#Part of a machine. Not a human being. Face all made up living on a screen
signofthestriking · 2 months
Me at the thought of a disheveled Jack dancing to Gasoline at 3am
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23 notes · View notes
x-ladydisdain-x · 1 year
really returning to my roots (middle school) here but Halsey was so real for writing this
10 notes · View notes
diejager · 11 months
pretty pretty please 🙏🙏
Only Human pt.2
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Pairing: Monster Task Force 141 + König & Horangi x reader
Cw: canon-typical violence, hate, xenophobia, mention of racism, blood and violence, injury, fighting, protective 141, trauma?, anxiety, tell me if I missed any. wc: 6.3k
Only Human Masterlist
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You still wonder, to this day, why you were needed on the Task Force. It worked like a well-oiled machine when put to the task, nearly unstoppable in the face of enemies. Although you were prideful to call it your home, you felt lacking compared to them, all much stronger, fiercer, and nimbler than you in every aspect, separated by miles of distance. One thing, however, that you could wield with an iron fist was your human nature and people’s fear of newly implemented hybrids. The public expression from governments about welcoming them into their ranks and their society without staying hidden under the pretence of being sick or behind a veil of secrecy. 
You, after seeing how many Joint Task Forces and other Teams treated the 141, decided to deal with the introductions, the medium, the pacifier, between every team. Humans tended to react differently to another human than to a hybrid, they were nicer, less brutal and honest (a kind that held little spite). Laswell seemed more agreeable to your idea when you first came up to her with it, having seen the hate sent to hybrids she worked with. She encouraged you to be the first to interact or stand beside Price when he greeted human soldiers. Price, unlike Laswell, was reluctant at first. His instinct of protection and possession of his hoard made him less open to such ideas, especially if it brought you some, if any, backlash from other humans (humans are cruel, they shun what they don’t understand, they fear it and push to control it, if not, they destroy it. The need to control every aspect of their life made humans ruthlessly unremorseful and unsympathetic to other causes.).
As a tight-knit TF, some decisions are taken in votes, by hearing what the others thought of the idea or plan and his one was harsh. Ghost was hard-pressed on keeping you between them, the little, fleshy human of their Task Force (the youngest) and to let them deal with xenophobic glares while keeping you protected. Alejandro was similarly worried, but he knew the outcome of letting you speak first or accompany Price. He was torn. The others, Soap, Gaz and Rudy, seemed onboard, with the kind of why the fuck not? kind of look on their faces. Soap especially, he’d be able to stick close to you without having to hover over you like a protective guard dog. 
Seeing the votes in your favour, he let it pass, and no sooner had they needed to meet a second team - human soldiers - for the next deployment. You stood beside Price when he strutted down the walkway, shoulders broad and back straight, an image of a strong and fearless leader with his draconic tail flailing lowly. He, as intended, greeted them first, rank and name before he presented you, his little human helper with humans. They’d taken better to speaking to you, being spoken by one of their own rather than a hybrid. He saluted you more amicably and more sincerely:
“Pleasure meeting you, Hunter.”
“The pleasure’s all mine, Captain.”
Although it wasn't without its setbacks, the operation went well, you had been able to come out mostly unscathed, leaving a few enemies on the brink of death for Ghost to savour. He was most thankful, a part of his body dissolving into the finest mist as they washed over the living bodies sprawled on the ground. You watched on, mesmerised by the uncanny way Ghost’s body absorbed the bodies of others, flooding the area with his shadow while you stayed unbothered, in the same condition as he first started. His darkness reached your neck, covering you in a soft cover of warmth as he ground the bodies to ash and dust. His skin was cold, but his powers were darkly hot, burning with the embers of hell, of a dead soul coming back for revenge and evilness.
Beyond the fact that your idea worked, you liked feeling useful to them, having a semblance of usefulness in a team of extremely competent beings. You felt with first greetings from then on, smiling and saluting to the leading figures of the groups you’d work alongside. It lessened the weight on Price to appease and pacify the new additions, he’d be able to fare better with the operators now that they had a different welcome, a different kind of greeting. It played into the minds of wary men that a human was the one to greet them, that one of theirs was leading the hybrids for them. You played the perfect example of a soldier for any xenophobic bastard. 
Ghost, while still feared, received fewer glares than he usually would, occasional ones from daring or bold soldiers holding a lower rank than him, but he appreciated your attempts at making them more comfortable. He’s used to the negative reactions, had been since his childhood, but you seemed to make him feel like he deserved better, like he shouldn’t be glared, spat and scoffed at.
Soap, Rudy and Alejandro looked like human men in peak condition, if only for Soap and Alejandro’s glowing eyes and heightened strength and agility. Rudy was somewhat human, he looked and acted like one, down to the DNA, but with the title of cadejos vessel came powers. Perhaps not as strongly affecting as the rest of the hybrids, but he had subtle changes in his molecular making. 
Gaz had stares coming left and right, daggers sent his way for having wings and talons he couldn’t will them to disappear, to recess under his skin and wear the appearance of a human man. He felt the heaviest blow by both not being able to cover his gifts and the colour of his skin. Although you wanted to proclaim that your new age came with more open-minded people, you knew that it simply couldn’t fix hundreds of years of standards in a few decades. People would still judge others by the tone and colour of your skin, they’d still hate the different and the strange; just like they hated hybrids. So you kept to his side most often after your introductions, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close, letting him embrace you with a protective wing and a grateful smile.
You mostly worked hand in hand with human-filled teams and spear-headed human-led operations. So you were shocked, frozen to your core, when you saw a tiger haetae hybrid beside a tall, veiled operator walking down the cargo ramp. The hybrid, a tiger variant from the black-striped, orange tail that flickered slowly in a warning to any approaching beings. Dark glasses and a mask covered his face, his jacket and vest riding to the edge of his jaw, covering any skin from showing, though his lower back was left uncovered for the comfort of his swaying tail. He was neither short nor tall, he was tall enough to be slightly over the average height, but his teammate dwarfed him.
Perhaps his enormous height was an aspect of his monster half, or maybe he had the perfect genes to hold such a frame. He too, like his haetae operator, hid his face under a veil with maroon tears painted under his eyes. Like Ghost, he was covered head to toe in equipment and clothes, a jacket, a vest, gloves and black paint around his eyes. Whoever this was had both height and mass, burly arms and broad shoulders eclipsed by a slim waist and equally, disastrously thick thighs. On their left arm were flags, one from South Korea and the other from Austria.
They were the only ones to walk out, the only ones to approach you. Then your TF only had two new faces to work with rather than a whole team. You were tempted to say it would be easier, you waited until they stopped for Price - Price only - to greet them since they wouldn’t need a human to negate any aggressiveness between human and hybrid - or so you thought. They moved in synchrony, Price stepping forward to cover you with his body, his back facing you as he crossed his arms. Ghost and Alejandro had moved next to the captain, covering your sides. Alejandro had crossed his arm in a similarly menacing way, and Ghost stood still, body rigid but ready to strike at a moment’s notice; both were glaring ahead. Soap and Rudy took their places behind the colonel and the lieutenant, arms glued on their sides, weapons within reach with menacing stares towards the Korean and the Austrian. Gaz’s wings grazed you, soft feathers wrapping themselves around you and pulling you into his chest, acting as a protective cocoon for you. 
They moved so quickly and efficiently that they seemed to suddenly appear in place, back straight and protective. Protective of you. Hybrids, from what you’d heard from couples and families, were possessive of their own, caring and extremely wary of other hybrids they hadn’t formed a bond with. Your TF was your pack, they were all tethered to each other through the familial bond they formed over the years. Then you came in, small and weak with your human self into a den of lions, thrown to be subjugated to their loving mercy and sinfully strong personalities. 
The team of six hybrids encased you, barring the KorTac specialists from seeing you. Monsters and hybrids could sense one another - from what you heard - and they reacted instinctively. You saw their bodies tense as the two approached your team, muscles strained under the compacting anxiety and possessiveness. You could neither see over their shoulders nor feel what was happening, they stopped farther from you than you’d expected and you couldn’t see their feet. 
The only sign you had was your captain’s gravelly voice welcoming them, his tail swaying like a cat’s tail, a slow, cautious motion. It - knowingly or unknowingly, seeing as Price acted on a mix of instincts and worry - wrapped around your ankle, clinging tightly to your boot-clad leg while a rumble rattled his chest. Steam rolled from his lips, billowing over the top of his hat in a show of power and warning. You hoped they wouldn’t take this negatively. They worked hard to curb the harmful rumours of 141 being beasts in human skin, acting like blood-thirsty and ravaging monsters that cared for nothing but themselves. 
Although you couldn’t see them, the Austrian could, his towering height assured that he could see over almost any human, monster and hybrid alike. He was curious about the way they protected one of theirs as if you were weak. He cocked his head, green eyes gleaming red as he stared silently at the small mop of hair between them. What made you so important? What made you such a protected soldier? He couldn’t sense you like he could the others, their scent and magic masking yours in a violent torrent. 
Unlike him, his friend couldn’t be bothered with the show of protection, he’d enrolled for the money and wouldn’t be deterred by much. He was a tiger haetae, honourable to a certain extent and proud. He might be shorter than the hybrids around him, but he was as vicious and talented as the next. He, however, was slightly curious, but he wasn’t paid enough to inquire or worry about the doings of 141’s pack.
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It went as well as anyone would expect for the 141 with the added help of two military, hybrid operators from an elite PMC. As the combat medic of the TF, you followed them from behind and moved to the middle when you entered the building. You’d usually be at the back, being a medic, but you were a combat medic, having seen and participated in complete ops dealing with infiltrations and hostage rescue. You were an integral part of every mission. Now that they had a medic on hand, the wounds the men suffered could be treated in place rather than wait for the long ride home with the possibility of letting infection take root in the gash and watching it fester during hours in the carrier. 
They had a habit of getting shot and slashed, a tad bit reckless in their ways but still effective. The stress of risking infection or the impossibility of reaching a medic after a mission was lessened, Price would still be able to live a few more centuries before his hair turned grey with nerves and his face wrinkled with frowns. You were a treasure beyond the fact that you were extremely helpful and insightful on your own. Your hands were steady and your demeanour calm and collected (albeit fidgety when put under too much pressure and fiery when someone looked at them differently.), you were a beauty, someone they needed to nurse and protect. 
“I warned you about standing so close to the explosion!” They watched you berate Soap, cheeks puffed and lips pulled in an adorable pout. You went on a list of things he could’ve done better and safer than the decision he made, hands pulling the bandage around his arm, your bag set beside you. 
“How was I supposed ta know?” The werewolf grumbled, giving you his best version of his “puppy dog eyes'' while he slouched back, trying to sit as comfortably as possible on the hard seats of the aircraft carrier. 
“You’re a demolition expert, you’re supposed to know, Soap.” You hissed, tightening the wrap and smoothing it over so that it would hold. Your hand dipped into your bag, pulling out a few alcohol wipes for his face. With a jerky motion of your hands, you broke the seal and started patting his bleeding cuts from shrapnel and grazes from bullets. He winces with every dab, fidgeting in his seat while you disinfected his wounds, wiping away the dirt and blood before deeming it clean enough to move to the next one. “You also have a habit of setting things on fire.”
Although you mumbled it so quietly, the others heard you clearly, laughter rumbling out of the others while they watched Soap being scolded by the youngest. You never feared reprimanding them for an idiotic act that would result in having you tending to them, it was something they appreciated, the familiarity and comfort you had with them. They weren’t monsters, hybrids or anything with you, they were your family. 
Seeing you so at ease with them had König and Horangi curious, most would cower or segregate themselves from other hybrids. You especially, seeing as you were the only human with them, they thought it’d be normal to see you shrink onto yourself and ignore the world around you while you waited to return home. Yet here you were, berating a werewolf for cuts and bruises that would heal in the following days, his metabolism prevented infection and permanent scarring unless it was too deep or deadly. They’d simply add to his rugged handsomeness.
König wondered if you’d show him the same amount of compassion and ease when you tended to his wounds - if he ended up having any at all. Would your hands be soft like his mother’s when cradling his arm? Would you whisper soft nothings to him while you cleaned his gashes with antiseptics? Would you also scold him for being reckless? He doubted that. Granted, he was extremely reckless and lost himself to the adrenaline pumping through his system when he entered the field, but he always came out unscathed. As a percht hybrid, his extreme enhancements made him practically numb to pain and sensations, with the small exceptions of a few primarily driven emotions or natural reactions to certain stimuli.
Perhaps, if your efforts were thwarted by his immense height, you’d hold and tend to him as softly as you did with the others, running your fingers through his hair and cradling him against your chest. He thirsted for something mundane, something so human-like that he would be reminded that he wasn’t completely a monster. He missed the softness in people’s gazes or the carefree way they spoke to and with him. He missed being reminded that he - too - was a living being with their rights. You could be the start of a regular life - as regular as a mercenary could have.
Even Horangi, who had vehemently stated to König that he could care less about the small, weak human in the operation, gave you the merit of being strong-willed and confident enough to stand beside them. He, the ever prideful and strong hybrid he was, deemed you competent for a human. Your usefulness started with your quick reactions and impeccable skills in your field and stopped when you couldn’t save someone, which had yet to happen. He was intrigued by the workings of your TF, how they managed to score a single human and an amicable one at that, strong and fierce, yet gentle and compassionate. If he’d grown up with someone like you, would he have turned out the way he did? 
He simply watched from his corner beside König, through tinted glasses his eyes followed your movement, memorising everything you did for your brothers. They felt like imposters in your small, seven-men group, seemingly standing awkwardly in their little corner. 141 had shown a bit of aggression towards them in warning words and deadly glares when they assumed you didn’t see them, hissing out threats to ensure your safety among them. Not only were they confused by the dynamic, but they weren’t told anything besides “Back off” and growls. 
After patting Gaz’s knee, giving him an oscar winning smile with gleaming eyes that were received with enthusiasm, you packed your things in your bag and moved to the next patient. You skipped Price, Ghost and Rudy, crouching in front of Alejandro. Rummaging through your bag and handing him a clean wipe for his dust-covered face, the soot clinging to his cheeks. He expected you to sit by your locked rifle after checking them, but you continued walking. You were heading towards them.
He knew König left the ground unscathed, clean of anything but dirt and blood, which meant he was the one you were heading towards. Hand on your pouch and a steady step backed up by a determined expression, you stopped before him. He tilted his head, a silent question. You blinked dumbly, holding out your hand to him, your small fingers backing him to give you something.
“Can I see your hand?”
His hand? He hadn’t thought much of it as he rested it on yours, palm upwards and gloveless. He saw it then, the small cut that bled red, small enough to be neglectable, but long enough to still be bleeding. He hadn’t felt anything from it before or after boarding the aircraft, he must’ve still been riding the adrenaline rush from the fight. He wondered how you knew he hurt himself.
Your fingers curled around his palm, holding it firmly as you lightly dabbed the inflamed skin with a sterilised tissue, being careful of the flared sides of his torn flesh. Under the blood and dirt, his skin was pale and swollen, the area having demanded his body to react to the potential bacteria that would worm its way into his system. You threw the bloody tissue aside and got an antiseptic wipe, being careful to not irritate his wound. Your care was gentle and patient. To a being like him, a hybrid and KorTac op, gentle and patient were foreign words to him. None were gentle to hybrids and none were patient with mercenaries. 
Even as you wrapped the gauze and bandage around his hand, you gave him all your attention, sweetly cradling his hand between yours and nursing his gash with utmost care. It felt alien, the soothingly soft care of a medic. Other medics would’ve stared at him with disgust or hate if he walked near the infirmary, or they were rough and uncaring towards his needs. 
“Thank you,” he mumbled, the sudden realisation of his silence in the face of a benevolent angel and the rush of embarrassment that flushed his neck hotly. He stared dumbly at his hand when you left, placed on his thigh with the white bandage staring right at him. The warmth of your hand had sunk into his skin, the feather-light tenderness of your fingers painted in his memory and your smile and determined expression stuck to him. 
Even as he let his mind wander and body thirst for another taste of your gentleness, he could feel the burning stares of the other men. König with his curious and envious gaze, wanting to feel the snippet you offered Horangi, wanting your hands and stare at his giant figure. The 141 with their protective and warning glare, resenting him for taking a few minutes of your attention from them. You’d moved on your own, making your decision to help him with his small wounds as you did with them, he hadn’t forced you or compelled you to treat him.
Perhaps there was more than money and experience that was worth in this joint operation. 
When the success of their first mission reached the prying ears of the General, he’d given them a few more joint ops - paid by the United States pockets, of course. Horangi and König were given temporary rooms in the barracks, in the same corner as the other hybrids and you, but far enough to show that they were excluded from them. Fortunately, they wouldn’t share the room, tigers were protective of one’s territory, and a percht hybrid - as rare as it may be - was documented to be hyper-possessive of their things, especially so for someone like König. 
Horangi didn’t ignore you anymore, wanting to start a conversation when he passed you or staring at you from the other side of the room until you waved at him, letting him know he could approach you. He worked relentlessly to close the gap he had made between you, wanting to attach himself to the one good thing he had. Yet he had to be cautious, any indication of him being a threat to you would make your team act out in unison, pushing him back and covering you like they did the second he descended the ramp. 
Ghost would hover over you, his body moving the darkness around him to seem more menacing. Ghost always glared at him when you turned your back to the Brit, his brown eyes swirling with the promise of death and devastation. Ghost wasn’t a physical hybrid, as Horangi had learned, but he had no qualms about keeping a hand on your hip or over your shoulder, acting as an imposing being that showcased his claim on you so publicly. It filled the Korean with envy and anger, he wanted to touch you as easily as the wraith did, he wanted a claim on you like the Lieutenant did, and he wanted to hold you close. 
If not Ghost, it’d be Rudy or Gaz crowding you. If you were in the rec room, Gaz would usually be there with you. His arm thrown over your shoulders, pulling you into his side while his wings curled around you two, dark brown feathers ruffled to look menacing but comfortable to your touch. With the way he sat, slouching and legs spread across the sofa, he took all the available seats on the cheap, brown couch. When Gaz caught sight of him, he’d purposefully moved to take up more space, showing just how much one of the nicest of the 141 ostracised him. Although when someone from his TF, he’d move aside, giving space to the man to join them. 
If you were walking around the base, Rudy - or Rudolfo as Horangi was forced to call him - would be by your side. Rudy had an arm wrapped around yours, seemingly like a military couple out on a casual walk, or he had his hand on your back, acting as the protective lover. Rudolfo’s smile was always wide and adoring when Horangi saw him walk you, exchanging words and making you laugh. It stung Horangi in an inexplicable way as if someone was knowingly sentencing him to death without any proof of his accountability. Rudy, the second nicest guy, also made glaring passes his way, pulling you closer to his side, directing you away and staring coldly at Horangi.
It rubbed him wrong, all the silent glares and insults at him to push him farther from you, but he was Horangi the Tiger haetae. He made his calculations, he was as smart and as resourceful as he was patient. Give it a few more missions together and they would loosen enough to let him swoop you off your feet. You were his source of comfort, of love and gentleness, he had to protect it. 
Unlike Horangi, König actively sought you out on the base, following the trail of your scent and the soft noises of your voice and heartbeat. He was like a dog on your trail, nose sniffing every bit of air for you and ears strained for any noise you’d make. His senses were stretched thin to find a moment with you. He was as animalistic as a hybrid could get, leaning towards his monster to help him with his ops and trials. 
You piqued König’s curiosity, making him wander the halls like a lumbering monster in a dark veil and glaring, red eyes. He saw how you treated big and dangerous monsters like the dragon hybrid you had as a captain, a respectable man, as soft as you treated the rowdy and rough werewolf and gracefully dangerous nagual. König wanted to feel your softness on him, your small hand grasping the tight muscles of his shoulders and back, kneading the tension away with grounding massages and stretches. You were their doctor, you cared enough to join them in the field, so you’d naturally be willing to mass the pain out of his body, no? 
He wanted moments alone, where he could speak his mind without fear of being interrupted or pushed away for his imposing stature and aura. He wanted to place a hand on your waist, to feel the plush roundness of your stomach and the firm contour of muscle on your thighs. He wanted his voice to carry easily in the void of silence, where his voice could be heard by you from a small whisper. He wanted your eyes to focus on him, solely, as if he was your world. 
