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holy fuck
#ppl on twitter really getting into it with me defending cops#i need to stop interacting so i'm posting here instead#yeah ok i guess it's fine to have a cntry where a guy can be shot 90+ fuckin times bc of a seatbelt#when cops do it it's self defense but when they roll up on a guy in plainclothes with their guns it's 'well he shot first'#oh my fuuuuuuuucking goooooddddddd#sorry#text#personal
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Babylon 5 S03E16 War Without End: Part One previous episode - table of contents
From the preview image that Tubi chose for the episode I see that Sinclair's back?? My old friend!! As well as our first glimpse at Minbar outside the Grey Council chambers, I believe! It's beautiful: very sculpted in a sort of sci-fi Rivendell way which fits the Minbari's space elf vibe.
Entil'Zha is being presented with a sacred box, which has waited for over 900 years..in which there is a letter for Jeffrey David Sinclair! Dun dun dun. Prophecy is real, Babylon 5 is a high fantasy as much as it is sci-fi.
Another prophecy, this one of the sci-fi variety: Babylon 5 gets a transmission of Ivanova calling for help, saying "they're killing us."
This show gives me so many fanfic ideas and I haven't looked to see if anyone else has done them yet, because I'm avoiding spoilers. So I really don't go looking for info on B5 or interact with fandom works much. But this episode reminds me that I keep toying with the idea of an AU where Sinclair never leaves at the end of s01 and the whole plot plays out with him. I miss him, he got into my heart so fast and I had no inkling he was leaving the show till well after I was attached.
It's nice to see Sinclair has had Minbari friends in his time running/recruiting/training the Rangers from Minbar.
Partner just asked me what my predictions were for Sinclair and then when I went on a ramble just stared at me and told me to write it down. So here: my prediction of Sinclair's fate. In a separate post, because it's a bit too much of a tangent.
I've paused for long enough for only being six minutes into, so we're going to move on now, but if you wanna hear meta thoughts on what I think might happen with other characters end games, I could ramble about it.
Ivanova: this recording is fake. my analysis is based on logic: I didn't do it, ergo it is fake. Garibaldi, living for some sci-fi shenanigans: what if it's time travel.
They have Garibaldi positioned poorly before a dark path in the backdrop and it looks like he has one, huge pouf of hair sticking out one side of his head, lol.
Sinclair's back on Babylon 5! Zack Allen is in plainclothes, so perhaps all staff have the option? Or Zack wasn't invited to their special senior staff matching uniforms?
Delenn being a drama queen. It's one of the qualities they hire for on the Grey Council.
Lennier: "It must be done or the dream will die, and countless others will die."
o m in o u s
Eight days since the last Vorlon attack, per Marcus.
Sinclair looks so good in Sci-Fi Rivendell clothes. Eeeek, I missed him, I love it.
Oh it's Zak? Zap? Zathras? Yes! Zathras! Wow, I wasn't sre he'd be back, let alone that he'd be in shenanigans with DraalPlanet, OR that DraalPlanet would be doing something with time travel!
And Sheridan! Is also wearing Minbari fashion! Some very snazzy robes over his uniform.
Ivanova's message from the future is so grim. The captain is dead. "They" are coming in all over the place. External cams: Shadows. The Shadows have weapons lock. Explosions. Seems pretty straightforward and I bet it'll play out exactly like that with no twists. :P /hah
As Sheridan is doubtlessly about to find out, it's always going to be a normal evening when you are asked to swear you trust someone with your life before events can commence.
Delenn has a powerpoint presentation about the Shadows. And a battle where the shadows were driven from their home, Zha'Dum. But the Minbari were losing at the time. Until Babylon 4 appeared! Delenn says without Babylon 4, they would have lost the war.
Even while Babylon 4 was in construction, the Shadows attacked to destroy it. And the White Star was there! Delenn says they must go through the temporal rift that Draal is widening, protect B4, steal B4, and send B4 around in time. End Presentation! Everyone agrees with her flawless logic. And because she brought receipts in the form of video archival footage from DraalPlanet's surveillance system: Epsilon 3.
That I didn't see coming, either. But like Garibaldi, I am so on board for the sci-fi hijinks.
Oh, Delenn's plan goes farther! She and Sheridan will take B4 on the entire time travel trip and personally fight in the historical fight against the Shadows. Ten thousand years ago, right??? Damn, Sheridan and Delenn are going to stride through time and strike titanic, decisive blows in a war that felled entire species of sci-fi space gods!! That's so fucking epic.
Ivanova is floating the idea that she was calling for help from an alternate timeline. But Garibaldi thinks it's the timeline they're planning now, where they take B4.
I'm sure that SInclair's quippy references to Sheridan are super funny, but sadly I do not get the references.
Zathras is here again. I...don't get Zathras. He's ehh funny. But extremely plot useful! Sinclair is meeting Zathras for the second time, but for Zathras it's the first time. But Zathras is well-informed, because he's very super honored to meet Sinclair and Sheridan, but also that's on the list of things Draal told him not to mention.
Ahh, this Sinclair has already lived through the destruction of Babylon 5! He's already experiencing the world nonlinearly and is trying to do differently on this loop - damn! Or he's having visions from an alternate timeline but at some point you gotta agreee those are almost the sme thing, structurally, experientially, and thematically.
Time travel requires the use of devices that act as anchors. Zathras is handing them out and they're all being clipped visibly on a belt or sash, thus guaranteeing that someone will lose theirs. Sinclair?
Aww, Sinclair sees Delenn and Sheridan holding hands and smiled. That makes me wistful for the Sinclair/Delenn endgame that exists in my personal, unwritten AU.
Garibaldi is due an arc of making good, upstanding decisions and not doing police brutality so it hits extra hard when he blows up with Babylon 5. Or he makes it two more seasons, idk. I wouldn't mind if they lost a few characters and he was one of them.
Especially not if we could swap him for Talia back. I can't decide if I think she (or her personality that got overwritten) will be back or not.
The White Star has been ugraded with Vorlon skin, so it deflects attacks better, which Sheridan affects to be unimpressed by.
Garibaldi guesses "Hello, old friend," as the password which Sinclair used to lock a goodbye/sorry video Sinclair left for him. Which makes me softer for Garibaldi. That's what I think of when I think of Sinclair, too!
Oooo, Sheridan's time stabilizer got hit and now he's unstuck in time. Space is big. Hope he lands on something with an atmosphere. Delenn can pick him up later, I'm sure.
Sheridan always automatically turns to Delenn for backup, but Sinclair automatically turns to Ivanova, and I love that.
Sheridan just time traveled to the future where Londo is the Emperor of Centaur! And it's "just in time to die."
Are they currently losing a war in the future? Perhaps Centaur is now a holdout in the war for existence against the Shadows in an alternate future and Sheridan will be meant to save the future as well as the past?
