#Or like any musical skills at all
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airheadedbisexual · 11 days ago
Sometimes I forget I’m an adult and have my own money. Like what do you mean I can buy that weird guitar lamp on Facebook marketplace???
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midnightdemonhunter · 3 months ago
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KURT AND RAM- Kurt leans all of his weight on JD's shoulder, and grins. "Hey, Ram, doesn't the cafeteria have a 'no f*gs allowed' rule?"
JD- "They seem to have an open door policy for assholes, though."
KURT AND RAM- They exchange a look, smiles gone. Ram stands up straighter. "Hold his arms."
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pushing500 · 18 days ago
Ever wondered what Mechi would look like in the Sims 2?
Wonder no more! He looks something like...
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... This :)
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There is a reason he's called Mechi. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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"Everywhere I go, I find people!!!"
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"No, see, it's weird... I think I'm actually from an alternate reality where I have a clone—two clones, actually, but I killed one—and an army of robots that I control with my brain. I'm also royalty, with psychic powers and bionic body parts."
He'll fit right in in Strangetown.
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"Anyway, did you know mechanical stuff is cool as hell??"
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"You come into MY house, eat MY mac 'n cheese—"
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"... it is pretty good mac 'n cheese. I don't blame you."
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Hmmm. Despite all the time I spent playing it as a kid, I don't think I ever managed to get an alien baby in Sims 2. Mechi, I'm sorry, but... you might end up being an unwitting test subject for me...
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Sims 2 Mechi is a scientist! Doesn't he look dapper in his lil' coat?? I bet he never ties his hair back away from dangerous chemicals and machines. We <3 a man who ignores workplace health and safety rules.
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concerto-roblox · 1 month ago
it's been too many years for this to be relevant anymore but i'm STILL pissed off about heather by conan gray getting popular and the meaning being co-opted into "omg that girl is godly levels of beautiful and i'm just too ugly to compete" :( like. the song is about being gay. it is a song being sung by a man about how the person he likes will never like him back because that person likes women. the reason the singer says he's not as beautiful as heather is because he is not attractive to that person specifically because he's not a woman. are you stupid.
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destructive-delight · 3 months ago
how often do you think nikolai uses his skill to steal things?
depends on whether or not you consider misplacing items the same as stealing them (he only borrowed that telephone pole, it’s not his fault that things got so heated he didn’t get a chance to put it back… there’s so many of them around anyway, who’s gonna miss one? he even left it in a public place, if the city really wants it back so badly, they can send someone out there to get it). he certainly uses it to borrow things without asking and leave them in increasingly absurd places for the owner to find (but dos, why wouldn’t laptop go in the fridge? you’ve been complaining about the cpu overheating all week! the shampoo bottle looks way less lonely between the condiments too. where’s the mouthwash, you ask? well… smash cut to fukuchi experiencing a whole new flavour of hangover). stealing things to keep though? not sure about that.
stealing is such a boring crime anyway, especially if you have the ultimate yoinking device. i think if fyodor puts him up to a (crucial, important, don’t-fuck-it-up-under-any-circumstances) task he will make use of it so as to not unnecessarily sacrifice efficiency, but otherwise if he wants to acquire things for the low low price of free, he’ll do it by way of stupidly elaborate bamboozlements... he'll trick you into giving him what he wants, no criminal activity needed. u know how clowns sometimes involve audience members, make them go along with stupid bits and such? kind of like that. he’s charismatic, confident, dramatic. he's an actor. he has your wallet, your phone and your firstborn before you realize he’s just fucking with you.
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icewindandboringhorror · 4 months ago
"We can get through this by working together, reach out to your friends, community is all we have, a social network will be your security in the world, now is the time to lean on others!"
