This being said by a person who smokes 🍃: don’t. smoke. 🍃. in. the. dorms!!!
I don’t care if it’s a blunt! I don’t care if it’s a joint! I don’t care if it’s oil or pen!!!!! DON’T USE ANYTHING UP THAT BURNS CUS EVERYONNNNNNEEEEE CAN SMELL THAT SHIT!!!!
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newtonsheffield · 6 months
Awww I love author Anthony! When does Kate find out he carries that photo around? Can we get a snippet of that night it was taken?
Let’s see Kate’s point of view
She’s not even really sure how she ended up here. They’d been in the pub, surrounded by their friends with empty glasses strewn on the table around them and Anthony had scoffed.
“Oh, of course you think Frankenstein is trash. Of course you do!”
Kate raised her eyebrows while the rest of the table groaned.
“No! No, we’re having a nice night! Please don’t start arguing.”
Kate smiled and leaned across the table at Anthony, his stupid handsome face making something flutter in her chest. “Convince me, Bridgerton. Convince me that Victor Frankenstein isn’t a complete dickhead who got in over his head.”
“If you don’t understand the metaphor for the fact that we are eventually all brought down by our own hubris, then I can’t explain it to you, Sharma. You’re hopeless.”
“Sounds like you’re scared to convince me. Almost like you… know you can’t.”
His laughter was so beautiful. She hated how nice that sound was. Warm and happy. He ran his hair through his already messy hair. “Katie Kat I could convince you to do so many things.”
God, she wanted him to. She’d thought they’d never be friends the first time they met, and she definitely didn’t think she’d be where she is now, with her heart fluttering in her chest every time she saw him. And she didn’t think when he looked at her through his lashes, a lit cigarette in his hand, the smoke curling between him that she’d say yes so easily.
“I thought you were giving up smoking.”
Anthony sighed, looking wistfully at it, “I know, I know. You hate smokers. I just miss the smell when I’m a few pints deep. Makes me feel like a tortured artist.” He stamped it out on the side of the bin, tossing the cigarette in the ashtray unsmoked. “Are you heading somewhere?”
Kate raised her eyebrows, “Just… back to my dorm.”
Anthony nodded, stepping closer and putting his hands in his pockets, the scarf his mum had made him for Christmas wrapped around his neck. “Are you actually up for a friendly literary debate back at mine?”
“Yes. Obviously.”
Their breath had frosting in the air between them as they made their way back to his flat, laughing and giggling about one thing or another. And here they were now.
Kate had pulled off her boots and their coats were abandoned on the floor by the kitchen, empty bottles between them as they sat on the rug in front of the fire, the only light in the room. Anthony’s wire rimmed glasses slid down his nose as he shook his head.
“You are ridiculous!”
“I’m not ridiculous! Angus, Thongs, and full frontal Snogging is a fucking great book for its demographic! I still love that book!”
“I am… obsessed with this confidence.” Anthony grinned, “I’m obsessed with you.”
He doesn’t mean it like that. Kate sighed to herself, taking another long drag from her drink. He would make a move if he wanted to. He’s slept with a quarter of the girls on our course.
“Oh and what were you reading at 12? Were you composing a modern version of Beowulf?”
Anthony flushed, “There was some epic poetry involved, yes.”
Kate laughed, ruffling his hair, “You’re so stupid.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing!”
“If you’re so obsessed with me,” She snatched his brother’s Polaroid camera off the coffee table, “Take a picture so it’ll last longer.”
Anthony rolled his eyes at the challenge, “Well strike a pose for me then. Something worth capturing, please madam.”
She waited for the flash and the square of film to shoot out the bottom of the camera and their body’s swayed closer as she peered down at it. “Fuck, you better put that in your wallet, Bridgerton. A memento of this glorious night when we got along. When I looked pretty as hell”
Anthony rolled his eyes, “Come on, you’re always fucking beautiful. You know that.”
She could sense the shift in the air. She felt her breath caught in her chest and she was suddenly too aware of how close her body was to his and the heat of the fire radiating between them. She was too aware of how easy it would be for him to close the distance between them, tilt her chin up and claim her lips for himself.
“Do I know that?”
“You should.” His eyes flicked down to her lips and his teeth bit his own, seconds slipping by. “I’m… having a nice time with you.”
“Yeah me too.”
Anthony took a shuddering breath and leaned backwards, slapping his hands against his thighs before he stood, his feet slipping on the floor in his socks. “Another drink while you prepare you Wuthering heights is the worst arguments?”
“Yeah.” Kate cleared her throat, hoping the firelight would distract from her own embarrassment as she pushed it down, “And I know you hate it too so don’t pretend!”
“Maybe I just want to hear your arguments!”
“You’re such a glutton for punishment.”
“Remind me to never bloody let you read my manuscript.”
“No promises there.”
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the-record · 1 year
when emma falls in love
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synopsis: ellie might be in love with you, and you might just be in love with her too… if only you could admit it
pairing: college!ellie x fem!reader
warnings: too many tlou references, food, not proofread!!!!! also using angel in place of y/n bc it makes me cringe a little!
a/n: lets play a game called “how many references can kate make in her fics?”
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when emma falls in love, she paces the floor closes the blinds and locks the door when emma falls in love, she calls up her mom jokes about the ways that this one could go wrong
ellie couldn’t keep up.
she felt like every time dina came over, there was someone new in your life, and she couldn’t understand how. you were perfectly nice and even prettier.
but here she was, yet again in her dorm, listening to dina rant about the latest endeavor.
“and he was just a total dick! like, how are you going to say you’re busy tonight with family and then go to a party? like are you stupid?” dina sighed. “i love her, but god does she picks some idiotic ones. you remember the beach girl?”
oh she remembered the beach girl.
on an annual beach trip over spring break, some blonde had caught your eye, and you caught hers. you had invited her to join them for dinner, and how could anyone say no to you?
you hit it off with the blonde, abby, and she spent the next couple days with the group, constantly flirting with you. ellie had felt a sort of dread fill her stomach. why her? she was obviously playing in to what you wanted and she knew you were smart enough to see that.
the trip wrapped up and you made plans with abby, excited she only live a town over. but when the time came, you spent 3 hours at the park waiting for her, only to receive a text saying she wouldn’t be able to make it.
you were upset and crashed at dina’s, and ellie had heard about it all the night.
“yes, god, i remember her. what a douche.” she rolled her eyes, standing up to grab her bag for class. “i’ve gotta go, but are we all still going out tonight?” dina nodded with a smile. “cool. don’t do anything stupid. and lock my door before you leave, please.”
“says you. and i’ll think about it!”
shes walking out the door when she hits something, or someone.
“fuck, sorry my bad.”
when she focuses back, she sees you. “hey, what are you doing here?”
“oh, dina told me to come over. are you going?” you leaned in the doorway. “dina, come on, stop invading people’s space. lets go!”
she groaned, “but ellie said we could smoke here!” she got up nonetheless, heading to join you. “thanks anyways els, have fun in class!”
“bye ellie!”
she sighs as she watches you two walk away. why does air fill her head whenever shes around you?
she waits and takes her time ‘cause little miss sunshine always thinks its gonna rain when emma falls in love, i know that boy will never be the same
“so, angel, how’s it going with you and that girl?” jesse felt a kick at his leg and turned to dina. “what? am i not allowed to ask questions?”
“no, no, it’s fine. we didnt work out, but thats okay!” you smiled brightly at the table. “i think im gonna take a break anyways. im kinda sick of it.”
they all shared a knowing look. “hey, no! i promise, this is for real.”
“hun, its not that we don’t believe you.” ellie started. “iits just that… we dont believe you!” you groaned and stole a fry from her plate. “look, we’ve just heard that a lot, and we dont wanna see you get hurt.”
“but im not going to! because im taking a break.” you kicked ellie. “you dont have to believe me, but can you at least pretend to?” they gave in and cheered for you. “thanks, now who wants to share a brownie?”
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“okay, so its c minor sharp, f sharp, b, e, repeat?” you and ellie sat on the dorm room floor, her guitars in both of your laps.
“yea exactly, just on the third repeat, its a g sharp minor instead of a b.” you nodded at her and plucked the chord. “exactly. and i pluck for it so just… just watch?”
she played the song slowly, speaking her pattern as she went along. you nodded at her when she finished, figuring you knew it well enough. “okay, play it together?”
she counted down before starting, making you smile.
“talking away, i dont know what im to say. ill say it anyway, todays another day to find you shying away. ill be coming for your love, okay.” you hummed a harmony as ellie sang the words.
“are you sure you don’t usually play? youre a total natural at this.” ellie marveled as you let the last chord hum out.
“i guess im just pretty good with my fingers.” you felt your cheeks blaze as you heard back what you said.
dina chuckled, “damn right!” she stood up, going for the door. “gonna grab a bottle of water. play more for us beautiful ladies!”
ellie taught you the rest of the song, both of you more awkward than usual. you really came along it so fast, ellie was amazed.
“okay, seriously, you have to be messing with me because you are way to good at this.”
“i promise! i only took piano lessons.”
‘cause shes the kind of book that you cant put down like if cleopatra grew up in a small town and all the bad boys would be good boys if they only had the chance to love her and to tell you the truth sometimes i wish i was her
ellie had a thought that she might be, maybe, just could be a little in love with you.
she couldnt be though. right?
sure, she knew all of your favorite foods, and knew the words to your favorite song, knew your favorite books like the back of her hand, could tell anyone how you took your coffee.
but that was friendly. you guys were friendly. friends.
she guessed you guys hung out a lot, but thats because they always hung out as a group. she might’ve gotten excited when you joined, but that doesnt mean anything.
and of course she had noticed you were pretty. gorgeous, even. but so had everyone else. its not like she had purposefully memorized your features. every line and mark.
she could draw jesse from memory perfectly, its not like she liked him.
it was normal.
totally normal.
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“where’s angel?” ellie asked, looking to dina.
“not coming.” she sighed, digging around her purse for a pack of gum. “said she was busy, but she wouldn’t say why.”
“i think we all know why,” jesse teased. they all gave him a look, but he leveled them with one of his own. “im not insulting her. its just that, this isn’t exactly out of her nature. i mean seriously, who actually took her promise seriously?”
ellie excused herself to the bathroom, dialing you before she even reached the door.
“hey, where are you?” she picked at the already chipping nail polish she had on.
“uhm, im out.” you sighed. “look, im kind of busy. did you need somet-“
she had to cut to the chase. “are you on a date?”
“excuse me?”
“are you on a date?”
“thats none of your business.”
“oh fuck off, you know it very much is. so. are you?”
“fine, yea i am. now can i get back to it?”
“we are talking later.”
she joined the group back at their table, but couldnt focus back in on the conversation.
“you okay, ellie?” she looked up at dina, nodding with a hum.
“yea, sorry, got lost for a second.”
when emma falls apart, its when shes alone she takes on the pain and bears it on her own ‘cause when emma falls in love, she’s in it for keeps she wont walk away unless she knows she absolutely has to leave
she didnt even bother to knock, just walked straight through your dorm room door.
“ellie, what the hell?” you were in bed, a book in hand and music playing from a speaker. “what happened to knocking?”
ellie b-lined for your bed, taking a seat at the foot of it. “why were you on a date?”
“dude, seriously, what if i was naked? so not okay!” you placed a bookmark on your page and set the book to the side.
“okay, fine im sorry!” she groaned and found your eyes. “now why were you on a date? what happened to taking a break?”
“what do you want me to say, els?” you exhaled and looked down at your hands. “that i cant keep anything? that i cant keep promises or partners?” ellie felt bad as she saw your eyes were glossy and the frown on your face. “im sorry im such a screwup and that i cant do anything right. anything else?”
ellie ran her fingers through her hair. “im sorry.” she crossed her legs on your bed and looked at you. “really im sorry, this was so uncalled for. youre right, its not my business. im really sorry. i just wan-“
she froze.
surely you couldnt be kissing her right now.
before she could even think to reciprocate, you pulled away, a deer in headlights look on your face.
“im so sorry.” you whispered moving away from her. “god, im so so sorry. you should go. im sorry.” she opened her mouth to try and say anything, but you beat her to it. “ellie, please, just go.”
she saw the tears well and felt compelled to stay. but her body went against her, forcing her feet to walk out the door to her own room.
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e: you cant ignore me forever. read
e: please angel, just talk to me. read
e: you kissed me, not the other way around. stop making this my fault. read
e: millers, noon? just coffee, i promise. read
a: im sorry.
ellie tossed her phone at her bed.
“whats up with you?” dina probed. “youve been… peeved this week. whats up?”
“who the hell says peeved?” she tried to joke but was met with dinas serious face. “im fine! seriously!” god that face made her break. “okay fine, just… dont tell anyone.”
dina nodded excitedly and sat down infront of her.
“angel kissed me, and then she freaked out and made me leave, and now she wont even talk to me!” ellie fell back onto her bed.
“did you hear nothing else that i said?”
and shes the kind of book that you cant put down like if cleopatra grew up in a small town and all the bad boys would be good boys if they only had the chance to love her and to tell you the truth sometimes i wish i was her
e: please, im begging you, just talk to me. read
a: what do you want me to say ellie?
e: literally anything. read
a: i messed up els, okay?
a: i shouldn’t have kissed you. im sorry.
e: but you should have. and you did. read
a: what?
e: meet me at millers? read
a: ellie…
e: please. read
a: omw.
e: thank you omg. read
a coffee was waiting on the table for you when you arrived. you sat across from ellie, hesitantly taking the drink. “you wanted to talk.” you talk a sip, finding it tasted like your usual order. “so talk.”
“okay look… i’m just as confused and nervous as you are.” she laughed nervously and fiddled with her own cup. “but, im glad you kissed me.”
“yea i know.” she took a deep breath before continuing. “i only recently, like very recently, realized my feelings were misplaced. i really dont wanna be friends.”
you groaned, “and you couldnt have just texted me that?”
“fucks sake, just let me finish!” she pleaded, picking back up when you sat back into your chair. “i like you. like, a crazy lot, and it freaks me out. so please, let me at least take you on one date. if not, its fine, we just cant be friends. i wouldnt be able to stand it.”
you chewed at a nail as you took in what she had said.
“say something.”
a beat of silence before.
“okay?” she whispered.
“yea, okay. you can take me on a date.”
well, shes so new york when shes in l.a. she wont lose herself in love the way that i did ‘cause she’ll call you out she’ll put you in your place when emma falls in love, im learning
“hey, hurry up, im waiting downstairs for you.”
ellies voice rang through your room as you placed her on speaker.
“nuh uh, im not done. you asked me out, now deal with the consequences. ill be down when im ready.” you pulled out your outfit, throwing it on as you spoke. “just scroll on insta or something if you’re that bored.”
she hung up and you couldn’t help but laugh. you had been so nervous in the days leading up to this, but suddenly felt much better as she yelled at you like normal.
you finally met her at her car, hopping in the passenger seat and connecting your phone.
“the hell are you doing?” ellie squealed.
you scoffed and rolled your eyes. “passengers princess gets aux. suck it up loser.” you queued up songs as she pulled out and onto the main road. “where are we going anyways?”
“you’ll see.”
“god you are so annoying.”
and yet you smiled at her.
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“an arcade? really?” you looked at her with eyebrows raised.
she shrugged and unbuckled, opening her door to get out. you shook your head, shocked still you were on a date with ellie williams. at the arcade.
she pulled you through the maze of a place to some own machine. “mortal kombat? what even is this?”
she smiled so bright, you couldnt help but smile back. “just wait, its so fun.”
emma met a boy with eyes like a man turns out her heart fits in the palm of his hand now he’ll be her shelter when it rains little does he know, his whole world’s about to change
“it was totally fun right? c’mon, you can admit it!” she pushed your shoulder, seeing your smiling face.
“okay yes, fine it was fun, i had fun!” you laughed, staring at her face. “i never really noticed you had this many freckles.”
you traced a finger across her cheeks. down the slope of her nose. across her eyebrow, stopping to poke the scar running through the left one.
“you’re pretty.” you whispered.
she blushed. “i think you’re gorgeous.” she whispered back.
her eyes were so pretty.
“can i kiss you?”
‘cause shes the kind of book that you cant put down like if cleopatra grew up in a small town and all the bad boys would be good boys if they only had the chance to love her and to tell you the truth sometimes i wish i was her
yeah, between me and you sometimes i wish i was her
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vargskelegore · 2 years
heyoo!! could we get a fic where transfer student!shuri realizes u mostly eat struggle meals like ramen n the occasional hamburger helper n since you feel bad abt her taking you out to eat a decent meal everyday she learns how to cook w you 💪🏾
author's note: NO BECAUSE THIS IDEA IS SOOOO CUTE. i'm always eating a damn struggle meal so this is relatable af. ramen gang for the win tho.
cake boss, who? - hbcu!shuri x black!reader
requests: open to headcanons & imagines!
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on campus, for lunch, you usually ate ramen. no, not maruchan-- that shit was below your standards. nongshim. the more superior budget ramen. although, even that shit wasn’t really healthy for you.
it was a common experience-- being a college student and being broke since you were either unemployed, or your job paid so bad you might as well be unemployed.
you were lucky that sometimes your rich roommate would pay for you to eat because she wanted to- but since she was always gone, going on dates with random dudes on campus, it wasn’t often you ate something she got you.
honestly, shuri took you out to eat more times than you could count (AS FRIENDS.... i guess?), but you felt really bad about taking her money and food all the time. it wasn’t like they were michelin star restaurants, just stuff like ihop, waffle house, panera bread.. they were luxury to you, though.
on one of the days you were cooking shin ramyun, there was a familiar knock on your door. shuri. shuri developed this knock based off of drum beats they would do back in her home country, and it was something she did on your door to remind herself of home, and also let you know her arrival.
“the door is open!” you called out, attempting to keep the amount of smoke down because if you even had it float a little too high, that alarm was gonna get you, and your cooking in the dorm days would be over.
as soon as shuri walked in, she could smell you cooking the same thing, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
“every time i walk in here, not only are you cooking, it’s always that high sodium trash.” shuri looked around the room as she walked inside.
“yeah well, it’s at the local neighborhood walmart, and it’s like six bucks for a pack of them.” you shrugged as you pushed the noodles around with your chopsticks.
“..is the meals i get you not enough?” there was a hint of panic in shuri’s voice -- one thing about her was that she always tried hard, but for you, she went beyond that. she wasn’t exactly sure why she was like that.
noticing what shuri said, you cut her off so quick. “no! i love the places you take me, but.. i don’t want you to spend money on me like that..” your voice got quiet at the end, and that’s when shuri walked over to you, staring down at you.
“nonsense, it’s barely anything.. i’m willing to spend enough to keep you well fed. i think it’s stupid how american university tuition just uses up so much money that you have to live off of cheaply made factory food.” shuri could go on a rant about this, and you could tell she had been bottling that opinion up for a while.
“i don’t disagree, but this is my life, shuri.” you sighed in defeat as you turned around to drain the water.
shuri got directly behind you, hands in her pockets. when you turned back around, you were met with her being right in front of you.
“then let me try something different. let’s cook together.” there was hope in her voice as she stared down at you. your hand, which was being occupied by your ramen pot, slightly began shaking.
“i, uh..”
“please? i think you can make a good meal without using so much money, if that’s what you’re worried about.” her voice was gentle, and god, how could you say no to that voice? hell, it was practically begging.
after a moment of silence, you nodded.
shuri’s face lit up as she took the pot from your hand, pouring the sauceless noodles into the trash. you were a bit shocked that she did that so quickly.
“shuri, that was my lunch--!”
“hush, we’re gonna make a better lunch together.”
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ever since that moment, you two started making food together. learning how to cook cheap and tasty food was a bit of a challenge, but you both managed to deal with it.
you two made everything together. pasta, soup, fancy ass sandwiches, and so much more. for you, seeing shuri in an apron when you guys were baking was the cutest thing ever.
powder all over her face, squealing when a certain ingredient got all over her. it was adorable and it melted your heart.
there was nothing more you enjoyed than the company of shuri.
on one of the days you two were baking, you both decided to bake a cake this time. nobody told y'all it would take a while, but honestly, that was probably because you two were goofing off instead of baking which made it take longer.
as you were mixing the buttercream frosting mixture together, shuri sighed in annoyance.
"crap, i forgot my phone.. i'm gonna go get it, i'll be right back. don't eat the frosting. i'm serious."
you held your hands up in surrender before nodding. mentally you were smirking, because you were gonna eat it anyway.
as soon as she left, you waited about 20 seconds before sticking your finger into the bowl and taking a taste.
a few tastes turned into more tastes. and more. but it wasn't enough to make it look like it wasn't enough for icing.
as soon as you could hear shuri coming back, you immediately went back to mixing, whistling a bit as you didn't acknowledge her presence out of guilt of eating it.
"..y/n? i'm back." shuri raised an eyebrow at you as she walked back over to where she originally was.
you hummed before muttering out a quick "hi." and went back to doing what you were doing.
shuri, being the suspicious person she was, crossed her arms and just stared at you. you could feel her stare but you tried so hard to make it seem like you didn't care.
"y/n. turn around for me, real quick?"
"but i'm mixing.. i can't get distracted." you lied, realizing your once rhythm on mixing suddenly became very irregular.
shuri didn't say a word before pulling you from the mixing station and over to where she was standing. you tried covering your face, but she was quick to make you uncover.
that's when she saw it.
she brought a thumb to your face, wiping off something on the corner of your mouth, and licking it off her own thumb.
"that tastes really good, but damn, y/n, you could've lied a little better, no?" it was icing. she had a teasing grin on her face as she watched you become visibly embarrassed. all she could do was laugh as she went to grab the frosting and begin icing the cake.
you were stunned, to say the least. what were you gonna do with this girl?
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gwen-writes · 9 months
so... i couldn't stop thinking about how hilarious it would be if Astarion planar travelled to my roommate and i's dorm room accidentally (thanks Gale), and i wrote it. forgive any formatting errors, this is my first time posting fic-type writing to tumblr!
totally self-indulgent, silly fun. enjoy if you want!
(1357 words) and shoutout to my bestie "isolde" :) love u
IF YOU WANT MORE OF THIS, check it out on my ao3! gwen_writes
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A Vampire in New England
With a quick huff toward her candlewick, the smell of “warm luxe cashmere” was replaced with the pungent sting of smoke. Two clicks and the lamp was out, the two women crawling into bed and whispering among themselves. Sleep ached behind Isolde’s eyes, only allowing her a few more blinks before she was lulled into a dream. Fiora stretched and groaned in her cot, wishing she could sleep as easily as her roommate.
Fiora’s brows softened as she soothed herself with deep breaths, waiting for rest to overcome her. An incomprehensible roar shattered her resolve, glares of purple beaming in a flash of swirling magic. Her eyes couldn’t adjust to the light - she squinted and desperately tried to comprehend what was before her. The beacon dispelled just as soon as it had appeared, and Fiora willed against her paranoia to not panic at the sight of a figure in her room.
“I will never trust Gale again,” A smarmy voice hissed. The shadows allowed no outline of the thing on the floor, but she could see that it was sprawled out on her patterned rug. She was stunned into silence, glued to her sheets in place. Every nerve in her body was screaming for her to alert Isolde - who was remarkably still asleep next to her - to alert anyone. But who, exactly, are you supposed to call when a glowing force materializes in your room and dispenses a person in its wake?
Fiora turned her head to look at Isolde, telepathically pleading for her to stir. That was a mistake, notably, because she had caught the guest’s attention.
“Oh, hells,” Something glinted in the dim light, and she realized this visitor had weapons. “Am I going to have to kill you, or are you going to be ever so intelligent and let me walk free?”
