celiamae99 · 6 months
The Liar Masterlist (Pretty Little Liars)
introductions / cast
playlist for season 1
chapter 1 (season 1, episode 1)
chapter 2 (season 1, episode 2)
3 notes · View notes
celiamae99 · 6 months
season 1, episode 1 : the one with the pilot
TW: included but not limited to: mentions of death, PTSD, underage sex, family issues, mentions of sex, funerals, (sorry if I missed any)
We were all in Spencer's barn, laughing and giggling, even though there was a huge storm going on outside. I had gotten there moments before and took my spot next to Hanna. While all six of us were best friends, Hanna and I were the closest to each other. She passed me a cup of whatever they were drinking and I took a huge drink. We were all there, Emily, Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and me. The only person missing - Alison.
All of the sudden, the lights and music went off. We all kind of freaked out internally for a moment.
"What was that?" Emily asked, speaking up.
Spencer answered, "It must be the storm." Always there with the logical answer. There was a noise out there that sounded like a squeak and Hanna and I grabbed each other's hand.
"Something out there," Aria insisted and right after she said that, the barn door opened and we all jumped. We all got up and huddled together. As we got closer, there was a loud blair and Alison jumped out at us.
"Gotcha!" She smiled at us.
"Ahh!" We all screamed at her.
"That's so not funny, Alison!" Spencer huffed at her but we all laughed and sat back down.
"Ali, did you download the new Beyonce?" Hanna asked her. "Lily just got around to it."
"Not yet!"
"I'm loving her new video!" Emily said, excitedly.
"Maybe a little too much, Em?" Alison poked at her suggestively, and I rolled my eyes. ALi gave the glass that we were drinking out of to Aria. "You turn, go on." Ali encouraged.
Aria took a bigger drink than normal, which caused Spencer to warn, "Careful Aria. Take too much and you'll tell us all your secrets."
"Friends share secrets," Alison told us. "That's what keeps us close. Drink up." She told us as Aria passed the glass back to Hanna and me.
"I promise I tell you the most," I whispered to Hanna.
"Ditto," She held out her pinky to me and I took it with mine and squeezed it. "You're the only one who knows about Sean."
"You're the only one who knows about Noel."
"What, what?" I asked grogally.
"Where's Ali and Spencer?" Hanna asked us.
"We don't know," Aria told us.
"What do you mean you don't know?" I demanded, they couldn't just be gone.
I got up and went to the door, just as Spencer came back into the barn.
"Ali?" Aria asked Spencer, wondering where our blonde friend was.
Spencer looked confused. "She's gone."
"What do you mean she's gone?" Aria asked, all of us growing confused.
"I've looked everywhere for her. I think I heard her scream." Spencer told us.
"We need to find her!" I demanded.
"Dad!" I yelled, getting my backpack ready for school. "Have you seen my water bottle?"
"It's right here," He called from the kitchen. "You never wash it and I took it upon myself to do so for you like the good father that I am." He told me coming into the living room and handing me the water bottle, which was full of water and ice.
"You're the best," I smiled at him. "I'd be lost without you."
"Now that's what my ego needed to hear today."
I rolled my eyes. "Take it while you can because I'm not feeding it anymore."
"You say that, but we both know that's only going to last until you need something."
I laughed at my dad. "Very true, Dad."
"Knock, knock." Noel Kahn said at the door. 
"Oh great, your boyfriend the jock is here."
"Dad!" I protested and he rolled his eyes and went back into the kitchen. It was no secret that my dad did not like Noel and he made it very obvious.
"Hey, don't sweat it." He said coming over to me. "I just haven't wooed him over yet."
I sighed, very annoyed with my dad. "You say that every time, and yet, here we are, a year later."
He threw his million dollar smile at me, which by default, made me smile. "Let's go to school. We need to get you to voice lessons with Mrs. Shelton and you don't want to be late."
"That is very true." I told him, putting my arms around his middle and hugging him tightly. He put his arm around my shoulder and rested his chin on my head. "Dad!" I called to him.
"Yeah, here's your lunch and your protein shake." He said walking into the living room. "And because I'm feeling nice, I made your boyfriend one." He eyed Noel, who had taken a step away from me when Dad came into the room.
