one except us wanted you over for the new year?”
Macaque snarls and lunges at Wukong, ready to brawl. It’s only when MK swiftly moves to stand between them that the near fight is averted. “Guys, come on! Can’t you get along for just one day?!”
The “NO!” that they shout in perfect unison is just about what he was expecting, but he’s still a little disappointed about it. They both try to move past him to grab at one another, barely impeded by his physical position.
A thunderous bang echoes across the sky, a brilliant bloom of sparkling red painting the blue horizon. Macaque hisses and recoils, his arms quaking as he moves to clap his hands over his ears. At the exact same time, Wukong jumps up in delight, cheering and hollering at the sight. MK takes his chance to separate them, hooking his arm around Macaque’s, pulling the pained monkey demon along much quicker than he was moving before.
“Come on, come on! The food is gonna get cold if you two don’t hurry up! And! Y/N told me that there’s something special just for the two of you! Cause, y’know… when I asked if I could invite you both, they asked me what sort of stuff you liked, and I told ‘em about the whole ‘peaches and plums’ thing…”
Bringing up food seems to have been a decent enough distraction, as both of them choose to start moving along instead of fighting. Your house is already on the horizon. Now he just has to hope that another fight doesn’t break out between the rival demons.
As usual, life dashes his hopes of peace being anything more than a temporary lull.
“Yeah? Like how peaches are just about the best thing ever? And how everyone that isn’t crazy likes ‘em one way or another?”
“About how sweet-toothed meatheads can’t help but shovel them down whole? Those sort of people don’t have the brain to enjoy plums. Peaches are just sweet. Plums have a subtle astringent skin that mixes well with the flesh’s mellow sweetness.”
“Sure thing, old man. Go home and eat your prunes if ya like ‘em so much.”
“They are NOT-“
“Guys! We’re here!” Before they can argue any further, MK releases Macaque’s arm and rushes up to the door of your house. “Hurry up and come inside!”
He takes a moment to consider knocking, then grabs the doorknob and impatiently starts rattling it instead. To his delight, it’s already unlocked. A quick glance over his shoulder shows that both of his companions remain in their transformed state, tails safely tucked into their clothing.
He throws the door open and races inside, leaving the monkeys in the dust.
Just barely remembering to take off his shoes before he tears through the halls of your house without hesitation, he throws them aside near the door in a still-tied heap.
He follows a practiced path straight into the kitchen, finding you just as you remove a plate of pork-stuffed spring rolls from the oven. You set them down on the countertop to cool, then turn to face the very-expected intruder. You might’ve been surprised, if it wasn’t for his excited footsteps echoing through the house.
MK runs into your arms before you can even pull the oven mitts off, wrapping you up in a warm hug. For just a moment, it gives you the same feeling as coming home after a long day, cozy and inviting.
Then, his grip grows tight.
“I missed you,” he says, his voice quiet and low. “Invite me over more often. Or come to Pigsy’s and visit me, at least. Please.”
His grip tightens further.
And then he lets go of you, turning to face his two companions, neither of which you recognize. He waves them into the kitchen and moves to set the table.
Politely, you offer the first one your hand. He’s decked out in shining gold and exuberant red, like a brighter and flashier MK. “It’s nice to meet you! I’m glad you came to celebrate with me. Come and take a seat!”
He snags your hand between both of his own, giving it a firm pump. “It’s great to meet ya, bud! Thanks for having us!” He heads to the table and bounces on his heels, snatching up a seat for himself before anyone else gets the chance.
You smile and turn to MK’s other friend, the one dressed in a billowing black and red shroud that concealed most of his face and body. You offer him your hand as well.
He shrugs and walks right past you, sitting down at the opposite side of the table- probably to keep away from his colorful and loud companion.
MK frowns at his friend’s behavior, but turns back to you with a wide and rather forced smile. “Don’t worry about him. He’s just… not used to this.” His voice drops to a low whisper as he adds: “And his ears have been hurting all day. I think he’s getting grumpy.”
“I can hear you, kid,” the irritated man says from beneath his shroud. “There’s a reason that I’m called the S-”
“The SUPER SENSITIVE hearing guy, I know! The thing that all of your friends call you,” MK clumsily tries to lie, his ears and cheeks darkening to red with his poor attempt at deceiving you.
But before you can question him on it, his golden-clad friend pipes in with a snide: “He’s certainly sensitive, I’ll give him that.”
Outright chaos is only abated by the sharp click that sounds when you set a porcelain tray on the polished quartz surface of the table.
“MK told me about your favorite fruits, actually! So I stayed up late to make these for all of you,” you cheerily announce to the trio, lifting the delicate lid to reveal three plates of sticky-rice pudding. Each one is delicately drizzled with syrup sugar and studded in tiers with sweet fruits.
Your friend jumps forward, his palms hitting the table as he stares at you with wide-eyes. “Y/N! You made Eight Treasures Rice for us?!”
“Well, it’s more like ‘One Treasure Rice’, haha. It’s really only got the fruit in it, actually. I didn’t wanna put anything you guys didn’t like in there, so I decided to play it safe. I hope that’s not disappointing!”
“Not at all, bud! Not at all!” Several of his aureate accessories glint in the light as the man reaches eagerly for the peach-filled rice pudding.
You pass it to him with a smile, then give MK his own, stuffed full of tangerine slices. With only one left, you push the plum-packed dessert to the shrouded stranger, who seems to slightly brighten up at the sight of it.
Before anyone can say anything, you remove yourself from the table and hurry around the kitchen, gathering plates and utensils for the trio. You put them out quickly, then pile all the dishes you made in the morning onto the table.
“Good kid,” Wukong whispers to Macaque, picking bits of peach from the pudding as you arrange two plates of dumplings on the table. “And good food. Still regret coming, ‘Super Sensitive’?”
“…the kid’s alright. Jury’s still out on the food, though.” He pauses, taking a quick moment to think of something to criticize Wukong for. “And keep your tail under control. I can see the tip flicking back and forth in your pant leg.”
“Whatever you say, bud.”
A tray with a whole braised chicken is set between them, and a platter of steamed rice flour cakes after it. Finally, you take your own seat, next to the shrouded man and across from MK.
It strikes you then that you haven’t even learned the names of your guests.
“I’m Y/N, by the way! I’m sorry for not asking your names earlier! What should I call you?”
“The name’s Sun, bud! And that’s Mac, sitting in the edgy robe.”
“I like the robe,” you compliment politely, looking at the concealing garment. “The cloud embroidery is a nice touch.”
“It’s a cloak… and thanks.”
MK jumps forward in excitement and strikes his palms against the table, rattling the bowls and dishes.
“C‘mon! Let’s eat, everyone!
“I think everything went well, today. You think so too, right?”
You set the knife down, turning to face ‘Sun’. As you cut up the leftovers, he’s sorting them into separate containers for everyone to take home. (And giving himself larger portions when you weren’t looking.)
“Definitely! I think my, uh… friend was pretty impressed. I hope we can do this again, Y/N! I don’t really have anything scheduled this time of year…like, ever.”
Except for watching fireworks from the top of his mountain, far away from company and civilization. Again and again, over and over, thinking only of his long-passed friends and companions.
“…we are going to do it again, right?”
“Oh, um, sure. I don’t see why not. My family doesn’t really come and visit, so I’ll probably have the house empty again next year. So, um… yes! I’d be happy to have you over!
He hums softly, nodding his head to your words.
“Sounds good, bud. I’ll be there. And… I’ll see if I can wrangle Mac into coming, too. Maybe just to see him jump at fireworks again, though.”
“He seemed interesting,” you graciously offer of the cloaked man, in spite of his admittedly poor behavior through dinner. “I enjoyed his stories.”
“Pfft! I could’ve told them better- I was there for most of them!”
“Well, the two of you should come again- MK seemed happy- more than usual, even. Honestly? I think he’s been stressed out lately… I’m glad he could have a day to relax. I really do need to visit him more often.”
“Huh. Guess it must be a little hard living so far from the city, bud. Any reason you’re this far out?”
“Oh, that’s… I inherited this house- and the orchard outside- from my parents, actually! I take a lot of pride in it, really. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, even if the work is a little lonely.”
“…I think I will come visit, then. And I might sample a few of your fruits, too,” he teases, lightly elbowing your side. “You think you can handle that, bud?”
“…you know what, Sun?” Sun, what he had informed you his name was. It fits him well. He’s bright and exuberant, and never stops smiling. He seems like he’d be a good friend.
“That- that sounds really nice. Come by anytime you’d like.”
Your words sound kind right now. They feel right to say. The Great Sage thinks so too.
And he’s certainly not going to forget about them. Neither will Macaque, listening in from the shadows beside your tangerine trees.
Why would they ever let go of this kindness?
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satorusugurugurl · 2 months
Congratulations on your milestone! You are so awesome! I'm always so happy I found your blog. Thank you so much for all you share with us <3
If it isn't taken, could you do Gojo and berry picking (hope I remembered that right!) I just know he loves berries with that sweet tooth of his!
Also this was my first ask/request so apologies if I did it wrong! 😊
Strawberry Fields
Summary: Marie’s Summer Fest prompt: Berry Picking
Pairing: Escort!Gojo Satoru x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: language pure sweet fluff!
Word Count: 2,254
A/N: hi sweetie!! Thank you so much for your request! I'm happy you found my blood and so glad to have you here! The way you requested was perfect! OMG escort!gojo returns in a sweet drabble! I was struggling with this prompt when it hit me today! I legit cried writing this and now all I want is to eat berries! 😩🍓 (read My Wedding Date is an Escort for context!)
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“Whoa!” you exclaimed excitedly as your boyfriend opened his car door for you. “A berry farm?!”
The excitement in your eyes was well worth the forty-minute drive! Satoru put on his sunglasses before handing you your own. “My pretty girlfriend wanted to make a strawberry shortcake for our anniversary. I wanted you to have the best of selections.”
It was hard to believe it had been a year since you hired Gojo to be your wedding date. I’m being known as to you you would fall in love with the former escort. Both of you fell fast and hard. And despite the quick pace of your relationship, it had been the best one you had ever been in. Satoru had to help you find your confidence and, in a sense, brought you back to life after your bad breakup with Toji. You had gone from not needing to be with anyone to not being able to imagine your life without Satoru.
He was your other half, and you were so happy with him.
“Of course, I want to make it, but we could’ve just gone. Gojo’s face looked almost disgusted. As if you had insulted him personally, his jaw dropped, and his eyes widened behind dark blue round glasses. It was practically comical.
“After a year of us being together, one would assume you would know how to expect the best of the best. I will go above and beyond for you, sweetheart, no matter what it’s about.”
“You’re so silly, but I love you regardless,” you press your lips against his cheek. “Thank you for doing this. I'm so sorry if I insulted you,” you tease as he puffs out his cheeks.
“Yeah, you should be sorry!” he interlaced your fingers with his own, rolling his eyes overdramatically. “Store-bought berries, my ass.”
The field Satoru had brought you to was the best of the best. You knew the best bakeries purchased different berries from this farm specifically. From what you had heard, the berries were as sweet as candy and amazing to cook with. And Satoru had given you the chance to cook firsthand!! Your chest and stomach buzzed excitedly as your boyfriend grabbed a woven basket from one of the attendants before heading further down the dirt trail toward the rows of berry bushes.
The strawberries were bright, ruby red, contrasting against the green leaves. They varied in different shapes and sizes, but each had your mouth watering as you melted down on the ground, examining each berry and trying to pick the best ones for your dessert. Watching you examine produce was something Gojo had fallen in love with the last year. It was so simple and mundane, but he loved how you were intrigued by different fruits and vegetables. Your eyes roam over them, searching for any signs of bruising or rot. You were a pro.
At first, watching you go through the different apples and cucumbers at the store was more interesting. He honestly didn’t know why you did what you did. Growing up, he was a rich kid, so he never had a chance to go grocery shopping with his parents. Food was usually provided at his estate, and he never really got to watch anyone cooking until he met you. You were so talented in the kitchen, and your passion for baking made him fall even more in love with you.
He couldn't wait to marry you.
“Find any good ones?” He asked, crouching beside you as you cut some plump red berries off the vines.
Satoru watched you closely as you rubbed the berry off your shirt before placing it in his hand. “What's this?” he questioned cocking a pristine, white brow at you.
“A taste test!” without any other words, Satoru watched as you took a big bite of your berry, humming the taste.
Satoru usually liked his strawberries in different forms. Ice cream, covered in whipped cream, dipped in chocolate, or cake form. But from seeing how your cheeks slightly flushed at the taste that flooded your mouth. He decided to give his berry a shot. Gojo bit into the plump., his eyes going wide behind his sunglasses as he chewed the sugary sweetness and his mouth.
“It’s good, right?! It tastes just like candy.”
“Mhmm!” Satoru took another bite of his berry, swallowing the sweet, tangy fruit. It’s so good! I can see why people say these are the best strawberries in town!”
You grinned back at your boyfriend, heading further down the row of bushes, cutting and picking the best strawberries you could find, dropping them into the basket your boyfriend held for you. Your mind was reeling with different recipes you could make with all the berries you were collecting: strawberry shortcakes, crêpes, and parfaits. Hell, Satoru had just bought you an ice cream maker so you could try making some ice cream! The possibilities were endless.
You had gone down two rows of berry bushes, picking out the best ones. It wasn’t until you reached the other end of the second row that you turned to look into the basket to admire the collection you had been picking. Only when you looked in the basket were the berries gone.
Where did your berries go?! Snatching the basket out of your boyfriend’s hands, you flipped it over, searching for any hole or malfunction that might have caused your berries to be missing. When you noticed no hole in the basket, you quickly turned around, looking over your shoulder at the ground, searching for any berries that might have fallen out. Only there was nothing but your footprints and other patrons lining the rows.
“That’s so weird! Toru, did you notice if I’ve been missing the basket? I know I had to put about fifteen strawberries in there.” You sat on your knees, scratching your head before sighing. “Or maybe it's the summer heat gett—” When you looked up at your boyfriend, you found the answer to your question.
