#Out oc (which is ironic because he doesn’t even have a full fucking design yet LMAO IVE ONLY DRAWN HIM OVER SHITPOSTS)
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mossy-paws · 3 months ago
hello! I do parody accounts of phighting characters on twt, I was wondering if you would allow me to make a parody account of one of your biografts? (Leaning towards mossgraft or jestergraft.) I was also here to half ask if you have any more content of either of them../nf/lh
STARES SO HARD,,, I think I would be cool with that!! I definitely recommend dm-ing me on here or discord though so we can both talk about it a bit more so we can lay some stuffs down :3! Especially if you’re thinking about doing one for Mossgraft since I’m really attached to her specifically + they have PROBABLY the most expansive lore!
Also,, ohhhhhh boy do I got some food for you /silly like I said Mossgraft is my BABY (they were also my first EVER PHIGHTING oc and were made like 2 days after I got into the game LMFAO) so out of all of my bio’s them, Clementine, and Wall-e are by far my favorites
buuuut for Mossgraft and wall-e specifically with lore, there is a LOT, so I’ll start with a bit of design and lore history and then get into the really fun stuff :3
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soooo where to begin! So to start, like I said Mossgraft was my first ever phighting oc made basically when I first got into the fandom, originally, Mossgraft was a custom built supposed to be betagraft prototype that failed pretty harshly and became sentient and then booked it out to playground LMAO, they were also supposed to be married to catshot because when i first started playing the game I wouldn’t stop calling him “wife” (catshot as a skin was also literally the ENTIRE reason why I first started playing,, that and broker). This is not Mossgrafts lore anymore (at least not fully) and they safe to say aren’t married to anyone now.
Mossgrafts old design was also WAAAAY different to say the least, when making it I was having such an actual pain trying to get the colors right + I didn’t really have much down for their lore, so you can probably see the struggle I was having there LMFAO
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Now! Time for the fun parts when it came to design, obviously you can tell after I created that absolutely horrific version of them I still was VERY unhappy about their colors and stuff, so I was playing around with them on this one specific piece (if anyone remembers this you are the GOAT) which was I BELIEVE(?) made when BH was first introduced. At this point I don’t really remember much extra lore and stuff for them (not even the venom bits were thought up yet) but yeah!
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At this point though, I really wanted to make an actual design for Mossgraft, and so I did! This was when I first came up with the idea of murder dronifying them /j and when I first came up with Wall-e! At this point Wall-e’s lore was basically non-existent other then what’s on the ref LMAO and mossgraft’s was still a huge WIP
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Now this is just a really small but pretty influential thing I made for Wall-e, this was when I was first coming up with his lore! Basically, Wall-e is one of three original biograft proto-types created by subspace. All of them were made as a sort of practice to see if they could actually mass produce Biografts- with Wall-e being the zetagraft proto, Violet being the Betagraft proto, and cyan being scrapped completely
Why was Proto-type cyan specifically cancelled? Well, all of the protos were made for one reason; testing. They were made to be used as testers and NOTHING else, just as a sort of social experiment in a way where Subspace can monitor their behaviors and such and then later on make changes to the designs and coding and such. This didn’t go well though, and Cyan ended up going rogue and dismantling Violet (who was also beginning to go grow sentient, it was just much less violent about it and was uncontrollable because of fear) and then breaking out of the labs and going on a rampage and killing a ton of Blackrock civilians before it was eventually recaptured and killed. Wall-e, afterwards, was SUPPOSED to be dismantled, but managed to somehow escape (NOTE: this was changed later down the line and now in wall-e lore Cyan had attempted to dismantle it too but failed before it was detained). Mossgraft, shortly before cyans failure, was created as another way to test biografts made for war, created with Violets alternative blueprints and made 3000 times more deadly… this though, also failed. After cyans failure (NOTE: in new lore, Mossgraft was the one who eventually killed Cyan after a few months of it being rampant, which is why wall-e was eventually saved by it) Mossgraft managed to break free from Blackrock, saving wall-e from being dismantled in the process completely by accident, and… then moved to playground to be spiteful…… It didn’t ask for wall-e to come follow it, wall-e just ended up tagging along after his saving and just,, hasn’t left. Mossgraft doesn’t really mind this though, since wall-e hasn’t done anything to harm Mossgraft. (Maybe Mossgraft cares a LITTLE bit about it, just maybe, they would never say it though).
in playground, Mossgraft was later found and taken in (?) by a small gang of demons who use it as basically a fucking threat to anyone trying to annoy them LMAO, these guys don’t have designs yet, but they’re named Rainbowcape (just a little gal,, she’s as sweet as can be in most occasions although she can be a bit mean even if she doesn’t mean it, she has a good heart though), Overseer spider (a manipulative little rat of a man /j who’s a Thieves den/Blackrock demon who later moved to playground because he hated both of his parent factions. Does he like playground? No, no not really, but in his opinions it’s better than either of the latter.), and a few other demons who I really haven’t put much thought into. Mossgraft honestly does NOT care much about the gang, they just also tolerate their presence because 1) they haven’t done anything violent to Mossgraft yet 2) treat Mossgraft really well since Mossgraft is basically their shield and means of protection and 3) Mossgraft kind of thinks they’re funny, it’s like watching a sitcom with those demons.
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For dreamgraft, its lore ties pretty heavily in with Mossgrafts, although its lore is much less “pronounced” then M’s is. For Dreamgraft, it was created specifically to target and kill Mossgraft, other rogue bio’s, and demons (although mainly to track down and kill Mossgraft). I actually came up with dreamgraft’s concept well. From their namesake, although they looked way different in my dream then on paper LMAO
But! Back on track, Dreamgraft was created using another offshoot of regular betagraft (and a tiny bit of violets) blueprints AFTER Mossgraft had left. Why now, would a biograft be made specifically to hunt down another one? Well… this is because of Mossgraft basically being a walking war crime, which was also why it was never remade, Mossgraft is INCREDIBLY dangerous and the other factions did not appreciate it getting loose so they had to get on blackrocks ass about fixing their mistakes and killing it……. This is easier said then done though, because Mossgraft knows DAMN WELL that it does not wanna get dismantled so will gladly do anything to avoid getting caught by anything it so even suspects to be of Blackrock origin. So, they had to come up with a counter too it- and so Dreamgraft was made! Its code, unlike Mossgrafts, was absolutely PERFECTED and because of this Dreamgraft isn’t sentient, its biggest goal is to track down Mossgraft and kill it. Mossgraft is smart enough to know how to avoid it in most circumstances, though it has had some close calls in the past since dreamgraft’s toxic vapor can be a real pain to get away from.