So funny how taken aback Delenn is that Sinclair speaks Minbari now. He lived there! Marcus, who was being trained as a Ranger there learned Minbari as what he implied was a necessity. But Delenn is so surprised. Their heart to heart is so sweet. *shipping intensifies*
Back to the future! Sheridan and Londo seems like he's blaming other people for his own support of the Shadows' agenda coming back to bite Londo and Centaur in the ass. "Ohhh if only you'd joined me in collaborating I wouldn't have had to face any consequences!" He'll get everything he ever thought he wanted and learned that being Emperor lost him everything he'd ever cared loved.
That's a pretty good hook and a cliffhanger. And a ton of interesting information was revealed! It's too late for Part Two tonight but I pinky-promise I will watch it tomorrow. I wrote up some predictions after I did a Sinclair one and an other-characters one before I watched...
War Without End: Part Two
#babylon 5#woodsfae b5#jeffrey sinclair#john sheridan#delenn#susan ivanova#michael garibaldi#londo mollari#zack allen
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hwevent18 starter for xiao chiye & shen zechuan // @masqce
Nobles at court betray each other more often than Meng loses feathers; that is to say, far more often than one might either guess or care about. If Chiye was seriously concerned every time he heard rumors of a minor plot brewing, he’d never find half-a-moment’s rest. But when the purported risk concerns the state of the whole kingdom’s security and peace, that’s another story, and any lead is worth following up on. If they have to go to war over some noble’s (likely selfish) nonsense, it could affect not only his livelihood here but also Chiye’s homeland; Libei is such a far distance away that it would take a war of massive scale to reach its snowy plains, but one can never know how one kingdom’s misfortune could affect another’s.
Which is what’s led him here— to one of the neighborhoods far from the shadow of the castle, crammed with the small homes of peasants and commoners. Merchants from along the main commercial street have just begun to close up shop and head home for the evening, and the daytime bustle of the narrow roads in this section of town has begun to slow. He’s not entirely certain what he’s looking for, only that one suspicious noble has been seen in this part of town repeatedly; though for what reason, no reports have shown. So he keeps his eyes peeled. After all, no one would expect the tall knight-- currently in plainclothes-- to be in this part of town either, so at least in this he has the element of surprise.
Eventually he does catch sight of the other, and Chiye keeps track of the head of hair as he follows by foot at a fair distance behind and as they wind down the road. Though after a few minutes, another familiar sight catches his eye as well— Shen Zechuan’s graceful figure headed the very same way. If he stopped to talk to the noble who Chiye’s been tracking, that would be damning evidence against both in his eyes, but as it stands, they don’t seem to interact, simply continue to move in the same direction... All the way until the noble steps through the doorframe of one poorly-constructed home, and Zechuan opens a door just a few down from it.
Interesting. Chiye waits until both doors have shut tightly, before stepping forward to Shen Zechuan’s and giving it a light rap. Considering their typical interactions, he’s not naive enough to think that the other man will be voluntarily helpful, and if the situation weren’t so (potentially) dire, he wouldn’t bother even trying, but— if Zechuan has seen the noble around these parts before, or could tell him who the name of the neighbor is who must live in the home that had just been entered, then that information could be very useful. “Official business. Let me inside,” he murmurs intently, his volume quiet enough that ideally no one in the shoddy building down the road will catch his voice on the breeze.
#hwevent18#;; xcy ;;#;; xiao chiye speaks to shen zechuan ;;#long post tw#[ so what if it turned to 4 paragraphs when i pasted it over from google docs ]#[ just pay attention to the last one !!!! ]
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Timelines and Carmen Sandiego: To Steal Or Not To Steal
...or, can I make the interactive special play nicely with canon? Meant as a companion to my previous timeline; please note that this is centred around the 'perfect' route where Carmen manages to save both her ground crew and the stolen items. For an overview of how to access all eight endings, I would highly recommend this excellent schematic.
Shanghai (stated in dialogue as approx 1 year after Carmen started stealing from V.I.L.E.; "which part of the last year")
· "Notorious V.I.L.E. stronghold" is in Lujiazui district of Shanghai; location roughly corresponds to the Jin Mao Tower based on position relative to the Shanghai Tower and the Shanghai World Financial Center · Carmen can enter from the air by ziplining across from the Shanghai Tower or from the ground via the elevator shaft · Walks into conspicuously-open vault to learn her ground crew has been kidnapped; if she does not cooperate, the faculty will use Dr. Bellum's mindwiping device to turn Ivy and Zack into V.I.L.E. operatives ◦ As per bad ending 1, Coach Brunt had bet Professor Maelstrom a steak dinner that Carmen would refuse V.I.L.E.'s deal point-blank · Curiously, a 10-19 licence plate is visible on a passing car during Player's intro of the target; in the main series, this number seems to be used exclusively for A.C.M.E. vehicles
Xi'an (roughly 2h direct flight time from Shanghai to Xi'an)
· First task is the theft of a terracotta warrior for Brunt; Carmen goes to a "fresh dig site" where more statues have recently been found · Exact date unknown but apparently a Tuesday; "it's either dress-up Tuesday for the security staff or..." · Tigress has been sent as V.I.L.E.'s handler-slash-back-up for Carmen; leaving her in the pit reveals she has a fear of insects but helping her enables the later 'imperfect good' ending of saving Zack and Ivy while V.I.L.E. keeps the statue · Carmen gets her first check-in with the siblings, then is offered the choice of going to either Hell Creek, Montana, to retrieve a T. rex bone for Dr. Bellum or Monte Carlo, Monaco, to steal one hundred tins of Beluga caviar for Countess Cleo
· If trying to establish a 'canon' narrative for the special, Cleo's caper would make the most sense as the next theft; Carmen has managed one heist for V.I.L.E. but now struggles with the implications of needing to do it again, and to a charity no less. Mime Bomb is also present more to monitor Carmen than to help, much like Tigress, and Julia does not mention a stolen dinosaur bone despite bringing up the missing terracotta warrior during her brief conversation with Carmen. Going from one plainclothes agent in Monte Carlo (or presumably only one; no recognizably-A.C.M.E. faces in the crowd and Julia reaches for her pen rather than an earpiece if tricked into going to the roof) to three officially-dressed agents in Montana also seems like a more appropriate escalation of A.C.M.E.'s efforts to catch Carmen than the reverse.