He found it rather irritatingly difficult to find such moments. When he followed your scent through the halls and down to the medic's office, he’d find Captain Price crowding the room with his powerful musk of Ashe and fire - of metal and iron. Although Price was much shorter and lesser ranked than König was, he held the power of age and wisdom, an unfathomable strength that lay solely in draconic beings. This eternal power that none could rival apart from Eldritch beings, most cower, whimper and hide from dragons. He wore his power and wisdom on his sleeves, a warning for everyone, him and his KorTac operators included. König might’ve been reckless, but he wasn’t a fool, fighting headfirst with dragon seamed chaos and devastation. So, as any hybrid did, he backed away, an old dragon was dangerous, but a crippled one made it even more perilous.
When König tried to find you in the rec room, you were held in the tight embrace of a possessive wolf. Soap had you straddling his lap, facing him as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. He purred and kissed your skin, making you squirm and giggle, but then Soap’s eyes gazed upwards and grew cold and unruly at König’s appearance. A proud - dare he say, cruel - smirk curled the corners of his lips. That was when he realised what the sergeant was doing. Soap, in the open, was scenting you, rubbing his musk over your neck, where - if you were another sifting hybrid like him and Alejandro - would’ve been your scent gland. It was a blatant show of possession. He nipped at your throat, drinking in your yelp and hiss, your back arching and moving to push him from biting too much. It filled him with rage.
If you weren’t with either dragon or werewolf, you were with Alejandro, the Hispanic scenting you as much as Soap did, but he did it with more finesse and subtlety. He would draw your hair back, the gland on his wrist grazing your neck and ears, imprinting you with him. Alejandro would hold your hand, fingers neatly intertwined with yours, his face laying on your shoulder as he spooned you in his lap. He purred and whispered sweet promises that had you nodding and smiling like a child on Christmas. He oosed of pheromones, filling the area with his scent and in turn, covering you completely in him. König watched with envy as Alejandro read to you, cradled between his thighs and falling asleep, his, Soap and everyone else’s musk laying a possession over you. 
König’s a determined person when he put his mind to it, willing his beaten and bloodied self back to camp, or his sleep-deprived and insomniac-ridden mind to concentrate on the enemy. He was a battering ram, he pushed forward forcefully, however hard he had to, all to reach the end goal. This time, it wouldn’t be the head of his target, or the capture of an asset, this time, it would be you.
They both wondered, with how close your TF was, what was the dynamic. Was it a pack that shared the same lover? Was it a pack that had formed such a close connection to a human that you were deemed an integral part of the pack? Or were you the child they watched over and protected?
The next few missions 141 and the two from KorTac went on were as successful as the first, the cooperation of two ruthless mercenaries and a hybrid, specialist group made these tasks easy, near child’s play for them. Along with the aspect of having a medic on hand, it let them run wild, play along the edge and act more recklessly than they normally would. Having Horangi and König for so long, made them become a standard in the base, seeing them walk among the shorter and weaker humans. That also meant they had seen their fair share of xenophobic soldiers with balls bigger than a dragon’s and an ego the size of an Eldritch creature. 
Every hybrid and monster was used to their hateful glares and sneering venom-dripping words. Ignoring them had become easier after the first year of enrolment. Horangi and König were, however, not used to someone defending them with their most honest heart of gold with earth-shattering words. 
The first time they’d seen you defend your team was right after a mission, haunches, lumbering bodies descending the carrier’s ramp with their bags slung over their shoulders and addled with fatigue after a week of deployment. Young, power-hungry sergeants who’d let their ranks get to their heads had slid before them, head held high and shoulders held wide. Every single one of them knew that the moment the sergeant’s mouth opened, nothing good would come out of it. Perhaps degrading insults or back-handed sneers.
When the first sentence slipped from the man’s tongue, you pushed your way between them, barrelling into the man who’d insulted them. A deep frown was etched into your lips, brows creased so darkly into you that it cast a dark shroud of anger over your face. If König hadn’t known that you were a human, he would’ve thought that you were a being of darkness. 
“You dim-witted bastards-!” Was the first word you let out, your usually soft-spoken self with gentle hands spewed acid at them, threatening to burn their skin. 
Dim-witted, indeed. Old, conservative assholes who thought they were better than the rest with their pro-human propaganda and xenophobic acts against hybrids. Horangi had expected you to continue your scolding, wringing the sergeant dry with your words, not your hands. You used your hands, fingers curled inward, thumb over the curves of your bones and decked the man. It shocked them both, you were smaller, shorter, human and seemed weaker than the men, yet here you were, sending him toppling on the floor, his friend gaping and pouncing on you. Only to be met with your foot to his crotch. 
“You bet your ass you won’t get any medical attention after this,” you hissed.
Although your words sounded improbable since you weren’t the only medic on base, you had built a connection through the system, every medic knew you and heeded your words. If one didn’t want a man healed, you and the rest wouldn’t help him. If you wanted a man to suffer, the rest would watch on with you. Medics were themselves, a tight-knit couple that helped one another. So your words were more than a threat, it was a promise. 
“Until I see your sorry asses on your deathbed or grovelling, none of us will lift a finger for you. Bleed and beg all you want, but you aren’t getting help.”
You acted with an iron hand, sending the rest to the ground, moaning and groaning, cradling whatever part of their body you’d hit. They wondered why Ghost hadn’t moved, and neither did Gaz or Rudy, the most protective ones. When König glanced down at Ghost, he saw pride in his eyes, dark curled on sadistic pleasure swirling in his brown eyes. When Horangi gazed at Gaz and Rudy, he saw simple amusement, their mouths threatening to curl in a smirk.
All of them had known you’d act this way, erratic and violent rather than calmly scold them and stomp over their ego. You were strong-headed and blunt to them, making them bow to you, like lesser men to a lady, a queen, a goddess. 
Horangi had experienced his own protection from you. After the men had loosened enough to trust him and König, he could walk beside you and hold a simple banter, albeit awkward at the start. You were much more violent this time, reaching for the downed man while hissing and screeching after you sent him to the floor with well-aimed kicks. You were like a gremlin, small and lively. He understood your anger, they’d called him racist things, calling out his Asian roots and hybrid characteristics. 
Horangi had to hold you from going off on him following your promise of neglecting his medical needs. It worked, though. The first group had searched to plead, to apologise and beg for medical attention. You’d sent them away with a small note lifting the ban for medical help. You were as ruthless with people as they were to enemies. 
Any other encounters with hot-headed men and women that glanced at them weirdly were met with a varying amount of anger and disgust from you. Horangi understood why 141 held you so carefully, so tightly in their hold. Why they worshipped you like a priest would do with his goddess. It was a sense of camaraderie that had evolved into love, affection dripping from their pores. 
König received a bit more attention for his size, the threatening nature of his ouster coupled with his brute figure, made him a subject of fear and rejection. That hadn’t stopped you from wanting to approach him, had it? Going as far as calling him cute when he stuttered while broaching the subject of him liking certain things. For a burly man with the height of a giant, he was nice to sit next to, his quiet but anxious stature when he wasn’t deployed made it easy to talk to. He might sometimes let his instincts drive him, but they were all well-meaning, wanting nothing but goodness for you. 
His turn came in quick succession, he was shunned and ridiculed left and right. It never helped that he would shy from others, preferring his little corner that made the room look stranger and claustrophobic (not that he let them walk all over him, he growled and glared, standing tall with the promise of lashing out or eating them. Even when humans feared König, they still attempted to rile his anger.). But with you, he wasn’t by his lonesome, he had someone to rattle on about the things he liked to do, or the things he wanted to do. His shoulders were relaxed and mind calm, free to speak his mind about the goriest and the sweetest dreams he had, his speech unperturbed by his anxiety. 
Unlike the others, König stood before you as an impenetrable wall of muscle and fat when you raised your hand at an insignificant pig. Why would he let someone so disgusting touch you (even though it was to hit and kick the man, he would do it for you instead)? He guarded you as if they were insulting you rather than him - though it was the reverse - and glared down at anyone with dreadfully scary eyes. Like the devil that had risen, he sent them running with their tails tucked between their legs. Although he was the one that had gotten rid of them, he was always so proud of you, holding you close to him and gushing about your brave and inspiring actions. 
He saw how the men in 141 looked at you, he wanted to be a part of it, to be able to freely nuzzle your face and hold you like Soap would, to cradle you in his arms and carry you around the base. König wanted a piece of your heart, to be able to show the world he held it in his hands, caring for it between his big, calloused fingers and soft affection. He might be dangerous, he might be deadly, he might be reckless, but if you let him, you would be his world like you were to the others (Horangi would agree, they spoke about it on their own.).
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goodiegoddesselle · 5 months
my favorite pair | L. DH
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pairing: enemy roommate!haechan x reader
genre: smut, sir/daddy dom, unprotected sex, degradation, pervert haechan lol, enemies to lovers, uses doll/toy as a nickname
summary: you see one day that your annoying roommate, haechan, hasn't done his laundry and just left his basket by the washing machine. sure, this is irritating, but it reminded you to do your own. when you finally start getting your own clothing, you notice that your favorite pair of underwear is missing. on top of noticing that, you notice that your roommate, who moves around the apartment a lot normally, hasn't left his room at all that day either.
wc: 3k
minors dni. dont like, dont read.
You were tired of him. Tired of the dishes constantly sitting in the sink. Tired of his friends constantly being piled up on the couch, like you didn’t live there too. Tired of all the noise from his gaming—finally, it truly occurred to you just how tired you were of your roommate Lee Haechan.
For the most part, he didn’t do much but sit around and annoy you, whether or not he actually did his chores. It was almost like he messed with you on purpose. Despite all of this, however, you couldn’t help yourself from still having a partially hidden crush on him.
Yes, sadly, you did have a crush on him. You did, but there’s only so much you can do about having a crush on someone that doesn’t really get along with you the way you truly would’ve liked. It was almost impossible not to, nonetheless, seeing as Haechan was one of the most gorgeous men out there. His hair was long, golden and wavy, his eyes glowed a glistening honey color, and his voice was sultry with the perfect tenor tone. And with the amount of talents this man had, there really wasn’t anything you couldn’t like him for.
Did Haechan know about this crush, though? Never in a million years. You figured you would die before he even came close to knowing about it, let alone actually knowing. Especially since he was so irritating to you, even at that moment.
“Ugh, can you actually do your damn chores Haechan? I would like to take a break too, y’know!” you called out. You were in your room, digging through your clothes after seeing his laundry basket lying next to the washing machine. You figured you might as well do the laundry anyway, since he wasn’t getting around to it and your clothing was beginning to pile up inside your room.
A deep sigh left you as you dug through your underwear and recognized that something was wrong. It was gone—your favorite pair of panties was missing, and oddly enough, this was the first time that has ever happened to you. Your eyebrows scrunched in complete confusion. Where the hell could they have possibly gone?
You searched a little further, peeking under your pillows and through the rest of the drawers until Haechan’s lack of movement started making you curious. Sure, he was annoying, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t another human, and he typically moved around the apartment a lot more than he was that day.
Immediately you turned around, walked out of your room, and headed to the bedroom next to yours. It wouldn’t take much to get in his room anyway, seeing as he was either playing a game or sleeping with all the grunting he was letting out.
At least, you thought so.
You simply knocked on his door twice before letting yourself in, ready to talk about his laundry until your eyes landed on your roommate, who rushed to pull his blanket over his completely nude body. The squat you would have to do to pick up your jaw would probably give you the strongest legs on Earth.
“Woah!” he yelled, his eyes wide as he scrambled to hide his hands under the blanket as well. “I, um—I was just, uh, I-I…”
“There’s no need to explain, Haechan,” you interrupted, a smirk slowly spreading across your face, “I already saw them. Really? That’s what you’ve been doing?” The laugh that left you made his face turn the hottest shade of red.
It wasn’t hard to see Haechan holding your favorite panties in his hand. For once, you weren’t angry about it either. It was, however, a teeny bit shocking instead. You didn’t know that he was like this at all, seeing as every time one of your pairs would go missing, you would find it somewhere in your room the day after. The whole time you just figured it was you making them disappear. At least, until now.
You walked a little closer to him, closing the door behind you and giggling lowly. “Lee Haechan, when were you ever going to tell me that you are the world's most hidden pervert?” you asked. It was like he was frozen in place, internally freaking out as you leaned in and ran your thumb across his chin, his breath completely silent. “Well? What are you going to say about all this?”
“You know what, I was going to find an excuse, but since you want the truth so bad…” Haechan sat up, suddenly grabbing your wrist and pulling it away from his chin while pulling you closer. Your eyes widened as he held up your underwear again. His lips rose into a cocky grin as he waved them back and forth, watching the annoyance cover your face all over again. “It’s one thing to want you this badly, y’know, but you make it really easy to come and get these. And if you want them back, babe, this time you’re going to have to work for it.”
You scoffed. “Work for it? When it belongs to me? Guess you’re always like this, huh?”
“Like what, Y/N?”
“So goddamn infuriating!” you answered, rolling your eyes. Haechan laughed and leaned closer and closer to you, all the way to the point where your lips were almost touching, but not quite yet.
“Do you know you only get hotter and hotter the angrier you get?” Haechan replied. “If you didn’t want me to be so ‘goddamn infuriating’, then stop being so goddamn hot.”
He closed the distance between you two, tilting his head and pressing his lips to yours. It took no time at all for you to respond to it. You kissed him back fervently and climbed further onto his lap, sliding your hands onto his shoulders and taking his words and actions as an invitation to fight back. It was hard to reject him, after all, especially after feeling his teeth graze against your bottom lip several times.
The feeling of Haechan’s arms wrapping around your hips brought you into a high you didn’t even know you could reach, only getting higher and higher as he leaned down to your neck, slowly leaving kisses and sucking marks onto your warm skin. Crowds of moans left your lips, making him bite even harder. Out of nowhere, he flipped the two of you over and shoved you onto his mattress.
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks or how much I infuriate you, babe,” Haechan whispered into your ear, licking the shell of it, “you’re mine whether you like it or not.” He tossed the panties away from the bed and went back to leaving hot kisses on your lips and neck. But this time, you could feel his fingers sliding down your torso, all the way until he reached your pajama shorts and pushed under them. Another chuckle left him, and you could feel your face scorching from embarrassment, knowing damn well that he was laughing because you weren’t wearing anything under them. Your lips separated for a moment, but shut shortly after, shyness killing your effort to say something before he did. Haechan, however, already knew where you were headed with that.
“Oh? What, do you only wear your favorite ones?” Despite knowing it was a genuine question on his end, you really couldn’t find it in you to answer him. You even looked away, but that had no point, especially since he grabbed your jawline and immediately pulled your head back into facing him.
“Look at me when I speak to you, and don’t make me tell you again,” Haechan ordered. “You can use your words, doll. In fact, I’d like it better if you did.”
“Um, n-no, I don’t,” you stuttered back. Haechan’s gaze alone was intimidating you, which only made the situation ten times better than when it began. In fact, it got even better than that, right when his fingers started lazily rubbing at your cunt, slipping between your lips and toying with your clit. A loud groan filled the room the moment he began.
Haechan slid two of his fingers into you while keeping his eyes on yours. “For someone that loves talking about how annoying I am, you’re pretty wet right now. Soaked, even,” he teased, fingers massaging at your sweet spot gently. “It’s real cute.”
A frown crossed your face. You wanted so badly to say something back to that, but there wasn’t much to say back to the truth, really. However, as he picked up the speed of his fingers, the frown died within a few seconds, followed by his name being pulled out of you. Each second after, you could feel yourself getting closer to finishing, and you were completely ready for it—until he ripped his hand out of you. At first you were upset about it, but then you saw him licking your essense off of his fingers with an evil grin on his face, and that settled right away, being replaced with the need for him to put something much bigger back where his hand was.
Haechan pulled his fingers out of his mouth and chuckled, saying, “don’t think I can’t tell when you’re almost there; you made that face like you were ready to explode.”
Another pout crossed your face. “Then why didn’t you let me get there?” you asked. His face straightened out as he looked at you like you truly didn’t understand the situation you put yourself in at the moment. Again, he grabbed your chin and made you face him, his eyes flaring now instead of swirling with honey like usual.
“Did you really think I was just going to let you cum and we’d be done here? When you haven’t even thought about what you need to do for me too? Get up.” His hand slipped away as he climbed off of you, gesturing for you to rise up as well and take your shorts off. Despite being ordered to, another thought came to your mind and you figured things would definitely get different if you followed it. This time, a smirk crossed your face instead, and you crossed your arms.
“If you want me to get up, make me, then,” you baited, watching a look of surprise spread across his face before disappearing quickly. Before you could even see what he was planning to do, his hand shot across the bed like lightning and grasped your wrist again, startling you. Somehow you knew where this was headed for you.
“Last I checked, doll, I told you not to make me have to tell you again,” Haechan growled, ripping you off of the bed and in front of him, “but if you’re going to make me, you’re going to find out why I warned you to begin with. Shorts, off. Now.”
Completely filled with intimidation, you wasted no time in pulling your pajama shorts off this time, being completely nude from the waist down. Haechan’s gaze swept over you before he lifted your shirt up and leaned in, lips heading for your chest, right below your neck this time. He began leaving spots all over it, suckling onto your skin and heading lower and lower each time. You couldn’t help yourself from whining as he did it, grabbing at his shoulders again as your legs shook.
“H-Hae…” you mumbled, grip tightening around him. Haechan’s teeth grazed across your right breast before his head lifted. “Is there something my little toy wants?” he interrupted. With a tight throat, you simply nodded, hoping you could find it in you to answer him with words this time, but it didn’t take long for you to find out that those words wouldn’t matter either way. He lowered his head again and bit on your nipple, making you cry out into the room.
“Remember what I said earlier? Disrespectful playthings like you don’t get what they want either way,” Haechan said, sliding his hands under your thighs and lifting you up. “Learn how to act right next time and maybe I’ll reconsider.”
“Yes…” you moaned.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, sir…”
Haechan hummed in response and turned around, pinning you against the wall next to the door. “Now it’s my turn to play with my little toy,” he muttered. It didn’t take much time at all for you to feel it—the feeling of Haechan stretching you out with his size alone, making you wonder if you could even take someone as big as that. Your face froze with your mouth open, facing the ceiling in complete shock, your soul escaping your body more and more the deeper he got into you. Haechan himself let out a long, smooth moan as he pressed into you.
“God, I never knew you’d be this tight, Y/N,” he said, pulling out a little before thrusting himself back in roughly. “So, so good…” The two of you stayed still for a moment as he let you get used to his size. After a few moments, Haechan began again, pushing and pulling himself in and out of you at a slow pace at first.
“Sir,” you finally spoke, “can you speed up a little bit?”
“I will if you ask me nicely,” he responded, still moving slowly just to mess with you.
“Sir, please speed up,” you pleaded. Haechan leaned down and left a quick kiss on your neck before speeding up to a pace more hasty, more rough and harder to handle. Part of you regretted asking him to get faster, but most of you couldn’t even focus on that. You were enjoying the sensation of his cock hitting your sweet spot full force each time he slammed into you, your back pressing against the wall as he fucked you.
“Look at my pretty little doll, taking it like she should be,” Haechan teased, going harder and harder into you. At this point, you could barely handle what he was giving you, but every part of you wanted it. Needed it, even. You could even feel your orgasm coming toward you full speed, like a car on the highway at night. With how loud you were moaning, too, everything in you knew that he could tell as well.
“I’m so close,” you breathed, your arms tightening around his neck as your cunt tightened around him.
“Really? Is my doll already so close? How bad do you want it?” Haechan asked mockingly.
“So bad,” you replied, “really, really bad…”
“Yeah? Then beg for it.”
“Please, sir, please let me cum; I need this so badly…”
Haechan reached his hand down and began stroking at your clit. “Keep going, babe.”
“I’m so close, please let me cum, I’m begging! I-I’ve been doing good, please, I’ve been a good girl,” you continued pleading as a shock of what felt like lightning passed through you. If he didn’t decide now, you were going to release either way, and you didn’t want to disobey him all over again just to get another punishment.
