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elettraml · 9 months ago
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𝓟𝓪𝓮𝓭𝔂𝓷 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝔂
Just finished reading Powerless 🌺
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flowerspear · 2 months ago
He stood, beautiful and well dressed, looking around anxiously. Examining him from a distance, a drow woman peeked around the corner of a large rock. What was he to her? Danger? Ally? .....Tadpole?
Series: Part 1 of I Waited 200 Years, and For What?
Status: Complete
Chapters: 97/97 Fandom: Baldur's Gate (Video Games), baldur's gate 3 - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Astarion (Baldur's Gate)/Original Female Character(s), Astarion (Baldur's Gate) & Original Female Character(s), Astarion (Baldur's Gate)/Pae (Original Female Character), Astarion/Female OC, Astarion/Fem!OC Characters: pae, Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate), Gale (Baldur's Gate), Tav - Character Additional Tags: non-canon, Non-Canon Relationship, meet pae, Please love her, Shes so smol, i dont have an editor, and this is my first fanfic, plz be gentle, Slow Burn, mutual bullies to lovers, Because why not right, sorta non-canon, basically no real time fighting, offscreen fighting, smol chapters, he woke up and chose violence, And Sass, TW: Blood, And angst, and eventually fluff?, tw: mentions of blood, tw: possible death, TW: Illness, someone is catching feelings, or are they, the world may never know (the world will know eventually), tw: trauma bonding, tw: gore, TW: Violence, tw: gross, tw: injury, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Past Sexual Assault, tw: trauma, oh its coming, and its not pretty, tw: death, tw: panic attack, if violence of any kind bothers you, please skip chapters 32 and 33, just go from 31 to 34, seriously, theres some unhappy shit in those chapters, Be Safe and Take Care of Yourselves, love you, you've all been good, it's time for a treat, the smut is coming from inside the house, cw: smut, Soft Dom Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Dom Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Smut, Spice, Spicy, THE FLUFF HAS ARRIVED, fluffy fluff fluff, Fluff, Female Tav (Baldur's Gate), Full Story
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zimmbzonzon · 1 year ago
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I'm just so happy whenever Pae shows up. He's the goodest dude.
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thejudeduarte · 10 months ago
I've recently read powerful (the novella to powerless from Adena's pov) and lemme tell you the EMOTIONS🤌🤌
Anyway, it's got me SUPER excited for reckless so today, in honour of it being a month until it's released tmr, I'll be sharing some of my theories:!!
(there will be major powerless spoilers and minor powerful spoilers)
Mak was Adena's love interest in powerful and I'm HOPING he's gonna show up at some point! Especially regarding his power.
We may or may not FINALLY get that kiss guys!
What happened to Lenny? (I think I got his name right) It was mentioned in the blurb that there was gonna be a resistance so do you think maybe he'll be helping to lead it??
Kai still owns Paedyn's dagger so my guess is he's going to throw it at her then she'll recognise it since it's quite recognizable
We may also see the prisoner from the dungeons again (from powerful) whom Adena nicknames "A" this is a long shot but he may become significant 🤷‍♀️
I'm hoping beyond hope the author DOESN'T decide to magically give Pae powers. I don't think she will luckily but this is because a massive part of her character is being powerful while also being 'powerless' it's like in tfota if Holly just magically made Jude fae, it would just ruin her whole character.
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jjsanguine · 1 year ago
Pae: Mhok I will actually sell the car you know
Mhok: ok
Pae: ...you want me to sell your sister's car?
Mhok: I mean yeah she loved it like her baby, but she left it and everything else behind on her way to the afterlife so it's whatever
Pae: ...yeah so I'm going to give you more time to think about it
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eumaesolo · 2 years ago
Carta aberta ao que sobrou da mãe
Eu sei mamãe que você já teve noites de insônia por não ver as coisas indo como gostaria que fossem.
Sei que você já chorou olhando seu filho e outras famílias, se perguntando o porque com ele, o porque com você.
Que a maternidade é solitária, mesmo não conseguindo passar nem ao menos um dia sozinha, nem com teus próprios pensamentos.
Então você percebe que é só você com você mesma.
Mas quem eu sou? Afinal o que será que sobrou de mim? Não vejo restar muita coisa além da nova responsabilidade que chegou.
