#PFT is always so much fun
kuwdora · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about improv comedy lately, per a few discussions I’ve had on discord and twitter.
I want to give a hearty rec for Paul F Tompkin’s show The Dead Author’s Podcast. PF Tompkins plays HG Wells who hops into his time machine and interview the dead authors of interest.
There's 66 episodes total, including an ep that features Dr. Seuss and another Shel Silverstein. Maya Angelou. Christopher Marlowe. Each author is played by one of the comedians from the Upright Citizens Brigade and I’m always howling with laughter at something or other during an episode.
It’s such a fun kind of improv comedy, running amok with historical details and other silly things. One of my favorite episodes is the Gospel writers which had me in stitches. The Ayn Rand episode had me weeping with laughter and sobbing in nihilism.
I was looking back at their archive and it turns out there's a few episodes I'd missed over the years so I'll be picking my way through these again. It's such a fun ride.
Pretty sure they have their episodes up on Spotify, Stitcher and Apple and all the other usual podcast places. The Dead Author’s Podcast is their official page (not mobile friendly, the banners have broken the page).
Definitely check it out if you enjoy improv comedy and/or historical silliness.
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pshcomforts · 8 months
➳ “slut!” | psh.
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non!idolsunghoon x fem!reader (feat. taehyun from txt)
“in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman”
synopsis: your friend convinces you to go on a blind date with her boyfriend’s friend, sunghoon.
warnings/content: written in third pov. strangers to lovers. cursing. reader’s kind of awkward, and doesn’t like horror movies. sunghoon’s kind of flirty. nicknames used (gorgeous, loser). fluff!
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 6.0k
a/n: fictional characters — dae (jungwon’s partner), min-su (heeseung’s partner), and ji-woo (jake’s partner)
current song playing: “slut!” by taylor swift
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
1:35 ───────────|──────── -1:24
a loud groan left y/n’s mouth as she turned her back from her friend. “no ji-woo!”
“oh come on, y/n!! it’ll be fun!”
the girl faced to ji-woo with a frown displayed. “you know i haven’t gotten over taehyun yet..”
her friend rolled her eyes in a playful gesture before replying — “girl that’s why you go on the blind date!”
“it wouldn’t be such a bad idea..” dae murmured on the side.
y/n’s head whipped to him in an instant to send a stink eye. “it would be, actually. i’m not ready and having a double date with you and jake with someone i don’t even know is just so awkward.”
“it won’t be! jake just wants his friend to have some company for the night. please, y/n…” ji-woo pleaded.
y/n let out a disgusted sigh at her before turning her attention to an eagerly-waiting dae and min-su. “should i..?”
“YES!” they yelled together.
“UGH i hate you guys.. fine!”
the gang cheered in her defeat as they gathered around. “finally getting over taehyun!” dae exclaimed.
“i will end you..”
ji-woo gave a chuckle at her threat. “you’ll be fine y/n! he’s good looking, and he’s pretty much like you but in boy form!”
“is that supposed to be a compliment…”
“wait is it sunghoon?” min-su chimed in as she sent her text out to her boyfriend.
“oh yeah, heeseung knows him right?”
“mhm” — their friend responded, “i heard he’s kind of cold hearted from other dates he’s had though..”
“cold hearted..?” y/n repeated.
“i’m sure it’ll be fineee. from what i’ve heard, he’s a stand up guy.” ji-woo attempted to reassure.
“pft yeah right, he’s probably just into one night stands.” the girl retorted.
“isn’t that what you want though?” questioned dae who was giving light taps on his phone for jungwon.
y/n sighed. “well i’m not gonna expect anything out of that stupid double blind date i have with ji-woo.”
the group gave light giggles at her words. “you’re such a hater,” the dimpled girl snorted.
“i am! i’m only doing this for you.”
“you love me…”
“i’m leaving..”
“shut up, i’m leaving!” her footsteps hurried out of the room before she could hear their debating screams on coming back.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
“do i look fine?” y/n nervously mumbled while fidgeting her fingers.
ji-woo sighed out — “girl yes! you always do.”
“shut up, i’m hating you so much right now. i cant believe i actually said yes to this.”
“well it’s too late! they’re already coming here anyway.”
the shorter girl huffed out a sigh after applying the last few touches to her makeup. “why did i say yes…” she muttered under her breath.
minutes passed and soon came the time when the two boys arrived. jake walked in first to engulf his girlfriend into a tight hug, as sunghoon awkwardly tumbled behind him.
“hey love, missed you today.” he sighed out in the embrace of ji-woo — earning quiet giggles from her.
as the two couple were hugging, y/n and sunghoon stayed on the side with averting eyes. they’re introverts, of course they’re too scared to talk first.
the girl gave a swift, clear cough in her throat to catch her friend’s attention. “hm? oh! sorry, y/n this is sunghoon. sunghoon, this is y/n.” ji-woo spoke to the two tense figures.
“hi…” y/n softly uttered with a weird hand wave.
“hello,” he replied in a light manner.
the silence was deathly awkward already. jake sucked in a deep breath before patting his friend’s back. “ah i’m sorry y/n, my bro here is a little awkward, but if you get to know him more, you’ll find that he matches you.” he beamed a smile at his girlfriend’s friend, who was just nodding.
“that’s nice, i guess..” she said, whispering the last few words to herself.
“girl you’re awkward too, you better not leave it to just sunghoon to talk.” ji-woo suddenly disputed while intertwining her hands with her boyfriend’s.
y/n gave a quick side eye as her mouth gaped open in shock. “yeah yeah whatever, just focus on your stupid date.” she bitterly spat back. she heard sunghoon give a quiet chuckle at his side, amused in her little antics with her friend.
he flashed a half smile, letting his fangs highlight his facial features even more. perhaps this date wasn’t such a bad idea after all…
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the beginning to the double date was to a movie. and of course, it was a horror movie — ji-woo picked it on purpose.
“ugh i really fucking hate you right now. why would you do this to me?” y/n fumed, feeling her hands shake with each taunting thought of the jumpscares in mind.
being such gentlemen, sunghoon and jake (mostly jake) volunteered themselves to grab the snacks while the two girls sat in the theater — letting previews play in the background.
“girl you’ll be finee, i heard that it’s not even that scary!” ji-woo defended.
“i don’t care, ji-woo! i cant do horror movies, you know that! i hate you so much, i wish i never went on this stupid date.”
“oh my gosh.. you’ll be fine y/n! just… hold onto sunghoon when you get scared.” her brows raised suggestively, earning a harsh nudge from y/n.
“you’re so ugly. i’m gonna fucking walk out, that’s what i’m gonna do.”
“no you won’t!” ji-woo yelled back with a hand grab to her. “the ticket’s been purchased so.. you have no choice but to stay here.”
y/n scoffed and groaned soon after. “fine but i’m not gonna sit next to you.” she got up from the middle section, and sat in the corner where sunghoon was originally gonna sit.
ji-woo only scoffed at her petty behavior, opening her mouth to make a comeback but was stopped with the entrance of jake. the boy sat next to her with a confused look.
“i thought y/n was gonna-“
“she wants to sit there so she’ll sit there,” his girlfriend intervened.
y/n rolled her eyes before searching for her date who wasn’t behind jake. “hey where’s my date?”
her friend’s boyfriend chuckled. “you care about where my bro is at now huh?”
her face morphed into an eye squint with her lips tugged at the corner. “god you’re just like fucking ji-woo…”
the couple laughed together before jake spoke again — “it’ll be okay, y/n. your savior just decided to get more snacks for you.”
y/n’s face felt heated with embarrassment. all that fuss, and he was just being polite.
“whatever… i still wish dae and min-su were fucking here. they’d still leave me for their man but..,” her lips pouted as she missed them, feeling neglected from her friend who was giggling with her man. soon after, she pulled out her phone.
y/n <33:
miss you guys :(
for once, i miss you guys 🧍🏻‍♀️
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
What about your date?
hee’s fav 🤍:
um that’s a first!
y/n <33:
ji-woo’s abandoned me and i want to go home already :(
somebody pick me up please..
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
You’ll be fineee
Just talk to him!
hee’s fav 🤍:
girl you’ve only been there for like 45 minutes
y/n <33:
Replied to ‘Just talk to him!’ — I DONT WANT TOOOOOOOOO
jake’s girl 🫂:
girl stop texting the group chat and talk to sunghoon!
almost immediately, y/n whipped her head to ji-woo who was already looking at her. she rolled her eyes before sending the middle finger to her, and then going back to the group chat.
jake’s girl 🫂:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
jake’s girl 🫂:
she flipped me off!!
hater 🙄
y/n <33:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
hee’s fav 🤍:
she wants to abandon sunghoon already
y/n <33:
MIN-SU AND DAE 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
jake’s girl 🫂:
let her talk to sunghoon first!
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Um sorry y/n :(
hee’s fav 🤍:
i would come get you but hee’s being clingy right now
he won’t leave me alone
sorry, you’re on your own
y/n <33:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
I’ll get you after the movies if you still want to come home
y/n <33:
i wanna go home now 🧍🏻‍♀️
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Sorry y/n, Jungwon just came too so
y/n <33:
yeah yeah whatever, have fun losers
the girl shut her phone after the text sent through to avoid any other messages. she gave a defeated sigh at the situation she was stuck in.
she didn’t hate the boy, but she was just simply too awkward to be going on dates like these.
soon enough, sunghoon came back with arms full of candy and popcorn.
just the sight of him approaching y/n was awkward — in a sweet, kind of dorky way.
“o-oh, you’re sitting in my seat?” he asked with his lips pressed together afterward.
she only nodded before looking down in an apologetic manner — “yeah, sorry.. i don’t want to sit next to my friend right now.”
he gave a chuckle as he sat down in the one next to her. “you must’ve really hated her for putting you on this date with me huh?”
“w..what!” her eyes blew up in shock at his sudden approach. “no! i mean, i just can’t go on dates with how awkward i am..”
sunghoon widened his smile as he empathized with her words. “are you usually this awkward?”
y/n bit her lips before melting in with a head shake. as if she was already comfortable with him, she sent a soft smack to his arms. “shut up, i’m awkward but i’m not as awkward as you.” the girl shot back.
his mouth slightly gaped open with how sudden he had been hit. “that really hurt, you know?” he teased in a shit eating grin, hands rubbing at the “bruised” area.
she reflected back a smile as she shook her head. in all the dates she’s been on, she’s never met a man whose met her expectations in the reactions for when she’d hit them — until him.
“you’re stupid,” she said in an automatic response.
sunghoon smirked with an eyebrow raise. “yeah? well if i’m stupid, then you’re gorgeous.”
y/n forcibly took a pause in everything. ‘where did that random surge of confidence come from?’ she asked herself while awkwardly laughing. “gorgeous..? that’s a little upfront.”
he did a head tilt with her words, causing her heart to lightly thump at his handsome, confused face. “upfront? did you like it?” his thick brows raised again as he grinned ear to ear, enjoying her shy reactions.
she shook her head after burying it into the palm of her hands. “ew stop it..,” her voice muffled out as she nudged her head against his broad shoulders.
hoon beamed with a warm, fuzzy feeling at the tip of his ears. “your reactions to what i say are cute. i guess i’m gonna have fun trying to figure you out tonight.” he mumbled near her head.
y/n bolted up at his words. “what??”
“it’ll be fun,” he winked. the mix of confident and awkward energies he gave were insatiable. is this how he does his one night stands?
she shook her head out of it. she doesn’t fall in love, not on the first date anyway. “uhm so, what kind of snacks did you get?”
sunghoon’s lips curled at her question. “well i heard from your friend that you enjoy chocolate, so i got you a little bit of everything from their selection.” one by one, he handed little chocolate snacks that had y/n mesmerized with sparkles in her eyes.
each time he gave her the candy, her hands would softly graze against his in a way that she didn’t realize, but he did. he’d take a gulp whenever he’d feel her nails faintly scratch his hands with how excited she was in snatching the treats.
“no way you got me all of this!” she exclaimed, feeling like a kid on christmas day.
he tugged a smile onto his lips as his heart was beating like crazy with the excitement she displayed. “i just wanted to make sure you’d be distracted from the scary movie.”
y/n peaked her head out of the chocolate, and to him with a puzzled look. “how’d you know i don’t like horror movies?”
“i could see how scared you were when we talked about it in the car,” sunghoon chuckled as he recalled back to watching her eyes nervously shift from ji-woo to jake, in hopes that someone read her mind (he did).
“sorry..,” she murmured. “i just can’t handle jumpscares.”
his lips pressed together in a line, conveying that he understood before showing his hand palm to her.
y/n looked at him with confused eyes, causing a hearty laugh to erupt from him. “you can hold my hand for comfort if you need to, dummy. whenever you’re scared, just squeeze it to know that you’re not alone.”
could she really do that with a stranger? “are.. you sure?” her eyes trailed up to meet his pretty face that spoke a reassuring look.
sunghoon nodded with a half smile. “yeah, i don’t mind.”
the girl’s heart lit up with butterflies. gladly, she let her hands intertwine with his and almost immediately, she felt a spark hit them.
y/n took a deep breath with how close they’ve already gotten. they barely talked and yet they were holding hands already.
as they were about to talk more, previews suddenly ended and the movie began.
when ji-woo could, she’d turn her head to check on the two — only to turn to jake and comment — “they’re already like a couple.” the male would glance at the said people and giggle alongside his girlfriend.
“i knew they’d match,” he mumbled with an approved head nod.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
throughout the film, y/n squeezed sunghoon’s hand continuously — a little more than he’d expect. when an upcoming jumpscare scene came, her hands would slightly grip in fear of what would show.
other times, the opposite side of their hands that weren’t holding would reach into the popcorn bucket situated between each other. again with the finger graze — their hands would accidentally bunk when dipped into the bucket, both too awkward to address it.
y/n gulped with the tension that was quietly arising between them. she’d occasionally stuff her face with popcorn to distract herself with how long her hands were holding his.
