#Operation Pied Piper
picturebookshelf · 1 year
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Wave Me Goodbye (2017)
Story: Jacqueline Wilson -- Art: Nick Sharratt
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OPP Update
For those who know me for the yumikuri WW2 evacuations fanfic, Operation Pied Piper, you may remember that I took most of it down a few years ago. I went onto writing Arna as part of a self-development, however Arna is still ongoing. Therefore, I have decided that OPP might as well be reuploaded.
You will also find a slightly more edited version of OPP on AO3!
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passivenovember · 8 months
Billy's leg hair is soft. Like peach fuzz.
Steve touches it when Tommy convinces them to hop the pool's security fence one sweltering night in August even though Steve has a goddamn pool.
"Fuck off," Tommy says.
"Don't be a pussy," Tommy says.
"Leave him alone," Billy snaps, so Tommy does. Whatever Billy says. Always and forever.
So they go, even though Steve's got a pool and a baggie of Colorado weed at home. He thinks it might be a way to prove some sort of point, just for the thrill of it, and he almost says no, almost pussies out, until he sees the bright big smile on Billy's face, and. Well.
Steve's never claimed not to think with dick, so.
Billy's the first to go over. All teeth and bright blue eyes when he says, "I'm the one who fuckin' works here, I should scope it out first," and Tommy agrees because Billy's the pied fuckin' piper now. The King.
"You're a pal," Billy claps a hand on Tommy's neck. Squeezes. "Who's gonna get me over the ridge?"
"I will," Steve says quickly. Too quickly. Showing his ass a little, but. Fuck it. Tommy gets the smiles for operating as Billy's little fuckin' lapdog, but he doesn't get to touch Billy, Steve decides. "I'll lift you."
Billy smiles at him. Small and secret and just for them, "Alright, pretty boy. Gimmie a boost."
Tommy gets to hold Billy's cigarette and suck on the filter where those cherry red lips have been, but Steve gets to fold on one knee. Gets to feel the balding sole of Billy's sneaker press into his thigh. Gets to tangle is fingers in the thatches of hair along Billy's calf and just under the hem of his tiny green Hawkins High Phys Ed shorts, and.
Tommy's green with envy. Like Billy's shorts.
He chickens out just when Billy hoists himself onto Steve's leg, his perky little ass at eye level so they can both watch it jiggle while Billy tries to jam his sneaker toe into the chain link. They stare. Salivate. Catch each other staring and realize that they're competing for this. For Billy. Just like they did with Connie Mitchell in the first grade, and point guard all sophomore year.
Steve raises an eyebrow.
Billy may be the king now but that's only because Steve lets him. Only because Steve thinks of his dick first and only and seceded the throne in order to get at Billy's cock. Threw in the towel, y'know, small losses.
Point is, at the end of the day, Tommy's gone toe-to-toe with Steve Harrington enough to clock a lost cause when it presents itself, so.
He chickens out.
Billy gets his toe into the chain link and calls Tommy a pussy, treats them both to the fuckin' ace view of one ass cheek peeking out from the hem of his shorts before Tommy ducks across the parking lot with his tail between in his legs.
Once he's gone, Billy hops over the fence and lands grinning. Gorgeous. "Damn, been a while since I've climbed anything other than a pair of legs."
Somehow, his shirt is already off. What's left of Steve's brain goes out the window.
"Could use a swim," Billy says. The cicadas are loud as hell.
Sweat makes Steve's jeans stick to his legs. His mouth is dry. Can't goddamn take his eyes off the pink, tender swatch of Billy's nipples. "Totally," He says, lost.
"Hot out here."
"Mmm," Steve says. Losing his mind.
"Tommy took the hint. Nothin' to keep tabs on anymore," Billy tells him. He ducks, trying to catch Steve's eye. When he finally does Billy grins, slow and terrible. "You comin' over the wall, pretty thing?"
A skinny dip isn't the most sexual thing Steve's ever experienced, all things considered.
It's the before. The build up. Steve watches Billy undress, like a fuckin' creep hiding in the shadows with his eyes glued to the tanned curve of Billy's ass. He tugs his shorts down and Steve gets that he was commando that whole time.
Steve mourns what could've been if Billy's balls had slipped out of his shorts instead of his ass cheek ten minutes ago, pouting until Billy turns and says, "Race me?"