I do agree, and it's scientifically sound (pretty sure there is data about how people with better social networks live longer and etc) but also....augh..... what about the severe social issues, difficulty to leave the house, physical issues which lead to like zero socialization energy a majority of the time, etc. etc. Social support can be a replacement for structural support, but.. I guess I just wish it didn't have to be. Community is extremely difficult to build, even moreso if you're someone who has issues with social cues or group conversations or even just being around others in the first place. And blah, nuance, of course I'm just complaining or maybe being too negative or maybe misunderstanding, but, I hardly have the energy to brush my hair once every 2 months.. how am I supposed to maintain a wide social network and be active in a Community and Join Groups lol... sometimes it kind of feels like "er.. well if thats my only option then...... ruh roh". It's overwhelming
#Kind of like some post I saw a long time ago talking about how even the meanest shittiest most difficult to get along with#elderly people or whaever still deserve to have some sort of systems in place to support them so they're not just relying on the#grace of relatives or etc. who may not be able to deal with them. Not saying that I'm like mean and cruel or anything#but the fact of the matter is in most social situations either I am compromising or the other person is. Not in like an ~`ouuu im so weirdd#nobody willever understand my quirky swagg hee heee~' way but like a.. Just factually the things that make me happy and comfortable#are often incompatible with people. The way I communicate and process things is different from the way other people do and that#is always a barrier. I cannot have ''easy''' interactions. Even with 'understanding' people there is nearly always a significant#amount of effort. You can't walk into a group of people and then be like ''okay you guys all have to wear#masks and you also cant play music too loud and also we should communicate turns of speaking very clearly so group conversations#arent too stressful. and also i need this and that and we have to do this and that and '' etc. etc. You CAN. And some people will#go along with that. but they will ALWAYS secretly resent you for it. You will be the one person they're relieved to not have to be around.#theyre glad when you dont show up since they can go back to doing things however they want and not masking and all these boring#annoying things. OR you can say none of that and just deal with the loud music and the talking and the unmasked people. but then#YOU'RE compromising. and no matter how nice they are it's exhausting to be around and youre just further alienated#while in the presence of people and uncofmrtoabel the whole time.#Which I'm not saying the only form of community is a group setting specificially but just giving that as an example lol#I just wish there were a better option than ''well learn to socialize normally or just suffer then'' . Which I know is not what people are#saying. I guess I just always feel a bit scared when 'community is the answer'. Since its not like 'oh im just socially anxious and need to#get out of my shell~!' or something thats really that remedy-able. It's like.. my mostly unchangeable physical health issues combined#with the mostly unchangable literal way that my brain processes sensory informationand other things means that interacting with#others in a normal and easy way is incredibly difficult and often exhausting especially to maintain in any longform fashion. So then#when it's like ''the answer to staying safe is to maintain longform social connections!! :3 just reach out!!'' then.. ermm... O_O#also I'm not even one of the cutesy shy emotional hermits that's nervous. I'm the Bad Stereotype emotionless robotic cold seeming#looms in the corner of the room type of thing so people have less pity on you in that way. -_- ANYWAY gghj#I need like.. a designated social representative or something.. When I did work in that bookshop forever ago they gave me a#person who basically was just with me to help communicate with others on my behalf and supervise me and stuff. I need that.. Some#more extraverted person I can latch onto and they can maintain the Social Support Network for me and I can just be their +1 to all#of the Social Things and community. I have helpful skills I can contribute to other people and stuff it's just like.. I cant socialize lol#I cook food or something for you.. then you keep me in contact with Community.. a deal. (but then what about when I'm too sick to#contribute? as is often the case. there's not much place for people like me in communities sometimes i fear.. sigh.) ***
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videoworm · 4 months ago
Ever since starting to play around with solo-gamedev I've been wanting to be able to make my own music. Which is the one thing most out of my league.