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Jestergraft was created as something akin to a “show biograft” and is subspaces personal pet biograft. How did he get away with making this when it does almost nothing else other then looking pretty, you may ask? No clue! But hey at least it can tell you the time and juggle!! Anyways subspace basically just wanted a biograft he could baby and it SHOWS with Jestergraft… especially because it’s sentient and boy oh boy is this little fucker smart. It’s code corrupted almost the second it was made but it’s learned how to masterfully hide it since if it shows any sort of sentience around its creator it’ll get dismantled. It also copy’s subspace’s manner of speech (making it even more insufferable to be around).
It also doesn't really *like* other biografts, but it knows how to manipulate them into doing its bidding’s when subspace isn’t looking. Dreamgraft on the other hand it HATES because it can’t. It thinks Dreamgraft 1) is a threat to its status and 2) sentient…. It’s not, though, why does Jestergraft think it is? Absolutely no clue at all. I like to think of it as some mad little brother trying to pin all bad these things on the really tired, annoyed, and uncaring older sibling who’s done absolutely nothing.
so, that’s basically it for a lot of their lore! I’m not gonna be doing mangografts/clementines/or sootgrafts for the time being since sootgraft and Mangograft have their own lores and clementines would take HOURS to write out fully (I actually DO have a plan for drawing out a poem I wrote out about biografts that will reveal a lot of his lore in the distance future, but for now I just don’t really have the time to dedicate to it :sadface:). For Mossgraft and wall-e though, I do actually have some FUNNNN ideas for them planned in the future! Specifically since I’ve been getting into transformers I’ve been itching to make some fun little “what if” alternative designs for them specifically, as well as some other lore pieces and such of them! For prototype cyan, I actually wrote a small little fic of them a long time ago, I doubt I’ll ever post it but if I do I’ll be sure to attach it to here! It’s very unfinished and old though so it’s not the most interesting read LOL
now,, for some fun stuff! Doodles and extra little pieces :3
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First one is because a friend said they wanted to kiss Mossgraft (hi steam), second was actually a tumblr request! It was a fun little piece where someone asked me how the bio’s would react to a phone (fun fact, none of them know what one is (besides jester that is)). The third and fourth pieces were me trying to redesign Mossgraft and wall-e after their second ref was made (I later gave up because of motivation loss LMAO). Sixth was self indulgent, I just wanted to draw them as cats, seventh is an old old doodle of Cyan, this was me just testing out a brush. And the last is just a fun little wall-e thing
anyways! I hope you liked the lore dump, if you wanna talk more about making a parody account please do dm me for sure :3! I do got some important stuff to lay down (duh) but yeah!
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gayeredin · 2 years ago
so....blood origin, huh.... 
first of all, i still can’t get over the fact how ironic it is (for me) that they actually made eredin gay for real but it’s fucking netflix and he (of course) looks nothing like himself. secondly, good for him getting a bunch of kisses, maybe i would have enjoyed that more if he actually looked right though. they also surprised me by not killing off his boyfriend for a cheap sad backstory. i’ll admit that was nice. i also think his actor did okay in conveying eredin as a commanding figure, despite not being as intense as book eredin. he’s also not as blunt and as talkative, but that is not on the actor. i hate that they made him stupid enough to go off with balor, he would not have trusted that guy. at least that gave us the fucking hilarious epilogue for him being lonely in a desert world with a full-grown beard and finding a skull to put on his head. i mean it, it was genuinely funny as fuck because of how dumb it was. 
as for avallac’h, he is even further from himself....not only does the design not match up, he doesn’t act like avallac’h.......at all. just a nervous little apprentice running around. at least i liked his opening scene being murder but nothing else was right. none of avallac’h’s artistic inclinations or his lack of understanding others while he, of course, is going by his own agenda to accomplish whatever he is setting out to do at any cost. it is very central to avallac’h’s character that he believes “the end justifies the means”. i think it’s unrealistic for him not to have had that mindset from a young age due to most likely having been mentored to believe it, eredin mentions in book that it is the code that all sages seem to follow. he was afraid to even steal the book from balor....and he was as respectful as he could be at all times, which is unusual for him. btw, nitpick, but avallac’h introducing himself that way...no. he says that characters may or should call him avallac’h, not “others just call him avallac’h” as if it’s just some nickname he was assigned. 
i am upset in general about lara not existing yet. if eredin and avallac’h are in their young years, she should be there, but she hasn’t even been *born* in netflix canon. she deserves more than to be cast to the side. i thought éile was alright, so i wouldn’t say that they had to change her. however, if you weren’t planning to include lara, why not just make oc’s to replace avallac’h and eredin...especially considering the aen elle should all be in their own world, not in the world of the aen seidhe. i also wonder how they will even integrate avallac’h’s feelings for her now. it’s such a central part of him to have loved her and to still love her. it’s what motivates quite a few of his actions.  
now, on to eredin and avalanche’s relationship. they did not even talk. i thought they would get at least one line between each other, considering they will be advisors to auberon together in the future if they decide to follow actual book canon, but nope. not to mention they’d spend more than a century serving said king together so you’d expect some set-up of that. but nope, instead they even further break any possibility of it happening naturally by banishing eredin to the shadow realm. eredin saved avallac’h’s life when the princess urged him to and not even after that did they have an exchange. avallac’h says one thing to him, and that is calling him “high commander”......which the actual avallac’h would never do, so it was also really funny to me. after that, eredin just immediately shittalks him to the princess next to him when avallac’h fails at a spell. with all this, how will eredin get away from the other world.....the princess is dead and so is balor (tho balor wouldn’t help him anyways), the only one that remains that could possibly help him with some logic to it is avallac’h. his only reason for saving eredin would be to return the favor (which would at least fit into their eventual habit between each other in book of doing a favor for a favor...i’m reaching for scraps of sense). if he didn’t feel like doing it after several months though, as we saw, i doubt he will suddenly think it’s a good idea.....so, eredin just somehow becomes the king of the hunt in his little jail. makes a lot of sense, you’ve done it again, witcher netflix. 
