#Ow Winston
elfdragon12 · 2 months
Don't get me wrong, I think the new Transformers skins for Overwatch look fantastic! However, I will say that they picked the absolute safest and most basic Transformers for the collaboration!
What we could have if Hasbro and Blizzard weren't cowards:
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Winston with Optimus Primal:
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Roadhog with Rhinox:
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Junkrat with Rattrap (especially since I keep accidentally saying Rattrap when talking about Junkrat):
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Pharah with Airazor:
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Doomfist with BW Megatron:
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Widowmaker with Blackarachnia:
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(Yes, it's all Beast Wars, but Beast Wars is the best and how could we have this event and not give the gorilla the gorilla skin or the spider themed lady the spider! Or the aerial bird themed lady the hawk! These are no brainers! Primal, Airazor, and Rhinox were even in the most recent movie!)
Some "hmm, kinda":
Moira and Tarantulas (she's more of a Shockwave, I think)
Reaper and Depth Charge (alignment conflict)
Genji and Dinobot (Dinobot is closer to Hanzo, I think, but Genji is the only sword wielder)
Cole Cassidy and Quickstrike (the only crossover is "yeehaw cowboy!" accents)
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ask-overwatch-heroes · 2 months
actually if you turn the plus around you get an x and if you turn the x around you get a plus so in that case then 6x3=9 and 6+3=18
Soldier 76: You're just trying to piss people off, aren't you?
Junkrat: Fascinating. Very, very fascinating. Ya learn somethin' new every day!
Moira: Your brain needs to be studied in a lab.
Winston: I... I believe those calculations are a tad off, too.
Junker Queen: Right, you're just an idiot aren't ya?
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cooplagoop · 1 year
Personally I think the new Overwatch shouldn't have a strike commander.
I'm not saying there should be no leader among the recalled Overwatch member, but rather that the original strike commander position Jack used to occupy should be split into multiple leadership roles depending on what each senior Overwatch agent specializes in.
Off the top of my head:
Winston -> science/engineering but not for weapons like Torbjorn Mercy -> medicine Cassidy -> intel gathering Sojourn -> Military strategy
This way they can avoid the one they pick as strike commander feeling the overwhelming pressure of being responsible for every mistake Overwatch makes like Jack did by sharing the burden of leadership. Yes, I know Jack wasn't alone either. He had Gabriel in Blackwatch and Ana as his second in command, but at the end of the day Jack was Gabriel and Ana's superior and they can only go on a mission if it got Jack's approvel.
Basically, the strike commander position was structurally above all the others in the old Overwatch and I can't see it working out in the new Overwatch at all.
Of the 4 I mentioned, Winston isn't the best leader (he's trying, but he lacks experience), Mercy is a pacifist, Cassidy would unintentionally wind up like Jack by taking too much of the burden in order to lessen it for others, Sojourn might take the strike commander position out of obligation if nobody else wanted to (but it would probably leave a bitter taste in her mouth since it was during her reign as strike commander that Overwatch got banned).
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craziechwiv · 20 days
Meanwhile, in the living area of Overwatch HQ, some of the heroes there are relaxing on the couch or on the floor watching tv. Also Sombra is there too because she sorta invited herself in.
However, Symmetra waltz in looking anxious as ever. This got the attention of the gorilla-sized, (and gorilla in general) scientist Winston.
Winston: What's the matter Satya?
Symmetra: Just feeling a bit anxious at the moment...nothing too much to trouble yourselves over, I swear!
As Symmetra tried to back track her footsteps to a nearby hallway, Sombra appears in front of her, having a smug look as she wrapped an arm around Symmetra's neck.
Sombra: Aw, c'mon now Sym. What's gotten a genius like you so hexed? You can tell us, we won't spew it out to others~.
Symmetra: Okay first off, you are the first person I'd tell about it...second being D.va.
D.va: Hey, what I'd do?!
Symmetra:You still owe Mei the truth on who really outted her for that blizzard last summer!
D.va: Uhm...no comment.
Symmetra: Secondly, this is a bit of a personal matter between me and someone else. I'd doubt you'd be able to-
Tracer: Is this about Jamison's morale?
Sombra: Oh?
