#Only to find... He fit the bill for everything described
idol-trickster · 2 years
(@bloodshedaria ) Music - to ask my muse about their favourite song "I'm not sure about you, but my favorite song is always the one I'm currently working on~"
Jiwoon turned around to see a mask unlike any other. It took him by surprise, but with context clues, he could guess who was behind it. A variant; how interesting. An enthused giggle escaped before the hyena-masked idol took a sip of his drink, listening to the question and self-given answer.
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"Well, 불가사리, you look like you're on 복면가왕, so it's not a surprise. I don't disagree at all, though. I think it's important to like your own music."
A smile met the other's toothy mask, "Besides that though, I was always partial to Ricky Martin, La Vida Loca. His was the first concert I saw."
A small short hum of the iconic melody was given playfully before chuckling nostalgically, "Just me, or is this sounding like familiar memories?" He asked curiously.
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angelyuji · 19 days
ford pines dating headcanons
18+!!! minors dni!!
cw // sexual content under the cut
cutie patootie
writes about you in his journal like first time he sees you, first date, every single thought about you? journaled!!
he wanted to ask you out but he was sooo nervous you would reject him, especially considering how young and pretty you are
he was scared you would laugh at him for trying
so he didn’t try :(
so when you showed up at the mystery shack and asked him out to dinner, he would’ve jumped for joy
“you-you’re asking me? on a date?” ford stares at you, mouth open. you tilt your head in confusion and ford almost melts. he clears his throat, “i-i would love to, (y/n). thank you.” ford blushes.
your first date was cute, he was so flustered and so nervous
i feel like he calls you by your name, sometimes by your last name, sometimes like ms/mr. last name. idk he’s silly like that
HE loves pet names tho, he lovessss pet names
when you call him love, baby, sweetheart, anythingggg he loves it
he especially loves when you call him sir like in any context
idk he’s silly like that :)
literally the sweetest man in the world
constantly thinking about you and talking about you
constantly creating new things/inventions for you
he would start writing up the mock-up of a project or an experiment and start thinking about you and then end up making something he thinks you’d like
sooo down bad for u dude, would give you the world if you asked
i feel like bill would find his love for you either fascinating or be so insanely jealous that you’ve got ford wrapped around your finger like that’s his man
imo the only solution is a threesome
WHAATTT WHO SAID THAT…. some of these artists draw bill so fine that i cant help it
he loves when you’re passionate about something! it doesn’t have to be mysteries and monsters, but just something that makes you yap (but he also loves when you listen to him talk, he’s more of a talker than a listener but he will listen to you)
yk that scene in those cliché romcoms… idk how to describe it so ill just put it into dialogue
‘gorgeous’ ford hums as you talk, the way your lips move, your expressions, everything hypnotizes him. ‘gorgeous’ he can’t help, but be enamored with you. you’re smart, kind, and passionate. “gorgeous” you stop and look at him.
“thank you?” you tilt your head at his words and his eyes went wide. he sputters as you laugh.
can have moments of smooth talk and flirting but the moment you reciprocate, he’s red in the face and stuttering
need him carnally, need him ways that even god will not allow me into heaven
he can do both i fear
he’s okay with you on top or him, definitely depends on his mood
like i said, FIT AS FUCK, whatever he’s been doing in that portal has treated him well
not insecure about his body more insecure about his lack of experience
he never talks about it about the stuff from before
he did a lot of research in positions, toys, and stuff like that
you had to tell him to calm down and take it slow
he’s more into giving pleasure than receiving
he wants you to feel good more than he wants to feel good
if you feel good, he feels good ykwim?
hes sooo pathetic tbh like begging, pleading, to eat you out like he wants it so bad
his glasses would fog up as you guys make out and he whips them off like sung-hoon does in business proposal
honestly that entire scene in business proposal?? ford.
hgnhhghghgngngnhgn i need him i feel ill
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sillyjpeg · 2 months
This contains MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE BOOK OF BILL WEBSITE REFRESH. if you want to find and decode things by yourself do not read this!!
this is gonna be long bc im a yapper and all ive done the past 4 hours is sit on this website. strap in folks.
connecting to my last post, where we left off with the message from bill saying "IM STILL ON YOUR MIND" (if you havent read it, its pinned on my page and i will be referencing it a bit in this post)
If we plug this into the computer we get this video of the beach with Stanley talking, and from the sides it looks like hes on a boat, probably the Stan O War.
On the same note, if you type in "KINGS OF NEW JERSEY" you get a zip file sent to you labled SECRET CODE, which contains the bros code shown in the book of bill! nothing new but i thought it was pretty cute :)
I also wanted to share some code i found in different images. if you type in "BAAAAA" you get this:
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I found this incredibly interesting, because a large part of bills backstory is that he wanted to "show his dimension the stars" he wanted to show them freedom. He was the shepherd. In the first part, i feel like it really shows bills feelings. "Tired of trotting around aimlessly, munching on whatevers near your mouth, sleeping on whatevers under your haunches." Bill knew there was more out there, he wasnt going to sit around doing nothing. He describes his massacre as "liberation."
The last verse of the poem stuck out to me. "It's time to fit in." but when i decoded the message at the bottom it made sense. It says "BLACK SHEEP" this suggests that Bill never fit in his home dimension.
more bill stuff, if you type in irregular you get his mugshot.
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The code underneath reads : "NO PRISON OR ATTENTION SPAN CAN HOLD HIM" which may be hinting that he escapes his rehabilitation. hopefully not :/
The only reason i found this one was because it was in the code. it probably relates to something in a different code or book, but if you enter "BOOBERRY," you get this:
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labled: "The Meaning Of Life," its a nice little tidbit i wanted to share.
"glue knives to your body and run around the buffet" true poetry.
and the last bill cipher bit of this post, if you type "ADASTRAPERASPERA" you get another page of the journal about bills corpse.
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ford and mable bonding time my babies...
also the triangluar spots in the mushrooms?? the disease spreads...
onto fiddauthor we only eat fiddauthor in this house. this isnt decoding but i needed to share because they are my everythings. if you plug in "SORRY", it blesses you with the complete photo of fiddleford and stanford :( and if you flip it its a note from fidds
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also his mustache getting caught in a pencil sharpener??? shave that shit boy
also ford being the only one who believed in his theory, then spent 9 hours with him proving it??? they r soulmates, and also the fact that mcgucket was about to go home when stanford came in.
also fiddleford never noticing his hands
thats all for now, im tired. if you read all of this i love you
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raccoonhusband · 6 days
Theory: Bill Cipher probably ate his Parallel Dimension Twin
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Or should I have done an Earl of Lemongrab meme? Okay, jokes and japes aside I feel this has some real merit behind it, that I'll leave under the cut.
There's a lot of good ideas going around with how exactly Bill destroyed his dimension, but my personal pet theory is that he made contact with his parallel universe twin. Specifically, he consumed him. The evidence of what can happen when parallel universe copies make contact with each other is described in journal 3 by Alternate McGucket:
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"As soon as they touched hands, the entire dimension began to warp and fizz with static ... In fact, that whole dimension has ceased to exist."
Time and time again, Bill is associated with static. In his "blood", attempts by the government to vivisect him, his memories of the event, his therapy notes, and depictions of his parents.
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We know his goal with what ended up becoming the Euclydian Massacre was to "show everyone what they were missing," and it was enough to destabilize and destroy everything.
How'd he pull it off? I'm thinking he built a dimensional portal of his own, but honestly in this show anthyding can hadplen. It would definitely explain where the portal idea came from in the first place.
But why do I think he consumed his twin? It's all these very suspicious comments he keeps making to Ford specifically...
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"How about that; you've got an inferior clone! Why didn't you just eat him in the womb? Think of how powerful you'd be!" "You can't just eat your twin, Bill." "You'd be surprised what you can eat."
And in the microscopically rare moment of honesty where he admits to himself that he's a monster, even if Ford isn't aware Bill's talking about himself yet, he follows up Ford's offer for revenge with, "It would eat you alive." You'd be surprised what you can eat.
And it's not like he hasn't consumed others after, as the page in the Book of Bill on the topic of Human skin, there's a desperate note at the bottom from a Grembley Hemberdrek of Zimtrex 9, who Bill devoured trillions of years ago and who's soul has been trapped inside forever after, tortured with "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch on an endless loop. Who's to say his parallel twin isn't in there too?
It's very possible that his ultimate goal, aside from getting revenge, opening his world's eyes to the third dimension, and the sweet sweet high of proving everyone wrong was ultimately to find a better world, consume his "inferior twin" and take over his identity in his dimension. Thematically, it would also cement his status as Stanley's dark foil, who also took over and stole his twin's identity leading to a better life, albeit for much nobler reasons.
Additionally, on top of the practical reasons for taking over Earth, choosing Ford had that bonus that he wouldn't be alone by molding Ford in his image. It's why he kept giving him so many chances to join him. By setting him up to destroy his world, betray his twin, and become monsters together, he'd finally have a companion who's exactly like him. Only fitting for the Multiverse's ultimate narcissist, isn't it?
