#PLL Imagine
chloe-skywalker · 9 months
Keeping Each Other's Secrets - Jason Dilaurentis
Jason x Fem!Reader
Ezra x sister Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 548
Summary: Being Ezras younger sister and finding out about him and Aria. Well Aria finds out about you and Jason.
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist
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“Whens. Your. Sister. Coming Over?” Aria asked in between kisses.
“Around 5.” Exar answered.
Little did the couple know it was already 5 past 5. So when a knock sounded on the door it made both of them jump.
“What time is it?” Aria pushes him back a bit.
“5 past . Shit.” Eaxar curses.
“The knocks were a warning because I do in fact have a key.” Y/n walks in having used her own key when no one answered. Y/n smirked at seeing their predicament on the couch. “Maybe I should knock harder next time.”
“It’s not-” Aria stuttered but she couldn’t find the words for an answer.
“We weren’t -” Ezra was at a loss for an explanation as well, it’s exactly what it looks like.
“Look guys. I don’t care. If your both happy. And you treat her right.” Y/n pointed at her brother. “Then your secrets safe with me. Because I do imagine this is a secret. Right?” She asked about the obvious age difference.
“Yes.” Aria and Ezra answer at the same time.
“Okay. Just be more careful, k?” Y/n said, wiggling her eyebrows.
Y/n, Aria and Ezra spent the rest of the night hanging out and having fun.
^     ^     ^
“Where are we going Jason?” Y/n asked, confused.
“You’ll see.” Jason smiles excitedly.
“High School?” Y/n raised an eyebrow. “Wow, I haven't been in a highschool since I graduated.” She said looking around.
“That was like a year or two ago.” He laughs.
“Oh hush.” Y/n laughs as well. “But why are we here? It’s closed.”
“I have a key.” Jason dangled the keys before walking them in.
“Ah perk of working here I guess.” Y/n flicked her brows up nodding her head impressed he’d use his work key this way.
Jason led her to a door and opened it, as they walked through the doorway Y/n laughed.
“The pool.” Y/n turns to Jason with a mischievous look. “Oh I know that look, what do you have planned Mr. Dilaurentis?”
“Let’s go swimming.” He smirks, excited.
“I’m in.” Y/n smiled.
As the couple enjoyed their secret swim. Little did they know they were being watched. Aria had been sent to the school thanks to -A. Who wanted her to see her boyfriend's sister and Jason together.
^     ^     ^
“Hey Aria, what’s up?” Y/n was surprised to see her brother's girlfriend at her door.
“I have something I need to share with you.” Aria tells her as Y/n lets her into her home.
“Okay?” Y/n was deeply confused now.
“I know.” Aria gave her a serious look as they both sat facing each other on the couch.
“About what?” Y/n furrowed her brow, confused by what she could have met.
“You and Jason.” She clarified.
“oh…How?” Y/n nodded and then tilted her head curiously.
“I saw you both the other night at the high school.” Aria explained sheepishly.
“Oh, Aria-” Y/n was blushing now considering they were practically naked that night.
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” Aria was returning the favor.
“Thank you.” Y/n smiled gratefully. “You wanna stay for pizza?” She asked.
“Absolutely.” Aria smiled, the two hanging out all night at Y/n’s place.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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girlkisser13 · 14 days
dating emily fields would include
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• emily is athletic and loves swimming, so expect to join her for early morning swims or to cheer her on during competitions. she'd also enjoy going on hikes or jogs together.
• emily is incredibly loyal and supportive. she would always be there to listen, offer advice, or just sit with you when you're going through tough times. her quiet strength would be a constant source of comfort.
• emily cares deeply for the people she loves and would go to great lengths to keep you safe. her protective side would show when you're in danger or feeling insecure, ensuring you know she always has your back.
• emily shows her affection through small, thoughtful gestures— like remembering your favorite snacks, giving you warm hugs after a tough day, or leaving sweet notes for you to find.
• while she can be shy at first, once she opens up, she'd value honest and open communication in your relationship. she'd encourage you both to talk about your feelings, concerns, and dreams.
• emily enjoys trying new things and being spontaneous. she might suggest a weekend road trip, trying out a new restaurant, or taking you on surprise dates to keep things exciting.
• given everything she's been through, trust is huge for emily. she would take her time building that trust with you, but once she does, it would be unbreakable.
• while emily enjoys spending time with her friends, she'd treasure quiet moments alone with you. whether it’s watching a movie, cooking together, or simply talking for hours, she’d cherish your private time together.
• emily has dealt with a lot of secrets in her life, so she'd be understanding if you needed time to open up about something. at the same time, she'd appreciate honesty and openness, as secrets have hurt her in the past.
• emily cares a lot about her family, particularly her mom, and she'd want you to meet and get along with them. family dinners and spending time with her mom would become a regular part of your relationship.
• emily is extremely gentle and reassuring. if you ever feel insecure or worried, she’d be quick to remind you how much she cares about you and what you mean to her. she’d always make sure you feel loved and valued.
• emily is very respectful of your boundaries, both physical and emotional.
• she'd never push you into anything you're uncomfortable with and would always be patient, letting the relationship progress at a pace that feels right for both of you.
• while emily can be a bit reserved in public, she’d be much more affectionate in private.
• whether it’s cuddling on the couch, holding your hand under the table, or whispering sweet nothings in your ear, she'd always find small ways to show her love when you're alone together.