Isolde shifted in her blankets. Fiora’s wide eyes darted between her roommate, then the unwelcome presence. Moments passed, and Fiora couldn’t manage any words out of her mouth.
“An answer would be helpful, truly,” Their voice was smooth and fulsome.
“Don’t kill me, please,” She blustered, more pathetic than she wanted it to be. “Just get the fuck out of my room - it’s fine.”
“Wonderful,” They said in a singsong voice. As her eyes adjusted, Fiora was able to make out more features now. White hair, distinctive red eyes. Not intimidatingly tall - they couldn’t be much taller than her. The figure turned sharply, but it suddenly went aflame with a string of profanity. 
“What the fuck!” Fiora jumped out of bed. If the sprinklers went off or something went wrong, she assumed this person wouldn’t hesitate to stab her. Isolde finally awoke, rushing out of bed in a frenzy.
“What! What? What!” She yelped, first giving a worried look to her friend and then looking at the blurry mass of fire. “Oh my god!” Isolde pushed her glasses onto her nose, trying to grapple with her surroundings.
Fiora was scrambling to unscrew her water bottle and douse the open flame, and in its light she could finally see the person. A man with sharp features, extravagant leathers, thick boots. He looked like he had just come from a Ren Faire. 
“What the fuck is going on!” Isolde started opening her water bottle to contribute. “Why is the room on fire!” “It’s a person!” Fiora unhelpfully explained, thoughts racing. She pushed past the flaming body, the fire licking her cotton pajamas, and opened the door. There was one open square on the man’s back, and with the miniscule amount of force in her body, she pressed both of her palms to him, and shoved.
He writhed on the ground, sparks finally deteriorating.
“Don’t even ask me anything, because I don’t know what the fuck is going on,” Fiora said to Isolde, exasperated. A laugh threatened to escape her lips, adrenaline coursing through her.
“I slept through a man appearing in our room?” Isolde replied, and the two women were transfixed by the charred man on their dorm hall floor, despite their better judgment. 
“My stomach hurts. I’m sweating,” Fiora hissed. “You should’ve seen it - it doesn’t make any sense. I was trying to fall asleep and this huge light showed up, and it was the loudest noise I’ve ever heard in my life, I swear to god. And then, he was just there! He was just… on our floor!”
“What do we do with him?” Isolde asked.
Fiora eyed her wildly, “What do you mean ‘what do we do with him?”
“He sounds like he’s magic, or something,” Isolde shrugged.
“He threatened to stab me before you woke up,” Fiora emphasized.
“But what if he’s a wizard?” Isolde whined.
“Oh my god, I can’t,” Fiora started laughing. 
“Nothing cool ever happens, this could be, like, something crazy that we might miss out on!” She bargained.
“Okay, so what do you suggest we do with him?” Fiora crossed her arms. The cold air from outside of their dorm was tickling her bare arms.
“We should help him! He’s burned to a crisp!” Isolde gestured to the limp man, who was still groaning on the floor.
“If he’s a wizard, he can heal himself,” She narrowed her eyes.
“You’re telling me that a wizard just showed up on our doorstep from a portal and you don’t want to know where he came from, who he is, every single thing he’s ever done in his life?” Isolde tempted.
Fiora gave her a long look, “You’re so right.”
“Do you think he’s knocked out?” Isolde looked upon the man.
“I doubt he would survive that,” Fiora reasoned.
“Okay, each of us takes an arm, and then we pull him back into our room. University Police will nab him if they find a sleeping man outside our door.”
As they kneeled down, hands going under the man’s shoulders, his eyes cracked open and he cut through their plans.
“Lay one more finger on me and I will have your head on a stake,” He threatened. Isolde was faster to jump away than Fiora, like a rabbit in the grass with a snake.
“I told you he was violent!” Fiora hissed.
“He’s a wizard!” Isolde defended.
He pushed himself onto his elbows, scowling, “That is insulting. I am not a wizard.”
“What are you, then?” Isolde’s eyes widened with alarm.
“If you must know,” He smiled easily, as if he hadn’t just been scorched moments prior, “I am a magistrate from Baldur’s Gate.”
“Where the fuck is Baldur’s Gate?” Fiora frowned.
“Faerûn,” He threw up a hand like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Uncultured little thing, you are.”
“Why would a magistrate show up in my room from a magic portal?” Isolde’s eyes narrowed. “You’re just a civilian officer. You can’t be that important.”
“Yeah,” Fiora dogpiled, “And why did you catch on fire?”
He chuckled, rising to his feet. Fiora was right, he was barely taller than her. The cracks on his skin from the burns were slowly fading, but bruises peppered his face. A handsome face, Fiora thought.
“Both of you are very inquisitive,” He complimented, which made Fiora’s stomach curdle. He suddenly seemed much less helpless, and much more like a sneering wolf.
“If you answer our questions, we can help you get back to.. Baldur’s Gate, or whatever it was,” Isolde was uncharacteristically bold. The man raised a brow, considering the offer.
“And where are we now, exactly?” He surveyed their surroundings, and it was clear that despite his blind confidence, this man was very, very lost.
“The United States. New England. Our college dorm,” Fiora offered simply. The man rolled his eyes, not to them but almost to someone in the sky.
“Gods, Gale, I’m going to fucking kill you,” He cursed in a sing-song voice under his breath. He blinked a few times, looked to the ground, and then met their gaze again.
“I’m Astarion,” He raised out a pale hand, “you are?”
“I’m Fiora,” She didn’t take his hand, anxiety still going rampant in her veins.
“Isolde,” The red-haired woman smiled and took his hand, shaking it gently.
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starry-hughes · 1 year
need angel and luca making up and how long does it take for her to forgive him
i can see him trying to bake for her as well and it being a total mess
“do you mind if we stop by the house before i take you back to your dorm?” ethan asks. “no i don’t mind,” angel says softly. she had just flown back in and ethan had been the one to pick her up.
“come inside, i don’t want you waiting in the car.”
although she was tired, she got out of the car without complaining. she wanted to fall into bed and sleep for hours.
they entered the house to the sound a smoke detector going off. “good luck,” ethan said before bolting upstairs.
“luca?” angel said as she entered the messy kitchen. burnt cupcakes sat on the counter with melting frosting on them while luca tossed the pan of burnt cookies on the counter. “i think i probably should have gone with a cake from the store.”
“you didn’t wait for the cupcakes to cool before frosting them, did you?”
“nevermind the cupcakes. can we talk? or at least let me explain myself?” luca asked. angel nodded. “i did not kiss anyone that night, unless you count me kissing your forehead when you were asleep. but i didn’t do anything. gavin was embarrassed and throwing up, so i went to help him. and adam kissed that girl after we went to sleep. he just didn’t want anyone to know because he was kinda hoping that him and that girl would work out.
“so please believe me when i say that i didn’t cheat. and i did not mean to yell at you. i just got so upset you thought i would cheat like your ex because you don’t deserve to be cheated on. you deserve someone so much better.”
he sucked in a breath, “and i love you. god i love you so much and you don’t have to say it back but��”
angel quickly crossed the room and brought him down to kiss her. “i love you too.”
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sammyjhand · 2 years
Written for @wolfstarmicrofic November 4 prompt
Sirius slams his Transfiguration textbook down on the dining table, causing all plates and silverware in the nearby vicinity to clatter against the wood. 
James’ eyes nearly bug out of his skull when he sees the sour look on his face. “Merlin, Padfoot! We’re trying to eat in peace, please take that attitude elsewhere!” 
If looks could kill, James would surely have stroked out on the spot from the seething glance he receives through Sirius’s narrowed eyes. He sits down anyways and begins to pile food onto his place regardless.
Peter and James give each other a knowing glance, as Sirius tail-spinning into the most atrocious of moods was becoming a common issue the past few months. 
“Would you like to talk about it? And, please,” James begs cautiously. “For the love of all things holy, please tell me this has nothing to do with Moony.”
And speak of the devil, Moony enters the dining hall as soon as his name leaves James’ mouth. Sirius shovels potatoes into his mouth, eyes trained on his plate as Remus takes his usual seat next to Sirius. Neither James nor Peter misses the intentional space Remus is sure to leave between them, or the way he completely ignores Sirius’ presence in general.
Sirius and Remus had been at it for months, one moment so lost in each other that nobody else existed (vom, seriously) and the next they were at each other’s throats. It was giving James whiplash, and he’s rapidly approaching the limit of how much of this he can bear to take anymore. 
“Oh my god, can you just hug and make up or something? There’s going to be a party after the game tonight and I refuse to let you pricks ruin everyone else’s fun!” 
“I haven’t done anything wrong. There’s nothing to make up,” Remus says haughtily, still not sparing a glance in Sirius’ direction. 
“He said,” Sirius bursts, hands slamming down on the table, “that he won’t come watch me play Quidditch tonight because ‘he’ll be too chilly’.”
“Yes, and I stand by that. It’s bloody cold out and I’d rather be inside where I can revise and be warm. Is that really so awful? Merlin, Padfoot, get a grip. You’re not special,” Remus shoots back nastily. 
Sirius is effectively stunned. Even James is a bit surprised by the vitriol in Remus’ voice. 
Sirius forgets his plate and stands up, looking directly at Remus. 
“You’re right,” he says, voice wavering dangerously. 
“Oh, god,” Peter mutters, running a hand over his face.
“How absurd of me to ask you to come watch your best mate’s match? How dare I suggest you wear a fucking jumper and come support me? You know what, Remus, let’s just save ourselves the trouble of having this conversation again. Don’t come to my quidditch matches ever again. I don’t want you there.” 
And with that, with the dramatic display of a soap opera, Sirius storms from the dining hall, red-faced and teary eyed. Remus has the decency to at least look a little guilty for the remainder of tea, and the three marauders silently push their food around until it’s time to head back to the dorm.
Sirius is nowhere to be found when they get back, but the dorm reeks of cigarette smoke, meaning he was moodily perched at the window chain smoking until he had to leave for the pitch.
James sighs deeply, pulling his kit out of his trunk before beginning to change.
“What’s that for?” Remus asks, anger ringing through his voice.
“I didn’t say anything,” James says calmly. 
“But you’re angry with me, too. I can hear it,” Remus insists a bit desperately. 
“Remus, if you’re feeling guilty, maybe you should apologize to Sirius.”
Remus sits on James’ bed looking right miserable. “I don’t know why he’s so mad. I just don’t want to go tonight, I really didn’t think it was a big deal.”
“Remus,” James implores with wide eyes. “He likes you. We’re playing Slytherin tonight. He’s competing against his little brother. Did I mention that he likes you? Do you need more justification as to why he’s upset?” 
Remus hangs his head and shakes it glumly. “Fucking hell, I really am the worst.”
James collects his gear and heads out to the pitch himself, leaving Remus to sort out his feelings and Peter to... well, do whatever it is that Peter does. He almost says, ‘see you at the match,’ to Remus when he leaves the room, but he doesn’t want to seem too cocky. In reality, though, he knows Remus better than Remus knows himself.
Nerves and anxiety threaten to swallow Sirius whole as he sits on his broom, waiting for the match to begin. Nerves for the match, anxiety over the argument with Moony. He always feels like shit until they can make up again, but this time he has to play a whole match, and play well at that, before they can speak again. 
The argument sits like a rock in the pit of his stomach as the match begins, so Sirius represses any unwelcome feelings and pushes them deep, deep inside as he climbs altitude to search for the snitch. 
He can’t be distracted right now, he has to find the snitch. He can’t be thinking about Moony, or the possibility of losing him over a stupid fucking fight, or how Moony doesn’t care enough about Sirius to show up for him, or--
Sirius whips his head to the left where Gryffindor students reside, and spots that golden head of curls standing tall above the sitting group of students. Remus grins at him, cupping his hands over his mouth again. 
Sirius grins devilishly, leaning forward to shoot off in the direction of the snitch that just caught his eye. 
“That’s my jumper.”
Remus turns from where he was observing the quiet quidditch pitch. Gryffindor won the match after Sirius had to fight off Regulus from grabbing the snitch long enough for his team to gain the points to pull ahead. He played like a star, and Remus can’t help but think he may have had something to do with Sirius’ performance that night. 
“You did tell me to fucking wear one,” Remus responds cheekily. 
Sirius’s hair is wet from his shower in the locker room, and his cheeks are red from a number of things. He looks unbearably sweet in a jumper, muggle jeans, and a pair of Converse that he begged Remus to bring back from home after last summer. 
“Sorry about earlier,” Remus gets out. He’s not great at apologizing. 
Sirius shrugs. “S’okay. You came anyways.” 
Remus steps closer. “No, it’s not okay. I’m sorry I said you weren’t special, because that quite literally couldn’t be farther from the truth. You’re my best mate.” Remus clears his throat and feels the tips of his ears burn. “You’re special to me.”
Sirius stares at him, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. “I didn’t mean it when I said I didn’t want you at my matches anymore. I want you there every time.”
They continue to stare at each other, neither boy wanting to make the move. But when they both move at once and their lips crash together, finally, for the first time, all the bickering from the past month just seems like foreplay. 
“You look so good in this,” Sirius gasps, pulling at the collar of his own jumper that Remus donned. 
“I wore it for you,” Remus chokes out, overwhelmed by the feeling of knowing Sirius feels the same way he does, and with the physical feeling of Sirius’ hands running all over his chest. 
Sirius pulls back, grinning like the Cheshire Cat and an evil glint clear in his eyes. “Wanna make out in the room while everyone’s at the party?”
Remus locks their fingers together and literally runs off in the direction of the castle, Sirius in tow, laughter lost in the wind. 
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remusslove · 2 years
Our little secret~ regulus black
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Includes: frenimies with benefits, implied smut, gender fluid!reader, trans!regulus, mentions of smoking, reader is fucking tall, bisexual reader and regulus, fangs is readers name and cursing
“You need to be nice to it fangs, shoving its face in dirt isn’t going to make it quiet” pandora said stroking the leafs of the sleeping sprout. “I can be nice” you replied as you yanked the sprout out of the dirt. Oh please fangs, you have as much empathy as professor McGonagall during an exam” regulus remarked.
You and regulus were with the group in herbology. The group didn’t even chuckle at this remark as you two are always bickering. Everybody was too focused on getting the new plants in herbology to shut up since they were as loud as a motorcycle. “I was pretty nice to you last night” you whispered to his comment with a smirk.
He nudged you in the shoulder trying to hide his red cheeks with a glare. “Shut up” he said quietly. You chuckled and winked at him causing him to look away to hide his smile. “It seems it is time to go to your next class, Have a nice day everyone and don’t forget to finish the three pages of parchment” professor sprout dismissed.
“See you tonight?” You asked regulus as you both packed up. “Maybe” he said simply causing you to roll your eyes playfully. The reason he said simply is because he was hanging out with a boy at the black lake after classes. While walking to his next class he let his mind wonder. About the date, yours and his relationship, pretty much everything.
A few hours later he was marching towards your dorm pissed off. Why was he pissed off? Maybe because you threatened his date not to go to the black lake. “Who the fuck does she think she is? Just because she has a dick doesn’t mean she can act like one. I mean so what if we have sex? It’s not even that good anyways… ok I lied. It’s good. Hell, it’s fucking amazing, the way she- wait fuck no! Don’t you dare fall her regulus black!” All these thoughts rang in his head.
He knocked on your dorm with the force of god getting more angrier and hornier by the minute. Fucking teenage hormones. He decided to just invite himself in causing you to get a bit startled but relaxed once you saw it was him. “Oh hey reg, how you doin tonight hm?” You asked with a grin. You knew why he was here, of course you did. He just stood there glaring at you. He had so many things he wanted to say to you but for some reason, his mouth wouldn’t let him.
You sighed and stood up looking down at the boy infront of you. “I’m sorry alright? I know it was mean and I-” you said before getting cut off. “Fuck it.” Was all he thought before standing on his tippy toes to kiss you. You kissed back causing the kiss to turn into a make out session. This kiss was different, it was not just filled with lust, it was passionate and loving.
You pulled away much to his dislike. “Regulus I-” you said but once again, got cut off. “Just shut up and fuck me.” Regulus said in between his heavy breaths. Not a second later you were on top of regulus with both of you laying down on the bed. Regulus let out a moan when you attacked his neck with kisses. He instinctively wrapped his arms around your neck.
He stopped your movements by calling your name. You looked in his eyes hearing only nothing but both of your heavy breaths. “I love you.” He said so quiet you could barely hear him. You instantly froze. All you could do was continue what you were doing making lust and desire cloud you brain and thoughts.
A few hours later you were both laying side by side with regulus’s head against your chest. He sighed as his thoughts questions and worries came back. “Fangs I-” he tried to explain his actions but this time, got cut off by you. “I love you too regulus” you said softly. He froze but quickly smiled and gave you another kiss. “We can’t tell anyone about this, not yet.” Regulus said firmly. “It’ll be our little secret” you said holding him close.
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lemonpika · 3 years
>>ꜱᴛᴏɴᴇʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ/ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇx ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ɪꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ
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ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ ᴀʀᴇ 21+
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇᴅ: ᴇʀᴇɴ ᴊᴀᴇɢᴇʀ, ᴀʀᴍɪɴ ᴀʀʟᴇʀᴛ, ᴊᴇᴀɴ ᴋɪʀꜱᴛᴇɪɴ
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇx, ᴄᴜɴɴɪʟɪɴɢᴜꜱ, ɴɪᴘᴘʟᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏ, ᴄᴏᴄᴋ-ꜱʜᴀᴍɪɴɢ, ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ᴛᴀʟᴋ, ᴅᴇɢʀᴀᴅᴀᴛɪᴏɴ/ᴅᴇʜᴜᴍᴀɴɪᴢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ʜᴜᴍɪʟɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇꜱᴏᴍᴇ
ᴀɴ: ᴅᴜᴅᴇ, ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ʜɪɢʜ ᴀꜱ ʙᴀʟʟᴢ ᴡʜᴇɴ ɪ ᴡʀᴏᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱʜɪᴛ. ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏꜱ ꜱɪᴍᴘ ᴀꜱ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴀꜱ ɪ ᴅɪᴅ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱʜɪɪᴛ
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Eren Jaeger:
This man will straight up demand you to come over to his dorm for a smoke sesh. But both of you know that this is a thinly veiled invitation for hooking up.
Eren tends to fuck around a lot with a bunch of different people from the university. But he only feels good when he smokes with you.
He’s toxic as shit, but you literally can’t get enough of it
You thought that the weed would take the edge off of this man, but he’s a sadist by nature and enjoys watching you struggle
He’s definitely an asshole when he’s trying to tease you. He likes to mention wanting something more with you when you’re both high and then only smirk and deny it the day afterward.
“I didn’t say anything like that.” “Please, I would never say that..”  “But should I jog your memory of how your pussy was squeezing my fat cock last night?”
His eyebrows twitch when you do something that makes him feel good
He’s packing and knows exactly where your body gets overly sensitive during the high (which is like everywhere)
Super rough with your nipples. This man will go from gentle licking to straight-up pinching and biting
Likes to stroke your inner thighs and whisper how soft you are and how he wants to violate that body of yours.
He sometimes lubes his fingers up and starts to prod at your asshole if you’re in the mood for light anal.
And sometimes, he’ll fuck you silly with a buttplug up your ass
He’s super into getting crossfaded, too so sometimes you’ll end up staying multiple nights just to get railed back to back
He’s very good about asking for consent before any of you partake since he wouldn’t feel right if he didn’t get explicit consent
But holy shit
Forces you off the bed and makes you get on your knees in front of him by yanking your hair to direct you. Doesn’t give you any time to prepare as he pulls his cock out with a devious smirk on his face
“Why don’t you make yourself useful and do something you’re good at?”
He loves when your eyes gloss over, and the only words you can manage to say are “Please fuck me.”
Loves degrading and dehumanization 
“I bet little footstools like you love being used and stepped on until you break.” “And here I thought that dumb little sluts like you were useless.” “You look so good crying on my cock.”
During doggy style, he likes to hold your hips in place, tell you to stay as still as possible, and then slam into you as hard as he can
He won’t admit this, but he loves it when you can barely moan. Although he loves hearing your cute voice sobbing his name, watching you only push out small groans makes him feel powerful, and he likes to pick up the pace around the time when your high is at its peak.,
His favorite positions are doggy style and the shell
When he’s about to cum, he’ll grab your neck or hair roughly and start slamming into you at a blinding pace
“You dirty fucking whore, you weren’t supposed to make me cum this fast” “God, your pussy is so tight despite being all used up..” “I’m gonna fucking cum inside of that pussy, and you better fucking take it, bitch.”
If he knows that you’re on some form of birth control, he will always make it a habit to cum inside your pussy
He likes the visual of his cum dripping out of your ruined cunt. Sometimes, he’ll snap pics of it on his phone, so he can save it for later.
At first, it was only strictly a fwb situation going on
But then Eren wanted a genuine partner in crime, and you happily filled that role for him
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Armin Arlert:
He’s a stoner because he’s a pre-med student and literally has no time to go out and enjoy his college experience.
The times he does get to enjoy himself are when he’s with friends or when he’s getting high with you.
Armin has way more confidence while high since his inhibitions are completely wiped out.
He definitely likes it when you take control because you always manage to make him feel so good.
And he knows exactly how to make you feel just as good
He’ll lay his head on your lap and start talking about physiology or something as his high starts to kick in
It actually takes a while for Armin to feel horny after he eats an edible (poor soul is not a fan of smoking)
You normally like to initiate any intimacy since you feel like Armin’s hazed state just makes him look so fucking cute
You like to make him take off his shirt and lay on his belly so you can give him some back massages to relieve some of his stress
Every time you run over a knot, he lets out a soft moan since the sensation is intensified from the high
Eventually, the poor boy has to roll over and give you a glossy, lustful look as he glances down at the pitching in his boxers
He loves it when you degrade him for the size of his cock.
“Armin, do you really think you can satisfy me with this tiny cock?”
He always proves you wrong though
He absolutely loves eating you out and will spend hours just licking at your clit with no fingers involved.
There isn’t anything you love more than his tongue flicking at your clit as you peak.
His fingers are long and bony so when he does decide to finger you, he easily recalls where your g-spot is and pushes you to the edge
“Your pussy tastes so good today, Y/N... I can’t stop licking you up.” “I want to make you cum some more; your voice sounds so nice right now” “Do you feel good? Let me know if I’m doing something wrong.”
His voice is always meek sounding and it never fails to turn you on. He’s just so eager to please.
When it’s your turn to go down on him, you like to lap at his frenulum and edge him so that he ends up lasting longer.
He shudders and lets out weak moans as you dominate him. But he can definitely flip the script at the drop of a hat
“Y/N, please please please let me cum..! I can’t do this anymore... Please, just let me fuck you.”
Also, he most definitely calls you over to his dorm when he’s stressed about exams to let off some steam.
Likes to fuck you in missionary since he gets to see your face as it contorts in pleasure as he fucks you
Normally lifts your legs up so his dick can reach deeper inside of you. His angling is always right on the mark since he frequently slams into your upper wall.
Like Eren, he prefers to slam rather than to fuck you fast and shallow
Armin normally cums unexpectedly when he slams into you with your ankles on his shoulders. It’s his favorite visual of you
This man is the KING of aftercare. Will pepper you in kisses and shower you in cute hazy compliments
“I swear, you’re so amazing. And your eyes look really pretty right now.”
He cums fast, so it’s always pertinent to make him really work for his release.
He’s definitely spilled the beans and told you that he loved you on multiple occasions.