Monte Carlo (roughly 11h direct flight time from Xi'an to Monte Carlo)
· Exterior of the hotel hosting the charity dinner appears somewhat similar to the Hotel Metropole Monte-Carlo · Debut of 'Scarlett Santarosa' as an alias; Player's startled "who??" upon hearing it suggests that this may not have been entirely planned · Declining the diplomat's offer to dance leads to Carmen expressing a preference for tango over the waltz; accepting it shows her losing focus/drifting into a daydream partway through, which may be a sign that having to rush through back-to-back capers is starting to wear on her · Evidently A.C.M.E. has received intel that V.I.L.E. may be targeting the caviar, Julia assigned to investigate and/or thwart; she seems much more comfortable blending in with upper-class society than pretending to be a fashion model in Milan · Julia also much more overt with her willingness to extend Carmen the benefit of the doubt; that she's carrying around a champagne glass full of some unspecified sparkling liquid is probably pure coincidence ;)
· Carmen acknowledges having "joined forces with Jules before"—a phrasing that suggests something more like their collaboration in Milan than simply leaving the recovered Magna Cartas on a train seat; trusting Julia is necessary to achieve the 'perfect' route ending · The successful grab 'n' dash route leads to Carmen landing on a bridge-like structure with some similarities to the Fontvieille Shopping Centre; the unsuccessful stash 'n' sneak option has her walking down what is almost certainly the Rue de Millo in La Condamine
Terminal 5 of Heathrow Airport (roughly 2h direct flight time from Monte Carlo to Heathrow)
· Before continuing on to the third heist, Carmen demands another check-in with Ivy and Zack; comparing the amount of light coming through their cell window at different times of day allows her to deduce that they are being held somewhere with 24/7 sunlight · Player confirms that this would currently be the North rather than South Pole; midnight sun in the Arctic goes from late March to late September
· Choosing to attempt a rescue instead of continuing with the third heist reveals that Tigress has been stationed at the Arctic facility, presumably to oversee the guarding of Carmen's ground crew; unclear how/if she is involved in their transfer to Île d'Oléron for the ending of the 'perfect' route ◦ The diner from the post-Arctic bad ending is located in none other than San Diego, suggesting that this is after Team Red purchases the Carmen Brand Outerwear warehouse (and is quite possibly the Best Sneaky Detail in this entire special asdfghj XDD)
Hell Creek (roughly 9.5h direct flight time plus 3.5h drive time from Heathrow to Hell Creek State Park)
· Carmen more resigned than upset at the thought of stealing the T. rex bone for Bellum; would be in keeping with having managed to get through two heists for V.I.L.E. already · Archaeologist from Morocco can be seen entering one of the tents at the excavation site (a.k.a. the OTHER contender for Best Sneaky Detail XD)
· Even considering something as risky as trying to catch and break into a plane while it's taking off may be another sign of strain/fatigue affecting Carmen; this would also fit with Montana being her third caper in a row · Research lab is approximately 200 miles away (and is attached to an amusement park like the discount version of a Michael Crichton novel, there's even a Tyrannosaurus head over the main entrance, this is ABSOLUTELY intentional XDD) · Bellum expected her to have snagged the bone within mere hours of landing in Montana ("been in Montana for an entire afternoon"); pushing Carmen to complete the thefts as quickly as possible is likely part of keeping her too busy to out-think V.I.L.E.'s trap · Carmen is offered the choice of El Topo or Le Chevre for assistance; El Topo will show up having helpfully researched potential exit routes while Le Chevre drops a pinecone on her head and calls her "the bossy one in [their] class" · Compared to El Topo, Le Chevre also distinctly under-impressed by the quality of A.C.M.E.'s suits · El Topo's knowledge of the tunnels underneath the combo museum/amusement park leads to a quick and A.C.M.E.-baffling disappearance after nabbing the bone; picking Le Chevre, on the other hand, leads to the very serious A.C.M.E. agents very seriously commandeering a dinosaur-themed roller coaster train in order to chase Carmen along said roller coaster's track until she manages a daringly acrobatic escape that ends with her hang-gliding off into the night (yes I have a favourite operative how can you tell)
· As an alternative to a straight reconciliation with show-canon, might I suggest that riding a literal roller coaster in order to chase Carmen Sandiego through an amusement park in the middle of the night sounds suspiciously like someone trying to prank a newly-reinstated Devineaux? ;)
Terminal 5 of Heathrow Airport (unknown drive time plus roughly 9.5h direct flight time from Montana to Heathrow)
· After she returns to the airport, the faculty sends Carmen an e-ticket for a ferry to the Île d'Oléron; she is to bring the dinosaur bone and caviar tins there to exchange for her ground crew · Somehow Julia has managed to track Carmen to Heathrow, unclear if A.C.M.E. aware; her attempt to tail the thief is quickly noticed and Carmen uses the opportunity to ask for her help
Île d'Oléron (roughly 75 min direct flight time from Heathrow to La Rochelle; ferry to the island takes another hour)
· Paperstar watching from the Phare de Chassiron; as per the final bad ending, V.I.L.E. plans to have Lady Dokuso and the Cleaners ambush Carmen after she disembarks
· All real-world ferries to Île d'Oléron look to be from La Rochelle; closest actual stop would be Saint-Denis-d'Oléron, approximately 4 km away, as the coastline near the lighthouse is too shallow to permit a commercial dock · Carmen has Julia take her place on the ferry and swims to the island instead, finds Zack and Ivy in the V.I.L.E. aircraft hangar there · Paperstar notices Julia's glasses and alerts the guards, interrupting their escape · Zack figures out how to fly a helicopter in a hurry and Carmen references Casablanca ("here's looking at you, crew"); terracotta warrior conveniently found to be already stowed/never unloaded in back
Julia's apartment, presumably still in Poitiers
· All stolen items deposited neatly outside Julia's door, complete with a bouquet of roses; we do not see who rings the doorbell · One possible explanation for the opening and closing scenes of Ivy and Zack during the post-ending bonus music video is that they indeed managed to break out of their cell at least once while Carmen was busy with V.I.L.E.'s capers, even if they were then recaptured before they could find a way off the Arctic base; certainly their parts of the song are referenced in-episode during both the post-Xi'an check-in and the post-Arctic bad ending
Special vs. Canon
In terms of trying to fit the special with the rest of the show, both Carmen's dialogue ("which part of the last year", see estimated date for Boston caper in previous timeline) and the Arctic midnight sun reference suggest a late spring/early summer time frame, meaning roughly April to June-ish depending on how strict we want to be with the definition of a year. Shadow-san's absence from the faculty and from the special in general, plus the fact that the remaining members appear to be in some transitional location—as per the industrial metal-panel backgrounds during most of their calls to Carmen, rather than anything resembling either the Canary Islands school or the Outer Hebrides castle—isn't as definitive, but would at least be in keeping with a post-explosion (March-ish) pre-move-to-Scotland (October) placement.
There is also Julia's readiness to trust Carmen's intentions in Monte Carlo, combined with Carmen's "joined forces with Jules before" line, which would suggest that this is before Player Trojan-horses the A.C.M.E. database but after the Milan caper. Given the notable absence of any reference to Stockholm, this might further suggest a point after both that mishap and the failed Botswana collaboration because Carmen's willingness to reach out for A.C.M.E.'s help with the diamond mine could be seen as forgiveness for chasing her off a tower in Sweden—and with that attitude of letting bygones be bygones, Julia might consider doubling down on her faith in Carmen to be a more convincing apology than dragging up bad history.
With how quickly things go from Brunt dropping the Wolfebomb to Carmen salvaging the mainframe hard drive to her demanding answers from Shadow-san, it would be very difficult for the special to take place then regardless of how conveniently it would excuse the ninja's absence. However, there is an unspecified amount of time between that confrontation and Carmen showing up at Chief's usual coffee shop in Seattle—and since Carmen wouldn't have confirmed Shadow-san's truthfulness yet, he'd most likely still be benched in San Diego (nor would the faculty expect to see him with her given their belief in having driven a wedge between the two). Chase, at this point, would also have been retrieved from the island and fired by Interpol but not yet reactivated as an A.C.M.E. agent.