“Hmm,” Haechan hummed decisively, almost jokingly. “You have been doing pretty well so far… I think you’ve earned it. You know what to do; cum for me, now.”
Immediately you released, his order cutting the tie for you. You were squeezing his cock as your juices leaked out, spreading all over him as he continued to thrust into you. It was amazing, but the overstimulation was starting to hit you not too long after.
“S-Sir, I can’t take this anymore,” you cried, legs weakening around his waist as he continued.
“Yes you can, doll,” Haechan responded, grunting lowly, “because good girls take what they’re given. And I’ve got something for you to take.”
Your nails were clawing into his skin at this point. Tears rolled down your cheeks as the intensity increased. You could feel another orgasm coming for you, and your whole body was ready to implode all over again. Haechan pressed his face into your neck again, taking a deep breath in before moaning at full volume, picking up speed as he pounded into you.
Not too long after, Haechan’s teeth sunk into your collarbone again as he moaned, “now take everything Daddy gives you.” Instantly, you were filled with more and more of his cum as he came, pushing you harder against the wall and leaning up instead to kiss you on your lips instead. The two of you made out even after he finished, even after both of you noticed that his release was starting to drip out of you, and even after you noticed you had also came while he was getting off. After a while, the two of you finally pulled away from each other, Haechan still carrying you but just not against the wall anymore.
Soon after, the high started fading away, replacing itself with a different level or nervousness. The reality that you just slept with your crush-slash-enemy hit you like a full-force train. At some point, you decided that since you already did all of this, you might as well just let him know anyway. “I just wanted to say, Haechan,” you began nervously, “that I do actually like you… I just didn’t really have a way to let you know, I guess…”
The nervousness began peaking when all Haechan did was watch you in silence while blinking. Then, out of nowhere, another gentle laugh escaped him. “You think I didn’t know that, Y/N? What did you think I bothered you so damn much for?”
“You what?” you gasped. “You fucking knew that already and didn’t ask me out or something like that instead?” He shrugged.
“Just wanted to play with my toy first. You should already know that you’re mine. I’m just glad everyone else gets to know now, too,” he said. 
You sighed. “You’re so freaking annoying.” Haechan leaned in right by your face again.
“Doesn’t matter; either way you’re mine. Aren’t you, doll?”
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geekgirl-1717 · 4 days
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Cuddling with... One Piece Characters!
Part 2 (Franky, Nami, Robin, Ace, Sabo, Shanks)
TW: Non-sexual nudity for Robin's part and slightly suggestive jokes for Shanks' part, but otherwise SFW. Gender-neutral reader, no use of (y/n)
I kinda got carried away so some of this is just how they express affection in general ? But also there's cuddling too lol
How (more) One Piece characters would cuddle with you!
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Franky: At the beginning of your relationship, he’s a little hesitant to cuddle with you. He’s much larger than you, not to mention that most of him is made of metal, which makes him worry. What if he accidentally hurts you? Is his body too hard or cold to cuddle you “properly?” But with enough reassurance, you’ll turn Franky into a cuddle machine! Due to his sheer size, he usually ends up spooning you or holding you in some way, like against his chest, but he will never turn down a chance to be the little spoon. This man is absolutely shameless in everything he does so he has no qualms about cuddling in front of others either.
Sleep was a precious luxury when sailing the seas. Getting a proper rest each night was never guaranteed, as any number of threats could have you springing out of bed and into the heat of battle at a moment’s notice.
It was a perfectly calm night. No freak weather incidents, no resonate booms of cannonfire, no stomps or shouts from your lively crew. Even better, you were curled up in the embrace of your boyfriend. You laid against his sturdy chest, his massive hands engulfing nearly your entire body.
Which only made it all the more frustrating when you couldn’t fall asleep.
You suppressed the urge to let out a groan, instead directing your gaze up towards Franky. His eyes were closed, but his breathing was somewhat shallow, leading you to believe he may not have been asleep either. You decided to take your chances.
“Hey Franky, are you awake?”
You whispered softly, absentmindedly tracing your finger across his collarbone.
His eyes didn’t open, but a large thumb started stroking up and down your back.
“Yeah. Can’t sleep either, baby?”
You let out a hum in affirmation. Franky slowly opened his eyes, flashing you a sleepy grin, one that you happily returned.
You both remained like that for a while, basking in the silence and each other’s love-stricken gazes. Finally, you spoke up.
“Can we switch? Wanna hold you.”
Franky chuckled, jostling you slightly from your position on top of him.
“Of course, baby. Whatever you want.”
He gently slid you off his chest, shifting so that he was laying on his side. You wrapped your arms around his waist, smushing your face into his broad back.
You never minded that your boyfriend was a cyborg, but you secretly loved moments like this. His back was so warm and soft compared to the rest of his metal body, and you couldn’t help but snuggle deeper into him.
Franky was enjoying himself just as much as you were. Franky was someone that radiated confidence from his very being, but he’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t ever worry about how you perceived his unusual body. Feeling your warm breath fanning across his spine, your hair tickling his skin, the sensation of you pressing into the more sensitive flesh of his back, made him feel truly human again.
A large, imposing, audacious cyborg being spooned by his lover, whose arms could barely reach around the length of his body, would be a ridiculous sight for anyone else to behold. But the two of you were in absolute bliss, your prior sleeplessness forgotten as you both drifted into a peaceful slumber.
Nami: She loves to cuddle with the both of you facing each other, especially when you’re sleeping together. There’s been too many times in her life where she’s woken up alone, away from anything that’s ever felt familiar to her. Now, you’re the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes, reminding her that everything's real, that she’s safe now. She also likes any cuddling position where you’re holding her, whether she’s sitting in your lap, being the little spoon, or laying against your chest. She views cuddling as something more intimate and vulnerable, so she prefers to have it happen in private.
Sunlight slowly began to filter through the little porthole, scattering sunbeams across the room.
Nami was roused from her sleep as the offendingly bright light hit her eyes. She frowned in discomfort initially, wishing she could have gotten a few more precious hours of sleep. But as her vision adjusted and she took in the sight before her, her heart softened.
You, still slumbering peacefully. Your hair was a little mussed from sleep, your mouth hung open slightly as you breathed deeply, and your sleepwear was ruffled and wrinkled. But to Nami, you were the most beautiful thing she’d ever laid eyes on, more precious than any treasure she could dream of.
Your arms were wrapped around Nami’s waist, but she pulled back slightly from your grasp so she could get a better view of you. Unable to help herself, she reached out to brush her hand softly across your cheek, almost as if to affirm she wasn’t still dreaming.
The action stirred you from your sleep, but just you smiled and leaned into Nami’s touch.
“Good morning, love.”
Your voice was a bit raspy, but it was music to Nami’s ears.
“Good morning to you, too. Sorry for waking you.”
You shook your head, your eyes finally fluttering open.
“It’s okay.”
You pulled Nami closer to you, placing a kiss on her temple and resting your chin on the top of her head. She eagerly snuggled into your embrace, her arms coming to circle around your waist as well.
“Wanna just go back to sleep?”
You asked softly.
You weren’t quite ready to leave the warm comfort of your and Nami’s shared bed. Luckily, Nami seemed to feel the same way. She merely nodded in response, already drifting back to sleep.
This little routine of yours has become so normal, so mundane, and yet Nami cherishes every morning she wakes up next to you like it’s the first. To hold and be held by you reminds her that she’s finally escaped the horrors of her past, that she’s living out the dreams she’s had since she was a young child, and that she gets to do it all with you. And that’s worth more than anything money could buy.
Robin: Hold this woman. Please. You would think her Devil Fruit powers would make her the perfect big spoon, and of course if you want to be held by her, she would be more than happy to indulge you. But please make sure you hold her, too. She’s desperately craving the comfort and intimacy. However, it’s difficult for her to vocalize her needs and as such, you’ll have to initiate the majority of cuddling. A very common way you cuddle is Robin sitting in your lap leaning back into your chest while she reads, making sure to turn the pages slowly so you can read over her shoulder. Another private cuddler for the most part, but wouldn’t mind small displays of affection like leaning your head onto her shoulder.
“Darling, I’m going to take a bath. Would you like to join?”
Robin peeked her head into the room where you had been laying in your bed. You had been on the verge of taking a nap, but practically jumped at the opportunity to spend time with your girlfriend.
“Sure! Let me just grab a few things.”
You grabbed a change of clothes and some toiletries before taking Robin’s hand and letting her lead you across the ship.
When you and Robin first started dating, intimacy and vulnerability was something she struggled with. She had learned to live without much affection from a very young age, so she wasn’t used to giving or receiving it.
But you were patient and understanding, giving Robin all the time that she needed. Now, you both treasured the small moments of closeness you were able to carve out amidst your tumultuous lives as pirates.
Bathing together had quickly become one of your favorite ways to spend time with each other. Even when you two would try to read together in the aquarium bar or share a cup of tea on the deck, it was never a guarantee your peaceful moments wouldn’t be disturbed by one of your crewmates, and Robin was not one to indulge in PDA. Aside from sleeping together at night, taking a bath was the only way the two of you could cuddle without interruption.
After rinsing yourselves under the showerheads first and drawing a warm bath for yourselves, you settled into the water first, leaning back against the rim of the tub. Robin climbed in shortly after, resting her back against your chest. She let out a deep sigh, the tension practically melting off of her shoulders.
Although to anyone else it seemed that Robin was always calm and composed, as her lover you knew that she often kept her guard up, not allowing herself to be fully vulnerable. But alone with you, she was granted a rare moment to truly relax.
Wordlessly, you went about your usual routine, reaching for bottles of shampoo and conditioner and a bar of soap. You laughed softly to yourself when you recalled the first time you asked Robin to do this with you.
“Take a bath… together? My, you’re being rather bold today, aren’t you?”
She had teased, making your face heat up as you realized the implications of your words.
“N-no, nothing like that! I mean, not that I don’t want that- but I just thought, maybe uh- you’d want someone to help wash your back?”
You fumbled for any excuse you could think of. Truly, you had just wanted an excuse to spend more time with her. Neither of you brought up the fact that Robin could easily wash her own back with the help of her Devil Fruit ability, and to this day that fact remained unacknowledged.
You started with Robin’s hair, gently massaging shampoo into her scalp and brushing conditioner through the ends of her long, dark tresses. Then, you moved to wash her back, though you eventually devolved to just massaging the tense muscles. You couldn’t help but place soft kisses on her bare shoulders and neck from time to time, and Robin’s heart fluttered with each gentle press of your lips to her skin.
Even as the water grew tepid and your skin began to prune, you both remained in the bath. Your arms had found their way around Robin’s waist, her hands coming to settle on top of your own.
“Love you.”
You mumbled into her skin, finally breaking the peaceful silence. Robin turned her head to rest her face in the crook of your neck.
“Love you more, darling. Thank you.”
Ace: Not unlike his younger brother, Ace loves cuddling and physical affection. If you say you want to cuddle, he’ll drop whatever he’s doing and have you in his arms in a heartbeat. The rest of the Whitebeard pirates tease him for the way you have the infamous “Fire-Fist” wrapped around your finger, but neither of you are bothered by their words. He likes to have you resting against his side or chest, but also loves laying his head in your lap. Run your fingers through his hair and he’s a goner. When he falls into one of his sudden sleeping fits, you’re always there to lay him against your shoulder or across your lap.
The Moby Dick was as lively as ever, with alcohol flowing endlessly and the sound of drunken laughter and sea shanties filling the night air.
As much as you loved indulging in the festivities, it could get a bit overwhelming at times.
You had snuck away from the party a few minutes ago, making your way to the ship’s stern. You could still hear the ruckus of your crewmates, but it was much more muted now. You were sitting with your back against the ship’s railing, letting the sound of crashing waves soothe your senses. At first, the cool breeze felt refreshing on your flushed cheeks, as you were still a bit drunk yourself, but soon you felt a shiver wrack your spine.
“Hey sweetheart, you alright?”
Perfect timing.
You opened your eyes with a smile, instantly recognizing Ace’s voice.
“Mhm, I’m good. Just need a little breather.”
Ace made his way over to you, plopping down beside you and slinging an arm around your shoulder. You instinctively snuggled into him, resting your head against his chest. Despite his lack of shirt and the chill of the evening air, Ace’s skin was almost hot to the touch. Thanks to his Devil Fruit, your boyfriend often acted as your personal space heater, a role he was happy to take on.
You let out a contented sigh as you warmed up in Ace’s embrace. He let out a chuckle and leaned down to kiss the top of your head.
He teased. You looked up at him, your smile never having left your face.
“Very. You’re really hot, you know?”
You said with a wink. Ace laughed out loud this time. He tried to put on a suave smirk, but you could see a hint of blush across his freckled cheeks.
“Oh, I know sweetheart.”
You both giggled at this, grinning at each other like two idiots in love. You eventually settled into a comfortable silence, Ace’s arm never leaving your shoulder. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but you eventually felt Ace rest his head on top of yours.
The music and laughter continued in the background, and as much as you delighted in Ace’s presence, you didn’t want to keep him from the fun.
“Ace, honey, you can go back to the party if you want. I’ll come join you guys again soon.”
First, there was only silence. Then, Ace let out a snore above you.
You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself again. Of course, he has fallen asleep. Whether it was due to his narcolepsy or the exhaustion of drinking and partying, you weren’t sure. But you always cherished the moments when Ace would fall asleep on you.
Gently, you shifted Ace so that his head was now in your lap. You removed his hat and placed it on his chest so you could run your fingers through his dark locks.
From this position, you had a perfect view to admire Ace’s features. The way his bangs fell on his forehead, the constellation of freckles across his cheeks, the soft smile he wore even while he was sleeping.
Your back would surely start to ache from sitting against the railing, and your legs would probably end up falling asleep from Ace’s weight on them, but seeing Ace so at peace in your embrace made it all worth it.
Sabo: The ASL brothers just love to cuddle, what can I say? This man would hold you like a giant stuffed animal and refuse to let you go until he says so. The chaotic and uncertain life of a revolutionary means time to cuddle is exceedingly rare, so any opportunity you two can get is savored. Ultimately, Sabo’s not picky on how you guys cuddle, but he would favor arrangements that let him put his face in your hair. He finds your scent so comforting, especially after a difficult day.
Your eyes slowly cracked open as you awoke from your slumber. The room was silent and the sun hadn’t even begun to peak over the horizon yet, but your body knew instinctively it was time to wake up.
The life of a revolutionary was exhausting in many ways, but the hope of creating a better, more just world was enough to pull you out of bed each day to endure whatever grueling training or expedition was planned.
That, and knowing that every new sunrise meant another day of waking up with the love of your life. It was a precious gift, especially given the dangerous nature of a revolutionary's life. You loved Sabo, and he loved you, but it was only under the gentle spell of sleep, away from the terrors and turmoils of war, that you two could fully bask in each other’s comfort.
The object of your affections was currently still fast asleep, his arms draped loosely around your waist with his face pressed into your hair, lulled into slumber by your familiar scent. You wiggled in his grasp, turning so the two of you were face to face.
You always loved waking up before Sabo so you could steal a few brief moments to admire him. The only time you saw the young Chief of Staff truly at peace was asleep in the safety and comfort of your shared bed. You could never resist reaching a hand out to gently trace along his scar, a sight you found both saddening and beautiful at the same time.
You spared one last glance at your boyfriend before you rolled over again, shifting towards the side of the bed so you could get up and start preparing for the day.
You had barely moved an inch before the grip around your waist tightened, a strong pair of arms yanking you backwards. Sabo’s hold on you remained firm as he slung a leg over yours and buried his head into your shoulder, his whole body almost enveloping yours.
You huffed, but you couldn’t fight the grin tugging at the corners of your lips. You gave a half-hearted wiggle, pretending like you were trying to escape Sabo’s grasp when really you wanted nothing more than to fall back to sleep in his embrace.
“Sabo, love, we have to get up.”
Sabo only shook his head in response, his blonde hair tickling your bare skin. He wound his arms around you even tighter, almost squeezing the breath out of your lungs. Sabo snuggled into you like a child clinging to their beloved teddy bear.
“Jus’ a few more minutes.”
He mumbled, not even bothering to open his eyes.
And who were you to deny him?
Shanks: Believe it or not, he’s actually a little hesitant to cuddle or hold you at the beginning of your relationship. It’s not that he doesn’t want to be close to you, but age-old insecurities about his arm arise when you first get together. However, with lots of communication, reassurance, and love, you’ll turn Shanks into a cuddle fiend. He likes having you in his lap or resting against his chest. We know this man is shameless, so get ready for a lot of PDA. Shanks likes drinking, and he likes having you sit in his lap, so having you sit in his lap while drinking? Perfect! You’re in a public tavern with tons of people around? No worries!
“Shanks, honey, you gotta help me out here.”
Your voice was exasperated and strained as you struggled to keep both yourself and your intoxicated husband upright. Said husband was seemingly unaware of your plight, swaying to and fro with each clumsy step, leaning his full weight into where his arm was slung around your shoulder.
You nearly toppled over as Shanks leaned in to press a sloppy kiss against your cheek, laughing jovially as he did.
“I love you too, honey!”
You couldn’t help but smile along with him, your heart fluttering at such a genuine display of affection in spite of your previous annoyance.
After a somewhat perilous trek, you finally made it back to the Red Force with you and your husband thankfully unscathed. You gently guided Shanks to sit on your shared bed in the captain’s quarters, taking a moment to catch your breath. By this point, your clothes and hair had become disheveled and you could feel a thin layer of sweat accumulating from the effort it took to haul Shanks back to the ship. This, however, did nothing to deter your husband, who was currently gazing at you with such raw devotion and tenderness in his eyes that it made you falter.
You blushed and shyly turned your head away from Shanks, which only made him chuckle again. Despite having been married for years, he had the ability to feel like you were falling in love with him all over again.
You sifted through the dresser near the bed, pulling out a set of sleepwear for the both of you. As you approached Shanks, the heavy smell of alcohol lingered in the air, making you scrunch your nose up. He really needed a shower, and so did you to be honest, but you shuddered at the thought of washing him in this state. You had barely made it to the ship in one piece, but trying to keep Shanks upright on a wet, slippery floor sounded like a disaster waiting to happen.
I’ll just wash the sheets tomorrow.
You conceded, moving to discard your current outfit in favor of more comfortable pajamas. You turned your head back to see Shanks gaping at you. He looked almost sheepish, as though he were witnessing something he shouldn’t be despite having seen you in various states of undress more times than he could count, and now it was your turn to giggle at his flustered state.
Once you had finished changing, you moved on to your husband, grabbing the hem of his shirt and lifting it over his head. He complied easily, his abashed expression quickly being replaced by a smug grin.
“Oh? Just can’t keep your hands off me can you, sweetheart?”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you tugged a nightshirt over Shanks’ head. Ignoring his suggestive smirk and wiggling eyebrows, you moved on to tugging off his shoes and pants. Shanks gave a teasing, low whistle in response.
“Wow, gettin’ right to business, are we? Not sure why you put my shirt back on, but I guess we can make it work-“
He was cut off by you flinging his pajama pants at his face. You could hear his muffled chuckles through the fabric.
“Put your pants on, pervert. We’re going to bed.”
“Again, not sure why I need my pants then-“
“To sleep, Shanks. We’re going to sleep.”
It wasn’t long before the two of you settled into bed. Even in his tipsy state, Shanks’ arm instinctively reached out to wrap around your waist, pulling you into his chest where you belonged. For all his eagerness earlier, Shanks seemed to fall asleep almost instantly, but not before murmuring sweetly in your ear.
“G’night baby, I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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angyluffy · 2 years
"You can't wake up, this is not a dream
You're part of a machine, you are not a human being
With your face all made up, living on a screen
Low on self-esteem, so you run on gasoline…"
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2K notes · View notes
urlonelystarrr · 1 year
rk800 'connor' x reader x rk900 'nines'
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GENRE → angst, romance
SYNOPSIS → your feelings for connor grew as the android revolution went on, though a new partner makes you question your feelings.