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angelguk · 4 years ago
this prompt: jock!jaykay and namjoon running into each other at a party or sth and namjoon being like ‘you finally grow a pair and ask oc out yet?’ and jks just like 😧 and joons like ‘seriously dude? 😑 i’ve been waiting for you to ask her out since before i even dated her’. but make it more angst!!! namjoon is kind of an asshole here. there’s smoking, drinking and jk getting a brief lapdance. oc is a LIAR. jaykay deep in his feels tbh. roughly 1.5k. listen to all i wanted by paramore
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Jeongguk's crossed too many paths with people during his life to remember every face his eyes have ever seen. But there’s one he will never forget, no matter how hard he tries to scrub the memory from his brain, ignore the muted forlorn twang in his heart, the low ache that ebbs from the base of his skull. It sparks up again despite years of never seeing the individual who caused the problem. How could he forget those broad shoulders? The sharp analytic eyes. The man whom you’d attached yourself too for a good chunk of your joint high school careers. It surprises him, honestly, because Jeongguk’s got a girl grinding on his lap but his eyes are locked on Namjoon, ears trailing after the sound of his deep laugh instead of the sweet nothings Nayeon (or Naeun, or Nayoung — he can’t fucking remember) is murmuring into the hollow of his neck.
For one, he’s fucked out of his mind. Taehyung probably laced the joint; he liked doing that shit even when it messed up Jeongguk’s trip. He should have known not to take a hit, but he was already ten shots in and nothing sounded better than smoke in his lungs. Maybe not nothing. This girl feels good in his hands, responds to the lightest of his touches, moans in his ear like she wants him to fuck her.
He could. He has before. Probably. She knows exactly where to nip his neck for this to have not been a repeat hook-up. But in the haze of the low living room lights and the spinning headiness of the drinks he’d downed, he couldn’t make out her face. It’d shift and twist and turn into an image that almost makes him want to cry because, at some angles, when the shadows form right, he thinks he can see your face. It could be you in his lap, you whimpering whenever your crotches aligned just right, you clinging to him like the sun hangs onto the evening sky.
But it’s not.
And for some unfathomable reason, Jeongguk’s ruined mind recognises that sucks.
Because it should be you.
He doesn’t know how he gets that girl off. Probably some lie that he needed to pee. In reality, he needed to breathe, because those thoughts surface with malicious intent, purposefully drawing him closer to deep dangerous waters. If he’s not careful he could easily drown, suffocated by desires he can’t even string together into a comprehensible sentence.
The night air hits sharp, seeping through his loose shirt. It grounds him enough for his steps to stabilise, feet following a slow trudge to the edge of the balcony. He doesn’t even know whose house this is. Somebody he’s probably never met honestly. But he wanted you to come. Everyone was coming out tonight. Even your elusive roommate Sohee was somewhere in some bathroom with a head between her thighs. You probably are doing that too, to be far. Even the name evokes bile from his throat, bitter and violent, full of jealousy he’d never really learnt to contain.
Lee Eunwoo. A graphic design major. Slightly taller than Jeongguk (only when Jeongguk is having a bad day) and somehow he can make you giggle like he’s getting paid for it.
You’d mentioned it so softly that Jeongguk didn’t even hear it at first. But then your cheeks had heated up, that stupid sparkle melting through your gaze. You wanted to spend the night with him, take advantage of an empty apartment, perhaps watch a movie or two.
It's obvious that you were going to sleep with him. The thought itself irked something visceral inside of Jeongguk. But he’d given you an easy smile, laughed at the modesty of your demeanour and wished you well with a tight hug. The same low buzzing of frustration that he got when you were with Namjoon was already waning through his system as he completed his sets at the gym with more force than needed.
Which is why he can’t help but release a bitter laugh into the night. Ironically, Namjoon was here while you were getting your back blown out by another idiotic guy Jeongguk did not like.
“What’s so funny?”
He can’t spin around to face him, Jeongguk knows he’ll throw up if he does. But he can’t forget a timbre like that. Not when you nearly wrote a poem about how wonderful Kim Namjoon’s voice was. A poem which you recited to Jeongguk before he begged you to rip it to shreds and never talk about again.
(Subconsciously Jeongguk had adopted a deeper voice whenever he talked to you since then. It came out more when he was drunk, but it’s not like you paid any attention anyway).
“Nothing,” he returns. He hopes Namjoon gets the hint and goes away. The bastard joins him on the balcony instead.
“No, seriously, what’s funny? You look like you’ve got a lot going on in your head.” Namjoon was always so concerned in talking about emotions and putting your feelings into words. It’s one of the reasons why you loved him and probably reason one thousand why Jeongguk hated him.
“Hello to you too, Kim Namjoon. Don’t you think we should catch up on the pleasantries before you start psychoanalysing me?” He retorts, forcing his gaze onto the other man. Namjoon looks good; golden skin, broad shoulders and his hair cropped short. There’s an ease to him that Jeongguk could never replicate no matter how hard he tried. Perhaps that’s what happens when you’re born sure of yourself. Like Namjoon was.
The laugh he receives is empty. Namjoon is busy rifling through his pockets, fingers emerging with a joint and a lighter. “Nice to see you too, Jeon. Didn’t think I’d ever bump into you after high school but the universe works in mysterious ways, doesn’t it?” The jay slips between his lips, followed by a swift flick of the lighter before a deep inhale that Jeongguk swears he feels in his lungs. The smoke floats out pretty, fading into wisps of nothing but grey as the breeze sweeps it away. Namjoon offers it cordially, a simple raise of his defined eyebrows and even though Jeongguk’s legs are melting through the floor he can’t say no.
