#pigeon talks to the void
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trailmixedup · 7 months ago
Rewatching Sanders Sides and I’m realizing why I’m like this now… this man formed my entire personality when I was 12/13 and now I’m like- a grown man and I still haven’t shaken his impact. Good lord.
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justagaycryptid · 2 years ago
Omw to make the absolute fucking worst Hannibal/Hannigram playlist known to man
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minnowheart · 2 months ago
You die and you meet God.
She looks at you with her Aspen eyes. Her thousand-edged cutting eyes.
You don’t reply. You are trying to figure out why you are falling and falling and staying still. You are trying to remember how long you have been falling here. You are trying to remember where here even is.
You say who are you?
You say what happened, where am I?
You say my eyes are beautiful? But your eyes… they are so lovely too.
You say figure what out?
She looks again at you with her chimera mountain Aspen eyes.
She sighs.
She turns ThunderBird. Wings a trillion volts of lightning.
You are turned without from within, cells shattering with the pulse of storms.
You choke soundless.
ThunderBird says electric YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU GOT HERE?
ThunderBird says galvanic YOUR DEATH WAS BLESSED, AS THEY ALL ARE.
ThunderBird says voltaic NOW YOU ARE HERE. AT THE END OF YOUR LIFE.
You spin and spin apart. There is only this static in your mouth. You think this is what terror truly tastes like. This thought is soothing to you somehow. You are completely still in this empty void. You are surrounded, thrashing in this cramped filled-to-the-brim space.
You scream but I was so young.
You scream how could I have known to enjoy it more?
You scream but I lived a full life.
You scream oh… I lived.
ThunderBird cradles you in their voltage feathers.
Your breathing leaves you. You wonder if you were breathing this whole time, in this space.
You wonder if you miss it. You cannot remember.
ThunderBird shifts Coyote, yellowed grin all flashing teeth and writhing tongue.
Coyote says laughing IT'S ALL JUST CHAOS ANYWAY.
You say yes, well, of course, but how am I -
Coyote winks into stars, surrounding, spiraling into a thousand heads of The Divine.
You screech and groan and roar and crawl and writhe and slither and claw and gnash and lash a thousand tails.
Shamash says with the voice of the sun YOU'RE ALMOST DUE. ANY MORE QUESTIONS?
You struggle to remember anything besides this endless aching everywhere.
You gasp my life! What was the point of my life?
You say almost due? Due where?
You say when does this stop?
Bastet says with silken sleek drawl IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO ASK? IS IT ALL ABOUT YOU?
You don't remember your name.
You scream a silent scream I don't understand anything!
Prometheus says with flaming song REGARDLESS, THIS IS YOUR STOP.
The Stars that are not quite Stars incandescently chorus SEE YOU SOON.
You blink one last time. Your vision Kaleidoscopes, bends into a thousand ways.
You become Mountain, Fertile Plain, Forest of Evergreen, Desert, The Sea.
You speak to yourself now. There is only yourself.
There has only ever been you in all this soft darkness, all this blinding light.
Here in the Beginning. Here at the end.
The wheat chants GO
The water cries GO
The ice and snow wail, melting. GO
The playful Dolphin and innocent Dodo and gentle Elephant and loyal Passenger Pigeon and Ivory-billed Woodpecker and the graceful, forgiving Thylacine moans IF YOU WERE ABLE TO DO IT. IF YOU WERE ABLE TO FIGURE IT OUT.
You understand. There are uncountable tears. This is all you are. Water salted from the source. You close your eyes.
You awake, in a body small and gasping for breath, screaming a wordless sound.
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angelic-iam · 3 months ago
Stroke Of Luck Chapter One
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Warnings: Profanity, angst, adult themes and conversations, hints at infertility, infidelity, death , light violence
A/N: Please excuse any grammatical errors I tried to go through it as best I could .second bear with me if its not up to reading standard im trying to jump back into my writing bag and this will be my first story I've actually released so I might be a bit rusty lol but please enjoy
Word count: 4273
Series Master List
I sat on the front porch of my family home trying to hold it together as I watched my father put the last of jordans bags into the car .Today was the day I had been dreading the most my older brother Jordan was going away again on deployment .He had told us months ago about his decision to reenlist and I had been preparing myself for his departure hoping it would put me at ease. It didn't. My brother is one of my best friends and to see him leave was going to leave me with a void. Even through my dismay however I was proud of him even if in this moment my emotions didn't allow for me to show it.It didn't take long before the empty space beside me was filled with a familiar face. I turned to see Jordan, his face filled with sadness. Respecting the space I was in he allowed for us to sit in silence a moment before deciding to break it. “you okay?” he asked concern laced in his voice. I shook my head “not really," I replied softly, trying to avoid eye contact knowing I would cry. He sighed pulling me into his side as the tears began to prick my eyes.” I promise this time will fly by so fast you won't even realize” he said kissing my forehead .”No jo I will notice it will not be the same without you. who else will keep me sane dealing with ma and jade you're the only thing holding us together “ I croaked “ Theres always facetime if that doesn't work then we write, and if that don't work I'll send a pigeon” he joked Not being able to it in hold in a laughed spilled from my lips Jordan joining in seconds later “Jo it's time to hit the road” our fathers voiced called out .Jordan nodded his head signaling for my dad to give him a moment. Jordan stood pulling me up with him into a hug me, nuzzling my face into his chest feeling the water works starting back up. “I love you so much josie” he said wiping a stray tear that slipped free “I love you more jo” I said turning him loose. “Oh, and sis do me one last favor” he said walking down the porch steps “name it” I called out “smile no more tears”. I cracked a small smile as he turned making his way to the car climbing in leaving me in a broken mess as I watch my dad's chevy Tahoe disappear down the road.
In the same spot I stood five years later staring down the same dirt road my brother wouldn't have the opportunity of returning to. He was gone. Jordan was sent in on a rescue mission to save a fellow marine of his platoon, ironic in the end he ended up being the one needing saving. Shit went south and my brother was shot and killed in the line of fire. I was angry feeling as if the universe had slighted me robbing me of being able to share future moments with my brother. Him cheering me on when as I walked
the stage after completing nursing school, being a bridesmaid in his and his fiancé Arielle's wedding, holidays, birthdays. Gone. The only presence of him now in this moment was his framed picture that stood in the front of our family home for the repass. Not wanting to continue allowing myself to drown further in my grief I turned walking up the steps primary focus locating one of two people Arielle or my cousin India . It didn't take long to find ari talking with one of my aunts. Arielle was short in stature compared to most with smooth golden-brown skin that seemed to glow as the warm rays peaked through the window and a fit physique that would put Tyra banks to shame. No doubt courtesy of her personal trainer profession. Her round face framed with voluptuous curls. It was amazing to see her strength. Throughout her struggle a dimpled smile still adorned her face one that caused her Chinky eyes to disappear as she laughed. Noticing me walking over she politely closed out her conversation with my aunt walking to meet me. “Where did you disappear to “she quizzed giving me a slight nudge “ I needed some fresh air the condolences and sorry for your losses were becoming overwhelming” I huffed "Trust, I get it I have to many people asking me what i'm going to do with me and our son” she stated shifting uncomfortably. My heart ached for her. I couldn't imagine how it is to become a widow, single parent, and having to break the news to kaizen.
