#PLEASE let this job search be over soon i am SOOO over it
wickedhawtwexler · 4 months
i turned in my take-home assignment for job 2 and they liked it and are moving me onto the next (last?) stage of interviews fuck yeaaahhhhh
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tommybaholland · 3 years
I would like you to write tom holland x actress!reader, so y/n is getting ready for photoshoot but tom holland was facetiming y/n hoping how's it going, he misses her. they haven't seen each other for a month. After that they do photoshoot and Wired autocomplete interview. then the crew got surprised and y/n misses tom, she sooo surprise and he came to visit for her. i luv them!
missing you
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featuring: tom holland (x actress!reader)
you thanked the hair stylist once they were done with your hair and remained in the dressing room to have a quick facetime with your boyfriend. 
“hey, love,” tom answered, his voice slightly raspy. “wow, you look really beautiful.” 
“thank you,” you smiled. you couldn’t see him too well but you could make out the grainy outline of his facial features and part of his bare shoulders and chest. he looked like he was still in bed. “why is the room so dark?” 
“i’m just laying down for a bit,” tom explained.
“how are you feeling?” 
“okay. i just wish you were here.” 
you frowned. “yeah. i wish i was there to take care of you.”
“nah. then i’d just get you sick. your company is really all i need. i’m so lonely,” he pouted playfully. “but if i get you sick then i get to take care of you so it could be a win-win for me.” 
you laughed at his very ‘tom’ logic. “i know. i miss you too. i think we have some time off soon but if you’re sick then we can always see each other when we’re done with promotion stuff.” 
tom groaned. “ugh. i don’t know if i can wait that longggg, love.” 
“i know this has been a long one but what you do you normally do when i’m away?” 
he didn’t respond, his face buried in the pillow. then after a few minutes, he started giggling. 
“what’s that one line from spongebob? where spongebob’s like, ‘what do you normally do while i’m at work?’ and patrick says--”
“‘wait for you to get back,’” you finish for him, laughing along. 
“yeah. i feel like patrick right now, babe.” 
“aww. well, just focus on getting better and maybe do some golfing and i’ll be back before you know it,” you promised.
the pout was still present on his face. “okay. i’ll try to survive until you come home.”
you smiled before you looked at harrison in the mirror, seeing that he had entered the room. 
“we’re getting ready to start-- oh, is that tom?”
“harrison?” tom spoke through the phone. 
you nodded, raising the phone up to harrison so he could see his sickly best friend.
“hey, mate,” harrison greeted. they had a quick chat about harrison’s recent debut. 
“it’s been fun to see you on the other side of things, dude. i’m so happy for you,” tom praised. “i’ve been watching your interviews and they’re hilarious.”
harrison laughed. “thanks, tom. we have to get going if we’re gonna make this next one, though,” he reminded, looking down to you. 
you nodded. “okay, babe. looks like i have to go.”
“alright, baby. i love you and miss you so much,” he blows a kiss to the camera.
“love you. miss you too,” you smile. 
“see you, harrison.”
“yeah, see you, man.” 
you end the facetime and follow harrison out to the set where you would be doing a promo shoot for the irregulars. like harrison, this was your first major role and the promotional part was just as important as the actual shooting of the show. you had been with tom through several of his press junkets but now you understand how taxing and exhausting it can be, especially when you’re away from your boyfriend for so long. 
you would’ve liked to have him with you for some of it, like you had with him. but lately your schedules haven’t been matching up so easily. once you were done filming the show, he had gone off to film for spider-man and once he was done with that, you had started the promotional period for the show. there were short periods in between when you got to see each other but it wasn’t nearly enough time. 
the heart certainly grows fonder when you’re apart from each other. 
besides all that, you found press stuff to be pretty fun for the most part. photoshoots were really easy and usually didn’t take that long. this one took a little longer because harrison was with you and you both took some individual pictures as well as some photos together. if anything, you’re glad he was your co-star. you knew this wouldn’t be the case for every job you get so you tried to enjoy it while it lasted. 
after the photoshoot, you and harrison went over to the studio where they film the wired autocomplete interviews. interviews were a bit more daunting part of press, mostly because you felt the pressure to be liked by the general public and that could put a lot of stress on you to be more performative. luckily, your actor boyfriend has been there to remind you to just be yourself and that’s really the best way to handle it. 
you had seen several of the autocomplete interviews and always thought they were funny so you were actually looking forward to this one. 
once you arrived at the studio, you got all set up with harrison beside you and then the director explained how it was going to work. it seemed like it was pretty lax, which was nice because there was no one asking questions. rather, the questions were actual google searches that people had made so you and harrison were the ones who really got to lead it. 
“you guys ready?” 
you and harrison nodded. 
“three...two... one...action!”
harrison started. “hi! i’m harrison osterfield.”
“and i’m y/n.”
“and this is our wired autocomplete interview.” 
“ladies first,” harrison insisted, prompting you to grab your board. 
“okay,” you agreed with a laugh. 
“here. i’ll hold it and you can rip the tape off,” he offered.
“good idea.”
a lot of the questions were pretty basic like where you were from, where you went to school, if you went to acting school, what your favorite food is, etc. but then you got to a certain one. 
“‘is y/n--’ okay. let’s see,” you said as you peeled off the masking tape before reading the full question. “‘is y/n dating tom holland?’” 
you laughed awkwardly before answering, as this was the first question about your relationship status in an interview. 
“yes. we are dating,” you responded. your mind suddenly wandered to your earlier conversation with him, causing your mouth to keep moving. 
“i haven’t seen him in a bit but--” you paused when you realized what you were saying. “um, i’m pretty busy these days.” 
you ended with another awkward laugh and shrug as harrison nodded. 
“okay. that’s all for me. your turn, harrison.” 
you continued on with the interview despite feeling put off by the fact that you missed tom. fortunately, harrison’s questions were more entertaining and perked you up again. 
“‘does harrison osterfield drink the juice?’ wait. what does that mean?”
you bursted out laughing at the vague question. 
“y/n, what’s so funny? i don’t get it.”  
“nothing, nothing,” you replied. “just answer what you think it means.” 
you had finished the interview on a high note. 
“you seemed to be in a better mood than earlier,” harrison remarked. 
“are you okay?” 
“i just,” you started. “we’ve never been apart for this long and it’s just really hard. i didn’t think it was going to be a big deal and i thought i could handle it but i can’t.”
harrison frowned. “hey. no, no. you’re doing a great job. i promised,” he comforted before looking down to his phone. 
you stood up off your chair. “i’m going to get some water.” 
you began to walk away until harrison abruptly stopped you. “wait, y/n!” 
you looked back to him as there was some commotion at the back of the set. you ignored it, looking incredulously at harrison. 
“what?” you asked in an annoyed tone. you just wanted some water. 
suddenly, a third voice appeared. 
“aww, love. don’t be mean to harrison like that.”
you turned to see none other than your boyfriend standing there. you couldn’t react in any other way other than clapping a hand over your mouth and beginning to cry in disbelief that he was actually there.
“baby, it’s okay,” he cooed, walking over and wrapping you up in a hug. some of the crew watching the whole reunion began clapping and cheering. 
he rubbed your backed as you sobbed into his shoulder for a few moments before lifting your head up to wipe your eyes.
“how, how-- what-- i,” you stuttered, wanting to know how this could be happening right now. 
“what? are you not happy to see me?” he pouted playfully, brushing some hair out of your face. 
“no! i am but i thought you were sick.” 
“well,” he smirked. “i am an actor, darling.”  
you rolled your eyes facetiously before he continued his explanation. 
“i got in late last night and stayed in a hotel. i wasn’t sick but i gotta admit, i am pretty tired.” 
you laughed. “you’re so dumb.” 
“don’t blame this all on me! harrison was in on it too!”
you looked over to harrison who was still sitting there, watching this all go down. he held his hands up. 
“guilty. but i’d like to add that tom was freaking out that you had found out somehow and has been texting me all day.”
“no. i really had no idea but i was worried about you,” you prodded at tom’s shoulder with a finger. 
“i’d say it was worth it. wouldn’t you?”
you nodded. “i suppose.”
“can i have a kiss now, please?”
you leaned in and pressed a short kiss to his lips but of course, that wasn’t enough to satisfy him. he kept pulling you in for more before you began to get embarrassed with the other people around. 
“alright, i’ll stop. but don’t think you can escape from my sneaky kisses!” he took your hand in his and began leading you out of the studio.
“wait, we still have some promo stuff to do for today.” 
tom shook his head. “you don’t. can’t say the same for him,” he nodded over to harrison. “i’ve sorted it all out with your manager and it’ll just be me and you for the next two days. does that sound good?”
well, you couldn’t argue with that.
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welcome to wild card night! requests are open and ready..
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peach-pops · 4 years
Hello! Do you remember "Dating a Hothead/easily angered girlfriend" blog from anonymous? Can I request for Akaashi, Kageyama, Ushijima, Sugawara, and Tsukishima of how will they react to their s/o? Thank you! I really really really love that blog! It really reminds me of me of being sassy 😂. Anyways, sorry for bothering you *bows*
Author’s note: UGH Im so sorry this took me so long to get out! I only did Kageyama and Akaashi cause I wanted a bit of a contrast hope that’s okay! Also, I wanna point out that there’s nothing wrong with defending yourself, even if things do get violent. I don’t condone violence I’m just saying to protect yourself in the best way possible! 
Here’s the first part!
Akaashi and Kageyama with a Hotheaded Girlfriend
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Akaashi knows how angry you get so he always does his best to try and make sure everything goes smoothly to avoid any casualties
BUT Akaashi can’t control every little thing and he realizes this fairly early in your relationship
I’m a full believer that Bokuto loves raves and clubbing and because of this, he usually drags you and Akaashi along
One night you three and a couple of other Fukurodani members are out clubbing and immediately, Akaashi surveys the room: where are the exits? Where’s the bathroom? Which group looks like trouble? Where did his girlfriend and best friend go???
He spots a group of girls near the bar that are a part of a bachelorette party who are a bit rowdy but he kinda brushes them off cause there’s nothing threatening about six girls wearing cheap wedding veils
You guys get your own private table in the corner ( bless Konoha and his connections) and after an hour or two of drinking and dancing, you take the initiative to go buy the next round of drinks cause that’s just club etiquette and you’re lowkey ballin
Let’s get it miss independent !!!! 😤 😤 😤
Akaashi offers to go with you but you tell him to watch Bokuto cause he might bust his head from dancing on the table
Once you make it to the bar, you decide just to order a pretty expensive bottle for the table because you’re not confident in your ability to carry six shots back without spilling it everywhere
You pay for the bottle and start making your way back to the table when you see the bridal party from earlier hanging out at your table. You see two girls laughing side by side with Bokuto (ok my dude get some) BUT THEN you search for Akaashi and sure enough, you see him visibly uncomfortable as the ‘soon to be bride’ tries sitting in your mans lap.
Akaashi looks up and he’s conflicted cause he wants your help to get this drunk girl off of him but he also knows you’re crazy and you might kill her in the process
“ Your hair looks so sexy pushed back! Has anyone ever told you that before?”
“ Please go away, my girlfriend is coming and she won’t be happy-”
“ Aw girlfriend? No fair why are the cute ones always taken?”
“ Aren’t you getting married?”
You’re gripping the bottle so tight in your hands and Akaashi can see it in your eyes that you are soooo close to hitting this bitch over the head with the bottle
He already knows exactly what you’re thinking and he’s pleading with you not to just with his eyes
Would you kill a girl over sitting in your mans lap? Yeah probably I mean you were fucking crazy
BUT since you could see how serious Akaashi was, you loosened your grip on the bottle and placed it on the table. Before the bride could even look over, you had already lightly nudged pushed her off of Akaashi’s lap and sat down on your boyfriend as if to claim him
“ What is your problem, you didn’t have to push me!” The bride whined as she got off the floor but you kept your glare on her
Akaashi squeezed your thigh to try and calm you down but maybe it was because of the alcohol so you just clenched your fists even tighter
“ You’re lucky all I did was push you. I can’t believe you’re about to get married and you’re trying to straddle my fucking boyfriend!”
Akaashi can feel how tense you are so he sits you on the inside of the booth so he can be in the middle between the girl and you. At this point, you’re sitting next to Bokuto and he’s laughing nervously cause he’s never seen you act like this before but he’s a ride or die so hes automatically team Y/N
“ Are you threatening me?”
“ Yeah, I am. What are you going to do about it?”
“ Y/N stop-”
“ Yeah, listen to your boyfriend bitch.”
Before you can lunge over the table, Akaashi keeps his arm out and blocks you from doing so. He turns to the girl and bows his head, trying not to let his own anger consume him,” I think you should leave.”
“ And what if I don’t want to?” The soon to be bride pokes bitterly as she attempts to wrap her arm around Akaashi’s shoulders,” what is your girlfriend gonna do, hit me?”
She’s right, you can’t launch yourself across the table and your arm doesn’t have the reach but you had alternatives. You grabbed a half-drunken glass of some brown rum and you flung the alcohol into the girls face
Everyone at the table was SHOCKED, lowkey including you cause you didn’t even mean to throw the drink in her face it just happened YOU SWEAR it was just an instinct
Who could blame you I mean you were so mad plus you had been watching so many compilations of “ Best Housewives Fights from Bravo” that it was the first thing you could think of
Akaashi, bless him and his brilliant mind, immediately blocked your body with his because the soon to be bride tries climbing into the booth to beat you up and Bokuto also has a protective grip on your wrist to stop you from killing her
LUCKILY before you could spill any blood, security comes and forces the girl to leave your table
At first, you thought Akaashi was mad at you so you kind of pout and tell him how sorry you were but Akaashi doesn’t even care he just makes sure you’re okay
In his head, he knows maybe you were in the wrong for pushing the girl but he would never admit it outloud cause he values his life
My heart swoons for this man
Bokuto on the other hand is slapping your back and shaking your shoulders going,” Holy crap Y/N that was AWESOME!!!”
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You and Kageyama had only recently started dating so he probably doesn’t have any idea how mad you could get. He’s seen a few times where you’ve gotten upset over school or your family problems but he still didn’t think too much about it
Who was he to be put off at having an easily angered s/o when he was balancing between his own emotions?
Anyway! You were one of Karasuno’s managers and you and Kiyoko got SO CLOSE! The job was super easy and it meant you could spend more time with your boyfriend so win-win!
The only part that was ever hard for you was other guys constantly hitting on you and Kiyoko like damn okay you both were hot as hell but at least treat girls with respect?
You didn’t mind guys telling you that you both were pretty caused duh you two already knew that but most of them were SOOO disgusting and you never let it slide
Before one of Karasuno’s games, you were on the sidelines with Kiyoko chatting about the next match when you could hear some of the guys from the other team trying to get your attention
“ Damn, Karasuno girls really are as fine as they say, they look soooo good.”
“ God, the things I would do if I was alone with them.”
“ I know you two can hear us, turn around so we can see what we’re working with.”
You just kept your eyes locked onto your clipboard because you didn’t want Kageyama to see how fucking crazy you could get but JESUS it was so hard when these two guys were harassing you
“ Kiyoko, I will fucking lose my mind if they come over here. I think I’m going to snap someone’s neck,” You said through gritted teeth as you watched your boyfriend warm up.
“Maybe you should go cool off in the bathroom before the game starts. I’ll let Kageyama-Kun know what’s going on and I’ll meet you in the hallway,” Kiyoko suggested as you gave her prayer hands cause she really do be a queen
You took your clipboard with you as if it was a weapon and stomped out to the bathroom cause you knew if you stayed in that gym any longer, you would cause a scene
You rinsed your face in the bathroom and you took a few deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down
Your friends and family always told you that you needed to get your anger under control and now that you were dating, the last thing you needed was to scare Kageyama off
When you started to head out towards the gym, you felt in the air that something was off like spidey senses but instead, it’s like a creep radar was sounding off in your head
That’s when you saw Kiyoko and one of the guys from earlier cornering her against a wall
You can see that Kiyoko was visibly uncomfortable and you were just about to push your limit
“ I said to leave me alone. I’m waiting for a friend.”
“ Oh, you mean the other manager? I’m telling you, we would treat you like absolute queens at our school-”
“ Hey dude, back the hell off!” You shoved the guy to the side pretty hard to the point where he stumbled back a few good feet,” fucking creep.”
This dude, this mf has the audacity to POST UP TO YOU! You’re not even intimidated by him even though he’s easily half a foot taller than you
Like he’s in your face cause now he’s pissed that this girl actually managed to shove him pretty hard
“ Lay your hands on me again and see what happens.”
“ Are you threatening me? Cause if you are, go on and try to hit me I fucking dare you!”
Kiyoko is like nuh uh not on my watch and while im pretty sure kiyoko can throw fucking hands, she ran to go get Kageyama like “ go get ur girl”
This alerts pretty much the whole team even though they’re supposed to be warming up, they go with Kageyama cause if the boys hear your name and that you need help, they get hella protective
Kageyama slides over to the hallway and sees this dude yelling in your face and he sees red when the guy lays a hand on your shoulder
Before Kageyama can even make it over to you, you smash your clipboard over the guys head so hard, he hits the floor
BUT BRUH once he hits the floor you don’t! Stop! hitting ! him!
