#calgary used laptop
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albertacardiology · 2 years
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Calgary's public and Catholic school boards have revealed new rules banning the use of cellphones, tablets, laptops and smartwatches in classes, aligning with a ministerial order from the province to prevent distractions from learning. The Calgary Board of Education (CBE) unveiled its approach to regulating personal mobile devices on Tuesday. Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD) chief superintendent Bryan Szumlas informed parents of its new rules in an email on Friday. The rules cover use of personal mobile devices as well as devices capable of communicating with them like headphones or Bluetooth speakers. [...] Students in kindergarten to Grade 6 in both school districts will not be allowed to use any personal mobile device while at school, with exceptions made in certain circumstances for health or medical reasons, or specialized learning needs.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @abpoli
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This day in history
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me SATURDAY (Apr 27) in MARIN COUNTY, then Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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#15yrsago EU Parliament passes copyright term extension, rejects proposal to give the addition funds to artists https://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/parliament-buckles-copyright-extension-goes-through-to-council-of-ministers/
#10yrsago How science fiction influences thinking about the future https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/how-americas-leading-science-fiction-authors-are-shaping-your-future-180951169/?no-ist
#10yrsago Obama official responsible for copyright chapters of TPP & ACTA gets a job at MPAA; his replacement is another copyright lobbyist https://www.vox.com/2014/4/22/5636466/hollywood-just-hired-another-white-house-trade-official
#10yrsago Having leisure time is now a marker for poverty, not riches https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2014/04/22/nice-work-if-you-can-get-out
#10yrsago Eternal vigilance app for social networks: treating privacy vulnerabilities like other security risks https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2014/04/21/eternal-vigilance-is-a-solvable-technology-problem-a-proposal-for-streamlined-privacy-alerts/ #10yrsago How the Russian surveillance state works https://web.archive.org/web/20140206154124/http://www.worldpolicy.org/journal/fall2013/Russia-surveillance
#5yrsago Political candidate’s kids use his election flyers to fool his laptop’s facial recognition lock https://twitter.com/mattcarthy/status/1120641557886058496
#5yrsago Fool me twice: New York State commutes Charter’s death sentence after Charter promises to stop breaking its promises https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/04/charter-avoids-getting-kicked-out-of-new-york-agrees-to-new-merger-conditions/
#5yrsago Greta Thunberg attributes her ability to focus on climate change to her Asperger’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKMX8WRw3fc
#5yrsago A Sanders candidacy would make 2020 a referendum on the future, not a referendum on Trump https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/apr/22/bernie-sanders-democrats-trump-2020
#5yrsago EU to create 350m person biometric database for borders, migration and law enforcement https://www.zdnet.com/article/eu-votes-to-create-gigantic-biometrics-database/
#1yrsago A Collective Bargain https://pluralistic.net/2023/04/23/a-collective-bargain/
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thissugarcane · 10 months
Tagged by @tausendsorgen:
"List your 10 favourite albums of all time and tag 10 people to list theirs" - this is like. very hard but also I'm currently listening to the local radio station's 90s at 9[am] and the dude that plays it is basically in my skull 100% of the time, and this list definitely shows it?
Radiohead, Kid A - this was actually the only album that was easy. I call it my "desert island album", aka if I had to listen to only one for the rest of my life.
Beck, Mutations - oh Beck; picking which Beck album is harrrrrd, but I'll stick with Mutations no matter how much I <3 odelay, sexxx laws, and everything in between (and before and after). Who knows, Beck might show up later on in the list too.
Fall Out Boy, **** - I love their live album more than is healthy, even though it's hard to pick an FOB album the same way it's hard to pick a Beck album, because I love almost all of them. But I spent the summer of 2007 (seven? eight? the summer Z and I drove to calgary, right after I saw them Live in the Lot at muchmusic and fell deeply, irrevocably in love; anyway--) listening to this while falling asleep.
Tragically Hip, Trouble at the Henhouse and the Hip, Day for Night - the hip are another of my desert island bands. These are both their albums I listened to most in high school.
Big Shiny Tunes 2 - cheating a little since I haven't listened to it for a while, but everything on this album will always remind me of being seventeen, moving out, being in university, et cetera.
Green Day, Dookie - oh to be in grade seven and discovering (pop) punk all over again. (...don't look at me like that, I was eleven, I also listened to propaghandi and I knew the difference between op ivy and rancid. okay. that might've come a bit later.)