• girlie is a bit of a romantic, so she'd surprise you with little acts of love— like bringing you flowers after work, writing heartfelt notes, or planning a cozy night in. she’d always want to make you feel special. <33
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oneshotnewbie · 9 months
Spencer Hastings finding Reader on the ice doing her favorite sport to get her head off from the time they were kidnapped by A. Spencer knows that Reader is suffering the most
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The winter darkness enveloped the streets of Rosewood in a silent, frosty embrace as Spencer began her search for you. The street lamps cast diffuse, yellowish shadows on the freshly fallen snow, which crunched beneath her boots. A chill that was not just from the weather permeated the young brunette as she pulled her jacket tighter around herself and lowered her head to shield her face from the icy wind.
You had withdrawn yourself since your release from A's dungeon, and she recognized a silence that was louder than any words. Spencer knew about the internal struggles that all of her friends had, including herself. However, it had hit you the hardest. The side effects of the trauma had intensified for you in the last few weeks and it was like you were trying to hide from the dark waves that were inexorably coming towards you.
She roamed the familiar streets, looking in cafés where you had spent quality time together and other places that were meaningful to you. But everywhere she looked, she found no trace of you. The snow began to fall thicker, the cold became sharper, but she did not give up. Spencer had to find you and show you that she was there for you before you destroyed yourself.
The cell phone in her pocket had remained silent since this morning. No message, no call from you even though there was not a day before the incident that you did not write her. Worry wrapped around the brunette like a heavy cloak; she knew the lonely depths you sometimes fell into when demons overwhelmed you.
Her breath puffed in the icy air as she walked faster, eyes searching intently for a clue. Finally, her instincts led her to a park where an ice skating rink was being built at the time. At night it looked like an enchanted winter landscape, embellished with large fairy lights. The snow covered the trees, the paths and the benches around it. And there, on the ice, you were skating around on your skates. Spencer's breath hitched when she saw you, wrapped in a beige coat, your hands fisted deep in your pockets. You stared at the cool ice beneath your feet, eyes empty and far from reality. The snow had accumulated millimeters thick on the ice, with fine lines in between that showed your path.
The eldest of the group approached slowly, cautiously as she tried to not make any abrupt movements that might startle you. Spencer carefully stood at the ring of the ice ring without saying a word. The cold seemed to fade at that moment as she felt the tension inside you slowly ease as you noticed her. "Hey Spenc. What are you doing here?“
"I am sorry for being so persistent in looking for you," Spencer began softly, her teeth chattering in the cold between each word. You did not react, keeping your gaze fixed on the ice as an uncomfortable silence hung between you. The brunette sighed until she finally found the courage to speak her thoughts, her worry casting a dark shadow over her voice. "I am worried about you, y/n. These last few days.. you were so absent, so far away like never before."
You flinched, barely noticeable, but it was enough for Spencer to let her know she was heard. She continued with her one-sided conversation. "I know you are going through an incredibly difficult time. Probably harder than any of us, judging by your injuries. And I just want you to know that I am here. That you are not alone , no matter how dark it feels."
Her words hung heavy in the cold air and you remained silent, but she felt your wall slowly crumble as you inched closer to her- a silent gesture of closeness and acceptance. "I can see the suffering in your eyes, y/n, and it breaks me to see you like this because I know how strong you usually are. But it is okay to not be strong as long as you open up to someone you love."
With those words, a single tear glistened on your cheek before you turned away, as if to prevent Spencer from seeing you. But she gently placed a hand on your upper arm, an attempt not to put any further distance between you. It was an attempt to provide comfort, even when words were not enough. "I will not force you to talk about it if you do not want to, but promise me you will not walk through this darkness alone. Promise me you will look for me for support and comfort when you need it. Please, y/ n. I can not bear to lose you like this."
"I am sorry, Spenc." You slowly lowered your gaze, your shoulders shaking slightly in a silent sob. It was a moment of opening, of allowing weakness in the midst of the strength Spencer gave you. "It is okay. But do not let yourself hang. I am here for you. Through better or worse," she quickly wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into a tight hug with a deep connection that spoke things that could not be said. In that moment, you felt the burden you had been carrying on your shoulder alone feel a little lighter.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 9 months
It's not all over
Alison DiLaurentis x Male Reader
Request: Can you do Allison from PLL x Male Reader?
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When Alison came back to Rosewood, everyone was in shock. Everyone thought she was dead now there rumors going around about what happened to her. Before she disappeared, you were her boyfriend. Everyone asked you questions about what happened and where she had been hiding. You didn't have answers but no one believed you but you just ignore them.
“So, how do you feel about her being back?” Spencer asked.
“Feels unreal. Everyone thinks I had something to do with why she disappeared” You said.
“Oh, we are in the same boat. Do you still get texts from A?” Spencer said.
“I haven't in a while,” You said.
“Me too. I see you later, Y/n” Spencer said.
You put your books away in your locker. Alison noticed you, she wanted to say something to you but she walked away. She still has feelings for you but she isn't sure what to say.
“What’s wrong, Ali?” Emily asked.
“I still have feelings for Y/n but I'm not sure if he feels the same way,” Alison said.
“Did you talk to him? He has been on dates with other people but nothing serious like what you two had” Spencer said.
“It was rough for him and us. But Spencer is right, just talk to him” Hanna said.
“You have to try, Ali” Emily said.
“I will try” Alison sighed.
All day, she tried to talk with you but couldn't. You and Alison didn't say a word to each other.
✫ ✫ ✫ ✯
Alison and her friends went to a party. At first, Ali did have some fun but Noel ruined the mood. She did start drinking once she got to the party, and she got drunk. You didn't go to the party but she called you.
“Y/n, where are you?” Alison asked.
“Are you drunk?” You asked.
“You are drunk” Alison giggled.
“Yeah, you are drunk. I'm going to pick you up” You said.
You got dressed and went to the party. It wasn't hard to find her and you take her to your house. You put your arm around her waist to take her upstairs then she touches your cheek.
“Don’t tell, Y/n but I'm still in love with him” Alison said.
