#Paper manufacturing
houseofyork-info · 1 year
Another deep dive into the history of text technology! I admit the title is terrible, I seriously could not think of a better one, woe
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koffclubindia · 1 year
Is it possible to make paper from other raw materials other than wood?
Read full story on Quora by Koffclub
Yes, it is possible to make paper from other raw materials other than wood. In fact, paper has been made from various materials throughout history, including:
Cotton: Cotton paper is made from cotton linters, which are the short fibers that remain after cotton seeds are removed. Cotton paper is durable, has a soft texture, and is commonly used for high-quality printing, stationery, and currency.
Read full story on Quora by Koffclub
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i love graffiti. "comics and jazz are the only american art forms" you forgot graffiti. did you remember graffiti? That art form birthed in Philly and NYC in the early 70s by poor Black kids. that art form that spread all over the world and influenced so many. that's used without irony in commercials when they're trying to appeal to a "young urban" customer.
did you forget graffiti? that racism broken windows theory victim? that reach the establishment takes claiming that it's exclusively violent gang members throwing up those full-color pieces and wildstyle tags in the middle of the night outsmarting fifty security cameras because the billboard was ugly anyway. as if, even if it was, it wouldn't be impressive as all hell. risking brutality and fall damage so your art can occupy the space a gentrified condo named something like "Coluumna" took away from you. proving that despite only assholes affording to live here anymore there's still a soul beneath it. an animal with dripping stripes and teeth that go clack-clack tsssss
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shivamray · 5 months
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rbrpaperllp · 1 year
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concertphotos · 1 year
Evergreen Packaging Paper Mill in Canton, North Carolina by David Oppenheimer Via Flickr: Evergreen Packaging papermill smokestacks in Canton, North Carolina - (formally Blue Ridge Paper and Champion Paper International) - manufacturing at night with smokestacks at full blast - © 2023 David Oppenheimer - Performance Impressions photography archives - performanceimpressions.com
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bamsara · 7 months
The amount of b-grade/miscut/misprint stickers I get when making batches is goofy
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What's in my hand is usable and can be sent out, the boxes behind it are all ones with imperfections/ damage but can't bring myself to throw away because it feels like I'm being wasteful. I might make 'scrap baggies' for each fandom and offer them on kofi for like 7-10 stickers for the price of one or something again
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sergle · 9 months
speaking of yarn ive been meaning to ask since ive heard of it elsewhere, is the general quality of yarn you can get going down? ive been looking into fibercraft but ive been told its getting harder and harder to find actual good thread without some sort of plastic in it, especially for a good price. so ive been wondering is this true or was it made out to be a much larger problem than it really is (in your experience)?
i've only been into crochet for a couple of years, so i'm not a Fiber Arts Veteran who can tell you the difference between shopping for supplies now vs 30 years ago! i don't really have anything to compare Current Yarns to. in my experience, the only thing i can speak on is cost, and it seems like the cost for yarn has probably been going up. animal fibers are certainly more expensive, acrylic yarns are budget-friendly but are synthetic, if that's something you're worried abt.
so i don't think that stuff is Untrue, but i also don't think it's any reason at all to avoid getting into fiber arts, and you can absolutely find yarns made from cotton / wool / bamboo fiber and stuff like that for good prices! it would probably be harder in-person, like in the aisles of a hobby lobby. but i think lion brand and lovecrafts are good sites to browse for yarn/supplies. it's really not a small-scale problem, someone like moi who's recently gotten into crochet and does it for funsies based on my whims/needs isn't going to really notice, i don't think. as an aside, if we're talking about crochet specifically, you can really crochet with anything at all- i've been making a tote bag out of plastic grocery bags, lmao. reduce reuse recycle or whatever. people will also use strips of fabric instead of yarn, and that's good for stuff like rugs / bags / baskets, chunkier projects. (though ig you could probably make some clothing if you cut the strips of fabric thin enough.) so as far as accessibility to the craft, there is that!
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jessaerys · 6 months
if you're wondering why i wasn't posting today it's because i fell down an autism rabbit hole about paper and broke my neck
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
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new lia ref!
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appleciders · 5 months
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ahedderick · 8 months
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Thinking about attempting to paint this drone photo after I finish my current project. It would be quite a challenge, but . . so tempting. This paper mill ran for over a hundred years. While it, like any other industrial site, could and should have done better to keep the environment clean, it did have a special place in our county's history. It is in the midst of demo, now, and a huge loss to the folks who depended on it for a living.
photo credit www.instagram.com/the_lucky_alexander/
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y'all! I am once again in health insurance hell, and could really use some help. I have a specific US health insurance question, but it might get long so it's below a read more
My employer offers two health plan options, and they are both absolutely terrible. I want to get my own health insurance, but the insurance broker lady I used when I worked part time says I can't, because I can get health insurance through my employer, even if I opt out. I spoke to another health insurance person today, and she said if I get a letter on company letterhead saying I'll lose health insurance on [date], as long as it's 60 days or less from now, it counts as a qualifying event and I can buy my own health insurance. She said opting out counted as losing health insurance. Do you know anything about this? How do I get health insurance as an individual NOT through my employer even though my employer offers it? The plans my employer is offering are Aetna, and Aetna is the absolute worst and I despise them as a company so much one of my long term goals is to warn people against them. They suck! They refused to pay for my inhaler until I got my doctor to fill out a form like three times, and also I had to email them A LOT and fill out a LOT of surveys with an emphasis on how horrifying I found it that they as a company clearly valued profit over their customer's lives, and would in fact prefer their customers die before they could reach the ER in case of an emergency, as evidenced by their refusing to pay for my rescue inhaler, a necessary life-saving medication. They also require I fill that form out every year, just in case I magically stop being in the small minority of people who get severe adverse reactions to albuterol and levalbuterol
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I'm on board on replacing plastic but like. You do know that kids also buy food products right
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everymlmhybrid · 1 month
Looking at the $1.9k I owe in property tax and going okayyyyyy and driving away to go spend $50 on weed
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rbrpaperllp · 1 year
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