#POTA koba
blogthebooklover · 3 months
Somewhere In Ape Heaven
Koba: I knew it, that Noa was a trouble maker from the start! Rocket: Don't look at me, Koba. He gets it from Caesar. Maurice: He was only trying to his clan back home safely Bad Ape: If other apes find out Noa protect a human female, they will shun and exile him. Cornelia: Not to mention he won't have a mate or a clan of his own. Koba: No, your great grandson had to FALL IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN! Caesar: (secretly enjoying the fact Noa chooses a human, but must keep up appearances even in the afterlife) NO! Everyone & Nova: (stares at him in surprise)
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yasmeensh · 2 months
Almost done reading Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm (my e-book says it's 80% through). Koba's backstory is so SAD. He was such a nice bonobo. We never saw a baby Koba, like we did with Ceasar. I needed to put the picture in my brain on paper...
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teojira · 3 months
[Peel this orange for me?]
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Summary: the trend on TikTok where you asked your partner if they'd peel an orange for you!
Warnings: Implied romance between reader and the apes.
A/N: I have a specific folder on my tiktok where I keep videos that remind me of my favs, looking back at this specific orange one, it reminds me of Noa so his is based on that!
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Caesar does it without even thinking, immediately going in to grab the fruit from your hand and peeling it's skin.
You're both sat at the communal fire, apes all around as everyone settles in for the nights dinner.
In your little circle, it's you and Caesar at the moment, Cornelius running off a little bit ago to go find Nova to play with.
You're leaning against your partner, face resting on his shoulder as you watch him fast and efficiently tear open the orange.
Blinking once, Caesar gently nudges your hand, grunting at you to take your food back, the peel already being thrown into the fire, making the smell float in the air.
"Thank you." You kiss his shoulder, eagerly tearing a piece of the fruit and throwing it in your mouth.
He doesn't hesitate when you offer him a slice of his own, opening up his jaw so you can hand feed him.
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Noa's on his way out of the nest when you softly ask him to peel the fruit for you, but immediately turns back in when he hears you call for him.
"I can't get it." You mumble, shrugging a shoulder, biting back a smile.
Noa knows what you're doing. He knows you're just asking him to stay a little longer because you'll miss him until he has a break in his duties.
He really really should be going. The eagles need to be tended to, but you're his mate. Surely they'll be fine if he's a few minutes late.
"Echo..." He shakes his head with a deep sigh, amusement flooding in his eyes as he takes the orange you've offered him.
"Spoiled." Noa drawls, fingers making quick work of the peel, in no time revealing the juicy fruit underneath.
"No, I'm not." You stick your tongue out at him, leaning against his leg, soaking in as much of his warmth as you can until you know he officially needs to get going.
"Rotten. Spoiled rotten." He sniffs, crouching down to your level to dangle the fresh fruit in front of your eyes.
Noa's waiting for something, and he's not leaving until he gets it.
He brings his other hand up to use his pointer finger to tap at his cheek, and you can't help but giggle.
A kiss for his troubles, typical.
You lean in and give him a peck, audibly making a 'mwah!' sound effect for good measure.
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He has half a mind to take it and chuck it into the forest.
"Human...dumb?" Koba sneers, already moving past you, until you have the audacity to roll your eyes at him, at HIM. He has better things to do than to peel an orange for you, knowing damn well you're more than capable, the bonobo's seen you gut a fish with ease.
You're not a child. Do it yourself.
"Fine, I'll go ask Caesar." You're moving to stand up, the orange tightly held in one fist as you get ready to go look for the Ape king.
Next thing you know, the orange is snatched from your grasp, Koba turning around and using his fingers to break the orange open with heavy breathing.
"Koba-" You attempt to get his attention, but he whirls back around, grabbing your much smaller hand and forcing the mangled orange into your palm, the juices spilling everywhere.
Leave it to Koba to get jealous.
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gamelpar · 2 months
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Intelligence results are remarkable. No adverse effects.
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wetsocksinbed · 4 months
something I find incredibly funny is that in the current Planet of the Apes movies, the only time apes are villains is when it’s bonobos (Koba, Proximus)
for those who don’t know much about apes in the wild, Bonobos are one of the (if not THE) most docile ape. They are incredibly intelligent and, for a lack of a better word, absolute hippies. they have never been recorded to have ever committed a murder, unlike chimps, who are ironically a very agressive and violent species. They go out of their way to end fights, and make sure to share food. The hierarchy is Female, with families being lead by a matriarch.