Satoru hadn’t even realized what he was doing until he saw the look on your face. When you picked the berries and dropped them into the basket, he reached for them, admiring their beauty. But when he picked them up, it reminded him of the sugary taste that had accompanied the strawberry you had given him. So, before he knew it, the berries you were dropping in the basket soon found their way into his mouth.
When you sit back on the heels of your feet, looking at your boyfriend crouched next to you, you catch him red-handed, or in this case, red-lipped. He was happily munching on one of the strawberries between his teeth, and the green stem stuck out of his mouth as he nibbled the sweet fruit. Red began to stay in the outside corners of his mouth as he spit the stem of the strawberry out. Both of you have sat there across from each other. Your boyfriend’s mouth was smeared with red remains of strawberry juice, and the basket between you was still empty, like when you started ten minutes prior.
“You’re eating all our berries.”
“Oh,” He hummed before plucking a berry off one of the bushes, wiping it off on his shirt before pushing the end of the fruit against your bottom lip. “Sorry, I should’ve offered, here’s one!”
Without arguing, you took the berry between your teeth, biting down on it. The sugary taste rolled over your tongue, leaving you sinking back into the dirt, humming happily at the taste. It was so decadent, leaving you wanting more, that it was easy to see how your boyfriend had managed to eat the basket you were slowly filling up.
“Shit, these are so good.”
“Yeah, they are! Super good!”
You snapped out of the trance the siren, like berries, had you under. “But! These are for our dessert tonight, remember? We can’t eat all the berries we pick. I need some to make our strawberry shortcake.” Satoru nodded in understanding while he picked another berry off the bush and popped it in his mouth.
“Right, of course, the dessert!”
“Toru!” you giggle at his antics. “Stop eating them all, baby.”
You had to give it to your loving boyfriend. He did give it his all, trying to resist temptation and eat all the berries you dropped into your basket. But by some miracle, he did not eat them all; a few went missing when your back was turned. But you were luckily able to fill up your entire basket with strawberries. You have wanted to go through the raspberry in the blueberry rows next, but the thought of your boyfriend stuffing himself full of berries before dinner had you just reaching for the prepackaged one the farm sold.
With your berries in hand, you and Satoru return to the car as the sun sets. You were about to reach for the door handle when you noticed your boyfriend had stopped. He was standing a few feet away from the car with sunglasses, pushing his bangs out of his face as his cerulean eyes twinkled in the fiery hue of the setting. There’s a look in his eyes that you can’t quite read as he turns to face you, jabbing his fun towards the setting sun with a broad, dazzling grin.
“What do you say we stay here and watch the Sunset before heading home?”
“I like the sound of that.”
Satoru worked quickly, grabbing the blanket he kept in his car and unfolding it on the grass. As you leaned back, you both plopped onto the fuzzy dark blue blanket with your basket of berries between you, watching the thunderheads form in the distance, a kaleidoscope of pinks, oranges, and lilacs. The sky was vibrant, a beautiful evening for your one-year anniversary with the man who had changed your life for the best.
You sighed contently, popping a strawberry in your mouth before you leaned into your boyfriend, resting your head on his shoulder as he ate one of the strawberries himself. Satoru’s arms sneaked around your waist, holding you close to his side as he fed you another strawberry, his eyes on the horizon. The day had been perfect—a fantastic first anniversary. Life didn’t get much better than this.
You peered up at Satoru, smiling shyly. “Yeah, Toru?” The white-haired man popped another strawberry into his mouth, chewing down on it as his eyes left the setting sun to focus solely on you.
“I love you. Happy anniversary.”
“I love you too Toru, happy anniversary baby.” You reached the basket before you, finding most of the berries gone. “Oh my god,” you laughed out loud. Did we seriously eat all of the berries!?”
With a glance into the basket, you watched your boyfriend grimace at the sight of the missing berries. “Oh shit, I guess we did.” He pulled the basket onto his lap, digging through it as if looking this way would help him find other berries at the bottom.
“Looks like we still need to stop at the store to pick up some berries so I can make strawberry shortcakes to celebrate our anniversary.”
“Oh wait! I think this one is going to be perfect.”
“Toru, I can't make strawberry shortcake with just one bar—” the rest of the words leave you as you turn your attention towards your boyfriend, who isn’t holding a bar in his hand but a navy blue box in the palm of his hand. You gasp, watching as he turns and places himself down on one knee. “O-Oh, my god! Oh my god!”
“Baby, I love you so much. This last year has been the greatest year of my entire life, I love you so damn much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Your boyfriend opened the box with shaky hands, revealing a gorgeous engagement ring that twinkled in the setting sun's light. “I want more days like this. Picking berries with you out in the countryside, watching you pick vegetables out at the store, and just being with you is all I want. I promise to take care of you for as long as I live. You’ll never have to want anything in your life. Will you marry me?”
The tears streamed down your cheeks as you sniffled and nodded your head, holding your left hand out to him. “Yes! Oh my god, yes!” Satoru fuck the urge to fist pump; instead, he very calmly put the engagement ring on your finger. “Oh my god! Toru, it's so pretty!” you squealed, throwing yourself on top of Gojo, smothering him with kisses as you pulled your hand back to look lovingly at your ring.
Gojo, they’re on the blanket, hands running down your back as he focuses his attention not on the fields of bright, multicolored berries or the vibrant setting sun. His attention is focused on the most beautiful thing in the entire universe: you, his former client, best friend, and future wife, who is his everlasting summer day.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3 @wil10wthetree @luvsymai
Summer Fest Tag List:
MWDIE Tag List:
@arminloverlol @jamzywiththejam28 @gojoful @maskedpacific @ahseyy @kash77 @sadmonke @ari-maccha @sugurubabe @hyori2 @bluechocolatemint @itsinherited @dellappatca @therealestpussyeater @dead-at-tokyo @nvrgojover @drakenswifeyy @nealeart @yunho-leeknow @fire-child-kira @faeryminnyx @tqd4455 @harmonyflora @volkins181-blog @noukstmblr @lovley212 @stinkinstuffie @desihopelessromantic @witchbybirth @sonicsolos @lilbiguy @supsiii @rentheannihilator @bloopsstuff @pepepepepopopopo @pandoness @sw33cadav3r @rixo-19 19 @meguvmii @sxnkuna @mmeerraa @lemonintrovert01 @bunny-lily @kibananya @kamastar39 @rjreins @lzaj19 @tiredflame132 @manyno @oliiper @rengokushair @simp-plague @matchalatte06 @haesify @majanggeum @solarrexplosion @tbzzluvr @username23345 @demonboyssss @sakui1 @strychnynegirl
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thedarkcircuswritings · 5 months
The 5 Dragon/s reacting to Reader who has a prosthetic leg
So just imagine them having an expedition and Reader stopping to sit on a boulder to adjust there Prosthetic leg because it was loose and the thing is...
The said Dragon/s doesn't know that Reader has a prosthetic leg or even what it is
-😂 Goofy Anon
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Pitaya Dragon would honestly think it's so cool. Probably would've thought you chopped off your leg and did it yourself, since they know their passion is just badass like that. Before you can even tell them what it is or what it's for, they'd ask for you to chop off one of their limbs and replace it with a robotic replica. Once you do get to explain what it is and what it's used for, they kinda start to understand a little bit. They may think of it more as a trophy to you, as in you got it by winning some sort of battle. They'll also start spotting other cookies with prosthetics too, and are probably a little amazed by it. They're essentially an excitable child about this. Also probably joked about getting a matching prosthetic to you. Pitaya Dragon does also think about the slightly sliced off portion of their tail through all of this...
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Ananas Dragon is certainly taking a moment to process what they just witnessed. I mean, they certainly haven't seen you or any other cookie do that before. When you get to explain it to them, they're relatively calm and understanding about it. They do indeed wonder how you managed to get a prosthetic but don't want to press it yet. Their delicious fruit has a right to that sort of privacy, after all. Nothing much would change with Ananas Dragon because of this, except maybe a compliment or two about you having it, since they think that'll help your sense of pride.
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Lotus Dragon would be the one to panic slightly at first, going over to make sure you're not hurt and that your leg is okay. Even when realizing that your leg is fake, they're fretting since, oh dear, is their songbird in pain? Must they heal you somehow? When you get to explain different things about your prosthetic, their mind is still going a million miles per hour despite their calm expression. Lotus Dragon is definately keeping an eye on your legs juuust in case something were to happen. They also make sure, that when you both want to walk down a hiking trail again, the trail will be safe and accessible to you, even if they have to wish for one. It must be perfect for their songbird!
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Lychee Dragon immediately bombarded you with a gazillion questions about what it is and why you have it. Their curiosity has peeked through the roof because of what they saw. You do your best to answer all of the questions they throw your way, which does seem to please them quite a lot. While they seem as giggly as ever, they're relieved that you aren't actually in pain because of this prosthetic. Lychee Dragon still asks their little lovebug about it from time to time, but you let them know what you can and can't answer.
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Longan Dragon wouldn't ask about it at first, but they do keep a mental note of it in mind. They'd probably wait after the hike or a day or so afterward. They weren't demanding answers or anything, just simply wanting some information. Once you explain what you could, they afterwardthank you for taking the time to teach them about it. Longan Dragon will do their best to keep it in their mind afterwards.
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mrsparrasblog · 5 months
Mission save the human race pt.5
Simon ignored you most of the time after your passionate encounter, making you feel like shit with only him and a 16-hour asleep Johnny in the house. You felt alone. You used your remaining free time when you weren't caring for Johnny, who got flirtier with every minute, with gardening, harvesting all sorts of vegetables and fruits, and now you started to harvest them when suddenly a big pair of hands gripped you and picked you up.
"I missed you much, babe." Kyle smiled at you and kissed you impulsively; the other men just watched him with a jealous expression. You and Kyle were different; he was in the same age range as you; he was caring; and he was the prettiest boy on earth even before the apocalypse.
And he treated you like a girlfriend, always kissing you goodbye, calling you babe, and looking at you with these gorgeous eyes of his. It felt like you two were in a relationship, and you kind of liked it.
After mending some of the boy's wounds, you went to the kitchen to prepare some fruit compote for them. You needed to ask them if they could maybe help you grow your house and maybe get some chickens and cows; this would be helpful and cute.
"Smells delicious, babe," he said, pulling his arms around your waist and leaning his chin against your shoulder.
"You think so."
"How was the mission, Kyle?"
"It was bad; Cap almost got bitten."
"Oh fuck"
"And then there is still not a word from Ale and Rudy; they should have been back a long time ago."
"They will come back."
"Im afraid if they won't, we had a few people more, but everyone is always dying."
"You're safe at home; okay, you're safe and with me." You tried to get him to think about something else, something good. And being with you was good.
Gaz's arms wrap around you, pulling you close as he buries his face in your neck. "You have no idea how much that means to me. Coming home to you is the best part of any mission," he admitted, looking at you like a lost puppy.
"Having you back is always the best part of my day too, love."
Gaz tightened his grip on you, his eyes softening once more. "You're my sunshine in the dark, babe. Never forget that; you bring us hope and a home; you're so much stronger than us," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your neck. "Now, come on, let's go relax."
You moaned softly as he kissed your neck, wanting more for him. You hadn't had sex after your night with Simon, and it showed.
Gaz's eyes sparkled with desire at the soft moan, his grip tightening ever so slightly on you. "Relax? Or are you thinking of something else, babe?" He asked you with a boyish grin.
"Maybe," you admitted, trailing down his clothed, rock-hard abs.
Gaz smirked, his hand trailing down to cup your perfect ass, feeling the heat that emanated from your body. "Well, since you're in such a playful mood, how about I show you just how much I've missed you?"
He pulled you up on the kitchen counter. He couldn't help but admire your body, with every curve and dip calling to him. With a growl, he pushed himself against you, his hard length grinding against your core through your clothes.
"Such a needy boy for me."
A low chuckle escaped his throat at your teasing words. "Well, when you look this fucking good, it's hard not to be, isn't it?"
You caressed his face and pulled him into a deep kiss, capturing his pretty face inside your soft palms. He got the full girlfriend treatment, and you enjoyed treating him this way.
Gaz moaned into the kiss, his lips parting to allow your tongue access to his mouth. His free hand reached around to grab at your ass, pulling you even tighter against him.
"Mhm, so needy for my ass."
Gaz pulled back from the kiss, his eyes burning into yours. "I'm going to take you right here, on this countertop," he growled huskily. "You're going to be so fucking tight around my cock."
"Mhm, but were you a good boy to deserve this?" You asked him in a teasing manner.
Gaz's smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with amusement and desire. "Oh, I've been a very good boy. I've been thinking about this moment all day." He reached down to undo his pants, freeing his throbbing cock. He was beautiful; he was so long—almost too long—and so pretty curved; he didn't have thick veins but softer, smaller ones; his cock had the same color as his skin, but his tip was delicious pink. It must have been the most beautiful cock you have ever seen in your life, and your mouth watered at the sight.
You traced your fingers around his slit, taking in his precum and licking it from your fingers. It was salty but still delicious. "A good boy would be more patient."
Gaz watched you play with his precum, his breathing growing heavier. His grip on your ass tightened as he held you close to him. "Patient? You're playing with my fucking cock, babe. What do you expect me to do? Be patient?" He groaned, annoyed at you.
"Yes, Kyle, be patient. You need to deserve my cunt first." You laughed at him, enjoying being the dominant part for once.
Gaz groaned, his fingers digging into your hips as he tried to maintain control. "Okay, fuck it. I want you so bad, love. Please, let me taste you. Let me show you just how good I can make you feel."
"Already begging?"
Gaz's eyes locked onto yours, his desire evident in every twitch of his muscles. "You have no idea how much I want you, babe," he said, his voice thick with need. "I've been going insane without you. Please, let me taste your sweet cunt."
