#Parallel Kirb
planet-magic-land · 9 months
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⛄ ~ Kirb! ~ ⛄
she/her + they/them :]
Transgender, Genderqueer, Non-Binary, Parallel Kirb and Anti Kirb flavours :-]
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kirbee-hd · 1 year
Does it ever drive you crazy?
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Just how fast the night changes?
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midnights-rebloops · 4 months
Meta may, 20-24!
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What diagrams say under cut!
Marx: You stole all the kids MK
Meta: <- became everyone's parent
Meta: <- gravity turned off 🫠
Galacta: My helmet!! :(
Random Person: Star blast it!!! (bc gravity off)
OG: Quiet and stoic 😶🤔
Meta: Kirby stop honestly (too fast!) For this old man
-> Lets ppl see his face, will not hesitate to yell in front of ppl at Kirby to embarrass him if Kirbs embarrasses him first. 😇
-> Is touch starved, doesn't mind minor affection like hug/head pats 💕
-> Doesn't mind sleeping in public 😴
What public see vs 2 hours ago:
Meta <- waiting almost 2hrs now
Starla (OC): Perfection perfection perfection!
Kirby also wanted the bow tie and he got one! 😁
Vampire MK (My AU): (forgot to write it btw) "Shall we go out now?"
Parallel MK: Not yet. They're confused 😆
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ask-dametagala · 2 years
Question to DMK: How is Shadow Kirbs and Shadow Dedede doing? Tell them I said Hi.
"Shadow Dedede? Shadow Kirby? Dark, what are they talking about?"
"....I knew this day would come, but I did not expect it to be because of these seemingly omniscient voices from different worlds. No matter, I shall answer your question first."
"I could not care less for the well being of that giant, manchild of a king. So I do not know how he's doing. As for Kirby, i'm pretty sure they're trapped in a parallel dimension. Now, Galacta Knight, there's something i must confess to you."
"Alright, Dark..."
Dark Meta Knight and Galacta Knight are temporarily unavailable for asks.
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butchpeabody · 1 year
Zetto and/or Kizuna for the character ask?
once again for this...i shall take more if anyone wants to send
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under the a cut once again!
favorite thing about them: when i was a kid the kirb/zetto twist did genuinely make me insane. in a good way. i think hes a really fascinating character in his like...Mentality Switches between personas yk. guy whos a jerk in a funny way vs guy who just actually sucks
least favorite thing about them: honestly i wish it was just made more clear during like episode zero or smth what his stance in sofdti as like....a living thang was? not that it would matter much in the grand scheme of his development but idk kizuna said some SHIT yk
favorite line: id probably say like...a lot of stuff from the nylocke battle in the gemini tournament. absolute lowest point of that guy its really interesting. (obligatory MY ARM AAAAAGHHHHH mention purely because holy shit he was screaming)
brotp: HIM AND GAMESOFT oh my godd them together. aughh. the only two guys who Know the guys who can talk abt shit and he can be sad. solace in understanding and so on
otp: i know its basic but like....alphazet mannn. everything abt the two of them was PAINFULLY gay and its honestly kind of funny kirb (the guy not the character) didnt notice. runner up is him and nylocke becahse i just think they are silly and funny
notp: i dont really have anyone with him that i actively LOATHE but i think its probbably him and kizuna. putting my personal gay zetto hc aside i think theyd both be wayy too codependent unless they got like. therapy. i know a lot of what ive been saying so far makes it sound like i hate kizuna but i dont i PROMISE
random headcanon: i feel like postseries hed find a way to set gs up with a virtual machine desktop of her own so her knowledge of the world can extend beyond what she knows in tome. they spend time bonding over computer science n junk :)
unpopular opinion: im honestly never good at this part but as an adult with better drawing skills now...i actually like drawing his hair
song i associate with them: zetto was never someone i had much of a playlist for back in the day so i had to scrounge a bit but i think i found something satisfactory
favorite picture of them:
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favorite thing about them: REALLY underrated secondary antagonist, interesting moral code, she has insane girlie guilt over her actions that doesnt get explored enough.....and shes a kitty cat :)
least favorite thing about them: her arc in the original series was like...a little inconclusive? i wish she couldve come to terms with sofdtis sentience and whatnot. the trajectory of a2z is changing her in a way im really liking so far though! im excited to see where she goes
favorite line: that whole rant at the tail end of the series where shes just like. a bunch of people she cared about almost died and she was freaking the fuck out. it hurts....i love her she needs THERAPYY