Bonobos hate fighting, and become incredibly stressed at the idea of doing so. So instead they fuck. No, seriously. Stress release? Fuck. Want to share some food? Gotta fuck first. Happy? Fucking. Sad? Fucking. If it’s an emotion, it results in getting hot and steamy. Male on male, female on female, male on female, they don’t care. It’s like shaking hands for them.
the writers are accidentally using the Jaws Effect (the jaws effect is where a movie/show/book takes an animal that is rarely, if ever, dangerous, and uses it to be the main antagonist, therefore creating a false narrative that this type of animal is a common aggressor and there’s a high chance humans can be harmed by it. The Jaws movie turned Great Whites into villains, when they’re actually fairly calm creatures, and the movie sparked a massive manhunt for Great Whites. Granted people aren’t out there with guns taking on Bonobos, but I do find it ironic that the one species of ape to be featured in the reboot that was branded “dangerous” is the one that would probably protect humans most in a fight
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themourningfox · 3 months
His Hated Human | Koba x F!Reader
I don't have any excuses for this. It's been bouncing around in my head for DAYS after reading so many Koba imagines, headcanons, and one-shots. I've got to get it out of my system. MINORS DNI Pairing: Koba x F!Reader Warnings: Toxic relationship, perceived one-sided affection, NSFW, 18+, possessiveness, jealousy, and all the fun things that go with that. This is NOT a love match. This is a hate match.
Summary: Koba relishes the fact he can make a human bend to his will. It feeds a part of his mind that wants to heal from his past.
Koba hated humans. Everyone knew it, including the woman who found herself in his nest every night. It wasn't the healthy relationship she had always dreamed of. A white knight rescuing her from her woes, selflessly loving her and holding her close, doting upon her every minute, long conversations that dragged through the night.
The Bonobo was anything but a white knight.
A part of her hated him, too, and she wondered if that was why she kept coming back. The knowledge there was no shared love. Only a connection that could get them through these uncertain times. A comfort, having someone to go to, someone to take their tensions out on.
It was a game. A horrible, lovely, addicting game.
She was pulled back to the beginning, the very beginning, when the tension had begun to raise its ugly, bubbled head.
"Would you...mate?" Rocket asked, dipping his head as he motioned to her with a long-fingered hand. "With...ape?"
The question should have brought heat to her cheeks. Such a bold question at that. But she had long grown accustomed to their questions, their curiosities, and their bluntness. Apes didn't share the same ideology around such...sensitive matters.
A small frown pulled her eyebrows together. Would she? She had never thought about it. Sure, there were some apes that she might consider...attractive by human standards. It was a weird part of her mind, and she wondered if it was because she'd been isolated from the rest of humanity for so long. At one point or another, her biological clock would start ticking, and the urge to create a family would grow. Many apes would make wonderful fathers, had seen it first hand, in fact. Luka, Maurice, Rocket, and Caesar would all be captivating mates.
Then why did her eyes drift to an odd-matched set of eyes, one hazed over and milky white.
She turned back to Rocket and shrugged. "I don't see why not. It could be...fun. For both parties."
The ape chuffed at that, lips forming an "O" as he nodded. "Think it would be...good. For you."
"To mate?" A sly smile curled her lips as she leaned forward, lowering her voice. "Are you offering, Rocket?"
If an ape could blush, she was sure he would. He snorted and waved her off. "No!"
Chuckling, she playfully elbowed him. Out of all the apes, Rocket was one of her favorites. They had closely bonded over the months she had spent among them.
A sharp, low growl caught her attention. Whipping her head around, it took her a moment to spot where it had come from.
He glared at her. Lips pulled back over large, blunt canines in a snarl. Shoving his food away, he got to his feet and lumbered off, grumbling under his breath. Insults, no doubt.
Shaking her head, she turned back to Rocket with a large grin, hoping to poke more fun at him for even suggesting she mate with someone.
It wouldn't be until weeks had passed that Caesar sent her out to forage with the other female apes. They were given an escort of Luka and Koba, and Caesar gave stiff orders not to let anyone out of their sight. It truly was her intent to stay within Luka's eyesight, but when the berry-picking grew thin, she followed the bushes, sticking close to their weave as they wound down hills and around trees.