“for whatever your move or decision is you're not alone. You got me forever and so does nugget “I Said with half smile. She giggled at the nickname I assigned kaizen at birth. We glanced over watching the mini version of Jordan running around the house with the other kids.” I almost forgot your dad wanted to see us in the kitchen” she stated switching the topic. I nodded as we made our way to the cramped kitchen pushing past multiple bodies. My dad stood looking down at my mother with admiration as they talked among themselves “Hey daddy “I greeted walking over as he pulled me into a hug “Hey baby come sit your sister should be here in a moment” he said ushering me and ari to sit. I scrunched up my face at the mention of my sister. Jade and I had an exceedingly tenuous relationship. Jade was the youngest out of the three of us and was the golden child spoiled completely rotten. In my parents' eyes she could do no wrong and treated her as such. It didn't help that my mother drove the wedge and distaste for one another deeper pitting me and my sister against each other in a warped ass competition. Who is better than the other. My mother secretly rooted for jade while my dad on the other hands liked to play devil's advocate. Jordan was the only one who called them out holding everyone ,including myself accountable. The final nail in the coffin was catching Jade and my then boyfriend of two years Darien in bed together not to mention she continues to see him. To say I was hurt and angry was an understatement and as my family (aside from Jordan) tends to do they brushed it under the rug. As if her ears were burning jade stalks in turning her nose up at the sight of me. Feeling myself become anxious and agitated I decided to jump start the conversation “everything okay you wanted to speak with us” I question. Dad sighed grabbing a stack of papers from the counter sitting down placing them in the middle of the table. “We are going to start sorting out your brother estate and assets “Now” I asked in disbelief “Yes per your mother request”. Still not understanding the urgency I pressed further “Why so soon?” I said.” I have something important to take care of so I asked mom and dad to move it up” jade answered nonchalantly “what could possibly be so important that were doing this the day of our brothers funeral “I gritted out finding myself becoming angry. Sensing this Arielle reached over taking my hand in hers giving it a light squeeze “I have a trip I'll be going on we didn't want to move the dates” jade shrugged.” A DAMN TRIP!! WERE GRIEVING AND YOU HAVE NO CONCERN OR REGARD FOR ME OR FOR ARRIELLE. MY BROTHER ISNT EVEN IN THE GROUND GOOD AND YOU’RE WORRIED ABOUT A TRIP AND IF WE CALL IT LIKE IT IS YOU’RE WONDERING WHAT YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON FUCKING SELF-” 
“JOSELYNN TAYLOR, YOU MIND YOUR MOUTH IN MY HOME I DIDNT RAISE YOU TO BE DISRESPECTFUL AND WE AREN'T GOING TO START NOW “My mom interrupted slamming her hand down on the table. “Dad” I turned to him secretly pleading for him to jump to my defense but as always nothing.” Josie, I get that you’re upset I do but let's just rip the band aid off and get this over with” he said pulling his reading glasses on his face. Meanwhile jade's face held a victorious smirk, and I wanted nothing more than to put it through some dry wall “The lawyers drew up the paperwork dividing the assets based on Jordan's will. He had a one hundred fifty-thousand-dollar life insurance policy that will be divided fourways between his parents, two sisters and fiancé Arrielle. His dodge challenger he left to his sister Jade Taylor while rest the remaining vehicles will go to his fiancé Arrielle Rodriguez” From the side of my eye I could see jade smiling. “As for his properties he leaves the townhome located in California 9870 Blancas Blvd. in Anaheim to Arrielle and lastly, the ranch house located at 1600 rose ridge rd here in Dallas Texas as well as the 8 acres surrounding it” My dad paused taking a moment to catch his breath as my sister sat up in her chair ready “ will be left to his sister Joselynn Taylor” he finished laying the paper on the table. Jade scoffed snatching up the paper reading it not believing what she's heard. I sat in shock looking over at Arrielle who nodded confirming it for me.
“ Me and Jordan decided to create a backup plan in case of a worst-case scenario. Never thought id actually have to execute it. We thought it'd be best if I moved back to Cali to be closer to my parents and family for support, the house is way too much for me and kaizen by ourselves and besides it would be a painful reminder to our son “she stated fighting tears. “He thought you were the most deserving seeing as your in school and jade has support from your parents figured it would be the best for you” ari said. "But that's not fair I got plenty of cars that's nothing can't you do something” Jade complained her turn now to plead with our parents. My mother diverted her attention now to me “Josie can't you switch it's not like you need it. You’re single, no kids unlike your sister who's been in a three-year relationship with Darien and expecting “she tried to reason while sneakily throwing jabs at me. I let my eyes dance between my parents and jade reading their body language. It was true. "You -your pregnant” I stuttered as a began to internally crack “Yes it was confirmed yesterday at the doctors. Four weeks along I think Darien is more excited than me” jade beamed getting a kick at seeing me squirm at the news “you know I could refer you to our doctor he could possibly help with that sour ass womb of yours” she bragged tossing her hair over her shoulder. I could feel my throat begin to close up as tears were now flowing down my face “Jade that's messed up and out of pocket l what is that to say to someone? You just be lucky your ungrateful behind received anything your words are uncalled for” Arrielle jumped in taking to my defense “thanks Arri for taking up for me, dad I can't do this I gotta go” I stood abruptly pushing myself away from the table storming out of the house hoping into my car speeding off.
I drove with no destination until my crying turned into dry heaving processing the news. Not only did I have to take my sister snatching my relationship with Darien from under me but now I have the pleasure to watch them start a family one that should've been mine. A shitty way to rub salt in the wound. Ten minutes passed by before the sound of coco jones ICU blared through the car's speaker. Taking a quick glance at the car screen. I see my favorite cousin India name displaying. I may not have had a sister relationship with Jade, but I did find one with India. If I wasn't with Jordan I was with her. Three musketeers. I tapped answer “hey India wassup” I asked trying to mask the fact I was just crying “Honey I should be asking you that seeing the way you just ran out of here what happened”. I sighed “It's a long story “I stated “ wanna talk about it over some drinks at dukes “she offered ‘ooh please link with you at 8” I replied “see you then” she agreed
I tossed back my second shot of tequila squeezing my eyes closed as the clear liquid burned my chest India taking the chance to laugh at my facial expressions. “Thats no ordinary liquor “ I coughed “ Yeah but your ass needs it , now do you want to tell me what happened back at uncle Melvins” she said getting straight to business “ Where to start let's see that bitch jades greedy ass talked to my mom to convince her to push up sorting out Jordans affairs disregarding the fact were hurting, the only good and surprising thing was Jordan left a house to me but of course jade with help from my mom couldn't let that slide nooo they had to degrade me and spring on me that jades pregnant by Darien, Jade finished with saying she can refer me to her doc for my quote sour womb” I rambled with air quotes causing India to spit out her drink “ I know you fucking lying” she blurted “I Wish I was “ I chuckled darkly signaling the bartender for another round “so are we dragging her now or later” she asked in all seriousness “ we can't she's pregnant” I retorted “ AND her face aint her lip would have been swole before she could leave the house” India shook her head completely dumbfounded “I'm honestly in a space of being mentally exhausted it feels like I've had the worst luck of the draw. I can't seem to maintain anything good “I said “Josie Girl, I love you but were gonna gone head and shut your self pity party down. Sure you're going through some shit right now but it's not the end of the world. Your smart as hell ,On your way to becoming a nurse, fine as hell with a fat ass” she joked giving my behind a poke causing me to laugh “besides there's nothing you've lost that can't be regained Darien left but he aint the only man left in the world. You just got to find the right one for you one that slangs the meat” she said gyrating “oh my god dee must you do that in public and why so loud” I said covering my face in embarrassment “ I don't care you need some but first you have to stop running them away” she teased. ”it's not my fault they can't handle me “I shrugged leaning against the bar. She wouldn't call it running them off more so like weeding out the bad. Joselynn was tough overall to crack. Her hard exterior was difficult to get through. She was already to some degree antisocial so to get a conversation from her was a blessing. Even then you had to be engaging enough to hold her attention both in and out of the bedroom as she got bored easily. She wasn't one to just settle for anything as the slightest misstep/red flag and you were gone. Joselynn knew part of it was due to Darien.” you need to come with a sign that says you bite” She teased tooting her lips up at me as I shoved her slightly laughing. Before I respond Tamia’s Can't Get Enough came over the bar's speaker causing hoops and yells to erupt. Instinctively me and India made our way over to where the line dance started joining in. I was grateful for the distraction India provided and the peace she managed to bring. We continued throughout the night to dance to a few more songs take a few more drinks to the head before deciding to call it a night. Stumbling into the house I kicked my shoes off at the door making my way to my bedroom struggling to find the light. I went to take a seat on my bed seeing both a letter and a manilla envelope. The envelope from my dad the letter from Jordan. My hands trembled slightly gripping the letter not wanting to pull myself back into a state of hurt. I sat the letter to the side grabbing the envelope ripping it open out tumbling out a set of keys, inside the deed to the house and a small note from my father  
Josie i'm sorry for earlier on behalf of your mother and sister inside is the deed for the house the keys as well as the address I love you always pops 
Part of me was still angry but I had a soft spot for my dad and he knew that. Officially tired I sat the paperwork on the side table stripping my clothes and turning off the light, deciding to shower in the morning. It wasn't long till sleep overtook me.