You couldn't say no to that beautiful face of his; it should be forbidden to look like that, to look so perfect, so you removed your panties, leaving your blue summer dress on. You threw your panties in his face while giggling.
His eyes widened in surprise as you threw your panties at him, but his cock twitched with anticipation. "Fucking hell, Babe," he growled, grabbing the delicate fabric and bringing it to his nose. "You smell so fucking good."
"Do I now?" you asked cheekily.
His hands traveled up your thighs, fingers teasing the edge of your dress as he spoke. "Like pure fucking heaven," he murmured, his voice low and gravelly. "I can't wait to get inside you."
"Not now, patient baby boy. First, lick me."
Gaz's eyes flashed with desire as you ordered him to lick you. Without hesitation, he pushed your dress up, revealing your wet pussy to him. His tongue darted out, tasting your sweet nectar for the first time. "Fuck," he whimpered.
"Mhm, do you like it when I call you Baby Boy?" you ask while pushing his face deeper inside your throbbing core.
"God, yes," he groaned, his tongue lapping up more of your juices. "I love it when you call me that." Gaz's hands found their way underneath your dress, massaging your ass cheeks as he continued to feast on your pussy.
"Mhm, you're such a good boy for me." You praised him, and it did wonders for him.
His tongue swirled around your clit, sending waves of pleasure through your body. "Mmm, I'll be whatever you want me to be," he growled against your pussy. "Just keep calling me that."
"What a good boy?"
His tongue flicked against your clit faster, his fingers digging deeper into your ass. "Yes, a good boy," he moaned, his voice muffled by your wetness. "I'll be the best fucking boy you've ever had."
You grinded harder against his perfect face, always pulling his short hair to show him you were the one in control.
Gaz let out a low groan as you grind against his face, the taste of your pussy on his tongue driving him wild. He loved how you pulled his hair, showing him who was in control. His fingers dug deeper into your ass cheeks, encouraging you to ride his face harder.
"Mhm, God Gaz."
"You like that, babe?" He murmured against your pussy, his tongue working overtime to drive you wild. "You're so fucking sexy riding my face like that. I could come just from this." You couldn't believe the effect you had on him.
"Be a good boy and cum."
His fingers found your sweet spot, and he thrust them in and out of you while continuing to eat you out. With his remaining hand, he started to rub his dick.
"I'm going to cum," he growled, his voice low and gravelly. "Do you want it on your cunt or all over your ass?"
"You can cum on my pussy." You wanted it inside, but you didn't want him to get this satisfaction.
"God fucking damn," he growled, and without further warning, he erupted onto your pussy. His hips bucked wildly as he came, his cock twitching with every pulse of hot cum. It felt so good and warm around you.
"Lick It Clean," you demanded. You had never done this before, but you felt so powerful right now.
Gaz lapped up every drop of your juices and his cum, cleaning you up meticulously. His tongue traced the inside of your pussy lips, tasting the sweetness that was uniquely yours. "Mmm," he hummed in contentment.
"Mhm, fuck, you're such a good boy," you whined as he lapped on your clit
"I'm always a good boy for you, babe," he purred, nuzzling his face against your throbbing nub. His tongue swirled around it, teasing and tormenting with just the right amount of pressure. "You know I love making you feel good."
"Mhm, please make me cum, baby."
I'll make you cum; don't worry about that," he promised, licking and sucking on your clit like it was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted.
"Gaz, im going to - fuck," you moaned as you pushed his face into your pleading core.
Gaz groaned in pleasure as he felt your orgasm wash over him. Your juices coated his tongue, and he lapped them up greedily, savoring the taste of you. As you came down from your high, he pulled back to look at you, a satisfied smile on his face.
"Thank you, Gaz, you've been very good." You caressed his pretty face. "You get a reward."
"I always like my rewards, babe," he grinned. He kissed your inner thigh, trailing his tongue up to the delicate skin between your legs. "I think I'll take another taste of you."
"God, you're so eager to please, but I thought more of you could fuck me when you want, even in the ass." You knew that's what he wanted; he looked too often at it, stroking it with his finger by accident. And who were you to deny him this wish?
Gaz chuckled at your bold request. "I'm always eager to please you, babe," he purred, his hands gently guiding your legs apart once more. "And I promise, I will fuck you in the ass, but first, let me taste you some more."
He grinned wickedly as he leaned in, his tongue flicking out to trace the sensitive flesh of your pussy lips. He teased you for a moment before finally pressing his tongue against your clit, sucking gently as he began to lap at your juices once more.
"Oh God"
Gaz hummed in approval as he continued to please you, his tongue dancing around your clit while his fingers teased the entrance of your tight little hole. He moaned softly against your sensitive flesh, savoring the taste of you. "That's it, babe." He began to pump his fingers in and out of your tight little hole, massaging that sweet spot inside you that made you clench around his fingers. His tongue never stopped lapping at your clit, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your body.
"Fuck, "Im going to cum again, baby."
"Cum for me, babe," Gaz purred, his fingers pumping faster inside you as he sucked harder on your clit. He could feel the walls of your tight little hole quivering around his fingers, preparing to release another wave of pleasure.
Gaz moaned loudly as he felt your body shudder and convulse around his fingers, your juices spurting onto his face. He didn't stop, though, continuing to lap at your clit and finger-fuck you until he was sure you'd had enough.
"Thank you, Gaz; you've been so good to me."
"Always, babe. You know I'll do anything for you." He leaned up to kiss you gently on the lips before pulling his fingers out of your tight little hole. "Come here,"
You saw a big, dark shadow. "I think Simon saw us."
Gaz looked over his shoulder to see Simon watching them with a smirk on his face. He chuckled softly and shook his head before turning back to you. "Well, if he wants a piece of the action, he's more than welcome." But you were still mad at Simon for ignoring you after your sex; he only used you as a cumdump. Well, at least that's what you thought.
"Maybe another time, but I want only you right now, Baby Boy."
"As you wish, babe, I'll make sure it's just me and you." He pulled you into his lap, your legs straddling him as he pressed his throbbing cock against your entrance.
"Are you ready for this?"
"You want me to ride you?"
I think I'd like that, babe." Gaz smiled at you, his eyes dark with desire. He couldn't wait to feel your sweet pussy clenching around his cock as you rode him.
Gaz groaned softly as you slowly grinded on him, pushing his cock deeper inside of you with each movement. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, holding onto you as he felt your warmth enveloping him. "Fuck, that feels good."
You stood still, chuckling softly, knowing you were in control. You wouldn't move until he was a whimpering mess for you.
Gaz raised an eyebrow at you, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Are you going to make me beg for it?" He asked teasingly. "Because I don't mind doing that."
"Of course, you don't mind," you replied teasingly.
Gaz lowered his head, his eyes never leaving yours, as he began to plead with you. "Please, babe, I need you to ride me. I can't take much more of this torture." His voice was thick with desire, betraying the vulnerability he tried so hard to hide.
So you slowly started to ride him enough to make him feel something, but not enough to reach his high.
Gaz let out a deep, guttural moan as you began to ride him, his cock throbbing inside of you. He could tell you were holding back just enough to keep him on the edge, it drove him crazy. "Babe, please," he pleaded, his voice cracking slightly. "I need you to ride me harder. I'm about to lose it." He gripped your hips tightly, trying to urge you to move faster.
You pressed the bulge inside your stomach, where his dick rested, chuckling softly as you began to make small circles with your hip.
Gaz's head fell back with a groan as you teased him, his hips bucking up involuntarily against yours. "Fuck, babe," he panted. "You're killing me." His cock twitched inside of you, desperate for release. "Please," he whined.
"You're so impatient, baby."
"I can't help it, babe," he whispered hoarsely. "You're so fucking tight and wet. It feels amazing inside of you." His eyes were filled with lust as he watched your body move on top of him. "Please, babe,"
You moved a bit faster for barely a minute until you felt him twitching inside of you.
Gaz let out a long, low moan as you picked up the pace. His hands gripped your hips tightly, pulling you down onto him with each thrust. "Fuck, yes," he groaned. "That's it, babe. Ride me hard."
As you realized he would cum soon, you stopped and began to only circle your hips again.
"What are you doing, babe?" He growled, his voice full of frustration. "I need you to fucking move." He gripped your hips tightly, trying to urge you to pick up the pace again. "Please,"
"Patient Baby, we need to see if you deserve to cum first." You said you were almost losing your patience at seeing the prettiest boy in the world begging for you to fuck him.
"I'll do anything, babe," he promised desperately. "Just let me cum." His cock throbbed inside of you, his balls aching with need. He looked up at you with pleading eyes, willing you to give in to him. "Please,"
"You're so sweet when you beg, you know that."
Gaz smiled up at you, his eyes filled with adoration. "I'll be whatever you want me to be," he whispered. "Just let me cum inside of you." His hips bucked up against yours as he tried to force himself deeper into your tight pussy.
Gaz's head fell back with a loud moan as you started to ride him hard again. His cock throbbed inside of you, close to the edge. "Fuck, babe," he gasped. "You're going to make me cum." Dumb words, Gaz, you thought.
Gaz looked up at you with a mix of frustration and lust. "Babe," he panted, his voice filled with desperation. "I need to cum. Please let me cum." He gripped your hips tightly, trying to urge you to keep going.
"Be a good boy and take it, okay? If you take it good, I'll let you cum."
Gaz looked up at you, his eyes filled with desire and need. "I'll be good," he promised, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll take it however you want me to." His cock twitched inside of you, aching for release.
"Only cum when I allow you to."
Gaz nodded eagerly, his eyes locked on yours. "I won't come without your permission," he promised. His hands gripped your hips tightly, pulling you closer to him as he drove his cock deeper into your pussy.
His cock throbbed inside of you, his balls tightening up in anticipation. "Mommy, please, "he panted, his voice filled with desperation. "Please let me cum.
That was new even for you, but you liked it. Did you just call me Mommy?"
Gaz looked up at you, his eyes filled with lust and need. "Yes, Mommy," he panted, his voice shaking with desire. "I can't help it. You make me so hot." His cock throbbed inside of you, aching for release.
"Shh, you're such a good boy. You're so patient for me. Just a minute, okay?"
Gaz nodded eagerly, his eyes locked on yours. "Yes, babe," he panted, his voice shaking with desire. "I'll be patient for you."
He reached up to cup your breasts through your dress, massaging them gently as he continued to thrust into you. He started to whimper, and it was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard before.
"You can cum, baby."
Gaz's eyes rolled back in his head as he hit his release. "Oh fuck, Mommy!" he cried out, losing control. His cock erupted inside of you, filling you with hot cum. He moaned loudly, his body shaking as he came.
"I told you to be patient; it's worth it."
Gaz panted heavily as he came down from his intense orgasm, his cock still twitching inside of you. "That was amazing," he breathed out, looking up at you with a satisfied smile. "You're incredible, babe."
But you still hadn't done enough, and he deserved a reward after all, so you got on all of your fours and presented your round ass to him.
Kyle's eyes widened as you presented yourself to him, his cock twitching at the sight of your exposed ass. He growled while positioning himself behind you.
"Just be gentle." I never had something big like you in it."
Gaz smirked as he rubbed the head of his cock against your tight little ass, using his precum and your wetness as lube. "I'll be as gentle as I can, babe," he promised, slowly pushing his way inside of you.
"Fuck Gaz its too big," you whine as he spreads you in half.
Gaz grunted as he pushed deeper into your tight ass, feeling the walls stretching around him. He took it slow at first, savoring the sensation of being inside of you for the first time. "You're so fucking tight," he groaned, starting to pick up speed. "Rub yourself, babe; it won't hurt so much then."
Gaz moaned as you rubbed yourself, the extra stimulation making it easier for him to thrust deeper into your ass. "Oh fuck, that's it," he groaned, picking up speed even more. "Fuck babe," Gaz growled as he pounded into your ass with reckless abandon.
He could feel his end approaching quickly, and the thought of filling your tight little hole with his cum sent a shiver down his spine. "I'm going to cum, babe,"
"It's okay, cum inside me, love."
Gaz roars as he finally reaches his climax, filling your tight little ass with his hot, thick cum. His muscles tense as he rides out the last few thrusts before finally pulling out and collapsing onto the bed next to you.
"That was intense," you said, smiling at him.
"That it is, babe," Gaz panted, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He reached over to grab a tissue from the nightstand and wiped up some of the cum that had leaked out of your ass. "You did great," he said with a grin.
"I think I won't be able to  walk tomorrow."
"Oh really?" Gaz teased you, running his fingers through your hair playfully. "That means you'll be stuck here with me all day tomorrow, won't you?" He winked at you, knowing full well how much you enjoyed spending time with him.
"Maybe Johnny will sneak in and just steal me away from you."
"Oh, he'll try," Gaz said with a smirk. "But I've got my eye on him. If he thinks he can take you away from me, he's got another thing coming than one single bullet." He pulled you even closer, his strong arms wrapping around your body protectively.
"You're so possessive of me already."
"I can't help it, babe," he replied, kissing your neck softly. "You're mine, and I don't plan on letting anyone take you away from me." He held you tighter, his gaze never leaving yours as he whispered, "Not Cap, Simon, Rudy, Alejandro, Alex, and not even Johnny."
Well, this is how it must feel to have a good boyfriend, you thought before you slowly drifted to sleep.
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whatyadrawin · 7 months
The Fruit After the Flesh 18+ -Chapter 9-
Minors DNI!
