#Order Cake Online Germany
brezzegiftsseo · 13 hours
Send Chocolate To Germany | Send Chocolates Bouquet Germany
Craving chocolate? Order Chocolate Online Germany for fast delivery of fresh, delicious treats. Satisfy your sweet tooth from the comfort of home!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Blueberry Cheesecake Day 
Try making your own blueberry cheesecake, or visit a bakery or restaurant to enjoy this cheesy, sweet, tangy graham cracker-crusted treat.
There isn’t much in life that people love more than the rich, tangy flavor of an indulgent cheesecake. Life can be so much sweeter when everyone has the opportunity to be introduced to blueberry cheesecake!
A crumbly graham cracker or cookie crust with a rich cheesy base is topped with a blueberry syrup and then capped with fresh blueberries. This might just be the only thing that could possibly be better than the New York original!
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day was established to ensure that people everywhere know how incredible this dessert is and are given the permission they need in order to celebrate appropriately.
This holiday is a great chance for anyone and everyone to try it for themselves and pass the message on to friends and family!
History Of National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
The origins of the cheesecake can be traced back as far as Ancient Greece, when the first recipes for this cake were put into writing. In the centuries that followed, the dessert would undergo countless changes until it developed into what we know (and love) it to be today.
As different countries embraced this dish, and differing ingredients were more easily available, regional varieties came to be. Different combinations of cheese would often be used depending on the particular location, but the love of the cheesecake itself was certainly universal!
When it comes to cheesecake, cream cheese is the favored primary ingredient in America, while Italian recipes seem to prefer ricotta as a base. In addition, there is a special kind of curd cheese known as “quark” that is used in cheesecakes throughout Poland and Germany.
As these recipes came to be localized, new innovations were being made by the bakers who developed them. One of these new ideas included the addition of fruit to the cheesecake, and the best of all (of course!) was the enticing and delicious blueberry!
Of course, blueberries are delicious in their own right. Native to North America, blueberries were originally called “star berries” by the Native Americans who inhabited the lands prior to the Europeans. Blueberries are an extremely healthy fruit that is called a “superfood”, due to its high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants. Adding these yummy berries to the top of a cheesecake probably doesn’t make them healthier, but it certainly makes them tasty!
In addition to the standard options, there are a number of variations of blueberry cheesecake–as if the original wasn’t good enough! Some of the interesting variations include chocolate blueberry cheesecakes, blueberry mint cheesecakes and even blueberry cheesecakes made with kombucha!
The inventiveness of the cheesecake lover seems to know no limits, which is certainly a benefit to those who are eating it. National Blueberry Cheesecake Day is the perfect opportunity to explore them all!
How to Celebrate National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
For people who love all things related to cheesecake and blueberries, this is going to be an absolute favorite holiday to celebrate, whether on their own or with family and friends! Eating a piece of traditional blueberry cheesecake is only just the beginning.
Try celebrating National Blueberry Cheesecake Day in one of these ways, or come up with other ideas:
Try Making a Blueberry Cheesecake
While traditional, baked cheesecakes come with their own set of challenges in making them, very many shortcut recipes are now available online–and a variety of them do not even require use of the oven!
For an easy no-bake blueberry cheesecake, mix crushed graham crackers or butter cookies with melted butter and sugar to create a crust. Press into a pie pan or cake pan. Then beat milk, powdered sugar, vanilla and cream cheese to create the filling. Add a bit of lemon juice as desired. Spread on top of the graham cracker crust and then top with premade, canned blueberry pie filling. Refrigerate and enjoy!
Host a Blueberry Cheesecake Event
By gathering together a large group of friends, anyone can enjoy a full range of blueberry cheesecakes. Encourage guests to bake and bring their own variety.
Don’t forget that different varieties of the blueberry bush are available too! It would be possible to try it with the rabbiteye blueberry, or the northern highbush blueberry. Each of these varieties brings their own flavor to the table, creating a unique twist on a basic blueberry cheesecake.
Turn it into a charity event by holding a tasting contest and then auctioning off or selling individual pieces of the blueberry cheesecakes to the crowd.
Try a New Variety of Blueberry Cheesecake
Don’t let National Blueberry Cheesecake Day pass by without sampling all the amazing varieties of this cake that the world has to offer. Most people will be delighted and amazed at just how many ways it can be prepared and enjoyed!
Consider these ideas for a new take on this favorite classic dessert:
Add to the fun by using lemon zest and lemon juice in the recipe to give a little pop of tangy flavor.
For a truly Italian flare, add a little bit of honey to the graham cracker crust and then pile fresh mint and fresh blueberries on top of the cheesecake.
Instead of an actual cheesecake, try blueberry cheesecake muffins! Simply make a normal blueberry muffin recipe, but add a dollop of sweetened cream cheese in the middle and then bake. It’s a delicious way to enjoy a variation of blueberry cheesecake without even needing a fork!
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nicsnort · 2 months
Gravita Anima (part 71)
Nightcrawler/Fem!OC/Quicksilver Long-form romance and drama fic. All chapters have been posted on Ao3.
Intro (with link to Ao3 story) First Previous
For her part, Dr. Hughes had been enjoying her time at X-manor. It had been years since she had a vacation, and even then, she always had Elle to look out for. While she was concerned for Elle, and Manuel was always in the back of her mind over these past few days, Julia had managed to rest and spent much of the day reading in the library. The internet here allowed her to meet with her clients online. All in all, it was not bad for the circumstances.
The company was lovely too. The students mostly left her alone, but the X-men teachers were very kind to her. Xavier in particular, made her feel comfortable. They shared several discussions of mental health and therapy techniques over tea...and a wonderful discussion about general psychology over drinks one night. She was fascinated by his powers and wondered what insights of the mind he had, and he had been just as intrigued by her own job and knowledge of the mind. After all of this was over, Dr. Hughes hoped they would keep in touch...
Today though, as the manor was empty, Julia sat outside trying to ignore the lingering dread in her stomach. It was hard; she had been unable to eat more than a slice of toast all day. She was in the kitchen, ready to force herself to eat when she started to hear distant talking. The students were back!
Hurrying out of the kitchen, she made it to the lobby and looked around for her daughter. A few moments of searching passed before she heard a bamf behind her. Turning around, she saw Kurt looking well - that was a good sign, right? “Kurt, where is Elle? I don’t see her anywhere.”
When Kurt heard Dr. Hughes with more than a hint of urgency in her voice, he offered her a reassuring smile and gently touched her arm. “She’s perfectly fine, mutter; she’s just resting in the living room. The entire mission was a success -- your daughter is strong, like you. Come, we brought dessert to celebrate.” Rather than teleport with Dr. Hughes, as he knew she wasn’t terribly fond of the sensation, he walked ahead and made the ocean of students part for him.
Dr. Hughes relaxed at the word that Elle was alright. She was glad that Kurt recognized that she preferred to walk. Though as she followed him to the living room, she thought about what he called her. Mutter - she knew enough German to know that meant mother. Was it common in Germany to call your girlfriend’s mother such? Or did he already feel that close to her? “Of course, she is strong like me,” she told him as they walked, “I raised her and raised her well...and from what I can tell, your mother did too, Kurt.”
Elle had an amazing time with Kurt at their restaurant, drinking German beer and munching on some unhealthy German appetizers. They had spent a good two hours just talking and existing together. There was more than enough time for the students to make their way back via the Blackbird. To go, they ordered a decadent ice cream and cake dessert for Elle to share with her mother. The excitement from the victory was still coursing through Elle’s veins. They teleported to the living room. Elle sat in the chair near a small table with another next to it, both horizontal to the couch...where Lucy was lying, looking completely exhausted. 
Kurt chuckled at the sight of Lucy on the couch. She was lucky that the students were at their bedtime. “Shall I get your mutter?”
“Yes, thank you, Kurt,” she told him as she set out the ice cream and cake delight.
She looked over at her friend on the couch and smiled. “Please don’t tell me it was the time with the students you found draining and are rethinking owning a school of your own?”
Lucy gave a soft laugh. “While I admit that students are just a bit different and far noisier than the politicians, no...I think what drained me was the reality of it all coming sooner than I expected. Christmas, Elle, Christmas, and we’ll have a school. Hank told me on the ride back.” She sounded in awe at the idea, as if it were fantasy. She sat up a bit and asked, “How are you doing? I can tell you both went out to that German place -- the scent is unique.” 
Christmas? That is sooner than Elle expected as well. Perhaps she wouldn’t have to work with the tour company at the start of the school year. Surely if she were to be their PR, she would need to start before the school opened. It excited her, in a way, to have that prospect. As much as she had fought against everyone telling her to get a new job...with this on the horizon, a way to actually help mutants as a job...it was marvelous. And she had been speaking with Xavier a bit over this past week about the charity the X-men could perform. He had mentioned that perhaps she could take the lead on helping them, an X-man, but also not. Her battlefield would be different.
“Yes, we just had a couple of beers and cheese pretzels,” she replied to Lucy, leaning back in the chair. “I am...fine? I think. I won over him. I feel excited, thrilled, but…” Elle rubbed her face with her hand. “I hurt him with my powers intentionally...he deserved it, I know he did...I just don’t like hurting people...ugh, and the way he overwhelmed me and had me with stunted child’s emotions! I’m glad Pietro got me out...what did he do to everyone? With the fear? How was everyone so taken by it, was he really that powerful?”