Counting Crows, August and Everything After - this is an album I was young enough to sit down, listen to on tape on repeat over and over and over again, and type out what I thought the lyrics were on a toshiba brick laptop with no hard drive in it. I haven't listened to it in a while but yes.
Cobra Starship, Hot Mess - I think I hesitated on this one because it seemed too pop, but really, I saw so many all ages shows just to watch Gabe Saporta bust this out on stage, and the angry joy in it still gets me.
Third Eye Blind, Third Eye Blind - this one also reminds me of being very depressed in high school, but not in a bad way.
I had a whole list of runners up, because the last two on this list i'm not sure about (it's easier to do desert island bands than albums, for me), but still.
Tagging anyone else who feels like it and isn't consumed by that spotify meme (which I don't do because I don't use spotify).
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calpicowater · 2 years
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Week 3.6/52: January 16th - January 22nd 2023 | Chinese New Year 🧧
Last day at home/of rest before I head off to Calgary again for the 5th time in the past 14 months LMAO; YYC is really my 2nd home now. Gonna be on semi-hiatus until early/mid Feb because I am not bringing my laptop with me (as usual)... Because I am away during actual CNY in two days, I went to eat with my parents as an early celebration. Went to eat Sichuan food at 半步仙小酒館 and they had super bad service lol. We just wanted an extra bag for our takeout container because our old bag was leaking out sauce and the woman refused to give us another one and implied that we are stupid... :| so mean........ really terrible attitude!!!! And she made us feel like shit. It’s just a bag bro... and this was at the end of the meal after all of their passive aggressiveness the entire meal and how annoyed they visibly were every time we asked them for anything. I don’t like places with people like this :-( I have never had such bad service like this it’s actually kind of shocking WTF no one would want to return under these circumstances. Kind of ruined the day tbh. Food was pretty good though but not quite 10/10. Couldn’t stop eating because the dishes were so 下饭 and then suddenly I was super full. Spicy fish, 毛血旺, cabbage rice noodles, 牛蛙, & 锅包肉.... nice. Good meal but bad place! >_< 
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 2 months
The Alpha's Beta - Chapter 17 - Part 2
BOOK ONE: The Alpha's Trilogy
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*Warning Adult Content*
The Pack Holding Cells - Part 2
Beta Darren Phoenix
After my chat with Simon Claymore, I got up and went to the clearing, to warm up and trained with everybody.
We did a run, hand to hand combat, mind over body exercises, Ellis had shown the group a new fighting technique they would use in there human form, for if they didn't have time to change and then we went for our last run around Lake Marshall.   
"Good job man... but I gotta ask... where's Alpha Silas?" Ellis asked, coming up behind me and patting me on the back.
He left his hand on my neck for few seconds, before moving it back to his side.  
I just shrugged, not really knowing or caring where the Alpha was.
He could be out 'releasing his stress' by fucking someone else for all I cared.
Though I knew he wasn't because I would feel the bond being torn.   
It was almost funny, when he had sex with Lucca, I would feel the strain but it didn't feel like it was damaged.
It made sense now that I know he didn't know I was his mate.
So I could only imagine the pain I would feel, if he willingly slept with someone else.  
I made my way to the I.T. room I had that gut feeling again, that one the churned my stomach, like a child's nerves at a Christmas concert.
I took a deep breath to try and rid the feelings and after a few minutes, it finally subsided and I made my way inside the room.
Everything was as it was left yesterday.
My desk chair was pulled out, Silas' chair was beside mine.
My computer was turned off and Quinton and Darcy looked as if they haven't moved an inch, as well.   
"Anything on Silas' cell-phone Quinton?" I asked, as I sat down in my chair and turned my computer on.   
"Nothing really. I tracked the number to a disposable phone that was activated in New York but it was activated two months ago. The text went through eighteen different systems but I can't seem to find what one the text first stemmed from. The closest signal from here was about three towns over. I told Simon about it this morning. He talked to Ellis and they're sending someone up there, now."   
"Why wasn't I told about this?" I asked, getting a little frustrated, at the fact no one bothered to say anything to me.   
"Silas came in at about three. I told him everything and then he talked to Ellis and then with Simon. I though Alpha would pass it on to you as well."   
