#Pacific Rim for ts
hauntedfalcon · 9 months
I just got the loveliest fic comment from someone who recognized me from PacRim fandom
and then I sat there and realized it’s been ten years, and I’m still writing about a foulmouthed ginger who doesn’t cope well outside of a military structure
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foolscapper · 2 years
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The Art of Measuring Time | Part 1 of 5 | Pages 1-10
Thank you to everyone who had supported the comic when it was posted to gumroad! I may close my gumroad for now for future endeavors, but until then — I will be posting five posts here to tumblr of the full 50-page comic! Please note that the comic will involve topics of mental illness, possession/bodily autonomy, hallucinations, and references to past self-harm.
Thank you for reading! I’ll see you in Part 2 of 5!
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hannah-schooler · 4 months
🦴🔪 for the ask game <3
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
SO MANY. For my fanfics there is obviously the source material: Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Pacific Rim, etc. I feel like basically every book and story I’ve ever read influences my writing in some way. Every story I’ve ever heard is a part of the things I create. Some of my favorites though are the Greek Tragedies (Grief Lessons by Anne Carson is a fav), Orpheus and Eurydice. Some of my fav books recently have been The Invisible Life of Addie Larue, Fourth Wing, The Atlas Six. I think I’m influenced on anything from the vibes to the writing style. and it’s so fun honestly to see what things make it in and shine through. Any music by Taylor Swift is a huge influence for me lol. I’ve made a game in my original novel for my beta readers to see if they can pick out all the TS references. Anastasia is also a huge influence on that one. And honestly, the things my friends and mutuals are writing are a big inspiration too. We’re not competing with each other, but I do feel like in a lot of ways we’re always pushing each other to be better writers 🥰
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
oh god, so many things. The grossest is probably the decomposition process of the human body. I’m reading Stiff by Mary Roach right now to that end. It’s interesting but I don’t recommend eating beforehand.
The most random…hmm… there’s been so many little things. Probably trying to find blueprints for the Tolbooth in 17th century Scotland. That or the names of all the different closes on high street. there are some random ones
@dashedwithromance i want YOU to answer this question cause I want your whole dissertation on space law 😂
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bethnoir-fic · 2 years
I always feel so weird when there’s a new Taylor Swift album and there’s Discourse because I do nottttttt get it. Florence Welch has been in my lungs for years and I just want TS fans to connect with the music that will get you to Pacific Rim sync with your ancestors and dance your grief out.
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kaijuusandkryptids · 9 months
Hi! It's your swiftie halloween gifter! I can't wait to make something fun for you, I just have a few questions to get me started
What are your favourite Taylor Swift songs/albums? What are some of your other favourite singers/bands or songs that you really like? Do you have any fandoms or ships that you really like?
I hope you're having a good day! Can't wait to talk to you soon!
Hiii! ^v^// Thank you so much hehe I hope this is helpful then!
My favorite TS albums are 1989 and Reputation lol, but for specific songs my top 5 are Gorgeous, Welcome to New York, End Game, Lavender Haze, and Delicate (not in any particular order).
My other favorite bands are Florence and the Machine, Glass Animals, Fyfe, The Crane Wives, and Cosmo Sheldrake. (Glass Animals Dreamland album is nonstop bops the way 1989 is nonstop bops hehe)
I'm about as multi-fandom as they come, but the ones I've been lasered-in on lately are Resident Evil (2&4, 3, and 7&8 separately but also altogether lol), Genshin Impact, Gideon the Ninth, Gearbreakers, and Pacific Rim (constantly and always lmao). ((as for ships I'm also a multi-shipper lol love Leon/Ada and Leon/Luis from RE4, Jill/Carlos from RE3, Kaveh/Alhaitham, Itto/Kuki, and Yunjin/Kuki from Genshin, Harrow/Gideon and Palamedes&Gideon from GtN, Eris/Sona, Enyo&Sona, and Jenny/Zamaya from Gearbreakers!)) ^v^' Thank you for asking! I'm always happy to talk about my favorite media hehe
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elleandbee · 2 years
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Low tide 🧜‍♂️ (at Long Beach, Pacific Rim National Park, Tofino, B.C. Canada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CihAviiu-TS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janiedean · 6 years
Lol Herc and Mako shove Chuck and Raleigh into the tiniest closet they can find. They check a few hours later if one of them is dead and find them making out. Upon being interrupted they break apart and Chuck's all "Do you mind? We're busy here" and shuts the closet door in their face and gets back to kissing Raleigh
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hellsbellschime · 7 years
trailer's out for pacific rim uprising and it looks really good. i feel like it's pretty vague about what's actually going on but i think that's a good thing to be honest. the jaegers look really good and move a lot smoother and faster. btw mako will be in it too just in case anyone was wondering if she would be in it or not. it was confirmed in an interview.
I am pretty hyped on it as well, Guillermo del Toro rarely puts out a let down and Pacific Rim is probably my favorite movie from him.
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Sam Simpson, Clover Ewing, and Alex Casoy from Totally Spies are drift compatible
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intobarbarians · 7 years
i'm confused. i thought john's jaeger co-pilot was a woman?
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hauntedfalcon · 2 years
mako motherfucking mori
original blorbo! accept no substitutions!!!
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foolscapper · 2 years
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The Art of Measuring Time | Part 5 of 5 | Pages 41-50
I’ll probably do one more masterpost-styled post with links, but other than that, it’s all done. ♥ Thank you to anyone who supported me on gumroad the last few days as well, that means a lot to me as someone who could really use a raise, haha. Love ya!
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crofterscryptid · 4 years
just rewatched pacific rim the other day and not that i need yet another pacific rim au in my life, but herman!logan and newton!remus?? it’s so good? remus running into the lab like “logan logan! i got more kaiju parasites!” and logan just rolls his eyes (not unfondly) and goes back to his calculations
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obaewankenope · 4 years
Ship: Newton/Hermann, I'm eyeing Designation Congruent with Things again, it might be time for a re-read XD
Well I guess I know what I'm reading over the weekend lmao
When or if I started shipping them: I think I legit started to ship them the very first moment I saw them in a scene together. Just, bickering like the married couple they are. It was 👌
My thoughts: on them? They're fucking beautiful and perfect and genius idiots and I relate so fucking much to them lmao.
What makes me happy about them: the snark. Literally. All. The. Snark.
What makes me sad about them: that bs sequel movie. Sounds fake af.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: idk tbh. I think like an over abundance of pet names. They're a bit annoying bc they don't fit the characters for me.
Things I look for in a fic: snark. Sarcasm. Angst. Hurt. Comfort. Just the usual.
My kinks: uh... Affection and praise and pinning one of them to the bulkhead wall and defiling them while the other absolutely enjoys it. You know. The usual.
Who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other: I read a fic where Newt ended up with the Russians and I liked that, I guess.
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Pacific Rim Uprising (2018)
Universal Pictures
Impression: not as good as the original, still highly entertaining
Collection: yes
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Concept: ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Storytelling: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Characters: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Casting: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Visually: ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
Score/Soundtrack: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Entertainment: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Best: Amara Namani
Worst: didn’t suck you in like the original
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ido100 · 5 years
Each pair of sides tries to pilot a Jaeger.
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