Before Steve can respond Billy's tucking his knees up under himself, slamming like a canon ball into the deep.
Steve struggles out of his clothes and runs toward the water, the soles of his feet burning on the pavement where it holds desperate to the heat of the day.
And the thing about Billy is that Steve's met his match finally. Has known since that first basketball practice last year, when Billy wouldn't stop frustrating the hell out of the other players.
It's like. Everything Billy does, everywhere he goes and everyone he meets is forced out of mediocrity. Forced to be better.
So, they play horse in the darkness. They dunk each other. Race back and forth across the entire length of the pool until Billy wins, even though Steve kept grabbing his ankle to slow him down.
"Damn, princess, that was tragic" Billy giggles, hoisting himself to sit on the edge of the pool and Steve gets a peek at his cock, soft and thick between his legs. "Lucky it was just me and the cicadas here to witness that. Anyone else would laugh you outta town."
"Who would boost you over fences?"
"Tommy Hagan."
Steve snorts, "Tommy Hagan is made of hamburger meat and boxed jello. He's all mass, he'd get too excited about finally being allowed to touch you and you'd fall right through him."
Billy giggles at that, again. High and bright like a church bell, and.
The thing about Billy is that he's gorgeous. Looks like one of those old ass Greek and Roman statues, slick with water that only makes him glow incendiary in the moonlight.
Steve paddles around just for something to do. Probably looks like a fuckin' dork and Billy will never let Steve touch him again--
"Shit, you're cute when you're jealous," Billy says, pushing his hair out of his eyes. Grins when he notices Steve watching him, "Could use a cigarette, Bambi. You got one?"
"No," Steve paddles toward the edge of the pool. "I think I killed a lung, anyway"
"Or two," Billy teases, spreading his thighs a little when Steve gets close enough, and.
That does nothing to help the situation. Steve's out of breath and hard at the way Billy's curls turn into lazy ringlets when they're full of chlorine. Hard at the obnoxious cut of his Superman abs. Hard at the way Billy's looking at him. So.
He can't catch his breath. His lungs burn.
Billy watches him for a moment, thoughtful, before he says, "I don't like Tommy Hagan at all."
Steve laughs. "Me neither."
"Why do you hang out with him?"
Steve shrugs, gripping the wall next to Billy's legs. "'Cause you do."
"Now that's just pathetic. Aren't you supposed to be the King around here?" Billy watches him so more and then grins, slow and terrible, "King Steve, right?"
"Ugh, shut up. I hate that."
"What, you're bored of your crown? You don't want it anymore, baby?"
Steve rolls his eyes, "No."
"What do you want then?" Billy asks. His gaze rests, heavy as a boulder, on Steve's face. His eyes burn a line down the bridge of Steve's nose, all but cutting his skull in half with their intensity.
Steve swallows. Thinks. They're sitting around naked at the public pool, for Christ Sake. Says, "I want you, Billy." and prepares for the sky to cave in around them.
Steve holds his breath.
Somewhere, behind the lifeguard station, an air conditioning unit disrupts the lazy summer air. Steve wills himself to keep steady, to stand his ground and hold Billy's gaze while a million different expressions shutter over him like sunlight.
Finally, Billy cracks. "Are you fucking with me, Harrington?"
"No," Steve says. Too quickly. Showing his ass a little but Steve thinks they may be beyond that, now. His knuckles turn white on the tile lip of the swimming pool, trying to keep the rest of him afloat, "I think. Ever since you got to town I've. Wanted you."
"Wanted me how?"
"I," Steve kicks his feet in the water, stomach swooping with lust and, fuckin'. Embarrassment. "I want--"
Billy cocks his head, considering. "Don't look like you've ever sucked anyone off, sweetheart."
"I haven't," Steve says. Feels a little like a school girl in a porn tape, looking up at Billy through his lashes while he admits to being a virgin, or something. Needing to be shown.
The thing is, Steve probably could've sucked guys off before, now that he's thinking about it. Tons of guys. Every guy on the basketball team, probably, but.
He doesn't say that.
The only guy he wants to suck off is Billy.
Billy smirks at him. Mean. "No shit?" But his cheeks are pink. Strawberry.
"No shit," Steve tells him. "I want to try, though. I want--"
"--You wanna suck my cock, baby?"