‘is my hand too sweaty?’ ‘is he tired of it yet?’ ‘when should i pull my hand away’ ‘he’s handsome..’ ‘damn he’s gorgeous’ ‘i could stare at his face all day’ ‘am i staring too much?’ — were all questions and thoughts that ran through her mind.
“are you that scared of the movie that you have to look at me instead?” sunghoon whispered with his head near hers.
her face grew heated with shame. “what?” she questioned aloud. her eyes trailed to his as he locked eye contact. a small smile plastered on him as he watched her shy away.
their faces were close to each other — tips of the nose barely touching with their hands still tightly intact.
“you’ve been staring a lot,” he chimed.
a glint of the movie scene, that was now deafened out by the both of them, reflected on his shiny eyes as they gazed at each other. the lighting was dark but she could still trace out all the special features highlighted on him — his thick brows, plump lips, softened eyes, and messy hair — her heart was fluttering in all sorts of ways.
“sorry.. that’s a little embarrassing,” y/n admitted with her lips firmly pressed. “i just-“
her words were interrupted by the sudden boom from the movie. a jumpscare appeared in a matter of seconds, causing the girl to jolt and tighten her hand around hoon’s.
quickly, she shut her eyes and turned her head away from the bright screen. she felt her heart beating out of her chest with the stimulated pace it was at.
in return, sunghoon rubbed his thumb in a reassuring way as he chuckled to himself. “you okay?” he queried while giving a light squeeze to her.
her breath became heavy as an uneasy feeling crept in. “yeah.. is it over?”
“yeah, the scene’s over.”
y/n peeked her eyes open to look up at a smitten boy who was still keeping his strong gaze on her. her cheeks flushed with a warming color once more as she averted his gaze to look at the bright screen.
immediately, her vision took in the scene displayed out in front of her — a woman being possessed. she yelped out in fear and gripped his hand.
“sunghoon!” y/n harshly whispered with a head whipped to him.
he flashed a smile, fangs and dimples full out on display as his heart raced. “sorry sorry, are you okay?” the boy softly murmured back.
“no, what made you think that was okay?” she whispered-yelled, furiously shaking her head in disappointment.
sunghoon couldn’t help but grin ear to ear again. biting his lips to calm himself down from looking like he had hangers in his mouth, he turned his head away from her — coming into eye contact with his friend, jake. he raised his brows in a way that spoke — ‘perfect for you, huh?’
he shook his head before turning to y/n, who was still scared out of her wits. “i didn’t know, i swear. the movie’s already over anyway.” his mutter was sweet and soft in her ears — causing a fluttering feel to hit at the pit of her stomach.
attempting to look unfazed, she groaned out a disgusted sigh before detangling her fingers that were still tightly attached to him. the movie was indeed over so no hand holding was needed anymore.
sunghoon quietly sighed out at the empty feel against his hands. “you okay?” he asked with worried eyes.
y/n nodded her head, hands rubbing her heart area to calm it down. “yeah no, i’m fine, but if i have nightmares, i’m blaming you.”
he amusingly chuckled before sending a pat to her hair. “alright that’s fair.“
“okay lovebirds, you guys ready?” ji-woo asked to the two.
y/n looked at her with disgust written on her face. she barely knew the guy after all.
sunghoon looked at her for confirmation, only to earn a simple nod and eyebrow raise.
the group left the movie theater together, and then carried onto their plan of having dinner together. in the seating arrangement, ji-woo and y/n sat near each other, facing their dates.
“oh shoot, i forgot something in the car!” y/n’s friend exclaimed with a sigh.
“what is it?” responded jake.
“my phone, i can’t believe i forgot it!”
a chuckle slipped out of his mouth as his hand gently placed over hers. “don’t worry love, let’s go get it.”
as she got up, y/n was quick to grasp her wrist. “uhm jake, why don’t i just go with her instead?” her eyes met her friend’s, letting it shift to sunghoon to give her the hint to not be left alone with him.
jake smiled as he watched his girlfriend’s friend give a poorly made signal. “it’s fine, we’ll be quick y/n. make sure she’s okay, bro.” he swatted a hand to hoon who was awkwardly nodding.
the couple vanished within seconds, allowing the two most awkward people in the world to be left alone.
y/n quickly cleared her throat before snatching out her phone out of habit.
y/n <33:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
hee’s fav 🤍:
what a traitor
y/n <33:
hee’s fav 🤍:
is it that bad that you can’t handle being alone with him?
y/n <33:
okay no.. but it’s just awkward 🧍🏻‍♀️
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Girll you’ll be fineee
jake’s girl 🫂:
Yeah y/n, talk to him. Don’t just leave my bro alone like that
y/n <33:
is that fucking jake?
jake’s girl 🫂:
y/n <33:
jake’s girl 🫂:
Okay it’s me, but give Sunghoon a chance
And get off of the phone
y/n subtly rolled her eyes before shutting the phone off. turning her head up, she was met with the same boy who looked just as smitten as earlier.
there was something about his eyes that she could get lost in.
“so.. sunghoon, do you go on dates a lot?”
she sighed to herself, wanting to twist her head in how stupid she sounded.
he softly chuckled at her reaction afterward, watching how she face palmed herself. “i don’t go on a lot, but i enjoy it occasionally.”
‘is he really a one night stand type of guy?’ y/n thought as she nodded.
“and you?”
“well i was actually in a committed relationship with someone but we broke up.. five months ago.” she took a noticeably large gulp of her water after to calm her nerves.
sunghoon’s ears perked up at her words. “you guys broke up?”
“well we’re on this date, aren’t we?”
the two laughed together at how silly and stupid this kind of introduction was.
he was about to ask more, but was stopped by the re-entry of jake and ji-woo. “sorry guys, the car was further than we thought,” the girl huffed.
“no worries, let’s just order.” y/n responded, eyes distracted with how handsome sunghoon looked. her gaze lingered through every facial feature of his, subtly admiring as she forcibly tore her attention away from him after.
hoping no one saw, she changed the subject into what possible dishes she’d order. he noticed though. of course he did. her attempt to look elsewhere was a fail with how she could feel his stare burning holes into her.
the boy laughed quietly to himself before looking at the menu as well.
meanwhile, outside of their world, jake and ji-woo shared the same glance that said — ‘as if it wasn’t already obvious.’
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when dinner finished, the two in a relationship decisively ditched sunghoon and y/n together.
the short girl groaned out an annoyed sigh. to be quite frank, she just wanted the night to end.
she scrolled through her phone to find a text from ji-woo — ‘forgive me queen!!’ — followed by a few other confused messages from min-su and dae.
a click to her device was made and she put it away to turn to sunghoon. “i’m really sorry that they ditched us here…”
he smiled as if he understood. “don’t worry, i don’t mind sitting next to a pretty girl.”
her cheeks quickly flushed, causing her to impulsively slap his arm for a response. “oh shit! sorry, i do that a lot.” she gave a sheepish smile as she rubbed his muscular arm.
he shined his teeth with a wide grin. “i can tell.. guess i should get used to that huh?” he murmured.
“nothing, just keep rubbing my arm like that.” sunghoon raised his thick brows, earning a gasp from y/n.
“the way you get randomly confident is so crazy to me.”
“guess you should get used to that.” he flirted, tongue slipping between his teeth. “wanna get a drink?”
“only if you’re buying,” she said, lips pressed into a sweet smile.
hoon chuckled out at her words — “of course i will, gorgeous.”
immediate butterflies hit her stomach with the newly given name from him. “you’re calling me gorgeous for sure, now?” the girl asked after ordering her alcoholic drink.
“yeah, you don’t like it?” he handed it to her once it was done and took small sips of his own.
she rolled her eyes before sending a light grin. “it’s not bad. can i give you one?”
“be my guest, gorgeous.”
her heart pulsed at the name again, feeling her insides jump as she said, “mm.. how about loser?”
instantly, sunghoon almost spat out his drink. “loser??” he closed his eyes to laugh at her suggestion. “you think i’m a loser?”
“i mean, you could be my loser.” she carelessly responded.
one of his brows raised in amusement. “look who’s confident now.”
“shut up!” she yelled, chuckling alongside the smiley boy.
changing the topic, y/n went into a few other different subjects. and now with a little more alcohol driven in her system, her confidence rose as she suddenly asked, “okay this is random but, how do you think this one night stand thing is going so far?”
sunghoon took a pause — “one night stand? you think this is a one night stand?”
she hiccuped a giggle as she shook her head. “well i mean, don’t you only do one night stands?”
he took her question in a light manner, scratching the back of his neck while laughing it out. “if you think this is a one night stand, then you’re wrong dummy. i don’t do that, and whatever you heard, it’s wrong. i’m not that kind of a person.” his finger playfully nudged her head as he rolled his eyes.
“wha- i’m sorry! i just heard that you tend to be a little mean..,” y/n defended with a scoff.
he beamed a half smile as he let a sigh leave his mouth. “you still think i’m mean after letting you hold my hand?”
she mirrored his expression before softly hitting his arm again. “okay you didn’t let me finish. i thought you were at first! but after that whole movie theater situation, i thought you were pretty sweet.”
his heart subtly lit with fireworks as he bit his lips down to hide his smile. “i am pretty sweet, aren’t i?” he cockily marveled.
“ew sunghoon..”
the male cackled out a laugh at her reaction. “come on, it was funny.”
y/n rolled her eyes — “just a little bit.. but don’t get too carried away with it.”
a few more push and pull on their spat was made before hoon decided to end it with a trip to the restroom.
as she was left alone, her hands pulled out her phone once again to check her flooded group chat.
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Why haven’t you been answering!
Do you still need to be picked up?
jake’s girl 🫂:
she’s busy with sunghoon!!
hee’s fav 🤍:
um ew
my hee said he’s proud of him
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
y/n <33:
i’m literally fine 😭😭 i’m just at a bar with him
hee’s fav 🤍:
a bar??
jake’s girl 🫂:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
y/n giggled at her screen, about to type out another message before being interrupted.
the familiar voice immediately clicked in her head. she knew that voice from anywhere..
“taehyun??” she felt her heart in her throat with how sudden he appeared back in her life. “what are you doing here?”
a chuckle erupted from his throat as he nervously scratched his neck. “i should be the one asking you that. are you drinking alone?”
“oh no i-“
“nevermind that, you look cold.” he interrupted, taking his leather jacket off to wrap around her.
“it’s really fine, taehyun, you don’t have to.” a sense of an uneasy feeling hit her stomach as she was tensely awkward.
his hands held onto the jacket, attempting to let it cover her shoulders — only for it to be pushed away with another coat from behind.
y/n, of all, was puzzled but quickly grasped that it was sunghoon. he arrived from behind, noticing the subtle body language change in her from her back.
now the jacket he wore earlier had securely been on her shoulders with a hand placed at her waist.
he pulled her in close to him with his eyes narrowing at her ex. “she has mine. she’s not cold.” the girl trailed her eyes from his chest to his masculine face. she took a gulp, careful to not get too caught up with how much she was admiring him. him, and his chiseled chest, strong jawline, sharp nose, dashing eyes, thick brows, and fluffy hair. god, she could stare at him forever.
meanwhile, taehyun felt lost, mind not able to comprehend how sudden a random guy had swooped in near his old lover. “oh i’m sorry, are you guys…”
sunghoon darkly chuckled. “yeah,” he paused with a jaw clench while tightening his hold around her waist, “we’re together.” the surge of possession drawing out of him was something she didn’t expect to see, but she liked it.
the older male understandingly nodded his head before apologizing and taking his leave from the scene.
“thanks.. i didn’t really feel like talking to him.” y/n confessed with her lips pushed in a line.
he smiled as he took his seat, not before sweeping the taehyun air off and taking a sip of his beverage. “i could tell. did i do good as your pretend boyfriend?”
she cackled a laugh, nodding in agreement as she joked, “yeah keep that up and you’ll be my real boyfriend.”
“yeah? i have potential?” his face dipped in closer to hers, breath heavy with a gulp at how close they were.
her lips curled into a smile before leaning in close to let the tips of their noses touch. “you do, loser.” she flirtatiously nudged his head away, laughing at how charmed he was.
they continued through other talks, finding interests in similar things and connecting on a different level. going on a date with someone like him was different than what y/n was used to. she felt like she could actually converse with him after pushing through the awkward surface.
little things about each other were getting to be known — birthdays, interests, goals, connections, mbti’s. they were enjoying each other’s company with just how well they could communicate.
a spark was undeniably ignited between the two loud introverts, and soon enough, the question had been asked — “wanna get out of here?”
“been waiting for you to ask that.” y/n replied with a smile.
the two soon found transportation back to her shared apartment with her friends.
“so you live here with ji-woo?” he asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“yeah, and two others. they’re dating your friends too, heeseung and jungwon.”
sunghoon’s eyes blew up in shock. “what?? really? so how come i never knew you before?”
she grinned ear to ear at his question. “well i was dating taehyun for a while so i was pretty much off the market at the time.”
“too bad, would’ve been perfect for past me.” her head shot up to the boy who was having a faint color of pink tainted on his cheeks.
“what about being perfect for present you?”
y/n stopped in her tracks, allowing sunghoon to face her. “i could tell you already are.” almost immediately, her cheeks grew hot and heavy.
he chuckled, bitting his lips with how she reacted. “so i guess i figured you out tonight.”
her head tilted in confusion, earning another sweet laugh to be heard from him. “i said i’d have fun figuring you out tonight, and i did.”
“you figured me out through one night?”
hoon’s mouth ran through the little details he didn’t dare to miss throughout the night, causing y/n to have her jaw on the floor.