I roll my eyes and started typing into my computer.
I was able to get most of the pack files onto it, so I wouldn't have to worry about losing papers.
I also have everything backed up on my computer in my office.
Plus on three USB's that I have in three different spots.
That was a tip from Simon.   
After half an hour of going through email's, the office door swung open and none-other then Silas, came in.
He doesn't even spare me a glance.
He just walks straight over to Darcy.   
"Anything on Lucca Miethke's family ties yet?" he asks crossing his arms over his chest.
The air around him in thick and would make any normal person run the other way from him.
Darcy nods her head and opens something on her computer.  
"So," she starts off.
"Lucca Miethke is a fourth generation American from Ohio state. His family is originally from Canada and Russia. His Mother, Polina was an immigrant from Russia but she had no living relatives. Her and his father Thomas had Lucca and Alistair. Lucca was the only survivor of a raid, besides an Omega named Snow. He was taken in by a pack up North."
"Thomas Miethke has step-sister, Emily. Who lives in Alberta with her mate and two kids but she's been low on the raider. She even lives in Calgary, which is weird since most werewolves prefer Jasper or Banff," Darcy went on to say Lucca had no known contact with his Aunt, they had hacked into his computer and saw no messages between the two.
"The only thing Lucca really did on his laptop was play Face-book games."   
I looked over to Silas.
He looked tired, his skin was pale and his hair was flat on his head, like it had no life to it.
His eyes skimmed over the words on Darcy's laptop, he just nodded his head along with what was being said.
His normally relaxed shoulders were tense and ridged.
He looked worse then he did yesterday.  
I rolled my eyes and looked back at the computer.
If he thought coming in here and making me feel guilty was going to work, he was wrong.
I wasn't some school-girl that couldn't handle the silent treatment.   
I looked around my desk and let out a groan.
"I left a file in my office. I'll be right back," and with that I left and went up to the office.
Opening my office door, I was greeted to my polished oak desk but it was what was behind the desk that made my fingers curl into a fist.   
Behind my desk sat a young boy, with medium length brown hair pulled back into a pony tail and olive skin, no more then twelve, he was digging through my desk drawer like he owned it.
He hadn't noticed me standing in the doorway and what got me was I couldn't get a scent off him.   
I cleared my throat and watched as he nearly touched the roof with his head.
His blue eyes stared widely at me.
I could see his nerves, shaking in his hands.
'Like a deer caught in the headlights.'
"Now, I'm going to ask you nicely. What are you doing?"   
The boy shook his head.
Then looked around franticly, looking for what I could only assume was a way out.
I took a step towards him as I took my cell-phone out of my pocket.
I texted Silas a quick '911' before putting it back in my pocket and looked at the boy.   
"Alright, lets try this again."
I stepped closer and he pressed himself to the wall behind him.
"How many people, are in this building, that shouldn't be right now?"   
The boy held up one shaky finger then pointed towards himself and that was the last thing he did before his eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped forwards, into my arms.
I lifted up the boy so he was laying over both my arms.
Like a bride who had to many shots at her wedding and turned around, just in time to see Silas and Quinton run into the door way.
They both had wide eyes, Silas looked like he was ready to rip someone's limbs apart.  
"Who the hell is that?"   
"Oh you know just some kid I took in... fed... let break into my office and steal my stuff. You know, the regular stuff," I said with a shrug.
Apparently Silas doesn't know how to take sarcasm as he glares at me.
"I just found him going through my desk drawers. The kid just passed out on me. He can't be very old. I don't know who's crazy enough to send him in here alone, when we're all here..."
"I'll call Ellis have him set up a team to check the building and surrounding. Quinton go back and check the security cameras. I'll do a sweep of all the offices. Take him to the infirmary."
I huffed and pushed past the two in the door, bumping my should with the Alpha's on my way out.   
I let it slide that he didn't have someone else take the kid.
Like my senses we're as good as his.
'His panties were in a knot and I was being mature and letting him have his moment.'   
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sophialilystuff · 2 months
Reliable MacBook Battery Replacement Services in Calgary
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When your MacBook's battery starts to show signs of wear and tear, it can significantly affect your device's performance and usability. If you're experiencing issues with your MacBook battery, it's essential to get it replaced by a professional. For those in Calgary, Apple Expert offers reliable and efficient MacBook battery replacement services to ensure your laptop runs smoothly and efficiently.
