camango · 2 years
23.2.1 PABLO BOOKS スタート
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joytri · 8 months
As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.
Pablo Neruda
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"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." -Pablo Picasso
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lansolot · 5 months
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the way hyde is being grabbed like a stray cat here is killing me
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manderleyfire · 9 months
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And last but least, District Twelve girl . . . she belongs to Coriolanus Snow.
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prosedumonde · 13 days
Mais peu à peu mes mots se teintent de ton amour.  C’est toi qui occupes tout, tu occupes tout. 
Pablo Neruda, Vingt poèmes d'amour et une chanson désespérée
VO : 
Pero se van tiñendo con tu amor mis palabras. 
Todo los ocupas tú, todo los ocupas. 
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camango · 2 years
額装のネタにしたい画集はコレっていうのがあって。1972年に出版された「現代世界美術全集」という本。かなり大きな本で縦40cm × 横31cmもある。厚みは4cm程。定価が5,200円で25巻セットで買うと13万円か。凄いな。
妻と娘にこの企画のことを話したところ、良いアイデアだと太鼓判を頂けた。はじめるなら屋号が必要だよねと、娘が「PABLO BOOKS」という名前を提案してくれたので気に入り決定。2月開始に向けて加速してきました。
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evilhorse · 3 months
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Whew! I’d rather fight a super-villain any day!
(Captain America #241)
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I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.
— Pablo Neruda, Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, 1924
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1824- Los versos tristes Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche. Escribir, por ejemplo: "La noche está estrellada, y tiritan, azules, los astros, a lo lejos". El viento de la noche gira en el cielo y canta. Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche. Yo la quise, y a veces ella también me quiso. En las noches como ésta la tuve entre mis brazos. ¡La besé tantas veces bajo el cielo infinito! Ella me quiso, a veces yo también la quería. ¡Cómo no haber amado sus grandes ojos fijos! Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche. Pensar que no la tengo. Sentir que la he perdido, Oír la noche inmensa, más inmensa sin ella. Y el verso cae al alma como al pasto el rocío. Qué importa que mi amor no pudiera guardarla. La noche está estrellada y ella no está conmigo. Eso es todo. A lo lejos alguien canta. A lo lejos. Mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido. Como para acercarla mi mirada la busca. Mi corazón la busca, y ella no está conmigo. La misma noche que hace blanquear los mismos árboles. Nosotros, los de entonces, ya no somos los mismos. Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero ¡cuánto la quise! Mi voz buscaba el viento para tocar su oído. De otro. Será de otro. Como antes de mis besos. Su voz, su cuerpo claro. Sus ojos infinitos. Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero tal vez la quiero. Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido. Porque en noches como ésta, la tuve entre mis brazos, mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido. Aunque éste sea el último dolor que ella me causa, y éstos sean los últimos versos que yo le escribo.
(Pablo Neruda)
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letsswaytogether · 1 year
"Does the one who always waits suffer more than the one who has never waited for anyone?"
Pablo Neruda
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brokehorrorfan · 3 months
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Bottleneck Gallery will release The Crow 18x36 fine art giclee prints by Pablo Olivera today, June 13, at 12pm EST.
There are four variants: standard, limited to 150 for $60; neon, limited to 100 for $60; green, limited to 85 for $60, and black & white, limited to 50 for $60. An acrylic print with the standard artwork will also be available, limited to 30 for $125.
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comic-covers · 5 months
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withgavi · 5 months
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"Come on Gavi, run faster. They're behind you." Coach Alex yelled over to the young boy. He was right, he lost the ball, again.
Gavi turned around while shaking his head, he hasn't played a good pass in a week, what's up with him?
"Guys, we'll stop the training for now. I have some announcements to make." Alex yelled over the whole field and Gavi waited for Ansu so they could walk back together.
He jogged over to Gavi and then they turned around while they started to walk to the bench.
"What do you think this is about?" Gavi asked Ansu, curiously, maybe he knew the answer.
"Nah, man no idea." He shrugged his shoulder and Gavi didn't say anything else and as they all looked at Alex, he asked them to sit down.
So they did, they all sat down on the grass and then saw you walk over to Alex. you said hi to him and Alex looked at his watch.
"You're on time!" He laughed as he looked at you.
"Of course I am, I'm never late." You chuckled and looked at the youngsters sitting on the grass.
