#POS repair services
Hey POS Retail.....POS-Retail Insights is out!..... Edition of 16, January by Capital Computer Group, LLC.....
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vishkarma · 2 years
Best Car Service in Gurgaon-Vishwakarma
Gurgaon has plenty to offer in terms of auto repair. Highly equipped workshops at Vishwakarma Automobiles provide you the greatest services, excellent quality, best prices, and genuine spare parts for routine maintenance. The best car service in Gurgaon have the knowledge and tools necessary to do the task swiftly and correctly. Phone now.
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readthephible · 7 months
120 misc ship questions | shaymien edition
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buckle the fuck up guys /pos
1. who rushes to open doors for the other?
2. who drives more often?
3. who is more eager to jump in the shower with the other?
4. who takes self care more seriously?
both but probably damien
5. what’s a song that reminds you of them?
starlight - muse / rather be - clean bandit / everywhere - fleetwood mac / j’s lullaby - delaney bailey + every song i’ve used to make an edit of them with (everything i know about love - laufey, end of beginning - djo, you & me song - the wannadies)
6. what’s another couple / duo (real or fictional) that reminds you of them?
ian and anthony tbh (also dan and phil but i don’t think anyone cares about my explanation)
7. which one keeps more things because they’re sentimental?
8. which one tells their parents about their partner first? how does it happen?
damien i feel like would be so excited bc he’s so fond of shayne that it would just accidentally slip
9. whose family are they more likely to stay with during holidays?
shayne’s maybe? bc az is closer?
10. whose parents are / were stricter?
11. who uses more emojis?
damien but like ironically
12. where was their first date?
so random soundstage /j uh idk maybe something casual so it wouldn’t feel do heavy at first. a restaurant they both enjoy or smthn
13. what’s their favorite game to play together (any kind)?
14. which one spams posts / links to the other?
damien “this reminded me of you” haas
15. who is the black cat and who is the golden retriever?
obviously damien black cat shayne golden retriever i mean come oN
16. what mythical creature / monster would they each be? (vampire, werewolf, dragon, fairy, etc.)
damien - vampire, shayne - something with lots of wisdom like druid idk
17. who urges the other to go sing a karaoke duet with them?
18. what is their karaoke song?
rather be or an emo one like panic or fob losers (me hitting my 10th year as an emo mark)
19. who is more likely to serenade the other at random moments?
20. who stares at the other from across the room?
21. who brings a shopping haul of clothes home and who watches their fashion show?
22. who insists on paying when they go out to eat?
23. who is more impulsive?
24. who is ‘everything’ and who is ‘just ken’? /ref
damien is everything, shayne is just ken (sorry bud)
25. whose main goal its it to make the other blush?
26. who is first to know about a new trend, meme, slang, etc.?
27. who gets up early to make the other breakfast?
28. who insists they are their pets’ parents?
29. do they have pets together? what kind, what names, etc.
mildy canon /s freyja and zelda
30. who is more of an animal whisperer / befriends wild animals?
31. who has more patience?
32. who insists on fixing something themselves, and who would rather call a repair service?
damien wants to fix himself, shayne wants to call service
33. who turns something into an innuendo first?
34. who takes longer to understand a joke or reference?
35. who hides in the other’s arms during a horror movie?
36. who is more jumpy / scared easily?
37. who makes more movie references?
38. who thinks die hard is a christmas movie, and who doesn’t?
damien thinks it is, shayne thinks it isn’t (idk for sure though this can probably be fact checked)
39. who talks more during a movie?
40. who carries the other bridal style?
41. what are their thoughts on marriage?
hmmm idk. hesitant but open?
42. what’s the last name situation when / if they get married? (who’s last name do they take, do they keep theirs, do they hyphenate)
haa stopp (like haha, stop) i’m so funny guys (haas-topp or topp-haas idfk)
43. who wants the less traditional wedding?
44. where do they get married, and where do they honeymoon?
probably in a more secluded pretty place in california, and they honeymoon in japan
45. where is their favorite place to travel?
46. what do they do on vacation?
do all the touristy things, shop at nerdy places for magazines and trinkets, get lost
47. which one overpacks and which one underpacks?
both overpack?
48. who is the yapper and who is the napper?
it depends on the topic, if it’s about sports then shayne is the yapper and damien is the napper, if it’s maybe voice acting roles or something damien is the yapper and shayne is the napper
49. which one is a lighter sleeper?
50. who is the moon and who is the sun?
damien moon shayne sun
51. who collects more? (figurines, pokemon cards, etc)
52. who is more excited to decorate for the next holiday / event?
53. who stopped believing in santa later than the other?