A month had passed since the day of the funeral and I had tried to bury the emotions of Jordan being gone so much that I buried myself in other things to keep my mind occupied. Working at the hospital being a CNA provided some distraction and what my job didn’t cover in the distraction field schooling took care of the rest. In its own way they also provided me an excuse and shielding from my unrelenting mother who still made it her business to call pestering me to rethink my decision about the home. I won’t. It was one thing I had power over, and I wouldn't relinquish it so easily. For the first two weeks of his passing I went back and forth on whether or not I would actually move into the home not feeling quite right about it but after starting to feel like things were becoming stagnant decided it was best to move. I slowly drove up the light graveled path mouth dropping at the sight of the house that sat nestled at the end of the dirt road. It was a stunning two-story ranch style house with a wraparound porch. Coming into a stop I tossed the boxed moving truck into park hopping down to get a better look at the home “this is gorgeous “India stated walking up after parking her car. “I agree can't believe he left this for me” I marveled taking it all in “well believe it toots now let's gawk at it from the inside we got work to do” she declared holding her hand out for the truck keys. Dropping them into her hands she went to grab the first box as I went to open the door. The interior was just as beautiful as the exterior. The multicolored stone walls paired well with the mahogany hardwood floors and high ceilings. The set up with the furniture accented well no doubt due to Arrielle's careful selection when they were here.” Girl this is neeiceeee it don't smell like roaches in here or nothing "India shouted carrying in one of the boxes “You don't have the sense you were born with” I chuckled at her reference to girls trip “you ready to get this over with”. She groaned knowing just like me how long of a process unpacking was going to be. Without another moment of hesitation we jumped in getting started.
After what felt like years later I folded the last of my clothes, placing them away as India flopped on my bed groaning. “ I hate your don't need a man for shit mentality that was horrible” she grumbled “ It wasn't that bad” I giggled plopping down beside her “ Like hell it wasn't my ass is going to be hurting for days” she countered “I'll make it up to you I promise” I teased pinching her cheek “ yes you will tonight I want dinner fried chicken, mac the works” she responded smacking my hand away sitting up on her elbows “ Your joking” I asked not knowing if she was serious or not “nope I'm serious”. “Dee I don't feel like it” I whined “tough shit” she said not wavering. She was just as stubborn as I was.” Fine but you're getting the groceries” I huffed out relenting. “Cool with me I'm gonna go home shower then i'll swing back”. She jumped up grabbing her keys walking out. Taking this as an opportunity I grabbed a t-shirt and underwear from my drawer walking into the large master bathroom. I turned on the shower allowing the warm water to run relaxing my tense muscles strained by the lifting. After I finished I got dressed walking back in the room looking for my phone realizing I must have left it downstairs. Making my way to the stairs I could see the light from the living room reflecting on the wall. I figured India may have left it on that was until it flicked off. I froze on the top stair as my mind began to race, trying to rationalize what I saw. Maybe it was India. No, she wouldn't be back that quick. Maybe it was a blown fuse but a scared part of me didn't want to chance it. Tip toeing back upstairs I looked for something to use as a weapon eyes landing on the hammer I had used earlier to hang photos. Clutching it tight I slowly crepted downstairs the only noise was the sound of my heart thumping in my ears. Rounding the corner I froze seeing a figure standing a few feet away in the doorway the moonlight highlighted their 5’8 figure while providing shade from their face. Fear momentarily fueling me I got ready to charge forward when someone grabbed hold of my wrist twisting it causing my grip on the hammer to loosen eventually dropping it. Not having time to process what was happening I was grabbed and flipped on my back pinned down by the larger party. Still I struggled against the intruder managing to momentarily free my arm. I drew my arm back throwing blows anywhere they would land this didn't do anything but piss the person of as I was lifted slightly from the floor and slammed back down causing me to yelp in pain. Panic set in flooding through my nervous system. “TERRY WAIT SHIT I THINK THAT'S A WOMAN” a voice cut through from the other side. The lights flicked on seconds later giving me the chance now to get a look at the intruders. The one by the door stubbled faced held panic as he too assessed our current situation. Remembering the heavy weight at my midsection my eyes shot to the one who had me pinned. My breath hitched in my throat.
His honey kissed face glared back down at me while his plump lips twisted up in a snarl. His chiseled arms flexed as he kept me held in place but the most defining thing however. His eyes. A beautiful pool of blue gray encircling hints of hazel and green something similar to a painter who accidentally had his watercolor paints blending together into a perfect mess. “If I let you go do you promise to not do anything stupid” his baritone voice questioned snapping me from my awkward eye raping. I nodded in response. He stood pulling me effortlessly up with him. “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?” I asked finding my voice coming back as I rubbed my now sore shoulder. “I'm Mike that's terry" the one from the doorway answered “sorry if we scared you” he said sheepishly. “Scared is an understatement and that still doesn't answer why you're here or why I shouldn't be calling the cops for breaking and entering and assault” I fussed through gritted teeth. Still not saying much since turning me loose the one name terry walked past me grabbing something from his bag on the floor walking back over to me handing me a piece of paper. Jordans handwriting.
Hey T if you're receiving this letter it's because I'm dead. It's funny thinking on it seeing as the squad always joked calling me mister invincible but yet here I am gone. I thank you for always being there for me since meeting you you've always been like a brother to me rather than a fellow marine in arms. Given our prior conversation about your situation, I wanted to do one thing for you. I offer you T a place of solitude if you ever need to get away the address is listed below keys are hidden in the porch light fixture. Continue to be great .. I love ya man  
                                                          Jordan signing out for the last time 
I looked up at him handing the letter back to him. "You knew my brother” I said feeling the wave of his death rushing back again. I watched as his face widened in realization of who I was. “Yes we served together. I apologize for roughing you up I didn't realize you were Jordans sister. I thought you might have been someone that had broken in”. I nodded understanding. “it's fine I thought the same” I said calming down. “Look we don't want to crowd your space and sorry for the intrusion. I didn't think anyone would be here. Your brother as you can see failed to mention you moving in we will leave” Terry said signaling for mike to grab their bags. I sighed looking towards the ceiling having an internal battle with myself and before I could stop myself the words flew from my mouth “You can stay”
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What I really like about when you draw characters interacting or like- talking, you always manage to make them look so natural. Sometimes in comics artists make their characters look really stiff and unnatural when they talk to each other because they're not really doing anything and just kindof standing around. But when I look at your comics I never feel that awkwardness, because the characters are always doing something else with their hands. Like in your new comic with Ford holding the pigeon, but even in your older stuff I see it too. I think it's really cool how you manage to shove so much personality into a few panels.
I think a neat rule of thumb for me is just to always have the hands in frame and busy! Whether they just be holding something, doing something, or just gesturing. The way i see it, hands have a lot of personality and they help breathe some life into the characters :) Especially considering most of my comics are just characters floating in the empty white void. If you can't use the scenery to your advantage, use the body language, yaknow!