You scanned every single face trying to keep them apart, boys in this young age all looked alike.
"So, guys, as you all know, I'll give up my career as a coach." Alex began and Gavi and Ansu looked at eachother. "So I would like to interduce your new coach. I think she wants to interduce herself tho, so the stage is yours." Alex said and you stepped forward a bit. You felt their eyes piercing holes into your body.
"Hey, as you guys already know, I'll be your new coach. My name is Y/n, but please just call me Y/n/n and I'm looking forward to the new season ahead of us and I'm excited to train with you guys!" You said and Gavi looked at you, you were wearing a tight Barcelona shirt with even tighter shorts.
Even looking at you made Gavi feel a way that he wasn't supposed to feel towards his coach.
"Are there any question towards Y/n?" Alex looked around but they all shook their head, except for Eric.
"Can you tell us about yourself, a bit further into detail?" He asked but Gavi shook his head as he scoffed.
"Um yeah sure. I'll sit down too and then we're gonna get to know eachother a bit better." You said and sat down, before you did, you looked at Alex quickly.
"I'll get going, I'll leave you guys alone. Bye." Alex waved at them as he left and then all the eyes were on you again.
"So, ask away!" You held up you hands in the air and of course Eric asked the first question.
"How old are you?" He asked and you couldn't help but to smile a bit.
"Hold on, I'm 18. I just realized that I don't even know you guys names. So please tell me, can you start?" You laughed a bit and pointed at Angel who was pretty much sitting next to you.
Gavi looked at every single one of your movements carefully, afraid to even close his eyes because he'll miss something.
"I'm Angel." He started and so did everyone else say their names. After you heard them all, you went back to the question.
"Do you have a boyfriend and whats his name?" Julio asked and you smiled again.
"Yes I do and his name is Lucio." You kept on smiling as you answered all of the questions they had for you. The team talked to you like you were a friend of them and that's one thing everyone liked about you, you were easy to be friends with.
"How is it possible that a woman is training us?" Ansu then asked because he was a bit confused.
"Because, I don't know, I signed up for this job and got accepted. It just happens." You said and it made many of them laugh. Gavi kept smiling at you as everyone around him went quiet, and then Gavi had another question.
"Where do you come from?" The 16 year old brunette asked and you raised your brows a bit.
"I'm from here, I grew up in Barcelona and my dad is also friends with Xavi, the guy who used to play for the first team. I'm sure everyone here knows him right?" You looked around and as you already said, everyone agreed.
You kept talking for a little while before you told the team to go back to playing, however, since Gavis team was missing one player you decided to play too. You played as a defender and you gave some pretty good passes.
Gavi looked at you, concentrating on your movements.
You weren't a bad player overall, Gavi guessed that you got bored one time and dribbled past all the opposite teams players.
Everyone laughed about that but the only thing Gavi could focus on was your body. Gavi may be going through puberty right now but that isn't normally like this. Normally it's that not that bad that he has the urge to jerk off everytime I look at her.
Being 16 is hell, and having this woman around is even more hell. "Gavi, you still have to play." You yelled at him and he suddenly snapped back from his thoughts. He realized that he was staring at you the whole time. Fuck.
Lucky for him, you didn't notice that his eyes were all over your body.
"Come on." You clapped your hands together and Gavi took the ball and ran with it, he dribbled past of some of his friends and then passed the ball to Ansu and he scored.
Gavi celebrated with him and then looked back at you. You gave him a quick thumbs up and then the game went on.
After training was over you called the team together one last time. They all sat down in a circle again while you were standing up.
"So, I just wanted to give you guys a little warning. I like to get along with you guys and make jokes and whatever but it won't be this nice next time. Because when I'm nice people don't do what I say. I hope you guys understand that." You smiled while rubbing your hands together.
Nobody said anything so you asked again. "So is it fine for everyone if we keep being friends besides from practice?" You asked and everyone nodded or said yes.
You then smiled and then clapped your hands together. "Okay, guys you did amazing thanks so much for this awesome first practice and see you guys tomorrow, I think at the game, right?" You looked around, searching for someone nodding their head.
"Yeah at the game" Eric said and you nodded with a smile on her face.
"Alex will be your coach and that's his last game as a coach so win it okay?" You told them and looked at their faces.
"Okay, have a nice night" They all stood up and dabbed you up, then Gavi walked over to Fermin.