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Anyway, if you read this far, thanks! This is only a theory and tbh I'm probably going to be proven wrong in time but hey!
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azquine · 1 year
Do you think Rose Tyler went through a degree of parentification with her mother?
I'm not calling Jackie a bad mother. She clearly loves Rose a TON and did her very best in difficult circumstances. She was a young woman suddenly a widow having to look after a child all on her own in the midst of her grief. Grief that she clearly hasn't gotten over as she attempts to cover over it with lines of new men and a blur of personal, televised, and printed gossip
But it is Rose who was supporting the household in the first episode we see her. Rose who has to find a job once it's been literally destroyed around her. As far as I remember it's never even considered that Jackie would take on Roses load for a bit.
Jackie likely never got a reprieve after Pete died before she was thrown straight into single motherhood, no matter how overwhelming it must have been. This is likely why she has no clue how to offer Rose a rest to get over what was a likely traumatic event. she even describes it as such on the phone (the fact that Rose is not actually in fact going through symptoms of trauma is I feel pretty irrelevant to this, though it contributes to the feeling of Roses mental state being brushed off)
Jackie's dislike for Roses 'airs and graces' from working a high end shop, the negative tone towards how the doctor changed her, even for the better, I think it all stems from the fear of Rose leaving. If Rose becomes better than what she can offer and leaves, she takes Jackie's entire world. The last reflection of Pete, a potential and invaluable source of income, and most of all simply the person she loves and cares for most. She'd have nothing but a council estate flat, friends to gossip with, media to consume, and bills to pay.
My thoughts on all this were triggered by a gif set I saw where Rose on new year's tells her mother something along the lines of 'don't stay out too late' and Jackie's reply is 'you try and stop me'. In most situations this would be the other way round. It should not be the daughter half jokingly cautioning the mother about a night out. The ease and familiarity of the exchange makes me think that this would not have been the first occurrence of this. This isn't to say that mothers shouldn't have proper nights out, my own does, but the daughter should not be the one worrying if they are being safe.
And that episode with the absorbalof (I think that's how it's spelled) where Rose comes out at the end enraged on her mother's behalf. It is completely understandable, and I would probably be EXACTLY the same, but in the context of everything else I'm thinking about, it's a bit too fitting that it is Rose coming to Jackie's defence after a bad not-quite boyfriend.
The woman who sat with Pete as he died, who Jackie uses as a single piece of comfort to pass on to her daughter? That's also Rose.
And the alternate dimension is really more Jackie's happy ending than Roses, though they both get an alternative version of the man of their dreams. But Rose loses a big part of why she chose to leave home over and over. Her monologue at the chippy pre- bad wolf shows that, although the doctor is an appeal on his own, the life of going out there and seeing the universe, making a change, is something that the loss of gets under her skin like a restless itch. And she didn't get a choice, she had to learn to deal with it.
Jackie loses nothing. It's all gain for her. She has her daughter, who she cares about most in the world, her husband, who seems more devoted and successful than he ever was in her reality, and she has the money and big house that she never got previously. She never has to learn to work through her grief without covering it, it is undone for her (though I'm sure the ghost of the 'real' Pete will still linger in her mind)
Again I want to reiterate that Jackie is NOT a bad or neglectful mother. She is incredibly and realistically concerned with Roses safety (in a way that I've only really seen RTD write). But she is a woman who has her own issues to tackle and very few resources with which to do so. Rose would have had to grow up navigating around that.
Feel free to counter or correct any of my points, or to talk about something I missed, it's been lovely to see peoples thoughts on my other rambles! :)
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eybefioro · 3 months
Weekly fic rec, by yours truly...
Especial edition: BELOVED WIPS!
Hm. I should probably take out the "weekly" part of my fic recs lol I haven't been able to keep it weekly. The recs actually take a fair amount of time and mental space because I enjoy going in depth in what I feel/think, and these past few weeks have been 💫chaotic💫. But alas. I still want to share fic recs. Maybe I'll call them random fic recs or something. I'll see.
Anyways. Until now, I haven't recommended many longer fics (I have trouble being succinct and on point with fics, I ramble a lot. With longer ones it's even worse... how could I fit in a few paragraphs the experience when there's so MUCH to talk about?) and WIPs which is a crime. So this time I will rec 3 WIPs I'm following!! You have a 100% chance of finding me screaming in the comments of these works, bc they're truly marvelous!
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Drive me to the moon by CaptainBlou and Elenthya
Rated E, ~23k words (for now!)
My tags: captivating, sweet, emotional
At GOMENS, world-renowned sports brand and sponsor, one takes pride in endorsing the UK’s most talented athletes. On the other hand, one would like to ignore the fact that their two top of the bill, Aziraphale and Crowley, have heartily hated each other since the day they met. But what should be expected, when one knows these two? Aziraphale is a professional dancer, Crowley a rally driver. While the former switches between fierce competitions and prestigious stages, the other goes from one track to another across the world, clearing out every prize from behind the wheel of his racing car. Two beings, two worlds, two universes that everything should keep apart. But an unprecedented charity event is getting set up at GOMENS, and quickly, their own athletes will have to compete with and assist each other in turns. Two worlds, two personalities. But if they want to run for a cause that matters to the both of them, Crowley and Aziraphale are going to have to find an Arrangement.
THIS FIC. HAS ME ON CHOKEHOLD. I love it so much. I'm loving to read Crowley and Aziraphale finding eachother because they want to win a race. I didn't know I needed racer!crowley in my life, but I needed it. And the fact that they're nb speaks to me on another level. It is good to read a nb character being a loved, successful, and charismatic racer. And that doesn't mean they don't go through shit, and @captainblou addresses it wonderfully. And dancer!Aziraphale is so... amazing and human, honestly. I love the conflict he has between his craft/skills and his own perception of self. How he puts effort into being confident and brave despite his own hangups. Look, Blou's writing is a joy. It is really so good and emotional, and - I will stop now, JUST GO READ IT AND YOU'LL UNDERSTAND. The characters feel real and alive. Also!!! ALSO I CANT FORGET. THIS FIC HAS ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AMAZING @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist . Her art is so good 😭😭😭 I can't begin to describe it.
Love As A Hallway And Several Novelty Mugs by holyflyingswisscheese
Rated T, ~25k words (for now!)
My tags: funny, light and sweet
“You’re not…” Aziraphale trailed off warily, glancing at the hallway behind Crowley. Crowley nodded in grim confirmation. “E-33. Just next door,” he said with a sigh, motioning to his classroom a few paces down the hallway. “We’re fucking neighbours.” ... Science Teacher Crowley and English Teacher Aziraphale have hated each other for years, kept sane only by the distance separating Aziraphale's English classroom from Crowley's lab. When all that is undone because of renovations in the Science block, Crowley ends up placed right next to Aziraphale for the upcoming school year. What will it take to shatter the reasons behind their resentment and make them realise just how wrong they've been about each other?
I love @howmanyholesinswisscheese writing so much. The way he describes the feelings, the ambience, the setting is so lively, heartfelt. He says he doesn't write poetry, but he goes poetic so FAST. There's a paragraph in chapter 5 about Aziraphale's crow feet and laughter that just... is so beautiful. And this fic is so funny!!! I love how they bicker and are reluctant to share space but end up finding middle ground. How Aziraphale really tries to extend an olive branch and succeeds... how their friendship blossoms. It's such a good read, and so light and fluffy. I love it sm.
Sky Clear Blue by klikandtuna
Rated E, ~23k words (for now!)
My tags: enchanting, curious, emotional
The collaborative brainchild of myself and @suzypfonne! This human AU features time travel/fuckery, neurodivergent Tenth-Doctor-coded Crowley, closeted Regency-era Aziraphale, lots of familiar faces, humor, angst, and FUN (both innocent and steamy). Join me on a new adventure! New chapters will be posted every Tuesday and Friday! (No, really. I promise.) Cover art by me 💛 (The Dream Team is back — myself writing, @suzypfonne beta-reading, and @sparkyshinymagpie coding the social-media conversations)
The first fic I've read of @klikandtuna was find the light (a recently finished wip! So double rec!) and it was delightful – such a hopeful story! So I was super excited to this one and let me tell you... it is so AMAZING. Really. The descriptions are magical, the concept is so interesting. I'm so curious to see we're this is going! I love how colourful Crowley is in this (as the author said to me, he has a lot from starmaker!crowley) while still being Crowley... and Aziraphale is caught in so many conflicts. Gosh I am so excited for the next chapters. Go read it!!!
These fics have been a source of joy for me 💛 reading them one chapter at time for some reason makes them even more special in my heart.
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odinsblog · 5 months
Have you ever been over something, and then years later, someone, out of the blue, brings it up and it really just knocks the wind out of you?
Okay, so this is about high school. I’m nearly 40, so that’s multiple lifetimes ago, right?