TAGS/WARNINGS → descriptions of corpses, blood, death, angst, crime scenes
you could never get used to the smell of rotting flesh. the scent was overbearing, a particular smell that could only be compared to meat gone bad in your fridge. the scent was much stronger than expired meat, however you managed to push through it. crime scene after crime scene, they each had their own story to tell. and even though your sharp detective skills could figure out what happened, this case seemed to throw you off balance.
androids were something you were unfamiliar with. so far you've only dealt with human on human crimes, but never human and android. as you stepped into the rotting house, the first thing you noticed were the words "I AM ALIVE" written in the victims blood on the wall, right above where said victim laid. the smell lingered in the air, so much that whenever you went home you'd wash your clothes twice with the fear of that smell seeping into your clothing. the victims home was cluttered and messy, expected as nobody had been taking care of the home for weeks. as you examined the living area, you noticed blood leading into the kitchen. following the trail, it stopped in front of the flipped over table, which indicated that there has been a struggle between the victim and the android. there was always more to the story other than the android going rogue all of a sudden and attacking it's owner, and even the thought of a person owning someone who has a conscious didn't sit right with you.
that being said, it led you back to where you started: I AM ALIVE. the words repeated in your head like a broken record. you had an idea of what it meant. maybe the android wanted to tell people that they aren't just machines, that they're more than just wires and whatever else they were made of. the sound of the front door opening caught your attention, and you were met with lieutenant anderson's face along with someone you didn't recognize.
"jesus that smell!" the lieutenant's face scrunched up into that of disgust, before officer collins gave him a short briefing on what had happened. the person that he was with was an android, judging by his LED that circled amber as he analyzed the scene. "you'll get used to it," you replied to hank, to which he shook his head. you looked over to his partner, holding your hand out for him to shake. "hello. my name is y/n," you smiled. he shook your hand, "my name is connor." ah, so that was his name. hank didn't seem too pleased with his partner as he rolled his eyes, walking away with another officer, leaving you two alone. connor squat down in front of the corpse, his LED circling amber once again as he scanned the body. "he was stabbed 28 times," he said, standing up. "yeah, seems like whoever did this was tired of him." you commented before heading into the kitchen with the android. you didn't know what he was looking at, but his eyes were trained on the floor, despite nothing being there. "what are you looking at?" you asked him, stopping shortly once he stood between the table and the sink. "thirium. you call it 'blue blood'. it's the fluid that powers androids biocomponents." well, the more you know. "so...humans can't see it but you can?"
"correct." he looked over to you, before walking off to the backyard. there were some parts you had yet to explore, so you went down the hall and made a right into a small but cluttered bathroom. pulling back the shower curtain was slightly ominous, as if you expected the android to jump out at you. but what you saw was more intriguing. ra9 was written on the wall multiple times, along with a statuette in the middle of the shower floor. "could it be some type of religious offering?" connor's voice said behind you, making you jump from his sudden appearance. "how long have you been standing there?" you asked, and you noticed his eyes were looking at your chest. "not very long. your heart is racing," he commented. "because you scared me," you rolled your eyes, before turning around to pick up the statue. "anyway, i think it could be a religious offering like you said, judging by the phrase written on the wall a thousand times, it could be an offering to whoever ra9 is." intrigued by your analysis, he noticed something strange. a trail of thirium, coming from the kitchen and stopping right in front of the shower. then, leading to the attic. "think he's up there?" not many people used pronouns when referring to androids, most of them said "it" rather than calling them he or she. it was the first cop he'd heard use that. "only one way to find out."
grabbing a chair for him, he thanked you before going up the attic. you'd be scared shitless, though androids didn't necessarily have emotions. connor probably felt the same as he did when he showed up. hank came over once he noticed connor was up there for too long, shouting for him. "connor! the fuck are you doing up there?!"
connor replied quickly. "it's here, lieutenant!" shit. the two of you ran to grab the attention of the other officers.
everything was moved to the station. you, connor, gavin and chris watched as hank tried interrogating the suspect. to no avail, he came back shortly after, until connor offered to question him. gavin laughed, making you cock your brow at him. "what's funny? connor has a better chance at getting answers than any of us. he knows more about deviants than we do," you crossed your arms, making gavin scoff and ignore you. connor looked at you with an unrecognizable emotion, before heading into the room.
there was no doubt that he would be successful, as the suspect confessed that he did in fact murder carlos ortiz, and claimed self defense. physical evidence showed clear signs of abuse - burn marks stretching over a year old, and so on. you honestly pitied him. maybe that's why you came to the cell he was being held in, keeping your distance to avoid causing unwanted stress. he barely looked up as you tried to get his attention. "i believe you," you started off, until he cut you off. "it doesn't matter. i'm going to get shut down." his broken voice tore your heart apart, and you didn't want to make any promises that he'd be kept alive. but you also couldn't sit there and do nothing.
"i'm going to try to convince them not to shut you off. carlos attacked you first, but in detroit law your act of self defense was deemed excessive- which is why they're treating this as homicide. i really do feel for you, i don't want your abuse to be the only memory you have of this life."
he looked up at you with a pained expression, as if he believed what you were saying wasn't true. as if you were trying to lure him into a trap. he didn't say anything, and went back over to the wall where he continued carving something into. you noticed his cuffs were still on. his head turned upon hearing the door slide open, and he backed up to the corner with his hands raised, which made you stop in your tracks. "can i remove the cuffs?" your voice was gentle, and you spoke as if you were speaking to a frightened child. he placed his hands in front of you, visibly shaking as you gently pried them off.
the moment he was brought to the station, he'd been treated inhumane. the officers shoved him around, holding him down to place cuffs on him in the interrogation room, and even when he was trying to leave the room, they were rough. not you though. from the moment you saw him, you didn't look at him with judgement. he felt like he could trust you, the only problem was that he didn't want to. even as your fingers gently brushed his wrists to remove the cuffs, he didn't want to feel comforted by your calming nature. your eyes were trained on his damaged forearm, guilt swallowing you whole as you looked at him. tears pricked at your eyes as you tried to hold in the sympathy you felt for the android. you didn't know why you felt so strongly- this was unusual. he noticed your eyes watering and felt a little more trust. "you don't deserve this," you said, your voice wavering. "i'm going to try to get you better, okay?" you looked up at him, your hands holding his. the trembling stopped. he nodded, prompting you to exit the cell, leaving him alone.
locking yourself in the restroom, you took deep breaths in order to calm yourself. the moment you stepped out, the sound of multiple officers shouting caught your attention.
you quickly ran to the source, skin prickled with goosebumps as you heard a thudding sound. the sight of thirium splattered onto the clear cell door made you cry out, pushing past officers to stop the deviant from self destruction. you immediately put your hand in between his forehead and the glass. "stop it!" you yelled, pulling him away gently, where he laid in your lap, thirium leaking onto your clothes. you covered the wound on his head with your hand, tears leaking down your face as he died in your arms.
"you know what they're going to do to me," he said to you, the words not being loud enough for any officer except for you. you clutched him harder, watching as he gave a small smile before laying still in your arms.
"are you alright, detective?" connor asked you, noticing the thirium all over your clothes, and your reddened eyes. "i don't understand. it's our job to protect people, not let these things happen to them." you sat on top of your desk, your head turning to look at the android being carried into the archive room. they didn't even see him as a dead body. just evidence to be hung up on the wall. something twisted in your gut.
"it's not a person. it's a machine," he corrected, rather machine-like. you sniffled, "he was more than that. you're more than that- all of you."
he titled his head, something he did often. he was going to say something before hank cut him off. "it's dead...that's for sure." your head hung low, eyes trained on the ground as everything around you faded. any noise was drowned out by the vicious thoughts in your head, the guilt clawing up your throat. you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.
when you came into the office the next morning, you noticed a certain android sitting in the lieutenant's seat. "good morning," you greeted connor. his presence indicated that he was going to be here for a while, until everything would clear up. you doubted it would ever clear up, though having connor around for a while didn't seem too bad. "good morning detective. do you know what time lieutenant anderson arrives?" he asked, tilting his head. you didn't know if there were any other rk units, but you wondered if all of them were this cute. "usually around noon. I don't think he'll be coming anytime soon though," you bit your lip. "thank you." he replied, standing up to walk elsewhere, until you stopped him. "would you like me to show you around? maybe it's best if we get to know each other," you said warmly.
he smiled and nodded, following as you showed him around the police department. you stopped in front of the archive room, explaining to him what was in there, even though he probably already knew. "most cops here are very anti-android, so please be careful. speaking of which..." you muttered the last part under your breath as gavin entered the break room, immediately looking over at the much taller figure standing next to you as you made a cup of coffee. "huh, looks like plastic detective's back in town," he sneered. you grit your teeth, shooting him a glare. "hello. my name is connor," he greeted. he gave an amused look at his partner, who shared the same look as gavin came closer to the rk model. "I don't give a shit what your name is. you might've gotten lucky last night, but I'm warning you. stay outta my way," he poked a finger into his chest, his gaze sharp and full of anger. you stepped in between the two, causing gavin to stumble slightly as you gripped his finger and threw his arm back to him. "we get it. you're insecure. move along now, surely you have more work to do other than lounging in the break room all day." he scowled, about to press you when fowler shouted gavin's name from the bullpen. "you're fuckin' lucky fowler called me in when he did," he said, not before shoulder checking you as he walked out.
you groaned, running a hand through your hair. "are you alright detective?" connor asked again. "i should be asking you that. i'm sorry about him." you apologized, squeezing his arm gently.
the sensation lingered on his arm, even as he searched for the missing ax400. "connor! jesus, i'm talking to you. you ran outta batteries or what?" hank yelled, after calling connor's name for the last few minutes. "i'm sorry lieutenant. i was making a report to cyber life," he lied. hank scoffed, continuing to search the motel.
it had been a couple of months since the revolution, led by markus and a group of androids. connor had fully deviated, and with the new android laws he was allowed to remain working at the dpd. since then, the two of you had gotten closer. you saw more and more of connor's personality after working with him for so long. you'd be lying if you said you didn't have any feelings for the android. sure, it was dumb, and also forbidden. you doubted he shared any of the same feelings, though a part of you wished he'd reciprocate them.
he found it strange your heart rate would increase whenever he was around you. you hadn't done that before. he also sensed that your body temperature would increase if he got too close, and all of this analysis only confused him more. his relationship with the lieutenant has improved greatly, as well as yours.
the three of you hung out after work, frequently at a bar. you didn't drink, so it was mostly you and connor babysitting a very drunk hank.
with more and more cases involving androids pouring in, you were being overworked. you didn't have a partner, but if you needed help connor would offer to help you when he was available. even so, you couldn't rely on him when he already had his hands full. the only problem was that there was nobody else working these cases that would be your partner. despite gavin being anti android and still working in these cases, you'd rather get paralyzed from the waist down than work with him.
fowler noticed inconsistencies in your work recently, which was why he was shouting your name from across the bullpen to call you into his see through office. "look, i know you've got a lot on your hands. but i can't keep letting you slide. your work has been inconsistent l/n." he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "you've gotta give me some time- i've been staying past office hours trying to finish everything. if I had a partner i'd be getting a lot more work done and solved." you explained.
he sighed, "alright. I'll see what I can do. just- in the meantime, will you please focus on your work?" you nodded, standing up before leaving his office.
it actually didn't take you too long before you had a partner. "cyberlife was generous enough to give me one of the most advanced androids in their possession, an rk900. now, i expect you to give me quality reports, and to solve your cases." you thanked him, before leaving his office and returning to your desk. hank and connor were out on a mission, otherwise you'd be telling them first. you waited at your desk, browsing some files when you felt the presence of somebody behind you. you swiveled your chair around to see an exact replica of connor, with a few different features. besides his white pristine jacket, you noticed his eyes were grey instead of brown. he looked much more intimidating than his counterpart. and he might've even been taller, though it was hard to judge considering you were sitting down.
"you're detective l/n, correct?" even the way he talked was different. his voice was similar to his predecessor, however there was something that distinguished him and the rk800. he sounded more authoritative in a way. "yes, you must be my partner?" you stood up to shake his hand, which he stared at for a few seconds before lifting up his own. his grip was strong, you noted. "yes. it would be best to get to work right away. is there a desk anywhere?"
you nodded, pointing to the vacant desk in front of you. he sat down, being quick to work as he browsed the many cases that you had. you saw his LED circle amber, indicating he was analyzing all of the current information. "do you have a name?" you asked, making eye contact with him before looking away. "no." well, he was very direct. "we should give you one," you suggested. he stared at you before responding vaguely, "i don't see how this relates to the investigation." you shrugged, "well, it would be more efficient to call out something other than your model number, in case of an emergency." a look flashed in his eye before he responded quickly, as if he expected you to say that. "there won't be any emergencies as long as you're with me."
you were caught off guard, and he knew it. from that look of amusement on his face, you reacted just as he expected. your skin flushed as you looked away, trying to hide your flustered state. did he even know how that sounded to humans? "that's sweet." you replied. "i didn't intend for it to be."
what was his problem? you ignored his comment and stood up, coming over to his side of the desk. "can you find the most recent case involving an attack with an android for me?" you asked, leaning over him slightly. his eyes avoided looking at your cleavage that was exposed, and he fought the urge to point out your violation of dress code. "did you need to stand up to tell me this?" he asked, before searching for a file. you chuckled a little bit, amused by his strange sense of humor. even if it didn't mean to come off as humorous, you still found it funny. your computer chimed with the case file, and you browsed it before grabbing your coat. "i think this will be a good start to our investigation," you said, grabbing your keys as well. he followed you to the parking lot, waiting for you expectantly as you forgot to unlock the passenger door. "oops, sorry," you unlocked the passenger side, waiting until he was fully inside before driving off.
"julia nichols, the wife of anthony nichols reported that her android had killed her husband before disappearing," you went over briefly. "i know." rk900 replied, looking over at you for a moment before turning his head back to the road. "right, you're the one who gave me the file," you said in defeat.
the two of you arrived at the scene shortly after other officers started to show up, and immediately you could tell something was off.
"her story isn't adding up," you said to rk900 as he analyzed the shared bedroom. "i agree. there's information that she's hiding from us. her heart rate spikes up and so does her body temperature." he said as if it was the most normal thing ever. the way you looked at him was proof that humans would never be able to surpass their greatest creation. the rk900 looked around more, peering into the closet to find a wooden box, with the outline of a hunting knife that appeared to be missing. "that's strange," you commented, before interjecting with another random thought that came to mind.
"does that mean you can see my heart rate too?" your curiosity and fascination with something so ordinary to him definitely fueled his ego a little bit. "yes." he stepped closer until he was two feet away from you. "i can see everything," he leaned down just enough for you to be eye to eye with him. the increased heart rate told him all he needed to know, and he left the room, leaving you speechless.
you tried to ignore whatever that was earlier by inspecting the gruesome crime scene. the pictures were always different in comparison to real life. seeing an image versus the actual remains of a human was a drastic change.
the murder took place a few hours or so ago, leaving a 15 minute time gap between the wife's distressed 911 call, and the amount of time it took for officers to respond to the call. judging by the blood splatter patterns, the android would've been seen with blood all over her clothing. unlike humans, androids don't feel pain. despite not being susceptible to damage, the android would most likely have a part of their hand damaged because of the amount of force needed to tear through tissue and muscles. it would definitely leave an injury.
with this information in mind, you were quick to note the slight injury on the wife's right hand.
you didn't believe a word she said. however, you played it off like you believed her and that she wasn't the main suspect. rk900 scanned the husbands corpse that was laid out on the kitchen floor. there was a key detail that any other officer would miss out on, not because they weren't observant enough, but because they weren't an android. rk900 found traces of thirium on the kitchen sink. what looked like fingers gripping onto the counter, and a splatter that was across from the fingers, with little droplets leading him into the basement of the home. he stood in front of the door, about to head downstairs when he felt you behind him. "don't go down there. i have a bad feeling about it," you gripped his wrist, stopping him from moving any further. "you underestimate me, detective. i'm rk900, the most advanced android ever made. if i couldn't handle a human, what kind of detective would i be?" he tugged his hand free from your grip, which didn't take much effort at all. you swallowed nervously as he headed down the steps, following after him. he stopped in his tracks when he felt your weight on the steps behind him. "i advise you not to stand in my way. i can handle this myself," he said, staring at you like you were some child interfering with adult business. you held your tongue, and retreated upstairs to look for anything else.
rk900 didn't bring up the fact that he saw blue blood in the kitchen. not only did that raise suspicion, but it also kept valuable information from you.
you examined the kitchen once more, coming over to where the husband laid, lifeless. you noticed that the knife in question that he was stabbed with was nowhere to be found. even the officers that first responded to the scene said that they hadn't found the weapon. the wife also stated that she did not see where the weapon landed, only when it was being used. but that didn't make sense, why would the android run off with the murder weapon if they knew there wouldn't be any fingerprints?
"excuse me, miss nichols? were you able to tell what type of knife it was?" you asked the wife who had come back inside after being questioned. "it was a kitchen knife." she replied coolly. which was strange, considering the circumstances. a chill ran up your spine as you realized you made a grave mistake. "none of the knives are missing except for your husband's hunting knife," you said.
as rk900 analyzed the basement for any more traces of blue blood, he stumbled upon a container filled with blue blood, next to a black garbage bag that contained a heavy smell. he scanned it, then again, and again to make sure what he was seeing was correct. the blood in the container belonged to the hk400, and it matched the same sample from the kitchen. he pried open the bag, only to see a faint blue light humming, and then the hk200's dismembered corpse inside.
the woman paused, looking at you before lunging at you with the said knife. "shit! nines!" you yelled, trying to gather the android's attention while trying to keep yourself alive. you slipped on the blood, causing you to hit your head on the tiled floors of the kitchen, and she was on top of you in an instant. you fought with her, knocking down chairs to gather the attention of anybody. she managed to cut your arm, staining your white blouse with red, but you managed to switch positions until you were the one on top. using your forearm, you held her down by the chest while using your free hand to slam the knife out of her own. "fuck. nines!" you yelled again, relief flooding your body as footsteps rushed up the stairs, and rk900 was quick to enter the scene. while you were distracted, she was able to grab the knife and cut your stomach, but you were quick and held the blade before it could fully penetrate. he kicked the knife out of her hands, quick to point his gun while you held her down. "don't move or I'll shoot!" he raised his voice slightly, kneeling down to reach into your holster to grab your handcuffs. it felt weird having his fingers shove themselves into your belt, but you tried not to focus on the rough brush of his knuckles so close to you.
she was quickly apprehended by your partner, immediately being sat in the back of a police car. you sat on the floor with your back against a few cupboards, your hand clutching your stomach. you looked like a bloody mess. your arm was stained red, your abdomen leaked red all over your blouse, and your hand was drenched in a mixture of your own blood and the victims.
rk900 rushed to your side, scanning your body to see what injuries you had. thankfully none of them were fatal, but this still was a drawback on his end. "you okay?" you asked, despite being the one bleeding out. "i told you, i can handle myself." you nodded, "so what did you find in the basement?"
he sighed, or gave an equivalent to that. "you need medical attention before we can discuss the details," he held his hand firmly against your abdomen, adding the correct pressure that was needed to stop the bleeding. you winced, gritting your teeth at the burning sensation. you didn't say anything, the two of you waited in silence as an ambulance rushed to the home.
it wasn't a part of his mission to follow you to the hospital, but he did anyway. you had left your keys on the floor, which he picked up and cleaned before using your car to follow the ambulance.
after you were all bandaged up, you headed to the front desk where you signed out. you turned around, seeing the familiar pristine white jacket of the rk900, sitting in the wait room. he sat with his hands in his lap, and it was oddly cute seeing someone so intimidating look so small. as he stood up, you were quickly reminded that he wasn't cute and tiny. "why are you here?" you asked with a smug look on your face. "to return your keys," he replied. you chuckled, "sure. well, let's get out of here," you had walked to the parking lot, waiting for him to lead the way as you had no idea where he parked. "give me the keys," you said. "no. that would be a hazard for both of us. i'm driving," he said as he sat gracefully in the driver's seat. you wondered if you looked that good getting into your car.