Signs Your MacBook Battery Needs Replacement
Knowing when to replace your MacBook battery can prevent further issues and extend the lifespan of your device. Here are some common signs that indicate your battery might need replacing:
Short Battery Life: If your MacBook's battery drains quickly, even with minimal use, it's a clear sign that the battery is deteriorating.
Unexpected Shutdowns: Frequent and unexpected shutdowns, especially when the battery is not fully depleted, indicate a failing battery.
Overheating: A battery that overheats during normal use or while charging can be a sign of a damaged or old battery.
Battery Swelling: Physical swelling of the battery, which can cause the trackpad or keyboard to lift, is a severe issue that needs immediate attention.
Slow Charging: If your MacBook takes longer than usual to charge or doesn't charge to 100%, the battery may be nearing the end of its life.
Benefits of Professional Battery Replacement
Choosing a professional service like Apple Expert for your MacBook battery replacement offers several advantages:
Quality Parts: Apple Expert uses high-quality, genuine batteries to ensure optimal performance and safety.
Expert Technicians: Skilled technicians with experience in handling MacBook repairs ensure the replacement is done correctly.
Warranty: Professional services often come with a warranty, providing peace of mind for any future issues.
Safety: Professional replacement minimizes the risk of damaging other components of your MacBook during the battery replacement process.
Quick Turnaround: Apple Expert offers efficient services with a quick turnaround, so you can get back to using your MacBook without significant downtime.
The Battery Replacement Process at Apple Expert
Diagnostic Check: Before replacing the battery, a thorough diagnostic check is performed to confirm that the battery is the root cause of the issues.
Transparent Quoting: After the diagnostic check, you'll receive a transparent quote for the battery replacement service, including all costs.
Battery Replacement: Once you approve the quote, the technicians will proceed with the battery replacement, using specialized tools and techniques to ensure a precise fit.
Quality Assurance: After replacing the battery, a quality assurance check is performed to ensure everything is working correctly. Your MacBook will be tested for battery performance and overall functionality.
Customer Satisfaction: Apple Expert prioritizes customer satisfaction. They ensure that you are happy with the service and that your MacBook is performing at its best before you leave.
Tips to Extend Your MacBook Battery Life
While replacing your MacBook battery can restore its performance, adopting some good habits can help extend the life of your new battery:
Optimize Settings: Adjust your MacBook's settings to optimize battery life, such as reducing screen brightness and turning off unused features.
Regularly Update Software: Keep your macOS and applications up to date to benefit from the latest power management improvements.
Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Keep your MacBook away from extreme heat or cold, as these conditions can degrade the battery over time.
Calibrate the Battery: Occasionally calibrate your battery by fully charging and then fully discharging it to maintain accurate battery readings.
Use Original Chargers: Always use original or certified chargers to ensure safe and efficient charging.
A failing MacBook battery can disrupt your productivity and overall user experience. Replacing the battery with the help of professional services like Apple Expert ensures that your MacBook runs efficiently and reliably. With high-quality parts, skilled technicians, and excellent customer service, Apple Expert provides the best solution for your MacBook battery replacement needs.
For reliable and professional MacBook battery replacement services in Calgary, visit Apple Expert. Trust them to restore your MacBook's battery life and performance, giving you the best possible user experience.
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amptoverelectric · 8 months
Is it worth upgrading electrical panels?
Shedding Light on Electrical Panel Upgrades: A Bright Idea?
Shedding Light on Electrical Panel Upgrades: A Bright Idea?
Hello there, dynamic readers! Today, we're flipping the switch on your knowledge and brightening up the conversation around electrical panels. Have you ever pondered, "Is it worth upgrading electrical panels?" Well, prepare to be enlightened as we delve deeper into this charged topic.
First off, it's no shocker that the beating heart of your home's electrical system is the panel. As the times change and our reliance on electronic gadgets intensifies, an outdated electrical panel might just pull the plug on your modern living. Good thing Ampt Over Electric always keeps up to date; we're the pros when it comes to keeping your lights bright and devices juiced up.
Let's get down to business. The need to upgrade not only hinges on the age of your panel but also on safety and efficiency. Think of it as a VIP upgrade for your home. Keeping up with the high demands for energy today, especially when you consider fancy new additions like hot tub electrical installations or eco-friendly EV charger installations, is no small feat!