I’m pretty sure that I’ve posted about this here at least once, but I can’t find the post to link to it
Here’s the deal
In high school I wasn’t …. hmm …. Idk exactly how to describe it. I played sports (track, football, swimming), but I wasn’t POPULAR popular, right? But I also wasn’t NOT popular
My high school (in Florida) hadn’t been desegregated for very long, and there weren’t a LOT of Black students but there was enough of us so that we felt as comfortable as you possibly could given the circumstances
But I was like a universal joint: I played well with others and I fit in well with almost everyone, and if you don’t include some of the overtly racist teachers, I had almost no enemies (don’t get me wrong, I definitely had my share of fights with school bullies, but after you win enough of those, they kinda stop trying you)
I cannot even tell you why, but for some reason in senior year I decided to run for president of the student class
Wild, right?
So after all of the preliminary votes, it narrowed down to two people (I was more surprised than anyone that I actually made it that far - I guess bc I never really expected to win, maybe running for student class president was kinda like a high school bucket list thing for me?)
Anyway, my final opponent was a white guy named Bill. I knew Bill because in high school somewhere along the way, it was impressed on me that I should participate in as many non-athletic extracurricular activities as possible, to make me a better rounded person, and I was in the SUPER FUCKING RACIST Interact Club with Bill. How racist was Interact, you ask? Well, you had to “apply” for membership to Interact. When I applied, I had no idea what it was. I just knew that my student counselor had suggested it to me, and why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(my graduating class was 2,500 students large, so it wasn’t as big as some of the schools I had attended up north, but it was “big” for Florida)
A teacher was responsible for actually running Interact, but the students really RAN it, know what I mean? Even though I had been working since I was 10yrs old, my Interact Club interview was probably my first real interview. It was kind of a big deal. Like, you had to schedule it and dress up for it and everything. And if you got accepted, your name got put up on a placard, prominently located on one of the main halls of our school
My first interview question, from the teacher in charge of the “club,” was: “Can you take racist jokes against Black people without getting angry?”
To say the least, I was 100% completely caught off guard—I knew what racism was, and I definitely knew that it was present in my school, because I’d experienced it firsthand from other students and teachers, but for some reason I wasn’t expecting it to happen at Interact Club. Silly me
I suddenly became acutely aware that I was the only Black person in a room full of white people: the teacher/advisor, about 10 students who were already members of Interact, and mf Bill. Because OF COURSE Bill was already in Interact, and he was just grinning from ear to ear as I sat there in front of the classroom in this fucking “interview” from hell
BUT…! Anyone who knows me knows that one of my core personality traits is, if I get hit—no matter how hard—I always always always hit back. After a moment or two, my response was: “Yeah, can YOU take racist jokes about crackers?”
NGL, I’m not known for my quick wit, or always having the deftest or best clapbacks, but I surprised myself. I really patted myself on the back for that one
Nobody said a word for what seemed like an eternity. It was enough time that I still remember wondering if I might get detention or suspended or something
Finally, the teacher just said, “Okay. You’re in” and he got up, and quietly left the room. Leaving me alone with Bill and 10 not very amused white boys. Bill wasn’t grinning anymore
One or two of the guys got up (I was fully ready to fight, and I was cocky enough to believe that I could take them all down), but they just shook my hand, congratulated me and then they all left the room too
I would later learn that I was the first Black student in my county to get (“accepted”) into the Interact Club. This motif of, “first Black person to…” would follow me around in a lot of aspects in life, until my late 20s
Now, fast forward to the day before Election Day for student body president. It was my very first time giving a public speech. To a crowded auditorium full of my classmates. It was a little bit nerve wracking, but once I got into it, it was easy peasy. Enough so that I actually remember relaxing on stage and even ad libbing a few jokes into my speech. All in all, it wasn’t a bad experience. In fact, I kinda enjoyed it
Lmao, I made a shit ton of promises that I had no idea how I would keep, like getting the school to play music from the local Black radio station in the cafeteria during lunch—and the auditorium exploded in cheers and applause with this impromptu commitment of mine. Like I said, it was a good experience
Bill gave his speech, but I remember it being flat, bland and boring (kinda like Bill) and there was a smattering of claps here and there, and I distinctly recall thinking, “Is Bill really bombing here?” It surprised me because I was like, he had home field advantage, right? I mean, I could count on the Black students to vote for me, but collectively we didn’t account for more than about 15% of my student body class. We had to be bussed in. Bill shoulda been killing it. He had home field advantage, right??
The day after our speeches, was voting day. The principal told Bill and I that we would each be given the results in person before last period, and then the winner would be announced via intercom at the end of the school day. The principal made it clear that the loser would be expected to gracefully accept the outcome and shake hands with the winner. He was looking directly at me as he said this, but it didn’t bother me that much because I never really expected to win. I was outnumbered, but I was proud of myself for making it this far. And everyone who I passed in the hallways was telling me, “Don’t worry, O, I voted for you. You got this in the bag.” A surprising number of white kids were saying this to me. The football team, cheerleaders,… like … a lot of white kids. Hmm… interesting
Weirdly, the closer that me winning seemed like a real possibility, the more I wanted it. But there was no fucking way that I was going to actually win
In the middle of that day, announcement day, I was called to the principal’s office via the p.a. system. I was shaking walking down to the office
I made my way into the office and the school secretary smiled at me and told me to go to another room down the hall where “they” were all waiting for me
I get to the closed door of the room, take a deep breath, gather my nerves, open the door and go in
And the ONLY people in that room are Bill and that fucking Interact Club teacher, and a few members of the Interact Club. Bill is wearing this giant smirk on his face, and the teacher is smiling. “You lost,” the teacher bluntly told me. “Now shake hands with Bill”
And I start to shake hands, because all of the wind is rapidly leaving my sails, and I’m literally deflating in front of everyone, but just before my hand meets with Bill’s hand, I pause and ask, “How much did I lose by?”
This wasn’t me trying to buy time or anything, I genuinely wanted to know. I was just curious. The teacher looked like this question caught him off guard, and he looked back at two of the students, and then they looked at each other, and they whispered to each other, and then one of them raised one finger, and the Interact teacher said, “You lost by one vote”
Somehow, that was even worse than losing by a hundred votes
And Idk where this presence of mind came from, but I asked if I could get a recount (losing by one vote wasn’t sitting right with me)
The Interact teacher said he didn’t think that was allowed, but he must have seen the look on my face (I was definitely going to go ask the principal) and he gave me a disapproving sigh and said, “Okay, we’ll do the recount. Come back in an hour.”
And I was like, “WHO will do the recount?” and he gestures to the Interact Club members and himself
Oh. Okay.
I just walked out without saying anything. Bill and his friends and the racist teacher were in charge of the vote counting. Great. Fine. Whatever
Needless to say, when the “recount” was done, I still “lost” but this time, I was told that I lost by 2 votes
So yeah, it wasn’t thee worst thing to ever happen to me, but it left a really bad taste in my mouth, ya know? After it was announced to the entire school, everyone was coming up to me for days afterwards telling me that they voted for me and they couldn’t believe that I didn’t win
I always believed that I had won, but it was high school. Whatchagonnado? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It wasn’t a life defining moment or anything, it was just something that happened, but it’s not lost on me that I still recall everything as if it happened last week
But I did let it go and I moved on
It’s something that I haven’t thought about literally in years. Decades, in fact
Until recently
I was out running one morning and a guy was going in the opposite direction and he kinda stared at me as I went around him. And then he yells, “Hey, is your name Odin?” and I stop and go back and tell him yes, and we start talking, and it turns out that he went to my high school. I completely do not remember him, but whatever. It’s always kinda nice to see old faces from old places
So after a few minutes we do the obligatory, “hey let’s exchange phone numbers and keep in touch” thing, but even though I gave him my phone number, I had absolutely no intention of ever contacting him. I’m busy. I got shit to do
Maybe a month later, I get a phone call and it’s the dude who I bumped into who knew me from high school. So in real time, it’s last week
We’re talking and I’m ready to hang up after about 30 seconds, but I don’t want to be rude so I let him keep talking and waited for the right moment to jump in and throw in an excuse to end the call
He’s going on and on and says, “I know you didn’t recognize me that day, but I was trying to talk to you and tell you something, but you seemed like you were in a rush…” and I’m thinking to myself, yeah, much like right now, and for some reason I get unusually blunt (in social settings I’m normally more patient and accommodating, but something felt off, and I really was busy)
Then he says, “I need to tell you something, but I …”
Long silence
Look, man, whatever it is just say it
“Thanks, I just never thought I’d … I want to get it off my … (long sigh)”
Just say it
“You won that election back in high school. I was one of the people counting the votes. You won. You won by a lot. We gave it to Bill”
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tempestgnostic · 1 year
On Therianthropy
or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Label
As with all identity groups, the therian community has dealt with its fair share of misinformation, ignorance, and exclusivity throughout its storied history. For quite some time, I felt connected to the label—in that profound way when something just fits—yet, I wasn’t certain if I fit the bill. I had seen the common misconception that therians were limited to only “Earth animals.” There are many issues with this definition, and plenty of folks have gone over this already. This discussion between irritatedandroid and spiritus-sonne was one of the first posts I saw that gave me some background on this misconception, and it struck a chord with me.