Steve flushes bright red, feels flame licking at his skin. No one's ever spoken to him like that, no one's ever--
Steve nods. Wets his lips, and. Billy tracks the whole thing, leaning back on his palms so his abs jump and strain. Fuckin' asshole.
"Say it," Billy demands, voice gruff.
Steve blinks, "Say...?"
"Tell me what you want," Billy tells him slowly, "Ask. And maybe I'll give it to you."
Steve's palms slip on the tile, slick with sweat. "Can I suck your cock, Billy? Will you show me?"
Billy exhales, sharp and fast, "You want to?"
"You're sure?"
"Why should I let you when Tommy Hagan would--"
"Tommy Hagan would use too much teeth," Steve says. When Billy blinks at him, eyebrows raised, he huffs, "Look, I said I've never sucked a guy off, not that a guy has never--"
"--Tommy Hagan sucked you off?"
"All summer between junior and senior year," Steve tells him. "Small towns are boring."
"That makes me a little jealous," Billy hums, "Why should I let you suck my cock? How do I know I'm not payback?"
"What, for Tommy Hagan?"
Billy shrugs. And Steve knows, alright? He gets it. Being an asshole is Billy's version of foreplay, but he snaps. Desperate. A little bit of a whore, but. Who gives a shit.
"Look, Hargrove, you want me to spell it out for you or something? Let me suck your dick, you fuckin' asshole, I'm not getting any younger--"
"--Gonna come in my pants if you keep talking like that, baby."
Steve swallows. "You're not wearing any pants."
Billy's smirk turns into an awful grin. He stares down at his thighs, spreading them until his cock bobs free, flushed head nodding at the moon. "Well. Would ya look at that."
It hangs in the air between them. Figuratively.
Billy grips the base of his cock, thighs spreading until his peachy leg hair grazes Steve's pinky finger, and Steve smirks. Kicks his feet. Swallows. Kicks his feet. "Ask me nicely and maybe I'll give it to you."
Billy exhales a laugh, "You're such a bitch."
"I'd let you come inside me."
Billy groans, "Fuckin' brat."
"Guess you're gonna have to shut me up, then," Steve says, more turned on than he's ever been in his life when Billy tangles his fingers in Steve's hair to pull him through the water.
"Jesus Christ," Billy breathes, shoving his fingers in Steve's mouth and pumping them in and out, in and out just to watch his lips blow fat around the digits. "I'm gonna fuck your face," Billy says, matter of fact, "Tap my thigh if you want me to--"
"Jesus Christ, are you gonna fuck me or not?"
Billy laughs again, a little winded, and forces Steve to take him to the root. And. Okay. Steve's never taken a cock down his throat before. It's nice, Steve likes the pressure and immediately he's addicted to the way it cuts off his air supply. He relaxes around Billy's length which is a fuckin' feat, because.
Steve doesn't remember this hanging between Billy's legs at school. He focuses on breathing when he can. Some poor pool boy is gonna have to use the net to scrape his come out of the water in the morning for $3.50 an hour.
He hopes it's Billy.
Thinks he'll have to use his father's name and make some calls to get it to happen.
And. Judging by the sounds Billy can't hold in, looks like he's met his match in Steve, too.
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that-pjo-obsessed-one · 4 months
911 operator : 911 what's your emergency?
Jason: my friends, pi-
911 operator: Piper McLean and Leo Valdez?
Jason: wait, how do you know?
911 operator: *sigh* the firefighters are on their way.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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The Evacuation of Children in Wartime Britain
The evacuation of children from British cities during the Second World War (1939-45) was the largest population movement the country has ever experienced. Some 6 million women and children voluntarily evacuated from large cities to live with relations, family friends, and foster parents in towns and villages in rural areas much less likely to be bombed by the enemy. Many children were sent even further afield to such countries as Canada, the United States, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
Operation Pied Piper
The British government greatly feared the potential loss of life from an air war, and so even before WWII began, a scheme was devised to evacuate children and some women from the cities most likely to be bombed. Operation Pied Piper, as the voluntary evacuation scheme was called, ensured that 4 million women and children were evacuated to safer locations while another 2 million were evacuated outside the government scheme. As it turned out, the government had been correct about the dangers of aerial bombing. Through the course of the war, Germany's bombing of Britain resulted in 60,000 civilian deaths and another 86,000 injured. Of these figures, 15,000 children were amongst the killed and injured. Evacuation of children from cities vulnerable to aerial bombing was carried out by other states during the war, notably in Germany, the Soviet Union, and Japan. Britain's national evacuation scheme, though, was carried out on a much larger scale than anywhere else. The scheme saved lives, but there was a cost as families were separated, and the experience of having to adapt to an entirely different way of life proved traumatic for many children.