Approximately 4,872 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language, foul language, scary moment. This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: This chapter took me so long to complete! I had to read over it and edit like four times. I took 48 hrs to make all the art pieces starting from 3pm march first until 6am march second, took a nap, started back up to finish the art at 2:30pm and finalized EVERYTHING for upload at 6am March 3rd. I'm tired bro, I got so carried away with the art I really should have cut it down to just 3 images but artists always suffer for their passion, it's our curse. Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa
Chapter 9 
               The days at the Hewitt house went by slow as molasses, within these dragging days a construction crew had arrived and began repairing your home. They worked quickly and made a lot of headway which is unusual for contractors, the team seemed eager to leave for some unspoken reason. The foreman said that in one month, you would get your home back; you were excited to have your life get back on track despite enjoying your time at the Hewitt house. You made sure to water and trim the fruit trees so that they didn’t overgrow or die, since Dover was still missing, all the responsibility was left up to you. There was so much work to do but you were happy to be able to contribute your time to the property. In the passing days you didn’t see much of Tommy, he seemed preoccupied and was frequently away from the farm which only made the days last longer for you.
Half past 4pm, the day was really wearing on you and the sun was getting low in the sky so you decided to leave the orchard and head back to the Hewitt house to rest. On your walk back, you think about Tommy’s room and what it must look like, when you saw the door under that menacing red light it was simultaneously both frightening and intriguing.
The basement was such a dark and quiet place, so spacious and empty; You remembered that room with hooks that Tommy swiftly prevented you from exploring, your curiosity grew when he spun you around and slammed the door shut. This family has a mysterious history to you, the mention of them allegedly eating people weighed heavy on your mind -can I really get past the fact that they might have been cannibals? – it felt easier to gaslight yourself into thinking everything was fine, so you ran it out of your head.
When you arrived at the house, you make your way through the parlor and see Luda Mae sitting on the couch in the living room. She was reading a romance novel with a muscular, golden-haired man on the cover, it was reminiscent of the classics you had seen in your grandmothers closet as a kid. She sees you and places the book down to the side hurriedly as if she was ashamed of what she was reading,
“I-uh-ahem” She stuttered,
You smile politely “Reading anything good?”
She laughs, “Yeah, this one’s real saucy too. Thought I might get lost in it for a while.”
You felt bad for interrupting her, “Well don’t let me stop you, I’m just heading over to my room for some rest before dinner.”
she replies, “Oh, shoot that reminds me, best get dinner started now.” Luda Mae gets up with a groan and starts walking towards the kitchen.
“Time really does fly by when you find a good book.” She laughs as she passes.
You go to your room and get yourself changed and freshened up before dinner, you didn’t want to be around everyone while having the sweat of farmwork still lingering. You put on a comfortable pair of black tights and a white tank top which matched the white walking shoes you slipped on your feet.
When dinner was ready, you left your room to meet with the Hewitts at the dining table. The scent of roast chicken and baked corn wafted into the room, you were starving from having worked all day. Charlie was already sitting at the table when you arrived, he looked at you and said,
“Didja see the progress on the house?”
You take a seat, “Yeah, it’s coming along really fast, I’m surprised.”
He laughs “Don’t be, that crew probably knows this area ain’t so safe for ‘em. They’re smart, gonna get their paycheck and fuck off.”
You furl your eyebrows, “Why isn’t it safe for them?”
“Ah- Uh...” Charlie stopped himself when he caught a glare from Luda Mae from the kitchen,
“Well, what if they were to get hurt hm? Ain’t no hospital nearby or nothin’” he looked pleased with his answer.
You reply, “That’s a good point I guess.”
You know there is something more to what he said, but you didn’t want to push him. Luda Mae brought in the food, placing it all on the table followed by a big jug of ice-water, she groaned as she sat down; Tommy however, was missing tonight and you were worried,
You ask, “Where is Tommy? Is he not eating?”
Charlie laughs “That boy not eat? Maybe when hell freezes over after pigs fly n’ the fat lady sings.”
A devilish grin forms on his face before he turns to Luda Mae and says,
“Hey Luda, get the ball rollin’ n’ start singin’, then when the pigs grow wings Satan’s ass’ll turn to ice and the boy won’t be eatin’ us outta house n’ home no more.”
Luda Mae just rolls her eyes, she turns to you and says,
“Don’t worry hun, Charlie brought somethin’ to him so he don’t starve out there.”
You push for more info, “He’s been so busy lately; I feel like I never get to see him anymore. Where is he anyway?”
Charlie grabs a chicken leg and bites into it, he starts speaking with his mouth full,
“He’d shred us in half if we toldja. He’s been workin’ real hard though, wants to show you what all he’s been doin’ tonight”
Charlie swallows his food and continues, “He’s got a big ole’ hard on for you girlie, you better not be trailin’ him along fer nothin’, or he might lose it.”
Luda Mae whips her dishcloth at Charlie, who just smiles and winks at you. Luda Mae looks at you and says,
“Hope you get used to this foul-mouthed pig here, I might die from having to apologize on his behalf all darn day.”
She shakes her head at him and follows, “Thomas wants to meet up with you after you’re done eatin’. He wants to show you what he’s been workin’ on.”
Charlie pipes in, “Yeah, I bet he wants to show you somethin’. Probably whip out the fuckin’ anaconda he’s hidin’ down there. For an ugly motherfucker he sure was blessed. God is a real shit heel for that one.”
You squint your eyes at him, and he continues,
“He used to bathe outside when he was a youngin’ but once he grew up a bit the bulls started feelin’ emasculated.” Charlie starts laughing hysterically.
Luda Mae hides her face in her hands, she yells out,
“Why’r you talkin’ bout my boy’s privates like that!? You tryin’ to make us all upset?”
Charlie is now red in the face from laughing, he gets a sick pleasure in making people uncomfortable, but if anything, it just made you unbearably curious. You caught a glimpse of his erection when you watched Tommy run from you at the pond, it was greatly obscured but from what you could see, it was huge; You were able to feel the size and firmness of it in the laundry room, which factualized Charlies words.
He looked over at you, his eyes were watery from laughing so hard, he says,
“I’m sorry honey buns, but you need to be warned before you let him stick that goddamn two by four in ya.” He continues to laugh while he shovels corn into his mouth. You were still not used to his outlandish way of conversation and it made you blush.
The rest of dinner was mostly just Luda Mae trying to keep the subject matter light and Charlie giggling to himself. Once you cleared the table and packed away the leftovers, Luda Mae guides you to the door and says,
“Go wait for him by the silo, he’ll take you to his surprise. I hope you like it dear.”
The sun was now deep on the horizon which was losing its rosy hue, twinkling planets were already visible and the moon was following the dark part of the sky. You see Thomas leaning against the silo, he had one hand in his pocket and the other was fiddling with some wheat from the field to check the progress of the crop. He was wearing a very loosely fit tank top that looked old and worn, his pants were a pale blue jean with dirt and other stains scattered all over, he was still wearing his working boots which means he must have completed this surprise only today.
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He looks up from what he was doing, when he sees you, he stood up straight, dropping the wheat to the ground. You could tell he was smiling, his deep blue eyes squishing upward gave it away, this made you smile wide as you felt knots form in your stomach. You felt like you hadn’t seen him in forever, time away really does make the heart grow fonder, it was agony not being able to spend time with him. He extended his hand to you and when you placed your hand in his and realized how small you really were compared to him, you felt like you could only hold onto two of his fingers while he could easily cover more than just your hand with his.
He looked at you and carefully pulled you toward the forest,
“Where are we going? It’s dark in there, sort of scary, isn’t it?” You were hesitant to be going into a dark forest as the sun was rapidly losing its light, he looked at you and tilted his head to the side,
“I’m here” he said calmly.
His voice was so deep and reassuring. You rarely ever hear him speak, so it felt like you won the lottery whenever he did utter out anything. He was walking slowly, he made sure to accommodate the vast difference in gait you both had by staying behind you, he guided you by gently moving you in the right direction with his hand on your shoulder. Even though you were nervous about the darkness of the forest, you felt safe with Tommy close to you. He was so large and unbelievably strong that there was no way harm could come to you.
Suddenly, Tommy stopped and turned you around to face him, he took your hands and covered your eyes with them, you couldn’t help but smile. He put his hand on the middle of your back to guide you further in, you trusted that he would ensure you don’t trip and fall. The ground went from dirt and crunching leaves, to soft grass, then a hard flat surface. Each step you took made a hollow wooden noise as if you were at a harbor. Tommy stopped you and moved your hands from your eyes. You looked around and gasped, you were on a dock that sat on top of the pond.
The moon was already shining a bright light on the water making it look like glass, the stars that now shone in the night sky were reflecting off the surface and turned the pond into what looked like a portal into space. The gentle croaking of frogs created a peaceful ambience, and as you walked further onto the dock you saw some wooden chairs to relax on, one was much larger than the other.
“Did you make all this?” your voice was exasperated with awe.
Tommy nodded again and pointed at you,
You smiled “You made this for me?”
He nodded again and went to sit on the largest chair, he tapped his hand on the other chair to get you to sit with him. You sat down and the deep seat forced you to recline which was relaxing.
“I’ve never had anyone do something like this for me. Thank you, Tommy, you’re such a thoughtful man.”
Tommy looked at you and nodded slowly, he made an approving ‘hmph’ noise, he felt good about pleasing you. The heat tonight was thick, it made your skin sticky with sweat, and you could see a slick shine on Tommy’s arms and chest. You get up from the chair to put your hand in the water, testing its temperature, small fish reveal themselves as they flash in the moonlight. You stand up and remove your shoes, Tommy stands up nervously and you giggle,
“Don’t worry, I won’t take off my shirt or underwear. It’s too hot to just sit down when we have the most immaculate natural pool right under our feet.”
You slowly take off your tights and fold them neatly on top of your shoes, the black thong you had underneath did nothing to conceal your feminine shape; Tommy turns away from you, staring off into the sky in an attempt to avoid gawking at you. It was amusing to you since he already saw most of your body the first time you were in the pond. You slowly lower yourself into the cool water of the pond, its cooling temperature feels like heaven.
Tommy heard you get in and slowly turns around to see you on your back, floating gently with the moon’s reflection circling your body, you looked like a goddess. You saw that he was just standing there watching you, you swim up to the dock and put your arms on the edge, you say,
“You know, you don’t have to just watch me.”
Seeing him act so shy was strange, a polar opposite of the last time you were both in the laundry room where he made no qualms of pushing himself up against your clothed pussy with his dick begging for entry. You watched as he took off his clothes, throwing them sloppily next to your neatly folded pile. You were annoyed that he was wearing black boxers which concealed the shape and size of his package too well, but being able to see his body almost completely unclothed was still enough to have you biting your lip in excitement.
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Tommy had very long legs which were complemented by his thick thighs, his butt was muscular from having to haul his hefty body weight all over the farm. His torso was exactly as you pictured it, he had heavy muscle underneath a layer of fat that softened any sharp edges and did nothing but add mass to his already impressive size. His pecs were large and heaved with every breath he took, a smattering of soft hair covered the base of his chest and ran down his abdomen leading towards his groin, getting less sparse the lower it went.
Seeing him so exposed was odd, most people would look vulnerable, but he only looked more intimidating and fearsome especially since his arm muscles were well defined despite his soft torso. His size was not a mirage from thick clothes or padded jackets like most men you encountered, he really was authentically a behemoth of a man.
He lowered himself into the pond and let out a sigh of relaxation when he submerged his torso under the surface. You smile, and swim over to him,
“You deserve to relax after working so hard. I hope we could make this a frequent thing, something we could do together.”
You waited for a response, he looked at you and then up to the sky, he let out a positive ‘hm’ and nodded. You felt like you were in a dream, nothing you experienced was ever this beautiful, and no man was ever as generous as Tommy, you wanted to live in this moment forever. Tommy stands up in the water, he turns to you and grabs your hand to pull you to another part of the pond,
“C’mere” he says.
He pushes past some thick reeds and you end up in a tiny alcove where the water comes up to your chin and tall grasses circle you both which made the area very intimate. Tommy sees you struggling to keep your head out of water, he bends over you and grabs the smallest area on your waist under your ribs with both hands and he lifts you out of the water effortlessly. You let out a short-excited scream as he pulls you up and holds you close to his body. You’re barely able to straddle him, your chest was now just under his chin, your tank top clung to your breasts exposing your now hardened nipples. You placed both arms over his shoulders to prevent yourself from smothering his face with your bosom. He was so strong that you were able to sit comfortably on just the one arm, he looks out towards the grass and says,
Tommy used his free hand to splash water across the grass around you and it erupted with whirring, a horde of fireflies sprung out from their hiding places and lit up the night. You were stunned,
“I’ve never seen fireflies before, this is… this is magical.”
Tommy laughs and slowly turns to let you take in the full effect of the display before you, the glow of the fireflies created a warm soft light that was bright enough to let you see his eyes clearly, you couldn’t help but stare. He looked up at you, his eyes half lidded and glossy, he drank in every inch of the enchanting sight before him. When he looked into your eyes it was like projecting his soul into your mind, you could feel his emotions and you felt a deep comfort from it, like a warm blanket on a cold winter night.
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You reach up and move his hair away from his face, he took your hand and held it to his cheek as he pressed his face into your touch, his eyes closing and letting out a deep breath. You smile at him and decide to be brave; you begin to slowly remove his mask but he abruptly stops your action with his hand, you could see his expression was full of worry, you say,
“If I keep my eyes closed will you let me take off your mask? I promise not to open them.”
Tommy looks off to the side thinking, he wasn’t scared of anything except losing you and he was worried that if you saw his full face, it would disturb you. He wondered what you were going to do, but the fear was stopping him from finding out. You see him deep in thought and speak again,
“Look” you close your eyes tightly, “I can’t see a thing, I promise I won’t peek.”
Tommy trusted you, and despite the anxiety running through his system, he removed his mask and let it hang down on one ear. He took your hand and guided it up to the left side of his face, which had no significant damage compared to the other side. You feel his stubble and softly move your hand down to his lips, they were smooth and parted slightly. You smile when your fingers reached his mouth, despite not being able to see his face, from what you were able to feel, you knew he was handsome. You slowly lower your head down and pause, hovering your lips over his and testing to see what he would allow. He didn’t resist.