"Thanks, Mr. Grey. I really appreciate that. I have practice today so it will be nice to have the extra protein."
"I still don't like you. I'm working on it."
"I'm trying!" Dad defended  himself.
"It's fine, Lily." Noel promised me.
"I can be in a room with him now." Dad pointed out.
"Before he couldn't even stand to see my name on your phone." Noel concurred. I shook my head before hugging my dad and leaving with Noel.
"He's impossible," I sighed, buckling myself in the front seat of Noel's car.
"He loves you." Noel told me as he pulled out of the driveway and headed to school.
"And I love him. And you!" Noel pulled over at the library. "What?" I asked, confused to why he stopped. He stared at me for a second. "Seriously, what?"
He put one hand in my hair and the other grasped the side of my neck and he pulled me into a hot, passionate kiss. When we finally pulled away, I was dazed and needed to catch my breath. 
"I love you too," Noel told me before pulling away and driving the rest of the way to school.
Noel and I walked into our English class together and I spotted Hanna and Mona. I sent Hanna a small smile before sitting next to Noel. I looked around the classroom to see who was in it with us and my eyes widened slightly when I saw Aria sitting next to Emily. I had no clue that she was back. I sent them a smile as I saw Spencer and Andrew trail in. Spencer took the open spot next to me before turning and talking to Andrew.
"So, I was thinking that tonight maybe we could go somewhere for supper, ya know, to celebrate. And then maybe head up to the cabin?"
I turned my attention away from my old friends and looked at my boyfriend. "Yeah! That sounds great. Maybe we finally dip into that bottle of red that your brother gave us." I smiled at him. 
"And then maybe we'll sit in the hot tub?"
"I think we could do a lot more than sitting." Noel winked at me and I blushed. How did he still have this affect on me a year later?
I bit my lip as the new teacher came in. He wrote his name on the board Mr. Fitz. When he turned around, his eyes landed on Aria.
"Oh crap." He said, and we all looked at each other confused and then to Aria. Her phone rings, which makes her embarrassed.
"Sorry." She said quietly, looking at her phone.
"I'm Mr. Fitz, your new English teacher."
After class, I made my way to the hallway. Noel and I stopped at my locker. Realizing we had a few minutes, I slung my backpack over my shoulders and pulled Noel into kiss me.
He groaned into my mouth, turning and pressing me into the locker. "Let's skip second and go to my car." I giggled against his mouth as he pulled me with him out of school. I sent Spencer and Emily a smile as we walked through the hallway to the doors.
His seat was all the way back, so I climbed in after him and planted myself on his lap and kissed him hard. He ran his hands from my arms down to my ass, squeezing, making me moan into his mouth. His tongue wandered in and took the control he knew he had. I panted as he kissed down my neck, to my collar bone, to my breasts. I grinded on him, trying to find friction. I pulled his mouth back to mine and we kissed heavily. Eventually, our clothes came off, and the rest was history.
After our car sex, I made my way to third period, one of the few periods I didn't share with Noel. I looked around and noticed the only spot open was next to Hanna. I slid in.
My phone buzzed. Thinking it was Noel, I pulled it out to respond right away, but it wasn't. 
Having sex with your boyfriend in his car during school? Naughty, naughty. - A
Who the hell was A? Alison? That was how she signed all her texts and notes. I was so confused. I pushed it out of my mind, thinking about the first time Noel and I had a real conversation. It was all thanks to Hanna.
flashback to 2010
"Okay girls, we have a strict schedule to stay on today." My dad told us as we slid into the back seat of the car. "We are only doing school supplies."
"Dad, we have to get coffee. It's like, a right of passage." I told him.
"Yeah, Dr. Grey. It's essential."
"You guys are fifteen, you're too young for coffee." Dad argued. "And you can call me Mark. Dr. Grey is too formal. Only my patience call me that." It was true, my dad was a doctor.
"Please, you know you want an espresso from The Brew." I laughed when he signed. We won.