Symmetra: LENA!!
Tracer: Oops! Uh, rewind the moment?
¿elarom s'nosimaJ tuoba siht sI
Tracer: And resume~.
Symmetra slapped her hand to her face and pinched her eyes together
Symmetra: Oy, I swear I will...yes. Yes, it's about Junkrat. For the last few days, has he bothered anyone in this building?
Soldier 76: Hmm, now that you mention it. We haven't even heard of that rascal since two weeks from now.
D.va: It has been a bit less loud lately too.
Winston: I ran into him and was bracing for him to start shouting nonsense but...nothing came out of him.
Tracer: I did get a hunch of him not being himself but didn't think much of it, what do ya think is wrong?
Symmetra: I truly would like to know. But when I looked in his quarters, he wasn't there. I tried asking Junker Queen but she...
Junker Queen: Why the ever loving f**k would I go out of my way to f**king, see about that lazy, good for nothing traitor?! I know you and him already f**k like rodents in heat, so about you go doll up, find him yourself, suck his c*ck, and then solve it yourself?!
Symmetra: Needless to say if I see her again, it is war.
Sombra: Riiight...I think I know of someone who can help you!
Symmetra: Really who?
Sombra: His sister and his mother!
Symmetra: What are you- OH. OH NO.
Sombra: Oh yes! Time to meet the family~!
Symmetra if you think you can make me go confess to Ana and Pharah that I am dating their adoptive member, YOU MUST HAVE A SHORT CIRCUIT YOU UTTER BI-
Meanwhile, Symmetra is seating on a couch next to Sombra who was smiling proudly at the situation they were in. Meanwhile Pharah was staring daggers at them both while Ana drank tea.
Symmetra: ...I-
Pharah: What did you say to him.
Symmetra: What?
Pharah: So you mean to tell me, you had no idea what was wrong with him, and couldn't guess to try asking us first?!
Symmetra: I'm sorry, it's guess I tried the usual spots he would be around and-
Pharah, now standing up: And what?! The moment he came into our room, quietly without be rowdy, we both waited for some outburst or for him to jump on the sofa your on. But nothing! Mi mama tried to call him over, nothing! I tried to get his attention, intimate him at best, but nothing! Hell, we even called Roadhog for Christ sakes but even he didn't know how to get Jamison out of that room. And you think you can?!
Everyone was stunned on Pharah emotions, even Sombra. It was no secret Pharah still held resentment on Ana adopting the two Junkers but they grew on her for the most part. Still, even Sombra had to admit this was too far as she saw Symmetra trying to plead her case but failing even to say a complete sentence.
Sombra: Okay, now that was a low blow rocket girl.
Pharah: And why are you here?! You helped us out once, so that makes us buddy-buddy?!
Sombra: I'm only here because Hana wanted me to see the new game they bought! My visit only got longer because I'm trying to solve this issue as much as you are, and yelling at the person's partner isn't gonna solve much!
Pharah: And what do you know about a relationship?! Much less than this bitch!
Pharah: Oh you!
Symmetra: I get it!
Both of the ladies who were at each other's throats looked over towards Symmetra with Ana still remaining silent throughout it all.
Symmetra, almost on the brink of tears: Y-Your right. I'm a terrible partner! I'm so sorry for bothering you both, I'll just-
Ana: Enough.
Now the attention was on Ana, who put down her cup and looked over at a crying mess Symmetra was at that moment.
Ana: Fareeha. I know you're upset about your brother, but don't you think you could cut Satya a break already? She came all this way out of her of us for doing what you just did just now, in the same of finding out where Jamison is.
Pharah: But she...right mama, I'm sorry.
Ana: Mhm, and Sombra.
Sombra: Yes abuela?
Ana: I didn't get the chance to thank you for last time you helped us, and as a token of my thank you, you can remain her for an hour more. But please go back to your side of this war, alright?
Sombra: Anything for you.
Ana: Now, Satya.
Symmetra: Yes?
Ana: I believe someone is looking for you.
Ana looked over Symmetra, as did the others with Sombra doing a audible gasp. Symmetra cod already smell the gunpowder residue behind her and quickly turned around to see the Junker of the hour. Jamison stood there, in shock at how many people were there.