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You pressed your lips onto his and immediately felt a jolt of hormonal chemicals race through you like an electric shock, he let out a muffled sound of surprise. He pressed back and slowly lowered your body so he could kiss you on a more equal level. You extended the kiss by opening your mouth slightly, parting his lips only to press in on them again passionately, Tommy reciprocated the motion and was now breathing heavily through his nose, you could hear his heart beating loudly in his chest as he groaned with arousal, it was so deep that it vibrated into your chest further exciting you.
You could feel some strange deformation on one side of his face, your lips didn’t quite connect with his fully on his right side. You stayed closer to his left side since it felt a little bit more intact, you wished you could see how unique his face was. Imagining the damage done to him at such a young age was upsetting, it only emboldened your feelings for him.
The kiss was long and passionate, you both couldn’t get enough of each other, it felt like a sin to stop. Every time you pulled back from his lips, he leaned into you to catch them again parting and closing your mouths to enhance the connection you both so desperately craved. You could smell the air from his nose washing over you, it was strangely intoxicating almost like it was fresh mountain air which aroused you further. His free arm was now trailing up your spine until his hand found a resting place on the back of your neck.
You wanted more of him; your emotions were getting so intense that you moaned each time the pressure of the kiss increased. You placed your left hand on his shoulder, and your right on his collarbone. You ran your fingers over the thick muscle tensing on his neck, his carotid artery was pulsating with his heart beat, you continued feeling upwards and reached his jawline where his thick stubble prickled your fingertips. His features were so far above a stereotypically masculine ideal, it made you feel a cautious excitement, as if you encountered the final product of evolutionary success aimed to create a monster of man.
You finally pull away, making sure to keep your eyes closed. You are breathing heavily, letting out a soft moan as you lean your head back to get more air. Tommy covers his face back with the mask and gazes at you still drunk off the kiss and feeling lighter than air. The fireflies have now dispersed to the point where it was very dim around you both. He carries you back to the shallow area of the pond so you could stand up.
You smile, “Thank you for trusting me.”
Tommy nods and smiles under his mask. You wade in the water around him as he sits in the water so his torso is once again submerged, his head leaned back and eyes closed. You look around at the leftover fireflies lazily floating over top the glassy pond surface, the water gently laps at your hips.
 A feeling of unease creeps into your body and raises the hairs on the back of your neck, you stop moving and a sudden wave of anxiety rushed over you. In this moment you freeze and quiet your breathing, you felt an instinct to try to listen to the world around you very carefully but you couldn’t hear anything out of the ordinary. The feeling of something being…off was now overwhelming and setting you on edge. You quietly move closer to Tommy to create a sort of protective border from the surroundings and hold onto his arm, he opens his eyes and looks at you with concern.
“Somethings wrong” you say in a hushed tone.
Tommy immediately got up from his sitting position and stood alert, he closed his arms around you and searched with his eyes to see what spooked you;
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He breathed out slowly and moved you back towards the dock. You were confused and frightened, a tense gut feeling was like an ancient ancestral alarm which you knew should never be ignored. He helped you up on the dock and followed behind after you walked toward your clothes. You quickly put on your tights and shoes and as Tommy got his clothes on you looked around, trying to find the source for this sudden dread. You slowly panned across the forest, until you see it.
In the distance, and shrouded in the shadows of night, a silhouette of a person stood still. It was too dark to make out any features and just as you saw them, they disappeared into the bush as if they were nothing but a hallucination. You get closer to Tommy who just finished pulling his shirt down over his body, you press your back into him to feel a sense of security. Tommy looks at you and bends his upper body over you as he looks around,
“Where” he says firmly,
You point to where the shadow was and whisper, “There was someone there, watching us.”
He didn’t need to see what you saw in order to know that the energy outside had shifted, all he wanted to do was get you to safety. He lifted you up into his arms and held you tightly, he took one look around to ensure the exit was safe and bolted; His movements were agile and fast, it almost felt supernatural. The trees whip past and you quickly lose sight of the pond, his footsteps reverberating thuds as he moves through the woods with expert agility.  Your eyes are wide with fear as you watch the forest behind you darken the further away you get; How Tommy was able to see things in the dark was a mystery to you.
Finally, you are out of the wooded area and coming up to where the silo was, the feeling of dread dissipates and Tommy slows his pace down, he wasn’t even huffing and puffing like most people would be doing after running so fast with a grown adult in their arms.
You hug him tightly, “Thank you for carrying me.”
You give him a kiss on his neck and continue to tighten your grip. Tommy brings you into the house and shuts the door behind you both, he gently lowers you to the floor, you keep hugging him as you stand on your tip toes. He felt very protective of you and was mad that someone scared you so much. His rage was building the more he thought about someone being on his property watching the two of you. He wondered how they would have been able to evade the multiple traps he set up around the pond perimeter.
Tommy grabs your shoulders and pushes you back slowly, he lifts your chin to have you look up at him. He sees the worried look on your face and it fuels his rage of the intruder,
“Go sleep, I gotta do somethin’.”
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His voice was rich in baritone, you could hear anger in his words. You didn’t want him to leave, but before you could tell him to stay, he was out the door. You made your way to the washroom to shower off the pond water and get ready for sleep, Luda Mae and Charlie were already asleep upstairs, unaware of the situation. You were disturbed by what you saw, but as long as Tommy was out there, you felt safe in the house. You went to bed that night worried, who was that shadow and what will happen if Tommy catches them? The morning couldn’t come soon enough.
Next chapter-
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cerezzzita · 1 year
Hi, i saw you have your request open so here i go, requesting some hcs for Dante, Vergil and Trish having a short sweet-toothed s/o who also loves to bake.
notes: heeey there, anon! In advance sorry for the waiting, it took long enough but at least here we are! I hope you like it, because I surely did loved writing these headcanons, and with Trish being included? Better than ever!
Enjoy the reading and thanks for requesting! <3
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⠀🍓 ˖ . ᵎᵎ Dante, Vergil & Trish with a short sweet-toothed S/O
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♡ tags: gender-neutral reader, no use of pronouns (you/yours only), no description of reader's appearance, short!reader, use of petnames, three devils being soft af, Vergil and Trish might have been sorta ooc pardon in advance.
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ⓘ gif's not mine!!
Perfect match, to be honest.
Calls you "shortcake" or "shortie" most of the time and if you're annoyed by that… he'll keep doing it, sorry. He loves you enough to annoy you as well. 
Being as sweet-toothed as he is, no wonder he'll ask you constantly to make some desserts with strawberries or red fruits in general such as raspberries or cherries. 
And please don't let Dante get one inch near the kitchen, this man will eat as many of the berries plus he's catastrophic at cooking.
At least let him add some of the ingredients and mix them together here and there, he'll be satisfied and happy enough. 
He'll eat the batter when you're not looking, by the way. 
Still on the ingredients topic, doesn't this bitch (affectionately) loves when you ask him for help to reach something you can't? He's all smugly smirks, towering you with that huge figure of his and in the best of the cases, lifting you so you can reach it by yourself. 
Dante's personal favorite dessert made by you became The Devil's Cake, but instead of being fulfilled of chocolate only, there's lots and lots of strawberry jam and fresh strawberries on top of it. 
Late night munchies are a must! You two can and will be watching whatever series or movies while cuddling and devouring almost all of a whole damn bakery because Dante has a black hole instead of a regular stomach. 
Saw a recipe for dessert pizza once, got obsessed with it, asked you to make it, you made it, he's even more in love with you. 
"Babe, you're a sweetheartie. A candy angel, I love you so much," said Dante, mouth full of sweet pizza and eyes full of tears of joy and passion. 
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ⓘ gif's not mine!!
Vergil strikes me as a cinnamon roll enjoyer. That's it, that's the post. 
But really, I don't think he has a sweet-tooth or enjoys sugary foods that much. He likes it, sure, but at moderate bits. 
Unlike Dante, he does not make fun of your height… Yet he finds it quite endearing. 
Calls you "little bird". Let me have him be affectionate and lovely for a sec, okay? 
Vergil also gets worried by the amount of sugar you consume. 
"You'll get plenty of cavities if you keep eating desserts at that level." 
He helps you with your recipes too. I'm kinda sure that Vergil knows a thing or two in the cooking field, correct me if I'm wrong (I am wrong). 
As previously said, he likes more, hm, refined flavors, such as cinnamon and vanilla and if you're baking cinnamon rolls, count him on it! 
Don't ask Vergil to chop the ingredients unless you want him to put on a show about it. 
If you like drinking tea, you better prepare a bunch of sweet treats because you're having regular, calm silent tea evenings ft. Vergil and his poetry book. 
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ⓘ gif's not mine!!
Oh my, what can I say about Trish?
She's not a sugary-sweet person. Instead, she's mostly on sour candies and neutral fruits field. 
With that being said, I hope you're ready to constantly bake lemon pies and banana cakes. 
Trish does not know how to cook for her dear life, she prefers watching you instead and maybe teasing you along with it.
"Trish, I could use a little hand." "Pardon me if I can't help but think you're all cute on your own, sugar."
Speaking of teasing, this devil surely knows how to make you fluster with her little comments about your height, but of course, always keeping it comfortable enough to not get you mad or sad. 
"Need some help there, honeypie?" "My, if you ever get trouble reaching that shelf, you need to wear some of my heels."
And although Trish is not your sous chef, she is certainly your personal tasting critic, which is an advantage mostly to her. 
"So, what do you think?" "Hm, I liked the caramel on top of the fruit, and it's sour just in the way I love. It's a ten out of ten, honey." 
Brought you some silly clothes like sweaters and shirts with some candy motif and oh, sure, fruity flavored lip gloss. 
Anything for her honeybun~
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cerezzzita©, 2023 · all rights reserved ⓘ do not edit, copy, steal or claim as yours | reblogs and comments are appreciated!
367 notes · View notes
albertdabuttler · 1 year
Another Nightmare? | M.O.
fandom: Marvel
pairings: Miguel O’Hara x Latina!F!Reader
WARNINGS: Just imagine yourself as a puerto rican ig because we come in all colors ;) kissing, smut :3 boobie touching LOL, biting, blood consumption cuz im insane :D, oral (f), fingering, size kink (?) p in v, breeding kink ig, his talons clawing into you xx, cockwarming… miguel isn’t an unrealistically animalistic airhead in this (ahem like most fics i read ahem) BUT he’s still rough in a gentle way and in control obvi ;^ i think that’s it 🤨 oh and i proofread this like once lmao READER IS A SPIDER-PERSON BTW
summary: Miguel had a dream about you.
WC: 3.1k
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gif not mine, enjoy losers!
You woke up to the sound of the bedroom door opening, watching as Miguel walked through it. Turning over and checking the time, you realized it was almost two in the morning and you wondered what had woken Miguel up this late.
As you walked down the hall to the kitchen, you saw Miguel standing before the fridge, inspecting it’s contents.
“Migs, you alright?” You questioned, moving closer to him. He instinctively twitched and you knew something had to be wrong if he didn’t want you near him.
“I’m fine.” He spoke quietly, keeping his gaze somewhere in the fridge before he took the bottle of passion fruit juice you had sitting in there.
“Qué pasó?” You frowned. “Did…Did you have another nightmare…?”
“No…” He sighed. “Just can’t sleep.” He opened the bottle and took a gulp straight from it before bringing it back down and putting it away.
“I see…” You chewed the inside of your cheek nervously, turning back around to go back to bed. “I’ll… See you tomorrow.” Walking back to your room, you thought this might be a night where he’d sleep on the couch again, depriving you of his warm touch. You hated those nights and although you’d never gotten intimate with Miguel, you couldn’t help but feel hollow. His presence and weight on the mattress was the only thing helping you drift off.
“Hey…” He called out to you softly as you pushed the door of your room open.
“Hm?” You looked back at him, unable to hide your frown.
“It’s not about you…” He adverted his eyes to the side before bringing a hand up to cover his face. “Well…” He couldn’t help but chuckle from embarrassment. “It is about you…”
Miguel peeked at you through his fingers, “I’m just…” He sighed heavily.
Turning your body to face him, you scanned him for no reason in particular. Your eyes landed on his again with a look of concern before you did a double take and glanced at his crotch, noticing a subtle bulge. You couldn’t help the blood rush making it’s way to your face.
He noticed this and dragged both hands down his face before running them through his hair with a sigh.
“I had a dream about you. About us…” he looked elsewhere again.
Swallowing hard, you felt jittery all of a sudden. “What happened…?” You couldn’t help but bite back a smile.
“We…” He scoffed at himself. “I…” he hid a smile too. “We bred.” That was the best and simplest way to describe it.
You looked at him confused for a moment before processing what he said.
“We got married… We had kids… Then we wanted more.” He looked up at you, his lopsided smile more prominent.
It wasn’t that you guys weren’t ready to do any of that, trust him. He was just as ready as you were. But he didn’t have time. Neither of you did. You were back in your dimension being the Spider-Girl you were supposed to be, and he was everywhere else, keeping the multiverse from falling apart. You both thought of the risks of being together, until you realized it was nearly harmless. As long as what you did with him as your boyfriend didn’t get in the way of canon events, it would be alright. Because for fuck’s sake, he had thousands of other spider-people in his universe for crying out loud.
Miguel walked over to you. “You were amazing. So beautiful...” He smiled tiredly, reaching to place a hand on your cheek as he kissed the other.
“So sweet…” Moving his hand down to the side of your neck, he placed another kiss on that side of your face before bringing his lips just below your ear. He planted a lingering kiss there before he whispered in a husky voice.
“So flexible.” He moved his face away, smiling and keeping his gaze on your lips. “I need you.” He whispered. “I’ve needed you for so long…” He chuckled again. “Can’t even sleep because of it.”
You licked your lips, keeping your eyes on his. “Me too…”
His gaze moved to your eyes, pleading silently. “Can we…?” You knew what he was referring to. Not a second went by before you nodded, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him into the bedroom.
“Ay,” he chuckled at your excitement, allowing himself be dragged by you. Letting yourself fall backwards onto the mattress, you pulled him down with you, catching his lips in a kiss. He sighed into it, resting his elbow beside your head as his other hand moved down to squeeze your waist.
