#Panel Summary
justjensenanddean · 1 month
Jensen Ackles | Purgatory Con, Düsseldorf, Germany, May 26, 2024, Panel Summary
Most creepy or annoying toy the kids ever had? Slime. It creeps him out. He has it all over his house now. He doesn’t like the texture or feel. But his kids love it. Creepiest? Danneel has an old antique doll. It is old cracked, has creepy eyes and is the devil. (x)
Demon Dean or Soldier Boy, who‘s more powerful? Demon Dean because SB has a traumatized little boy in him and demon Dean is just empty. He‘s more dangerous because he just doesn’t care. (x)
Funniest moment from set of The Boys? Someone yells Herogasm so Jensen says it was probably not the funniest moment but when he arrived on day 3 of the set, Jack Quaid asked if he‘s been on set yet and when it was a no, he said „whoo, good luck“ (x)
People kept mistaking the bottles of lube and the bottles of hand sanitizer. Jensen was not prepared for when filming started and everyone took their robes off. Jensen was not prepared. (x)
Jensen couldn’t not look. They called cut. Jensen was like „I‘m sorry, there’s 4 people over here doing a position I have never seen before.“ His shower was extra long that evening. „There may have been tears.“ (x)
“There’s four people over here in a position I have not seen before!!!” “My shower lasted extra long that evening. And there were tears.” Jensen retelling stories from Herogasm set on #TheBoys (x)
How long did it take him to learn the Arabic phrase for s14? Not long, he can parrot things quite easily. He just needs to hear it a few times, then he can repeat the sounds. It‘s how he learns accents. Tap dance worked like it too. If he can see or hear it, he can emulate it. (x)
Jensen: “I don’t think Cas’s confession is something that needs to be resolved. There is nothing to resolve. He said what he needed to say, it was a long time coming, it was heartfelt and beautiful. But there’s nothing to resolve.” (x) “Dean took it in and then lost one of his closest allies and friends. The accepting of that happened when Dean sat on the floor. He lost one of his brothers in arms and one of his closest people. When they come back, it’s just understood.” (x)
Are there situations where he accidentally or on purpose bring out Dean? Yes. Sometimes he thinks „it would be great to be Dean Winchester right now. He could have handled this.“ Dean is alive in him and comes out from time to time. (x)
Were there fake tears on SPN or did he ever cry? He wasn’t classically trained, so the emotion we see is real. He doesn’t know how to fake it. Compares it to a book or movie making you emotional. You know it’s not real, but it still gets you. (x)
After the s4 scene when Dean confesses to Sam about his 40 years and torturing in hell, he had to walk away because his body didn’t know it was fake. The barn scene was probably the most real, but for different reasons. He was saying goodbye to Dean, Jared, the crew. (x)
Crew members had to leave set because they were crying too. They were trying to dial it down, because it was too much emotion. (x)
When things get too serious? Laughter. It‘s his levee. When things get too heavy, he makes a joke to ease the situation. (x)
„Do you use Jared‘s conditioner?“ No he does not. That’s just what his hair does. (x)
Who inspires you? Jensen doesn’t idolize anyone, but he has a lot of respect for certain people and tries to absorb as much as he can when he meets them. Could be a brilliant scientist, an artist, an actor. (x)
Being cold on set? There was a scene with Bobby where they looked at a map over the hood of the car. Jensen told Bob Singer that it was ridiculous because they would look at the map in their car. But Bob wanted a specific job and told him to just get it done. (x) A few days after he got lasic surgery, he was supposed to wear sunglasses all the time. But he had to film in the sun with light shining in his face. Jensen was in so much pain that Serge covered the white surfaces in black. Didn’t help much. He took ibuprofen and powered through (x)
Dead in the Water when he had to hold the kid up and the diver pulled him under, it was the most eery feeling. He was terrified for the kid. But the kid actor had fun. / End of panel. (x)
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manga-and-stuff · 7 months
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Source: SPY × FAMILY
by Tatsuya Endo
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dotthings · 3 months
Q: What's it like having Misha back on set?
Jensen: He’s one of the family. Jared: We missed him just as much as you all Jensen: When we get the band back together it’s always fun. Hopefully we’ll get more. In fact I was telling Bob, “So, season 8. Benedict, Speight, Meesh, Beaver. Do I need to continue” “I got it.”