Jamison: Uh, hey Sym. You uh, you came just for me right?
Symmetra: ...
Jamison: Listen, you can come inside the room with me if you wanna, I just needed some sleep for pulling some of those earlier missions. Haven't really be myself since, y'know?
Symmetra: I...I thought something was seriously wrong with you.
Junkrat: Oh yeah, that. Ran into a little quarrel with some blokes from way back. But I'm alright, honestly!
Junkrat smiled at Symmetra as he let out a hearty laugh. This got a good reaction out of Symmetra, who in turned hugged him tightly.
Junkrat: Oy, oy! They're watching, hands above the waist Satya!
Symmetra: Shh, I'm just glad you're still you...
Junkrat, flustered and red as a tomato: R-Right, ehm...how about you join me for a nap then?
Symmetra: Yes please.
Junkrat giggled as he picked Symmetra up, gaining a squeal out of her as he waltzed back into his room, leaving a cackling Sombra, horrified Pharah, and quiet chuckling Ana to themselves.
Sombra: *Currently laughing her ass off.*
Ana: Hm...
Pharah: What is it now mama?
Ana: I always thought you'd give me grandkids first, guess I was wrong.
Sombra: For a husband, or a mission?
Pharah: TO THE SUN!
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prince-less · 2 years
Overwatch Brain Thoughts While I Wait For My Headphones To Charge
(That are mainly about the junkers bc they plague my mind constantly forever always)
The way a lot of those interactions between the junkers and overwatch members make it sound like these fuckers just hang around the base and the rest swear up and down they're not affiliated with the group. Namely the 76 and Junkrat line about the state of the kitchen. The interaction between Junkrat, Kiriko, and some overwatch members (I've only heard Winston and Pharah) about Peter Piper is also something pertaining to this. "Damn yall are loud" "Oh, no, we don't know him" sounds very much like a "dear god just don't acknowledge him and he'll go away" thing and it makes me fucking explode with laughter.
I'd makes sense of their improvements if they were at least around Overwatch facilities. They have access to medical help, new clothes, and better material for gear, weapons and Junkrat's prosthetics. It's either that or they actual spent some of that money they stole for better shit. Who knows as of right now, but personally I like the "junkers fuck around the Overwatch base" shtick.
That being said, I'm 100% in believance that Roadhog and Ana would be buddies purely because of the "stay out of trouble nana" interaction. They have tea and knit together or something. idk, I just think they'd be chill.
When I first heard Junkrat's "If only mum could see me now" line I stopped in the middle of fucking combat I was so taken aback with emotion. MY BOY, MY LITTLE GUY......
I ADORE SIGMA AND SOMBRA'S FRIENDSHIP. Sombra is so sweet and concerned about Sig and his well-being it makes me explode. Sigma sounds so happy to see her in the "hm? Oh, there you are, my friend!" Interaction I CRY THINKING ABT IT.
Ok that's all my thoughts for now my headphones ate charged and it's almost 3:30 ay em. May post another part of this if I feel like it. If so it'll be here <333
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oops i made a whole-ass Overwatch OC
Name: Rosalyn Ursenhoff
Nationality: Swiss
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 24
Role: DPS
HP: 225
Primary - Unnamed Rapier
Rosalyn strikes in a straight line in front of her, dealing 60 damage to enemies in close range (abt the same as brig or rein)
Secondary - Flurrying Strikes (CD 6sec)
Rosalyn unleashes a rapid flurry of blows with her rapier in front of her, dealing large burst damage (150?) to an enemy in close range (slightly further than primary). When doing so, her movespeed is slightly increased.
L-Shift - Quick Trip (CD 12sec)
Rosalyn feints an attack at her enemy before tripping them momentarily (mimics rein shatter but with half duration, super close range, and no damage)
E - Riposte (CD 9sec)
Rosalyn brandishes her rapier in a defensive parry, enabling her and her allies for a counterattack. Rosalyn takes no effect from the next attack or ability she's targeted by within the next 3 seconds. If she deflects an ability in this way, her next strike deals an extra 20% damage.