Now, we're not just throwing the switch willy-nilly. Our team at Ampt Over Electric takes a detail-focused approach. We ensure you have enough amps to run your microwave, laptop, and even your new Tesla, without a flicker of worry. Plus, our expertise in aluminum wiring replacement and understanding of all things voltage makes us the go-to residential electricians in Calgary.
At the end of the day, your home's safety and comfort depends on a robust electrical foundation. So, is upgrading your electrical panel worth it? Ohm my, yes! Not only does it future-proof your abode, but also keeps the current flowing safely where it should. Don't wait for your outdated panel to give you the short end of the stick. Take charge and ensure your peace of mind by connecting with a team that sparks confidence.
Ready for an upgrade or need a quick consult? It's time to call us or request a quote. Our circuit of professionals is always here to provide high-voltage service without the shocking prices!
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korvaine · 1 year
sometimes I think about when I moved to Vancouver for an attempted year at school (did not happen) and I decided to get up for mtg midnight pre-release at the LGS in town while visiting my now-husband. I got like, a 3 hour nap in before pre-release, had to get to the Calgary airport for 10am, and damn airport security pulled me for a "random search"
poor lady didn't know what she was in for, because I had.. so many electronics.. I pulled out a whole-ass xbox, my laptop, tablet, and ipad out of my backpack and HER FACE made my day.
got to Van, rescued by a friend who was already there, she got me settled, I did NOT sleep. got so anxious I messaged an art moot who I knew was in Van, she DROVE 30 MINUTES to come and get me and take me for shaved ice and she also got us this really good wobbly sponge cake (I dont remember its name but I have a picture of it), then she drove me home and I was so loopy after being awake for 36 hours but god.
that's such a good memory for how hellish that time of my life was
anyway here's the cake that I will never forget:
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aryan-skytrust · 1 year
Canadian digital marketing agency – An easy way to prosper
Canadian digital marketing agency – An easy way to prosper
Digital marketing is an umbrella term comprised of many different channels that can convert prospective customers into successful leads. Unlike traditional marketing, every social media marketing agency allows two-way communication between the business and its real-time or prospective customers. It is an ever-changing and dynamic process.
In simple terms, digital marketing is any kind of marketing conducted through a computer, laptop, phone or any such internet-friendly electronic device. Unlike traditional marketing, every social media marketing agency allows two-way communication between the business and its real-time or prospective customers. It is an ever-changing and dynamic process.
From startups to well-built businesses, a profitable outcome of social media strategies is evident in the multifaceted approach of the digital marketing company. Toronto businesses have experienced a good hike in career opportunities as a result of the spread of digital marketing.
Success Rate of Canadian Digital Marketing Agency
Digital advertising uses various formats like search, banner, classifieds, video, etc., to deliver marketing messages. Ad spending on the digital advertising market in Canada is US$4.3 billion in 2022.
91 per cent of digital advertising revenue is estimated to be generated through programmatic advertising in 2027. A great success for every digital marketing agency. Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver and other cities in Canada have witnessed a huge upliftment in their digital marketing and advertising industry.   
Social media advertising revenue is generated through various social networks like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Whether ads will appear as sponsored posts within organic content or along the newsfeed is a decision taken by the performing social media marketing agency. Toronto companies are on the verge of having the taste of success.  
How to Conduct Digital Marketing Practices?
If your Google searches are filled with the best digital marketing agency near me, then you have finally landed on the best page. Digital marketing is an umbrella term comprised of many different channels that can convert prospective customers into successful leads. Calgary digital marketing agency has listed out some of them.  
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Toronto SEO agency and every other local SEO company in Canada ensure to increase online traffic by improving the website ranking on SERP.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – It is a form of online advertising that increases website visibility on search engines through paid advertising. It functions along with SEO.       
Social Media Marketing (SMM) – SMM involves the usage of various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. to promote services or products. Currently, influencer marketing has become a prevalent form of social media marketing.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) – PPC management comprises Google ads services, where the advertiser only pays for the ads when a person clicks on them. It is one of the popular forms used by every digital marketing agency. Vancouver businesses have experienced a good hike in marketing statistics after the usage of such advertising tactics.
Content Marketing – It is all about the accurate and engaging distribution of blogs, audio or video materials to customers online.  