Jared and Jensen at the Nashcon 2012 J2 Gold Breakfast Panel [x]
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satsumadraws · 2 years
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sorry about their first divorce but the delivery of these lines made me LOSE iT
[ID: a digital, six panel comic of Arthur Lester from Malevolent. He has fair skin, brown hair, and golden eyes, which mostly point toward the middle distance directly in front of him. The early panels depict concentration on his face, which gradually morphs into glee by the end. Throughout the comic, he feels along a curved stone wall with his right hand as he says:
“OK... This... goes around here. The-- ah! I know where this is! This is below the-- this is the lighthouse basement! HAhaha! Fuck you.”
In the final panel, he has made a fist, which he presses triumphantly against the wall beside him. /end ID]
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hyakunana · 6 months
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Better late than never, here's my #artrecap2023 ✨ testing a different design because... yeah, felt like doing something new. Hope it still works well 👀💦
Happy 2k24!!! 🌠
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blue-thief · 5 months
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
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vermillioncrown · 7 months
at the risk of sounding butthurt for talking about not being butthurt: going through quals really prepared me for trawling through fandom meta and research while keeping my zen
#redglyphs#opinionated verm#i have not seen another fandom as salty and divisive as the dc one#all the interesting meta and summaries come with this implicit ''you illiterate idiot'' vibe (exhausting)#or the ''we do what we want and fuck canon'' mindset is taken to the extreme end (simplistic and lacking nuance)#personally the visual style of a lot of western comics grates at me so it's hard to get into#but i do like the wack and fucked up dynamics of canon + trying to imagine a world/chronology around that#i like calibrating what i write around canon -> thus those meta&summary posters are very valuable and interesting to keep up with#i just gotta do 🙈 whenever they start to lambaste ''''fans'''' for not reading the comics/despised fanon reinterpretations of characters#''mmhmm yep. okay okay. i'm stupid. but let's get to why my blorbo is so fucked up bc of [whatever issue/run]''#like whatever they say they cannot roast me as hard as this one prof from my quals panel did#that prof is basically the successor of the academic lineage that established his discipline#and man utterly destroyed me during the exam#''you have no idea what you're talking about; you didn't even read taylor's hypothesis from 1941'' and i just let my soul evaporate lmao#anyways. i feel like fandom (all fandom and esp ones w sprawling canons) would benefit from two things:#1) willingness to learn (you gotta try to absorb some of the canon to transform it; ''know the rules to break them'')#2) willingness to accept limits (ppl are allowed to pick and choose; ''you gotta tolerate other ppl on the playground'')#and like. fucking chill out. we're all literally writing about some fictional dudes doing fictional things#rarely is a thing you dislike actually harmful rather than just distasteful (to you personally or broadly w/e)
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jessfandrawer · 2 years
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Willow (1988) spots
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gloomy-prince · 2 years
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Art summary was particularly fun to do this year because you can pinpoint exactly when I went insane
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zelkams-art · 2 years
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another year down! thank you all so much for sticking around!
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justjensenanddean · 25 days
Jensen says that his favorite Dean quote is "Son of a Bitch", because it can be used in completely different situations and to express completely opposing emotions. (x)
Jensen reflects on his experience on The Boys and says it was completely different from Supernatural. The Boys series was already well established when he arrived, while Supernatural was still a work in progress. He adds that unlike Supernatural where it was primarily him and Jared, The Boys has a cast made up of many people and he has worked with many different actors. (x)
“What’s the best French food?” Jensen: “all of it? It’s so good!” And Danneel is a Francophile so she cooks a lot of French food and plays French music (x)
Jensen fave French food is coq au vin and red wine! (x)
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Jensen Ackles | Paris Convention, June 1st, 2024
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akuarchives · 6 months
Chapter 36, 1/2
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1/2 | 2/2
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riwrite-a · 10 months
i will never forgive the twipri manga for what it did to my boy. like im glad other people like it bc people should like what makes them happy but oh man. what it does to link goes against everything ive thought abt him since i was 7 yrs old. hes not an edgy warrior whos already survived hell!! the beginning of the game makes it clear hes a village boy from birth. he loves his life and the people in ordon!! and its all torn from him by the twilight invasion. its a loss of innocence by being forced into a role he doesnt know how to fill. he just wants to save ilia and the kids and then midna and zelda and the spirits all place a legacy upon him he wasnt prepared for. he takes in stride as best he can, and to my interpretation he believes that he cant fight fate and is only following the inevitable path the gods drew for him, and he's satisfied with that being his lot in life. someone has to be the hero. if it has to be him, then so be it, he'll be the best damn hero he can be
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aroacehanzawa · 9 months
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there is a newfound serenity in my soul. peace and love on planet earth
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miyasann · 3 hours
i'm late to the party but i cried 5 times watching the dumpster battle
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