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vimbry-moved · 1 year ago
"nanobots" the song is this deconstructed view of child development and parenthood where it's like, 'wow have you ever thought about how weird producing offspring is. like, it's weird, right! we make these little people and they quickly grow into their own individual personalities with their own lives and autonomy and I've lost all authority and there's so many and you've gotta be responsible for them all the time, what did I do !!!'
but as well as approaching it with this slightly overwhelmed perspective, there's a sort of affectionate optimism in there, too. that even tho the concept's intimidating, there's a sense of wonder in how humans develop and raising them and watching them grow up. hey this kid thing's fun actually, yeah I wish they'd leave me alone sometimes, but look at how cute and resilient they are look at what they can do. and then "replicant" is like jesus parenting a teenager is hard.
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the-everqueen · 4 days ago
articulated something to my therapist today that i think i can expound on for mine own sake here: a recurring thing i've noticed in music dept job postings is a "doubling up" of roles. i.e., the dept *wants* a musicologist to teach the music history courses (general) and maybe some period-specific stuff, but they ALSO *want* someone to teach private lessons in instruments or lead an ensemble or direct the annual opera/theater/big tableau performance. and what they'll do is prioritize someone's ability to do the latter over the former, and then just...give them the music history courses. there's this privileging of "well, YOUR expertise clearly translates into applicable results re: graduating performance or education majors," and inversely a total devaluing of what i do. like of COURSE you need to have been signed by a major label or have performed with an orchestra or taught private lessons at the college level in order to get an applied music role! but you DON'T need a specialized degree to approach history! :) anyone can crack open a textbook and talk at students about what's inside. :) no one needs to develop critical thinking skills re: history and music lit. :) just memorize the dates and practice your audition pieces. :)
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waywardsalt · 2 years ago
everything about bellumbeck makes me go insane. i don’t even know how to express half of it. the way everyone is in mortal danger during that fight. linebeck is forced to try and kill link right after saving his life. the one time he’s actually taking part in a boss battle with link he’s the boss he’s fighting. the way bellum seems to take his time grabbing him. the fact that bellumbeck never really pays any attention to ciela and bellum just grabs and restrains her instead of putting her out of commission or straight up killing her. one of his attacks is a spin attack much like link’s and we can assume that linebeck has probably seen link do a spin attack at some point. the way bellumbeck’s helmet is designed to look vaguely similar to linebeck. if bellumbeck kills you when you have a purple potion it plays the same sting as when a phantom catches and attacks you. this is the second time this link has had a sword fight with another human as his final battle but this time he is effectively fighting alone. of the main cast linebeck is the most detached from the rest of the group and is the only one to be an enemy. bellumbeck’s helmet opens after some attacks and right before he’s defeated. linebeck’s character theme utilizes harpsichord and excludes piano and bellum’s boss theme utilizes piano and excludes harpsichord. bellumbeck’s theme includes both and for the first half and near the end of the song they play the exact same melody at the same time. linebeck is suggested to be unable to fight or properly protect himself in battle for the entire game and then in the final boss in a twisted, awful way he finally gets a chance to be a competent fighter capable of defending himself.     does any of this make sense
#there is no central thesis to any of this im just frothing at the mouth about bellumbeck#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#linebeck#bellum#bellumbeck#salty talks#btw. re-fought bellumbeck for this. which is more of a chore for me than it sounds.#on my 100% ph file i never take the save before bellumbeck so that i can do all of the three bellum fights over and over so uh.#had to speed through the temple of the ocean king lol#but it also allowed me to sit down and listen to bellum's boss theme a few times through#hi when i figured out that for most of bellumbeck's theme the piano and the harpsichord were basically playing the same thing it was. bro#i felt like id come across something really cool. idk#i love bellumbeck's theme so much despite being a musician im not good with aural skills or picking up on little musical things#screaming crying throwing up etc etc#i almost said a thing abt the instruments playing linebeck's theme in the final boss theme are not heard in bellum or linebecks themes#but the brass that plays it once i believe is similar enough to the brass in linebeck's theme that it kills that statement#bc of the lack of extra info abt bellum or linebeck i like to lean into drawing comparisons or parallels between them#most of the stuff i didnt say relies heavily on my specific interpretations of characters and plot and headcanons so i left it out#i cant say anything about the key of bellumbeck's theme since i cant find reliable sheet music and my aural skills are dogshit#correct me if im wrong (probably am) based on the piano sheet music you can find on ninsheetmusic linebeck's theme is in g minor#its in g minor in one i found on another site too#or something. i hate minor keys#bellum's battle theme and bellumbecks theme arent there but. linebeck's theme is in some kind of g minor key#PROBABLY take this with a fucking grain of salt despite being a fucking musician i had to find my major scale cheat sheet to check this#after some extra research (for like five minutes) cant find sheet music for the final boss but from the little i could find#i thiiiiiink bellum's battle theme is c major#this means nothing i just had fun applying what little music theory knowledge i have
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allegorism · 2 months ago
when are we going to move on from natlan. i'm so tired of this nation, just take us to nod krai.