Not to mention, it's a perfect way to establish dynamics between characters. Show don't tell and whatnot. It's like including an additional story that can either compliment the scene from the background or help guide it.
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honeypine-the-parrot · 12 days ago
Avian OC ideas
Initially intended for BoundSMP enjoyers, but applicable to anyone who wants to make a bird guy
Mockingbird who unintentionally copies the vocal quirks/accents of whoever they're talking to
Kiwi - flightless bb we love them
Goose - hell yeah
Osprey - they're just very cool
Heron / Crane / Egret
Peregrine falcon - necessitating a third round of races against Ash and Sylph
Any seabirds or waterfowl
Loon / Grebe
Quail (the beloved)
Cassowary >:)
Albatross / Vulture (shout out to Turtle :3) - very good at cruising over the void for long periods of time
Pelican - yk what? hell yeah. Extra inventory slot in their throat pouch
Shrike - songbird which famously spears its prey on thorns. Known to hunt other small birds.
Turkey / Pheasant / Grouse
Prairie Chicken - not at all what you're expecting. Would be cool as a very chill cottagecore guy
Swallow - such a lovely bird, op is a swallow enjoyer
Secretary bird - the cuntiest bird to ever exist. Kills snakes for fun. Would definitely be friends with Gaverin. Bird of prey, 100% willing to kill a man
Harpy Eagle - Most likely to eat a human child
Condor - huge fucking bird. Wingspan of almost ten feet. We love condors in this household.
Turkey vulture - they look spooky but are actually very chill. We like them a lot.
Plover / Sandpiper - I just like plovers a lot. Every day is leg day for them.
Puffin - just a great bird overall
Pigeon / Dove - Very chill bird, lots of fun colors and patterns to play with
Owls - I know Pietro is an owl, but there are actually tons of different owls, including those cactus guys. Fucking love them.
Nightjar / Frogmouth - Arguably the most fucked-up looking birds. They are so genuinely unsettling, I love them.
Finch / Wren / Sparrow / Robin / Tit / Thrush / Phoebe / Oriole / Lark / Blackbird / Bluebird / Chickadee / Warbler
Fairy Wren - nothing can prepare you for how great this bird is
Starling / Crow / Jay
Lyrebird / Bird of Paradise / Bowerbird
Toucan - Very fresh and interesting bird option
Woodpecker - 10/10 for silliness
Parrot / Macaw / Cockatoo / Lorikeet / Lovebird / Rosella / Cockatiel / Budgie
Kea - I refuse to gatekeep this bird. They are full of criminal intent. I almost named myself after them. Best bird in show.
Cuckoo - iykyk
special mention to Archaeopteryx, first bird ever and my absolute beloved
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withleeknow · 11 months ago
Can I req something for the milestone event with lee know using this prompt „time passes slower without you.”? ✨
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navigation / masterlist / ko-fi
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patience is a virtue, everybody knows that.
you know it too. the only issue? patience is a virtue that you don't have.
you're an impatient person by nature, born with an inherent restlessness within your bones that keys you up more often than you'd like to admit. in school, you were always thinking about your next degree. with work, you're always thinking about the next big thing, the future position you'll hopefully land once you gain enough experience. you're always waiting for something else, constantly looking forward to the days ahead instead of living in the now. it's a personal flaw, you're well aware of this.
it happens when it comes to even the most mundane things. what cafe should you try next weekend, even if you're not even half done with the caramel macchiato you're holding in your hands? what movie should you watch next, even if the one playing on your tv screen hasn't gone into its second act yet?
your impatience already flares up on a daily basis, but it's even more amplified and unbearable whenever minho is away. it doesn't help that he's often gone for weeks, if not months on end. you're always counting down the days until he's back before he's even out the door.
"just one more week, yeah?"
his words hang heavy in the silence of your bedroom. your phone is on speaker, set against the pillow next to yours so you could pretend like he's here with you when you close your eyes. you try to facetime every day even if it's only for fifteen, twenty minutes. just to catch up on each other's day and at least see each other for a while before you go to sleep. it's bittersweet, being able to look at him and hear him talk but only from the digital void of your phone.
even though you tend to hide from him how you really feel, how much you actually miss him and wish for him to be back by your side, you think it must still bleed through from time to time. be it the subtle way your voice drops during conversation or how your eyes glaze over with sadness just a little bit when you stare at his handsome face for too long on video call.
you know minho is trying to comfort you. he wouldn't be a very good partner if he can't tell that his own girlfriend is having a hard time without him, would he? and it's not like you bitch and moan any chance you get. no, you always try to hide it from him because it's not his fault that he has to be away sometimes, not like he's choosing to leave you just for the fun of it.
you know his gentle reminder is meant to mitigate your ache, but it only makes you be more aware of how time doesn't seem to pass when he's not here. the clock stops ticking the second he's gone, and you feel like you have to drag yourself through every minute of every hour and repeat the process for days and weeks and months.
"one week is too long," you say quietly. "time passes slower without you."
seven days. one hundred and sixty eight hours. ten thousand and eighty minutes. it's practically nothing compared to the time that has already passed, but that doesn't mean that you get to miss him any less even though it's only a two-hour flight away.
minho doesn't really reply directly to what you said. instead, he tries to distract you with anecdotes of his day - like a funny looking pigeon he saw on the street earlier or a cute photo of soonie that his mom sent him. it works a little. he considers it a success when you crack a smile and giggle at his theatrics.
he keeps the conversation light until you're biting back a yawn and he knows it's time to let you get some rest. even when you're saying your goodnights, neither of you mention what day it'll be tomorrow. you're sure that in the morning you'll wake up to messages from him - not entirely poetic because it's not his specialty, but they'll still be infinitely and wonderfully sincere. you don't bring it up in case he feels guilty, and you think he doesn't bring it up because the reminder that he won't be here might make you sleep restlessly tonight.
you fall asleep with a little bit of a heavy heart, and wake up when the sound of your doorbell ringing fills your apartment at precisely 7:06am. the other side of the bed still cold and devoid of your minho, but it's not the first thing that you notice like you do every morning.
no, the first thing that you register today is the vivid discomfort of having your peace disturbed so early on when it should be a day that you get to spend feeling nothing but comfort and contentment. or at least, as content as you can get without minho here. you carry that irritation with you all the way to the front door, wild bedhead and all.
the door swings open.
you're a deer in the headlights and suddenly your displeasure is vanished, gone in a second like it was never there to begin with.
a sheepish greeting.
you rub your eyes, then pinch yourself on the arm.
you're not really sure what happens next. it's all just a blur of tears and ugly sobbing as you launch yourself into his arms, almost making him knock into the suitcase that's still perched right beside him. the bouquet of peonies in his hand becomes an unfortunate victim as it falls to the floor after the impact, but minho leaves it be, in favor of holding you as tightly as you're holding onto him.
his fingers tangled in your hair, your arms wound around his neck securely like you're afraid you're still dreaming and he'll disappear if you let go. you don't question why he's here; you just accept that he is.
minho peppers warm kisses to your cheeks, your jawline, your forehead and your lips. it's graceless and it's damp from your tears but neither of you could bring yourself to care. he murmurs with an upward quirk of his mouth where he's pressing his smile to your lips, all affection, all love. "happy birthday, baby."
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken @extrhotjne @caitxx1 @palindrome969 @todorokiskitten @azuna-sz @meanergreener @nxzz-skz @jazziwritesthings @poutypoutybin @bookyeom @jisuperboard @wyzminho @amarecerasus @channection @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @judeduartewannabe @chanshyunjin @firelordtsuki @astronomicallyyy @alm334 @lashaemorow (italicized = can't tag)
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 28.03.2024]
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merafanbrainthatmerafans · 11 days ago
can you do some shinso stuff por favor 🙏
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Yes, so this took a real while to do, so it's probs the last post for today. I hope you enjoy it because my Merafan brain took its precious time to figure something out <333
The Slowest Burn Crush Ever
Shinsou does not fall in love easily. He doesn’t get silly, fleeting crushes—he gets mild admiration that, over time, slowly morphs into something deeper. It starts with him noticing how capable you are, how you treat people, how you talk. It’s never about appearances for him—it’s about who you are.