Like that clipboard is the perfect weapon oml
“ Don’t! Ever! Touch! Me!” You literally bash him after every word and this dude can’t even fight back like I personally dont feel bad but ummmmm you might commit murder
Kageyama rushes over to you and grabs you so you can stop and he’s trying to calm you down but once the word “bitch” slips out of the guys mouth, Kageyama grabs him by the jersey and is shaking him like a ragdoll
“ Watch your goddamn mouth before I put my fist through it!”
And you’re still heated so you want to basically jump this dude with your boyfriend cause romance ya know but Suga is holding you back ( he highkey struggling)
And now Noya and Tanaka are trying to hold Kageyama back because while they definitely would’ve reacted the same way, they don’t want Kageyama to go overboard
“ What did you just say? Go on and say it again-”
“ Kageyama please!”
“ You’re lucky I’m getting held back-”
“ Y/N! Enough!”
Just two lovebirds threatening a dudes life I love it
Things get resolved pretty quickly thanks to daddy daichi calming everyone down and now it’s time for the match to start
Suga lets go of you when Kageyama walks over and the first thing he does is hug you tightly. He practically squeezes the life out of you like this experience really showed how protective he was
He even admits that while he’s glad you can handle yourself, you shouldn't have to stand up to people alone and 100% doesn’t think you overreacted at all especially when Kiyoko thanks you for sticking up for her
He’s a bit intimidated by how you acted only because he had never saw you that mad before but he doesn’t blame you for how you handled it
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mccartneysbass · 5 years
foresaken destiney
pairing: jasper hale x reader
word count: ~2.1k, unedited excuse the over usage of commas and all other mistakes, I’m trying something kind of new with my writing sooo without further ado, enjoy!
summary: When the Cullens move to Forks, Y/N knows that something isn’t right about the Cullen family. As they investigate further into the mystery that surrounds the family, they wind up finding out more than what they were looking for. Meanwhile, Jasper struggles with the fact that his mate is human. 
part i | part ii (to be posted)
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Working at the front office had its perks, like having access to school files and being able to hear all the latest news, well more really, gossip from the office workers. Which was how you knew Forks was about to receive several new students all courtesy of the brand new Dr. Cullen; who had all the office workers willing to risk it all. Apparently, he was young but had adopted several teenagers after their family had passed away. Taking advantage of the office workers chattering about the Cullens, you searched through their schedules trying to see who you would end up having in class. Midway through your mini inquiry, the office door swung open and the family of the hour entered. 
They all wore a variant of white and you couldn’t help but wonder if they had coordinated that morning. You handed each of the new students their schedules, each of them politely greeting you, their golden eyes shone brightly under the florescent lights. It was the last one who gave you an odd vibe. He looked like he was in pain, his hair was wild, sticking out in odd directions and he kept staring at you. His stare was broken by the shortest one, who pulled him down and whispered in his ear. You couldn’t hear what she said but it had a visible effect on him, his shoulders dropped.
He stuck his hand out at you, “Jasper Hale.”
You couldn’t help but feel tense, there was something about the new students that just didn’t sit right. But as soon as the feeling came you felt oddly calm and relaxed. Taking his hand you offered a small smile, “YN.”
Two things stuck out to you: how cold his hand was and his accent. You wondered what type of accent it was, you knew it was southern but you couldn’t quite nail the state. Alice broke you out of your thoughts, “YN, do you mind walking us to class?”
“No problem at all! I actually think I have next period with you and Jasper,” you replied. She clapped her hands before taking your arm and dragging you out of the office. You hid your surprise with a laugh, before leading the Cullens to their respective classes. Jasper was right behind you as Rosalie, Edward and Emmett trailed behind engrossed in their conversation. Alice who still had a grip on your arm, pulled you even closer to her, “If you aren’t busy this weekend YN, you should show us around Forks and Port Angeles.”
“Alice,” Jasper said firmly. There was an unspoken conversation as the two looked at each other.
“Relax, it will be fine. So what do you say, this Saturday?” Alice excitedly continued.  
Running a hand through your hair, you let out a breath, “Of course. It would be my pleasure, though I will give you a fair warning, there isn’t much to see.”
“We are more interested in the company anyhow,” he drawled out. You could feel a slight blush at his words, before you could control yourself you blurted out, “I love your accent. It is uh- very soothing.” Mentally you chastised yourself, you hadn’t even known them for a full five minutes and you were already a twitterpated mess.
He smirked, “Texas, ma’am.” The accent was even more obvious.
You waved your hand in front of the classroom door, “Well this is it. I will see you next period, cowboy.”
You had seen the Cullens throughout the day, they were the only thing the school talked about and you couldn’t blame them. It was the most exciting thing to happen in Forks since sliced bread. By lunchtime, the whispering that surrounded the new arrivals was beginning to pique your interest even more. The rumors ranged from plausible to just outright ridiculous: your favorite one being where Dr. Cullen was secretly running a cult.
“So Nancy Drew, know anything about the new kids?” Lauren asked before you even set your food down on the table.
You threw one of your french fries at her, “Sheesh, let the new kids breath a little won’t you? And to answer your question, they seem perfectly nice, if not a bit odd but nice.”
“Really? They’ve been giving everyone the cold shoulder, not that I care. As if they are anything special,” Jessica added.
“I’m going to shoot my shot with the blonde one,” Tyler huffed.
Stifling a laugh you replied, “Please, the day you have a chance with Rosalie is when I meet the Beatles.”
When they entered the cafeteria you again thought they had to have coordinated. Locking eyes with you Alice waved, you glanced to the side of her and were met with Jasper’s stare. It was odd how he made you feel butterflies in your stomach while also unnerving you. You nodded to Rosalie and Emmett, while Edward only narrowed his eyes at you.
Throughout the rest of the day, you couldn’t shake the nagging feeling of someone watching you. It was a constant and kept you on edge. The same gut feeling from earlier came back full force, you didn’t shake it off this time.
The rest of the week the same feeling of being watched stayed with you, even at home you felt it.  You had woken up several times throughout the night and saw those distinctive golden eyes. You had chalked it off as nightmares or even sleep paralysis but when you started finding items in places you hadn’t left them before your suspicion grew.
Alice and Jasper had taken to you relatively fast, they often hung around you and made sure to greet you every morning. You couldn’t quite figure out what was the deal with Jasper, he switched between looking at you as if you had just shoved his favorite pet off of a building and like you were the only thing that mattered.
You would find him waiting for you outside the office every day, “Here let me,” he would say as he took the textbooks from your hand. As you walked together to your next class he broke the silence, “What is your favorite subject?”
You hesitated for a second before you started rambling, “History. I love the post-world war II era. Oh and the culture of the 1960s, great music.”
He gave you one of his smirks, “Really? I love history as well. Although, I am much fonder of the antebellum period.”
It was almost 2 weeks since the Cullens arrived in Forks, they continued to be the talk of the school. They certainly continued to be the only thing Jessica and Lauren discussed during lunch. Their constant digs at you for being the only person to break into their tight-knit circle were starting to get on your nerves.
“I need a new lease for my camera, do any of you want to go with me to Port Angeles after school?” Angela interrupted Jessica’s ire towards you. If it wasn’t for Angela you didn’t know how you would’ve survived the two.
“I will! I need to make a quick stop at my dad’s office to pick up some files. He wants me to help with one of his cases.” You eagerly replied, you were dreading the drive to Port Angeles and now you would at least have some company. Your Father was a private investigator and you had often helped him with his cases and around the office. He had taught you everything you knew, from being observant to never doubt your gut feelings. As you grew older you started to get more hands-on with the investigations; stakeouts and learning how to take the money shots. You enjoyed helping him out, the disappearances and bigger cases were all puzzles that were waiting to be solved. All of that for better or for worse had bled into your high school days, it wasn’t like any of your snooping was hurting anyone.
“Ooo do tell. What’s the spicy drama this time?” Lauren leaned forward.
“I can’t really say much but it is the typical money shot case. Infidelity and whatnot, the usual, it will probably eat up my weekend,” you replied, not wanting to give too much information.
As everyone scattered to get to class, Jasper brought you to the side of the hallway. “What’s this I hear about you tailing someone?” Jasper questioned.
“How did you hear? But yes, I’m doing some lightweight work for my Dad,” you answered wondering how he could have heard about your upcoming job.
“You’re not going. I don’t want you to put yourself in danger.” He scolded. You couldn’t help the flare of annoyance.
“Well, news flash for you. You’re not the boss of me, you have no right telling me what to do. I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you think. Who do you even think you are?” You snapped.
His once golden eyes were almost black, he looked like a completely different person. He grabbed your bicep as you turned to leave, you squirmed under his grip, “Let go of me.”
Before you could even blink Emmett and Edward were pulling Jasper off of you. There was an almost animalistic snarl from Jasper as they dragged him out of the school.
Alice was by your side and started leading you away, “He’s just hungry, low blood sugar.” Alice reassured you. You wanted to believe it but the way that he reacted there was something more.
“You have to be kidding me. There is no excuse for the way he was acting. Just stay away from me.” You pulled away harshly from her grip. She put her hands up, “I know and I’m sorry. You will understand everything soon, YN. Just please,” you didn’t hear the rest of what she was saying as you ran to your car.
You sat in one of your father’s car, it was nondescript, which made it perfect for your stakeout tonight. He was currently out by the border trying to catch a bounty, leaving you to get the cheating husband.
Going on this stakeout was a much-needed distraction from the happenings of today, but it was also served as time to review everything that had happened. You dwelled in your thoughts, while you waited for the husband to leave his work and head towards the mistress.
Thinking back to your uneasiness you realized that it had all started when the Cullens arrived. Was it just a coincidence or was it something more? The Cullens seemed too perfect for you, there was something not right about their story. The good Doctor Cullen seemed too young to be so well respected and not to mention all of his adopted children sharing the same distinctive eye color and skin complexion. They had to be hiding something, you made a note in of the journals you always carried with you to look into their card statements and where they had previously lived.
You were broken out of your thoughts when you saw that the husband had finally gotten into his car and was heading out. Making sure to stay a decent length away as to not create suspicion you followed him all the way to a sleazy motel on the outskirts of Port Angeles.
Taking out your camera you started taking pictures of him exiting his car and making his way towards the motel room. The door swung open before he even touched the handle revealing a young woman, she pulled him in. In their passion, they had forgotten to close the curtain fully allowing you to take enough pictures for the husband's wife to make her case. It was too easy.
Returning back to your father’s office you decided to stay instead of making the drive all the way back to Forks. You printed out the pictures, having everything ready for when the wife would come in tomorrow. Not feeling tired at all you decided to get a head start and begin looking into the Cullens.
One of the best parts of being a private investigator, well having your father be one, was having access to websites that made tracking anyone down easy not to mention digging up dirt. The records of their previous schools all said the same thing: excellent students, kept to themselves, etc. Even Doctor Cullen’s past employments praised him.
There was nothing off about their paperwork, the adoption papers, not even their credit card statements revealed anything, except that Alice apparently had a shopping problem. You stared at the screen wondering what they were hiding. It was all just too good to be true.
You ended up falling asleep on the pullout sofa, all the while Jasper’s golden eyes plagued your thoughts. For the first time in weeks, you didn’t have the feeling that someone was watching you.
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luvskywalker · 4 years
prideful piloting- ch 4
warnings: language probably, mentioned gambling
word count: 1.2k
series masterlist !!
a/n: HI GUYS!! it’s been forever lmao i am sooo sorry i haven’t gotten this chapter out sooner :( ! hope you enjoy it though💞💞
damerons suspension had ended a solar week ago, and you saw less of him since then. he had begun to make better decisions, which made your job a whole lot less irritating. you spent the time you were usually using to tell off dameron for being reckless to train with your aunt. you had searched deep within yourself for this week, and the determination to find your father and bring him home helped you overcome your fear of the power you held. leia had taught you a lot already in such a short amount of time, including how to properly use your own lightsaber. she had told you that now it was crucial you learned the ways of the force, the ways of the jedi, for you needed to help restore balance to the force. you trusted her judgement, your aunt had never led you wrong. you also knew within yourself that you would continue what your father- even your grandfather- had started, what they had devoted their lives to. gossip was spread like wildfire all over base about the map to your father, so you started spending less and less time with the people on base and more time training and studying the jedi way on your own, until this week. today, the morning was a regular morning until you had been very rudely interrupted on your warm up run. a dreadfully familiar pilot was now jogging alongside you, before cutting you off and forcing you to stop your run.
“what is it?” you were quite irritated already, could he not see you were busy?
“what’ve you been up to?” you wondered what he was getting at, but he answered the question before you could ask.
“the squadron misses having you around, you’re never out on base.” huh, you really didn’t think they cared about you that much. you had always gravitated more towards solitude, and even when you commanded the squadron you didn’t think of you all to be close. i guess i was wrong, you thought, and your heart suddenly swelled. you were really missing out on friendships, and even though there was a war going on, they were still important.
“what are you suggesting?” you asked dameron, after snapping out of your racing head.
“just that you eat in the mess at our table.” he and the squadron had to have noticed your absence, and you appreciated the invite.
“im a little busy, i have a lot of training and a mission in a solar week. sorry, i just don’t think i can.” you felt bad for declining, but you know that if you started spending more time with people, they’d eventually find out about your parenthood. you didn’t want them to think you were given the rank of admiral simply because leia was your aunt; no one other than the general herself knew of your identity.
“come on, amidala.” he urged.
you had taken on your grandmothers last name in order to protect your identity without destroying it completely.
“i will not hesitate to go over your head and inform the general that you refuse to be involved on base.”
you shot him a glare.
“you wouldn’t dare.” it was childish almost, but you knew leia wouldn’t stand for you being so antisocial, in the same way a mother would.
“oh but i would, and i think i should right now” he sent a quick wink, before jogging away in the direction of leia’s office. you sprinted up to him, grabbing his shoulder before realizing it and quickly pulling your hand away.
“fine, i’ll eat with you guys.” the man smiled brightly at you, before nodding.
“thanks, and it only took a little threat” before bidding you a goodbye and walking off, leaving you to your training once again.
you spent a mere twenty more minutes training, practicing new moves with your saber before heading off to the mess. meals were served from certain times on base and though you usually caught them toward the end when everyone left, tonight you walked over to the table the black squadron sat at and found yourself sitting next to jessika pava. the chatter and liveliness made you realize you actually had missed the comradery that the squadron offered, finding yourself joining in. you loved to laugh and you had realized that you were throwing yourself into your work too much, for you missed laughing with your friends dearly.
“we missed having you, admiral amidala.”
you offered a bright smile at wexley- snap- you corrected yourself in your head.
“thanks for having me back, i missed you guys a lot!”
the group smiled at you, and you found yourself content for the first time this solar week, all worries of your father slipping your mind for the time being.
“so, does karé still suck at sabacc?” the girl rolled her eyes at you, and this caused a debate followed by several sabacc games, won by either you or jessika.
“i think i’m going to call it a night” you told the group, after winning your third game in a row of sabacc.
it was poe’s turn to address the squadron,
“i’m gonna turn in too guys, mind if i walk with you?”
he put you in an awkward position, you would seem rude to deny him; he was just a friend offering some company on the walk back to your quarters.
“not at all, let’s go dameron.”
little did you know, immediately after you and poe had left the table, they erupted with chatter.
“they’re literally perfect for eachother!” karé had exclaimed as soon as you both left.
“i would know, (y/n) and i used to be super close” jessika started, and as the karé and snap agreed, she continued.
“they’d be such a good couple, they’re both idiots yet such amazing leaders.”
the group continued agreeing and soon, they vowed to do whatever it took to make you both get together.
meanwhile, you were actually enjoying your walk with dameron, probably because it was relatively silent.
as you arrived at your quarters, you turned to him and exhaled lightly. “please don’t let this go to your head” you began, looking straight at him now.
“no promises” he gave back, a smug look on his face.
“i really appreciate what you did for me today, you know, making me come eat with you guys.”
a small smile graced your face, and he returned it.
“no problem. i- we all noticed that you seemed even more distant, and you were probably stressed. nothing helps more than friends.”
shockingly deep. you looked away, breaking the newly overwhelming nature of the eye contact.
“thank you, really”
he grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. you both looked down at your joined hands, and as sudden as the touch arrived it vanished. you looked back up and met his eyes, finding something you couldn’t seem to read.
“anytime.” his words came out quick, and he all but ran off. if you looked hard enough, you would’ve been able to see how his hand flexed as he quickly left you. you stood alone outside your tent for a moment, wondering why everything seemed to feel so electric when his hand had touched yours.
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datawyrms · 4 years
Dannymay2020 Day 31: Free Day (ghost sword fight lets go)
It was for science, a good cause. His life would be so much better if he didn’t have to hear his parents gleefully discuss ripping apart some mindless ectoplasmic scum molecule by molecule. Right now though, he was remembering the other reason he flinched in horror when having to take his parents anywhere. Complete embarrassment. One extra downside to ghost powers: knowing you actually can just have the ground swallow you up in shame, but knowing you really, really shouldn’t. When your dad is sitting with sodas strapped to his head and waving a foam finger with your friend’s name on it, it got very tempting.
He’d almost prefer dealing with an ecto gun. “Dad, you’re actually going to pay attention, right?”
“Course I will Danny-boy! That goth friend of yours will kick that ghost right back to its own dimension, and I’ll be watching.”
The half ghost groaned, crossing his arms. “Dad.”
“And totally see if it’s actually a fight with rules. I did listen, son! It’s just good to see young people taking up ghost hunting!”