“Well...I encased him in the nightmare ooze. I thought if he couldn’t see us if he was just wrapped up in fear, that he wouldn’t...you know, be able to hurt us.” She thought back, more recalling the look on everyone’s faces rather than her own faint unease, far less affected. “It seemed instead that it amplified the fear, and he used it. I didn’t feel too much -- I think it was the nightmare-based fear, and since I don’t dream, I want to experiment with that a bit more when you…”
Before she could finish the statement, she heard Dr. Hughes and Kurt enter the room, the footfalls on the carpet distinct against the students' faint noise in the kitchen. She looked over just in time to see Kurt wear a soft smile on his face, something the woman had said warmed him. 
“Dr. Hughes,” Lucy greeted as she stood, nodding. 
“I did it,” Elle told her mother, “that slimeball won’t be bothering you anymore, I promise.”
Dr. Hughes felt much of the stress she was feeling the past week leaving her body. Not just from the news but from seeing her daughter unharmed. She had been so worried that Manuel would overcome her. “I knew you could do it. I’m so proud of you.”
Elle led her mother over to the table and began unpacking the dessert. “Oh, they didn’t give us spoons for the ice cream. Kurt?” She looked up at her boyfriend, who fetched them right away. When Kurt handed her a spoon, she kissed him on the cheek. “You’re the best.”
Dr. Hughes watched the interaction with a wry smile. Over the past week, she had seen how much her daughter loved Kurt. If there was doubt that the two were made for each other before, it was long forgotten. Indeed Julia was already planning where the wedding could be. They didn’t have a church; perhaps Kurt did...or down by the Potomac? The park there was lovely with the water. Though the manor here had a picture-perfect garden…
Looking at her mother, Elle began to tell her about what had happened. She neutered the story, making sure to avoid most of his disturbing words about her mother. But she did include how he was able to control her for a few moments and then how Elle had turned the tables and overwhelmed him with rapid, conflicting, and various emotions.
“Well,” Julia said after Elle had finished her story. “I am glad to know that you were able to handle yourself against him. Did you just leave him there?”
“Oh no, Pietro delivered him to the Brotherhood hideout. Since Magneto set him on us, he needs to know as well that my family and I are not to be messed with.”
“And you are sure he won’t retaliate again?” Her worries were obvious.
“I don’t think he’d waste the resources...I did not know him for long, and Xavier would be able to speak more confidently, but Magneto does not strike me as a type to seek revenge like that...he has bigger things to be concerned about.”
“I was speaking of Manuel.”
Elle was silent. “Not directly at the very least,” she finally said. “He was humiliated. You said he was proud. He will spend some time licking his wounds. Besides, Xavier said he’d keep an eye on him for us. We'll know if he is found around the DC area again.”
Kurt listened quietly as he slowly ate a spoonful of ice cream -- the slowest he’d ever eaten the treat. His attention, however, was on what was said. “We are prepared to handle him if he ever comes back.” He agreed with Elle. “Now that we know his weakness, now that Elle knows his weakness, I don’t think she could be taken off guard like before.”
Elle nodded to Kurt’s words. Yes, now that she knew Manuel’s weakness, it would be easy to shut him down in battle. Dr. Hughes also gave a nod though it was obvious she was still worried. “Of course.” Both mother and daughter took a couple more bites of cake. It was delicious. Another thing on Elle’s list of foods that were going to make her fat.
They moved on in the conversation. Manuel had already taken up enough of their time, so they weren’t about to spend more time on him than needed. “Lucy, how’s your idea for another school coming along,” Elle asked pointedly as Hank wandered into the room now that the students were in the rooms for bed. Hank sat a tray of tea down with enough for all of them and poured a cup for Lucy and himself. 
Lucy caught Hank’s eyes and smiled as he entered, taking a bite of the cake. She thanked him quietly for the cup of tea and enjoyed the warmth and scent of it. “I think there is a solid chance that we’ll be up and running by December. At least with a skeleton crew. We’ll still be remodeling, I think, but we should be able to have a few students. Start small, the like.” She looked proud -- a hint of a nervous smile to anyone who looked sharply but excited. “Are you two still interested in joining?”
Kurt looked pleased and a bit shy. “Two blue, fuzzy men -- how will they tell us apart?” He half-joked. “I would enjoy trying my hand out as a...a teacher, right?”
“German and Religion.” Lucy teased. “And Elle can be the press handler -- and if you wanted to try your hand at teaching, we could use a sort of job-prep, media sort of person.”
Dr. Hughes's eyes widened, and she badly hid a smug grin at the job offer, especially when her daughter replied. “I don’t know if I could teach but PR and handling the media I can do.” The smugness didn’t go unnoticed by her daughter as Elle shot her a look. “Yes, mom, fine. You won; I’m not going to do tours anymore. As soon as Lucy and Hank need me to start handling the media, I will be turning in my resignation form.”
“Oh, sweetie, I just wanted you to be safe and not have to work your body so hard,” Dr. Hughes defended with a smile.
Elle shook her head in defeat. How many times had they had this conversation? Hank chuckled at the exchange. “Charles actually wants to speak to you, Eleanor,” he commented, “he wants to employ you to work on the X-men charity outreach instead of you doing it in your spare time.”
“That is absolutely perfect. You would be so good at that job,” her mother said brightly, eating a bit more cake.
Elle looked around the room and then stopped at Kurt. She gave a bit of a sigh before nodding her head. “Well then, it seems I will be handing in my resignation sooner than I thought.” Even with the resignation in her voice, there was a smile playing in her eyes and around her lips.
Kurt smiled wide at the news. “An employee of the X-men -- that means you get to drive the x-jet.” He winked. “Joking, joking...don’t let Scott know I said that he’ll flip.” He reached over and squeezed her hand. “I’m sure you can give tours in your spare time if you’re that bored...if you have the time. But hey, tours of the new school…”
“You’ll have to learn a bunch of new facts,” Lucy remarked. “The land, the building history...who knows if we’ll end up with students that come from another country. Language knowledge will be needed -- right, Hank?” 
“Ooo, don’t tempt me, Kurt,” Elle told him with a grin. The idea of flying the x-jet, now that was tempting indeed. But tours at the school, either school, that would be nice. She really did enjoy giving tours to people. “I don’t mind the learning,” she informed Lucy with a grin, “especially since the school’s history will be easy.”
Hank laughed. “It will help with you being there from the beginning for it. Language knowledge will be needed, yes. Though Forge is also working on a universal translator…”
“Well, until it is finished, I do know Spanish very well and common phrases in Chinese, Arabic, French, Russian, and German, though I am working on becoming more fluent in that.” She squeezed Kurt’s hand and gave him a wink.
The look on Kurt’s face showed that of a proud man. He was thrilled that his girlfriend not only could speak in different languages, even just phrases but had an interest in learning. He smiled and winked back. “Ja.”
“An excellent resume, and with those qualifications, I say she’s hired, right Lucy?”
“Without a moment of hesitation.” Lucy agreed.
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Germany Food Service Market
Germany's food service market stands as a beacon of diversity and opportunity within Europe's culinary landscape. With a rich tapestry of dining preferences, cultural influences, and a strong penchant for quality, this sector not only satisfies appetites but also offers a glimpse into the nation's varied tastes. In this blog, we delve into the vastness of the Germany Food Service Market, examining its size, segmentation, and the factors that shape its dynamic nature.
Market Size: A Culinary Colossus
The Germany Food Service Market is a culinary colossus, reflecting the nation's love for diverse cuisine and dining experiences. As of 2023, the market size stood at an impressive €94.6 billion, highlighting the significant role this sector plays in the country's economy. This figure is expected to continue its upward trajectory, driven by factors such as:
Changing Lifestyles: With an increasing number of dual-income households and busy lifestyles, dining out or ordering in has become a convenient option for many Germans.
Tourism: Germany's vibrant tourism industry contributes significantly to the food service sector. Visitors from around the globe flock to savour traditional German dishes, explore local specialties, and indulge in international cuisine offered throughout the country.
Urbanisation: The trend of urbanisation has led to a higher concentration of restaurants, cafes, and eateries in cities, catering to the demands of a diverse and cosmopolitan population.
Segmentation: A Feast of Diversity
Diving deeper, the Germany Food Service Market can be segmented into several categories, each offering a unique dining experience:
Full-Service Restaurants (FSRs): FSRs remain a cornerstone of Germany's dining scene. These establishments offer a sit-down experience with a diverse menu ranging from traditional German fare like schnitzel and sauerbraten to international cuisines such as Italian, Asian, and Mediterranean.
Fast Casual Dining: This segment bridges the gap between fast food and traditional dining. Fast casual restaurants provide high-quality meals prepared quickly, appealing to customers looking for a balance between speed and quality.
Cafes and Bakeries: Germans have a deep-rooted love for coffee culture, making cafes and bakeries a thriving segment. From a leisurely morning kaffee und kuchen (coffee and cake) to a quick espresso on the go, these establishments are integral to daily life.