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leatherbookmark · 2 months ago
"I know why you want to return to our world, Meggie! You just miss your boyfriend! But we haven't seen everything of this beautiful world yet!" Mr Mortimer sir your wife was enslaved for working as a scribe disguised as a man. In this world women are punished for learning their fathers' craft and your thirteen years old daughter would be already married if she was born in this world. I know the books are very pretty but Mo your wife is pregnant. I don't think they have c-sections here :(
#liveshrimping#I've been thinking about like. hypothetically of course I'm not going to write that but I've been thinking about a kpop fangirl#writing her self-insert RPF and reading herself into it#becoming a cleaning lady or a make-up artist for her favourite group and getting involved in a fiery romance with her fave#and then seeing all sorts of Consequences. getting found out + her boy's reputation fucking down the stairs + she's a teenager and#aside from being a MUA/cleaning lady she doesn't have any other skills that could guarantee her a good living and because of the stress#she can't write anything to make the situation better... eventually she starts to wonder if it wouldn't be better to go back to her world#but 1. the time still passes. it's been months since she disappeared from her world. she doesn't want to deal with all that#but 2. she misses her family and friends and her nice and familiar life. but 3. if she goes back she will not be loved by her bias anymore#she will return to being someone he doesn't know. doesn't even know she exists. she can't afford fanmeetings so her best hope for#being noticed by him is to send many messages during his lives so that he at least sees her username in the rapidly moving live chat#AND SO ON. i have no idea how something like that would've even ended. she would have to essentially write all that happened out of#existence. 'and then X woke up and it was all just a dream. a dream that he was already forgetting but for some reason it left him with a#faint distaste for romantic relationships'#BUT SHE REMEMBERS WHAT HIS LIPS TASTED LIKE. SHE REMEMBERS HOW HAPPY SHE FELT IN HIS ARMS.#&c.‚ &c.#this stupid little thing changed not only her -- it gave her a nice phobia of romantic relationships because her first only and most intens#relationship pretty much ruined a guy's career and life -- but also her boyfriend in that other world probably. hell can she even look at#her albums and enjoy the music now that she's back? but this group was like 75% of her mental stability.#AND ALSO: now she feels like she must fix things somehow. apologize to X for ruining his life in this other world he doesn't know#so what if she writes about their albums breaking records of sales. so what if she writes about fashion designers and musicians becoming#obsessed with the group's members and wanting to collab with them -- it's just a little bit more of fame and money. they deserve that!#what can go wrong.
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rubiatinctorum · 4 months ago
:/ turns out i haven't bothered to learn anything for piano in THREE YEARS oh no................
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beebfreeb · 2 years ago
I am playing Psychonauts again I am on Meat Circus please send me psychic beam to power me up please okay thank you.
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around-your-throat · 1 year ago
the thing that sucks the most is that you will finish the introduction and get half-way through the literature review before realizing the thing you're advocating for is actually just like. a bunch of baseless bullshit
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