“This isn’t ghost hunting!”
“Right. Your friend is just going to clobber a ghost with a sword. For Science!”
Well he wasn’t wrong exactly, but it wasn’t helping him not regret every second of this stupid plan. “It’s more Sam’s doing the ghost a favour, and Sam’s doing me a favour by letting us watch. Sooo don’t go calling the ghost scum or anything. Please.”
“Hmmhm. I did read your notes son. You think I’d come with no weapons if I thought your observations were shoddy?” he clapped the boy on the back, who had to struggle to not fall over. “Still gotta root for your friend kiddo!”
Yes. Yes he did, actually. Yet asking his dad to maybe be a little less enthusiastic was like asking the sun to maybe be a little less bright. Pointless, and possibly amusing to anyone overhearing you. “She manages without a cheering section most of the time,” he felt the need to point out before heading down the hill to check in with Sam.
“I don’t know what I expected. Not that, that’s for sure.”
“Tell me about it. I didn’t think he’d do anything but scowl from the hill because he’s worried about a dastardly ghost. Sorry.” he rubbed the back of his neck, eyes flicking between his friend and the bright orange blight on the hillside.
“Nah. Arlas will probably get a kick out of it anyway, she likes having an audience,” Sam shrugged, fiddling with the lightweight wooden sword. “I have a few new tricks. Who knew Star of all people would like fencing?”
“Did she swear you to secrecy?”
“Bought my silence by being a pretty good practice partner,” her grin faded somewhat “Guess I’ve been buying into their ‘popular’ shtick too. She’s not that bad.”
“Then I’ll pretend you didn’t tell me. You don’t think she’ll try and talk to Dad, right? That could get ugly real quick.”
“She might. She knows to keep the whole met in the ghost zone thing quiet, but I can’t promise much else,”
“Well I can’t promise he won’t call her putrid protoplasm so we’re totally doomed.”
“Maybe we can make it sound like good natured ribbing?”
“With what ribs?” Danny smirked in spite of himself
“Oh shut up you. Go worry about not turning invisible trying to hide from your dad or something. I’ve got this.”
He nodded, backing off to head back to his expected spot. He wasn’t meant to know the ghost well, after all. He did notice the ghost showing up before anyone else, but forced himself to act oblivious.
“Oh, there’s the spook! You mentioned the heavy leg armor, these ones can’t do the leg shapeshifting thing, right?”
Danny blinked. He’d actually read and paid attention to all of it? “Yeah, that’s right. It can be pretty heavy since they don’t have to walk much with the whole flying thing, apparently.” his eyes flicked to his Dad’s face, trying to figure out how the man felt about Sam and this ghost greeting one another in friendly terms. He didn’t look angry, so maybe it was a good sign?
“First to three hits is what you said, right?”
Man this felt weird. Answering things about ghosts without constantly worrying he’d be called a ghost for it. “Sam’s pretty sure five would take too long. Either because she gets tired out, or a ghost hunter barging in.” Something he had almost done three times, but he couldn’t mention that bit.
Jack kept his eyes fixed on the two, leaning forward even as he slurped from the ridiculous soda contraption. “That’s how she wins, right son?” he pointed as Sam blocked a swing and danced backwards, forcing the knight to give chase. “She outruns em and can go for smaller openings.”
“How did yo-yeah. That’s usually how, since she can’t just fly after her…” How could he pick up on that and not his son literally falling through things for a month?
Arlas looked as if she might have caught on to Sam’s usual plan as well, backing off instead of pursuing after another failed clash. He honestly had zero idea what to do in that situation that wasn’t ‘shoot ecto blast’, but his friend seemed to have a decent idea, feigning a left swing before jabbing forward at a much greater speed.
“Ha! Lookit that, already winning!”
“You’ll distract her if you cheer louder.”
“Nah, your little friends are tough!”
He did seem to be right, the boisterous cheering when Sam had the upper hand not earning as much as a glance from the fight. Sam did shoot Danny a look at the boo his Dad made when Arlas managed to turn a block into a strike Sam couldn’t defend against in time, and he could only shrug. Hopefully the knight wasn’t too annoyed at the blatant favoritism. Or maybe she expected it, being a visitor and all.
Still, making it through the combat without having to stop his Dad from trying to capture or hurt the ghost was pretty good. Even if it was still really weird to have him just watch. He personally didn’t even need to watch the fight, watching Jack was more than enough indication on how things were going. Okay, maybe he was a bit paranoid, watching just in case he had to do some split second overshadowing. Moreso now that the ghost apparently wanted to say hello to the watching human, to his complete dismay.
“Oh, so it is a family thing! What interesting armor.” Arlas said, looking at the bright orange jumpsuit. 
Jack did seem a little surprised at the possible complement, hiding it with a nod. “Always need to be prepared!”
Danny manared to peek out from behind his fingers. Dad hadn’t threatened her. That was progress. That was good! Him possibly wondering why she thought jumpsuits were a family thing was not good! Sam’s advice of remembering not to turn invisible suddenly seemed very useful.
“Still I hope it was a good show. Sir Manson is still a bit too fast for me, but I’ll figure out a way around that soon, you’ll see.”
“You could just lose the armor, you’re way better at planning than I am.” Sam pointed out, earning a laugh from the ghost.
“If I plan to work in it, I must be able to beat you in it! The extra preparation can only be a good thing. That, and I can use the same trick on the others if they get overconfident.”
“So you consider being a knight as a job? You could do something else if you got bored of the sword swinging gig?” Jack asked, hand on his chin as he watched the floating knight.
“Of course! There are plenty of things to do back home, but who wouldn’t want to help protect the Queen? It’s not like I cannot retire when I no longer wish to do it.” she paused, looking up at the sky as if searching for an example. “I suppose you do not really have proper communities of ghosts over here, just the stronger sorts or the occasional animal?”
“Nope. We just get the town attacking beasties”
“Ah, well who doesn’t? Troublemakers will be troublemakers.” she shrugged easily, apparently not considering herself a ‘beastie’.
Jack considered the answer, the loud slurping sound rather at odds with the pensive look on his face. Surely he didn’t think this ghost would make up an entire fake backstory, or be perfectly fine with losing to a human in a fair fight while being ‘mindless’. “So the Fentons are known over in your world then?”
“Well I wouldn’t say unknown. The outfits are pretty memorable! Yours more than your son’s. He is your son, I think. That’s the right term?”
Of course she had to bring up his jumpsuit. That he never wore. Because it was on his ghost form. Sam’s wince in sympathy did not help.
“See Danno, even the ghosts think you need more colour! Even Jazz’s is blue, maybe we should get you an orange one.”
“Maybe. Mine’s fine, thanks.” he managed to speak, hoping he didn’t sound too much like he’d been internally choking.
Sam took up damage control before her friend managed to be more suspicious than a wolf in a sheep pen. “Well, I’ve got stuff to do, and Arlas does too. See ya Mr. Fenton.”
The ghost did seem a little put out to not continue to chat, but took Sam’s lead, turning invisible before making her way back home.
“Not even going to try and scare anyone while she’s here huh? Interesting.” Jack commented. “Certainly a lot to think about kiddo! Our little researcher,” he ruffled Danny’s hair, earning a grunt from his son. “You think you might be able to arrange talking to some of these other ‘non-violent’ ghosts?”
“Oh. Yeah. Probably? Not right away, but sure.”
“Great! I want to see for myself if the stories line up. If they do, then we’ll need to figure out why only the blobs and animals showed up before the portal.” he got to his feet, apparently wanting to go write things down in the lab right away.
“Because they were the only ones dumb enough to leave the ghost zone without a portal to go home with.” Danny muttered “The smart ones wouldn’t risk it,”
“Right, you scrawled that on the back of your folder. Which ghost told you that again?”
In truth? Frostbite. Yet he didn’t have a way to explain that. “Phantom.”
“Well you can’t use yourself as a primary source son, that’d be considered speculation.”
Danny could only stare. Whoops.
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so-cool-day6 · 5 years
Dreams Do Come True [M]
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tags|smut, wet dreams, blowjobs, yeosang being an angel, literally just giving yeosang oral
[8:23 AM]You’ve been up for the past 30 minutes, getting ready and making breakfast for you and your boyfriend. Now, you're happily skipping towards the bedroom to wake Yeosang and tell him his food is ready. 
But just before you enter the room, there’s a single sound that makes you stop in your tracks and raise a brow. 
It starts off as a simple whimper, but after listening closely, you conclude that there’s panting mixed in as well. For a moment, you try to decide if it’s a good idea to walk in, but you shake it off and say of course it is. For all you know, he could be having a bad dream and needs a sweet kiss to wake him up. 
Lightly pushing open the door, you're met with a painfully angelic sight. There’s Yeosang, laying on the bed with his messy hair that still managed to look perfect, his face scrunched up in concentration while sweat begins to form on his forehead. His hips are thrusting into nothing as he’s trying desperately to gain any friction. 
You wonder what he’s doing, humping nothing under the covers. “Yeosang?” you call out to him, but he doesn’t respond. He only continues to thrust into the air and let delicate whimpers leave his plump, quivering lips. 
That's when you realize that he's still asleep. You almost coo at how cute he is. Poor baby is having a wet dream, you quietly chuckle to yourself. 
It looks like he’s struggling. What to do with him... An idea pops into your mind. But is it an idea you should do? The food will get cold soon and won't be nearly as good. On the other hand, there's no harm in letting it go cold when you're helping your boyfriend with his little problem.
Sneakily, you tiptoe towards the end of the bed. And just as silently, you lift the covers and crawl through. The sun provides enough light through the window that you can see everything underneath. As soon as you're laying on your stomach, over his legs, you’re face to face with something rather prominent. 
Yeosang’s hard on is straining in his gym shorts. Slowly, you reach for the elastic band that clings to his hips. For a second, he jerks at the unfamiliar touch, but he calms again soon after and goes back to shifting uncomfortably in his shorts.
Sliding down his waistband midway down his thighs, you can see the outline of him nicely in his briefs. There’s a small wet spot at just the tip, which brings a smile to your lips. Seeing the way his cock slides up and down in his briefs makes you want to get to work right away. So you do. 
First, it’s a poke and immediately, his breath hitches. Then it’s another poke, and your finger glides gently up and down him. Above you, Yeosang’s whine sounds like heaven. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that you’ve managed to end up with someone who’s the entity of everything light and beautiful. 
Your craving mind demands that you look at the angel himself. For a second, you lift the blanket to get a glimpse of him, and you’re glad you did. Everything from his messy bed head to the heavy rise and fall of his chest makes you melt. The way his needy expression sends all sorts of tingles around your body reminds that you have a job to do. You scan him one last time before letting the cover fall over you again. 
No time is wasted anymore. As smoothly, and as desperately, as you can, you pull his briefs down enough to allow for his member to pop out. It hits against his stomach, and he stirs more from his dream. You take a hold of his cock with one hand and admire it. 
Is it possible for a dick to be so pretty? Because his is beautiful like the rest of him. It’s pretty pink tip spouts precum and drips down his shaft. 
You wipe a thumb over the head and he jerks at the contact. You almost swear that you heard him mutter, “Please,” but it could’ve been your imagination, but you wish it's not. And to hopefully confirm your suspicions, you rub around the head again, spreading the precum around, making it easier to move. But instead of being met with words, you’re met with more precious noises from your lover.
You’re still for a second, listening to find out if he’s awake yet. However, he’s still breathing slowly and whimpering quietly. Eventually, you lean in and give him an experimental lick. His mouth twitches open as he gasps. The sound alone is enough to keep you going. 
Another lick turns into multiple flicks of your tongue against him. Yeosang jerks up, nearly hitting you in the face, but you’re quick to move out of the way. A lovely rushed moan escapes his lips and blesses your ears for the first time that morning. You’re so pleased by it, that you could only hope for more. So you were going to work for it. 
You flatten your tongue on the base of his cock and leisurely drag your tongue all the way back up to his tip. Once you reach the head again, you teasingly press your lips against it. Within less than a second, your mouth falls over him and takes him in at once. 
There’s a pleasant gasp above you followed by another moan. Yeosang’s eyes snap open at the abrupt sensation. He’s barely woken up, and he’s already trying to catch his breath. Though, it’s difficult to even do that when there are diverting tingles going up and down his body for unknown reasons. He hasn’t fully processed his surroundings until he struggles to hold in a groan. 
Quickly, he lifts the covers off of him to see a sight that has his eyes lust-filled instantly. There you were, the little demon, Y/n, who was currently sucking him awake and raising him from the land of wet dreams and make-believe. 
He almost feels embarrassed at the thought of it. He remembers every single detail of his dream, from the sweet hurried kisses to you hovering above him and riding him like your life depended on it. He must’ve been acting it or something, and that alone made his cheeks tinge darker than before. 
But god, if he isn’t thankful for it. 
Just as you take him in all the way again, Yeosang’s hand instinctively reaches out and threads itself with your hair. Your gaze snaps up to him at once and you stare at him with dark hooded eyes. He stares back with his mouth hanging open. His hand subtly pushes you down, making you stay in your place with his cock down your throat. 
For the briefest second, you think you’re going to gag at the lack of oxygen, but he lets up a moment later. After you come back, there’s a devilish smirk placed on your lips, “You know… I have breakfast ready,” you draw out. 
He’s still gasping from how much damage you’ve done to him. He’s so weak for you, even in his dreams, even in his sleep. “So?” he asks, out of breath and face painted pink, almost matching his bed head. 
“Sooo, do you want to eat?” you asked, your tone high and serious. However, you already know the answer. It's just fun to tease him. 
Yeosang furrows his brows as he utters a simple answer, “Fuck no. You feel too good.” Those few words were enough to bring you back to him. It’s occasional, but when he swears, it makes you want to ruin him even further. You plan on keeping that silent promise as Electric shocks tingle down your body and straight to your heat. 
Promptly, you wrap your lips around the head and fill your mouth with only him again. Him, the only person you want to be with. Him, the love of your life. Him, who is writhing beneath you. Electric shocks tingled down your body and straight to your heat. 
The more you sucked and licked, the more desperate both of you become. Him, wanting to cum. And you, wanting him to cum and doing something about your own little problem. 
His fingers fiddled with random strands of your hair, tugging each time your tongue goes down the side of his cock. Yeosang mutters curses and whimpers praises, "God, you feel so good. I l-love you- jesus!" every time he speaks, he's interrupted by his own moan spilling out of his mouth like an endless sea. 
He thrusts into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat multiple times, and almost making you gag once again. You hold down his thighs so you can take it at your own pace and take your time pleasuring him. Though he still gently rocked into your mouth, he wasn't nearly as sporadic as he was before you took charge. 
"Y/n, I'm so close," he whispers a warning, a secret between lovers. His eyes are squeezed shut as excitedly searches for his release that's been tormenting him all morning. His lips fall open continuously to let in the air and to let out his feelings of desire.
Your gaze lingers on his features, admiring each and every single detail. To think you were just going to wake him and eat breakfast with him, seems like a choice only an idiot would make. You much rather have your breakfast in bed, with Yeosang being the full course meal.
You don't say anything to him, you just continue to suck harder and move faster to bring him closer and closer to the edge. And when you feel him tense under your touch and twitch in your mouth, you move even quicker. 
Yeosang's head falls back into the pillows, harder than before. Spontaneous moans flow through his lips while spurts of his cum fill your mouth and cover your tongue entirely. Shocks are sent up his spine and the sweet release he's been craving finally comes. 
Watching him squirm during his orgasm makes the wetness in your own pants soak through your underwear. You rub your thighs together hoping to satisfy that undying need for him that's been possessing you for the past few minutes. But it's barely enough for you. 
After he comes down from his high, he’s catching his breath and relishing in the moment. You finally release him with a pop of your lips. You lay there, looking up at him, both in longing and admiration. But you’re a patient person, so you wait. 
Once his breathing calms down, he glances back down to you and sees your eager eyes staring back at him. There’s a glint of pride and need in them that he notices. Yeosang lifts his head and he holds his arms out lazily for you, “C’mere.” 
You happily oblige and crawl into his arms and cuddle into him. He strokes your hair for a moment, then he makes you face him again. There’s a small smile on his face, “You did so well, sweetheart, waking me up like that,” he compliments. Licking his dry lips, he continues, “Do you think I should return the favor?” There’s a hint of something in his voice that sends shivers down your spine. 
Impatiently, you nod, “Please,” you whisper. The constant reminder that you need him in your pants is currently dripping. Forget about breakfast. Forget getting ready for the day. Forget everything else. Because he’s the only thing that’s on your mind, and he’ll be sure to remind you that. 
“Okay sweetheart, get on all fours for me,” he commands. You’ve never been so quick to move before.
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
A “New” Vigilante (2/2)
Author: @wordsfromthesol Taglist: @ghost-brocolli @zalladane Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Summary:  You and Jason had known each other forever. After his death, you made your own name in the vigilante world. Everything changed when a newcomer known as the Red Hood came to town. Warnings:  Uh…the norms? Violence, Language, etc. Word Count: 1.5k A/N: Requested by @emmandhercoffecrisp and I hope the second part lives up to the glowing and beautiful compliments they gave the first part 😊
Part One
Jason woke up a few hours later to Dick loitering over him at the batcave.
“Fuck. Solaris called you?”
“Of course she did…look Jay, are you sure you don’t want to tell Y/N?”
