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There's no reason to be anything you don't want to be. You're not stuck there forever, you choose your own destiny. (She/her 1997)    
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kaijuusandkryptids · 1 day ago
Hey did you know there's a tell all book about the behind the scenes of Meta and the author is forbidden from promoting it?
The good news is however that it's already published and can't be stifled and whoever didn't sign the NDA can promote it as much as they want.
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kaijuusandkryptids · 14 days ago
crazy to me that I've been on tumblr long enough to see the vast majority of posts i see on a daily basis evolve from superwholock and fandom shit to this
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kaijuusandkryptids · 16 days ago
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You'll hurt your eyes sitting so close to the TV
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kaijuusandkryptids · 16 days ago
Have we adopted Inigo Montoya as the patron saint of artists who don’t use AI yet?
Not a big fan of people who don’t want to pay artists for their work.
Big fan of practicing and honing one’s craft.
Always keeping an eye out for the six-fingered man.
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kaijuusandkryptids · 16 days ago
super simple low-effort ao3 summary methods that are 1000% better and 1000% less annoying than just saying you suck at summaries:
copypaste the first few lines of the fic. u already wrote ‘em. let ‘em be their own damn hook
if ur feeling fancy & don’t mind showing ur hand a bit, copypaste the first few lines of the fic that u feel are esp. Important or Interesting - the ones where u first start getting into the real meat of things
state the main tropes! theyre probably already in ur tags - just say them again - maybe as a full sentence if ur feelin fancy. or with a joke if ur feelin Extra fancy
ask a question. pose a hypothetical. eg what happens if u take [character] and put them in [situation]?
make an equation. [character] + [thing] = [outcome]
just write like a one-sentence summary of what the fuck is going down. just one (1) sentence. doesnt matter if it doesn’t cover every important aspect. or if it sounds bland. any summary sentence is gonna be miles better than “idk i suck at summaries”
just…explain the fic like u would to a friend? it doesnt have to be a polished back of the book blurb. it can just be “[pairing] coffee shop au, but like, still with murder, and also i made everyone trans. enjoy”
just stick a meme in there
honestly who cares
just put literally anything but a self deprecating comment in there & ur golden
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kaijuusandkryptids · 16 days ago
i was thinking about how best to portray her, because the main information about her in the canon is that she eats a lot. but then I saw an obvious reference to mizuki (or whatever the wrestler's name is) on her splash, and instead of fat, i drew her muscular. well, plus the wrestling costumes are funny with underpants on top of tights.
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kaijuusandkryptids · 16 days ago
Hot take, but everyone should be taught the symptoms and signs of a stroke. This should be a mandatory lesson in school.
Anyone could have a stroke, at any time, including you, the person reading this! If you were having a stroke wouldn't you want someone to be able to quickly identify it and get you help before it got really bad? Brain damage is fucking serious, and yet it's the butt of so many jokes and ehat most people know about it is the "burnt toast smell" which can be caused by many things.
So, as someone who has forced my mother to let me do her annual stroke test assessment to make sure she still knoes the stroke signs and everything, here are some things you can do to try and determine if someone is having a stroke. (Yes I passed the test everytime I did it and my mother would watch it with me)
Has their face drooped? Ask them to smile wide and if one or both sides of their face are drooping, they may be having a stroke. Call 911 or whatever emergency services
After this, ask them if you can touch their arms and legs to see if they can feel it. If they do not say yes or some affirmative DO NOT TOUCH THEM. Consent isn't just for sex, and this person is most likely going through a very traumatic sscenario. If they say yes, have them close their eyes and tell you which body part and or side you are touching them on. Let the 911 operator know your findings, and if they say no move on to the next step.
Test their speech. Have them say "I want my mother/mama" Can they say "a cactus is prickly"? If their speech is slurred then this is a sign of a stroke. Tell the 911 operator how severe the slurring is.
Have them try to raise their arms and legs. Let the operator know if they can or cannot raise any of their limbs, or if they have any difficulty.
Finally, ask them what year it is, what day it is, who's the president, where they are, etc. If they answer any of these questions wrong (especially if it seems like a really random answer) let the operator know.
Hopefully this helps someone. And please, for the love of fuck, treat stroke patients and survivors and people with brain damage like normal fucking people. Don't baby them and shit, and treat then like how you'd treat anyone else.
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kaijuusandkryptids · 16 days ago
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I don't know. I just don't know
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kaijuusandkryptids · 16 days ago
goosebumps as a concept are so funny ur brain is like "oh no we're threatened! quick! make us look bigger!" and your skin, that absolutely does not have the ability to do that, is like "absolutely. right away boss"
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kaijuusandkryptids · 16 days ago
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kaijuusandkryptids · 29 days ago
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new merch coming soon!
acrylic stand of Newt getting chased by kodachi
magnets of mothra, otachi, and luffy's straw hat!
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kaijuusandkryptids · 29 days ago
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new merch coming soon!
acrylic stand of Newt getting chased by kodachi
magnets of mothra, otachi, and luffy's straw hat!
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kaijuusandkryptids · 29 days ago
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kaijuusandkryptids · 29 days ago
I realized today, the Jaegers in Pacific Rim: Uprising are shaped more like cartoon characters than the Jaegers in the first movie, but are absolutely lacking in whimsy. The first movie's Jaegers had whimsy.
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kaijuusandkryptids · 29 days ago
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Alien chest burster or whatever
My ribcage hurts so bad sometimes so I think about alien movie
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kaijuusandkryptids · 29 days ago
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pacific rim aus my beloved
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kaijuusandkryptids · 29 days ago
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OC Kiss Week | desperate
Pacific Rim AU??? Pacific Rim AU. In which Vincent is a Jaeger pilot and Phillip is a scientist ;}
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