King is now cuffed
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Jean Kirstein:
Definitely one of those stoner jocks that probably do stupid shit in order to pass any drug tests.
He first met you in a lab class that he was struggling in, so you decided to tutor him and help him out
But you ended up helping him out in a very different way
He often misses practice in order to smoke with you 
And fuck lol
He definitely likes to shotgun you whenever you come over. The softness of your lips mixed with the sting of the bitter flower turns him on so much.
He has a stupid playlist on spotify that’s only titled “YN smokiesss”
It’s mainly R&B since he feels like it gets you in the mood faster. But in reality, it really only works on him lol 
He has you sit on his lap when you shotgun. He loves feeling your soft body pressed up against his.
There’s not a lot of talking when the two of you get high. You just end up ripping each other’s clothes off the second the last hit was taken.
Jean is extremely direct and normally tends to initiate sex. He likes to start playing with the hem of your shirt while you’re taking a long hit and then slowly roll it up. If you haven’t noticed your shirt rolling, he’ll go right for it and start stroking your tummy.
Although he’s direct, he still is an avid believer in foreplay
He loves kissing down your neck as he strokes your tummy. And when he’s done with your neck, he’ll move to your nipples and lap at them softly
He likes to kiss down your body as he moves to be in between your legs. As he gets there, he normally likes to say something along the lines of
“Damn, YN. You’re so fucking wet from just kisses and my tongue.” “I just want to get straight to fucking you, but I want to hear that cute voice of yours break.” 
Draws various shapes on your clit and sometimes writes the entire alphabet to see what kind of motions you like
The first time you slept together, he actually tried ‘2 in the pink, 1 in the stink’, and it was decent
Likes to reach up to pinch your nipples as he’s working
Before you cum, Jean leaves a final sloppy kiss on your clit and goes to position himself to where he has your hips elevated closer to his
On the days when he wants you to go down on him, his thrusts are extremely needy.
He’ll tug your hair so that he can deepthroat you and hit the back of your throat with every movement your mouth makes
He secretly likes it when you touch his ass
Also when you slap it ;)
He likes to thrust fast and shallow to ensure that he’s not going too deep
Chokes you while you’re underneath him and forces you to beg
“You can beg better than that. I can always stop and leave you hanging” “Tell me how much you want my cock destroying your tiny pussy.”
He also has asked if you were comfortable with a threesome with Reiner from the football team and you said you’d think about it
But this man has definitely made you shove a dildo inside of your ass while he pounded your pussy (he has a slight thing for double penetration)
Will pull out to cum on your tits and face
“Holy shit, baby. You look so fucking hot with my cum on your tits like that. Swallow that cum on your lips.”
Lowkey really clingy and needy aftercare
He will cuddle you and proceed to watch 5 movies with you because he has such a dorky crush on you
Another King cuffed in the matter of seconds
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cocobeanncteez · 3 years
ATEEZ San- Back to you (oneshot)
Genre: angst, fluff, suggestive, university au.
Pairing: badboy!San x reader (fem)
Word Count: 7.3K
Warnings: profanities, alcohol consumption, smoking, mentions of bullying and cheating, drink spiking, and attempted sexual assault.
Except Ateez, all other names are fictional.
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"I don't understand how these stupid people party here when we've got exams in two weeks," your bestfriend, Doyeon, muttered under her breath while scribbling down some notes. You both were at a café in your university, studying for the upcoming exams.
You chuckled, glancing up at her from your notebook. "Your boyfriend is one of those stupid people who are partying right now."
She rolled her eyes. "Believe me, I want to smack Yunho with this," she held up her notebook, making you snort. "I'm surprised you don't get frustrated when San is literally doing the same thing."
"Well, it's his life," you said. "I'm not his parent who can nag at him to study."
San and you have been dating for a little over eight months now; other than Doyeon and San's friends, no one else knew about your relationship. Doyeon and Yunho were also dating for a while now. You both didn't really know why the boys didn't want other people to know about your relationship, but you both just went with the flow despite witnessing girls throwing themselves at them everyday. Doyeon was really calm about the whole situation, but you actually weren't even though you never let it show; you were quite worried about San leaving you for other women who were like him. You never understood why he's dating someone like you: the type who rarely parties, rarely drinks, never smokes, decently studies and gets good grades, never gets involved in fights; the opposite of him, basically.
Doyeon was about to say something, but your conversation was interrupted by someone who suddenly sat beside you in your booth, placing a textbook on the table. "Don't mind me, ladies," one of your university's badboys, Kangmin, said. "There was no place to sit, so here I am."
Ji Kangmin was handsome, and a typical badboy from what you've heard. You didn't really know much about him personally, but you knew his friend group and your boyfriend's group were rivals and often got into fights.
"I'm surprised you're here," Doyeon stated, raising an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be at some party?"
"I don't party when exams are near," he said with a small smile. "I know I don't have a good reputation, but unlike other people here who have the same reputation as me, I actually want to score well and decently graduate." You were stunned, not expecting to hear that from someone like him. Well, maybe all badboys aren't the same.
"Babe!" San whined sleepily when you pulled his blanket off his body. "God, my head fucking hurts."
"Serves you right for drinking all night," you said, running a hand through his messy black hair.
"But the party was epic," he mumbled, eyes closing at the way you played with his hair.
After a few minutes, San took some painkillers and got up to take a shower. When he finished, he immediately pulled you into a hug. "I missed you," he said, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
You chuckled. "You saw me yesterday morning."
"But that was in class," he murmured, placing soft kisses on your neck, making your heart race. "I didn't get to talk to you."
"Then maybe you should start talking to me in class," you said and immediately regretted it when you felt San tense up.
San moved a step back to look at you. "Babe, you know I can't do that," he stated. "I don't want people to know about us or start—"
"Yeah, I know," you cut him off with a small smile, hiding your disappointment. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
"It's fine," he said, kissing your forehead. "Let's go have breakfast, yeah?"
"Um, actually, I have to go back to my dorm," you said, making San frown and ask why. "I've got a study session with Doyeon," you lied; you just didn't feel like being here at the moment.
San sighed, cupping your cheeks. "Babe, you study so much. These exams don't matter much."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "San, these are end of the first semester exams. They're extremely important."
San didn't say anything; he only leaned down to capture your lips with his own. "Stay for a little while, please," he murmured against your lips. Before you could protest, he kissed you again, this time more passionately. He gently pushed you onto his bed, hovering above you before reconnecting your lips. Your hands wrapped around his neck, playing with the hair at his nape. One of San's hands slipped under your blouse, moving to cup your breast, giving it a squeeze. You gasped due to his actions and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. Your phone began ringing but both of you ignored it. You were getting wetter by the second and you could feel San's growing bulge pressing against you. When your phone rang for the fourth time, San pulled away with an annoyed sigh. You chuckled, getting up from his bed to get your phone from your bag.
"Hello?" you answered.
"Where are you?! Class is gonna start in ten minutes!" Doyeon exclaimed.
"What? What class? All our classes were canceled for today."
"Mr. Byun said he's gonna take class today. Didn't you check your email?"
"Fuck. I'll be there in five." You hung up and quickly checked your reflection in San's mirror, reapplying your lip balm and tying your hair into a ponytail. San's eyes were on you the entire time.
"Are you ditching your lovely boyfriend for a class?" San asked with a pout. "Especially when you made him get all hard?"
"Yes," you replied with a small giggle. "I'll make it up to you when I'm done, I promise." you placed a quick kiss on his lips before rushing to your dorm to collect your stuff.
"Can I sit here?" you heard someone ask, making you look up from your notebook. Ji Kangmin was giving you a small smirk. "Seats are full."
"Go ahead," you said, returning your attention back onto your books. Fortunately, Kangmin studied quietly, not disturbing you even once.
"Why is this so hard?" you muttered under your breath, eyebrows furrowing in irritation due to the differentiation problem you've been breaking your head for.
"Need help?" Kangmin asked.
"Are you good at calculus?"
He snorted, showing you the cover of his textbook. "I'm a math major, darling." Your eyes widened, not expecting that at all. "I thought you knew but you clearly don't," he said with a chuckle. "But I know you're a computer science major." He reached for your notebook, scanning through what you've written. "Ah, so this is where you went wrong," he murmured before explaining everything to you.
After a good three hours of studying, you got up and stretched your arms. Kangmin helped you with a few sums and told you many tricks and tips to save time and make the problems easier to solve. He walked with you to your dorm building since his was right opposite yours. You caught a few people staring at the two of you, but you brushed it off; Kangmin was popular, so obviously they would stare. You had to admit, it felt quite weird to see people staring at you. You were sure they all would react the same way if you were with San.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Kangmin grinned, running his hand through his brown hair. You nodded with a smile before entering your dorm building.
You spent the entire week studying with Kangmin and sometimes Doyeon joined the two of you. You were really anxious about the exams, but Kangmin managed to make you calm down a little; you were really grateful for his company.
"So Jihoon asked me out and I said yes!" Hyewon said, making you and Doyeon squeal.
"Girl! I told you this day would come!" Doyeon exclaimed, making Hyewon blush. You and Doyeon teased her for blushing, laughing at how her cheeks got even pinker.
San secretly glanced at you from across the classroom, smiling at the sight of you laughing; he thought you were absolutely beautiful.
"What's he doing here?" Jongho muttered, making San and Mingi follow his line of sight.
"Probably here to find someone to fuck," Mingi said in an unbothered tone.
San focused his attention back on you until that very person tapped your shoulder. "Why the fuck is he talking to my girl?!"
You turned to look at the person who tapped your shoulder. "Oh, hey, Kangmin! What are you doing here?" you asked.
He pulled a notebook from his bag, handing it over to you. "I accidentally took your notebook yesterday, so I came to return it," he said. "Sorry about that."
"Oh no, it's okay, don't worry about it," you smiled. He was about to say something, but your professor arrived, so he had to leave and go to his own class.
After the lecture ended, you had lunch with Doyeon, Hyewon, and Jihoon at your dorm's dining hall. You couldn't help but gush about how great Hyewon and Jihoon's chemistry was; they were the cutest couple you have ever seen.
Your phone rang and you picked it up as it was San. "Hello?"
"Where are you?" San asked, sounding a little annoyed.
"At my dorm's dining hall," you replied. "Why?"
"Come to your room right now," he said and hung up before you could say anything. You quickly had the last few bites of your food before excusing yourself, telling your friends you had some work to do.
You made your way over to your room, spotting San right outside your door, wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up and a black mask. You unlocked your door with your key-card, feeling a little anxious due the serious look in your boyfriend's eyes. He closed the door before moving to sit on your bed.
"Sannie, what's wrong?" you asked, moving to stand in front of him. He stared up at you, staying silent for a while before he took off his mask, tossing it on your desk.
"Why did Ji Kangmin talk to you today?"
"He accidentally took my notebook yesterday so he came to return it," you answered honestly.
San raised an eyebrow. "Yesterday? Why were you with him yesterday?" he asked in a stern tone.
"We were studying. He was helping me with calculus."
San scoffed, getting off your bed. "I'm sure that's not what his true intentions are. Stay away from him." San's words annoyed you.
"And how do you know what his true intentions are?" you asked. "We were literally just studying, that's all."
"I don't fucking like him, Y/N. He isn't a good person and I don't want him anywhere near you. So please just stay away from him."
You sighed, glancing at the tiny cat tattoo on San's finger. "Fine..."
San gently cupped your cheek, making you look at him. He didn't like how disappointed you looked and he couldn't help but think about Kangmin stealing you away from him. "Baby... please trust me, he's just trying to get into your pants." You wanted to tell him that all those girls who flirt with him wanted the same, but you knew he already knew that and he liked the attention he got.
"Okay..." You moved away from him, picking up your textbook from your desk and placing it on your bed. "Do you wanna study with me?" you asked San.
"Nah, I'm not in the mood to study."
"You never are," you snorted, earning a wink from him.
"You study, I'll just take a nap here beside you," he said, placing a kiss on your forehead, lying down on your bed.
"Don't try anything, San," you warned him, lying down beside him. He chuckled, placing an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his body.
San fell asleep while you studied. When you took a small break, you couldn't help but admire your sleeping boyfriend; he looked so angelic... ethereal, even. You placed a light kiss on his cheek before slowly getting off the bed to go to the bathroom.
When you came back, San was awake. "How long did I sleep?" he asked in a raspy voice.
"Almost two hours," you said, returning to your bed.
"Oh... oh crap! I should get ready. I've got a party to go to tonight," he said, stretching his arms. "Do you wanna come?"
You raised an eyebrow. "You already know my answer to that."
He chuckled, kissing your head. "Have fun studying, babe."
"Finally!" Doyeon yelled in happiness. "We're finally done after two weeks of torture!"
"Thank god we have an entire week off," you said, gently massaging your aching wrist.
"These exams were way harder than I expected," Hyewon said and you agreed. "You both are coming for Kang Hyunsuk's party tonight, right?"
"Of course! It's in a huge mansion, you know? Besides, I need to get drunk and laid in luxury," Doyeon said, making you and Hyewon laugh.
You quickly got ready at Doyeon's dorm in the evening before taking a cab to Kang Hyunsuk's mansion that was fortunately not too far away.
The mansion was decorated with LED lights inside and out. The large hall was converted into a dance floor and he even hired a DJ. You were sure more than half of the students at your college was here, and there were certainly a lot of people from the neighboring colleges as well.
Doyeon grabbed your hand, pulling you to the large kitchen where the drinks and snacks were. You both took two shots of vodka each before you greeted some of your classmates. Doyeon was already really tipsy due to her poor alcohol tolerance. On the other hand, you took another shot and you were still quite sober.
"Wow, Y/N, you look so hot!" Hyewon said, approaching you with Jihoon.
You were wearing a lacy dusty-rose bralette with black ripped jeans and combat boots. The bralette showed off more cleavage than you'd usually show, but you were feeling a little extra today.
You noticed Yunho approaching the kitchen with Seonghwa and Hongjoong, his eyes scanning Doyeon from head to toe. You nudged Doyeon with your elbow, gesturing to Yunho with your eyes. She glanced around, eyes landing on Yunho who gave her a smirk. She smiled at him before moving towards him. She whispered something in his ears, making him drag her away immediately. You weren't expecting your bestfriend to ditch you this early, but oh well.
"Hey Y/N," Seonghwa greeted you. "Have you seen San or Jongho?"
"Nope, I came to the kitchen as soon as I got here," you replied, pouring yourself another shot.
"Ah, all right." Seonghwa and Hongjoong took a drink before they disappeared into the crowd.
One of your friends dragged you outside to the area beside the swimming pool; she wanted to introduce you to some people from another university. You spotted San, Jongho, Wooyoung, Mingi, and Yeosang on the other of the pool, surrounded by girls as usual. There were a few guys there and they were all playing a game of spin the bottle. There was a girl sitting on your boyfriend's lap, and that annoyed you a lot. You couldn't do anything about it since San didn't want anyone to know about your relationship. When you got to see the girl's face, your eyes widened; it was your ex-bestfriend, Park Hyejoo. You scoffed in disbelief; San knew who she was and what she did to you in high school, yet he let her sit on his lap. You tried not to pay attention to them by focusing on the conversation your friend was having with the people she had introduced you to. It somewhat worked... until you heard cheers and whistles which caught everyone's attention.
Hyejoo's face was buried in San's neck, no doubt giving him a hickey. He wasn't even pushing her away. You felt your eyes tear up, but you blinked it away. You couldn't look away until she pulled away. And then she kissed him, causing you to gasp.
"Why are you so surprised?" your drunk friend asked you. "She fucks around as much as Choi San does. I even heard they're fuck buddies."
San pulled away from Hyejoo, but he only smirked at her, making no effort to push her off his lap. Yeosang—who was sitting beside San—noticed you watching, and he immediately elbowed San. "You fucked up big time, bro," Yeosang murmured in his ear.
"What do you mean?" San asked.
"Y/N's over there. She saw everything."
San glanced around until his eyes found your disappointed and sad ones. He wasn't even expecting you to attend the party. He scanned you from head to toe, eyes darkening due to the way you looked in that outfit.
"You dumb fuck," Yeosang muttered, low enough for only San to hear. "Are you seriously eye-fucking her right now? Put your damn reputation aside and go talk to her before you fuck shit up more, idiot!"
San excused himself, pushing your ex-bestfriend off his lap, making his way over to you. But of course, he couldn't be seen with you, so he just gestured with his head for you to follow him. Even though you were so upset, you followed him a few seconds later. He stopped at the garden where there was no one; you could still hear the blasting music from here.
San was dressed in all black and he looked absolutely irresistible. You would've asked him to fuck you right here against the wall, but you were damn pissed at the moment.
"Damn, babe," he said, lips pulling into a smirk. "My girl's looking so hot." He reached out to pull you into his arms, but you took a step back. San frowned. "Babe..."
"You knew what Hyejoo did to me," you said with a bitter chuckle. "And you let her sit on your lap." You pointed at the hickey on his neck. "You let her do that to you despite the fact that you have a girlfriend, who is in fact, standing right in front of you!" You would never lash out like this if it wasn't for the alcohol in your system. Hyejoo bullied you a lot in high school to the point where you had to change schools. San knew every little detail of what Hyejoo did, and you remembered how angry he was when you told him about it.
"Babe, calm down, please," San said softly.
"Calm down? You want me to calm down?! That fucking bitch was sitting on your fucking lap the entire time and she gave you a damn hickey! You didn't even stop her!"
"It was just a dare and—"
You scoffed. "And what about the kiss?"
"She kissed me. I didn't kiss back, I swear!"
"And you made no effort to push her off your damn lap even after that, right?"
San sighed; he really didn't want to fight with you right now. "I think you're overreacting, Y/N. Like I said, it was only a dare."
"Yeah, how about I go sit on another man's lap and suck his neck, hmm? I fucking bet you would love that," you chuckled bitterly. San clenched his jaw at your words; if that were to ever happen, he wouldn't hesitate to punch that guy.
"That's not going to happen," he placed his hands on your bare waist, pulling you against his body. "Let's not fight, okay?" he murmured, kissing your head.
You moved away from him, eyeing the hickey on his neck with disgust. "Fuck off, San," you mumbled. "I need a damn drink." Before San could could say anything, you made your way to the table of drinks beside the pool. You quickly downed three shots, eyes closing at the way the liquid burned your throat.
"Woah, woah, slow down there. You'll choke," you heard someone say from behind you.
"Who gives a fuck?" you muttered.
"Well, I certainly do, darling," Kangmin said, moving to stand in front of you. "You look really nice, even though you look like you could murder someone right now."
You glanced at San who returned back to where he was sitting before. Hyejoo started clinging to him, and he made no effort to do anything about it again. You rolled your eyes, not even surprised that your words went into San's ears and left just as fast. "Believe me, I want to," you said, feeling the alcohol starting to hit you harder.
"I don't know who pissed you off, but loosen up, yeah?" Kangmin said, pouring himself a drink. You noticed the tattoos all over his arms, one of them catching your eye. You grabbed his arm, trying to get a better look. "It's a... squirting dick?" you tried to control yourself from laughing.
"My friend's a tattoo artist and he tattooed it on me without telling me," he said with a chuckle.
"I want one too," you whined. "I want one now."
"What? A squirting dick?"
You lightly punched his bicep, swaying a little due to the effect of the alcohol in your system. "No, a good tattoo!"
"You're drunk right now, darling," he chuckled. "It's never a good idea to get a tattoo when you're drunk, trust me."
You pouted. "But I want a tattoo."
He placed his cup on the table and moved his hands to cup your cheeks. "I promise I'll take you to get a tattoo this week, okay? Now, let's go dance, hmm?" You nodded, letting him drag you inside to the dance floor.
San saw everything and his hands clenched into fists. He was so tempted to punch Kangmin and yell at him to stay away from you, but he couldn't risk his reputation like that; he didn't want anyone to know about your relationship no matter what. San went to where you were standing before, taking a tequila shot while he wondered what to do.
"Ji Kangmin and Y/N? Damn!" San overheard someone say.
"I didn't expect him to make a move on her," the other person said. "She's a goody two shoes and he's far from that."
"Kangmin likes women like that actually," the first person said. "And Y/N is very pretty. I'm not very surprised that he went for her."
"Hmm. They do look great together. He seems to like her a lot, no? I saw him walk her to her dorm last week." San's jaw clenched and he quickly made his way inside, searching for you. The dance floor was so crowded, he couldn't even get a glimpse of you anywhere. He tried calling you, but you didn't pick up. He tried calling Doyeon, but she didn't pick up as well.
"Fucking hell," he muttered under his breath, moving through tons of drunk, sweaty people, trying to find you.
After nearly fifteen minutes, he found you sitting alone on of the sofas, head resting on the armrest. "Y/N!"
"Kangmin...?" you lifted your head. "Oh, it's you."
"We're leaving," San said, grabbing your hand.
"No, f-fuck you," you hiccupped. "Go fuck off to Hyejoo." San ignored your words, taking his phone out to book a cab to his apartment. He helped you stand up and pulled you along with him. You wanted to protest, but your body was aching and you really just wanted to sleep.
You fell asleep on San's shoulder in the cab. He carried you bridal style and unlocked his door with the passcode, moving to his bedroom. He gently placed you on the bed and removed your boots. You opened your eyes due to the movement, feeling quite sick. "San..." you murmured. "I think I'm gonna throw up." San quickly lifted you up and took you to the bathroom, holding your hair back while you threw up in his toilet. He gently rubbed your back until you were done.
You brushed your teeth with the toothbrush you kept at San's place, and you took a quick hot shower, sobering a little. San gave you one of his t-shirts to wear and he dried your hair for you.
As soon as your head landed on the pillow, you fell asleep.
When you woke up, your head was pounding terribly. You slowly opened your eyes, immediately recognizing that you were in San's apartment; you couldn't remember much of what happened last night. You moved to his bathroom to take a painkiller and finish your morning routine. After you took a shower, you wore one of his black hoodies with one of your shorts that you usually kept at his place.
You felt a pair of muscly arms wrap around you. "You look so good in my clothes," San murmured, placing a kiss on your head. You turned around in his arms, titling your head back to look at him. You were about to wrap your arms around his neck, but your eyes landed on the hickey on his neck, reminding you of the events that happened last night, making you immediately pull yourself away from his embrace.
San frowned. "Babe—"
"San," you start. "Is your reputation that important that you can't even push another girl away when she's throwing herself at you? Especially when you know just how terrible that girl is?" you asked.
San took your hands in his. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have let—"
"But you still did," you argued. "Why don't you want to tell people about us, San? Is it because I'm not like you or your friends? Do you think I'm not attractive enough to be next to you?" He didn't say anything. "I feel like you're just using me," you continued, remembering the amount of times you've heard people say San only screws around. "Do you even love me?" The last question made San freeze. You had fallen in love with San months ago, but he didn't know and probably wouldn't have even noticed.
You waited for him to say something, but he only kept quiet, eyes fixated to the floor. "San, I think we should just," you gulped, eyes tearing up again. "We should b-break up. I really can't tolerate this anymore..." Your words felt like knifes were constantly slicing his heart. "Don't you have anything to say?" you asked, hoping he would fight for you or convince you that continuing this relationship is worth it. You wished he would change.
"How can I when you've already made up your mind?" San murmured, avoiding your eyes. "If you think breaking up is what's best then okay..." he wanted to say much more. He wanted to beg you to not leave him. He wanted to tell you just how much he loved you. But he couldn't. Even if he tried, he just couldn't.
"I'll collect my stuff from here tomorrow," you mumbled, putting your boots on. San could only nod as he watched you.
Before you could leave, San stopped you. "I... I just wanted to ask you... if you ever," he took a deep breath. "If you ever loved me."
