robotshowtunes · 8 months
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Emaan Inertial Control Drifand (エマーン界 慣性制御 ドリファンド)
ORGUSS-ORGROID (オーガス・オーグロイド)
● Height = 8.7 0m ● Width = 6.08 m ● Length = 5.12 m (front to back) ● Weight = 6.72 t ● Main Engine = FF 2060CT ● Armaments = Missile Gun
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aaronkraten · 7 years
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Oh, that ask thingy I was so happy I got tagged in and never got to fill in!
You thought. Well guess what! Today imma gonna fill in the ask questions I got from @advena87 (thank you again for challenging me!) But since I’m a book reader - and I also think my follows and followers should be more encouraged to post book stuff - I’m gonna try and fill in as book content-y as I can. Here we go!  Skellige Isles or the continent?
I love the continent, especially Lyria, Rivia & Dol Blathana, but this is definitely gonna be Skellige for me. I love how raw and unbiased people are over there. They also provide equal rights to women. Which I think is far more developed than one would think when it comes to the Skellige Isles.  
Velen or Toussaint?
This is going to be Toussaint for me. Not because of the visionairy (which is, btw, flawless in TW3-B&W) but because in the books we spend a good chunk of the story there, and we really get to know how society and the monarch works. 
Novigrad or Beauclair?
I would definitely say “the centre of the world” Novigrad. The “free city” Novigrad. It’s so lively there, everyone finds the business they need. But I also like the dark side of it. The beggars, the sewers, the crying Eternal Fire zealots. 
Sleeping at Corvo Bianco or meditating under a tree?
This is gonna be meditating & sleeping under a tree, simply because there’s no “Corvo Bianco” in the books. I really loved that ending, for me though Geralt stayed on the path. 
Inns or Brothels?
Inns have such nicer ahmosphere. I love the candlelit chandeliers, the cheap beer, the people giving you various looks. Music! Geralt always has a nice meal whenever he goes to an inn.  I wish that for him. 
Caves or Ruins?
There’s not much caves in the books, ruins however, plenty. Ruins. 
High or low difficulty?
I guess noone prepared me for the emotional trauma that was the battle at Stygga, so high?
Going back to old save: yay or nay?
I have a bookmark.
Mods: yay or nay?
Sadly I can’t apply any filters to books, but the good thing is I don’t have to! I have imagination to help me. 
Mini-map or no mini-map?
I did actually use a map of the continent while I was reading. I marked the route each of the main characters took. 
Roach or Fast travel?
Roach, because she’s the best friend to Geralt when there’s no Jaskier/Dandelion(/Kökörcsin) around.
Roads or Boats?
There was always something bad going on when Geralt got on a boat, so... Roads. 
Specters or Relicts?
Ooh, I love an old type leshen. And godlings. And dopplers. And czorts. Definitely a relict girl here! o/
Beasts or Hybrids?
I would say hybrids. Especially sirens and succubi. 
Necrophages or Vampires?
Vampires all the way! You didn’t think I would forget about our best boy Regis, ya? (B&W vampires are awesome too, Orianna is an all-time favourite of mine)
Orgroids or Elementa?
Since there’s not much ogroid in the books, I would definitely go with the elementa, because of djinns & genies.  
Draconids or Cursed Ones?
Draconids! At least we get quite a few in the books! The cursed ones Geralt meet in the saga he doesn’t kill, rather turn them back to normal. 
The Caretaker or the Crones?
I loved the Crones! Chilling & ruthless, but very well written characters. And their boss theme is absolute bop. 
Botchlings or spotted Wights?
Spotted wights, I guess. 
Godlings or Trolls?
Godlings are kind of adorable. 
Sirens or Harpies?
Sirens, please and thank you. 
Killing or sparing?
Depends on the situation. With Vilgefortz? Kill any day. Renfri? Protect at all costs. 
Dijkstra or Roche?
As much as I love Vernon Roche, I must aknowledge the fact he’s not a book character so Dijkstra all the way. 
Vesemir or Crach an Craite?