Although not a perfect reconciliation—that Carmen would be willing to put a hold on finding answers about her father's death in order to raid a random V.I.L.E. vault in Shanghai is... questionable, to say the least—the most plausible canon setting for the special would therefore seem to be after the reveal of how Shadow-san became a faculty member but before Team Red comes up with a plan for how to hack A.C.M.E.'s database.
As always, this is the work of only one person. If there's something missing or incorrect, let me know and I'm happy to update. Otherwise, I have a CS 2019 trivia tag for the things that didn't quite fit in either timeline, as well as the odd headcanon that does a little more reading-between-the-lines. ;) Have fun.
#my post#carmen sandiego 2019#to steal or not to steal#timeline#cs 2019 trivia#carmen sandiego#ivy#zack#player#coach brunt#countess cleo#dr. saira bellum#gunnar maelstrom#julia argent#too many to name#reference material#nixariel#probably a mystery that didn't need solving but hey#Research: It's My Thing XD#also shout-out to @youraveragecatastrophe bc her idea of TSONTS being an alternate timeline where Team Red did not end up#going to Rio as their 1st caper off the 2nd hard drive is BRILLIANT and my personal favourite interpretation of the special XDD
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my name's dean or toby, whichever one u prefer more!!
i'm a minor but i don't mind adults interacting if ur not creepy!!
i'm bad at communicating with people a lot so if i'm a bit awkward, i'm sorrryyy!!
my pronouns r he/him (but i'm fine with any gender neutral pronouns too) and i'm bi and trans (ftm)!!
this blog is mostly reblogs (with occasional art of my own), and i am multifandom (with 1 main fandom at a time tho)
please let me know if i say something wrong or overstep boundaries!! if i do anything wrong, i wanna improve on it!!
top interests rn is pressure (roblox game) and slenderverse!! i also rlly like deadplate, cold front, eloquent countenance, elevator hitch, and bittersweet sentence!! and other fandoms that i like are sally face, cry of fear, five nights at freddys, purpleverse, bendy and the ink machine, nso, ddlc, + more !!
hobbies / general interests
drawing, writing, reading, baking, photography, collecting soda can tabs, slugs, snails, worms, rats/mice, spirituality, tarot, crystals, psychology, biblical angels, antidepressants
the lost boys, american psycho, ghostbusters (1984, 1989, 2021), beetlejuice, death proof, jaws, the outsiders, scream, nightmare on elm street, halloween, children of the corn, saw ii, fnaf, it (1990), silver bullet, little shop of horrors, spree, family (2018), and fanfic
inside job, breaking bad, scott pilgrim takes off, bojack horseman, south park, rick and morty, murder drones, young sheldon, kakegurui, supernatural
dirty heads - aaron dries, fnaf book series (all of them), bendy books (all of them), marble hornets comics
(beware, this is a LONG list)
mccafferty, the front bottoms, modern baseball, camping in alaska, marietta unamused dave, plainclothes, summerbruise, inconsistent, yawning, coping, the clippers, ashtray, pavement, foo fighters, sign crushes motorist, alex g, whirr, glare, blue smiley, slowdive, lsd and the search for god, the white stripes, muse, weezer, car seat headrest, title fight, deftones, eyedress, tv girl, arctic monkeys, mindless self indulgence, ayesha erotica, insane clown posse, lemon demon, jukebox the ghost, will wood (and the tapeworms), tally hall, miracle musical, that handsome devil, the paper chase, the nighty nite, mook, animal collective, the dresden dolls, destroy boys, glass animals, stolen babies, stomach book, my chemical romance, falling in reverse, escape the fate, three days grace, fall out boy, get scared, rob zombie, korn, slipknot, scars on broadway, soad, the 69 eyes, nine inch nails, millionares, brokencyde, pierce the veil, ghost town, 3oh!3, radiohead, the cure, jack off jill, early p!atd, tyler the creator, the left rights
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�� pronouns.page
!! CREDITS TO @snailspng AND @saradika FOR THE BORDERS !! !! thanks 2 my best friend @sir-twix-the-3d for the idea !!
#im just gonna tag everthing included cause#i wanna reach an audience </3#intro post#pinned intro#sally face#dead plate#cold front#elevator hitch#eloquent countenance#bittersweet sentence#i just realized I THINK THIS COUNTS AS CROSS TAGGING#IM SO SORRRYYY#slenderverse#everymanhybrid#marble hornets#creepypasta#cry of fear#five nights at freddy's#purpleverse#needy streamer overload#ddlc#bendy and the ink machine#the lost boys#american psycho#beetlejuice#ghostbusters#death proof#jaws#the outsiders#nvm i tried tagging too much
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What if Silent Hill was an SCP?
Object class: euclid keter
Special containment procedures: the town of Silent Hill is to be continuously monitored by plainclothes agents and researchers. These personnel are assigned to observe and catalogue any paranormal activity within the town, observe the activities of the local GOI calling itself The Order and prevent any rituals or occult activity said group is participating in, and attempt to detain any civilians apparently affected by SCP-017 for questioning and prevention of anomalous effects (update: after event 8017-04, no attempts to detain persons affected by SCP-8017 is to be made). All personnel assigned to SCP-8017 are required to attend biweekly therapy sessions and monthly psychological evaluation and are encouraged to request additional sessions if they feel it necessary. The chief psychologist assigned to SCP-8017 is authorized to remove any Foundation employee from SCP-8017 at any time. Personnel must undertake a psychological evaluation and background check before being assigned to SCP-8017 and any past criminal actions, psychological trauma, and deeply-held regrets are grounds for removal of Foundation personnel from SCP-8017.
Description: SCP-8017 is Silent Hill, a medium-sized lakeside resort town located in [REDACTED], USA, with a population of approximately [REDACTED]. The town and surrounding area are notable for an unusually high level of anomalous phenomena, including hauntings, spiritual activity, poltergeist activity, and occult practices. The location is also home to a unique phenomenon consisting of one or two pocket dimensions. These consist of SCP-8017-A and SCP-017-B. It is not known at this time if these are two pocket dimensions or a single pocket dimension that can radically change in appearance. SCP-8017-A typically appears as a deserted and neglected version of Silent Hill where the atmosphere is heavily saturated with a dense fog, mist, or smoke. SCP-8017-B appears differently to every observer, but is always a heavily distorted and highly frightening version of the town of Silent Hill. Common features of SCP-8017-B include distortions of architecture, inorganic objects covered in or made from biological material, the appearance of multiple human and nonhuman corpses, terrain and architecture appearing in a state of extreme disrepair, evidence of violence and death, and malfunctioning of technology. Transition of persons between SCP-8017-A and -B is typically accompanied with the sound of an air raid siren originating from an unknown source.