“wow.. you really did figure me out. i mean there’s more to it than that but-“
“but i did good huh?” his nose gave a soft scrunch as he smiled in satisfaction. “i should get a prize for that.”
she giggled. “you want a prize?”
he nodded his head. “only if you’re giving them out.”
the girl rolled her eyes at her date. “fine, what do you want?”
“another date.”
she couldn’t help the beam that took over on her face, closing her eyes shut as she nodded her head. “okay, another date with you it is.”
sunghoon reached one of his hands out — “shake on it.”
“shake on it?” she guffawed.
“yeah, shake on it.” the boy repeated.
she sighed in defeat, giving in because of how handsome his soft pout was. her hands firmly shook his and prepared to let go, only to be in a tight hold again.
before she knew it, his lips smashed against hers. sunghoon smiled through the kiss, enjoying her flustered state with how sudden everything was. his other cupped her cheek, pulling her in closer as she melted into it.
soon enough, he pulled away with his heavy breath against her cheek. the male planted soft and quiet kisses on her lips, indicating her with his longing to connect their lips again.
“that was a good shake huh?” hoon whispered.
she scoffed out a laugh and pushed him away. “shut up.”
a wide grin plastered onto his face as he laughed with a hand on his stomach. “so, another date?”
“we already confirmed that.” said y/n, giving a roll to her eyes once more before feeling his warm hand bring her back.
“can’t wait,” sunghoon murmured, leaning in to leave a comforting peck on her cheek.
“get home safely.” she said. the girl picked out soft strands from his messy and yet gorgeous hair, letting a few still take its fall as her eyes focused on him.
hoon’s cheeks and ears flushed with a tinge of pink, feeling his heart thump out of his chest while nodding — “i will, get home safe too, gorgeous.”
y/n smiled as if on default, softly smacking his arms as she replied, “can’t wait for our next date.”
sunghoon gave a quick ruffle to her hair before taking off. he laughed at her frustrated state when he did it, loving how his teasings caused an adorable reaction like that.
the two definitely had a lot more to learn about each other, but being as comfortable as they were on a first date was a good sign.
after a little more playful bickerings, y/n went inside her apartment complex to converse with her friends in how well the date went. ji-woo, especially, mentioning how she knew they’d match while min-su and dae played out their jokes and gasps in a light manner.
“what did i say!” yelled jake’s girl.
“still doesn’t justify you leaving me completely alone!” y/n yelled back.
“yeah why did you do that, ji-woo?” dae chimed in.
“she needed to talk to him, not me throughout the date!” she defended.
“wow see that, she didn’t even want to talk to you y/n.” min-su instigated.
as for sunghoon, the boy went to his apartment he shared with jake. he spent the entire night wondering and thinking about the girl he just talked to. eventually, asking his best buddy all sorts of questions about y/n so he could ask his girlfriend. the poor boy was exhausted from his own date, and yet hoon was pestering him about all the tiny details that could be heard from ji-woo.
“please jake!” the taller male pleaded.
jake groaned out an annoyed sigh. “dude leave me alone! ask me questions tomorrow!”
“but i want to talk about her now!”
“go bother heeseung or jungwon then, their partners are dating her friends too you know?” he mumbled with an arm draped over his eyes.
“but you’re here now!” sunghoon exclaimed.
“bro just text her, and stop asking me!”
a door slam was made in front of hoon, giving him no choice but to text the girl who’d now be someone he’d think about on the daily basis.
this was just the start to their relationship.
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st4rymoon · 8 months
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⋆。˚ 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 彡
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𝟏𝟖+ | 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎' 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫-𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
- 18+, unprotected sex, cream pie, nude! Videos being sent from both reader and Miguel, spanking, switch Miguel, language, teasing, riding!, bratty reader, nerdy Miguel <3, angry mig, fingering!, blowjob!, face fucking!, pet names
Part 3 of part 1 | part 2
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Miguel was nothing like you imagined once you really got to know him and it came as a surprise to say the least.
It was obvious that you and Miguel were developing an unspoken relationship after he spent the night at your apartment. Although neither of you communicated about where you were headed with it, there was a change in Miguel's usual routine, even without exchanging any words.
He used to sit across the classroom, but now he was sitting right beside you. He used to eat alone most nights, but suddenly you were there by his side, eating your comfort foods together.
Neither of you thought much had changed, but the second time you sat together, your professor even brought up that the study session did both of you good.
Now you guys don’t look like you want to fight each other when when talking!
She said it with a smile on her face, suspecting that the coziness between you was more than just friends. But when it came to the presentation, she was even more amazed.
Never in her years of teaching had she stood up and clapped for a presentation but the work you and Miguel did on your topic was almost double of what she had asked for.
“What a presentation, I knew both of you would do great together and I was right!” She praised once more as both of you stayed behind to talk to her a bit.
“He isn’t so bad” you joke. Miguel on the other hand was smiling like a fool as he watched you talk on about how both of you managed to get the quality of work out in such short time. “Turns out you didn’t drop us two points” Miguel teased.
Your eyes narrowed at his words, he will never let that slide will he? “What do you mean?” The professor smiled “Nothing! He just always brings up beating me by two points on an exam” you sigh.
“Mmhm” she nodded. “Anyways, I don’t want to keep you any longer! Go on and have fun” she shooed you off just like before.
Miguel put his arm around your shoulder as you both left class. "I'm sorry for teasing you in front of her. I just like seeing you get mad," he said with a kiss on your cheek.
“Keep it up and you’ll be locked out of my apartment” you threatened. “Oh sure I will, you’ll be beggin’ me through the phone to fuck that pretty little face out the second you walk in” Miguel purred.
You rolled your eyes at his cockiness “like you won’t be sending me videos of you fucking yourself with your hand pft. Fuckkk jus’ like that “ you mocked.
Even if you were making fun of him you always loved the videos he sent you but it was always fun to tease him about it. You catch yourself thinking of his hand wrapped around his cock, fucking into his fist as he whimpered your name.
You can still see the image of his pretty thick cock coated in his cum as he overstimulated himself, his voice rumbling through the phone as he panted in lust.
“I’m not saying I wouldn’t honey, I’ll say it with my chest that I like fucking myself to the thought of you. And I know you loveee it when I send you videos” Miguel cooed.
You rolled your eyes at his tone, cocky as always. “I’m going home” you scoff. Miguel pouted ay mami ya sabes que nomas te quiero fregar. I’m jus’ teasing baby.
“I have one class left but I’ll meet you at your apartment yeah?” Miguel sighed in annoyance as he looked at his watch “mhm, see you there” you nodded as he pulled you into a kiss “be good” he winked as he gave a final goodbye.
The second you turned around you smiled to yourself. An idea was coming to mind.
Miguel always got bored in his English class, as it was his least favorite subject being a science nerd. You thought of repaying him for all the videos he had sent you. To do so, you decided to send him a video for the first time today.
Once you made it home, you shuffled out of your shoes and almost ran into your room. Which matching set? The red lace? Black lace? Oh! You forget about the white one you had just ordered online. They’d be perfect.
Slipping your casual panties and bra off, you semi hurriedly change into the new brand new white lace set. You glared into the mirror as the white thin lace cupped your tits perfect, the pretty pink bows on each side of the straps sitting perfect.
The panties on the other hand were a thicker material with an outer lace detailing, it covered you up but still hugged the curves of your body beautifully.
Miguel would definitely be pissed. You can see it now, his fist clenched under the desk as he tries to stop the growing bulge in his pants from growing. And oh how he hoped no one else saw what you’d sent, he’d throw a side eye back to the person behind him just to make sure they weren’t looking at his screen.
You sat yourself down onto the bed, phone in hand. You opened the camera app and were faced with the reflection of yourself on the screen. You shuffled around to get the perfect angle of your tits almost spilling out as you laid back before pressing record.
You squeezed and kneaded each breast, moaning softly and only allowing your mouth to be visible on screen. You arched and squirmed as your hand ran down your body with your phone following.
The lighting in the room enhanced the visual of your pretty cunt being hugged by the white panties. Cupping and softly rubbing your cunt before ending the video.
You watched it over and decided it was good enough to send. Within a few clicks you were on Miguel’s messages, and just like that, sent.
You smiled as the small lettering on the bottom said read within a few seconds. While he watched you’d record another, now moving your panties to the side and giving the camera a full view of your glimmering cunt.
You rubbed soft circles onto your clit, letting out a soft moan as you rolled your hips onto your fingers. You didn’t even bother watching this one as you got back into the messaging app.
You could see the bubbles typing as you sent the other video, the cover being of your fingers moving your thin panties to the side. And just like that, the bubbles disappeared.
There was no reply for a few minutes, just the read letting you know he saw it. You watched your phone, waiting for a text but to no avail. Wow.
Was he just ignoring you now? Well, you’ll make sure it bothers him even more. You went on to send him another video but now your two fingers were pumping in and out of you at a messy slow angle.
The lewd sounds of your pussy making it pornographers dream. Once you sent that one, you knew he was staring at his massages because within a second the message said read.
You thought Miguel was ignoring you but in reality he was watching the videos over and over again. Even in class he managed the hide his phone between his thighs and give himself just enough room to watch his phone. He put on one AirPod and put up the volume.
He looked around making sure no one was watching him before he pressed play. He let out an almost audible moan as he saw your tits on full display, he squirmed in his seat as you lowered the phone.
He was going to say how pretty you looked until he saw your pussy as the cover to the next video. His eyes widened as he pressed play, you sounded like a fucking dream. Miggg I miss you so much, miss you inside me
He was only 30 mintues into class and he was paying no mind to whatever the professor was talking about. Then it just got worse.
He could feel himself growing hard at the visual of your short fingers trying their best to fuck your self the way he did, your pretty little whines and whimpers only turning him on more.
Miguel shut his laptop, messily packing up his things and got the hell out of the fucking class room. He could just read up on whatever bullshit the professor was going in about.
He had a tense look on his face, his body tense and now the once tucked hoodie now hanging lower down his legs.
You sat in your bed without a worry in the world, you laughed as you imagined how painful it was to for him to sit in his class and watch you play with yourself through the screen.
You had your headphones on as you laid on your tummy, listening to your favorite song with a confident smile on your face.
The sound of the your door opening didn’t make it through the sound cancelled headphones as Miguel threw his stuff onto the ground and stomped toward your bedroom.
A loud yell echoed through your apartment as you yelled from the harsh smack on your ass. You jumped out of your headphones and sat up in a matter of seconds.
But before you could even process what had happened you were dragged onto the edge of the bed, perched up infront of Miguel as he angrily stared down at you with his arms crossed“you think that was funny huh?” Was all he said.
You tried to hold the slight giggle slipping past your lips “just a little.”
He scoffed and pulled you onto your feet “you sure do look pretty don’t you? Turn around for me” he coldly seethed “I don’t want to” you mocked with a little smirk on your face.
“You don’t want to?” He repeated before yanking you into his arms and sitting on the bed. You were giggling as he manhandled you onto his lap “why not” Miguel huffed with his hand holding your face to his “because I like how you get when I don’t do what you want.”
You know you were being a bit bratty, something Miguel had never seen to this extent but oh how he sure was loving it. “You like it when I get mad huh? Why? Because you want me to wear out that bratty little attitude? Tell me.”
Miguel was angry beyond belief. He didn’t like knowing someone could’ve seen you on his screen yet he loved knowing if they did, they’d know you were his. “I do mig, I love it when you're all big and mean” you pouted as you grind your hips onto his.
He let out a deep groan as you did so. “Then I guess I’ll be just that” he hissed while flipping you onto your stomach. You were pressed against his legs, your ass in perfect view as your head dangled besides his hip “I don’t wanna wear a peep out of you” Miguel seethed as he squeezed the fatty flesh of your ass.
He groaned as he caught a glimpse of your plump cunt “look at that” he hummed as two of his fingers pressed onto your folds, the faint wet spot on your panties making him smile.
You giggled as he cuffed your panties and dragged them down your thighs. You could feel his cock pressing onto your waist as you laid over his knee.
Miguel’s thick hand smacked down onto your ass, the harsh hit making you flinch but were quickly met with his warm hands kneading the spot right after. “How many do you think you deserve” he questioned.
“As many as you think I deserve” you cooed with your hips wiggling up in the air. You were met with a satisfied moan from above as another harsh smack hit onto your ass.
After many harsh hits, you began to regret the effort to be snarky. You underestimated how heavy his hand was as he continuously spanked you and he was fully aware of it too.
The once giggly Bratty whines from you now growing shaky and tired. “It’s too much now? You said you could take it” he chuckled. You nodded as he kneaded your ass and giving you one last smack before dipping his two fingers into your cunt.
“She’s all nice and wet for me isn’t she?” Miguel dipped his fingers slowly into your gushy cunt. His fingers were now coated in your sticky cum with each pump of his digits.
Soft whines escape your lips as he let out a needy moan. Miguel was growing impatient as his painfully hard cock strained against his jeans so he made a quick decision to flip you onto the bed.
You whined at the loss of his fingers but were met with a sight that made your thighs clench. Miguel looked completely ruined, his hair was disheveled and his glasses were on the bridge of his nose.
He looked primal with his eyes boring into yours “you really walked out of class for me” you smiled as he pulled his shirt off and moved up the bed.
He ignored your words as he ripped your legs apart and settled himself between you. His jeans were still on as he buried himself into your neck, his hands squeezing your thighs as he pressed himself onto your cunt.
“You think it was funny to send me those in class? What if someone saw them, then what would we have done?” Miguel heavily panted. “I wasn’t trying to be funny, I just wanted to show you how much I missed you” you pouted.
You could feel how hard he was trying to hold back from just fucking you into the sheets. You didn’t know why he was holding back but you could guess it was to teach you a lesson.
“Oh yeah?”