“Why the fuck are you bringing this shit up again now?”
“I just think it would be a good thing for both of you. Listen, think about it. Me and Tim are getting lunch with her tomorrow. You should come.” Before Jason could turn down his offer, Dick left.
You had avoided everyone since you had the epiphany, but you knew Dick and Tim would both kill you if you missed your standing lunch date.
“I can’t believe you two.” You blurted out as soon as you walked up to their table.
“Y/N, we promised Jay we wouldn’t say anything.” Dick attempted to reason with you.
“I told them both it was stupid, and Jason should just tell you.”
You rolled your eyes, “Well he didn’t. I found out. In the middle of a job. What if that lapse in judgement had gotten me killed?”
“Then Jay would probably be mad you never told him.” Tim nonchalantly commented as he waved at the familiar waiter.
“Please Y/N, you would’ve done the same thing if the roles were reversed.” Dick added.
You opened your mouth to speak, but quickly realized they were both right. You took in a deep breath before deciding Jason couldn’t know. “I’m assuming he doesn’t know who I am. Keep it that way.”
“Seriously? Why are you two sooo dramatic?” Tim twirled his fork around as he tried to understand your logic.
“Tim, if he knows then he wouldn’t let me in the field anymore. This is part of me now. I can’t give it up.”
“Fine. But when Jason eventually finds out, I’m directing him towards you.”
“Same goes for me!” Dick chimed in.
It had been a few months since the discovery and you did everything you could to avoid Red Hood, Jason, whatever you were supposed to call him now. A weird combination of anger, betrayal, and happiness filled your mind. All these thoughts and emotions were clouding your judgement and you kept searching for more and more dangerous people to go after. Finally, you ran out of equipment and stormed the batcave.
“Y/N,” Tim exclaimed in surprise as you entered the cave. “It’s, uhh, been awhile. How are you holding up?”
“Fine. Just need more supplies.” You ignored Tim as he followed you into the weapons room. You ignored how intently he watched you as you filled up the duffel bag.
“That’s…uhm…a lot. Something I can help with? I’ll go gear up.” Tim started to walk away but you grabbed his wrist.
“No. I can do this alone.” You feigned a smile to try and distract from the clear emotions written on your face. “I’m sure good ole’ Brucie has you working on something much more important.”
“Okay…” Tim returned the farce and pretended not to be worried. “Well call if you need back-up.” He placed his hand on your shoulder, “You’re not in this alone.”
“Of course.” As you turned away from this boy who had become your little brother, your face immediately fell and you made your way to the barrage of motorcycles. As soon as you were out of sight Tim rang Jason.
“Hey Jay, I need a favor. Solaris just left and something was definitely wrong. She wouldn’t let me go with, but I was able to place a tracer on her.”
“I’m on it. Should I radio Dick?”
“No, you’ll have a hard enough time tailing her without her knowing. I’ll let him know the situation and we’ll be on stand-by. Call us if you need us.”
Jason finally catches up with you as you become trapped in-between a brick wall and six guys with very large guns. Four people already laid unconscious at your feet. He watched as you threw a smoke bomb and ran directly at them. He figured you would run past them to find cover, but you stayed right behind them, wailing against one after the other. Two more fell. After he came to the realization that you weren’t planning on leaving, he jumped down to join you. The two of you had no problem taking out the remaining four thugs. Once they were all down you slumped to the ground…not wanting to give away how badly you had been injured.
“What the fuck was that?”
“I had them.” Your voice cold and distant.
“Yeah that was clear by the game of red rover you induced.”
“Whatever. Thanks.”
“So sincere. Come on, we have to get out of here before the cops come.” Jason held out his hand to help you up. You pushed it away and glared at the vigilante before you. He held up his hands in defense and turned from you, giving you enough time to stagger upwards. One hand grasped at the wall, while the other put pressure on one of the larger wounds to your abdomen. As you moved towards the edge of the alley way you vision began to blur. You pulled your hand from the wound and glared at the blood that coated it.
“Shit.” You mumbled to yourself. Jason turned around at the sudden noise. His brow furrowed as he realized how far behind him you were.
“Solaris!” Jason rushed to your side as you began to collapse to the ground.
You gazed up at him, watching as he radioed Dick and Tim. You slowly drew your hand up to his masked face and smiled. “I’ve finally got my shadow back…” you let the simple words escape from your lips as your body sunk further into his. There was a long pause before Jason comprehended the words.
“Wha…what…did you say?” Jason stammered out, still unsure if his ears deceived him. It was too late, you lay unconscious in his arms just as Dick and Tim arrive.
“Red Hood, what happened?”
Jason didn’t bother to answer his older brother as he placed you in the car and climbed on his own bike.
“Why wouldn’t you tell me?!” Jason bellowed as he pointed to you lying in the infirmary, Alfred tending to your wounds.
“Are you getting a sense of déjà vu?” Tim glanced at his brother.
Dick rolled his eyes, “I’m not getting into this again, when you literally asked us to do the same thing. Tim was right, you two are so dramatic. Try talking to her.”
Jason let out a wavering sigh, “I’m…I’m different now. What if she doesn’t like me anymore?”
“Is that what you’ve been so worried about?”
Jason’s eyes darted towards the floor.
“Look, Jay, I didn’t really know you before the whole death, Lazarus pit resurrection thing…but Red Hood and Solaris, they’ve grown into best friends. Why should Jason and Y/N be any different?”
“I don’t think there’s anything you could do to make Y/N stop loving you.” Dick added to Tim’s reasoning. “Alfred said she should be waking up soon. Go talk to her.”
Jason let out an exasperated breath, “Fine. You guys are right.” Jason started walking towards you when Dick cried out.
“Wait! Say that again!”
“Not a chance.”
It was nearing an hour before you began to stir. Jason immediately leapt to your side.
“Y/N…” Your eyes fluttered open at the sound. They grew wide as your brain comprehended the image standing before you. Jason, your Jason.
“Before you yell at me, I’m just glad you’re alive and here with me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I…” Jason sat down on the bed beside you. As he did so, you reached out for his hand. “I was afraid. Afraid you wouldn’t like the new me. Afraid to hurt you if I died…again.”
“I could never not like any version of you Jay. I would’ve hoped you knew that. As for dying…well my heart did shatter. I didn’t really have anyone then. I have a family now. Dick, Tim, and even occasionally Bruce…” you chuckled to yourself.
“Honestly, I don’t get how I missed it…I mean Solaris?”
“Can’t say it wasn’t in your honor…”
“My sun and stars.” He pressed a gentle kiss on your lips. You pushed slightly away.
“You can’t ask me to stop.”
Jason abruptly stood at the comment, “What do you mean?! You almost died!” His tone grew more raucous.
“Jason.” You complemented his rage with your serene disposition. “This is a part of me now. I would be just as lost without it as I was without you.”
He looked at you with a sad knowing in his eyes as he walked over and laid next to you. Gazing down at you he whispered, “Just promise me you’ll try to be safe.”
“Only if you do.”
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aalissy · 4 years
Date Night
Chapter 17 of Dreaming in Black and White is finally done!! Aghhhh I'm sooo sorry!!! It's been toooo long since I've updated this story! I've been too busy keeping up with Adrienette April and Marichat May! I hope you guys can forgive mee! The identity reveal is next chapter so you have that to look forward to haha ;). Lemme know what you think of this one <3
Marinette rushed through the crowded streets of Paris, the wind blowing her pigtails back as she did so. How could I forget my date with Luka?! She mentally scolded herself. Gnawing on her lip nervously, she slowed as she neared the building that Luka had sent her directions too. She entered into the small restaurant, letting the warm air envelop her. She scanned the crowded room sheepishly, finally spotting her date gazing out of a window. She cleared her throat lightly, slowly creeping towards his table, “Excuse me but is this seat taken?” Marinette gave him a small, apologetic grin.
“Marinette!” Luka stood up with a bright smile, “You made it!”
“Yep,” she giggled nervously, sliding into the seat across from him, “Sorry I’m so late! I lost track of time.”
“That’s alright! I’m just glad you’re here,” he sat back down, picking up the menu in front of him, “How’s your weekend going?”
“It’s been good so far. Adrien and I got some work done on our science project. How was yours?” Marinette picked up her own menu, looking for the tastiest food item listed.
Luka grinned teasingly at her, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously, “It’s been good. I got some practice in with Kitty Section before rushing off to my date only to realize she wasn’t here.”
Marinette winced, putting down her menu to regard him both seriously and apologetically, “I really am sorry about that Luka. I invited Adrien over to work on the project and we lost track of time and I didn’t mean to-”
“No, no, it’s alright, Marinette. Honest. I was only teasing,” he waved her apology off with a quiet chuckle, “I understand, believe me. I know just how late you tend to be,” he winked.
She ducked her head, feeling warmth rush into her cheeks as she did so. She peeked up at him from beneath her lashes, “Still, I’m really sorry.”
“Hey, I promise you that I’m okay with it,” Luka’s hand landed atop hers, squeezing it gently.
“Are you two ready to order?” a chipper voice spoke up from their side, and Marinette tore her eyes away from her date’s blue ones to look up at their waiter.
“Yes, I am. Marinette, are you?” Luka grinned at her and she gave him her own shy smile back.
“Oh, yes, I’m rea-,” she was cut off from speaking by a loud, blaring alarm coming from outside. Her eyes widened as she listened to the akuma alert ring out along with the loud screams coming from the Parisian streets. Her gaze darted from the window back to Luka’s wide, panicked eyes. Marinette stood up, cursing Hawkmoth for interrupting yet another one of her dates as she spoke calmly, yet decisively, “You need to get to safety!”
The musician’s brow furrowed as he looked at her, “Yes, we do.”
Marinette coughed, wincing slightly as she stuttered, “R-right, right,” she gave her head a quick shake before grabbing Luka’s arm, yanking him over to the kitchen that the waiter and all the other guests were rushing towards. Her eyes searched around the small space, looking for any place to hide. With another muffled curse when she found none, she instead decided to duck under one of the tables with the other guests. Luka’s hand found hers, giving it a quick squeeze as he grinned at her. Marinette managed to give a wobbly smile back but her gaze still drifted to the door outside, chewing her lip nervously as she made out the faint sound of screams. 
I-I can’t just sit here! I have to do something! Chat Noir won’t be able to handle this alone! I’ve gotta help him!
Her gaze darted over to the boy next to her worriedly and she let out a quiet breath of air before she pushed herself out from under the table.
Luka’s hand shot out to grab her wrist, his brow furrowed in confusion as he watched her, “Marinette, where are you going?”
“To find help,” she managed to give him another weak grin before capturing her lower lip between her teeth.
His frown deepened and his grip tightened, “I’m sure Ladybug and Chat Noir can handle this, Marinette. I’d be surprised if they weren’t there already. Please, stay.”
“Luka... I, I can’t,” she gave her head a slow shake, feeling her heart shatter when he gave her a pained expression, “One of us has to go get help! Who knows what type of an akuma it is?!”
“But it doesn’t have to be you,” he pointed out. All the same, his grip around her loosened slightly. His blue eyes stared at her piercingly, like he knew already what her decision would be. 
Marinette clenched her eyes shut tightly before sucking in a deep breath of air. Slowly, she moved her arm away from his grasp, “Luka, I-I’m sorry,” she whispered before ducking out of the kitchen. She flinched with pain shortly before she rushed through the open doors, briefly catching the tail-end of Luka shouting her name. Blowing out a harsh breath, she cursed Hawkmoth and began running against the influx of people sprinting towards her. She stumbled and pushed against the oncoming crowd, all the while her head swiveling as she searched for a place to hide and transform into Ladybug. Eventually, the horde of people slowed and she was soon left alone on the empty street.
Shivering slightly at the cold breeze, Marinette wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to get warm. There was still no sign of an empty alley, and she wasn’t sure whether or not the buildings she was passing were filled with people. Shooting a worried glance at her purse, she continued to look around for somewhere safe to transform. 
Continuing down the cold, empty streets, she finally found exactly what she was looking for. An abandoned alleyway! She breathed a sigh of pure relief before darting to it. Marinette’s lips just began to part to speak the transformation words when something stopped her. A warm hand grabbed at her jacket and her eyes squeezed shut before narrowing in accusation as she whirled around to face her attacker. 
If it’s the akuma, I’ll go down fighting! Chat will get here soon to stop him anyway! The faster I can delay him, the more time he has to get here. Ugh, and I was so close to transforming too!
As much as she was sure her eyes were lit with frustration it compared nothing to the blaze of fury in Chat Noir’s eyes. His hand was clenched in a fist around her jacket and his nostrils flared with rage. Marinette couldn’t help but cower for a brief moment before his words reignited her own anger, “What are you doing out here?! Didn’t you hear the akuma alarm?! It’s not safe!” Chat practically hissed at her.
“I was going for help! I didn’t see Ladybug or you and figured someone needed to do something!” her arms waved about in exasperation. 
Chat's mouth fell open in shock, “Are you insane!? Ladybug is sure to be here soon and I heard the alarm! Of course, I was coming!”
“Well, I didn’t know that!! For all I knew you were stuck somewhere because of the akuma or lost your miraculous aga-,” she slapped a hand to her mouth before she could reveal too much information.
“Wait, what, how did you know that?” Chat lost some of his anger, frowning at her in confusion.
“I, um, err,” Marinette’s eyes darted away from his gaze nervously before her eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers together, “I was assuming! Yep, I was just guessing! You know, sometimes you and Ladybug show up late to akuma attacks so I just figured that maybe you lose your miraculous sometimes. I mean, I definitely lose my earrings all the time, so I can’t imagine what it must be like having to keep track of a ring,” she rocked back and forth on her heels, giving him what she hoped was an innocent smile. 
Great job, Marinette, she berated herself sarcastically, why don’t you just go ahead and tell him you’re Ladybug?! Well, at least you didn’t give away that you know that the kwamis are always near their miraculous, making it sort of impossible to lose...
“Right,” Chat dragged out skeptically before he scooped her up in his arms, ignoring her squeak of shock, “Regardless, I need to get you home, Marinette. It’s not safe out here with an akuma on the loose.”
Ignoring the bursts of electricity that were running up and down her arms from just holding him, she buried her head in his chest. Quietly, she mumbled her apology, “I-I’m sorry, Chat. I just wanted to help.”
He chuckled rather heartily, “I know you did, purrincess. I know you did. I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
Marinette felt a pair of lips brush against her hair, causing her face to turn a bright, red color. Closing her eyes some, she settled deeper into his chest, “I-it’s alright.”
As soon as he drops me off, I’ll transform. I just hope the akuma isn’t too destructive.
Soon enough, they were up and onto the rooftops of Paris. She was cradled in Chat’s arms as he began rushing her back to the bakery. As they ran, he leaned down close to whisper quietly to her, “You look purrety pawsome today. Have a fancy date to rush off too?”
She ignored the harsh clench of guilt her stomach gave as she thought about Luka. The pained expression on his face as she told him she had to leave. The half cut-off shout of her name as she fled the restaurant. Marinette gnawed on her lip as she shook her head some, her blue eyes gazing at his chest sadly, “Yeah.”
“Did you not make it then?” the superhero asked almost hopefully.
Her eyes snapped up at that, staring at him with shock as she noticed the small clench of his jaw, “Chat, are you jealous?!”
He looked down at her piercingly, his emerald eyes filled with something indescribable, “Yes,” he said shortly and simply.
Marinette’s chest clenched at that and she blushed deeply, tucking her head back into his chest to hide it, “W-well, I-I did make it. W-we didn’t have much time to talk though... the akuma attack happened and then I ran away to find some help.”
“So you just left him at the restaurant then?”
There was amusement clear in his voice and her eyes snapped back up to glare at him. A silly, almost satisfied smile was on his face. Chat literally looked like the cat who ate the canary. Her cheeks turned a darker red at that and Marinette scowled up at him, “You don’t have to look so happy about it! I feel terrible! I was only trying to go get help.”
“Well, you found him. I’m at your service, purrincess,” he looked back down at her with a smirk. He tilted his head subtly at her, giving her a small bow.
“What if I was looking for Ladybug?” she snarked back at him, crossing her arms against her chest.
“I’m sure you were,” Chat snickered at her, “I’m glad that you found me instead, though.”
“Of course you are,” Marinette rolled her eyes and blew out a quiet sigh.
He chuckled again before leaning down close to her to whisper quietly, “Because now I get to carry you in my arms through Paris. Not her.”
Her face flamed once again before she narrowed her eyes at him, “S-stop doing that!”
“Doing what, purrincess?” Chat’s smirk widened as his eyes gleamed at her rather mischievously.
“Y-you know exactly what!” Marinette waved her arms about even as her face turned even darker, “T-the flirting!”
“I don’t know what mew mean, Marinette,” his smirk transformed into an innocent grin, “I wasn’t the one who ran away from my date halfway across Paris to come find a charming and suave superhero.”
“Oh my god,” her eyes clenched shut, “That wasn’t what I was trying to do and you know it!!”
“I’m pawsitively certain it was,” he snickered quietly.
“You’re insufferable,” she muttered, glaring away from him and towards the bakery she could just barely make out over the horizon. Soon, she would be away from him and his temptation. Soon, she could transform into Ladybug and save the day. Once again, she glanced down nervously at the purse where she was sure her small kwami was pacing about anxiously. They were just about to land on the bakery’s balcony when a loud thump behind them caused Chat to whirl around. Marinette’s eyes widened as she saw what was behind them. It was the akuma. Sucking in a gasp of disbelief, her hands immediately went to her purse protectively.