When she looked up, basket full, her eyes widened. Where was everyone? Surely they weren't far...and hopefully, they hadn't left her. Which way did she even come from? Crap.
"Luka?" she called out, cupping her hands around her mouth.
A bird scattered to the wind to her left.
The forest remained silent.
Her heart squeezed. Taking her basket with her, she scurried up the hill, keeping low to the ground. There were so many bears and other dangerous animals out here. How could she have been so stupid? It wasn't their fault she had gotten separated.
"Luka!" She yelled again, eyes flitting from section to section.
"Stupid...human." The words were low and deep, scorn dripping from the voice like beads of venom.
She was torn between relief and fear. Relief that she wasn't alone, that someone from the colony was here. Fear, because she knew that voice and hated its owner.
Turning slowly on the balls of her feet, she kept her eyes on his feet. "Koba."
He scoffed, dropping down on all fours as he took slow, measured steps in her direction.
"Where...uh, where are the others?" she asked, tucking her chin to her chest, eyes dropping to the forest floor.
"Gone...back." He spat the last word out like soggy toast. "Took too long."
Her dry tongue dragged across her lips. Swallowing, she forced a weak smile onto her face. "Then we should get going."
Spinning around, she took in a deep breath, preparing to march up the hill. God. Of all apes to be alone with!
A strong hand with a crushing grip snatched her wrist.
Her heart dropped.
"Going...so fast?" He sounded amused. The smug bastard.
Fear crept up her spine, leaving a tingling trail in its wake. "K-Koba. We should get back." He was going to kill her. He was going to kill her and leave her body for the scavengers. She was going to di--
Fur tickled the backs of her arms as he dragged her backward. A hard, broad chest pressed into her back. Hot, steamy air brushed against the nape of her neck.
He was going to bite her neck! Go for the throat and dispatch her. Tears beaded in her eyes. Let it be fast. Please, please, please.
"Why...look....at Koba?" He huffed against her ear. His thick fingers tightened around her wrist until it ached and she swore the bones were rubbing against each other.
"What?" She breathed, rapidly blinking.
"When Rocket asked about...mate. Why look...at Koba?" he hissed, jerking her roughly back against him until his chin rested on her shoulder. "Do you think...Koba...would mate with human?"
Her eyes widened. Oh my god. "No! No, Koba! I-I didn't mean anything by it-"
"Good." He shoved her forward, dropping down to all fours again.
Panic settled in her chest as she stumbled, barely catching herself before all the berries were lost to the forest floor. Spinning around, she placed a hand to her chest, trying to settle her flying heart.
Cold eyes bore holes into her skull. He scoffed, lips curling into a sneer. "Stupid human." Padding away from her, he began the climb up the hill. "Keep up."
After that, Koba went with every foraging party. If she was to go out alone, Koba went with. At meal times, he sat across from her and two apes down.
She couldn't shake him nor the feel of his fur against her skin, how his breath had felt against her neck. The moment in the forest had rocked her to the core. Why did he assume she wanted to...? With him? She knew he hated humans. He knew she knew that! Her mind couldn't find the logic in it. Maybe there was no logic to be found.
Luckily, though, there was plenty to distract her. Since her conversation with Rocket, she had been surrounded by male apes all vying for her attention. From Blue Eyes to Luka to others she didn't know as well. There was something exotic, she assumed, about claiming a human as a mate.
Tonight was no different.
The ape next to her was trying so many different things to win her affection. From a simply crafted necklace to human items he had found on an outing, he lavished her in attention and praise.
She giggled and laughed, allowing him to continue under the watchful eye of Caesar...and one other.
She couldn't help it. He was like a magnet. Her eyes constantly found a reason to look in his direction, to seek out his approval and attention. It was like there was a little parasite in her, yearning for the approval of the ape she knew would never give it to her. She blamed it on unresolved daddy issues.
For all it was worth, Koba never looked away from her. He watched, more like glared while watching the male ape try to win her over. That one milky eye twitching every so often. His lips curled back when the male would touch her for longer than necessary.
This had been going on for days. It became a game to her. Seeing how far she could take it before Koba stormed off from the table. Tonight, though, Koba didn't leave. He stayed the whole time, gaze locked onto her with such intensity she felt like she was on fire.