“Then show me” Miguel smiled as he began to unbuckle his belt. He kicked his jeans off and swapped positions. His hands held onto your thighs as you sat perked onto his lap.
“Go on” he nodded. You smiled as your fingers cuffed his boxers and dragged them down his thick thighs. You licked your lips at the sight of his grithy cock, you shuffled down to your knees and glared up at him with an innocent smile.
Miguel’s hips julted up the second you held him in your hand and took him into your mouth. A gruntled moan spills from his lips as you bobbed your head up and down, tounge twirling around his base just like he loves it.
His hand flew down to your head, his right hand guiding you as his deep moans filled the room “jus’ like that bunny, o- oh fuck! Fuck jus- like that yeah” he was muttering praises as you worked your mouth around him.
You hummed as his hips began to thrust into your mouth, both of his hands now holding your head in place as he fucked your face out “oohhh fuckkkk feels so fuckin’ good love, a- ah! Oh god” he seethed.
You began to breath through your nose as you gagged with each heavy thrust “that’s it, take it” he seethed with a deadly glare in his eyes. Your hands held onto his thighs as he brutally fucked your face, but before he could cum you fully pulled yourself out of his grasp.
He groaned angrily as you moved up his hips with saliva dripping down your chin. Miguel’s eyes squeezed shut at the loss of pleasure snd before he could scold you for stopping you he was met with your pussy sleeving his cock.
“Fucking f- ah!” He seethed as you held him down by his shoulders, using his cock like your favorite toy as your hips slammed down onto his cock. You watched as Miguel’s eyes rolled back, his glasses now laying besides him as he loudly moaned.
Miguel was always amazed at the way you rode him, your hips circling and slamming onto his lap. He could hear the lewd sounds of your pussy with each thrust.
He didn’t bother moving his hips as you rode him like a a personal stallion “feels so good mig, always feel sooo good” you cried as he hit the perfect spot over and over again.
He dumbly nodded as he watched your tits bounce with each thrust, even catching the way your thighs began to clench. Your nails scratched down his chest as his fat cock stretched your cunt out perfectly, fulfilling every need and desire as you began to clench around him.
“Mig mig! Miguel oh fu-“ you cried out as his angry tip hit deep into your guts. Your moans filled his ears as you gushed around his cock, Miguel finally let himself cum as you fell onto his chest. His hands held your hips tightly as he softly runts into your cunt.
The lewd sticky sounds of both of your cum sounding like heaven. His heavy breaths and moans coming to a halt as you both came down from your highs.
“Guess you did miss me” he weakly smiled, his eyes almost closed as he pated your head softly, helping you relax in his arms.
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jjwantsme · 2 years
trouble is my middle name
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pairing: jj maybank x girlfriend!pogue!reader
summary: in which y/n decides to leave her boyfriend alone for just a few minutes, and it results in nothing but chaos.
warnings: psychical fighting, an angry but HOT jj, bestfriend!sarah, cussing, mentions of sex, fem reader, let me know if i missed anything!
authors note: jj is so boyfriend for this. you’re welcome
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“Dude,” JJ laughed, an arm tight around y/n’s waist as he laughed at something pope said, “you’re so full of shit!”
“No, i’m not! What makes you think I can’t do a backflip?” Pope argued back as he rested his forearms on his knees.
“Uh, you were on the math team?!” The blondie laughed in the other boys face, getting distracted when he felt his girlfriend move away from his arm.
He was always like this at parties, always keeping an arm around her or a hand holding hers.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her when she wasn’t around him, of course he trusted her- more than he’s ever trusted anyone before.
He just knew that there were weird people out there, perverted people. And he didn’t want his honey to become a victim to their perverted ways.
“Hey, babe, where you going?” JJ quickly asked y/n before she could get too far. “Oh! I was gonna go hang out with sarah, she texted me and told me to meet her in the bathroom. Is that okay?” She smiled up at him with her sweet eyes, wrapping one of her hands around his.
JJ returned the sweet smile, “of course, baby.”
He leaned in to give her a lingering goodbye kiss, y/n humming lightly into it when she could taste the beer on his lips.
She giggled as she pulled away, “on second thought , maybe i shouldn’t leave you alone. You’ve obviously had too much to drink…”
JJ immediately scoffed, “Pft, I’m fine. Go have fun, pretty girl.”
Y/n grinned and gave him one last peck on his red lips, before walking towards where she knew sarah would be.
JJ smiled as he watched her go, just admiring his little angel. He still couldn’t believe she let him start dating her.
In his mind, y/n was 𝗯𝗲𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗱 out of his league.
She was too pretty, too smart. He was sure she would be valedictorian by the end of the school year- she was the most intelligent person he’d ever met, outdoing pope by miles.
It’s not like JJ was an insecure person, he was definitely over confident. Before he fell for y/n, people described him as a player, being able to kill with his looks.
He just knew a good thing when he got it, and y/n was one of those things.
His state of admiration was cut short when he heard a whistle from behind him, one that he hoped wasn’t towards his girlfriend.
“Damn, look at that ass!”
JJ’s face became red with rage, steam practically coming out of his ears as he turned around.
“Oh, shit.” Pope mumbled, preparing to call y/n back as he knew a fight was about to happen.
Typical party with JJ.
JJ grabbed the ignorant kook by the collar of his shirt, gripping it tight, “What the fuck did you just say about my girlfriend?!”
“Chill, man, i was just saying, it’s a nice-“
He didn’t even get to finish his crude sentence before JJ clocked him right in the face.
Meanwhile, y/n stood in the bathroom doing sarah’s hair, still oblivious to the perverted comment that was previously made towards her.
“Hey, do you hear that? Sounds like a fight…” sarah spoke as she heard commotion from the other side of the door, making y/n pause her movements.
Oh, fuck.
“Goddamn it, J,” y/n mumbled before heading out already knowing the fight would somehow involve her drunk boyfriend.
And she was right, immediately seeing her boyfriend getting separated from some random kook as he spit out blood from his mouth.
For a mere second, as John B and pope held him back, he caught her eye and smiled at her; making her weak in the knees, despite the fact she was mad at his aggressive mannerisms.
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“2 minutes,” y/n spoke sternly as she wiped off blood from JJ’s chin with a makeup wipe, “I left you alone for 2 minutes, JJ!”
JJ probably shouldn’t admit this, but man, did it turn him on to see his girlfriend get all feisty on him like this.
“Look, baby, I’m sorry, okay?” JJ sighed, “But i don’t regret what i did! He was being a total jackass.”
“I don’t care what he did, JJ, violence isn’t-“
“He talked about you! In a…weird way. Like, about your body.”
“Oh.” Y/n’s eyes softened as she bit her lip, “you got into a fight over me?”
JJ scoffed, “Damn right, and I’ll do it again!”
Now, y/n probably shouldn’t admit 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀, but knowing her boyfriend gave someone a bloody nose for her, was definitely turning her on.
She didn’t need to admit it, though, instead she just kissed him, making him wrap his arms around her waist.
Boy, were they in for a long night.
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fanficsat12am · 9 months
when the brothers realize how much MC loves them I Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus
Lucifer & Mammon
Happy New Year everyone!! Hope ya guys had a great flippin holiday time :> As always, notes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated <33 Have fun reading!!
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Putting himself down was second nature to him at this point—sometimes he didn’t even realize he was doing it. It especially got even worse after getting into a relationship with you. His mind refused to believe that anyone could ever love someone like him. 
Levi dreaded the day you’d finally see what he sees and ultimately decide to leave, but he wouldn't hold it against you. Why would you settle for someone like him when there were countless others in the three realms who could give you so much more…
“Hey, you okay?” you asked worriedly, noticing his glazed look and how his eyes had dimmed. “O-of course I’m fine! Pft, why would I be lol,” he stumbles out, trying to keep up his facade—but of course, you saw through it. 
As he tries to get back to his game he can feel your eyes piercing him. 
“I’m going to ask you how you are one more time and I would like you to answer me honestly,” gently taking the controller in his hands from him and placing it aside. “Now tell me, what’s up?”
“I-I’m sorry,” he said, the words not too foreign to his tongue. 
“If this is about last week I've already told yo-” “Ugh, that’s not what I meant…” he cuts you off, trying to find the right words. 
“I-it’s just…you could have had ANYBODY else, but instead you’re stuck with me. I can’t 1v1 Beel's body, Diavolo’s money, Asmo’s looks- heck even stupid Mammon’s got charm! I'm just Levi, the plain old third-born…” he bites his lip, trying to keep his tears at bay. His efforts proved futile as he felt its warm trickle slowly dripping down his face, one after the other.
A part of him wanted to take back everything he just said—to restart and pick a different approach. But this wasn’t another one of his games. This was real life, and in here you've only got one shot. It was game over, he knew he had lost. 
He shut his eyes tight, listening closely for the sound of you finally walking out those doors. He couldn't bear to watch you leave him. 
You shake your head at the absurdity of his words, cupping his face into your hand. “I’m not stuck with you, silly. I choose to be here.”
Opening his eyes back again he's met with you smiling at him, the sight making his heart skip a beat. 
“I’m here because I can’t get enough of you. I love how your cheeks would go red when I catch you staring at me,” you say, leaning closer and leaving a kiss on his cheek. 
“How your brows would furrow and your eyes would squint whenever you’re focused on your game,” sending a kiss by the bridge of his nose. 
You gently grab his wrist and fumble on the soft skin of his palms with the pads of your thumb. “How you’d start gesturing with your hands a lot when you talk about the latest anime you’re into,” you reminisce, another kiss now to the back of his hand. 
“How right before you fall asleep, you hold me closer and whisper to the dead of the night how much you love me,” you say as you end it with a tender kiss to his lips. 
“And each day I find myself falling for you even more. They could try to give me the whole world, but they’ll never be you. So please, stop thinking you need to earn my affection because you don't. Not now and not ever.” 
You lift his face up to meet your gaze, looking at him as if you see right through him. “There is nothing I would change about you. You are perfect in my eyes.”
He felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest. He was left speechless, his mind going haywire with everything you had just said. 
Seeing how his brain had completely stopped working, he let his body do all the talking instead. He wordlessly wrapped you in a tight embrace, cherishing the warmth of your body against his. 
The bitter taste of the sin he was meant to represent felt absent. Levi sensed no need to be envious of others when he had someone like you to call his.
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Not once had he let himself think that he could indulge himself in something such as love—for wrath did not deserve the peace of love. While love held everything together in its warm embrace, wrath tirelessly tore with its cold unforgiving hands. 
Despite their differences, there was no denying that both were blind. Just like a moth, you were entranced by the beautiful embers of his flame, blissfully indifferent to the heat. 
He stared at his reflection with disdain. The obsidian black horns adorning his head felt heavier the longer he looked, not to mention the tail that whipped mindlessly on its own. He gritted his teeth in disgust, delivering a blow to the mirror that sent it hurdling to the ground. Through his ragged breaths and the rapid beating of his heart, he hears a voice not of his own. 
"Satan?" you called, breaking him from his trance-like state. You softly closed his door behind you, hands outstretched and unsteady. 
With each step you took, he took two back—his mind screaming at him to stay away from you but his heart yearning to leap into your hold. 
"Hey, it's okay," you reassured, taking a step towards him. 
"No it's not!" he screams, backing away from your approaching form. 
Hearing the crunch of glass under the weight of his shoes, he takes notice of the mirror he broke just moments ago. Reflected on its cracked surface was a distorted image of him; a monster.
"Please, let me help," you pleaded, trying to close the gap between you. He hastily steps back, tripping on his own feet and leaving him a heap on the floor. 
"Don't come any closer!" he screams, the room shaking with the sheer volume of his voice. You kneel to his level, quickly engulfing him in your arms. 
‘Run. He doesn't deserve you. Just stay away.’ He repeated in his head like a silent prayer, hoping that by some miracle it would come true. 
But as he felt you hold him tighter, he knew you would do nothing of the sort. As he trembled in your arms, he wills himself to ask the question that had been plaguing his mind since the day you'd started dating. 
"Why?" he whispered softly, almost inaudible if not for the heavy silence of the night. "I could lose control. Why do you insist on staying? To even consider feeling anything for a monster such as myself is just…foolish."
You think about your answer carefully, knowing that what you say next will mend or break the man in your hold. "Loving someone takes courage. To trust someone with your heart and believe they would keep it safe. Keep you safe. Let the three realms call me foolish but there's no doubt in my mind that I love you, Satan. Not the Avatar of Wrath, you Satan,'' you answer truthfully, pouring every ounce of your heart into each word.  
Gently taking hold of his chin, you tilt his head up to meet your eyes. "Tell me now Satan, will you hurt me?" you ask, the demon shaking his head immediately. He wouldn't dream of ever wishing to cause harm to you. He would die first before anybody, let alone himself, hurt you. 
"Then it is not foolish of me to love you" you say, your words unfaltering. 
Tears welled in his eyes, accepting defeat at the hands of your love and melting deeper into your embrace. As he lays on your chest, he turns to face where your heart would be and whispers an oath. "I love you, MC. I shall protect you with my life" he vows, sealing his promise with a kiss.
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As the Avatar of Lust and the Jewel of the Heavens, he was always the talk of the town. You, on the other hand, weren’t too familiar with the gossip world. Although you knew that was going to change once you officially became a couple. 
You took no mind to it, brushing them off with a small wave knowing that the wrong move could only add more oil to their flame. But Asmo wasn’t like you. He could feel all the looks they gave him, the incessant whispers and murmurs whenever he’d turn his back. 
He typically had no care for whatever lies people have heard about him. The same could not be said though when they had the audacity to include you into the mix. It was slowly chewing away at him and he couldn’t deny the pit of doubt slowly churning inside him.