You didn't know what to say.
“Watch your step, Ali,” You said.
You take her to your bedroom and gently lay her on the bed. You take off her shoes and she is smiling at you. She mumbled something but you didn't understand what she said. But she grabbed your shirt and you don't move.
“Please, stay I don't want to be alone,” Alison said.
“Okay, I will stay,” You said.
You lay next to her and put your arm around her body. She moved closer to you and she lay her forehead on your chest, then you gently touch her hair.
The next day, Alison woke up first and she has a hangover. She noticed that you are next to her but she doesn't remember what happened last night. A few seconds later, you start to wake up and you sat up.
“Hey,” You said.
“What happened last night?” Alison asked.
“You called me drunk last night and I went to pick you up. And we just cuddle in bed and nothing else” You said.
“I have a hangover and I don't remember calling you. I didn't mean to bother you” Alison said.
“I know. But we need to talk. You are different and a lot has happened” You said.
“I'm sorry. I had to do it. Y/n, I thought about you every day and I missed you so much. I know you won't feel the same way, but I had to tell you how I feel” Alison said.
“After you left I kept to myself for a while. Then I got close to your friends and we would spend time together and stuff. I did go on a few dates but I kept comparing them to you. I know what you said is the truth, you don't express yourself unless you want something in return” You said.
“Do you want to be my boyfriend, again? We can take it slow” Alison said.
“Yeah, I want to be your boyfriend again,” You said.
She smiled then she went to the bathroom. Later, you take her somewhere to eat and she is happy being with you. While waiting for the food, she put her hand on top of your hand. You and Alison get up and then leaned toward each other and she kissed you on the lips. You and Alison start to smile at each other.
Later, you and Alison went to see a movie but ended up kissing each other. She caresses your cheek then you start to kiss her again.
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rhinestoneprincess · 1 year
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Pll fans follow me
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elenasalvator13 · 1 year
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Pretty little liars aesthetic
Happy Easter everyone
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celiamae99 · 6 months
The Liar Masterlist (Pretty Little Liars)
introductions / cast
playlist for season 1
chapter 1 (season 1, episode 1)
chapter 2 (season 1, episode 2)
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natsvenom · 8 months
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Jason DiLaurentis x fem!reader
SUMMARY: You’ve spent the past few days being distant with your boyfriend, Jason, after you and the liars are go to a coffee shop in town and run into his ex-girlfriend Cece Drake.
WARNINGS! Age gap, slight angst, alcohol ingestion, reader has an eating disorder (anorexia), body shaming, etc.
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You and the liars walk into the Apple Rose Grill. Everything was stressful, per usual. Garrett had been let off the hook for murder and now Wilden was trying to make Hanna look guilty. There was currently a court order out for them to take a sample for Hanna’s blood. That would’ve been fine, knowing Hanna isn’t guilty. Except A has a way of making an innocent person a guilty one.
“Take it from me, you’re always better off with a really good lie.” A feminie voice said from behind you guys. You physically felt your heart stop in your chest. The voice was insanely similar to Alison’s.
“Is it just me or did that sound a lot like…” Emily mumbled. Younturned around to see a blonde girl standing at the register. There was no way that could be her, right?
“…Alison.” You guys said in unison.
The girl turned around with a smile on her face, but it quickly faded as she saw you guys staring at her like she was ancient relic, “Something wrong?” She asked.
“Oh, no, sorry.” Aria apologized, “You just sound a lot like one of our friends.”
“Hope she’s brilliant.” The girl said, “What’s her name?”
“Alison DiLaurentis.” You told her, staring at her like she was a lost dog.
She looked at you guys in realization, “You were friends of Ali’s.” She says, “Me too, I’m Cece.” You had heard that name before, you just weren’t exactly sure where from.
“Spencer.” Spencer spoke, greeting herself.
“Melissa Hastings little sister.” Cece noted, “Ali talked about you. She talked about all of you. A lot.”
“How do you know Ali?” You dared to ask.
“Before I moved to L.A our families rented summer homes in Cape May. We went through an intense couple weeks together. I dated her brother, Jason. She never mentioned me to you guys?” Cece explained. You suddenly felt tense hearing the mention of Jason. You could only imagine what she meant by an intense couple of weeks. But there was no need for you to be jealous, right? Jason was with you not her. But in the moment you couldn’t help but notice how incredibly gorgeous Cece Drake was. She had beatiful blonde hair, blue eyes, easily a size 4, and not to mention her confident outgoing personality. She was everything you weren’t.
For some reason this realization made you sick to your stomach. She looked perfectly healthy, while the reason you had looked the way you did was from practically making yourself sick. Almost your whole life you had been worried about your appearance; making sure you never ate more than 1000 calories a day, over exerrting yourself, and excercising till you felt your body break down.
You knew you were destroying yourself, but you wanted to be pretty. You wanted to be like the girls at your school who all the boys fawned over. You wanted to be the girl who was always picked first for group projects. You wanted to be the girl who wasn’t afraid to wear a crop top in public. You wanted to be like Alison, beautiful and destructive.
Alison had told you something that’s always stuck with you, “You’re pretty, but sweetie you need to drop a few pounds.” When she was alive you easily weighed 130 pounds. By the time your family moved back to Rosewood, you weighed 100, and now you weigh 110. everyone had noticed the dramtic changes over the years. Your family had done nothing but worry about you, the boys at school would whistle at you and make inappropriate remarks, Hanna was someone who you could relate to, and Jason was someone you could rely on.
Before you guys started dating, he found out about your eating disorder. At the time you and the other liars were still questioning if he was A, but after he had helped you get better you never once thought about him being A again, and dismissed the girls when every they tried to convince you he was just being friendly to get information. Luckily, things were different now.