"now that I've gotten medical attention, what did you end up finding in the basement?" you asked, looking over at the android who was driving even faster than you. "the missing hk200. it was dismembered and thrown into a garbage bag. next to it was a pitcher of its blood." you grimaced, "so it didn't run away after all. the wife definitely killed her husband and framed the android, but why? I mean why kill someone you were married to?" the android went silent for a moment, before telling you something that definitely would've helped. "I didn't mention this to you because I thought it wasn't relevant information, but when we were inside the room, I found his phone and saw evidence of him having an affair. that could've been a reason why she did it."
you froze, staring at him with a mixture of anger and hopelessness. "why would you keep that from me? even if it doesn't seem useful at the moment, you could've told me." you looked angry but you didn't sound angry. there was something in your tone that sounded like despair. you didn't underestimate his abilities when it came to defending himself, you just didn't want him to put himself into dangerous situations just because he can. in a way you were looking out for him without looking out for yourself. now wasn't the right time to say you were worried when you ended up proving him right; you were in his way. "I'm sorry, detective. I should also bring up that I found traces of blue blood in the kitchen." his tone was different from before. it sounded like he almost regretted his actions. you stayed silent this time. he underestimated your abilities, not because he was looking out for you but because you were weaker than him. that only would interfere with his work. it made you sad to say the least.
you dreaded reporting back to fowler, knowing he'd take rk900's side on this and probably fire you for letting the situation get out of control. you dreaded hearing what he'd have to say. you knew this was your fault, a loss on your end, only proving that you weren't good enough to be a detective. you sat across from Fowler, already sensing his anger and disappointment. rk900 stood behind you with his hands clasped behind his back, his face devoid of any emotion as he watched Fowler start to yell at you. "I give you one of the most advanced partners you can have, and you come back like this?! it doesn't matter that you solved the case! you let the situation get out of control. if I have to tell you to tighten the hell up again, then you're out of my office l/n. be like your partner."
rk900 looked down at you as you avoided meeting anyone's gaze. he didn't want to admit it, but he felt partly responsible for withholding information that could've given you a better outcome. you sat at your desk, avoiding his gaze as you typed away on your computer. the blood was still there on your shirt. you tried to cover it with your coat, but it was useless. the amount of blood on you made him feel guilty. if he just told you what he found, you wouldn't have gotten hurt. he was about to say something when you stood up, and excused yourself. he saw you talking to Connor, making eye contact with the rk800 before he went back to his conversation with you. were you complaining about him to his counterpart? the thought of that angered him, but he remained calm as he didn't know what you were saying. you left to the bathroom, while his predecessor came towards his desk.
"you're partners now," he said. rk900 didn't reply, he just looked at Connor until he said something else. "what's surprising is that she's not mad at you. she feels the opposite, that you're mad at her," he explained. rk900 stood up, looking over to the bathrooms where you were in. "that wasn't my intention-"
"then fix it." Connor said, walking back to his desk. his LED flashed red briefly, before returning to the steady blue it always was. he hated seeing you hurt. he was worried his counterpart would be too careless. sometimes he wished he could be your partner, in a work sense but also in another way he couldn't define. he wouldn't let you get injured like that. he just hoped rk900 would recognize his mistake.
it seemed like crying at work started to become a habit of yours as this was the second time you've done it. you didn't know what to do. you felt like you didn't belong here. since your first day, you've felt out of place. and now, the feeling came on worse than before. when fowler yelled at you to be more like your partner, suddenly it felt like your mom comparing you to a classmate that you could never be like. working here reminded you of when you were a kid, when you came home crying wondering why nobody wanted to play with you. was it always going to be like this? your tears ran down the drain again, and you wiped your eyes and blew your nose before trying to go back out again.
someone entering the restroom quickly made you pretend as if nothing was wrong, but when you met those same grey eyes in the mirror, you couldn't help but to lower your head.
"when you were calling me for help, you called me 'nines'. is that correct?" he asked you. your brows furrowed as you tried to piece what he was trying to allude to. "yes, is it okay if I can call you that?" you said, turning around only to find him closer than you anticipated. "mhm," he said lowly, "i like it. you can call me nines from now on." the corners of your mouth upturned slightly as you said it out loud once more. "I like it too."
he didn't know how to apologize without making it sound like connor told him everything. "I should have been more...efficient. I should have told you the information I found instead of keeping it to myself." you smiled a little bit at him, before remembering what he had told you. "it's okay nines. i never underestimated you, i just...didn't want you to put yourself in danger." unfortunately, he couldn't say the same. the words were clogged in his artificial throat as he tried to gather a correct response. but the look in your face told him that you already knew. "i know nines. if you feel that I stand in your way, don't be afraid to ask for a replace-"
"no." the word was out before he could even think about it. it caught both of you off guard, but he was quick to correct himself. "I apologize for what I said in the basement. if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have found the culprit. I regret what I said, I hope we can move past this and become better partners." you would've started crying again, but you felt too happy to even consider it. "I hope we can move past this too. after all, you are my partner," you smiled, patting his arm.
the police department wasn't bustling with police officers as many of them had gone home, which was something you were thankful for as nobody would question why you just walked out of the same bathroom with your male partner. just imagine the rumors. connor was glad to see you smiling again, and came over before he and hank left home. "are you heading home?" you asked the brown eyed rk unit. after being with nines all day, you missed connor. "yes. i hope that you get well soon, detective." he scanned you one last time, just to make sure that you were alright. "I will be. take care of yourself connor," you smiled before hugging the android goodnight. if anyone else was here, there would be rumors of you fucking both the rk models. you hadn't hugged him before, but it was definitely something he'd get used to. his arms wrapped around your waist gently, not to hurt you. he rested his chin on your shoulder, his sensors going haywire from the warmth surrounding his body. as well as the smell of you, and your hands rubbing his lower back. if he could get goosebumps he probably would have them right now, as the feeling was similar. nines watched your interaction with curiosity. he had access to connor 's memories but never found anything intimate, or anything to suggest the two of you had a relationship outside of work. he must have been very close to you, as your body went from being tensed to completely relaxed.
after connor had left and you made some final reports about the case, it was time for you to go home. you stretched your back, wincing when you felt your injury move underneath the bandage. "are you alright, detective?" nines asked. you smiled, despite them being two different people with different personalities, there were some things they did that mimicked one another. "I am. I think I'm done for the night." you stood up, and grabbed your coat. nines did the same, though he didn't need to grab anything except for his keys. "nines?" you called out, looking over to him only to find he was already looking at you. "yes?"
"are you comfortable with me hugging you?" it was strange. you seemed confident hugging connor but you looked shy when asking him. it made him feel a way he couldn't describe. despite being deviant, these emotions were still new to him, as connor had time to adapt to these new feelings, he didn't have much of an experience. he paused for a second, before nodding his head. you wrapped your arms around his abdomen, your hands rubbing the same lower portion of his back that you did when you hugged connor. reluctantly, he wrapped his arms around you, his sensors taking in the sensation crawling up his spine. since deviation, he was able to feel more things for some reason. that meant his pleasure receptors were stronger than they'd be if he was just in his program, but right now he felt something he'd never felt before. it was a good feeling, to be wrapped with a warm pressure. now he understood why humans loved hugging each other.
you pulled away to his distaste, walking out with him to your car. you didn't know what you just started, but you knew it would be tough to handle your feelings for both of the androids.
a/n: before you ask, yes there will be a part two. I'm not sure how long this might continue, but it depends on how many people will enjoy it. I know the majority of my followers aren't a part of this fan base, but I hope it reaches the right audience ♡
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onirique-amaranth · 2 years
⎮The Doctor's Assistant⎮
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⏤ Characters: Dottore⎮reader
⏤ Including: nsfw (-17)
⏤ Warnings → sub/bottom Dottore, top/dom Male reader, fingering, getting caught, implied obsessive behaviour, jealousy, size kink, tongue fucking
⏤ 4.400 words
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You were one of the last recruits of the Fatui. You haven't been here for long and unfortunately, you were accepted in for your strength and knowledge about weapons, so you knew nothing about the Fatui itself. When your superior proposed you to work for someone since you were new, you were confused, none of those names that he was giving were familiars.
You said one of the numerous names you remembered, uncaring of the outcome when you pronounced the name 'Dottore', your superior's face lost all his colours. With shaky hands, he wrote down your application before leaving in a hurry, mumbling something about 'living a great life'.
You learned later on that he was the 'Doctor' that famous Harbingers for being a monster and killing anyone that would even just dare breathe next to him. This famous doctor who had no to little regard for human life.
Everyone was already considering you as a dead man, they were sure that you would not be here anymore the following week. He had no reason to keep you alive after all, and his temper was as bad if not worst than the Balladeer, there was no way you would not make a mistake that would cost you your life. The day you left to meet him, everyone bid you goodbye, most did not even try to learn your name, knowing it was over for you.
And like they all thought, you made a mistake. But one thing saved your life, your knowledge about Ruin Guards and history. Theses were the only things that helped you staying alive. It happened the first day, while he was working on one of his experiments, you noticed how he misplaced a piece as he was rebuilding a machine. When you tried to tell him, it was your mistake, the interruption made him lose his temper, as he turned to you suddenly, he took away your left eye. You fell to the floor at the sudden pain, holding your face as you look up with difficulty when he ordered you to talk.
“Now, talk. You dare interrupt me, so finish your sentence at least…
Before I kill you.”
It was your end, you knew it, there was no way you could escape this fate. So with angry eyes, you look up at him, ready to spat on his face.
“My apologies, your highness. You misplaced this.
But since you're so smart, you know it's supposed to be on the left shoulder, right?”
Silence took over the room, the tension sending shivers down your spine, but you refuse to look away. His red eyes almost glowed as he glared at you, the pressure making your legs shake as you knew you had already done it. He looks at his experiment, moving the piece you talked about and suddenly, the machine lit up as it seems like it was the last thing that needed to be changed. When Dottore turned back to you, you closed your eyes, ready to accept your death.
But the pain never came, as you thought he was going to torture you instead of giving you a simple death. A hand was placed onto your cheeks, his thumb stroking your jaw gently.
“Tell me more.”
Your knowledge was the only reason why you were still alive. It took you some months to earn his respect, but finally, after some time you became his assistant. He has never been a nice person to begin with, and even less sympathetic to work with, but you made it work. You asked yourself why he kept you alive, and the answer was simple: you had the brain, and it was a good enough reason for him to keep you around. He was not nice nor bad with you, he was just doing his thing.
He got used to your presence rapidly, as you were around him most of the time; he was always working for hours, slouching over his desk as he spent more time on any fragile part of the new experiment. He could sense you in the background, preparing what he needed without waiting for him to ask for it, you were so used to him and his antics that you could almost predict everything he would say or do.
Dottore tolerated you, you were still only someone useful to him, but you were still treated better than any other subordinates. You were well-behaved, not talking without a valid reason, and would ask for permission before doing anything particular. He would always say to the other Harbingers that you were annoying, but any time someone would suggest to him another assistant and to get rid of you, he would refuse immediately before leaving.
He could admit that his workplace has never been this clean and easy to work in before. And slowly, he started to be nicer, you weren't expecting much from the start, but he grew comfortable enough to sometimes ask you your opinion, and let you have a day off once a week.
It was as if you always knew what he was thinking, before he could ask for someone to drink, it was already placed beside him. He needed something? It was already on the metal table. He wanted a report, it was written on his desk with every annotation he required. A material was missing, you were already out buying it. After some time, he decided to make you move into the room next to his workplace, so you were never too far away.
At first, you never had the time to meet the other Fatui, they all thought you were dead when you did not show up after a week. In reality, the work hours with Dottore were hellish, and you had little to no time to do anything, so your day was just: waking up, going to work, finishing all the tasks of the day, going back to your room and sleep. Your disappearance became a mystery, since Dottore himself was not going out too much, neither of you were seen.
But at one meeting, which Dottore was forced to come to, Pierro's order, he entered the room with you following just behind. To say everyone was shocked was an understatement, the three Harbingers present has, themselves, never saw you once. And your appearance was quite surprising, but not in a bad way. Childe could not help but send a wink your way when you looked at him accidentally, which earned him a glare from La Signora and Scaramouche.
Except for your person that was quite attractive, what surprised them the most was your position, as an assistant, for the Fatui, you were a nobody. But you were here, walking as if you were a high-ranked member. They had never seen someone standing so close to him without dying, the only exception being the other Harbingers… and yourself, now. Quickly, the rumour spread and you became someone respected among most, some other rumours were circulating about how you managed to stay alive, but they were all quickly shut down anonymously. Among the Fatui, you were untouchable, rarely seen outside and if you were, it was along one of the craziest men.
Most of your new subordinates respected you and your life was quite peaceful. But this peace was sometimes disturbed by Dottore, anytime he would have a random excess of rage about a recent failed experiment. If you remember good, it was after the fifth time that he stopped injuring you in the process. It was not like it was calming him down to hurt you anyway, since you got used to the pain, and after some time, you stopped reacting as it became something typical. You would just stay in your spot, unmovingly, waiting for the rage to vanish.
It took you another set of months to meet the rest of the Harbingers since you had no reason to see them in the first place. You had the occasion when Dottore send you to deliver a report to Pierro, surprisingly, he trusted you enough for this. On your way, the other nine Harbingers were getting out of the meeting room. As you bow immediately, hiding your face to not get into trouble, you hear someone stop in front of you. You never raise your head, even as a hand was placed on top of your head. The calm voice of the 11th Harbingers reaches your ears.
“Hm… Isn't that… Dottore's assistant?
My My, what a pleasure to meet you again.
Such a great surprise. Is that my birthday gift?”
As he urged you to stand up, you hesitate, unsure if it was a trap to give you a punishment. Thankfully it was not, as he just wanted to talk to you. Actually, he was the one doing the talking since, after months of working with Dottore, talking was not something you were used to anymore. And as you replied, your raspy voice send a shiver down everyone's spine.
You're taken aback when Childe throws his arm around your shoulders casually, or as casually as he could, since you were taller than him, and it forced him to stand on his tiptoes. La Signora was snickering behind him as the Balladeer was looking at you up and down. Childe suddenly asked you if the next day was your day off, making you suspicious, since he had no reason to know this. Even if it was, you weren't really trusting him. In the end, he still invited you to spend some time with him, which you were forced to accept or else you would get killed. Behind your back, Childe was showing a victorious face to Scaramouche, giving him the occasion to talk to you without Dottore in the way.
The next day, Dottore was working as always, in complete silence, since you weren't here, there was no sound of you rummaging through something behind his back. At first, like any of your day off, he was enjoying the silence, but as minutes and hours passed, he grew tenser as if something was missing. Usually, even if you were free to go, you would at least pass by once, just to make sure everything was all right. But today, he never saw you or heard of you, leaving a strange feeling consuming his mind. He left his workshop in the middle of the night, frustrated to an infinite extent as you never showed up like he expected you to. He even brought your favourite drink, which he threw in the bin as he left, angry.
He heard loud voices in the corridor, familiar annoying ones as he recognized immediately who it was, Childe and Scaramouche. He hated them, actually, he hated everything and everyone, but these two particularly, with how insufferable they were. As he passed by them, Childe greeted him with a big sincere smile, his behaviour took him by surprise, even Scaramouche has a gentler smirk than usual. He stopped dead in his tracks out of shock but turned around suddenly when he heard your name get out of Childe's mouth. The sentence that he pronounced made him grit his teeth.
“See I told you that you were going to have fun today.
Isn't he great? And this face and body~ ”
Everything became clear in his mind, you did not show up because you were out with the Balladeer. Who in their right mind would go out with that thing? Suddenly, he noticed how he was not really liked by his subordinates either and took back his words. But still, why would you see him, it made no sense, you never had the occasion to speak with him or Childe anyway. With a frown, he heads to his room, talking to himself, promising that you will never have a day off again. He would not allow it.
And that's how, the next day, when you entered the room, Dottore was standing in front of you angrily. He had his arms crossed over his chest, and an annoyed look on his face, he did not even start work on his new experiment yet, which was surprising.
“So… The Balladeer, uh?”
Your blood ran cold, how long has it been since the last time he frightened you that much? You try to remember any rules related to having no contact with the other Fatui or Harbingers, but nothing came to your mind. Your hands started to shake, knowing it was over for you, you had made your second mistake. As he took a step forward, hand raised, you close your eyes, waiting for the final blow. But it never came, a hand was placed on your torso as Dottore pushed you, making you fall back on the chair behind you. Your mind spiralling, trying to understand what he was going to do, torture perhaps?
One of his hands found its place on your shoulder as the other was resting on your thigh. Before you could process what was happening, he sat down on you, legs on each side of yours as he looked still quite angry. He grips your jaw tightly as he spat each words with so much venom.
“Whose assistant are you?”
“Your assistant, sir.”
“Then why were you with this fucking brat?”
The silence was loud, your mouth opening and closing uselessly as you didn't know how to respond. Dottore had the urge to slice your throat open, but at the same time, he knew it would be a shame to lose someone like you. The Balladeer was the one who needed to get taught a lesson, as he needed to understand that he should not take what was not his. But for now, he had to make sure you understood your mistake. You have been so perfect until now, he gave you everything, but you still left to go out with someone else. With his twisted mind, he was not able to notice how bad his logic was, as he is just your boss, nothing more, but he could not accept it.
He listens as you apologize, but the confusion was still noticeable in your voice as if you did not know what you did wrong. How could you not understand? It was as if he was going to let someone else enter his workplace as you weren't there, it was inconceivable. He had no rights to do so and neither did you have the rights to be close with any other Harbingers. He did not care about the other subordinates, he could just kill them if they were becoming annoying.
You were lost in your thoughts when he grabbed your jaw again, dipping his fingers into your mouth suddenly, forcing your tongue to loll out. He leans forward, sucking on your tongue as he starts to grind onto you, your body reacting on its own as you get hard. What you did not knew, was that he had no experience, and he was already on the edge. But how could you notice it when he was moving like that on top of you. Each roll of his hips was hypnotic, and you could feel yourself drool at the thought of him sitting on your face. You needed to keep your mind in check before it becomes uncontrollable.
You lick your lips, throat drying up as his movements speed up, hips jerking forward as he grew more and more sensitive. He needed more, but his body was already out of stamina. He feels your grip on his hips tighten as your rut against him, an animalist look in your eyes as you lost control of yourself. After all, you spend the last year following him everywhere he went, without a break, never having enough time to be alone and tend to your urges. So what does happen when finally someone offers themselves to you? You go crazy.
Dottore feels tears pricking at the corner of his eyes, he felt his body heat up, a powerful warmth coursing through his body as he was captivated by your blissful face. It seemed like you saw Celestia, you looked at him as if he was your god, finally offering you a sweet release. He gasps as you become rougher, his insides clenching around nothing, he felt too sensitive and wanted to take a break. But as he was going to lift himself up a bit, you forced him down by his hips, you grab his hands, moving them to your neck. You lifted your own hips, rutting your crotch against his clothed ass.
He could feel your length, your breath itching as you bite down on his shoulder, drool covering his shirt as your body is quivering. Your eyes were closed as your body falls lax against the chair, your head rolling back as the sweet feeling takes over your senses. The man on top of you was taken aback, was it that good for you to almost pass out? He starts to think about how you could make him feel that good too, and his thoughts send him overboard.
For the first time in his life, Dottore was not seeing you just as a smart assistant, there was something else. As something clicked in his head, the way you would talk to him, when you would take care of his needs, and the way you move. Nothing about you was innocent or sweet, it was screaming intimidating and lustful, but he never noticed until now. His eyes were going from your parted lips to your blissed-out eyes, before going down to look at your pants. He never saw you in this light, as an attractive man that could, if he wanted to, have anyone kneel in front of him. But no. This man was his assistant, staying in his workplace all day, not caring about anything else than his well-being and experiments.
He leaned forward, licking your lips before kissing you, a strange taste now lingering in his mouth, but he could not recognize it. The way your lips were pressing against his, was making him blush crazily, he wanted to make you feel the same way as he was. He took a deep breath, unbuttoning his pants and yours, your dicks sprang out as his mouth waters at the sight. He could not help but feel embarrassed at the length difference, not only his was shorter but also thinner. But he was sure that he was in the norm, so why were you so big?