“I saw MC out with one of the brothers last week. They’ve been getting closer recently. I wonder what happened between them"
"I saw them leaving school with Simeon yesterday, I’m surprised that’d cheat on Asmo with someone like him” 
”They’ve got the most powerful people of the Devildom wrapped around their finger and they’re still with Asmo? Damn”
The final blow was realizing that everything was better without him in the picture. Your smile wasn't just bright, it was brighter, you weren't just happy, you were happier. 
He slams his door shut, sliding down the wooden surface as he feels his legs give underneath him.
‘Can’t you see? They were never the problem. No matter what you do, you could never satisfy them. Once again you've proved to be useless.’
‘You think they’d just be swayed by your face? By the number of followers you have? Underneath it all you're nothing. It's just pathetic.’
He shook his head, gripping and pulling on his delicate sand blonde hair. No matter how hard he cupped his hands over his ears, their words never ceased. His eyes pricked with tears, months of silent torture finally finding his moment of weakness.  
You on the other hand were beyond worried. You were no stranger to Asmo’s flamboyant walk outs but this was different. As you neared the door to his room, you could hear silent sobs and cries on the other side. Knocking softly, you worriedly call out to him.
“Asmo?” The sobbing stops, rendering the halls eerily silent. “Darling, what’s wrong? Can I come in?” Still no response. 
Asmo freezes at the sound of your voice, the loud thumping of his heart drowning out the constant knocking on his door. An internal conflict rages within him. Not only is the person causing all this mess of emotions on the other side of the door, but the only one who can make it all go away as well. 
“Please talk to me. I need to know that you’re alright.” Just as you’re deciding if you should get some help from the others, the door opens. From it, a hand grabs your wrist, swiftly pulling you inside and closing the door. 
Looking around, the usually bright and pinkish room was cold and dark. You could barely see anything with the only light coming from his window. 
The crisp silence of the night was cut by the uneven breathing of Asmo who was still by the door. You reach out to gently place a hand on his shoulder. 
“Sweetie?” you call, fingertips only a few milliliters away, when his voice stops you in your tracks. 
“Do you love me?” he whispers. 
“Of course I do,” you answer immediately, not missing a beat. 
You gently grab him by the shoulder and turn him to face you, your heart breaking at the sight of your lover being in so much turmoil. 
“Oh, Asmo…” your hand tenderly holds his cheek, the other wiping away the tears that have yet to cease from falling. 
“Each day, I hear another rumor about you finding somebody else…” he pauses, taking a deep shuddering breath. “If you’re going to do it, please just do it already and save me the mascara.”
He knows that watching you leave will hurt more than any hangover can ever do to him. It would be like he was falling from the pristine white gates of Celestia again, powerless as he saw all he held dear fade into a memory of what he had once had.
He could try to convince himself that the rumors were true. That you were only ever with him for his fame and looks and that he never cared about you. But of all the lies that have circulated, that would have been the biggest one.
“Honey, I’m not leaving you. Not now, not ever,” you say as you tuck a lock behind his ear. “If you think I’d ever love someone after you then I have failed in showing you how much you mean to me.”
Through blurred vision, Asmo tries to find an ounce of deceit within the windows to your soul; a malicious grin, a break in eye contact, a drop of sweat. Nothing. 
He lets out a shuddering breath he didn’t know he was holding, pressing his soft hands upon your own and interlacing it with his. It was stupid of him to ever doubt your feelings for him. To hell with what they thought of the both of you. All he cared about now was now, being here in your hold, forever.
“You’re so cute sometimes, darling…" he whispers in amusement, a small smile finally making its way onto his lips. 
“Please tell me I still look fabulous even after all that tears. Ugh, my eyes are gonna be so puffed up tomorrow!” 
You chuckle at his comment, happy to see him start coming back to you. “Still ever so stunning, My Prince.”
“Let’s stay like this for just a bit more, hm? All this crying made me tired. Then after, we can run a nice warm bath for the two of us. Doesn't that sound wonderful?” He murmured, melting more into your touch.  
“Whatever you’d like, darling,” you replied, pressing your forehead to his. 
And there you stayed, forehead to forehead, hands intertwined, just you and him in the comfort of each other's touch.
AN: Thanks a bunch for reading!! Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments <33
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glitch-karma · 1 year
Can I request another part of your "forgetful reader" headcanons you did but with Jouno, Fyodor, and Ranpo? Nikolai too if that's not too many characters, but dont worry about him if it is. Same prompt but with these characters
I was actually just thinking about my forgetful reader hc's the other day, Idk if other writers do this but I always go back and read my older stuff lmao
So here's part two, I had a bit of trouble figuring out what Nikolai would give his partner as a gift, so that isn't specified, I did add Chuuya and Sigma though
Cw: Degradation/name calling in Jouno's, Slightly spicy in Fyodor's, Kinda OOC Fyodor
Low-key high-key an asshole
Don't get me wrong I'm in love with him,
But his love language is degradation (hot)
Jouno constantly is making fun of and being rude about how forgetful you are
If it seriously bothers you, he'll try his best to lay off as much as possible
Only because it's you though
He does get very irritated though
He got you a lovely set of earrings that resembled his a bit
They were honestly very nice and semi-expensive
You had always kept them in a tiny jewelry box on your nightstand
But after a rough day of trying to catch terrorists, you'd clumsily taken them off and fallen asleep
When you were getting ready for work the next morning, you realized they'd gone missing
In a panic, you tore apart your apparent in search of them
After a while, you heard a voice that made you wanna puke
"What's up with you huh? Why's my little troublemaker so frantic?"
Oh my lord no
"What are you talking about.?"
"Oh please, your heartbeat is a dead giveaway. Along with the shakiness in your voice. Can't hide from me y'know."
You shakily sighed as you admitted you'd lost the earrings
"Pft- are you kidding?"
He laughed slightly walking towards you
"How pathetic of you, losing a gift from your precious boyfriend?" He sighs in 'frustration'
"They were expensive too, do you even have a concept of money?" He laughs,
At this point, small drops of tears filled your eyes slowly as he kept poking fun at you
"Honestly how air-headed can you get? Tsk, should I be questioning this relationship?"
After a few seconds of silence, Jouno tensed as he heard your quiet whimpers.
He'd gone too far.
For a second, he didn't really know what to do
He sighed, bending down next to you and wrapping his arm around you.
"'m sorry." He mumbled lightly
You sniffled a bit, you looked up to see the concerned frown on his face, along with the softness that was rare for you to see in him
After a moment you sighed, leaning into his shoulder
"I'll get you a million more pairs if it means I don't have to hear you cry again. Truly."
He really was a good man, he just had some issues showing it.
But in the meantime, he'll let you teach him how to open up
I literally love him so much even if he's a dick head
He kinda just doesn't care-
I don't see him as the type to really mind stuff like that in a partner
But I don't really see him doing anything to help per se
He'll give you light reassurance if you're upset, but I don't see him doing too much more though
Surprisingly, he didn't buy you a country
He got you a necklace that was very clearly expensive, it had a key attached to it that was also made of some metal that did not look cheap, along with the small Diamonds and sapphires lacing the key (Real btw you tested it)
It was extravagantly expensive, and he made sure you knew that was less than you deserved (He couldn't find countries on the market)
Wow what a nice gift
Now where the hell did it go?
You, of course, retraced every step
Your apartment? Cleaned vigorously to search and find it
The cafe by your house? You paid every worker to search for it
The Doa office? A wreck
You were ass up on the floor looking under one of the couches when you heard a whistle behind you
When you tuned you saw the man you were scared to see
"Why might you be in such a comprehensive pose my paradox?"
You shakily sighed as you hit your head on the floor
Fyodor then quickly determined why you were on the floor by the necklace missing from your neck
He chuckled a bit as he walked towards you
He leaned down and picked you up, silencing you as he carried you to a basement you were unaware of
Before you could question, he pulled out the necklace, inserted the key into a large door, opening it to reveal a giant glorious room filled with all your favorite things, comfortable chairs, and a giant kitchen
As he set you down you started freaking out
"It's not quite done yet, I wasn't intending for you to lose it so fast. I'll get some help in here as well."
"You- This was all a plan for me?"
You yelled, running around and looking at everything
He chuckled as he grabbed you, leaning down and kissing your neck
"Жизнь моя,(1) you deserve this and more.."
He then threw you on the couch, hitting a button that shut all the doors and windows
"And tonight, I'll prove it to you."
Let's just say, you had trouble walking for awhile
(1) Жизнь моя, pronounced "Zhizn’ moya", means “my life” in Russian and is usually a term of endearment
Oh my lord he is so understanding it's crazy
Although Sigma is the furthest thing from forgetful, his brain and schedule will always have room for stuff you need to remember
Got a doctor's appointment you forgot? He remembers and brings you to it
Forgot where you put something important? He knows where it is
Forgot to eat? He'll make you a meal himself
Forgot to meet up with a client? He'll meet them for you
Honestly, he gives you royalty treatment
He loves just giving you gifts in general, so he custom-made you an obsidian necklace that had a poker chip on it, The obsidian in his words was to represent how strong you are, and the poker chip was to remind you of him
It was one of the most thoughtful gifts ever
And you'd lost it
You debated just asking him at first,
But no. Too embarrassing
You'd worn it every day and now POOF
You didn't wanna worry your already busy partner with this
So you tore apart your half of the room before neatly searching through Sigma's half of the room
3 hours later and nothing.
For a second you debated throwing yourself off the sky casino
But then the click of your bedroom door was heard
"Oh my-"
You slowly looked up to see Sigma's confused face as he looked at your side of the room
For a while, he was silent in thought
"Are you.. redecorating-"
You groaned as you fell the rest of the way down on the floor
"I lost your necklace.. I didn't wanna ask you for help."
Sigma chuckles a bit as you look up at him
"That was actually my mistake"
Before you could ask, he walked over to his dresser and opened a small box, pulling it back out
"You'd accidentally left it in the bathroom"
The one place you didn't check
Definitely cuddles after though
He would not give zero shit's
He just loves you
He might make fun of you a bit, but he honestly just thinks you're adorable when you lose stuff
He asks Fyodor to buy you new things when you lose them rather than look for them-
He has such admiration and genuine interest in you that he gets you gifts tailored exactly to your interests
If you lose a gift from him, he honestly won't be mad
"Awe my Kindred Spirit,"
He grabs his cloak and reaches in, pulling out something even better
"Here does this make it better!?"
He dances around the room with you to celebrate you being happy again
Oh he teases you, shame on you if you think he wouldn't
He gently teases you though, stopping if he gets even a slight hint it upsets you
Ranpo does have amazing patience though, there has never been a moment your forgetfulness has annoyed or bothered him once
He regularly gives you snacks as gifts, but he gave you a silly little necklace with a duck charm (Yes this is a Wan ref)
It was silly and cheap, but it was sweet
When you lost it you were crushed
You looked for it but could not find it
In the morning you went to the agency to try to search for it, but on your way there you actually met with Ranpo at a sweet store
"Hey there detective darlin'!"
He yelled as he ran out of the store
For internally freaked out a bit as he started excitedly telling you about the sale in the store
You chuckled nervously, making him immediately deduce what happened
"Ohhhhh, I see. You lost the Necklace!"
You kinda expected him to figure it out
He then chuckled as he walked over to a small quarter vending machine and pointed at the prizes
"Ya see! We can just keep playing till we get a new one!"
You two then had a small date of finding quarters and playing the Machine till you had a bag full of prizes, and a new duck necklace of course
Although Chuuya is a very understanding person, I can't deny this wouldn't slightly annoy him
He would never make fun of you for it, or make you feel bad though
He will always express that he's not mad at you and does his best to hide his slight frustration
He does understand though, I mean the man didn't remember the first 8 years of his life for years so
He is a little protective of you though. if anyone gave you shit for forgetting something he would a million percent throw hands
He leaves notes all over the house and your hands about important things, he will also text you to remind you about meals throughout the day
"Have you drank water"
"Ah, fuck-"
Chuuya loves spending money on you
It's his favorite activity
You already have 20 custom-tailored outfits cause of his love for fashion,
But that doesn't mean he can't get you more tailored accessories
One of them was an anklet that had his and your initials in it, along with diamonds and your favorite stone
It was cute, although it was easily hidden by clothes, you wore it very often
You had on the perfect outfit to show it off that day, but when you opened up the cabinet you kept it in, it was gone.
Oh fuck
Panic ensues
The sheets were torn off your bed, and your closet full of clothes from him was searched from top to bottom
The bathroom was also searched along with Chuuya's half of the room
You sighed as you fixed the house, knowing Chuuya hates messes
You then reluctantly called him
"Hey, still at work but what's up doll?"
The softness in his voice made you tear up a bit in guilt
"Chuuya.. I-"
You took a pause to breathe
"I lost the Anklet you gave me."
You heard him gratefully sigh and shuffle in his chair a bit
"That pause made me think you were in trouble"
He joked a bit
"I can buy 20 more of those if I wanted to Sweetheart."
You sniffled a bit
"But that was important!"
He paused a bit
"Are you crying?"
You then paused
You could hear him then walk through the halls of the Port Mafia building
"Give me just one sec, "
You heard him then knock on a door and open it
"Hey boss, I need to head home early. Let me know Tomorrow if there's anything else you need me for"
"Alright, I'm on my way home. We'll search together, okay?"
You sniffled a little as you smiled
"You're the best."
"Anything for you Angel."