As I began to look into it more, I kept finding challenges to what I thought I knew about therianthropy. Below is a snippet of the forum post that ultimately led me to identify with ‘therian’ as a werewolf rather than ‘otherkin.’
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You can find the page right here if you’d like to check it out for yourself! The author is Lynna Landstreet/Lynx Canadensis at time of posting. (9/18/1999 on alt.horror.werewolves)
This might get a little lengthy, so here’s your courtesy readmore.
This word, ‘liminality,’ is everything that I am. Liminality, balance, breaking down false dichotomies—this is what it means for me to be a werewolf. As a quick disclaimer, there are almost certainly werewolves out there whose self-perception is similar to mine, but they use ‘otherkin’ instead. That’s completely fine! As who-is-page points out in this post, “While it’s important to understand the definitions of various labels for a variety of reasons, these labels are not the end-all be-all to what you can or cannot call yourself or identify yourself by.”
I’ve written previously about how my werewolf identity is deeply intertwined and ultimately inseparable from my queer identity and my experiences as an autistic person. I don’t just toe the line between person and animal—I practically live in the split tongue of therianthropy. I’ve made a home at the crossroads as an autistic, nonbinary butch who’s had top surgery and is on HRT, who rejects boxes and binaries like the plague.
I embrace the ways in which I challenge norms, call out injustice, ask “Why?” and “Why not?” of my society. It’s the reason I named myself Taliesin, after the influential Brittonic poet and bard. He lives on as a creative genius and master satirist, and—according to legend—a figure who can be invoked and channeled by poets who continue his legacy. I carry on the name of a trickster figure who connected with the universal creative spirit—the Awen—and aim to do the same myself whenever I create art of all kinds.
I see my own ‘purpose’ in life as self-defined, not fated, and I find strength in the fact that I can be part of an ever-shifting process of change. Above all, it is transformation—the divine lesson of The Werewolf—that lies at the heart of my therianthropy, and that’s pretty damn therian, isn’t it? The word resonates with me almost as much as my own name, and that’s enough for me.
I encourage all of us to consider how our language can help us understand each other, and how the hard-and-fast rules and restrictions proposed by even the most well-meaning folks can be counterintuitive. It’s not that any label can “just mean anything” — rather, labels can offer a general framework to describe and relate our experiences to others. A label should be the start of a sentence, not the period at the end.
I’ll close on my favorite part of Page’s post, linked above: “Identity is unique, it’s not something that can be charred well-done and then flipped into a tupperware container for tomorrow’s lunch.”
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quijabored · 3 months
Spoilers for the entirety of S5 of BSD cuz I finished it and what the FUCK just happened
Where do I even begin
Cuz like-
Okay okay uh
Terribly sorry for the vulgar language I am very emotional right now how do I process this-
THE ENTIRE TIME HE WAS WITH DAZAI I WAS LIKE "Oooooh please join the ADA youd fit right in-"
Asagiri please make ADA Sigma, ASAGIRI PLEASE
Can't believe Chuuya manadged to trick a mastermind with contact lenses and glued on fangs
Please the fact that Tecchou is going out of his way to find Jouno like brother that is not straight I love them :(
I love Aya and Bram so much, I got sad and happy and upset and excited and-
The table to pull the sword out had me so happy and then it failed and then she jumped down and then I got scared and then she got saved and-
"Use youre evil bwahaha power! Do something!"
Ranpo getting stabbed in the hand scared me shitless though, like infront of Fukuzawa too??? Really??? Thats his autistic son :(
AAAAAAA okay, OKAY, I don't hate Fukuchi-
I didn't actually hate him, like he pisses me off but god damn he was one of my favorites for a bit and he's staying in top 15 (Not sure if hed make it into top 10 or not)
Fuck man, the shit with Fukuzawa and Fukuchi?? Made me tear up a bit tbh
I still want him, I love that man so much I love his character and and and-
Pulling up the episode again to try and find the line
"It only took him 10 odd minutes to minipulate you. You arent the kind of man who would normally take such risks."
Like I read that and I was like "STOP THAT DO NOT TRY AND MINIPULATE MY SON"
And then he continued to try and minipulate my son. And succeeded. Kinda.
Either Asagiris gonna pull some wild shit again or Fyodor really thought that far back.
I hate the whole DID section bro like fucking hell Fyodor, QUIT BEING AN ASSHOLE JUST LEAVE SIGMA ALONE :(
Can't believe Chuuya manadged to trick me with contact lenses and glued on fangs-
And then I didn't have to cope so that was nice :3
"You wanted to kill him, didn't you?"
"Yeah. I certainly did. No, I didnt. No... Youre right."
Please Asagiri make him come back so he can be like "nooo Nikolai Im not actually dead, youre actually halucinating" or something CUZ FUCK I CANT HAVE NIKOLAI LOOKING SO SAD
Just to be clear, I'm so glad Fyodors dead, I got attached to him knowing he was probably gonna die, and while I do feel hurt by it, HE CAN STOP PESTERING THE ADA YAAAAYYYY
(Hes an ADA member now trust guys trust)
"Dont look at him! Dont do this to him..." WHEN SHE WAS TALKING TO ATSUSHI AFTER LIKE FUCK
I don't usually cry for animes since I just suck with emotions, but this damned show made me pause before the ending to just sob for a good 5 minutes
And now with that out of the way,
I mean considering he's floating I have no idea what happens BUT STILL
I can't ramble to her about much since she's also watching it, BUT AAAAAAA
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I HATE THIS I LOVR THEM SO MUCH I HATE BSD I HATE IT I HATE IT OH MY GOD (I love bsd its my comfort show :3)
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fruitydraugr · 1 year
Miraak Combat Headcanons
As a disclaimer - all of these are going to be very canon divergent, and based almost exclusively off of my own logic and interpretation. To get a good baseline of the type of combat I describe here, I recommend watching some of Monty Oum's animations, as he is my biggest inspiration.
Something I personally noticed in my fight with Miraak is that he doesn't use his staff as often as I would expect him to, and instead relies on his magic first, and sword second. I also personally find his staff redundant for the combat style I expected him to have, and have thus removed it altogether. Replaced with a mandatory dodge roll. He can also wuld, of course.
As for his magic, I predominantly see him using lightning magic when I fight him, which I'll go on more about in the personality segment. I would usually say this goes hand in hand with his sword - magnetizing it and wielding it without his hands, electrifying it for more damage - but it doesn't seem to be a mortal metal.
Separation and individuality seem to be a big theme with Miraak, so I'm going to be keeping his magic, and his blade separate from one another.
There's a few ways this can be made interesting, but because I see Miraak as extremely lightweight, I'm effectively going to make it a cooler version of Skyrim's off-hand magic - he uses his blade with his right hand, and grabs, blocks, or punches with his left.
A few of his spells can be used to magnetize others' weaponry, even shields, and either disarm them or launch them back at his opponent, usually too fast for them to recognize what's happening.
Miraak is also extremely lightweight, as I mentioned before. He isn't the most agile, his bones are starting to hurt, but he's still faster and trickier than the average Dragon Priest. Predominantly relies on blocking, dodge rolls, or jumping back in order to avoid damage.
How someone fights has a big impact on their personality, and vice versa, at least from the way that I write.
I have a headcanon that the personality of a mage will determine what element they excel in - for this case, we'll be using Skyrim's three dominant elements. Fire, ice, and lightning.
Miraak is unreliable and unpredictable in his everyday life. He's not exactly what I would call loyal, either, no matter who it's to. But he's still remarkably smart, curious, and rather strong when it comes down to it.
Lightning magic fits the bill here almost perfectly. He would be well aware of the pros and cons of his element, and with all the time he's spent in Apocrypha, he has a masterful grasp on it. The unpredictability and inherent danger of lightning magic, despite it being amazing all the same, is perfect for Miraak.
As for his blade, it's distinctly damaged. Scratched, unpolished, poorly taken care of, and most likely ancient. The tip is still sharp, but I believe that's only because it isn't a mortal metal - it's a gift from Hermaeus Mora.
I personally feel this represents Miraak's exhaustion with being trapped, hatred of Hermaeus Mora, and, despite appearing otherwise on the surface, lack of care for himself.
Much of Solstheim's plot didn't feel like Miraak trying to take over the world, despite how it was portrayed. It felt very much like an escape mission, someone who was doing everything awful (don't get me wrong, Miraak did some horrible shit to put it lightly) in order to build his power and leave.
(I do firmly believe that Miraak did all these things to build his ego, again, don't get me wrong, and it was a wholly disgusting way to go about things. I still like to peer deeper into his personality, though.)
The only reason that Miraak carries Mora's sword with him now is because it reminds him of how far he's come. He sharpens the blade as an act of self care - he feels rather tied to the blade at this point, and doesn't feel right trying to take care of himself without taking care of something he owns.