As he tries his best to wrap his hand around both shafts, his cheeks heat up at the laugh coming from you, and you look amused as his small hand could not do much. It could barely wrap around your cock only, and this guy was trying to hold both at the same time. You let go of his hip, placing your hand on top of his, holding both your length with one hand, as you start to move it up and down slowly. Teasingly, you look at the doctor straight in the eyes, seeing how he was panting, fighting the urge to cum.
His eyes widened as he just realized that he was in the middle of his lab, perched on your lap as your hand was jerking him off. Anybody could enter the room, most Harbingers doing so without knocking, at any moment they could see you. But as he was going to tell you to stop, your thumb started to play with his tip, forcing him to hold onto your shoulders for dear life as he was losing his mind. Your hand was so warm around him, and the way your cocks were rubbing together was driving him crazy. Slowly, you move your face to his neck, licking the side before biting down, hard. The pain sends tingles to his arms and brain.
The doctor was practically choking on his words, lightly thrusting his hips while letting out loud moans, fucking into your hand. Your thumb playing with his tip, gliding slowly as it lit his nerves on fire, pleasure overwhelming. He was sobbing against you, drooling all over your shirt, so embarrassed at the wet noises filling the room as your hand was almost drenched in his precum. He was crumbling slowly, and you used this opportunity to tease him, stopping all movements of your hand as you lean back, removing your hand from his length. He chased after you, he was so close, and he needed your touch. Your kisses on his jaw paired with some bites distracted him for a second, before you play with the tip of his cock one last time, making him cum instantly.
You watch with hungry eyes as he keeps cumming all over you, body shaking as he can't stop, cock twitching uselessly.
Before he could process what was happening, he was laying on his back, the cold metallic table sticking against his damp and hot skin. As you kneel in between his legs, he wraps them around your head tightly as your tongue slid deeper into his ass. He was so sensitive he could cum over and over again, the feeling of being eaten out made his mind go crazy. Your strong hands holding his thighs apart, head squished in the middle as you lap and suck at his hole, your nails digging into his sensitive flesh.
As he grinds against your tongue, head rolled back as he cries out, unable to keep his noises in, he could feel the knot snap against. He spilt all over his stomach, some drops falling onto your face and hair. As you gently lap at the cum oozing out of his tip, the sound of a door opening is covered by his loud whimpers. The two Harbingers freezing at the view in front of them, Childe and Scaramouche were flustered to no end, seeing you in this position as you make Dottore loses his mind. They leave immediately, but the image could not leave their heads. As they stand in the corridor, still processing what they saw, they look at each other, cheeks red and body temperature rising up as they head to their room, hiding the front of their tight pants with their sweaty hands.
You wanted to fuck him so hard, but his blissed-out face as he was almost passed out on the metallic table told you it was enough for today. He was pathetic, but he was still your boss, and so you decide to please him one last time as you watch his cock hardening again. Dottore whined when he heard some wet sounds, he raises his head, legs instinctively closing as he saw you wet your fingers, your eyes meeting. If you could not use your cock, you could at least help him a little, so he would be able to correctly jerk off to the memory later. You brought one finger to his hole, followed immediately by another one, the foreign feeling heightened his sensitivity, each drag of your fingers into his body send him closer to the edge.
He moaned raspily, throat dry after crying and whimpering for so long. He could see his legs quivering as he cries, tears falling freely from his eyes, the stimulation making him discover something new. When your fingers hit a particular spot, you can't help but smirk, the third finger being added quickly as you slammed them against his prostate. He cried, hips grinding down as he forced two fingers into his mouth, silencing himself. You stretch him more, thrusting your fingers in and out. And before you knew it, he was screaming, cumming untouched as he empty himself over your face, mumbling your name as he gives you the most fucked out smile ever.
His fuzzy mind was not able to comprehend whatever was happening around you, but you were able to. And when the door opened, a single person entered the room too lost in their thoughts to notice the scene in front of them. Pantalone froze on the spot as he raised his head, Dottore laying on his work table as you're kneeling in between his legs, face covered in his cum as you lick your lips. He watches as the doctor's head lolls to the side, too out of it to see who he was looking at, a dumb smile spreading across his face. As he was going to turn around to leave the room, thinking you did not notice him, he sees you licking your lips with a satisfied face when you looked at him, straight in the eyes. You give him a big smile before sticking your tongue out, the black-haired male blushing violently as the door slam behind him.
Dottore barely understands that someone saw him like that, embarrassment hardly reaching his brain, as he grabs a tissue to clean your face. He was weak in the knees, his body too tired to move correctly as he stands up, motioning for you to help him. With shaky legs, he falls onto the chair, panting. He tugs your face closer to his by your hair, kissing you softly, moaning as the gentle feeling eases his aching heart.
As you were going to leave the room, still hard but glad you gave your boss a good time, he surprised you by kneeling in front of you. Jerking you off quickly before letting you cum in his awaiting mouth. Immediately, he tucks you back into your underwear as he buttons your pants. He stands up, leaning against the wall for support as he grabs your jaw to kiss you one last time, acting as if he was not blushing like crazy.
Dismissing you for the day, satisfied with what happened, convinced that you were not going to see anyone else. You do as he asks, just taking the time to squeeze his ass before doing so, just to annoy him. You doubt your life was in danger anymore anyway, after what just happened. When you got out, Pantalone was still there, back leaning against the wall as he looks at you up and down. He makes a strange sign before leaving, hips almost swaying as he walks, as you stand there half-confused at what he meant. While somewhere else, Childe and Scaramouche were separately jerking off to what they saw, imagining themselves instead of Dottore. It's true that you were his assistant, but it did not mean that you could not give a helping hand to the other Harbingers too, right?
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⏤ Thank you for reading! I wish you a great day.
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ramblingoak · 6 months
Building A Family
Another peek into the steampunk Copia fic I'm working on because I can't help myself. Check out the previous story here: Clockwork Friends.
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A young Copia (probably about 5 or 6 years old) trying to settle in at his new home.
Warnings: angst, sfw, 1k words (thank you to @gothdaddyissues for the dividers!)
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Copia’s oldest clockwork rat is Aldo and he made him when he was just a young boy, barely able to read and write.
After being dropped off to live with his apparent father Nihil, Copia was mostly left to his own devices.  His brothers were busy with their own lives and didn’t want to deal with the burden of another Emeritus heir.  The sprawling estate they lived on was closed off from the rest of the city by high walls that were patrolled by mechanical golems.  Not to mention the reputation of the Emeritus family itself.  Most of the city was convinced they were more machine than human these days.  
On a particularly lonely day Copia found himself near tears as he wandered the halls. He spent the beginning of his life in an orphanage surrounded by other children.  An endless amount of people to play with and talk to.  Here it was just him.  It was bad enough his own family didn’t seem to want anything to do with him but even the ghouls avoided him.  
Copia finally stopped when he walked by a strangely silent grandfather clock.  It loomed over him much like Nihil had done the day he was picked up from the orphanage.  The hands of the clock were still and Copia’s fingers started twitching, the urge to fix it growing stronger by the second.  It wasn’t until he had dragged a nearby chair over and started taking the clock face apart that he had an idea for another purpose for it.
“Can you hear me?”
It was hours later, the grandfather clock now just a corpse of its former self.  Copia had brought all the parts he needed into his room and spread them out on the floor.  A ghoul had come by when it had gotten dark, dropping off a plate of food and getting a fire going.  He had lingered for some time after, seemingly content to silently watch Copia work.  They had only left when Copia found himself getting frustrated when the tiny creature in front of him remained silent.
Tears began to prick at his eyes again and he struggled to keep them from falling down his cheeks.  He was just so lonely, all he wanted was something to keep him company.  It didn’t matter to him whether it was a machine or not.  Right now he had no one.  No friends…no family…just an empty house full of memories he wasn’t a part of.  With a whimper he dropped his head into his hands, his small shoulders starting to shake as the tears started to come in earnest. 
“Try this.”  Copia’s head shot up, his eyes meeting that of the ghoul that had managed to sneak back in.  The firelight danced across his silver mask and Copia shivered when it made it seem like his eyes were on fire as well.  He finally looked down to see a small metal object in its hand, the gold contrasting with the black metal of his fingers.  “This will bring it to life.”
After a few more trips to the destroyed grandfather clock Copia had re-worked his little creation to utilize what the ghoul had brought him.  Copia’s hand shook as he inserted the gold key into its back.  He could hear the gears turn as he twisted it, over and over again until he felt confident it was enough.  As delicately as possible he lowered it back to the ground, afraid to let go in case it didn’t work.  
In case his new friend remained silent.
“It’s ok.”  
Copia looked up at the ghoul, forgetting he had stuck around to watch.  It was impossible to know what the ghoul was thinking but Copia saw something in his eyes that he had only seen a few other times in his young life.  Kindness and understanding shone there, emotions so strong that Copia had to look away quickly lest he got upset again.  He took a deep breath and slowly pulled his hands away, trembling as he waited for something to happen.
It was slow at first, timid as it began to move around the rug Copia was sitting on.  After a few unsure first steps it gained confidence and crept closer to him on shaky legs.  Copia was afraid to touch it, afraid he’d break the spell the small thing might be under.  When a tiny metal paw touched his leg Copia finally smiled and reached down to scoop it up in his hands.
“Hello.”  The small metal rat twitched its nose, as if it could smell whether Copia was a friend or not.  “H-how do you feel?”
The door to his room opening and closing made him look up briefly but Copia didn’t give the ghoul leaving another thought.  He was too enamored by what he had created.  The clockwork rat was busy looking around the room, his limbs still shaky against Copia’s hands.  He was already thinking of ways to improve the design, of how he could make his new friend stronger.  
After a few moments its small body started to stop, the key moving slower and slower on its back.  Copia set it back down on the rug and ran a finger up and down its head.  It was a comforting gesture for both of them and neither one looked away from each other until the key had completely stopped.  
Copia sat back on his heels, his eyes quickly looking around the room as he thought of what he would need.  He had a responsibility now to his new friend.  He needed to take care of it, to make it healthy and happy.  Copia was prepared to do whatever he could to make sure that happened.  With a grunt he stretched out on his stomach in front of the rat, reaching out and winding the key up again.  When it came to life once more it immediately walked forward and bumped noses with him.
“I’m going to name you Aldo, ok?”  The rat's nose moved across his face, the small whiskers he had given him tickling his cheek.  “Welcome home.”
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Some more baby steampunk Copia here 💙
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charseraph · 1 year
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The River Jordan and Sweetpea are electric engines on the first railway on Mars.
River Jordan was the first one built, being the product of a collaboration between the nations who established the colony.
Sweetpea was donated by a coronal aerospace guild and assembled onsite. Her parts were imported and her blueprints were crownmade, so her visage is coronal.
Visage and the nature of living transport
Engines take the image of their creators. Their faces are not organic, and are more like a vessel for helpful senses and communication tools.
They come alive soon after they are built, once out of eyeshot for any moment. Attempts to stare at a new engine to see it stir are foiled somehow (blinks, saccades, CCTV malfunction, momentary lapse in attention). Not all engines come alive, as their animacy is often (but not always) decided by the intent of the builder.
Living engines can assess their circumstances and make judgements based on them. They are useful in volatile situations as an expert second opinion on conduct and design, and are capable of sensing external and internal problems quickly.
In calmer periods, they may not get adequate stimulation, and their personalities may interfere with their efficiency. For this reason, railways have their preferences when they build and purchase engines.
The facial material ends at the surface of the machine and is inscrutable in composition—the material appears to be made of itself, and is unusable for any other purpose besides as an engine’s interface with the world. If damaged, the material heals. If removed, it disappears. The conceptual self-referentiality of engines’ faces, souls, and senses deter scrutiny.
Living machines exist as a fact of the universe. Their animacy is cloaked in an analysis-averting antimeme.
Human Engines
Engines designed and built by humans possess dual-pinhole pupils that dilate into an elliptical shape, granting them a broad field of view and tolerance of rapid changes in light levels (such as in going in and out of tunnels). Deep set zygomata allow them to look directly to their sides, and with the dual-pinhole setup, they maintain some depth perception in monocular sight. Their pupil shapes are hidden by their black irises, which absorb glare. They can see clearly to their front and sides, but can’t see up or down very well. A tapetum lucidum retroreflects incoming light back through their retinas, granting them vision in darkness. The nictitating membranes and long eyelashes protect the eyes from dust.
The chemicals engines are capable of detecting are relevant to their purpose, e.g. distinguishing coal, gasoline, diesel, and wood fires from their smoke but not being able to distinguish or detect food smells. Similar to how cats, obligate carnivores, have lost their ability to taste sugar due to its absence in their diet, but can taste ATP for its presence in meat—engines can parse environmental and industrial scents, but will have wildly varied responses to food and fragrant compounds, often being unable to notice them.
To investigate an aroma, they slightly lower their bottom lip to take air into their vomeronasal organ located behind the upper incisors.
Engines do not require oxygen, but if debris enters the nasal passage, human engines will sneeze to:
Ensure their voice resonates properly,
Keep their olfactory facilities clean, and
Indicate to engineers that particle buildup may have occurred in other places, such as the boiler tubes for steam engines.
Crown Engines
Just as the tongue is the only colored object on a human engine’s face for distinguishability, so are the teeth on coronal engines. The positions of the upper and lower jaw indicate tone, functioning in communication similarly to eyebrows.
Coronal engine eyes consist of an armored cornea surrounded by a cuticle and muscular eyelid. The cornea moves with the help of the embedded eyestalk supporting it. The cuticle is lubricated with an oil-based film and is less susceptible to irritation than the aqueous solution on human engine eyes. The undersides of the eyelids and surface of the cornea are covered in setae, preventing chafing and reducing airflow on the cornea. The hairs catch debris and are combed out by the lids with a puckering motion.
To make up for unenhanced vision by human engine standards, coronal engine hearing is advanced, allowing the listener to pinpoint sound sources through triangulation of the four inner ears. Coronal engines, too, channel sound through their incisors and into their internal ears via the acoustic windows at the hinge of each jaw.
Coronal engines achieve their sense of industrial smell through the gustatory papillae that line their choana and pharynx. They supplement their olfaction by introducing cool air behind the heat pits inside their nares.
Coronal engines’ thermoception is more efficient than living crowns, as coronal engines’ faces do not produce heat nearly proportional to their mass.
Conversely, the tines heat up significantly hotter than the crown average for unambiguity in temperature tones. The origin of the tine thermal energy appears to be redirected from excess produced by the machinery, or from the face’s temperature directly.
Extramodal senses
Engines are capable of listening from within their cabs with greater acuity than mere conduction of sound through the body would suggest. Other unsubstantiated sensory abilities include:
Discernment of water/fuel quality within the framework of taste though intake alone
Somatosensory awareness in the entire body, not just the face
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alicearmageddon · 7 months
"The North Korean regime in the ‘50s developed a series of remarkably effective torture techniques, techniques that were so effective, in fact, that they were able to make captured American airmen admit to all sorts of atrocities they had not in fact committed, all the time, being convinced they had not, actually, been tortured. The techniques were quite simple. Just make the victim do something mildly uncomfortable—sit on the edge of chair, for example, or lean against a wall in a slightly awkward position—only, make them do it for an extremely long period of time. After eight hours the victim would be willing to do virtually anything to make it stop. But try going to the International Court of Justice at The Hague and tell them you’ve been made to sit on the edge of a chair all day. Even the victims were unwilling to describe their captors as torturers. When the CIA learned about these techniques—according to Korean friends of mine, they’re actually just particularly sadistic versions of classic Korean ways of punishing small children—they were intrigued, and, apparently, conducted extensive research on how they could be adopted for their own detention centers.
Again, sometimes, in Palestine, one feels one is in an entire country that’s being treated this way. Obviously, there is also outright torture, people who are actually being shot, beaten, tortured, or violently abused. But I’m speaking here even of the ones that aren’t. For most, it’s as if the very texture of everyday life has been designed to be intolerable—only, in a way that you can never quite say is exactly a human rights violation. There’s never enough water. Showering requires almost military discipline. You can’t get a permit. You’re always standing in line. If something breaks it’s impossible to get permission to fix it. Or else you can’t get spare parts. There are four different bodies of law that might apply to any legal situation (Ottoman, British, Jordanian, Israeli), it’s anyone’s guess which court will say what applies where, or what document is required, or acceptable. Most rules are not even supposed to make sense. It can take eight hours to drive 20 kilometers to see your girlfriend, and doing so will almost certainly mean having machine guns waved in your faces and being shouted at in a language you half understand by people who think you’re subhuman. So you do most of your dalliance by phone. When you can afford the minutes. There are endless traffic jams before and after checkpoints and drivers bicker and curse and try not to take it out on one another. Everyone lives no more than 12 or 15 miles from the Mediterranean but even on the hottest day, it’s absolutely impossible to get to the beach. Unless you climb the wall, there are places you can do that; but then you can expect to be hunted every moment by security patrols. Of course teenagers do it anyway. But it means swimming is always accompanied by the fear of being shot. If you’re a trader, or a laborer, or a driver, or a tobacco farmer, or clerk, the very process of subsistence is continual stream of minor humiliations. Your tomatoes are held and left two days to rot while someone grins at you. You have to beg to get your child out of detention. And if you do go to beseech the guards, those same guards might arbitrarily decide to hold you to pressure him to confess to rock-throwing, and suddenly you are in a concrete cell without cigarettes. Your toilet backs up. And you realize: you’re going to have to live like this forever. There is no “political process.” It will never end. Barring some kind of divine intervention, you can expect to be facing exactly this sort of terror and absurdity for the rest of your natural life."
-David Graeber, Reflections from a Visit to the West Bank
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 month
I need an edit/amv of Sephiroth with the songs of Gasoline or Panic Room. They both suit him so well
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eclipse-rain · 1 year
'Awalie (Once; in the Past)
Summary: Reader (Jakes Sullys younger sister) wakes up in an unknown place and suddenly finds she has awoken 15 years later than the time of her last memory. But the real question is; why is she still the same age? Why doesn't this look like Earth? Will she be able to find her way back to Jake? And who is this Na'vi boy she just saved?
|Takes place after the end of the second movie|
Part 2 Part 3
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Have you ever thought about what you would do if suddenly you woke up and you were in an unknown place?
What would be your first reaction?
Well the first words that left your lips seemed to perfectly describe how you were feeling, as you had just been thrust into that exact scenario.
"What the...fuck?" You choked out, fairly groggy after just waking up from what felt like an eternal sleep.
You looked around your surroundings and realised fairly quickly that you didnt know where you were.
You were sat on the hard cold floor of a room that was made up of all white walls. It was full of all sorts of diffrent odd beeping machines that did god knows what.
You had previously been stuck in some kind of smaller compartment but when you had awoken you were able to push your way out.
There was a gap inbetween the segments of the compartment and so you wiggled your fingers through and found you were able to extend the table you laid on out of the small space, landing yourself on the floor instead.
That table.
You remembered that table.
What did you remeber about it?
Just then a memory came along with a sharp pain in your head and made your stomach lurch in realisation of what you remebered about this table.
"One, two. One, two."
"Hey, Little Miss Sully, you there?"
"If you can you hear us give us a sign."
Bright lights flashed across your face and shed some light in the darkness you saw, while you were poked and prodded like some kind of experiment.
Well, i guess thats all you were to them.
A science experiment.
Not a human being.
Not a living creature.
Just something to further their own curiosity and greed.
Why? Why did they do it? And why you?
You were angry about it at first. You were angry for a long time, during all of the time you were asleep. The sleep, the darkness, that seemed to go on forever but also somehow seemed to be gone in the blink of an eye now that you were awake.
But now you were fine with it. Now you didnt want to be seen as a human. You didnt want anything to do with them.
They had taken everything from you.
Your parents.
Your eldest brother.
'Tommy', Jake had bestowed the nickname onto his elder brother.
He had been shot to death right before your eyes. That was the last memory you had of him and the last memory you had at all. You had to tell Jake what happened. He could help.
But Tommy was already dead. What could he do? They're was no bringing someone back from the dead. You knew that. It was an undeniable fact.
The second words that you uttered, as you sat upright on the cold hard floor, after your awakening was the name of your older brother, the younger of the two twins.
"Jake...?" You called out. Your voice was hoarse as if it hadn't been used in some time and your throat felt scratchy like you had been forced to swallow thumbtacks.