54. do they want kids together? give me all the details - names, what traits they inherit, etc.
in parent au i would think they maybe have 2 girls and 1 boy? alice, cheyenne, and ??? (on my sims they have 2 kids so far, klaus and alice)
55. who is a stricter parent and who is more lenient?
shayne maybe slightly stricter than damien
56. who reads a book, and who reads over the other’s shoulder while cuddling?
shayne reads, damien cuddles
57. which is booba and which is kiki? /ref
damien is booba, shayne is kiki
58. who believes in soulmates and who doesn’t?
neither but damien slightly believes more
59. who gets nostalgic more easily?
60. who is more of a perfectionist?
61. who hosts more parties?
62. who makes handmade gifts more often for the other?
both!!! (damien’s little wooden board for him, shayne maybe mini paintings or origami 🥺)
63. which one is more formal when answering emails?
64. who prefers skinny jeans and who prefers baggy jeans?
damien - skinny jeans, shayne - baggy jeans
65. who’s better at roasting the other?
66. who initiates more pda?
67. which one is better at censoring their language, and which has less of a filter?
damien can censor better (twitch) shayne just isn’t as used to it
68. who insists on being player one?
69. which one snores like “honk shoo” and which snores like “hoooonk mimimi”?
damien honk shoo, shayne hoooonk mimimi
70. who gives more forehead kisses to the other?
71. what does their future look like?
happy, content, open communication, side by side coexisting, love, support
72. which one believes in astrology more?
73. what was their first kiss like?
with both consent and surprise
74. who steals the other’s clothes more often?
75. who steals the other’s food more often?
76. do they believe in ‘celebrity hall passes’? if so, which celebrities are theirs?
damien maybe fictional characters, shayne pretty demispec so he doesn’t really have anyone to feel that way towards
77. what matching couples costumes do they wear?
something nerdy as fuckkkkkk from an anime or video game probably
78. who is naturally more cold / more hot?
shayne maybe cold for snuggles, damien for cute sleepy frustration of kicking the sheets off
79. which is more extroverted?
80. how do they celebrate valentine’s day?
maybe a small outing but mostly at home together enjoying company, touch, and sappy sex hehe
81. what’s a holiday tradition they have? (ex. presents before breakfast on christmas)
insisting they don’t need to splurge on each other’s presents but they each give at least one that’s pricey but thoughtful
82. what niche pet names do they have for each other?
for damien from shayne - slaymien yaas, deem beem, damienuhhh
for shayne from damien - baby bird, my guy, bitch
83. who hates small talk and would rather have deep conversations?
84. what’s their icebreaker / olive branch after a disagreement?
“i brought home food from canes for us”
85. what kind of food or restaurant is their favorite to get together?
86. who believes in conspiracies more?
87. which had their friends tries to set them up?
sorry matthew scott you will always be the wingman if it’s during so random days. if it’s during smosh days it’s courtney.
88. think of your favorite movie, then incorporate your pairing into it somehow and talk about it.
damien being jack skellington, shayne being sally née finklestein
89. when they’re separated in public, what do they yell out to find each other?
90. professors!au. what subjects would they teach?
damien - linguistics or history, shayne - psychology or botany
91. ghostmates!au. who is the ghost that haunts the other?
92. soulmates!au. how are they connected? do they have matching tattoos, names written on them, etc.
i haven’t finished my soulmates au fic but i did the stereotypical purple/black moon, yellow/blue sun
93. punk x pastel!au. which is which?
punk damien pastel shayne. this is canon
94. historical!au. what time period are they in? what are they up to?
probably victorian vampires like iwtv (gaaay)
95. hospital!au. who’s the doctor, who’s the patient, and how did they get in that situation?
shayne broke his ankle and doctor damien is confused how he got in that mess. or damien is a hypochondriac and doctor shayne is trying and failing to reassure him he is fine
96. massage parlor!au. who is the masseuse, who is getting the massage?
damien giver shayne receiver ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
97. angel x demon!au. who is the angel and who is the demon?
angel shayne demon damien
98. gender swap!au. what are their names? (ex. anthony is antoinette)
demia and shaniya?
99. superpowers!au. are they hero and sidekick? mortal enemies? villain duo? what powers do they have?
i love enemies to lovers villain damien hero shayne for some reason
100. timeloop!au. who is stuck and who helps them out of it?
shayne is stuck damien helps him out (read this fic now)
101. royalty!au. who is the royal and who is the knight / guard / maid etc.?
shayne is royal damien is the knight (read this fic now)
102. magic!au. what kind of magic do they use?
damien i can see either being a healer or persuasion. shayne again with wisdom like vast knowledge or nature powers idk
nsfw / suggestive ⚠️
you didn’t see me fill out any of this btw
1. what’s their favorite position?
missionary so they can keep taunting each other. or riding. or any way damien can touch shayne the most. or anywhere
2. who uses their mouth/teeth/tongue more?
3. who uses their hands/nails more?
4. who is a bit more adventurous?
hmmm. shayne?
5. who is more willing to go to a sex shop in person, and who is more embarrassed?
damien can wear a mask and somehow convince himself that he’s extroverted enough to small talk. shayne tried to just get him to order online
6. who is more into dirty talk?