“Miguel…” You kept your eyes on his lips, dragging a hand down his chest as you pulled at the hem.
“Qué necesitas, mi amor, hmm? Tell me.” He breathed, allowing you to pull his shirt off over his head.
Releasing a low moan at the sight of his bare chest, he giggled at the sound, diving in to kiss your neck and dragging his hand up and down your thigh.
“Tell me.” He spoke again.
“You. I need you…” You spoke just above a whisper, digging your nails into his shoulder at the lack of satisfaction.
He chuckled. “Be more specific.” He slipped his tongue out and dragged it across your jugular, threatening to bite but holding back so not to hurt you.
“Fuck… Just—make me feel good…” You paused, thinking about what he told you of his dream. Leaning your head a bit, you whispered into his ear. “Breed me.”
Miguel chuckled, nuzzling his face into your neck as he blushed. “…Don’t tease…” He questioned if you were poking fun at him or not. He pulled back to look at you once more. His eyes scanned your features and he knew you were serious. Your face told him everything.
He glanced at your lips again before moving down and kissing you desperately, a low groan coming from him. It was now that you began to feel his hard-on against your thigh. He began grinding slowly as his mouth pried yours open, slipping his tongue past your lips. You let out a quiet moan and moved a hand to the back of his head, guiding his mouth against yours. His tongue overpowered yours with no effort, pulling away just barely enough to tug at your bottom lip with his teeth. He let go as it smacked back into place, making his breath shake.
He swallowed a lump in his throat as he lowered himself again, kissing your throat and dragging his tongue down to your collar bone.
“Take this off.” He spoke softly but you knew he wasn’t asking. You quickly pulled up your shirt, slipping it over and off your head as he stared down at you, admiring your bare body for the first time.
A long enough moment passed and you began feeling insecure, moving your arms across your chest and looking to the side.
“Say something…” you requested, feeling embarrassed. You thought he might not like it, maybe he didn’t like the shape of your torso? Maybe he didn’t think it fit your face…?
He blinked. “Mi amor…” He placed a hand on your arms. Miguel took his bottom lip into his mouth, biting it subconsciously. “You’re so fucking sexy.”
You chuckled with a muddled expression. “I am?”
He only whined, “Let me look at you.” He spoke, softly tugging at your arms and you reluctantly pulled them away, leaving you exposed. He traced every inch of you with his hand before he brought it to your breast, gently kneading it in his hand as he watched the soft flesh move under his fingers.
“So pretty.” He sighed, lowering his head to the other one, keeping his eyes on your face as he wrapped his lips around your nipple, swirling his tongue around it cautiously.
“Miguel,” you moaned his name softly, making him perk up at the way it sounded.
“Yes?” He smiled cheekily as he kissed the side of your breast, leaving a hickey.
You couldn’t get the words out and only sighed, looking at him with a pleading expression.
“Por supuesto.” He smiled, kissing down your ribs and below your belly, stopping at the hem of your pajama shorts. He hooked a finger onto it, pulling it down along with your panties, wanting to get it all off at once.
His hands gripped at the outer sides of your thighs, holding them apart. He licked your thigh before kissing it gently, smirking at your reactions.
His fangs poked out and he pulled away, confused at his lack of control with them all of a sudden. You propped yourself up on your elbows to look at him. “What happened?”
“Nothing…” He tried retracting them but it was of no use.
You noticed this and bit your lip. “Bite me.”
“What?” He looked up at you.
“Bite me, Miggy…”
He hesitated for a moment before smiling, dragging the two sharp teeth across the skin of your legs. “You sure?” He needed reassurance.
Nodding vigorously, he planted another kiss. His fangs poked lightly at your skin, almost tickling you until he bit down harshly, sinking his teeth into your thigh.
You let out a groan at the pain, bringing your legs together but he held them apart. He pulled his teeth out and sucked the blood left behind, lapping at the flow of the red liquid. He began kissing closer and closer to your lips, teasing you as much as he could before he dove in, licking a stripe up your slit and wrapping his lips around your clit.
Moaning quietly, he began sucking on the sensitive nub, bringing his free hand and slowly pushing in his index finger. You arched your back and threw your head back, making Miguel stop. He kept his still finger inside you as he spoke.
“Keep your eyes on me,” he urged in a low voice, not aggressively but enough that you knew he wouldn’t let you finish if you didn’t. You brought your head up to look at him again.
He brought his mouth back down to your pussy, beginning to move his finger in and out of you slowly. He had long, thick fingers, making you wonder how big his dick was.
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath, closing your eyes for a moment but remembering to look at Miguel.
He smiled against your clit, pushing in yet another finger. He forced them both further this time, curling them up into your g-spot as you arched your back. His eyes stayed on yours as he held the flat of his tongue against your clit. His digits thrusted into you at a slightly quicker pace, making a crease form in between your eyebrows, your lips parting.
“Feel good?” He asked politely, the vibrations of his voice sending a shiver up your spine. You nodded. “Yes, Miguel, please don’t stop…”
He sighed, pulling his fingers out and his lips popping off your nerve.
“Sorry, mi amor… Want you cumming while I’m inside you.” He felt bad for pulling your orgasm out of your grasp. You frowned too, that was until he stood up, displaying a super obvious bulge. It looked like there was a literal log stuffed in his pants, perpendicular to his body.
You stared at it, your legs instinctively spreading on their own. Miguel smiled softly. “Do you wanna help me, or…?”
Quickly sitting up, you reached for his sweatpants and pulled on the string, loosening them and desperately pulling them down. He stood in his boxers now, allowing nearly nothing to remain for the imagination. Your fingers traced his V-line, causing him to huff out a breath.
“I thought I told you not to tease…” he sighed, watching your hands closely. Hooking your fingers on his boxers, you finally pulled them down, leaving his erection on full display. It was nearly red, clearly it’s been untouched by anyone but his own right hand for a long time.
You couldn’t help but trace a finger along a vein on the side, making him moan quietly. “Please, mi amor.” he chuckled. “Don’t be like this…”
Your hand wrapped around him, spreading the precum on his tip with your thumb. He grabbed your shoulder, grinding into your hand, desperate for release.
Letting go, you laid back down, spreading your legs for him and smiling, reaching your arms out to him. “C’mere,” you giggled, excited to feel him inside you already. He smiled and leaned down, hovering over you. You paused.
“Wait…” you bit your lip nervously. He leaned back to look at you, a look of concern all over his face. “Qué pasó, princesa?”
“Can we try something…?”
His head tilted to the side, a small smirk on his lips. “Like what?”
“I think about taking you in every position, night and day… But I always tend to think of taking you from behind…”
Miguel’s face was red, the blush reaching his ears. His heart raced at the confession, although he thought about giving it to you in more ways than one. He bit his lip and smiled. “Of course, mami.”
You bit back a smile and quickly flipped yourself over. Miguel pulled your hips back harshly, making you yelp. He chuckled at your reaction, taking himself in his hand and slowly stroking himself, keeping a firm grip on your hip. He lined his tip up with your pussy, shuddering at your wetness against him. He teased you, moving it up and down your slit and smiling, waiting for your sweet voice to tell him to just fuck you already.
“Ay coño, Miguel!” You scolded. He laughed softly before pushing in slowly, not wanting to overwhelm you so quickly. As he bottomed out, you felt your body relax, your back arching at a sharp angle as your chest rested on the mattress, your arms wrapped around a pillow as you sighed.
“See?” You could hear the smile in his voice. “Flexible.”
You playfully rolled your eyes before he pulled out slowly, pushing himself back in with the same gentleness and drawing out a soft moan from him. “Is this okay, baby?” He needed your approval before he could pick up his pace.
“Sí, Miguelito. Love how you feel inside me…” you whined at his girth stretching you out.
He took that as a sign that he could continue, his hips pulling back before he pushed back into you, repeating this movement until he was moving at an easy rhythm.
He sighed, “So tight, fuck…”
You only hummed in response, stuffing your face into the pillow, his movements rocking you back and forth. You felt the weight of his hand next to your arm as his other snaked around your waist, keeping you steady with his thrusts getting harder.
You groaned, biting your wrist so to suppress it before you heard him speak. “I like your voice, princesa. Don’t be afraid to use it.” He smiled, kissing behind your ear. The hand on your belly moved lower, finding your clit and putting pressure on it, rubbing it in tight circles.
You clenched around him at the feeling, causing him to groan quietly into your ear.
“Miggy—“ you choked out his name. “I’m gonna cum…” you informed him. He kept his pace the same, hoping to get you off on his movements.
“F—Faster,” you choked out, “deeper…” you whined again, his movements making you more and more sensitive the longer he went on. You knew he wasn’t all the way in, because although he bottomed out, you barely felt his hips brushing against your ass. He wasn’t pressed up against you.
“Fuck,” he sighed. You moved your knees further apart and he was able to push himself further into you, making you cry out a sob as your eyes watered at his size. He pulled back, the warmth of his chest against your back leaving you as his pelvis began hitting against your ass, making his breaths heavier.
“I’m gonna cum too,” he groaned. You clenched around him once more, feeling your orgasm getting closer and closer. He started moaning with each thrust, throwing his head back as his hands groped your ass harshly.
“Miguel—“ you were able to choke his name out before your walls stuttered around him, your vision getting blurry as you finally came. Miguel felt your liquids around him, dripping out of you and flowing down your thighs, his cock being coated with them every time he pulled out.
He continued moving inside you, helping you ride out your orgasm as you tightened around him, making him whine loudly. “Princesa,” he moaned, “can I cum—fuck—inside you?” He grunted, subconsciously speeding up his pace.
“Yes, Migs… Breed me…Please.” You begged, your cunt growing sore already.
Miguel grunted, his thrusts coming to a sudden halt as he leaned back down, ropes of his cum pumping inside you. His talons protracted into your hips with his orgasm, moaning quietly against your shoulder and kissing it as he ground into you, his breaths hitching.
He finally relaxed behind you, softening inside you as he felt the mess of yours and his cum flowing down your legs and inevitably onto the sheets. He kissed the side of your neck gently before whispering. “That was fucking amazing.” He smiled against your skin. “Yeah…” you agreed, trying to ignore his claws digging into your skin.
You hissed and he noticed something wet at the tips of his fingers, panicking and immediately pulling his claws out of you, he began apologizing profusely. “I’m so sorry, princesa—” He leaned back down and kissed the top of your head. “I didn’t mean to do that… I’m sorry…” He frowned, realizing how much he’s hurt you within the first time he’s had sex with you.
“It’s okay, papito… I liked it…” you held back a wince, not wanting him to feel bad about anything he’s done because although it hurt, it turned you on. “Oh?” He raised an eyebrow and pulled out of you, making you sigh at the empty feeling. “I’ll be sure to do it again…” He went to get a warm wet towel and cleaned you up, dabbing softly at the bite mark on your leg that you completely forgot was there.
It began to sting as you recalled it and you hissed, making Miguel look up at you and pull away from the small wound. “Sorry.” He made a face. You could only smile at his carefulness. “It’s okay, handsome.” You grabbed his face and he smiled with surprise.
“Handsome?” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your lips. “I’d like to get used to that…” Miguel smiled against your mouth. Pulling away again, he cleaned himself up and did his best to reverse the mess you left on the sheets. After he rinsed the towel out and put it in the laundry bin, he came back to bed and picked up his clothes along with yours.
“We’re not putting those back on, are we?”
He only smirked. “Why?”
“Just get in here, dummy.” You giggled, lifting the sheets for him to get in next to you. He didn’t hesitate for a second and dropped the clothes, climbing in under the covers with you. You placed a kiss on his chin and turned around to spoon with him. Miguel kissed your temple and sighed contently.
You nuzzled your ass against him as he raised an eyebrow. “Another round already?”
“I just like you inside me…” you whispered. “Feels empty without you.” You confessed.
He smiled warmly, grabbing a hold of himself, feeling himself hardening again already. He lifted your leg up and guided himself into you, sighing at your warmth. “I like being inside you too.”
You ground back on him, making him groan.
“You’re such a tease.”
Thx for reading xoxo
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caitcoreeeee · 7 months
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Do you wanna see how far it goes?
A/N: Here’s the finished product! I hope you like it, please forgive any spelling mistakes, I wrote this in my notes app so it’s not perfect but please show us some love!!
@cinnamongirl3sblog collab
CW: SMUT!!! MDNI. Sub!Noah, Dom!F reader, Friends to FWB. Oral sex F receiving/M receiving, P in V intercourse, Praise, Slight degradation, overstimulation, Edging, orgasm denial… Lmk if anymore need to be added!!!
You’ve just arrived back home from a night out with friends when you walk into your apartment to see Noah, your roommate, laying on the couch. You walk past him to your room, on the way slightly grazing his tattoo clad shoulder with your fingertips to show him a little affection. Little did you know this small innocent gesture sent fire through Noah’s body. You walk into your room. An immediate sigh of relief as you kick your heels off and feel the soft carpet against your feet. You start to move to undress out of your tight short black bodycon dress when your phone rings. It’s your brother, Nicholas Ruffilo. You answer the phone, having a short and sweet conversation as you put on some loose fitting shorts and a camisol. Nicholas was just reminding you of your tattoo appointment tomorrow, perks of having a tattoo artist of a brother, you got free tattoos. You end the call and decide to go out into the kitchen for some water and a quick snack.
You walk in to see Noah still on the couch. Your eyes meet and you see a glint of something in his eyes. Something unfamiliar to you.
“You want a snack?” You ask in a tired but sweet tone.
“ mm no I’m okay” he says, his voice wavering at the end.