E não transparecer toda essa confusão e tentar ser forte magoa as pessoas ao seu redor, afinal elas dizem que você não precisa ser forte o tempo todo.
Mas talvez elas não entendam a complexidade do problema, porque deixar transparecer e desmoronar também é um erro que magoou as pessoas que não estão mais próximas.
Que a verdade seja dita, nós apenas não temos escolha.
Espero que nesse caos todo você consiga sempre se lembrar que estar cansada não significa amar menos nossos filhos.
Texto Hérika Marques
Eu, mãe solo
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crunchyseesawmeow · 2 years ago
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Las mujeres por muchos años durante la historia y vida del ser humano, han tenido muy poca, a casi ningún tipo de elección sobre sus propios cuerpos. Especialmente en tiempos más antiguos, donde la mujer tenía la función de solamente producir y cuidar de sus propios hijos, fue cuando la mujer tenía muchos menos derechos. Pues ahora, en la era de la tecnología y la comunicación masiva, las mujeres tienen una voz más fuerte para poder advocar por ellas mismas. Así mismo que han surgido movimientos a favor de la mujer como el feminismo, las mujeres han declarado sus derechos sobre no solo sectores laborales o políticos, sino también sociales y biológicos. Surgiendo la comunicación masiva entre personas, las mujeres comenzaron a compartir sus opiniones y al mismo tiempo declarar sus derechos. Luego de mucho tiempo de haber sido ignoradas, las leyes han logrado ser cambiadas a través de años y dentro múltiples estados globales. Recientemente, en marzo de este año en Honduras se ha legalizado la PAE o ‘pastilla anticonceptiva de emergencia’ y la opinión sobre la misma, ha causado división de pensamiento entre muchas personas. 
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Mediante el cumplimiento del ciclo sexual femenino, ocurren casos en los cuales las mujeres hayan tenido algún tipo de actividad sexual, ya sea por consentimiento propio, o en casos por los cuales más se pelea, sin consentimiento alguno. Al tomar parte en cualquier actividad sexual sin protección, puede haber una posibilidad de algún embarazo en el futuro. Para que las mujeres puedan evitar que tal suceso acontezca, en casos de emergencia la PAE es un recurso por el cual deben de contar. 
Debido a la pobre educación sexual que muchas jóvenes y mujeres reciben, es en muchos casos, inevitable que ocurran embarazos a temprana edad. También a causa de la situación económica del país y los bajos recursos con los que cuentan muchas familias en Honduras, muchas jóvenes no tienen lo necesario para poder cuidar a una nueva vida. Las pastillas ayudan a las jóvenes a poder protegerse luego de haber tomado parte de un acto sexual sin haber usado ningún anticonceptivo previo. Durante muchas situaciones en las cuales la familia no tiene los fondos suficientes para poder añadir un nuevo miembro a la familia, es importante que las mujeres tengan cuidado y puedan tomar uso de las pastillas cuando vean que sea necesario. En casos donde la mujer ha sufrido de abuso o violencia sexual, es su derecho poder comprar la pastilla, para poder evitar el riesgo de tener un embarazo no deseado que puede lograr a ser causa de mas trauma en el futuro. El uso de las pastillas ayudara a reducir la cantidad de partos no planeados, el abandono, o en casos extremos, los abortos de bebes aun no nacidos. Es importante que las mujeres Hondureñas tengan acceso a algo que es un derecho digno de cada una de ellas. 
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Aunque la legalización es un gran cambio hacia las leyes en cuanto a la mujer de Honduras, tan solo la pastilla de anticonceptivo no es suficiente para la disminución de embarazos en jóvenes.  Es importante que el gobierno provea educación sexual adecuada para informar acerca de métodos anticonceptivos, especialmente prestando más detalle a la pastilla PAE, ya que puede tener ciertos efectos secundarios en el cuerpo de la mujer, como cambios en ciertas hormonas, dolor de cabeza, sensibilidad en los senos, cansancio, entre otros . Al mismo tiempo, es importante dar a conocer que la pastilla tan solo se usa de emergencia, y no tendrá que ser algo regular dentro de la vida de la mujer ya que tampoco son efectivas en el transcurso del embarazo. Por lo cual al vender la pastilla también es importante que estas indicaciones sean comunicadas a las mujeres que la necesiten. 