This is a disaster!
Chat quickly put her down, glaring fiercely at the akuma as he pulled out his baton. He pushed her protectively behind him as he snarled at the villain in front of them. It was a man in a swirling dark blue coat. Stars danced along the edges of the suit he was wearing. A hat with tiny moons was perched atop his head as he smiled maniacally at them. Chat’s voice spoke reassuringly at her as he kept her behind him, “Stay back, Marinette. I won’t let him hurt you!”
“Well, it’s nice to finally see you, Chat Noir. You’ve been busy protecting a civilian, I see. Where is your precious little bug though? I haven’t seen her yet. I am the Enchanter and I’m here to make certain that you follow my every whim. With but a touch of my hand you’ll be powerless to resist,” the akuma gave a loud, wild laugh as he outstretched his hand towards them.
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 21
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4k. -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- i feel like this chapter is intense? but its her pov so it may just be the way she sees and feels it. maybe she’s overreacting lmao! maybe she wants it so much that shes hallucinating. who knows :P
- thanks for being patient btw! i work a lot these days and will work even more in the next few weeks (until halloween) so i may not update as often as i’d like. :(
-please, message me, give me feedbacks, it would mean sooo much to me!
Chapter 21 : Her chapter
There's no one else like Niall to make me smile when I don't even feel like it and when he licked my cheek, I couldn't help myself. I didn't know why I lost my temper when Niall mentioned Maya while we were cooking but her name made me angry and jealous. I didn't know what had happened between Niall and her, all I knew was that she had deleted the picture of them kissing from her instagram account and for some odd reason, it had made me feel lighter, like a heavy weight had been taken off my shoulders. I knew it meant nothing and that they probably still had something going on but the fact that the whole world was not a witness of it made it better.
I stared at him the whole time we ate, feeling extremely lucky that he hadn't given up on me. I know it can sound cliché but most guys I knew easily dropped their female friends when they got an official girlfriend but Niall had never done that. Of course, he was less available if he went steady with a girl but it didn't happen much and I understood, but he always made time to see me and talk to me.
We washed the dishes without a water fight this time and ended up in the living room. I searched through my spotify playlist and put music on. He groaned and even if my back was facing him, I knew he was rolling his eyes, which made my lips curl even more.
"Liv, why?"
"Because I'm a One Direction fan." I explained in an amused tone as 'Infinity' started playing.
His voice filled the room and my smirk turned into a fond smile. I couldn't explain how much I loved hearing him sing but it brought in me a sensation of well-being that I couldn't explain. Maybe it was only because of how much I loved him but I felt like there was more to it. If I was being honest with myself, it was everything he did, everything he said, everything that emanated from him, like some sort of incredibly intense sentiment that made me literally vibrate in his presence. And I knew it sounded stupid and cheesy and cliché... but it was the truth. It was him and everything he was.
"This song makes me think of you." I admitted in a low tone, not daring to turn around to meet his gaze. He was probably frowning and I tried to focus on the beating of my heart inside my chest. The rhythm was abnormal but I tried not to think about it. "And me, too. Like this song was a bit of both of us."
He didn't say anything and I remained motionless, staring at the tv on the wall and trying not to say too much even if I knew I had to explain myself.
"I mean, I know that feeling, in the first few verses. I keep falling and it hurts... Everything seems to go so fast yet I can't seem to follow. I feel frozen most of the time, like there's nothing I can do. And you know, I followed you on that tour and it was crazy. I lived things I couldn't even dream of living and saw things I never thought i'd see. Yet everything seemed to go so fast I felt like I couldn't quite follow. Like I was always a few steps behind."
"Behind what?" his voice echoed inside me, making my heart skip a beat.
I licked my lips and breathed in before turning around slowly and shrugging.
"Behind you."
His eyebrows raised but then fell and turned into a frown. He shook his head slightly, not really understanding what I was saying but it took me a few seconds to continue.
"And you know that part where it says 'everybody wants you'?" I nibbled my bottom lip. "Well it's true. Everybody wants you. I knew everyone wanted you before but when I joined you on tour it made it so much more obvious."
I swallowed hard, trying to keep the tears inside. I was being emotive and I just stared at him as he stared back, sitting on the couch, his back leaning against it, until he moved his upper body closer and leaned his elbows on his knees. Instinctively, I took a step closer.
"But the tour before this one, the tour I didn't go with you? It was even worse. I mean yea, I had friends and a job and all that, but something was missing. You were gone. And I thought about all the conversations we could have had if you had been there."
I saw so many emotions pass on his face but I just couldn't decipher them. Perhaps I was too busy trying to contain myself and not just tell him how much I love him. He shook his head slightly and frowned more.
"What are you trying to tell me, Olivia?"
The song was over by then and an other one had started but my brain didn't seem to focus on it at all. I finally just shrugged and looked away, breaking this connection we had.
"Nothing. Just that I feel.. like I need you in my life."
"I need you in my life, too."
I nodded slowly, pressing my lips together and looking at the carpet. It was close. I was so close tell him and I didn't know how I felt about it. Was this sadness or relief? Or a mix of both? He had said so many sweet things in our room after we had that fight when he found Harry and I together in bed. His words were running over and over in my head and I could still feel the warmth that had invaded my whole body in that moment. So many times I just wanted to cup his face and kiss him but I never did. I will never do it.
When I looked up, he was not sitting anymore. In fact, he was closer to me and he was holding out his hand to me, his eyebrows raised and his lips curled a bit. I chuckled and rolled my eyes with a grin, taking his hand in mine. Quickly, he made me twirl around and I started laughing until I was facing him again. An other song started, this time I recognized it immediately. It was 'Temporary Fix' and Niall started dancing, pulling on my hands and making me laugh even more. I started dancing with him but he didn't let go of my hands, not even a second. He made me twist and turn and spin until I was laughing so hard I almost forgot how to breathe. At the end of the song, one of my feet got caught into one of his and I let out a high-pitched scream as I fell. I held on his hands so tight that he fell on top of me and I started laughing even harder. Those moments with Niall were everything I needed and when he started laughing too, I started wondering why I wanted something with Harry when I had everything I needed with Niall.
"You're such a clumsy ass!" he let out with an other chuckle.
I stopped laughing as soon as I opened my eyes. His body was over half of mine, both his legs on each sides of one of mine, and he was looking at me from very close with an amused smile.
"Well, i'm pretty sure your foot was not where it was supposed to be." I argued but swallowed, feeling his whole body pressed on mine.
"No, it's all your fault."
He was not laughing either anymore but the left corner of his lips was raised. Weirdly, his smile seemed gentle and it made my heart skip a beat.
"It's your fault, Horan." This time, I had almost whispered.
I could feel my heartbeats accelerating and he moved slightly against me. I held my breath and raised my eyebrows in surprise when I felt his dick press on my thigh. I could have sworn he was getting harder by the second. I was starting to feel my inner thighs throb and it was driving me insane. I couldn't believe I was getting aroused by my best friend getting hard against me. My lips parted but I couldn't think about anything else until his face changed and he cleared his throat, rolling off of me and laying on his back. I wanted to look at him but all I could think about was the pressure I still felt exactly where his crotch had been a few seconds before and how his half-hard dick felt against me.
"You wanna know what One Direction song reminds me of you?"
I just turned my head his way and he did the same, sending me an other smile. I was not going to mention what had just happened but I was not going to forget about it either.
"Mmhm." I just whispered, nodding a bit.
He smiled more and searched through his pockets to grab his phone. The song started playing from the speakers of his living room and with the first few notes, I held my breath again. I knew what song it was and it made me happy. It was one of my favorites and when it came to his verse, he sang it in a low tone with his own voice in the background and I felt my whole body melt.
"Feels like this could be forever tonight Break these clocks, forget about time There could be a World War 3 going on outside You and me were raised in the same part of town Got these scars on the same ground Remember how we used to kick around just wasting time?"
I gripped the carper hard with both hands to stop myself from bringing one to his cheek and when the chorus started, I sang with him as we started at each other. At some point, he even mouthed the bridge and it felt like he was telling me he was always going to look for me... that he was always going to come back to me. I felt myself tear up and I blinked a few times, trying to get rid of my tears.
"I love that song." I admitted when it was fading.
"I know."
We smiled at each other and he finally turned his head back to look at the ceiling.
"So, which One Direction songs are your least favorite?"
"Easy, pretty much the whole first album."
My answer probably surprised him because it took him a while to keep talking.
"Because they didn't give you solos. You barely sang." I explained with a shrug. "And you've got the best voice in all of you."
I thought he'd laugh and joke around but he simply looked back at me again.
"You think so?"
"Yes, I do."
Quickly, he moved his face closer and pecked my nose, making my heart beat all over my body. He chucked and got up, extending his hand to me. I stared at it and licked my lips, putting my hand in it. He grabbed my fingers and helped me up, making me twirl one last time before walking to his couch and letting himself fall on it.
"How did the talk with Harry go?" he asked with a sigh as I heard an other song start in the background but the volume was lower now.
I grimaced, not really wanting to discuss that, but just sat next to him. I wanted this evening to be just us two but it was hard to ignore that we both had someone else in our lives. Well, sort of.
"Was alright. You know Harry. Laid-back, calm, not in a hurry to date or anything." I shrugged.
"But he wants to?"
"He says so but I don't know, I think he'll get tired of it quickly enough."
I turned to him and tried to find out how he was feeling without much success. He seemed on the verge to say something but I talked first.
"What about your conversation with Maya?"
He rolled his eyes and sighed. leaning his head against the couch and closing his eyes for a few seconds. I felt extra guilty for the relief that washed over me. It's not that I wanted them to stop whatever they had, but it was harder than I thought to think he could fall in love with her. It hurt way too much.
"She wants a relationship and I don't. We argued a bit but we decided to go on that double date with you and Harry." he pointed out. "And she deleted the picture, which is what I wanted the most."
I nodded slowly, not daring to look at him. I tried to think of how a double date would go and I felt like it would be very painful for me but I didn't mention it, obviously.
"Oh, talking about that." he continued. "Have you seen all the comments under Harry's picture?"
The thought made something twist in my stomach. Of course I had seen the comments. All the judgments about me and my appearance. All the opinions of people who thought I was too ugly and fat to be with either of them. How I barely deserved to hang out with them, let alone date one of them.
"Oh yea." I grimaced. "How I'm too plain to be around you guys. My teeth not straight enough, my hair not glowing enough. My clothes not special or expensive enough. I've read every single one of them."
He turned to me and his eyes roamed on my face.
"I didn't see those but screw them. It's not true. You're anything but plain."
I smiled fondly at him and simply nodded, not really wanting to argue with him.
"And your teeth are cute."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him.
"You got yours straighten, didn't have that chance."
"Told you, they look cute."
"You looked cute with your crooked teeth too!" I commented with a chuckle. "You're the only one who didn't think so, you know."
"And look at them now!" he joked, smiling exaggeratedly at me and making me laugh again.
I pressed my hand on his face and pushed gently on it, rolling my eyes but still laughing. I took my hand back and he smiled at me as I did the same. I don't know how long we stared at each other but eventually, we had both stopped smiling.
"What I meant earlier, about the song..." I breathed in but sighed and shrugged. "I just meant that everyone wants a piece of you... and I feel like eventually, there will be nothing left for me."
He didn't break eye contact but I felt his hand squeeze mine so tight it almost hurt. He looked serious and I felt my heart throb all over my body. The way he looked at me made me feel dizzy and I held my breath.
"I will always be there. I'll never leave. Never."
I almost felt shy from the way he was gazing at me, like he could read my soul and everything I was trying to hide. I nodded extremely slowly this time and after a while, he smiled at me, letting go of my hand.
"There are comments about you and Harry, and some about Maya and I." he added, going back to the previous conversation. "I normally don't read that shit but I wanted to see how damaging the picture Maya posted was."
I could lie and say I never read the comments but it was useless and also stronger than me. Perhaps the fact that the majority of people thought I wasn't worthy of Niall made me believe it through the years. Perhaps my self-esteem was more than just slightly scratched. Perhaps it was completely ruined.
"Let me guess, Maya and I are both not good enough for you guys? Although some comments probably said how gorgeous she was." I chuckled but I knew it was not funny and i looked down at my thighs as I played with the fabric of my pants.
"Oh I don't know, but some people say that you and I are their OTP. D'you know what that means?"
I closed my eyes tight and smiled slightly. Of course I knew what it meant, I had looked it up the very first time I saw it, and It took me a while to get over it. The certitude that some people, although a very small portion of Niall's fans, thought we should be together made me feel incredibly good. I had never answered or liked one of those comments but knowing they existed was enough to make me happy.
"One True Pairing. Yea, I know." I said with a chuckle again. "It's probably about our friendship and how close we are, you know? They can see it, I guess."
I expected him to tell me how crazy and ridiculous the thought was but he didn't and all I was thinking about was talking about something else before it became awkward between us.
"When's that double date?" I asked, regretting it almost immediately after.
I wanted to stop talking about those comments about Niall and I but talking about the date that I feared was definitely no better. The image of Niall and Maya kissing in the living room of the lodge a few days ago made my heart jump in my chest as anxiety crossed my whole body. I didn't want to see it again.
"I don't know," he shrugged. "This week I guess."
"Okay, I'll ask Harry when he's available." I added without enthusiasm.
If I could, I'd postpone this date for years but at the same time, I had to find out what was going to happen between the four of us. The more time I spent with Niall, the more I realized that being in a relationship with someone that wasn't him was not something that I really wanted but at the same time, i couldn't stay single forever while he dated perfect girls like Maya. Perhaps, officially dating Harry was the solution... the cure to this painful feeling inhabiting my whole heart, mind, body and soul. I couldn't be in love with Niall until I died, right? It had to stop at some point?
"Okay so, movie marathon? You said rain check."
I turned to look at him and he was staring, his eyebrows raised, waiting for an answer. I smiled and nodded quickly making his lips curl. He put his hands on his thighs and got up as my eyes followed him. He searched through his dvds and didn't even show me which one he picked but when it started, I grinned wide and it made him chuckle as he sat back next to me.
"Thank you!" I said, moving closer and kissing his cheek, my lips brushing against his stubble and making a shiver cross my back. "Thank you." I repeated in a very low tone.
He turned his face my way but I didn't move. I enjoyed the proximity of his mouth from mine as I heard the start of the first 'Back To The Future' movie on the screen. He smelled so good. No one smelled like him. Harry smelled intensely, so much it was almost intoxicating, and perhaps the desire I had for him came partially from that. He smelled sweet but rich and on the floral side, which was a great contrast with his caramel taste. Niall's scent was completely different. It was woody, maybe? More manly and strong, but not invasive. I could smell his natural aroma even though he was wearing cologne and the mix was indescribable.
"You're welcome." he whispered, his smile now totally gone.
It took him too long to answer, like he was lost in his thoughts, exactly like I had been a few seconds ago, and I started imagining him moving closer and kissing me. It put my whole body on fire and I held my breath as my lips parted slightly. If he kissed me, everything would be over, yet everything would begin too, and I wanted it. I wanted everything to change. I wanted him to realize I was the one for him, because I was, right? His eyes dropped to my lips and I felt my eyes water. I was hallucinating things, it was obvious, and I could swear my heart totally stopped when my phone beeped. We both jumped slightly and I felt the connection that seemed to link us break once again. I closed my eyes and sighed low, searching through my pocket quickly. My hand was shaking but I decided not to answer Harry's text. I simply turned the sound off and put my phone away, leaning against the back of the couch.
"Come here."
My eyes found Niall again and I smiled sadly when he moved his arm up. I cuddled his side quickly and we started watching the movie in silence. I hated my phone and at that exact moment, I was pissed at Harry. I had no reason to, I knew pretty well that nothing would have happened between Niall and I, but I felt like no matter what we did, something or mostly someone was always getting between us. I just wanted to kidnap him and fly to a deserted island, or throw both of our phones away and lock all the doors of his house. I knew it was impossible and I didn't say anything but after half an hour of his body warming mine, I looked up at him. Fuck, I wanted to run my fingertips on his cheek more than anything.
"I suspect you like these movies as much as I do."
He laughed and looked down at me, raising his eyebrows in an amused way.
"Yea? Well you're wrong. I mean, they're alright." he pointed out. "But I accept to watch them over and over again just because I know it makes you happy."
"No better best friend than you." I whispered, making him smile more.
"No better best friend than you." he repeated as I turned my face to kiss his upper arm, over his shirt.
His smile fell but he just cleared his throat and put his attention back to the movie. I stared at him for a few more seconds before doing the same but it was so hard concentrating on the movie when all I could think about was how good his body felt against mine, how i seemed to mold with him perfectly, how happy I was around him. I knew I had to get over it... I had to get over him. And although I was anxious about that date, I knew that there was a possibility my heart would be broken on that day and perhaps it was what I needed to get over Niall and give Harry a chance.
I didn't want to tell him I was stressed but I didn't know why. I used to tell Niall everything except that I was in love with him, what had changed?
"I'm nervous about that double date." I just said, not getting into details about the reasons.
"Don't be, it'll be fine, I promise." he tried to reassure me. "And if you're too uncomfortable we can just cut it short and leave. How about we decide on a word to say and if the other says it, then we find a way to get out of there as soon as we can?"