You wondered why Jason had never brought up Cece Drake before. You silently wondered if there was any part of him that still thought about her. I mean she’s gorgeous, who wouldn’t be thinking about her.
You had been zoned out for so long you hadn’t even been paying attention to their conversation until you saw her about to leave, but she stopped in her tracks, “Do any of you girls know if Jason is seeing anyone? I hear he looks really good now-a-days.” Cece asked.
The rest of the girls looked at you subtly before turning back to Cece, “No clue.” Spencer said quickly, shrugging her shoulders. Cece nodded her head.
“Well if you see him tell him I say hi.” She said in flirtatious tone, making your skin crawl.
It had been two days since you last spoke to Jason. You spent the last couple of days worrying about your body, spiraling back into that same old self concious loop you had been so familiar with. He was starting to get worried about you. He had absolutely no idea what was going on with you.
You sigh, sitting in the driver’s seat of your car. You know you shouldn’t do this, but you really needed something to take your mind off Cece Drake.
Jason sighed as he sat down on the front porch of his house. He had absolutely no explanation for what was goingon and it was driving him crazy. He turned his head when he heard footsteps walking up to him. He had hoped it would be you, but was met with slight disappointment when he saw someone else.
“Hey.” Spencer greeted softly, walking up the porch to sit by her brother. He simply nodded at her, looking down at the cement floor, which suddenly became very interesting.
“I met Cece Drake this morning.” Spencer revealed. Jason looked up, a confused expression on his face. He hadn’t heard that name in so long, nor thought of it. Spencer could see the gears turning in his head.
“What?” She questioned.
“Was y/n with you?” He asked, looking at her desperately for answers.
“Yeah, why?” It suddenly clicked in his head what was going on with you. You weren’t ignoring him because you were mad at him. You were ignoring him because of something she had said.
You sat on a hard red stool at the bar, thanking Alison internally for getting you a fake id. All you had to do was flash it to the bartender and he came back with exactly what you thought you needed. Alcohol.
You had only drank a little bit, but you were already starting to feel tipsy. You were clearly a light weight, and almost everyone knew it.
“What’s a pretty girl like yourself doing here all alone?” A masculine voice asked from beside you. You turned your head to see a man sitting next to you, a glass of something that was defintely stronger than what you were drinking.
“I’m wondering the same thing myself.” You heard another voice say from behind you. You didn’t have to think twice about it to know who it was. You spun yourself around in the stool and were met with his warm green eyes. You groaned dramatically, pushing youself off the stool. You forgot that the stool was hightened, and practically fell right into Jason’s arms.
His arms wrapped around you quickly, pulling you back up straight. Well, straight as you could get in that moment, “I’m taking you home.” He said strictly, making you giggle. It wasn’t really funny, but right now everything seemed comical to you. You pushed past him walking out of the bar. You felt the cold night air hit your face. It felt good at first, but then it made you feel sick. You threw up into the bushes right outside the bar, right before warm hands pulled your hair back for you.
“I don’t feel good.” You mumbled, wiping your mouth off.
“Mm, I wonder why.” Jason quipped, rubbing your back as an attempt to soothe you. You groaned, shoving your head into his chest. He put one of his hands in your hair, rubbing your head comfortably.
“You smell good.” You mumbled into his chest, making let out a breathy laugh, “Can we make out now?” You asked, pulling him down by his jacket. He kissed the top of your head.
“Not right now pretty girl.” He said softly. You groaned, the annoyance making you roll your eyes. You pushed away from him, walking through the parking lot, Jason following closely behind you.
You stopped in the middle of the parking lot, looking at a group of trees intensly, “Hey, who put those there?” You wondered, observing the trees like they were the most interesting thing in the world. Jason came up behind you, shrugging his jacket off and putting it over your shoulders. He didn’t say anything, knowing that explaining the process of the life cycle of a tree to a drunk person would just end up with and endless amount of stupid questions.
“I think you should take a nap and then google it in the morning.” He said, intertwining his hand with yours as he walked you to the car, opening the door for you and helping you get in. The car ride home was relatively quite, but it wasn’t uncomfortable silence, it was nice.
When you got to the DiLaurentis house, Jason’s hands stayed on your waist as he guided you up the stairs. You plopped down on his bed as he pulled something out of his closet for you to wear. He helped you unzip your little black dress and pulled his hoodie over your head. You yawned as you threw yourself back onto his bed. He sat down next you, pulling the covers over you and placing a gentle kiss on your head.
“She’s pretty.” You mumbled into the cold pillow, grasping it in your hands. Jason sighed, knowing this conversation would end up happening one way or another.
“Whose the girl that I let sleep in my bed everyday and steal every single clothing item I own?” He teased, making you smile into the pillow. You knew he was right.
“But nothing. I love you, and only you.” He assured, pulling you into him as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. You cuddled into his chest, grasping his shirt in your hands.
“I love you too, Jase.” You yawned.
“I know angel.”