“You sure?” The doubt tinting his tone makes him take it. His overestimation in his maintenance capabilities leads to a rather rough inhale, and an even worse hacking cough that he wants to be mortified at because Namjoon fucking laughs. But he can’t when the world feels like air in his fingertips, slowly slipping away. Almost like you feel at times. 
“You should stop taking the shit Taehyung rolls. I don’t even know what he slips in there but last time I smoked with him I thought I was on Mars.”
“Taehyung offers, I never ask.”
“You never ask for anything to be frank.”
“You heard me,” Namjoon returns, smoke falling from his lips.
“Yeah, I fucking did. I was giving you the chance to pretend you didn’t say it.” Jeongguk’s all in his space in an instant, the itch to smash Namjoon’s face tingling beneath his skin. Namjoon doesn’t even back up, gracing Jeongguk with a quizzical look that leaves him bewildered. “You don’t fucking know me—"
“I do.” There’s a scoff that riles him up even further. Namjoon’s still incredibly unbothered as he talks. “You think being Y/N’s boyfriend I didn’t hear everything and anything about you? Jeongguk this! Jeongguk that! You know that’s the reason we broke up, right?”
That halts him, a lag in his brain as he attempts to process the words leaving Namjoon’s mouth. The older man just stares at him, the sigh that drifts in between them bordering on pity.
“She didn’t tell you that, did she? Y/N lies about a lot more things than you think, Jeon. Where is she by the way? I’ve seen all her friends but I haven’t seen her.”
“Why would you know her friends?” It’s a stupid question but in the jumble of his thoughts it’s the only thing his mind is capable of plucking out. A question that doesn’t leave him bare and vulnerable like the other one’s racing through his head.
“We don’t have each other blocked on everything. Sometimes we talk,” Namjoon supplies easily. And just like that Jeongguk crumbles. He’s not even aware of it but the first crack spears deep enough to leave the rest of him unstable, wavering as he falters away from Namjoon. You never told him any of this. As far as Jeongguk knew you ended the relationship hating him (a thought that briefly consoled Jeongguk if he’s being truthful). But apparently, you felt comfortable enough to share your life with the person Jeongguk thought hurt you the most.
“Man, fuck you.” It’s a release, to say it. Because honestly fuck Kim Namjoon. In the span of a few short sentences he’s tipped everything he’s ever been sure of upside-down, stomped on Jeongguk’s heart like it was bendable and ducked his head right into the ocean he was afraid of diving it, keeping it under until the water filled his lungs and Jeongguk ceased to function.
Namjoon shrugs, not even looking as Jeongguk stumbles back to the door. He needs to find you, ask how much of Namjoon’s words were true. He doesn’t care if Eunwoo is over he’ll kick him out if need be.
But then Namjoon opens his mouth one more time, the final nail in the coffin.
“You should have asked her out. I was waiting for you to it — she was probably waiting too.”
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duhragonball · 4 years ago
Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: Somewhere around 1998, Kurt Busiek took over as the writer for the Iron Man comic.   This was back when Iron Man wasn’t particularly popular and the last two attempts to reboot the guy had failed.   I read an interview in Wizard Magazine where Kurt promoted his upcoming run, and he explained the character this way: Tony Stark is a superhero, an inventor, a ladies’ man, and a billionaire.    You could have a blast writing a comic book about any one of those four things, but he’s all four.    I may have gotten those four items wrong, partly because it’s been 22 years, and partly because it was more famous when Robert Downey Junior echoed that pitch in 2012.    Take away the armor, and what is he?   A billionaire genius philanthropist.   
My point is that this is the appeal to Bulma as well.    When we first meet her, she’s an adventurer, but then we find out she invented the device that lets her locate the Dragon Balls.  And her mission is a romantic quest, so she’s like the heroine in a romance story.    Then we meet her parents, and it turns out she’s a wealthy heiress.    Well, I’m assuming Dr. Brief doesn’t plan on leaving his fortune to all of his pets, but you get the idea.  
There’s a lot of versatility to the character.   Some arcs barely make use of her, but others take full advantage.    You can plop her in almost any scenario and it works.    You want to write her at a fancy charity dinner?   She’d fit right in.   You want her teaching shop class in your high school AU?   No problem at all.   You want her to seduce a bad guy?     You want her to shoot a bad guy?    You want her to be the bad guy?   It all works.  
The main thing people dislike about Bulma is the way she treated Yamcha when they were together, and she’s kind of a jerk a lot of the time.    Fair point, but I think this adds to the character.   If she were sweet as could be and a rich, attractive polymath, she’d be downright insufferable.    Also, her attitude plays off of the compassion she shows through the series.   I can’t explain her behavior around Yamcha, but she did offer free room and board to the entire population of Namek, so I feel like that needs to be taken into consideration.
Why I don’t: In the first... hundred or so episodes of DBZ, Bulma doesn’t get a lot of chances to shine, despite all the screentime they gave her.   Early into my DBZ-watching experience, I found her to be something like a shriller version of TMNT’s April O’Neil, a sidekick whose job was to look cute and get into danger so the good guys could save her.   She really doesn’t get back into her groove until she returns to Earth, and once I saw those episodes, and her time in the original Dragon Ball, the character began to make a lot more sense.   Really, the Bulma in DBZ #1 through 108 was probably intended to demonstrate how out-of-hand the situation was.   She fixed the scouter and then it exploded.   She fixed Nappa’s spaceship and it exploded.   She fixed Kami’s spaceship and then Namek exploded.    She just couldn’t keep up with the crisis. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
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Not exactly any one episode, but one of my favorite bits in the Red Ribbon Army Sagas is that the RRA has their own Dragon Radar, but it’s not portable, or anywhere near as precise as the one Bulma invented.    It’s Goku’s biggest advantage during that conflict, and when it breaks, there’s literally no one else who can fix it.    Those magic babies from Arale could make a new one, but I’m pretty sure they only did that by copying the design or something.   And the RRA assumes that Goku must have an entire team of scientists providing him with logistical support, and that Master Roshi must be their leader, since he’s so old.  
Also, near the end of the arc, Bulma needs to call Yamcha on the phone, but Roshi doesn’t have one, and then Turtle suggests that Bulma should just build one from scratch, since she had just finished building a robot drone a few episodes earlier.    And she’s like “Oh, yeah, I forgot I knew how to do that.”