Food Trucks and Street Food: The rise of food trucks and street food markets has brought a wave of innovation to Germany's culinary landscape. Offering gourmet burgers, artisanal pizzas, and global street food delights, these mobile eateries cater to a young, adventurous audience.
Delivery and Takeout: In an era marked by convenience, delivery and takeout services have surged in popularity. From established chains to local favourites, customers can enjoy restaurant-quality meals from the comfort of their homes.
Key Players and Trends
Several key players dominate the Germany Food Service Market, ranging from multinational chains to beloved local eateries. Brands like McDonald's, Subway, and Burger King maintain a strong presence, while German chains such as Vapiano and Nordsee offer unique flavours and concepts.
Trends within the sector continue to evolve, reflecting changing consumer preferences and societal shifts:
Health and Sustainability: There is a growing demand for healthier options and sustainable practices within the food service industry. Restaurants are increasingly offering organic, locally-sourced ingredients and plant-based menu items to cater to health-conscious customers.
Digital Innovation: The adoption of technology has transformed the dining experience. Online ordering platforms, mobile apps for reservations, and contactless payment options have become standard, enhancing convenience and efficiency.
Authenticity and Localization: Consumers are seeking authentic dining experiences that highlight regional specialties and artisanal craftsmanship. Restaurants that emphasise local ingredients and traditional cooking techniques are gaining popularity.
Conclusion: A Flavorful Future
As we conclude our exploration of the Germany Food Service Market, it's evident that this sector is not just about food—it's a reflection of culture, innovation, and evolving tastes. With a market size nearing €100 billion and a diverse range of segments catering to various preferences, the opportunities within this industry are vast.
Whether it's savouring a hearty meal at a traditional German restaurant, grabbing a quick bite from a food truck, or enjoying a leisurely afternoon in a cosy cafe, the food service sector in Germany offers something for everyone. As trends continue to shift towards health, sustainability, and digital integration, we can expect this market to remain dynamic and exciting for both consumers and businesses alike.
So, whether you're a local restaurateur looking to innovate or a food enthusiast eager to explore new culinary horizons, Germany's food service sector invites you to take a seat at its flavorful table and indulge in a taste of its rich offerings.
Keywords: Germany Food Service Market, Germany Food Service Sector, Market Size, Segmentation, Culinary Diversity, Dining Trends, Key Players, Consumer Preferences, Digital Innovation, Sustainability, Authenticity, Food Culture.
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learnindigitalkerala · 7 months
Experience Elegance in Every Bite! Our Black Forest Cake, a Culinary Journey Through Time. From the Heart of Germany to Your Special Occasion – Cherish the Flavors, Cherish the Moments.
Click Now 👇👇👇
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infinitiresearch · 10 months
Cakes and Pastries Market| Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Analysis, Growth and Forecast, 2023 – 2027
Originally published on Technavio: Cakes and Pastries Market - North America, Europe, EMEA, APAC : US, Canada, China, Germany, UK - Forecast 2023-2027
Conducting market research on the Cakes and Pastries Market involves analyzing various factors such as market size, trends, key players, consumer preferences, and industry dynamics. Here's an outline for a market research report on the Cakes and Pastries market:
### Title: Cakes and Pastries Market Research Report
#### Executive Summary: - Brief overview of the Cakes and Pastries market. - Key findings and insights. - Market trends and growth prospects.
#### Introduction: - Introduction to the Cakes and Pastries market. - Historical context and evolution. - Purpose and scope of the research.
#### Market Overview: - Definition and categorization of Cakes and Pastries. - Global market size and growth projections. - Key segments within the Cakes and Pastries market.
#### Industry Trends: - Current trends shaping the Cakes and Pastries market. - Influence of health and wellness on product development. - Impact of customization and personalization.
#### Key Players: - Leading companies in the Cakes and Pastries market. - Market share analysis. - Strategies adopted by major bakeries and confectionery brands.
#### Types of Cakes and Pastries: - Overview of different types of Cakes and Pastries (e.g., cupcakes, layer cakes, croissants, danishes). - Market demand for specific types of Cakes and Pastries. - Innovations in flavors, ingredients, and presentation.
#### Consumer Preferences: - Analysis of consumer preferences for Cakes and Pastries. - Factors influencing purchasing decisions. - Preferences for organic, gluten-free, and vegan options.
#### Applications: - Current and potential applications of Cakes and Pastries. - Impact on occasions (e.g., birthdays, weddings, celebrations) and everyday consumption. - Case studies highlighting successful Cakes and Pastries launches.
#### Technological Integration: - Core technologies in Cakes and Pastries production. - Automation and efficiency in bakery processes. - Online ordering and delivery trends.
#### Market Drivers: - Factors influencing market growth (e.g., indulgence trends, gifting culture, social media influence). - Challenges faced by the industry (e.g., competition from alternative desserts, perishability concerns). - Opportunities for market expansion.
#### Regulatory Landscape: - Compliance with food safety regulations. - Nutritional labeling and ingredient standards. - Adherence to quality and hygiene standards.
#### Regional Analysis: - Regional market trends. - Key players in different regions. - Cultural and taste preferences affecting Cakes and Pastries consumption.
#### Competitive Landscape: - Analysis of competition within the Cakes and Pastries market. - Comparative assessment of key players. - Collaborations and partnerships.
#### Future Outlook: - Growth projections for the Cakes and Pastries market. - Emerging trends and opportunities. - Potential challenges and mitigating strategies.
#### Conclusion: - Summary of key findings. - Implications for bakeries, retailers, and consumers. - Recommendations for product innovation and marketing strategies.
Appendices: - Technical specifications and data. - Graphs, charts, and visual representations. - References and sources.
To Learn deeper into this report , View Sample PDF
This outline provides a comprehensive structure for conducting market research on the Cakes and Pastries market. Ensure that you gather data from reliable sources, conduct a thorough analysis, and present your findings in a clear and concise manner.
For more information please contact.
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myflowertreeindia · 11 months
The Delectable Black Forest Cake: Order a Slice of Heaven
Black Forest Cake order, with its luscious layers of chocolate cake, whipped cream, cherries, and a hint of Kirsch, is a dessert that has captured the hearts of cake enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply craving a sweet indulgence, the Black Forest Cake remains a timeless classic. This article explores the origins, ingredients, and the joy of ordering this delightful treat.
History of the Black Forest Cake
The Black Forest Cake, or "Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte" in its native German, originates from the Black Forest region in southwestern Germany. This delicious cake has a history dating back to the early 20th century. Its name is derived from the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) mountain range, known for its dense, dark forests. The cake was inspired by the region's specialty, Kirschwasser, a type of clear cherry brandy.
Ingredients for Black Forest Cake
To create the perfect Black Forest Cake, you'll need a harmonious blend of ingredients, including chocolate cake layers, fresh cherries, Kirsch, whipped cream, and chocolate shavings. The cake's magic lies in the careful assembly of these elements, creating a balanced symphony of flavors.
Baking the Perfect Black Forest Cake
Baking a Black Forest Cake at home is a rewarding endeavor. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you achieve that impeccable taste:
Prepare the chocolate sponge cake layers.
Soak the cake layers with Kirsch.
Layer the cake with whipped cream and cherries.
Frost the cake with more whipped cream.
Decorate with chocolate shavings and cherries.
Chill for the flavors to meld.
Serve and enjoy!
Variations of Black Forest Cake
While the classic version is adored, there are creative twists on the Black Forest Cake. Some bakers add a layer of chocolate mousse, while others infuse the cake with more Kirsch for an extra kick. These variations add a unique touch to this beloved dessert.
Why Order a Black Forest Cake
There are countless reasons to order a Black Forest Cake. It's the perfect choice for birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrations. The combination of flavors and its visual appeal makes it a crowd-pleaser. Plus, it's a delightful way to surprise someone with a sweet treat.
Online Ordering Convenience
Ordering a Black Forest Cake online is convenient and hassle-free. You can browse through various bakeries and select the perfect cake with just a few clicks. The ease of online ordering ensures your cake is delivered right to your doorstep, saving you time and effort.
Best Places to Order Black Forest Cake
When it comes to ordering the perfect Black Forest Cake, it's essential to choose a reliable bakery or online platform. Some of the top places to consider include local bakeries, renowned cake shops, and well-established online cake delivery services.
Customization Options
Many bakeries offer customization options for Black Forest Cakes. You can personalize the cake with a special message, choose the size, and even opt for eggless or sugar-free versions to accommodate dietary preferences. This ensures your cake is tailored to your exact requirements.
Tips for a Memorable Black Forest Cake
To make your Black Forest Cake experience truly unforgettable, consider these tips:
Serve the cake slightly chilled for the best taste.
Pair it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Add a sprinkle of chocolate shavings for an extra flourish.
Serving and Presentation
A beautifully presented Black Forest Cake can elevate any occasion. Use fresh cherries and a dusting of cocoa to decorate the cake. The presentation should be as delightful as the taste.
Black Forest Cake and Cultural Significance
The Black Forest Cake Order celebrated worldwide, often seen as a symbol of love and indulgence. It's a staple in German cuisine and is enjoyed on various special occasions, from weddings to Christmas.