brotp: she doesnt get to interact with too many characters during the series but in my perfect world i think shed be chill with demonking. dont question my madness i know im right
otp: re the previous answer she doesnt interact with a lot of characters, on this note Especially im hesitant to give a definitive answer but i think if her parallels with flamey were more explored...in my perfect world.........theyd work so spicily
notp: same as zetto but also tacking gs onto this. less out of kizunas ability to see her as a person currently and more that in the future if/when she does end up coming around i do feel like gs would still be hurt by it. theyd be buddies tho:)
random headcanon: with the rpg version of tigerlily i sometimes wish that series kizuna had like...a secret lil roleplay presence. not necessarily on tome itself but she has to cool of SOMEHOW right. she made an anime catgirl avatar i KNOW she has thoughts about that shit
unpopular opinion about them: kizuna is probably the most divisive character ive done for this so far...all i can really say is like...i joke about supporting womens wrongs and stuff but i think introspectively she does have a lot of potential as a character that we dont see a lot of because most of the scenes with her are from zettos perspective. AGAIN tho im reallly liking where a2z is taking her so far i hope i get more scraps
song i associate with them: much like zetto she wasnt someone i had playlists for back in the day however unlike zetto i have the PERFECT one for her. nonexistent meet-cute (idlyam) by vylet pony.... feeling it
favorite picture of them:
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Curvier - a short essay-type thing
Okay, it's been 11 years, I have to share a theory. I'm fully aware that basically no one who currently follows me and/or pays attention to the things I post about will understand anything I'm about to say, but tbh I've put way too much into this to really care.
Anyway, you guys ever heard of TOME? :D
If not, it's this neat little 15-episode (technically 16 if you count /FILE:ZERO, 25 if you also count the Season 1 shorts, and 26 if you count all of those plus AvZ, the 5-year anniversary short) animated web series about two teenagers, an imp, a dragon-man, and a [REDACTED] who get together and fight criminals in VRchat.
Jokes aside, it's really good and you can watch it here. Seriously, go do that. It's so damn good. Today's the 11th anniversary, you literally have no excuse. At least watch episode one, otherwise the rest of this post will make absolutely no sense beyond the most surface-level of details.
Okay, done? You've watched Episode 1? Good, good. So...
In the first episode, specifically around 3:06, Nylocke pronounces Kirb's username wrong, to which he replies "It's Kirbopher. It's like Christopher except curvier." But... it isn't, though, is it? Merriam-Webster Dictionary (the most official dictionary, as we all know) defines a curve as "to have or take a turn, change, or deviation from a straight line or plane surface without sharp breaks or angularity", its synonyms including bend, curvature, arc, bow, and crook. Basically, any circle, half-circle, quarter-circle, oval, etc.
To be fair, assuming the onscreen textboxes are actually a "thing" in TOME itself, as opposed to a visual effect only used to tell the story, one could claim that the font Kirb's player uses is rather curvy itself (and they'd be right), but is it curvier?
After checking Google, I quickly found a list of every font used in the show, gathered in this here Google Doc by one unicornfoal (their username didn't pop up in the menu thing when I tried to @ them so idk if they still go by that), which tells us that the font Kirb uses is "Spicy Sushi Roll".
With the font determined, we can compare the curviness of the names. To do this, I typed each of them out in a word document, took a screenshot, and pasted it into my photo-editing software of choice. There, I created this handy diagram detailing every curve in the letters, in addition to offering brief definitions of my terminology and method for determining what counts as a curve.
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Also, as an aside, I'm really proud of how this turned out, especially with the lines and colors and the grid in the background. Like... man. Not to suck myself off or anything, but holy hell am I good at this.
Anyway, as you can see, the name "Kirbopher" has 7 inner (convex) curves and 8 outer (concave) curves, adding up to a total of 15 curves, which, assuming I'm correct about all this, had to be intentional. "Christopher", on the other hand, has 10 inner curves and 11 outer curves, which adds up to 21 total curves. Therefore, "Kirbopher" is not only not "like Christopher except curvier", but is in fact less curvy. This revelation, while shocking, isn't my final point. No, no. Because this rabbit hole goes deeper, dear reader. First, though, we must talk about parallel universes a long-defunct 2000s internet forum.