Email Marketing – No matter how the technology evolves, marketing through promotional, branded emails or newsletters will always be one of the popular choices for every digital marketing agency. Montreal, Toronto and other cities in Canada still consider this method ahead of all other channels.
Online Reputation Management (ORM) for Social Media
As the name says, it means managing a person, company or brand’s identity and reputation on online platforms. To ensure proper brand representation and a great impression, especially among potential customers, it is necessary to consider online reputation management. Profile defenders like SkyTrust consider ORM a broader term covering multiple channels combined to form the PESO model. PESO stands for Paid Media, Earned Media, Shared Media and Owned Media. Let’s have a detailed look at the PESO model.
Paid Media – It is one of the straightforward aspects of ORM that allows having full control over every placement. Paid media content requires payment to feature the brand, services, website, etc. on various channels like sponsored posts, Google ads, influencer promotions and social media ads.
Earned Media – Earned media is one of the important models for any firm dealing in online reputation management. Toronto businesses have successfully embraced their external brand coverage for free, through press releases, blogs, forums, external articles and third-party listings like Glassdoor, Trustpilot, etc.
Shared Media – Your social media accounts act like online identity cards for your business. Any negative feedback or low star rating can affect the reputation of your business. It is important to keep constant track of all these accounts and efficiently take action on any negative comments.
Owned Media – It relates to the things that are under your control like your website, blogs, etc. Improving the ranking, credibility and perception of these pages is the primary aim of every digital marketing company. Vancouver businesses have given utmost importance to this model and are successful in their strategies.
Why ORM is Necessary?
A reputation mismatch is never a technology glitch, it is always a human problem, as Google algorithms only show us the output as per our inputs. For effective outputs, it is necessary to put in worthy inputs. Below are some of the reasons that highlight the importance of reputation management for every business.
Online Word-of-mouth – Around 85% of consumers rely on online reviews as personal recommendations. It’s good to have positive ones, but not managing negative reviews can act as a big bombshell.
Internet Keeps Everything – Whether positive or negative, everything said online remains online. You can delete a negative review, but not the mindset. Through a proper response and efficient reputation management, you can turn an unhappy customer into a loyal fan.
Affects the Buying Decisions – Around 81% of buyers do online research before making any online purchase. Having a positive reputation enhances your sales but a negative one has to be tackled through the right profile defenders. Online reputation management is one of the most important keys to changing the buyer’s decision in the business’s favor. 
Why Hire an SEO Agency in Canada?
Increasing the online visibility of your business in searches organically is the goal of every SEO company. Toronto, Calgary and other such Canadian cities have witnessed a huge profits through SEO services. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a prominent branch of digital marketing that helps businesses achieve better online visibility, traffic, successful leads and maximum conversions, which result in higher returns on investments. 
SEO involves a combination of multiple sub-services like mobile SEO, content SEO, local SEO, technical SEO, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, etc. and only a great SEO agency like SkyTrust knows how to incorporate all of these factors in your website to make it rank higher than the competitors.
Many times Toronto business owners consider doing SEO by themselves, but it might not result in absolute professionalism and the required results. To have the best, opt for Toronto SEO service providers to help direct the right kind of traffic to your business and result in better conversion potential. Below are the major reasons why hiring an SEO-providing digital marketing company in Toronto is a better option.
Time Management – Every minute counts and if any is wasted, it’s hard to be recovered. The SEO-specialized agency knows the required time management to reap profitable outputs.
Core Technical Analysis – Effective SEO requires core knowledge of the related skills and techniques, which might be unfamiliar to you as a non-professional SEO company. Calgary SEO companies are highly skilled in computer programming, content marketing, analytics, decision-making, etc. 
Accurate SEO Marketing Business – Performing SEO by yourself might get your business the required online visibility, but is that getting you leads or conversions? Letting your business be visible to the right audience is the task of a professional SEO agency. Montreal businesses have been experiencing greater profits with the right SEO tactics.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) in Digital Advertising
Every Vancouver digital marketing agency considers PPC as an important brand of online advertising where advertisers have to pay each time a user clicks on their ad. The Pay-per-click model is based on keywords. To attain relevant online ads in search engines, the advertiser must ensure the usage of the right keywords for its products or services. Relevant keywords can result in higher clicks and eventually greater profits.