Either way. Miraak wielding his blade is an indicator of anger, self-loathing, and exhaustion pre-escape, and of recovery and determination post-escape.
Style (And Examples)
So, how does this all culminate?
Miraak has an abnormal spellsword combat style, with his shouts adding some extra options.
I would personally describe it as rather defensive, but understand that this doesn't mean he's not trying to win. You can be aggressive without being on the offensive.
Much of his style relies on waiting for his opponent to approach, and then demolishing them with a combination of lightning spells, mostly AoE, and using his blade when they come too close. Struggles greatly with any form of ranger for this reason.
Some of his spells can cover a rather large area or offer passive damage - a thunderstorm, runes, cloak spells - and he readily uses this to his advantage. Much of his strategy revolves around making the environment inhospitable both for himself and his foe, relying on his armor and resistances to his own magic in order to minimize recoil.
This usually results in collateral damage, and a very ruined arena after the fight.
His swordsmanship has struggled in Apocrypha, but he's had enough time to practice. Has improper form when fighting, but utilizes his shouts or magic to circumvent this, not to mention that he swings very hard.
Miraak's blade is somewhat heavy, so he tends to get in a flurry of slashes before backing up, and reintroducing himself to the fight.
I think that's all I have for now, though, the Monster is wearing off :] Hope y'all like it!
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bellstrom · 7 hours
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════════════  (WANTED) CONNECTIONS  ⋆  PINTEREST  ════════════
Full Name: Benny Modig Hellström
Age & Birthday: 34 / January 30th, 1990
Occupation: Baker at Everything Goes
Preferred Pronouns & Gender: He/him & cis-male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthplace: Suffolk, Virginia
Length of time in Briar Ridge: 7 years
Neighborhood: Downtown
🖋 Played & Penned by: Bill Skarsgård / Syd
Welcome to Briar Ridge … BENNY HELLSTRÖM! ... He is best known for [ his height, as he tends to tower over most at 6'4'' ] and [ that he carries a deep secret that haunts him every day, preventing himself from experiencing true peace ]. What is really important to know about them is [ that he moved to Briar Ridge seven years ago to reunite with family and has been here ever since ].
Abuse, Death, Murder, Blood, Illness, Drugs TW
Benny grew up on a humble farm in Suffolk, Virginia, with his younger sister, mother, and father. It wasn't very lively, as they only had a handful of animals, their crops barren and land unkempt. His younger years were spent walking to and from their large piece of land, trudging through unpaved roads just to get to town. His entire life was on that farm, and he never thought about anything beyond the forest that surrounded them.
The only version of his father that Benny knew was the distant drunk who couldn't bear to spend any real time with his own family. Hank Parker was always off doing his own thing, known to never be without a beer in his hand, mumbling things to himself whenever he thought no one was around. Benny learned very quickly to steer clear of his father and to never bother him. He was always a better father when he wasn't in the room.
In the summer of 1999, Benny discovered he had more family— most importantly, cousins. Learning this marked a pivotal shift within him, the void inside him filling the more he was around them. They played games on the farm, hiding in spaces Benny never thought he'd be playing in. It was the first time he felt happy in their home of a wasteland. What he failed to realize, however, was the absolute torment his father had stirred within him.
The Parker brothers' relationship could be described as a one-sided rivalry, which greatly influenced Hank's life. It seemed as though every decision he made was in response to his younger brother's accomplishments, even starting a family. Despite not seeing each other in over two decades, Hank was riddled with the fact that his younger brother was doing better than him. His kids had clothes on them that seemed to have been bought within the year, and it reawakened a sense of competitiveness he kept buried for a long time.
When the Parkers left, Hank changed. The awful aura around him seemed to turn up a notch, and the next four years were hell on earth for everyone. Ulla, however, had a plan. Benny is still haunted by his mother's promise, but he always believed in her, even if her promise was as ominous as "taking care of it." Unfortunately, her idea of "taking care of it" involved poisoning his food, but she didn't consider the correct dosage, and Hank woke up in a fit of rage. His zombie of a father tore through the living room to get to her, and Benny had to take matters into his own hands.
Blacking out was a new experience for Benny, happening for the first time at the age of 16. He remembers waking up, kneeling over his father's lifeless body, covered in blood. The first thing that came to mind was not the people around him or how scared his younger sister and mother might've been, but that his best friend was supposed to come over that night— they had planned a sleepover. In a fit of panic, Benny started to spiral until his mother gave him some money, a backpack, and an order. "You leave and never come back. I'll take care of it now, and I'm so sorry you had to do that. I'll find you when everything's done."
Benny dashed out of the house, encountering Gabe outside, who was completely oblivious to the monumental shift about to unfold in their lives. Their bond resulted in a commitment to stick together, and within a few days, they found themselves in Chicago, where they remained for the next decade.
In Chicago, Benny made a living by working in various kitchens. He began at the bottom, cleaning bathrooms and floors, and eventually progressed to washing dishes and clearing tables. It wasn't until one of the head chefs took Benny under their wing and taught him how to cook—a skill that transformed everything for him. Benny learned quickly and proficiently enough to get behind a stove, and he began to make a decent living for himself. Life started to feel stable until his mother/younger sister managed to find him.
After learning that his mother was ill, Benny decided it was time to reunite with his family. Despite the bittersweet and extremely painful decision, he had to leave Chicago behind, even if he didn't want to. He had to make it home to see her. After doing his best to tie up loose ends, Benny made his way to Briar Ridge, where he learned his younger sister and mother were staying.
Over the next seven years, Benny does his best to make Briar Ridge his home. However, the longer he stays, the more he realizes how hard it is to bear the weight of what he did while being around the ones he loves. In Chicago, he had left everything behind, and it was easier then. Now, he has to face them all, unsure if anyone knows the truth.
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Born in Suffolk, Virginia, 1990
The Parkers visit for the first time, and Benny learns he has cousins, 1999
Benny's mother fulfills her promise and drugs her husband, but the attempt was futile, and Benny had to take matters into his own hands, 2006 (Benny flees Virginia)
Benny finds residence in Chicago for the next 11 years and leaves in 2017 after getting back in touch with his younger sister.
Seven years later, Benny is now residing in Downtown.
*character inspiration: Sirius Black (Harry Potter), Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead), Steven Hyde (That 70s Show), Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop), Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You)
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
The Devils I Know - Number 8
Welcome to “The Devils I Know!” For this spooky time of year, from now till Halloween, I’ll be counting down My Top 31 Depictions of the Devil, from movies, television, video games, and more! Today’s Devil proves that the fast-food industry is the most evil thing in the world. Bua ha ha. Number 8 is…Sadao Maou, from The Devil is a Part-Timer!
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It’s been a spell since our good pals from the very weird world of Japan paid a visit on this countdown, hasn’t it? I went over a couple of anime-style Devils in the Honorable Mentions, and believe me, there are plenty more out there…but out of all the different takes on the Demon King one can find, there’s really only one that I felt was worthy of placement in the top ten. That is Satan, a.k.a. Sadao Maou, from “The Devil is a Part-Timer!” Based on the light novels by the same name, “The Devil is a Part-Timer” is a semi-dark comedy anime series. I say “semi-dark” because, for the majority of the show’s runtime, it’s pretty much pure silliness. It doesn’t take itself seriously in the slightest, most of the time, and just about every second there’s something new and crazy to make you giggle and smile. However, at it’s heart, the show is a story about demons, angels, holy warriors, and the freaking Inquisition, so…yeah, it can’t be completely funny ALL the time. But even in its more dramatic moments, there’s usually something in the mix that sort of punctures the pomposity, bringing things back to a comical place. The show recently got its second season going after a several-year hiatus, and I’m happy to say it’s still just as goofy and weird and generally fun as its first season, even if the art style has undergone a slight face change. The plot of the series begins in an parallel world to Earth called “Ente Isla.” In this fantasy landscape, the Devil himself – Satan – attempts to, of course, take over the world. His plans are foiled by the half-angel hero, Emilia, so Satan and his most loyal general, Alciel, flee through a portal to our own world, with Emilia in hot pursuit. This is where things get daffy, because upon reaching the “real” world, these characters have to deal with real world problems on a mundane, low level: the Devil ends up getting a job at a fast food restaurant, his nemesis works at a service call center, both have to live in apartments and deal with bills and coworkers and all that jazz…that’s really where the humor of the show comes from. These fantastical characters being thrown through the ringer in some of the most drab and utterly ordinary positions a person can find themselves in. Satan – who goes by the alias “Sadao Maou” to try and fit in – is an interesting twist on the Devil. I keep hearing people refer to him as a misunderstood character, but I don’t really think that’s the right terminology for him. He meant everything he did, as far as I can tell, and what he did was not necessarily very nice. However, there is a sympathetic edge to his character: the whole reason he tried to take over Ente Isla was because he wanted to make that world a better place for his own kind. It was a noble ideal, but…well…perhaps being a demon, he went to extreme lengths to try and achieve this goal. He admits that he feels the power might have gone to his head, and that he really didn’t fully understand what being human was really like. The great irony is, now that he’s stuck in such a place as he is, he’s gotten to understand humanity on a different level, and even though he still wants to take over the world, it seems to have created a conflict in him. He’s no longer interested in hurting people, and he actually does his best to protect and help people whenever he can. As a result, he becomes a more enigmatic character: we can usually guess what he’ll do, the real question is why he’ll do it. And, of course, he’s freaking hilarious. I think the best way to describe Satan in this series is that his priorities are a complete mess: he’s somehow both a total drama queen and one of the most laid-back characters of the whole bunch at the same time. He’s given to grandiose speeches and has a flair for the dramatic, but it usually comes out in a hilarious way: giving a big monologue while wearing nothing but his underwear, naming his bicycle Dullahan and referring to it as his “royal steed,” and talking about promotions and sales at the restaurant like he’s fighting a great and glorious war. Then, in direct contrast, he’ll just be completely dismissive when Emilia tries to kill him, or when a corrupt priest is trying to make a monologue of their own, or when he’s doing something incredible like holding up an entire building with his magic. It’s that weird sense of taking everything and nothing completely seriously at all that I think makes him so amusing, and it really describes the entire series in a nutshell: nothing is sacred, except when it suddenly is. In the original Japanese version of the show, Satan is voiced by Ryota Osaka. Most people would know him best for the role of Marco in “Attack on Titan.” I, personally, know him best beyond this series for playing Ex in “Grimms Notes.” Osaka does a good job, of course, but in my opinion, this is a series where the English Dub is MUCH better than the original. It’s just so much FUNNIER, in my opinion, as the voice actors are given a lot of liberty that leads to some really hysterical line reads, ad-libs, and performances overall. At the same time, the moments of drama feel even more impactful in the English version; these actors really give it their all and every scene and line hits hard. In the Dub, Satan is voiced by Josh Grelle; he’s also an alumni of Attack on Titan, having played the role of Armin there. He’s also the voice of Tokoyami from My Hero Academia. Whichever version you choose to watch, the series is a riot, and if this campy craziness sounds up your alley, you should definitely give it a try. Tomorrow, the countdown continues with Number 7! HINT: “SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!”