SCP-017-C refers to living entities that inhabit SCP-017-A and -B. The majority of these are hostile creatures described by observers as monstrous and distorted. The appearances of SCP-8017-C appear to be unique to each observer. Rare instances of SCP-8017-C appear identical to nonanomalous humans and some of these do not appear to be aware of their nature. The presence of SCP-8017-C is noted to disrupt certain forms of technology, most notably radios.
The majority of information on SCP-8017-A, -B, and -C comes from interviews of persons who have encountered said phenomena as there is no known way to forcibly interact with said phenomena. Most of the people who have interacted with the anomalies present within SCP-8017 appear to be those who are involved with the local religious group known as The Order or people who have deeply held regrets or have committed immoral acts in the past. The latter group seems to be composed largely of people who do not live in the town, though many (but not all) have some prior experience with the town such as visiting it on a vacation. Many of this group who have been successfully detained and interrogated state that they feel drawn to come to Silent Hill for reasons they cannot articulate. Many of those who have interacted with SCP-8017-A, -B, and -C and survived state that they believe the town itself or an entity or entities within it are intelligent and bringing people to the town as a test or set of trials intended to force them to confront past regrets or actions and/or to undergo a personal revelation relating to themselves. The appearances of SCP-8017-A, -B, and -C appear personalized to each person affected by SCP-8017, typically appearing in forms that will cause intense fear and have some symbolic relation to the past or personal revelation of the observer. A person being drawn to Silent Hill and made to undergo a “trial” is said to have undergone a Flauros Event.
SCP-8017-A, -B, and -C appear to be linked to the local religious group known as The Order. This religion appears to be a syncretism of abrahamic beliefs, regional Native American beliefs, and original beliefs. The religion focuses on a henotheistic female deity known as God who The Order believes came to Earth in the distant past where humanity was trapped in a state of undying suffering. This deity introduced time and death to the world to ease humanity’s suffering, but expended its power in the process and died. The Order believes that through ritual and prophecy, they may birth their god again, thus allowing it to remake the world into a paradise. However, the god must be born through pain and suffering so that it may know what to avoid. It is believed that attempts by The Order to birth their god are responsible for the initial appearance of SCP-8017-A, -B, and -C. The Order has historically had a large degree of control over Silent Hill and have maintained a positive public image despite performing various criminal and immoral acts including illicit narcotics trafficking, human sacrifice, torture and brainwashing of civilians, systematic child abuse, and assassination of critics. As of recent events and Foundation activity, the influence of The Order has declined significantly. The Order is known to practice occult rituals and some members are minor practitioners of thaumaturgy. The organization as a whole seems to be mostly ignorant of the nature of the anomalous beyond the limited phenomena they make use of.
Addendum 1: timeline of relevant events
Pre-16th century: Native Americans regard the region surrounding SCP-8017 as a sacred and/or feared place. Historical records indicate it was named The Place of Silent Spirits and hosted religious practices distinct from those practiced by other regional Native American groups.
Late 1600s: European settlers colonize the region, displacing Native American groups. The first town is founded on the site.
Early 1700s: a disease of unknown nature forces the abandonment of the town.
1810: in response to a localized civil war, the town is resettled as a penal colony. First known use of the name Silent Hill.
1823: first known reference to The Order. The religion quickly becomes the dominant religion of the town.
1857: a splinter group of The Order founds the neighboring town of Shepherd’s Glen. The mainstream Order is alleged to have cursed the splinter group through unknown means. The four founding families of the splinter sect must ritually sacrifice a child every fifty years or be punished by their god.
1969: a child named Alessa Gillespie is born. As she grows, she begins to display anomalous properties, the descriptions of which correspond to that of a minor psychic or reality warper. As a result, she is heavily bullied and ostracized throughout her youth. Her mother, Dahlia, a thaumaturgic practitioner and high-ranking member of The Order, decides to use her daughter as the vessel through which the cult’s god will be born and therefore chooses to increase her daughter’s suffering.
1976: event 8017-01. Dahlia Gillespie attempts a ritual to use her daughter to birth tThe Order's god. This ritual is interrupted when the house it is held in catches fire. Alessa suffers full-body third-degree burns, but is rescued by a passing trucker named Travis Grady. Despite being mortally wounded, Alessa does not die. While attempting to visit her at the hospital, Grady is drawn into the first known manifestations of SCP-8017-A and -B, apparently originating as a result of Alessa’s powers affecting the pre-existing anomalous activity in Silent Hill. While undergoing a Flauros Event, Grady prevents an attempt by Dahlia to complete the ritual to birth God. Alessa chooses to split her soul into two entities, the original Alessa who remained within SCP-8017 and an infant located by a road leading out of town. This infant is found by a passing couple, Harry and Jodie Mason. They adopt the child and name her Cheryl.
1977: the Foundation discovers SCP-8017. Preliminary containment procedures and study begin.
1980: Jodie Mason dies.
1983: event 8017-2. Cheryl Mason experiences an anomalous urge to visit Silent Hill. Harry agrees to take her. On the drive into the town, Harry's car crashes. Harry is knocked unconscious and awakens in SCP-8017-A to find Cheryl missing. While searching the town for her, he discovers her true nature and the events that led to event 8017-1. Dahlia has arranged this sequence of events to forcibly merge Cheryl and Alessa back into a single being to complete the birth of God. She is successful, but the birth in interrupted, resulting in God being born in a monstrous form. It is unknown if this being is an actual deity or an instance of SCP-8017-C. Harry successfully kills the alleged god. Alessa allows Harry to escape into baseline reality and reincarnates herself into an infant. Harry adopts the infant, naming her Cheryl after the original (henceforth designated Cheryl II). In the years following, Harry is heavily conflicted over Cheryl II, blaming her for the death of Cheryl, but eventually comes to love her as a daughter.
1988: a member of The Order attempts to assassinate Harry Mason and abduct Cheryl II. Harry kills the cultist and moves to another city, renaming Cheryl II to Heather to protect her identity.
1991: the Foundation discovers the existence of SCP-8071-A, -B, and -C after interviewing one James Sunderland, a survivor of a Flauros Event. Containment procedures are updated.
1993: event 8017-03. Claudia White, an Order member, former apprentice of Dahlia Gillespie, and former childhood friend of Alessa discovers Heather and Harry Mason’s location. In an attempt to use Heather to birth God, she arranges the assassination of Harry to cause Heather to suffer and travel to Silent Hill. Heather learns about her past and discovers that she is pregnant with the fetal form of The Order's god. Heather successfully aborts God’s fetus. Claudia ingests the fetus and births an allegedly incomplete version of God (as in event 8017-02 it is unclear if this was an actual deity) but Heather kills it. Upon leaving the town, Heather is detained by the Foundation. Through interrogating her, the Foundation learns about event 8017-01, -02, and -03 and gains a greater understanding of the nature of SCP-8017. Event 8017-03 is the first known instance of SCP-8017-A, -B, and -C manifesting outside of Silent Hill.