Q - Rapier's Rhapsody
With a cheer and a flourish, Rosalyn emboldens herself to challenge the enemy head-on. She gains 50 overhealth, and for the duration, her move and attack speed speed are increased by 30% and her damage is increased by 25%. When she makes an elimination, she gains 25 overhealth and the duration of the ultimate increases by 2 seconds.
+} Mother was a Crusader with Reinhardt
+} Grew up being trained by mother in the art of fencing
+} Currently honors the Crusaders in her ideals for fairness and justice
Character Select (match start) - Here's to a swift victory!
Character Select (mid-match) - Looks like my expertise is needed.
Ultimate (self/enemy) - Fear the crimson rhapsody!
Ultimate (friendly) - Dance under the flag of honor!
Damage Boosted - A fearsome duo, you and I!
Witness Friendly Genji Elim - Impressive technique!
Hanzo: Are you confident a rapier is the smartest weapon of choice?
Rosalyn: Mmm. Rich, coming from the man with a bow and arrow.
Hanzo: ..Touché.
Kiriko: You're pretty good with that. Who trained you?
Rosalyn: My own mother, of course!
Kiriko: Oh. I wonder if she would have gotten along with mine.
Rosalyn: If she bore any sense of justice and honor, I guarantee she would have had a strong ally in Adaleigh Ursenhoff.
Lucio: So, I'm trying to ask everyone this.. what's your favorite animal?
Rosalyn: The noble lion. A grand huntress imbued with an unwavering motif of honor.
Lucio: Uhh, yeah, I can see it!
Ramattra: The Crusaders are a group long dead. Why do you continue to live in their shadow?
Rosalyn: Many good soldiers composed their ranks. I intend to honor them all until my own last breath.
Ramattra: How admirable, yet still quite foolish.
Rosalyn: I will not take such rabble from the kind that took their lives.
Rosalyn: Reinhardt! Glad to see you're honoring your kin.
Reinhardt: (excitedly) Ah, of course! And none of them more than your mother!
Rosalyn: Ha! Let's hope her guidance brings us both success.
Rosalyn: Reinhardt! Glad to see you're honoring your kin.
Reinhardt: (solemnly) Ah, of course. And none of them more than Balderich.
Rosalyn: Yes. Let's honor his memory in the method we do best.
Rosalyn: You find it.. amusing, to sabotage fights in your favor?
Sombra: Well duh, it makes them soooo much easier to deal with.
Rosalyn: ..What a repulsive point of view.
Winston: Does anyone want to hear my favorite joke about the periodic table?
Rosalyn: I really don't think now is the time for this.
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phoenixlionme · 1 year
If some sort of scifi thing happened, could you imagine...
If Winston
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adopted Tarzan?
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willo-ly · 7 days
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Reposting old pieces from twitter.
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reformedmercymain · 2 years
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zandiiangelspit · 5 months
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Finally finished~ ♡
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ask-overwatch-heroes · 2 months
what do the other heroes think of my announcement (6x3=9 and 6+3=18)
Soldier 76: You're not the smartest one in the room, are you?
Winston: Oh, I think you're mistaken in your calculations. 6×3 should, by my calculations, equal 18, and I believe 6+3 would equal 9.
It's important to make sure our mathematic equations are one-hundred percent correct!
Ramattra: And this is the people who act that they are superior to omnics.
Moira: This is the average intelligence of humanity nowadays. It is truly tragic to see such bright minds fall to such blubbering failures.
Junker Queen: Did someone konk you on the head, or somethin'?
Zenyatta: The many absolute truthes we cling to are just different points of view.
Junkrat: I don' get it? What wrong with it?
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nyxthecrow · 1 month
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craziechwiv · 1 month
Junk and Justice: Revenge for their Mother
It's finally a done! Sorry for the wait, but here it is!
Junk and Justice: Revenge for their Mother - CHWIV - Overwatch (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
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whiskingskin · 4 months
RB for a bigger sample pool!!!!
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dawnthefox24 · 2 months
Okay so I've made another backroom tier list and since I thought it was funny. so heres the new improved tier list since I've gotten bored and everything lol. Also if you want to see the og tier list here
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Again this is just a joke and I had so much fun redoing this again
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bloomnova · 7 months
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