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
how about: 💝 a kiss on the inner thighs but you choose the muse? bonus points if you choose someone other than niragi and make it a little spicy!
(( OOC: Oh anon, I like this little challenge you are giving me and I shall accept it! :> You are in luck, because I happen to like Chishiya too, so for non-Niragi ships I like to ship Kukki with Chishi, canon characters wise. I haven't written any sexy scenarios yet for a Chishiya x Kukki drabble, so this should be the perfect occasion! Also, the Chishiya in this short story is like a generic Chishiya, so no specific Muse used for this lil one-shoot (unless any of them would like using this as a starter, in which case I won't oppose, but be ware, this is a loooong drabble!). It's just so happens that I borrowed the engagement idea from a joke I have with a friend for our crack ship, in case anyone wonders what's up with the weird marriage topic, it inspired me, so I went with that. So without further ado, I hope you will enjoy this! ;) Also, expect much fluff cause I am a very fluffy kind of writer.))
Obligatory kiss meme 2.0, saucy edition
💝 a kiss on the inner thighs - Ship used: Chishiya x Kukki (Chishiya being the one giving the kiss, while Kukki is the receiver)
(TW: The following contains slight NSFW content)
Engagement and marriage... Two things that for the most part hadn't crossed Kukki's mind in a long time, the only time being maybe once or twice during her very young childhood years. Just like any little girl, she dreamt of one day finding a Prince Charming of her own, whom will ask her the big question and make her his beautiful bride and princess, but other than that, she never thought about this topic at all. That was infantile day dreaming after all, an aspiration long gone once she grew up into her teenage years and then into her young adulthood, and she was still unable to find that 'someone' she once dreamt of. Plus, Kukki was yet to experience her first love and first intimate experiences, so marriage was definitely a foreign topic to her mind.
Yet somehow, strangely enough, she ended up finding both the long awaited 'Prince Charming' and true love she once fantasized about in the one man who also happened to end up becoming her fiancé through a series of weird, unexpected and rather stupid row of events. Even weirder than that, it all happened in a place like the Borderlands of all places! Yeah, destiny sure works in some odd ways sometimes...
Okay, maybe 'Prince Charming' wasn't the best way to describe Chishiya, since even if he was handsome enough to fit the bill, his personality was utter crap. Yet somehow, Kukki still managed to fall in love with him, even with that shitty personality of his; made him fall in love with her (although at first what he loved was only her freaking baking) and finally, she got the blonde to also agree to marrying her (again, the little rascal made it be all about her baking, but in the end, he did say "Yes" to the fateful question...). And now there she was, waiting in their now shared room, as an engaged couple, for Chishiya to be back from the executive meeting of the evening, while she sat patiently on their bed...
It still felt soo freaking odd calling the room and bed 'their' shared property, but since Chishiya agreed to the marriage deal, he had to also accept that now everything he had, as well as everything she owned, was going to become their shared assets and it was only normal for them to cohabitate in the same space. But the sharing part wasn't the thing that got Kukki all worked up. No! What made her heartbeats increase to newer speed limits and her face to become all flustered up was the idea of actually sharing intimate moments with Chishiya, uninterrupted and unbothered for the entire night.
So far, the damn tease kept everything PG-13 between them, the most he ever gave her being cuddles in terms of spending time together in his room and bed, while making out for a little bit. But now, given their new relationship status, Chishiya sure was going to want to do much more than just fall asleep on her, while she brushed his hair and sang him lullabies... And even if he wasn't thinking about it... She wanted it!
Well, Kukki wasn't opposed to the idea, considering that ever since she's gotten the hots for the cynical blonde genius of The Beach, she's had a few 'exciting' dreams of 'what if...?' scenarios involving herself, Chishiya, and the bedroom. But now that things got serious and they were finally going to try the 'real thing', she was a bit (actually extremely) nervous, since it was also going to be Kukki's first time ever.
Unlike her, Chishiya had his fair share of booty slapping, which happened to be quite a lot given his flirtatious behavior (how in God's name she'd even managed to convince him to settle down to only dating and wanting her was still a mystery for Kukki, but she wasn't going to complain about it), so the girl couldn't help but wonder what if he'll find her unexperienced self to be boring, unattractive and unappealing? What if he'll be soo disappointed in her performance in bed that he'll want to dump her then and there?!
But there was no room nor time for this kind of worries. Kukki had to keep her composure and calm and trust her guts, instincts and the knowledge on the matter she'd acquired from the romance novels she's read over the years. There was no point in worrying over pessimistic 'what ifs': she wanted Chishiya, Chishiya wanted her back, so Kukki was going to give her best and get what she wanted in return.
For the occasion, the young woman even went an extra mile, by finding some sexy lingerie, fake cat ears and a fake cat tail, in the hopes that maybe that'll turn him on real good and distract Chishiya from her awkwardness. Now all that was left was to wait for her hubby to come back and see where things took them...
Footsteps echoing down the hallway outside the room signaled that the meeting must've ended and judging by the particular familiar sound pattern of the steps, the one headed towards their room was none other than the person whom Kukki was eagerly waiting for. Three more minutes and the door finally opened, the handsome lean and confident figure of the Diamonds expert genius of The Beach now standing in the doorframe.
Chishiya wasn't expecting to find Kukki already nicely settled in the room, since he'd imagined the process of moving all her things between the two rooms would take a while. But as always, the silver-haired woman managed to exceed his expectations, and he wasn't going to complain about it, especially with the enticing sight sitting on the bed, that greeted him as soon as he entered the room. "I see you've already made yourself comfortable around here." The man hummed, as he closed the door behind himself, setting the inner lock in place before taking a few steps into the room.
"Welcome back from the meeting, Chishi! I am doing very well, thank you for thinking about my well being! I hope everything went okay and well on your end. If you are hungry, I've also made you some delicious shushi and cookies for dinner." Kukki smiled at him and pointed towards the table Chishiya was currently standing next to, two plates with the contents described resting in the middle of it.
"Eh, the meeting was fine... The usual bullshit, Niragi bickering with Hatter, Aguni standing passive in the background like a statue, Kuzuryu licking up Hatter's ass... I guess you can imagine." The blonde chuckled, waving his hand in dismissal at the memory of the meeting. He didn't really comment on the food, but even if he were to be hungry, he was more interested in the 'desert' waiting patiently on the bedsheets.
"But enough about that stupid meeting. I think we have better 'things' to talk about or even do than bother ourselves with Hatter's dumb shit, don't you think so, dear?" Chishiya's tone was suddenly much softer and a note deeper, huskier, as his gaze continued to move up and down Kukki's body, 'eating her up' with his eyes. If he hadn't thought so far that she was sexy, now he definitely considered Kukki one of the sexiest women he's ever seen, and himself a very lucky man to have her all for himself.