1994: event 8017-04. Foundation agents in SCP-017 successfully detain a civilian entering Silent Hill in an attempt to prevent a Flauros Event. Subject is transported to the nearest regional site for analysis. During evaluation, the site is spontaneously transported to SCP-8017-B and instances of SCP-8017-C manifest. This event lasts for several hours (accounts differ on the exact time) during which a containment breach occurs and multiple personnel are exposed to a Flauros Event. The event ends when head researcher Dr. Carter escorts the detained civilian outside of the site and releases them. The site abruptly returns to baseline reality and all SCP-8017-C instances vanish, along with the civilian. In the aftermath of the event, thirteen personnel were found dead, four were never located, fifty-two were injured, and forty-eight showed signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. Containment procedures are updated.
2007: event 8017-05. The 150th anniversary of the founding of Shepherd’s Glen and the fourth necessary sacrifice of children of each of the four founding families. The ritual sacrifice is not completed due to the Shepherd family losing one child due to accidental death and being unwilling to sacrifice the remaining child, Alex Shepherd. Due to this, SCP-8017-A and -B and -C manifest in Shepherd's Glen. Alex Shepherd is drawn to Silent Hill in a Flauros Event. Two of the founding family heads are killed by SCP-8017-C instances appearing to correspond to their deceased children while one is killed by Alex in self-defense and the remaining one is executed by members of the Silent Hill branch of The Order, who invade Shepherd’s Glen in attempted retaliation of the schism of the religion. Alex is forced to kill several high-ranking Order members while resolving his Flauros Event. Upon resolving his Flauros Event, the effects of SCP-8017 on Shepherd’s Glen end. In the aftermath of event 8017-05, the Foundation is able to detain many important Order members and significantly disrupt their operations and power base.
Addendum-2: as of 2023, unconfirmed reports of anomalous phenomena matching the description of SCP-8017 have originated from locations far from the town of Silent Hill, including [REDACTED], Norway and [REDACTED], Japan. Investigation of these reports in underway.
#silent hill#scp foundation#scp#crossover#fanfiction#technically#silent hill 2#silent hill 3#silent hill origins#silent hill homecoming#silent hill ascension#silent hill f
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sorry if this is random/weird, but i was wondering if you had any particular neurodivergent headcanons for tfw/supernatural in general. or, alternatively, just any headcanons near and dear to your heart
I don't want to disappoint you, but I'm very, very bad at speculating any sort of coherent social diagnoses online, even for fictional characters! So I'll happily pass the ball to my more knowledgeable dashfam.
However, THAT SAID. In stories, I absolutely favor when Sam's "normal one" perception of himself gets blown out of the water, and I especially love it when Sam is the last one to realize how weird he comes off to others. I favor the view that Sam spends so much time psychoanalyzing and pathologizing others that he either becomes blind to his own struggles, or else he misattributes them to other things. I just love the idea that Sam uses the case of the week to try to create a narrative he can "solve" instead of looking at how his neurodivergence creates a barrier to him relating to other people. Note// AU Charlie calls him on this beautifully in 14x06 Optimism. Also// See my preferences for Sam versus the entire town of Lebanon hehehe.) ///
Other things I adore: when Dean gets a bit too excited emulating pop culture, and his over-the-top "tryhard" routine backfires. I am especially tickled when Cas turns out to be the "normal one" in any given social situation. This applies to the draft of Tombstone, where it's more obvious that Cas feels more "plainclothes-natural" and Dean more "cowboy cosplay." And in Rock Never Dies, when Crowley, Sam, and Dean come up empty in their respective investigations, and it's Cas who strikes gold! Athough Cas's plight with human interaction is at first played for awkwardness and laughs in season 12, especially his emulating "humanness," he's actually the one to establish a deeper rapport in his investigation in this ep. Cas gains Tommy's trust, even though Cas is using such a silly codename! This is all sorts of hilarious to me. And Cas accidentally stumbling into doing socialness better than Sam and Dean is always especially funny to me. ///
Anyway, both of the above are delicious to me and I would have loved to see them utilized for funsies more often. Overall, I think Cas and Jack underestimate their own ability to connect and empathize, and Sam overestimates his ability to do so. As for Dean, Dean is very self-aware, but it's adorakable when his efforts are so over-the-top to the point they circle back around to being Weird.
They can all, of course, be off-putting when the mood strikes them, and that tickles me, too.
#tfw idiosyncrasies#weird kid sam#spn tombstone#spn lebanon#social awkwardness is the spice of life#sam vs the entire town of lebanon#bad vibes sam#adhd dean
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Fall Vibes 🍁🍃🍂
We are back momentarily from visiting the 28 known galaxies. A series inspired by Jor-El's monologue from the 1978 Superman movie. (Clip on IG/X). There’s so much going on there. Kal-El received knowledge on his voyage to Earth and then spends a chunk of time with holo-dad learning about tons of cosmic stuff in crystals. Crystals that we actually use in technology. They store data information so science fiction is closer to reality than we think.
Click here to read more on "Superman Memory Crystals": https://www.science.org/content/article/superman-memory-crystals-could-store-humanity-s-data-indefinitely
Diana & Clark: Autumn
The autumn season is around the corner and this month I plan to explore Diana & Clark. You’ve never really seen them interact in any live action movie or TV show as that. Unless I missed it. 🤨
(And I’m not talking about animated movies like Throne of Atlantis or even disregarding the many fan-created art and videos out there.)
My primary angst is with DCEU keeping Diana and Clark separate at every turn. Even the cheesy CW crossover omitted her. Also watching the Jenkins WW movies, Diana Prince is seen with coworkers, soldiers, global citizens, and of course Steve Trevor. Her cameos in other films for the most part have Shazam pining after her and vice versa. There's also the dialogue with Bruce Wayne (and the Flash) in the Snyder films. Bruce flirts with her and casts his eye on her but Clark doesn’t notice at all or says anything to her. (I posted several retweets on X from others that made similar observations.) I know this is old news for many but a big part of the reason for this AI exploration.
So it’s an oddity for sure. Seeing them together in plainclothes, or their human identities together interacting with each other, talking, forming a friendship. Because with that in mind as I explored them in AI, I kept thinking ‘Oh man people might think this is Lois’. I made adjustments to show the difference between the two but heck DC has managed to make Lois very much like Diana. Recall how they mocked her in Smallville when Lane wore the WW costume and many other things.
A Paradigm Shift is Needed
So what is at the core of this problem? What is driving the repetitious Superman/Lane ship and pushing SuperWonder away? Bear with me as I will try to explain and will do so in a Part 2.
In the meantime, fall vibes are dedicated to Diana & Clark, Halloween and wherever the creative river flows.
Part 2 to come...