I really loved Crach even in the books, from a young chap (at Pavetta’s 15th birthday) to someone who even woo’d Yen xD I think the Witcher 3 gave him a worthy-mighty route to embrace. Shame he had to go so early. 
Eskel or Lambert?
I was always more fond of Eskel’s quiet and composed manner. He’s like a true brother to Geralt. 
Keira or Philippa?
Philippa all the way. I just really love characters involved in intrigues by choice, and when it comes to the Lady Owl, she’s like the absolute queen. 
Cerys or Hjalmar?
Ok so, this is difficult, because Cerys was not in the books, unlike Hjalmar. But I really liked what they did with them in TW3 and how they did it, and I don’t even feel like they’ve overwritten the canon or anything. I always felt like Cerys’ calm composed manner and playing on the safe side attitude would ensure Skellige would survive. Even if they’re not going down in history as great invaders or warriors.  
Syanna or Anarietta?
Since Syanna was not in the books, but even if she was, I wouldn’t like her, I have to go with Annarietta who’s been the brattiest, sassiest and most spoiled young princess in the books. But that didn’t stop me from liking her.  Yen or Triss?
Yennefer is the queen of this story. I get where the game Triss likers are coming from, but since I’m here to spread book awesomeness, where she’s been the absolute worst (and not even a proper love interest to Geralt [even Fringilla was a longer relationship to him!]) this wasn’t a hard choice at all. Yennefer is the best for Geralt.  
Ciri or Geralt?
I’ve always been genuinely more immersed in Geralt’s side of the story, talking strictly about books, than Ciri’s.  
Regis or Dettlaff?
Regis. Never gonna com a time when I don’t pick Regis. 
Olgierd von Everec or Gaunter O’Dimm?
Olgierd, I guess. I can definitely see someone like him in the books. 
Olgierd von Everec or Iris von Everec?
Iris deserved better.
Shani or Dandelion?
Ok so, there’s no witcher without Dandelion/Jaskier/Kökörcsin, and I absolutely love this bloody Casanova, but, strictly speaking in book context, Shani doesn’t get the recognition she deserves. She’s really complex and been through a lot. Our bard has too, true, but he’s more like the comic relief of the saga. 
Johnny or Sarah?
Sorceresses or Witchers?
Sorceresses. I guess. Life is much more easier if you’re a sorceress. 
Druids or the local holy man?
Druids all the way! Especially those of Skellige! My king Mousesack . I love him. 
Food or Swallow?
Swallow. Not gonna use it though, but this one’s closer to the book canon. 
Decoctions or Potions?
Potions is on the canon side. 
Hunting for diagrams or finding them per chance?
Finding them by chance, I guess. Book Geralt has no time to hunt diagrams amidst all this canon shitstorm xD
Saving coin or spending coin?
Looting or buying?
I guess looting is more on the canon side here. 
Upsetting the guards or following the rules?
Never upset the guards. 
Igni or Axii?
Yrden or Aard?
Signs or blade oils?
Crossbow or fists?
Crossbow is more book canon I guess.  
Settling down or staying on the path?
Book Geralt doesn’t like staying put, so staying on the path.
Gwent Cards or Swords?
Gwent cards. 
Beard or no beard?
No beard. It’s canon.  “Puss Peepers” or “Mutant”?
I have never in my book reading journey read Puss Peepers. Mutant, however... Hey! Thank you very much again for the callout, @advena87 and I hope everyone who actually read through that abominatin enjoyed my answers. And that they weren’t too book-posh. If yes, I’d say I’m sorry, but really I’m not. K BYE
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advena87 · 4 years
For ask thingy if you do it: 48~
Thank you for your ask but let's break some rules here.
I'm in the mood today to answer all the questions and I'm going to do it, because who will stop me? Instead of sending asks, I will tag here people that I would like to also answer all questions. If you want, of course. I will be glad if you do this and tag me, so that I can read your answers.