When the meal ended, she bid the friendly ape good night, and then began her trek to her own nest. The forest was quiet apart from the insects chirping. She smiled up at the trees, breathing in the cool night air that forever smelled of fresh pine. Maybe she would accept the ape's offer, allow herself to be taken care of by--
She was being watched.
She didn't know how she knew, but she could feel it in the middle of her back. A deep knowing, maybe some long-lost primal instinct. Ever so slowly, she turned.
Koba stood in the middle of the path, shoulders back, head tilted down. His chest heaved with each breath, puffs of crystalized breath coming from his agape mouth.
She froze. "Koba?"
His lips curled back again and a low snarl rumbled from his chest. He dropped to all fours. Something itched the back of her mind. Run. She needed to run. This wasn't good. He had finally snapped.
The muscles in his arms and shoulders rolled beneath his fur with each movement.
"Koba, you're scaring me." She took a step back.
A menacing smile split his face.
Fear won. She ran. Bolting down the path, she stumbled and tripped over rocks and twigs. A scream bubbled in her throat. Heavy panting and the sound of feet pounding into the ground followed swiftly after her. She was going to die!
"Cae--" Her cry was cut short.
A heavy body slammed into her. A hand found its way over her mouth, stifling her cry of help as they crashed to the forest floor out of sight. It was a flurry of arms and limbs, whimpers of pain and soft crying. Koba snarled and growled above her, a massive black form in the night as he fought her.
"Don't," she cried, fumbling over her words. "Pleasepleaseplease, Koba. I don't want to die!"
Strongs legs pinned hers to the forest floor. One of his hands grasped both her wrists and pinned them over her head. Hot breath poured over her face. The Bonobo laughed.
Tears rolled down her cheeks. She shut her eyes tightly, welcoming the end.
"Don't...want to kill." He brought his face close to hers, eyes glittering in the darkness. He breathed in deeply. His eyelids fluttered before he dipped his face close to her neck. His mouth rubbed over her skin, open, panting. "Fear...good. Smells...good."
She trembled beneath him, mind a whirlwind trying to process what the hell was happening. "You're...not going to kill me?"
"No." He paused. "Not yet. You let that...ape...get his scent...on you." Koba growled, and she could have sworn she felt teeth graze her neck. "Don't like it."
Silence reigned for a long time. Neither of them moved. Neither of them spoke. It was just his heavy breathing filling the air, and her muffled sniffles. Eventually, he growled as if frustrated and let go of her. His warmth was immediately gone, replaced by the cool night air that felt even colder without his presence.
Cold eyes stared down at her, then he growled and stalked off into the night. What the hell had just happened?
He hated her. He hated that she was human, that she was weak, that she had been allowed to stay in the colony. How dare Caesar put such a...such a faulty creation within their ranks? How dare Caesar send him, Koba, to watch over the human female?
He was not some slave to just do whatever the human wanted.
What he hated more, though, was how she looked at him. Those soft, stupid eyes lingering on him as if seeking his approval, wanting him. And how dare she make him want be the only one she looked at? The only one she was allowed to look at?
Oh, he had wanted to tear that ape's face off when he laid a hand on her arm. Worse still, when he had managed to draw a laugh from her lips. He should have killed them both on the spot. He could smell the ape's scent all over her. It drove him mad. It made him want...want to sink his teeth into her neck. Pin her down, make her beg, draw out noises only for him to hear.
...no. He wanted to make her scream, so that the whole colony would know that she was his. He wanted to parade her, this human female, in front of the males. She was his and no one else's.
As Koba stalked away from the woman, leaving her to collect herself after their brief encounter, there was one thought that lingered on the forefront of his mind.
The one thing he hated most of all? How she made him feel out of control.
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happykraut · 4 months
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rulimaquina · 3 months
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Rise Of the Planet Of The Apes (2011) || Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain || Dawn Of the Planet Of The Apes (2014)
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maarslovesmonkees · 2 months
Since you did a NSFW Alphabet for Caesar do you think you could do one for Koba with a Human Female Reader please?