I chuckled at his idea and sat up to look at him better. I loved that he was caring with me and he implied himself in it, meaning that he could be the one who wanted this whole date to stop. It made me feel less like a loser.
"Perfect!" I let out, turning his way and sitting cross-legged on the sofa. "What's the word?"
He seemed to think for a second and then smiled at me.
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wingsoffireaus · 5 years
Winter Stayed in DoD AU Part 2
I couldn’t help myself.
Winter had packed up and left as soon as possible to get away from everyone.
He is still reeling from what he witnessed his friends do and when he leaves he knows he would not be welcome in the Ice Kingdom so he leaves for the Talons of Peace.
Riptide welcomes him but is more than a little concerned in how listless he is.
Winter doesn't mention what he witnessed but he does say that the battle over Jade Mountain had disturbed him more than he realized.
Riptide comforts him to the best of his abilities although Winter is still pretty standoffish.
Winter begins watching a nearby scavenger den and when asked about it he admits his interest and his desire to build a sanctuary for the little creatures.
Riptide is of course interested and ends up naming the new settlement Sanctuary because of it.
Back at Jade Mountain the rest of the winglet is surprised in how fast Winter had left.
Qibli feels somewhat guilty, while Kinkajou and Moon think that Winter just needed some time to think about it and come to terms about Darkstalker’s fate.
When Qibli finds Winter’s discarded sketch of Moon he knows that’s probably not the case but holds out hope that he would return.
His hope is dashed when another Icewing dragonet is sent to replace Winter.
Qibli eventually leaves himself to spend time in the Kingdom of Sand. So he can think about everything that has transpired.
Thorn, being the awesome adoptive mother that she is, sits him down and tells him to explain to her what had happened. Qibli ends up telling her and is really not at all surprised when she ends up agreeing with Winter.
She tells him that that was a pretty big line that they had crossed. She understands of course and admits she might have even done the same thing in his place. But she points out that Winter had clearly been dealing with some pretty heavy trauma after everything they had been through. And to see his friends do the same thing that had been done to his brother and to an extent him probably didn’t help things at all.
He stews on this for several days and tries to sort himself out.
When Moon eventually comes for him he does agree to go with her although now everything feels tainted and he begins to realize that maybe his feelings for her aren’t as strong as he once believed them to be.
Kinkajou visits Winter and actually almost sends him into a panic attack. Kinkajou who had managed to track him down after talking with Tsunami who had been corresponding with Riptide.
When he asks if she had come alone she immediately assumes that he is asking for Moon. In all honesty he doesn’t want to see any of them. Not now when the wound is still fresh.
Kinkajou tells him that Moon had gone with Qibli. Winter accepts this although he is surprised that he still feels hurt after this.
He becomes angry when she points out that he should apologize for all the times he had yelled at Moon.
He knows that early on he had been out of line but at this point the only time he is really thinking about is that time in the old Night Kingdom when he had broken the vase after finding out Moon still trusted Darkstalker even after knowing what he had done to him and others.
Winter tells Kinkajou to leave and tries to continue his search for scavengers in peace. When she tries to keep talking to him he tells her that after what she had done to Darkstalker he didn’t trust her to not do it to anyone else. And that he couldn’t be around anyone who could do that and not show any remorse.
He eventually is able to lose her by pure chance and he shamefully hides away from her until he sees her leaving Sanctuary.
He then asks Riptide to please warn him before sending any visitors his way. Riptide asks why and Winter just shakes his head and tells him not to ask.
Winter does eventually get another visitor but it’s a visitor he is actually pretty happy to see. And he has to lock his legs together so he doesn’t tackle his brother in a hug.
Hailstorm teases him when he sees the plans for his scavenger sanctuary.This helps to lighten Winters mood.
He and Hailstorm just sit and talk. Hailstorm finally explaining the situation in the Ice Kingdom. Winter feels a twinge of hurt when he is told that he is no longer welcome but will be allowed to come and visit his family and to come to Icicle’s trial.
Hailstorm notices that Winter isn’t looking too great and asks him how he has been doing. Winter gives a half-hearted answer and then asks how he has been doing.
Hailstorm is uncomfortable with the question and wasn’t happy to see Winter deflecting his own question.
He tells Winter that he has been doing better and his Pyrite memories are surfacing less and less. He proudly says that he hadn’t even reacted too familiarly with Riptide when he had seen him.
This cheers up Winter slightly and he does notice that his brother is resembling himself more than he had the last time he had seen him.
There is still a slight sadness to him though. In the subtle twitch in his talons. The occasional wince when the extra Icewing spikes on his tail scraped against a rock with a clacking sound.
Winter asks him how long he had planned to stay and Hailstorm winces and admits that he would have to leave soon for the rain forest to deliver the cutting from the moonglobe tree per Queen Glacier’s agreement with Glory.
He admits that he had made a detour to see Winter but that he would probably have to leave soon.
Winter is disappointed but notices that Hailstorm fidgeting had increased.
Before he could ask what was wrong Hailstorm asks if he would come with him.
Winter freezes. Thinking back on Peacemaker and Kinkajou and is about to say no when he sees the almost desperate look in Hailstorms eyes. And he realizes just how desperately his brother wants him to go with him.
Without even thinking about it he agrees.
The change on Hailstorms face is startling and he lights up in a way that Winter hadn’t seen since the day of his capture.
And to his surprise Hailstorm embraces him.
Winter had never really hugged any of his family before. They weren’t exactly the type. Hailstorm used to jokingly shove him or put his wing around him but never something to this extent.
When they finally, reluctantly part, Winter is surprised to see tears in his brothers eyes. And is even more surprised when he realizes that there were tears in his own eyes as well.
They sit in comfortable silence for another couple of minutes before departing to ready themselves for the journey.
While Winter is packing he has a short moment of panic. But he calms himself down and reminds himself that Kinkajou and Moon are more than likely not in the rainforest at the moment. Since classes were currently going at the academy.
And when he sees his brother’s eager expression when he turns to him. He can’t make himself regret his decision.
Okay so posting this because I stupidly worked on multiple ships at once and none of them are done sooo here we go!
When I started writing this part I was surprised by how quickly Hailstorm took over. Originally I had planned to keep Winter in Sanctuary but then it turned to giving him a visitor that he would actually be happy to see. And sorry not sorry I wanted more of Hailstorm and Winter. They both have suffered so much trauma and need to have time to heal so the moment I put in the visit I knew I had to keep them together longer.
Also like I posted earlier I have actually been thinking about turning this particular AU into a fanfiction. But it is a slow going process and might not be a chaptered fic and more of a collection of drabbles dealing with the characters individuals trauma. Also making this clear I do like Moon and Kinkajou. What I didn't like was their treatment of Winter towards the end. A lot of it felt like a way to force Moonbli which if you ship it that is totally fine. But I personally needed more than that to ship it. It was a little too forced for me. And I am totally a qinter fan girl. If you squint you can see that I'm sowing the seeds in this AU.
And... I'm off topic again. Bottom line I have been working on ship AUs but I have also been trying to get back into the fanfic game. So please be patient with me. I work a 9-5 job and actually have a chronic illness that has been flaring up particularly bad these past few months. Not to mention the typical depression and anxiety combo that is pretty frequent on this site. This blog has been a form of therapy for me to try and stick to a deadline in my personal life. As well as getting my writing flow back because it has suffered the last couple of years. Honestly though you all have been making my days which is why I keep pushing for this project side blog of mine to work.
You are all wonderful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Thank you and I will hopefully have a new post next week!
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pinkykitten · 6 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby Wolf x plus size! reader
Warning: curse words, reader feeling self conscious 
Specifics: fluff, romance, one shot, plus size reader, race neutral reader
People: Bigby Wolf, you, toad, Snow White, Prince (oc)
Words: 2,233
Requested: By @native-snowflake Hi! Could you please do a Bigby Wolf x Fat!Reader where the reader thinks he likes Snow because he’s always around her but he’s really asking Snow on how to ask the reader out? Thanks 😊
Authors Note: this is one of my fav video games its sooo good. also i have such bad back pain cuz of my amazing period. i want to die rn ✌️
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The alarm clocked beeped rapidly on your nightstand. The sun was just rising, creeping up to give you a morning hello through the window. Silencing the clock you get up with a groan and a moan. “Its to early,” you declare, getting up anyways. 
You were a reporter, a newspaper reporter. Many folks in Fabletown would often see you with a camera hanging from your neck. Many, many, many people hated you. The reason? Well, you went into their business I mean it is your job. You would get the juiciest stories with the best pictures to back you up. That’s why the newspaper company you worked for, “The Mermaid Times”, always made such good money. It was because of you. 
After eating and getting ready for the day you decided to pick your outfit. It was difficult in the times you lived in, and the more so. These people weren’t just ordinary humans, they were fables. Now do you see any plus size princesses, damsels in distress? Unfortunately, it was difficult to find outfits fit for your job and size. Your dress code was a classy blouse, and skirt. You searched endlessly through your closet. “C’mon y/n you’re gonna be late,” you scolded yourself. 
Finally, you put an outfit together that was suitable for your job.
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When you put it on you twirled around in it, trying to find the best parts of it. But nothing. “I don’t know about this.” You placed a hand to your stomach, you really hated how you looked. It just felt awkward, nobody was really your size. The only people that could stand for plus size would be...the trolls. You sighed and saw the time, “oh my god I’m gonna be late!” There was no time for you to sulk and cry you had to go to work and fast!
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Walking down the street you chuckle to yourself. “Theres toad back at it again.” You quickly snapped a picture of him walking around, not glamoured. “Its to the farm for him soon.”
You quickly ran to the building. You were working hard more than ever. These murders showing up were not normal and you were the one who had to make sure these stories informed the people of Fabletown. 
“Hello sir, sorry I’m late. “ You gave a guilty smile as you shook hands with your boss. 
“How many times do I need to tell you this y/n, come in at 7. God is it really that difficult?”
“No sir its just I-”
“Please get to work!”
You quickly ran to your office and shut the door. Your boss’s name was Prince. Apparently to him he was the one who saved Nerissa and that they were in love. Remeber, the Little Mermaid?
You huffed down in your dingy chair and placed your fingers on your temples. A knock came through. “Come in!”
One of your co-workers rushed in with many paperwork. “Boss wants ya to get a interview with Snow and Sheriff Bigby. Think you could do that?”
Your whole mood changed. Seeing Bibgy? You and Bigby go way back. You and him are longtime friends. Your heart started to beat rapidly. You also had a liking to Bigby. He was kind to you, and rough around the edges. You knew about his past but chose not to dwell on those instead you dwell on the man he has become today. A sheriff that is pretty dam* good at his job. 
“Um excuse me y/n?”
“Oh,” you hadn’t realize you were spacing out. “Yes of course I can do that. Thanks.”
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You go to the mayors building and try to find the assistant deputy mayor office. You feel self conscious inside because many times you have realized that Snow has a better job than you. It made you feel in a way stupid and not important. 
You found her office and gave it a light knock. This interview had to be a little quick because you wanted to ask Bigby while you interviewed him if he would like to go out for dinner. 
You opened the door and low and behold...Bigby was there. “Of course,” you muttered but quickly put on a fake smile. 
Unknown to you Bigby heard you and saw your expression. He stood up when you entered the room and his face showed it all. His love and adoration for you. 
“Hello there y/n! What a surprise, how are you?” Snow asked, covering her mouth because her and Bigby were...eating.
“Well okay then,” you whispered to yourself. Dinner plans are over.
“I’m...good. You guys look great. So I was supposed to interview you and then Bigby but since you’re both here I guess I could interview you both together.” You gave a hug to Snow and lightly gave a hug to Bigby. You didn’t want Bigby to touch your stomach or just touch you because you know you’ve gained weight. As you interviewed them you saw the way they sat by each other, looking in each others eyes, finishing each others sentence. You could tell they really cared for each other and why wouldn’t she get anybody? She was a perfect size, beautiful in the face, kind, sweet, caring. You were the fly on the wall while she was the princess. You would always be the fly on the wall, watching others have fun and enjoy life while you cry with a tub of ice cream to comfort you. 
You stumbled upon your last question to them, “um, I.” You felt tears coming down your face and you sniffled them. “Sorry,” you kept your head low, “allergies. Well I think that settles it. Thank you both enjoyyourday!” Running to the exit you stumble your way out of the building but not until you hear your name being called. 
It was Bigby. You curse under your breath, “of course god dam*it!”
You walked faster through the traffic and went across the street from the building. 
“Y/n I know you hear me!” Bigby called out, running to you. You stood by a drug store awaiting him knowing you wouldn’t even stand a chance with him. 
“Yeah sorry I couldn’t hear you with all the traf-”
“Whats wrong? Why are you crying?”
“Oh its nothing.” In your head you wanted to slap yourself. You wanted to tell him all about your insecurities. Wanted to tell him how much you love him. “Really, the big bad wolf I’m fine.” Your gentle hands found themselves on his cheeks, feeling the rough scratch of his facial hair. 
“Y/n, you can tell me anything right? I’m here for you sweetheart. And I mean I am the sheriff so I have to make sure you are doing okay.” Bigby wanted to hit himself for that terrible joke. 
You looked into his eyes and already you felt better. You laughed and ran your fingers through his hair, “silly Bigby. I’m fine, just go over there. You don’t want to leave your soulmate Snow anymore. I mean I always see you guys together, its like you’re inseparable. Thats okay though, thats how love should be.”
Bigby looked at you weirdly, shaking his head. He tried to go against what you were saying and say his part but you wouldn’t let him speak. 
“My advice is...go to that pizza place down the street its frickin amazing.” Great, food. Thats all you talk about. Well it didn’t matter, who were you trying to amaze, certainly not Bigby. “See you around Bibgy. Also if you don’t know which color she likes just always go for white, usually that works.” You quickly but sweetly placed a loving kiss on his cheek and left waving. 
Bigby was left startled at what you said. “For god sakes y/n I don’t love Snow I love...you.”
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Bigby P.O.V
From the moment he met you Bigby was in love. Bigby and you were friends for ages but he always knew he wanted to be with you. Bigby was always there for you, even during those times when you didn’t love yourself. He always wanted to make sure that you knew how much he loved you, but now, now he felt like a failure. You thought he liked Snow!
Bigby slammed the door to Snow’s office. Angry with himself. 
“Did she realize it? How did you tell her? Oh please tell me you didn’t get down on one knee?” Snow pestered Bigby into telling the details. 
“Snow I didn’t ask her out! Alright, I didn’t ask her out.” Bigby rubbed his temples in stress. 
“What do you mean? You didn’t do anything that I taught you?”
“Snow, y/n thinks that me and you are together, like in love.”
Snow felt bad and bit her lip, “ and she’s been seeing us together a lot so no wonder she thinks that. Oh poor girl. I feel so bad, I wanted her to know how much you love her. She’s always coming to me sometimes for interviews when in real life she wants someone to talk to. She has such a good heart yet she feels so terrible about herself.”
Bigby stood up and placed a cigarette in his mouth. “I’m gonna do it.”
“Do what?”
“I’m gonna tell that girl, my girl, how much I love her. I’m gonna make sure she knows how sexy and beautiful she is in my eyes. She needs to know this and she needs to hear it because shi* it is the truth! I love her Snow, I really love her.”
Snow smacked Bigby lightly on the head, “then what are you waiting for Romeo? GO!”
End of Bigby P.O.V
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You, again, these moments happen many times in your life, are sitting on your couch, watching the notebook while eating a ton of ice cream and crying your heart out. 
“Why can’t I look like that? Why can’t I have love like that? Guess its just you and me,” you said to your ice cream, eating a spoonful. 
Suddenly, someone knocked on your door. You didn’t think anything of it so you didn’t try to cover yourself up. You trudged to the door and opened it. You wish you would of covered yourself up. 
It was Bigby. You tried closing the door but Bigby was too strong. 
“No Big you can’t see me this way. I don’t have makeup on and I look terrible!” Your arms showed through your pj, you weren’t wearing a bra, and your stomach chub was visible.
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Bigby came in and saw you in your state. You tried covering yourself up, you seeing ugliness while Bigby saw...beauty. 
“Wow.” Was all he said. 
“Trust me I know,” you answered back, looking in his eyes. 
Bigby walked closer to you, and he could tell you were crying for a long time. Your eyes were red and your eyelashes were thick with your tears, your e/c eyes standing out to Bigby and making him weak. Your plump cheeks, stained with tears. Your lips dry, needing to be kissed to bring them back to a hydrated state. You looked like a goddess to Bigby. 
“Its fine, I’m fine. What did you want Bigby?” You sat on the arm chair of your couch, covering your arms and stomach. 
“I wanted to tell you something. I wanted to tell you that,” Bigby heaved a heavy sigh. He was a man of few words, not much of a man expressing his feelings. But you needed his feelings right now, you needed all of him. “I wanted to tell you that I think you are beautiful. You think I like Snow, well you’re wrong. I actually like, well, love you.” Bigby scratched his head while you gasped. “Hear me out, I don’t want any one else except you. I think you are gorgeous, I think you’re prefect the way you are. I see someone so important, someone so hardworking, sexy, smart, kind, caring, really a gad dam* jem. In other words I came here to tell you that you don’t need changing and all that shi*, I just want you to feel loved.”