Health Considerations
While the Black Forest Cake is undeniably delicious, it's essential to be mindful of the calories and sugar content. Enjoy it in moderation and consider sharing a slice with a loved one to savor the taste without overindulging.
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muggleriddle · 1 year
Aside from reblogging silly stuff and obsessing over a queer book at a time, I also write.
- Esta não é uma história de heróis, published on the online romance magazine Maçã do Amor: A pathology resident from 2019 meets a WWI soldier from 1914 in a psychiatric hospital for British Officers.
- Dulce et decorum est, published in the Ser é poder anthology by the Triquetra Editora: A surgeon and a pathologist are blackmailed into going to the front line of the Great War in order to use their supernatural abilities to help the armed forces.
- Assim na terra como no mar, published in the Titanic: Histórias de Um Naufrágio anthology by the Cartola Editora: A passenger and a steward from the Titanic meet again years after the sinking of the ship, again in a dire situation: the Great War.
- Soon to be published by Maçã do Amor: Sachertorte: A dermatologist travels to Austria to convince an old friend to leave before it’s to late on the eve of Germany’s invasion. They share a piece of cake and a few memories of the times they lived together in the city of Graz.
- themuggleriddle on AO3 - Society of Gentlemen, The Penumbra Podcast, Harry Potter stuff (the stuff here in Ao3 is the newest stuff… things on ffnet are the oldest)
- themuggleriddle on ffnet for portuguese stuff - Harry Potter stuff
- muggleriddle on ffnet for English stuff - Harry Potter stuff
- themuggleriddle on Nyah!Fanfiction for more complete stuff in Portuguese - Harry Potter and other miscellaneous stuff
(I need a new username for all these things)
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giftdubaionline · 1 year
What are some popular flavors to order cake online?
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Order Cake Online Dubai
When ordering cakes online, the following are some popular and widely loved flavors that are often available from online cake shops in UAE
Chocolate Cake
A timeless classic, chocolate cakes are loved by people of all ages. They come in various forms, such as dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate, and may include additional elements like chocolate chips or ganache.
Vanilla Cake
A simple yet delightful flavor, vanilla cakes are a favorite for their light and fluffy texture. They can be paired with various fillings and frostings to create a wide range of cake styles.
Red Velvet Cake
With its striking red color and subtle cocoa flavor, red velvet cakes have become a popular choice for special occasions. They are often layered with cream cheese frosting.
Carrot Cake
Carrot cakes, made with grated carrots and spices, offer a moist and flavorful treat. Cream cheese frosting is a common accompaniment to enhance the taste.
Strawberry Cake
Strawberry cakes, usually infused with fresh strawberries or strawberry puree, provide a fruity and sweet taste. They can be complemented with whipped cream or strawberry-flavored frosting.
For coffee lovers, coffee-flavored cakes are a delightful choice. They often include espresso or coffee extracts and can be paired with coffee buttercream or mocha frosting.
Caramel Cake
Caramel cakes boast a rich, sweet, and buttery taste. They can be combined with caramel sauce, caramel buttercream, or toffee bits for added indulgence.
Black Forest Cake
Originating from Germany, black forest cakes feature layers of chocolate sponge cake, whipped cream, and cherries for a decadent treat.
Oreo Cake
Perfect for those who love cookies and cream, Oreo cakes incorporate crushed Oreo cookies into the batter and frosting, creating a delightful texture and taste.
These are just a few examples of popular cake flavors available in our online cake shop. We offer a wide variety of flavors to cater to different tastes and preferences. When ordering cake online, you'll likely find even more unique and creative flavors to choose.
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aroticv · 2 years
Is it easy to get a Schengen tourist visa?
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The Schengen visa is one of the most popular visas in the world, particularly among Indians. The Schengen visa allows you to visit any of the Schengen countries for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. The Schengen countries, which include France, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland, are among the most popular tourist destinations in the world.
As a result, in this blog, we’ll go over how you can get your Schengen Visa in the blink of an eye, as well as some additional tips to keep in mind when applying for your Schengen Visa from India. Contacting tourist visa consultants in nehru place is the best option and taking assitance from Arotic Visa is an icing on the cake.
Obtaining a Schengen visa from India can be difficult, but if you follow the steps outlined below, you should be able to obtain your visa in no time!
Schengen tourist visa requirements
There is a list of important documents that must be submitted in order to obtain a Schengen tourist visa. The following documents are available:
l Schengen tourist visa application form: The application form must be correctly filled out online and signed at the end. Please print two copies of the application form.
l Two photographs in accordance with Schengen requirements: the photographs should be no older than 6 months. It should be 35–40 mm wide, with a close-up of the person’s head and top of the shoulders taking up 70–80% of the photograph.
l A valid passport: The passport must have at least two blank pages in order to attach the visa and must have been issued within the last ten years. It must be valid for at least three months beyond the duration of the intended stay in the Schengen Area.
l Photocopies of the first and last pages of the passport that are neat and clean (Bio data).
l Previous passports- if applicable: Attach previous passports to the other documents if you have more than one. It is preferable to use a rubber band to secure them together rather than a staple.
l Personal covering letter- original: Personal covering letter explaining the reason for visiting the EU, for example, the countries you intend to visit, the dates, the location you intend to stay, and other trip details.
l No objection letter: A no objection letter is a letter from the applicant’s employer or school/university stating that the applicant has contractual obligations in the home country and guarantees that he/she will return to the homeland.
l Travel health insurance that covers emergency medical, hospitalisation, and repatriation in the event of death: Schengen Zone states have agreed that the minimum cover should be 30.000 EUR. It must be valid for the duration of your stay in the Schengen area’s entire territory.
l Flight reservation- no need to buy actual plane tickets: The embassy requires a flight reservation to prove the indented entry and exit dates. In the Schengen area, only one-way tickets are not accepted.
l Proof of accommodation for the entire duration of your stay in Schengen areas: If you intend to stay in a hotel, you must show hotel reservations. If you intend to stay with relatives or friends, they must provide proof that they have enough space for you.
l Proof of financial status: You must show proof that you have enough money to stay in Schengen areas. It is proof that you will be able to support yourself financially during your stay. A bank statement from the previous three months can demonstrate this. In each country, the minimum amount required as proof varies. You must consult with authorities in your country for this purpose.
How do I get a Schengen tourist visa?
The following simple steps are required to apply for a Schengen tourist visa:
l Fill out the Schengen tourist visa application form.
l Gather all of the documents needed for the Schengen tourist visa.
l Make an appointment with the embassy of the country you intend to visit.
l Attend the appointment on time.
l Pay the fees with your application form.
How long does it take to get a Schengen tourist visa?
Normally, a Schengen tourist visa will be issued to you within 15 days. However, if the applicant is required to submit additional documents, the process could take up to 30–60 days. It is best to apply for a Schengen tourist visa six days before your trip.
What is the duration of the Schengen tourist visa?
The Schengen tourist visa has a 90-day validity period. However, the Schengen embassy decides how long you can stay in Schengen.
Final Remarks
If you are trying for Schegen visa then contacting Arotic Visa’s well-known tourist visa consultants in nehru place is the perfect choice. We will surely guide you throught the process. The experts at Arotic Visa, visa consultant in Delhi will assist you with all of your resources.
We even show you how to get started in Schengen and how to get around.
resolve all issues and plan your career at Arotic Visas.
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amillionlanguages · 5 years
2+ Months of Language Learning Prompts!
Sometimes it can be tricky to know what to learn if you are teaching yourself a language. Here are some ideas for what you can focus on learning each day for the first two months of learning a new language! I formatted it so there is the general topic for the day and then in parentheses are some ideas to get you started but you can definitely learn a lot more than what I’ve written down! These are just to help generate some ideas!
This definitely would move pretty quickly if you covered all this material in 2 months so you could definitely spend more time on each topic if you need! This would require quite a bit of time each day in order to learn it all. This could totally work for a 4 or 6-month challenge where you spend 2 or 3 days on each of the topics I listed if you don’t have enough time to cover each topic in just one day!
Polite phrases (thank you, please, yes/no, you’re welcome, I’m sorry)
Introductory phrases (hi, my name is, I’m from, I speak, how are you?)