You smiled sadly. "It doesn't matter," you whispered, but it was loud enough for him to hear you. "Take care, San," you mumbled before walking out the door, shattering his heart.
"You fucked up even more," Yeosang said, watching San smoke a cigarette.
"That's very helpful. Makes me feel great," San stated sarcastically, blowing the smoke to the air.
"No offense, Sannie, but I agree with Yeosang," Hongjoong said. "You should've told her how you felt instead of keeping quiet."
"I know," San sighed. "But she already made up her mind."
"Dude, you're really dense," Wooyoung stated. "She asked you if you had something to say. That translates to 'fight for me.' I don't think you've noticed, but Y/N is definitely in love with you."
San's head shot up. "She wouldn't have broken up with me if she really loved me, Woo."
Seonghwa groaned in frustration. "If I was in Y/N's place, I would dump your stupid ass too."
"Agreed," Yeosang said. "I told you before, San, your reputation is going to fuck up everything. You need to let go of your past as well before it's too late."
"Ji Kangmin's got his eyes on her," Mingi stated. "I heard his friends talking about it."
"Yeah, I heard that too. Y/N is close to him," Jongho added.
San rolled his eyes, taking a drag from the cigarette. "He has nothing else to do other than stealing the girls I like."
"Exactly, and you're letting him do it again," Yunho said, taking the cigarette away from San and crushing it with his shoes. "You have to make a decision Sannie. Either you sort things out with Y/N, or you lose the woman you love to that very bastard again."
"So you had the hots for Y/N, huh?" Kangmin asked San while he waited in line to order his drink.
"That's none of your business," San said in a cold tone to his ex-bestfriend.
"I saw you talking to her privately that day," he said, referring to the party you attended almost two weeks ago. San ignored his words. "I don't know what was going on between the two of you," Kangmin continued. "But whatever it was, I'm glad it didn't last long. I want to make her mine."
San scoffed. "You just want to get into her pants."
Kangmin snorted. "Obviously. But after spending two weeks with her, without you around, I'm quite interested. Y/N is gorgeous and has a great personality. She's a rare gem, you know? I bet she'd be just as wonderful in bed and tastes as sweet as she loo—"
San took a step towards Kangmin, grabbing the collar of his shirt. "If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll break your damn face!" San warned.
"Ohhh, I'm so scared," he teased, pushing San away. "Fuck off, Choi San. Someone like Y/N doesn't deserve a bastard like you. You weren't and will never be good enough for her." San chose to ignore him, not wanting to cause a big scene at the café. Kangmin's words stabbed him in the heart. San always thought he wasn't good enough for you, but he never expected to hear anyone say it out loud.
Kangmin's phone started ringing and he couldn't help the smirk that formed on his face. "Hey, gorgeous," he answered, loud and clear. "I'm at the café near your building, getting you your favorite drink and some cupcakes. I'll pick you up from class."
"That won't be necessary," you replied, pushing the door of the café to enter. You instantly spotted Kangmin and made your way towards him, unaware of San who was standing right behind him. "Hi!" you said to Kangmin who hung up once he saw you.
"Hey, beautiful! How was class?" he asked, secretly glancing at San; you still hadn't noticed San as your back was facing him.
"Ugh, tiring. I hate extra classes. I couldn't understand any—" your phone started ringing, interrupting your sentence. You answered the call as it was from your bestfriend.
"Where are you?" Doyeon asked.
"At the café near our dorm," you replied.
"Come over fast, we have to get ready for Hyewon's party. She wants us to come early cause she needs help."
"I'll be there in a bit."
"I didn't expect any of them to be here," you said to Doyeon while drinking some whiskey and coke from a red cup, watching your ex-boyfriend converse with his infamous group of friends; they usually went clubbing on Saturday nights. "Aren't you gonna go over to Yunho?"
"I don't wanna ditch you," she answered. You gently pushed her in Yunho's direction.
"Go, I'll be fine."
Before she could reply, Kangmin wrapped his arms around you, startling you a little. Doyeon gave you a wink before making her way towards her boyfriend, leaving you with Kangmin.
"Can we talk?" he whispered in your ear, making sure to move closer to your body once he noticed San watching. You nodded, letting him pull you upstairs. You had gotten quite close to Kangmin these last two weeks; you were really glad to have a friend like him. He distracted you from the pain you felt from not being with San anymore.
Kangmin gently pushed against the wall, trapping you between his arms. You gasped. "What are you doing?"
"I like you, Y/N," he confessed with a smile. "I wanna date you." Before you could say anything, he kissed you. You were a little too shocked, so you let him kiss you for a few seconds. When you regained your senses, you pushed him away. He stared at you, confused by your actions.
"Kangmin, I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way..."
Kangmin rolled his eyes. "It's cause of Choi San, isn't it?"
"No," you lied. Of course it's cause of San. You were still in love with him. You didn't want to date anyone until you got over him. "I only see us as friends, Kangmin," you stated honestly. "You're a really good friend and I don't want to lose you."
Kangmin sighed. "Okay, let's just forget about this. Let's have a drink, hmm?" You nodded, following him downstairs to the kitchen.
You were talking to one of your friends while Kangmin got a drink for you.
"Thanks," you said, taking the cup from him. You took a sip of your drink. It tasted a little salty, but you didn't mind. You felt yourself relaxing a little while you nodded your head to the music. By the time you finished your drink, you felt pretty lightheaded. You clinged to Kangmin's arm. "Hey, could you take me to the couch?" you requested, words slurred. "I don't feel very good..."
"Of course," Kangmin lifted you into his arms, bridal style. He carried you upstairs into one of the rooms, shutting the door behind him with his foot. He placed you on the bed. "You don't know how long I've waited for this," he said, licking his lips while he took your crop-top off. You didn't know what was happening and your vision was really blurry. Kangmin pushed you onto your back before hovering above you. The sudden movement made your head spin even more, causing you to pass out. "Oh, too bad she couldn't stay conscious for this..." he murmured to himself. He ran his hands up from your jean-clad legs to the soft skin of your abdomen before reaching behind your body to unclasp your bra. Before he could pull the piece of clothing away from your body, the door swung open.
"You fucking bastard!" San yelled, pushing Kangmin off of you. Jongho and Hongjoong were right behind San.
"What the fuck, dude?!" Kangmin yelled. "Get out! Can't you see we're busy?!" His words pissed Jongho off. He immediately grabbed Kangmin by the collar and punched him twice in the nose. Kangmin fell to the floor, holding his broken, bloody nose in pain. Jongho wanted to punch him one more time, but Hongjoong held him back. "Don't. You'll end up killing him."
San started crying when he saw your passed out form; he couldn't even think about what would've happened if his friends didn't overhear Kangmin's friends talking about him spiking your drink. San clasped your bra back and put your crop-top on you before he lifted you into his arms. "I'm taking her to my apartment," he said to his friends.
"I'll drive you," Hongjoong offered.
When you woke up, you immediately recognized your surroundings. You had absolutely no idea of how you ended up in your ex-boyfriend's bedroom.
Your head was pounding and you wondered what time it was as it was really sunny outside. Before you could get off San's bed, he entered the room.
"You're awake," he said softly, relief clear in his eyes. "Take a shower and come eat. You must be really hungry."
"What happened? What's the time right now?" you questioned, your heart racing at the mere sight of him in a lilac hoodie and black sweatpants.
"I'll tell you after you eat," he said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "It's three in the afternoon. Doyeon got some clothes for you. There's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom."
"Thanks," you mumbled, getting up to go to the bathroom.
After you took a shower, you made your way to San's kitchen. You took a seat at the dining table, looking at all the different dishes on the table.
"You made all this?"
San shook his head. "I wasn't able to cook today. Wooyoung and Seonghwa made it. They left a few minutes ago." You noticed how tensed and sad he was; you wanted to ask him what was bothering him, but you knew he wouldn't answer your question until you ate.
You both ate in a comfortable silence. You tried to recall the events from last night, but you weren't able to. You frowned, wondering if you really drank that much.
"Are you all right, San?" you asked, settling on his couch after you both finished eating.
He took a deep breath and you noticed the slight dark circles beneath his eyes. "Can I hug y-you?" he asked, voice cracking while his eyes teared up.
You immediately scooted closer to him on the couch, wrapping your arms around him. He buried his face in the crook of your neck while he held you tightly. His body shook convulsively while he cried, his tears wetting your neck. You ran a hand through his soft hair, knowing it would help calm him down a little.
San pulled away from you, wiping his tears with the sleeve of his lilac hoodie. "I'm sorry..."
You grabbed his hand, intertwining it with yours. "What happened, Sannie?"
Hearing you call him by his nickname brought another set of fresh tears to his eyes. Your other hand reached up to wipe his tears away.
"I love you, Y/N," he confessed, more tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you that before. I'm so sorry for being a jerk to you and prioritizing my reputation. I fucked up and I regret it so much." You took a deep breath, trying to control your rapid heartbeat while you listened to every word he said. "I felt like dying after what happened last night. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault," he sobbed.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What happened last night?"
"O-Oh you don't remember...?" You shook your head. San cleared his throat, trying his best to not to break down again. "Wooyoung and Hongjoong overhead Ji Kangmin's friends say that he spiked your drink after you rejected him." you froze in shock. "They immediately told us about it, and me, Hongjoong, and Jongho rushed over to you. You weren't conscious when we found you. Your top was off and he was about to take your bra off as well, but I pushed him away. Then Jongho punched him. I brought you here after that."
You stared at San in disbelief. "Kangmin s-spiked my drink...?"
San nodded. "He had it all planned. I'm sorry, Y/N... none of this would've happened if he didn't see us together." You were too shocked to say anything; you couldn't believe Kangmin would go this low just cause you rejected him. "Ji Kangmin was my bestfriend in high school. After I got a girlfriend, he acted like a bitch to me cause he wanted her. I really loved her, and she cheated on me with him. He spread a lot of false shit about me after I ended our friendship. When I tried to move on with another girl, he took her away from me too. I didn't want other people to know about us only because he would find out. I didn't want him anywhere near you because I knew he would try to take you away from me. I didn't push Hyejoo away that day because he was watching me and would get suspicious of my actions if I pushed her away. I tried my best to do everything that would keep him away from you, but I still failed..."
You burst into tears, wrapping your arms around San; you had no idea he went through all this. "I'm sorry, San. I should've listened to you when you told me he wasn't a good person," you managed to say through sobs.
"No, Y/N, I'm the one who should say sorry for not telling you all of this before." He held you, gently rocking you back and forth while he cried with you. "Thank you for rejecting him..."
You pulled away, cupping his cheek. "How could I ever date someone else when I'm love with you, San?"
His heart raced in his chest due to your words. "That's why you rejected him?"
You nodded. "And I'm glad I did."
San smiled, leaning his forehead against yours. "Can I..." he hesitated "Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, please."
San immediately captured your lips with his own, kissing you oh so gently. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He smiled, causing you to smile as well while you kissed him; you both missed this so much. The kiss was slow and soft, the two of you just wanting to savor this moment. Your hands played with his hair while his hands lazily ran down the expanse of your back. San pulled away, holding you tight against his chest.
"I know I hurt you a lot and I don't even deserve to speak to you right now... but I want to start over, Y/N," San said honestly. "I want to treat you the way you deserve... show you off to the world... I want to make things right between us. These two weeks were pure torture without you, and I realized that I can't... I can't live without you, Y/N. I really need you, baby."
You rested your head on his chest and you could hear his fast heartbeat. "I need some time, Sannie." you noticed him tense up a little and you knew exactly what he was thinking. "And no, this isn't me indirectly rejecting you or anything. I want to be with you, San. I always have and that isn't gonna change. I just need a little time, considering everything that happened." San nodded in understanding. "I promise that I will come back to you."
"I love you and I'll wait for you," San said, placing a kiss on your head.
"Thank you... I love you too, Sannie." He giggled, loving the way you say those three heart-fluttering words. He cupped your cheek to pull you into another sweet kiss, making your heart race again.
The two of you knew that no matter what, you both would always find your way back to each other.
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citrusdarling7 · 3 years
summary- Tom Riddle becomes jealous of reader’s boyfriend and decides to take matters into his own hands
warnings- smut, cheating, degrading, edging, and a bit of light choking. dom! tom, sub! reader
I’ve never been much of a morning person, but for some reason I was up early today. I knew that I had a potions essay due tomorrow, and I was behind on it. Still in my silky nightgown, I assumed no one else would be in the common room. To my surprise, Abraxas was sitting in front of the fireplace. I smiled and tip-toed over to him, wrapping my arms around his chest from behind him. He squeezed one of my hands gently, acknowledging my presence.
“Darling, why are you up? It’s barely 5 am,” he told me softly. I rolled my eyes and swiveled around the couch so I could sit down next to him.
“I should be asking you the same thing, Malfoy. Oh my God, what happened to your face?” Even in the dim lighting of the Slytherin common room, I could see the dark purple bruises around one of his eyes. I gently reached up to try and touch him, but he turned his face to the side.
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. Did you sleep well?” He tried to change the subject, but I didn’t let up.
“Brax, what the hell happened? Please tell me that the other guy looks worse,” I said while positioning myself closer to him. I gently ran a finger along his jawline in a comforting gesture. I could smell his sage wood cologne, which I absolutely adored.
“Truthfully darling, I think I’m lucky I walked away without him cursing me. He was absolutely livid after you left.”
Of course. I was such an idiot. Tom had done this to him.
Late last night, Abraxas and I were kissing in the corridor when we decided we wanted to go somewhere more private. Abraxas knows how to find the Room of Requirement, and he dragged me inside, still kissing my neck and holding onto my waist. Unfortunately for us, all of the other 6th year Slytherin boys were already there, brewing some type of illegal potion. Not only had Abraxas forgotten he was supposed to meet with them that night, but he had also exposed me to what was happening.
Although some people would believe so, I’m not naive to what goes on in this school. I know about Tom and his pursuits in dark magic. I know about their constant fights with those Gryffindors who all wear that one lion pin. But Tom seemed to believe that I had no prior knowledge of these secret meetings, and he instantly started yelling at us.
“Malfoy, you idiot! You are not supposed to bring back girls to this room, and certainly not when we’re in the middle of illicit activities!”
Rosier and Avery were still sitting by the cauldron, doing nothing to help the situation. I stepped away from Abraxas and turned towards Tom.
“Calm down, Riddle. You and your superiority complex need to learn that not everyone’s life revolves around yours,” I spat at him. Tom took a step closer to me, and I instinctively reached to pull out my wand. Before I had a chance to, I felt the back of my head being slammed against the wall, Tom’s hand gripping my throat tightly. Abraxas and Rosier both shouted for Tom to let go of me, but I just smiled. I stared him down, letting him know that I wasn’t afraid of him.
“You’re not allowed to speak to me that way,” he growled.
“I can speak to you any way I want Tommy.” His eyes looked as if he wanted to strangle me, but I saw the trace of a smile play across his lips. He abruptly let go of me and turned towards Abraxas.
“You need to keep your girlfriend under control. Get out of here.” Abraxas quickly grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the door.
“Not you, Malfoy. Your presence is still required here.” I opened my mouth to tell him off again, but Abraxas quickly shook his head.
“Go back to the common room, darling. I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” I reluctantly sighed, but figured that I shouldn’t piss Tom off even more. I should have known that Tom would still be angry with Abraxas.
Flashing back to present time, I turned around to look towards the boys dormitories. Abraxas could tell what I was thinking, so he gently squeezed my hand.
“Leave it alone, dearest. He was fine the rest of the night, confronting him will just make him mad again. I don’t want you to get hurt, my love.”
I’m not one to back down easily, and I constantly let my temper get the best of me. But Abraxas’ soft touch against my leg and heart-felt words relaxed me a bit.
“Alright. I won’t say anything. Have you done Slughorn’s essay yet?”
We spent the next hour or so alone in the common room, trying to hastily finish up homework. By the time that others started waking up, I was sitting in his lap, my hands in his hair as we kissed passionately.
“You two are disgusting. 20 points from Slytherin,” a cold voice said. I rolled my eyes and gave Abraxas a quick peck on the lips before sliding off of him and back onto the couch. Tom was Head Boy, and he had no problem with taking points from his own house. He had a lot of nerve as well. Almost every single night I watched him drag some girl into his room. She always left limping a few hours later, and Tom never spoke to her again.
“Put some clothes on. You’re dressed like a whore,” he spat at me. I scoffed at him, but got up to head back to my room anyways. As I slipped on my school robes and brushed out my hair, I couldn’t stop thinking about Tom.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. I managed to get through all of my classes without speaking a word to Tom. After watching the Slytherin quidditch team practice while gossiping with Lestrange, I sat with Rosier and Abraxas in the common room. Rosier made me play chess with him, beating me every single time. This was strange, since I considered myself an excellent chess player. I guess I was just a little distracted. Abraxas excused himself to his dorm room, saying that he had a ton of homework to do. He gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek before leaving.
“Something on your mind?” Rosier asked me. I sighed and slumped down in my chair.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m still kind of upset about what happened with Tom. Why do you guys let him treat you all so awfully?”
“It’s not as simple as that. Being friends with Riddle has advantages and disadvantages. The occasional hex or punch to the face isn’t much of a price to pay.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
“One of these days I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch,” I said with a grin. Rosier chuckled and patted my arm.
“Good luck with that.”
A few hours later I was lying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I had been trying desperately to fall asleep. But something was still on the back of my mind, and that something was preventing me from being able to relax. I let out a sigh and rolled out of bed. I slipped out of my room and quietly walked down the stairs, into the common room. I then made my way up the stairs leading to the boys dormitory. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door at the end of the hallway. He opened the door, and my nostrils were instantly filled with the smell of smoke. Tom stood inches away from me, still in his school uniform. He was holding a lit cigarette between his fingers.
“Did you need something, sweetheart?” I rolled my eyes at his stupid pet-name.
“You are absolutely insane, Riddle! You walk around this damn school like you own the place, and I’m sick of it.” He smiled and offered out his arm to me.
“If you’re going to yell at me, then you might as well do it behind closed doors,” he offered. I didn’t take his hand, but I did step inside and let him shut the door behind me. Since he was Head Boy, his room was bigger than all of ours. I could see that his window was open, probably because of the smoke. His bed had black silky sheets adorning it, and I could see all of the books on his desk were neatly stacked. His box of cigarettes was laying on his nightstand.
“So did you come here just to tell me off or did you want a smoke as well?” he taunted.
I turned around to face him again.
“I want you to stop hitting my boyfriend. And the rest of the boys. You have to learn how to respect others.” He chuckled darkly while taking a step towards me.
“Darling, that’s a pretty demanding request. My respect has to be earned.” In an attempt to look more confident, I crossed my arms across my chest.
“You’re such a child, Tom. I don’t know why you think that everyone worships you!” I shouted at him. He quickly wrapped his free hand around my neck and pushed me against the wall. He flicked his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out.
“That’s because everyone does. Everyone except you it seems.” I don’t know why Tom had this constant need to slam me up against the wall and choke me. It didn’t make me afraid of his dumbass.
Honestly, it was kind of hot. He brought his other hand up to my face and he touched my cheek softly.
“Did you and Malfoy ever finish what you started yesterday?” It took me a moment to realize that he was asking if we had fucked.
“That’s none of your business,” I snapped at him. He tightened his grip on my throat and used one of his legs to pin down mine.
“Answer my question.”
“No, I haven’t slept with him. Why do you care?” Tom brought his head down to my neck and whispered into my ear.
“Because I’m not into sloppy seconds.” Before I had a chance to mention the fact that he probably had over twenty bodies, he started kissing me roughly. I kissed him back and wrapped my leg around one of his. I let him suck on my neck as he pushed my thin nightgown up my leg and slipped one of his hands under it. He started to slowly rub circles on my thigh. He continued to suck on my neck as I tried to grind against him. He growled and used his other hand to push my waist back against the wall.
“None of that. Do you want me to touch you, darling?” he asked in a mocking tone. I nodded and he slipped his fingers into my underwear.
“Someone’s a needy little slut,” he whispered. Part of me wanted to call him a man-whore, but the part of me that valued my life kept me quiet. I felt him push two fingers inside me and I whimpered. He started to rub my clit with his thumb as he thrusted his fingers in and out of me. He started kissing my neck again as I moaned quietly. He was going incredibly slow, making me desperate for every touch. At a particularly sharp pressure, one of my legs twitched and I had to bite my lip to stop from making noise. Tom chuckled and tilted my chin towards him.
“Didn’t you come here to yell at me? Are you going to yell at me now, darling?” He started to rub me faster, which made it difficult for me to even speak.
“I hate you,” I was able to mutter. He laughed and pinched my waist roughly, making me jump. After only a few minutes, I was starting to get close to my peak. I felt my legs start to shake as I bit my lip to stifle my moans. Tom noticed this, so he stopped touching me. I frowned as he leaned down to whisper into my ear.
“Did you really think I was going to let you come that quickly?”
Before I had the chance to respond, he grabbed my legs and spun me around, pushing me onto his bed. He quickly tugged my nightgown off of me and started to take off his shirt. I tried to reach up and help him, but he used his free hand to push me back onto the bed. He quickly unbuckled his belt and kicked his pants off before getting on top of me. I felt his member pressing against my thigh. He wrapped a hand around my throat again and used the other hand to gently rub one of my hips.
“Is this what you want? Me to fuck you senseless while your boyfriend sleeps two rooms over?” I felt him rub against my clit, teasing me purposefully. I decided that I wouldn’t tell him that me and Abraxas weren’t actually dating until later.
“Shut up,” he growled before thrusting into me sharply. As he rocked into me, I definitely felt a bit of pain. He was bigger than what I was used to, but I was adjusting quickly. I tried to rest my arms on his shoulders, but he didn’t like that. He pinned my hands above my head and started to attack my neck with his mouth.
“If you do that again, I’ll tie you down. Don’t test me,” he muttered. He continued to rail into me over and over, hitting me at just the right angle. In less than ten minutes I was close again. I tightly clenched the sheets and tried to grind my hips against his to alleviate some of the tension. That’s when he slipped out of me with a grin.
“Not yet, sweetheart,” he said while stroking my hair.
“Are you fucking serious?” I complained.
“Completely. Be a good girl and maybe I’ll let you finish before the night is over.”
I will admit, his self-control was pretty impressive. Most guys wouldn’t be able to handle pulling out before they had finished. But I also figured that he was just bluffing. There was no way he would be able to do this for more than twenty minutes. After 30 or so seconds of him attacking my mouth with his tongue, he thrusted into me again. This time his strokes were a bit slower and more gentle. He rubbed one of my arms lightly as he made me shiver at his touch.
“Tom, oh my God,” I moaned into his neck. I assumed he was going to tell me to shut up, but I guess he liked knowing how good he was making me feel.
“That’s right, darling. You like this?” I nodded my head as he pressed soft kisses against my jawline. I was definitely pleased with his change of pace. The slow stroked and gentle kisses made this feel a bit more like a normal thing. But of course, that didn’t last very long. Once he was done leaving hickies all over my neck, he wrapped his hand around it. He started to press himself deeper inside of me, rocking me into his bed. I whimpered as he hit a spot that made my legs twitch.
“Quiet, slut,” he demanded. I tilted my head slightly away from him, trying to stifle my moans with one of his pillows. I was panting at this point, desperately gripping onto the sheets.
“Could Malfoy make you feel this good?”
“Yeah, if I was with him I would’ve came by now,” I thought to myself. However, I shook my head in an attempt to appease him.