7. who is more into eye contact?
8. what was their most risky / adventurous experience?
across the bed instead of up and down ? smoffice ? in the car in an empty parking lot ? idk
9. who likes to bite, and who likes to be bitten?
damien likes to bite. a lot. we have been over this (i was the one who made this question list)
10. what is their favorite sexual activity to do together / to the other?
damien marking shayne up, dirty talk, biting ^ shayne roleplay, appealing to senses, sense of mystery
11. which is more dominant / which is more submissive?
the d in damien stands for dominant and the s in shayne stands for submissive
12. what was their first time like?
very loving and gay and beautiful and sweet and sloppy
13. who likes to be spanked more?
14. who sends dirty texts more often?
15. mile high club? yes or no?
too sleepy or anxious so no
16. what’s something they reserve for special occasions?
17. how long into their relationship did it take for them to have sex?
i love the trope for them of like friends to lovers, so as soon as like, they decided they were gonna be more than platonic, it was pretty quick after. damien’s playful touches turned sensual very quickly
18. how often do they have sex?
pretty often bc damien’s pent up-ness will spill into other aspects (like being ‘horny’ in videos), and shayne just gets a lil irritable / attention seeking
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dracocheesecake · 1 year
(((OOC: Since Fan Tong is mostly a momma's boy and is raised by his mom in the Modern AU, is his dad absent for most of the time. Also, as for Tai Lung and Lord Shen, what're they like in this AU?)))
Yeah his dad is absent at work alot- however, he does make time for his family and always shows up for special occasions, especially for his son's kung fu tournaments and matches. He's always the one filming everything (if it was a show it'd be a running gag that the audience never sees his face- it's always concealed by a phone or camera or something else). He's very shy.
Lord Shen?- I think he'd be a politician as well as a CEO of an arms dealership. He had to start his own business from the ground up after his parents disowned him from their fireworks congolmerate after he participated in some...shady dealings. He runs most of the black market in Gongmen City, and provides gangs with arms and ammo in exchange for their "services". I don't think there was a panda genocide in this AU, but I wouldn't be surprised if a few certain pandas ended up being collateral in some of his projects/dealings.
Tai Lung is Shifu's adopted son, and was also once the best student in Oogway's school. However, after being denied the honors title of Dragon Warrior, Tai Lung fell into a bitter streak that eventually led him to getting into violent fights with other students, performing illegal moves in matches, and finally getting expelled. After that, it was a downward spiral- Tai Lung successfully burned every bridge in his life, and began participating in street-fighting and gang violence. He became a sort of jailbird, going in and out of prison for awhile until a confrontation with Po caused him to see the light and slowly, painfully, and steadily seek redemption...starting with repairing his broken relationship with his adopted father. Currently he works in Mr. Ping's noodle shop (and can occasionally be seen with a certain ribbon dancing panda on his arm 👀).
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cyberneticatoms · 2 months
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no way is that NEPTUNE JONES..they’re a 36-year-old SYNTH notoriously known for being CODEPENDENT & DISTURBED but there are some people who have seen them being FAMILY-ORIENTED & OPEN-MINDED. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of clothing speckled in paint stains, metallic fence under your fingers, and blasting music late at night, but that could just be because they’re considered the TECHNICAL PACIFIST around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
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NAME: Neptune Lane Jones NICKNAMES: Po, Poseidon, Broseidon DATE OF BIRTH: October 14th (36) HEIGHT: 5'11 AFFILIATION: Citizen Uprising OCCUPATION: Private Investigator at Jones and Jones Investigations FACECLAIM: Max Thieriot
TW: death, murder, kidnapping, mental manipulation, abuse
❖ Neptune's parents were murdered when he was around 8 years old, after which the murdered kidnapped him. During which he was constantly reprogrammed to love his captor. There are blanks in his memory due to this, and at the time frequent parts of his body would become dead weight due to his captors lack of skills. ❖ Eventually he was rescued by police one of which adopted him. He was in therapy to work out what memories were false and which were real, due to this he still struggles with dissociating. While they were able to repair much of the damage done to his physical body, he still needs frequent check ups as his nerves occasionally shut down. Not enough to make his limbs go dead like they had, but where he stops feeling touch all together, regardless of it's pain or pleasure. ❖ He later bonded with a runaway named Clara, who eventually was also adopted by his parents. Her becoming his older sister and helping him through his therapy. ❖ Later he joined the NAVY when he was unsure what else to do for work and wanting to make his parents proud. He eventually became a NAVY seal. ❖ Once when coming home to his apartment, he found a 15 year old Karma hiding out. After letting her spend the night, he brought her home to his parents, the family fully adopting her not long after. ❖ Neptune is incredibly protective of both his sisters, idolizing Clara and seeing Karma is his person. Which is why once he finished his service he joined the investigation agency wanting to support his older sister.