{Koba NSFW alphabet}
Koba my beloved💗 Hes my favourite character in the whole franchise, and I was hoping to do this!!👏 Its also like the middle of the night where I live so I hope you enjoy even though Im tired asf making this😭🙏
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Notes and warnings: M4F, Koba x Human!Reader, NSFW
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He does care about you but he'll have trouble admitting it. He would throw a wet cloth on you, so you can clean yourself. If you ask him for anything (water etc.), he'll scoff, telling you to get it yourself before leaving and coming back with whatever you need. Don't call him out on it, you'll get your face ripped off😭
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Ass. In my previous post, I talked about how he thinks its an intimate area, so he likes to grab it to feel in control. All apes have their boobs out anyways, but he doesn't ever get the chance to really grope and play with ass.
Hair. Again, he likes to grab it to give him a sense on control. He'll do lots of hair pulling especially when he's not in a good mood.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Like Caesar, he loves coming inside. Unlike Caesar, hes not asking and will breed you as much as he likes. Get ready to feel full of his seed!
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Likes to watch you without you noticing. When your bathing, when you think you're alone in your nest to masturbate, or when you're just existing, he just cant help but spy on you. If he can, he'll masterbate to you as he hides too.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Not experienced but hes also a fast learning bonobo. Give him a couple minutes to really feel you for the first time and then get ready for the night of your life.
Doggy style. You can probably guess why. He likes being able to look down at you, and feel dominant. You look quite helpless in the moment, fully under his control. He gets a very good deep thrust as well.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Yourself on a shelf. The one where hes standing with your legs around him as he fucks you in the wall. He feel strong and powerful doing it in this position. His strength being so strong he can pull you up against the wall while hes thrusting into you, makes him feel euphoric.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
A serious ape that will get annoyed if you try and goof off. He'll huff and roll his eyes if you try and make a joke during the moment. Hes too focused feeling good, why ruin the moment with a joke?
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Standard ape fur but a bit more rough. He thinks its stupid to try and maintain a soft fur. Hes an ape and a warrior, he doesn't need to do silly human things like that.
Honestly very very little romance during it. Its so erotic for him, hes so in the moment, and just focusing on feeling good. If you're not too focused on the pleasure of being rammed in, sometimes you'll see him looking into your eyes, in kind of an adoring matter. He'll quickly look away though, going back to manhandling you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Favourite thing to jack off to is you, without you noticing. As I said, you're probably bathing or something, and he's behind a rock, stroking himself to your body. Your curves, your tits, everything gets him so hard.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bondage. On you, not on him. God forbid you ever recommend him being tied up. He likes seeing you helpless and submissive. He has full control over you, and you can't do anything about it because you're all tied up. Hes done being tied up to things, its time for humans to be. The fact that he finally gets to live the fantasy of tying a human up, and as well you being accepting of it, he feels weird in a good way.
Marking/claiming. His big canines aren't there for nothing. Thinking about claiming you as his own, being his and only his, gets him so fucking hard.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He likes the outdoors. Fucking you into the ground, as you look up at the trees with stars in your eyes from all the pleasure. He feels like a true ape out in nature, and getting into his pure animal instincts and just fucking you out here, satisfies him like no other.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Just feeling that power. Being dominant. Living thr fantasy of an ape taking over a human. You letting him do whatever he wants to you. You under him, being so obedient. Best motivation if you ask him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Try and be dominant with him. Its going to take a lotttttttttttttttt of convincing and trust for him to do that. Getting him go bottom or doing anything that will restrict his movements. He's been tied up enough in his life, and he doesn't want to relive all of that again.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves receiving head. Your mouth around his cock, you licking the base of his dick, you suckling around his tip... he'll be a groaning mess trust me.
Isn't the biggest fan of receiving, especially at first. The motivation for him to do it is how you tremble and shake as his tongue circles your clit. How tears fall down your cheek when you orgasm from his mouth. You just look so good like that.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Fast and rough, through and through. An animal inside and out. Its regular you'll get a few bruises, especially on your thigh/waist afterwards. Doesn't like to edge, he loves his orgasm, especially when theyre inside you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Hes 50/50 with them. Just a quick fuck isnt enough for him. When he goes in, hes in for a while. He does love fucking you and being able to have it not take much time on his schedule is a plus, but again, he wants to fuck you loonggg and hard.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
With you? Absolutely! He likes how tough you are for being able to experiment. However with him? hes very hesitant. He HATES admitting that hes scared or worried and shit, but he really is deep down. He thinks of the worst possible scenario when theres a chance for him to br at risk, so it probably has to have a bit of convincing and planning.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He can go for rounds after rounds. He's not really satisfied with just 1 or even 3 climaxes, so buckle up. How long can he last really depends on what your doing. If its vanilla, quite a while. If its you being tied up and under his mercy, like 5 minutes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
As I said last post, Sey toys are basically non-existent in this time. With the fall of humanity and stuff. However, if you somehow got yourselves toys, he would love to tie you and hold a vibrator on your clit, making you cum over and over. You'll be trembling from the overstimulation afterwards.
