#Paris Catacombs
gt-ridel · 2 years
Isn't it weird that there is a real life labyrinth full of dead bodies, in which modern day people have disappeared forever, just laying under a major world city and we're all like,
"Oh yeah, the Paris catacombs. I know."
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wandering-cemeteries · 8 months
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Catacombs of Paris
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belle-keys · 8 months
halloween is over but i just wanna note that paris is factually the most terrifying city and not just because of the catacombs and populists and bedbugs and princess diana dying but also because the film irréversible is set there
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empirearchives · 1 month
“Oh! If all the people who once belonged to these inanimate remains could appear in one single instant before our eyes, we would see, alas! what we cannot avoid: that virtue is mixed up with crime, opulence with misery, good sense with foolishness, brilliance with stupidity, wisdom with folly, composure with debauchery, thrift with extravagance, generosity with avarice, gentleness with brutality, thankfulness with ingratitude, courage with cowardice, activity with laziness, honor and glory with shame and scorn, and finally; humility with pride and modesty with temerity.”
— Thomas Détruisard, a curate from Gentilly, visiting the Paris Catacombs in 1812, in Essai sur les catacombes
Source: The Paris Catacombs: Remains and Reunion beneath the Postrevolutionary City, Erin-Marie Legacey, French Historical Studies (2017) 40 (3): 509–536.
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breakfastteatime · 6 months
As requested by @i-am-a-stupid-robot, a few photos of the spoooooooooky Paris catacombs:
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We went in late May and it was chilly and very, very quiet. The queue to go in lasted around an hour because it's a major tourist destination, but when we were down there, it was like it was just me and my friends. You could hear water dripping, and the occassional voice in the distance. And everywhere you look, the bones are organised in this similar style. Like I said, wandering off the route is a good way to get lost for days and in fact people have done that.
For real though, if you're ever in Paris, you have to go here.
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eurigmorgan · 2 years
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The passer-through-walls (Le Passe-muraille) sculpture in the Paris Catacombs.
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cultofweirdthings · 1 year
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Explore these 8 crypts, catacombs, and bone churches you have see before you become part of the display.
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sandumilfshou · 4 months
we really should give more credit to the 6 million skeletons in the paris catacombs that are propping up the limestone quarries and preventing more sinkholes from forming. they truly are the backbone of the city
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hoochieblues · 1 year
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restoration of le passe-muraille, paris
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huynun · 5 months
I know they use the Eiffel Tower bc it’s like a super well known landmark but they managed to use the Pont des Arts for the lock scene in Perfuma and the louvre once or twice but there’s lots of places to see and such in Paris
My point here is that in my au I want an episode in the catacombs
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gwydionmisha · 8 months
I will never see the catacombs in person but I am horrified. Destroying them would be a desecration.
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earlgreyandanime · 11 months
The gothic history podcast I'm listening to:...this wine is said to be buried deep within the catacombs of Paris and is so ineffably delicious that a man died trying to get it....
Me, immediately: Matthew de Clairmont snuck down into the Paris catacombs decades ago and took every single bottle...
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Would he ever be seen in the Paris Catacombs?
only if you look really hard
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yearningsaphic · 5 months
ok hear me out, a rave in the paris catacombs but its in the as above, so below universe
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Moss down in the Paris Catacombs
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