Long before TOME was a 15-episode web series, its world and characters were conceptualized in a 70-something long series of sprite animations on Newgrounds, known as TvTome Adventures, or TTA for short. Based on the forums of the TvTome website, which now redirects to tv.com, the series featured characters based largely on the forum's users, including one white sword-wielding marshmallow-thing by the name of Kirbopher15, pictured below.
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Yeah. That's... more or less Kirby in a hat. Somewhat Kirby-like. Kirbyish? Though, to be fair, it could probably be... kirbyer?
And that's where my theory kicks in. Buckle your fuckle because this is gonna blow your damn mind.
What if, and hear me out here, the original line wasn't "curvier", but instead "kirbyer", as in "more Kirby"? It'd certainly make more sense, seeing as, one, the character was originally just a Kirby recolor in a hat, and two, the name Kirbopher is literally just "Christopher" but with "Chris" replaced with "Kirby", minus the y.
Why was it changed, then? Seeing as it's so early on in the show, which has been stated to have had somewhat of a rough production, almost not making it past four episodes, it could be out of concern over copyrights, trademarks, or other legal issues possibly arising, were the show to be, say, picked up by a TV network or something. Even though Kirby is an actual name that real people have, when you factor in the character's previous incarnation, it could definitely be taken to mean the Nintendo character, instead of a regular person's name.
Oh, and one more thing. Tumblr, being very art-driven by design, is home to tons and tons of artists, writers, voice actors, etc., both amateur and professional. Plus, because Tumblr lets you @ blogs you know the names of, someone with an insane theory about a single throwaway line of dialogue in an episode of a somewhat niche web animation could, say... @ the creator of said animation, assuming they're on tumblr in the first place, and ask if they're correct in their long-winded assertions, or are simply talking out of their ass. So, with that in mind...
@kirbopher How'd I do?
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cesium-sheep · 10 months
okay the cross stitch pattern and instructions are as complete as they're gonna get. the only thing left to prep for kirb2k is the thousand kirbs print. (and the best of posts and the macarena kirb.)
also got tentatively scheduled with hematology, they said they couldn't see my referral processed in the system but they reserved an appointment for me anyway and said it should be sorted out tomorrow.
next is finishing craft fair stock (and percolating on what to do about christmas presents). taran should be here in a couple hours to just hang out and parallel play.
I do not feel well today. but I just gotta shoulder through and get the last of this done anyway. because I don't feel well any day.
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parttimepuff · 2 years
Goblin is really gonna say he didn’t die when we all saw him get got by a strawberry. okay.
"Fuck off! I didn't die then!" Goblin shouted, narrowly avoiding a green shell. Gremlin cursed under his breath that he'd missed before speaking up. "Strawberry? That your Kirb?" He asked, hoping the line of questioning would distract him from the game. "Eh? I mean, yeah, he came for me, too. But they're probably goin' on about Galacta." His counterpart replied. "ABOUT WH-GOD DAMN IT!!" He screeched, having driven off into the lava, his plan backfiring.
"Yeah, he tried to kill me." Goblin nonchalantly continued. "Came real close to it! Lucky for me, his slash didn't have any dream magic to it, otherwise my core would've exploded along with the rest of me." Gremlin fought the urge to stare at him, dumbfounded, trying to keep focus on the race. "So, you've actually been reduced to just your core?? That's, honestly terrifying." He expressed. His counterpart glanced at him for a moment before fixating on the screen again. "It sucks. A lot. What, that hasn't happened to you?"
"Hell no!" Gremlin replied, just managing a tough turn. "Unless you count when I died. I've lost fingers before. My head the one time, but not everything at once." Goblin hummed in thought at that. "Huh, weird. I've had it happen... three times? Yeah, three times." "THREE TIMES???" His parallel exclaimed in disbelief, taking another dive into the lava, followed by more cursing.
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spidersandtomatos · 3 years
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done with Galaxia’s redesign for my MK Gijinkas
wanted to keed the pointy look so I tried to make it at least a bit segmented, Dameta’s galaxia is (kind of) a reverse of Meta’s being longer and narrower than og Galaxia.