"Hey, so what do you think of her?" Fermin asked and Gavi looked at him.
"Can I be honest bro?" Gavi leaned closer to him while he whispered.
"Yeah, please." He also leaned closer to him.
"She's stupidly hot." Gavi said in all honesty and Fermin smiled at him, he pushed him back a bit and then turned to look at Ansu.
"Ay Ansu, guess what Gavi told me." Fermin yelled out to Ansu who was walking behind the two boys to the locker rooms.
"Oooh what?" Ansu came went to them, running.
"Nothing, shut the fuck up" Gavi hit the back of Fermins head and then walked off with a straight face. He went into the locker room and went straight to the shower.
He quickly got changed afterwards and then went into my room again. "Brother." He said exhaused as he let himself fall on the bed. Gavi was still annoyed by Fermin, that didn't change a bit, but he was too exhausted to even think about him.
Gavi then looked at the clock and saw that it was around 10pm. He quickly went to brush his teeth and then got changed. Fermin came back eventually and he went to his bed immediately.
"Are you still upset?" Fermin looked at the 16 year old in front of him, however, Gavi shook his head as he sat down in front of him.
"I'm not, don't worry, just if I tell you stuff don't tell that any to other people." Gavi took off his shirt because he wanted to wear another one.
Fermins eyes scanned his upper body as he was still smiling about Gavis comment.
"Ay bro you're getting buff." Fermin smiled as he looked at Gavi's stomach.
"Right?" he smiled while flexing his abs and Fermin laughed. He then took out a loose barcelona shirt and pulled it over his head.
"Okay bro I'll go to sleep. Night" Fermin gave him a look and then I walked back to my bed too.
"Night." Gavi mumbled and turned the lights off.
"Gavi," Fermin woke him up and Gavi opened his eyes almost it cu w ntog face after being almost immediately. A shocked expression could be seen on the brunettes face after woken up by his bestfriend.
"Yeah?" He asked with a raspy morning voice. He looked at Fermin and he chuckled.
"Today is the game, get up, Alex and Y/n want to talk to us." He shook Gavi's body with his hand again and then Gavi finally sat up.
"Hey, can I come in?" They both heard you
knock on the door and Fermin looked at Gavi. He was only wearing his boxers but he as covered with a blanket up to hiels waist. He looked back at the door and then yelled
"Yeah, come in" He said and then you opened the door almost immediately. You walked inside and stopped before Gavi and Fermin. Your gaze shifted from him to the floor, you looked down on the floor and saw a phone down there. You bent down to pick it up and then handed it to Gavi. As Gavi grabbed the phone he didn't break eye contact
"You guys get ready, be downstairs in the community room 3 in 15 minutes. Hurry up, get out of bed." You said and walked off again. Gavi's only thoughts however were: Fuck, he can't get out of bed now.
"I'Il get going, I'll see you downstairs." Fermin flashed him a look and Gavi nodded in response, thank god he was leaving, so he doesn't have to see how hard Gavi is by you just bending over.
"Okay" Gavi mumbled and then as soon as the blonde walked out the door Gavi went to lock it immediately and sat back into his bed. He grabbed some tissues and then pulled down his boxers.
''Gavi, on the spot." You smiled as soon as you saw him sit down and the boy just nodded. If only you knew what he had been doing.
Everyone else was already there, watching Alex and you standing in the front of the room.
Nobody was talking, they were all waiting for the two of you to give instructions.
"Thank you everyone for coming, and sorry for waking you guys up so early." Alex began "Today is match day, we're gonna go eat together and then you have three hours of spare time. Then be downstairs at the main door because we'll be going with a bus. Y/n is also coming with us is that right?" Alex leaned to look at you but you just shook your head.
"I'Il be there but I won't be on the bus, it's not sure tho. I might be." You said and Gavi looked at
Fermin who was smiling at him. Gavi wasn't quite as amused as Fermin since he was going pretty much on his nerves. "If I can't be on the bus out of whatever reason Y/n will be there, that's for sure. So, does anyone have any questions left?" Alex clapped his hands together as they all shook their heads. "Good, see you guys later."
'You ready?" Ansu went over to Gavi and
stubbed his arm slightly with his elbow.
"Always." Gavi smiled back at Ansu as they went in first and walked to the very back of the bus.