"Alright, but just coffee. We're having a family dinner thing tonight with Ashley." Ah yes. Since Hanna's dad had left, twice a week we had been having family dinner with Hanna and her mom. It was nice. Ashley was practically a mother to me, and I hoped that Hanna saw my dad that way.
Hanna and I walked into The Brew together and waited in line to place our orders.
"I can't believe that school is starting in less than a week." I sighed in annoyance. "I feel like summer just started."
"Yeah but at least at school, you can see Noel more often."
"Hanna! Shut up!" I scolded her. "Remind me again why I told you I like Noel?"
"Because I'm your best friend."
"True." I nodded, thoughtfully. "And keeping anything from you is hard."
"Also true, and same."
"Can I take your order?" The barista asked us.
"I'd like a medium iced chai latte with 1% milk, and a medium dark roast espresso with half and half. Hanna?"
"Um, a small iced pumpkin spice latte with skim milk." She said timidly.
"Make it a medium, and do 1% milk." I told the barista.
"You don't have to do that," Hanna argued. "I'm trying to lose weight."
"Your total is $10.50." The barista told me, and I handed him my dad's card.
"You don't need to lose weight." I argued back, signing the receipt and giving it back.
"Yes, I do. Sean will never like me if I'm fat. And Ali said it would be good for me."
"Ali doesn't know anything. She's a size zero. It's okay to not be a size zero. I'm not a size zero"
"Ohh, look, there's Noel." I glanced at where Hanna was looking. She was right. Noel was there. He walked over to us.
"Hey Hanna, Lily. How are you both?"
I froze. What should I say? I couldn't say anything.
"We're good." Hanna nudged me in the side.
"Ha, yeah. Good." I whispered. Oh my God. This was terrible.
"Well, I'm excited to see you more, now that we're going to be going back to school." Noel said, looking directly at me. I was going to pass out.
"Yeah, yeah, we'll have to compare schedules." I mustered up.
"Hopefully, all of our classes are together." He threw his million dollar smile at me and my legs went weak. "You have my number, right?"
"Right." I nodded.
"Lily?" The barista called. I sighed in disappointment.
"I'll get them... you guys ... keep doing whatever this is." Hanna told me.
"Well, I'll make sure to text you my schedule. Maybe we could be study buddies." Noel licked his lips.
"Yeah. Yeah. We could ... study." I said shrugging as indifferently as I could, my insides screaming.
"I'll see you around."
"See you." I turned to see Hanna smirking at me. "Not one word." I threatened her.
"I didn't say anything."
"You okay?" Hanna asked me quietly as Mr. Nelson walked into our Geometry class.
"Huh?" I asked her, she shook me out of my gaze.
"Are you okay? Your phone buzzed and you spaced out."
"What? Oh, yeah, it was nothing." I dismissed. I pulled out my red notebook and binder.
"Are you sure?" She prodded me. Normally, I would be frustrated with the questioning, but it was Hanna. Hanna and I may not be as close anymore, at one point she was my best friend. And that didn't just go away because we grew apart.
"Yeah, just a text." I smiled slightly  at her. "No worries, Hanna."
She smiled back before pulling out her matching red notebook and binder. "I see we still have red for math."
I laughed at her. "English is blue?"
"Science is green."
"History is yellow," We said together and giggled.
"Is there a problem ladies?" Mr. Nelson asked us, glaring slightly.
"Absolutely not." We said in sync.
flashback to 2010
"Why do you both have all the same colored stuff?" My dad asked us.
"Because each school class has a certain color." Hanna explained to my dad.
"It does not," He countered, staring at us like we were crazy.
"It does too," I agreed with Hanna. "Math is red."
"English is blue." Hanna jumped in.
"Science is green."
"History is yellow." We said in sync. We looked at each other and giggled.
"Good Lord, you two are going to be the death of me."
"Dad, we haven't had a family dinner since like last year."
"Which is why we are doing it again. It will be good for everybody."
"Will it? Because it doesn't seem like it."
"You and Hanna used to be so close, what happened?"
"Nothing happened Dad." I sighed, leaning back into Noel's car as I waited for him. "I was hoping to go to Noel's tonight."
"Yeah, it's a school night. Not going to happen."