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shomixremix · 6 months
Hello! If it's okay, can I make a silly request? (I think they are open? I apologize if they aren't) may I request something fluffy with the immortal characters (which ever you write for) where their s/o is mortal but they've been together so long that their s/o is an old wrinkly person and the s/o gets mistaken for their grandparent? I just want some cute fluff, but everyone writes smut 😫
Eternal love ♡︎
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hi anon!! yep, reqs are open!! i'm so sorry for not being here for some time, exam week was hell but i'm back now lovelies!!
idk rlly which immortal characters you meant but i hope it's okay that i chose these two!! and also i know that this is like fluff and all but for some reason this is so sad to me!! like yeah the reader is old and they are immortal but the reader is GONNA DIE AND OH MY GOD THEY'LL BE ALONEEEEEE AND GRIEVEINGGGG i don't deal well with thinking about death so this was a little challenging to write. but fun!! and hehe don't worry anon even though i write smut more i'm always here for fluff!!
hope you lovelies enjoy <3
tags: zhongli, neuvillette, fluff, slight angst, female!senior!reader
-> being in love with an immortal being had its' many perks, and yet, it had it's flaws. you only began to realize those flaws existed once you celebrated your 50th anniversary with your husband.
reqs open ♡︎
-> zhongli
"there you go, love. would you like to rest now? it is way past your usual nap time... you're sure you'd like to stay here?"
your husband asked, handsome face washed in worry for you. his appearance, ever so youthful and mighty, completely contrasted with your wrinkles and gray hair. but morax didn't mind the slightest - he still thought you were beautiful.
even though you were now hunched over, thick glasses sitting snuggly on the bridge of your nose and spent most od your times either asleep or knitting, he had loved you just the same as all those years ago. he looked at you now, at seventy, in that same way he did when you were his sweet, twenty-year-old fiancé. you were still you, no matter how old, and you were still the most heavenly person he has ever met.
"i'm sure, dear," you reassure, nodding softly, "i would like another cup of tea, please"
he hurriedly called the waiter of the lovely liyue café you were sitting at to bring you a cup more.
"could we get one more cup of this tea for my date?"
the waiter, seemingly very polite and kind, nodded.
"certainly, sir. and i have to comment, i think it's very lovely you're taking your grandma out for brunch! i don't get many people who respect their elders"
zhongli's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. respect his elders? when he was the one a aproximately a millenia older than you?
your husband looked to you, then back, clearing his throat. his voice slightly offended, he spoke: "this is my wife. we're celebrating our anniversary"
the way the waiter's face fell made you softly giggle, giving him a look full of empathy. you knew you appeared much older than zhongli and that people weren't used to it, with you looking like some kind of sugar mommy he married for the inheritance. people had no idea he was actually the older one, and how would they even be able to tell with the way his face hasn't aged a day?
"oh, ma'am, i'm so sorry, i cincerely apologise-"
"it's alright, sweetheart, i can see why you'd think i'm his granny!" you laughingly reassure. the waiter quickly runs to get you your tea, and zhongli turns to you.
"pft, you're not even that old, love. seventy-three is nothing." he scoffs, kissing your saggy cheek, "and no matter how old you are, i don't appreciate you calling another man sweetheart"
-> neuvillette
"are you alright? would you like to sit down, mon amour?" he asks, moving his feet inch by inch as he walked alongside you. even though this pace was almost torterous for him, he'd never dare go any faster. he'd walk alongside you, always, no matter if it meant he had to move at a snail's pace.
"i'm quite alright, my dear. but, could we have a break, just for a moment?"
his ocean-blue eyes frantically searched for a spot to rest, scanning a nearby bench. he set you down on it, wrapping a careful arm around your shoulder and let you rest.
you were so adorable, even now, with saggy skin and an obsession with cardigans. his beautiful, incredible wife, so gorgeous and full of life even though you were in your seventies.
those eyes of yours looked at him with just as much love and just as much wanting as they did a whole lifetime ago. when you first got married, he always had that thought in the back of his mind of a youth potion, always thinking that ot would feel weird if you would change with age and he would not.
but he was wrong. chief justice neuviellette was so, so wrong.
it wasn't weird at all - it was beautiful. your face and body, even though old and wrinkly, perfectly showed everything you two went through; your big smile lines, from a lifetime of chuckling with him, eyes so full of care from the few young ones you raised, hands veiny and rough from a lifetime of caressing his scales.
"would you like to feed the birds, mon cherie? remember, we brought the bread crumbs?"
you nodd softly, softly laying your gray head on your husbands chest.
"oh, yes, the birds! i almost forgot!"
as he gives you a little baggy filled with some leftover baguette breadcrumbs from your breakfast that morning, a couple of melusines swarmed around the two of you.
"mr. neuvillette! mr. neuvillette! we have never seen your grandma before!! hello, mrs. neuvillette's grandma, very nice to meet you!"
your husband softly chuckled, intertwining your fingers. he pressed a loving kiss to your hand, returning his gaze to the scattered melousines: "this is my wife, and i can asure you, you've met her many times before"
"oh, really? we can't remember.." one of the melousines replied, scratching her head.
"that's alright, neither does she" he whispers playfully, earning him a soft smack from you, "hey, i can still hear you, you know!"
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yongislong · 2 years
back scratching + dreamies.
genre: fluff AAAAGH, suggestive? i can never tell lmao nonidol!dreamies
note: no cws just tooth rotting fluff, tysm for requesting anon! i hope you enjoy this... word vomit pfft. not proofread im studying GAHH
mark... adores it when you scratch his back. never knows how to ask for it though HAHA. melts every time you do it. especially likes it when you do it to him before bed or as a way to let him know that the sun has risen. its one of the moments in your relationship that is most intimate if that makes sense? he finds comfort in sitting in silence with you after a long day, as the scratching noises break through the silence in your shared room :")
renjun... is so ticklish. honestly prefers to do it to you but he cant help but curl into your side whenever you scratch his back even if he's practically convulsing under you from how much it tickles. will flat out ask you to do it, but he always needs to be in a specific mood since it doesn't happen often! usually asks for it on days where he's been hunched over his computer for a long time and his back is in more pain than usual
jeno... human cat fr. LOVES it when you do it especially if you have longer nails. he feels recharged and it always helps him fall asleep so fast. if you wear fake nails OH MY GOSH he will never ever stop asking you to rub his back, its become a nightly routine after the first time. he will do it to you sometimes but he always falls asleep so quickly that it bothers you pft, his dead weight lands on your back when its only been 10 minutes. likes it when you scratch his abdomen too. just likes feeling your nails rake over his soft skin
haechan... makes it a game LOL. has you write words on his back and he takes his turns trying to guess the phrase you wrote or guess the letters you're tracing. gets SO excited when he guesses right and pulls you in closer. asks for it without words. will always rest his body on your lap and you know that's your cue to get to scratching. the biggest content smile is plastered on his face, even in his sleep! likes it when you scratch closer towards the small of his back since thats where most of his pain is, or so he says lol
jaemin... so so so kind my babygirl. it kinda just happens. he's resting his head on your chest and his big broad shoulders are in perfect view, its kinda hard not to scratch his back esp when he sleeps with no shirt on. so tempting. his skin is so soft and he MELTSS. also likes to play games with you, especially one night when you traced a heart on his back and his pulse SOARED. makes it a point to grab your wrist and tuck your hand under his shirt or drape it along his bare shoulders whenever he wants it from you. also falls asleep really fast. ticklish around the waist OOP
chenle... wake him up with back scratches PLEASE. i feel like he ends up facing away from you during his sleep so in the morning, raking your fingers up and down his spine softly jolts him awake and its so cute. always acts like its his first time on earth when he wakes up btw LMAO. enjoys it so much. prefers if you use your finger tips because he gets itchy whenever you use your nails HAHA. he's so domestic though. he acts like an old man who's been with you for years. grumbles about how nice your fingers feel until his rant is cut short by his snoring
jisung... god he is so. that boy is a Child. truly the most genuinely nice and pure soul. if you were to ever scratch his back, i think you would feel how he would physically sink into the mattress or couch. has never had a partner before so is pretty timid about asking for back scratches but he really really enjoys them. always insists that he return the favor though! clings to you like a koala. makes it a point to make this a ritual since he finds such fun in it. helps him calm down on nights where his anxiety or nightmares are bad. can't help but get flustered every time you dip your palm under the collar of his shirt
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finnbbl · 5 months
Hyunjin × M! Reader - Dancer AU I SMAU | Chapter 16
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Ch. 16 - Begged to forget I Previous Chapter | Next Chapter I
I Story Masterlist I
Written: Yes
Smau: No
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol mention, anxiety
“Ow Lia!” You complained as she adjusted your outfit. “Hold still, gosh you are so hard to work with.” She spat at you harshly, causing you to roll your eyes. Not wanting to hear her complain, you sat still as she tightened your belt. “You know I am perfectly competent of dressing myself.” Turning your head slightly towards her, her eyes glance up and pierce into yours for a few mere seconds. “Relax, there.” Lia gave you a slight push towards the mirror. It was a simple outfit, nothing you were too mad about. “You’re gonna have so much fun, i’m glad you’re getting outside of your comfort zone.” You had briefly gotten lost as she started to speak, but quickly tuned back in. “I’m only doing this because Hyunjin bribed me.”
“That may or may not have been my idea.” You gave Lia a look. But before you could say anything, you suddenly got a text. Seeing it was from Mingyu, you started to grab your bag. “Oooo what’s the smile for?”
You hadn’t even noticed that you started smiling. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Responding as you slung your bag over your shoulder. “Pft yeah right, okay, anyways do you need a ride?” Lia found herself trying to engage in a conversation with you, however you hadn’t noticed. Too engrossed in a conversation on your phone, a smile lacing your face once again. Her final straw was when she had repeated the question, and you had yet to hear as only a small giggle escaped from your lips. “Y/N!”
Your body jumped slightly, “God Lia you don’t need to scream- hey!” She snatched your phone out of your hands. After a few seconds or so of her scrolling through your messages, she finally broke the silence. “Just date already.” Rolling her eyes as she shoved your phone to you. “What? Why would you say something like that?” Lia grabbed her bag. “Come on, you don’t see the way he looks at you?” Her question caught you off guard. “Uh no?”
“Well I see the way you look at him. You were just giggling over his texts two seconds ago.” All you did was scoff. “Whateverrr if you say so.” You hadn’t even considered that as a factor before. Sure he was always calling you pet names, but you never took it as anything more than platonic. “I was going to ask if you needed a ride, but I guess you got that covered.” She teased, throwing in a wink. “For the last time Lia, nothing is going to happen. Maybe you didn’t hear me the last fifty times that I wasn’t looking for a relationship.” Lia rolled her eyes. She could be so frustrating sometimes. You know she was only playing and looking out for you, but it got annoying when it was brought up every other day. “Fine fine, i’ll drop it. Now go! Go have fun.” You threw her a smile. “Thanks Lia.” The blonde embraced you in a hug before shoving you towards the door.
Your mind raced as you made your ways down the stairs of your house, only to be interrupted with the one thing you had forgotten to sort out. Your dad. “Shit..” You mumbled under your breath. He was currently watching TV with a beer in his hand. The couch and his back was turned away from the front door, it wouldn’t be impossible to sneak out. Hopefully he had enough alcohol in him to be completely unaware of his surroundings. If he wasn’t at his company, this man was always drunk or high off his ass.
You started to take a step as the odds of you getting by him successfully started to rise. You stopped in your tracks as you heard your dress shoe click against the wood floor. Freezing as your head jerked to the couch, making sure he didn’t hear. For once, him being an alcoholic had worked in your favor. You silently took off your shoes as you quickly made your way to the door. The minute you opened it you could see Mingyu’s car parked on the street in front of you. Glancing back before you shut the door as carefully as you could. You sighed of relief before making your way over to his car. Only when you got closer did you realize how nice it was. A smile fell upon your face as you admired it before opening the passenger door. “Hey y/n!” Mingyu greeted you cheerfully. “Hey,” You said back with a smile, shutting the door and putting your seat belt on. “You know Im glad you decided to tag along, I hope this helps you branch out a bit. You look great by the way.” You glanced down at your fingers in your lap, smiling to yourself at his compliment.
Although you struggled accepting praise for others, you thoroughly enjoyed it. Even if it didn’t happen often. “Well you ready?” You nodded, aimlessly tapping your fingers against your knees. A pit still remained at the bottom of your stomach, maybe it was the fact this is the first time you’ve snuck out. It wasn’t clear as to what was actually bothering you, but there was definitely something. “You okay?” Mingyu asked you as turned his blinker on, he could sense your uneasiness. “Oh, yeah yeah i’m fine. Don’t worry.” Thanking him with a small smile. Your eyes watched his moves as he drove, something about it was relaxing. It was definitely odd, however it helped ease your worries. “You know I’m always here if you need something, don’t hesitate if you ever wanna talk.” Was the last thing he said before deafening, but comforting silence took over.
Soon, you saw Mingyu pull into the driveway. As he searched for a parking spot, you could feel anxiety course through you. Your eyes darted around the scenery outside, the moon lighting up the yards of the rather expensive neighborhood that San seemed to live in. Unknowingly, your knee started to shake, letting your anxiety show. It wasn’t until someone’s hand found its way to your knee, applying a bit of pressure to hold it still. Your head whipped in the direction, there was Mingyu with his somehow reassuring gaze. “You’ll be okay, I’ll be right next to you the whole time if you need me to.” A smile found its way onto your smile. He started drawing small and light circles on your knee, as he continued to give out reassuring words.
Were those butterflies?
You couldn’t help but think to yourself as a once forgotten, but not new, feeling crept its way inside your stomach. Was it the way he cared for you? His charm? It could’ve even been his boldness when meeting you. He wasn’t afraid to show how he really was, you liked that about him. But there was no way you could let yourself fall or let anyone in. Only knowing you’d regret it later, you weren’t meant for love. It only ever ended in heart break and pain for you and the other person (mostly you). Pushing the thought to the back of your head, you quietly thanked him. “I appreciate the offer, but I’ll be okay. I don’t wanna hold you back from having fun.”