Bigby motioned closer to you and made you look up in his eyes. “I wanted to know if you would like to go out. Would you like to be my-”
Your lips crashed onto his, your fingers laced in his light brown locks. His lips tasted of cigarette and something unknown, something of Bigby. Your soft cheeks touched his rough facial hair in the make out session. Placing your hands around his neck you deepen the kiss. You wanted this more than anything. You have been in love with Bigby for so long that this is what you needed. Lips separating, you and him are panting. 
“Sorry,” you bit your lip, feeling embarrassed. 
“No don’t be, I really wanted to do that. That was actually...amazing. I meant what I said y/n, all of what I said, I meant it.”
You nodded and smiled a real actual happy smile, “I know.”
Bigby picked you up and placed you on his lap. You laid your head right on his chest, while his hands were wrapped around you. Bigby kissed the top of your head, “what are we watchin?”
“The Notebook,” you smiled at him, giggling when you saw him gag. 
That night was perfect, Bibgy was sweet, funny, and just perfect for you. He made you feel loved and beautiful. 
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Tag List: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @dreamsofwhiteandblack, @hyehoney, @wtfisalltherandoms, @haven-prelude, @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @bappo-take-a-nappo, @multireese,@fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (cannot be tagged), @bi-shy-and-ready-to-die,  @justafangirl-97
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kewltie · 6 years
i have been working on social media au on and off for a couple months now but uh regretfully it’s not very productive work??? just mainly editing and formatting some of the contents and adding and removing others bc i couldn’t decide or change my mind on some things so i didn’t make any real progress toward the end goal :S. it’s in a standstill and i dont know how to move it forward. 
i took a couple of days off to think about it and why im in such a huge slump over it. i soon realized it’s me and not the fic. there a bunch of annoyingly complex things i have to juggle within the fic but im pretty sure i can grind my way through it and frustration is a great fuel for me lol. my main issue is myself bc of crippling self doubt and anxiety and how i can’t imagine finishing up this ch for some reason. it’s like i have some sort of mental block bc everytime seeing it done i get really anxious and scared and i immediately find reason to not work on it at this second.
like, im sooo incredibly grateful and humble by how the first chapter is received by the fandom!!! you guys have been so kind and encouraging to me and im so very thankful to each one of you but with such kindness i feel so much guilt and anxiety bc it’s almost half a year since it first posted and so many ppl tell me one of the biggest selling points of social media au is its unorthodox storytelling, formatting, and portrayal of fandom and i just dont know how i can top what i did for ch 1. like, how can i supposed live up to all your expectations??? i feel like i set myself up for failure and with such a long waiting period in b/t idk if im able to deliver ch 2 the way everyone kind of expect to be blown away by it also?????? i keeping thinking and worrying if ch2 will be good enough and honestly it was stressing me out and i didn’t want to work on it bc i was afraid it wasn’t going to be live up to the hype :(((. 
i tend to overthink and worry myself until im a mess of anxiety and stress esp combine that with my doormat personality, i just dont know how to stop the urge to please everyone bc my eternal fear of disappointing people. esp knowing how well received  ‘demolition boy’ was. it blew up unexpectedly and i never really intend it to get as big it did /o\. i lit wrote it in like 2-3 days w/o much of a thought and now it’s my most popular fic and it often get drawn in comparision to social media au and how l social media au is like a more well polished and deeper fic and that’s great but also OH GOD. i can’t do better than that!!!!!! ah, it sucks and i couldn’t just break that that kind of metal block so i avoided writing social media as much as possible. im terribly sorry for that!!!!!! i do want to work on it and see it to completion more than anything but i just got really scared by it and how ch2 might just be a huge fucking fail. so i just sat on it for a while and let my anxiety eat away at me. 
it took me some time and some soul searching but i slowly worked through my brittle nerves and fear. i had to tell myself that it isn’t my job to make everyone happy but MYSELF. writing is always and will always be FOR ME. everyone else, while im grateful for the audience, is just a bonus. no matter how popular a fic get, no matter how many people like it, at the end of the day if a fic doesn’t make me happy writing it than there’s no point. i love social media, i love how it drives me up the fucking wall and make me want to pull my hair out every single time, and it’s soooooo incredibly frustrating but also rewarding as fuck when i pull back and see what i had completed. to me it’s great story and i want to not just tell it but show it to you guys and i just need to shut up that fucking NAGGING VOICE IN MY HEAD that tell me all the wrong things. so im trying and working through my fears; it’s slow but i’m getting to the point where i can open up my ao3 draft folder and look at it and know ‘yes, i can do this now’. 
right now, off the bat w/ my knowledge of what still need to be done and how much whinging i have to do to get it there, i am like 30% confident i can pull off finishing social media au at the end of this month. the estimate is going to go up and down in the next couple of days as i work on it and hopefully one day it would say 100%. 
my goal is to have it done either by end of march or beginning of april but hopefully end of march. i think it’s doable but then again i think everything doable up to the point where i actually have to sit down and punch it out /o\.  beside my two bkdk fic fests projects, this is the only project i will be working on in the next couple of days (or weeks) so please be bare with me a lil more as i try to complete ch 2. 
the next two-three-four(???) weeks is going to be v v v v tough for me bc i will scream, cry, and rage about quitting and never writing it again but im like 99% sure i won’t mean any of it lol /o\. if seeing me like pulling an allnighter to finish up ch1 was bad then the end of march is going to be a trial with every step. we’re doing this and it’s going to be end in tears BUT THE GOOD KIND (i think)!!!!!! tmr, i’m off so let’s GET TO IT!!!!!!
p.s. thank you for always putting up with me!!!!!! i know im incredibly flighty, emotionally compromised, and difficult as a writer to follow but your support and encouragement had helped put down some of my insecurities to rest and im forever grateful for that.
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koolkvat-blog · 6 years
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       hello  loves  ,   what’s  up  !   i’m  super  excited  to  be  here  &  to  finally  play  my  precious girl  ,   jade aka kool kat   .   i’m  LOLA  ,   use  she / her prounouns  ,   i am NINETEEN  ,   &   i  am  currently  in  the  gmt + 1 timezone  which  means  yes  ,  my  ass should’ve  been  awake  for  intro  posting  but  i  don’t  know  what  time  management  is  and  ended  up  swamped  w/  work  ,  so  !   everything   you  need  to  know  about  about  miss  kat  is  under  the  cut  ,   &  i’m  rlly  thrilled  to  be  apart  of  such  a  wonderful  rp  with  such  gorgeous  muses  .  corniness over  ––   if  you’re  looking  to  plot  sumn  out  ,   just  hit  that   ♥︎    &   i’ll  make  my  way  on  over  to  ur  dms  ,  or  feel  free  to  add  me  up   on  discord  which  i’ll  give  in im’s  if  anybody’s  interested  !   ♡♡♡         tw  :   family issues  ,  body image issues  &  drug mention  ( not  explicit ) . 
001 . SYNOPSIS  . FULL     NAME  .      jade        kikuchi . NICKNAMES  .      kool kat    . AGE  .      twenty - one . DATE     OF     BIRTH  .      twenty  -  seventh     of     september   ,     1993      /     libra . PLACE     OF     BIRTH  .      harajuku ,   tokyo ,     japan .         GENDER  .       cisgender     female . SEXUALITY  .     (  closeted  )  pansexual  . NATIONALITY  .      japanese  ,  now  american  too  after  successfully  gaining  citizenship  . ETHNICITY  .      asian  . OCCUPATION  .       fashion designer at katz designz      ,     former  fashion  design  and  journalist  student  back  in  her  original  timeline  . PLAYLIST  .      here  !  (  +  )     charismatic , enthusiastic , warm , energetic , adventurous , compassionate , animated . (  -  )     deceptive ,  independent ,  emotional , territorial , ambitious , impulsive , temperamental , insecure , sarcastic .  
002 . AESTHETIC  .      wheatgrass  smoothies , 90′s  anime  with  subtitles  , chanel  no. 5, speeding  on  a  desert  road  with  the  windows  down ,  painting  your  toenails  on  the  dashboard ,  neon  prints ,  cat  lazing  on  a  balcony  in  the  sun , black  lace ,  japanese  horror  films  ,  sour  cocktails  with  sugar  around  the  rim , half - smoked  cigarettes ,  stacks  of  fashion  magazines , long  hair  hastily  dyed  different  colours in  a  motel  bathroom ,  thrift  stores   .
tl;dr : a flighty, inattentive adventurer: a follower of whims; personable and sociable but lacks the skills to maintain relationships because she’s entirely (and perhaps too) career focused, checks her horoscope daily and entirely relies on the stars when concerning relationships, epitome of a britney spears / gwen stefani stan back in the 2000′s, still owns a (bedazzled) flip phone, collector of vintage fashion (chanel, elle, juicy couture etc.) a subscriber to the Leonardo Da Vinci sleeping method; catch her at 2 am making soufflés or buying plane tickets to shiwei so she can really experience the culture: will tell you she loves you ten minutes after first introduction because she’s high: kind of unintentionally insensitive to those she doesn’t know and closed off but in like a cool, lovable way. 
•    heads up im running on like 5 hrs sleep so sry when this inevitably derails ! ok sweet let’s get into this . 
•    so as aforementioned this is jade kukichi, aka, kool kat. she was dubbed that by her friends due to her unique fashion style and sense of dress, and it’s stuck. lbr nobody other than her friends can use that term so if you do, she’s just going to stare at u for a quick sec before saying ‘it’s jade’. 
•    born in harajuku, tokyo to a cardiothoracic surgeon of a father and a politician of a mother, jade grew up traveling the world and becoming flighty af, never thinking she was going to make long - term friends and kinda being okay with that. 
•    her family has never stayed in one place for very long, though her aging parents eventually settled into a permanent residence in the us around the time she turned sixteen, not soon enough for jade to break the habit of wandering, but thankfully quick enough for her to meet the bratz girls who were just as adventurous and fun - loving as she. she's spent much of her teen life jumping from place to place wherever her interests are that moment, collecting people along the way, but to find friends was the only thing she was missing. jade has a brilliant mind, but she lacks patience and follow through. she needs guidance or she'll jump from idea to idea, job to job, whim to whim.
•    ngl, jade pretty much hated her home life. her parents were an overbearing presence in her life, her mother wanting jade to be a proper lady who also went into a profession like theirs (entirely serious and stifling when it came to creativity, doctor, politician, lawyer etc.) while jade herself wanted to check out the latest trends and go to the mall w her friends – so she turned all of her focus and energy into getting good grades in everything she wanted to do in the hopes that she could be the most successful fashion designer, then leaving town forever. 
•    like she spent 7 yrs in high school graduating w honours but she barely knew what was happening in 9/10 of her classes and sometimes she just slept through classes and then wing her exams which she miraculously did well at. it was just not a good idea to send jade to a public school at 11 after being in boarding school for the rest of her life and then never really enforce any rules :~\ she has trouble with that kind of thing.. as in making logical choices instead of saying "YEAH lets go watch american psycho and smoke weed!" skipping chemistry to do just that 
•    she loves fun and values doing what makes her happy over most things. it's hard to pin her down and she spends most of her life chasing after ideas that don't really follow any sort of conscious order, bc she’s really got that ‘i’ve got dreams and i’m gonna do everything in my power to achieve them’ personality. 
•    according to bratz canon she’s worked as literally everything ? she’s one of those insufferable people who r just. good everything ig and that’s just how it is on this bitch of an earth. jade’s been a photographer, a song - writer and bass player in a rock band (shout out to bratz rock angelz the best movie w the best soundtrack ever), a student studying fashion design, a fashion columnist, a quickly fired nanny, and many other things in between. 
•    so when she appears in toonsville she’s kind of out of it that she’s not doing something w her skills and sets up her own business which she loves ? being her own boss suits her fine (for now) because she’s got a Real Job and she's actually trying rly hard so she can fulfill her dreams !! like suck it mom nd dad haha !!!
•    jade has a lot of weird feelings TM about her body and her looks and struggles a lot with her self confidence :~( she had a shit time at school with boys saying she was too thin and she compensated by acting like she didn't like anyone at all for a while and now she thinks she isn't good enough for anyone when rly she is a cinnamon bun too good for this world too pure 
•    best friend ever she is so good at being a friend if u text her at 3am to go out or cry on her shoulder shes ready to go at 3:15 even if she was sleeping w lots of snacks and treats and love!!! she is sooo extroverted around those she’s comfortable w, she gains so much energy from being around people and she loves being nice and being around ppl she likes 
•    she becomes the mom of groups pretty easily (hence why she’s the leader of the bratz) bc she bottles up most of her own problems to help ppl with theirs!! which is toxic yea but she puts people first always so !! plz help her poor repressed soul!! rip kool kat.. 
•    still super into the stuff of her time so like.. she loves the x files and bad reality tv shows (i want to be a hilton) and reads gossip magazines on the reg because she enjoys that stuff! also very into girl groups.. ginger spice / posh spice is an eternal mood.  
•    anyway yes sweet adult-child of 21 (she is in denial about that tho like she doesn't want to be childish) who is v nice v kind v loyal v baked a lot of time, v passionate v silly. idk what i'm doin hope u like it < 3
friends / best friends / ride or dies . jade genuinely loves people, loves talking to strangers and getting into intense conversations with people she’s only just met, learning other people’s way of life and bettering herself for getting. she is, however, incredibly blunt and has never once minced words to keep from hurting someone’s feelings or to ease them into a situation. she’d much rather have a one-time conversation with a stranger than make long lasting relationships. she has three very close friends –  to the point of co - dependence –  and honestly, she’d rather spend all of her time doing things she loves such as her hobbies, sticking her nose into the latest vogue, or searching for cute collars and treats for her cat mica w them instead of making new friends. she's also FUN and she'd be happy to go on crazy road trips or buy out a movie theater for a day or anything that she thinks will her buds happy. she's traveled all over, so she’s v well read and cultured. she loves people but she hates complication and won't deal with any sort of emotional labor. she wants to live in the moment and expects everyone in her life to do so as well. just be chill, y'all. 
frenemies / enemies /  rivals  . please be her enemy, she needs people to antagonize shdhshd. she grew up pretty much affluent so she’s pretty spoiled even if she doesn’t want to admit it, and that rebellious side of her hasn’t died down yet. despite the fact that she is wealthy and in good community standing, she has a hard time letting go of childish grudges. in general she’s got a lot of suppressed feelings and ready to fight everyone who hurts her friends – like an irritated cat – so, honestly, come at her ? she is sometimes a little fickle and flighty and a unintentionally stuck up when it comes to art / fashion and she has definitely said the wrong thing at the wrong time and pissed the wrong people off, she can’t stand anyone underestimating her or thinking she’s dumb bc she’s interested in fashion. like gtfo !
ex’s , fwb’s , possible love interests .  jade is fairly fluid romantically and is the type of person who hates labels but also just wants to be cherished and called cute pet names lowkey. she loves a lot and gives a lot to her relationships, but typically doesn't want to commit to anything important. she’s gone from one disastrous relationship to another, ending up with a boyfriend who constantly ridiculed her image that was essentially the catalyst for her cutting off romantic ties, quite a recent wound before she found herself on the island actually. worst thing is tht she’s convinced herself that she’s been the problem in these relationships –  that she turns good people bad or that she is too much for people to deal with, she’s not sure what the issue is and she doesn’t really want to know. so…. fuck everything amirite ? anyway, she’s a strong independent woman who don’t need no (wo)man. 
etc . pls give me people jade can give a makeover to, people she shares an apartment w on the island, people who think fashion is girly and vapid.. creatives who love what she’s doing, anything tbh << 3
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jimin-and-things · 5 years
Home pt. 4
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: mainly fluff, soft!Yoongi
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: mentions of bullying
A/n: alright I'm going through some shit right now because my friends are ASS, so writing this has kinda helped take my mind off of all this stuff
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Walking home in the freezing rain gave you some time to come to your senses
You shouldn't be this upset, you know that. You have problems trusting people though, and for the first time in a while, you let someone into your life, and they let you down. But you really shouldn't be that surprised at this point.
You stomp your heavy feet through the front door and trudge yourself upstairs and into your room. Once the door closes you flop onto the bed with a groan as your face falls into a pillow. The rains still falling outside and it furiously hits your window, you turn your to face the window. You aren't as mad at Yoongi as you were when you first left his house. It's not like he meant to stand you up.
A knock on your door breaks you out of your thoughts. You let out a 'come in' that's barely loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear. When the door opens, you see your brother peek his head through the door.
"Tae what do you want?" You sigh when you feel a dip in the bed and he pats your back, "Mom wanted to see what you wanted for dinner, have any suggestions?" You sit up and look down at your hands fiddling in your lap, you shake your head, "I'm not really that  hungry" Tae knows something is wrong, you aren't usually like this. He goes up to shake your shoulder, "oh c'mon what's wrong, look at me" after a moment, you look up at him. He notices your red puffy eyes and his eyebrows draw together in concern, "What happened? Did someone do something to you? I swear if someone hurt you-" you shake your head and you grab his clenched fist to calm him down, "No one hurt me, it's just..." You lay back down and let your head hit the pillow, "It's just frustrating, someone is just, confusing me" He hums in understandment while he nods, "It's about a guy isn't it?" You don't look at him but you look up at the ceiling and nod. A sigh comes out of his mouth and he puts a reassuring hand on your knee, "Look I don't know who this guy is but if he's stressing you out this much then you gotta be careful, please" With that he stands up, you sit up on your bed again and you grab his hand, "thank you" He smiles at you softly and ruffles up your hair, "No problem" you let your hand drop from his and he walks out of the room.