I tag @1orweth @2jesterprince4 @the-fox-the-wytch96 @witcher-not-quitter @evilwitchershitpost @inkprintedfox @corrupted-nightshade @just-a-himbo-and-his-feral-bard @long-lost-idiot @all-my-queens @rozovvy @punchsomeoneforme-willyou
and anyone who sees it and would like to do it. Don't forget to tag me so I can read your answers! :)
So let's go!
Skellige isles or the continent?
Skellige, although I think the isles are a little overrated. But I love Skellige because of the views and the musical theme.
Velen or Toussaint?
Velen is depressing. Has many interesting quests but this location really depresses me so I choose Toussaint .
Novigrad or Beauclair?
Difficult choice. Novigrad is, however, more ... realistic. It's easier for me to believe that this city is real. Beauclair is too fairy-tale.
Sleeping at Corvo Bianco or meditating under a tree?
Meditation under a tree has its charms, but I love Corvo Bianco. But let's face it, I usually meditate wherever I stand because it saves time.
Inns or Brothels?
Inns. When it comes to brothels, I only go there to play gwent :D
Caves or Ruins?
Ruins. I don't like caves. It's dark there and I will always get lost somewhere. Ruins are at least pretty.
High or low difficulty?
Low, because I like to invade the middle of the mess and swing the sword blindly. I don’t plan fights and I don’t bother with preparations, so I would die on high difficulty every 5 minutes.
Going back to old save: yay or nay?
Mods: yay or nay?
I would say yay, but I don't know shit about mods and I don't know how to install them so I'll say nay. But I would love to play with mods someday.
Mini-map or no mini-map?
Mini-map, Mini-map is good because my level of terrain orientation is zero. I’m a total noob.
Roach or Fast travel?
I love Roach with all my heart, but I travel fast.
Roads or Boats?
Specters or Relics?
Relics are interesting, Specters are irritating.
Beasts or Hybrids?
Hybrids are interesting, Beasts are boring. 
Necrophages or Vampires?
Necrophages are disgusting, Vampires are cool.
Orgroids or Elementa?
Orgroids are stupid, Elementa are dignified.
Dracanoids or Cursed Ones?
Dracanoids are awesome, Cursed Ones are creepy.
The Caretaker or the Crones?
"If I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all." But Crones were disturbing, while when I saw Caretaker I just shit myself.
Botchlings or spotted Wights?
Spotted Wights.
Godlings or Trolls?
Sirens or Harpies?
Sirens are badass.
Killing or sparing?
Dijkstra or Roche?
I really like Dijkstra and I even think he was right. But Roche is my Bro. It was one of the hardest choices for me, but I couldn't betray Roche. It is impossible. I can only betray Roche to Iorveth.
Vesemir or Crach an Craite?
It may be an unpopular opinion, but I'm not a fan of Vesemir, I don't really like him. So Crach an Craite, he is cool dude and good bro.
Eskel or Lambert?
Eskel is a sweetheart and I love him, but Lambert is my favorite witcher and one of my favorite characters in general.
Keira or Philippa?
I really loved Philippa in The Witcher 2, I think she was one of the best characters there, but in The Witcher 3 they ruined her. So Keira, Keira's a cool gal.
Cerys or Hjalmar?
Hjalmar is ok, but Cerys is awesome.
Syanna or Anarietta?
Syanna is more interesting. Don't get me wrong, I think she did wrong, but she is more complex than Anarietta.
Yen or Triss?
Yennefer is my queen. I used to dislike Triss very much. Now I don't think so bad about her anymore, but I always choose Yen without hesitation.
Ciri or Geralt?
Geralt. I'm not a Ciri fan.
Regis or Dettlaff?
Regis. Always Regis.
Olgierd von Everec or Gaunter O’Dimm?
Olgierd. I mean, he's a dick, but I pity him after all. And with Gaunter, you never know, he lives because others suffer.
Olgierd von Everec or Iris von Everec?
Iris. Duh.
Shani or Dandelion?
I don't really like book Dandelion or game Dandelion (but I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with Netflix Dandelion/Jaskier!), but I can't imagine any witcher story without him. We can do without Shani, but not without Dandelion.