"Looks like you've got yourself all dolled up for me. I like that. I guess this whole ordeal with making you my wife doesn't sound soo bad all of a sudden...~" The blonde then smiled and his hand raised up to his hoodie's zipper in order to undo it, to take the material off of his body, action which made the silver-haired woman blush even more intensely now, and not only because of his words.
"Though, I will have to comment on the fact that I thought I've made it very clear that I am NOT a cat, my dear!" The man continued on with his rambling, a smirk replacing the soft smile from earlier as he pretended to be scolding her. "But I won't complain too much about that... You do look rather sexy with those ears and that tail on! Maybe e nice collar would work too, in order to complete the image!" This caused poor Kukki's face to become soo red that she could rival a tomato or strawberry. The young woman felt so shy that she could barely look him in the eyes anymore.
"Maybe we could add that the next time... Right now I don't have any collars available on hand, unfortunately..." Kukki finally managed to blurt out, her voice stuttering a little bit from her nervousness, rendering Chishiya to snort in amusement at her silly cuteness.
And finally, after that long waiting, he'd finally reached the bed, sitting down next to her. In the dim light of the nightstand lamp, the only light source in the entire bedroom, Chishiya's hair, face and body had a different glow and vibe to them, one she hasn't really seen before... He looked soo alluring, so hypnotizing, with the way his light blonde hair reflected in golden hues, how his darkened eyes glistened in the low light, his beautiful lips curled in that soft smirk that for once didn't seem that condescending, and the slight shadows contouring the fine lines of his upper torso and muscles... What a sight! Chishiya was a damn sexy man, and he knew it too!
By now Kukki was probably staring at him, wondering if this was real or just a figment of her imagination, reaction that made the blonde snort once again and lean in to grab her chin between his long slender fingers, forcing her to look him in the eye. "Judging by the lost look in your eyes, I assume you're probably wondering whether or not this is actually real, hmm?" His thumb brushed over Kukki's lower lip, making her shudder a little. "Well, then, allow me to prove it to you that I am as real as can be." The blonde finished whispering in her ear and shifted his attention fully onto her lips, which he captured into a soft light kiss, that he then deepened and slowly turned into a passionate one.
They've kissed many times before this, so the sensation and taste of Chishiya's lips wasn't something unknown to her, but this time around it felt somewhat different... Maybe it was her excitement or the heat starting to rush through her body in anticipation for what could follow next, but this one kiss felt so new and better than anything she'd ever experienced before... It was intoxicating!
Kukki closed her eyes and leant into the kiss, allowing herself to come closer to her lover, timidly resting one hand on his chest, to feel his warmth and beating heart, before pulling him closer by the neck with the other, to which Chishiya obliged like an obedient boy. In just a few moments they changed positions, both now laying down on the soft mattress, the blonde on top of her as they continued what had become a passionate French kiss.
Her body was filled with a new wave of electrifying shivers, heat and arousal at the sensation of the blonde's hands exploring the exposed skin of her body. Each and every piece of skin his fingers caressed felt as if his touch left a burning fire behind, making Kukki tremble and shudder in anticipation and desire, slight soft moans escaping the silver-haired's lips here and there, muffled by their heated kissing.
Oh how much she wanted him! How much she's waited for this moment and the fact that she could call him all hers, knowing fully well that he would not ever leave her side, filled Kukki's heart with so much more love for the man she was crazy about. She felt a sudden urge of telling and showing Chishiya how much she loved him, but the blonde seemed to be one step ahead of her, because as soon as they had to break their kiss for air, he pressed his forehead against hers, and said:
"I know that so far I've always made it be all about your cookies and how good they are, but I don't want you solely for your baking skills. I want you for who you are! For all of you!" He took a short pause before delivering the final line. "I love you Kukki!" His words were still breathless from the intense make out from earlier, yet they managed to reach Kukki's heart and pull at its strings in an instant, making her feel happier than she ever felt because she knew that he really meant it. "I love you too Shuntaro! And I really want you!" The last part was whispered seductively into his ear, resulting in an amused chuckle from the young man.
"Aren't you the sweetest, kitten?" Shuntaro propped himself up on his elbows, staring down at her. "Let me take another look at you! Because my word, you look absolutely ravishing in this lingerie!" He then purred, his smile turning into a smirk he then licked like a starved man who was finally getting a feast.
"Like what you see, my love? I picked it out especially for you... I wanted to please you in every way I could!~" Kukki smiled at him again, gently brushing his face with one hand.
Kukki really looked both adorable and sexy in that white laced lingerie, a subtle flowery pattern covering both the bra and panties, giving it an almost elegant look too. And the white fluffy frills... How could women's undergarments looks soo darn hot while also being so simple in their details? "You are darn lucky I am not like Niragi, otherwise I'd be tempted to rip this cute lingerie off of you this very instant! But, I am not a brute..." He snorted at his own comparison. "I might want you very much right now, but I still want to take my time and make sure that you feel good." Chishiya hummed softly and leant into her touch, kissing the palm of her hand.
"Also, you'll have to tell me the name of the store you picked this up from, because I might want to look what else they have in stock for our future... Activities. You look simply stunning!" When did he turn into a praising machine? He'd never known himself to have this kind of kink, but even so, he didn't really mind it that much, since his compliments seemed to have very positive effects on his partner. Maybe love really has the power to change someone...
Another kiss, down her forearm. "Mmm... That does sound nice of you and because I enjoyed your compliments so far, I'll tell you a little secret... I already took an entire stock worth of various models and types just for you, since I intend to make each and every night of ours unique..." Soo much sudden boldness on her part too. It was rather entertaining for the young man to listen to her and watch her every move and reaction, being very aware too that behind all her boldness, Kukki was really nervous. But it was okay, he was going to take good care of her.
"I don't doubt it and I can't wait to see them all... But for now, I want to really focus and take my time with this moment..." Chishiya finally reached her shoulder, planting a kiss there too, as he then moved to her neck. "I'm going to make sure that this will be absolutely perfect for you..." One kiss to her neck. "...Perfect for both of us..." Another one. "...And unforgettable." A third, followed by a bite, yielding the man a beautiful moan out of his partner's mouth.
So he knew? He was fully aware that she was still... Kukki was a bit surprised, but at the same time, it was to be expected that she couldn't hide anything from him. "Chishi..." The young woman whispered his name softly. "Hmmm? You want to know how I figured it out?" He snorted slightly and placed another row of kisses and bites on her soft skin, leaving a wet trail of hickeys on her neck.
"You reek of virginity, so it wasn't that difficult to figure it out, silly! But don't worry, just relax and leave it all to me, okay?" Chishiya's tone was surprisingly gentle and caring, and most importantly, very understanding, which reassured her. She could finally allow herself to relax and entrust things to him, for Chishiya seemed to know what he was doing and he wanted to make everything worth it for her.
"A-Alright, I will leave it all to you, because I trust you and I love you with everything I have, Shuntaro!" Kukki's words were soo sincere and filled with love for him, that she could barely contain her happiness. Chishiya smiled at her and gave her another peck on the lips, before taking her by surprise, switching his attention to her lower region, getting between her legs.
"And I will also make sure that you'll feel the greatest pleasure that you've ever felt in your whole life! Since you're now my wifey, that gives me more the reason to want to drive you crazy with pleasure!" The blonde smirked seeing her confusion and embarrassment and went on to place a kiss on her inner thigh. "I'll make you feel soo good that everyone in this goddamn place will know that you are mine and mine alone!" Another row of kisses followed. "I can't wait to hear you scream my name... It makes me hard as fuck just thinking about it!"
Yup, Chishiya knew exactly how to play his game and what to do to arouse her, and that was a good thing, because one of the main objectives was to get her very aroused and hot for him.