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v2mped · 4 months
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bf!jason who’s eyes always find yours in a crowd of people, smiling when your gazes meet
bf!jason who gets jealous quickly and will definitely give a dirty look (or even start a fight) with any guy who looks at you the wrong way
bf!jason who starts kissing you and being all touchy when he’s jealous just so everyone knows who you’re with
bf!jason who buys you flowers and gifts whenever just because he likes seeing you happy
bf!jason who has the worst sense of humor and makes dad jokes 24/7 but you still smile or even laugh at them because of how proud he looks when you do
bf!jason who calls you baby, babygirl, sweetheart, and princess
bf!jason who isn’t afraid to touch you in public and will grab, smack, squeeze and even stare at your ass shamelessly. He starts doing it a lot more just because he likes how flustered you get
bf!jason who definitely wears the most delicious rings on his fingers that make you get heart eyes and asks why you’re staring at his hands like that
bf!jason who gives the sloppiest kisses ever and acts like he hasn’t kissed you in YEARS
bf!jason who says “I need you to use your words sweetheart” when you’re all whiny and needy for him :((
bf!jason who’s too afraid to hurt you when fucking even when you beg him to be rougher
bf!jason who eventually gives in because he couldn’t hold back any longer and fucks you till you’re all dumb and a mumbling mess <3
bf!jason who eats pussy like it’s his last meal, his fingers holding your thighs over his shoulders as your juices run all down his chin and down his neck, and he moans when you cum all over his face cause he can’t get enough of your sweet taste :(
bf!jason who lowkey has a breeding kink and starts mumbling “how pretty you would be with his cum leaking out your pretty little pussy” (but he gets too scared and cums all over your pretty little tits)
bf!jason who gives you gentle kisses all over your face once yall are done and whispers how good you did :((
bf!jason who falls asleep with you in his arms and the cutest little smile on his face <3
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dividers belong to @rookthornesartistry
@santoriniii heres a little blurb until I finish your request <3
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Thoughts of you.
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clarkgriffon · 5 months
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fashion in rosewood in every episode → love shAck, baby (4x15)
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
BestFriends Brother - Mike Montgomery
Mike x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 482
Summary: Being a Lair and dating Mike even though Aria is your bestfriend.
* Just because of what I ended up naming this imagines I'll Link this song its not based on this song but the title is the same. "Bestfriends Brother - Victorious"
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist
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“Stop tickling me please!” Y/n laughed as Mike wouldn’t stop tickling her sides.
“Nah, I don’t think so.” Mike smirked continuing on with his mission to take her mind off of everything.
“Please.” She pleaded giving him the best puppy eyes she could considering her predicament.
“What do I get for it?” Mike raised his brows pulling a fake thinking face.
“What do you want?” Y/n asked looking up at him out of breath.
“A kiss.” he smirked at her and Y/n laughed cause of how goofy his smile looked.
“You can have that anyway.” Y/n stated smiling at him. He should know all he has to do is ask. Even not ask, it’s not like she ever minded kissing him.
“Then something else.” Mike waved off his last request going to think again about what he wanted for stoping tickling her.
“Ok.” Y/n giggles, waiting for him to make up his mind. “What?”
“A date.” he states with a confident look upon his face.
“In town.” Mike added before she could get out the full word.
“Mike-” Y/n looked down feeling bad all of a sudden.
“No, no don’t do that. Please.” Mike cut her off shaking his head pleading with her to not say ‘no’.
“Someone could see us.” She reminded him as the two both moved into sitting positions. It’s not that she didn’t want to go on a real date with him, one where they didn’t have to go towns over or hide. It’s just their situation wasn’t the easiest.
“That's the point.” Mike nodded, trying not to get his hopes up.
“What if Aria sees us?” Y/n asked nervously wringing her hands together.
“We can’t hide from her forever Y/n.” Mike reminded her, not that she wanted to be reminded. Aria and Y/n had been friends their whole lives Y/n was just worried about how Aria would react. She’s dating her brother after all. Then there’s also the A- situation at hand and Y/n never wants Mike to be targeted.
“I know and I don’t want to.” Y/n stressed to him grabbing on to his hand and giving it a squeeze. Y/n doesn’t want to have to hide their relationship but she also doesn’t want mike to be targeted or for it to ruin her relationship with Aria.
“If your worried about A- then we’ll deal with it. I won’t let anyone ruin this for us.” Mike looked her in the eyes making sure Y/n knew each word that left his mouth he was serious about.
“Ok.” Y/n nodded agreeing to the date in town and to his statement about the A- thing.
“OK?” Mike asked again just to double check.
Y/n could hear the excitement in his voice and see it in his eyes. “Yeah, okay.” She answered smiling.
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girlkisser13 · 1 month
dating jason dilaurentis would include
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• jason is incredibly protective, always looking out for your safety, especially given the danger that seems to surround rosewood. he’s wary of anyone he doesn't trust, and he goes out of his way to ensure you’re safe.
• jason isn’t one for grand gestures, but he would show his affection through quiet, intimate moments. whether it’s cuddling on the couch, taking late-night drives, or enjoying a peaceful morning together, he’d cherish the time you spend alone together.
• trust is a big deal for jason, so he’d confide in you about everything. you’d have a special bond built on the shared secrets between you, making your relationship feel even more intimate.
• jason has a dark past and a troubled history, but being with you helps him find balance. you bring light into his life, and he appreciates how you help him see the good in the world, even when things seem bleak.
• jason teaching you how to dribble and shoot.
• jason jumping up to obnoxiously block your shot.
• once jason commits to a relationship, he’s all in. he’s fiercely loyal, always putting your relationship first and working hard to make sure you both are happy.
• he likes to surprise you with spontaneous trips or adventures. whether it’s a weekend getaway or just a late-night drive to a secluded spot, he loves the thrill of doing something unexpected with you.
• despite his intense feelings for you, jason always respect your boundaries. he understands the importance of giving you space when you need it and would never pressure you into anything you’re not comfortable with.
• jason isn’t always the easiest person to read, but over time, he opens up to you about his vulnerabilities. you’re one of the few people he trusts enough to see his softer side, and he values the way you accept him for who he truly is.
• posing for him so that he can take pictures of you.
• jason is the boyfriend who would get down on his knees if it meant he could take a good picture of you for your instagram.
• he isn't the biggest fan of pda. he prefers subtle forms of affection like putting his arm around you when you’re sitting next to each other or holding your hand under the table.
