leregirenga · 3 months
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“Todos nacemos felices. Por el camino se nos ensucia la vida, pero podemos limpiarla. La felicidad no es exuberante ni bulliciosa, como el placer o la alegría. Es silenciosa, tranquila, suave, es un estado interno de satisfacción que empieza por amarse a sí mismo."
Isabel Allende
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baul-de-frases · 2 years
Se que ya no podemos pero me encantaría volver a quedarme dormida en tus brazos
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elkoko · 5 months
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Jueces, políticos, periodistas y fuerzas del estado han ejercido un acoso terrible contra Pablo Iglesias, Irene Montero, Mónica Oltra, Monedero, Alberto Rodríguez... Ahora se atreven con Begoña Gómez mujer de Pedro Sánchez, no van a parar hasta derrocar al gobierno. #NoTodoVale
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viejospellejos · 6 months
Pablo Iglesias secando cubiertos a un día de la inauguración de su taberna:
Os leo ->
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vyorei · 9 months
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That's badass, nice job Maria Marin
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thekeypa · 2 months
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“Europe must stop being an accomplice in the genocide carried out by Netanyahu against the Palestinian people.”
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carabanchelnet · 4 months
BOOM.!!! A Ferreras @DebatAlRojoVivo no le gusta nada que difundamos este vídeo, ¿qué tenemos que hacer nosotros? Video publicado por Famélica legión @Famelica_legion
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gaymer-hag-stan · 8 months
So, Twitter locked my account yesterday and had me perform a "prove you're a human" test because they noticed "irregular activities" in my account and after I unlocked it I got a notification that due to this incident my account has been temporarily flagged which may in turn limit my reach to wider audiences and so on.
Other than my usual gaming and K-pop tweets and retweets, the only "irregular" tweeting was that I retweeted Ione Belarra's tweet urging Israel's exclusion from international events from three different sources to amplify each separate original tweet's engagement and reach.
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So, if I'm not misunderstanding the situation, when I'm interrupting my "regular" tweeting for other world emergencies or stuff happening in Greece I'm not behaving irregularly but when I'm retweeting about the massacre of Palestinians I'm behaving "irregularly"...?
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ruthimages · 1 month
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lupitablog7u7 · 1 year
Sería un placer de cero, baby , volver a conocerla hacerlo to bien y no volver a perderla.❤️‍🩹
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leregirenga · 10 months
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"Bruce Willis nos enseño que también podemos morir en vida cuando mueren los recuerdos.
No necesitas dejar de existir para que tu ser se apague, no pierdas tiempo en discusiones ni peleas, acumula la mayor cantidad de momentos bellos, Vive, ama, perdona, rie, abraza y si puedes di TE AMO♥️ tantas veces sea necesario..."
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sahaias · 10 months
Early S2 Podemos
Also forgot to say during my S2 watch, I love how Podemos is used in 2x02 of Violetta. It's the song that brings them together
Violetta's more in performance mode until León shows up. Then her face brightens and she sings with more energy. The way her eyes light up is very cute too
And as a side note, I find it interesting that Violetta's style here is like a fusion between her season 1 and season 2 looks. She has the dyed hair, but it's still straightened and layered like in S1. Her outfit is closer to her general s2 outfits but not fully there yet. And her makeup is like a more discrete version of her general s2 makeup too
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elkoko · 4 months
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Mientras el fascismo sigue creciendo, la izquierda está enredada en peleas internas, egos y vendettas.
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viejospellejos · 1 year
¿Qué le pasa a Errejón? 🤔
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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WGM sayings
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violettaforever · 1 year
Podemos | Violetta
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