• Actively dislikes going to the doctor and strangers touching him, however he's very affectionate with people he considers to be his people. • Currently has two tattoos, one on his left arm of a chameleon in multiple colors when Karma couldn't pick one. On his right arm is an arrow that tapers off into flames for his other sister Clara.
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airservsouthernmaine · 4 months
Aire Serv Southern Maine - Your Trusted partner for all HVAC needs! Emergency HVAC Services in Portland, ME Aire Serv of Southern Maine is a trusted heating and air conditioning company offering expert installation, maintenance, and repair services for HVAC systems. Committed to exceptional customer service, we uphold the Neighborly Done Right Promise™, ensuring satisfaction with every job. Locally owned and operated, we take pride in earning the trust of the community through reliable and professional service.
Aire Serv of Southern Maine PO Box 254 Hollis, Me. 04042 (207) 391-4135 https://www.aireserv.com/southern-maine
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ceresfromnationstates · 9 months
Are you fucking kidding me.
I do not want to leak information, but due to the current circumstances messing with my head, I feel like I need to get it out there.
I've been working on a piece of fanart, this has been going on for probably 3-4 days now. I will not go into the specifics, because I want to keep most of it a secret in order to maintain the element of surprise. The art in question was a bit important, which is why when my heap of dogshit Personal Computer began acting up, I understandably became more pissed. It began yesterday, where my PoS PC would randomly freeze without any apparent reason, and it needs to be force restarted, it got to the point where I need to leave it be for some time which leads me to today. Tonight, my shit PC decided to pull the worst thing on me, a system service exception BSOD, after I restarted when it froze in the middle of me working on my fanart.
Now, I have no way of knowing if my PoS and the file where I was working in is fucked beyond repair, but all I know is that I will have to put a halt on my progress with the aforementioned fanart because my PoS PC decided to take a massive shit right as I was nearing the closing stages of finishing the artpiece.
Originally, I was gonna post the finished product later tonight, but because that shit-soaked pile of scrap metal junk which I call my Personal Computer had an aneurysm, a.k.a.: crashed and fucking died, I have nothing else to do other than launch into a monologue through written text to blow off steam and clear my mind.
As if life itself hasn't given me enough lemons already.
Fuck my sorry excuse of aPersonal Computer.
My sister's beat-up laptop is better than my piece of shit Personal Computer.
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mariacallous · 2 years
As the United States was watching the skies in the aftermath of the spy balloon incident, China may have been acting at sea. In early February, maritime vessels disabled the two undersea cables connecting Taiwan’s Matsu Islands, a tiny archipelago just 10 nautical miles off China’s coast, to the internet. Now residents of the islands face highly reduced internet connectivity until the cables are repaired. The activity looks like targeted harassment by Beijing—or an exercise in preparation for cutting off the whole of Taiwan.
On Feb. 2, a Chinese fishing vessel sailing close to the Matsu Islands severed one of the two cables, which connect the islands with Taiwan proper. Then, six days later, a Chinese freighter cut the second cable. Speaking shortly after the second cable was cut, Wong Po-tsung, the vice chair of Taiwan’s National Communications Commission, told reporters that there was no indication the incidents were intentional. It’s not uncommon for undersea cables to be damaged—but losing two in a row is either really unfortunate or quite possibly not a coincidence. Either way, Matsu Islands residents are now left with only rudimentary internet access: The islands’ commercial telecommunications provider, Chunghwa Telecom (CHT), has set up free, round-the-clock Wi-Fi in its stores on the islands and launched a backup microwave system for phone calls and state communications.
The Matsu Islands’ 12,700 or so residents will have to live without the cables for many more weeks; a repair vessel will arrive on April 20 at the earliest, and the repairs will require further time. The residents have experience living with damaged undersea cables. CHT reports that the cables were damaged five times in 2021 and four times last year, though nowhere near as badly as this time. During such periods of impaired internet connectivity, “it would take more than 10 minutes to send a text message, and sending a picture would take even longer,” Lii Wen, the Matsu Islands head of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), told the Taipei Times, adding that “the booking system in hostels and logistics services cannot function normally either, let alone viewing content and films on social media.”
With both cables down, even moderately slowed-down internet immobilizes daily life. Beijing is watching to see how island residents get on with this impediment to their existence—and to see how they manage to communicate with Taiwan proper. It’s also keeping close military watch of what it considers a renegade region. Taiwan’s offshore islands have always been its Achilles’s heel; in 1958, China shelled the Matsu Islands and the neighboring island of Kinmen. Last summer, the People’s Liberation Army Navy conducted large exercises near the island, purportedly in response to then-U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, though their large and well-executed nature suggested they had been planned long in advance.