• the only exception to this rule is that he kisses you before you have to go anywhere.
• however, when the two of you are are alone, this man is ALL over you.
• he has to be touching you in some way, whether it’s a hand on your thigh when he’s driving or touching your calf when he’s reading.
• he likes to know that you’re always there and that you won’t disappear like alison.
• his favorite thing to do is to rest his head against your chest and listen to your heartbeat while you run your fingers through his hair. <33
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oneshotnewbie · 5 months
Can you do one where reader is Veronica's shy girlfriend and reader has a panic attack and veronica comforts her
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Authors note: It took me really long to post it & I'm very sorry about it. Hope you like it, nonnie!!
The sun shone through the delicate curtains, bathing the bedroom in a warm, golden light as you stood at the warderobe trying to figure out what to wear to the elegant dinner. Today was a special day - the annual family reunion was coming up. Normally you were excited to see your family again, but this time it was different. This time you were bringing your girlfriend with you, and that was making you increasingly nervous.
Veronica wasn't like the other women you'd dated before. She was more mature, more experienced and almost twenty years older than you. Even though you had fallen in love with the lawyer, you weren't sure how your family, especially your father, would react. They were traditional and conservative, and the idea of you as a daughter dating an older woman would probably be met with very little approval.
With a sigh, you stood up from your spot in the bedroom and began to prepare. You put on a simple but elegant black suit and as you looked at yourself in the mirror and waited for the hair straightener to warm up, you couldn't help the doubt that rose within you. What would your parents think? And your siblings? Would there be an argument?
While you were lost in your thoughts, you didn't even noticed Veronica coming into the room. Only when her hand gently touched your shoulder and she pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek did you return to the present. "Ready for today, darling?"
It didn't take long for her to get a response while placing a hot cup of tea in front of you. "I'm nervous, very nervous." You spoke, leaning back, your head resting on her stomach. "Don't worry, love. We can do this together. I look forward to meeting your family."
You smiled weakly and took a sip of the warm drink before getting to work straightening your hair. Veronica was always so confident and reassuring, even in the most difficult moments. She gave you the courage you needed to get through this day.
After you got ready and took one last look in the mirror to correct yourself, you walked downstairs where your girlfriend was already waiting for you, ready. She grabbed the car keys and together you made your way to your family house. The drive there felt like an eternity and you could feel the nervousness in your stomach as you got closer.
Finally you reached your parents' house and the lawyer parked in front of the driveway. Your heart began to beat faster as you got out of the car and walked with Veronica towards the front door. When you opened the front door, you could already hear the muffled voices of your family inside.
With a deep breath, you entered with your girlfriend and were immediately greeted by your mother, who hugged you with open arms. "It's good to see you again, my child," she said lovingly. You returned the hug, forcing yourself to smile even though your insides were raging with nervousness. Then you turned around and saw your siblings also walking towards you, smiling.
"Y/n!! You're finally here!" your younger sister shouted, taking you into a big hug as well. "And who is this?" She added, pointing to Veronica who was standing behind you.
You swallowed hard and turned to your girlfriend, who was standing quietly behind you, a friendly smile on her lips and a slight air of authority surrounding her. "This is Veronica, my girlfriend." You introduced nervously, searching for her hand, which you quickly found.
There was an awkward silence, followed by curious looks and whispered conversations. You could literally feel the tension building in the room and your heart began to beat even faster than before. But then your mother stepped further forward and smiled warmly at her. "It's nice to meet you, Veronica," she said kindly, holding out her hand.
Veronica returned the smile and shook your mother's hand. "Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here," she replied politely and a sense of relief washed over you when you saw how kindly your mother responded to her. Maybe everything would be okay after all.
The air was heavy with tension as you all gathered at the dinner table. Your parents, your siblings and you. And of course Veronica, your girlfriend, who is now getting to know your family for the first time. She sat next to you, her grip on your hand under the table light, and you could feel her meeting the tension with ease. Just like she had learned as a lawyer.
Your father, a serious man with a sharp look and a stern expression, immediately started asking questions as soon as the food was served. "Veronica, it is? How long have you known each other?" he asked, fixing her with a piercing gaze.
Your girlfriend took a sip of her wine with pleasure as she met him with a smile. "We've known each other for about two years," she replied calmly, squeezing your hand when she felt it start to shake. Your father, on the other hand, frowned as he examined her. "And how exactly did you meet?"
You felt an uncomfortable pressure building up inside you. These questions were not just curious, but had an underlying threat. You knew how strict your father could be, especially when it came to such personal matters.
Veronica paused for a moment before answering him. "We met in court. She was testifying in a murder case, as she was the lead detective on that case. I'm a lawyer, we worked together at the time."
Your brother, who was sitting next to you, looked at her with a skeptical look. You could practically feel him trying to read between the lines, looking for any clue that something was wrong with her. Meanwhile, you felt more and more uncomfortable. The pressure that your family was slowly but surely building seemed to be crushing you. You knew they were worried, but it felt like they were suffocating you in the process.
As your father asked more questions, you felt your breathing become shallower. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest and you could feel a panic attack building up within you. You tried to calm yourself, but the tightness in her chest became more and more intense.
Suddenly you couldn't think straight anymore. Your family's words blurred into a slurred murmur and you felt tears gathering in your eyes. "I... I have to... excuse me for a moment," you mumbled and jumped up before leaving the dining table and walking into the garden.
Your hands were shaking as you leaned against the pillar of the patio, trying to take a deep breath. The sounds from the dining room were muffled, but you could still hear the quiet hum of your family's voices.
You closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself, but the pressure in your chest kept getting stronger. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you fought against the overwhelming feeling. Veronica hurried after you as you stormed out of the dining room and found you sitting on the patio, trying to calm your troubled thoughts. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked softly as she walked over to you and sat down on the stairs.