At first, he’ll think, Yeah, they’re cool. Then it turns into I like being around them. Then one day, it hits him out of nowhere—Oh. I actually like them. Like, a lot. And when that realization finally dawns on him, he just sits there, staring into the void like, Well. This is inconvenient.
The worst part? He does not know how to handle it. He doesn’t get all flustered like some people—he just doesn’t know what to do with his feelings. So, he doesn’t confess right away. Instead, he just keeps treating you the same way, though maybe with more subtle actions—standing a little closer, paying more attention to your words, remembering details about you that even you forgot you mentioned. It’s not until someone points out that he obviously likes you that he even thinks about doing something about it.
Acts of Service Over Words
Shinsou isn’t bad with words, but when it comes to expressing his feelings? Yeah, that’s where he struggles. Compliments? They don’t come naturally to him. He won’t tell you every day that you look amazing or that he loves you—he’s just not that guy.
What is he good at? Actions. If you’re tired, he’ll pass you his scarf without saying a word. If you mention in passing that you like a certain snack, it’ll magically appear in your bag the next day. If you’re stressed, he’ll wordlessly slide a warm drink into your hands. And if you’re ever feeling unsafe? Yeah. He’s already handling it before you even have to say anything.
He thinks he’s being subtle about it, but it’s so obvious that he cares. He may not say “I love you” all the time, but his actions scream it.
Sleep-Deprived & Unbothered™
Shinsou is running on about three hours of sleep and sheer determination at all times. It’s impressive how he manages to function like that. He’s practically Aizawa’s sleepy, half-conscious mini-me. He can nap anywhere—on the couch, at his desk, standing up against a wall, on you.
If you’re sitting next to him and playing with his hair? Congrats, you just activated instant sleep mode. He will not fight it. He’s the type to casually drape an arm around you or just let you lean against him like it’s no big deal when, in reality, he’s so comfortable he doesn’t want to move.
Unhinged Half-Asleep Thoughts™
When Shinsou is seconds away from unconsciousness, his brain just malfunctions. He will casually say the most unhinged things with zero warning:
"Do you think pigeons have government jobs?"
"What if your reflection is just waiting for the right moment to switch places with you?"
"Would you still love me if I was a psychic worm?"
"What if we’re actually the aliens and we just don’t know?"
You’ll be lying there, all cozy and warm, and then he drops something like that. And the worst part? He never remembers saying any of it. The next morning, when you bring it up, he’ll just blink at you like, "I said that? Huh. Sounds like something I’d say."
Death Glare Supreme
Shinsou doesn’t need to be loud or aggressive to be intimidating—his glare is enough to make people reconsider their entire existence.
If someone ever makes you uncomfortable, he doesn’t yell, he doesn’t throw a fit—he just stares. That deadpan, sleep-deprived, completely unimpressed glare that makes people feel like they’ve just been judged by the universe itself. And it works every time.
The person will immediately back off, apologize, and probably question their life choices. Meanwhile, Shinsou will go right back to whatever he was doing, completely unbothered, sipping his coffee like nothing happened.
Scarf Grab – No Escape Allowed
If you dare steal something from him—his phone, his coffee, his hoodie—or, even worse, steal a kiss and try to run? Yeah. That scarf is coming for you.
One second, you think you’re getting away, and the next? You’re being yanked right back into his arms.
"You really thought you could escape?" (smug smirk, arms crossed).
He’ll let you go… eventually. But not before making you suffer through his smuggest, most insufferable expression ever.
Playing with his hair? Hell yah
Shinsou lets you do whatever you want with his hair. Mess with it, braid it, put in clips—he doesn’t care. Until you give him a front ponytail.
At first, he’s totally fine with it. "Yeah, whatever." Five minutes later? "Wait. No. I can’t sleep. My hair isn’t in my face. Fix it."
He likes the weight of his hair covering his face when he sleeps. It’s comforting. So while he’ll humor you and let you mess with it all you want, just don’t expect it to last long.
Gift-Giving God
Shinsou remembers everything you say, even when he looks like he’s not paying attention. You mention liking a certain kind of chocolate? It’s in your bag the next day. Casually say you wish you had a specific book or hoodie? Guess what magically appears in your hands.
And the most dangerous part? He plays it off like it’s no big deal.
"It’s not a big deal. I just remembered."
LIES. He planned it weeks in advance because he loves seeing you happy.
Cuddle? Oh, Absolutely.
Shinsou pretends to be indifferent, but the second you curl up against him? He’s done for. He lives for quiet, peaceful moments where he can just exist next to you. If you play with his hair while he dozes off? Congratulations, you just became his personal sleep aid.
He won’t say how much he loves it, but it’s obvious—especially when he subconsciously pulls you closer or leans into your touch without thinking.
Final Verdict:
Shinsou Hitoshi is dangerously boyfriend material. He’s smug, intimidating, and effortlessly cool—but also the softest, most secretly affectionate person ever. He won’t drown you in compliments or dramatic love confessions, but everything he does makes it clear that he’s completely in love with you.
And now? You’re stuck with him. 😤💜
Gods I hope it's worth the waiting T^T
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A friend of mine just pointed this out (someone’s probably already posted about this, but I haven’t seen it so) but this guy is just, in the background of some of Ranboo’s thumbnails for Generation Loss on his RanbooLive channel. There are many reasons this guy can be here. The main ones we focused on were this guy possibly being someone (important?) in Generation Loss (Showfall employee, the founder, Hetch maybe?) or this is just some random man that the creator of the thumbnails put in to either throw people off or just because it was funny. Idk, that’s really all we talked about. There are probably other reasons but we only talked about these before moving on. Just thought I’d talk about it.
Edit: alright, I have been informed it might just be Ethan Winters and there are a bunch of other little guys in thumbnails and the artist apparently just does this. My bad, I know literally nothing on the internet.
To the next person to like this and remind me of it: I will pull a Ranboo and eat your children.
Edit: @samsclubhotdogs, you had better watch out. Your day of reckoning shall arrive.
@spiderwebsinzibbyshead, @brockendrems, @smallworld334, @bonemeal12, @moth-souppp, @void-speaks, @noels-nebula, @zeros-tmntbrainrot, @moobswithsoup, @shadowflayeronlyfans, @goofytaylor, do not test me. Count your days.
@whiteeyesandtina. Despite the clear warnings, you all seem to continue. You all shall regret this.
@blue0909, @smile458, @jaz-oline, why do I even try?
@i-am-very-confuse, sleep with one eye open.
@tobyfobywoahby, you all are quite daring. I respect it. Mostly.
@wheatleyinabox, I don’t know why, but I like your name. You will be spared. For now.
@unnmedauthr, why. Just- why. Do any of you have any self preservation!?
I must now create a list for any future victims targets, I suppose.
@cas-mentalynothereeee, @oxidantdreamboat, @spinspoon, @fuzzyoctarian, @whoreraccoon, @unknown-and-invisible, @morticuz, @just-call-me-jackson, @pigeons-with-jello, @soapychickenn, @himxa, @hcrystal02, @m00nnition, @sillylegoman, @marcothepinata, @arsonistbeee, @definatelynot6stackedrats, @v01dw4tch3r, @sensitive-little-frog, @cactibraindump, @lunaeclipse1057, @medeivalpencil, @ill-beyour-captain, @thebritishteacup
*sigh* Unfortunately, it will remain unfinished, as Tumblr will not cooperate with me. 😔 truly so sad.