Yoongi knocks on the front door of your house impatiently. He's desperate to make things right as soon as possible. When the door opens, he's expecting to see you but instead, a man with tan skin and dark brown hair comes out, and he doesn't look too happy.
"You're the guy that has y/n so upset aren't you?" He has his arms crossed over his chest and he's staring at Yoongi with a look that could kill, "I didn't mean to upset her at all, that's why I'm here to fix it" He moves to the side so Yoongi can walk into the house but his angry expression doesn't change, "This hurts her more than you realize, she's been through a lot, you are her friend, you're supposed to be there for her, so go be there for her." He motions his arms in a 'go' motion, Yoongi understands and starts heading up the stairs, he hears Tae from downstairs, "Her rooms the first door on the right"
Once he is in front of your room, he brings his hand up to knock on the door ever so gently. He hears a soft voice tell him to come in. With that, he opens the door and pops his head in, "y/n?"
When you hear the knock on your door, you expect it to be Taehyung again. When you turned your head to see who it was, the last person you expected it to be was Yoongi.
"Yoongi??" Your eyebrows are drawn together and your mouth is open slightly, "Hey...can I come in?" He takes a slight step inside your room. He does a once-over of your appearance and sympathy flows throughout his body. Your hair is a mess, different strands flying out in every which way. Your eyes are red and puffy from crying he presumes.
"Sure, sit down" you pat a spot on the mattress next to you, he takes the invitation and takes the seat next to you. As soon as he sits down, he opens his mouth, "I am so so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you that much-" you cut him off to speak, "But I shouldn't have acted the way that I did" He shakes his head and he cautiously takes your hand in his, "You had every right to act that way, I left you outside in the rain for an hour, to makeout with Taeyeon nonetheless. I feel terrible for it, and I hope you don't hate me, but I understand if you do." He's still holding onto your hand as he searches your eyes, waiting for an answer.
"I...I forgive you, I mean I'm still mad about leaving me out in the rain but I can get over it" A sincere smile is plastered on your face. He lets out a sigh of relief that he's been holding in and he copies the smile you have on your face. He lets go of your hand only to pull you in closer, he puts a hand on your head and pulls you into his chest. You're surprised by the action, taking a moment to realize whats happening until you leap into action. You wrap your arms around his waist and you place your head into the crook of his neck. The closeness, it's what you've always wanted with him. You both stay like that for a while, you're the first to pull away. He looks down at you, he looks as if he is about to say something, yet nothing comes out, "What is it?" He sighs, "Can I ask you something? If you don't want to answer, that's fine." You simply nod your head and he continues, "Your brother, he...he said you've been through a lot. I just want to know what he means, but like I said, you don't have to answer if you don't want to." 
He probably would find out about your past anyway, you might as well tell him now, "...At my last highschool, before I moved here, I was bullied. It...it started out with insults here and there, it hurt but I could stand it. Then, as the school year went on, it got worse, they would leave terrible notes on my locker. Then later, it turned, physical. The girls would trip me in the hallways they would hit me if I got too close to them." The tears are already forming in your eyes, "I honestly didn't think it could get any worse. I already lost the few friends I had, I ate lunch in the bathroom stall. But, one day, there was a dance at our school and one of the most popular guys at our school asked me to the dance. At that moment I knew it was too good to be true but I went anyway. When I got there it was all fine until I got called on stage and everyone..." The tears have been falling for a while now, "They all threw fruint punch at me, I was drenched from head to toe, at this point I wanted to leave so I went to walk down the stairs from the stage and I slipped and sprained my ankle and no one helped me up so I limped out to the front of the school and called my dad to pick me up. If I just didn't go to that dance I would've been fine, I'm so stupid" you're choking up now, and it's hard to breathe as the tears are falling more quickly now and you hide your face in your hands
Yoongi listens intently and as you continue to tell your story he can't help but tear up as well. He brings his hands up gently to your hands and takes them off your face, he leans down to look into your tear filled eyes. His heart swells even more at the sight of you, he doesn't have the slightest clue on how to comfort you, he's not used to doing this, but he makes an attempt anyway, "y/n, you aren't stupid. You just wanted to have fun at the dance, there's nothing wrong with that at all. What they did to you is beyond cruel. You should never of had to go through that. Thats not what you deserve." You sniffle as you're now looking up at him with doe-like eyes. Yoongi places his hand on your cheek and his voice gets quieter, "you deserve more than what I can give you. I know I messed up but I won't mess up again. I want to be your Friend, I want to get to know you more, I want to be there for you." He leans in closer, "Please let me do that for you"
The sweetness in his voice makes you smile at him. He copies that smile and you lunge forward and attack him with a hug. The force of you lunging forward has him pressed against your mattress as your arms are wrapped around his neck. His arms are wrapped around your waist, you both stay like that for a while. You don't want to let go. His hands rub your back comfortingly. Your head is in the crook of his neck and you let let out a small 'thank you'. It may have been short and simple but that thank you meant more than Yoongi would ever know.
You stay like that for a moment longer and you pull back, you give him a hand to help him sit up. You can't wipe the smile off your face and he chuckles, "what?" You continue to smile at him, "sooo, can we try to hang out again soon? Maybe we can actually get to watching the movie" he laughs then nods his head, "I'd like that, come over to my house tomorrow. I promise I'll actually be there this time." You grin and give him a childish look, you hold your pinky out and wave it in his face, "promise?" He tilts his head and gives you a 'really?' look. You laugh and continue to wave your pinky around. His smile doesn't falter and he finally puts his pinky up and he intertwines his pinky with yours.
You both laugh as you drop your hands and you yawn shortly after, "you're probably tired aren't you?" You nod your head slowly, "well then lay down, I'll tuck you in" you roll your eyes, "oh c'mon, I'm not 5" he raises one of his eyebrows and he's not letting up so you finally lay down in your bed. He looks happy with his success and he pulls the blanket up to your chest and tucks it under your arms, "I told you I'm gonna be here for you, I'm just doing my job" he lifts up your head and fluffs your pillow. He looks down at you and he gets a feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He doesn't know if he should but he can't help himself. He leans down and places a gentle kiss to your forehead, he whispers against your forehead, "sweet dreams y/n"
You don't know what's going through his mind as he looks down at you. But when he leans down and kisses your forehead you become a blushing mess. You bite your lip when he stands back up. You say your goodbyes and when he leaves your room you break out into a smile, you yawn once more then your eyes flutter shut and you're soon fast asleep.
As Yoongi's about to walk through the front door, he hears a deep voice from behind him. He quickly turns around to be face to face with Taehyung, "So did you make ammends with her?" Yoongi smiles proudly and nods, "I did, we are even gonna hang out tomorrow" Tae nods his head in approval, "great, but I swear you better not mess this up again" Yoongi smiles and takes a step out the front door, he turns to Tae once more, "From now on, I promise I'll be there for her" With that, Yoongi shuts the door and walks with a bit more happiness in his step. He promises that he won't ever let you slip out of his hands again.
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iheartgrayson · 7 years
back rubbing | grayson dolan
WC: 2.3K
- Smut request U and Grayson r dating and he gives u a massage with his nice strong arms and u get turned on-anonymus
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You struggled to open the door to your house as you tried to support the big luggage on the other and a bag on your shoulder. Today was the day that you were returning from a business trip to Toronto and all you wanted was to relax and spent some time with your boyfriend Grayson.
You walked inside the house and threw your stuff on the sides as your eyes searched for him. You knew that he was home because his car was outside your parking lot. Since there was no sight of Grayson on the first floor he must be upstairs on your bedroom.
You took off your shoes and run upstairs and straight to your bedroom. The door was slightly opened, you heard noise but there was no light so you burst inside.
Grayson was on the bed, on top of the bed sheets and his phone on his hands while a video was playing. He looked up as soon as he heard you. His eyes lighten up and a wide smile spread across his lips. “Babe!” He exclaimed and got up from the bed and run to you and embraced in his big arms. “Oh, I missed you so much.”
“I missed too, Gray.” You said and hugged him back as tight as possible. You kissed his cheek and got apart to look at each other.
“Look at you, you got bigger.” He said with disbelief as you rolled your eyes.
“You’re kidding me right? It was only a week Grayson. Not a decade.” You walked to the back and threw yourself on top of it, landing with a loud bang. “So, what were you doing before I came?”
“I was watching videos of us. I missed you so much and that was the only thing I had.” he answered and you could see his cheeks turning red. Damn, he was so cute.
“Hey, it’s good. Actually it’s adorable. I love you so much, you goofy.” You said and grabbed his hands and threw him on the bed, next to you. Grayson turned on his side so he could look at you while you remain on your original position.
“So, how was your trip?”
“Tiring and exhausting. Especially the damn airplane. It was so full and there were some dushbags in front of me that though sleeping with the chair fallen back at me was smart. And don’t let me tell you about that lady that slept for four hours straight on my shoulder while there was a toddler hitting my chair from behind.” you said irritated while rubbing your eyes.
Grayson laughed at your response. “Seems like everything happened to you, baby.”
“Yeah, you can’t imagine. My back hurts like hell.” you groaned but an idea popped on your boyfriend’s little head.
“Do you want me to rub your back?” He questioned you as his eyes looked at your face and had a small smile.
You didn’t even thought about it. You took off your T-shirt and threw it on your feet, leaving you in your bra, while turning to lay on your stomach so Grayson could rub your back. You felt movement on the bed and waited for the action to happen. Two seconds later you felt a very cold liquid on your back making you hiss.
“What the fuck is this?” You asked Grayson.
“Oil, I heard that it is suitable for back rubbing. Now, you need to relax and let me do my job. Alright?” His voice was so soft that instantly you relaxed while nodding your head.
As the cold oil run down your back you felt Grayson’s big hands on your back. They were warm in addition to the oil and that was amazing. He started working first at your shoulders were all the pain was.
At first he was slow but soon he started rubbing harder earning a loud moan from you. It was good.
“Yeah, like that babe.”
After keeping a satisfying amount of time there, his hands roamed further down while his fingers worked magic. It felt like you were getting a new whole brand body.
“How does it feel, sweetheart?” Grayson questioned you while he stole a glance at you before returning to his job.
You turned your face to the side to take a breath too. “Fucking amazing. Shit. It is sooo good Gray.”
Last it was your waist. As soon as his hands went there you felt a funny feeling going through your whole body. The way his giant hands worked there, so near your ass made you feel things.
You felt yourself start getting wet. It had been a whole week without Grayson and you sure as hell you missed him. You swallowed hardly and slowly you rose your body making Grayson confused.
“I am not finished. Why you got up?” He asked you with his eyebrows raised. You smirked at him.
“I just had a better idea to make me feel good.” You answered but the confused look he still supported on his face told you that he didn’t know what you were meaning.
You got up and sat on his legs since he was on top of bed, each one outside his own, and your hands wrapped around his neck. You looked deeply in his eyes and fall in love all over again. They were a shiny green color and they were full of love. That boy stole your heart and he owned every bit of it.
“I love you so much.” Your told him and leaned down, your lips crushing on his, and made out for a whole minute before you fall apart to take a breath.
“Yeah, I know.” He said and pecked your lips and he had a wide sheepish smile on his gorgeous face.
You pushed him back on the bed and your hands worked with the hem of his shirt and pulled it off him quickly. His hard chest making contact with my eyes and you felt your nipples getting hard at the sight of him. Grayson just looked at you, letting you do whatever you please with him just for this one time, and enjoyed the view.
“Damn, you are so beautiful. I missed you so much.” He bit his upper lips and his eyes explored your body as you got up and took off your leggings leaving you only on your bra and panties.
After a second you pulled them off too now leaving you completely naked in front of your boyfriend who was half naked. You saw as he gulped and a whimper came out of his mouth.
“Do you like the view?” You asked him with a smirk as you climbed back again on top of him. Your bare pussy now on top of his clothed rock hard dick.
Grayson didn’t need more than a second to get hard, just a single though could make his thick cock rise, and it was so fucking hot.
“I believe you can feel the answer.” He told you. His giant hands now slapped on your hips and moved you slightly on his cock. “Fuck, you make me so damn hard baby.”
“Oh, I know.” You decided to tease him a bit as you grabbed both of your boobs on your hands and played with your hard nipples. Your cold fingers made a shiver run down your spine, wishing it was Grayson’s hands instead. You moaned loudly and close your eyes in pleasure.
“Fuck.” He hissed and his hands moved fast your body and they landed on your boobs, slapping your hands away. They were naturally big and Grayson’s biggest weakness.
As he played with them, our hands fall on your side and then started rocking your hips on his cock. You always dry humped him but only for a teasing but right now you had something different in mind.
“Grayson?” You dragged his name as you opened your eyes and looked at his face.
“Mmm?” He hummed.
“Can I please, please myself on your life this?” You suddenly questioned him making him look at you in shock. He stood there frozen for a second before nodding his head fast.
“Yeah, fuck yes. That would be hot, just do it, come on.” He said and after leaving your boobs his hands grabbed your hips and tried to move them on top of him. You smiled at this and nodded your head.
You suited yourself on top of him and after feeling his dick on your wet heat, after leaving a loud moan, you started rocking your body back and forth. Back and forth.
Fuck! That is so fucking amazing. You thought to yourself as Grayson’s pants came in contact with your swollen clit making you feel truly fantastic.
“I was so right. It is fucking hot.” Grayson said more to himself than to you as hell watched every single movement you made on top of him and groaned couple times at the feeling. He was rocking hard and you could feel every bit of it.
Couple more trusts and you squirted. It was an ability you had discover two months ago with the beloved boy under you. You had made a big mess on top of him but Grayson couldn’t care at the moment. He was just so much turned on by the whole scene that he couldn’t bring his mind to care about anything than just to shove his dick inside you.
With a big breath you fall on your his chest, leaving small wet kisses on it. “Gray, it felt so damn good.” You moaned sending vibrations to his body which made Grayson moan too.
You moved down more until you reached his lower body. You looked up at his face and saw that he was looking down at you with a lustful look. You smirked and grabbed the hem of his pants along with his boxers and moved then down with a fast motion. His cock hit his lower stomach and you saw as precum licked out of it.
He exhaled one deep breath as his cock got freed and fall back on the bed on his back, his hands wide apart and chest raising fast. You grabbed his dick in your hands and guided him slowly in your mouth but Grayson’s hands grabbed your hair fast and pulled you away.
“I can’t take foreplay now. I just need to be buried inside you.” He explained and got up as well from the bed and took off his clothes. “On your hands and knees now.”
It was one of the very few times he was dominant and it got you excited. You did as you were told. You turned your head back to look at Gray and you found him looking at you admiring the view in front of him. “Fuck, baby. I can see that your little pussy is so fucking wet.”
“Only for you Gray.” you said and bent your upper half a little down so your ass could be higher in the air. You heard Grayson whistled and then the bed shaken underneath you. You got ready for what it was about to come and two seconds later Grayson trusted fast his cock inside you.
You almost forgot how big and thick he was.
“Shit. You got tighter or what?” He asked surprised at your tightness and stood still for a moment told let you adjust to his size, something you could never done because he was simply huge.
“Move Grayson, move.” You panted and he immediately obligated. His hips hit the back of yours hard, the slapping echoing through the silent room, and his dick stretching your walls. Your eyeballs rolled back at the steady, hard and deep rhythm of his trusts.
His hands gripped your waist to steady himself and his eyes closed in pleasure. Sweat run down both of your foreheads as the room felt hotter by the second.
“Deeper Grayson.” You told him. Grayson nodding his head, he moved his body as closer to you as possible and the tip of his cock hit the sensitive skin inside you that made your body shook under him.
He stopped for a moment because he felt himself closer to the end and he didn’t want to finish just yet. “Why did you stop?” You asked him annoyed.
“Come on, get up. I have an idea.” He said and after sliding off you, you got up and waited for him to speak. “Move towards the window and face in front.”
You walked over the large window and with a confused look Grayson smacked himself back inside you and started bumping fast and hard. You moaned as you collided to the cold glass, your nipples getting hard again by the cold and you looked outside to see if anyone was watching you. There were some people walking by but no one looked at you.
Grayson peaked a faster rhythm that made his hard balls hit you and then your body hitting the window. One of Grayson’s hands that were around your waist reached down to your clit and started toying with it. “Oh.My.God.” you said with every trust.
“Come on baby girl. Cum all over my dick.” Grayson told you. He knew you were close, he knew your body too well.
“Shit. I’m-I’m close babe.”
He made circle moves on your clit and that was when you lost it. Your eyes rolled back to your skull and your body let your fluids run down your pussy and into Grayson’s cock.
His hand left your clit and then found your shoulder and he took a glance down at your bodies as he tried to reach his own high.
You were panting uncontrollably since your body was still moving. With a small smile you clenched your walls around Grayson feeling that vein on him making him groan. “Do that again.”
Once again you did as you were told and clenched around him and then you felt Grayson standing still and his warm seed filling you up. His head fall on yours as you heard him breathing hard.
 “That was such a good welcoming Gray.” You said and turned to look at him as you kissed his lips.
“Yep. You need to leave more often if the sex is that good afterwards.” He commented making the both of you laugh.
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