The evacuation of children was first seen in Britain before the war had started. Between November 1938 and September 1939, 10,000 children were evacuated from Germany and Austria by parents concerned for the future under Nazi rule; 9,000 of these children had Jewish parents. The children were sent to Britain in the hope, still entertained at this point, that that country might not become directly involved in a war that looked inevitable in continental Europe. As it turned out, British civilian populations would also be subject to attack, this time from the air.
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cosmica-galaxy · 10 months
How would the alliance & mimics react to the human playing an instrument very skillfully, after the alliance found one abandoned in a building during a search party, and brought it back to base and the human found it?
Camron would find them playing the instrument to be stunning and interesting. It's such a unique thing to hear when it's not a recording! It even sounds like it's bouncing off the walls! Once the human takes a moment to rest, Camron would probably ask for an encore. DJ is enthralled! He loves music and the recordings he listens to on the regular just sound different when compared to an actual musician! Hey, you wouldn't happen to know any instrumental versions of "Everybody wants to rule the world", do ya? Vee finds the music pleasant, unlike the loud music that some units will play (COUGHSPEAKERMENCOUGH), yours is an actual melody. It has a flow and you're controlling it...which is impressive. He listens in silence and will even work to your music if you do it during operating hours. It's rather tranquil. Buddy will tilt his head from side to side as he listens to the sound of you producing your music. It's interesting...not something he has heard in a while. Back when humans used to live in these ruined cities. Unlike noise, your melody is flowing and precise and he even finds himself nodding along with your song. Pal LOVES music and your sound is so unique to him! The reverb off the walls so nicely compliments your playing and Pal is smitten with the melody you play. You as well might consider becoming the pied piper of speaker mimics! Fiend listens to the melody and isn't as bothered by it as he is the speakermen "jams" that would play during the day. It's softer on his audio receivers and it's...even pleasant. He even finds himself dozing from time to time as you play a soft melody or a slow melody. It's so much nicer than the tripe that speakermen play...far too loud for his taste. But yours? Yours is just right.
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tadashidumba · 2 months
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Happy 20th birthday, Pied Piper!!!! Remember to give your Realians regular smooches. It's important for operations or something idk.
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valkyries-things · 3 months
“She was a British codebreaker at Eastcote, an outstation of Bletchley Park, during World War II. She was evacuated from London to Ipswich and later Blaengarw, Wales, during Operation Pied Piper in 1939–1940. She joined the Women's Royal Naval Service whose members were known as Wrens, in 1943, and was assigned to work at Eastcote. At Eastcote, Aylard was one of operators of the Bombe cryptography machine, designed by codebreaker Alan Turing. Her role was to work during one of three shifts of operators (many women) who systematically tested different combinations to attempt to break the code used in the Cryptanalysis of the Enigma. The machines were loud, and may have led to hearing loss in one of her ears. At the end of World War II in Europe, she was reassigned to continue her code-breaking work on Japanese encrypted messages.”
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magnumdays · 11 months
Magnum PI 5.12 - Three Bridges review
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Little bit late this week because I had trouble finding the ep and well this new mid-week airing time, it's at a pretty inconvenient time of the week for me.
The promo for this episode was misleading as (when is it not) but in this case it was a really good misleading. We did get funny sting-ray case but that was just a side plot for laughs.
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And for me it worked so well because it gave us more Miggy scenes and man, do I love how they're doing Magnum and Higgins as a couple now. It's established, comfortable but still sweet with that hint of sexy they always had and IDK, why can't we just have 10 seasons more of this?
The Case
Seems like a semi-straightforward "trusted the wrong person and got my money stolen" case. But this being Magnum PI, there is of course a huge trafficking ring behind it and the bad guy is actually a good guy and everyone (except for the Triad) gets a happy ending. (Brushing over the trauma of trafficking and being used as a human sheild at and also sort of betrayal of trust and stealing lots of money from people, and all that jazz. Because goodness will win out and happiness reign supreme -that's just how we roll in Magnum PI land.)