“That’s right. Should I let you finish now?” I nodded and he jerked my face back towards him. “Alright. Beg for it.” That actually made me laugh. There was no way I was going to give into him that easily. Tom shrugged and continued to pound into me. “Be difficult then. I don’t care either way.”
I bit down my lip to muffle a scream as my stomach flipped and my legs shook. Right when I was about to be sent over the edge, he pulled out of me again. By now, I was completely fed up with him. I tried to bring one of my hands down between my legs, but he was quicker than me. He grabbed both of my arms and roughly pinned them above my head.
“I don’t think so, dear. I want the whole hallway to hear you screaming my name,” he said while stroking my cheek tauntingly.
“Good luck with that,” I said with an eye roll.
“You’re mine now. No one gets to touch you but me,” he muttered into my ear before thrusting into me again. By now I could see finger-shaped bruises starting to form on my waist. We had been going at it for at least 35 minutes, and my body was aching for release. I was confident that he had left at least 5 or so hickies on my neck, which I was not looking forward to having to cover up tomorrow. Out of instinct, I tried to move my leg around his to adjust the angle. Tom slammed me down onto his bed roughly.
“Don’t fucking move,” he growled. He pressed one of his thumbs against my clit, making me whimper. I was so frustrated that tears had started to stream down my face. Tom gently wiped them away with his free hand.
“Are you gonna apologize for yelling at me earlier?” he asked in a snarl. I shook my head, which made him chuckle.
“That’s what I thought. If you’re gonna be like that, you clearly haven’t learned your lesson.” He started to kiss roughly at my collar, obviously trying to mark me more. After a few minutes of listening to me whine and pant, he decided to give me another chance.
“Promise me you’ll stop hanging around Malfoy,” he said softly. That kind of threw me for a loop.
“What? Why?” He nibbled on my ear lobe and thrusted into me sharply.
“You’re my little slut now. I don’t want him touching you. Promise me.” I instinctively shook my head, which only made his thrusts even harder.
“Promise me, darling. Like I said, I can go all night.” I really, really wanted to keep my mouth shut. But I was so overwhelmed, I couldn’t take much more.
“Fine. I promise. Please Tom, I-”
He bit down on my lip and thrusted into me at the perfect angle and speed.
Over-and-over again.
I moaned his name as well as a stream of profanities as waves of pleasure tore through my body. My legs were shaking so bad that he had to actually hold them down. While I was riding out my high, Tom muttered praises into my ear. I was so extremely sensitive that every touch set off fireworks against my skin.
“Take me like a good girl,” he said before roughly grabbing my throat. It took him a few minutes to finish himself off, but when he did it was so hot. He didn’t even bother to pull out. He continued to kiss me for a bit before he got up and started to walk towards his bathroom.
“Now, get the hell out of my room, whore.”
I smiled at his lovely term of endearment as I tried to quickly pull my clothing back on. I stood up quickly, and my legs gave out beneath me. Tom laughed as he put on his bathrobe.
“You’re pathetic,” he said while helping me up. Surprisingly enough, he walked me back to my dorm, smiling the entire way. Before he turned to leave he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.
“Sleep well, darling.” I flashed him a sweet smile.
“You too, Riddle.”
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jaehyunnie77 · 4 years
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summary: All the sexual tension leads up to one house party with none other than your best friend Jaehyun.
pairing: jaehyun x f. reader (featuring johnny and mark)
genre: college au; f2l!, smut, humor, fluff
warnings: alcohol, daddy kink, fingering, dirty talk, oral recieving (both), overstimulation, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids)
word count: 3.5k
taglist: @jaehyunfirstlove thank you for encouraging me <3
a/n: I wrote this for fun one night haha I tried my best since this is my first time writing a smut and fic. I hope you enjoy this as much as I had writing it <3
“Hurry up y/n! By the time we get there all the booze will be gone and I won’t get to see Johnny!” your best friend yelled from the living room. “You always see Johnny” you yelled back from the bathroom. “Not the point! I’m trying to get some dick!” You could only roll your eyes and chuckle. “Give me a second. I’m almost done!” If you were being honest, you didn’t want to go to the house party your friends Mark and Johnny were throwing. 
The two guys and your best friend have all been pointing out reasons to go out, especially after your break up with your ex boyfriend. “Y/n, you need to have some fun and live a little. You can’t stay cooped up in your room or in the library forever. That’ll just make you more weirder.” Mark said one afternoon. “Yeah, and you have nice clothes y/n! They need to see light!” your best friend chimed in. You knew there was no point in trying to argue your point, so here you are, on a Saturday night, getting dressed in what feels like forever, to go to a house party. 
You leaned over the sink to put on your lipgloss and do a glance over of your makeup and looked at yourself in the mirror. After weeks of wearing nothing but baggy shirts, sweats, and no effort in doing hair and makeup, you hardly recognize yourself. In replacement, you are wearing tight black jeans that hugs your waist and a red crop top along with black heels. You definetly didn’t recognize yourself. As you made sure everything was to your liking, you headed outside to the living room where your best friend stood. 
“About damn -” she gasped and you instantly felt panicked rushing through your body. 
“What? Is it too much? You know what I’m just going to change.” you said already turning back. 
“No! You look hot as fuck! If I wasn’t chasing after Johnny’s dick, I would be making moves on you.” you both laughed. 
“It’s not too much though? I haven’t gone out since -”
“No, here is what we are not going to do. We are not going to talk about that sore loser of an ex of yours tonight, tomorrow, or any other night because tonight you are going to find someone and get laid!” You couldn’t help but groan out loud. “Trust me y/n. You deserve a night out to have fun and just be you again. You look beautiful.” She gave you a cheeky smile. Before you could say anything, she was pushing you through the door. 
By the time you arrived 10 minutes later to the party, you were honestly speechless. Sure you’ve been to other parties before the boys threw, but nothing compared to tonight. What was supposed to be the front lawn was full of people and even the balcony was people. It looked like the entire school was here partying. Once you found the front door, more people crowded the entire house with bodies against one another, red cups and bottle of beers on every surface, and smoke in the air. Without wasting any time, you both walked toward the kitchen to get yourselves situated. 
As you were about to grab a drink, you were greeted with hugs and yells from Johnny, Mark, Yuta, and your best friend Jaehyun. “About damn time you two got here! We were wondering who kidnapped your sexy asses.” Johnny said, already tipsy. He gave you a one sided hug as his eyes roamed all over your best friend. 
“Oh yeah, what would you have done if my sexy ass was kidnapped?” your best friend flirted back. You couldn’t help but fake vomit as you see your two closest friends flirting in front of you. 
“If you guys are going to flirt and fuck, please don’t do it around me.” you fake  gagged making everyone laugh.
You were then handed a shot glass and when you looked at the owner of the hand, you find yourself smiling widely at Jaehyun as his arm wrapped around your waist giving you a one sided hug. He gives you his infamous smile and dimples as he pulls you close and whispers in your ear, “You look beautiful.” At this point you forget how to breathe because the smell of his cologne and the way he makes you feel becomes all suffocating. 
You and Jaehyun first met in your first year of college in one of your shared classes. At first it was small talk, asking questions if either of you written down notes from the last class, to studying together at the library to coffee runs and making movie nights at one another dorms. Within a short span of time, you two were inseperable and becoming the best of friends.
Sure you have found him extremely attractive, but you knew better than to let your emotions get the best of you. Plus, you were dating your ex, while he had flings here and there. You knew there was never a chance for you both to be more than friends. Or so you thought. 
With your last relationship, Jaehyun had helped you through your break up and made sure to keep you occupied. He did a good job if you’re being honest because after two weeks, you forgot all about your ex. 
One night after a heavy studying session in your room, things got interesting. You don’t know how it happened or who made the first move, but next thing you knew, you are kissing your best friend! The kiss was hot and needy and it made you feel all the tingles everywhere in your body. No one broke away and the more you two made out, the more you craved for him. You found yourself straddling him and begun to grind your hips down on him. You could feel his bulge grow, earning a tiny moan from him. He gripped your waist and started to move you faster against him. Just then there was a loud knock on your door. “Delivery.” You both sigh as you get off of him. 
You come back with the food and didn’t know how to look at him. “Um, I, that...” you stuttered, embarassed at what just happened. He looks at your flustered state and starts to chuckle. You look at him wide eyes as you let out a laugh.
“It’s okay. Glad we got that out of the way.” he said.
You scoffed and threw the nearst pillow at him, not bothering to dissect his words. His laughter booms throughout the room. He calms down and looks at you seriously. “Honestly though, it’s okay y/n. I know I’m hot.” he laughs again. 
“Jaehyun! Oh my god. Shut up!” you cried back as you start to lightly hit him anywhere on his body you could hit. 
As much as you wanted him to make you feel good and fuck you dumb, you weren’t ready to risk your friendship just yet. From that day on, you two never talk about it nor made any other moves to steal kisses or have sex. That didn’t mean you two stopped flirting with one another or the sexual tension in the air. 
With two or four, maybe six, shots downed and however many refills you had, you had lost count, you were having fun. You and Mark played beer pong and won against Yuta and Jaehyun, to which Jaehyun wasn’t that pleased. When he looked over at the table in disbelief, he couldn’t help but soften his emotions when he saw you smiling and laughing. He thought to himself that he would let this go just this once. 
After your victory, you roamed around to the living room and began dancing with a couple of people you’ve seen in classes. Your best friend was nowhere in sight, most likely upstairs with Johnny. Feeling loose and happy, your eyes stopped at the man across the room whose eyes were all on you. 
From where Jaehyun stood, he could see how much fun you were having. He loved the way your body moved to the music and how all he wanted to do was take off those jeans that clunged to your body. He was leaning against the wall and couldn’t stop himself from having thoughts of what he could do to you if you were his. There was no denying that when you two were left alone, there was always an electrufying electricity throughout the room. He wanted more and he was ready to take that risk. He craved you. 
You began walking towards Jaehyun, eyes never leaving one another. His eyes were dark and full of lust and made your whole body shiver. As if the universe was on your side, ‘Pussy Fairy’ started to play. You gave him a smirk as you turned around and started to dance on him. He puts his whole chest behind you, his head finding its way to your neck, and match your movements. You were thankful the room was dark to hide your flustered face as his breath brushed against your skin. 
He kisses your neck ever so softly, letting out a moan only for him to hear. You felt high on ectasy. He put his index finger under chin making you turn your head to him as he kissed your lips. What started off as soft and teasing turned into hunger as your tongues collided exploring ones mouth. Oh how you missed his lips. You pulled away smiling at him as he studied your face, understanding what you wanted. He put his drink down as he took your hand and guided you upstairs to a nearby empty bedroom. 
He closed and locked the door quickly and pushed you against the nearest wall kissing you. You grunt as you felt the sudden impact on your back. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment.” he said in between kisses. Your tongues were fighting for dominance, but you knew better. You sucked on his tonuge earning a moan out of him. Satisfy with yourself, you bit lightly on his buttom lip. 
He undid your jeans sliding them down and helping you out of it along with your panties. He kissed you up until he was back to your lips. Your arms around his broad shoulders and hands in his hair. He put his thigh between your legs as you mindlessly bucked into him. You could feel him smirking. 
“You’re so fucking sexy. Will you let me be yours tonight?” he asked looking into your eyes. 
“Ruin me ... daddy” you quietly say. 
“Say that again.”
“Ruin me da-” before you could finish your words, he inserted a finger into you. A loud gasp leaving your mouth as your eyes rolled back.
“You’re so wet baby girl. Daddy is going to ruin you tonight.” he inserted another finger, stretching you out completely as you moaned loudly. God his fingers felt magical inside you. He kissed and bit your neck as his other hand started to caress your boob. “So fucking perfect.”
“Jae, I’m going to cum.” 
“Cum on my fingers baby.” 
Without being told twice, you felt your release flowing through you. He helped you ride out your high, fingers never stopping from pumping into you. He kiss your lips and withdraws his fingers and place it into his mouth. “Mmm. You taste so good.” He takes off your top and bra and walks you back to the bed. You helped him discard his shirt and jeans, leaving him only in his boxers. 
He settles in between your legs as he starts to nibble, flick, suck, and massage both your breasts. You were so turned on by his touches and mouth, you almost cum on the spot. “Please don’t stop daddy” you say breathlessly. 
“Does my baby girl love when daddy’s mouth is on you like this?” he lightly bites your erected nipple. All you could do is nod, words completely leaving your mind. “Words baby.”
“Yes daddy. Please don’t stop doing that.” you bucked your hips towards him. 
“Not yet princess, I’m not done yet. Now be a good girl for me and don’t cum until I say so.” he leaves trail kisses down your stomach to your thighs and to your slit. He circles his tonuge on your clit making you arch your back. “f-fuck” you say. 
“Is all of this for me?” he teases you. With every lick, every squeeze he gives your breats, you felt yourself losing your mind. As he sucks on your clit, he inserts his fingers and pumps into you. 
The feeling is so overwhelming you were close. “J-Jae, I’m so close. Please.”  you begged him. That just made him more determine to make you cum for the second time. He looked up at you between your legs and see your o face and that in itself was the perfect image for him. He loved that he was the one making you feel good and calling out his name. Your hands gripping his hair a little too harshly, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was making you feel good. 
He could feel your body begin to tremble as he put his arm over your stomach to keep you in place and the other over your thighs to keep them open. Without warning, you are cumming for the second time. You felt hazy and on cloud nine, his tongue making you oversensitive. 
He lets go of your clit with a pop. “Did daddy say you could cum? his deep voice sends a shiver down your spine. He gets up to take off his boxer and his hard cock springs up. You couldn’t wait any longer as you got on your knees bending foward and taking his cock in your hands. You looked up at him with innocent eyes as you gave his cock a stroke and kisses along the side and finally the tip. He hisses at the sight of you as you put him in your mouth. You bobbed you’re head up and down before he put puts his hands through your hair keeping you in place. You take him in deeper until he was hitting the back of your throat.
“Oh fuck y/n. Just like that. You’re a bad girl, but daddy loves your mouth so fucking much.” 
You pulled him out of your mouth with a pop to get air. Saliva and precum dripping from your mouth. You giggled and take his cock into your mouth again as he thrust into your mouth. You tried your best not to gag, but the sounds you were making made him thrust harder. “Fuck you’re going to make me cum!”
He pulled you back and gently pushed you back onto the bed. Before you could adjust yourself, he lined up his cock at your entrance and thrusted into you knocking out the wind in you. “You’re so big!” your head rolls back onto the pillow as you could feel every inch of him inside you as he bottoms out. He stills for a second to let you adjust to him. “You’re so tight baby.” You grabbed his face down to yours and kiss him. 
“Ruin me Jaehyun.” you say breathlessly.
He pulls out leaving only the top in as he starts to pound into you. With every thrust felt like heaven. The bed starts to hit against the wall at his rapid pace as everything around you turned into nothingness except for him, the slapping of skin on skin, both of your heavy breathing, panting, and moaning. 
The sight of you underneath him was enough for him to hold out on his orgasm. Jaehyun wanted to show you just how badly he wanted you. Your tits bounce perfectly as he pounds into you. The moans coming out of your mouth, his name rolling easily off your tonuge. He leans foward, his forehead against yours, as he perfectly hits your g-spot. “ohmygod, fuck right there, daddy don’t stop. please don’t stop!” you pleaded as you clenched your walls around him coming undone, stars blurring your vision. 
You could tell Jaehyun was nowhere near his orgasm as he slows his movements down. “You’re so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?” he kisses your lips softly and moves again Everything was too much for you, but you loved the feeling of his cock in you. 
“Jae please, I don’t think I can take it anymore.” you stated as you have tears in your eyes. 
“You’re doing so well baby. Oh so good for daddy. Can you hold on for one more? Just one more princess.” You nodded your head the best you could as he flipped you over onto all fours. You tried your best to hold yourself up, but as always without warning, Jaehyun rams into you, making the new position feel bliss. You collpased into the bed as you muffled your screams and moans into the pillow. He grabbed your hair, pulling you up to his bare chest. 
“You like this don’t you princess. No one has ever made you feel this good huh?” your brain turned into puddle as you try to look for words. You feel your legs begin to tremble as his thrust start to become uneven. 
“Yes daddy I love your cock stretching me out.” 
“I can’t believe we never fucked until now.” he says in between breaths before reaching down to rub your clit. “Cum with me baby.”
With one final thrust he releases into you filling you up as you reached your fourth orgasm of the night. 
He kisses between your shoulder blades before collapsing next to you. You two lay there for a moment catching your breaths. 
You were the first to break the silence, “That was amazing.” You turned to face him as you see sweat glistening over his body and his hair sticking to his forehead. How could he look so damn attractice after sex. You no longer felt intoxicated from alochol, but intoxicated from Jaehyun instead. You two look at each other before he pulls you to him and cups your face. He presses his soft plump lips onto yours. From what was hunger a minute ago, was replaced with gentleness and love. 
After your last relationship, you didn’t know if you would ever fall in love again, but in the last couple of months, you realized you fell in love with your best friend without meaning to. Or maybe you had always loved him since the first day you two talked. Unbeknownist to you, he was already in love with you from the moment he laid his eyes on you. 
“I love you.” he quietly says as he strokes your hair mindlessly. You look at your interwined hands as a smile crept up on your face. You looked up at him, “I love you too Jung Jaehyun.” He looks at you with loving eyes as you give him another kiss and falling asleep in his arms. 
It was 7 in the morning as you had a throbbing headache. The memories of last night still lingered in the air as Jaehyun’s arms are wrapped tightly around you. You felt safe with him and you wondered how did you ever get so lucky to have him in your life. 
There was a loud banging on the door and you remembered that you both fallen asleep at Mark and Johnny’s house. “Hey! Get up! Come and help clean up this house!” Mark yells. 
Jaehyun groaned at the loud banging and held you tighter. You couldn’t help but laugh. “Good morning cutie” you say as you give him a morning kiss. His eyes flutter open as a smile crept on his face. “Good morning beautiful.” He snuggles his nose against the crook of your neck. You try to get up to get dress when Jaehyun grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him.
“Jae we have to go. I’m pretty sure the person who lives in this room wants his room back.” 
“Eh Mark can wait. It’s not like he can make do the dishes when I do them every night.” 
“Huh?” you look at him confused. 
He realizes your confusion and chuckles. “The guys asked me to move in with them a couple of months ago. I thought I told you or at least one of them did.” 
You gave him a are you serious right now look and pout. You smacked his chest lightly, “No they did not and neither did you!” 
He laughs wholeheartedly and pretends to be hurt. 
“I’m sorry princess.” He gives you a kiss to the lips. “I was so lost in being in love with you, I forgot to mention it. What can I do to make it up to you?” he kisses your forehead, cheeks, nose, jaw, and finally your lips. He lingers there for a second before a smirk is plastered on his face. “Want to go for round two?” he wiggles his eyebrows and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Jae I love you, but I’m sore.”
“I’ll be gentle I promise.”
Without waiting for a response, he climbs on top of you.
Far in the distance, Mark is heard pounding on another door asking for help to clean the house. 
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sxdmoonchxld · 4 years
Operation: Pop The Cherry | JJK
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Jungkook x Virgin!Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: rough bathroom sex, college au, unprotected sex, teasing, fingering, Jungkook has a virgin kink if you couldn’t tell by he title, lowkey sadistic JK, Gay BFF Jimin, mentions of alcohol and weed, brief mention of homophobia. bIG diCK Jungkook, more belly bulging, and I forgot what else
Word Count: 6.1k
Summary: Against you better judgement and thank to your best friend Jimin. You somehow agreed to let a stranger on campus known as the Cherry Popper, too well..pop your cherry.
Alternatively: You're a virgin. Jungkook has a fetish/kink for fucking virgins.
A/N: I guess i’ll keep putting this note until i stop reposting my old stories. I use to be lizardsocial, and this fic was previously called Game. You may still be able to find it somewhere on tumblr. I edited this fic heavily and it’s honestly a new story, but there are still some elements from the fic it used to be still in there. Unedited so please let me know of any mistakes or typos. Like, comment, reblog, let me know what you think. Enjoy!
Bass boosted pop music seeped through the dense walls of the energetic room. Strobing bright colored beams danced to the rhythm of the music in mesmerizing synchrony. The musty odor of marijuana, booze, and sex-saturated air shrouded the room in a turbid veil, covering the sea of drunken undulating bodies packed in the cramped living room.  Empty beer cans and other various booze bottles mixed with burnt-out blunts accompanied the young adults. You groaned with irritation and disgust. You didn't want to be here, but to your chagrin, you had a promise to keep.
It wasn't a secret that the college nightlife was unquestionably not your type of 'scene.' You quite frequently elected to willingly engage most of your time in your freshman dorm, wrapped in your weighted burrito blanket. A nightstand stockpiled with all your favorite snacks, lights dimmed low, and lavender incense burning, filling your room with the aroma of relaxation. The perfect setting to binge-watch your favorite show for the umpteenth time, the shifting distorted brightness of your computer screen, projecting the scenes against your face. 
It's kind of funny how you got yourself into this mess in the first place. The one time you decide to take the chance and branch away from the alternate antisocial hermit, your personality had adopted as its own had come back to bite you in the ass. You admit, lately, you've been neglecting your best friend. Your reasonings generally varying from the classic 'oh I was sleep' to deliberately silencing your phone, not wanting to hear the constant shrill ringing of the default ringtone. You loved Jimin, you truly did, but you could only take so much of his eccentric mashup of bubblegum and rainbow sparkles that was his personality. Eventually, guilt began eating away at you piece by piece until you ultimately caved in and invited your friend over for an impromptu movie night in your dorm room. 
Not even 30 minutes into the movie, one that you had been dying to see, might you add, Jimin commenced his drunk and high chattering. He had already started 'pre-gaming' before he came over; Six shots of straight Vodka and 2 blunts. Every day you prayed for this man's liver and brain function; with how much he drank and smoke, you would think he needed it to function. 
"Oh! Oh! Bitttch. Did I tell you about that football player, I fucckked last week!" Jimin started slurring on certain words. You noticed his eyes were glossy and glazed over. 
"No, you didn't, Chim." You sighed, completely giving up trying to watch the movie. You would have to watch it on your alone time. 
"Reeaally?" Jimin slurred, a goofy grin uplifting his lips.
"Yes, really. You haven't told me." Amusement lightly coated your voice. 
"Welll, his name is T-tae, Tae-tae something. Hold on, it's coming to me." Jimin said, rubbing the sides of his temples, trying to remember the guys' name. 
"Taehyung! That's it!" Jimin shrieked, snapping his fingers in victory.
You looked at him startled. You remember Taehyung from high school. You didn't recall him being at this college, though. Well, it wasn't like you paid attention to many things outside your bubble anyway.
"Wasn't he homophobic as fuck in high school?" You asked, genuinely interested.
"Yeah, he was. Buttt I guess he was trying to cover up, that he was actually on the DL." Jimin smiled, whispering the last part.
"DL? What's that mean?" You inquired
Jimin looked at you with a look of betrayal. "It means he's on the down-low, meaning he didn't want anyone to know he's gay. Girrl, I'm too crossfaded to be explaining this to you."
You chuckled, " My bad, Chim. So was it good?"
"Fuck, no! Dick was straight trash. The only thing that saved him a little was that his dick was huge." Jimin said, wiping away a pretend tear from the corner of his eye. 
You laughed boisterously at that. If Jimin wasn't so adamant about becoming a professional dancer. He could seriously take up a career in comedy.
"Speaking of dick. When are you gonna get some?" Jimin asked, turning his body to face you completely. As you looked at him, you noticed his eyes seemed a bit clearer, and his face wasn't as red as earlier. Not only did Jimin drink like a fish and smoke like a chimney. He was somehow able to sober just as fast.