Parallel Meta’s Galaxia has more of a dark matterish touch to it, included the rainbow hue that DMS has on his sword
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blue-jester · 2 years
I think the four heros of yore will be kind of parallel to our current heros... Like for Meta Knight we have Galacta Knight, so the next heros we meet should be a king or royal of some kind, something for Bandee (maybe that's Elfilis if you follow that theory) and something for good ol Kirbs
I just think it'd be fun... And have a lot of angst potential :>
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metamelonisle · 4 years
compiling a list of all known/theorized puffballs (kirby’s species) in the Kirby series. characters who are theorized to be puffballs, but aren’t explicitly confirmed to be, such as meta knight or galacta knight, will be indicated by an asterisk* after their name. Characters who are implied to outright be other characters will be indicated by a caret^ after their name. Theorized linked identites will be noted at the bottom of the list. Also sorted into subgroups to make it easier Main: - Kirby (Hero of the Spring Breeze, Kirby’s Dream Land) - Meta Knight* (mysterious masked warrior, Kirby’s Adventure) - Galacta Knight* (The Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy, Kirby Super Star Ultra) - Prince Fluff* (Patch Land’s kid ruler, Kirby’s Epic Yarn) Connected to Kirby via the Dimension Mirror (Kirby and the Amazing Mirror): - Yellow Kirby (Created by Dark Meta Knight) - Red Kirby (Created by Dark Meta Knight) - Green Kirby (Created by Dark Meta Knight) - Shadow Kirby (Mirror Word Counterpart) Unknown but definite connection to Kirby: - Chocolate Kirby^ (choco-colored palette swap, Kirby Air Ride) - Chalk Kirby^ (grayscaled palette swap, Kirby Air Ride) - Blue Kirby^ (sky-colored palette swap, Kirby Air Ride) - Purple Kirby^ (violet-colored palette swap, Kirby Air Ride) - Orange Kirby^ (zesty little palette swap, Kirby Battle Royale) - Shadow Kirby (KF)^ (Nebula-Patterned Warrior, Kirby Fighters) - Shadow Kirby (KF2)^ (Starry Warrior from the Mirror World, Kirby Fighters 2) - Kirb^ (Classic little Gorb, Kirby Star Allies/Kirby’s Dream Land) Connected to Meta Knight*: - Dark Meta Knight* (Meta Knight’s Mirror World Counterpart, KatAM) - Stock Mecha Knight* (Robotic Knockoff, Kirby: Planet Robobot) - Parallel Meta Knight* (Otherworldy Copy, Heroes in Another Dimension) Connected to Galacta Knight*: - Aeon Hero^* (Ancient Hero of Yore, Super Kirby Clash) - Morpho Knight* (Butterfly of Judgement, Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go!) Uncategorized - Keeby (competitive yellow gorb, Kirby’s Dream Course) - Void* (The God of the Jamba Cult, Kirby Star Allies) Thorbs (Theoretical Orbs) that either could or logically do exist but aren’t seen - Galacta Knight’s Mirror Counterpart - Morpho Knight’s Mirror Counterpart - Shadow Fluff - Shadow Keeby - Parallel Dark Meta Knight - Parallel Morpho Knight - Parallel Kirby^ - Parallel Fluff - Void’s Mirror Counterpart (who may or may not be Dark Mind) - Parallel Shadow Kirby Theorized links - Kirby and Kirb are commonly thought to be the same character, as they closely resemble each other, have the same name and abilities, and are treated as the same entity in-game. - Kirb and Void are thought to be the same character, as Void can only be purified after Soul Melter EX, and completing the subgame will unlock the ability to play as Kirb, which some have interpreted as being the reincarnation of Void after The Ultimate Choice. - Due to the above, it is theorized that Kirby and Void are one and the same. - All colored variants of Kirby introduced after Kirby and the Amazing Mirror are thought to be Kirby and the other 4 puffballs wearing Spraypaints. - The Aeon Hero is theorized to be a past version of Galacta Knight in their prime, prior to their fight against Void Termina. - Parallel Kirby is implied to simply be Void Termina. - Parallel Void is Void Termina. please tell me if i missed any, this is supposed to be an exhaustive list and I don’t wanna miss anything.
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Haven't posted art today so here's a Parallel kirb!