He would definitely use a a fleshlight. He just imagines its your wet pussy as he bucks his hips up into it, slamming his dick until his high, hot seed filling the toy.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Honestly to busy chasing his high to tease you. He just wants to indulge in the moment and he's an easily annoyed guy, so not really that big into teasing anyways.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Pretty loud. Moans, grunts and all. He makes all the sounds you can think of honestly. He doesn't really care if others hear him. Let them hear him enjoying himself to your body.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Sometimes likes to think of you cuddling him and petting him after sex. He wishes you would hold him close and whisper nice things to him, but he doesn't want to seem vulnerable or weak so he won't let you do it. He won't ever tell you this and would just face the other way, as he lays beside you. Poor guy, he wants to be loved but is too scared to be lovable.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Long-ish, normal girth. Around maybe 7inch. His balls are also huge.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Im going to be honest, not that high, around maybe 4/10. However when hes horny, hes HORNY. Theres too much on his mind to relax and have sex, but when he does, be ready. All his pent up emotions aren't gonna be soft on you.
He'll lay down and wait for you to fall asleep before he does. Its mostly because, although you both are mates, you're still a human, and he still doesn't trust (or maybe never will trust) that part of you.
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sketchnskribbles · 4 months
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Here’s me trying my hardest to draw apes because I’m so happy that the fandom is booming!
So have our favorite manipulative and angry little sociopath, Koba!
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historicalvandal · 3 months
What would be casual acts of intimacy and trust with your choice of apes
Hello Anon! Thanks for the ask :PP Casual acts of intimacy you sayyy well lemme have a crack at it!
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Casual acts of intimacy with Koba! So, with Koba he's not one for PDA openly, he's a private ape, keeps to himself all the time- Casual acts of intimacy with Koba usually happens when you both need comfort, a noncahalant moment of gripping your thigh whilst you ride on his horse, your arms around him from behind, sometimes he'll link his pinkie finger with yours during meals, he usually doesn't seem the type to enjoy a hug or much touch, but he possibly yearns from it if it is coming from his mate, so if you hug him upon his return from a hunting trip, gently press your foreheads together, or even press a kiss to his cheek he's usually somewhat happy unless it is in front of too many apes, he prefers to have sparing glances or touches, brushing a finger across your hand as you two go about your days! Usually an act of trust you'd mainly see between you and Koba is that you are allowed to stand on his blind side from time to time, he'll allow you to tend to his wounds, allow you to touch him or guide his hand.
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Casual intimacy with Caesar - Like Koba he isn't big on PDA perhaps he will press his forehead to yours during big celebrations, his way of having casual intimacy throughout your days when your both a bit busy, if you two pass each other he tries to lock eyes with you share a look and small smile, he'll lightly touch your hand during hushed moments of speaking when the colony sit to eat together, looping his finger in your belt loops sometimes grounds him a lot, the stress of his days are usually worked out whenever he locks eyes with you, touches your hand, gently runs his fingers through your hair upon passing one another, riding his horse he prefers to sit behind you so he can keep one hand on the reigns of his horse and the other pressed firmly to your stomach, or your thigh, he's big on holding the more softer parts of his partner in moments of short passing. Acts of trust with Caesar would be allowing you to carry Cornelius, or to give Blue eyes advice, he will trust you when you hold his hand in front of many other apes trusts that you'll understand if he pulls away.