"Oh my god, Jimin. Please don't sta-"
"Mmm, no missy," Jimin said, wagging his finger in your face.
"Don't you hear it?" He said, cupping his hand around his ear as if he was straining to hear something.
"Hear what?" You replied, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms against your chest.
"The cobwebs and tumbleweed living in your cunt."
"Jimin!" You shrieked, slapping the arm closest to you.
"Don't Jimin me! You know it's true, I swear you're gonna be a 40-year-old virgin, and by the time you finally make the decision to have sex, it'll be too late!" Jimin yelled, stumbling to stand up from the couch.
"First off, ouch. I won't be a 40-year-old virgin. That's very insulting. Second, I do plan to lose it soon. I just haven't found the time or the right guy." You said, looking down at your feet shyly. You did want to lose your virginity, but with being an introvert with a mix of social anxiety and just a dash of seasonal depression for added flavor. It was hard even to get out of bed sometimes. Much less going out and trying to find someone to do the do with.
"Oh! Well, if that's all, then I got you covered, babe. Time? Next week Friday at Jihyo's dorm. As for the right guy, I know a dude. He has like a kink for that kind of thing." Jimin answered nonchalantly, now scrolling through his phone, probably on his social media page.
You looked at Jimin, head tilted to the side, confused. "What kind of thing?"
"Oh, you know fucking virgins and shit. Popping their cherries." He said, popping his "P's."
You sputtered, exasperated. What the fuck. You didn't kink shame, that was for losers, but he can't seriously expect you to do something like that.
"What the actual fuck. Jimin, are you serious?"  
"Deadly." He said, looking you square in your eyes. His tone of voice haven dropped an octave lower.
"Jimin no. I-i can't."
"Jimin, yes! Err, I mean _____ yes, you can! Come on, it's a once in a lifetime experience. Plus, it's not like he's a total stranger. I've known him since he was 8 years old. I use to babysit the little shit head." Jimin said, waving his hand in the air, trying to swat away a rogue fly.
"Wow, Chim. You know, now that you put it like it makes me feel a lot better about the situation." You said tone dripped in sarcasm
"Really?" Jimin squealed, a delighted twinkling in his eye.
"Of course not! Don't be stupid!" Offended, you gawked at Jimin. You swear sometimes he could be so dimwitted.
"Come on, please? At least meet him, and if the vibe is not right, then you can leave no harm done." Jimin pleaded, his attention back on you. Was it crazy that you were actually thinking about agreeing to this? Jimin did have a point. It was sort of a once in a lifetime opportunity. He did know the guy, and if you didn't like the vibe, then you could just bounce, right? Right?
Sighing in defeat, your hands dragged down your face and turned towards a pouting Jimin. Grabbing at his deflated shoulders, you shook her lightly, and with urgency in your voice, you spoke, "Alright goddammit! I'll do it, but you have to stay by my side the whole time, no running off, you understand!" 
You watched Jimin's face quirk into a sly smirk. You swore you could see the cogs in his brain churning. Damn, you were going to regret this. You had the tendency to make deals when pressured. Most of the time, those agreements ended up backfiring on you, confining you in the proverbial rock and a hard place. 
"Yay! Operation: Pop _____ Cherry has commenced. Okay, so will meet at the auditorium on the art campus. From there we will walk to Jihyo's dorm, it's only five minutes. Promise me you'll actually show up and won't flake on me." A complacent expression rested arrogantly on Jimin's features, a single pinky finger extended towards you. 
"Don't give this situation a not-so-secret code name. And I can't believe I'm saying this but, I promise." You agreed, interlocking pinky fingers, yours thumbs coming up to press against one another.
"So I'll meet you at the location Friday, don't be late, and wear something sexy. No granny clothes." he chirped, making his way to your front door.
"Wait! You're leaving already?" you frowned, looking at the clock on your wall. He's only been here for an hour, and 30 mins of it were spent persuading you to hurry up and lose your virginity. You didn't even get to finish the movie together.
"Sorry babe, but I have a dick appointment." he shrugged, putting his arms through the sleeves of his jacket.
"Can you at least tell me the name of the guy who's supposed to fuck me?" you huffed, honestly you were done for tonight. As soon as Jimin left, you were heading straight for bed.
"Oh yeah, how could I forget." Jimin slaps the center of his forehead. "He's a real cutie. I would fuck him if he wasn't as straight as an arrow." Jimin looks off to a far wall, eyeing it with jealousy.
"Just tell me his name, please." You pleaded. Oh yeah, that's definitely a headache forming. You could feel it already. Jimin snaps out of his daydreaming and spins his body towards you.
Time skip to a week later, and precisely as you suspected, what a mistake that whole conversation was. Now here you were at this fucking dorm party with people you didn't know or care to get to know. Jimin had left you as soon as he saw his next piece of ass. Restlessly you hauled down the short black dress that insisted on riding up your ass, the soles of your feet protesting in the slim heeled shoes. Floundering your way into the packed building, you couldn't help but query where Jungkook was. Jimin was supposed to get around to send you a picture of the mystery man, but that never happened. Funny how now was the best time you decided to question why exactly Jimin was your best friend.
"Well damn, the pictures Jimin sent me doesn't do you justice at all. You're fucking hot." You recoiled from the closeness of the voice, the heated breath sending chills skittering down your spine, and the hairs on the back of your neck ramrod straight. Heat spurred to your face when you whisked around to meet an absolutely gorgeous guy. Like unfairly gorgeous guy. You stared wide-eyed, taking in his chiseled facial features, paired with wide doe eyes and bunny smile decorating his face. Somehow, someway he's mastered looked soft and sexy at the same damn time. And fuck was that a dangerous combination for your pussy. Your heart too, but more so your cunt.
"U-uh, thanks? Who are you exactly?" You watch as he recoils back from your with a look of apprehension on his face.
"A-are you not ____?" he stutters cutely. You think you can see the beginnings of a blush burning his cheeks. You nod your head once to confirm his question. He stared at you a minute longer before you see the recognition spark in his chocolate orbs.
"Jimin didn't send you my picture did he?" Shaking his head with his eyes close, you get the courage the scan his face a bit more. Yeah. He's definitely blushing.
"Sorry. I guess seeing you here, I thought Jimin would have...prepared you better." Shaking your head from side to side because your words refused to come out. You watched as he backed up a bit further from your personal space and thrust his right hand out to you. 
"The name's Jungkook, or J.K. Whatever suits your taste."
With clammy hands, you taking his outstretched hand marveled at how it almost covers your hand. Now that he's moved back from you, you now had to chance to see how tall he really was. Maybe about 6 to 7 inches taller. You look down at his feet and eye his combat boot, perhaps a little shorter but still taller. And big, yeah, definitely bigger. His oversized black jacket did little to hide the broadness of his shoulders and chest. You let your eyes travel down the length of his body. You bet he's hiding some killer abs under his shirt. And holy fuck, his thighs.
"You like what you see, baby girl?" Teasing, he's teasing but God, if his voice didn't make you pussy throbbing pathetically. Whimpering slightly, you let out a meek "Yes." God, you hope he didn't hear that.
Much to your dismay, he did, hear you. How he heard you with the music as loud as it was, was a mystery to you. But you watched his pupils dilate, and his nostrils flare slightly. Jungkook tucks his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes rake up and down your scantily clad body. His heated stare scrutinized across your body, intrigue exerting over him, as he analyzed the way the snug-fitting dress molded to the curves of your shape. He could tell you didn't do this often. His dick twitched in his jeans with enthusiasm. 
It's the increase in pressure of your hand that makes you realize you're still holding his hand. You go to retract your hand from his. However, yelp shrilly as he tugs you closer to his body. Both hands now resting on his chest, and his wrapped around your waist. Fuck, you could feel the warmth and coarseness of his hands through your thin dress. A spontaneous tremor racked your body. The heat-transmitting from his frame mixed with the floral yet musky undertone of his cologne made you somewhat featherbrained.
"Fuck, you're so soft." You squeak as he squeezes your waistline, pulling you even closer against his body. You were now putty in his hands.
"Jimin told you my....preferences, right?" his voice caressed your ear. Just a slight movement or subtle twitch, and his lips would be on your skin.
"Y-yeah, he did." It should be an embarrassment how frail and breathless you sounded, but that didn't matter.
Jungkook hid his smile behind your ear. This was just too easy. Just how he liked it. He almost felt bad- almost. He was gonna ruin you utterly and completely, mold the shape of cock in the walls of your pussy. His name spilling from your lips, voice going hoarse by how loud he would make you scream. Fuck he couldn't wait. He's had virgin's before, a lot of them. That's his whole M.O. The cherry popper, virgin fucker, whatever. Jungkook's heard all the names in the book. But there's just something about you, you just had an air of genuine innocence, and he couldn't wait to defile it. 
Jungkook pulls his head back, enough to where his eyes can trail over the bared skin of your neck, and the sprinkling of perspiration sparkling off the bright strobing lights, no doubt from nervousness. His tongue traced over his thin upper lip, watching the droplets of sweat spiral down the curve of your neck. He wanted to taste you. 
"Alright, then." He jerks his body away from you. You're no longer touching his chest, but his hands are still on your waist. 
"Let's enjoy the party before the fun really begins. Every done body shots before?" Jungkook spoke casually, undeterred by the way you recoiled back or the look of stupor on your face.
"W-what? B-body shots, why?" you squeaked, failing to keep from stuttering over your words. Is this how it's supposed to go? Is this normal? You're bewildered, and just a bit perturbed. Were you just imagining that sexual tension that was going on just moments ago? For sure, you thought Jungkook was gonna throw you over his shoulders and haul you off to the nearest unoccupied bedroom or bathroom. At that instant, you didn't care. 
Jungkook regarded the war of emotions wage across your features, merriment and strobing lights twinkling in his eyes. Fuck, you were cute, so desperate staring up at him with a pout on your face a puppy dog eyes. He could honestly just take you back to the closest room and fuck the shit out of you. But he wanted to play with his prey, a bit more. The wait made it that much more satisfying.
"Don't pout too much, baby girl or I may not be able to contain myself. Follow me. The table is this way."
Jungkook didn't indulge in answering any of your questions you rambled off at him, delighted to see you trailing on his heels like a lost pup. Jungkook directed you further into the dorm, and like a dog on a leash, you followed. In the center of a sparse room sat a scraped up black table. You observed the area. It was devoid of many people. The several that were present made no recognition of your proximity in their intoxicated state.
"So who's first?" Jungkook asked, setting the bottle of tequila, rim salt, and limes down on the table.
"U-uh, I don't know. I guess it doesn't matter." You shrugged hesitantly. You were way out of your element here.
"Perfect then, you first." Jungkook should be ashamed by how excited he was at getting to sample your skin. It looked smooth, felt soft when he had you in his arms, and would no doubt probably taste as sweet as it seemed. You nodded in docility, wandering over to crawl on top of the table, being attentive to your dress. You lay flattened against the table, shiverings racking your body as he began pouring a trail of salt between your cleavage. 
He poured himself a shot in the depression of your throat and tore the lime in half with his bare hands. Smirking at how you flinched when he thumped the liquor bottle down beside your head. Jungkook pushed the other half of the unevenly split lime towards your lips, a silent gesture to take the lime in your mouth. Jungkook watched as your lips curled gently around the hull of the green citrus. A flare of lust stirred in his loins at the action. He couldn't wait to see your lips stretched around the head of his cock. He observed your eyes clamped closed as he began dropping his head forward to your chest. It was adorable and innocent. He noted the way your lips slackened around the citrus in your mouth, your chest heaving in speed, the closer his tongue trailed to your neck.
You tasted splendid, just as sweet as he thought. The salt on your skin did nothing to deter your natural flavor. If anything, it enhanced your sweetness, rendering your skin damn near mouth-watering. Jungkook's ears perked at the breathless moans slipping past the fruit perched against your lips, drawn out by the repeated pass of the wet, pink appendage lapping at the salt line between the valley of your breast. Committing your muffled moans to memory, he lapped persistently at the collection of salt and tequila in the hollow at the base of your neck.
You face flammed in embarrassment as panting moans effortlessly tumbled from your mouth. Who knew your chest and neck was such an erogenous spot. Despite your shame, you couldn't stop wriggling, shifting your thighs together for some form of friction to sate the rising arousal dampening your panties. You yelped at the sensation of blunt teeth nibbling at your skin before soft lips came to suck at the shallow indentations. Fluffy hair with an undercut came into your line of vision as Jungkook lifted his head up to your lips. Your heart stammered tortuously against your ribs, flirtatious eyes stared lidded with searing lust, his head advanced closer to your lips. Your eyes fluttered closed, lips puckering against the bitter hull of the lime.
Jungkook closed the distance, slanting his mouth over the lime, blocking his contact with yours. He sucked against the sour fruit, acidity puckering his lips, residual tartness flowing to your cracked lips. Jungkook withdrew from your mouth, taking the drained lime hull with it. Your saccharine moans were heaven to his ears. It had awoken something inside him, fueled his fire in knowing that possibly no one had ever heard such a sweet sound. He wanted more, craved more. 
"Have you ever been kissed before, sweetheart?" Your eyes followed the movement of his tongue, poking out to moistening his lips. 
"Yeah, once in like 3rd grade." Who hasn't snuck behind a tree or hid underneath the dark coverings of playground equipment to lock lips with a childhood crush?
He grinned salaciously, body moving to rest between your spread legs. Oh, now he was really excited. Your lips were practically untouched. Just another part of your body to claim first. You jumped when palms pressed flat against the revealed skin of your thigh. Gently, Jungkook rubbed lazy circles on your skin, never lowering or furthering than the hem of your dress. He felt you wiggle beneath his hands, observed your eyes, glimpsing―darting about, should you concentrate on his face, or his hand, uncertainty was etched on your face.
"Amazing." He groaned, eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks, before grinning again. His face inched closer to yours, his lips but a breath apart, warmth flickered against your lips as he talked, level and smooth. " Well, how about I become your second?
And then his lips were on you, the soft muscle mangled itself to your lips, tentative and sluggish to give you a chance to register his mouth slanted upon yours. Jungkook chuckled against your lips at your unresponsiveness. He guesses you were a little shell shocked. It only takes a few more stagnant seconds before you're shyly reciprocating his kiss. Delicate, shaky movements highlighted your inexperience. Increasingly, Jungkook increased the pressure behind lips, his hands spreading to enclose around your waist, dragging you closer against him. One of Jungkook's hands removed from your waist to bury itself in your hair, gently his fingernails scratched against your scalp, an airy moan was his reward. 
Hands completely abandoning your midsection, one gripped the meat of your thigh, pulling you to the edge of the table, flush against the tent of his denim jean encased manhood, the other embedded in your strands pulled sharply on your roots, a loud gasp tearing from you. Jungkook took that opportunity to advance his tongue into your gaped mouth. His tongue wrapped itself around yours, briefly wrestling for dominance before easily pinning your tongue in submission. His hips ground against yours, the heat of your covered core teased him through his jeans. 
He thoroughly explored your mouth, swallowing the now copious cries leaving your mouth. Reluctantly, Jungkook tore himself from your kiss-swollen lips. The ravished looked suited you perfectly. You looked beautiful, thighs brazenly spread, eyes glazed over in lust, your sticky chest heaving from the length of the shared kiss. Even in the dim lights, he could make out the taunt pebbling of your nipples. 
Your mouth gaped wide, flapping about like a fish out of water, trying despairingly to draw air into your lungs. Your first kiss definitely didn't compare to this much. Your wide eyes flicked between Jungkook and the floor, your bottom lip tucked firmly between your teeth, feeling shy as he just stares at you. Releasing your teeth from your lips, you timidly touched your mouth, admiring how plump they've gotten from the intense liplock.
Wordlessly Jungkook hitched you over his shoulder, winded with a grunt as his defined shoulder blades dug into your stomach and what sounded like a growled vibrate up into you. You squirmed lightly in his hold, scared he was going to drop you, and secondly, your panty-clad ass on display for the party-goers, not that anyone was looking. 
You watched the continuous panels of hardwood floor move beneath you as Jungkook carried you to an unknown destination. You couldn't believe you were really doing this. Were you actually going to have sex with a complete stranger? Someone who was known for explicitly fucking virgins. Realistically, you should be ashamed, yet, you conceded full control to him without a second thought. What did that say about you? About your character? Would you now be labeled as 'easy' or a 'hoe' after all this was done? What was going to happen between you and Jungkook? 
The flick of a switch stirred from your thoughts. You shield your eyes with your hand at the bright lights pouring into the room, or rather a bathroom. Jungkook loved the confusion marring your features. He wouldn't fuck you in his bedroom just yet. That was a privilege you would have to earn, no matter how intrigued he had become with you. There's always humiliation to be had in the corruption of innocence, and fucking you in the bathroom was a good start. He planned on making you watch him as he destroyed your body, popping your cherry, stretching your tight virginal hole to accommodate his length, and claimed it as his own. Jungkook shuddered at the thought, his possessive nature taking a turn for the worst. 
Impatiently Jungkook sat you on top of the bathroom sink counter, his lips smashed against yours, the previous tenderness was gone, vanished into a puff of smoke. Teeth banged, and tongues flailed recklessly against each other in the heat of passion, with you struggling to keep up with the demands of his dominating kiss. Thick fingers trailed beneath the hem of your dress, tickling the expanse of your thighs. Jungkook wasted no time in shifting your slick soaked panties to the side, a warm digit gliding effortlessly through your damn folds.
"Fuck, you're already so wet. You're enjoying this a little too much, baby girl." Jungkook growled, panting against your lips. His finger breached your sex, you tensed deftly around the foreigner intrusion, stretching your weeping walls. 
"Ah, Jungkook." You cried listlessly, rocking your hips against his stilled finger. He felt so good inside you, and it was just his finger. Maybe this experience wouldn't be as bad as you heard. Now you couldn't wait to see what his cock felt like embedded deep within your pussy. Jungkook pumped slowly, eventually introducing a second finger to help loosen you up more. You were gonna be a tight fit, very tight, but that just made it even better. You hissed at the slight burn as he began scissoring his fingers apart with each withdrawal. Your hands wrapped around his neck as you buried your head against his broad chest, your mellifluous moans suppressed by the fabric of his shirt. 
"G-go faster, please." You begged, your body adjusting and quickly becoming frustrated by the snail's pace his fingers were pumping. You bucked your hips against his hands, hoping he would ease the growing discomfort boiling in your stomach. 
"Have you ever had an orgasm before, babe?" You nodded eagerly at his question, whining as you bucked against his hand again.
"Oh, really? Who gave it to you." Slow, he was going too slow you wanted, no you needed more friction, more stimulation from him.
"M-me. I-i did." Jungkook loved how you stuttered, it stroked his ego and filled him with arrogance to know it was him, and only that was capable of making you stumble over your words.
"Mmm, and how did you do it? Did you rub this little clit of yours raw?" You cried louder when his thumb flicked at your clit, the stimulation further drawing the appendage from its hood.
"Or did you fuck this tight hole, with these tiny fingers of yours?" At those words, a loud, choked moan, even muffled by your face in his chest, echoed throughout the white bathroom. Jungkook had gone deeper inside, almost to the third knuckle. Another moan left your lips as he twisted his fingers inside you, his palm now facing upwards.
"Though you and I bought know they couldn't possibly reach deep enough to touch the spot you really want." It's euphoric, no better yet orgasmic, the sheer shock of electric pleasure that zaps through your body when he finds the spongy bundle of nerves. Your body jerked heavily, legs go to snap close, only to be stopped by his broad body between your thighs.
He chuckles softly, stroking your thigh with his other hand. Jungkook shifts his head down, bringing his mouth closer to your ear. He exhales quietly, warm air tinged with tequila and lime caresses the light hairs on you around your ear. " I found it, huh?"
You whimper, rubbing your head up and down against his chest.
"You want me to speed up the pace, sweetheart?" Jungkook's voice is delicate now, so gentle. But you're confused, overwhelmed, and scared. It's never felt like this when you did it yourself. Your not sure if you could handle the feeling, so you don't provide an answer to Jungkook's question.
"Don't ignore me ____, that's not nice manners. I'll ask again." You clench around his fingers as Jungkook inches just a bit deeper. 
"Do you. Want me. To go faster?" With each pause, he arches his fingers in a 'come here' motion, pressing deeply against your bundle of nerves, the sensation of having to pee accompanied with each thrust.
 "Y-yes, faster, more. Pl-lease." Fuck, you sounded so pretty begging for him if he wasn't addicted before. You had him sprung now. Jungkook buried his face in the crook of your neck, the sharp smell of tequila and salt still lingering on your skin. He sucked at the junction where your shoulder and neck met. You bucked harder against his fingers, your juices now dripping to coat his palm is sticky cream.
"If you wanted more. Why didn't you just ask?" Jungkook said deviously. Confused, you felt withdraw his sticky digits, walls gripping to stop their departure. Without warning, Jungkook flipped you over onto the counter, your knees buckled at the sudden change in position. Your faced burning at your displayed state, droplets of your essence dribbled from your pussy, slicking up your inner thighs. You yelped as Jungkook grasped at the length of your hair, pulling back pointedly, your neck craned back to observe him addressing you in the mirror.
"You've been wondrous for me ____. Such a sweet girl." He expressed, his empty hand disappearing behind your perked ass to fiddle with the groin of his pants. 
"Truly, you have. Your response and reactions to my touch have really gotten me riled up. It's been a while since I've tittered on the edge of losing control." You wheezed, starting to panic as you felt the thick head of his cock slap teasingly against your slicked throbbing hole. Oh, God, he's huge. Jungkook's cock might just tear you apart. You shifted your hips forward, pressing against the cold marble of the bathroom counters door.
"I-i don't think, I can t-take it Jungkook, you're too b-big. It's my first-time, r-remember?” Your stuttering worse now, but you're scared.
Jungkook pulls your hips back with the hand the was grasping his length, the side of your hip now coated in his pre-cum. His hand lays flat in the crease of your back, forcing you into a perfect arch. 
"You can take it, all of it. And don't worry, of course, I remembered your fragility. I'll go slow, I promise." You plead silently with your eye contact through the mirror. 
"You ready?" You nod once an advert your eyes down to the sink.
Your mouth shakily falls agape as he slowly began pushing the head of his cock into you. It burns, but not as bad as you had anticipated. You take the chance to look back up into the mirror, adamant about giving Jungkook a thankful smile for his gentleness. That vision that greets looks like it jumped right off the page of your favorite erotic story. 
Jungkook's got his head thrown back, the edge of his t-shirt clenched tightly between his teeth, your eyes trail the drip of sweat that follows the curve of his jawline. You have a clear view of his abs all the way down to the v-cut of his hip, to the happy trail that leads to a neatly trimmed bush of pubic hair. You clench tightly around him, efficiently aroused by the view. You feel his cock throbbed heavily inside you, even getting bigger if possible.
"You like that, sweet girl? You like seeing me struggling to contain myself because you're so tightly around me. This little pussy trying to milk me for all I can give you." You love it. You feel powerful in a way. Do you really feel that good around him?
"Yes." Jungkook draws out the 'S.' 
"You feel amazing, so warm and wet. I wished you could see how coated in white you've got me, and I'm not even all the way in yet."
You scream soundless as he bucks into you, shoving in half of his length. It doesn't hurt anymore. You just feel stuffed full. Lifting a trembling hand, you take the chance a feel the lower part. You noticed swelling that wasn't there before, intrigued; you push down against it, moaning in shock you realize it's Jungkook's cock. 
"Yeah, baby girl, that's all me, well, most of me. You ready to take the rest?"