Indeed, it’s striking how often Chinese vessels have damaged the undersea cables connecting islands in recent years. It’s especially striking because it’s no mystery where the world’s 380 undersea cables are located. On the contrary, there are maps detailing their location to ensure that fishing vessels don’t accidentally harm them while dragging their nets. By and large, this works: The International Cable Protection Committee reports that each year there are between 100 and 200 cases of damage to the cables and only 50-100 of those incidents involve fishing vessels; the rest are the result of construction and other activity. The incidents involving damage to the cables connecting the Matsu Islands are, in other words, disproportionately frequent.
What’s more, to date they have primarily involved the Chinese excavators that park themselves off the islands and dig up sand (which I wrote about for Foreign Policy last year). Given that undersea cables have a diameter of 17-21 millimeters (roughly the size of a garden hose), it would require an unbelievable amount of bad luck to accidentally damage them as often as Chinese vessels do—let alone to take out two in a row.
Chinese excavators parking themselves in Taiwanese waters and taking Taiwanese sand are classic gray-zone aggression: It’s not a military attack, but it’s also not nothing. Indeed, every time they appear, Taiwanese coast guard vessels have to travel to the site and instruct the vessels to leave (though they can’t be sure the uninvited visitors will do so in an expeditious manner). Every time, the diggers harm the maritime wildlife and the seabed. And because they often harm the undersea cables in the process, they harm the Matsu Islands’ ability to function and to communicate with Taiwan proper and the wider world.
Given that the undersea cables’ locations are known, this frequent and now jacked-up harm to the Matsu Islands doesn’t look like accidental damage—it looks like harassment of Taiwan. After the most recent incident, the DPP accused China of deliberately damaging the cables given how often they’re broken. The incidents could even be an exercise in preparation for a communications cutoff of Taiwan proper. Fifteen undersea cables connect the main island with global telecommunications.
CHT plans to, at least partly, ensure the Matsu Islands’ connectivity by laying another cable, and this time it will be buried underneath the seabed. The cable will, however, only be in place in 2025. In the meantime, CHT has to pay for the backup internet system, and it’s also waiving island residents’ internet fees. When the repair ship arrives, fixing the two cables will cost CHT between $660,000 and $1.3 million.
Causing such costs is also part of gray-zone aggression. If a company suffers losses as a result of geopolitical aggression, its insurer may not cover it: Russia’s devastating NotPetya cyberattack resulted in massive lawsuits between multinationals and their insurers. While CHT’s conversations with its underwriter are naturally confidential, the two will have to agree on whether the severing of the cables was accidental damage or an act of harm initiated by another government to weaken Taiwan. Either way, CHT or its insurer has to pay for repeated damage that goes far beyond what’s typical for undersea cables. What happens if CHT backs out of providing connectivity to the Matsu Islands on the grounds that constant cable repairs are making it too difficult and expensive? As I’ve outlined in other pieces and this report, geopolitical confrontation risks making parts of global business uninsurable.
And there’s another problem facing CHT, Taiwan, and indeed every country: the shortage of cable ships. The reason CHT has to wait until the end of April, or later, for repairs to begin is that there are only 60 cable vessels around. (Take a look at them here.) It’s a good thing that these scruffy-looking ships exist; indeed, without them the internet would not operate. But not only are the cable ships few in number—they’re also getting on in years. As Dan Swinhoe reports for DCD Magazine, no new cable ships were delivered between 2004 and 2010, and only five ships were delivered between 2011 and 2020. “Only eight of those 60 ships are younger than 18, with most between 20 and 30 years old. 19 are over 30 years old, and one is over 50,” Swinhoe notes. Like the world’s undersea cables, the cable ships are privately owned—and the market, as of yet, seems to have no interest in improving things. This might be a chance for governments—especially the world’s predominant naval powers, such as the United States—to step in. Alternatively, cable operators, which include not just telecommunications firms but tech giants like Google, too, might want to buy their own cable ships.
In the future, more submarine cables will be placed underneath the seabed to make them less exposed to damage—but that, too, depends on the 60 cable ships being available. If Chinese fishing and cargo vessels want to accidentally damage or sever the 15 undersea cables connecting Taiwan to the rest of the world, the near future thus offers enticing prospects. Indeed, given the world’s dependence on the cables and the few ships that can service them, the near future offers tempting prospects for any country ready to create a few more “accidents” at sea.
Cable sabotage could become our era’s blockade—and unlike past generations’ blockades, it can be conducted on the sly. No wonder other telecom operators are studying CHT’s backup operations, because they, too, could be forced to deploy such measures, in Taiwan and beyond. And let’s hope many countries study Taiwan’s response. Responding to a devastating but invisible blockade could become one of the thorniest diplomatic challenges facing Western governments.
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earaercircular · 1 year
The Recyclerie sportive in Lyon is in great shape
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In the Duchère district, it is a booming business that is developing in premises of 300 m² dedicated to the repair and sale of sporting goods to raise awareness of zero waste sport.