"So let me just clarify, I can go to Hanna's but not Noel's?
"I'm glad you understand."
"I don't understand and I don't like this."
"I'll meet you there at 5:00, okay?" Before I could argue further, he hung up on me. How rude, I thought.
Noel got into the car and leaned over and kissed me.
"So, we on for tonight?"
"No. I have to go to a family dinner with Hanna and her mom and my dad. It's going to be awful."
"You and Hanna need to stop ignoring each other and be friends again." Noel told me as he pulled out of the parking lot.
"You don't get to agree with my dad on this!" I protested, pulling out my phone to see if there was a message from Hanna on picking anything up.
"All I am saying is that Hanna is still your friend and as much as I love you, I need you to be friends with her again so I can stop learning about girl talk."
"That's just rude. You should want to know when I'm horny and when I have my period!"
"Babe, your sex drive is constant. Just like mine. I know when you get your period because we've been together for a year."
"I know, I just wanted to be with you tonight." I was disappointed, but also some part of me was happy to be with Hanna and her mom. Dad and Noel were right, Hanna was my friend, my best friend, at one point. Maybe we could get that back.
"And we'll have all weekend together at the cabin." Noel promised me. "Right now, go be with Hanna. I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?"
"I love you, Noel Kahn." I told him, smiling.
He smiled back at me. "I love you too, Lily Grey."
I walked into Hanna's familiar house and was hit with a million different memories.
"Mom?" Hanna called. "Is that you?"
"No, it's uh, it's Lily."
"Oh. I thought you guys were coming later?"
"Ah, no. Dad said to come now and that he would be here after work. I hope that's okay. I can call Noel to come get me if it isn't?" I said awkwardly. Why was it so awkward between us? It never use to be.
"No, no. It's fine. I'm actually glad that you're here."
"Okay, because if it's not, I can..."
"I want you here." She smiled at me and I sighed in relief.
"Okay, good. Because I really have to get through this math homework and I don't understand it at all."
"Then you're in good company because I have no idea what I'm doing either." She smiled at me. 
"The island is cleaned off, and my stuff is already out."
We went into her kitchen and struggled through the math homework.
"So, I saw you ditched second period." She said as we wrote out the next problem.
"Yeah, it was just health." I said, trying to brush it off. It took me back to that message I got from A. It was still bothering me. Who was A? Was A even a who? Or was it a what?
"You skipped health class to do the nasty with Noel?" I looked at her and blinked.
"It's a form of health!" I defended myself.
"Whatever you say, you better use protection though."
"Hanna! We are not having this conversation!"
"What conversation?" Her mom asked and we both looked at each other and froze.
"Uh," I said.
"Um," she said.
"Well?" Ashley asked us. "I'm waiting."
"I was reminding Lily to use protection." Hanna blurted and my eyes went as wide as saucers.
"Hanna!" I yelled, shocked at her for telling her mom that I was having sex.
"It's true! You didn't get the mom sex talk so I'm giving you my version." She was on the defense now.
"That doesn't mean you tell your mom!"
"Okay, that's enough. You two still bicker like sisters. Good Lord." She took a deep breath before looking at me. "You - I don't like that you're having sex. I don't like it at all."
I pursed my lips and looked down at my hands. "But if you are, Hanna's right. You need to be using protection. Every time. It's only going to take one time for an accident to happen. Are you on the pill?"
I bit my lip. "I don't want Dad to know I'm having sex."
Ashley was quiet for a moment. "I'll talk to your dad."
I looked at her, still biting my lip. "Are you sure?"
"If it means you are on the pill, yes I will." She turned to Hanna. "I appreciate you telling Lily to use protection, but maybe next time, leave that conversation to me." Hanna looked at me before apologizing.
"I'm sorry, Lily Bean."
"I'm sorry for getting mad Hanna Banana."
"Now that that's settled. Let's cook!"
As we were setting the table, my dad came in. "Hi everybody."
"Hi," We all chorused as we sat down.
"I ran into Ella Montgomery today. Why didn't you tell me Aria was back?" She asked Hanna.
"It's not like we're still friends." Hanna told her mom.