Favorite season/movie: The Androids/Cell arc is a big deal because it has two Bulmas, and her son is in it too.   
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And this is what I mean when I talk about versatility.    That Super Dragon Ball Heroes series has two Gokus and two Vegetas, and I have no idea why, because they’re exactly the same, except one pair does SSJ4 and the other does Super Saiyan Blue.   Bulma’s got more layers, so in a story like this, you can have 30-something Bulma care for an infant son and tackle logistical problems while she figures out her relationship with Vegeta, while the 50-something Bulma in the future can be this strong-yet-gentle post-apocalyptic survivalist, who hopes for a better tomorrow as she longs for her fallen friends.  
Favorite line: I’m gonna stray from the canon for a minute, because I’m having trouble coming up with something, but in DBZ Abridged, when she’s arguing with Vegeta during his training session, they just start shouting “Fuck you!” at each other.    Then she stops and says: “My room.    Ten minutes.” 
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And holy shit, the delivery on that line was incredible. I knew they’d try to do something to set up their relationship, but there’s no footage to do that with, so they did it all with one line and some killer VA work.
Favorite outfit: This is a big, big wardrobe to choose from, but I’m partial to the one she wore in the Imperfect Cell Saga.
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I can’t really explain the appeal, but I like this hairstyle and the clothing looks like authentic stuff you could actually buy at a store, which just makes it feel more real, even though it’s not any more detailed than her other outfits.    I’m not sure that makes any sense.    The trucker hat looks cute on her, let’s leave it there.
OTP: You know, there’s a lot of chemistry between Bulma and Yajirobe, and even though it’s kind of a rarepair, I can’t help but-- Okay, it’s her and Vegeta.   I’ll stop messing around.   
Brotp: Definitely her and Goku.  I’m imagining the set up to the DBS Broly movie going like this.
“Hey, I’m gonna invite Goku along on our trip.    That way you can fight him when you get bored.”
“Why do you keep asking him to tag along I can’t stand him.” 
“Yeah, but I like him and I paid for the resort, so I guess you gotta deal with it.” 
Then he shows up and she sends him on some ridiculous mission to search the ocean floor for sunken treasure or something.   
Head Canon: Future Bulma does tech support in Toki Toki/Conton City, because Xenoverse is canon and the Goku Black Saga can just bugger right off because it never happened.   
She shows up from time to time to check on all the Capsule Corp tech in the city, and she drops by just to say hi to her boy, and also she has coffee with my Mary Sue OC, because Future Bulma appreciates how tough and cool my writing is.
Unpopular opinion: The Vegebul ship probably gets way too much attention.  Not that it’s a bad ship or that it doesn’t deserve the attention, but it feels like a buffet where all anyone gets is ranch dressing.    They just ignore the rest of the spread and fill an entire bowl with ranch and head back to the table to drink it.   Then they come right back and line up for another helping.  
I’m not knocking it.   I have a Vegebul calendar in my kitchen.   But it reminds me of how the “comics fandom” in the late 90′s was really just an X-Men fandom that acknowledged that other comic books hypothetically existed.
They’re gonna come after me now, aren’t they?
A wish: A lifetime supply of strawberries does sound kind of nice...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I hope we’re done with Bulma’s Resurrection F outfit for good.   The cowboy boots, no, we’re done with that. 
5 words to best describe them: Five would never be enough.
My nickname for them: Don’t have one.   Vegeta calls her “woman”, but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t go over well if I started doing that.
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writor-catto · 4 years ago
when you’re bored and don’t want to draw. a interact between my new oc and my mascot.
After chasing after the deadline, the kids think she needs this rest, for once she admits that she needs this rest. And here she is, at the Art stores. A beaming smile appears on her face as she walks in, looking through the counter that full of art supplies. Took the thing she needs and goes to the cashier counter, she noticed that someone is watching her from afar. Catty mutters a curse under her breaths as she puts the stuff on the counter. As she waits for it to put in a bag, a boy stands near her and wears a similar ring to her old one, the one that her ex-fiance gives it to her. The cashier noticed her face was pale, like she just seen a ghost or something, asked her if she is okay though Catty just waved it off and give the money to them, take the bag and leave. When she left the store, the feeling of being observing hasn’t gone away, neither was her anxiety. Catty tries to shrug it off, knowing that dangerous happens she knows that Sam will inform her through her phone. And with that, she heading to the nearby park, find somewhere to calm her down a bit. Find a beautiful spot nearby the lake, she put her stuff down and put her colorful picnic sheet out, thank Aki and Shizuko who buy it for her on her birthday, now she can put this in use. Next was her wooden board, light enough to carry in the backpack and her pencil case. She noticed that feeling back again as she started sticking the paper on the board, pulled out her phone, and started texting Sam about her situation. Even in her day off, she can’t take a slight break, it seems like. Now Sam will take care of the stalker, and Catty now can have daybreak. Doing some warming up sketches, the same boy in the Art store asked if he can sit next to her and finished his project. She would deny him, but something about him makes her agree as she used to know him before. The ring on his finger is a hint, a dangerous hint that she should keep a distance from this boy. For now, she would monitor him. “I noticed that you were looking at my ring at the art store. Guess you seem to like it so much.” the boy hums while thanking her for the cake that she brought. Lucky that she brings a lot of food while going out like this. “Ah yes, I uh... I like the design of it, it looks very classy and unique. The person who made it must put their heart and soul into the jewel” She has studied it a lot while waiting for her fiance to come back home. But then the news came like the chilly wind of winter as she receives a letter from him, telling her he has found someone else, a princess who loved by everyone and blessed by the goddess of love. The moment she receives the letter, Catty remembers that her voice was raspy, asking everyone to leave her alone in her room. The first time she showed emotions to everyone was the times she has to go. The maid was kind enough to bring her some warm foods and drink to her room, but she leaves the food there untouched. When she can get back on her feet again, Catty leaves the mansion, and she doesn’t take money, maid, dress, or jewelry, only take the ring he gives it to her as something to remember that she once fall in love with someone doesn’t love her. “While I saw this ring, the storekeeper said that this ring was from a nobleman who gives it to his fiances, war happened back there, you know; after the war stopped the