La Recyclerie sportive[1], a national association for the collection, recycling, reuse and resale of second-hand sports equipment, has nine branches in the country. The one in Lyon opened in August 2021 on Avenue du Plateau, the shopping street of the Duchère district[2]. For Alexandra Pinto, manager and creator of this boutique-workshop-activity space, the establishment in the heart of this popular eco-district well equipped with sports equipment was “meaningful and obvious”. Among the main objectives of La Recyclerie is the promotion of sport for all and of responsible and zero waste sports activities.
Renew, repair, mend
La Recyclerie is primarily a shop selling sports, technical and textile equipment, donated by individuals, companies (unsold items, customer returns, defective items) but also partner sports structures, including the Lou Rugby club and climbing halls. “The material that we recover – four tonnes over the first four months of 2023 – is generally in good condition, thanks to the awareness of our donors and the organisers of collection points: we achieve a reuse rate of 75%, after sorting and possible repair”, says Alexandra Pinto. The selling prices of the products are deliberately very low, accessible to all but subject to an annual subscription of 5 euros.
However, La Recyclerie is much more than just a solidarity shop. It organises sports equipment co-repair workshops in its 300 m² premises, two afternoons a week: for a subscription of 15 to 25 euros (including the support of a technician, the provision of tools and spare parts and access to the shop), individuals can come and change the brakes or adjust the gearing system of their bike, renew the strings of their racket, repair their rollerblades or their scooter, mend their kimono or their torn football shirt… The branch also hosts the distribution of organic baskets from Amap de la Duchère[3], created by residents, as well as yoga classes.
Zero waste sports
Place of life and activities, with 1,150 members who live or work for the majority of them in the district, the Recyclerie employs two employees and two work-study students and benefits from the skills of volunteers. The structure is booming, with a third employee being recruited, particularly in the face of strong demand for outsourced workshops: manufacture of everyday or decorative objects from recovered sports equipment, workshops to learn how to extend the lifespan of its means of mobility, awareness of zero waste and anti-waste sport...
“Much remains to be done, our promotion of a circular economy is far from convincing the majority of Lyonnais,” smiles Alexandra Pinto. She works on a strong link with recycling centres, where too much unused equipment still ends up and calls for a change of mentality, an alternative to buying new: "Second-hand is neither poor quality nor dirty, but a real way to equip yourself!”
François Carrel, A Lyon, la Recyclerie sportive en grande forme, in : Libération, 8-05-2023 ;
[1] https://recyclerie-sportive.org/  Le projet de la Recyclerie Sportive est né en juin 2015 de la rencontre de deux acteurs, respectivement du milieu du sport et de la gestion des déchets. Inscrite dans l’économie circulaire, la Recyclerie Sportive fournit des biens et des services de manière durable, en limitant la consommation et le gaspillage de ressources (matières premières, eau, énergie) ainsi que la production des déchets. Il s’agit de rompre avec le modèle de l’économie linéaire (extraire, fabriquer, consommer, jeter) pour aller vers un modèle économique « circulaire » dans le domaine du sport. L’association a pour but de favoriser l’accès au sport à tous et de prioriser le développement de l’emploi local et l’insertion professionnelle de personnes en difficultés.
Les fondateurs ont repensé les problématiques environnementales du sport afin d’y apporter des solutions : comment chacun peut agir pour réduire son impact sur l’environnement, même dans le domaine du sport ? Comment le sport peut-il faire converger les consciences vers un développement soutenable et respectueux de son environnement ? Parmi toutes les problématiques sociales et environnementales du sport, trois majeures ont été relevées :
– les déchets sportifs
– le « fast sport » et les moyens de transport énergivores
– l’accès au sport pour tous.
[2] La Duchère is an eco-district of Lyon and a concerted development zone of approximately 120 hectares located in the 9th arrondissement. The district of La Duchère, labelled eco-district in 2013 located on the 3rd hill of Lyon in terms of altitude, dominates the Saône by forming the plateau of West Lyonnais. The district is often defined as being the third hill of Lyon, after Fourvière and La Croix-Rousse.
[3] The AMAP, Association for the Maintenance of Peasant Agriculture, are solidarity partnerships between one or more peasants and a group of citizens. https://amap-aura.org/quest-ce-quune-amap/
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advancedsanitation · 11 days
Advanced Sanitation is your trusted partner for septic system cleaning in Ventura County. We understand the importance of maintaining a clean and functional septic system to protect your home and the environment. Our trained technicians provide comprehensive cleaning services, ensuring every component of your system is properly maintained.
Advanced Sanitation PO Box 3445 , Camarillo , CA 93011 (805) 484–3282
Official Website: https://www.advancedsanitation.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=6031477532747183126
Other Service We Provide:
septic installation septic system repair septic tank inspection septic system cleaning
Follow Us On
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdvancedSa59133 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/AdvancedSanitationCA/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Advanced-Sanitation/100063650854445/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/advancedsanitationca/
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aircurrentinc · 12 days
Why Air Conditioning in Orange City and Deland, FL is a Must for Small Businesses 
In Orange City, FL, where the climate can get hot and humid for much of the year, air conditioning (AC) is not just a luxury—it's a necessity for small businesses. Whether one runs a retail shop, restaurant, or office space, a well-functioning air conditioning in Orange City and Deland, FL is essential for maintaining a comfortable and productive environment. Investing in air conditioning provides several benefits, from improving customer experience to enhancing employee productivity and cutting energy costs.