You sighed as you played with the rings on your fingers, your hands sweaty and shaking. "I'm sorry you have to endure this. I didn't want you to feel like you were being interrogated."
She let out a deep breath and wrapped an arm around your shoulders before pulling you closer to her. "It's okay, after all I didn't become a lawyer for nothing. You don't have to apologize, I'm doing this for you and you know I wanted to meet your family."
You smiled weakly, grateful for her support. "Thank you for being here and doing all this," you said and she squeezed your hand gently, looking deeply into your eyes. "I love you, and I'm sure your parents will like me. They're glad you have a family that cares about you."
You felt somewhat strengthened and determined by Veronica's words. You knew you had to pull yourself together to go back and face the challenge that lay before you. She stood up and held out her hand. You accepted it with a grin and she pulled you up, placing a quick kiss on your lips before heading back into the house, where you prepared to face the stares and questions of your family again.
As you approached the dining table, you noticed your father walking towards you. His expression was still serious, but there was also some relief in his eyes.
“Come here, my child,” he said gently, hugging you tightly. "I'm sorry if I put pressure on you by asking your girlfriend questions. I've been thinking about your relationship with Veronica for a long time, and I have to say, I see more clearly now. She's a remarkable woman, and I see, how happy she makes you."
You were surprised and touched by your father's words. A wave of relief and gratitude washed through you, and you knew that you had finally found the acceptance and support of your family.
With a smile, you turned to Veronica, who was standing next to you, and took her hand. He also turned to the older woman. His look was serious, but also full of recognition. "Veronica," he began, "I hope you take good care of my girl. She means everything to me and I trust you will make her happy."
The person addressed smiled warmly and nodded resolutely. "I'll take good care of her, I promise," she spoke, holding you tightly in her arms, and in that moment you both knew that you would not only take care of yourself, but each other as well, no matter what.
As the family reunion progressed and you both returned to the dinner table, you found yourself becoming more and more relaxed next to Veronica. You laughed with your parents, swapping stories and enjoying each other's company. Despite the initial concerns, everything felt just right.
At the end of the day, as you headed home, Veronica gently placed her hand on your thigh and smiled. "They seem really nice," she remarked quietly as she drove calmly through the streets. You nodded and smiled back, a tired but pleasing smile also reflected on your lips. "Yes, they really are. And I'm so glad you get along with my dad."
And as you enjoyed the sunset together on the way home, you knew that with Veronica by your side, you could do anything - even the family gatherings that were about to happen more often.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Easy love
Ashley Marin x Male Reader
Request - Would you like to write a Male Reader who is a forensic blood spatter analyst who works for the Rosewood Police Department. He is married to Ashley Marin, and is Hanna Marin's stepfather. In his spare time, he is a vigilante serial killer who targets other murderers who have evaded the justice system.
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Y/n woke up early and started to get ready for work. When he went downstairs, he greeted his wife Ashley but she didn't let him kiss her. Now, he is confused about what is going on but Hanna knows why.
“Something wrong?” Y/n asked her.
“Nothing is wrong. I will buy coffee on my way to work” Ashley said.
She walked away and Hanna continues to eat her breakfast.
“Why she is mad?” Y/n asked.
“Wow. Y/n, you forgot your wedding anniversary and it was yesterday” Hanna said.
Y/n started to think and he finally remember now.
“I was busy with work and I forgot. Damn. Now, I have to make it up to her” Y/n said.
“Mom, want this pair of earrings and they are expensive. I will text you the picture of the earrings” Hanna said.
“Thanks, Hanna. Do you need a ride to school?” Y/n asked.
“No. Spencer will pick me up in a few minutes” Hanna said.
“Okay,” Y/n said.
Y/n did forget about the wedding anniversary. But he wasn't at work, but he knew that Ashley and Hanna would believe the lie that he was working late. He lives by the code that he was taught by his adoptive father, only kill who deserves it. He is afraid that if Ashley finds out then she won't love him. Last night, Y/n killed a rapist who got off easily. That made him angry and he had to do something about it.
“Hi. Hanna ready to go?” Spencer asked.
“Hey, Spencer,” Y/n said.
“Okay, I'm leaving now. And don't mess up mom’s gift” Hanna said.
“I won't mess it up,” Y/n said.
Hanna and Spencer left together, and now he starts to think about what to do so Ashley can forgive him.
Y/n’s job called and he had to go drive to the crime scene. He grabbed the camera and start to take pictures of the blood splatter. He noticed a new blood splatter and he starts to take pictures. He starts to imagine how the blood splatter got there.
“I’m going to the lab to figure out how it all happened,” Y/n said.
“Y/n, call me when you got something. I have a feeling it's the same person” Linda Tanner said.
“Sure, no problem,” Y/n said.
Y/n left the crime scene and drove straight to the lab. Before he started to work, he called his wife and she picked up the call.
“Why did you call me?” Ashley asked.
“It’s lunch your break. Just making sure you ate something. And I am sorry I forgot our wedding anniversary. I promise to make it up to you” Y/n said.
“I’m going to get lunch. I'm still mad at you, I cooked dinner now it's in the fridge” Ashley said.
“I still feel bad. But I will make it up to you. I called to apologize and I'm glad you answered my call” Y/n said.
“Y/n, you should get back to work,” Ashley said.
“I will. I love you” Y/n said.
“I love you too, Y/n,” Ashley said.
Both of them hang up the call. Y/n starts to look at the pictures and starts to figure out what happened in the scene. He looked around and everyone is busy, he starts to search the address for his next victim. He quickly wrote down the address and the license plate.