"Yes! Please!" That's the clearest you've been all night. You don't get an answer as Jungkook immediately picks up his pacing, thrusting into you faster. He wastes no time pumping deeply into your tight pussy, his tip smashing against the entrance to your cervix as you pant and grit your teeth in slight discomfort, overshadowed by pleasure. The burning sensation is back as he fucks in deeper with each brutal and swift stroke. But you don't care cause it still feels amazing. You can hear yourself, sloppy and soaking wet, echoing throughout the bathroom. You're drooling down his pistoning cock. You can feel it dripping down your inner thighs. Your head jerks violently against your shoulders, to weak support your head from his menacing thrust. 
Tightened vocal cords released strained shrieks of praise; from your mouth, drool dripping from your lips, into the sticky cleavage of your breast, and sweat coated your skin. The coil in your stomach was quickly tightening, never had you felt anything so deep inside you. If you ever had sex with anyone else, they would never compare to Jungkook.  You were fucked both figuratively and literally.
Jungkook pulled you further from off the sink, the new position allowing him even deeper. You clawed at the marble tops underneath your fingers, your eyes rolling in the back of your head. That sensation of having to pee is back again.
"J-K, I-m. I have to-," You don't get to finish as the band in your stomach snapped. Silently you announced your release; if it wasn't for the new wave of cum coating his cock, or the fluttering tightness of your walls, Jungkook might have missed your orgasm. He wasn't far behind you. The constant clenching of your ridged walls around his cock, had him reaching his limit sooner than he would like. Jungkook had half a mind to pull out but decided to gamble his odds. You're the first person he's fucked raw in a while, and with three deep thrusts later, he was shooting his hot seed right against your cervix. 
Breathing heavily, Jungkook lets you fall against the sink, observing as you crumpled against the sink countertop. Pride swelled his chest as he watched his seed bubble out of your well-used hole. He's never contemplated going farther with the virgins he fucked. He wouldn't make any hasty decisions now though there were still a lot of things he wanted to do with you. He would sleep on it and revisit the idea in the morning.
"So would you say, Operation: Pop Your Cherry was a success?"
You giggled, winded, still having difficulty catching your breath. You straighten up against the bathroom counter, the majority of your weight still resting on the object as you had yet to regain the feeling in your legs.
"Jimin and his stupid code names. I swear when I get a hold ass, he's dead." You warned already preparing your revenge on your best friend. You stare at Jungkook in the eyes through the mirror, smile a bit goofy, you say.
"Operation: Pop My Cherry. Mission complete."
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
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🌷 social media au where y/n posts an advertisement looking for a new place to stay that is closer to campus, causing seven upperclassmen to make it their mission to recruit her into their dormitories 🌷
A/N: THIS TOOK FOREVER AND I KINDA RUSHED IT AT THE END BUT HOPEFULLY IT MAKES SENSE?? anyway, yoongi didn’t do anything stupid (depending on your definition of stupid) so no need to worry about him being cringey,,, i spared you all from the secondhand embarrassment but i won’t be so kind next time!! anyway... enjoy || W.C. 3.8K
prev // part 11 // next masterlist here.
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By the time Seokjin’s phone begins to ring, Yoongi can already feel the dread settle deep inside his bones. The familiar coil of anxiety tightens around his throat like a vice, and Yoongi has to remember how to breathe to keep himself from fainting like a corseted Victorian lady. 
“Well, that must be her!” Seokjin chimes, promptly declining your call without a glance. Yoongi catches a glimpse of your contact photo anyway: it’s an unflattering angle of you from below your neck, giving the illusion of a multitude of chins. If it were any other time, Yoongi might have smiled like a lovesick fool. 
“Don’t you dare let her in here,” Yoongi seethes. He tries to sound menacing, but the effect is severely diminished by how badly his voice cracks. He tugs at Seokjin by the sleeve, but the older man refuses to budge. “Hyung, I’m serious. I know what you’re trying to do.”
“Are you done live-tweeting your confusion now? Finally got the memo? I always knew you were a smart boy,” Seokjin laughs, patting Yoongi on the shoulder with his tomato sauce-covered tongs. “Since we’re on the same page now, why don’t you change clothes while I finish cooking? I know your entire wardrobe is composed of the free t-shirts you got from job fairs, but it would do well to wear a clean, unstained shirt.”
Yoongi swipes at him, hissing like the catboy that he is. “You’re the one who wiped shit on me, asshole. And yes, I figured out what you are trying to do. You think you’re so slick, but I know that you’re just trying to embarrass me in front of Y/N!”
Seokjin shrugs. “It isn’t like I’m trying to be slick. I embarrass you all the time. Besides, I’m setting you up on a date with the love of your life! You should be thanking me, if I’m being honest.”
Yoongi stammers, his jaw dropping in shock. “Love of my–?”
Seokjin waves his tongs in his face, silencing him. “Oh, hush. Don’t even try to hide it, Yoongi. I figured out that you like Y/N. Your weird behavior finally makes sense! After years of you avoiding her, I always thought you were just bad at forming human connections, but turns out you’ve got a gigantic heart boner for my best friend!”
“Please don’t phrase it like that,” Yoongi groans, smashing his head against his kitchen counter. He hopes a few brain cells might have died, just so he can stop processing the words coming out of Seokjin’s mouth. “Actually, just please stop talking.”
Seokjin snorts in exasperation as if Yoongi was the dramatic one between them. “Point is, this is a favor that I’ve chosen to grant you from the goodness of my heart! As I said, I’m giving you the love life you deserve! So stop whining and get moving before Y/N gets up here.”
“There isn’t any goodness nor a heart inside of you. And more importantly, when was the last time you did anything for free, you capitalist bastard!”
Seokjin clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “That’s where you’re wrong, Yoongi-chi. You’ve already paid me for my services by offering me front row seats to watch you lose your fucking mind. And that, my friend, is priceless.”
“Aha! So you do admit that this is all just a ploy to humiliate me!” Yoongi shouts. He grabs a knife from his scabbard, pointing it threateningly at Seokjin. He doesn’t even flinch, instead gently guiding Yoongi by the wrist over to the chopping board where he had placed some garlic cloves beforehand. Without prompting, Yoongi’s hand begins to move, his culinary instincts taking over.
“Yes and no,” Seokjin admits as he grabs Yoongi’s cast iron pan from the top shelf (which he has never gotten to use since he bought it, ever since Seokjin had borrowed it once and placed it too high for him to retrieve.) “I’m honestly trying to help you out here, my dude. Besides, even if shit hits the fan, Y/N isn’t gonna think any less of you. She’s too much of an idiot to resent anyone.”
“Speaking from experience?” Yoongi huffs, eyeing him with intense vitriol. “Can’t say I understand how she’s gone this long without killing you.” The next time the two of them are alone together in the wilderness, he can’t promise that his hands won’t find their way around Seokjin’s throat, and it won’t be sexy.
“Hmm. Yeah, definitely,” he says, nodding absentmindedly. As he begins to season the steak, he hands the cast iron pan to Yoongi. “Start preheating this. We need it to be smoking hot before we can place the steak on there.”
“I know how to cook a steak, fucker. And who said you’re allowed to serve my Wagyu steak? I was saving that for a special occasion!”
Seokjin looks up from his ministrations long enough to raise a brow at him. “So going on your first ever date with Y/N isn’t considered a special occasion?”
Yoongi falters, eyes widening. “N-no, that’s not what I mean!” he defends hotly, but he quickly snaps out of it. “Wait, no! This is not a date! Not when both parties did not agree to any of this!”
Seokjin pauses from his cooking to place a perfectly manicured hand on his hip. “I mean, Y/N agreed to it, so are you going to reject her? Huh? Too good for her and my spaghetti?”
Yoongi scoffs, rolling his eyes. “No, she did not agree to this. She doesn’t even know you’re forcing her to eat lunch with me.”
“How can you say that with such certainty?” Seokjin challenges, puffing his cheeks. “You don’t even know what I told her!”
Except I do know what you said, Yoongi thinks darkly to himself. And more importantly, I know what she thinks you were implying. He is pretty sure that the words “crush on him during high school” have seared themselves underneath his eyelids forevermore.
But instead, he says, “Yeah, well. If what you told her is as vague as what you told me, I have a pretty good hunch that this is going to blow up into a huge misunderstanding.”
Like the absolute menace that he is, all Seokjin does is shrug nonchalantly. “Suppose you are right… Who cares? It’s not like the two of you are strangers, so I’m sure this is going to go great!”
“What the fuck? She is a stranger! I’ve literally only spoken two words to her in the past four years!” Yoongi seethes, his temple throbbing from an oncoming migraine. 
Seokjin ignores him, as per his want. “Grab that plate, will you? I gotta plate the pasta before Y/N starts calling again to let her into the building,” he says, nudging the tongs into Yoongi’s hands. Yoongi squawks, quickly turning the stove off to keep the food from burning. 
Seokjin tears off his (read: Yoongi’s) apron off, wiping his hands on his jeans with a quick smile. “Great! While you finish up here, I’ll distract Y/N for a bit in my room before I lead her in here, alright? You better hurry unless you want to keep her waiting!”
“Oh, like how you kept her waiting downstairs for the past–” Yoongi checks his wall clock, “–seven minutes?”
Seokjin cackles madly, rushing out the door. “Well, that’s where you and I differ, Yoongi-chi! I give no shits about how Y/N thinks about me, so good luck!” After sending Yoongi three flying kisses for good measure, Seokjin slams the door shut, leaving Yoongi to simmer in his bad life choices.
The worst choice that he’s ever made? Being friends with one (1) Kim Seokjin.
“God, just end me,” Yoongi mutters, placing his $80 steak on his pan. It sizzles deliciously, much like how his (nonexistent) love life is about to get burnt to a crisp.
x x x x x
“Took you long enough.” You watch as Seokjin taunts you with a funny little dance by the lobby of his dormitory, the building receptionist not even batting an eye at his eccentricity. That’s the sad side effect of living in close proximity with Seokjin: you start getting desensitized to most things, not even flinching at the sight of a man without a functioning central nervous system.
Seokjin slides his card to open the door, finally allowing you entry. “Sorry. Got busy preparing your lunch! Which by the way, you should be thanking me for.”
“The moment I thank you for anything is the day that you slip on your own cum and die,” you grouse, nudging past him to get on the elevator first. You punch the button for the 5th floor before rapidly trying to close the elevator door on him. Unfortunately, Seokjin makes it in time before his ass gets clamped by the two steel doors.
“Thinking about my cum? Oh my, Y/N… I know you’ve had a dry spell for too long, but I didn’t think you’d be that desperate for some of my butter,” Seokjin says, leaning closely to wink at you.
Against your will, your cheeks brighten furiously, weakly pushing Seokjin away from you. “You wish. At least I don’t spend my spare time loitering outside the campus gym to ogle all the sweaty hot people.”
“And the invitation to join me still stands by the way!” Seokjin singsongs, leaping out of the elevator once you reach his floor. You walk side by side until you reach his room, but you catch him shooting a furtive glance at his next-door neighbor.
“Is Yoongi joining us for lunch?” you ask, failing to keep your curiosity from showing in your voice. If Yoongi does end up joining you for lunch (which has never happened in the past four years, convincing you that he must have a personal grudge against you), then at least it can confirm to you straight away that whatever this “date” is just another prank by Seokjin. You don’t know if you should be disappointed or grateful if it is just a joke.
Seokjin beams in response, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “You know what? He is going to join us, actually!” 
He had been in the midst of unlocking his dorm when he changes direction, leading you to Yoongi’s door instead. He rifles through his other keys, and you notice one of them looks similar to his own house key, except with a Hello Kitty sticker on it. He pulls that key out and promptly unlocks Yoongi’s door without missing a beat.
What kind of weirdo must Yoongi be to give Seokjin a spare key to his dorm? You’d rather shit out a cactus than let Seokjin have free entry to your home whenever he pleases.
You hesitate by Yoongi’s door, feeling nervous all of a sudden. “Um, Seokjin? Are you sure it’s okay for me to–?”
“HONEY I’M HOOOOME!” Seokjin’s loud guffaw cuts you off before you can finish your question. He bursts through the door and leaves you by the hallway, and you watch as he nearly tackles Yoongi to the ground.
Yoongi, despite looking like he’s half the size of Seokjin on a good day, manages to keep upright despite how his back is now bent parallel to the floor. “Get off me!” he yells, roughly pushing Seokjin off of him. 
Seokjin tumbles to the floor, but the shit-eating grin on his face hardly wavers. He points at you by the doorway, a cheeky grin on his lips. “Look, Yoongi-chi! I brought a guest!”
Yoongi spares you half a glance before returning his attention to whatever he was cooking. “I suppose you did.”
Okay, this date is definitely a joke. Why the hell did you even think for a second that Seokjin might have been into you?
“Um,” you stutter nervously. You grind your heel into the carpet self-consciously, your gaze downcast. “Hello, Yoongi. Sorry for the intrusion, by the way…”
“It’s fine,” Yoongi replies, albeit a little curtly. He clears his throat, his face still tilted away from you so you can’t tell if he’s genuinely annoyed or not. 
You point a glare at Seokjin, who looks shamelessly pleased with himself. After taking a deep breath, you take your first steps into Yoongi’s home before gently closing the door.
As you look around at your new surroundings, you notice that his home is a lot cleaner than you would have expected, though you’re not exactly sure what you should have expected in the first place. It’s minimalist, but not in a barren type of way; it’s seems like Yoongi is fond of simple designs more than anything. It’s certainly a nice change of pace compared to Seokjin’s abomination of a room, with his vaguely yellow-stained bedsheets. 
The smell of freshly cooked pasta and meat being grilled catches your senses immediately. You watch as Yoongi flips over a hefty piece of steak, the aroma causing your mouth to salivate instantly. 
“I… What is… Huh?” you start, not knowing what to ask. You catch Seokjin snickering quietly to himself, but promptly shuts up when you mime punching him in the dick.
“It’ll be finished in a second. Why don’t you sit down?” Yoongi announces quietly, his gaze still fixed away from you. Confused but left with no other choice, you tentatively make your way to his couch, unable to relax as your spine remains ramrod straight and your jaw stays clenched. 
You hear Seokjin shuffling behind you until he eventually makes his way to sit with you, plopping onto the couch as if it were his home. “Ah… I’m soooo hungry. Smells good, doesn’t it?” he asks you, his brow wiggling too much to be considered normal. Either that, or he was having a stroke.
“Yeah, it does,” you say, greatly uncomfortable. You peek at Yoongi once more, who is still dutifully attending to the steak. Making sure he isn’t looking, you twist Seokjin by the nipple, causing the elder to let out a high-pitched squeal. To an outsider, it might have almost sounded like he was being pleasured. 
“Ouch! What the fuck was that for?” Seokjin whines, rubbing his tenderized nipples. 
“You know what that was for,” you hiss, keeping your volume low. “What the hell are we doing here? Why are you making Yoongi cook for us?!”
“For us? It’s for you!” Seokjin snaps back. “Didn’t you say you would only come over if you got fed? Well, this is how you get fed!”
“I was under the assumption that you would be feeding me, not him!” you seethe. You check back on Yoongi, who still hasn’t looked your way once. “The poor boy… No wonder he doesn’t like me! He must think I’m as bad as you!”
Seokjin snorts. “Of course he likes you! This whole lunch date wouldn’t have even fucking happened if he wasn’t assdeep in lo–”
“Lunch is finished,” Yoongi interrupts loudly, his spatula rattling loudly against his pan. The sudden noise makes you jump away from Seokjin, who appears vaguely triumphant. 
“T-thanks,” you stutter, standing up and resisting the random urge to shake his hand. Everything about this situation is so tense and awkward that it feels like you’re being filmed for a prank Youtube video or something. Knowing Seokjin, the odds of that happening are great. 
“That’s my cue to leave then! Bye! You guys have fun!” Seokjin says, jumping to his feet. 
You vaguely hear Yoongi gasp quietly when you launch yourself at Seokjin, just narrowly keeping from escaping. “Oh no, you don’t! Who said you could leave? You’re not going anywhere!”
But like the slippery snake that he is, Seokjin manages to wriggle out of your arms and hop over Yoongi’s coffee table to get to the door. “Too bad! I have classes to get to, so I gotta blast! Use this time to get to know each other or whatever it is that kids do these days,” he says, winking salaciously. With one final sputter of (evil) laughter, Seokjin makes his exit, leaving you and Yoongi to fester in some good ol’ fashioned discomforting silence.
“Um,” you say, just as Yoongi opens his mouth to say something too.
“No, you go first–”
“You go ahead–”
The two of you pause mid-sentence, staring at each other. You grin sheepishly at him, motioning for him to speak first. 
He returns your smile half-heartedly. “So, um… I just wanted to say I’m sorry for letting Seokjin rope you into this. I tried stopping him, but… You know how he is.”
You laugh, sounding a little crazed even to your own ears. That’s the longest sentence you’ve ever heard him speak! 
“Yeah, believe me… I am intimately aware of how he is. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t,” you joke. 
Amazingly, your little quip makes his smile widen, his cheeks puffing up imperceptibly. “Glad we can agree that Seokjin has the amazing ability to ruin people’s lives. It’s almost welcoming to find solidarity in a shared experience.”
“Shared experience? Try shared trauma. That dude is a walking serotonin sucker,” you say dryly. 
You don��t think what you said was remotely funny enough to warrant a laugh, but it causes Yoongi to let out a loud snort regardless. But the amusement on his face is short-lived, his cheeks going red in embarrassment. He slaps a hand to his mouth, breaking eye contact once more. “Oh fuck, that was so unflattering,” he groans, clearly mortified.
His blush, multiplied by his shy demeanor, makes you want to coo at him, but you doubt he’d take that too kindly. So instead, you change the subject to save him. “So, uhh… The food? You don’t have to give me any, by the way. I wouldn’t want you to waste your lunch on me or anything.”
Yoongi snaps out of his previous embarrassment, returning to the more familiar stoic expression you’ve come to associate with Yoongi. “No, that’s fine. Seokjin–er, rather… I made enough for two people, so it would be a waste if you didn’t eat at least some of it. But I don’t care either way if you want it or not.”
For two people? you wonder. So Yoongi had known Seokjin wasn’t going to join for lunch?
“Oh, if it’s fine with you…” you trail off, meekly making your way towards him. The spaghetti and steak look absolutely delicious, though you don’t need to tell him that when your stomach speaks for you. “Oh shit, that’s so embarrassing,” you say, your cheeks heating up this time.
Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head. “Haven’t eaten breakfast yet, I assume? That’s pretty stupid if you ask me. Don’t you have class until 5? How the hell would you have survived until then?”
You choke in surprise. Where did all that sass suddenly come from? “Excuse me? I’m not stupid! I would’ve been fine with a sandwich from the cafeteria if you must know!” you say indignantly. You’re too busy being offended that you don’t fully comprehend his words, failing to notice how he had known you had class until 5 in the first place.
“Sure, whatever you say.” Rolling his eyes, Yoongi starts shifting through his cupboards and pulling out a pink tupperware. He begins to load them with food, nearly overflowing the containers with how much he tries to stuff in them.
“H-hey! What are you doing?”
“Packing your lunch. You have class in a bit, yeah? It’s almost 11:50 and it takes around 15 minutes to get to the main campus. You won’t have time to eat here and make it in time,” he says, pointing you with a look. “Wait. Did you have coffee this morning?”
“Yeah? So?” you ask, defensive. “Are you gonna call me stupid again for not having caffeine or something?”
“No,” he grunts. “If you’re caffeinated, then that means it should only take you 7 minutes to get to class.”
“That doesn’t even make sense!” you exclaim, but you can’t help letting out an incredulous laugh. “Wow. You’re kinda weird, did you know that?”
“You barely even know me, so how would you know?” he retorts. He finishes placing food into the tupperware and promptly clicks the lid in place. He offers it to you, smirking slightly.
You huff, but your ire is all for show. You aren’t actually annoyed by him–he’s just… different from what you expected. A little shy, a little rough around the edges… but you can tell he isn’t a bad guy. You understand why Seokjin loves to torment him; he seems like a fun person to tease. 
“That can be amended,” you respond, taking the tupperware from him. Your fingers graze the backs of his hand by accident, causing him to quickly retract his hand as though he’d been burned. You nearly drop the container in surprise, but luckily your reflexes save your precious food just in time. 
“Sorry. About… you know.” Yoongi gesticulates wildly, his gaze darting anywhere but at you. 
You smile secretly to yourself, amused. Ah. He’s like a human seesaw. Blushy one second and grumpy the next. “No worries, Yoongi. I’ll be sure to return this container soon, so don’t you worry.”
Yoongi shrugs. “Keep it if you want. I don’t care either way.”
Says the guy who has an entire cupboard full of color coordinating food containers. “Roger that, Yoongi.”
Yoongi walks you out the door, pausing outside the hallway with you. “Do you…” he hesitates, swallowing loudly enough for you to hear. “Do you… want me to walk you out?”
His sudden offer almost makes you want to laugh, but you have a feeling he wouldn’t find it amusing at all. Instead, you just shake your head with a smile. “Don’t worry. I won’t get lost. I think I remember where the door is.”
He pouts, his lips jutting out cutely. “Yeah, well. I was just trying to be nice, but you do you.”
You giggle lightly, patting him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. You were more than nice,” you say, winking for added effect. It does more than you thought it would, causing Yoongi’s cheeks to bloom once more.
With one last wave, you make your way out of the dormitory, your heart a little lighter than before. 
“Huh. That was weird.” You glance at the pink little tupperware in your hands, its warmth keeping your hands safe from the winter chill. As you walk to class, your thoughts are filled with nothing but a shy boy with soft hands and even softer cheeks. Maybe Tuesday isn’t going to be so bad after all.
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miiamour · 3 years
tequila kisses
gn!reader x remus lupin
summary: remus gets stupidly drunk one night and shows signs of admiration. what happens the next morning when he got too wasted to remember?
warnings: drunk remus, alcohol, fluff, slight angst, illusions/mentions of sex, kissing.
word count: 2k
a/n: remus is very tall so you could be 5’10 and he’d still be able to rest his head on yours. this is gender neutral reader so please let me know if it has gendered pronouns or anything that implies a gender. also big thanks to @destourtereaux for helping me with the plot! <3 ily rosie!!
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the gryffindor common room was lit up with red tinted lights. the furniture was pushed to the corners of the room for dancing space, although the dancing seemed more like sex with clothes on. the tables that were near the entrance of the common room, had drinks and snacks.
it was felt hot and sweaty. the smell of alcohol lingered throughout the room. teenagers either grinding on one another or taking shots of whatever alcohol james brought. it was a weirdly comfortable feeling.
sirius and james decided to throw a party for the pure reason that they got an O on transfiguration— though they’d throw a party even if they failed.
you had been standing around in a corner with a cup full of firewhiskey. you had been friends with the marauders for years so i’d have been wrong for you not to go.
james, and sirius were currently dancing with some random girls who’s names they probably didn’t know while peter watched, swaying by his lonesome. and as for remus— where is remus?
you scoured the room for him, couldn’t have been too hard, he was extremely tall. you saw him in the corner of the other side of the common room, with a bottle of— you squinted— tequila.
you squirmed your way through the people. you watched the room as you made your way to the table; people making out in corners, others doing shots, dancing on top of tables, every cliche teenage party thing was currently happening.
“hey remus, you alright?” you asked loudly, trying to talk over the music that was bouncing off the walls.