Pronouns (I, you, he, she, they, we)
Basic people vocab (girl, boy, man, woman, person, child)
Basic verbs in present tense (to eat, to drink, to walk, to read, to write, to say)
Sentence structure (how to form some basic sentences)
Negative sentences (I do not __)
Question words (who, what, where, when, why, how, how to form questions)
Numbers (0-20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 1,000, 1,000,000)
Time (hour, minute, half hour, reading the time)
Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert, appetizer)
Basic foods (apple, banana, rice, bread, pasta, carrot, soup, water)
More foods (beef, pork, fruit, vegetable, juice, coffee, tea, chocolate, cake)
Kitchen (stove, oven, kitchen, fridge, table, chair, bake, boil)
Eating supplies (knife, spoon, fork, plate, bowl, cup, glass)
More verbs (to make, to have, to see, to like, to go, to be able to, to want, to need)
Family (father, mother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandmother, grandfather, parents, grandparents)
Transportation (car, train, plane, bus, bicycle, airport, train station)
City locations (apartment, building, restaurant, movie theater, market, hotel, bank)
Directions (north, south, east, west, right, left)
Adjectives (good, bad, smart, delicious, nice, fun)
More verbs (to give, to send, to wake up, to cry, to love, to hate, to laugh)
Colors (red, yellow, blue, green, purple, black, white, brown)
Emotions (happy, sad, calm, angry)
Physical descriptions (tall, short, blonde, brunette, redhead, eye color)
Body parts (arm, leg, hand, finger, foot, toe, face, eye, mouth, nose, ears)
Descriptors (rich, poor, beautiful, ugly, expensive, inexpensive)
Basic clothing (shirt, pants, dress, skirt, jacket, sweater, skirt, shorts)
Accessories (belt, hat, wallet, gloves, sunglasses, purse, watch)
More verbs (to keep, to smile, to run, to drive, to wear, to remember)
Animals (cat, dog, horse, cow, bear, pig, chicken, duck, fish)
More animals (turtle, sheep, fox, mouse, lion, deer)
Months (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)
Seasons (fall, winter, spring, summer)
Weather (sunny, cloudy, hot, cold, snowing, raining)
States of being (I’m hungry, I’m tired, I’m thirsty)
House (bedroom, living room, bathroom, stairs)
Furniture (bed, lamp, couch, door, window)
Electronics (phone, TV, computer, camera, radio, headphones)
Nature (tree, flower, plant, animal, grass, animal, outside, sky, sun, moon, clouds)
More verbs (to teach, to learn, to understand, to know, to listen, to hear)
School (classroom, elementary school, high school, college, student, class, grade, homework, test)
School subjects (math, science, English, art, music, chemistry, biology, physics)
School supplies (book, pencil, pen, paper, notebook, folder, backpack, calculator)
Classroom features (student desk, teacher desk, whiteboard, chalk, clock, bell)
Jobs (teacher, scientist, doctor, artist, dancer, musician)
More jobs (surgeon, manager, engineer, architect, lawyer, dentist, writer)
More verbs (to buy, to sell, to work, to ask, to answer, to dance, to leave, to come)
Comparisons (less than, more than, same, __er than)
Languages (French, German, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, English, Japanese)
Countries (France, Germany, China, Russia, Spain, Mexico, United States, Japan)
Religion (church, temple, mosque, to pray, Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
Past tense (I was, he ran, she wrote)
Hobbies (shopping, sports, soccer, chess, fishing, gardening, photography)
More verbs (to describe, to sleep, to find, to wish, to enter, to feel, to think)
Art (paint, draw, painting, gallery, frame, brush)
Morning routine (to wake up, to brush teeth, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, soap)
Future tense (I will run, he will write)
TV + internet (online, internet, to watch TV, TV show, movie, documentary, cartoon)
More verbs (to look for, to stay, to touch, to meet, to show, to rent, to wash, to play)
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Blueberry Cheesecake Day 
Try making your own blueberry cheesecake, or visit a bakery or restaurant to enjoy this cheesy, sweet, tangy graham cracker-crusted treat.
There isn’t much in life that people love more than the rich, tangy flavor of an indulgent cheesecake. Life can be so much sweeter when everyone has the opportunity to be introduced to blueberry cheesecake!
A crumbly graham cracker or cookie crust with a rich cheesy base is topped with a blueberry syrup and then capped with fresh blueberries. This might just be the only thing that could possibly be better than the New York original!
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day was established to ensure that people everywhere know how incredible this dessert is and are given the permission they need in order to celebrate appropriately.
This holiday is a great chance for anyone and everyone to try it for themselves and pass the message on to friends and family!
History Of National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
The origins of the cheesecake can be traced back as far as Ancient Greece, when the first recipes for this cake were put into writing. In the centuries that followed, the dessert would undergo countless changes until it developed into what we know (and love) it to be today.
As different countries embraced this dish, and differing ingredients were more easily available, regional varieties came to be. Different combinations of cheese would often be used depending on the particular location, but the love of the cheesecake itself was certainly universal!
When it comes to cheesecake, cream cheese is the favored primary ingredient in America, while Italian recipes seem to prefer ricotta as a base. In addition, there is a special kind of curd cheese known as “quark” that is used in cheesecakes throughout Poland and Germany.
As these recipes came to be localized, new innovations were being made by the bakers who developed them. One of these new ideas included the addition of fruit to the cheesecake, and the best of all (of course!) was the enticing and delicious blueberry!
Of course, blueberries are delicious in their own right. Native to North America, blueberries were originally called “star berries” by the Native Americans who inhabited the lands prior to the Europeans. Blueberries are an extremely healthy fruit that is called a “superfood”, due to its high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants. Adding these yummy berries to the top of a cheesecake probably doesn’t make them healthier, but it certainly makes them tasty!
In addition to the standard options, there are a number of variations of blueberry cheesecake–as if the original wasn’t good enough! Some of the interesting variations include chocolate blueberry cheesecakes, blueberry mint cheesecakes and even blueberry cheesecakes made with kombucha!
The inventiveness of the cheesecake lover seems to know no limits, which is certainly a benefit to those who are eating it. National Blueberry Cheesecake Day is the perfect opportunity to explore them all!
How to Celebrate National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
For people who love all things related to cheesecake and blueberries, this is going to be an absolute favorite holiday to celebrate, whether on their own or with family and friends! Eating a piece of traditional blueberry cheesecake is only just the beginning.
Try celebrating National Blueberry Cheesecake Day in one of these ways, or come up with other ideas:
Try Making a Blueberry Cheesecake
While traditional, baked cheesecakes come with their own set of challenges in making them, very many shortcut recipes are now available online–and a variety of them do not even require use of the oven!
For an easy no-bake blueberry cheesecake, mix crushed graham crackers or butter cookies with melted butter and sugar to create a crust. Press into a pie pan or cake pan. Then beat milk, powdered sugar, vanilla and cream cheese to create the filling. Add a bit of lemon juice as desired. Spread on top of the graham cracker crust and then top with premade, canned blueberry pie filling. Refrigerate and enjoy!
Host a Blueberry Cheesecake Event
By gathering together a large group of friends, anyone can enjoy a full range of blueberry cheesecakes. Encourage guests to bake and bring their own variety.
Don’t forget that different varieties of the blueberry bush are available too! It would be possible to try it with the rabbiteye blueberry, or the northern highbush blueberry. Each of these varieties brings their own flavor to the table, creating a unique twist on a basic blueberry cheesecake.
Turn it into a charity event by holding a tasting contest and then auctioning off or selling individual pieces of the blueberry cheesecakes to the crowd.
Try a New Variety of Blueberry Cheesecake
Don’t let National Blueberry Cheesecake Day pass by without sampling all the amazing varieties of this cake that the world has to offer. Most people will be delighted and amazed at just how many ways it can be prepared and enjoyed!
Consider these ideas for a new take on this favorite classic dessert:
Add to the fun by using lemon zest and lemon juice in the recipe to give a little pop of tangy flavor.
For a truly Italian flare, add a little bit of honey to the graham cracker crust and then pile fresh mint and fresh blueberries on top of the cheesecake.
Instead of an actual cheesecake, try blueberry cheesecake muffins! Simply make a normal blueberry muffin recipe, but add a dollop of sweetened cream cheese in the middle and then bake. It’s a delicious way to enjoy a variation of blueberry cheesecake without even needing a fork!
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foodchow · 4 years
FoodChow has innovative features for their customers which include table reservation, scan and order, combo deals etc for the restaurant ordering system. Browse through the different option to find places in Berlin that provide Delivery, Pick up, or Catering services. Get Our White Label Online Platform to have your own website. Foodchow Opportunity to help hundreds of restaurants, bakeries, groceries shop, sweets, and cake shops in Berlin.
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lets-talk-appella · 5 years
It’s Legal in Munich
Ch 4/4
Summary: Lonely in Munich, Germany, Chloe hires an escort to pass the night. AU. Originally for Bechloe Week 2019: 20 Questions.
Words: 5k
Rating: T
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
AO3 and FFN
Chloe really should have seen this coming.
She’s definitely the kind of person to whom this would happen.
Still, here she is, packing her suitcase for the next chapter in her travel adventure and finding herself completely blindsided by how hard it is to move on from Beca.
Which is ridiculous. They aren’t together. They’d talked about how not-together they are. It should be a non-issue because they’re so not-together. It should be that simple. Chloe should be able to throw a wave and a smile over her shoulder at Beca and board her plane without ever looking back.
And yet.
It’s her own fault, really. It’s so easy to be around Beca. It feels natural, as if they were meant to have met. They’re so different from one another, but somehow they’re on the same wavelength. It has to be the music. That’s it. Beca lives and breathes music. She’s also kind, honest, and totally adorable. Even though she’d probably glare at Chloe if the word “adorable” was so much as whispered in her presence.
Chloe should have known better.
She’s not stupid. She knows her feelings won’t change a thing. She’s still getting on a plane tomorrow and leaving.
Beca isn’t going with her. Beca is staying in Munich, along with a much larger piece of Chloe’s heart than she would really like to admit.
Chloe folds her last blouse carefully, placing it neatly into the suitcase she’s packed and repacked and rearranged no fewer than four times so far. She’ll probably redo the whole thing at least once again before she actually leaves for the airport tomorrow.