To their surprise, You were sitting there, you had her legs crossed while you were looking at your phone, no idea that Gavi and Ansu were staring at you.
"Hey" Ansu said and sat down, he left an empty space next to you which Gavi gathered rather quickly.
'Hello, fit and ready?" You looked at the both of them and then at Fermin too who sat down next to Ansu. Since you were sitting at the very edge of the round sofa, Gavi was the only person sitting next to you. However as he was gifted with the warmth of your body, he had a very bad view of you since he had to twist his neck every time.
You then looked at Diego who sat down in front of you, on the other end of the sofa. "Are you ready too?" You asked to include him too and he nodded a bit
Diego had a crush on you, atleast that's what went around under the boys during breakfast. Diego told Angel and Angel told everyone, although Diego is the one to blame. Eveybody knows that nobody shouldn't tell secrets to Angel, he can't keep a damn thing to himself.
"Oh he sure is excited" Ansu laughed but Fermin just looked at Gavi, again. What the heck is he looking at now. Those were Gavi's only thoughts as he looked back at his blonde teammate. Getting just more and more annoyed with him.
Gavi looked at you, he couldn't notice but that you kind of seemed confused. "Why are you saying that?" You asked as you looked at Ansu with a small smile. Ansu's smile only grew while.Gavi was betting that Diego just wanted to disappear into thin air.
"Oh, nothing" Ansu burst out laughing and then put his forehead on Fermins shoulder.
"Okay." You said and then went back to your phone again. You were texting the whole ride, the guy named Lucio, Gavi guessed.
He took some glances at you while you weren't looking and damn. Lucio must he lucky in Gavis opinion. He however would have never admitted that he had a crush on her, he basically didn't either. It was just that you looked really pretty in Gavis eyes.
"Okay, I think we're here." You stood up as soor as the bus came to a halt. Gavi however had some trouble keeping his eyes to himself.
As you stood up and began making your way down the corridor of the bus to the exit your hips swayed side to side. Although you didnt want it to seem like too much Gavi could have sworn his mouth started to water as soon as his jaw dropped Gavi was fighting himself to disappear to do some...things.
''Gavi come on" Fermin grabbed the young boys shoulder and pulled him up as they left the bus.
They were standing in front of their famous Stadium and Gavi's eyss caught you walking over to a man.
He opened his arms for you and you immediately went in to hug him. The worst part about that was, that you looked up at him to kiss him too. It wasn't bad for you, but for Gavi who was watching this whole scene unfold.
He felt his jaw clench and his fists balled up next to his legs as the young brunette looked at you and your boyfriend. Something inside of him was rumbling and falling over. If Gavi would have known what, he would have done something against it.
But before he could have punched that dickhead next to you, Pau Cubarsi walked over to him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
"Ay Hermano, let's go Alex is already inside with the others. Cubarsi pointed to the door where the locker rooms were and Gavi teared his eyes off of you and your boyfriend.
So as the two youngsters went inside, you and your boyfriend followed only seconds after. "Who was that guy who was staring at me?" Your boyfriend asked.
"I don't know, I didn't see anyone staring at you." You responded in a whisper while you shrugged your shoulders. You didn't think about it as much as you should have because Gavi heard what your boyfriend told you and made a mental note to himself to be more careful next time.
He couldn't stand the thought of you being close to another men, or just you being touched by other men drove him crazy. He didn't know what he felt but he was confused for sure.
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nobrashfestivity · 11 months
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Antonio Frasconi, Cover for Pablo Neruda's Bestiary
"Laid out in tedious paragraphs The spider is wasted on irksome scientists Who see him through flies’ eyes, And describe him as carnivorous, Lustful, faithless, sex-mad, lascivious. Such descriptions simply reflect Their own natures, as I see it. The spider is really an engineer, A divine watchmaker, Detested by narrow minds on account of a couple of flies. I want to chat with the spider; I want her to spin me a star."
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2255- No hay nada más interesante que los ojos. ¿Ya miraste a los ojos de la otra persona? De la persona amada y no amada. Del amigo y del conocido. Del jefe y del compañero de trabajo. De un niño y un anciano. Los ojos emiten una energía que es la misma energía del alma, por eso son conocidos como las ventanas del alma. Cuando miro en los ojos y dejo que los otros miren en mis ojos, estoy abriendo puertas hacia un mundo de comprensión y amor.
(Pablo Neruda)
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