“ ok well I’ll bring a little extra in case you do” you answer back
You fix yourself a bowl of fruit and a glass of water and settle down on the couch next to Noah. He shifts a little uncomfortably but you brush it off. You shimmy into his side to get comfortable on the seemingly small couch. He sinks down a little lower, leaving his head to muzzle into your side. You mindlessly rake your hands through his hair, something you’ve done many times before, something meant to be comforting. You continue this for a few more moments until you hear a soft whimper come from the large man below you. You stop your movements. “ did I hurt you?” You ask a little worried your long nails irritated his scalp. “ n-no, it feels good” he answers in a small voice, sounding a little embarrassed. You continued your movements a while longer until he started slightly squirming. Shifting to move a pillow over his lap, you assumed for comfort. He looked up at you through his lashes, a burning low in your belly spreads through your veins. Igniting a desire you didn’t know you had.
You started to trail your hands down his neck, moving to his collarbone with feather light caresses. Noah fluttered his eyes and let a small moan leave his mouth before he bit his lip in an attempt to silence himself. You move your hands up his neck and lightly grasp his chin to move it towards you, his eyes open, pupils blown wide. You bite your lip as you swipe your thumb across his bottom lip. “ Y/N” he breathed out. Slowly you moved your head down, your lips encasing his in a slow but passionate kiss. The kiss deepened as you swiped your tongue over his bottom lip. He opened to let your tongues entwine. You move to lay him down flat, the pillow once on his lap falls to the ground your legs straddling him as you kiss. Your hands pull at his hair and he loudly whimpers. You continue this and more noises fall from his mouth. Slowly you move your hips against his, feeling his hard cock against your thigh. “ please, please touch me more” he whined against your lips. “ I will baby, but you have to be patient, be a good boy” you said sternly. A new side of you coming out. You never once imagined yourself in the dominating position, let alone with Noah, your roommate, your brothers best friend. “ he whined in protest but obeyed.
Kissing him softly, you moved your hips in a slow but deep motion against his writhing body. His hands stayed flat on your back but his fingers twitched, wanting to touch you more. His hips bucked into your soaked core. A sure sign he needed more.
You pulled away, both panting. His eyes, slightly watering from the stimulation. “ Noah, let’s take this to my bedroom, ok baby?” You said in a soft tone. “ yes, yes please” he said desperately. You pulled him by his hand, leading him to your bedroom. Once in the room you tugged at his shirt and pulled it off of him. Yours followed soon after. You trailed your hands down his torso slowly. You traced near his waistband of his grey Nike sweatpants that hung low on his waist, the outline of his hard cock that sported a wet spot. You snuck your fingers under the waistband, finding his bare cock. You grazed his throbbing cock with a featherlight touch. Pulling the most beautiful desperate gasps and whines from him.
He started to slightly buck into your touch. “ please, please” he quietly pleaded. “ what do you want me to do pretty boy” you said with a sultry tone. He grasped your wrist to try to control your movements. You quickly pulled your hand away and used your other to grip his hair with a little force, pulling his head back from your shoulder. “ only good boys get what they want when they’re patient, you don’t want to be a bad boy do you?” You sniped in his ear. He whimpered in response. Attempting to shake his head no, it proved difficult with your hand in his hair. You traced your other hand up his body to grip around his throat, not squeezing, just resting, to remind him who was in control.
“ go sit on the bed, against the headboard, do not touch yourself “ you said firmly. He scrambled to get on the bed. You stood at the edge staring at his red rimmed eyes as you slowly rid yourself of your sleep clothes. You lifted the camisol off, revealing your breasts, you decided to torture him a little and slowly let your hands roam over your chest, every now and then touching your nipples, which now stood at a hard point from the slight chill in the room and your arousal. His eyes were glued to your movements, his chest heaving, he wanted nothing more than to touch you, but didn’t want to be a bad boy.
You brought your fingers down your torso to your waistband of your shorts, you slowly put your fingers underneath and pulled them down, already bare from not wearing any panties underneath. His eyes widened and his mouth hung open, his sweats were growing wetter by the second, his cock was probably painfully hard, you squeeze your thighs together at the thought of his swollen red tip, the way it will feel while he’s filling you.
You climb on the bed, hands and knees, growling towards him. “ Don’t come unless I tell you to” you say while pulling his sweats down with his boxers. His cock spring out, slapping against his stomach. He gasped at the sensation, eyes shut tightly anticipating your next move. His cock was big. It was perfect with a slight curve, just enough to touch that sensitive spot inside you. His tip was practically dripping with precum, red and angry from the lack of stimulation, begging to be touched. “ are you gonna be a good little slut for me?” You said as you grazed your acrylic nails up his shaft, his cock slightly jumped at the dirty name you called him. He eagerly nodded. “ yes, yes I will” he said in between gasps. “ another rule, don’t touch me unless I say so” you say right before swiping your thumb across the tip. He gasps out a moan, not even trying to hide his sounds. He sounds just as pretty as when he sings.
You finally close your hand around his shaft, squeezing slightly as you move up and down slowly, twisting your wrist just at the tip. He bucks into your h, chasing your touch every time. You decide to go one step further. You lean down while looking up at him and close your lips around the tip, swirling your tongue around him to collect his precum. His hands shoot out to grasp your head and push you down but you pop off, removing your hands and smack his thigh. He jumps at the sensation. “ only good boys get what they want, not needy whores” you say feigning anger. Truthfully, you loved seeing him like this, the Noah Sebastian, the seemingly domineering man who needs control in every situation crumbling at your touch, wanting nothing more than to be a good boy for you. “ I’m sorry, please touch me again, I’ll be a good boy” he whimpered and pleaded. You swear you felt yourself drip at his words. His eyes were brimmed with tears and he has never looked more a mess. You loved it.
You placed your hand on his cock once again, the other hand grasped his, deciding he deserves to know how good he’s being. You lean down once again and take has his cock in your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks as you move up and down, squeezing the rest with your other hand. He lets his head fall back and little gasps escaped his open mouth. He squeezed your hand, seeking a little affection, you pulled off of him and stroked with your hand. “ you are being such a good boy, so good for me” you praised, feeling his member pulse at your words. Your hand on his cock moved a little faster, you placed kisses on his hips. He started to buck more and more, getting more restless. His breaths were ragged and uneven, a sure sign he was close. “ please let me cum, I’ll be so good, please I need to cum” he pleaded, his words breathless and needy. Right as he was about to blow, you pulled your hand off. His eyes shot open. “ no no please, I’ve been so good, please let me cum” he pleaded. “ don’t worry baby, you will, but I need to cum first” you said. “ now put that pretty mouth to use.” You said.
He hastily flipped you so you were underneath him. His sudden strength reminding you that he could take control at any given moment. He lapped at your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses, moving down your stomach to your hips, the finally the place you needed him most. He kissed just above your clit. He looked up at you as he licked a long stripe all the way up your dripping core before diving in and lapping at your clit like a starved man. He licked in perfect circles with the perfect amount of pressure. Your hand grasped at his hair, harshly holding him there as your hips moved with his face. Grinding on him.
He continued his assault on your throbbing bud, sucking and slightly grazing his teeth. Your body was ablaze, toes curling in the white hot heat of pleasure. Your mouth hung open as you moaned wildly. Your stomach was burning as you felt your release approach. You rode his face and pushed him fitter into you, he groaned at this and the vibrations brought you closer. He knew this and inserted one of his long tattooed fingers into your entrance, immediately curling and pumping rapidly, he prodded at the spongey spot inside you. This brought you over the edge, your hips bucking wildly as your vision went white and your legs shook. He continued until you were basically ripping his hair out, the overstimulation becoming too much. He lifted to his knees, your slick dripping down his chin.
You grasped his neck and forced his lips to yours. They mashed together in a passionate and lust filled kiss. Tasting yourself on his tongue, you moaned. You pulled him back. “ are you ready for your reward pretty boy” you faked him huskily, your voice filled with lust. “ please, I need you” he said quietly. “ lay back on the headboard for me baby” you asked and he scrambled to take your place. You straddled him, bringing your hands down his abdomen, raking your nails up and down, causing him to twitch. You finally came to his neglected cock, lining it up with your entrance.
You slowly sank down, squeezing your adjust, stopping every now and then. His hands twitched to touch you. “ you can touch me, you’ve been such a good boy for me” you say as you bottomed out. You both gasp as he grips your hips bruisingly. You slowly rolled your hips, his head thumping against the headboard and mouth agape in a silent moan. You started bouncing up and down, his hips thrusting to meet yours. You leaned down and whispered sweet nothing in his ear. “ such a good boy”, “ making me feel so good”, “ you take what I give so well”. You kissed his neck as your movement got faster, his hips bucking wildly. “ touch me, don’t cum until I do” you demanded. His hand on your hip left and immediately circled your clit with force. You moaned and gasped as you felt that familiar heat in the depths of your body. You squeezed around him. He whimpered, his stomach tightening as he struggle to hold back. Wanting nothing more than to be a good boy. Your good boy. He does his movements up on your bud, in an effort to bring you to your release quicker. Your hips bucked as you felt the imaginary rubber band snap. Stars appeared in your eyes as you cried out. Your orgasm ripping through you, causing you to shake and convulse. “ cum for me baby, cum inside me, fill me up” you pleaded. 2 more thrusts of his hips until he stilled and you felt his cock pulse inside you. Filling you up with hot ropes of cum. His fingers stopped his assault on your bundle of nerves.
You fell to his chest. Both out of breath and exhausted. You pulled off of him and layed bext to him. He lifted himself off the bed and scurried out of the room. He soon returned with a wet cloth to clean you up with. He helped clean you, and bring you to the bathroom.
He was gathering his stuff as you walked back in. “ don’t you wanna stay with me tonight?” You asked him. His head shot to you, eyes wide with confusion. “ come on, come lay with me” you grabbed his hand and laid in your bed. He seemed to have changed the sheets. He hugged your back. “ thank you for doing that” he whispered as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder. You turned around and kissed him sweetly, nothing but love and adoration. “ of course, Noah, I’ve actually wanted to do that for a long time” you admitted, both of your cheeks turning a rosy color at your admission. “ me, me too” he quietly admitted, looking deep into your eyes. “We can talk about this in the morning, you need some rest baby” you said as you turned back around. He nuzzled into your neck and you both drifted off into a deep sleep. You’ll figure this out tomorrow, and especially figure out what to tell your brother.
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chainmailchalamet · 1 year
sugar high 🍒
synopsis: sugar daddy hs, always black n non-binary reader, established dynamic w/ some power play, possessive language, lil degradation, spit kink, mean dom(ish) hs, yktfv
Harry is…complex, by nature. He is a well curated structure of contradictions. He is a rockstar, an animal, a glossy beastly thing on stage. He glows under the spotlight, basking in all that concentrated attention with the air of a man who deserves every last drop. He is a hip roller, a tongue wagger, a dark eyed pretty boy dream. He’s sharp cut hips, tatted all over and wrapped up in glitter.
He is also a cream puff — that’s the version of him you met first, assisting a stylist on a Gucci suiting campaign. You’d steamed his double breasted coat, matched the ties to his green-glass eyes, buttoned him up all snug in his dress-shirt. And he’d blushed and dimpled his way through all of it. Told you that you didn’t have to do all that (“I kind of do, darling, it’s my job”), said please and thank you and stood where he was supposed to stand and made everyone laugh and look at him all fond because he was a professional sweetheart, an actual dream to work with. With the way he acted, you couldn’t tell he found you attractive until after the shoot wrapped and he walked up to you all bashful to ask for your number. It was the way he stated his intentions that got you, the way he said, soft and steady “anything you want, we can do anything you want as long as I can keep you company”.
He took you for squid ink pasta for the first date, because you’d never had it. He showed you how he liked his oysters (“a little lemon, just a squeeze..”) and how to tip them back into your mouth to taste them, and he watched the way your lips wrapped round the shell with a low heat gaze, kept his desire on the simmer like he didn’t want to scare him away. You let your inhibitions sink away into a glass of champagne, flirted with him in the same breath you talked his ear off about your job, about the books you were reading, about your vision for the future. He was so like you — the same raw ambition, the same comfort in the way you wore your skin that you’d both fought tooth and nail for, the same wicked tongue. You liked to make him blush, to tease him until he was giggling in faux offense (“it is not a whore house, it’s a family show, that’s the whole point!” “sir, at last show you sang the words “if you’re getting yourself wet for me”, and then rubbed your fingers together to demonstrate said wetness, those are the actions of a whore!”), until he let some of that babygirl cupcake act drop long enough to thumb some passion fruit sorbet from the corner of your lip and take it into his mouth, closing his eyes and groaning a little under his breath like you just tasted that good.
The second date was a flea market in the south of France. He prepared you with a simple instruction to pack light, and in response to your question about the cost of the train and accommodation and time off work he responded the same — kissed you on the temple and said “I’ll take care of all of it, you don’t have to worry about a thing, you can have anything you want, sweetheart”.
And then he did, took care of every detail — told your boss he was borrowing you for a shoot (“bring them back in one piece, styles, they’re one of our best” “mm, no promises”), got the both of you a private carriage so you could watch the grey London skyline fade away into lush fields of lavender, held your hand all the way, looked at you like you were the best view in sight, whisked you away to a cute little hostel where no one but the owners recognized him (the lady of the house absolutely fawned over him, called him strawberry boy, chided him for being gone for so long).
You used maybe two braincells that weekend — he made sure of that. Every whim, he tended to. If you wanted coffee, he went to the market and fetched you something freshly ground with notes of toffee and dark chocolate. If your stomach rumbled, he sat you down on the kitchen counter and fixed you lemon pasta, fed you dates by hand while the sauce settled, stole kisses in-between bites — cupped your face in his hands and licked into your mouth and said “feel so lucky, can’t believe your here, are you happy, what do you need, whatever you want, wanna give you everything…”.
You let him fuck you during that trip. After a dreamy morning picnicking with a jar of strawberry preserves and fresh bread and heavenly salted butter, and a whole day at the markets where he bought you a whole new wardrobe, gently insisting that he wanted to do this for you. “Harry, this is vintage alaïa, I don’t need that” you’d said. “You’re a stylist, sweetheart, might come in handy — and you’ve been eyeing it up since you saw it, at least try it on, yeah? See how you feel after”.