This is getting difficult to keep track of.
I believe I may have made a grave error.
To @spinspoon, you are… forgiven. I guess.
@moonb34r, @justherefornothing1, @louddragonhoagiehero, @road-stripe, @dreams-and-legends, go on, don’t be afraid, turn your location on, I just want to talk.
You idiots, I have reached the limit of mentions, what the fuck.
I am going to kill a man.
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flightfoot · 1 month ago
What's Going On?! - Prologue
Marinette played with her pencil as her eyes drifted to the back of Adrien’s head. Even after a couple of months, she still had trouble talking to him. Need to figure out how to defeat a Pigeon Man using a coin? Easy street. Telling Adrien that she liked him? She’d rather die.
Right. Need to keep a better grasp on that pencil. She was pretty sure it’d fallen into her purse at least, which was convenient for retrieval. Hopefully it didn’t hit poor Tikki–
She brought her purse up to her desk, fishing through it more urgently. Her purse wasn’t that big, and Tikki wasn’t that small. She shouldn’t be able to miss her kwami!
“Marinette, are you missing something?” Ms. Bustier asked.
She blushed. “Oh, uh. Just my pencil. Sorry, it fell off my desk. I’ve got it now though!” She held it up.
Ms. Bustier nodded. “Very good.”
Where could Tikki have gone? Sure, staying in her purse for the entire school day must get boring, but she was normally there! Why would she leave?
~In a nearby classroom~
“Plagg, we shouldn’t be wandering around like this! What if our Holders need us?”
“Relax, Sugarcube, we’re only gonna be gone for a few minutes. They’re in class, how much could go wrong?” Plagg flew over to a plate of cheese. “This magically reappearing cheese isn’t going to eat itself!”
Tikki groaned.
Oh man, if an akuma attacked now–
Footsteps running through the halls.
Ooooooh crap.
“Why is everyone making a ruckus out there?” Ms. Bustier questioned, looking at the window.
Marinette had a few guesses. She didn’t have the time to verbalize any of them.
The door slammed open, and a giant… was that a purple teletubby? From that freaky American show for toddlers? Yeesh, girl got screwed worse than Nino had. At least the Bubbler still had human proportions, and didn’t look like some baby space alien.
“I am Teleoracle!” the unfortunate Akuma victim announced. “And I am here to show you your futures! No one else will know the pain of breaking a promise they didn’t know they’d be unable to keep.”
Okay, clearly a story there. It’d be nice to find that out, but she doubted it’d actually matter much, fightwise. She’d never been able to talk someone out of being an akuma before, despite her best efforts. Seemed unlikely that her first success would be with someone she didn’t even know. 
Well, probably didn’t know. She didn’t recognize the voice at least. Her appearance was so warped, it was hard to tell who she might be. She was only assuming Teleoracle was a girl based on her voice, her physical appearance was impossible to gender.
More importantly, she needed to get out of here and find Tikki. She just needed to avoid being a victim of whatever this akuma could do–
Teleoracle’s TV was lighting up. That couldn’t be good.
Okay, so it was probably going to display some kind of beam attack. Just need to duck and move quickly to dodge the beam–
The light flashed over the entire classroom, and suddenly, she was somewhere else. Seemed that Teleoracle’s power worked similarly to Pixelator’s, with being able to trap anyone caught in the flash in some sort of pocket dimension. This one was more interesting than Pixelator’s at least. Instead of being a blank white void, it was composed of a large, off-white, circular room with warm, dim lighting, and multiple bean bag chairs, armchairs, and sofas, all facing a large TV screen embedded in the wall.
All that seating would probably be needed, given that she wasn’t the only one transported here. Her entire class – Kim, Max, Nathaniel, Mylene, Ivan, Rose, Juleka, Alya, Nino, Adrien, Alix,  Chloe, and Sabrina – had been teleported with her.
Odd. Normally she’d expect this kind of akuma to teleport each of them to their own individual vision of the future. What kind of set-up would work for displaying all of their futures? Assuming that’s what was going to happen, anyway. That would make sense with the TV. 
Maybe they’d all take turns having their futures displayed? She hoped not, that could take awhile. Chat was still out there so maybe he could defeat the akuma, but he still wouldn’t be able to set everything right.
“Awww, I wanted to record the akuma!” Alya complained. “I only got a few seconds of footage before she zapped us.”
“You shouldn’t be running after akumas anyway, it’s not safe!” Marinette complained. The info Alya provided through her blog was invaluable, but she hated how much danger Alya put herself in to get it. At least she was able to protect her friend, that was the whole reason she became Ladybug in the first place.
“Don’t worry, Ladybug and Chat Noir are always there to save the day!” Alya declared. She looked around. “Guess we’ll just have to wait for them to take Teleoracle down. Not the worst place for an akuma to have sent us. At least we have nice seats.” She took out her phone and frowned. “No reception though.”
“If they take long enough, we might get to skip the school day!” Kim noted hopefully. His face fell. “Aww, but if they take too long, I’ll miss meeting up with Ondine after school.” He looked at the ceiling and yelled. “Ladybug, Chat Noir! Wait five hours before taking down Teleoracle, but don’t wait much longer than that!”
“There’s no way they can hear you,” Max told him. “We don’t appear to even be in the same dimension as them. Sound waves are not going to travel from wherever we are, back to Paris.”
Well there was no way Chat could hear them. Unbeknownst to Max, Ladybug could hear Kim just fine. “I doubt it’ll be that long,” she said. “Chat Noir will– Adrien?”
He looked up, startled. “I’m not Chat Noir!”
“Of course not!” She would never make that sort of mistake. Alya might have proposed that once, but it was a ridiculous idea. Chat Noir was a goofball! He wasn’t a reserved, dignified, but surprisingly sincere and emotionally vulnerable gentleman like Adrien was. “I was just wondering whether you’d lost something.” She’d seen him messing around with his jacket, looking in an inside pocket for something.
“Oh, it was nothing,” he said hastily. “Just a small toy I lost. I’m sure it’ll turn up later. It’d better,” he mumbled the last part quietly.
She’d have to be on the look out for that.
Alya elbowed her. “If you find it, you’ll have an excuse to visit his house to return it!” she whispered. 
Marinette blushed. Once this was over, she’d scour the classroom floor. She couldn’t let him lose something he clearly cared about so much. And having an excuse to drop by the mansion was a nice bonus – assuming that the secretary would let her in, anyway.
The screen flickered on.
“Looks like it’s starting,” Alya noted, making her way to one of the bean bag chairs. 
Everyone else made their way to their own seat, sometimes solo, and sometimes combined seating. Marinette took one of the bean bag chairs herself, those things were comfy.
Time to see what the future held, she guessed.
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trailmixedup · 8 months ago
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Smoke season is upon us. The sky looks down at us and sneers. We caused this and now we must reap what we have sown.
Idk this just gave intense Magnus vibes so I’m posting it lol
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angelynmoon · 2 years ago
More Eldritch Steve, (I really do need to name this Au) because I couldn't leave you hanging like that.
Thank you for all your guesses.
Part 7
Wayne knows that Steve is Other the moment he sees him, he's always had a sense for these things, ever since he was young.
He knew, long before Eddie's father stole his first candy bar, that the man was a bad egg, knew that he'd end up dead or in jail, the man was lucky that he got caught by the police before Wayne could get at him for what he'd done to Eddien he was lucky he was safe in jail and Wayne made sure the man knew it.
But Wayne doesn't say anything, never has, no one but the old bloods would believe him, if he had cared to, the Harrington name carried too much weight, not that it mattered, Emilia Harrington would protect her son until the day she died, Steve had chosen his family wisely.
But Wayne knew, and he could see Steve look at him and know that Wayne knew what he was.
Wayne saw his considering look, the way he nodded like it explained so much, and perhaps it did, at least for Steve.