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I liked it, even if finding the hotel (which granted took the combined power of Kumu and Higgy) and then just getting walked straight into the heart of the Evil Overlords organization was a bit convenient. Like if I was a boss bad-guy I would have just told my underlings to walk potential spies and cops and other interested parties off the property. And then just moved my operation.
Just saying, a bit sloppy for a 97-million-dollar operation...
The end bit with findning Haun (Han?) after he'd been sold off again, maybe that should have ended sadder or more dramatic. Like Haun could at least have gotten shot in the arm or something... just a little suggestion.
Or Higgy should have gotten shot because she was just walking straight into the path of this guy's bullets...
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The Miggy
What took you so long?
I was about to ask you the same thing.
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They are so adorable and just maybe the ultimate modern battle couple of all time.
Seriously was there one Miggy moment when the banter was not on point?
"Get where it's going and intercept it!"
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Side note: does someone on this show have like a drowning kink? I feel like waterboarding is the to-go torture method of choice for all bad guys. I mean Nuzo was water-boarded before he died, Higgy was, then she almost drowned and now we got TM getting all drown-y.
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And love the look Magnum gives the guy when the bad guy is all "This ain't gonna work - go get his friend". Like from mildly smug (above) because hey, Mr. Navy Seal "I can hold my breath for five minutes" isn't worried about anything to 'not amused' in like a second.
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(I mean of course Higgy being all kick-ass going to get her Hubby, also lovely.)
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TC - Sometimes you just need your mom
So TC pushing everyone away after last week when he seemed to be opening up and doing a bit better with Shammy and Kumu felt like a step back, but also very real. Because rehab and progress is not linear nor does it "make sense" for most people in a logical way.
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Mommy-TC showing up and both showing him that she not leaving because she loves him and wants to be there for him and talking to him about weakness and stubbornness, was the right play. Because when life sucks sometimes you just need your mom right?
It's also a nice call back to last "season" which they've been so good at during season 5. Like with Higgy and the Mandarin and just little references to stuff (still waiting on the tattoo though...)
Rick and Love
So I guess Piper was only in the picture to push Rick and Suzy together then? Maybe? I kind of hope she sticks around and has some other nefarious purpose. But if she's not in the next episode or 14, I guess she was just there to get the Suzy/Rick ship to sail.
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Which, I mean, we did all want that and it is sooo very cute and I'd want to see happy-family feels! Let Suzy or Rick have a birthday and we can end with a surprise party or something this season (and bring a real baby this time).
Overall + I'm on a break next week
I enjoyed this episode so much, possibly a bit more than last week's ep even, and I'm a bit annoyed with myself it took me like 4 days until I could watch it. I guess, part of why I postponing watching is because each week means one episode closer to the last one. Urg, why did they end our show!!! It's such a freaking shame because it absolutely feels like they've found their groove with the Miggy relationship and just the whole vibe of 5a and so far 5b!
Next week I'll be traveling so I might not be able to get access to the episode at all before I return home, which sucks because it's my favorite plot-device: my faves going undercover.
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But yeah, 13+14 might end up being a double episode for me (+ double review!) in two weeks but we shall see!
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ragingphantom666 · 1 month
DC Dimensions project plan: Justice Squad (Vol. 1)
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This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
The town of Bucksville, Ohio is taken over by a malevolent entity. A.R.G.U.S. sends in a team of reformed villains to eliminate the threat. The morality of the team will be tested as they battle evil shadow beasts.
John Diggle: The A.R.G.U.S.-appointed sponsor and team leader of the Justice Squad. He is also an ally of the Green Arrow.
Sebastian Faust: An A.R.G.U.S. operative trained in magic and the sponsor of June Moone. His father is Felix Faust.
June Moone/Enchantress: An innocent graphic designer who became the host of the chaotic Enchantress. June struggles to gain control over her wicked other half. Sebastian Faust is her personal sponsor.
Cameron Mahkent/Icicle: A goofy cryokinetic criminal and son of the deceased original Icicle. He wants to be a better person and become a hero. He is friends with Superboy. His personal sponsor is Glacier.