"She didn't know your father left. I hate telling that story." I glanced at my dad. Family dinner, family feelings.
"So change the story." I spoke up. I told Hanna that all the time when her dad first left.
"I did. I changed the story. You grew up. You grew apart. It was mutual, and, honestly, We are much happier without him." Hanna finished my thought.
"Hanna." Her mom said, knowing that Hanna was unhappy that her dad left. 
"Say it enough, and you'll actually start to believe it."
"Fake it til you make it," I nodded. That was always my motto.
Ashley responded, "Well, I have to admit, it does sound a lot better than the truth."
"Not everybody always needs to know the truth." My dad pointed out.
"Nobody needs to know that we got dumped." Hanna told us.
"We" didn't get dumped. I did." Ashley clarified.
"He left both of us." Hanna reminded her.
"She's right," My dad added. “When a parent and spouse leave, they leave both the spouse and the child." He was referring to when my mother left the two of us.
"Not that it makes it any less weird to say," I mumbled, taking a small bite. Dad gave me a look, causing me to look at Hanna. "But it's true. Parents dump their children all the time. Give it time, and you'll be glad you're with your mom and not your dad. I know I'm happy with Dad." I gave her a small smile before grinning at my dad. "I'm here if you want to talk about it." I told Hanna, turning my gaze back to her.
"Thanks," She said gratefully.
Hanna receives a text, which irritated Ashley. "If that's Mona, I'm staging an intervention."
"It's Spencer."
"Spencer?" I asked in confusion. "What does Spencer want?"
"Hanna. It's dinnertime." As she finished, her phone rang and she picked up. "It's Ashley. Yes, I left it on your desk. Mm-hmm."
The doorbell rang, causing Hanna and I to open the door together. It was the police. 
"Hanna Marin?" He asked her.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Is your mother home?"
Ashley and my dad come up behind us.
Ashley told whoever was on the phone, "Let me call you back." And hung up. "What's this about?"
We received a call from Rosewood Mall Security. They have your daughter on tape shoplifting a pair of sunglasses."
My eyes widened and I turned to Hanna.
"I'm sure there's been a mistake." Ashley tried to smooth things over. 
"I don't think so. Could you turn around?" He put the handcuffs on Hanna.
Hanna looked at her mom and my dad. "Mom, Dr. Grey."
After they took Hanna out, we turned to look at Ashley.
"We have to go get her." I said immediately, grabbing my coat.
"You guys don't have to come -" Ashley started to say.
"I'm coming." I said defiantly. "Hanna needs me right now."
"Okay," Ashley said, nodding.
"I'll drive, okay?" My dad said and we all left the Marin house. We got into my dad's truck and headed to the police station to get Hanna.
Ashley was talking to an officer in his office while my dad talked to Hanna. Hanna reached for a candy, but stopped when she got a text. She drew her hand away and went back to talking with my dad, a distant look on her face. Ashley came out of the office and marched over to Hanna and my dad, I walked up behind Hanna.
"What's going on?" Hanna asked, confused.
"Let's go." Ashley told us.
"Really?" Hanna asked.
"Did you talk to the officer?" Dad asked.
"What did they say?" I asked.
We all went out and got into Dad's truck. Behind us, police cars bustled around, going a little crazy. 
"In a small town like this, What people think about you matters." Ashley told Hanna as Dad started the truck.
"I know." Hanna told her, looking out the back window.
"Then why would you risk it all to steal a pair of sunglasses? Hanna, I buy you everything you need to be popular." I glanced at my phone, updating Noel and trying to forget that I was there. Dad focused on driving.
"That's not why I do it." Hanna protested.
"Then why do? This is something you do?" Ashley interrogated her.
"A few times." 
"This is about your father, isn't it? You think this is going to get his attention?" She prodded and I squeezed Hanna's hand.
"I made a mistake." Hanna pleaded.
"In rosewood, you don't have room to make a mistake." My dad told her.
"And neither do I." Ashley added on.
"I'm sorry. I'll fix it somehow."
"You will deny you did anything wrong. It was a misunderstanding." I was confused.
"But..." Hanna tried to say but she was cut off.