But Steve said nothing, shook Wayne's hand with a small, close mouthed smile, nonthreatening, almost welcoming even.
And Wayne couldn't help smiling back, wide mouthed and threatening because he didn't care what Steve had done to protect Eddie, he was still the boy's father, more than his blood one had ever been, and he had to make sure Steve understood that.
Steve merely tilted his head in a nod and looked at the teenaged children playing that game Eddie was so fond on in the center of Steve's living room.
"We're the last." Steve told Wayne, softly, "I killed the rest for killing my spawn, I understand."
Wayne looked at Steve, really looked at him and saw what he'd been before Wayne had left the Down Below so long ago.
Small, unassuming creature, the one that liked demobats and demogorgans, easy meal, the thought ran through Wayne's mind, as it had so many times before.
But all things had a breaking point, all things had that one thing they would destroy worlds for.
Wayne nodded as Steve looked at Eddie with something akin to love in his eyes, it wasn't the same as a human's love, no theirs was deeper, more possessive, thier love was dangerous in ways only a human psycopath's love was, obsessive and eternal.
Eddie would never be permitted to have another, and Steve would never let him leave him, their kind may not need another to spawn but when they paired it was for life.
Oh, Wayne was going to have to have a talk with Eddie, one he had hoped never to have.
Eddie may not be Wayne's blood but Wayne had raised him, it made sense that Eddie would attract Steve.
Like calls to like afterall.
A/n; i need you all to know that i did not even consider Argyle because in my head they met when Jonathan and the rest of the Cali Crew arrived, but i can see it.
The other one was always Wayne to me, and part of me is pleased that he wasn't anyone's guess because yeah.
Also that throwaway comment he made about nothing human being able to do that to Chrissy made me think that maybe he knows things, thus Eldritch Wayne, I'm not tagging it so people can be shocked.
@addelyin @merricatty @lesbiabrobin @apuckishwit @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @darkwitchoferie @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @adhdsummer @purpleanimeoverart @space-invading-pigeon @lilaclilyroses @nohomoyesbi @plantzzsandpencilzzs @korixae @subversivecynic @flusteredcas @persnicketysquares @freddykicksasses @little-trash-ghost @cupcakesnwhiskey @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta
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blueikeproductions · 8 days ago
The upcoming Skybound issues for Transformers reveals Starscream’s reaction to Megatron.
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This is what I immediately thought of. ⬆️
They also tease a fight between Megatron and Astrotrain, as the two have beef in this continuity.
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Because Megatron’s blind due to the Ark crashing and a battle in Cobra-La, Laserbeak has become his seeing eye pigeon.
He’s pretty much become Garret, the hot, blind guy from Quest for Camelot, only with his Silver Winged Falcon medically hooked to his eyes so he can see. (Quest for Camelot, how’s that for a deep cut?)
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I feel like Laserbeak is muttering “Up, left, right, uppercut! No, no, no, your other right!” to Megatron on this cover.
The story promises a new group of Autobots being reactivated to help. It’s been teased in letters pages that it might be the Aerialbots.
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This could be very good or very bad, as comics tend to not treat the Aerialbots super well….
Superion doesn’t get to do much in Marvel, he dies horribly in Dreamwave, and while he survives IDW, he’s created by unknown means, he gets horribly mangled, is out on life support for the longest time, Slingshot dies, is experimented on with the Enigma that forces them to not fuse until Superion anymore, until they do to fight Unicron.
So Superion is a coin flip here, especially considering Skybound’s penchant for death.
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He’ll PROBABLY be fine. Trailbreaker isn’t dead yet and Warpath survived, so that’s something.
While the Energon Universe has been crossing over from the start, the Transformers book will start seeing more bleed over from GI Joe. The Joe prequel books still heavily involved the Transformers and Void Rivals has BECOME a proper Transformers book, but it’s sounding like this is the main book’s first proper crossover with the assembled Joes. Likewise the GI Joe book teases Hound appearing.
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Meanwhile Wreck-Gar gets to appear in Void Rivals.
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The Junkions rarely get to appear on TV anymore; Wreck-Gar’s last true appearance was Animated, with a blink and you’ll miss it cameo in RiD15. Their schtick was talking TV, which meant a mishmashing of different pop culture stuff in the 80’s, with the TFWIKI remarking the 80’s cartoon staff inadvertently predicted internet culture. Wreck-Gar spoke normally in TFA, the trade off being he was voiced by Weird Al, but it’ll be interesting to see how Skybound interprets the Junkions. They’re either going to talk TV like in the 80’s, or the staff will make them talk in cringy internet jargon. IDW sort of did both, where Wreck-Gar did talk TV, but his dialog tended to be so nonsensical it sounded like it came from an old internet chat room. So we’ll see soon enough.
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eolewyn1010 · 1 month ago
Downton Abbey Fashion 83 - festive occasions in 1925
We have three celebratory occasions this season: Mrs Hughes’ and Carson’s wedding, of which only two outfits don’t get repeated in everyday situations. Mary’s wedding to Henry Talbot, which is a little on-a-moment’s-notice affair for which also only three people bothered to get new dresses. And Edith’s wedding to Bertie Pelham. Which is poorly-lit for the most part. *sigh*
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I’m surprised Violet of all people would get a new dress for Mary’s blitz wedding. It’s a pretty typical Violet deal and also beige, but I’m slightly inclined to forgive that because the curlicue applications on her collar and lapels are gorgeous. And the little bits of darker piping set in to highlight the pattern; it looks really nice. I also get a look at the back construction and the piping that goes around there, and, while the second hat is a repeater, the one for the wedding is new, and it’s a pretty sweet deal with the black and white plumage.
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Violet’s final outfit on the show is obviously dusty Crawley purple, but she once again has a nice embroidery around the trim; I think those are black lilies. How goth of you, Violet. Other than that, silk satin, white lace blouse with a scratchy-looking neckline, and – oh, she leaves the show with a darling hat on! A new hat, I think; she didn’t wear this before Edith’s wedding, and it’s got golden leaves applications on cream and more dusty purple, plus a cute buckle and dusty pink feathers. Slay, queen. And RIP, Maggie Smith.
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Isobel’s church coats for the various weddings were repeaters, so I only have a gloomy, grainy shot of her at Edith’s reception. It’s dark grey and underwhelming, although the fabric has this look of, like, shimmering splinters? Could be voided velvet. The front has one of those deep Vs and the sleeve cuffs repeat the plain fabric, and Isobel didn’t even have the decency to wear a contrasting necklace or a showy hat. Whatevs.
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Lady Shackleton is nowhere to be seen at Edith’s wedding, but since Henry is her nephew, she’s around for his and Mary’s shindig, and she wears a goddamn beige coat. The mottled weave of it is nice enough, the collar has a cute little flowery embroidery, the hat looks like a piece of postmodern pottery with a lace trim slapped on, and the blouse she’s wearing under that coat is honest-to-god Edwardian, complete with a puffy pigeon chest. Fascinating.
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Cora has the only new outfit at Edith’s reception beside Violet. Swallowed by the beige curse, she presents this sandy dress with lace at the hem, sleeves, and making up the yoke. Nice lace; love the flower motif and the scallops. But was a color to contrast it really too much to ask? Even dusty Crawley purple would’ve done. The hat is nice enough with more lace applications and white feathers, and the collar is admittedly nifty, two ribbon ties crossing over the throat and then hanging over her shoulders down the back. Still would have preferred to talk about the lady in the background with the golden printed coat and the glorious plumage on her hat.
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Mrs Pelham has apparently learned simpering from Cora. Her outfit is boring; it’s just plain brown silk satin mostly covering a slightly more interesting lining fabric with some golden beading. I like the ruffled shoulder seams and the flowers on her hat, but please, someone bring me something else than brown before a brown background with yet more brown on top of it!