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Casual intimacy with Blue eyes - Young love as Caesar has described it, usually you and Blue Eyes can't really help but touch each other, to have your hand in the others hand, casually you are allowed to sit between your legs during the times the colony will eat, the feeling of your back pressed to his chest as you both engage in conversation as you eat brings him comfort, a comforting hand on your hip as he guides you toward your next duty, he'll always have a hand on your back or shoulder whenever Cornelius is sitting in your lap and he notices you two playing, he'll casually brush hair away from your eyes, gently wiping away any tears you may shed if you get hurt or have a nightmare, feeling the softness of your cheek as he cups it in his palm running his thumb in a slow circle just so you'll meet his gaze, he's there, he'll always be there. Acts of trust would be teaching his little brother as he trusts you to teach Cornelius good things, he'll allow you to touch any of his weapons and to maintain them, another act of trust is that he'll trust you to go berry picking alone putting his faith in the skills he's taught you to keep yourself safe, even if berry picking near the colony.
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Acts of casual intimacy with Noa - I personally think he's always touchy, not much experience with love yk? Well he'll hold the hem of your shirt if he's feeling nervous waiting for you to take his hand into yours, he'll have you eat at his side when eating communally with the clan probably feeding you some of his own food, tucking feathers into your hair or flowers, casually having a hand on your lower back when talking with other apes of the clan, whispering in your ear during meals, he seems like the type who may pull you into his lap during celebratory meals and keeps talking away to Anaya, his mother Dar or Soona, links his fingers with yours if his father is speaking with the both of you. Acts of trust - Allowing you to at some point do the coming of age ceremony with some other apes rather then with him, Anaya and Soona, he'd also trust you to keep his weapons clean, also one to trust you with keeping yourself safe if you've done so before becoming a member of his clan.
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(actually have no clue why Proximus is so tidgy here oml-) Acts of casual intimacy with Proximus - You would borderline be his pet lmao- Not much intimacy is casual with Proximus, what he thinks is casual is having you sit on his lap from time to time, he pets your head playing with your hair if you sit at the foot of his throne, like I said nothing is that casual within the space of intimacy with Proximus, if you think having his hands all over you, touching prodding and poking, petting as well then that would be casual for Proximus, he has to have his hands on you of course he has too, your his, you are HIS pet.
Acts of trust - When he trusts you to groom him, he also trusts you to not run away when he takes you off your little makeshift leash, a massive act of trust is him allowing you to sleep in his nest/bed with him without any guards needing to stand by. Hope this is alright anon! Thanks for the ask <3
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pierced-hearts · 1 month
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you:: *hugs*
koba:: what is this?!
you:: affection
koba:: *scoffs* disgusting.
koba:: ...
koba:: do it again.
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junkienet · 2 months
✱ CANINE ROUTE ? warrior koba.
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fluff ⌇ missing a partner undertone ⸻ ﹙ 𝒜lt ﹒ universe ﹚ established relationships. 𝒻.ᐟreader
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EARLIER IN THE MORNING ◞ 06 : 45 o ' clock. ⸻ after a long night of tussle.
when the bonobo awakens, a sunbeam sketches his scarred cheek. it outlines the tumefied and leaden flesh , from his temple , to the cheesy apex of his chaffed lips. koba offers his teeth in a boastful roar , fangs flashing aureus. his snarl slumped in ajar on his entombed trunk , and scratches the hairless region of his scapulae , shooing away a pair of chattering mosquitoes.
he sways unwittingly , milky eye scrutinized. to the right , the silhouette of a knotted mane and bleak sweater is stamped in the distance , at the edge of his hut. he spit a smack of his lips in pique , steepening sideways to thrust himself upward with a strangled hoo. his corporeal weight cascades on his hip—joints , his calfed loin erupts like a porcupine , ambombanding into an oval. his scent of rainy gravel, tart blackberries and hint of mint perfumes the structure of his periphery. he thwacks his nest , bellowing towards the algidity that possessed your grizzly bearskin quilt. the coast of his mouth reclines skyward in a grimace of tribulation , amalgamating his thick chin with impassivity. you had risen early , he misty deduced.
koba panted a grunt. he abhorred losing sight of you and a cold nest.
with a haughty wobble, he bursts from amidst the duvets and shanks with a rocking of taut shoulder—blades and obstinate haunches. his fists crackled the surface beneath his hooves , the morning gale coercing the end of his scorched ear. he sniffs the air that rod's at your braid , grumbling in a wan cadence. his snout strays into the road of your pharynx , between the unevenness of the hood of your olive coat and the throbbing indigo artery. he snuff sequentially. the peak of his canine unpicks the vestige of your pulse , where the stench of rainy gravel, tart blackberries and a hint of mint clusters. the bonobo drinks the bubbling of your saturated skin , and the cloying rattle of your small gasp.
your fingers , languid and gelid , scribble the wrinkles of its elephantine digits , reciprocating his assiduous , foreign greeting. the ape falls on his backside , his knuckles drawing on the hill of your shoulder , in a tottering reminder of his prickling presence. both of you rejoice in the muir woods foliage of gloom and shrubbery from the hut.