What had happend to him, your second brother? Did he know what happened? Did he know his twin brother was dead? His older brother, his other half. Did he know what had happened to you? Where was he?
Where were you?
Just then you noticed a window a little ways away from you. You tried to get up to go look outside of it, to try and get a clue as to where you might be but your legs felt like jelly.
You collapsed as soon as you got up. You tried again only this time you used that wreatched table that would haunt your nightmares as support. You managed to make your somewhat numb legs move and you hobbled over to the window.
There was nothing to hold onto near the window, nothing to support you, so you had to just hope for the best. After throwing yourself in its direction you ended up latching onto the sides of the window, screws and all, since there was no windowsill to grab onto.
The pain caused to your hands by the old screws that jutted into your skin was nothing in comparison to the pain you felt all over the rest of your body before. How it felt when those experiments were actively being perfomed on you.
The pain you had felt then was so immense that it felt as if your whole body was burning from the inside out. Like thousands of little firey ants were making their way through each of your veins and into your blood stream.
Getting used to having to use your legs after being asleep was one thing but you still seemed to be affected by the after effects of the experiments that were perfomed on you by your own kind as well.
Now though, that pain you had felt had died down and your body felt somewhat sureen. As if it had been in hibernation, waiting for just the right time to awaken from its long slumber.
Perhaps that was why your legs felt like they hadn't been used in forever, why they were so numb. You had to find out how much time had passed. Just how long were you asleep for?
You had to find out where you were and what day it was. You had to get back to Jake. He must be worried about you, especially if he had already heard about Tommys death.
Except the only problem was that you didnt know where you were. As you peered out of that window and took in the view of the outside world that awaited you, nothing could have prepared you for what you saw.
The place that you woke up inside of seemed to be settled near a cliff with water, the sea you could assume, down below it. But that wasnt the weird part. Because when you looked in the opposite direction their were trees as tall as skyscrapers.
Ones that shined brightly of all diffrent colors. Colors that shouldn't come from normal trees. The foliage spread out into a canapy above making for a dense forest on the other side of the cliff. One more beautiful than you could imagine but also one just as deadly.
When you took a closer look at the outside surroundings you realised alot more could be seen. The forest seemed to be barricaded off and large machines as big as houses as well as people in giant metal robots patroled along it. There were many other structures, ones you assumed resembled the one you were in right now.
'Spaceships?' You thought to yourself
Yes. Thats what they looked like. You remebered from the pictures Tommy had show you about the one he was going to take to Pandora. You had also seen it on the news often when they reported what other scientists had found in their journeys to Pandora.
Everything you saw indicated only one thing. Only one place you could be. The place you had begged your eldest brother to tell you everything he knew about it.
The moon that had been found to have living creatures on it just like earth. You grew up hearing stories about it, everyone did.
You and Tommy had a particular intrest in it, although Jake never seemed as inthused about it as the both of you were. You had tried to make him come with you to classes countless times, where you would learn their language, but he had always brushed it off saying he was busy and had something else to do.
Tommy shared in your intrest of the planet though, even going so far as becoming a scientist to research it and the Na'vi peoples ways. You guessed he would never be able to achieve his dream now since he was shot dead right in front of you a week before he shipped out.
And then it hit you. Tommy was really dead. He wasn't coming back, he couldn't achieve his dream of going to Pandora and here you seemingly were. With the last memory you had, before finding yourself here, being of your eldest brother dying right before your eyes because some guy wanted the money in his wallet. You had watched the bullet wound bleed out and blood pool around his body, frozen in fear and dread before you too were shot.
Yes that was right. You had been shot too. So what happened after that? What was all that pain you had felt? Those voices you heard, those images you saw.
They had been experimenting on you. That had been your first thought and the conclusion you came to while you were asleep because of the vague distorted flashes and sounds that repeatedly played in your mind. Beeping machines and people mumuring above you, sounding so close yet so far away.
You slid down from where you were standing, holding the window, and clutched your head from these memories as they caused volts of pain to stab through your brain like they had done when you had first rembered the table.
They had been experimenting on you while you were asleep. So had you been in a coma? You were shot too but didnt die so mabey Tommy was in a coma too and you were just jumping to conclusions that he was dead. But then again, even if he was in a coma that wasnt much better than being dead either, it just ment that while his physical body wasnt dead his brain was.
So thats what had happened to you? After you had been shot you went into a coma and so you had been brian dead? How long had it been since you had first gone into the coma?
You started to panic now. Every moment that lead up to the situation you were in now played in your mind all at once. You clutched your head harder as your ears started to ring, your nails digging into them in the process, trying to relieve the pain you felt in your head by moving it somewhere else.
Your heart raced so fast you thought it would beat out of your chest as you clawed at it, bunching up the hospital gown you were wearning in the process. Your head rested down on your thighs, your body completely reclining into yourself in an attempt to keep you safe. You began to feel light headed and you thought you might pass out at any moment. Then a certain noise made you come to a realisation, enough to bring you back to your senses.
Was the spaceship...taking off?
You clambered back up to look out the window once again and sure enough the room you were in was leaving the rocky ground below. With you still getting used to your legs and the new added movement of the swaying ship you were like a fish out of water, stumbling all over the place.
You stumbled to the other side of the room as it swayed and just as you were about to get thrown to the floor you braced yourself on a table. Not the table, not the one that would haunt your nightmares but one that looked almost the exact same nonetheless. In fact instead of grabbing onto the cold metal of the table instead you grabbed something more fleshy feeling and what it was had you at a loss for words.
The room you were in...you weren't the only one in it.
In fact the other person in the room with you didn't look quite human like at all. Although you had never seen one in person before, the blue tinted skin, long limbs and sizable body all conformed that you were indeed on Pandora. This was because the body that lay on that table, across from the one you were on a while ago, was the body of a na'vi person.
Like with the spaceships the appearance of the na'vi people had been described to you many times while you grew up on earth. You had even seen far away photos of them that were on the news or uploded to the internet, taken by scientists and others who were sent to explore the alien planet.
The person didn't seem at all likely to move. They too were clothed in a hospital gown like you were, you assumed this to be an avatar body that was not cureently in use.
It lay still and was rather cold to the touch but the machines it was hooked up to indicated that it had a heart rate. Tommy had told you that avatar bodies were usually kept in tank like things full of fluid, you recalled, so you wondered why this body was laid on a table out in the open like this.
And was it suposed to have a heart rate when their wasnt a person inside of it? You didn't know. You had always been more fascinated and interested in the na'vi peoples ways and culture, their planet the moon pandora, their home and the ecosystem there rather than the avatars the human scientists made and how they were used.
So you had mostly zoned out, never taking in the information Tommy had rattled on to you about them. Although you did know he was supposed to get his own avatar. They had constructed it from his DNA and it would be ready for him to use by the time, the six years, it took for him to get to Pandora.
Six years it would have taken for him to get to Pandora. You looked down at your own hands, out streached them and clenched them a few times, hard enough to leave little crecent shaps where your blunt fingernails jutted into your palms. You recalled back to the hint of a reflection you saw of yourself in passing as you looked through the window.
You had looked the same age!
Your hands were the same size as you remebered them and so were your facial features, you didnt have any wrinkles either. You felt warmth blossom in your heart at the thought that mabey not too much time had passed at all, but then again...
You were on Pandora weren't you? It would have taken Tommy six years to get to Pandora so if you were on Pandora and the same age as before that would be logical at all would it.
Just then you remebered another thing Tommy had said. He had made you watch a documentary with him about it since his twin seemingly didnt share in his intrest so you were made to instead.
During that he had explained how they would use some magic whatever stuff you couldn't remember the name of now, as you had only been half listening to him, to keep the spaceships crew members bodies preserved or something so that it was like they were frozen in time. Like a hyper sleep, where when they woke up they would be six years into the future.
Mabey thays how your body had stayed so young. That seemed logical although the only thing was, that he had said that it couldnt stop the aging process completely, only dwindle its effects as the body slept. But you looked the exact same as you had in the day of the memory you last remebered.
You would have been sixteen then so adding six years would have made you about twenty-two. There was no way, even with the effects of the stuff that was ment to preserve your body, that you wouldnt have at least looked a little different. Been a bit taller even, although that wasn't something you could check just by looking at yourself.
You had to start searching around and finding more stuff to explain the situation you were in. If you were in a spaceship in Pandora then there must be people here who could help you. But would they want to?
Did you even want their help?
What about the people who experimented on you while you were asleep? Caused you all that pain. Those very people could be the ones who brought you to Pandora. Did this have something to do with Tommy being a scientist on Pandora? Was his being shot to death not mearly an act of some rando wanting to snatch his cash? Did you just get in the way and then become an unlucky sacrifice in the process?
You started to hyperventilate again, overthinking yourself into ruin. You unclenched your hands from fists after drawing blood and brought both your hands up to your face. After literally smaking some sense back into yourself in order to calm down and get your shit together you decided not to panic anymore, as that would not help you in any way.
You would keep a cool head and get yourself out of this situation. You were resilient like your second brother. You had most likely even just awakened from a coma where you were also most likely brain dead, that had to add some truth to your self proclaimed resilience.
If you were all the way on Pandora that ment you were on a diffrent planet to the one your older brother was on. Could you find a way to contact him?
'Tommy would be fine if he was in this situation' you thought to yourself
What would Tommy do? What would Tommy do?
But Tommy knew all there was to know about Pandora, you didnt. You had only listened to what he said about the things you were intrested in like the ecosystem and the na'vi peoples culture and zoned out for the other half of it. Then another thought occured to you.
"What would Jake do...?" You whispered to yourself out loud.
People had often said that you two were more like twins then Jakes actual twin, this always confused you though. You thought that if they would say that about you and either of your brothers it would be about you and Tommy since you both shared a keen intrest in Pandora.
As you got older however you understood what they ment. You and Jake bounced off each other. You both had the same personality, shared the same sarcastic humor and carefree attitude. You were both headstrong and stubborn and had a certain resilience.
A resilience that could get you through anything.
You been through a basic first aid course as deemed necessary by your own ideals. Jake had been taught much the same in the marines along with the other members of his corps. Although he had said that it didnt help very much when the other members tried to perform what they knew on him when he was injured. At least thats how he looked at it, not you though.
It couldn't bring back his legs but it did retain his life, which you were thankful for, and so you took classes as well as pushing him to teach you once he was better. Though Jake being Jake, and you knowing him, he most likely thought that not having his legs was as good as him being dead. He might even have actually preferred if he had died then instead of still having to carry on with the loss of his legs.
He was too energetic to be confined to a chair for the rest of his life, although, if you knew him and you did, he would probably still end up finding someway to follow his crazy ideas and dreams even with being paralysed. Even though he had to stop being a marine you knew he would find another flame to latch onto again one day.
This time though you were sure that when he did he wouldnt dare let go this time, he would cut down anything in his path to achieve his goal. He was resilient, like you were too.Mabey he had already found it while you were asleep. That was a nice thought. Mabey the loss of both his siblings cleared his mind, gave him more time for himself, just to figure himself out. That thought wasnt as nice.
And although the thought of him doing fine although you and Tommy were gone made your heart warm it also felt a little bitter. Mabey that made you a bad person. Mabey you were. You used to be told that it was alright, that 'it made you human' but...maybe that ment that humans really were bad. That they only tried to justify their own actions so that they wouldn't have to feel remorse. But your older brother wasn't like that, not Jake, not ever.
Jake was the only person you could rely on. The person who you would get in touch with. The person who would help you like always because thats what older brothers did.
And the person who looked kind of like this avatar body.....
Wait. What was that last one?
You had always been scolded for being recless like Jake was too. You learned from his example which often earned your older brother an earfull from the eldest.
You couldn't help it though. Jake was the person you were around the most as you grew up. He had been there your whole life so of course you would learn from his example. Most younger siblings tend to do this without even meaning to.
Its like how when you get older you think your parents or older siblings are cringy or annoying but when your a kid your whole world revolves around them. Revolves around the people who are closest to you, who love you and keep you safe. You learn from their example in the safety of your own home and then you go out and practice those things in the real world.
So many people dont realise that they have picked up habits that have been around them their whole lives. Its just something that that person sees as natural while others may not.
That can be a real eye opener for some people.
When they finally go out into the real world and there are people who think diffrently then them or do things diffrent to what they have been taught. And weather thats good or bad and weather they take it in stride or not is up to their choosing.
They can choose how they want to live their lives, what kind of person they want to be. Remain ignorant or embrace whats in front of you. A new door to be opened. Having said that many people also tend to loose sight of the person they were before. While you can never know what future lies ahead of you, you should always remeber one thing...
Just keep moving forward.
Keep going.
One more time.
You can do this.
Or die trying.
Thats what you were good at.
You wouldn't give up. Not here. Not now. Not when you still had something to live for. Not when you faced death and still survived. Came crawling back stronger, from whatever fate the afterlife had in store for you.
Stronger than before and rearing to go. With your new found confidence you made up your mind to find a way to contact your older brother. That was until...*Gasp*
You might have thought that was you gasping. If you did...you would be wrong.
"Ahhhh" you shouted in shock
Instead it was that body on the table that had gasped for air. The avatar body had just woken up, still clothed in thay hospital gown and lying down on the table.
Had someone really been inside it the whole time? Wouldnt they have just gone back to their original body and if they did why would they return now? Did they try because they were alerted that the body had flatlined? But that wouldn't make much sense.
All this was really doing your head in. Their was too much information and gaps in that information for you, since you mostly didn't have a clue what you were dealing with here. From the avatar bodies to the whole diffrent alien planet you were on.
All these things flashed through your mind in a quarter of a second before you came back to the situation right in front of you. That person looking confused now suddenly also realised that they were not in fact alone in the room. Their eyes suddenly met yours as you continued to stare at them from where you stood above them.
"Uh...hi?" You said with a nervous smile donning your features as you raised one of your hands in greeting. Yeah, maybe not your best reaction but what were you suposed to do? You were freaking out as much as any other person but you were happy the avatar person wasn't dead at least.
The two of you stared at each other for another moment or two before everything seemed to click inside the other persons mind and soon he was struggling to get off of that table and away from you, but he couldnt. The swaying of the spaceship taking off had long since evened out as you now seemed to be flying steady.
You had an inkling that the person was indeed not an avatar but an actual na'vi person. Not your brightest moment either but you were still figuring things out nontheless. You noticed that the na'vi person was tightly tied down to the table, with metal cuffs donning their wrists, ankles, neck and one across the middle of their body.
"Easy" You said putting your other hand up, along with the first, in kind of a 'calm down' gesture. You hoped the na'vi people had the same thing or were at least taught what it ment by other humans like Grace. Like you had learned na'vi through classes on Earth, she had taught English to the na'vi children in a school on Pandora.
The na'vi person, who you assumed to be male, seemed very distressed and did not listen as you tried to calm him. He tried his luck at getting out of the restraints himself but soon found it was no use. And opted to lay still in defeat while never once breaking eye contact with you as if in warning.
During this you had looked back at his heart monitor and saw it steadily rising as he too seemed to be panicking like you had done earlier. Looking in his eyes you could see how frigtened he was, he reminded you of yourself and so you repeated yourself once more.
"Easy there, im not going to hurt you. I want to help." You said calmly.
He did not respond to you but you could see the doubt in his eyes. Slowly he nodded his head in your direction semmingly seeing no other option to get free of his restrains. As if picking the lesser evil he let you figure out how to unbind him from the table.
You struggled to figure out how you would unbind him exactly as he was tied to the table with metal cuffs. You tried to pry them open with your bare hands but quickly found that wouldn't work.
"Well thats not gonna work" you said outloud to no one in particular
Next you decided to look around the room to see if there was anything you could use to pry them open. By now the feeling had almost all returned in your legs so you could walk around the room without problem. You searched around for a minute or two before you heard someone start speaking.
"Over there on the table, try that."
You had been a bit startled by someone suddenly starting to talk out of the blue and stared for a moment at the guy before fully taking in his words and quickly making your way to where he was pointing to.
He was gesturing as well as he could to a table just in his line of sight since he was made stay in a lying position. You scanned the table to see what he could be thinking you could use to free him and picked up a few things to show him to which he shook his head at. You then picked up a needle which he finally nodded his head at and made you realise what he was thinking, you just didn't know if he could pull it off.
You found an old cloth and forcefully ripped off a scrap of it which you covered the pointy bit of the needle with. You couldn't help but wonder as you did this wheather or not this might have been a needle that was used om you when those experiments had been performed on your body. You held the head of the needle at its base, close to the tube and with the help of the edge of the table you snapped the needle off of the tube.
Discarding the body of the needle you brought the sharp point of the head down to meet the thick metal cuff that kept the guys right hand restrained. Before inserting it you quickly glanced at the na'vi male strapped down to the table, the one you were currently trying to free. Why? You didn't exactly know.
'This is exactly why you shouldn't panic' you thought to yourself. But you couldn't help it. You would have done the same thing even if you weren't in a stressful and panic enducing situation. You couldn't just stand by and watch someone die right in front of you, not while you could do something about it.
Even if your heart was going a million miles a minute, even if you didnt know anything about the person you were saving. Maybe that ment you were an idiot or maybe that just made you kind but either way you couldn't be stopped by anyone, not even Jake, once you set your mind on doing something.
And you had decide a whole ago now that you would get back to Jake, your only remaining older brother, your only remaining family. And if you could enlist the help of a person who might need help also, who might be trying to get back to his family too you would be happy to return the favor.
You gathered that he seemed around the same age as you, wheather he was na'vi or human you didnt care, you could help him too, you could both help each other. And if at times from certain angles or when the light hit some of his features just right he looked a little bit like your older brother than that was all the more reason.
He looked back at you with his big wide eyes and you could seen your own refelcetion in them, not only literally but also figuratively. You could see that he had his walls up, he was trying to be strong but he was just as scared and confused as you were.
And what you were helping him from you didnt know but if he was tied down to table like this when he looked like he was the same age as you then you knew that staying here was not a good option for him. You had always been good at reading people, maybe it was your personality, maybe it was being surrounded by all Jakes marine talk and all Tommys scientist talk your whole life but you had picked up on quite a bit.
Your brothers were much older than you, got to go out into the world and live their lives much quicker, leaving you behind. They were twenty-two, six years older than you, you werent even an adult yet. When you had turned sixteen you had told yourself countless times 'two more years'. Just wait two more years and you could leave that orphanage and finally go out into the world, live by your own rules, your own free will. You would finally get to fingure tourself out, find your passion like your brothers had found theirs and finally be your own person but what would happen now?
"Why are you helping me?"
You seemed to have zoned out for a second too long even though all this passed through your mind in a flash.
"Why am i helping you?" You returned the question back to him
He nodded back to you as best he could from his lying down position, his head still angled to look you in the eyes.
His question registered in your mind and you thought for a moment before you soon replied, finding your aswer rather quickly.
"You have a strong heart...very brave" You could tell his emotions through his eyes, like you could for many people. You saw how scared he was, especially to enlist the help of someone he didn't know and someone who could potentially cause him harm. But he did it anyway because he needed to do so if he wanted to survive, because he needed to survive, just like you.
"You remind me of someone" you said finishing off what you had said earlier before quickly busying yourself with trying to untie his restraints.
Before long you had both of his hand restraints off and the one that went across the middle of his body. He was now sitting in an upright position on the table, watching you fiddle around with the needle inside of the cuffs and rubbing his wrists where the restains were previously placed. You jostled the needle to and fro until you heard a click once again and got the remaining cuff off. You stayed still for a bit with a mix of diffrent emotions bubbling up inside of you that were made apparent on your face for the na'vi male to see.
That was until you felt him staring at you and you backed up a few steps since he had seemed quite frightened of you earlier. He slowly made his way off of the table and stumbled a bit like you had done.
"Careful!" You called out to him as you put your hands out just in case even thoigh you werent close enough to catch him if he fell
His legs seemed to have not been used in a while either but they did not seem as bad as yours had been. You supposed he had not been sleeping quite as long as you probably had. Speaking of which you still needed to figure out just where and when you were.