Johnny or Sarah?
Sorceresses or Witchers?
Druids or the local holy man?
Food or Swallow?
Food is enough, I'm not a wimp, it's just a scratch.
Decoctions or Potions?
I have never drunk any decoction in my entire Witcher career. So Potions.
Hunting for diagrams or finding them per chance?
Depends on my mood. Usually it's per chance, but sometimes I will go to find them all at once and then spend all the coins on making them and try them on for an hour, unable to decide which one I look best at. You know, my witcher must be stylish.
Saving coin or spending coin?
Saving to spend.
Looting or buying?
Looting to sell --> Selling to save --> Saving to buy.
Upsetting the guards or following the rules?
I'd love to upset them if they weren't such pain in the ass when they are upset.
Igni or Axii?
Yrden or Aard?
Signs or blade oils?
Crossbow or fists?
Settling down or staying on the path?
Settling down is nice but I like to be on the path.
Gwent Cards or Swords?
Both. I’m a collecting bitch.
Beard or no beard?
What about the stubble?
“Puss Peepers” or “Mutant”?
Puss Peepers is cute but ridiculous. I will stay with Mutant.
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dziolcha · 4 years
i was tagged by @advena87 to answer some questions about the witcher 😊
Skellige isles or the continent? Continent. I’m not a big fan of this whole “viking” vibe.
Velen or Toussaint? Tough choice, but I’d say Velen. It feels more real.
Novigrad or Beauclair? Novigrad for the same reason as Velen. 
Sleeping at Corvo Bianco or meditating under a tree? Meditating under a tree. Corvo Bianco is beautiful, but honestly I’m too lazy to go there everytime i need to refill my potions.
Inns or Brothels? I don’t really like paying 100 crowns for some random sex scene lol so i choose inns.
Caves or Ruins? I think they’re both kinda boring, but at least ruins are pretty.
High or low difficulty? Even tho i always play on low difficulty, somehow i still manage to get my ass kicked every time.
Going back to old save: yay or nay?  Nah, I don’t really see the point in doing that.
Mods: yay or nay?  The only game in which i use mods is the sims lol.
Mini-map or no mini-map? Sometimes i get lost even when i use mini-map, so playing without it would be terrible tbh.
Roach or Fast travel? Fast travel. As I’ve said before, I’m lazy. 🤷‍♀️
Roads or Boats? Roads, I hate boats with burning passion.
Specters or Relics?  Relics are more interesting, but Specters have cooler design so I’d say both.
Beasts or Hybrids?  Hybrids.
Necrophages or Vampires?  Vampires are way more interesting.
Orgroids or Elementa?  Orgroids.
Dracanoids or Cursed Ones?  Cursed Ones because they’re usually related to some cool quests.
The Caretaker or the Crones?  Neither really scared me, but the Crones were way more disgusting. (i wanna puke everytime i see Weavess’ eye/eyes/whatever tf it is)
Botchlings or spotted Wights?  Both!!!
Godlings or Trolls?  Trolls. Unpopular opinion, but Godlings are kinda annoying.
Sirens or Harpies? Sirens.
Killing or sparing? Sparing.
Dijkstra or Roche?  Dijkstra. Roche is a good friend to Geralt, but he’s plan sucks + I don’t really like him to be honest. ( i wish i could save Thaler and Ves tho)
Vesemir or Crach an Craite?  Crach an Craite.
Eskel or Lambert?  I like Eskel, but Lambert is one of my favorite characters from The Witcher.
Keira or Philippa?  Philippa was great in books but Keira stole my heart in TW3.
Cerys or Hjalmar?  I like them both, but Cerys is a way better ruler than Hjalmar.
Syanna or Anarietta?  Syanna is more complex than Anarietta. (but i always choose the ending where she dies and Dettlaff lives anyway)
Yen or Triss?  I’d say Yen, but i like Triss as well.
Ciri or Geralt?  Geralt.
Regis or Dettlaff?  Regis.