Enhancing Customer Comfort
Customer comfort is one of the most critical reasons for small businesses in Orange City to have air conditioning. Florida's heat can be intense, and walking into a cool, air-conditioned space from the scorching outdoors provides immediate relief. Customers who feel comfortable in the establishment are more likely to stay longer and spend more money. Whether browsing products or waiting for services, a well-cooled space helps create a positive experience.
For retail shops and restaurants, this is particularly important. A hot and uncomfortable environment can drive customers away, and they might seek out competitors who provide a more comfortable setting. By offering a pleasant indoor temperature, the business owner shows that it cares about the well-being of its customers, encouraging repeat visits and fostering brand loyalty.
Boosting Employee Productivity
Air conditioning also plays a significant role in employee productivity. Studies have shown that excessive heat can lead to fatigue, loss of concentration, and reduced efficiency. Workers are more likely to feel sluggish when temperatures rise, negatively impacting their performance.
For small businesses in Orange City, where heat and humidity levels can overwhelm, providing a comfortable indoor climate helps employees remain focused and energized. A properly maintained AC system ensures workers are more comfortable, leading to higher morale, increased productivity, and fewer mistakes. Additionally, comfortable working conditions demonstrate employers value their staff, improving job satisfaction and retention rates.
Protecting Equipment and Products
For businesses that rely on technology or temperature-sensitive products, air conditioning is essential to protect these investments. Overheating can cause electronic equipment, such as computers, servers, and POS systems, to malfunction, leading to downtime and potential revenue loss. A well-maintained AC system helps regulate the indoor temperature, keeping equipment running smoothly and preventing costly repairs or replacements.
Maintaining the right temperature is crucial for preserving perishable goods in businesses like restaurants, grocery stores, or pharmacies. Food, medicines, and other products can spoil without adequate cooling, resulting in wasted inventory and financial losses. Air conditioning helps prevent these issues, ensuring that products remain fresh and safe for consumers.
Energy Savings with Modern AC Systems
Investing in a modern, energy-efficient air conditioning system can help small businesses in Orange City save on energy costs. Today's AC units are designed to cool spaces more efficiently, using less energy while providing optimal performance. Features like programmable thermostats, zoning systems, and energy-saving modes allow business owners to regulate temperature settings more precisely, avoiding unnecessary energy use during off-hours.
Although installing a new AC system may involve upfront costs, the long-term savings on energy bills make it a worthwhile investment. Additionally, energy-efficient systems often qualify for tax incentives and rebates, reducing the overall installation cost.
Creating a Healthier Environment
Air conditioning not only cools the air but also improves indoor air quality by filtering out pollutants, allergens, and dust. In Orange City, where humidity levels are often high, an AC system also helps control moisture, preventing mold growth and improving air circulation. This is particularly important for businesses like gyms, salons, and restaurants, where cleanliness and air quality are crucial for health and safety.
A well-maintained air conditioning system contributes to a cleaner and healthier environment for both employees and customers, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and allergies. ​
For small businesses, air conditioning in Orange City and Deland, FL, is an essential investment beyond simple comfort. It boosts customer satisfaction, improves employee productivity, protects valuable equipment and products, and can even lead to significant energy savings. 
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bizzna-pop · 15 days
Create Memorable Experiences with Bizznapop’s Popcorn Machines for Your Store
In today’s competitive landscape, offering the right snack can set your cafe or retail shop apart from the rest. Freshly made popcorn is the perfect solution—a beloved, irresistible treat that entices customers and keeps them coming back for more. If you want to elevate your business and enhance customer experience, Bizznapop’s premium popcorn machines are exactly what you need.
Why Popcorn is the Perfect Addition to Your Menu
Popcorn is a crowd-pleaser, loved for its versatility and light, satisfying nature. It’s quick to prepare, easy to serve, and can be customized with a variety of flavors to suit all preferences. Whether your customers are grabbing a quick bite with their coffee, enjoying a snack while shopping, or looking for a tasty treat to go, popcorn fits the bill. Best of all, its delicious aroma wafts through your space, drawing people in and tempting them to buy—turning foot traffic into loyal customers.
What Sets Bizznapop’s Popcorn Machines Apart?
Bizznapop’s popcorn machines are designed to meet the specific needs of cafes and retail shops, ensuring you get the most out of your investment. Here’s why our machines are the best choice for your business:
Compact and Space-Efficient: Our machines are designed to fit seamlessly into any setting, from small cafes to large retail spaces, without taking up valuable real estate.