“Nonsense, I only decided to go because you did if I’m being honest.” You furrowed your eyebrows. But before you could say anything else about it, he spoke up. “Well are you ready?” As if there even was a point in asking that question he was already opening the door and getting out of the car. You did the same, getting a better view of the scenery around you. It was a calm and cool night, the gentle breeze nipping at your exposed fingertips that crept out from your long sleeve shirt. Giving it was nearing fall, you only expected it to get even colder. It wasn’t until you started to near the door did anxiety seep back into you. Hearing the loud music and seeing the excessive amount of cars that were parked on the street. You had begged that they were the neighbors.
*Knock knock knock*
You hadn’t even realized that you were standing in front of the door until knocking sounded. The door swung open, revealing San. “Hey! I’m glad you guys could make it.” San pulled Mingyu in for a hug, then moving over to you. “Come in, come in.” Mingyu could definitely sense the tension built up in your body. His hand resting gently on your back, guiding you as San led you two in proved that. It was reassuring. “Do you guys want anything to drink? We have plenty of options.”
“Sure, I’ll take something. Just surprise me.” Mingyu stated.
“Hey, watch it you’re my ride home.“ You said in a demanding, but not too serious tone.
“What, you think I can’t hold my alcohol?” His snarky response caused you to roll your eyes, it also earned a chuckle from San. “Well what about you? Do you want anything?”
“Uhh, no no i’m okay. I don’t drink.” You smiled lightly at San, making sure he knew you did however appreciate the offer. “Alright no worries, I can get you a bottle of water from upstairs if you want?” He proposed a second option as he began to make something for Mingyu, you had to say he was decently fast at it. Made you wonder if he’d worked as a bartender before. “That would be great actually, when you get a chance of course.” A lips turning into a small upward smile as you accepted his offer. “Awesome, I’ll go get that now.”
As San disappeared upstairs, you suddenly heard your name from across the room. “Y/N!” Of course, this caught your attention and it turned out to be Hyunjin. “Hey Hyunjin!” The male made his way over next to you and Mingyu, who was now just observing the conversations.
“I’m happy you made it tonight.”
“You mean your happy your bribe worked right?”
“Yeah yeah whatever, you guys should come sit over here.” He pointed over to where he was sitting, most of the faces you had recognized. Whether they were an idol you had befriended or not, it felt comforting knowing that at least it wasn’t a complete stranger to you. “Uhm sure, if Mingyu wants to that is.” You turned to look at him, not wanting to leave him behind. “Hey, I’m down for anything.” A chuckle following his sentence. Next thing you knew, you two were sitting on the couch, not long after San had returned with both of your drinks.
Hyunjin began to introduce you to the few people you hadn’t met before. “Ahh Y/N yeah, i’ve heard about you. You’re a sick dancer man.” Said a guy you had learned to be Hongjoong. Yes even though you rehearsed and performed with ATEEZ, names and faces were all a blur except for San’s. That was only because he was the one to befriend you. "Thank you, I really do appreciate it.” You smiled at the group’s leader. Briefly were the others introduced. No one had really caught your eye, that was except for one.
You couldn’t quite figure out where you’ve met him before. It had been bugging you in the back of your mind ever since the performance. You had definitely at least talked to him before, and it wasn’t at a rehearsal. In fact, the only one you could remember talking to was San. Assuming you were just going crazy, you decided to do your best to forget about him. It was only going to spike your anxiety which had just started to calm down.
An hour or so passed, when you noticed it was becoming quite noisy in the area. It could be the alcohol in everyone’s system, even Hyunjin was getting loud. Everyone except for Mingyu, who had also began to grow irritated by the noise. “You wanna step away to the kitchen for a second? It’s quite loud in here.” Only turning to him and nodding as he grabbed your wrist and led you through the small crowd of people to the kitchen. You sighed, “Thank you.. Not to sound like a baby but it was starting to get to me.” The both of you chuckled before he reassured you. “Nah don’t worry, I was starting to feel the same way.”
Before you guys could continue your conversation, the door swung open and sounded a loud voice. A way too familiar voice, one you’d never forget. Your heart stopped as you could hear San’s voice and footsteps as he welcomed the guy into the house. “Nice little hangout San, haven’t seen you since we roomed together.” As if you weren’t already sure of who it was, you turned your head to the door to be met with a face you’d not seen in a year. One that haunted you, one you had begged to never see again.
Choi Yeonjun.
More anxiety coursed through your veins, preventing you from even moving. You were frozen, your anxiety hadn’t been this bad in a while. You swallowed nervously, unable to tear your eyes way from him as much as you wanted to. All you wanted to do was run the other direction, away from him. However that was impossible. Trapped, even if you left now the only way out was through that front door. You hadn’t even noticed the calling out of your name that Mingyu was doing. You were sure there were definitely red marks on your hands from how hard you dug your nails into your palms as your fists clenched tighter and tighter. Doing whatever it took to ease the anxiousness.
“Y/N!” Mingyu said rather loud, catching the attention of a few people. Although the house was nice, it wasn’t that big. So of course the entire neighborhood population heard. Your head jerked to look at him. “Are you alright?” Your eyes full of fear before you cleared your throat and shook your head. “Y-Yeah I’m..” Unable to finish your sentence as the idea that he may have accidentally caught Yeonjun’s attention crossed your mind. You looked over back to the door. San, and of course Yeonjun, who now had a devilish smirk and an evil look in his eye. They both were looking at you. Yeonjun’s gaze was one that sent a wave of fear through your body every time you made even the slightest bit of eye contact with him. It was one you tried to rid your mind of, however it had only been a year so it wasn’t easy. His glare of fury still burned into your skull.
“Ahh Y/N, haven’t seen you in a while.” He walked over to you, playing everything as normal. Your body tensed as he had suddenly put his arm around your shoulder as if it were just a friendly gesture. Outside it may seem that way, but you both knew. Yeonjun had a motive, you knew he had something up his sleeve. Especially with how nasty things ended between you two the previous year. It wasn’t hard to tell that all eyes were on you two. San, Hyunjin, Mingyu, everyone was looking at you.
You knew this sense of happiness couldn’t last forever…
Taglist: @silverstarburst @virluna148 @galaxycatdrawz @onementally-unstabel-kid @uso-dakedo @lampcults @chaer4life @kkurbys @gnusihcom @mellhwang @sleeping-demons
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angelatmidnight1 · 11 months
I just started Baldur's Gate 3 and would love some ler! tword hesdcanons for Astarion if you're feeling inspired? I saw some of his lines on YouTube Shorts and he's literally the reason I'm now playing, Lord help me. 😭🤣 I'm super early game(like, just met him, Shadowheart and Gale) but I do know what species he is, and know a certain something he tries at camp at some point- 👀
I will definitely write a tword fic for him at some point because the need for him to wreck me is strong, but some headcanons to encourage me to keep going to see the story, as I adjust to the gameplay and how it works would be so appreciated! ❤️ Again, only if you feel inspired for it though, no pressure and I hope you're staying hydrated lovely! 😊
A/N: Sure! Astarion's the reason I bought the game too. I saw a few clips of him on TikTok and added the game to cart 😅 I have a reader/Astarion fic somewhere in my drafts, but please tag me whenever you create yours. I'd love to see :D
Anyways, here's ler!Astarion. I hope I captured his personality okay. I'll add a tiny warning that this may come off a tad spicy, cause it's Astarion haha, but it isn't NSFW.
Ler!Astarion Tickle Headcanons
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“Darling, you’re ticklish? Aha, how adorable.”
Astarion’s had a couple centuries to practice the art of gentle, and sometimes ticklish, touches. Of course he takes up the opportunity to work his craft. 
He’ll say the sweetest things to beckon his lee closer, with fleeting touches along sides and hips. “Come here, my dear. I promise I’ll be as gentle as a babe. Just a bit closer, hm?”
More words, sweet as honey, until he has his lee pinned under him. No matter the position, he wants physical contact the whole time. “Mm, I always did enjoy how you looked beneath me.”
He loves it when his lees become shy and flustered. It encourages his flirtatious antics even more. But, if they don’t? That’s okay. He loves a good challenge. 
Astarion’s touch is deliberate, but light and teasy. He takes his time to find the spots that make his lee squeal, and claws over it with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “My, you are a sensitive little thing, aren’t you?”
Eye contact is huge with Astarion; he drinks in his lees’ every reaction to his tickles. Every little giggle, gasp, squeak. His lee has never looked more beautiful, and he’s sure to tell them just that.
Speaking of drinking, it’s too tempting not to think about all of the blood pumping through his lee’s veins while he tickles them. He won’t drink without permission, but that doesn’t mean he can’t indulge in other ways.
“I could eat you right up, darling. And you know what? I think I will..” 
Astarion knows how to use his fangs with just enough pressure to tickle, and if he’s especially close with his lee, nowhere is safe from his nibbles. 
His favorite place to nibble are necks, but he’s also fond of ribs, hips, and thighs. He’ll love if his lee is especially sensitive to his light biting. “Gods, you are delectable. And those precious little giggles of yours just make you all the more sweeter.~” 
He could tease and tickle his lee all night, but if they truly need a break, he’ll ease off…just expect him to be a lil’ pouty. 
“Stop? Already? But, I was having so much fun. And I can tell that you were, too. Must we end our playtime so soon? …Oh, fine. Just promise I won’t have to wait too long before I can have you again.”
Of course, Astarion doesn’t always have to have an easy time with his lees. He loves it when they’re stern or, if anything, when they don’t want to admit how ticklish they are.
“Pft, if you’re not ticklish, then I’m not a vampire. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I find it rather cute. You can look a beast dead in its eye, so long as it doesn’t wiggle its claws at you, hah.”
He, like most, if not all vampires, loves a good hunt. He can and will pursue obstinate lees for fun. Having stealth on his side is a huge advantage. 
His fancy, airier voice turns growly when he’s on the hunt. And, those honeyed words become devilish taunts. 
“You might want to run faster, darling. I’m right behind you.~ Perhaps if you surrender, I’ll be merciful.” 
Astarion gets a huge ego boost if he manages to get a stubborn lee laughing. "My name sounds wonderful on your lips. But, I would love to hear a 'please'."
If he has to hunt his lee down, it'll be awhile before he lets them go. "You're all mine, tav. Laugh for me~."
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aylacavebear · 8 months
Master List
A/N: New Master List Link if you've found yourself here.
So far, I only do series, and I'm working on several. I hope you guys enjoy reading these as much as I had writing them and rereading them. Most are a work in progress, and I'll post them when I can.
Whenever I write, I always picture Maria Winter as the character in the story, even if it is Y/N or the reader. She's been with me through many stories that I've written over the past 30 years. I love that I get to share her with all of you.
I'm one who enjoys the reader to be something different than human. Somehow, writing those always brings a lot of unexpected things to the story. I haven't yet written where the reader or OC is human. There's always something hidden below the surface.
I think if I do any AUs, I will try out having the reader be human but with something utterly unique to the AU that's like 1 in a billion.
Many thanks to all my readers. Your comments, reblogs, hearts, and follows are what keep me writing and sharing them here. I love hearing from all of you.
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----------------------------------------- One Shots Master List Well, it finally happened. lol -----------------------------------------
----------------------------------------- She Thought She Was Normal (Series) (Completed) Pairing: Dean Winchester x OC Female A/N: Smut in one chapter
Stockroom Antics (Series) (Completed) Pairing: Dean Winchester x OC Female Soulmate "AU" with some SPN show stuff.
----------------------------------------- Retribution (Series) (Completed) Pairing is Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You A/N: Severely DARK. MAJOR TRIGGER WARNINGS 18+ ONLY -----------------------------------------
The Traveler (Series) (Completed) Pairing: Dean Winchester x OC Reader & Sam Winchester x OC Female Reader. Soulmate "AU" but still with regular SPN show stuff. A/N: Make sure to get in on the fun here. -----------------------------------------
Soulmates? Yeah, right, pft. (Series) (currently writing) Pairing: Mechanic Dean Winchester x OC Female Reader/You AU where with only characters from Supernatural. Uploads on Fridays, for now.
The Curse that Changed Your Life (Series) (Part 3 - on hold) Pairing: Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You Does not follow the "show" timeline.
What's the Opposite of Healing? (Series) (in the works) Pairing: Cas x OC Reader/You Does not follow the "show" timeline. Reader request.
Bloodlines & Fate (Series) (in the works) Pairing: Alpha Dean x OC Omega Reader/You A/B/O Soulmate AU.
Not A Dream (Series) (on hold) Pairing: Dean Winchester x OC Female Soulmate "AU". Doesn't follow "show" timeline.
Dimensional Shift (Series) (Editing & Writing) Pairing: Dean Winchester x OC Female A/N: This one is basically the show with a twist, and it will start just before Dean comes back from hell. A/N: I have to put this one on hold. It needs more editing than I realized. -----------------------------------------
Permanent Tag List: @roseblue373 @flamencodiva @reignsboy19 @stillhere197 @foxyjwls007
@hobby27 @megs-gadom
If you'd like to be added to any and all future fics, drop me a comment.
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shrimp-buffet · 3 months
Draco Headcanons!!
(headcanons after the cut)
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I recently just got the lad and he's my new favorite character + has full on comfort character status so I'm finally giving him his dues!
Beyond that I don't have much to ramble about so I'm just gonna get straight into the headcanons!
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• It's already canon that he play Dungeons and Dragons, but he is specifically stuck as a forever DM because it's the only way he can get others to play with him since not many others in the park are familiar with it. He'd be a fighter or rogue main if he ever got the chance to be a player.
• He most often plays D&D with Fang, Buster, and Doug.
• He's bisexual with a male pref! (Just like me fr /srs)
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• Draco often sees his fans as sheep, but not in the sense that they're mindless. More so like little lambs to guide and protect ( going off the moment above from the Draco Tale music video. "strength to LEAD 1000 heards" /ly)
• His hair is most often tangled af- He makes the excuse that he's just too busy with his constant performances, but in reality he just doesn't like brushing it and constantly forgets to do it.