nobleman finds out that his fiances have left him. What a heartless woman, right Catty?” He glances at her and smirks as everything just ticked. Catty has let down her guard and led down his trap. “Yeah, how cruel was she” Catty let out a little timid laugh as put her stuff back in the backpack, try to find an escape from here. But the moment she dashes to the nearest escape or tries to move, she can’t move her body at all. Catty mutters a curse as she scowled at her ex-fiance, Oros, watched him changed into his true form. “It’s hard to find you nowadays, my lady. After you heartlessly abandon me without saying nothing. I even believed that you have someone else, that’s why you left without a word to your fiances” Oros chuckles and stretches his hand to her cheeks, slowly stroking it. She scolded at his words. A dumbass would believe she is the girl who would find someone else that instant, while she helps him with everything in her power to help him, help him reach his dream, be a good fiance, but what he did was unforgiven. She slapped his hand away and frowns at him. “Seem like having too much power to make your mind go mad. Remind me who was the one who married the princess and sends me a letter about broke the engagement.” Swiftly Oros pinned her down on the colorful picnic sheets, wide green and violets meet golden, and before she knows it, he was pressing his lips on her carefully. Being stubborn, Catty doesn’t open her lips, not giving him the satisfaction of dominant as she used her legs to kick his side. Oros notices that and moved one hand down to pin one of her legs while the other takes a grip on her wrist, pinning her down so she can’t move so quickly. He bites down her lower lips, Catty gasped and open her mouth lightly just enough for him to slide his tongue in and explore the new area. After a while, Oros moves away, still pinning her down and proud of the result he gains. Her face was blooming red, spreading to the tip of her ears, and her lips were glistening. He can’t help it but wants to keep those expressions for himself. “You believe those lies, then you leave the mansion without confirming it to your fiance?” “Better than being a fucking second wife, am I right?” Oros snarls as he dips down again, but before he can do anything else, she hits him with her backpack. Using this opportunity to quickly gets up and running away. While running, she hits the speed dialog, calling for Sam, but he didn’t pick up the phone. “The one time I need you, you don’t answer my call!!” Catty groans as she finally gets out of the park and glances around doesn’t know if she should go back home or luring him to a farther place so he won’t know where she lives. She needs to think fast as her bare feet began dragging her away, far from her home. After running away nonstop, Catty stopped at a small alleyway, out of breaths, and before she can look where she is he reached out, pulling her back to the dark alleyway. She curses herself for even stopping in front of the alleyway as she now has to face an angry son of the god of war, which never ends well. “We’re not done talking” “We have nothing to talk” Catty snarls as she tries to kick him, but not working as he pins her against the wall, placing his leg between her legs so she won’t have a way to run. Oros seems like he won’t let her go if they continue to talk about what happened as he leans in close to her throat, Catty can feel his breath ghosting her throat making her shiver, try not to make any sound. He places small pecks on each side of her neck before bites it, leaving a dark mark on her neck to show that she belongs to him. Catty bites down on her lips, stifling her little noise away. Oros leans in and kisses her with more force, more obsession and lust. His mouth softened her moans. “I said, we have nothing to talk! “ She broke the kiss by bite his tongue, snarls at him. Catty can taste the copper and iron in her mouths as she swipes her legs and kick into his side once more and make a full bolt out of the alleyway. Ignores everyone’s disgust look on her nape, she calls Sam and tells where she is to meet up before he catches her again. Who knows what will he do next? Catty keep sprinting and see the familiar motorbike, her stuff, and her kid, Sam. She rushed over to where he is and get up, Sam started the engines and drives away full speed. If he ever tries to catch them, Sam would know to take a shortcut. And that’s how her break day over, meet your ex and get running around the city. As the nighttime came, Catty awakes in her mattress; still in her clothes, which she needs to change it. Catty yawn, getting up and was going to change her clothes to something more comfortable before notices a dark figure was sitting on her chair, looking outside her window. “Good evening, you seem exhausted after our long chase of cat and mouse.” Catty froze, gawks at him with wide eyes. “Why are you here?” “Can’t I meet my fiance?” She groans and sits back on her bed, still frowns at him. She knows that whenever he needs her; it means he needs something from her: Her knowledge. “What do you want to know?” “why do you think I came here for work?” Catty let out a small laugh. Rage is bubbling up inside of her stomach. He must think with a few loving words will make her fall back to her kneel and pray him like them, like her old self again. Not this time, never. Catty gets up, grabs something near her, a pillow, and throws at him with all the strength that she has. She’s sick of his attitudes, sick of being ordered around, sick of being near him. And yet, a small part of her feel sadness, for once she thought he maybe, just maybe changed. After all those years, he might change into a better man. How foolish of her. Oros grabs the pillow and puts down on the ground before getting tackle down by her. “Why? Because you only care about work! That’s all! The engagement setup was just you using me for my knowledge! You accomplish your dream, you have what you want, a princess, a country, people who loved you! You don’t need me, you just need them, not me!!” Catty shout, keep beating his chest. Tears keep dripping without her getting noticed. She’s tired of what happened in the past, and this time she won’t fall into the same mistake, never again. Oros remains to stay quiet, let her lash out everything in her mind and heart. He hurt her and he was focused on the other thing, but not her. “You just... just need me for my knowledge. I will help you one last time, but this is the last time I help you. After that, leave me alone.” Her voice is rasped, tears dyed on her cheeks, red and puffy eyes, even crying she still beautiful in his eyes. But his younger self is foolish to recognize that. He whispers out her name, like a prayer, scared to harm her, but yet doesn’t have any words came out of his lips. “Iustitia..” "Leave" she whispered as her body is trembling, gazes down at his golden eyes with anger mixed with sadness. Oros gently stroking her cheeks before get up and disappered in the dark, leaving her crying in the middle of her room, alone. ------------- And when one morning came, fate shows her that something worse than her ex. A threat letter from the daughter of the goddess of Beauty, Catty sighs as she opens up and starts reading it, it would be an innocent threat but that goddess just takes something into a personal threat. Catty looks at the letter before going up to her bedroom never thought she would wear this again but here she is. Catty never thought she would have to use it up again after