La legalización de la PAE en Honduras, la cual no era legal desde el año 2009 hasta ahora, es un cambio que ayudará a mejorar las vidas de muchas mujeres Hondureñas que están activas sexualmente, y ayudará a disminuir la tasa de embarazos juvenil al ellas poder comprar la pastilla, y utilizarla en el momento adecuado para prevenir embarazos no deseados o espontáneos. El hecho de que Honduras haya tomado un paso hacia los derechos y el bienestar de no solo la mujer, sino también las generaciones futuras dentro del país, habla de los futuros cambios que pueden ocurrir para el bien de sus ciudadanos. La legalización de la PAE cambiará vidas dentro de Honduras, y nos ayudará al igual a salvar las vidas de muchas personas, ya sea ahora en el presente o de generaciones por venir. 
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bcavirtual · 6 days ago
Alcalde Jonathan Vásquez, deje la prepotencia, mientras no escuche a los estudiantes y atienda sus necesidades, las protestas continuarán. El paro estudiantil es una manifestación del descontento de los jóvenes frente a un gobierno que no ha cumplido con sus compromisos en educación.
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amdallgallery · 3 months ago
Postcard Art Exhibit Oil Painting for the 2024 Texas Show
One of the painting highlights of 2024 for me was getting to participate in the Postcard Art Exhibit (PAE). It's a charity event that was close to where I live, this is the piece I submitted. #art #painting #artshow #exhibit
One of the painting highlights of 2024 for me was getting to participate in the Postcard Art Exhibit (PAE). It’s a charity event that is hosted in different locations, and the one last year was fairly close to me in McKinney, Texas benefiting the Millhouse Foundation. I don’t have much experience with art shows, but this was a ton of fun and I’m really glad I got to do it. Basically, an artist…
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pae-ask-blog · 3 months ago
Ask me whatever you want, not like I got a choice
"... Listen, I don't have a choice; I was thrown here by The Aspects, and they all are forcing me to answer your stupid questions, so let's get this over with, so I can go back to my life..."
( Heya, HonestParley27 here, Author of Project: Arcane Evolution. I've started an ask blog for my story, where you'll be able to answer any character questions. For now there's only Daniel and The Aspectsc, but as the story grows, more characters will be thrown here by yours truly. Now I wanna set some ground rules, for the sake of mine, and your sanity. - If you want to ask a question, hit the Fine, Ask Away button. Make sure to clarify who you're asking - Daniel, and majority of the other characters hate it here, so don't expect an immediate response. They are taking their time just to spite us :3 - For now, it'll only be Text responses, but later on, when my drawing skills have grown sufficiently, I'll start to add drawings - Do not be weird. - Anything in Quotation ( aka these "" ) are the characters talking, anything in brackets is me, and anything italicized and bolded are The Aspects And for those who don't know what Project: Arcane Evolution is, you can read the story HERE )
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flowerspear · 2 months ago
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seagiri · 1 year ago
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drawpile with the gang
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i think the three of them should kiss
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beingsanket · 1 year ago
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thedaveandkimmershow · 2 years ago
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We're in California again. Not here on vacation or a road trip but this is basically me joining Kimmer for her monthly trip to check in on her aunt who's in Memory Care.
We're driving out there tomorrow.
Today, though, was a bit of a proof of concept day in that it's the first time either of us has made this trip from Paine Field. It's definitely a plot twist that came about because we moved to the house, moved just shy of Mukilteo city limits. It's also a plot twist revealed in March of 2019, a little over a month before we moved down to Seattle, when Paine Field opened a new terminal for commercial flights. Prior to that, Paine Field was used for private aircraft as well as Boeing Jets manufactured at the nearby Everett plant. So this was actually never an option before.
Consequently, with our move back to the neighborhood, Kimmer chose to pull the trigger and book us out of Paine on a direct flight to John Wayne Airport in Orange County whereas our usual groove has been Southwest out of SeaTac on a connecting flight through San Jose, Salt Lake City, or Las Vegas to Long Beach Airport. That's always been the way we traveled.
Direct from Paine to John Wayne, though?
Two hours and fifteen minutes. Barely more than the first leg of our Southwest travels.
The terminal at Paine is tiny, by the way. It has two gates. Definitely tinier than Long Beach which is actively in the throes of expanding.