You’d tried it on, and it fit so perfect your mouth went a little dry — and his eyes on you, the way he smoothed his hands over your hips and told you that “you look so pretty, angel, prettiest fucking thing I ever saw” made you light-headed, running your thighs together in the dressing room. He liked doing that to you, putting you in pretty things, seeing you admire yourself. He bought you the alaïa, the cavalli handbag, a silk Gucci scarf — he was still polite, still your sweet thoughtful boy, but you could see through the cracks to what lay beneath that. The power he held over you, the obvious pleasure he took in being able to take care of you, showering you in nice things, the way he made you feel you didn’t have to think about anything when you were with him because he could do the thinking for you.
That’s the man that took you to bed. The one that told you to put your pretty new things away and wait for him in the bedroom while he tucked the groceries away. The one who met you with hungry eyes when he found you stripped down to your new chocolate brown agent provocateur set and kneeling on the bed and just clicked his tongue and asked you if he told you to do that. Tutted when you looked at him all confused and tried to explain yourself, shushed you and said (with the same quiet intensity as the first day he met you), “not your fault baby, didn’t have to think at all today, you’re just my pretty little doll, huh?”
that’s the Harry that felt every bit of your mouth with his fingers, pressed down on your tongue until you drooled a little and then made fun of you for it. The one that wouldn’t let you touch his dick until he worked you up so good that you thought you would cry, ran his tongue over the lace on your body, teased over every single sensitive inch of you until you were shaking and begging (“please, Harry please, just touch me, anything, anything” “look at you — pretty fucking mess for me, huh? wanna see you cry, baby, can’t give you my dick unless you ask real nice for me”).
He fucked you slow and deep with a hand wrapped around your neck, told you that one day he’d buy you something shiny to lay where his hand had been, but until then you’d just have to wear his fingers around your throat — told you that it was his favorite thing you’d tried on all day, called you his doll, his baby, his perfect little slut. “M’gonna give you everything you fucking want,” he said, licking the salt off your skin as it trailed down your cheek, pulling your head back to spit in your mouth and rub it into your tongue (“filthy thing, you like that? nuh-uh? you got real tight on me, baby, you must really like that”), rolling his hips and driving in hard until your eyes rolled back and you couldn’t even find your voice to beg him for more. “And you’re gonna let me, aren’t you? Not gonna fight me, are you baby? Just gonna let me take care of everything, I know what you need, daddy’s gonna give you fucking everything — that’s it, angel, just shut the fuck up and take it, you’re so good at that”.
He made you come like that, and then flipped you over, lifted your hips up and licked you out from the back, slapped you across the clit if you tried to run away from it, told you to “take it, don’t fucking run, gonna make a big mess aren’t you, show me, fuckin’ show me, that’s so good, you’re so good”, and then fucked you like that — pushed your face into the mattress and laid into you until you did make a mess, till you were drooling with it.
He was back in full sweetheart mode when he was done with you — ran you a bath and toweled you dry and held you in his arms till you fell asleep, kissed your head and said “thank you, baby, did so good for me, gave me everything I’ll ever need”. He was complex like that — a menace, an angel, a demon, a fucking fairytale prince. And you were lucky enough that you got to see every inch of it, bask in the flow of it.
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courtlyharlequin · 1 year
request are OPEN!! :OO may i request headcanons of ruugie, kalim, jamil, trey, and jade with a friend who cooks often (perhaps because of their past life, cooking different cuisine or baking different pastries)?
The Sweetness and Spice of Life
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A/N: Awww~ this is such a cute prompt!! I hope my delivery is up to par, anon (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧
Ruggie Bucchi :
Now, he's an above average chef. Not ordinary, but also not extraordinary. Let's just say that Ruggie know his way around the kitchen. He's also very creative. Growing up poor taught him how to be resourceful so he tends to use vegetable scraps as a base for broth or he candies his fruit peels
Having a friend who can cook is an absolute delight for Ruggie! Taking a page out of Leona's book, having a friend that cooks also means that he could take a share of your leftovers or be a taste tester! You both could share some culinary tips with each other
If you're the better cook, Ruggie would come to you for some lessons. He wants to eat better food! He's not really picky, but there's always room for improvement
If he's the better cook, then he'd give you a bit of a teasing session for it. Name a price and he'll teach you... he's kidding.
Ruggie is not much of a baker, but if you bake and don't cook then he proposes a deal: you let him have some your your pastries or make him donuts once a week and he'll cook something for you. Sounds fair right?
Friendships have their benefits and this is one of them in the case of your friendship with his.
Kalim Al-Asim:
Kalim... is not that great in the kitchen, but he's got the spirit. He'll one hundred percent be your sous chef or sit by the kitchen island and talk to you while you work if you don't like people messing with your rhythm. Cooking is sometimes a therapeutic process for people. He gets that.
If you do let him be the sous chef, you have to be careful around him. Kalim hasn't done much in the kitchen since everything was already done for him back at home so you have to go through the motions a few times. He'll get it eventually though. Plus, cooking is more fun if it's a little messy.
Probably... not the best taste tester. Kalim says everything tastes good. And he truly means it, but that's not true for everyone. So you might have to double check.
Sometimes, Kalim might even ask you to cook in bulk for any banquets he's hosting at the Scarabia dormitory. He'll compensate you accordingly so don't worry about that.
He wants to show off your talent and lift some weight off of Jamil's shoulders. This is killing two birds with one stone!
Jamil Viper:
He likes to cook. You like to cook. It's a way to earn a paramount of respect from him. If you'd like to talk or exchange some culinary tips and tricks- or even recipes– Jamil is down.
And that's how the two of you became friends!
Jamil is usually quiet in the kitchen, but not when he's with you. Because, to be frank, he's never had someone share the same hobby with the same amount of passion as him.
Especially since he focuses more on the savory dishes so if you do sweet stuff, then he'll be more inclined to learn new recipes from you simply because it's something he usually doesn't do!
If you also cook savory dishes, but a different cuisine, then he'll also be interested in learning from you. And he hopes that you're interested in his own cooking as well.
People who walk by the kitchen and hear you both talk about sous vied, par-boiling or some other cooking technique may look at you like you've grown two heads, but conversations with you run deep with thought and routine.
It's nice to have someone how understands him, someone who is as passionate about cooking as he is. Maybe you don't understand him completely (yet) but you understand his cooking and how he values it as a ritual. And he appreciates that about you.
Trey Clover:
The first and only baker among these second years!
Trey's family owns a bakery and he's also an exceptional baker himself. When he finds out that you bake as well, he's very delighted and starts bombarding you with questions e.g. what do you like to bake the most?
He wants to try your pastries so bring them over whenever you can! Please don't be intimidated. Trey promises he's not much of a Gordon Ramsay. He's easy to please.
If you bring a hard-to-make confection like macarons, then he'll be blown away. If you bring some cookies, he'll also be blown away. Each pastry has something difficult about it. Macarons are hard to pipe, but it's also difficult to get the right texture for cookies if you don't know what you're doing. You have to get the right amount of white and brown sugar.
So either way, he'll be impressed with whatever you bring.
Now, if you bring a savory pie, Trey will also be surprised. He was expecting something sweet when you said you baked.
He won't be exchanging too many techniques with you unless you ask for some pointers, but if you do ask, then he'll be more than willing to teach you how to do something.
Baking is more of a hobby for him and it's nothing he's too passionate about. He's friends with you for other reason- not to just eat your pastries... but eating some baked goods that isn't made by him or his family is nice once in a while.
Jade Leech:
Like Ruggie, Jade isn't too much of an excellent chef, but he can get by in the kitchen. He knows what to do and how to not burn down the house. But he also doesn't really view cooking as a ritual or something he could improve upon. Food is nourishment, not necessarily anything related to the soul.
Back home, he would usually eat things raw and cooking just meant adding more flavor to it, but it wasn't a necessity.
But of course, Jade works at the Mostro Lounge so he undertsna dhow imperative cooking is to land folks.
As your friend, he'll indulge in trying whatever you make. Since Jade isn't human, his taste buds are more equipped for... stronger flavors. If it's too salty, he wouldn't mind. If they meat is a still raw, that's fine too. He can stomach it. Food on land is milder than the food in the sea. It's nothing for him. So if you just started out with this new cooking hobby or yours, he's the perfect test subject.
He'll be even more delighted when he learns that you're learning how to prepare a mushroom dish. If you'd like, you can use some of his mushrooms for your cooking. Jade will ll offer you some if you'd like.
"No strings attached," he beams inconspicuously.
Now, if you back that's a different story. Baked goods aren't that common in the Coral Sea since the water makes it soggy. When Jade eats a cupcake or a puffed pastry you offered him for the first time, there's this glint in his eyes, like he's struck gold.
How... utterly delightful.
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agentc0rn · 11 months
Teal Mask: Kieran’s desire for strength - not just becoming strong as a trainer but also as a resilient individual in general. *LONG THREAD WARNING*
Just wanted to contribute further to the teal mask content and all that juicy stuff. As we all know, we all have unfortunately witnessed a poor boy’s down-spiral character arc. It is evident that Kieran wants to attain strength to become a stronger trainer and person as a whole. He outright states that he wants to become independent, capable, and reliable at some point. His motivation and source of support - ogerpon -  more so the legend version of ogerpon than the “real” ogerpon, was once a common innocent fixation that many of us probably had/have in our lives, that was then tragically turned to an unhealthy obsession. It became a poor coping mechanism and desperate means of proving himself that pushed him towards reckless methods and mannerisms.  
Parallels with Loyal Three
I mentioned in the comment section of one post that his desire for power parallels with Okidogi. Additionally, he shares similar sentiments with Fez and Munki. He wants to be “cool” like the ogre (achieve a cool status that of a hero, admired for their strength) and seeks knowledge on the ways to succeed like us - he wants to know how to become stronger -  “why can’t I be like you?”. This is shown through his tactics, team member swaps and appearance change at the end. 
Foils with other characters
I find it sad how as Ogerpon learns to open up, heal and receives support, Kieran does not have a proper, stable one since the start - his sister has supported him in some ways of course, but her attitude/actions likely has also contributed to his sense of inferiority. Thus, the combination of misunderstanding, cultural norms, strained familial relationships, miscommunication, and self inflicted misjudgments have pushed him further down the hole. It’s almost as if he is the foil of Nemona (yet also alike) in terms of how strength as a social arbiter determines one’s worth and outlook. Nemona became so strong but at a social cost; no one wants to compete or keep up with her and misreads her passion (likewise with Kieran and his interest in history). She just wants someone to battle with with all of their efforts and enjoy the battle the same way she does, which she does not mind losing. On the other hand, if you’re weak then you would likely get made fun of or ignored, which we see Kieran has internalized that idea through his accusations of us and Carmine laughing behind his back (perhaps this is a common concept that runs in blueberry academy? Competition and becoming the best are of utmost importance). Moreover, he is, in a way, a foil of Arven in ascribing to a legend and superstition - except Arven learns to embrace support after being alone for so long, heals and accepts korai/Mirai, while Kiki feels further isolated, loses grasp of who Ogerpon really is by going against her boundaries and runs away from opportunities of support. As for Penny, it is clear that they share a reclusive nature and willingness to not conform to, but to confront social standards. Penny takes self accountability for her actions, whereas for Kieran, while he does apologize at times and keeps his word - soon gets lost in a convoluted, distorted sense of right and wrong (him stealing the teal mask, and him not wanting to join the mask retrieval mission may seem selfish at first, but it could be that he didn’t want to be a burden as well as be seen sulking). He unfortunately (would) becomes the antagonist or better yet, the oni in our path.
Peach Symbolism
On another hand, kieran may be the peach boy in a sense but reverse. His actions and desire fulfilled the required conditions for the resurrection of the loyal three (desire for “revenge”) and thus indirectly leads them to endanger Ogerpon.  In one of my previous posts, I wrote a poem about how Kieran's dreams were sweet like peach, but then got crushed. And like certain fruits, it has seeds that contains some poison but not at a dangerous level (unless consumed at high amount ofc), which ties to the toxic chain and dokutaro that has been theorized to be external influences partially responsible for his behaviour.
Hero + heroic values
Finally, that one part when he says you’re like the hero of the story (that line goes hard and breaks the fourth wall, it’s been mentioned a lot in visual works on pixiv and social discourses), is a dealbreaker of his wish to keep his new friendship. Despite the portrayal of him hating the player (through memes which I do laugh at, and artworks/ discussions which I agree while sad about it) I think he is mad at us for sure, but not spiteful. Or maybe slightly. I think above all, he is mad at himself;  he constantly faces inner turmoil  to overcoming his helplessness, insecurity, and the process of revising his dreams and outgrowing his old ones. He had to forfeit his one childhood dream and now recognizes that he has to change in some way (albeit a bit extreme). In an ironic way, he would likely become his idealized version of strength, like "his" ogerpon - a strong “oni”- aka champion of bb academy. But again, while physical strength is a quality emphasized many times, Kieran wants to grow mentally strong to endure losses and humiliations both as a trainer and individual (ex. he is told down by his sister as seen in the beginning). He wants to be appreciated and not looked down as someone who is meek, weak and cowardly, which he tries so hard to build himself up on the virtues of a hero. He values honesty and a fair fight and tries to fulfill them to "earn" respect from people + ogerpon as a trainer. And maybe, that is when he feels that he is equal on par with you, and that he can be considered good enough to be our friend.
I really feel a lot for Kieran, because I do see myself in him (not in an obsessive way though) - hated losing, shy, hyerpfixations… I see his good traits and flaws - he is curious, sensitive, empathetic, has a critical mind of mainstream narratives but is also insecure and stubborn. I see too much simplistic takes on them (Kieran is narcissistic victim, Carmen is abusive,etc), like I get some aspects of the ideas, but saying that in a deterministic way does not define the character at all…
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