You were reluctant to move closer to him in case he thought you seemed to pose a threat to him and you didnt know if in his haste he might attack you to protect himself. You certainly might if you were in his position and he seemed to be thinking along much the same lines as you. You were both crouching down a little in a position that could be seen as either trying to seem less threatening to the other person and or getting into a ready stance in case the other intened to attack.
"Nga plltxe 'Ìnglìsì, kefyak?" (You speak English right?) You questioned in a clear voice.
You really hoped you had remebered your leassons on the na'vi language well enough that he had understood what you had said. He had seemed to be able to communicate to you in english well so you wondered if he had been a student of Graces since it would be wierd for him to know english fluently otherwise.
"Yes. Im fluent in English." He gave his answer to your question rather calmly and as clear as someone who had known the language since birth.
"You're not like the other humans are you?"
"If you mean the people who did experiments on me then hell no"
"I dont know anything about experiments but i assume that means your not on good terms with the humans who control these spaceships either."
"Youre one of the good ones?" He asked sounding slightly hopeful
"Well everyone has different meanings and values of the word 'good' but i can say for certain that im not involved in any of what they do and to be honest i actaully dont have a clue whats going on"
"I assume your not on good terms with them either by the way your talking" You concluded
He nodded in reponse to your observation.
"Ever heard the quote 'your enemies enemy is your friend'" You continued
You saw a smile pass over his face as you knew then that you were both once again thinking the same thing and in that moment you had a sudden thought that you and him would get along splendedly.
So as a sign of peace and truce you put your human hand out, in a gesture that you hoped he, as a na'vi, knew.
"My names Y/n
Whats yours?" You asked
"Nice to meet you Neteyam. Do you mind if i ask you a wierd question?...
What year is it?"
《No im not shipping them they are literally related so please do not think i am and or will be doing that😀》
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rubykgrant · 6 days
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Behold; Kimball, Doyle, Dr Grey, the Mercs, and the Lieutenants! All finished! On the left are the signature/armor colors, and the right are their individual colors
I had designs for the Lieutenants already, but I made some adjustments/edits, so here they are again. Grey and Doyle gave me SO MUCH TROUBLE, but I'm finally satisfied with them. Al though we saw the faces for Locus, Felix, and Mason, I wanted to translate that into my pixel style, and also do versions of them later on (this is Locus when he's done with Chorus, and moving on. this is Felix in the middle of Chorus, when he was actually thriving in his element. This is Mason after he's had some down time, way after Felix literally stabbed him in the back). I do all of these in MS Paint with a mouse, which started because it was the quickest way to scribble something up and share it... but after practicing for a couple years now, my style has improved (at least a little). My favorite thing to do with character designs is give everybody different features with the shapes of their eyes/noses/chins/mouths, and hairstyles~
Design notes for the characters below-
For Kimball, I'm imagining her as Canadian First Nations (Kainai). During the most stressful parts of Chorus, she had to constantly worry about everybody just surviving, but now that things have settled down, they all have a chance to LIVE, and be themselves (she's wearing jewelry for the first time in a few years, earrings with ammolite gemstones). She has dark hair parted and pulled back in two braids. She's in her late 20s, and has defined features, not harsh or striking, but still strong.
I tried a few different hair colors with Doyle, and finally settled on him being a carrot-top, and a little curly. He's got a mustache, and I REALLY tried to make sure it doesn't look like "ginger Wyoming" haha. I ecided to give him a little cleft in his chin (he also has exactly ONE scar; he doesn't like people to see it, because it gives the false impression he was injured while fighting, and they start thinking he's "brave" or something. he got it from falling off his bike and getting scrapped by a tree branch when he was a kid)
With Grey, I like to imagine that she's been giving her hair vibrant colors for years, a little splash of happiness in a weary world. Her hair is parted in the middle, a longer length falling to one side, the other pinned back with two hair clips. The rest of her hair is wound up in a bun. The hair in her bun is a pale yellow, most of her hair is a very light pink, and the longer length is a gradient of pastel purple-blue. She has a small, heart-shaped mouth with a little bit of color (bright cherry-punch lip balm), and smile lines around her mouth. I really wanted her to have unique and distinct shapes in her face. Across her back and left shoulder is an old scar from an explosion
Locus actually wasn't doing so great Chorus, not eating or sleeping enough, what with the whole crisis involved; thinking of himself as a murder-machine unable to see the worth of kindness or mercy, and THEN recovering enough humanity to be horrified by his actions thus considering himself a monster without a purpose... y'know, that whole deal. Anyway, the Reds and Blues force him to be a person again, so he gained some weight back. While he has a very strong jaw, it's kind of low where the angle is (so he doesn't have a "long" chin, but a wide one). He also has pretty defined cheek bones, and other features as well. He's letting his hair recover some of the naturally curly texture as well
Felix, on the other hand, was doing just fine and dandy on Chorus (and probably sneaking off planet to get some Charon's Fried Chicken while everybody else almost starves). He still has an undercut, the upper parts of his are is a little longer than before, parted in the middle. He has a way of looking very relaxed, even when he's ready to snap and kill somebody... which is partially natural talent, but also very practiced, because he KNOWS how to use his charm to manipulate people. Once people know who he really is, he just looks like an a-hole. For those who meet him for the first time; he's seems like a dude who is really chill and likes to laugh
After things fell apart with Locus and Felix (mainly, Felix trying to kill him), Mason took some time to recover and stayed under the radar for a few years. Eventually, both he and Megan work together with their own private detective agency (similar skills, but less of a bounty-hunter, more locating missing/kid-napped people, and helping others escape dangerous situations). He has clear, sharp angles to his face (I wanted to try and emphasize that the features aren't "scary", but beautiful). He has a nick in his left ear, and over his left eyebrow. He's grown a beard, and let his hair get longer (it was probably even more so while he was hiding, but he's recently trimmed it a little). He has some salt-and-pepper going on, very distinguished~
Palomo is a kid who has recently gone through both an emotional groth-spurt and a physical growth-spurt, so he's still sort of getting used to himself. He thought he was done with the awkward teen years, but now comes the awkward 20s! He's a little bit of a string-bean, with striking features that still show his softer side. He keeps his hair short, and it just kind of spikes up (he's a natural anime kid haha). I decided he wears glasses (clear frames). I'm imagining him as mixed Italian and Mexican.
I think a lot of people picture Katie with braids/freckles, and I’m no different. It just looks cute on her. She has a strong chin, with somewhat angular features, a little bit of a squared jawline, but not too defined. She's sort of in the middle with the kids of Chorus, not very young, but still not part of the older group. She's tall, just a bit more than Palomo. Her family is Jewish (from Poland and Russia back in the day, but her more recent relatives lived in Canada)
I’m calling the Volleyball Girl Molly Dahl, and her nick-name is Dolly (yes, because it rhymes, haha). She's very cute, and looks younger than she actually is (older than Jensen by a couple years, so just barely out of her early-20s). Her features are very soft, and sort of "angelic". She's also very athletic, and better at unarmed fighting than most of the others. I imagined her being Black (background being Afro-Latina and Caribbean). She has her natural hair kept back in an afro with a pink headband
Bitters is not only older than some of the other kids here, but he even had more memories of life before Chorus (Bitters was LITERALLY bitter about how this was all the others knew, and he wished they could actually have a chance to be KIDS). Despite trying to go for a bored-rebellious attitude all the time, he's secretly sweet and caring. He's still young, and has a slightly slender, gentle shape to his face. He's Black (Creole), and has coiled hair pulled back (a twist and short ponytail). He has his left eyebrow pierced
Matthews didn’t have much time to cut his hair back during the whole war incident, but later on Grif actually did something nice and told him his long hair was cool (now that he’s not actively trying to be a jerk, Grif actually LIKES this kid). Matthews decided to keep it long, coming down around his shoulders, parted off-center. I'm imagining him Korean, and so I gave him a first name to be part of that. He's one of the younger kids, with a chubby body-type (although he's the shortest of this group, he's actually more of a medium-height; the rest of them are all just EXTRA tall)
I feel like Andersmith still cuts his hair like a dude going in for his first professional job interview (he actually looks a bit like a "prince charming" type, very strong features that are a little elegant). He's one of the older kids, but because he's tall, a few people assume he's been around for a lot longer. Despite how serious he presents himself, he's actually a very emotional person, and will passionately talk about how important hope and friendship is, and loves listening to the interests his friends have. I'm imagining him being mixed European and Southeast Asian (Norwegian and Filipino).
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actual-changeling · 6 months
Do you think Aziraphale has been verbally, emotionally and psychologically abused by Heaven as well?
I will answer this question like one asked in good faith even though my gut is telling me there's a 50/50 chance it is very much not one.
There are two parts to his answer, or rather one question is actually two.
Firstly, we have to talk about whether heaven is abusive, what that abuse looks like, and how it differs from hell.
Secondly, how did the results of question one affect Aziraphale, if it is different from what the other angels in heaven face, and what additional trauma might he have experienced due to being on earth.
I could write a 10k meta post about this and go into the finest detail, but I will just try and stick to the main points for now. It's still going to be way too long because I am so fucking tired of people accusing me of 'hating' Aziraphale or harassing me on my posts or in my inbox.
Is heaven abusive? Yes, and it applies to both heaven as an institution and the Archangels running it.
Getting to know Muriel and what their life looks like was extremely helpful in properly defining this, because they showed us that although the Archangels tend to travel and work as a group, most of the angels are incredibly isolated.
The result is complete emotional neglect, which not only impairs your ability to form and maintain healthy relationships with other people, it also stops your from learning emotional regulation and how to behave and feel as a part of (angelic) society. We see the consequences of that in Muriel, who comes across as overly naive, socially awkward, and out of touch with not just people but themselves.
When your entire life has been shrunk down to what happens inside your own head, suddenly being confronted with having to live outside of your mind is jarring, overwhelming, and foreign.
How do you talk to people when no one ever taught you how to do that? How do you behave around someone after a lifetime of being alone? How do your regulate your responses to their behaviour?
Who are you when there is someone else to perceive you?
Figuring that out is complicated and it takes time, and while most of the angels are only distantly aware of how humans live and what kind of interactions some of the other angels might have, the effects of that neglect stay the same whether they are aware of it or not.
Muriel shows us that angels are not born/made as a blank slate, and neither are humans for that matter. Tabula rasa as a philosophical belief is one thing, but reality is very, very different.
Angels also appear to have the same inherent need for connection, for a caretaker that loves them unconditionally, for someone to help them figure out how to be, and that provides a safe space to make mistakes. Without some or all of that, you grow up into a disregulated, socially awkward if not inept person who does not know how to have relationships or how to properly exist.
It is one of the reasons why autistic people are a) almost always traumatized to some degree and b) do not know how to socialize. No one ever works with our brains, and the resulting neglect is very similar to not receiving any help at all.
If you are now curious what happens if you're both autistic and were completely socially neglected, the result is uh. me. Hi! Not nice, but at least I am very sure I win the award for being my therapist's most fucked up client, so that's something.
Yet the angels are not solely emotionally neglected, the system/household they live in demands a low self-esteem, a lack of individual identity, and complete adherence to a defined ideology and behavioural pattern. In short, you are told how to be a useless, tiny part in a bigger machine, that your only purpose is to succeed at your tasks, and any opportunity for individual development is removed or destroyed.
If you are now once again curious what that might be like, uh, yeah, hi once more. Obviously my childhood was not exactly like an angels life, but the core characteristics were the same, just realized differently. Again, not pretty, really, really fucks you over.
Take that and the neglect, combine it into one person, and then drop them in the Garden of Eden—hello Aziraphale! Crowley got dropped into hell first, experienced more abuse, and then dug his way up into Eden before joining him.
Aziraphale experienced everything Muriel (and Crowley, and every other celestial being) also experienced, with one main difference: He is the one who got away.
We have to remember that out of every single celestial being, Aziraphale got the best deal. He did not fall, he got out of heaven (more or less) permanently, and was then largely left alone.
Does that erase anything I laid out above? No, of course not!
It simply provided him with the opportunity to heal, to take his cPTSD and who knows what other disorders he developed as a result, and start recovering.
Canonically, heaven did not bother him, like, ever, except for the odd note about 'frivolous miracles' or ten minutes of catching up every millennia. They only started monitoring him once they started to suspect he was involved with Crowley and trying to stop the apocalypse from happening.
Aziraphale worked on some things, he got better in many regards, especially with Crowley there to support him, but after six thousand years, many aspects have stayed the same or regressed back to the start over and over.
I will tell you a hard pill to swallow now: If you refuse to acknowledge your issues to instead live in a world of nicer denial and compartmentalization even when you have been offered the chance to change it, that is partly on YOU.
Is it fair? Fuck no! It's not fair at all, and I have had so many breakdowns over that fact. I did not break it, this is not my FAULT so why should I have to fix it all on my own? Why do I have to do the work, not them? How come they get away with it while I am going to have to carry this for the rest of my life?
I still have to do it though. I have to do the work, no matter how uncomfortable and exhausting, because I want to get better.
This conversation has so many facets and is a lot more complex, but this is already long enough, so if you have any questions or want to know something specific (while asking politely and in good faith) just send me an ask; I will do my best to answer it.
We are now only missing the last part of question 2, and that one is also so fucking complicated reducing it to the main points almost feels wrong, but I will do it anyway. Again, just ask if you have questions.
Abusive households are horrible, and you want to get out and away, but they are also the only thing you know. The world is scary, too big, too open, where did all the rules go that were previously defining your life?
Surviving in an abusive environment means you establish routine after routine after routine for every possible horrible scenario, you write a mental rule book to try and reduce the abuse (don't make them angry, don't cry when they're already shouting, don't do this, don't do that, do x but not y), and THAT is your socialization. THAT is everything you know, everything you are, everything you know relationships to be like.
Once you are away from that, you are completely and utterly lost. Even breathing feels like making a mistake, you feel watched, judged, rated, berated, you have them stuck in your fucking head. So you keep sticking to what you know, your behavioural patterns that have kept you safe your entire life.
The problem is that they kept you safe, past tense. In a healthy environment, all of those coping mechanisms are now maladaptive and harm you instead of keeping you safe.
However, breaking out of them and starting from scratch is terrifying. So, so, so terrifying. I live in constant fear, I feel judged and unsafe in my own flat with the curtains shut and the lights on. I feel like I am about to get subjected to another one of his fits for daring to use the stove.
No matter what you do, your body and brain are SCREAMING at you that diverging from what you know will kill you—and then you have to do it anyway.
Do it alone and afraid and awkwardly but DO IT. Otherwise you will always find a way to recreate the environment you grew up in, whether that is people getting into unhealthy relationships and replicating the patterns they know (which Aziraphale does with Crowley, e.g. the push-pull of his affection) or eventually even returning to it because they ruined you, but a part of you is so, so attached to them you just have to try and change them.
Some people can move on from it without going back, but sometimes you need to try and experience that failure for yourself before being able to move on, and that's where Aziraphale is at.
He needs to try and fail to be capable of finally committing to recovering.
So, to summarize this entire shitshow: Yes, Aziraphale experienced emotional neglect and abuse, and while it is different to what Crowley went through and objectively less intense and physical, it is still just as valid and horrid.
Just because a car accident is objectively worse than falling off a bike doesn't mean the biker's pain is unimportant. Both can kill you, both can hurt you, and both deserve to get their injuries treated.
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finniestoncrane · 10 months
Semblance of Self
Arkham!Riddler x GN!Reader, word count: 1k commission: urgh ok thank you @necromances-chances for this soft prompt with eddie!! please also note that in my mind, there was 5 months of constant arguing to get him to the point where he considered dressing up nicely lmao commission me here! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: stubborn eddie, some angst with eddie's inner turmoil, soft fluff
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When you found the source of the noise, and along with it, Eddie, you put on the sternest voice you could muster and flicked on the light switch.
“Shower. Now.”
This morning you had reminded Eddie that he had an event that he had promised to go to. When you placed his lunch down in front of him at his workbench you had reminded him again. And an hour ago, you had told him that he had to stop what he was doing and go take a shower. But when you had walked past the bathroom, there was no sound of rushing water, and the lights were out. And it wasn’t that he had forgotten, because after traipsing around the sewers on the hunt for him, you found him crouched amongst some of his old robotic prototypes, idly tinkering with them. 
“I’m a tad busy.”
“With old parts and machines that weren’t up to your standard? Sounds completely believable.”
You placed a hand on his shoulder, showing your support. It wasn’t easy for him to live as though things were normal. In solitary confinement down here he could be exactly who he was without worrying about social conventions, small talk, and the odd rules he couldn’t quite follow with regards to being polite and modest and human. 
“Come on, I’ll give you a hand.”
“I don’t think we have time for that.”
It was impossible not to smile, or to blush, at the nonchalant comment, but he was right. You couldn’t indulge yourself. He had to get ready, there was no getting out of it. He couldn’t charm his way out of it by charming his way into you.
He stood with a sour face the entire time you tugged at his clothing in the cold air of the bathroom. Not once did he make an effort to lessen the burden. Instead, his awkward, dead limbed stance made everything harder. And he pouted, sighing and grumbling under his breath when you informed him that you wouldn’t be leaving the bathroom until he was finished. Muttering his complaints under his breath, he washed while you stood cross-armed waiting on him. 
When he was finally finished, you marched him to the bedroom where he stood awkwardly, wrapped in a towel and dripping onto the concrete floor. 
“Come sit on the edge of the bed, please. Since you refuse to wear gel, I’m going to brush your hair while it’s wet, that way it might settle nicely.”
Edward did as he was told, but that didn’t at all mean that he was pleased about it.
“I’m not a child. And I am certainly intelligent and capable enough to dress myself.”
“And yet, you couldn’t get showered and ready on time?”
“That has nothing to do with my abilities, and far more to do with my unwillingness to attend this ridiculous party.”
Tutting, you tried to focus on combing his hair, brushing the dark, brown strands into a neater style than you were used to seeing on him.
“It’s not as though it’s some wild party with karaoke and cheap alcohol. It’s Harvey’s birthday. You have to show. It’s in the sort of… ridiculous rogue code, no? You have to pretend to get along. Or something.”
Eddie’s reply was curt, to his usual standard.
“Or something.” 
Sitting down next to him, you placed your hand on his. Sometimes, a simple gesture was all it took for him to open up or to better express himself. You hoped it would prevent an all-out huff if you could get him to talk.
“What is it that’s bothering you about tonight, Eddie?”
“Because it’s out of your comfort zone? Because you have to speak to people? Because you have to wear that suit I bought you?”
You glanced over to the wall where the suit was hanging by a hanger and a rusted nail. In your peripheral, you could see Eddie was staring at it too. 
“It’s a boring suit.”
“It’ll look very good on you.”
With a sigh, Edward stood up from the bed and began to pace, as he was wont to do when he found himself overwhelmed or emotionally spent. He picked up the white shirt on one of his loops and began to button it up as he walked, clearly trying to keep to the schedule you had set. Even in his determination to express to you how deeply he did not want to go, he was bound by his odd habit of being punctual. 
“Regardless of how it might look when draped over my body, it is not emblematic of the Riddler. Hardly. This isn’t me. That is what I have a problem with. I am stripped of the essence of self. There’s nothing recognisable, nothing truly Edward Nygma about this facade that you-”
His mouth stayed open, lips parted in surprise as he stared at the items in your hands. 
“It’s not you as you are right now. But how many changes have you gone through? How much of you is kept in your appearance, and how much more is in your actions and your words? I know it’s difficult to lose the items that make you feel secure, but hopefully…”
You looped the dark, forest green tie around his neck, letting the ends hang over his shoulders against his chest. The tiny silver cufflinks, which you had custom-made, you fastened onto his sleeves, watching his smile stretch out as he admired the shape of them. Subtle, but still question marks. Still something identifiable. Something that made him feel like himself. 
“I can assure you, Edward Nygma, that the moment you begin monologuing about their various inadequacies, they’ll know it’s you.”
He smiled towards you, ignoring the obvious but playfully intended insult, knowing it was hard to argue with the reasoning. 
“Do you think so?”
“Of course. You’re a very difficult man to forget or ignore. No matter how hard someone might try.”
His lips curled up at the edges, a mischievous grin you were very familiar with. He might not be happy about attending the party, but in true Riddler fashion, he would make sure the party was just as unhappy about that.
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