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soliloquivm · 2 years
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⸻ SONG MINHO. HE + HIM / have you ever heard of DEVIL’S BACKBONE BY THE CIVIL WARS., well, it describes ISSAC YOON to a tee! the THIRTY year old, and an ATTORNEY was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more of a workaholic or more PASSIONATE instead? anyway, they remind me of black and white photos on the fridge , neverending spirited debates and the sound of a gavel’s slam maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
time in notting hill :3 years birthplace : nyc , usa sexuality : bisexual relationship status : single
born the prime prospect — the apple of his mother’s eye, issac yoon was primed from a young age to be as sharp as they come. raised in the penthouses of wall street, he was taught early how to become one of the most influential men of their time and grew up wanting to be the next president of the united states. he had a goal in life, and it was to reach the very top of the tier, engulf his life in politics, perhaps even become the first asian president, assuming someone else didn’t beat him to it beforehand. it was all that he wanted, and with the yoon family fronting the bill, he was convinced he could have everything. it was the posh life of expensive clothes and cars , the utmost pristine education and being raised by a nanny that taught issac just everything that he knows today — the college education he earned, later on, was only a stepping stone into the man that he would soon become.
a sharp tongue and intelligence to boot… issac was a competent young man that was able to breeze through his classes, his hard work countering any doubts that his fellow students may have had when accused of only getting into the private school by way of family name and funding. he was spoiled, the eldest son to carry on the hopes and aspirations of his mother and father and for that, they were willing to give him everything that he could have ever wanted in the world without question. however, it was his years of playing ice hockey that really made him capable of being a team player, learning to understand the needs of others even if such lessons didn’t stick through to his adult years.
it was with great pride and expectation that issac was accepted into yale where he chose to study law, his first step into becoming what he’d always dreamed of, a political savant. however, the first steps were always the most difficult, having already gotten his ride through a charter school, and one of the top-ranked law schools in the country, upon graduation issac struggled for some time in finding the perfect law firm to fit what he believed to be his cup of tea and as picky as he was, it wasn’t until a year later he found a position worth keeping in a cozy law firm right on wall street where he grew up.
all dreams, as beautiful as they may be, however, must come to an end at some point and the waking siege occurred years later, hard work paid off to earn issac a comfortable office with his very own assistant. that is until news hit the stands of a major case being put against a certain martin yoon, a wall street wannabe king who was issac’s very own father. money laundering, insider trading and a few counts of racketeering on his list, the yoon family was quickly vilified by the press, their faces sprawled across the new york times in shame. their lives as they knew it were over, their family penthouse, taken by the police, ransacked, their personal lives overturned and the family fortune wiped out. it was issac’s saving grace that he was able to create his own nest egg from his well-paying job but the final decision became clear. the yoon family was no longer welcome on wall street and while his mother chose to remain in their home city to ‘support her husband’ issac, even after all his hard work, found himself incapable of handling the media stress and decided to leave.
there enter notting hill , london , a city where nobody knew his name, and yet everyone knew everything about everyone else. there, he was able to get himself a comfortable and humble job at the local law firm where he’d defend people from breaking and entering and the occasional elevated crime. to say that issac was pleased with his sudden uprooting would be a blatant lie, and his bitterness would show even in the courtroom but still – he managed to make himself comfortable in the niche little city, purchasing himself a vibrant home so that he could live in his new life, enjoying it for whatever it turned out to be .
personality: issac is about as driven as one can be. he is known to be callous in the courtroom where his words are the very weapons that he uses to slice anyone down the center, if he has a goal in mind — it’s his to obtain no matter what stands in his way. he is, however, quite prideful in his actions and often finds himself biting off more than he can chew. this drive he carries on his back is coated in embarrassment for his family’s wrongdoings and because of this he is quite secretive, preferring to live his life as a new issac yoon instead of the son of the man who stole millions of dollars from innocent
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scarlxtleaves · 2 years
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Gohan could remember playing with Pan one moment and then being sucked within a dimensional rift the next. From out of he rift the half Saiyan found himself in familiar territory but it seemed rather worse for wear but their were signs of hope in the form of buildings, house seeming to be under construction. “The alternate future.” This was West city, where the other Trunks was from, everything fit the bill the way his father and vegeta described it when they came to fight against Black.
Gohan regretted the fact that he had been too weak to help Trunks in his hour of need, too weak to help his friend. Though that was the past…or..he could hope it was in this era. To answer that question Gohan took flight and lands into the city to see people mingling with one another and others working. “Gohan fancy seeing you he-“ the soldier paused his sentence looking at the individual once more…he looked like him, but..the glasses..something was different. “Why are you wearing glasses Gohan?” The man asked.
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The saiyan rubs the back of his head in confusion. Then remembered here was a him that lived in the timeline but something didn’t click..Gohan was supposed to be dead..why aren’t the androids around but he’s still kicking? “Interesting.” He utters under his breath, already coming to the conclusion that THIS particular timeline was probably one where he Does succeed in defeating the androids…hmm he wondered how much different this place is. “Uuumm I’m not Gohan..I’m actually his..little brother..Goten. That’s right. I lived with master Roshi, do you know where I can find..oh never mind. Pleasure meeting you mister.” He politely bids him farewell and took to the sky sensing that familiar energy, it was rather strong..it couldn’t be Him, there was only one man that energy belonged to and once he arrived within the vicinity Gohan approaches the familiar face. “Dad it’s you..you’re alive.”
closed starter / @kibonosentoki​
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jimahalangel · 10 months
Wavey Dimensional Pancakes
The multiverse theory explained by highschool me (circa 2016)
---- or:
The multiverse theory discussed in a bit more detail than my Undertale fic(Gelatin Skeleton); courtesy of my Google drive, which is a place where nothing gets deleted.
Aka: a paper I wrote in 2016 for school. Entirely unedited from how I turned it in besides that it's missing a few graphics and a video presentation.
I think I used to be in love with commas; there are so many run on sentences lol.
I guess I can't judge too hard though. I think I just traded the quirk of too many commas for too many ellipses and semicolons.
We use physics to understand the cosmos, our place in it, and how it all works, but there is a problem that is constant in physics. There is no unified theory, or set of rules that applies to everything. What we have applies to subatomic particles or larger bodies of matter; the rules that govern one do not apply to the other. Logic and scientific law implies that something is missing. However, when the existence of multiverses is considered, everything changes.
The very first recorded mention of the multiverse theory was in Dublin, Ireland, in the year 1952. Erwin Schrodinger jovially mentioned the idea to his audience during a lecture he was giving on his Nobel Equations, which govern quantum physics. At first he was hesitant to talk about his idea, as he himself stated that it might ‘seem lunatic,’ but he soon launched into an in depth explanation of how exactly he had thought of the concept. His equations all had different histories that were recorded happening simultaneously. At first he thought that they were just alternative outcomes that had occurred separately, but as he examined the data, he found it to be coetaneous. The attendees to Erwin’s lecture didn’t believe him at first, some even thought he was crazy, but eventually there were some who warmed up to the idea. Soon everyone had their own ideas and theories, though most wanted to disprove Erwin Schrodinger’s. Einstein’s theory of relativity no longer was the ‘cure all’ for physics. It did not apply to subatomic particles, and so there was a call for something that did. Quantum mechanics seemed to fit the bill, but it only worked on subatomic particles. As more was discovered in each field, more evidence was found which alluded to the existence of multiple universes. They also found more evidence that proved our existence to be highly improbable.
Stephen Hawking said that statistically life shouldn’t exist in our universe unless it is one of many others. A planet would need to be in the “Goldilocks zone,” have the right ratio of elements, and a strong enough gravitational field to hold its atmosphere, in order for life to form. All of this is extremely unlikely to occur on one single planet, however if there are a large amount of planets in our universe, and a near infinite number of universes that exist on the same plane of reality, in the same space and at the same time, it is statistically guaranteed that at least one of these planets would have life. Stephen Hawking also explained that, because scientists easily found how our universe was created, but could not find how life was able to form, the only reasonable explanation would be that life itself is ‘an accident’. By chance, a few molecules out of all the multiverses bumped into each other, and copied themselves, creating the first form of life. Our universe just happened to be the one that gave matter the right conditions, and enough time to create the correct molecular combinations to form life.
It is difficult to understand how a multiverse would work, or what it is. There are many different ways that multiverses have been explained to help people understand theories like Hawking’s theory of evolution. Dr. Michio Kaku is one of the main experts on the multiverse theory. He describes our universe as a soap bubble among thousands of others, and the different universes can each split into smaller bubbles. Dr. Kaku says that every now and then, maybe every couple thousand years, these soap bubbles bump into each other, causing phenomena that can’t be explained any other way. An example of such phenomena would be when scientists are observing atoms, and some of them suddenly blip out of existence only to come back moments later. One possible explanation is that they have transferred to another universe. The questions that can’t be answered quite yet are: Where do they go? Why do they disappear? How does all of this happen? The theory of multiple universes seems to hold the answer. Dr. Kaku’s bubble metaphor is not the only idea of how multiverses might work.
Other scientists, such as physicist Brian Greene, prefer the membrane metaphor. With this metaphor, each universe is a membrane laid parallel to another. Favored by string theorists, it describes how a subatomic particle could potentially leave our ‘membrane’ and interact with others. This metaphor is different from Dr. Michio Kaku’s, in that it deals more with the activities of particles than interactions between entire systems. In order to find these metaphors, one has to think outside the bubble, so to speak. There has to be an explanation as to how universes would interact with one another, a description of proximity, and something for the metaphors to explain, otherwise the explanation is insubstantial. In most cases these metaphors are used entirely to help a person visualize something that cannot be seen, like multiverses. Because multiverses aren’t concrete things we can touch, see, feel, or even really prove to exist, metaphors that meet criteria are essential to understand the concept.
Understanding the concept is the key to finding the missing scientific and mathematical proofs that explain the bridge between quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. Proving the existence and laws defining the behavior of the multiverse would fill in the gaps in our understanding of the cosmos. Though we don’t have all the answers yet, Schrodinger’s crazy idea, Hawking’s theory of evolution, and the metaphors physicists are using to explain multiverses have given future generations a starting point. Without the theory of the multiverse, there is no connection between what we know now and the solution to the problems still unsolved.
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