To attain a profitable result for both advertiser and publisher, it is recommended to get in touch with a good PPC marketing agency. Burgess Hill businesses have been collecting higher profits with this advertising model. The PPC marketing model can be further categorized into two sub-parts namely –
Flat-rate Model – Here the fee paid by the advertiser to the publisher is fixed. Publishers have a list of different PPC rates that apply to different areas of the website. Mostly the rates are non-negotiable but can be modified if the advertiser offers long-term contracts.
Bid-based Model – Here the advertiser bids for the amount of money they are willing to pay for every ad. The publisher undertakes the auction using automated tools and it is run whenever any visitor clicks the ad.
Advantages of Hiring Toronto PPC Agency
PPC is a broader term that also covers the solutions provided by every Google ads agency. Toronto businesses have been experiencing a hike in their business solutions with the right usage of PPC advertising services. Below are some of the major benefits they have grabbed with it.
Unlike other advertising models, here you only get to pay for the visits you receive.
To have complete information about the number of clicks, impressions, conversions, etc. it’s recommended to hire a PPC agency. Toronto companies have been doing it and have witnessed positive outcomes.
Only the targeted audience can see the ad, therefore it yields a better reach and higher ROI.
You have the flexibility to control the time and location of your ad.
You can control your per-day expenditure as per your total budget spends.
PPC allows better optimization possibilities by creating several variations and comparing them to see which one works the best.
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The Alberta government and the City of Calgary are joining the federal government in banning TikTok on all government-issued mobile devices, a spokesperson confirmed to QR Calgary on Wednesday.
“As part of our commitment to ensuring the integrity of all government IT devices, we have conducted a risk assessment of TikTok and have decided to remove and ban the application from all government devices,” said Melissa Crane, Alberta’s press secretary for technology and innovation.
“This will include all desktops, laptops, and mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.”
There have been no reported incidents of spying or information breaches resulting from the use of TikTok and the Alberta government is banning the app as a “proactive step” to safeguard its network security, Crane added. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @abpoli
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This day in history
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Today (Apr 30) at 2PM, I’ll be at the San Francisco Public Library with my new book, Red Team Blues, hosted by Annalee Newitz.
Tuesday (May 2) I’ll be in Portland at the Cedar Hills Powell’s with Andy Baio.
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#15yrsago HOWTO keep your laptop from being searched at the border (it’s hard) https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/05/protecting-yourself-suspicionless-searches-while-t
#15yrsago EFF and security experts to Congress: We need hearings on Customs laptop seizures and snooping https://www.eff.org/press/archives/2008/05/01
#10yrsago Mozilla to FinSpy: stop disguising your “lawful interception” spyware as Firefox https://www.wired.com/2013/04/finfisher-firefox/
#10yrsago EFF challenges bogus 3D printing patents https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/04/eff-partners-challenge
#5yrsago Hope Larson’s “All Summer Long,” lively YA graphic novel about tween friendships, rock and roll, and being yourself https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/01/hope-larsons-all-summer-long-lively-ya-graphic-novel-about-tween-friendships-rock-and-roll-and-being-yourself/
#5yrsago Speaking in my professional capacity as a dystopian science fiction writer… https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/01/speaking-in-my-professional-capacity-as-a-dystopian-science-fiction-writer/
#5yrsago It’s back! British Conservative politicians’ habitual “go ahead, kick me in the balls, I can take it” pose https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/apr/30/sajid-javid-tory-power-stance
#5yrsago McDonald’s workers across the UK are striking https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/may/01/mcstrike-mcdonalds-workers-walk-out-over-zero-hours-contracts
#5yrsago George Mason economics department admits it sold hiring control to anonymous, super-rich donors https://crookedtimber.org/2018/05/01/the-public-choice-of-public-choice/
#5yrsago Thousands of prominent AI researchers tell Nature they won’t have anything to do with its new paywalled journal https://openaccess.engineering.oregonstate.edu
#5yrsago Parliament to Zuck: show up or else https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/1/17306684/uk-zuckerberg-testimony-facebook-data-privacy
#5yrsago Right wing snowflakes moaning about Michelle Wolf’s hilarious White House Press Corps monologue show us real “PC” https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/04/what-being-politically-incorrect-actually-looks-like/
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Mountain View, Berkeley, San Francisco, Portland, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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teen-knitter375 · 1 year
Running my gaming computer during Calgary's heat wave may have been a bad idea...