She’s pretty much ready to go. She’s checked into her flight on their mobile app. She’s seen the big tourist draws in Munich, along with more of the local haunts—all thanks to Beca, of course. She’s got her S-Bahn ticket to the Munich airport. She’s memorized the route from her destination airport in Krakow, Poland to her hotel. Her suitcase is packed, and she’s left an outfit out for tomorrow.
Chloe stares at her suitcase, eyes traveling over its contents without really seeing any of it.
It doesn’t seem like Beca’s having all that hard of a time moving on. If she’s honest with herself, Chloe knows she should have seen this coming, too. Hadn’t Beca told her, after all, that what she does is run? Beca had always been honest with her about what was going to happen at the end of Chloe’s time in Munich. Beca had avoided labeling them, mostly for that reason.
Chloe hasn’t really heard from Beca in a while. Well, two days. Not since their electric scooter date. Which wasn’t a date, exactly, but was more of a… well, it was basically a date. She knows Beca is okay; they have been sending brief texts back and forth, but nothing of any substance. It makes sense. Chloe’s leaving tomorrow, so Beca is protecting herself. Chloe doesn’t fault her for it.
They’d agreed to meet up one more time for dinner at the same bierhaus Beca had taken her to earlier. A sort of farewell dinner that Chloe already knows is going to be, as everything with Beca always has been, fun and exciting and bittersweet and painful. Chloe takes a deep breath.
Maybe it would be better for her to cancel and save them the trouble. She can already picture the way Beca’s going to spend the dinner rubbing awkwardly at the back of her neck, her eyes darting around the room. She knows it isn’t that Beca is uncomfortable, but rather that Beca can’t stand goodbyes.
More than once, Chloe has caught Beca watching her, a strange expression on her face. Chloe never called her on it, though. She knows Beca’s struggling with this whole thing just as much as she is.
That’s the worst thing about this. Chloe knows perfectly well that Beca feels the same way about her. She can lie to herself all day, pretending that Beca doesn’t care, but it’s simply not true. Beca cares so much more than she feels comfortable with revealing.
A knock on the door startles Chloe, causing her to emit an involuntary little squeak of surprise. She looks at the closed door, already knowing who is standing in the hallway beyond it. She draws her lower lip into her mouth; it’s too late to cancel their evening after all.
She moves mechanically toward the door, her stomach fluttering with the same nerves she’d felt upon first meeting Beca. As she did then, too, she has to pause for a moment with her hand resting on the handle. She takes a deep breath. Another. Then opens the door, fighting a strong sense of Deja-vu.
The little smile-smirk that Beca gives her, though, is different from the one she’d given when they’d first met. This one is softer, more open, and is accompanied by a little, “Hey.” Beca, no matter how unwittingly and unwillingly, has become familiar. Her presence wraps Chloe in complete comfort.
Any thought that Chloe had had of cancelling their evening flies out the window at top speed and tips headlong over the balcony to shatter into fragments on the concrete below.
“Hi,” Chloe replies, her eyes drawn for the first time to the food containers Beca holds in her hands. “Is that...”
Beca glances down at the containers in her hands. “Oh, yeah. From the same bierhaus restaurant we went to before. It’s kind of raining, so I thought, you know, instead of going out, maybe we should just stay in?”
Chloe hadn’t even noticed the rain; as soon as Beca points it out, though, she can hear it gently pattering on the roof above. “Sure,” she agrees easily. “But don’t you think it’s more romantic to kiss in the rain?” She has no idea what makes her say those words, but they escape from her lips before she can even try to stop them.
Color rises in Beca’s cheeks unexpectedly and she glances downward with a small huff.
Her embarrassment surprises Chloe, and she tries to backtrack. “Um, I didn’t—”
“You have a balcony, don’t you?” Beca interrupts, arching an eyebrow as her color returns to normal. “We can always kiss on that.”
This time, it’s Chloe who finds herself tongue-tied. Before she can come up with any kind of counter, Beca continues.
“Unless you were hoping for one more stroll through Munich?” she offers. “Which would be fair.”
“Tempting,” Chloe muses, regaining her voice, “but a night in sounds really nice, too.”
Even as she finishes her sentence, she kicks herself mentally. Spending any more time alone with Beca is only going to make leaving her so much worse.
“Great,” Beca grins, her smile widening and eyes sparkling with amusement. “Are you gonna start by inviting me in?”
Chloe laughs quietly and rolls her eyes at the old joke. “Are you a vampire or something?” she asks playfully as she steps aside, gesturing Beca into the room. “Always having to be invited in.”
Beca steps inside, shrugging off her jacket in a move that really shouldn’t be sexy but totally is. “Nah, but how cool would it be if I could turn into a bat?”
“I’d rather not get rabies,” Chloe teases as she closes the door and locks it.
Beca’s smile changes into a smirk and she fires back, “I only bite if I’m asked to.”
It startles a laugh out of Chloe, full and free, and she knows Beca won that round. “Speaking of,” she begins, leading Beca to the balcony, “did you have a client last night? I was kind of surprised you were even free tonight.”
It’s Saturday, and typically, Beca’s time would be booked.
Beca’s expression shifts minutely, a flicker so quick that Chloe can’t be sure she hadn’t imagined it. “Nah. I haven’t really had clients the past few days.”
“Slow time?”
Beca shrugs. “I guess. What have you been up to?”
Chloe flicks open the latch on the room’s patio door and helps Beca carry the food out to the covered balcony, where they can eat on the little table and will be sheltered from the rain. Out here, the smell and sound of the rain ensnares Chloe, heightening her senses. “Mostly packing, honestly,” she answers. “Some walking around. And figuring out where I want to go after Krakow.”
“Poland?” Beca asks, sounding surprised as she settles into one of the chairs and divides the stack of containers between them. “What’re you going to do there? I’ve never been.”
“I guess there’s a lot to do in the main city square. Lots of good food, lots of history. It looks beautiful online.”
Beca smiles faintly, her eyes not quite meeting Chloe’s. “You’ll have to send me pictures.”
“Y—yeah,” Chloe breathes, the weight of her departure suddenly weighing heavy on her lungs. Desperate to change the subject and avoid the sad awkwardness she’d been dreading, she asks, “What did you bring to eat?”
“Oh, uh,” Beca starts, opening the containers and naming each dish as it’s exposed. She’d brought what seems to be samples of German essentials; schnitzel, spaetzle, white asparagus with hollandaise, various meats and cheese, and a huge pretzel. “And there’s always…” Beca trails off, lifting the lid off a final container to reveal two slices of chocolate cake. “I got the order right this time,” she grins at Chloe.
Chloe smiles back, surveying the food. “This is really nice, Bec, thank you.”
“Anytime,” Beca replies, looking out over the balcony railing to survey the sprawl of rainy Munich. Her posture is just a little too rigid, her tone a smidge clipped.
Chloe instantly knows there’s something Beca’s holding back. Her first impulse is to start questioning, but she catches herself. She knows Beca well enough by this point to understand that Beca will open up when she’s ready. So, to pass the time, Chloe starts on the meal, trying to savor every bite. She doesn’t know when she’ll be in Germany again, and she wants to memorize its flavors.
Beca eventually tears her gaze away from the rain-soaked city to instead focus on their meal. It’s several minutes before either of them breaks the silence, though Chloe’s fairly certain she can hear the whirring of Beca’s mind.
“So, uh, actually…” Beca breaks the quiet first, clearing her throat and looking almost nervous.
Chloe swallows her most recent bite of food and rests her fork against the edge of her plate, waiting patiently for Beca to say what she needs to say.
“Sorry I haven’t really been around much the last few days,” Beca says slowly. She presses her lips together and runs her tongue over her teeth before continuing, every word spoken almost cautiously. “I’ve been kind of... arranging things.”
“Things?” Chloe asks, surprised. The script is, as is always the case with Beca, not what she had expected.
“Yeah. Um, the day we did the scooter... thing,” Beca reminds her, waving a hand in the air aimlessly, “I got an email from my old boss in LA. The music production studio?” the pitch of her voice raises, making it sound like a question.
Chloe’s heart speeds up and she nods uncertainly, her stomach fluttering with a mixture of anticipation and nerves.
“Yeah,” Beca says again, “so I guess my boss kind of—on a whim—shared some of my old demos with a few different production studios, and this place in New York got back to him. They’re interested. In what I can do,” she adds, an afterthought.
Chloe’s jaw drops. She knows she must look ridiculous; Beca starts to smirk at her, but Chloe recovers quickly enough to speak first. “Beca! That’s amazing! You—congratulations!”
“Oh, uh, thanks,” Beca says, blinking a little.
“No, really, that’s—what’s it called, the place in New York?”
Beca screws up her nose in thought. “BFD? I’d never heard of them, but I guess it’s an up and coming company.”
“That could be an amazing opportunity,” Chloe hedges, craving more details.
“Yeah, I… yeah.”
“Did you give them an answer?” Chloe actually thinks she might explode if Beca doesn’t start giving details.
“Oh. Well, it doesn’t really work like that. Like, I have to interview and stuff,” Beca clarifies, looking more awkward by the second.