Until next time… ✌️
#superwonder#smww4ever#superman#supermanwonderwoman#wonderwoman#truelove#superman wonderwoman#lovebirds#powercouple#supermanxwonderwoman#Spotify#clark kent#diana prince
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i'm afraid it's about to get much worse. -offhanded Mihawk remark to Iselda?
donning plainclothes, she stands at the edge's of the commotion, joining the sidelines of amused and otherwise unperturbed spectators. bar brawls on pirate-infested islands rarely fizzle out , not with the matter of ego and battles of bounties. even out of uniform, she could probably bulldoze her way through them with a captain's rank , but she's on vacation --- somewhat.
she's long clocked the presence of the famed pirate in the corner of the bar , and as curious as she was about his presence here , chose it best not to interact. really, iselda hadn't expected a peep out of him even as they were both drawn towards the same side of the bar, near enough to see the fight but further enough not to involved.
" so much for a quiet nightcap. ---why don't you step in and end it ? " there's a teasing edge to her voice. not one of familiarity, only because in the years she's seen his appearances at base, mihawk always stood aloof and all haughty stoicism--- why should they be worthy of his attention now ?
@seaoftheworst , meme.
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Hearts’ “HA-HAA” and Zac’s “ha-haa” are like. The Same. Hearts is just louder about it. I wonder what Count Night thinks of that.
#Night: ''Hm this abrasive rockstar-type pretty boy reminds me of someone but I can't quite put my finger on who.''#''I am immediately awash with an overwhelming feeling of fondness. I think I will live in his ceiling.''#Actually Hearts and Zac would probably get along REALLY well. Same type of personality. Same general aesthetic. Same Thirst For Violence.#Beyblade Burst#Beyblade Burst Chouzetsu#Hearts#Zac the Sunshine#Count Night#Let Hearts have a beyblade again and let him interact with Zac. Hell let him be the one who recognizes Plainclothes Count Night and --#-- tells Zac all about what he's been up to.
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CLARICE STARLING #lambtales ALLYSON STRODE #honorsocietys JOHN WICK #onemach MICHAEL TOWNLEY #townley ADRIANA LA CERVA #cheetahprinted ANGEL EVANGELISTA #rubypumps GUS FRING #porsangre SKYLER WHITE #launderes SHANE WALSH #deadalready TALIA AL GHUL #leviathain TILDA JOHNSON #deadlys MISTY KNIGHT #plainclothed
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XY had such a conceptually cool character cast with its more important characters, and it kills me they never got the opportunity to really do more with them within the games themselves.
We got a immortal 3000yr old king wandering around, the inventor of a machine that could bring the dead back to life (albeit at the cost of the lives of many other Pokemon), and later, converted it into a weapon so strong, that when fired to put an end to a war, it literally tore the fabric of space-time. I want more on this. I need more on this. Give me Legends: Kalos.
The main villain is a descendant of the ancient king's brother, but we don't see them taking AZ into custody or really any interactions between AZ and Lysandre. (I mean, I presume AZ was begging Lys to not go thru with it, that he'll only come to regret it just like AZ has, but it'd be interesting to see them interact.)
The Professor and main villain are implied to be good friends, but they only get one on-screen interaction and that's Sycamore playing off a clearly suspicious rant. (Literally a 3sec scene in Evolutions gives us a better interaction between the two.)
One of the E4 was a mole for the villain team, and pulls double duty for them in censoring the news since she works as a newscaster. We only find this out in the post game. She kept the Kalosian populace up to its strongest Trainers in the dark until it was almost too late. (Also, where in the fuck was Diantha when all that was going down?)
Team Flare is basically a genocidal secret police and we don't talk about that nearly as much as we should as a fandom. (Always see them getting shit when they could have been easily one of the scariest villain teams, like they have a lot of paranoia-inducing traits like their eavesdropping on Holocaster calls and some implied plainclothes agents that make them super interesting, but the games dropped the ball with them by not really playing those aspects up. They're so underrated.)
Honestly, if I'm still a Pokemon fan when it's time for XY remakes and it gets the BDSP treatment, I will be so fucking mad.
#pokemon xy#pokemon x and y#lysandre#team flare#elite four malva#professor sycamore#augustine sycamore#king az#pokemon az
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@wanda-chaos-witch asked: Broken, mystical energy flooded her senses. A feeling of loss. Confusion. Wanda had had enough loss of late. She reached out with her power and sensed it. Energy barrels, heaps, tons….This wasn’t possible. Unless a very powerful spell had been conjured. She didn’t like this. Not one bit. The whole thing felt off. Wanda stopped her meditation and changed into some plainclothes with a flick of her fingers. It was time to head over to Westview. But when she arrived everything was the same. Agatha was still Agnes. There was only one other person Wanda had briefly met who knew magic. And he certainly was the type to cast a spell without thinking of consequences. She stormed into the Sanctum Santorum. Using her powers to blast both doors open. “Get me Stephen Strange.” She demanded of a frightened intern. The doors closed behind her and her eyes flared red as she waited for the Sorcerer.
Meme Random Asks /// Always Accepting
He knew that there would be repercussions for his mishap. The bill comes due, he remembered, Mordo’s grim warning as he left their ranks having clung to his memory since botching that spell so thoroughly. A memory alteration spell on such a grand scale was already a risky endeavor, and when his focus had slipped for that single, unforgiving moment, he knew that he had developed a ridiculously outstanding debt. He was still being informed of reports of massive, glistening holes torn into the sky. The destruction of the updated Statue of Liberty was going to cost a pretty penny, and there were already people connecting it with the sudden appearance, and then prompt disappearance, of strange villains who attacked the Alexander Hamilton Bridge before being chased off by Spider-Man.
But, he couldn’t remember what the spell had been for, so he could only assume that it had been, on some level, a success. And that had worried him even more, because there were gaps in his memory that had quickly become unsettling, and there had been no clearing the fog that had come over his interactions with the young Spider-Man.
He quickly added it to the list of things that he was losing sleep over, trying to fix the problem that he had made.
It was only a matter of time before someone confronted him about it - besides Wong, of course, who had almost immediately cleared his schedule to chew Stephen out for his foolishness. He had certainly imagined one of the Avengers coming to him, seeking answers over the unexplainable, mystical misfortune that had swept up New York City and left it reeling, a shared sense of dread seeming to settle among the populace. Sam Wilson, maybe, who seemed to have taken up Rogers’s mantle. Colonel Rhodes, who had been close to Iron Man, and remained in contact with worldwide defense leaders. Maybe even Fury himself, if he was still around. S.W.O.R.D., which had dealt with Wanda’s immense display of power out in a tiny little New Jersey town.
Funny enough, Miss Wanda Maximoff was not one of the individuals that Stephen had expected to come find him. Perhaps, he thought, trying to calm the frightened ramblings of one of their new, young acolytes. The student had come to fetch him almost immediately after a rather infuriated Wanda had stormed into the Sanctum, demanding to see him, and all Stephen could do was reassure him that everything would be alright. Which, maybe it would be; perhaps Wanda was simply looking for a safe space to hide after the Hex incident.
He knew that the more time he wasted, the more Wanda would grow frustrated, and the last thing he wanted was an even greater fallout than whatever was coming. He put on a companionable smile, trying to keep his posture relaxed as he approached his rather impatient guest. “Wanda,” he greeted her, simple but not impolite. “What a surprise; I had expected that New York would be one of the last places you’d want to be.” Already, he was conjuring a pair of mugs. “Can I offer you tea? Coffee?” He paused, squinting thoughtfully as he looked at her. “Moonshine?”