"I'm taking care of it."
"Because that's what parents do." My dad added, the rest of the ride was silent.
We all got out at mine and Dad's house because there were sirens going off and a bunch of police officers in Alison's backyard. We crossed over to her street and saw that the coroner was there too.
Hanna and I stood together until we saw Aria and Spencer together and walked over there.
"I heard the cops take Hanna to the police station today." Aria told Spencer.
"You don't think she'd ever talk about..."
"The Jenna thing? We made a promise." Hanna told them.
"A promise that we will take to our grave." I responded. I was annoyed that they thought Hanna would tell the police about The Jenna Thing. She would never do that.
I ended up spending the night at Hanna's because my dad got called in for an emergency surgery.
We were listening to the TV when we heard Ashley come in. She was kissing the police officer she was talking to at the station. Hanna and I glanced at each other but didn't say a thing. Hanna turned the TV back on to drown out any noises.
My phone dinged and I took it out, hoping it was Noel. Unfortunately, it wasn't.
Hanna's in big trouble, but at least her Mommy is here to clean up her mess. Don't you wish you had a Mommy to clean up yours? Oh wait - you do - but she left you. -A
I was holding Noel's hand tightly as we walked into the church. I hated this.
"I'm -" I gestured to the girls.
"Go," He told me, kissing my forehead. "I'll find you after." He promised me and walked to the front of the church.
I walked up to the casket. I glanced at the picture of her and then back at the casket. She was in there. Alison was dead. My brain couldn't wrap around the fact that she was really dead. I knew she was missing, and part of me thought that we would always find her. That she'd come back to us.
Spencer came up and squeezed my hand before leading me over to where the girls were all sitting. I sat in between her and Hanna.
"Poor Ali." Emily said sadly.
"Can you believe what a scene this is?" Hanna asked. She was right, there were tons of people here.
"Alison would have loved it." Aria admitted. It was true. Alison loved attention.
"Popular in life and death." Spencer commented.
"It's immortality, just like she always wanted." I said softly.
Hanna gave a phial of alcohol to Emily, who tried to reject it. "No thanks. I don't--"
"Today, I think you do. Pass it to Lily when you're done." Then, Aria's cell phone rings. The girls look at her terrified. I took a big drink from the phial.
"Anyone we know?" Hanna finally asked.
"No, it's just my mom sending me a text." She paused for a second before looking at us. "Emily and I aren't the only ones Who got messages from "A," are we?"
Spencer turns around and looks at the door. "Oh, my God. It's Jenna." We all turned to look at her.
"What is she doing back here in Rosewood?" I asked quietly. "If she's back..." I trailed off when Mrs. DeLaurentis, Alison's mother, sat down next to us.
"Did you see that Jenna Marshall was here? I didn't realize she and Ali were friends."
"They weren't." Spencer told her before the funeral started.
"The lord giveth and the lord taketh away." The minister told the crowd.
The ceremony finished and we all exited the church. The police officer that Hanna's mom slept with approached us.
"Emily, Spencer, Lily, Aria and Hanna."
"Do we know you?" Spencer asked him.
"I'm Detective Wilden. I understand you were all good friends with the victim." He stated. I already did not like this man.
"Yeah, we were." Aria told him and we nodded in agreement.
"I'm gonna need to talk to each one of you." He told us.
"Why?" I demanded.
"Yeah, we talked to the police when Alison went missing."
"And I intend to go over every one of your statements. This is no longer a missing persons investigation. It's a murder. Rest assured, I will find out what happened that summer." \
"I don't like him. He gives me the ick." I told the girls as Detective Wilden walked away from us.
We watched as Jenna got into a car. Aria asked, "Do you think he knows about?" She trailed off.
"No. How could he?" Hanna asked.
"We never told anybody else what happened." I reminded them.
All of our phones rang. We pulled them out and looked at the message.
"Oh, my god!" Aria panicked. 
"It's from--" Hanna mumbled. My heart clenched.
"I got one too." Emily told us.
"I'm still here, bitches -" Spencer started reading the text.
The rest of us chimed in to finish. "...And I know everything. A'."
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