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…Huh. Well, Rosamund went all-in for Mary’s wedding. Everyone else is like, “less is more”; she is like “I will compensate for ALL of you!” I think with a subtler hat this outfit might work. The ensemble is very lively with black roses and greenly-outlined leaves on cream, but red is a good color to contrast this, and a tassel element would not be considered unusually busy for the time. I even like the rose. Just put it on a less busy hat, that doesn’t have a curved brim and translucence and a cream trim going on.
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For Edith’s wedding, she decided to blend into the crowd after all. I only get this one halfway clear shot of her, and she wears a brown dress with some glittery beading in vertical lines that, under her chest, run into a more intricate pattern of zigzags and curlicues. Where are your red contrast points now, Rosamund? A hat with some feathers, a necklace that may as well be not there, and the lighting is not making this any better.
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The beige curse also got to Laura. For the church, she was still wearing fur and a reddish rust shade; now, the best I can say about her dress is that its shimmering gives it a bit of a golden impression. At least it’s a nice material, set off against plain chiffon sleeves that coordinate with her hat. It just isn’t much else.
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Mary’s first wedding guest outfit is the better of the two (bride fashions go into a separate post later), and I cannot fathom that this lovely deep red dress never shows up again after Mrs Hughes’ and Carson’s wedding. It’s Mary’s color! It’s got a stylish asymmetrical neckline! It’s nice material! And it has this cool gathered element on the front! All this makes up such a chic, classy look that I can’t believe she would never wear that again. Not even the hat, a pretty simple and adaptable style, makes a reappearance.
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For Edith’s wedding reception, the theme is apparently “brown”, so Mary is already adventurous by adding in gold. And where Edith takes the wild prints and adventurous colors of art deco, Mary takes the sharp, geometrical motives and the metallic looks. Set together from various diamond shapes, this dress ends up looking, while as shapeless as the 1920s do, quite glamorous. I only wish the longer chiffon sleeves were either plain or not there at all.
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Edith also has an outfit exclusively for Mrs Hughes’ and Carson’s wedding which we never see again, this silvery chiffon and satin ensemble with a boat neckline. I really like this look on her; it’s so simple yet so elegant, in particular that yoke panel and the turquoise jewelry she chose to pair with it. Also, cute hat with an even cuter twig-shaped pin.
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Probably the most colorful guest at Mary’s wedding, Edith is the only one who soundly rejects the greys and beiges (well, the shot is from her little outing to the cemetery, but I think she wore this for the ceremony?). We’ve seen this reddish orange dress with little rectangular elements near the end of season 5 when she went out for lunch with Mary, Rose, and Tom, but this time, she pairs it with a glorious dark blue coat with a white and sandy print. Edith also gives a last nod to her Michael-Gregson orange-and-indigo color pairing while looking at her and Michael’s daughter. Thematic congruence!
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stevesbipanic · 2 years ago
Boy For All Seasons
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ao3
Eddie didn't get to see Steve much in the months that followed. School was a lot more boring the third time around but it did come with the perk of Dustin Henderson and his little friends. They all had grand stories of Steve's bravery without a lot of details. They were also great at DnD. The kids joining Hellfire did have the added benefit of Steve coming to pick them up, the boys would exchange small waves across the parking lot.
Eddie was excited about his next holiday plan. This time he was sure to make Steve flustered, plus he wouldn't be out of place wearing a costume. Tina Randall was having a Halloween party and everyone was invited, including certain freaks. Eddie had originally thought he'd have to go looking for Steve, come Halloween but at his last trip to Family Video Robin had informed him she'd be going, and wherever Buckley went Harrington followed.
When Eddie arrived at the party it was in full swing, he couldn't see Robin or Steve yet so decided to use the opportunity to make some money. He had neared the end of his rounds when he spotted Robin alone. Well, not alone there was a girl who Eddie remembers from band talking to her, but Robin's side was unusually absent of one pretty boy.
Maybe, Steve had gone to get them drinks, but the kitchen was void of him too. He had practically given up, deciding to leave the house for a smoke outside when he saw him.
Steve was huddled at the back of the yard up against a tree. Worried, Eddie approached him. Steve appeared physically fine, but his face seemed withdrawn and dejected. Eddie plopped down next to him.
"Didn't take you as a princess, Stevie."
Steve looked towards Eddie and sent him a small smile, "Robs wanted to be Westly and needed a Buttercup."
"Well, you look beautiful as ever, sweetheart."
"Suprised you didn't go as one of those singers you like."
"Well I think vampires are equally metal, don't you like my fangs, Stevie?" Eddie flashed Steve a toothy smile.
"Bet you'd love a taste."
"In my wildest dreams, princess."
Steve seemed less sad than before but the fact he was still here alone nagged at Eddie.
"Why are you out here by yourself anyway, like I saw Buck talking to that girl, but there's plenty of people in there that would love some company with the ol King Steve."
Steve scrunched his face at the old nickname.
"Don't care for Halloween much anymore." Eddie wasn't dumb he remembered the rumors that followed the jock last year and they weren't kind.
"Well that simply won't do, as a self-proclaimed creature of the night I must reignite your love for the holiday."
Eddie jumped up and held his hand out to Steve. Steve smiled and grabbed his hand, letting Eddie pull him up.
"This party blows anyway, let me show you a better place, don't worry I'll bring you back to look after Robin later."
They hopped in Eddie's van and he drove them to the top of the quarry. He lead Steve to the edge where they could see the water before laying down, Steve laid beside him.
"This is where you can really appreciate the night, and look we've even got a full moon."
Steve followed Eddie's gaze up to the stars above them, amazed at how many you could see now they were on the outskirts of town.
"It's beautiful."
Eddie flicked his gaze towards Steve, "yeah, yeah it is."
The boys watched the stars pointing out constellations before Steve decided Robin would probably need driving home soon.
"Thanks for tonight, Eddie, maybe Halloween isn't so bad."
"You're welcome, princess."
"Maybe next time I'll let you bite me," Steve grinned and sent Eddie a wink before quickly hopping out.
Eddie could feel a soft warmth spread across his cheeks as he drove home, yeah Halloween was pretty great.
Tags: @zerokrox-blog @smallfrogpleasedtomeetyou @eboyawstenn @sharingisntkaren @goodolefashionedloverboi @the-redthread @steddie-there @questionablequeeries @liorereshkigal @mightbeasleep @carlyv @my2amgaythoughts @gregre369 @space-invading-pigeon @bisexualdisastersworld @epiclazershark @sherrylyn628 @raisedbylibrarians
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squidsandthings · 1 year ago
✨Oh look it's an Intro Post :0 ✨
Hihi!! I'm Goose (or Squid). My pronouns are They/He/Xe. Mostly just a squid trying to make their way through college and eventually the world. (18)
I mostly just reblog stuff I think looks interesting or I think is important (such as when I reblogged a picture of a pigeon 80+ times).
I love talking to people so pls feel free to dm me or send me stuff in my askbox!! Mutuals can also feel free to ask for my discord.
Blog title from: Journey of the Featherless by Cloud Cult
#squid talks actually <- is the tag I use for when I somehow remember this site has a post button and pause my endless reblogging to scream into the void
#squoodles <- Tag for my art ( which is mostly fanart asdfghjk) if you wanna check it out :D
#squid inks <- is my writing tag. It's mostly bad poetry, but it also has uquizzes and any fanfic I post.
#Cooking with Squid <- new tag for potential food related shenanigans
#ask and you shall receive <- asks
Also I made THREE uquizzes so here's the links if you wanna check em out:
Corn Maze Quiz: https://uquiz.com/ILeyNM
Vegetable Quiz: https://uquiz.com/4jK1RJ
Bsd Kin Quiz: https://uquiz.com/MsR96m
Banner is by my beloved mutual: @im-a-chunky-potato
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As a treat for reading this entire post here's my cats :DDD
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