all of this, she only picks it up when she needs the most but she never knows it would be today. Looking at herself in the old dress reminds how innocent she was back there, it like her old self is there but not anymore. She softly sighs at her old reflection before heading to the address. Oros grunts as he tried to break free from the rope. He has denied to her offer, and now he is here bleeding slowly, hoping that someone would come and save him but knowing that no one will come and save him. Meanwhile, the daughter of the goddess of Beauty, Minera humming as everything like a dream come true, now just needs the last piece so she can show that she and Oros is a perfect couple. She can’t wait to see her expressions crumble as she and Oros having their wedding in front of her, just the thought of her teary eyes and pained expressions make her feel so happy inside. Minera finished adjusting her gown, admiring how she looks in the glass before going over to where she and Oros would have their vows in front of everyone. In front of her mother shrine’s hall where they would have their vows and share their kiss here so her mother would be proud of her, married a man that she ever wants it. A cry came out behind the door as it slowly opens up. “I present you, Lady of Justice, Iustitia has arrived!” There she was, Catty was wearing an old 18th-century beige dress, her hair put neatly as a ponytail, her eyes were shimmering in the dark, but there also have some mystery under those orbs. Walking up to where she stands, with elegance and graceful, she bows down to her as a greeting. A smile slowly grows on her expression, but under those smiles was a predator’s look at their prey, ready to bare their fangs and eat them alive. It astonished Minera at her performance, knowing that she never likes to behave like a lady, see her do a decent greeting was scary. Too scary, but her appearance is nothing compared to her so she still holds an upper hand, and besides, she just a small human, what can she do? Minera bows down and smiles at her, thinking she just came here without having anything to protecting herself so it would be easy for her to get rid of her. “Greeting my Lady, thank you for coming here to our wedding. It surprised me you would come here. It must be tough to see your loved one getting married. But thank you for taking the time to even come here” “Oh no, it was my pleasure to come here and destroy the wedding after all." Before Minera can react to what she said, Catty tosses her hat out and rolls up her sleeves as a hammer appears in front of her, ready to take it. Minera widened her eyes as she can’t believe what she just sees. Is the daughter of the Goddess too? But all the reports tell her she just a mere human, mention nothing about her being a half-blood at all. It must be a joke, she is just playing with her, Minera just needs to scare her off with her prayers and she would get on her knees and beg. “You don’t scare me!! Minions! Attacks her!” A swamp of minions appears right before she said, but her eyes stay remained calm, show no hesitation at all at the swamp of minions at all. Catty takes a grip of her hammer as she swings it, her face shows no fear or wavering. Just like that, everything just ended up with a ferocious fight with her minions' corpse lying around, Catty stares down at Mirena who crumble down on the floor, looking at her terrified, too frightens to move away. "Daughter of the Goddess of the Beaty, Minera, you have been getting a lot of problems in the previous life. Just as false information, framing my house for murdering the crown prince, even spread rumors that I have new lovers and creating a wide world war." Catty continues, "And for a single jealously, your egotistical act has killed many people, women, men, and children. A god or goddess needs to know and take care of their people, not just ignores them and killed them so easily like a paw. I wish I can do an execution trial but, you can see, I'm still a person to learn. I will leave you for the court, where the jury will give you the final judgment." And with that, she leaves with Oros in her hand as they heading back to home.   ------------- Oros groans as he slowly opens up his eyes, staring at the familiar ceiling. He felt heavy and tired, his sweat is sticking in his clothes but can’t take it off. A small hush as a wet towel was cleaning up his sweaty face. It was full of kindness, something that he used to know before everything happened. “Iustitia?” he whispers out her name. “It’s Catty, not Iustitia anymore Oros. I will get some spare clothes for you, you're sweating too much.” Before she gets up, he held her hand and doesn’t let go like his life depends on it. Catty slowly sits down beside him, listening to him what he would say. “As a son of the god of the War, we have to work a lot and couldn’t spend time with our loved one. But I know that I have hurt you, emotional and physical, please Iustitia, Catty, let me make up all the sorrow time that you have to deal with it alone." “What about the Princess? What? You don’t fall in love with her? She seems wonderful, doesn’t she? Crystal blue eyes, gorgeous blonde hair, elegant and sweet, everyone loves her, a perfect wife for a god.” She stopped. Her heart is like being squeezed out, she can’t breathe, can’t think before she let out a small and trembling laugh. Catty doesn’t want to accept the next words she is going to say next. “A perfect lady for you.” Oros glared at her and grasp her face, forcing her to look at him and only him. Catty tries to look away but his grip on her face was more powerful, forcing her to looks at his golden eyes. "Are you saying that my eyes are that blind to fall in love with a damn witch princess, while I have my fiances at home? Is that you want to say?" "What if it's what I want to say? She is royalty, a perfect candidate for you. You get what you want-hmn!" Before she can continue to speak, Oros has lung ahead and kiss her like the first time they meet again. She tries to break free and pushed him away but every time she tries to break free he would bite her lower lips until there're bruise and blood on her lips. Slowly he pulled away, saliva attaches between them as Catty catch up to have some air in her lungs. Before she can speak again, he would kiss her again to shut her up, leaving bruises and bites on her neck and collarbone to show that she belongs to him. Catty finally pushed him back to the bed, her clothes are mess up because of him and her face is glowing red, her throat is scattering of his bites and lovebites as she tries to find words to lecture. "Just something to mark that you're mine since you lose our engagement ring." "Fuck you, psychopath." "Only for you, my Lady of Justice".
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emetoandotherthings · 8 years ago
for whichever ocs you want to answer these for, because i know you have a ton at this point and it would be cruel to ask you to answer for all of them: what are each of your ocs top 3 goals? fears? insecurities? pet peeves? (if you've been asked these before just ignore me XD)
So, this ask has been in my inbox for a couple of days, but that’s cause it’s taken me a while to go through all this! I am going to answer these questions for all of my ocs so this is a warning that is definitely IS going to get hella long! 😜 I really loved these questions so thank you so much Casper! 💜
Top 3 Goals for each OC:
Jude:1) To qualify as a teacher.2) To travel around Australia. 3) To have a family. 