Edward Nashton/Riddler: A private investigator and former Batman villain who has a compulsion to make and solve puzzles. His personal sponsor is the Justice League member The Puzzler.
Margaret Pye/Magpie: A thief with Attention Defecit Disorder. She is attracted to shiny objects. She is brought onto the team for her stealth skills. Her personal sponsor is Pied Piper.
Knockout: A New God from Apokolips and wife of Scandal Savage. She wants to return to her wife. Her personal sponsor is the Big Barda.
Eclipso: An ancient being from Gemworld. He is capable of great magic and corrupting people. He is trapped in a diamond called the "Heart of Darkness." He seeks to cause world-wide devastation.
Other Information
The story is meant to focus on June Moone and the Enchantress.
I made the team with help with someone called "Jules."
The team takes its name from the Future State team, but it is more about remption and a darker toned Justice League.
This team does not have a no kill rule.
John Diggle's role is meant to be a reference to his involvement in the episode "Suicide Squad" of the tv series Arrow.
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snoldermort100 · 1 year
How much do you think World War II actually affected Tom Riddle?? I’m genuinely curious cause it would make sense for him to be impacted in some way, like operation pied piper happened on September 1th 1993, like voldy here would have had to get on the platform to leave to Hogwarts that day. It just feels like people forget that he grew up in the middle of TWO wars one in the muggle and another in the wizarding world and grew up during the Great Depression- like that’s got to have some impact on the guy??
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tasmiq · 6 months
Jumu'ah Sohbet: 29 March 2024
On a Saturday Sohbet, did Anne assume being a Pied Piper of our spiritual hearts. We virtually gathered as a multinational spiritual family, ever grateful for each other and our chosen resonance with Allah.
#1. Anne first pointed out the numerous times that the Qur'an refers to taqwa (self-vigilance of Allah's presence). She intriguingly compelled us to reflect on it with the lens of Shariah vs. Tariqa. Here, Khalifa Rubina bravely and willingly reflected her spiritual heart.
Shariah focuses on the mechanical, outer elements as opposed to the inner ones. Through Tariqa and through the inner focus, it brings a much more loving relationship with Allah because the understanding is much deeper. Through Tariqa, we learn that taqwa is deep and wide. Understanding taqwa through the inner dimensions is therefore more meaningful, and the love for Allah increases.
In another sense, Shariah are the rules of the forms; Tariqa are the actions of Prophet Muhammad SAW; Haqqiqa is the reality of that particular action such as Salah becoming a Mi'raj of the mu'minin (believers) where we become a vehicle for meeting Allah face-to-face. And Ma'rifa is the inner knowing and closeness. With the connection, a simple action such as Salah becomes an experience of Wahdat (Unity of Existence) with Allah!
#2. At one point, Anne spelled out the truth when she said that it comes down to our intention behind our actions, particularly with our devotions. If it comes from fear and self-protection, who are we actually with? We are a spiritual family who choose to see and experience their nafs (lower-self or ego) and distinguish between one's ego and Essence. When we go through a nafs situation, we feel freer and at peace because of our focus on the Essence , by knowing that we are engaging the source of the problem - our nafs!
#3. Last week, we learned through Hazrat Abdul Qadir Geylani (may Allah preserve his secret) that we actually need our nafs as a basic, instinctive and emotional feeling in our lives. We use our nafs as an opportunity to turn back to Allah! We must remind our nafs that only Allah is right and we don't have to carry the burden of always being right. If we are scared for a particular reason, we must acknowledge it and turn to Allah!
In Ramadan, fasting brings its own fire. We must recognise whatever triggers us and see what answer comes to our hearts. We must acknowledge it and turn to Allah for help. We have to get to your Wakil Abbu stage, when not dealing with telephone operators that is 😅, where we are not upset at things that are bothering and hurting us. Where we can just be with Allah, and we can witness what Allah wants us to experience and appreciate this alternative way of taqwa in our lives.
We not only benefit in numerous ways from observing taqwa, but it brings with it thankfulness, which changes our body chemistry! A quick indicator is when we do actions with our hearts, connection and a sense of grattitude, we experience peace and surrender in our hearts. When we experience turmoil, then we are connected to our nafs!