Chloe forces herself to calm down and count to five before asking her next in a series of questions; as excited as she is for Beca, she doesn’t want to force her into doing anything she doesn’t truly want to do.
“Do you want to interview?” she eventually asks, taking a bite of asparagus to seem nonchalant.
Beca hesitates, then gives a single jerky nod. “Yeah, it—it’s terrifying,” she huffs with a little smile, “but I said yes. To an interview. Terrifying and exciting,” she adds, another afterthought.
“It definitely is both terrifying and exciting, for sure,” Chloe agrees. “Though I’d have said you were crazy if you hadn’t agreed.”
“It feels a little crazy to interview anyway,” Beca shrugs, now reaching for her slice of cake. “It’s been so long.”
“Maybe. But they’re going to love you. How could they not?” Chloe asks before she can stop herself. Her face warms and she tries to hide it by taking another bite of her food. “So, uh, is it over Skype or phone or…”
“No, they want to show me around in person,” Beca mumbles through her mouthful of dessert. “I have to go over there.”
“That’s a good sign! When?”
“I fly out tomorrow.”
The words land between them, flopping unexpectedly onto the table. For a moment, Chloe simply looks at Beca and Beca simply looks at Chloe.
“Tomorrow…” Chloe trails off. Tomorrow is turning out to be a big day.
Beca nods maybe over-enthusiastically. “I checked, and our flights are actually pretty close together. We could—we could go to the airport together, if you want.”
Chloe doesn’t want to go to the airport together at all, because every additional minute she spends with Beca, it becomes that much harder to be able to leave. At the same time, it would also mean prolonging the time they have together.
“That would be awes,” she says, now starting on her own slice of cake.
“Cool,” Beca sighs happily, sitting back in her chair. “And, uh, also, I quit my job as an escort.”
“You did?” Chloe asks, surprise rippling through her.
“Yeah. I mean, I wasn’t going to, because if this whole interview thing doesn’t work out… well, I still need a job,” Beca says practically. “But I was thinking about it, and I decided that even if it doesn’t work out, maybe it’s time for me to try to, you know, figure things out.”
Chloe knows she’s smiling like an idiot, but she can’t help it. “Bec, that’s… I’m so proud of you! That takes a lot.”
Beca smiles at her happily. “You inspired me, I guess.”
And Chloe doesn’t really know what to say to that—her heart is beating too loudly for her to really think of anything—so she settles for a wink and another bite of cake. Beca’s eyes don’t leave her as she eats, searching her expression until it starts to make Chloe self-conscious.
“Do I have something on my face again?” she asks, mostly teasing.
Beca blinks and seems to shake herself. “Oh, no, just… what about you?”
“Hmm? What about me.”
“You know,” Beca lifts one shoulder. “With the vet stuff. With Aubrey. With singing and all that.”
“Oh.” Chloe again pauses, resting her fork on the table. “That.”
Beca grins crookedly at her but doesn’t say anything. She pushes away her now-empty cake container.
“I… don’t know,” Chloe says slowly. “I’ve been thinking and… I don’t know.”
Beca shrugs. “You don’t have to know right now,” she says softly.
“Yeah, I…” Chloe sighs. “I know that I can’t stay here forever. But… vet school has always been the plan, but I don’t know… what if I don’t get accepted anywhere?”
The question seems to catch them both by surprise; Chloe hadn’t realized that such a prospect frightened her so much, and Beca stares at her for a moment, blinking slowly.
Beca recovers first. “You’ll get in,” she says, eyes wide. “You’re really smart. And, you know, on the off chance if not, there are other options.”
“I suppose.”
Beca watches her, expression turning calculating. “I could see you as a music teacher.”
“Yeah?” Chloe asks, surprised again.
“I have thought about that before, actually.”
Beca lifts a hand to her chin, narrowing her eyes in thought. “It would suit you, I think.”
Chloe snorts at her ridiculous expression. “I would want to do elementary school, probably. Because—”
“Because you could teach them to love music,” Beca guesses. It’s not a question.
Chloe stares at her. Is it really possible that Beca already knows her that well? “I… yeah, exactly. You just… exactly.”
“I like that. You’d be great at that, too.”
Chloe toys with her napkin, the harder part of Beca’s question bouncing around her head now. “I think I should call Aubrey,” she eventually says.
“Yeah. Just to see,” Chloe shrugs, a finger tracing absently over the details in the grain of the wooden table. “I miss her.”
“I hope it works out between you two.”
“Me too.”
They both fall quiet, the gentle rain the only sound breaking the silence. Chloe shifts in her chair, a weird mood settling over her and pressing on her lungs. She finds herself thinking that if she and Beca had met sooner—maybe while they’d both been at Barden—they each could have figured out their lives that much sooner.
Maybe sensing Chloe’s shift in mood, Beca clears her throat. “So, do you want to watch a movie or anything?”
“A movie would be good,” Chloe replies gratefully, her wishful thinking scattering to the wind as she and Beca rise simultaneously from their chairs to clear the table.
It doesn’t take long to gather the empty food containers and utensils. With another look over the balcony at the darkening Munich horizon, Chloe follows Beca back inside the room and slides the patio door closed. They place the food containers on the room’s service cart and, without further ado, Chloe climbs onto her king-sized bed, props a pillow against the headboard, and leans back against it.
Still standing at the foot of the bed, Beca hesitates, her eyes flicking in the direction of the armchair as if she isn’t sure if she should join Chloe. Refraining from rolling her eyes in amusement, Chloe pats the space next to her on the bed pointedly.
“Right,” Beca mutters before joining Chloe on the bed. The mattress dips and moves as she crawls on her hands and knees to get to the head of the bed, and for some reason, the sight makes Chloe’s stomach flutter. Reaching her, Beca also props a pillow against the headboard, glancing up at the bottom of the storage cabinets above their heads.
“Comfy?” Chloe asks.
“Yep,” Beca says happily, settling back against her pillow. “Uh, I guess now we find the movie channel?”
“Thought you didn’t like movies,” Chloe remembers, reaching for the remote. “You sure about this?”
“Just don’t pick a boring movie,” Beca teases.
“I’ll do my best.”
She clicks the remote to turn on the TV, not sure what to expect. The first channel seems to be a news broadcast, given in German. She frowns and clicks the remote, scrolling through channel after channel, hoping for something watchable. Except...
Beca laughs as Chloe circles back all the way to the original news broadcast. “It’s in German. All of it.”
Chloe huffs. “I know we’re in Munich, but every channel is in German? Really?”
Beca bumps their shoulders together playfully. “It’s all good. Or I should say gut.”
“Okay, let’s just…” Chloe trails off, scrolling back a couple of channels until she goes back to what could be a German soap opera. She gestures to the TV, an actor’s dramatically brooding face filling the screen. “What do you think he’s saying?”
“Hmm,” Beca muses, staring at the screen for a moment. The actor mumbles something in rapid German, his face twisting. “I think he said, ‘I had a bad chalupa for lunch and now I regret it.’”
Chloe lets out a snort.
“All right, let’s see you do any better, nerd,” Beca goads her.
The soap opera cuts to an actress, tearful and heavily pregnant. She stares beseechingly at the handsome actor, asking him something in a quavering voice.
“Okay, so,” Chloe gets ready to translate, “she said, ‘This is what happens when you swallow watermelon seeds.’”
Beca’s lips twitch as she stares at the TV. “Interesting, interesting. I could see that.”
“I’m so good at German.”
“Definitely,” Beca says, looking over at Chloe, locking eyes.
Chloe’s breath catches in her throat; she hadn’t expected Beca’s face to be quite so close to hers.
The world around them fades away until Beca consumes Chloe’s every sense. She’s very aware of Beca, of every quiet breath she takes, of the blue of her eyes. She’s most aware of Beca’s proximity to her, the space of only a few inches separating them.
Beca’s eyes flick down to her lips. “What happens now?” she breathes.
“I don’t know,” Chloe whispers.
Beca lifts a shoulder. “Maybe it’s time for both of us to go home.”
A dull pain races through Chloe’s chest at the thought. “I… I don’t want to go home without you.”
Beca’s eyes close and she takes a deep breath. “Chloe, we can’t… tomorrow, we’re both—”
“I know.”
Beca’s eyes open again. “Okay,” she sighs, but then a corner of her mouth quirks up. “You want to play twenty questions?”
Chloe nods, her breath catching in her throat. Allowing her own eyes to drop to Beca’s lips, she asks, “Can I kiss you?”
It’s Chloe’s question, but it’s Beca who moves first. A hand rises to cup Chloe’s cheek gently at the same time Beca’s lips meet hers. She starts slow and soft, all gentle pressure that only builds when Chloe sighs into it, parting her lips.
Beca’s lips, soft and slightly chapped, meet hers again and again, each time at a new, more perfect angle. The hand on Chloe’s cheek slides around to the back of her neck, as if Beca instinctively knows the angle of the kiss is harsh.
Chloe’s own hands move, one bracing herself up on the mattress and the other resting on Beca’s hip. Under her touch, Beca is warm and solid. Their breath mingles, and Chloe is able to taste the hint of chocolate on Beca’s. Chloe’s lower lip is snared gently between Beca’s teeth; it pulls a soft whimper from within her chest and Beca smiles into the kiss, pressing closer.