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The temperature reading on my alarm clock is 27°C. Also I'm not even playing a game on my gaming computer just copying files to my laptop. As my laptop is my temporary gaming computer because of the heat.
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For my laptop to best be used as a gaming computer, I have it plugged into most things from my gaming computer. This includes power, an ethernet (internet) adapter, the HDMI (display) to computer screen, the USB chip for my gaming mouse, the USB cord for my gaming keyboard and my gaming headphones, I can't hear the noise of computer speakers over my fans.
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langleycell01 · 1 year
How to Fix Touch Screen Issues on Your Phone in 5 Easy Steps
Does the touch screen on your phone need any assistance? Do you have to restart it frequently or struggle with non-functioning buttons? If so, you are not by yourself. One of the most frequent faults with smartphones is their touchscreens. Many individuals have touchscreen problems with their phones, which may be quite aggravating. Global Cell Phone and Laptop Repair provides the best Samsung screen repair in Langley.The good news is that you can troubleshoot and repair your phone's touchscreen by following a few easy steps. Here are five suggestions for reactivating the touch screen on your phone.
Screen cleaning.
Cleaning the touchscreen is the first thing to attempt. One of the most frequent reasons for touchscreen problems is a dirty screen. Over time, dirt, dust, and grease can accumulate and affect the phone's sensors. Start by wiping the screen on your phone properly to get it operating again. The screen is susceptible to accumulating dirt, dust, and oil, which might hinder its performance. Use a gentle, dry microfiber cloth to carefully wipe away any dirt or debris from the touchscreen.
Verify the programme.
The next step is to examine the programme if cleaning the screen doesn't work. Touch displays that are unresponsive may potentially be the result of outdated software. Verify that the operating system on your phone is the most recent version; if not, upgrade it. Additionally, make sure that all of your applications are updated and get rid of those that you don't use. This will minimise the possibility of any problems developing and ensuring that your phone is compatible with the most recent software.
Look over the connections.
A bad connection between the phone and its components is another probable reason why the touchscreen is malfunctioning. The screen may become unresponsive if the phone's connections are faulty or loose. Check the contacts on the phone to make sure everything is in its right position.
Restart your phone. 
The touchscreen may be reset and its full functionality restored by restarting the phone. Press the power button on your Android phone until the power menu displays, then select Restart to restart your device. If for some reason the power option doesn't show, you may switch your phone back on by pressing the power button once more after holding it down solidly for around 30 seconds.
calibrate the monitor.
You may need to calibrate your phone's touch screen if the problems persist.  This straightforward procedure is tapping on various places on the screen with a pen or other pointed item. To achieve this, you must access the "Calibrate Touch Screen" option. The area where you may find this is in the settings of your phone. To precisely calibrate the touch screen, follow the directions once you're in the menu. By doing so, the touchscreen will be reset and made to work correctly.
Switch out the screen. 
It's time to think about replacing the touchscreen if none of the aforementioned remedies are successful. Although it is a more complicated procedure, this one is still rather simple. Online replacement touch screens are simple to get, and you may also take your phone to a repair shop to have it fixed.
Look for expert assistance.
It might be time to get expert assistance if you've tried all the suggestions above but your touchscreen is still giving you trouble. Visit a nearby SW Calgary phone repair shop and ask them to examine your gadget. They'll be able to identify the problem and provide any required fixes.
Touch screen problems can be quite annoying, but with the right information and equipment, you can fix them and get your phone working again. Your phone can be fixed by calibrating the screen, cleaning the screen, checking the connections, upgrading the software, and cleaning the phone. Don't hesitate to go to a Global Cell Phone and Laptop Repair in Langley if all else fails. You can easily get your phone's touch screen to function perfectly. You may fix any problems with your phone's touchscreen by following these instructions. These advice may be useful, but they might only seldom be effective. It's advised to get in touch with a reputable iPhone repair service if the issue doesn't go away. A seasoned mobile phone and laptop repair business in Langley is Global Cell Phone and Laptop Repair. Give your priceless phone to us right away if you're searching for a reputable, reasonable company to repair and replace your touchscreen. We are pleased to assist you at any time. We provides the best smartphone repair services in Langley
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