Shukran Ya Allah (Divine gratitude) that we never tire talking about the same subject, which is taming our nafs. Above all, Divine gratitude for the myriad of other benefits we realise from observing taqwa. Above all, a sense of peace!
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mulderscreek · 1 year
Sent Away for Safety Challenge
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Since at least the mid-1800s, organized efforts to send groups of children away for safety have taken place repeatedly in modern history. From orphan trains in the mid 1800s through early 1900s, to the late 1930s Kindertransport in Nazi territories and British WII programs such as Operation Pied Piper to send children to safety in the countryside during bombings, to the controversial “Operation Babylift" humanitarian efforts to evacuate orphans in Phnom Penh in the 1970s, groups of orphans and other endangered children have been put on trains and planes, and brought to places that are safer. Not all of them were orphaned, but most were homeless at least temporarily, and all needed someone to look after them.
Your challenge is to place X-Files characters in similar circumstances, but instead of war being the biggest or only threat, add aliens or monsters to your tale. You can write an alternate history story that borrows from things that really happened in the past and inject aliens or monsters into that real timeline, or set the story during an invasion that takes place in Mulder and Scully’s adult lives, and have them called upon to give shelter to children themselves.
Please submit your story or the link to it to [email protected] or post here in on our submissions Tumblr - or send me a message with your fic on Tumblr to reblog.
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random-movie-ideas · 8 months
DC Cinematic Universe, Phase One Plan
Doing some research ahead of where I'm at with the villain blogs, here is my expected plan for Phase One of this theoretical cinematic universe:
THE FLASH - During a freak lightning storm, police scientist Barry Allen and his girlfriend's little brother Wally both end up developing super speed. As a result, a local gang breaks into a research lab and steals a number of high-tech weapons to be able to fight back.
Starring: Barry Allen/Flash, Wally West/Kid Flash, Iris West, Joe West, Ralph Dibny, Sue Dibny, Len Snart/Captain Cold, Digger Harkness/Captain Boomerang, Mick Rory/Heat Wave, Mark Mardon/Weather Wizard, James Jesse/Trickster, Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper.
MARTIAN MANHUNTER - A Martian warrior finds himself stranded on Earth after being teleported there by an old scientist. Now hunted by intergalactic "peacekeepers" called the Manhunters, the Martian befriends a former marine named John Stewart, who helps him find his way home again.
Starring: J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter, John Stewart, Katma Tui, Scar, the Manhunters, Dr. Simon Erdel, likely some government people like Amanda Waller.
GREEN LANTERN - A team of Green Lanterns chase the war criminal Atrocitus to Earth after he perfects a red ring to fight back against them. When one Lantern is killed, his ring ends up in the hands of Hal Jordan, who must now be trained in its use to save his world and the entire galaxy. But the more he learns, the more he discovers about the Lantern leader's hand in Atrocitus's origin.
Starring: Hal Jordan/Green Lantern, Thaal Sinestro, Arisia, Ch'p, Salaak, Kilowog, Atrocitus/Red Lantern, Dex-Starr, Abin Sur, Carol Ferris, Thomas Kalmaku, Hector Hammond, likely some other supporting Lanterns.
WONDER WOMAN - While pursuing the dangerous terrorist Baroness Paula von Gunther, military operative Steve Trevor and his team stumble upon a lost island in the Mediterranean. The island's princess, Diana, works with them to stop the Baroness from endangering the island and the entire world.
Starring: Diana/Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, Etta Candy, Barbara Ann Minerva, Baroness Paula von Gunther, Doctor Poison, Queen Hippolyta, Donna Troy, Nubia, and many other Amazons.
AQUALAD - Jackson Hyde is the son of underwater treasure hunter David Hyde AKA the Black Manta, scouring the world for the lost Trident of the Dead King, a weapon used to sink Atlantis. When Jackson meets an Atlantean named Garth, he learns there is some truth to his father's tales and must work together with Garth to stop him from getting his hands on it.
Starring: Jackson Hyde/Aqualad, Garth/Tempest, David Hyde/Black Manta, Black Jack, Eel, Charybdis, Scylla, Scavenger, Cal Durham, Atlan/Dead King.
GREEN ARROW - Rogue vigilante Oliver Queen finds himself captured by the government and forced into Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad, including such members as Dinah Lance, Roy Harper, and Slade Wilson. They are sent after foreign noble Count Vertigo, who poses a threat to the United States. After the job is done, Oliver betrays Waller and puts his life on the line to get himself, Dinah, and Roy out of the squad.