“who? me? yeah.” his words slurred together. “peachy keen” he said. he leaned against the wall and his long fingers gripped onto the bottle like his life depended on it.
it was the night after the full moon and peter had told you that remus got into an argument with james and sirius. chances are it was about something stupid and the boys would come crawling back to remus; they couldn’t live without their moony.
“yeah, that’s totally believable” you looked at remus, he stared back at you with half-open lids as he took another sip from the bottle.
“i think you’ve had enough rem” you attempted to take the bottle of tequila out his hands, he protested at first before loosening his grip, allowing you to take it away from him.
you turned your back to place the bottle on the table and when you turned back, you catch remus with a cigarette and a lighter in hand.
“seriously?” you scowled.
“don’t mention the twats name” he mumbled, the cigarette in between his slightly chapped lips. he lit it then took it between his slender fingers, releasing it from his mouth and a cloud of grey smoke fell out his mouth effortlessly.
maybe it was the firewhiskey talking, but remus looked extremely fit. merlin, the things you’d do to be in the place of the ciga—
“y/n?” remus interrupted your promiscuous thoughts. “did you hear me? i asked if you wanted a hit.” he mumbled while he waved the cigarette in your face.
“hmm? oh, no thanks” you responded cluelessly. you watched as he took another hit.
“i love this song!” remus exclaimed as fernando by ABBA began playing “dance with me, y/n.” he threw his cigarette in a random cup of punch and grabbed your hands, and you just couldn’t say no.
you laughed at him lowly, he was a horrible dancer. it was as if he had no control over his limbs. he swayed his head to the beat of the song. you adored his shaggy hair that was perfectly sprawled all over his head as if the gods precisely placed every strand. you admired him as he danced, his scars made him all the more beautiful.
“there was something in the air that night. the stars were bright, fernando” remus sung as he spun you around.
remus pulled you chest to chest and rested his arms on your shoulder and you wrapped your arms around his torso.
“they were shining there for you and me. for liberty, fernando” he continued to sing.
you held him closely, the subtly woodsy smell of his cologne and his heartbeat brought you comfort. as he hummed to the song, you couldn’t help but feel an oasis of serenity, like you and remus were the only two people in the world.
yes, he was drunk, but something about his actions seemed genuine; the way he rested his chin on top of your head lingered with a sense of sincerity. you felt protected in his arms.
“y/n?” he murmured.
“yeah?” you responded softly.
“i’m drunk—”
“—i know rem” you chuckled.
“i’m drunk, and i hate everyone and everything.” he breathed out. remus pulled away from you, brushed the front pieces of hair away from your face, and said sweetly, “everything but you”.
you smile at him and that must’ve done something because within three seconds, he grabbed the sides of your face and his lips collided with yours, your top lip stuck between his. his lips tasted like the perfect mix honey chapstick with tequila. once again, the world felt empty, just you and remus.
you felt remus’ tongue drag along your bottom lip and you attempted to pulled away only for him to chase your lips. “remus, you’re too drunk for this”, you mumble against his lips.
“but i’m sober enough to know that i want you” his lips grazed yours as he spoke. remus had never been this confident, and that’s how you knew he exactly how drunk he really was.
“remus, come on. you’re not thinking straight, you’re probably going to completely forget about this in the morning” you half-jokingly scowled him, and a part of you didn’t want to stop. but it would have been wrong to continue given how drunk he was.
“how ‘bout i bring you up to your dorm, eh?” you suggested.
he hesitantly nodded his head, and grabbed your hand. as you two squirmed your way through the crowd, you managed to catch a glimpse of peter who had a confused look on his face. the boy nudged james, and gestured towards you and remus. james then nudged sirius, and motioned to the two of you as you disappeared from the party.
he staggered up the stairs, nearly tripping a few times causing you to laugh quietly.
“quit giggling” he playful frowned as he caught his balanced and pulled you towards his room. as you two walked in, remus pointed to a corner i’m the room, which was presumably his side of the dorm.
his side was cleaner than james’ and peter’s, who’s sides were messes, paper scattered around and dirty clothes pile near their beds. sirius’ side was the tidiest of the four, with organized records and a neat side table. remus’ side had a few things strewn around but it was overall fairly tidy. his bed was slightly made, he probably rushed to make in the morning.
remus crawled under his covers comfortable— not even bothering to change into pajamas— and you sat next on his bed, next to him, he was already falling asleep. “i need to go remy, you gonna be okay?” you said softly as you stroked his hair.
he looked up at you half-lidded and remus sleepily shook his head, “can you stay? just for tonight?” he pleaded as he lifted the blanket, gesturing for you to get in.
you’d leave in the morning before he wakes up and he’d forget all about it, you reminded yourself.
you shifted uncomfortably in his twin bed. remus adjusted himself, turning his body to face yours so that there was more space. his pinky grazed yours and you interlocked yours with his.
“goodnight y/n” he whispered, his warm breath hit your face before he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss against your lips.
rays of sunshine shone through the windows, and birds sung. you squinted due to the bright sun greeting you, once able to open your eyes, you looked to your side and saw remus; asleep and snoring quietly.
you quietly wiggle out of the blanket, you caught a glimpse of his roommates; sirius was turned on his side with his back to you presumably sleeping, but james and peter were no where to be seen. you tiptoed to the door before—
“where’re you going?” you heard a voice, only it didn’t belong to remus. the question almost sounding like a teasing... sirius.
you slowly turned on your heels and faced something you’d though that you would never see— sirius with messy hair, he laid on his bed, elbows propping himself up.
“hey pads” you smiled and waved awkwardly.
“hiya” he wiggled his fingers as he waved “let’s just get to point, did you and moony shag?” he asked bluntly.
“what—!” you covered your mouth, forgetting to keep quiet and you walked towards him “what? no, he got stupidly drunk last night and nothing happened” you whisper screamed.
“my head hurts hell” a sleepy voice came from the side of the room you just snuck away from. both you and sirius turned your heads and saw remus, who was clutching his head.
remus saw you on sirius’ side of the room and his eyebrows furrowed, “what’re you doing here y/n? did you and sirius... sleep toge—”
“no!” you both shouted.
“please stop yelling” remus said, rubbing his temples.
you could sense the slight tension between the two boys. you remembered that they had a fight and they hadn’t made up yet.
sirius looked at you, then remus, then back to you. “i’m going to go; leave you two alone.” he stated, walking out the room, a bit dramatically.
silence filled the room. you shifted on the balls of your feet while remus was now sitting crisscross against his headboard as he played with his fingers.
“sit?” remus asked and gestured towards his bed. you tread over to his bed and sit right across from him.
“so what happened last night? because honestly, i don’t remember anything, ‘cause if didn’t sleep with sirius, why were you here at—“ he looked at the clock “eight am on a sunday?” he looked at you with sunken and luminous eyes.
“well, i actually slept here.” you said as you played with blanket on his bed.
“uh, like, here here? as in, in my—my bed? with— um— with me?” he began to stammer over his words.
he was so endearing when he was flustered. he fidgets with his fingers or basically anything he could find.
“yes, rem, you asked me to stay last night. and other things happened, i told you that you’d forget about them, and well you did so—“
“i kissed you.” he said, almost surprised at his own words.
“yeah. you did.” you responded. “you— um, remember last night?” you asked.
“parts of it; i remember drinking my body weight times two, i remember dancing to ABBA, and kissing you—“ he paused “and then holding your pinky?” he said with confusion.
you gave a half-suppressed laugh “that’s about everything, the gist of it at least .”
“‘m sorry about last night, i know i was drunk—” his nose scrunched up every few seconds; it was a tic he developed over the years, you noticed it happening whenever he felt sheepish.
“—but, um, but i was being truthful, sort of. with my actions at least. what i’m trying to— what i’m trying to say is that drunk remus does what sober remus doesn’t have the confidence to do” he said softly. remus looked up at you, his irises resembling pools of caramel. “basically what i’m saying is that i like you. and it’s completely okay if you don’t like me back, i understand. i just can’t keep this bottled up or else i’d exp—”
you interrupted him with a kiss, he caught on quickly and kissed you back and cradled your face with his left hand. yours eyes were fully closed with delight as you ran your fingers through the bottom of his hair. your nose bumped against his as the two do you moved your heads, trying to find synchronization and once you did: pure bliss.
drunk remus and sober remus are very different, but you preferred when he was himself and his kisses didn’t taste like tequila.
taglist: @anywherebuthere @keepawaythenargles @myloveforluna click here to be added to my taglist <3
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atinydise · 3 years
Ateez arguing with their s/o in a middle of a make out session (part 2)
❦ Genre: Fluff & Suggestive.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 3K.
❦ Requested: Heck yes lol, thank you! 🦋
❦ A/N Note: ⚠️Since I took again an eternity to post it, I advice to read the first part again (or for the first time)! Thank you for liking the 1st one tho! hehe
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Jongho called the leader once again, even waved in front of his face but still nothing. "Is he ignoring me?" He asked San. His friends shrugged. "He's lost in his thoughts. And he's probably really far away from here." "HYUNG!" Yelled Jongho in the leader's ear. His brain finally reconnected to the reality. "The hell-" "It's been 2 minutes since I'm trying to get your attention." Said Jongho, a bit pissed. "What's going on?" He grabbed his phone, hoping to see any notification. "We need to go back practicing." "Ah.... then I'll join in 2 minutes. I need to call someone." He said, leaving the room. "What on the earth is going on with him?" Whispered San. "No idea." Replied the maknae. Hongjoong went to the restroom, the most far away from the practice room, just to be sure that nobody will bother him. "Okay, please babe pick up." He begged quietly plugging his Air Pods on. [“Hello, it’s the girl who always chosen after her boyfriend’s career. What can I do for you?”] At least you didn’t lose your humor sense.
[“Babe I’m sorry.”] Apologized Hongjoong. [“You are sorry for what exactly?”] [“For ruining the intimate moment, we were about to share.”] [“And?”] Hongjoong rolled his eyes. Good thing for him you weren’t able to see it. [“And to always let my career pass before you.”] [“And?”] You repeated. Your boyfriend was confused for a second. He ignored for what he needed to apologize. [“And... and...”] he stuttered. [“I don’t know.”] He heard a long and heavy growl coming from your side. [“Well. I guess it’s already more than fine.”] You claimed. [“What do you wanted me to say?”] He asked curiously. [“I don’t know... maybe something like ‘to apologize, I’m coming right now and for sure tomorrow you won’t be able to walk’.”] You said, imitating his voice. [“Are you on your period?”] Asked Hongjoong. He knew you so well that he immediately understands when you dirty talked to him, without even a simple stutter. You let a quick silence settle before finally say: [“Yeah.”] [“Then let’s wait a little bit longer then.”] He sneered. [“Coward.”] You replied. [“Love you too.”] [“Me too.”] [“So, we are good?”] He asked. [“Give me at least a hug and we will be good.”] You replied. [“See you tonight then.”] He smiled.
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[“Hello! You are on Y/N’s voicemail I’m not av-”] Seonghwa growled and let his phone fall on the couch. “She’s not answering I guess.” Claimed Mingi. “No.” Seonghwa rolled his eyes. “She’s ghosting me since... 2 days now.” “Did you try to meet her at school?” “Yeah. I’ve waited 3 hours there. To finally remember that she’s on spring break.” “And at her apartment?” Asked Mingi. “Of course, Sherlock. But nothing.” Sighed Seonghwa. “It’s like she disappeared.” Mingi raised a brow. “She’s probably doing her own life.” The eldest member was suddenly hit by the reality. “Mingi you are a genius!” “Yeah, I know but why?” “We are Thursday!” Claimed Seonghwa, putting his shoes on. “Yeah and?” “Y/N is doing her laundry every Thursday evening! She might be there.” Seonghwa left the dorm so quickly that Mingi was still processing what just happened. “The beck is wrong with him...” Your boyfriend ran to the laundry shop which you are used to go. He prayed the whole way, that you would be sitting there, reading a book or watching a ton of TikTok while your clothes were washing. His heart missed a beat when he spotted you there. As fast as possible, he opened the door. “Babe!” “Hwa?” You raised a brow. “You came here to tell me how to wash my stuff?” Seonghwa ignored your question and turned around. He saw a cute grandma tidying her clothes. “Excuse me ma’am. But I will need you to leave quickly because I’m about to take my girlfriend, right here and right now.” “Seonghwa!” You yelled, outrageously. “Oh, it’s okay darling. I was young too.” Giggled the old lady. You grabbed your boyfriend by the wrist and guided him outside. “What the hell is wrong with you?” You asked, mad. “I want to apologize!” “Do you think it’s the right way to do it?” “I want to prove you that nothing can bother me to have sex with you now. Not a stain and not even an old grandma.” “And the CCTV?” You pointed at the camera fixed where you were standing 2 minutes ago. “I don’t mind having public.” He smirked. “You are unbelievable.” You sneered. “Does it mean you are forgiving me?” “Maybe.” You replied cockily while entering back inside. “Grr. I love when you play hard-to-get.” “What the hell happened to you Park Seonghwa.” You laughed happily.
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Yunho was tormented. It was 3AM and he didn’t close his eyes for a second. He was staring at the white ceiling, trying to know how to resolve this situation. You didn’t talk to him after the little incident. Yunho understood why you were mad. He didn’t tell you the truth and the real reason behind his shyness. He glanced at you. The sheet was barely covering your back. He was about to put it right, but the little voice in his head claimed that it was a bad idea. So, he stared at the big spec between both of you. For sure, you could put a third person in the middle. Yunho sighed. What could you to be less mad? The reason of why he decided to stop earlier was because of the stress, not because you weren’t attractive enough. It was the opposite actually. He truly believes that you will think that is too dumb. Just because he’s scared of doing something wrong. Or worse hurting you. But more he was thinking, more it started to be overwhelming for him. “Y/N.” He whispered. “Hm?” You muttered sleepily. “Y/N.” “What? It’s 3AM.” You grunted, still not facing him. “I’m sorry for what happened this evening. I was terrified. I don’t want to do anything wrong with you.” He continued. “I really find you attractive. Even too much sometimes but... I want to have sex with you of course.” You couldn’t help but to smile secretly. His words were well chosen. All the insecurities you had earlier were vanished. Yunho stayed quiet for few seconds, waiting for you to say something, but instead you handed your hand, still facing the wall. He understood that it was an invitation to cuddle. “So, we are good now?” He asked, positioning behind you. “Yeah.” You replied, rubbing his hand which was resting on your stomach. “Cool.” He whispered, finally relaxing. “Thank you for telling me.” You said. “So... do you want to try it right now?” He shyly asked. “I’m tired Yunho.” You declined. “Sure. Okay. No problem.” He replied. “But can we change our position because you are waking up the ‘beast’?” You laughed when you felt his boner pocking on your butt. “Told you... you were too much attractive sometimes.” He giggled, blushing a bit.
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A new notification. But not coming from you. Yeosang was waiting for you to send a message like you usually do in the morning. But the next day after your little and stupid argument, you were remaining silent. “She should have sent a message already. It’s 10AM.” Said Yeosang, frustrated. “Just let her breath.” Sighed Jongho, playing PlayStation on the upper bed. “I didn’t send a text to her yet. She should be the one apologizing.” “Why?” “We are 2 making love. So? She can buy condoms for me too!” “You right.” Started Jongho. “But you should always have a pack or at least one, on you.” “On which side are you?” Growled Yeosang. “None. Your intimacy isn’t my business. But I just admitted that both of you are wrong.” Declared the maknae. “Since when are you so mature?” Sighed his friend. “I need someone who can tell that I’m right.” Jongho stayed quiet. He would never say something like this when knew he was 100% right. “And she would never buy one because she would be ashamed of it.” Added Yeosang. “The cashier doesn’t care. You are not the only one in the earth to buy one.” Replied Jongho. “We are going to see if you have the same speech when you’ll buy for yourself.” “I do already.” “W-wait what?” Just when Yeosang was getting curious, you entered the room like a storm. “Kang Yeosang!” You threw the plastic bag on him. “What th- ouch!” “Jongho, I will ask you to leave the room for an hour. Or 2.” You removed your jacket. Yeosang opened the bag and threw everything on the bed. His eyes widened when he saw a dozen condoms’ pack. “The hell Y/N-” “I bought exactly 12 packs to show that you don’t need to be ashamed about it and that no one cares.” Jongho exited the room completely flustered, but with a bigger esteem for you. “Okay now remove your pants.” You ordered, pulling out your hoodie. “Like? Right now? Not even a make out-” “It’s been 10 hours that I’m waiting.” “O-Okay.” Yeosang was a bit taken a back, but it was fast forgotten when you unclasped your bra.
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You rolled on your bed once again. You were so frustrated and mad at San. The vein on your forehead couldn't stop popping out every time you remembered him picking up his phone. Angrily, you covered your entire face with a pillow. Desperately, you tried to erase of these thoughts. Just when you were finally finding some peace, the fire alarm resonated in your apartment. You jumped out of your bed and went straight to the kitchen. Instead of seeing a big fire, you saw San opening the window as wide as he could. "What is going on?!" You claimed, grabbing a chair. San was panicked as you, or even more. He was trying to push the smoke out of the room while wondering what you were doing. On your tippytoe, you pushed the button to stop this annoying and loud noise. "Thanks God." Sighed San, relieved. "The heck you are trying to do. Burn my apartment?" You turned off the stove. "I wanted to prepare a royal breakfast for you." He pouted, disappointed that his surprise failed. You looked around you, now that the smoke was slowly disappearing, you could see the entire mess in the kitchen. Flour was spread on every parcel of the counter, one or two eggs were smashed on the floor, milk was spilled on cupboard and an incredible number of dishes were stacked in the sink. "Yeah, that's the first time I make pancakes by myself." He scratched his head. "Choi San..." "I want to apologize for yesterday! But I wanted to do it right!" "Oh nice. So, you said 'to apologize to Y/N because I've completely ghosted her to talk with my teammate that I can see every day, I'll burn her apartment'?" "Babe! I'm really sorry." He apologized once again. "I will do everything you want for a week." "Everything?" You raised a brow, curious. "Yeah." "Okay, then start by cleaning your mess." You pointed at the counter. "After that let's clean the entire apartment." "Sure." He nodded. "After that... we will eat at our favorite restaurant. And you are going to pay." "Wow. Sex must be really important for you." Declared San, when the list didn't stop. "Never stop a horny woman." You warned him.
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["I'm parked in front of your building. Let's talk really quick."] You read this text message at least 10 times to be sure you understood well. It's been 2 days since the practice room accident. You only exchanged few messages but nothing more. You didn't mind giving him a proper answer. You just put your hoodie back on, and of course by "your" it means "his", and left the dorm, without warning your roommates. But honestly, by the way you went out, dressed like this, they could only assume that you were about to meet Mingi. Just when you got out of the building, you spotted your boyfriend's car, as he said, right in front of the door. You hesitated a second, but finally hoped in. "You should have wear something warmer. It's cold outside." He said instantly, when he saw your bare legs. "Good evening to you too Mingi." You greeted him sarcastically. "Do you drove here, just to scold me about my outfit?" "No, of course no." He whispered, looking right at the street in front of him. Since, a big and awkward silence settled. None of you wanted to say something, too afraid to tell something risky and lead one of you to be mad. It felt like walking on a really straight and thin line. You played nervously with the hem of the hoodie, which was barely covering your legs, you noticed. That's probably why he scolded you. For your own good. As always. "I'm sorry." You both apologized at the same time. You glanced at each other, surprised and giggled cutely. "I'm sorry." Insisted Mingi, grabbing your hand. "Me too." You smiled to him. "Sorry for almost crushing you with my weight." He added. "You did." "And sorry for almost make you bald." "You did it too." Mingi pinched your leg gently, happy to see that you were still bratty sometimes. "Ooookay! I'm kidding! I'm sorry for what I've said too. That's wasn't really nice." "Yeah, it wasn't." "Song Mingi-" "Soo..." you didn't have enough time to say anything that he started the car. "Where are we going?" You asked enthusiastically, putting your seatbelt. "Just want to bring you somewhere. So, we can talk about these 2 terrible days." "Oh, I thought you wanted to go in a Love Hotel." You joked. "That's the plan too." "I-"
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2 weeks since your argument but 4 weeks since you shared an intimate moment. You needed to admit that even a flick on your forehead would turn you on. You were so needy. But no way Wooyoung could know it. You tried your best to stay far away from him when sleeping, so you wouldn't end by griding your butt on him, desperately. Usually, Wooyoung was really touchy, and he would initiate a make out session the first one, but surprisingly, he only exchanged a peck or a hug from time to time. You spotted him covering his manhood, with a blanket sometimes. He would always pretext that he is cold. But you are not dumb. He takes shower way much longer than usual tooo. On his side, Wooyoung was really struggling to not give up the first one. He was barely looking at you. He knew that with only one shorty or croc-top, it was over for him. In conclusion, you were 2 idiots trying to suppress their arousal for each other, just because of an argument. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Offered Wooyoung. "Sure, and I know how much you like movies." You smirked. Your boyfriend rolled his eyes and ignored your comment. Instead of insisting on the subject again, he played the first movie that appeared. It was a really nice and chill one until the main actress discovered the wild side of college. It started by a scene and then other one. Followed by 3 more. Inside Wooyoung was hoping that you wouldn't notice the form on his sweatpants. "What a movie huh." He laughed nervously. "Yeah." You nodded. "They are really getting it huh." "They are really liking these scenes." "They are really well made." He replied dumbly. "Maybe that's what they want." "Of course, everyone wants that." "Yeah. Everyone." You repeated. "Everyone." "You exchanged a quick glance. Wooyoung was finally the first one to give up. "Do you-" "Heck yes!" You replied. "You should have told me!" "No, I was too mad at you!" "Do you really want to argue again? Right now?" He asked. "No." "Okay then go because I'm going to explode!"
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"I still don't understand how you ended here, right in front of my college." You raised a brow at Seonghwa and Yeosang. "We were just having a cool walk and unconsciously ended here." Replied Seonghwa, the most natural possible. "The campus is 30 minutes away from KQ Quarter. And 30 minutes with a car." "We had a pretty long walk, okay?" Replied Yeosang, nervously and almost aggressively. "Okay okay... relax dude." You rolled your eyes. "You should come with us a bit." Started Seonghwa. "There's a park next to the campus. Let's talk there few minutes." Added Yeosang. "You guys... are acting really strangely." You claimed. Without asking your authorization, they each picked your arm and brought you to the park. You could fight or ask them to leave you alone, they wouldn't. Seonghwa almost needed oo ask people to not all the police. "What the heck guys? I really need to study and-" You stopped right when you saw your boyfriend sitting peacefully in front of you. A big blanket and a bunch of food were cautiously set on the grass. "Hi babe." Smiled Jongho. "What is this?" You asked. "You prepared all of this?" "Yeah." He scratched his head. "I hope you like it." "And we helped." Whispered Yeosang. "Are you doing this because you said your coach's name when we were making out." "You what?" Almost chocked Yeosang. "Eeew, this is disgusting!" Added Seonghwa. "It was an accident!" He rolled his eyes. "An accident." You crossed your arms on your chest. "I'm really sorry baby. I swear it was only because I've worked with her few hours ago." Explained Jongho. "Anyway, it's not like she's sexy. She's 60 years old and so strict and rude." Said Seonghwa. "She is sexy." Said Yeosang. All of you stared at him. "I'm joking. Relax." He sighed. "Y'all ready need to chill sometimes..." "So do you want to spend an afternoon with me?" Asked the maknae. "Of course." You accepted happily. "Cool! Then sit here." He pointed at the comfy place settled between pillows. "Thank you, Mark." "Mark?" "I'm kidding!" You giggled. "1 point for me now." "Unbelievable." Smiled Jongho.
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