• He also cuts his own hair.
• His favorite food is pizza! It's a comfort food and practically all he eats. You can find pizza boxes in the most random of places in his dressing room.
• Since he preforms so much he spends the majority of his time in his dressing room, practically living there. He does have his own living quarters in the Park like most of the other Park employees though, that's where he hosts D&D sessions.
• He's got massive ADHD. (Totally not me projecting pft what? /sarcastic)
• He's an adrenaline junkie. He spends a lot his free time ride all the most extreme rides his the park.
• He's a mild pyromaniac. He has a lot of candles in his dressing room both for aesthetic and to burn small things like scraps of paper and sticks. He'll also spend long periods of time just staring at the flames when bored. He's been that way since he was a kid.
• Adding to the above, as a kid he had accidentally set himself on fire more times then he can count.
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• He still stays in contact with his siblings. He call them frequently and tell them about all about the things he's up to. And they still bully him mercilessly. (Out of love of course!)
• I touched on it in my last headcanons post, but he's somewhat close with Lawrie. He thinks their too uptight and tries his best to get them to have fun and be less mean to people, with varying levels of success. Most of the time the two of them just bond over shared music taste.
• He's doesn't talk with Larry a lot, but he enjoys being around him and tries to invite Larry to D&D nights, but Larry often can't fit it in his schedule.
• He shows affection with playful insults/bullying.
• While he's not the type to spread rumors himself, he loves hearing gossip and drama even though he denies it. He gets most of the tea from Melodie even though they're unfriendly rivals most of time. They got a gossip truce.
That's all for now! As always thank you so much for reading and let me know if you'd like to see more!!
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activesplooger · 8 days
𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒽𝒾𝓂… | 𝐿𝓊𝒸𝒾𝒻𝑒𝓇 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝓈𝓉 𝐵𝓁𝓊𝓇𝒷 | 𝐻𝒶𝓏𝒷𝒾𝓃 𝐻𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓁 | 𝐿𝓊𝒸𝒾𝒻𝑒𝓇 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
Notes: I promise I'm working on the stuff i said i would i j had a quick thought uaihfoaqejkaiq. this is not edited btw
CW: Angst, unrequited feelings, unhealthy coping habits
Imagine... You had been bests friends with Lucifer for a while. As your relationship grew stronger, so did your feelings for him. Your feelings developed so much that you fell in love with him. Hard. But, he was married. It was a ridiculous thought...
Then, he got a divorce. You wanted to be happy, but seeing him so depressed killed you. Out of respect and common decency, you didn't say anything about your feelings despite how much you wanted to. It hurt even more when he talks about his wife with you... How much he still loves her.... How they were meant to be... And how he felt as if he could never love another again...
You were heartbroken. As much as you wanted to be there for him, it was destroying you to hear any more about it. You needed a break. Far away. So, you hop around rings for a few years.... a few hundred years... Lust, gluttony, greed, wrath - any ring but Pride. You found Gluttony and Lust to be the most distracting, so you visited those the most. Even if it wasn't a healthy way to cope, you just wanted to feel better.
After a long break, you return. Lucifer had been bombarding you with texts and calls since you left. Ouch... Maybe you should visit him? It had been a while... You're over him. And hopefully, he's over her. The two of you meet in his palace. His home was a testament to the pain he's been going through...
Thousands of ducks were sprawled about in his messy office,and photos of him and Lillith still hung on the walls... It does'nt matter. You're over him. You exchange "how are you's" to one another and you lie and say you're "fine" and so does he...
He opens up to you again... He still loves her... It doesn't matter, you're over him. Be there for your friend. Every word is a dagger to your heart, and your eyes start to flood with tears. You're over him.
You see longing in his eyes for his one true love... not you. You're about to burst into tears. Don'tcrydon'tcrydon'tcry, you're over him.
You know exactly what he's going through, yet you have to sit there and tell him it's gonna be okay and it'll pass. Its not okay, it's not passing. You're not over him, you still love him and always did. Fuckfuckfuck- You hold back a choked sob and then suddenly- "A-Anyways, enough about me... Look at what I made while you were gone," Lucifer rummages through a pile of rubber ducks and pulls one out that resembles you, "Ta-da!". He smiles at you, albiet a bit strained but still... It melted away your heartbreak. You chuckle, admiring the rubber duck as you take it in your hands, "Thanks, Lou, that's so thoughtful.".
"No problem..." his smile fades slightly, "where'd you go...?". "O-Oh," the question catches you off guard, "I just hopped around rings for awhile, explored a bit.". "Fun fun, where'd you visit?" he questions."All rings, mostly Lust and Gluttony." you respond. He wiggles his eyebrows at you when mentioning the Lust ring, eliciting a giggle from you.
"Pft, shut up." you retort.
Lucifer chuckles before speaking softly, "Well, glad you have fun but... Don't go leaving me again, okay?". "Okay" Another hour passes, and you excuse yourself with a dumb, made-up reason to leave.
"Bye! See you next time!" he waves from the front door of his palace.
As soon as your back turns, you burst into tears. There was no next time with him... Ever. You couldn't see him again. It would hurt him, but it's for the best... You're not the one he was meant to be with... He doesn't love you...
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signed-loni · 7 months
So can we have sally face chacter (by sally face characters I mean the gang: Ash, Larry, Sal) with a fem! S/O that is kinda like the fem version of rodrick from the diary of a wimpy kid like shes a rough person and in a band and etc also her style being similar to this u dont have to do it lol have a good rest of ur day and drjnk water pls :)
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Anyhooooo YESS!!
Warnings: cusssing, reader is fem!
Sal 🎭
Sal is like fucking crazy for you
He loves when you come over to his house and just mindlessly play ur drums while he tells you about his day/ olays hus guitar
Since your literally rodrick, your gonna be the oldest out of two sisters
Your little sister, whos in middle school, you LOVE to poke fun at.
Sal saw you making fun of her and was a bit concerned, but realized you were just playing around and was like “phew”
“Sup ugly? Y’gonna go see that loser friend of yours or what?” U say to your little sister “rachel is NOT a loser! Shes just different.” Your sister says back “whatever you say nerd.” You say and bring sal back up to your room
“Were..you being serious?” Sal asks, a bit quiet “huh? pft, no. Shes annoying but I love her.” you respond back, honestly “oh, ok.” Sal replies, a bit relieved
Comes to LITERALLY all of your band performances! Doesnt miss a single one and is your biggest supporter EVER.
probably owns every single piece of merch your band sells, and his room is just LITTERED with things from ur band
Your band mates can b fuckin jerks ngl
they comment on ur bfs mask and ur like “The fuck??? Uhm not to my fucking face i think tf not”
You probably beat then tf up or smth idfk
“so we fuckin with ur band music playin or nah?”
much like sal. Comes to every one of ur band practices and fuckin jams out to ur shit
Has all of ur guys’ music on a cd or vinyl
acc fuckin obsessed w u
likes to go on liquor store dates w u (kinda like the part in rodrick rules where him and greg go to the liquor store ykwim)
Acts offended when ur mean to him as a joke
”Babe! What the hell! I thought u loved me😞”
“Larry, listen CLOSELY, theres no fuckin way your laying a HAND on my drums. Theres just no way. I know u have cheeto fingers. Dont even think about it”
Laughs hysterically every single time u say smth “mean” to ur sisters.
but thats mostly bc hes normally high out of his mind
idk what its called, but when ur partner takes a hit and blows it into ur mouth, HOLY SHIT THATS FUCKING HOT
does that w u all the time btw
probably snuck into ur room one time to play ur drums, and right as u walked in u saw him, and literally slapped the FUCK outta him. Its was hilarious
overall loves the crap outta u and is so supportive of ur music career, always telling ppl at school or sm to listen to u guys play and gives them the address to ur guys’ next performance
best bf ever
sry i didnt add ash, lost motivation
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ewingstan · 7 months
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Hey its our guys :)
Always interesting to hear about how the heroes regarded the Undersiders. I remember how Lisa talked about different levels of villainy in her "cops and robbers" spiel from 3.6:
So there’s capes like you and me, where we go out in costume and it’s fun.  Maybe we have some agenda or goals, but at the end of the day, we’re getting our thrills, blowing off steam and living a second life.  Then there’s the crazies.  The people who are fucked up in the head, maybe dangerous if there’s not something or someone to help keep them in line.  The people who take it all too seriously, or those guys you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of, even if they didn’t have powers.  Lung, Oni Lee, Heartbreaker,” she paused.  “Bitch.”
Its kind of weird to be reminded that "oh yeah, obviously everyone outside of the Undersiders (and maybe Taylor specifically) would consider Rachel a monster on par with Lung and Heartbreaker." But its also interesting to see that Victoria's opinion of "Hellhound" (seriously you've worked with her by now Vicky you can use a name she goes by) hasn't seem to have updated. We know that Rachel is out in the woods of Gimmel with her gang now, not driving people out like she was in Brockton Bay. Capes like Vista and Miss Militia seem to have no problem working with her even outside the context of class S threats by now. While Victoria's talking about Brockton Bay's past here, she's talked about Rachel in the same way before. Is she unable to update her perception of Rachel? Can't move past the images of people with dogbites the size of sharkbites forced out of their homes?
I also really didn't expect "actually improved the infrastructure of his territory" to be part of Regent's legacy. Wonder how much of that was him and how much of that was Coil/Lisa/Brian. That he'd be singled out for representing that sort of warlord is perplexing, as is her not mentioning Grue or Skitter.
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
hello!!! Any chance you’d be willing to write an Ezra x Reader with opal and winter??? I read your other Ezra fic and liked it so much I wanted to see another one! Preferably while he’s still with the ghost crew (like 18 or 19), if ya can! Thanks so much 😀
Life Day Conversations
Summary: It’s hard, being on the run from the Empire. You signed up for it, sure, but it’s still hard. Luckily, Ezra is always there to help you feel better about the choices you made.
Pairing: Ezra Bridger x Reader
Word Count: 722
Prompt: Opal - Faithful Love
Warnings: Kind of bittersweet, based off of what I know happens to Ezra
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, I still haven't watched Rebels. I just don't have the time, so I hope I didn't butcher him too badly. And I'm sorry if I did.
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“Are you sure you want to stay out here?” Hera asks from the ramp of the ship, shivering as she pulls the thick winter jacket tighter around her, “It’s freezing.”
You glance at her, and flash the smallest smile, “Yeah. Just a little longer. I won’t stay out long, promise.”
“I’ll hold you to it. We can’t afford anyone catching pneumonia.” You hear the sound of her clomping back up the ramp, and you sigh and tilt your head back, your eyes drifting shut.
1 year.
It’s been one year since the day you defected from the empire. A year since the last time you saw your parents, your siblings, your nephews.
You don’t regret it. Not really.
The Empire is made up of monsters, the worst kinds of monsters. Monsters who look like your next door neighbor.
But you’ve never felt so alone in all your life.
Though, you’re fairly certain that your loneliness stems from the fact that this is the first major holiday away from your family. And as much as you love Hera and Kannan and Jacen…you can’t help but feel like you’re intruding.
You release a slow breath, your eyes opening again as you feel something cold and wet against your cheek. “Huh. It’s snowing-”
It fits your mood perfectly.
“Knock, knock.” You start at the familiar voice from behind you, and you turn to blink at Ezra, “I know you don’t like it when people just barge in, but I figure since there’s no doors-” He trails off, “I bring hot cocoa?”
“Hera is going to kill you if she catches you out here.” You note as you slide over on the boulder to let him join you.
“Pft. I’m not afraid of her.” Ezra hands you both thermos and jumps up to join you, before taking his thermos back, “I also brought a blanket, to ward off the cold.”
You shoot him a look, “What’s wrong, Bridger? Can’t handle a little cold?”
“Hera will kill both of us if either of us get sick, so scoot in. We’re gonna get cozy.”
“I thought you weren’t afraid of her.”
“Wasn’t me, must have been the devil speaking through me.” Ezra says solemnly, before he tucks the blanket around himself and then you, “So, why are you looking so glum?”
“I’m not.”
“Are too. What, you think I can’t tell what you’re feeling?” You scowl at him and he grins as he taps your temple, “Jedi, remember.”
“Is it cheating to use your god given powers-”
He laughs, and drapes his arm over your shoulder, “Come on. It’s just me.”
You’re quiet for a moment, and then you sigh and drop your head on his shoulder, “It’s my first Life Day without my family. I suppose I’m feeling a little…melancholic.”
“You having second thoughts?”
“No.” You shake your head, “Just…feeling a bit lonely.”
“Well, that’ll happen when you’re sitting out in the cold rather than celebrating with your chosen family,” Ezra points out gently, “What’s really bothering you?”
“...I don’t know.” You pause, and pull your knees up to rest your chin on them, “What happens when you leave?”
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Sure, you say that now-”
“No.” He turns to face you and holds his pinky out for you to hook, “I’m not leaving you. Not now. Not ever.” He wiggles his pinky at you, “You know a pinky promise is eternal.”
“What are you, five?”
“Five times more fun than you.” Ezra quips. “Come on, even if I do have to go away for whatever reason, I’m always going to come back to you.”
“Until you don’t.”
“Nope. Always. Forever. I’ll always be faithful to you. I love you after all.”
You sigh and hook your finger with his, “Then, I hope you know that I’ll always be faithful to you too.”
Ezra beams at you and uses your joined fingers to tug you in so he’s able to kiss you, “Now, we’d better get back inside before Hera sends Sabine after us.”
Ezra hops down off the boulder, and offers you his hand with a blinding smile, “Come on, gorgeous. It’s Life Day, you shouldn’t be alone.”
You release a quiet sigh, but slide down the boulder to take his hand. 
Maybe change isn’t so bad after all.
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