Chloe has never been kissed like this before, so slow and thorough. She’s had her share of good and great kisses. Every kiss with Beca prior to this had been nothing less than amazing. But this is different. Chloe had always believed her body belongs to her, and to her alone. Right now, though… yours, she thinks as Beca deepens the kiss. I’m yours.
The curl of Beca’s tongue around her own makes Chloe’s fingers curl into the denim at Beca’s hip. She pulls, guides, until she’s lying on the bed with Beca half on top of her.
“Chloe,” Beca breathes, pulling back slightly, and for a second, Chloe’s terrified she’s about to stop. But then Beca’s mouth descends along her jaw, until Chloe has to tilt her head to expose more of her neck to Beca’s lips. Her fingers wind themselves into Beca’s tresses, and when Beca pauses at her pulse point, Chloe knows she must be able to feel how quickly her heart is pounding.
At the first touch of Beca’s tongue on her skin, Chloe gasps and arches. Again, Beca pauses, only to pull Chloe’s skin into her mouth more firmly, marking her. Chloe chokes on air, desire welling inside her and building low in her gut, and her hands drop to Beca’s backside, pulling her hips forward.
This time, it’s Beca who gasps, a broken breath leaving her and dissipating over Chloe’s overheated skin. “I…”
Drawing her lip between her teeth, hoping above all she isn’t reading things wrong, Chloe takes her hands from Beca’s ass to instead reach between them, unbuttoning Beca’s top. Beca goes still above her but doesn’t say anything. Her breathing becomes rapid puffs as Chloe undoes the last button and the shirt falls open.
Chloe just looks for a moment, stares at Beca’s chest in her simple black bra, before reaching to touch her gently. Beca’s eyes flutter and her head drops so she rests her forehead against Chloe’s.
“Chloe,” she whispers again. “You know—”
“I know,” Chloe says, her hands sliding over Beca’s bare skin to rest on her lower back. “But I don’t care.”
Beca stares down at her for a moment, eyes jumping between each of her own. Chloe waits, her entire body screaming for Beca’s touch. When Beca sits up, Chloe’s stomach plummets. But then Beca allows her shirt to slide the rest of the way from her shoulders and reaches to the headboard; she flicks a little switch, and the room lights go out as soft light emits from above the bed.
Chloe blinks up, surprised. “How did you know about that?”
Beca smiles down at her, features soft in the warm lighting. “I saw it the first time I was here.”
Chloe gives a small laugh that breaks off as the tips of Beca’s fingers toy with the hem of her shirt. They trace back and forth for several long seconds, until Chloe becomes impatient. She reaches down and sits up so she can whip the shirt over her head and off the side of the bed. Beca’s eyes drop immediately, and when Chloe lies down again, she pulls Beca back down on top of her.
Beca kisses her again, deep and searing, again breaking away to kiss down her jaw, her neck, her chest. She shifts again, her thigh landing high between Chloe’s. Fire races down Chloe’s spine and she arches, her own hand winding into her hair.
“Bec,” she gasps, and Beca’s lips return to hers.
“You’re so beautiful,” Beca says between kisses. “So, so beautiful.”
Completely overwhelmed, Chloe squirms under Beca, trying to pull her closer. Her hands slide over Beca’s bra strap, and she drags her nails lightly down Beca’s back until she finds the waistband of her pants. Beca stills over her as Chloe’s fingers slide around her hips to rest at the button of her jeans.
Beca pulls away so they can look into each other’s eyes. “Chlo…”
“Do you—” Chloe has to pause to moisten her lips. “Can we—”
“Are you sure?”
“Completely.” Chloe doesn’t hesitate. She has no reason to.
Beca’s eyes flutter again, and when she looks at Chloe, it takes Chloe’s breath from her lungs. “Okay,” she says, pressing a gentle kiss to Chloe’s lips. “Yes.”
With trembling fingers, Chloe opens the button and draws down the zipper.
They’d taken a train to the airport. They’d gone through security together. They’d wasted as much time as possible wandering the hallways between gates, hand-in-hand as they looked through the ridiculously overpriced shops before returning to Beca’s gate, as her flight leaves first. Chloe knows they’ve only delayed the inevitable, though, and before she’s entirely ready (not that she’d ever really be ready), it’s time.
The desk attendant calls for boarding and, though it’ll take a little while until Beca’s zone is called, Chloe knows they have to say their goodbyes.
“So,” Beca starts, glancing over at her.
“Yeah,” Chloe sighs, something in her chest giving an uncomfortable tug.
They look at each other for a long moment.
They try to speak simultaneously, and it breaks off into an awkward laugh. Beca rubs at the back of her neck.
“You go first,” Chloe says, knowing Beca would rather get it out of the way.
“Well,” Beca huffs with a small smile. “I was just gonna say that I’m glad you were bored enough in Munich to hire an escort to play twenty questions.”
Chloe feels a corner of her mouth lift. “I’m glad, too.”
Beca grins at her crookedly, then rubs at the end of her nose with the palm of her hand. “Um, what were you gonna say?”
“Oh, uh, I was going to say that I’m glad it was you,” Chloe says delicately. Because it would have been entirely inappropriate to voice what she’d really been wanting to say—Take me with you—and what she ended up saying is completely true anyway.
Beca gives her that signature close-lipped smile. “So, um, I don’t know if this interview… I mean, it’s still early stages,” she says, as though she isn’t almost guaranteed the job. Chloe knows she’ll get the job; how could she not? “But either way, I think I’ll be staying there—New York—for a little while. And, you know, if you want, when you get back—”
“I’ll call you,” Chloe promises, entwining their fingers together. “Definitely.”
“I don’t know for sure what’ll happen.”
“Neither do I. We match.”
“Cool,” Beca laughs right as the desk attendant calls for final boarding. “I should—”
“Totes,” Chloe says, trying to force a smile as they stand from the uncomfortable gate seats.
Beca checks that she has her bag and hadn’t left anything behind before meeting Chloe’s eyes. “Good luck out there, Chlo,” she says, blinking more often than she normally might.
“You too, Bec,” Chloe manages, her own eyes starting to sting.
There’s a beat of silence where Chloe isn’t sure if they should kiss or not, but the crowd around them makes the decision for them. Instead, she pulls Beca into a tight hug, burying her nose into her neck and inhaling the scent of her shampoo.
She hadn’t known Beca long, but Beca feels like home.
Beca has to pull away first. With a nod and a vague gesture in the direction of the dwindling line to board the plane, she starts walking. Chloe thinks she might make some parting noise, but her own throat is too tight to respond.
Still, she watches as Beca joins the line, watches Beca had her boarding pass to the ticketer to be scanned. With barely a glance back and not much fanfare, she watches Beca turn and enter the tunnel, and then she’s gone.
Walking to her own gate, Chloe smiles. She’s definitely texting Beca as soon as she lands.
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learnindigitalkerala · 8 months
From Germany to Your Table — A Sweet Journey Begins! 🌲 Indulge in the Irresistible Charm of Black Forest Cake, Where Every Layer Resonates with Generations of Taste. Elevate Your Dessert Game and Order the Classic Delight Now!
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bottomlesscoffeecup · 4 years
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This week a couple of fuck ups: ordering a guitar case from Germany and getting the wrong one, now trying to figure out how to send that back; accidentally writing the word testicles instead of tentacles in a work chat that HR can 100% see. Probably even more, going through a mildly rough time, probably like most people, resulting in scheduled watering sessions from my eyes to the keyboard. I suppose it needed the clean anyways?  But hey, there is always a good side to things and that good side comes from finding your own happiness where you can, and also, others bringing happiness to you.  Bringing on the cheese here, but while I have had a couple blows over this quarantine (what like there will be another? Lets not jinx this) I have had people around me (.. over the internet I guess) pick me up and keep me going:  showing up to my house with cake and flowers when my grandmother died a few weeks back; asking me to go cycling; getting my lazy ass to leave the room and do some baking; suggesting tennis; going on social distance walks; bringing baked goods; enouraging career progression; inviting me to play games online; sharing aspirations and just asking the all important questions of “how are you” and saying “if there is anything I can do, let me know”. Just all this, combined, it is so easy to think no one cares or feel alone with my own negative thoughts when bad shit happens but so many little things like this add up from different people and ofcourse, I am incredibly lucky to have these people in my life.  So, for a while I have been fairly down because the person I think or thought,should have been the main source of support and happiness, wasn’t that person. They did what they could but they didnt show love in the same way I would have liked. The feelings of not being fully satisfied in how they showed love lingered above all else, and I could only see the bad, which is terrible of me. I want to appreciate everyone for who and what they are but its also ok to understand, hey the way this person shows they care, maybe it just doesnt work for me in particular. Let’s move on from here, and appreciate instead the other people who show they care through their efforts. And in turn, pour the energy I was pouring into this particular person into those who are and have been investing their care and attention towards me. Again, maybe this person showed love in a different way, I don’t want to be horrible and say they were uncaring, but maybe just not caring enough I guess? Anyways, this photo was bait to read my rant. BUT look! THE HOLY GREGGS GRAIL! Twas a chill spring day when we happened upon this, and what a sight it was :3  
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