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liminalsspace · 3 months
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been workin on this for the past few days because I've been feeling icky. so I draw me and my boy to help. HE is such a cutie i love him so much !!!!
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teojira · 3 months
Ooooh just finished reading your koba drabble and its soooo good??? I would love to hear your thoughts how the other apes, Rocket, Maurice, Ceaser, and Blue eyes, think about Kobas' new human shadow... or the way they squabble 👀 I imagine its a mixed bag XD. Amazing writing as always ❤️
[How the rest of the colony apes react to you and Koba's 'friendship']
Summary: The other apes worry about your sanity.
Warnings: Platonic relationship with Koba (based off of my previous Koba request!)
A/N: First time writing for Maurice, Rocket and Blue eyes!!! I was so excited to see them included here 😭 I hope you enjoy anon!
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He's already warned Koba multiple times to not take things too far, that just because you've decided that you want to follow him around, doesn't mean he can mistreat you.
Keeps a close eye on y'all when in vicinity, but he knows Koba better than others do.
Koba can claim he hates you as much as he does, but he hasn't done anything to truly drive you away, he could hurt you, bite into you with his canines and do damage but at most, he growls and tries to swat you away like a fly.
Koba also in the same vein will follow you around when you're off doing your own thing, especially if you decide to leave the colony on your own.
He's not slick, telling Caesar that he's off to rest.
Caesar literally sees Koba climbing trees to trail you. It's amusing just how much the bonobo is denial that he cares for you.
It's obvious to Caesar that a part of Koba enjoys the attention, and enjoys your company despite everything, so he doesn't interfere.
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Actively tells you to leave Koba alone, he's genuinely not about the whole idea of you and Koba being together.
It gives him anxiety, he's not your father, he's not your family but he's concerned.
He'll talk to Caesar about it, trying to get him to put a stop to it but alas, Caesar says you're both adults, he can't control who you spend time with.
He agrees of course, and while yes Koba does show some semblance of...care for you, it doesn't change his mind.
Please you're stressing him out, give him a break and eat dinner with him and the children instead.
Koba is threatening to bite your fingers off for touching his berries and Maurice genuinely cannot tell if it's a valid threat or not.
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Rocket doesn't include himself into the situation, but is another worrier deep down, he's a father, he can't help it.
I see him as the laid back chill uncle who's like 'Hey, do what you want to do but be careful.'
He'd had to step in a couple of times when he thinks Koba is genuinely out to harm you, hooting and calling for Caesar. This ends in him and Koba squaring off against one another and you frantically telling Rocket that you're fine.
By now he doesn't interfere, but he does keep an eye out, always fighting the urge to grab you and take you away from Koba.
Tries to offer you to spend more time with his previous wives, Ash or himself.
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Blue eyes:
Blue eyes and you are kinda in the same boat, despite Koba's faults, Blue eyes does look up to his father's close friend.
Koba would never hurt Blue eyes, not without great repercussions, but he could hurt you, the tiny human that has no defensive measures against a huge bonobo, so forgive Blue if he's a little nervous at you pestering Koba.
The young chimp makes sure to check in with you after your random little fights with Koba, it doesn't matter how many times you tell him it's all in good fun, he will make sure you're okay.
He's worried, okay, he gets it from his father, Caesar has told him just how fragile humans are, how their feelings are easily hurt, it makes him treat you damn near like glass.
Side eyes you everytime you go to Koba's nest to mess with him.
Ash will try and make bets with how long it'll be til Koba tries and kills you as a joke, only for Blue eyes to choke on his spit and tell him off, baring his teeth and jostling his friend around.
"Do not make fun!" The young chimp signs frantically.
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lunasdestiny · 4 months
Caesar and koba
Koba was gay for Ceaser no cap
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