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Any rare pairs the mods have? Or just any random character(s) with like no personality or screen time they absolutely love?
Mod Susie: Okay so when I was trying to think of one I thought of Parallel Susie, but then I remembered. That I’m writing a fic from the perspective of a Jammerjab. And have a ton of Jammerjab headcanons. And as a result of writing that fic, have a Jammerjab OC.... so if you wanna hear any headcanons about them feel free to ask-
(also SuZan..? Is that ship rare? I was under the impression it wasn’t rare but here it is anyway, to noone’s surprise)
Mod Skirby: Brow prince... Mirror boy... hold hands sometimes,,... Hi CEO of Skirfluff here-
Mod Taranza: both of y’all hold my beer bottles full of sprite cranberry. Queen Ripple being gay/queerplatonic with Nova, there’s also PartiRanza, Gryllberg, Sailorcissca, polyamorous ship between Taranza, Magolor, and Marx, Morpho2, MetaMorpho, AND.... the big one...
Morpho x Taranza. Gay bugs for the win!!!!
*coughs*... also uh... Gryll is cool.. and the Concept Magolor Girl who I’ve lovingly named Merissa...
Mod Lor: Hello I’m the CEO of NovaStarcutter,,, it ain’t just a rarepair, it’s a critically endangered pair. All jokes/shipping aside, I desperately want more content of Nova or Lor that isn’t made by me, but I understand that’s a lot to ask of people.
I at least wish more people would acknowledge them as characters and not just MacGuffins. Nova canonically shows emotions/reactions and Lor is pretty heavily implied to be sentient both in acting by herself after Magolor gets uhhh Deaded™️, and through some Magolor dialogue. Basically they aren’t just inanimate objects, and I wish others would stop portraying them like they are...
Oh that was quite the tangent,,, oops
Mod Galacta: For characters, basically all of the Meta-Knights, and sword people in general like Galacta and DMS.. I just., [holds gently] i lov them so much. I desperately need to start working on writing down my characterizations for them ‘cause I want to write stuff for them! As for rarepairs uhhh.. skirfluff magochilly, and marxochilly!! there are so many more characters and ships i have been dragged into this hell against my will for the love of god please help me Edit: ... add Rock Kandi to this gdi Mod Ribbon
Mod Ribbon:
i really like the helpers, just in general and whenever i see content of them i go !!!, same goes for the patchland court tenants. they’re all funky lil dudes. in terms of rarepairs i’ve got quite a few that i like (marxochilly, darkroach, ripple x 02, dootwife etc.) 
rock kandi (fluff x kirby x ribbon) is the biggest one though!! it’s supremely cute and fluffy and i like it very much. kirb has two paws for a gremlin fairy and a lasso prince n i’m always open to talking about it pspspsps 🥺👉👈
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clannfearrunt · 4 years
Attempting 2 look at the kirb timeline again and looking back on my notes it looks like I decided to take the day Kirby showed up and the day Nightmare died directly from the anime air dates which is fine bc it makes my life easier but also. Kirby crash landing in Dreamland in October... A couple of years later A Certain Egg also crash lands in October... wrow cinematic parallels
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spidersandtomatos · 3 years
Here's something I don't exactly understand. What is your definiton of a "power cap"? You mentioned about them in your tags when you're talking about corrupt and pure Aeon forms.
Aeon dark has a power cap because there is only so much you can take out without Parallel Galacta's body completely becoming dark matter.
In the particular case of Aeon light (which is not a corrupted version of prime Galacta's aeon light) its how much can parallel Galacta withstand being in that form without their body breaking down.
The thing is you almost never see these power caps because Parallel Galacta's body can withstand a lot more than prime Galacta Knight and unlike the later Parallel GK aims to kill not injure or disable opponents.
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planet-magic-land · 2 years
if anybody care here's art I'm working on that'll be coming up soon;
another of Kirb in Time_Loop_
another of Kirb in [MELTDOWN]
Two pics of Parallel Kirb
a pic of Anti-Kirb
Two pics of Kirb in The Weekend Off (there are mascots)
Kirb Kitty Cat
Construction Kirb
possibly some smaller pics of Kirb too, might do a thing in the future where people send me a emoji ask and I draw Kirb somehow themed around it, depends if I have the energy for it and stuff
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