Later, Y/n starts to do the report and told Linda about the blood splatter. Linda starts to talk about the other similar crime scenes.
Much later, Y/n walked by Linda’s office and she called him in.
“Y/n, can you look at these crime photos and tell me do you think it's the same killer?” Linda said.
“Where is the blood splatter?” Y/n asked.
“That's the problem, I don't know. I assume the killer killed them and then dump their bodies somewhere else. This killer has been killing criminals that we arrested. And the mayor wants me to figure out who did it” Linda said.
“In my opinion, nobody will miss them. They are just criminals” Y/n said.
“I know they were horrible people. But I don't need a vigilante taking the law into their own hands then everyone thinks it's okay to do whatever they want” Linda said.
“Do you have a lead?” Y/n asked.
“No, and that's the problem. Look, I need fresh eyes so I want you to look at the clues and tell me what I missed” Linda said.
“Okay, I will see what I can do,” Y/n said.
“Good,” Linda said.
It's good that she doesn't have lead. Now, I need to come up with a lie to throw her off my lead...
Y/n thought to himself and he left her office. He went to his office and he starts to look at the pictures very carefully.
✬ ✯ ✯ ✫
Ashley comes downstairs and Y/n starts to smile.
“Wow, Ashley you look so beautiful” Y/n smiled.
“Thank you. And you look very handsome” Ashley said.
She gave him a peck on the lips.
“It's still gross when parents kiss in front of their kid,” Hanna said.
“And where are you going?” Ashley asked.
“I’m going to sleep over at Spencer’s house with my friends,” Hanna said.
“Okay. Do you need a ride?” Ashley asked.
“Yeah, I need a ride,” Hanna said.
“Let’s go,” Y/n said.
He opened the car door for Hanna and Ashley. He starts to drive to Spencer’s house then he drives to an expensive restaurant in Rosewood.
At the restaurant, Y/n pulled out her chair, and she sits down. Then he sits down, she smiled at him.
“I do forgive you that you forgot our wedding anniversary,” Ashley said.
“That’s good to know. What happened last night, I heard you arguing over the phone” Y/n said.
“I was arguing with Tom. We were discussing Hanna’s college tuition and other stuff. Tom won't help me pay for Hanna’s college and I got angry” Ashley said.
“I will help you pay for her education. Whatever university she choices, I will help you to pay for it. Don't worry about it” Y/n said.
“Y/n thank you. I'm so happy that I am married to you” Ashley smiled.
“I’m happy to call you my wife,” Y/n said.
She leans in and she kissed him on the lips. They start to order dinner and talk about something else. Then Y/n takes out a small box and gives it to her and she opened the box.
“Y/n, how did you know I wanted these earrings” Ashley smiled.
“It's a secret and I can't tell you,” Y/n said then he winked.
The food arrived and they start to eat it. Y/n’s phone got an alert and he starts to read it.
“Is it your job?” Ashley asked.
“It's nothing,” Y/n said.
“Good. I thought they called you to come in so they can stop the vigilante. That is killing all the criminals” Ashley said.
“What do you think about the vigilante?” Y/n asked.
“Some criminals deserve what happens to them. Then everyone wants to take the law into their hands and will create even more chaos. But I do think the vigilante should be stopped” Ashley said.
“Oh okay. Yeah, everyone has different opinions about the vigilante” Y/n said.
I wonder if she would stay with me if she knew the truth...
Y/n thought to himself. A bit later, Y/n and Ashley start to slow dance together. She can't stop smiling at him, she gave him a peck on the lips.
Y/n is at work on the computer, he is searching for a car of his next prey. Y/n found out that the criminal has two cars, and now he is trying to figure out what his plan will be to capture the criminal. Then he noticed Ashley walking into the room, he closed the tabs and smiled at her.
“Hey, love” Y/n said.
“Hey, sweetie. I wanted to surprise you and take you out for lunch” Ashley smiled.
“Y-yeah sounds great,” Y/n said.
They leave the police station and head to a restaurant. She started to talk about her day then she asked how is work going for him.
✬ ✯ ✯ ✫
Y/n takes out the knife from the criminal’s chest. He has blood all over his black shirt, he can feel the blood on his skin. He is breaking hard
“Now you won't but anyone else,” Y/n said to the dead body.
His cell phone starts to ring and it's Ashley. She called to remind him that he has to pick her up at work. He lied about working late again, now he has to hurry to get rid of the body. Y/n starts to cut the body into pieces.
Y/n does his killings in abandoned storage buildings. After cutting the body, he takes off his clothes threw them in the trash can, and lights it on fire. He watched the clothes burn then he the body into garbage bags, and he starts to get dressed. Y/n starts to drive around and throw the garbage bags in different parts of the city. Then Y/n starts to drive fast to pick up Ashley.
Y/n arrived home late and he has a cut on his cheek. Ashley started to panic and she starts to ask many questions.
“Y/n, what happened!?” Ashley asked.
He has to lie and can't tell her that he just killed an abusive woman.
“Oh, I got it at work. Someone tried to steal my wallet but I got a cut on my face instead. I didn't call you, because I didn't want you to panic” Y/n said.
She smacked his arm.
“What was that for?” Y/n asked.
“You should have still called me. The good thing is you don't need stitches” Ashley said.
“I’m sorry I didn't call,” Y/n said.
She gave him a peck on the lips.
“Just be careful next time. I go to a self-defense class, maybe come with me next time” Ashley said.
“Maybe,” Y/n said.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and she starts to kiss him.
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fluent-in-lesbianism · 2 months
me: never saw a single episode of the hit television show pretty little liars (2010)
also me, 4 hours into a 3-part, 6.5 hour-long comprehensive breakdown of the hit television show pretty little liars (2010):
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