Starring: Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Roy Harper/Speedy, Amanda Waller, Slade Wilson/Deathstroke, Count Vertigo, likely other members of the Suicide Squad.
JUSTICE LEAGUE - Earth finds itself attacked by a race of aliens called Kryptonians, endowed with powers beyond any human. Bruce Wayne (who has been acting as a Nick Fury figure throughout the previous movies) brings together Princess Diana, J'onn J'onzz, Barry Allen, and Hal Jordan to help fight against them. Arthur Curry also joins, having been caught up in the initial attack alongside Diana as they both fought the villainous Atlantean, Queen Clea. Oliver Queen receives an invitation as well, but turns it down before ultimately helping in the end. Other characters like John Stewart also pitch in, resulting in John receiving a Green Lantern ring in the end. As the battle rages, Bruce investigates a twenty+ year old report of a Kryptonian ship crash-landing in Kansas, leading him to Clark Kent.
Starring: Clark Kent/Superman, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Princess Diana/Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan/Green Lantern, Barry Allen/Flash, Arthur Curry/Aquaman, J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter, General Zod, Faora-Ul, Ursa, Non, Jax-Ur, Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, John Stewart, Lois Lane, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent, various other supporting cast, and Queen Clea.
TEEN TITANS - After witnessing an alien girl taken captive, Bruce Wayne's former protegee Dick Grayson begins investigating HIVE, a special "academy" where superpowered teens are taken by the government and trained to work for them. Wally West, Jackson Hyde, and Roy Harper likewise start investigating for similar reasons. Among the students they rescue are the alien girl Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven.
Starring: Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Roy Harper/Speedy, Wally West/Kid Flash, Jackson Harper/Aqualad, Koriandr/Starfire, Victor Stone/Cyborg, Garfield Logan/Beast Boy, Rachel Roth/Raven, Slade Wilson/Deathstroke, Amanda Waller, HIVE staff.
And that's it. The ordering of the first six can be subject to change, but the two big crossovers remain the same. What do you think? Would you watch this as a series?
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flameswallower · 1 year
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A couple of days ago, after about a year and a half of operation, swallow::tale press, the small press that originally published the print edition of my novella Corrupted Vessels, abruptly shut down due to a falling out between the people who ran the press. It sucks, but this isn't an uncommon story in the annals of small presses. Running a small press is crazy hard work for (often) little or no financial gain, and of course that can put a strain on the relationships between people involved.
Anyway, in light of this, Corrupted Vessels is temporarily unavailable. I hope to find another press that's interested in distributing it both digitally and in print very soon. If I cannot, I will go back to making PDFs of the book available on a pay-what-you-want/can basis through my itch. io store.
In the meantime, if you want a print copy of a book I wrote real bad, I suggest backing the Knight Errant Press kickstarter for their 2023 slate of novellas. If the kickstarter funds, my novella The False Sister will be published in May or June, and two more novellas-- Andrion, about rebellion in a sci-fi version of ancient Athens, and The Child of Hameln, a 1980s dark fantasy retelling of the Pied Piper story, will be published in August and November.
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misfits-den · 2 years
I've just watched Sandman, and there's this thought I keep having about Gault.
Jed Walker likes comics, that's why it makes sense for his dream to be of being a superhero. The few Rogues that caught my eyes were Pied Piper and Captain Cold, both of which are Flash's Rogues, suggesting Jed at least likes Flash specifically. Possibly also Justice League. He's also 12, kids this age tend to create "based on" thing, so it would make sense for him to have a hero persona based on one of his favorite comic heroes, right?
And yet, he's "The Sandman". And not just some Sandman, but specifically the "Lord of the Dream Domain". What 12 old fan of super-powered heroes would pick that?
In the dreams Gault takes the role of an operator who sort of directs the dream - picks the villain of the night, guides Jed how to find them, what to do. And, probably, she was the one who suggested his hero identity.
Gault, who resented the role she was given, who was aware her acts are crimes she would be punished severely for, who knew Dream for years if not centuries before his imprisonment and he wasn't the best boss on the block, she tells us that during her speech to him.
And she still picked him as the basis for a superhero for a kid's dream.
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