Olgierd von Everec or Gaunter O’Dimm?  Gaunter, Olgierd got what he deserved.
Olgierd von Everec or Iris von Everec?  Iris.
Shani or Dandelion?  Dandelion, i like Shani but she was pretty annoying in TW1.
Johnny or Sarah? Neither.
Sorceresses or Witchers?  Sorceresses. Especially the lodge.
Druids or the local holy man? Druids.
Food or Swallow?  Swallow.
Decoctions or Potions?  Potions, decoctions are kinda useless on low difficulty.
Hunting for diagrams or finding them per chance?  Usually per chance.
Saving coin or spending coin? Spending. You don’t have to save coin if you steal trash from villagers. :P
Looting or buying?  Looting.
Upsetting the guards or following the rules? Following the rules. Some bread and empty bottles aren’t worth it.
Igni or Axii? Igni.
Yrden or Aard? Yrden.
Signs or blade oils? Signs.
Crossbow or fists? Crossbow is useful only underwater, so fists.
Settling down or staying on the path? Settling down, let the old man rest.
Gwent Cards or Swords? Gwent Cards.
Beard or no beard? No beard.
“Puss Peepers” or “Mutant”? “Puss Peepers” is funny, “Mutant” is just rude lol.
I’m not tagging anyone, but feel free to steal it. 💕
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witcher-not-quitter · 4 years
The amazing @advena87 has tagged me for the Witcher asks! Answer, I shall!
Skellige isles or the continent?
Continent, cause I dread sirens and trying to do map completion in Skellige frustrated me to no end
Velen or Toussaint?
Toussaint! I love the colors and of course Regis and Dettlaff are there!! 
Novigrad or Beauclair?
I really like both so much D=!! But I guess Beauclair, especially the lower parts of it, like the harbor. 
Sleeping at Corvo Bianco or meditating under a tree?
Sleeping at Corvo Bianco. I like the thought of Geralt waking up refreshed and him having an actual bed. 
Inns or Brothels?
Brothels, especially the one in Beauclair. More so that I would just have Geralt talk to the peeps there but never sleep with them.
Caves or Ruins?
Another hard one. But Ruins are a lot nicer and are fun to explore
High or low difficulty?
Low since I like the ease of it and i’m a chicken for higher difficulty. Havn’t tried higher but one day maybe.
Going back to old save: yay or nay?
Like..when you choose a wrong dialogue and go back before the convo? then yes?
Mods: yay or nay?
i’m not technically competent to use mods so I have no idea 
Mini-map or no mini-map?
mini map cause I get so lost at times and I like the ease of it
Roach or Fast travel?
Roach, I will ride her everywhere
Roads or Boats?
Roads.... boats get annoying cause I suck with them
Specters or Relics?
Relics, I just like fighting them better. Specters are a bit too easy for me
Beasts or Hybrids?
Necrophages or Vampires?
Vampires for sure, *slaps neck* Come get your juice!!!
Orgroids or Elementa?
Elemanta since they are a challenge to fight.
Dracanoids or Cursed Ones?
Draconoids cause they are fun and pretty
The Caretaker or the Crones?
Caretaker. That thing had a awesome reveal and a tough fight. 
Botchlings or spotted Wights?
Spotted Wights
Godlings or Trolls?
Godlings. they are so cute and wild
Sirens or Harpies?
I hate harpies so Sirens it is
Killing or sparing?
Sparing. I like to punch
Dijkstra or Roche?
Always with Roche
Vesemir or Crach an Craite?
Vesemir, I like my witcher gramps
Eskel or Lambert?
Lambert, I like my pricks
Keira or Philippa?
Keira, I don’t know why but her
Cerys or Hjalmar?
Ceryse, She is badass
Syanna or Anarietta?
As much as I dislike Syanna, I choose her. I would have like to have more in her backstory. 
Yen or Triss?
Yen, for sure. Triss always gave me weird vibes from even before I really knew much, played witcher 1 first and she just made me cringe so much.
Ciri or Geralt?
I can’t choose with that. 
Regis or Dettlaff?