We grabbed a ride share out to Paine that prompted a conversation on when exactly we should leave. Really, though, this was a conversation about when we should get up in the morning given that we're already so close to the airport.
The punch line is we wound up checking our bags in nine minutes before we couldn't anymore. So, if we do this again, leaving a half hour earlier is probably the right call. As it was, we got up at 5AM after four hours of sleep. That was definitely not the right call. Then we kind of moved slowly through getting up and ready, summoning our ride around 630, getting into our ride around 640, and arriving at the terminal a touch after seven for a flight leaving at 755.
That was the first of two interesting ride share conversations, by the way. Drivers always have stories and this one was no different. This one was actually a pandemic story where a truck driver with their own cab working for the Port of Tacoma is suddenly faced with a work load that drops off catastrophically so they take up ride share driving but still has to move their family from a lovely home in Seattle's Sandpoint area to the south Everett area where the ride requests are a little less plentiful... but so is the cost of living.
By the way, did I mention the Paine Field terminal is tiny? Well, it's so tiny that it has a Start Here button. Basically a Start Here area where you check in at a kiosk then do a whole serpentine walk because there's no one in line but the line area still double backs on itself multiple times.
Turning in our one checked bag at this point to the kind English lady was when we discovered they have a forty minute cutoff. Less than forty minutes before flight departure and you can't check in anything. We checked in our bag with nine minutes to go. So yeah. Future adventures this way will need a little more, you know, breathing room.
TSA was a breeze with less serpentining because again. No one was in line. After that, we grabbed seats in the B concourse which, because the terminal is so tiny, you can totally see from the A concourse which is just over there.
Also, I don't know if this is a thing at Paine Field airport, but all the overhead announcements are made by someone with an English accent.
Gave the whole beginning of our trip a definite international flavor. ☺️
After that, a two hour fifteen minutes flight that made us reappraise how long it should take to get from here to there... followed by the easiest possible baggage reclaim at John Wayne Airport followed by a pause whilst we figured out which car rental agency we'd booked through Expedia earlier the same morning.
Thrifty, it turns out.
Of course it also turns out there's a two hour wait for the next car availability so we bail after figuring out there's no penalty for bailing on our reservation. Which leads us to our second ride share of the day.
As I said before, ride share drivers always have a story. In this case, the driver was retired after a pair of careers, the second lasting fifteen years. Their job, though, wasn't what you'd expect. It certainly wasn't what I'd expect.
Their job seemed to be starting companies and running them.
Starting companies.
And running them.
That was their job. That was two careers, the first being something that sounded like real estate investments featuring multiple offices across the country; the second being a drug and alcohol rehab center.
Why drug and alcohol rehab?
Because after a once upon a time economy undermined the investment business, they ran into a high school friend who was in rehab and it was a pretty substandard rehab. So substandard that they started up a new one, ran it, and brought their friend over to this new one where they recovered in a healthy and safe environment.
We didn't jump right into careers the moment we got into the car, of course. We started with our early morning, our car rental epic fail, the weather in southern California (overcast since December), and then family on our side of the fence, and then their family which, it turns out, they're one sibling in a family of eight siblings. All of whom are still close to this day.
Seriously: that's amazing. 😯
So yeah.
We're down here to check on Kimmer's aunt which we'll do tomorrow. Today, though, was a travel day. And travel days always have stories built right in 'em.
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wyked-ao3 · 6 months ago
I love the sound of that although I'm curious how they determined who had to leave the planet and who didn't?
How did the gods react to being told that they can no longer travel into the mortal plane? What were the consequences?
Hello, I am writing a few of your other asks but this one might be shorter so I will answer this first.
The gods were not exactly told that they couldn’t come back, this was negotiated as part of the peace treaty after the Dissolution.
The gods ended up agreeing to leave the world because a large number of their kind were killed during the war and they were afraid of the out of control power that the mages had harnessed.
They agreed because out of this agreement they were able to dramatically limit the ways that mages can use magic through the magestones.
This war and treaty had a lot of long term consequences for both sides. The mages lost a large portion of their power and the gods were forced to leave the world.
This means that people whose power or conditions relied on a banished god, were dramatically weakened and or released from their condition.
As a little caveat: Not all of the gods were banished. There are a lot of gods that are essential to the world, or minor enough that they were entirely uninvolved in the war that still travel to the earth to perform their function. E.g. the death gods.