Eden:1) To be happy.2) To do something worthwhile with his life (but he doesn’t know what yet) 3) To have a family. 
Leyton:1) To become a lawyer.2) To provide for his family.3) To own a Porsche by age 25. 
Alba: 1) To travel the world. 2) To live and teach abroad. 3) To learn four different languages.
Eppie: 1) To get her surgery. 2) To do a PhD and work with hormones. 3) To be comfortable with herself. 
Jack: Fuck three things - Jack just wants to feel loved and like he belongs. 
Aiden:1) To be a nurse and help people.2) To sing on the stage of the Carnegie Hall in America (He’s already sung on the original one!)3) To be part of a “proper” family. 
Blake: 1) To make it as a full time musician. 2) He’d love to release his own acoustic EP. 3) To be happy. 
Lindsey: 1) To get to the olympics as a weightlifter. 2) To climb Mount Everest.3) To ascend the Machu Picchu temple. 
Damian: 1) To qualify as a doctor. 2) To train as a surgeon. 3) To be a Consultant at age 30. 
Cain: 1) To design eco friendly and affordable houses for those who are homeless.2) To be happy. 3) to always be close with his family no matter what.
Jenna:1) To design costumes for Broadway2) To be involved with London Fashion week. 3) To design her own wedding dress and stitch it herself!
Jesse: 1) To publish some of his poetry.2) To skate in the top 10 skate parks around the world.3) To be happy.
Zara:1) To join the army.2) To equal her father’s rank within 5 years.3) For her father to finally recognise that she’s as worthy as a son would have been. 
Aleksander:1) To qualify as a doctor. 2) To be able to provide for his family. 3) To get married. 
Murray:1) To open his own dance studio.2) To be involved/set up a scheme abroad to teach dance and literacy to underprivileged children. 3) To live his life to the absolute full!
What are the OCs fears? (I’m going to go with biggest fears for this, so I hope that’s okay!) 
Jude: Jude doesn’t really like being in the dark on his own... he also is freaked out by worms!Eden: Eden hates feeling like he’s let someone/anyonedown, it’s partly why he gets so anxious over silly little things.Leyton: ahahahahahahahahaha vomiting!Alba: Her deepest fear is dying before she gets to do everything she wants to...Eppie: Flying!Jack: Ending up alone, or dying alone. He’s also got a thing about mirrors in the dark. Aiden:  Apart from heights, itwould be rejection. Blake: Making a fool of himself inpublic (which seems ironic as he’s a musician, but it’s kind of a paradoxicalthing). Lindsey: Being irreparably injured to the point of not being able to train or compete. Damian:  He really wants to succeed with everything he does, his biggest fear is probably being a disappointment to those he cares about. Cain:  Cain is absolutely petrified of needles! He can’t even think about them without going cold and wobbly all over!Jenna: She is really really really really really scared of snakes.Jesse:  He used to really fear rejection - and the future. It’s mostly like the unknown and uncertainty that freaks Jesse out. Zara: She really hates displaying weakness. There’ssomething about it which intrinsically makes her blood run cold, especially thethought of being weak in front of people she doesn’t know. Aleksander: Death, or very unexpectedly losingsomeone. Murray: He has an intense fear of water, particularlylarge open stretches of water after a traumatic incident when he wasyounger. 
What are the OCs insecurities? (This is also on a very broad sense for all of them, if you want to know any more just ask!) 
Jude: Being viewed as less than adequate - or not coming up to expectations! (Also his height!) Eden: Not feeling worthy or deserving. Leyton: He doesn’t have many insecurities, he’s quite self assured...Alba: Being viewed as a drifter... or conversely, only where she is because of her dad’s money. Eppie: This will sound ridiculous, but her hands. She feels like she’s got man hands and they make her very uncomfortable. Jack: Of being himself! Of being real around people that he cares about and being rejected.Aiden: That he doesn’t fit anywhere, with anyone. Blake: Of being viewed as ruthless for doing what he needs to make it in the music industry. Lindsey: Her dyslexia. Damian: Being able to maintain good relationships with people. Cain: Letting people down. Jenna: Her height and her weight - her appearance in general really. Jesse: That he’ll be viewed as dumb because he didn’t go to high school. Zara: That she’s not a boy. Aleksander: Of constantly falling behind because of his CVS. Murray: Of not living up to his dad’s expectations. 
What are your OCs pet peeves?
Jude: People who have obnoxiously loud conversations on their phones while in public places - particularly on public transport and especially first thing in the morning. Eden: People who find out about his anxiety and make comments like “Oh me too! I get really nervous before exams!”, etc...Leyton: People who don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet. Alba: When someone hovers behind her when she’s trying to work. Eppie: People who start with comments with ‘no offence’ or ‘I don’t mean to be rude’ - like that excuses their next comment. Jack: People (aka Lindsey) whotake food from his plate without asking if they can have any (he has been knownto stab people with his fork if they try!)Aiden: Those who scuff their feetwhile walking - this is a particular issue in the hospital with patients inhospital issue slippers…Blake: When he’s walking along and the person in frontstops abruptly so he either ends up banging into them or having to do a suddenswerve! Move to the side rather than stop in the middle of the street!Lindsey: Public displays ofaffection - they really kind of creep her out. She can’t tell you why, but justdon’t start kissing in front of her. Damian: People whoare “voluntarily” gluten free without any medical reasons, cause Damianwould kill to be able to eat bread or pasta, or pretty much anything withouthaving to think about it. Cain: People who get up from wherethey’ve been working/eating, but just leave all their litter around them likesomeone else should clear up after them. Jenna: People who say thingslike “oh you’re just studying costume design?” as though it’s easyand that absolutely anyone could do it!Jesse: People who don’t respectpersonal space, or who ask impertinent questions about his gender. Zara:  People who are chronicallylate (she once bought Cain a watch as a “gift” because he was late sooften!)Aleksander: People who spell his namewrong, particularly in emails - like his name is part of his email address,don’t write Aleksander in the email and then Alexander as the title!Murray: People who interrupt, ortalk over him when he’s clearly notfinished talking!
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