Effortless Operation: You don’t need specialized staff or training to use our machines. With simple controls, you’ll have fresh, hot popcorn ready in minutes, every time.
High Capacity for Peak Hours: Built to handle large volumes, Bizznapop machines ensure you can serve your customers efficiently, even during your busiest hours.
Durable and Long-Lasting: Made from high-quality materials, our machines are designed for daily use, ensuring longevity and minimal maintenance, so you can focus on serving customers rather than repairing equipment.
How Popcorn Can Supercharge Your Sales
Introducing a popcorn machine to your cafe or shop does more than just add a snack option—it can transform your revenue stream. Here’s how:
Attract More Customers: The inviting smell of fresh popcorn is a powerful marketing tool, drawing people into your shop and increasing foot traffic.
Boost Profit Margins: Popcorn is one of the most cost-effective snacks you can offer, with low production costs and high markups, allowing you to offer a profitable, yet affordable, treat.
Build Your Brand with Custom Flavors: Make your popcorn unique by offering signature flavors that reflect your brand. This helps create a memorable experience for customers, increasing repeat business and brand loyalty.
Why Choose Bizznapop?
At Bizznapop, we don’t just supply popcorn machines—we partner with you to grow your business. Our machines come with excellent customer service, ongoing support, and competitive pricing, ensuring you get the best return on your investment. We’ve helped cafes, retail shops, theaters, and businesses nationwide expand their snack offerings and increase their profits.
Get Popping with Bizznapop Today!
When you invest in a Bizznapop popcorn machine, you’re investing in more than just a product—you’re investing in a way to enhance your business. Whether you run a cozy cafe or a bustling retail shop, our popcorn machines will give you a delicious and profitable way to engage with your customers.
Ready to elevate your business with fresh, flavorful popcorn? Contact us today to learn more about our popcorn machines and how they can help boost your sales and delight your customers.
A Bizznapop popcorn machine is more than just a snack addition—it’s a business strategy that drives customer satisfaction, increases foot traffic, and boosts profits. With our easy-to-use, durable machines, you can offer a beloved snack that not only complements your existing products but also strengthens your brand identity.
Invest in Bizznapop’s premium popcorn machines today and start popping your way to greater success!
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rafiislam · 20 days
Best IT Services in Rajshahi
Rajshahi, often called the "Silk City" of Bangladesh, has evolved into a growing hub for information technology (IT). With the rapid advancement in digital infrastructure, IT services in Rajshahi have been playing a pivotal role in shaping the technological landscape of the region. Whether it's for businesses, educational institutions, or individuals seeking tech support, the IT service industry in Rajshahi is thriving, catering to a broad spectrum of needs.
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1. Web Development and Design Services
One of the most sought-after IT services in Rajshahi is web development and design. Companies and freelancers provide professional website creation, maintenance, and customization services. These services cater to a diverse clientele, including small businesses, startups, educational institutions, and e-commerce platforms. From static websites to dynamic content management systems (CMS), local IT firms ensure responsive and visually appealing designs that adhere to the latest trends in UI/UX.
2. Software Development
Another significant IT service in Rajshahi is software development. Local IT firms and freelancers are highly skilled in creating custom software solutions tailored to businesses' specific needs. These range from enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and point-of-sale (POS) systems to bespoke applications for particular industries. With a focus on efficiency and security, these developers ensure robust software solutions that enhance operational productivity.
3. IT Support and Maintenance
IT support and maintenance services in Rajshahi are crucial for businesses that rely on technology for their daily operations. This includes network installation and troubleshooting, hardware repairs, software updates, and cybersecurity services. Companies offering these services ensure that clients’ systems run smoothly, minimizing downtime and addressing any technical issues swiftly.
4. Digital Marketing and SEO
With businesses increasingly shifting towards online platforms, digital marketing and SEO services have gained prominence in Rajshahi. IT service providers offer comprehensive digital marketing strategies that include search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content creation, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. These services help businesses improve their online presence, attract more traffic, and ultimately increase revenue.
5. Training and IT Education
Many IT firms and educational centers in Rajshahi offer specialized training programs to help individuals develop skills in web development, graphic design, programming, and networking. These courses are designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge to excel in the IT industry, further contributing to the city’s growing tech community.
In conclusion, Rajshahi's IT service sector is robust and rapidly expanding. From web and software development to IT support and digital marketing, businesses and individuals have access to a wide range of high-quality services that cater to modern technological demands.
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Point of Sale Houston
 Point of Sale Houston helps businesses conduct transactions with customers; it is commonly used for purchases and payments. A more efficient POS system can also manage inventory, staff e-commerce, marketing, and more. Point of sale system we can use in different fields we can use in restaurants to take reservations, manage tables, and also manage takeout and delivery orders. It is also used in beauty salons that help customers to schedule appointments online with their favorite staff. Any service-based business can use the pos system to manage parts, labor for repairs, supplies, etc.
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