#wanda-chaos-witch#summoned /// answered#across the multiverse /// rp#it ran away from me a bit#but there ya go hun!
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Hey there!! New follower here i just wanna say im so inlove with the way you write and i cant get enough of it !! Can you do some HCs with Mezo Shoji and Snipe from BNHA? (separately and Snipe gets less love and i want him to shine-) And if you can add, the s/o is a singer :D Thank you !!!
i’m actually bummed Snipe doesnt have an actual name yet lmaoo unless im dumbdumb. also i love shouji ;-;
- His southern drawl is endearing to the ladies, and he knows it well. Yet, he still manages to mess up any interaction he has with a woman he finds the slightest bit attractive.
- He first met you in plainclothes at a local coffee shop near his apartment. He knew it was love at furst sight when you took a black coffee, dumped a cup of sugar in it, and drank it like a shot.
- “Well, you dont see that everyday.” He drawled, drawing you attention. He gulped when your stare turned icy and you set your hands on your hips.
- “Making fun of a stranger?” You said coldly. Snipe proceeded to apologise profusely, asking how he can make it up to you. He trued to stand up, but ended up knocking the chair backwards in his haste. Your glare broke and you let out an lovely laugh.
- “Buy me another coffee, how about that?”
- He is an absolute gentleman, and at least once a week you’ll find flowers delivered to your work, embarrasing in front of your coworkers.
- Despite being a top hero (and extremely busy), he always makes time for anniversary’s, birthday party’s, family reunions. Even if he has to take the time off months in advance, or if he has to work overtime.
- He is a master at darts. It’s actually how he got you to go on a second date. You hit him when he told you his quirk allowed him to manipulate objects in the air.
- On his off days, he will sleep in until the late afternoon.
- He loves to cook, and loves to make food for you and experiment with food. Baking cookies is his specialty.
- He loves your singing voice, and it can lull him to sleep like a baby.
- When he furst heard you sing, he sat in silence and listened. He ended up scaring the living daylights out of you when you ended up turning around and finding him sitting there in awe.
- He always tries to sing duets with you at karaoke, and you always try to say no. But with his country drawl you cant deny how fun a country duet is.
Mezo Shouji
- He was prepared to take his feelings for you to the grave if he had to. Relationships and him just never worked out. He would rather be your friend for as long as possible even if it meant never getting to be with you the way he truly wanted.
- He remembered when you volunteered to be a singer to the Class 1-A band, and getting to hear you sing so passionatley. Your voice was absolutley beautiful.
- He remember you had to stay after class one day, and he forgot his bag. He passed Aizaw in the hallway.
- “(Y/n) should still be in there, if not, you’re out of luck.” Aizawa said with a shrug. Mezo picked up the paced, slowing when he heard a soft humming coming from the room. He stepped into the doorway to hear your tune better.
- You swayed back and forth, humming something beautiful. He could sit and listen forever.
- “Shoji?”
- He was so embarrased. And you were equally as embarrased considering how red your cheeks were.
- “I’m sorry to intrude.” He send, bowing slightly. You rushed to pick up your stuff quicker, obviously not wanting to be there any longer.
- “The song. It was beautiful.” He murmured. You stuttered out a thank you.
- “To make up for it, I can uh, walk you home. Or at least to the nearest mart to get you a pork bun.”
-You smiled, obciously more relaxed, nodding with a smile.
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Been thinking more about therapy au where Jehan develops a crush on his therapist, who's a plainclothes nun, and wondered what might happen if they met each other again outside of therapy?
She's still a nun, granted one with medical doctorate in psychotherapy, and even if she doesn't belong to the same parish as Fr. Jehan it wouldn't be unusual for sisters from a neighboring church to work with another parish. Sure Jehan is doing well with his group therapy, maybe even to the point that when his former therapist asks how he's doing he can honestly say he's doing better, and genuinely mean it for once, instead of it being an automatic response to not worry others. It's definatly awkward seeing her again, she was his doctor after all, especially after he tired to kiss her during his last session with her. (also doesn't help that I recently saw an episode of NCIS New Orleans, and now I picture his therapist looking like Necar Zadegan's character, Hannah Khoury. Yeah she's a gorgeous and striking woman, even dressed down as a plainclothes nun, who is taller than Jehan, with amazing cheekbones....I'm sensing a theme here 🤔)
Thankfully she doesn't seem to hold Jehan's stupid mistake against him, as long as he remembers to keep and enforce healthy boundaries. It's nice getting to see her again, maybe not as regularly as when she was his therapist, but now Jehan gets to know the Sister more as a person. He remembers she was smart, and easy to talk to, but he gets to learn she's also really funny, and has some crazy stories about her time in medical school. She even helps Jehan find a specialist doctor to treat Agnes, when she learns about his mother's failing memory, and oh crap, fuck....looks like Jehan isn't over his crush on her.
Cue his younger brother, Gene, visiting from college and he's pleasantly surprised his brother is doing better and even going to group therapy. Especially if Gene was the one to convince his brother to see the sister for treatment in the first place, but when he asks about what prompted Jehan to switch from one on one treatment to group therapy, he gets evasive and vague. Until he sees Jehan interacting with a very familiar looking plainclothes nun, and figures out Jehan has a crush on her. As a younger sibling Gene is contractually obligated to tease his older brother about his crush and be as annoying as possible. Until Jehan gets very defensive and upset, and Gene tries to apologize and reassure Jehan it's not a bad thing to have feelings about someone. They both know about how the church feels about any sort of hint of sexual attraction outside of marriage, but "hey it's not a bad thing to love someone, even if you know it won't work out or they won't love you back. At least not the way you love them. It's like having a crush on a married teacher. As long as you don't do something stupid like get drunk confess your in love with them, then make out in the bar's coat room."
And then they make out in a bar's coat room
Brilliant. Incandescent. Inspired. Therapeutic even.
#Jehan having a cruuuush#i love this i do my brain is just mush#kmclaudereplies#au where jehan gets therapy
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Trope to grade: Enemy Mine. Personally it's one of my favorites, but I'm interested in how you feel about it.
listen listen I know it's not always feasible I know it can be handled badly but do I care? no. I covet making characters interact in unorthodox formats. I love this. I love all of its subtopics. Give. Bequeath. Nourish my body on its energies.
Excellent flavorings to pair this with include:
-one character is specifically familiar with the other's capabilities from how often the other has used it against them
-genuine bonding of the sweet and sentimental kind
-genuine bonding of the absolutely soul-crushingly awkward kind
-this is part of a process of dragging the antagonist into the light because aww fuck I guess we're friends now
-less "I guess we HAVE to work together" but either the hero or villain has standards and doesn't want to fight the other in the face of [situation happening]
-half-blind secret identity version where two people who are usually enemies 'in costume' are in a situation with one in costume and the other out, so they don't KNOW it's their nemesis but the plainclothes one knows
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