Regis. He got me into the witcher fandom with all the fanart. I learned about him more and saw Geralt/Regis stuff and fell in love. I love you dettlaff but sorry
Though I did answer Dettlaff the last time 
Olgierd von Everec or Gaunter O’Dimm?
Olgierd, he does try to live his life if you spare him.
Olgierd von Everec or Iris von Everec?
Iris, I so wish there could have been something happy for her
Shani or Dandelion?
Johnny or Sarah?
Sorceresses or Witchers?
Witchers, without a doubt
Druids or the local holy man?
Druids, I just like them
Food or Swallow?
Food, all the raw meat
Decoctions or Potions?
potions (fiend decoction for when i’m carrying to much stuff but being really stubborn)
Hunting for diagrams or finding them per chance?
I will hunt the diagrams down. Every Singe One.
Saving coin or spending coin?
Save cause i’m a hoarder
Looting or buying?
Loot cause then more coins
Upsetting the guards or following the rules?
sksks, I should make a post how I lured so many guards in the toussaint arena and had a thunderdome experience with them. but i rather follow the rules
Igni or Axii?
Igni, I like my fire
Yrden or Aard?
Signs or blade oils?
Signs, i feel so much more badass with them..also got them tatted on my hand
Crossbow or fists?
Crossbow.  I got pretty good with it
Settling down or staying on the path?
settle down. old man needs a break
Gwent Cards or Swords?
uh...Both of course, I hoard ALL THE THINGS!!!
Beard or no beard?
“Puss Peepers” or “Mutant”?
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@advena87 seems to enjoy tagging me in things (thanks again), so you now get to learn my witcher 3 preferences (which I am currently replaying, so it's pretty fitting)
Skellige isles or the continent?
Skellige, because music and views and all the different animals that run around (goats!, ponies!)
Velen or Toussaint?
Toussaint - it's ridiculous and I somewhat love it. Velen is just depressing.
Novigrad or Beauclair?
I don't know, Beauclair is again ridiculous (and sooo pretty), but also very fairytale like. I do not like the witch burning I associate with Novigrad, tho I like the city in general. I don't know.
Sleeping at Corvo Bianco or meditating under a tree?
Meditation under a tree, because aesthetic.
Inns or Brothels?
No preference as long as I get to play gwent.
Caves or Ruins?
Ruins, they're pretty and let's face it irl I'd be much more likely to want to explore ruins than a dark cave.
High or low difficulty?
Low - I play via button smashing a fair bit. Also I play for story and smashing my opponents to bits, I'm not here for endless fights and dying all the time.
Going back to old save: yay or nay?
Mods: yay or nay?
Mostly nay, I do not have the patience to figure out which ones I want and not enough knowledge on how to fix things should they go wrong somehow.
Mini-map or no mini-map?
Yes, mini-map - how else am I supposed to get to places?
Roach or Fast travel?
Roach for first time in a place and general exploring, fast travel later when I just need to get to places.
Roads or Boats?
Roads, also I occasionally forget that boats exist and just make Geralt swim places.
Specters or Relics?
Relics are awesome - Leshens are my absolute favourite monster.
Beasts or Hybrids?
Necrophages or Vampires?
Vampires, Necrophages are just ew.
Orgroids or Elementa?
Dracanoids or Cursed Ones?
Dracanoids, because almost dragons!
The Caretaker or the Crones?
Urgh, I hated the Crones, but holy shit the care taker was so fucking creepy. Still I'd like to not ever meet either.
Botchlings or spotted Wights?
Spotted Wights.
Godlings or Trolls?
Trolls, I love the way they talk.
Sirens or Harpies?
Sirens are cooler, but I find harpies easier to kill. So sirens in general, harpies for a fight.
Killing or sparing?
Dijkstra or Roche?
Roche, I mean Djikstra is an awesome character and I love dealing with him in game, but I played 2nd game and am therefore attached to Roche (yes, fine I chose Iorveth first time round and would always do so again, because you know, Iorveth, but I played Roche's path later as well and the bond is there now). So yeah, I can absolutely not betray him in 3rd game, sorry Djikstra.