This is a little short, tell me if you want more info on this. Thanks for the ask wyked! <3
@thelovelymachinery, @an-indecisive-nerd, @the-letterbox-archives, @oliolioxenfreewrites, @winvyre
@happypup-kitcat24, @wyked-ao3, @leahnardo-da-veggie, @alnaperera, @dearunreliablenarrator
@rumeysawrites, @urnumber1star, @seastarblue, @thecomfywriter
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paepaerest · 1 month ago
doodle dump and human designs for a particular AU work in progress
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These were made in our lord 2024 but only a few months ago, who knows if most of these designs have been revamped lol and here are some thoughts!
Dictatious - I wanted to edge-ify his design in the most simplest way and also make him look kinda endearing. I kept some of his troll form's features (ie: like his weirdly-shaped jawline, "stubble", hair,) and tried to replicate it in his human form in a way that would work, yet make him not look too trollish or too indistinguishable. Excessive piercings as a bonus and a frankenstein-hairdo, he's definitely a nosferatu freak and listens to type o negative/the cure.
Gunmar & Bular - Gunmar has two colored versions where he's in a yellow phase so he wears a yellow shirt and dyes his hair yellow, change his eye-contacts... Vice versa with blue, this change is very prominent and important to the plot but also, not going to lie Gunmar, it's a little gay. I couldn't imagine him with a lighter-skin tone or it would've looked a bit off (as well with the rest of his colours), so I managed to play around with his iconic troll colors while sticking true with how I wanted him to look like. Bular, oh my goodness I was reading The Secret History of Trollkind and there was a panel where Argh had done him some damage to his right upper lip, kinda badass. Had to add it onto his design, as it is very important to the storyline. If you've noticed, I tried to shape their hairstyles to look similar to their troll horns.
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Ursuna - I'm a little bias towards her (you'll see a pattern with the others, lol) and she's not going down without feeling pretty. I wanted her beauty to balance with her charismatic 'leadership' and make her someone you'd least expect to be a villian, or already suspect she is one. Yes, she'll do drag. Yes, she is mother. No, I do not support her actions.
Angor Rot - His hair-do following the same inspiration from his troll form's horns, I imagine he'd style his own hairstyle and give himself braids. He's a true entrepreneur, and still is very magical! He carves voodoo stones etc etc, call him a false prophet or call out on his facade... nothing is going to happen, lol (Still, pack up & move out to a new country for good measure!) Someone put him in a retirement home, he is TIRED.
Gremlin - I spy with my little eye, the random french guy behind Gunmar & Bular. He is specifically the gremlin who draws a moustache onto his face while he trolls around with an alphabet kid's toy. (Yeah he has experienced death once)
NotEnrique/Rique - I don't know, I wanted to make him a normal guy. Who looks like a kid, but is actually almost in his 30's with a heavy boston-scottish accent ? he's a punk.
Draal - He has a new design now, but I thought it'd be nice to bring up his older design. Adidas pants, that says it all. Over-competitive and an over-achiever. He doesn't care about trends, just wears whatever is comfortable and it happens to be a brand clothing. I wanted to give him a fur-coat to resemble his troll form's spiky back, and keep his cool prosthetic arm. He's like the Costco guys with his dad but angrier
Kanjigar - A friend said he looked like he'd live in the suburbs. I see it. An arguably good father (that part seems to be controversial), I wanted to give him a Walter White vibe, while he is supposed to represent the Police.
Argh/Arthur - Big guy, build is a little wider and heavier, still has a muscular build, overall he's changed since. He used to have a slimmer, more muscular build when he was still working under Gunmar, call that an improvement. I got inspired by other people's human designs of Argh and HAD to design how I would see Argh. (I had an Argh/Blinky ao3 binge-reading phase, kiwibird being one of them aaah)
Vendel - A majestic wise old man, managed to keep his hair that long for over a decade. Gave him a skirt, he's kinda giving irish I think. In my defense, he had red-hair when he was younger. (Shown in The Secret History of Trollkind or The Felled !) Treatable hunchback and skin cancer, he and the hospital bill are opps. Does a lot of good for his community.
Speaking of fanfics, i plan to reread the one that heavily influenced me!!! and to know where I'm getting at please read below: the real thing
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