Vesemir or Crach an Craite?
Eskel or Lambert?
Lambert, because he's a dick, but a lovable dick. Eskel is wonderful though, but yeah, Lambert is my choice.
Keira or Philippa?
Keira, I don't really like Philippa that much, not sure why.
Cerys or Hjalmar?
Cerys, definitely Cerys. Hjalmar doesn't think and it annoys the fuck out of me.
Syanna or Anarietta?
Yen or Triss?
In terms of just the games I have a slight preference for Yen, but I don't really mind much. After I read the books definitely Yen though.
Ciri or Geralt?
I don't know, I like them both.
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Regis or Dettlaff?
Regis, of course.
Olgierd von Everec or Gaunter O’Dimm?
Olgierd, because you know, he's not a literal demon, also I love his hair.
Olgierd von Everec or Iris von Everec?
Shani or Dandelion?
Book Dandelion, game Shani, I thought the games did him a disservice. Or we just go with Netflix Dandelion/Jaskier, because he is perfect and trumps both.
Johnny or Sarah?
Sorceresses or Witchers?
Witchers, tho in the books I love the political manipulations of the sorceresses.
Druids or the local holy man?
Druids, obviously.
Food or Swallow?
Decoctions or Potions?
Potions, tho most of the time I don't use either.
Hunting for diagrams or finding them per chance?
Finding by chance, though I am really not that invested, apart from school armour sets I rarely craft and mostly just loot for equipment. My Geralt rarely looks his best (a fact which I bemoan on occasion but I'm not about to change my behaviour).
Saving coin or spending coin?
Looting or buying?
Upsetting the guards or following the rules?
Following the rules unfortunately, since dealing with upset guards is not generally a fight you win.
Igni or Axii?
Yrden or Aard?
Signs or blade oils?
I either use both or forget about both, there is no in between.
Crossbow or fists?
Fists, my crossbow aim is shit. Also I did boxing for a while irl (and will hopefully come back to it at some point), so fists, definitely.
Settling down or staying on the path?
On the path during the spring and summer, with a nice place to settle down in in winter.
Gwent Cards or Swords?
Beard or no beard?
Beard please.
What about the stubble?
“Puss Peepers” or “Mutant”?
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*+* Drifand Orguss Orgroid 1:40 Scale Figure Takatoku Toys UNUSED Missing Gun MIB https://ift.tt/2Ad4qQq
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tree-woven · 7 years
Make me choose: The Witcher 3
Skellige isles or the continent?
Velen or Toussaint?
Novigrad or Beauclair?
Sleeping at Corvo Bianco or meditating under a tree?
Inns or Brothels?
Caves or Ruins? 
High or low difficulty?
Going back to old save: yay or nay?
Mods: yay or nay?
Mini-map or no mini-map?
Roach or Fast travel?
Roads or Boats?
Specters or Relics?
Beasts or Hybrids?
Necrophages or Vampires?
Orgroids or Elementa?
Dracanoids or Cursed Ones?
The Caretaker or the Crones?
Botchlings or spotted Wights?
Godlings or Trolls?
Sirens or Harpies?
Killing or sparing?
Dijkstra or Roche?
Vesemir or Crach an Craite?
Eskel or Lambert?
Keira or Philippa?
Cerys or Hjalmar?
Syanna or Anarietta?
Yen or Triss?
Ciri or Geralt?
Regis or Dettlaff?
Olgierd von Everec or Gaunter O’Dimm?
Olgierd von Everec or Iris von Everec?
Shani or Dandelion?
Johnny or Sarah?
Sorceresses or Witchers?
Druids or the local holy man?
Food or Swallow?
Decoctions or Potions?
Hunting for diagrams or finding them per chance?
Saving coin or spending coin?
Looting or buying?
Upsetting the guards or following the rules? 
Igni or Axii?
Yrden or Aard?
Signs or blade oils?
Crossbow or fists?
Settling down or staying on the path?
Gwent Cards or Swords?
Beard or no beard?
“Puss Peepers” or “Mutant”?
Should anyone feel like talking about the game…
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wankingtoday · 7 years
For the Witcher ask: 38. Food or Swallow? - 21. Sirens or Harpies? - 19. Botchlings or spotted Wights? - 16. Orgoids or Elementa?
38. Swallow
I worked on my potions diligently since early game because the perks seemed so good. My Geralt is super beefy and I regret nothing
21. Sirens
I’ve always liked the aesthetic.
19. Botchlings
I love their lore.
16. Orgroids
Rock trolls are my favorite monsters I don’t care.
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weriseatdaybreak · 7 years
From 10 - 20 pls
10. Mini-map or no mini-map?: definitely mini-map, I need it! Although even with it I manage to get lost sometimes…
11. Roach or Fast travel?: that depends on my mood and the location tbh, sometimes I just want to ride through this amazing world, but when I have to go far I mostly prefer to fast travel (I’m lazy :p)
12. Roads or Boats?: that’s easy, roads. I hate fighting in boats or on water!
13. Specters or Relics?: relicts for sure! Leshen!!
14. Beasts or Hybrids?: hybrids (I always feel bad killing them because they’re so amazing)
15. Necrophages or Vampires?: vampires of course, as long as I can be their friend ;)
16. Orgroids or Elementa?: ooh, that’s a difficult decision… Elementa, I think. But honorary mention for the trolls, I always try to save them when I can.
17. Dracanoids or Cursed Ones?: Draconids. Again, always feel bad when I have to kill them.
18. The Caretaker or the Crones?: omg… I don’t want to meet any of them in real life tbh… I’ll choose the caretaker, because he’s only one and therefore less creepy :D
19. Botchlings or spotted Wights?: hm, spotted wight. I really liked the quest!
20. Godlings or Trolls?: oh no, do I have to decide? Alright, godlings. But I really like trolls!
Thanks for the questions!
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robotshowtunes · 3 months
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Kei: Your lawlessness ends here!
Photo by Kseniia Ilinykh on Unsplash Bottom border from 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Heavenly Prison Chapter (第3次スーパーロボット大戦Z 天獄篇)
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howtowargames · 5 years
Mike and Jess square off once again. Mike rallies a small warband of the Spire Tyrants hard hitters teamed with a Orgroid Mymidon merc against Jess and her deceptive Tzeentchian daemons of change. With a relentless chilling wind rushing through the battlefield which force will muster the fortitude to reign supreme? This is a fight worth the watch, as usual if we missed anything please feel free to point them out and reference pages numbers where possible. Thanks for viewing and don't forget to subscribe!
Get daily posts on what we are working on throughout the week by following us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/howtowargames
Think you would enjoy this game? You can find the WARCRY Starter Set here! https://amzn.to/38VTYsf
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zrobilem-herbate · 7 years
3, 16, 18, 31, 50
3. Novigrad or Beauclair? Beauclair.16. Orgroids or Elementa? Elementa. I still have nightmares about Cyclopses.18. The Caretaker or the Crones? The Caretaker.31. Regis or Dettlaff? I really appreciate both characters.50. Beard or no beard? Beard.
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cuddlypillow · 7 years
14-20, 44 for the witcher ask?
14.   Beasts or Hybrids? - Hybrids, they are more interesting to fight.15.  Necrophages or Vampires? - Necrophages, more scary but easier! 16.  Orgroids or Elementa? - Orgoids, i guess?17.  Dracanoids or Cursed Ones? - Cursed Ones, though I hate spores!!18.  The Caretaker or the Crones? - I didn’t met the Caretaker yet, so…19.  Botchlings or spotted Wights? - The botchling was kinda cute? xD20.   Godlings or Trolls? - Hansiiii ♥ Of course godlings!44.   Igni or Axii? - I use Igni more than Axii~ 
Thanks for the ask, Anon ♥ 
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robotshowtunes · 7 months
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🎶 Lai lai lalai lai lalai lai lai 🎶
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